#summer mission impossible type of deal? yeah sure
i am so curious now, how did aftg get you into bsd?
Oh my.
*record scratch*
You might be wondering how I ended up in this situation.
So it’s not like it grabbed me by an ankle and threw me right into bsd (however it would be just as fitting), but it set off the weirdest plan I’ve ever made. Buckle up, because by the end of this story, you will have lost some brain cells. Also a slight spoiler warning, though I won’t say any names. More under the cut, because it’s quite a long story actually.
So it all begins one random evening in June 2021. I’ve just finished heartstopper like 10 minutes ago and now I’m bored to the moon and back. I think well I’d like to read a book so I check my to-read-later list and there it is. All for the game. Alrigthy, now I’ll be set for at least 3 days, I think and start the first volume. I finish it at midnight, but I want more so I immediately start the second one. At 2 am I fall asleep. I wake up at like 10 am and I finish the second book. I take my dog on a walk, come back and start the third book. By this time my brain is 100% liquid, but it’s the most fun I’ve had in months. I take one more break for a late lunch and some shopping, come back home and finish the last book.
You might think it’s very random like girl why are you telling this story but it’s important for you to know I’ve never read a whole trilogy faster. Like 3 books in 26 hours?? Idk how people do it on a daily basis, I felt like my brain was done for it. So that was special and idk what kind of hormones my brain started producing but I was like I NEED MORE. But of course the trilogy was over and the extra materials weren’t all that interesting, and I ran out of fics to read in like a month. Yet I wasn’t going to give up on my endorfin rush (or whatever it was) so I was like I need to make a plan. Let’s do it strategically.
I made it my summer mission to find something that’ll give me the same emotional experience as aftg, which I call the Rush.
There were 4 important parts of this plan:
people seemed to be comparing this trilogy to anime like the whole industry, so I was like I should probably look for an anime (I’ve seen a few anime before so it wasn’t that big of a potential change)
exy is a sport, so maybe a sport anime? Something set in school?
there are lgbt+ themes, so maybe I’m just in a mood for an lgbt+ story (like always so nothing new there)
there’s mafia – funnily enough I said nah I had watched jojo part 5 before and it didn’t give me that rush, so why would another story with mafia do so (and look where I am now that’s irony, a literal irony)
And so my search began.
I started with a book and it wasn’t it. It was a good book but nowhere near the level of the Rush. Now I was sure it HAD TO be an anime. There was simply no other option (told you, no brain cells were used during this whole process). Funnily enough I went straight to jojo part 4 for idk what reason. Like idk what prompted me to go there but I did. Then I remembered I was supposed to be checking out some sport anime and I went for Haikyuu which gave me some rush but after finishing it wasn’t really lingering, so I continued my search while finishing jojo part 4. As I finished Haikyuu, my instagram began to be flooded by different fanarts and memes, and then I saw a fanart of Langa from sk8 the infinity (thanks algorithm, you did well) and I was like waaaait I've heard about this show. So I sat down to watch it and binged it in one sitting. And I thought yeah that’s it, that’s the Rush. But wait a minute, it’s too short, oh no the Rush is leaving me!!
Conclusion: I need something longer.
So I went back to jojo part 4, which again was a blast to watch (it made me appreciate jojo in all its quirkiness), and it reminded me that dio is a vampire and as you may know, I like vampires. This in turn reminded me that vanitas no carte was supposed to be coming out around this time. So I went to google vanitas no carte but as the first season was still ongoing I was like, you know what, I’ll wait until it finishes before deciding what to do with it. But instagram kept giving me spoilers and I saw people comparing gojo (from jjk, which I also watched in hope to get the Rush but as you can imagine it didn’t click this way) to vanitas and some dude called dazai who was from bsd. I was like hmm bsd reminds me of something else, but I’m a curious goose, so I went to google it, very scared, and it turned out that bsd is actually an anime about a detective agency and not what I expected it to be, and I was like… yeah whatever I don’t care, that's not what I'm looking for.
Now I was sure the rush was gone, I’ve been defeated by my own hubris. I flew too close to the sun and nothing was going to compare. So in that mood I went to tumblr to search for some franz kafka quotes because this man just always gets it. And then I see some people talking about a new chapter and I’m like a new chapter of what exactly?? Hasn’t kafka been dead for like 80 years or something?? A posthumous release? And what is an asagiri? A title? So a googled it and surprise, surprise! I see bsd AGAIN. I’m like you know what I don’t care anymore, people say that the characters are very pretty, so I might as well watch it just to forget about the failure that’s been my very-much-unhiged-with-zero-chance-of-working plan and then I'll go back to my search.
I turn on the first episode and I’m like waaait it’s actually good?? Like yeah silly, but way better than I expected and I feel the mutual understanding between me and Atsushi grow, so that's VERY GOOD. I see the opening and the ending at the end and I’m like oooh do they have any meaningful connections to the plot, because it seems like it? Who are these people? So instead of watching the second episode I decided to do a quick research consisting on going to the wiki and trying to figure out who is that emo dude that seems to take half of the ending for himself and who I'm probably not gonna like (jokes on me, oh jokes on me). And then I see his description with the undead written under the status. I’m like undead?? in what way?? So I start reading about him more and I see that he’s apparently a vampire. And I go WHOA NOBODY TOLD ME THERE ARE VAMPIRES HERE. And so I went back to watching bsd, the Rush came back and it’s been here ever since. I thought it was going to go away, so that's why I made this account to kinda keep myself busy not to lose it, but I still thought it was going to be lost again for some time. And now it’s still going strong and even has a friend in the form of the jojo part 6 Rush, so everything worked out perfectly in the end.
And that’s the story how my dumbest plan produced better results than I could have ever imagined.
And if you're wondering how long this mission lasted - 6 weeks. Literally 6 weeks.
[a quick info: all the things I mentioned are fantastic and I highly recommend them. Rush or no Rush, they are wonderful and I'm a fan of them all!]
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jauneda1 · 3 years
The New War
Jaune's First solo Mission
One year after the initial attacks
War changed Remnant after the attacks one year ago. The kingdoms are all against each other Vacuo in a constant battle with Vale due to the leaders of Vacuo being taken out by the terrorist group know as the Black mask. They instilled a system in there kingdoms laws that makes it impossible for people to go against the military. Innocent men, women, and children are forced to live in poverty. While the men and women who took their nation get to live without a worry. Until the combined forces of Vale and Atlas military tried to invade and save the once beautiful kingdom. The only problem is that there are Grimm new kinds of Grimm no one has ever seen. Not to mention the White Fang are and still are a threat to both sides. They're force had grown exponentially due to their attacking and ultimate destruction of Mistral and the Huntsman Academy of Haven. Even with all this change and destruction of the peace our heros burst forward in hopes of finally ending this conflict.
Desert's of Vacuo
Jaune had just to touched down on a mountain range, from where the two where standing he could see the inner city, all the way up to around the capital. He wouldn't be able to do much just sitting here. Jaune's mission was simple sneak behind enemy lines and escort and evacuate a defecting White Fang lieutenant, her name is Ilia Amitola and she served directly under commander Adam Taurus. She is a valuable asset to say the least.
In Jaune's ear piece he can hear Raven checking in. She being his main mentor for the past year she would be kind of walking him through this mission of his.
Raven: How is it on your end?
Jaune: Clear. How everyone doing up there?
Raven: Don't worry about that you have a mission. Hop to it reminder you have a limited time window.
Raven: Not to mention this is your first solo mission so stay hidden and try not to cause a scene.
Jaune: You know your to serious about this I'll get in get out and be done. By the way what do we call this mission?
Raven: Jaune you have to be serious if your captured that's it. We can't come and save you. You'll be treated as if your acting on your own terms.
Raven: Ruby and Yang are gonna be heart broken if there best friend doesn't come back. Plus Summer will blame me for the rest of my days.
Jaune: Okay okay. Serious
Jaune took this short moment to remember everything he has learned in the past year. Then the people who are counting on him right now. Blake was the one who begged Ozpin to send someone in. He volunteered he was gonna keep his promises to his friend. It's what Arc's do, they'll never go back on there word.
Jaune: (Inhales) (Exhales)
Jaune: Commencing Virtuous mission now.
The Grimm in the surrounding area of Vacuo where a lot different from any of the ones Jaune is used to seeing. But they are still easy to sneak past especially with the gear Jaune has on.
Jaune: I gotta hand it to the tech guys this is supposed to hide my body heat and give me a near invisible camouflage.
Raven: Well not a hundred percent. It's more to give you the look of transparency but really your suit uses the surrounding area to automatically change and conceal you.
Raven: So don't thinking it'll get you out of trouble all the time.
Raven: Again try not to be seen. The target is supposed to meet you on the south west side of the city.
Jaune: Yeah and that means I need to go through the capitol. Should I plant bugs around or just stick to my main objective?
Raven: Stick to the main objective your on a 2 hour time window.
Raven: Jaune?
Everyone in the observation room back at HQ where shocked Jaune had encountered plain of some type of burial site but some of the people hung up on poles are still breathing they are just dehydrated and starved. There were soldiers, civilians, and children. What shocked everyone even Jaune as he can hear Blake shout out over the mic.
Blake: ILIA!
Jaune looked up to one of the poles to see a naked dehydrated and beaten women Jaune could tell she was alive but he wouldn't be able to fulton extract her, not in this condition. So mission complete he'll just call in a chopper and put her on it and do what needs to be done. Jaune wasn't obligated to do what he has intentions on, but if someone doesn't do something to weaken the Forces of Black Mask and White Fang here in Vacuo then the war to reclaim the kingdom will never come.
Jaune: Send in a chopper and make sure medical is on it.
Raven: You got it, Jaune I know what your thinking. Please don't do what your gonna do. Everyone saw your vitals spike.
Raven: But I've known you since you where a boy. I've been like your second mother please be on that chopper when it arrives back at HQ.
Jaune stayed silent and continue to stay silent as he climbed up the pole to cut down and carry Ilia she wasn't making the trip unless he did so. But the reason Jaune kept quiet wasn't because he was worried about what Raven said. It was because if Ilia was secretly defecting from the Fang why was she out here and for how long who knew she was a mole and was trying to defect.
But the answer was a red laser that pointed at Ilia's head. Jaune instinctively got in front of her and a loud shot rang out as it hit Jaune in the back. Jaune at this point was able to jump down and bring Ilia with him to keep her out of harm's way. This was a trap and Jaune had just been caught in it.
Raven: Jaune! Are you okay?
Jaune: Going dark until I can take out this sniper.
Raven: Jaune no your mission is complete you just need to get out of there.
Ruby: No that sniper could bring down the evac chopper.
Yang: So he's forced to deal with the sniper.
Yang: You've got this Jaune.
Jaune: Mhhm.
Two Minutes later.
The sniper was beginning to feel bored. Questions like how long is he gonna sit behind that rock, or is he still there and if so what is his angle. He's stuck and can't move. She then she had an sudden urge to check behind herself as if something that was life threatening to her was right there about to strike. When she looked there was nothing. But then her semblance hit her hard as she was nearly cut in half, she jumped back with a lot of force because she got hit but her gun took the damage.
Looking now it was the man she thinks was behind the rock. But how could that be he was more then 150 meters away he wouldn't have been able to have got this close to her this fast unless he knew where she was the second the bullet went off. It makes sense now the second the laser of the rifle tagged the traitor he glanced back eyes widen and scanning. Remembering it because it was odd he sensed danger evaluated it and reacted in under a second. Not to mention he took a bullet for her. He has aura does that mean he's a Huntsman.
The sniper had little time to think as Jaune's eyes focused and he rushed forward and was now behind her and chopped her in the back of the head knocking her out. Jaune wasn't going to let her live at first but he wants to send a message. After calling for a chopper. Jaune set the female sniper up on the same pole Ilia was left on. Jaune didn't strip her like they did Ilia but he was sure the Vacuen heat would do enough. If she doesn't return they'll come and find her later.
(Jaune's Mind)
"Make better choices next time cutie."
"She is a liability, can't just let her go."
Jaune: Huh, Raven did you say something?
Raven: No all's quiet on our end.
Jaune had no idea what that was but he gave it little thought as Ilia's condition was worsening. It's a good thing to chopper 31 showed up right then and there. Jaune was gonna be honest Ilia was cute but he needed to make sure she was safe at HQ.
HQ Time 8PM
Ozpin had spoke to Jaune alone about his mission and the two of them where unreachable for an hour. All the while the rest of JNPR and all of team RWBY where bed side of where Ilia was recovering Blake had her friends hand clutched and hoping begging she would fight through this. Jaune had came into the room and seeing the mood of the room. He was sure that Ilia was fighting for her life. But the Arc had other plans he took a bullet to the back of the head for her. She wasn't gonna just die on him after all this work he put into saving her.
Jaune: Yeah no this mood is just not doing it for me.
Jaune: I didn't go through all that for you to just die infront of me.
Jaune put his hand gently against the side of her face giving her some of his kinetic energy. It was enough to boost her aura levels.
Jaune: So sorry but not sorry, your not dying today.
Everyone looked to Jaune everyone except Blake looked to him as the only thing keeping them all going. Jaune just brings light to the darkness wherever he goes. As Ilia's heart beat grew stronger everyone could hear the faint sobbing from Blake till she jumped up and wrapped her arms around Jaune's neck and cried into his shoulder.
(Yang's mind)
"He may be the reason we all keep fighting, but what is his reason. But what is your reason for fighting on Jaune, I know this all has to be effecting you. You don't even come to me anymore. Maybe Lady Killer doesn't need his Dragon anymore? Yeah no that changes tonight."
Jaune was not aware of how much trouble he is in later on tonight.😁
End of part 6
Teams and they're roles
RWBY: Alpha Team
JNPR: Bravo Team
Spies: Blake, Ren, Jaune, and Yang
Spies are top 4 who have high covert ops training, master's at close range and trained directly under Raven and Qrow Branwen. They're main objective is to be ghost in the shadows gathering info and all around espionage tactics.
Solo ops: Jaune, Yang, Blake, and Ren
Solo ops are simply the same as spies but they have been cleared for solo operation. These ops are espionage and covert only. If they are caught on solo ops they will not be given help from any outside options everything is on them.
Omega: Jaune, Yang, Pyrrha, and Ruby
This team is comprised of High-grades only of given orders to take out an entire compound this team makes sure of it. No matter the difficulty they get shit done. Not even they're friends know there mission details only Ozpin and Ironwood know.
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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summary: the forest is your only escape from the everyday troubles with your family until you find danger lurking behind the trees. or rather, danger finds you. your fateful encounter with the vampire ravn leaves you wishing for a different life. you strike an unexpected deal with the stranger that will soon turn into something more…
pairing: vampire! human ravn x reader
side characters: seoho, xion, non-binary oc named robin inspired by the wonderful @byccn 💜
genre: vampire!au, romance, humour, FLUFF
warnings: i don’t think there are any?? just sweet tooth-rotting fluff, some biting, a few shakespeare references, some swear words and a lot of cheesy lines, i mean, they’re eating pizza in italy and it’s valentine’s day soo...
word count: 2.3k
author’s note: the final chapter of twilight has arrived, i just want to thank you all so much for embarking on this journey with me, for reading it and for leaving your comments, it truly feels like the end of an era but i hope everyone enjoyed reading my story as much as i enjoyed writing it, i don’t know what else to say other than “parting is such sweet sorrow” 🥺🥺💞💞
part one 🌙 part two 🌙 part three 🌙 part four 🌙 part five 🌙 part six  🌙 part seven 🌙 part eight 🌙 part nine 🌙 part ten🌙 part eleven  🌙part twelve
You felt like you were dreaming but no matter how many times you pinched yourself, you didn’t wake up, because this was reality. Ravn was safe and sleeping soundly, his arms wrapped around you. And he was so warm you’d have a difficult time getting used to it. But it didn’t matter, because you loved him for him and that was all that mattered. You ran a gentle hand through his dark hair. He was still so beautiful, still so soft, still your Ravn. And despite the fact that he, too, was mortal now, you had the strange feeling you had all the time in the world. And in a way, it was true. You were so far away from any dangers that this newfound sense of freedom seemed eternal.
“Are you watching me sleep?” Ravn murmured curiously.
You attempted to withdraw your hand, but his reflexes were still fast enough to catch you.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” he opened his eyes and smiled at you fondly.
“I just can’t believe this. You’re alive,” you pointed out.
Ravn chuckled.
“Me neither. I’ve wished for this for so long that now when it actually happened it seems unreal.”
“Well, no use questioning it, let’s just enjoy ourselves,” you quickly kissed his lips and intended to get out of bed to brush your teeth, but Ravn stopped you by holding onto your hand and pulling you close.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He kissed you once more, this time more deeply and not willing to let go.
“Mmm, Ravn, darling…” you tried to argue.
“Stay a bit longer,” he pleaded sweetly.
“You’re impossible to resist,” you laughed and started kissing his neck, occasionally biting him gently, which amused him immensely.
“Oh, no, I’ve corrupted you entirely,” Ravn wailed.
You rolled your eyes and pressed your hands against his cheeks.
“I love you,” you said seriously.
“I would not wish any companion in the world but you,” Ravn replied and your eyes filled with happy tears.
“My favourite Shakespeare nerd,” you stroked his chin.
“Am I not the only Shakespeare nerd you know?” he challenged.
“Well, he will never admit it, but Seoho is secretly as much of a Shakespeare enthusiast as we are,” you joked.
“But you like me more, right?” he had to make sure.
“Of course, silly, is this even a question?”
“Let’s get up and annoy him about it, then!” Ravn suggested excitedly.
“Unbelievable,” you giggled and sneaked out of his arms. “Bathroom’s mine first!”
Ravn hurriedly chased you but to your complete amazement, you beat him to it. Now that he was human, too, it was all fair and square.
“Come on, sweetheart, let me in!” Ravn complained, knocking on the door.
You smirked triumphantly as you were putting toothpaste on your new brush.
“What will I get out of this?” you bargained, suddenly remembering one of your initial encounters. It felt like a century ago.
“More kisses? My undying affection? Anything you wish, I just really need to…”
You quickly opened the door upon hearing the desperation in his voice. He was only human, after all, the thought making you laugh.
“Thank you!” Ravn rushed inside. He was obviously on a mission.
A couple of minutes later, you were both out of the bathroom and dressing up for the day.
“Being a human is so hard,” he complained. “So many needs.”
“Come on, you’ve been human before,” you reminded him.
“How do you deal with all this?” Ravn asked, overwhelmed by everything new.
“It’s just life, I guess,” you shrugged. “Don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it soon enough. And I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“Unless when you lock me out of the bathroom,” he teased you.
“A mistake I won’t repeat again,” you chuckled. “We’ll have to share.”
“I can live with that,” he winked. “For the rest of my life.”
These were words you’d never expected to hear and yet, they’d somehow turned into the much needed reality.
“Now that Ravn’s human, you won’t say stuff like ‘all humans are trash’, will you, Seoho?” you joked over breakfast as you were spreading jam over a slice of bread.
“Unfortunately, I’ve been forced to change my mindset,” Seoho groaned and added under his breath. “Ugh, humans.”
“Hey, I heard that!” Ravn scolded him.
“I thought your super hearing was gone?” Seoho asked awkwardly.
“It is, but I can still hear shit,” he punched his friend playfully.
“Fine, fine, I’ll try not to be a dick.”
“Thank you very much,” you said. “I’m thinking of checking out the local bookshops today. Ravn, do you want to come with?”
“You know it,” he gave you a high five.
“Seoho, do you want to join us?” you offered politely, because after all, if it hadn’t been for Seoho’s magical abilities, you probably wouldn’t be here, in Verona, alive.
“So I can watch you lick each other’s faces between the bookshelves? I’ll pass,” Seoho scoffed.
“Hey, if it makes you uncomfortable, we’ll stop doing it in front of you,” you promised.
“Nah, it’s fine. I have other plans, anyways.”
“You do?” Ravn eyed him suspiciously.
“I’m not telling you anything,” Seoho finished his juice, got up from the table and grabbed his jacket. “Have fun, nerds!”
Before you could register where he was going, Seoho had teleported himself out of the room.
“Okay, that was weird,” you pointed out.
“Definitely. We’ll grill him for more information when he comes back,” Ravn vowed. “But for now, let’s finish our human breakfast and explore the town.”
“It would be my honour,” you smiled.
Seoho’s POV
Was I being too obvious? I knew that sooner or later I’d have to inform Ravn and Y/N what this was about, but I didn’t want to jinx it. After all, there wasn’t much to tell. Not yet, at least. The truth was that yesterday when I’d gone to buy pizza and pancakes for my friends, I’d seen someone that grabbed my attention rightaway. They had beautiful short hair, a vibrant smile and they were selling ice-cream. At the time, I couldn’t muster up the courage to talk to them, even though I was usually confident and carefree. There was something special about this person. And despite my previous distrust of humans, I realized I could no longer be so prejudiced about them. My best friend was now human and his girlfriend had proved me wrong countless times. Maybe it was because I was in a new town, where no one knew me. Maybe it was because after almost losing Ravn, I had realized that life was too short and precious and I had to make each day count. I don’t know what exactly came over me but when I lied to my friends about having plans, I decided I want to see the person selling ice-cream again. And this time, I would talk to them.
Luckily, I was good at finding my way around. I quickly remembered where the pizza place was and that the ice-cream stand was right around the corner. I felt a bit nervous, but I knew that I had nothing to lose, so I approached it. They were there. The minute I saw their smile I forgot everything that I had planned I would say. How I wanted to play it cool and tell them I really like their style and their hair and…Before I could open my mouth, they’d spotted me and spoke first.
“Hi, would you like to order some ice-cream?” were the cheerful first words they said to me.
“Um, hi, yeah, what would you recommend?” I asked.
“My personal favourite is chocolate,” they replied.
“Alright, then, I’ll have that.”
“Sure thing,” they smiled and started scooping up a ball of chocolate ice-cream as I placed the money on the table. Now was my chance to say something dumb or remain silent and regret it forever. Or I could just come back again tomorrow. I wouldn’t do that, right?
I was a fool. I did come back again the following day. And the day after. I came back to that ice-cream place every day for two whole weeks, without succeeding to say much to the person I was obviously crushing on, other than the usual small talk surrounding the process of buying ice-cream. I tried all the different flavours until one day the unimaginable happened.
“I’ll see you again tomorrow,” I murmured instead of goodbye.
“Actually, I won’t be here tomorrow,” they responded sadly. “You see, this was just a summer job for me and I’m going back to college so I won’t have time to work.”
“Oh, I see,” I replied dumbly. “Well, in that case…”
“Can I get your number?” they beat me to it. “Or at least your name?”
Internally, I was screaming with joy. Externally, I attempted to maintain a perfectly composed expression.
“Seoho,” I said, already writing down my phone number on a napkin. “And yours?”
“Robin,” they chuckled. “Wow, you’re so old-fashioned, you could have just typed it in.”
I shrugged and handed them the silly napkin.
“Better not lose it,” I warned them.
“No worries, I’ll treasure it forever.”
“Well, technically, the ink will probably wear off with time…”
“Wow, way to kill the mood,” Robin laughed and I could swear, I would never get tired of that beautiful sound.
“Sorry,” I looked down apologetically.
“I can’t help but wonder what took you so long?” they further amazed me with such a straightforward question.
“Um, I’m shy?”
“Me too, but it had to be done,” Robin winked.
In that moment, I had already made up my mind. Maybe humans weren’t so bad after all…
One year later
You were sitting next to your fiancé, holding hands under the table at a pizza restaurant because you didn’t want your engagement rings to show. You intended to surprise your friends Seoho and Robin and had kept it a secret for a while. A week had passed since Ravn proposed to you. He had booked plane tickets to Paris for a weekend getaway and what you thought was simply a short vacation turned into the best moment of your life. Forever the romantic, Ravn had completely amazed you with the unexpected question. An evening walk alongside the Seine River and under the city lights, French music playing all around…You had been so overwhelmed by positive emotions that you burst into tears before managing to respond. Ravn had gotten worried that he’d upset you and you’d somehow succeeded in letting him know you were happy crying and that of course you’d marry him. It felt like a dream come true.
As you were waiting for your friends to arrive, you and Ravn exchanged a knowing look.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
“Born ready,” you replied, completely certain of your feelings for him.
He squeezed your hand in support and soon after, your friends showed up.
“Hi, darling,” you hugged Robin tightly. “Seoho.”
“We have news,” Ravn announced directly.
“Can it wait?” Seoho inquired. “We kinda have a surprise that’s waiting outside.”
“Oh? You got us a puppy?” you asked, guessing wrongly.
“Nah, it’s not a puppy,” Seoho chuckled. “Much better, actually.”
“Come on, tell us already!” Ravn insisted.
“Okay, stay here, I’ll get the surprise rightaway. Robin, keep them occupied.”
Robin rolled their eyes.
“So bossy,” they complained affectionately after Seoho was out of earshot. “Anyways, how have you two been?”
“Splendid,” you squealed. “We can’t wait to tell you the big news, but apparently Seoho’s going to steal our thunder.”
“Yeah, so rude of him,” Ravn joked.
“Oh, trust me, it’ll be worth it,” Robin promised, already aware of who was standing outside.
“It better be,” you laughed.
As soon as you’d said that, Seoho returned, holding a young-looking guy you’d never seen before under his arm. The first thing you noticed was his pale skin that looked so out of place next to Seoho’s flushed cheeks. And your limited experience led you to the conclusion that this was probably a vampire.
“X-xion,” Ravn stammered in shock and quickly rushed to get up and hug his friend he hadn’t seen in way too long, completely forgetting about the secret you were supposed to hide under the table.
“It’s been a while,” Xion replied. “Sorry for showing up unannounced…but I wanted to see you.”
“Of course, it’s not a problem,” Ravn reassured him. “This is Y/N, my…fiancée,” he introduced you, dropping the other big surprise for the evening.
“HOLY SHIT,” Robin exclaimed, finally noticing the rings. “Congratulations!”
Seoho didn’t seem shocked at all, the magical bastard had probably read your thoughts a long time ago.
“T-thanks,” you murmured nervously. “And it’s really nice to meet you, Xion. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
He shook your hand awkwardly and smiled.
“So, what brings you here?” Ravn asked his friend.
“Well, Seoho mentioned about…you know…how Y/N and you…and how you’re no longer…you know.”
“It’s okay, Xion,” Robin chuckled. “Seoho told me everything about the supernatural world, you don’t need to speak in riddles.”
The vampire scratched the back of his head bashfully.
“And like, I was wondering if it was possible for this miracle to happen to me, too. So I came to ask for advice.”
“You want to be human, too?” Ravn inquired. “Are you sure you’ve thought this through?”
You gave your fiancé and Xion an encouraging smile.
“There’s nothing I’d like more,” he confessed openly.
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, it’s not like I was planning for this to happen.”
“Anything can be helpful,” Xion pleaded. “Just tell me the whole story. How you met Y/N. How you fell in love. Don’t leave anything out.”
“It’s gonna be a long night,” you teased.
“Well, it all started at twilight…”
The end
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kiwi-bitchez · 5 years
Chapter 1: LBD
Peter Parker x reader
word count: 2,823 (whoops)
summary: Tony Stark has hired the mountain guide company you work for to assist him and the Avengers on an upcoming mission, you just happen to be invited to the formal party. You meet a cute spider-boy and some mild smut ensues. Might make this a multi-chapter thing... we’ll see. Also, this definitely does not take place in the MCU timeline with Endgame and Tony dying and whatnot. 
warnings: mentions of alcohol, poorly written smut, oral (male receiving)
Although it was nowhere close to your everyday look, you found a strange sense of comfort in the tight black dress wrapped around your body. You look nervously around at all the other tall, beautiful, elegantly dressed people around you and can’t help but feel out of place. This black dress can be your disguise. You don’t have to be yourself here. However easy it would be to come up with some fake name and a fake identity, force yourself to mingle, that just wasn’t you. So you silently reside to another glass of wine and desperately look around for someone you know.
Working for a mountain guide company had its perks, flexible hours, no dress code, living the dream that you had envisioned for yourself since you were twelve. You did not imagine high falutin black-tie events to be in your job description. Your boss had just been hired by Tony Stark to accompany him and the Avengers on some top-secret mission in Antarctica. Something about lost alien artifacts. You weren’t high up enough to get any of the details, but being the only woman hired in the history of the company you got a ticket to the big event to make the company look a little diverse.
You adjust the strap of your dress and fiddle with your handbag to kill some time. You figured it would be rude to sink back into a corner and stare at your phone, yet you couldn’t quite muster up the courage to go introduce yourself to any superheroes or businessmen. So you stay in limbo, finding quiet ways to pass the time, desperately trying to make eye contact with anyone.
Right as you start to turn to go to the bathroom for the third time tonight, perhaps to fix your lipstick for a minute or ten, a strong hand taps your shoulder
“I hate these things too,” you turn to the boy, who was leaning against the door frame next to you, “I’m surprised to see someone my age here, usually everyone at these things are ancient.”
You laugh nervously and turn to him, trying to think of something clever to respond with but coming up blank, distracted by his curls and big brown eyes.
“I’m Peter, by the way, mind keeping me company? I don’t exactly fit in with all this adult chit chat.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure of course,” you stutter, feeling like an idiot, realizing you must have been staring with your mouth wide open. He probably came over here because he felt bad, maybe you should escape to the bathroom anyways… “I’m y/n”
“What brings you here y/n?” he asks, driving the conversation forward, “is one of these old geezers your dad or something?”
“No actually,” you laugh a little, “I work for the climbing guide company Stark just hired.”
“Oooh so will you be guiding us through the treacherous mountains of Antarctica next month,” Peter asks, flirting a little. You stare at him for a moment, trying to register what he meant by “us.” You didn’t recognize him as anyone significant, so you brush it off.
“Nah, they will probably send Stephen and Eric, they are the most experienced climbers. I’ve only been working there for a few years. Never been to Antarctica to climb actually, but I’ve heard its wild.” You look away, avoiding eye contact. His eyes staring intently at you as you talk causes a pink to rise up in the apples of your cheeks.
“Mind if I grab you another?” He offers, gesturing to your empty glass. You agree and follow him across the ballroom to where the bar is stationed. You feel a wave of relief now that you have someone to talk to at least for now, at least until it’s an appropriate time to escape home.
“So if you aren’t guiding Avengers through the snowy mountains, what do you do at this job of yours,” he asks, seeming to genuinely want to know.
“Well I’ve been climbing for basically my whole life, so this job is really a dream. I travel to different national parks and run programs for beginner climbers, show them the ropes and stuff,” you shrug, “but I’m pretty new still, the more experienced workers get to do cool stuff like this job. Hopefully in a few years I’ll be doing more stuff like that.”
You weren’t sure why you felt so comfortable around this boy. You were never much of a talker, and it was either him or the wine that was making you so chatty. Quickly changing the subject, you ask him, “So what do you do here? You the son of one of these old geezers?”
“I deal with more of the local operations of Stark Industries,” Peter answers playfully, avoiding telling you directly that he’s Spiderman, “you know, community improvement type stuff.”
Finding a seat in a far-off corner the two of you talk about everything and nothing. You tell him about your summer spent in Yosemite, and he tells you about his summer trip to Europe. The conversation flows unusually well, despite Peter dancing around questions. It's not that he couldn’t tell you that he’s Spiderman, he just liked the feeling of being treated like anyone else. He liked the feeling of you wanting to talk to him.
His eyes danced across your bare shoulders, admiring the curve of your neck and how your dress fell perfectly across your chest. You notice him staring, but you like the way his soft eyes follow across you. You start to feel your face get hot again and turn away to sip your drink.
“Thank you for saving me, I barely know anyone here and I’m the worst at small talk” you tell him sincerely, “I wasn’t even going to come, but I felt like I had to, you know? Can’t pass up the chance to party at the Stark Tower.”
“I’m glad you came,” he tells you, eyes burning into yours, “then I would have missed the opportunity to meet someone so interesting.”
“Shut up cheeseball,” you laugh as you playfully punch his arm, “for all you know I’m horrible and awful but just an incredibly good actress. This dress just brings out a different side of me.” You joke, sitting up a little straighter in your chair, wiggling your shoulders.
“Well I’d like to see the side of you that’s out of that dress,” Peter mumbles. You stare at him with wide eyes, trying to gauge if he was joking. You laugh a little to ease the tension, but you can see a fire behind his eyes. It was so unlike you to even be at an event like this, so unlike you to be drinking wine and flirting with a cute boy, so why shouldn’t you continue to do some things that are a little out of character?
You grab his knee, leaning in, “outside in 5, yeah?”
He nods a little too eagerly, but you don’t mind. The attention he had been giving you all night is what fueled this strange wave of confidence, and you were going to ride is as long as it lasted.
Placing your glass on an empty table, you sharply turn and start toward the doors, trying not to look too eager. The thought of him not following you crosses your mind, but you are too embarrassed to turn around to check. If he doesn’t show you will be beelining home for sure, take it as a loss and never show your face at Stark Industries again, not that you would ever have a reason to.
You press your back against the cool tile of the wall in the hallway, running your hands through your hair as the reality sets in of what you just did. A pit starts to form in your stomach, the aftermath of all that found confidence wearing off. Just as you were about to book it through the large double doors at the end of the hallway, you see him approaching you. He gestures to a closed door down the hall, and you follow him through it. It was a plain room with a fireplace and some couches, probably used for smaller social events.  
Placing an arm over your shoulder, pressed up against the wall behind you, he leans in, close but not too close. “are you asking me what I think you are?” his tone still flirtatious, but with a hint of real concern, “I know I seem very charming and all, but I actually don’t do things like this very often.”
Your eyes meet his and a smile creeps across your lips, “And I know that I seem amazingly confident” you retort “but would you believe me if I said I don’t do things like this very often either?”
It was true, you were no prude by any standards, but bringing someone you just met into some random locked room at a work function was not really in your repertoire. Even though the butterflies in your stomach seemed to feel more like wild geese, there was a certain quality about him that gave you a sense of ease.
 “If you are interested in doing what you think I’m asking,” you finally respond, “then yes, that’s exactly what I’m asking.”
He leans in closer, lips hovering over yours, breathing heavily but steadily. “If you want to stop, just say the word,” he tells you, and you nod understanding, “but the way you look in this dress has made it so fucking hard for me to not do this any sooner” he whispers into you before colliding your mouths together.
He takes your face between his large hands, stroking his thumb across your cheek as he kisses you deep and harshly. While the kiss was passionate and desperate, there was still something so sweet and gentle about him. You kiss him back with an open mouth, wanting more. Your arms wrap around him as his hands travel from your face down to your hips, grabbing you firmly and pressing you into the wall behind.
Your hands naturally weave their way into his brown curls, pulling his face impossibly closer to yours. His tongue slips under yours and you let out a breathy moan, feeling his mouth on yours. Daringly you take his bottom lip between your teeth and pull back a little, looking back up at him to meet his eyes. Blown out and filled with lust, he stares back at you wanting nothing more than your mouth on his again.
In one fell swoop he lifts your legs off the ground, instinctively wrapping them around his suited torso. You lean into him more, tongues meeting between wet open lips. He slowly starts to make his way across the room with you, not wanting to break the kiss, but also not wanting to trip over a coffee table. He seats you down gently on the couch below him, finally separating his lips from yours.
Although you wouldn’t mind just making out with this boy forever, never leaving the four walls of this random parlor, the way he looked standing above you, hair a mess and suit jacket rumpled made you want so much more. Before he could join you on the couch you sit back on your thighs, causing your dress to ride up quite a bit. Peter bites his lip, “fuck y/n.”
You press your open palms to his thighs and look up to him with big needy eyes. You slowly start to move one hand up, asking permission “can I? take these off?” he nods and helps you with his belt, allowing you to take care of the zipper and buttons. As he takes a moment to pool his pants down at his ankles, you seize the opportunity to let the top of your dress slide down a little, revealing your upper half.
“I knew I would like you better out of that dress,” Peter jokes, but the underlying tone in his voice goes right to your core, growing wetter and wetter the more he looks at you. Noticing the already wet patch at the tip of Peter’s boxers, you lean forward once more and lick a stripe up his clothed member, “and I think I’m gonna like you better out of these too” you comment back.
Throwing his head back at the sudden contact, Peter brings his hands to your hair, holding it back for you but not forcefully. You were taking your time with him, feeling him through his boxers until his tip began to poke out of the top waistband. Taking that as your cue, you slide down his underwear, joining them with his dress pants around his ankles. You were a little intimidated by his size, certainly a bit larger than any dick you had taken before, but your theme of the night was confidence and you tried to not let it shake you.
You take a hold of his base, making sure to look up at him as you lick a long stripe up the underside of his hard cock. “Fuck y/n you look so fucking good like that” Peter praises you as you start to slowly pump his dick. Taking his head between your lips and starting to match rhythm with your hand, you started sucking his dick like you never had before. There was something in you that wanted to make him feel good, that wanted this to be memorable for him, you wanted to give this boy the best goddamned blowjob of his life.
Tears form in the corners of your eyes, surely ruining your perfect makeup. You give it more and more as you take as much of him as will fit down your throat. Continuing to pump the remaining shaft with your hand, you bob your head as tightly and as deep as your throat will allow. The soft mumbles and profanities that fall from his lips encourage you to keep going, letting you know that you are doing a good job. You like the way his grip on your hair slightly tightens, showing you that he likes what you are doing.
Picking up speed, and now jerking him off with both hands as your mouth takes care of the rest, you feel his hips buck forward slightly. “Fuck y/n I’m close, I’m gonna…” Peter moans, and starts to pull away from you to come into your hands, but you lean forward, continuing to suck him off, taking his cum deep in your throat as he unloads into you.
“Shit y/n that was…that was so fucking… you really didn’t have to do that” he says, still catching his breath.
“I know, but I wanted to,” you respond, licking your lips seductively.
 “That was so fucking amazing, I…,”he says, hands running through his hair and straightening out his button up. He picks up his phone from where it had landed on the ground, noticing a slew of new messages.        
“Fuck,” he looks at you apologetically, “I gotta get back in there, only for a little bit, but I owe you one, because that was fucking amazing so please don’t go,” he rambles as he frantically puts his dress pants back on and adjusts his belt. You also fix your dress, covering yourself back up. “I mean it,” he says to you with sincere eyes right before dashing out the door.
You head into the nearest bathroom and fix yourself up. The pool between your legs had basically ruined the underwear you were wearing, and your makeup was close to gone. You tossed your hair up, fixed up your face although your lips were still a little red and puffy. The thought crossed your mind to just head home, let this be a one-time thing that he can remember, but your purse was in the ballroom, so you had to at least make it back for that.
Entering the event hall, the room was at a hush as someone on stage was making a speech. You didn’t think much of it, keeping your head down and looking for your bag, until you heard the familiar voice of your boss on the mic. “Thank you so much to Mr. Stark for giving us this amazing opportunity…” You turn your head to see your boss and Tony stark shaking hands, with a row of people standing behind them on stage, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, people you commonly knew as the Avengers. Your eyes travel down the line of them only to land on Peter.
Why had you not realized this before. The passing comments, the thing about the Antarctica mission. As your eyes land on him, he is looking directly at you, a smug smirk across that gorgeous face. He shoots you a wink and your mouth drops slightly. You had just blown one of earth’s mightiest heroes. You had just sucked off Spiderman.
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This One’s For You Steve Irwin
1818 words
(this is complete and utter nonsense but i had fun writing it lmao)
Clint wouldn’t lie and say he had been a little excited when Maria cleared them for this mission. At first he was going to pass it onto someone else or let Natasha handle it on her own this time. He had just come off a month long mission trying to take down an arms dealer in Benin, and was ready for some well deserved rest, but Maria knew how to reel him back in. At first she had just told him that it was in Australia, easy, would probably be up in a week, and he could stay in the country for however long he wanted until they called him back for another mission (the last part sounded too good to be true, but Clint had vacation days saved up and he would use them on the sunshine coast in a heartbeat).
That grabbed enough of his attention to ask just how “easy” this mission was supposed to be. When Maria told him that they had to discreetly take down someone who had been smuggling biological weapons through Australia Zoo, he actually laughed.
“Is the crime world so desperate they’re willing to smear Steve Irwin’s legacy for their evil plan?” he had asked.
Maria just shrugged. “I don’t know. But apparently, they’re doing a sloppy job, because Queensland Police have had multiple tips from staff and tourists reporting suspicious behavior.”
“Then why not let Queensland Police handle it?”
“Because it’s one of ours.” Maria said handing him the file with the mission report.
Clint vaguely remembered the face in the blurry security camera picture. Some cadet who had defected early into training, too tempted by the easy money of some crime lord one of his friends had been running with. Maybe this would be easy, Clint had trained him for a short while, and the young man, Jacob if he remembered correctly, was shrimpy, never ranked high in any of his physical tests. But apparently he was a good enough businessman to have a weapons deal running down under.
He accepted the mission, and three days later, he and Natasha boarded a painstakingly long twenty hour flight. When they finally got to their hotel, Clint sang the praises to every deity he could name off the top of his head.
“You gonna lounge around all day or are we gonna get to work?” Natasha said coyly, tossing a t-shirt on his head.
Clint had been spread out across the bed for several minutes while Natasha was coming out the bathroom from a shower. “Ugh, five more minutes. That flight was the devil.”
“This heat is about to be the devil. I can’t believe we have to stake out a zoo during Australia’s summer.” Natasha said as she brushed out her hair.
“Hey, look on the bright side, we can go to the Crocoseum when we’re done.”
“Hm, that's true.” Natasha laughed. “But seriously, let's get this over with. There's no way that skinny asshole can be that big of a problem.”
But as it turned out, that skinny asshole ended up being a complete problem. Since the calls had been coming in about suspicious behavior, security at the zoo had been tightened. They had to go in without weapons, which they most likely wouldn't have needed, but going in without at least a pistol made Clint feel naked in his khaki shorts and t shirt. The only sort of gear they took in was a radiation monitor that Natasha had smuggled in in her purse.
The tight security also made it that much harder to scope their target out without alerting any of the staff. Sure they were just moderately trained cops and staff, but Clint would have much rather preferred to not have their cover blown (that and he really wanted to see the croc feeding at four).
They didn't stay the entire day, only about two hours. It was crowded and with the security, all they could really do is scout out staff entrances and exists, and keep an eye out for Jacob's face in the crowd.
The second day was a bit more promising. In the crowded cafe, Natasha was able to pick up a reading on the radiation found in the weapon they were looking for.
“West side of the zoo,” she signed to him. He had his hearing aids in, but it was easier to talk about the mission this way.
“Oh goody, looks like we're going to Africa.” Clint signed back as he looked at the map to see where exactly they would be heading.
Once in the African enclosures of the zoo, the crowd had thinned out a little and the security was a little less dense. Clint walked with his arm around Natasha's shoulder, leaning a little too hard into their newlywed cover. But how could he not? The jovial energy of the zoo, the perfect weather, Natasha looking like an angel in her green sundress, ponytail, and New York Giants baseball cap she had nicked from him a few weeks back. It was painfully blissful, and here he was trying to chase down a defunct cadet instead of being able to fully enjoy it.
“I got it.” Natasha signed, walking out from under Clint's arm.
He sighed as the moment ended, duty was always calling. He followed her as she walked along the perimeter of the enclosure, passing rhinos and giraffes as he went. When she stopped and looked up, her gaze went inward to the animals.
“What the,” she started, “that can't be right.”
“What is it?” Clint asked.
Natasha didn't say anything, there was a security guard walking past them. Instead she passed him the monitor. The signal was strong alright, the blip on the radar binging like crazy. Clint looked in the direction the monitor was saying the radiation was strongest; the herd of rhinos.
“Wh-what?” Clint said perplexed.
Natasha nudged him in the ribs with her elbow, the guard passing them had turned around. She laced her fingers in his and faked a laugh, as if she was laughing at Clint's reaction to a bad joke she had just told. The guard turned and walked off.
“Let's go.” Natasha signed.
Back at the hotel, Clint finally blurted out his theory as to what was going on, “He's smuggling the weapons through the animals. Like some drug trafficking type shit.”
Natasha shook her head. “No that'd be too easy to find out. I doubt a rhino would be able to hold down an atomic bomb in its stomach for long.”
Clint raised an eyebrow. “Are you hinting at what I think you are?”
“It's so stupid it's almost amazing, isn't it?” Natasha said.
“Just to be sure, we are both thinking that the animals are the weapons right?”
“Yeah that's totally it.” Natasha answered. He couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not.
That night, they donned their catsuits and gear and headed back to the zoo. Clint felt like he was going to hell for breaking into the zoo. Australia Zoo of all zoos to run a weapons ring, and in the animals themselves? It was already bad enough that it was animal abuse, but the things this would do to Steve Irwin's legacy if it got out? Clint made a note to kick Jacob's ass a little harder when they caught him.
First they took out the security cameras and set off a distraction in the food court. “Sonic arrow should do well enough for a couple minutes right?” Clint signed to Natasha.
They made their way back to the African enclosures but the monitor indicated that wherever the radiation had been coming from had moved.
“Shit, we're too late.” Natasha said.
“No, look over there.” Clint pointed to a small spot of light across the large field. The shape of the truck was almost impossible to make out in the darkness, but someone had left the light on inside.
“We gotta hurry. I really don't wanna disappoint any of the Peta freaks at work.” Natasha said.
They jumped the fence and sprinted across the field, Clint a little wary of the animals around them, but they took a wide path to avoid spooking the herd. But by the time they were halfway across the field, the truck driver had caught sight of them and started the engine.
“Shit. Clint,” Natasha hissed beside him.
“I'm on it!” He whipped an arrow out his quiver and took aim at the truck's tires, but the driver braked in front of them, narrowly avoiding running them over. A man stepped out the driver’s side, Jacob.
“Ha! I guess I finally popped up on Shield’s radar.” he said, sounding impressed, “Guess my little operation is going better than I thought.”
“Dude, you’re using rhinos for some fucked up weapons experiments.” Natasha, irritation dripping from her voice, “That’s not very honorable.”
“And at Steve Irwin’s zoo? The hell’s the matter with you?” Clint followed.
Jacob rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Some jackass in Africa wants souped up baby rhinos, I’m gonna give him souped up baby rhi-” Jacob’s sentence was cut off by one of Clint’s trick shots piercing his shoulder and electrocuting him.
“G-d these guys just can’t pass up a chance to monologue.” he huffed.
Natasha went to apprehend Jacob while Clint went to the bed of the truck and found a baby rhino sedated in the bed. “Hey there fella,” he whispered, rubbing his hand along its side. “We’re gonna get you home to your mom safe and sound.”
The rest of the night went smoothly. They alerted zoo security, and told them about Jacob’s plan. Natasha assured them that all the animals sold through Jacob would be returned as soon as possible, she and Clint both knew it wouldn’t take much to get the young man to crack and tell where he had shipped the poor animals off to. When all was said and done, there was technically five days left in their mission, and Maria had said that Clint could spend however long he wanted in Australia until his next mission. The next morning at the hotel, Clint woke Natasha up early with soft kisses on her cheek.
“Good morning to you too.” she smiled. “Happy to see me?”
“Yes, but there’s also a croc feeding at noon, and I really wanna meet Terri Irwin.” Clint whispered. 
Natasha rolled over and hit him in the head with her pillow. “G-d you only took this mission to come to Australia Zoo, didn’t you?” 
“What? No. I took this mission to honor the late, great Steve Irwin, and go to Australia Zoo.” 
Natasha laughed, and got out of bed. The rest of their stay was as sweet and simple as their newlywed cover had been, and for the time being, Clint couldn’t think of a better job in the world to have. 
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unholyhelbig · 6 years
Prompt: Chloe is a tattoo artist and Beca is the new owner of the flower shop next door. After an unexpected friendship between the two and both being interested for something more, Chloe couldn’t help but notice the purple hyancith tattoo Beca has. Not knowing the language of flowers, Chloe decides to ask Beca.
[A/N: Right, so maybe I’m totally thinking about making this into a real multi-chapter thing. I’ve just made a vow with myself that I’ll finish Camp Beaverbrook first. So… let me know what you think because I’m beyond in love with this prompt] 
The flowers were dead. That’s the first thing that caught Beca Mitchell’s eyes; their stems were a sickly grey. The green color had drained completely and left a white carcass behind in its wakes. Petals littered the counter.  They were once red like freshly drawn blood, a stark white that rattled into a pink-tipped form. Ghosts with no soul left to harvest.
She reached forward and palmed a petal. They sounded like deadened leaves under booted feet. The pad of her finger running evenly over it before it disintegrated into fine dust in her hand. She frowned at it.
Beca had a habit of looking for the flowers in any setting. They livened up the room or muted it depending on their own life span. Great designers would say that fresh set pieces could establish an atmosphere. Great florists would counter that it established good business.
She could feel the instant coolness of the room prickle goosebumps against her skin, even past the knitted grey sweater that hugged her frame expertly. She had been in interrogation rooms this cold before, but never a simple tattoo shop. The sound of needles buzzing against once clear skin echoed in her ears. Maybe this was a bad idea.
The room was painted a deep burgundy, a white crown molding so expertly untouched. There were paintings on the wall: close up black and white images of big cats in the wild and blank blades of grass. There was a wall of long stretched drawings in front of her. Too many for her to count. Generic images of dragons breathing fire and grim reapers wielding scythes.
Beca couldn’t’ help but admire the line work that went into them, the attention to detail and the way each picture had been meticulously drawn before being resized for human attention. She let her lips part and a lone breath tumble from them.
“Can I help you?”
She drew in a sharp breath at the edged voice. She had been so focused on the sheeted artwork that she hadn’t noticed the presence of another. A woman; stunning in a grunge type of way. A tight black t-shirt hugged her frame, showing off the expertly crafted tattoos that coated every inch of toned and exposed skin. Her blonde hair was tied back, a few strands falling into glowing green eyes. The open sign flicked a flash of red and blue periodically against her bored expression.
“If you want a tattoo you need to book an appointment with our receptionist. We don’t do walk-ins.”
“No,” Beca spoke evenly, the woman raising her eyebrow as she set her hand on the counter and tightened her stance, letting her fingers dance on the countertop. “I mean, I don’t want a tattoo. I just moved into the space next door and I think this is yours.”
She thrust out an envelope that was clearly marked The Crimson Door. It certainly wasn’t for her modest flower shop. She had mulled over the name a few times in her mind. The door to this place wasn’t even slathered in red, it was merely a foggy glass embossed in gold lettering. She decided not to bring it up.
“Oh, thank you.” The stranger took the envelope, softening in her abrasive stance. “We’ve talked to the post office so many times. They never seem to get it right.”
The woman let out a deep sigh and dropped the letter somewhere behind the desk that Beca didn’t’ stretch to see. She seemed to relax a bit, clearly having surprise visits from drunken patrons looking to get cheap ink more than once.
“That place used to be a Chinese restaurant, you know.” She continued, walking behind the counter as she leaned over the computer. Beca couldn’t see anything more than white reflected off forest irises. “I can’t tell you how glad I am that they left. Though, it’s unfortunate that we have to go across town for eggrolls now.”
“Yeah, it is.” Beca let a small scoff escape her lips. She wasn’t really sure what to say. It had been a hassle gutting the place. She remembered removing the grease trap from the back door, the way it stuck and clouded her lungs until she eventually hurled in the bushes that were adorned with beautiful yellow roses. “We’re quieter, I’m sure.”
“Smell better too.” She responded, straightening up as she clicked out of her program. “Well, welcome to the neighborhood. Just let us know if the music is too loud and try not to put your trash out before five on Thursdays.”
“Thank you, will do.”
Beca followed the girl’s movements for a moment more, she had clicked a black pen and was digging it into a yellow pad of post-it notes. Maybe it was Beca’s own name. A sly way to recall her if she had in fact, strayed to 4:59 on a Thursday evening. She took a few steps back before turning completely and walking into the chilling night air.
Their shops were the only two still casting pale rectangles against the sidewalk. Fairy lights were strung against trees for the impending winter, wreaths soon to follow in the coming months. Beca shoved her hands in her pockets and breathed out in a moment of peace for a moment.
Her place wasn’t so bad. They had gutted the Chinese décor and turned it into a simple shop with shelves built into white walls. They were lined with the freshest flowers daily- a back office gave her a break from the bustle of catering and funeral orders. It boasted a large window like a toy shop in the ’60s; embossed with gold lettering similar to the tattoo shop.
She was quick to flip the open sign to closed before the bell stopped chiming. It had been a quiet night. A Friday where people attended movies at the local theatre or the football game that took half of Hollyfield’s student population into its grasp.
“Was it scary in there? Oh my god, did you see that one woman covered in tattoos? I heard places like that are very cold. Did you need a coat?”
“Emily,” Beca breathed out evenly, shaking her head. Her assistant, her co-worker at that, was very excitable. She asked too many questions and had those beaming brown eyes that were impossible to say no to. Even now, when she glanced up from the book on the counter and hair fell lazily into her pouting stare. Her sleeves were pulled over her wrists and a pencil was tucked behind her ear. “Too many questions. I just brought over some mail.”
Of course, that didn’t’ exactly answer the question that Emily held at the tip of her tongue. Beca lifting an eyebrow as she pushed herself away from the door and walked over to the counter. She had had this place for a week and still never stood on the opposite side of the aptly painted counter.
“I did meet an interesting woman though. She was blonde. A lot of tattoos, obviously.”
“Yeah?” Emily’s cheeks heated up, her eyebrows rising. “What uh… what’d she say?”
The girl had run into some masked stranger when they were remolding. Emily was coated in white paint and was carrying a big gulp from the gas station down the street. She had recounted to Beca how she was leaning against the back of the brick and taking long drags of a cigarette. Emily stumbled over her words a bit before sighing and sulking back inside.
“Trash goes out on Thursday.”
Emily’s shoulders dropped as she let her head fall into her textbook. She dramatically stretched her arm out and groaned. “That’s all you found out about the love of my life? Beca, you were on an extraction mission.”
“No, I was on a drop off mission.”
She corrected, palming a bit of fabric on Emily’s arm before she lifted it briefly to stare at the text she was attempting to read. Psychology. It was too much for Beca, the actual schooling of it all. She commended Emily for wanting to further her education after high school- she was stronger than most.
Beca considered herself as doing well. She had run a flower van for two years before actually settling down in a space. It was a lot easier to push out orders for sweet sixteen’s when she was working out of a store and not the back of a truck with Emily strewn over the front seat. She spoke evenly, words muffled by her sweater.
“What was that, Em?”
“You’ve got to call back Lewis.” She picked up her head “He wants to cut some type of deal, you know.”
“That so?”
“Yeah. He left his number.”
Emily thrust out a sticky note that was her blue handwriting, so neat even though it was rushed. It had a ten-digit number written like she hadn’t known the area code from when she visited in the summers. She moved her pad against the sticky adhesive. “You know, the stranger next door uses the same type of post it’s?”
“She does?” Emily shot up, eyes widening “They’re yellow?”
“Yeah, Em. They’re yellow.”
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
1x12: Faith
Welcome to hellatus, guys! This summer we’ve decided to recap our favorite episodes from past seasons. We’ll be picking two per season. We’re starting off with Faith --because Dean’s faith and self-worth seem like a good start, and at least one recapper (Boris) hasn’t rewatched in a very long time.
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On a dark, lonely highway, two brothers criss-cross the country hunting monsters while looking for their dad.
Sam and Dean are hunting a rawhead in the basement of very dark house (forewarning: Boris will maintain a running commentary on how dark this show is in the beginning for the foreseeable future.) While Sam gets the children to safety, Dean takes out the monster with electricity, but gets zapped in the process.
(If I’m going to suffer, you’re going to suffer)
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Sam gets Dean to the hospital (Omg, Hannah!) but the doctor has bad news. Dean suffered a massive heart attack, and his heart is irreparably damaged. He only has a few weeks to live. Sam, in tears, heads to Dean’s room. He finds his brother, considerably worse for wear, channel surfing. “You ever watch daytime tv? It’s terrible.” (haha, Jensen is only a few years removed from Days at this point. Also, it’s SO something Dean loves.)
This is Dean’s episode, but I’m really feeling for Sam here. He just lost Jessica at this point. He isn’t close to John, but their dad is missing too. He is facing the reality that his brother is going to die. Welcome to the show of pain and loss and never ending heartache, Sam Winchester.
He jumps into full savior mode, researching everything about Dean’s condition, and even calls their father. Surprise! He doesn’t answer. There’s a knock at the door, and Dean’s there!
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He checked himself out the of hospital. That’s ok though, because Sam has a lead on a specialist in Nebraska. He’s not letting Dean die on his watch!
The specialist is actually a faith healer in a tent. Dean is appalled. I’m appalled at the amount of mud everywhere. This is not ADA compliant. Throw some boards down for the sick and injured at least. As Sam and Dean enter the tent, they argue about faith and God. A young woman counters Dean’s argument, and hello flirty Dean. The woman is Layla. She wonders why Dean is even at the faith healer’s if he doesn’t believe. “Apparently, my brother here believes enough for both of us.” It’s like Sam took those words and internalized them for 13 years. Aside from his mental breakdown after Dean and Cas went to Purgatory, Sam’s always kept pushing and believing in something better.
Once the boys are seated inside the tent, Roy Le Grange starts his spiel. In a side whisper to Sam, Dean calls bullshit on the whole shebang. Roy, who’s blind, overhears him and asks him to come forward.
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Dean does not want to go. Dean doesn’t think he deserves to be healed. Dean reiterates that he is not a believer. “You will be, son. You will be.” Hahahahaha, he only believes now because he’s seen it all. Roy asks the congregation to pray and he lays his hands on Dean. Dean falls to the ground. Sam rushes to his side. Dean looks around and sees someone behind Roy.
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Back at the hospital, a doctor assures Dean that his heart is perfectly normal, like nothing was ever wrong with it. She also tells the boys that another young man died from a heart attack the day before. Coincidence? Dean thinks not.
The boys split up. Sam goes to learn about the heart attack victim and Dean heads to talk to the reverend. He tells Dean about going blind, cancer, a coma, and a miracle of waking up cancer free with the added bonus of healing thrown in for funsies. Dean wants to know why he was saved. DEAN. The reverend says he sees “a young man with an important purpose, a job to do, and it isn't finished.” Lol, he has AT LEAST 13 more years of work to do.
Sam learns that the man who died was running at the gym before he died. And the clock there hasn’t worked since.
Dean runs into Layla and her mother as he leaves the reverend’s. They’re turned away by the reverend’s wife. Layla’s mom lays into Dean, and Dean learns that Layla has a brain tumor. “Why do you deserve to live and not my daughter?” Whoa, harsh lady. One, he saves the world,  a lot. And B, angels are pretty much making it impossible for him to die.
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Back at the motel room, Sam reveals all the research he’s been doing. For every healing that Roy has performed, someone else has died. Dean concludes that they’re dealing with a reaper.
Cue generic lame-o music montage if you’re watching Netflix. Cue super awesome, totally on the nose Blue Oyster Cult’s Don’t Fear the Reaper if you’re watching the DVD. Sigh. We see Roy heal people while a reaper takes a life.
Sam guesses that Roy is using dark magic to bind the reaper to do his bidding. Dean wants to kill him. Sam doesn’t want to kill another human. Then Dean says, “We can’t kill Death.” Lolololololol. Sam suggests breaking the black spell.
They head back to the tent where another dramatic healing service is about to begin. Dean stakes out the tent while Sam breaks into the preacher's house. He discovers a book hidden behind another. It's an old book with information about reapers and the coptic cross on the altar in the tent.
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Also in the book? News clippings about people who have died...and one news article featuring the man campaigning against the faith healing. And so the next victim is revealed (In a Monty Python voice: He’s not dead yet!) Sam relays the info about the next victim to Dean.
Dean's mission in all of this is to stall the healing. But this show being what it is, the next person called up for healing is Layla. We want her to live but also...it's not the way to save her. Dean is clearly feeling the same quandary and he tries to tell her not to go up and be healed. Her mother calls her up to the altar and Layla goes. (And you can’t blame her. The word of some angsty dude over her desperate mother? No contest.)
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Meanwhile out in the parking lot the next victim calls for help as the reaper pursues him through the parked cars. The preacher's about to heal Layla when Dean pulls the fire alarm – and by “pulls the fire alarm” I mean he just shouts that there's a fire. Uh. Subtle? People panic anyway and skedaddle. The preacher's handlers lead him out and the healing (and murderous reaper) is stopped.
Hooray! Problem solved! Except...no. The reaper reappears and grabs hold of the victim's head. The protester collapses slowly to the ground while Sam shouts at Dean through the phone to fix it. Dean spots the preacher's wife standing strangely off by herself. She's muttering an incantation and when Dean interrupts her, she stuffs an ornate necklace under her shirt before yelling for help. With her spell interrupted, the reaper recedes.
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Dean and Layla have a chat about the failed healing. She wants to know why he interrupted her healing and when he doesn’t have an answer, she walks away disappointed. Dean heads back to the car muttering that she deserves life more than him. Ooooh Dean Bean.
Anyway, don't worry kids, because the preacher's gonna heal Layla in a private session! Or, worry readers, because someone's gonna die soon. I'll give you a hint. He's over six feet tall, has fanfiction green eyes, and channels his immense daddy issues into hunting.
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Back at the motel, Sam explains the book he purloined from the preacher’s house. It was written by a “priest gone darkside” who learned how to trap a reaper. They theorize that the preacher's wife first trapped it to keep it from taking her terminally ill husband, and later decided to use it to kill people she found immoral. Gross. Since the preacher is healing Layla that night, they head out to either destroy her necklace or the altar, or possibly both since they’re not sure what’s controlling it.
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Dean muses about the value of his life yet again on their way to the revival camp. I suppose this is one of the reasons I find this episode so compelling. I’m endlessly drawn to Dean and his deep well of self loathing and sacrifice. I feel like this episode epitomizes much of that for me, and sets up so much of the conversation about faith and purpose later on.
Anyway. Roy's about to start healing but his wife isn't there. She must be lurking elsewhere to do the reaper spell. Sam heads to the house to find her while Dean leads the local cops on a merry chase through the encampment. Sam finds a cellar and heads inside. At last he's found the altar! He finds a picture of Dean on the super messy black altar. (If you're going to do a black altar, at least do it with some style, lady.)
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The wife shows up. “I gave your brother life and I can take it away.” Yeah...NO. Sam trashes the altar and races for her. She locks him in the cellar but Sam is resourceful and starts bashing his way out while the preacher’s wife heads to the tent to pray Dean dead.
Dean, meanwhile, gets a happy visit from our friend the reaper. He starts to die, eyes graying out and color bleeding from his face, when Sam appears by the reaper’s wife and destroys her necklace. Sam got free! Now the reaper is free! The reaper immediately turns away from Dean and heads for the preacher's wife. She's toast in moments - her life for her husband, apparently.
Sam meets up with Dean and they head back to the hotel. Dean mopes about what happened when Layla stops by. (Sam called her and told her to stop by. Sam, you dork.) Sam gives Dean a stupid grin and hightails it out of there. We get the recap: Layla's still terminally ill. The preacher's suffering after the death of his wife and collapse of his healing business.
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Layla tells Dean that she's okay with everything that went down. “If you're gonna have faith, you can't just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don't.” (Accurate!) She bids Dean farewell.
He tells her, “I'm not much of a praying type. But I'm gonna pray for you.”
“Well,” she replies. “There's a miracle right there.” (Accurate.)
Ya Gotta Have Quotes:
We can't work miracles
I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot
I bet you she could work in some mysterious ways
I looked into your heart and you just stood out from all the rest
We can't kill death
God save us from half the people who think they're doing god's work
You said it yourself, Dean. You can't play god
That fabric softener teddy bear. Oh, I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down.
Why me?
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aion-rsa · 3 years
In the Earth: Ben Wheatley Explains How COVID Changed Horror Movies
British filmmaker Ben Wheatley had his Rebecca remake in the can and was in pre-production on the sequel to 2018’s Tomb Raider reboot (which he is now no longer attached to) when the coronavirus began tearing its path around the globe. It would soon shut down almost all film production in addition to all other aspects of society.
At first stunned and frightened like everyone else, Wheatley — whose iconoclastic filmography also includes the nerve-rattling Kill List, the psychedelic period piece A Field in England, and the satirical crime thriller Free Fire — did what all creative people always do: channeled what was happening into a completely new idea for a movie.
One year later, Wheatley is out with In The Earth, his first horror movie since Field and, after Rebecca, a return to his low-budget roots. Set during the aftermath of an unspecified pandemic, In The Earth follows a scientist named Martin (Joel Fry) and a park ranger named Alma (Ellora Torchia) who head deep into a remote forest to check on a researcher named Dr. Wendle (Hayley Squires).
The journey turns nightmarish as they are menaced by both a mysterious presence and Wendle’s ex-husband Zach (Reece Shearsmith), who has a bizarre agenda all his own. In The Earth touches on themes that Wheatley has examined before, including the unknowable power of nature and human beings’ penchant for obsession, cruelty, and shocking violence, all within an eerie context we know too well from the horror show that was 2020.
Wheatley remains one of the most distinctive and surprising filmmakers on the scene, zigzagging from one unusual project to another, and in fact when Den of Geek caught up with him to discuss In The Earth, he was at work on another big-budget Hollywood sequel, this time to 2018’s hit monster movie, The Meg.
Den of Geek: Let’s talk about the inspiration for this, which has clearly been our current predicament for the last year or so.
Ben Wheatley: The whole thing from writing it to the cinema is exactly a year. I started writing this in the first week of lockdown in the UK, which would have been about the First or Second of March, something like that. I wrote it as a way of just trying to process what was happening but also just to try to feel optimistic about the future, so there was something to aim for going forward. Then it started to develop into something else, and as I was writing it, I started to see all sorts of different patterns inside it.
I started talking to Andy Starke, the producer, and we realized that we might be able to make it. If we timed it right, we’d be able to get it done. Maybe there was an opportunity just as the first wave stopped, before the big movies came back in, or big television came back in and sucked all the crews and actors away. Plus everyone was basically sitting on their hands, having not worked for three or four months. So that was the beginning of it, a slightly cheeky plan to get something done.
Also, every project I had was folded at that point in March. I almost felt like I was never going to work again, for a split second. It’s like, “Oh my god,” which I’m sure was a common worry for everybody. So it started to come out of that. That was the beginning of it.
Was it difficult to write something in a way that wouldn’t also instantly feel dated six months later?
I don’t think that’s a worry so much. It’s almost like I’m more excited about making something that’s in the moment. My film Happy New Year, Colin Burstead has a similar set of issues where it was made about a political situation, it was around Brexit, and all those things are important to it. Kill List was as well, and Sightseers to a slightly lesser degree, but Kill List was a very particular moment in British history and world history, as well. So I’m not worried about that stuff.
In a way, the idea of things becoming dated — I watch a lot of movies from the ’60s and ’70s, it never bothers me about the political situation being different from now. I think dated is more like attitudes are dated, and that can be unfortunate when you watch something and go, “Oh god, did people really think like that then? Things have moved on slightly from that.” But also, when I was writing this, I was thinking, “This is not going to go away. I don’t think it’s going to go away for years, is it?”
There was something about watching TV and watching movies and going, “All these films feel like they’re so in the past now.” The stuff that was released after the lockdown, the concerns of these characters would be completely different now, in any contemporary film. Anything that was period was all right, but anything that was contemporary, you just went, “This feels weird.” Even just watching Tenet and going, “Look at all these people at a concert.” It felt weird. I was like, “This feels like from another time,” and I think that was part of the thing that spurred me forward, going, “I want to make something that’s in this moment.”
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Your previous film was Rebecca. Was this in a sense going 180 degrees from that? Rebecca was made for a large company, with big stars and a certain amount of gloss. This is a return to your roots in a way.
All the films are like that though, they’re all very different from each other. But if there hadn’t been COVID, I’d have done Tomb Raider 2 next. And then you could have the same conversation there as well. That’s very different from Rebecca, but it’s a different type of different. So I think that that’s always the hope, is that they’re different, because you don’t want to end up making the same thing again and again.
I’ve been lucky enough to be able to do those kinds of lower budget films. I think that films only hae a problem with their budget if you’re trying to make a high budget film for a low budget, or the wrong budget. But if you know what the budget is and it’s integrated into the script, it’s happy days, and it’s always good fun. There was no particular stress on In The Earth because of the money, because it was written specifically for that money, so it was never going to be anything else.
Talk about the logistics of making the film. You shot it in 15 days? How did you deal with the protocols of shooting during a pandemic?
The protocol stuff was a worry. We were the first film back that was a new production. Everything else filming around that time was big stuff like The Batman and Mission Impossible, and they were just restarting [after pausing filming]. So we had the eyes of the UK production industry on us, because if we screwed it and had to shut down straight away that would be a massive roll-on effect to everybody else. So we were very nervous about it. But, more importantly, we were nervous about the crew, because we didn’t want to risk anybody, didn’t want to get anybody sick. So a lot of time was spent thinking about it.
But then, in the end, the actual filming of it wasn’t too bad. There was a lot of money spent on PPE [personal protective equipment], sanitizing, masks, and things. But the pace of filming was exactly the same as all the other movies. Fifteen days, which is about the right amount of time for a genre horror movie, I think. A lot of it had been inspired by seeing schedules for Halloween, which I think was 20 days or something like that. It’s pretty lean and mean. We looked at that and went, “Wow, this is it. They’ve got a similar amount [of time].” I think the budget was similar to the budget that we had as well, the Halloween budget, adjusted for inflation. If you can’t make something good with this amount of money, then you’re doing it wrong. So that was inspiring as much as anything.
This connects to a film like A Field in England, because they’re both about something inexplicable in nature having an effect on human beings. Are those ideas that percolate in your head a lot when you’re writing a film like this?
I think Field is a horror film, [but it depends] how you define horror. My definition is reasonably broad, I think, for horror. Anything that is trying to make you uncomfortable and afraid, I think, is horror. But then, with my own definition, that would include musicals. The structure for In The Earth, there’s an unknowable something that’s living out in the woods, and various factions are trying to communicate with it, to varying levels of success. It’s a thing that is alien and can’t be communicated with in a traditional human way, but they’re trying to find a way through it.
I kept thinking about the thing that makes us different from other creatures, which is narrative and how narrative is our main technology, and putting ourselves in the middle of stories and trying to make stories around everything to make them make sense to us. That felt to me like that was Zach’s story, the story of a narrative. It was that he was desperately trying to make sense of these bits of information, but getting it hideously wrong. It’s the things around the creature which are the most dangerous, not necessarily the creature itself.
I read that Clint Mansell actually wrote the score before you started shooting, so you were able to play some of it on set to help set the mood?
Yeah, totally. It was one of the weird bits of luck that the whole COVID situation had brought, because I got to spend a lot more time on the score than I would have done for a film this size under normal circumstances. So Clint and I were talking about it while I was writing the script, and then those demos were bouncing backwards and forwards all during the summer.
The same goes for Nick Gillespie, the director of photography. We did a lot of testing, though we didn’t even see each other until two days before we shot the film because we’d been isolating. There was a lot of work that happened, because the pace of everything had slowed right down to a snail’s pace. You could drill into a lot of things that you never would do under normal circumstances.
The violence and the gore in your movies always strikes me as visceral, fairly abrupt, and almost matter-of-fact. Which I think makes it more horrifying. Is that something you aim for?
Yeah. That’s the reality of when you injure yourself. That feeling of, “Oh,” and you look at it and it doesn’t quite look right, and you’re like, “Oh no.” But it’s also the rhythm of using prosthetics and using wounds and stuff, it’s a similar rhythm to the way comedy works as well, with setup and punchline, and then response. They’re keys you’re basically playing within the scenes that are very specific and planned. Certainly the stuff in In The Earth, the scene in the tent, what I wanted to do is slow time down. Really slow it down so people were just like, “Oh, god.” They know they’re going to see something, and they know it’s going to be bad, but they know the situation can never stop. It’s like a proper nightmare.
There are things in the film that are graphic, but it’s a lot less graphic than many, many other films. It’s tonal — it’s not making light of the stuff. It’s going, “This is serious,” as opposed to just being throwaway. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s a whole different type of agenda. But with this, I wanted to raise the pulse of the viewer and make them sweat.
Is The Meg 2 next in your sights? Are you actively working on that now?
Yeah, I’m storyboarding at the moment on Meg 2. It’s been going on for four months, five months of boarding. It’s my happy place. I love storyboarding. I’m cutting storyboards and watching animatics, and slowly constructing the movie. It’s really exciting. It’s just action on a massive, massive scale.
Did you have a hand in the script?
No, the script is by the Hoeber brothers who wrote the first script, so it’s kind of a continuation on from that story.
Who is coming back from the first movie?
I don’t think I can say at the moment what’s going on, the ins and outs of it. But guaranteed, there will be a Megalodon… maybe more than one.
Are you still trying to get Freak Shift [Wheatley’s long-delayed underground monster movie] off the ground?
It bounces around. That’s the film that never goes away. I was thinking about it, I remember being in LA trying to get a meeting with Charlize Theron and then being told, “Oh no, she can’t do the meeting, she’s flying off to Africa to do Mad Max.” I was like, “Oh.” When we had that script originally it was quite a bold gender thing with a female hero. Now it’s 10 years later and it’s quite straightforward, which is good, but at the time it was quite radical. But hopefully one day.
How far did you get on Tomb Raider 2?
We were storyboarding and we were pretty close. We delivered the script and everything. Then it was almost that week where we went into the lockdown, and it was just like, “Oh, it’s not going to happen.”
In The Earth is in theaters now.
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13x01 Watching Notes
The common pronunciation around these parts for “Nougat” is "Nugget" FYI
There's a secondary mission here to find out WHY DID DABB TWEET "BUTT SHAKE"?
Expectations: I'd say a good 95% new plot action nonsense to 5% mourning and we've seen all of it in fragments because they're spoiling the good stuff to lure us in; we're doing well as a season if Asmodeus isn't horrifically hammy and looks like he'll be able to carry all the Buckleming episodes they'll surely shove him in, and Jack is either not a pillock or is clearly *supposed* to be a pillock and the writing reassures us of that, although I did start to warm up to him in those tiny glimpses of promo stuff so we might be good there.
Aside from that I'm so superbly chill about this season (not worried about Cas, assuming Mary needs to get back as well, I'm just going on trust that Michael is well cast based on the actor's fanbase after scrolling his twitter the other day and the fact he seems cool in the promo stuff in a way that does not make me nervous unlike the other 2 new characters, and like no preconceptions about what I need this season to be) that I've actually achieved what scientists may have thought was unpossible... I made it through an entire hiatus embedded in the heart of a wanky fandom and I don't really have strong opinions or needs for about what's to come :P
I say after just seeing "the road so far" because that looks classic. I can't remember which other season it most looks like because I'm way too hype but it looks good.
Gah I have the Worst Song Comprehension in the entire world WHAT IS THIS? There's just a montage of TFW hugs of various types going on and
"I never opened myself this way" and Dean in 12x22 opening up Mary and then the FREAKING GRENADE LAUNCHER MOMENT okay so the recap definitely is telling us the meta theme of season 12 in case we missed is so we're all on the same footing for season 13. This family loves each other a lot and we're busting down walls.
I watched the rest of the "road so far" then said out loud, "No. NO." as it wound up nursery first, because "no" are they not even going to show - OH SHIT IT'S THE SAME VIDEO AS THE ONE IN THE SUMMER. NO. We're ending this thing on dead Cas and Dean.
If this is how they mean to play it, I think I wanna take back that "fuck me up Dabb" from the previous point.
OH NO  I got tagged in a post like this last week about the bit in 8x19 where Sam goes into Hell and there's the woman there in one of the cages who is like "we've been waiting so long! You finally came!" and like... did I think she meant she was mistaking Sam for Lucifer, and I always think YES that is a GREAT reading for that scene and fuuuuuuck me I should have reblogged that post and gone looking for links to some of the other cool posts about that because that's like one of the small redeeming things about 8x19 to me, because that is just such a good creepy amazing Sam thing and also I am still so freakin bitter that Lucifer was Nick in the cage because he should have looked like Sam and 11x09 and 11x10 should have been Sam v Lucifer!Sam moments because where the FUCK did Nick come from...
Anyway you can probably guess exactly how far I've got into this episode aka 1 entire one word line but it's already completely fucked me up.
If you all don't remember my season 12 experience, yes I am the biggest Destiel shipper on the planet but I actually get super hype for good Sam plot stuff and I dug every moment of the season 12 Sam stuff about his powers and everything and this is a confrontation that *I* personally think was built up and due because of the evolving way it's going - they confronted his past, the parts he had no control over happening to him in season 12, and I surmised that season 13 ought to be about the parts that WERE in his control, and Sam coming to terms with some other old mytharc stuff that happened to him, the way he managed to fuck up the world on a cosmic scale that Jack will have to come to relate to and he can use to guide Jack...
So yeah, this is not the first time this has happened to Sam, but this is definitely the much much better, more potent way it's happened and I am DELIGHTED and we're 1 word into the season :D
*Dean stares at Cas* *stares at Cas* *stares at Cas* Yep I need to go shoot something.
Sauron is the big bad, but where is the one ring.
More seriously fuck yeah that gives complete continuity between my watching notes from 12x23 to this one because I am pretty sure I stopped them (aside from final whimpering notes to wrap up) thinking about Sam and Jack with yellow eyes and how this all looped back to the start. And how that was the key visual imagery, the way that Jack had yellow eyes and Sam's whole legacy of that stuff - things I've been screaming about since 12x12 and how it all came back into the story. I mean the scream I made in 12x12 when Ramiel flashed his eyes is a noise I've sort of low-key been making right until this point and I'm just so delighted about this imagery being given such a central place because it's not JUST Jack's eyes, even though he obviously has the most terrifying yellow fire floating around in his eyeballs, the colour is a motif that takes us right back to the beginning in terms of the story...
this isn't a recap going to a Mary scene
This nursery, as we were saying after season 12 ended, is just *soaked* in the vibes of the original nursery from the show... I kinda think the bad energy in that place would probably have given Dean that nightmare ANYWAY but it's symbolically super relatable to everything that's going on, especially as he's got to deal with re-losing Mary, and Sam's dealing with the massive heap of themes about trauma from the Pilot onwards...
I'm sort of vibing with 6x01 re-doing the burning on the ceiling thing to re-start from the start (8x01 also re-started from the start but borrowed different imagery and also addressed Sam's arc through the Trials stuff hence the 8x19 thing and also him talking about how pure he was in 8x21) - obviously we have been saying this all seems like a season 1 re-do in a weird way, especially taking the Winchesters back to basics (but in an awful way), and I think for Sam, just meeting Jack under those circumstances we ended the season on were enough to loop him back to the start, because baby in nursery and yellow eyes blah blah, but for Dean his trauma in the Pilot was Mary specifically (and 1x01 separated out him and Sam that his trauma was Mary, Sam's was Jess - which 8x01 borrowed for Kevin and his girlfriend, because Kevin was always a Sam mirror and had glowing golden god power eyes when he was activated in 7x21)...
So yeah Dean just got a top up of Mary trauma because the fucking WEATHER around here is pilot mirrors.
I would assume also probably maybe that was a semi-magical nightmare but I would not fucking put it past them to just show us Dean having a bunch of nightmares and like 7x05 maybe where he woke up from a dead Cas dream, we get stuff like that to show his absolutely wrecked mental state so I'll hold out hope it was kind of just Dean's imagination tormenting him, because we've only seen his nightmares extremely rarely in the absolute worst situations.
Just as a "the show is about more than sam and dean" stance, fuck the shipping, it needs to be so obvious on screen that Dean is suffering from losing Mary AND Cas in a way where it's obvious the dynamic can not just be Sam and Dean any more.
(Uh, I mean, they are by a big lake, but yeah they are a bad bad omen. I think there was meta about them circa 10x14, to give an idea of how bad hearing seagulls is.)
Wow Sam and Dean are having a lot of bad sleeps now.
"Wait, was that -" "Lucifer's son." look, Sam knows how Jack started his life. That he has the concept of "father". That it's about all he's said and all he's motivated by right now apparently. Sam sounds pretty freaked out and putting a LOT of weight on that concept - not "Kelly's son" or "the nephilim" - the fact Jack was born, and asked about Lucifer, and then walked buck naked out of the room and now we ain't got jack on Jack, like... This is a Lucifer related PROBLEM.
I just say, because I am pretty sure Sam's gonna be defending the kid in a couple of minutes so I need to lay out all the thoughts on what Sam knows and his headspace I possibly can as I go.
Oh nooo Cas's truck.
And I tell you what, I wrote a meta after 12x23 about how it was impossible to work out where Cas's truck was parked in the entire final conflict, and there was no fucking WAY the Impala and the truck were within shot of each other. Well guess fucking what. They are easily contained within frame now. I know you could just say minor continuity error but that's not why I'm yelling :P 
I'm yelling because I was writing about how the placement of their vehicles shows their closeness to each other or other metaphorical things (such as the no personal space parking job from 9x10 where Dean then pulled away and left the pimpmobile behind) and aside from the super dusty car, I am pretty sure I am saying that Cas's truck has appeared in visible shot because now it's not getting in the way of the action they can use it to symbolically show that Dean and Cas's vehicles are basically flanking the shot - but also they're so far apart and the house, representing Jack, and Kelly, and how Cas died, is between them.
(This meta business is like riding a bike :D)
Nakey Jack getting the same walk shot as Amara did.
Amara got it because creepy feet.
He's getting it because penis.
Hey there's the pirate place Dean's going to punch.
Holy shit I have never laughed so hard at the show in my entire life. I had a coughing fit that's scared the neighbour's dog.
(wait, good laugh - 10x15 still owes me a drink)
Salty Butt Combo sounds good anyway.
(this must be why Dabb said "butt shake", the fucker. The absolute fucker. I am going to kill him.)
I'm laughing on a meta level too (I mean, hysterically, out loud, but also meta) because especially in season 8 burgers were connected to humanity and Dean's return from Purgatory, and Dean has a history on the show of eating cheesebutts all the time for various reasons... I mean... This is liiiitterally turning Dean's favourite, metaphorically significant, food into butts.
I mean... do I just... run with it? I mean like... is this the new meta thing? We now have to associate Dean digging into a burger with eating ass? I mean what are you doing Dabb?
I actually have a headache now because I laughed too hard and too loud.
Please please tell me Jack comes into this place, accidentally kills these dudes, and leaves a trail of destruction that when their supervisor gets to the store to deal with it, the police are like... trying to deal with the bodies but also cracking up a little and finally she looks up and it's like... HIGH SEAS BUTT COMBO
I mean that's going to make it into the newspapers
Oh wait, the inventor of the Buttshake is the guy from the police station that was talking to Jack so he's going to at least make it out of this scene.
See, that picture of Jack with pants on was in the PR photos and I was like "naaah" and defended that Jack did not have pants on and people didn't believe - no one understood. I knew this was gonna happen and because I don't lay down too much spec and what good would "Jack wanders around buck naked for like the entire first quarter of the episode" have done anyway so I was just making fun of him for being fully grown and naked in the hope that the fact he was naked was a major character trait because it was one of like 2 we knew about him... Yeah I'm feeling vindicated on a crack spec I can't really prove, especially as I was joking that Sam shames him into manifesting pants but I mean... I knew. Guys, I knew.
This has gone from horror to stoner movie classic in about 2 minutes flat.
I fucking love this show.
I am gonna make a gifset if I can stop cry-laughing for long enough
"Hi baby! .... *How naked*?"
I mean I think it's adorable that Jack wandered down to the nearest place with more people to make enquiries but this is also wigging me out a bit because I thought that the smart thing to do would be to give him like all the functioning knowledge for this world (I do remember a post going around Tumblr that babies learn like 6x Les Mis amounts of words in the womb) BUT start him from scratch but that it would be super hard to pull off, and essentially they've decided to do exactly what I thought was going to be the most intelligent handling of the situation but not exactly the easiest, and he seems to really have been born with a single motivation and the most basic understanding of the world that his little baby cosmic supercomputer brain is going to have to piece together the entire world from context cues and natural intellect to deal with the rest...
I'm all for it as long as they handle his progression well. And don't use him as the ... butt ... of the joke.
I assume we all know the butt thing was because Jack is naked and it was joking about the fact he's wandering about butt out but they can't show it so they're just like butt butt butt on the menu board instead.
Promo scene! Oh no! We're not thinking about it. Not over it from last night. Dean is piiiissed.
Sam saying he had it under control is interesting now we have seen the actual scene in question. Sam did not really have it under control. He was babbling uncertainly like, no I'm not your father and also btw that freaks me out because he HAS possessed me before and being mistaken for him is SUUUPER uncomfortable and he's the reason for like 100% of my trauma past and present, and you're freaking me out... And yeah, between scenes he's decided they can't hunt Jack, that even if he seems to be laser focused on finding his father there has to be hope for him. This context is important: That Sam knows Jack's motivation and what it MEANS on a deeply horribly personal level and is defending him anyway. (I mean that "anyway" in the context of what Sam might think or feel rather than from my perspective where I can see it all from space and obviously Jack is not just any of this and anyway he'll be hunting with them sooner or later and there's presumably hope for Jack in this world...) But yeah, Sam knows how it is, searching for your father, for one thing. Which, interestingly, costuming aside, I don't think there's been MAJOR John and Lucifer parallels (hilarious that Lucifer changed his clothes just in time) in the same way that like, God and John were paralleled at a major narrative level. But now Jack wants to find his dad, which is the season 1 motivation for Sam and Dean, and that makes Lucifer and John narratively paralleled.
I don't think Sam is necessarily defending that Jack came out the womb with a one track mind to find Lucifer (maybe he wants to kill him, we haven't asked the guy his opinion yet) but that of course he thinks Jack can be reasoned with, saved from himself, and Sam relates heavily to being given powers beyond your control, and that there's hope for Jack to have a normal-ish life etc. None of which can be accomplished by just killing him outright.
Dean's just mad because Cas is dead and none of this would have happened if not for Jack
There's literally NOTHING TO META over on the Destiel side of things
I am feeling the void that they just left Cas there while rushing out to deal with Jack but I guess he's such an urgent problem Cas can wait and the house is remote enough that the milkman isn't likely to come round and see Cas lying dead in the back garden.
"Before he hurts anyone else" - he barely hurt you guys, it's more like he banged you up a bit and it was obviously a terrifying display of power and you don't want him to do *even that* again but - I mean - Dean, honey.
those words are going to be my approach to him for a while I think :P
That sheriff car really pushing the Twin Peaks vibe just because of the mountains on it... Was comparing it last season... Watched Twin Peaks for the first time shortly before the finale and caught Dabb just outright stealing an entire line from one of its episodes.
Either the police station is super close or Jack has been unintentionally terrorising the guys in the pirate restaurant for like an hour while just staring at the sign. He's thinking really hard about ordering the salty butt combo.
So we're really pushing how creepy Jack is. I mean, duh, it's the first episode and the first like 5 minutes of his screen time so he'll smile scarily for us.
They definitely cast him well for looking like Kelly but also having a really evil looking smirk.
Oh no. Cas.
They said Dean put the sheet over him and he's indoors so I guess that scene just happened in between things although right now we have no context for that so unless the angels say they didn't move Cas inside and put a sheet over him we don't have anything but actor confirmation this was a thing that happened, which is, of course, meaningless currency but makes for good headcanons... 
I mean I paused it on his dead face and went "waaaah" so I need to watch the rest of the scene but this is where I'm at going into it anywho.
Nope, one angel had to ask which means they are investigating the house which meeeeans that this was how Dean left Cas and it's implied by the subtext that this is what happened in one of those "the subtext isn't an ineffable cloud of possible happenstance, they just didn't show it on screen so this fills in the blank for us" ways and I am not okaaaaaaaaay
Also we have them as our straw man angels - one saying he deserved better (LOL I HOPE ALL THE CAS STANS ARE HAPPY THAT'S BEEN SAID IN THE STORY) and one who is saying he didn't. Representing that Heaven is conflicted about Cas's actions and that some still revered him and some still loathed him.
Also the one who hated Cas called Kelly a "Brood Mare" so he's a dick and I hope he gets stabbed pretty soon because we know there's angel stabbings in this episode, and I just was not paying any attention whatsoever to them in the spoilers.
So the clothes Jack ended up in were spares from the police station. The kid who worked at the pirate place has come along with them because fuck responsibility (he is so the bad influence cool guy and I hope Jack kinda gets a little puppy love crush on him although he's calling Jack weird still...)
That statement that no one is weird but normal in their own way was really nice though. Positive influences around Jack! Yeah!
Hahaha they literally said "Lost and Found" for where the clothes came from. Subtle. Jack's lost and found - he's a spare thing left behind, to be collected by the original owner or taken by someone who needs them more.
I used that phrase for a fic title back in season 12 about Mary about how she had been lost and found - died and came back - but also how she felt lost in the world now and then was found again when someone who related to her situation bonded with her and - okay it just turned into Charlie taking Mary back to her place and them making out but the point is that's the emotional tone I was using the title for. I assume it also applies to Jack's emotional state, but he hasn't been "found" yet and I'm assuming Sam will do that for him, but I don't think they'll go back to their place to play video games, drink a few beers and learn the ways of luuurve.
(I know some people were (crack?) shipping them but even though Jack's an adult now and technically only like... well, the actor would be within the window to have a thing with Sam and for it not to be weird age wise, but the whole framing of it... Jack acting like a grown up baby... yeah. We'll see how it goes but the dynamic wider fandom has built for them has been with Jack as a child. The way I see it is more the intern dynamic if he joins up with TFW, but the way they relate to him will have to be as a child by necessity at least until he's demonstrated emotional and intellectual maturity to them, and even then I think the impression will linger for a while...)
that was a weird side note... these notes are a disaster. Look it's been MONTHS and I didn't do rewatch notes for season 10 over hiatus like I meant so I am out of practice at this.
I also took a short break to chat with Mittens to confirm I wasn't going crazy, that WAS the same song as the other video they released in the hiatus, and yep we got the Nothing Else Matters destiel music video as the season opener. No I haven't processed it yet :D
Oh gosh Jack remembers his mom (HI KELLY, RIP) and he says she's in Heaven (can't recall his surname), and that memory was basically the footage from the USB stick, so he's internalised that somewhere without watching it. It's 2 influences, good and bad - a pure perfect dead mom (booo tropes the show was supposed to have ditched dramatically via Mary) and a literal satan father who "should have been there" but wasn't - ironically removed from the narrative by the reformed pure dead mom from last season, Mary. These are the two biological influences on him, anyway. The 2 sides of his nature he may struggle with and the way the conflict may be framed for him.
Buuut and here's a thing that might be contentious. So he knew Lucifer was supposed to be there when he was born and that he has to find him? He seems to have had that low level awareness of the world around him even in the womb, or at least was born with messages or some sort of communication from Lucifer lingering in his subconscious. Lucifer seemed linked to him while he was in the womb and I suppose this confirms it may have run both ways. Bleh.
The Jack As A Blank Slate characterisation is good because it excuses his actions from season 12 as done without knowing intent as he's still figuring it all out now, but these lines do implicate him in the actions, by giving him a sense of at least semi-awareness, of having a missive from before he was even born, knowing that he was supposed to find his father.
I think that also goes with Kelly leaving him the USB stick with the message on it - he has a missive from both his parents. Kelly's of course being so positive and hopeful for him, and Lucifer just kinda... being threatening to his goodness by wanting to be anywhere near him.
OH GOSH and he remembers burning Dagon. He did have an awareness of what was going on towards the end of the pregnancy!
"I remember the universe screamed" well that would be opening the AU I guess
yeah the thumbprinting thing isn't going to do much good :P Blank slate imagery again - he's not on the system, he's new!
Oh boy the stoner movie kid is going to have a wild ride explaining this.
Jack's getting better at full sentences though.
*blink blink*
And that was the Invention of Sarcasm.
Or he was telling the guy how stupid he was like... I have a superior intellect. I know this is a chair and this is a floor and this is the planet earth. Thank you, moronic human who keeps asking me the most obvious questions ever, it's really helping me collect my thoughts and begin to understand my environment. Are all humans as stupid as you?
Uhoh, the "I'm hungry" did not bode well with Amara. But is this going to be a fake out? He didn't seem about to attack the guy for his soul, so is he just going to have a whole ton of junk food when we get back and the guy is like yeah I knew he had the munchies so I raided my stash of M&Ms I keep here and it's all good.
I really can't tell how much of Jack's story is Ominous Nephilim Shit and how much is Stoner Bro Movie Lols
Here's the context about the curly butt fries line and destroying the world. People took it literally and it always seemed like this would be the context that Dean was putting fake words in Jack's mouth because he does it ALL the time. Like the line about getting bored of croquet so you know what's really fun? MURDER. I love it when he does this. I need to make him do it more when I write him.
Anyway Sam understands Jack, he can guess his location. Dean is doubtful and *specifically* mentions torching Chicago I think because of the 5x21 reference to his pizza date with Death. I think that is actually a good comparison because cosmic being but one who was a good ally in his own massive cosmic way. It's a nice omen. Dean is being wrong/right with his sarcasm. It's complicated :P
The fact he is letting Sam go in there also means he doesn't think that Jack is in there probably because the shack is still standing. Sam is going to go find clues! But while they're sitting in the car and Dean's sending Sam into a shack alone I can't help but remember 2x21 which was of course where Sam got snatched in a fast food shack and Dean asked for pie and it aaaaall began. I also wonder why Dean punches the sign and that makes me think that something might happen to Sam somehow although I can't guess how.
I have never related to anyone more than Drunk Fries Girl except I've done it in reverse, just missing the deadline on hashbrowns in McD's and stomping out of the store instead of just ordering fries :P
Sam deals with the awkwardness of asking for a tall naked guy with a level of composure Dean wouldn't manage in a million fucking years.
That's the entire meta.
You were right, Sam!
Sam's asking after Jack as the FBI and it's a way to not have him act as his father on the phone. But the thought occurred to me and I wonder if it passed Sam's mind or if he's judged Jack's age that they're not terribly far apart - less than 10 years.
I don't think they're really playing into this comparison right now anyway - like it was just for the opening scene, or the sheriff would have asked, "are you his father" and put Sam into the awkward position and THEN have him say that he's an agent.
This is literally the best exchange in the entire show because Sam is having to pretend to be FBI while talking about Jack, with Fries Girl and Over Enthusiastic Pirate Guy watching, and his eyes just went to the cheesebutt menu and he saw it and he did not laugh on the phone. 
I think Sam is strong and brave and of pure heart and fuck the "trials" or whatever the fuck shows the measure of a man, he just passed through the fucking abyss and came out the other side because he didn't laugh at Cheesebutt.
And, look, I laughed at the cheesebutt thing and the way it reflects hiiiilariously on Dean and the burgers thing. We all laughed at it. But Sam just blinked off in short succession a gay accusation and the urge to laugh at cheesebutt like it didn't even fucking affect him and I am just
At the end of 12x23 my only conclusion was "i have been mindfucked"
and I thought
maybe season 13 will be you know... normal
Dabb it has been 15 minutes and I am so fucked up about everything :P
And now we cut to Dean with his messed up knuckles. Did he just go punch something off-screen?
(You know, the pirate sign that he punched in the promo for a totally random out of nowhere example of punchable things in the vicinity)
I hope he's not coping so badly that we're getting it in angsty flashbacks because that blood was not there before. And angsty flashbacks basically mean Destiel is canon.
The drunk are an open and friendly people... Is she going to get Dean to open up? She's literally infodumping her life story on him because she's been up all night and her feet hurt and no one will give her fries, and I think she's about to fucking put the moral of the season in Dean's head somehow I don't know yet because I have literally paused because I was contemplating removing the dash between me bitching at Dabb for the wonderful fucked up episode and this commentary on it :P
Yep she told him that she punched Becky's stupid Elsa poster (what is Dabb's deal with Elsa from Frozen? Does he have a small daughter we don't know about that inflicted Let It Go on him in a loop? :P) and lit all her stuff on fire and started rambling about just burning the world down in her rage.
And then called Dean sensitive to Sam and this is amazing because her drunk wisdom sees right through his shit. I love fries girl.
I LOVE Fries Girl, she wrote "bitch" on the car :D :D :D
was THIS why Baby is all dusty? People are writing rude words all over everything this episode. I mean it's like a theme. A theme of desecration and burning the world down around you and who gives a flying fuck about consequences - you can change all the menu items to Butt because your mom's the sheriff and banging the guy who owns the restaurant or whatever, and if your roommate is a bitch, burn down all her things.
I mean then she writes it on the car which is sort of ominous about all their stuff being burned up.
I mean Dean did have that dream about Mary
He's lost Cas, that's his world burning down around him.
It's... Look, it's weird they have put off whatever Dean did in the intervening time Sam was eyeing up the cheesebutt menu to show later because we know we see it later because there's a hanging "what happened to your knuckles" question and we saw the clip in the promo. It's a storytelling decision to delay this, and we just see Dean dealing with it by drinking, splashing some alcohol on the cuts, and that's that for now.
What a fucking mess. Dean. Honey.
I suppose to keep the action flowing we deal with Jack but Dean's emotional story is running alongside it and it's being put off, held back... but it's not being held back forever. It's going to be opened up to us. But for NOW we just see kinda what Sam and outsiders see - the same thing I was meta-ing about the promo scene, about how they kept us outside the car for that conversation, about how we're not being allowed into Dean's grief and not being able to name Cas is another thing, another delay, another inability to confront it, just... we're outside, we're watching Dean struggle from afar. From Drunk Fries Girl POV.
This episode is fucking magnificent.
Maybe Jack is eating Clark, which is the name apparently of the kid.
Or are they laughing?? I think I heard laughter?
LAUGHTER and the munchies fake out.
I love you Dabb.
This literally says EVERYTHING about Jack and I now trust him completely.
Jack's first part of the story has gone from ominous to what a fucking cutie. He might not actually be a stoner but he's adorably sort of mascot-y to this guy and it's just hilarious that he can be like fuck the system I want candy, let's misuse my powers to get more candy because I love nougat. I mean I was wrong that the world would be saved in 13x23 because of trousers because that was a joke but I am legit thinking that this Human Things redux arc for Jack is going to save us all because fucking nougat. And that's a serious spec you can hold me accountable for at the end of the season.
The fact they're sitting on the floor giggling together is just sweet. Jack is learning about friendship so I doubt he would hurt Clark intentionally now, so if Clark does get hurt by Jack it's going to be a tragedy. Maybe something to show Jack how dangerous his powers are and make him want to be more careful and respectful to human life. I think Clark maaay be in the firing line as an adorable toy that gets mangled because Jack doesn't know how rough he's playing >.>
Also Jack you should probably not eat so much candy, because you'll get sick.
OH NO JACK. Is angel radio messing with your head?
OH NO he hurt the sheriff!
OH NO this is how he does the lights blowing walk? IT's AWFUL. PROTECT MY CANDY LOVING GIANT MAN BABY.
I am so upset. I apparently am extremely protective of my Nougat and angel radio hurts him and they're yelling about him and want to kill him and he's sensitive too :<
(whatever wizardry Dabb wove with the stoner movie subplot worked.)
Sam and Dean are not hailed as heroes for stopping Nougat, they're arrested to and given the first ever proper search to confiscate all their guns and knives by a cop who knows what the fuck she is doing. Now Dean has to answer for themselves, using his real name and actual job. He's not got a fuck to give.
She asks him if he's a superhero and some part of Dean just crumbles away inside and he says no. In 9x07 especially there was a strong theme of Dean being a superhero and Thinman also had superhero comparisons to them and it was part of the shine of the job wearing off - one of the more subtly horrible Dean moments in season 9 is that superhero action figure melting on the hob yelling "I clobber evil!" into a horrifying mangled sound. I think I just saw his face convey the exact same symbolic awfulness just in his eyes. Fuck you Jensen.
Note to self: gif that if somehow or other someone else hasn't yet.
I mean it's all shattered because the illusion is gone, Dean has nothing left to live for, he's just a guy doing a job. There's no meaning, no personal glory, no one to do it FOR. He's just the tool that gets it done because it has to be done, because what fucking benefit does he get from any of it if the job is also just watching everyone he loves die. That doesn't make him feel like a superhero that makes him feel like total bleak nihilism where you might as well just be upfront and dead inside and tell the truth because what's even the point of lying.
This episode has a lot of nihilism but some of it is fun buttburger style and some is killing me inside :P
Also Dean had to confirm angels are real, and the look on his face when he does THAT is ALSO AWFUL. Because everything is awful.
All that baggage where confirming angels are real he knows what people think. He knows what HE thought. He knows how what he thought was different from what other people thought about angels (see: the entire conflict between him and Sam in 2x13) and what angels eventually became to him. That one angel WAS watching over him. That there was one who broke the pattern and was ... Cas.
I tell you what I thought while I was getting dinner... This is the first time I've felt like we're in a show run by the guy who helped create Plucky's.
This is the tone. This is the exact right mouthfeel for Dabb era. This is what it SHOULD be.
FINALLY the Sam and Jack confrontation we deserve!
Sam is getting through and chatting! Jack is talking about why he was scared which is nice and symbolic about sharing and caring feelings for better communication and understanding!
Sam's still scared of being in the same room as Jack, flinching when he moves, much like when he's around Lucifer. He's legit scared of a thing and Sam is the biggest badass hunter in the world (like, no offence Dean, you have an impressive and showy history but in terms of brute strength and raw badass mofo power it's Sam :P He's Sam Fucking Winchester and you have a much more personal, over-dramatic flair to the big kills and such)
Jack moves forward intently because he doesn't know that this much eagerness is a trait stamped out of adults, and sits cross-legged, childish, but still imposing. He's learned cross-legged is a fun way to sit and I'm really liking the choices here to make him both naive and powerful.
He's fucking sitting with the Mr Burns hands i knew it i knew this was going to be a trait of his, I called it from like 2 promo pics. God damn I'm good at reading body language from just a few stills :P He's exactly what I was expecting but in full 3D animation.
It's just... a cute weird trait. He doesn't know what to do with his hands so he just rests them where they are and lets them hang, because he doesn't have any tics or mannerisms. He's mannerismless. He's so new he hasn't got the faintest trace of social anxiety. This is a raw, undamaged soul.
I am going to weep when Nougat gets hurt in the bits that make him so sweet.
See now he's apologising for hurting people.  He sounds so confused when he says "I'm sorry" like he's sounding out the concept but the great thing is he's learning 1000 miles an hour. Anna told Cas he doesn't know what it is to be sorry and Cas still struggled with it in season 7 in the "playing sorry" game and only in 9x11 expressed that he truly understood empathy and human emotion now. Jack tries on an emotion for size, discovers it, and now seems to be fairly earnest about it.
Sam: *blink blink*
Sam was RIGHT. <3
Hahahah he says Kelly is a part of him. Another point for me! That was one of my specs for how he got to learn English and concepts so fast - that the reason it's fatal to birth him is because he's going to not just absorb the basic baby stuff like nutrients and stuff but he's going to suck her dry of facts and concepts and that's what destroys her. It's like what Amara did but far more complex.
Damn, I'm sorry you had to die for this Kelly, this is a pretty terrible idea in some ways. I better not overthink it.
He just said that his powers are him but not him - he sees them as something other from himself. The whole deal that he needed to be born powers and all, that taking the grace was taking a part of him - yeah. The Cas argument about his grace too, that it can be removed from him and he'll still be Cas, the grace is just power... If Jack sees it as a separate part of himself, a "Not Me" part of himself... That's a huge thing.
Oh my fucking GOD He thinks Cas is his FATHER OH NO OH NO OH NO OOOH NOOO.
(Also thanks a LOT people reading along with me for not telling me. Look, the analysis about Sam thinking it was Lucifer and Dabb's BIG Nougat Fake Out build up were all like... how it was meant to be read :P I guess that's why they backed off the father thing for Sam immediately after using it in the one place it would hurt the most.)
I mean Cas did basically act as the co-parent with Kelly and I am pretty sure our Nougat has some lines crossed here and OH MY GOSH DABB YOU MAGNIFICENT FUCKER
See when I said they were making Jack look SUPER FUCKING CREEPY when he was naked at the drive in obviously that was a fake out because I knew he was gonna be hunting with them later but oh my fucking fuck de fuck I want to go back and watch Jack's bits all over again where he's wandering around naked (as Cas is wont to do) asking for his father because FUCK.
He's born as Cas and Kelly die and now he's wandering around asking for Cas and that whole opening, that whole build up where he seems sinister... He remembered Cas all along... Oh gosh I said some things about him back there... I should go back to that scene immediately.
I nearly cracked a fucking joke that Jack doesn't have a last name just like Cas and it turns out that scene was a joke about Jack not having a last name because Cas is his father and HE doesn't have a fucking last name.
I hate everything.
Jack picked Cas to be there to be his parent and guide when Cas said that thing about being his guardian to show him the righteous path and Jack heard it from the womb and was like YES I CHOOSE YOU PIKACHU and that was that, Cas was his father now. Found family in the extreme. Who is the best family, the good family? I'll have that one please.
Oh gosh and now it's sadder that the sheriff was asking for a phone number or address because Cas HAS those. He has a HOME.
Anyway back to the Sam and Jack scene, which I already watched through but I want to watch AGAIN DAMMIT.
Gosh this is magnificent though because it puts Cas so squarely in the middle of everything - even though he's dead he's Jack's focus and he's Jack's moral centre and everything that is good about Cas is what Jack wants to beeeeeee and oh my gosh is he going to choose the Winchesters to be his new guardians because they were Cas's family? HELP ME.
I'm still kinda not over Jack completely becoming Kelly in the womb and being born by sucking her goodness out from the inside.
What a godawful parenting metaphor/commentary on the mother's sacrifice.
Oh and the door to the other world thing as the lead in to talking about his father? I was so sure it was going to be about Lucifer and then -
oh god I am in pain.
Because he diverts from talking about the portal to talking about needing to find his father to protect him and I was like A: well you need the portal for that and B: nooo, Nougat, you don't need that fucker in your life! and then -
Anyway Sam's face while talking about Cas is just... ARGH. And Jack's so earnest and happy about Cas protecting him and how he had to grow up
And then poor Nougat's face when Sam tells him Cas is dead and he's SO ANGRY. And THAT, my dear Nougat, is how you get to the lovely position of being furiously vengeful against your birth father in order to avenge your chosen father and I am delighted.
Cas is Jack's Bobby.
OH NO Clark has gone out to smoke with headphones. He's so gonna get angel murdered if Jack's not gonna kill him (because he is a soft squishy nougat person) and then Jack's going to be even more hurt.
I suppose Sam doesn't want to convey that to Dean because he knows how Dean is with concepts he hates because he's currently flippantly talking about killing "Damien" out back rather than engage with the subject matter, but tbh I think bringing up Cas would be such a knock to the feels that Sam might be able to get in the line that "this kid seems to have a Cas-guided morality" while Dean is still emotionally picking himself up.
AHAHAHA Dean said "that won't do jack against her" - he's still using "jack" as a phrase
Dean's Becky... what a surprise :P Maybe Fries Angel writing "Bitch" on the car wasn't subtle enough.
The angels find Dean an annoying roommate whose drama they're always having to deal with.
Mittens just reminded me I wept about 9x07 to her and the poor melting action figure and how the angels want to burn Dean down. I am not okaaaay.
OOOH we're getting angel radio now because Jack's our in!
I don't think their eyes normally light up to communicate with it but new season new rules and this must be a mechanic we're dealing with more than just this one example.
Poor Clark - Jack briefly had a friend, learned to sit cross legged and eat nougat from him, and now his friend who made him laugh is dead. It's a HARD LIFE being a Winchester.
Also the main Winchesters are getting smashed up
Wait Dean just got back up with STYLE. Nice fight
Hey Clark is still alive-ish... Maybe Jack can heal him.
That was some great quick thinking by Sam.
Guess walls affect it or Fries Angel was too far away.
Fries Angel needed to stick around to deliver some Destiel exposition that she knows Dean's first thought to "Jack can do anything" was not "I will use him to reopen that portal and get mom back" but "I will get him to resurrect my dead angel" and just immediately goes from that to crushing Dean about Cas's death
"Castiel, he's dead. All the way dead. Because of you."
That is.. the worst line
"Or what, Other One?" Jeeeze the angels really do have more of a beef with Dean about the whole Winchesters thing for some reason. That really means in a couple of lines of exposition that every time heaven has mocked Cas about The Winchesters they really have meant Dean... Just, you know.. remember who wrote the eeny meeny miney mo scene for a sec, back when he had to be subtle about Dean calling Cas but that just being a random happenstance to what the angels were talking about, essentially :P
Oh no she stabbed Nougat!
I assume he doesn't die because... you know.. spoilers.
He's got his own Cas-like pull the blade out moment, but... Wow.
Poor guy is stunned and confused and a little hurt though.
Oh no Clark is fine but going to hospital. I mean I assume this means doctors will help him. His mom is telling him he'll be brave and so on.
Poor Nougat is so sad about how horrible this world is. Cas isn't here to protect him and Sam and Dean just did a moderately adequate job at fending off the angels while getting the shit kicked out of them because angels are scary and powerful again.
Sam tries to bring up the keeping Jack thing again and Dean's like yeah we can keep him but he's evil so I guess that means you clean up the mess a la taking a puppy home? 
Dean's still convinced Jack is evil and brainwashed Kelly and Cas - it's kinda more terrifying that he BECAME Kelly and absorbed her, and I do think he chose Cas to be his father and none of it was malicious, and they gave him the love and promise of protection he needs to be good and all and it's a billion times more nuanced than Dean thinks... He's being protective of Cas, depressed about their life and their chances... I think he's going to be pretty wrong about Nougat because from 12x19 it was obvious he had chosen Cas BECAUSE Cas was good and would protect him. Even when he didn't think he could do it himself. So I think Jack, uh... motivated Cas... because he wanted him... Like, I still think Jack did shit to Cas because he did creepy shit to Kelly which we're apparently going to move on from because he is an adorable squishy guy who I want to follow with a blanket and a stick to beat off people who will wear him down. But yeah, 12x19 is super weird and I don't *like* the method Jack acquired his mom and dad, even if I do think that he's not evil and the end result seems extremely positive if he popped out the womb determined to find Cas, and has a Cas-centric morality. Loving Cas is obviously the good and best thing you can do on this show and it's vindicating in spades he's a nice guy because he loves Cas and considers him a father for the protection he offered.
(Still think if he was pure good to start with he'd have SAID "hey I plan to be born a full grown adult, you don't need these diapers" but that WAS what caused him to open the rift so maybe his attempt to warn Cas went astray... :P)
But yeah I still find Jack "choosing" Cas to be his father and to create that bond out of nothing, almost instantaneously, to be a little suspect in the happenstance of it, even if as I've been saying all along I have been completely open to him turning out to be, well... Nougat.
But Dean doesn't care, he wants to kill Jack. "At least the only people he can hurt there are you and me" WOW DEAN.
OH NO OH NO OOOOH NOOOOOOOOO O OoOOOOooooOOOooo o Sam is saying "are you sure about this Dean? It's Cas" - I assume in reference to burning him rather than burying him and Dean's gonna be like, Fries Angel said he was dead as dead. 
I don't wanna see it.
"You don't think I've tried that" OH NO
Here's the flashback! Told you it was coming! (You have all seen this episode no one is mad enough to wait 18 hours just to watch for the first time with my notes) But yeah as I was saying, sidelining Dean's emo stuff to focus on the action, to set it aside, to put us away from it, to keep it back for when it would hit most. To do some god damn STORYTELLING around here. Some fucking ardfgjhlsksdfhjklslhfdjqp storytelling. That when all the action is done, when Dean has been ground down into a fucking paste by this day, the day of having to come to terms with the loss of Cas, when we know he went off to have some private punching things time and Sam was being the least gay to possibly gay in the comic stoner movie side of the story, Dean was having a moment SO POWERFUL that it could ONLY be conveyed to us by not showing it happening until we were deeply, truly, in the context of Dean mourning Cas and where we could focus on that with nothing left to distract us that this is the Worst.
.... I have been sitting here not pressing play for over 10 minutes
I have paused it immediately
because they used the camera angle from Baby
the Roadhouse one
and the one from the fight where Cas was on the phone
so uh
Add hysterical weeping to the things this show makes me do because I was one stoic snarky hahaha isn't this ridiculous Jack planned to adult all along so the diapers thing was a massive prank kinda person and then bam Dean went out back to pray and I was scream-crying and then he said Cas was his everything and I am never going to be chill again
Okay, Chuck… or god, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You LEFT us. You went off. You said… You said the earth would be fine because it had me… and Sam, but it’s NOT, and we’re NOT.
We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back. Okay? You’re gonna bring back Cas, you’re gonna bring back Mom, you’re gonna bring ‘em all back. All of ‘em. Even Crowley.
’Cause after everything that you’ve done, you OWE us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here and you make this right, right here and right now.
Please. Please help us.
Thanks Mittens.
First name basis with the guy upstairs: this is a personal appeal in case he ever actually cared. (Spoiler alert: I don't think Dean is going to come out of this with a better opinion of God)
*I* need your help. Not we, *I*. This is on Dean's behalf for Cas.
He brings up the line which we went into Dabb era on and I ripped to shreds critically at the time that Chuck ever put that burden onto Dean because he has some broad ass shoulders but they are not big enough for the world and his whole problem is he's always been carrying it in the first place so Chuck didn't do SHIT to make him feel better AND NOW DEAN IS CRITIQUING THE CARETAKERS OF THE EARTH IDEA. THAT IT SHOULD NOT BE HIS BURDEN. MAYBE NOT BECAUSE HE CAN'T DO IT BUT BECAUSE HE SHOULD NOT BE EXPECTED TO DO IT. He was singled out as the firewall between light and dark but he doesn't feel like a superhero. He doesn't clobber evil. He's being STRIPPED DOWN AS A PERSON. WHO EVEN IS HE. WILL DEAN QUIT HUNTING? JESUS CHRIST, I SAID THAT LINE IN 11x23 WAS AWFUL FOR DEAN BUT I DIDN'T THINK DABB WAS GONNA GO *THERE*
And he says the world isn't fine - and they're not. Their emotional state reflects the world. The centre of the universe thing, in the storytelling, makes the world reflect Dean. His misery or happiness is on a cosmic scale. This tangledupness of him in the middle of it all is killing him because the world will be in danger and that can't all land on him. He can't be the Atlas of this world. But he is. OH how he is. But this isn't a world with superheroes. Just HUMAN GUYS DOING THEIR JOB.
And then the transition. The terms and conditions. The "you have given me a fucked up burden so pls unfuck it and here's how" swinging around from "everything" to "him". The implicitness of it all. The... The fact everyone knows it's about Cas. It's not about Mom. It's not about Crowley. He can say their names. He couldn't say that Cas was dead. Fries Angel immediately identified it. Cas is the answer to all the questions, where all roads lead. And they've come back to the house where he died, FOR Cas, and Sam asks about praying and Dean has already asked and got no answer, already been told Cas is permadead, and THIS is where we deliver the bombshell. Everything flows into "him".
Cas is Dean's everything.
And yeah he wants Mary back and fuck it fuck you God fuck everything just fucking include Crowley to because why the fuck not, you owe me. All that pointless stupid death and loss, it's enough to make me feel bad that Crowley is gone.
And oh the wank over the summer he would ask for Crowley back too (and I smacked the desk and hooted with laughter, with tears still in my eyes, reeling from the "everything" line because I called the way Dean would ask for him back. I knew it!), it just... Even Mary doesn't compare because she's tacked on in the repetition, the clarification that everything is him is Cas. And it's totally fine for Dean to ask for these others he's lost back, for them to be in the same sentence as Cas, because yes he lost them and it hurts and it's awful, but there is a very special awful reserved for Cas. The kind of awful where Sam has to pause and ask Dean if he's sure, if he doesn't want to find a way to bring him back. And we ALL know we're not supposed to bring people back because there's consequences. We're all adults in the room, they both have done it, seen and FELT the consequences for having it done TO them. But Sam knows. He just knows what happens when it's someone like Cas. And maybe we don't have any more bullshit, we just ask politely and carefully if this is going to be a "bring them back at any cost" situation, and how can I help?
And then at the end of the prayer Dean cracks out the exact look and angle of expression for his Plea To God face that he has used... once. In 5x14. When utterly at the end of his rope. This is what losing Cas has brought him to - the lowest point, the one back in season 5 that was a danger to the guardianship of the world lumped on Dean's shoulders, because it was where he was when he nearly said yes to Michael, the despair cycle he couldn't deny any more at the time... Yeah, this has kind of seen and waved at season 7 on the way to hurtling all the way back to the Worst Dean Has Ever Felt To Date.
And Dean has given up all faith in God ever helping them or caring about them.
Sam has taken him to see his dead mom. :(
Time to grapple with the concept of loss.
*beeps her big toe*
Oh Nougat I truly feel bad for you now. Look at his big soft face. He consumed her to gain his life and powers and his intelligence and his GOODNESS and oh no that means he's gonna feel baaad about it.
But Dean is downstairs with Cas, alone. Can this episode get any fucking worse.
Oh god Dean.
You should have told him.
You should have fucking told him.
Oh Nougat you... sweetie. He has no clue what to say. :(
Sam tells him to say thank you, because he devoured Kelly, and to say sorry.
Oh Sam, he's crying for Cas as well.
OH NO Dean's so defeated about Mary it's just... UGH.
I assume these are the first things he says today where he gets immediately proven wrong - I assume the last scene will be a hop across the universe lines.
"They're all gone"
This is simultaneously the best Sam stuff in 1000 miles of canon and the worst Dean episode ever and I am in agony.
Yep that billisecond of footage was completely right. Sam is sad, Jack, who we didn't see, is struggling sweetly with the concept of death and what it means and how to act and feel right now, and Dean... has checked the fuck out.
Ugh her face is like mine when he says he needs her. The shot looks like the fucking Titanic poster. I'm assuming they do not get very far before Michael gets involved, though.
I'm gonna go back to ugly-crying about the rest of this.
This is Dabb's best solo episode hands down. I laughed, I cried, I struggled with the complex philosophy of being human and if you should consume your mother from the inside out in order to be born as a full-grown man.
I think I'm keeping Nougat.
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liiacsuns · 7 years
Carry On Countdown, DAY 8.
​Day 8, DEC 2: Hogwarts AU
     There were horses. If you could call these creatures horses. They had wings, skeletal bodies and looked like a mix between a bat, a horse and a reptile. And they were in front of the carriage that were to take the students to the castle, ready to pull it. 
     Simon was sure he had never seen something like that before. The carriage were always moving by themselves, everybody knew it. 
"Penny!! Do you see that?!" he exclaimed, grabbing his best friend's arm, pointing to the creatures.
"What Simon?" she sighed. "
The horses!"
"Horses? What horses? Simon, have you tried creating potions again?" 
"What? No! Mom forbid me. But not the point Penny! Do you not see the horses? They're pulling the carriages!"
"Simon that's not funny.." she said, starting to sound frustrated. 
"Come on, let's go, they're gonna leave without us." she interrupted him, pulling him with her into one of the carriages.
     He didn't say anything else about the creatures he saw, even though they were still there. He knew he wasn't hallucinating, he hadn't eaten anything strange and he hadn't touched his potion kit over the summer. 
     Penelope was talking, as always, telling him about her summer, asking questions about his. He didn't want to talk about his summer, because it wasn't a good summer. Not at all. And Penny knew that, so she didn't ask more and just continued talking about school, about the year that was starting, and Simon let his thoughts wander. When she was talking about school, and learning and spells she was unstopable. Such a Ravenclaw, he thought with a smile. 
     The feast, as always, was awesome. He and Penny split up when entering the Great Hall, reuniting with their housemates. Penny sat with some Ravenclaw she knew from the year before, while Simon came to sit beside Gareth at the Hufflepuff table. Baz was sitting near them, alone, as usual, with that same arrogant look on his face. 
     Baz was a pureblood prick, arrogant and full of himself, who hated Simon for no apparent reason. They were sharing a room (obviously they had to end up together) and it made things really tense. Up until this point, still nobody understood why Baz had been put into Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin. It was strange, really, but no mistakes were ever made in the sorting, so everyone went with it, wondering when the revelation as to why he was put in this house would happen. 
     The next morning, Simon had almost forgotten what happened with the horses and the carriages. Until Baz came to him and ruined everything. They were the only two left in the dorm, everyone having already left to breakfast. 
"They're called Thestrals." Baz said suddenly, looking at Simon without his usual smirk.
"What are you talking about?"
"The creatures you saw yesterday, pulling the carriages. They're called Thestrals."
"How do you know?"
"I read Snow, unlike you."
"Not that. How do you know I saw them?" Simon asked, trying to keep a straight face. He didn't know if he was annoyed or happy to know that he hadn't invented them.
"I heard you tell Bunce about it. You weren't exactly discreet about it." he answered with a shrug.
"So they're real?"
"Of course they are." he said, before leaving the room, not sparing Simon a glance. 
     Baz wasn't in the Great Hall when he came down, and they didn't sit close in any classes. Simon had to wait until lunch to finally ask all the questions he had. He didn't lose any time, and sat in front of Baz not caring at all about the stares he earned in the process.
"Why am the only one to see them? And why now? It's the first time.."
"You're not the only one, I see them too. Some other students do too. A girl from Gryffindor, and twins from Slytherin. Maybe others, I don't really know." the other boy answered after a sigh of what seemed like annoyance. 
"It still doesn't explain why only some of us see them."
"You can see them only if you've witness death. It's not something that happens to everyone.."
"Oh. Wow." he didn't expect that, at all. "That's morbid."
"It is. But that's how it works. You don't see them until you see someone die." he answered with a small shrug.
"So that's why I've never seen them before.." Simon said with a sad smile. 
"Yeah.. You weren't having hallucinations. And you should listen to Bunce and stop experimenting with potions. You'll end up killing yourself and the whole school in the process."
"I did it once okay! I'm not that dumb." he mumbled
"Good, I kinda have plans for my future, dying now because you acted like an idiot isn't part of it."
"And here I thought you could be nice.."
"I can be, it doesn't mean I want to."
"You don't have to be mean either. You could always ignore me, without hating me and provoking me," Simon said slowly.
"But that wouldn't be as fun, would it?" he teased with a playful smirk, before returning to his meal. 
     Simon wanted to answer, but someone next to him started talking to him, and before he knew it he was engrossed in a conversation with a few fellow Hufflepuff, and Baz was gone. That night, after dinner, when he and Penny met up to study in the library, the first thing she did was ask him why he sat with the dark haired boy at lunch. And he didn't really know why, but he didn't tell her the truth. He wanted to keep this discussion a secret, a thing between him and Baz. It was weird, he knew it, Penny was his best friend since they were eleven, and Baz was some prick who'd always hated him. But still, he didn't want to tell Penny about the Thestrals. She'd want to learn everything she could about them, and he just wanted to keep it his thing. So he lied about some thing about a discussion they had in the dorms and asked her to help him with something in his homework, to change the subject as fast as he could. It worked, obviously. Helping him was one of Penny's favorite thing to do. 
     When he got back to his dorm, right before curfew, everyone was in the room. They were all sleeping, except Baz, of course, who was in his bed, reading. Simon almost talked to him, but dropped it and changed into his pajamas, going to sleep immediately. 
     The school year started, the weeks passed, and nothing changed from the years before. Nothing happened with Baz, and Simon was a bit disappointed, although he didn't exactly know why. After their talk on the first morning after they came back, he thought something would happen, but it didn't. Except the fact that Baz was ignoring him instead of throwing hexes and insults at him. Which was a start, he had to admit. But he was starting to realize that it wasn't enough for him.
     Until one night, in the middle of december. He woke up in the middle of the night, sweating, his heart beating way too fast, breathing hard, almost screaming. He'd just had a nightmare, and apparently had woken up someone by the way his mattress shifted under the weight of someone sitting beside him. He felt a hand stroking his back slowly, and almost jumped when he opened his eyes and was met by the sight of Baz, hair tousled, looking slightly worried. He didn't say anything, too shaken to do anything but sit there and try to steady his breath. 
"It's okay Snow, it was just a nightmare. You're safe, nothing can happen here," Baz said softly, voice low, to avoid waking the others up. 
"It wasn't a nightmare," Simon whispered after a few minutes.
"Yes it was. Maybe it didn't seem like it, but it was."
"It wasn't Baz.. What... What I saw. It happened before, I didn't make that up, I just relived everything."
"Exactly. You relived it, it wasn't real, not this time. You're safe, and nothing happened."
"I know that. But it's just- It's so hard, to see it happen again, it's just... Horrible."
"I know Simon, I know."
"Why do you see the Thestrals?" Simon asked slowly, not expecting the other to answer.
"When I was 5, my mom died in front of me. Things happened, we were attacked, and she died protecting me. I've always seen them, since the first time we took the carriages. I thought everyone did at first, but when I realized they didn't I spent months in the library searching about it.."
"That's awful.." Simon said softly, putting a hand on Baz's knee, stroking it slowly as he continued his story.
"You kinda get used to it as time pass. I mean, it's still awful, but after a bit the pain becomes more subtle.."
"Really? Does it take long? I'm tired of the pain..." Simon admitted.
"Depends. It took really long for me.. But it was my mom.. Yours is still alive."
"Yeah, fortunately. I've never known my dad, so I'm glad my mom's still there.."
"You're lucky.." Baz whispered.
"I know.. I can't imagine what you've been through.."
"You don't have to, you know."
"I know," Simon answered, and they both stayed quiet for a while. "It was my godmother, Ebb. She was an auror."
"What happened?"
"She was on a mission, and it went bad.. And she died..." he explained, his voice cracking in the middle.
"You saw it happen?"
"Not the mission, but yeah, mom and I were there when she died... We were close, she was often at home, and she kinda helped mom raise me..."
"And you're having nightmares only now?" he asked, a bit surprised.
"No.. It's been a long time, but they aren't always that violent I guess... It's just that... Christmas break is coming, and it'll be the first time I'll come home to my mom only... Ebb was always there with her to pick me up from the platform... And just thinking about the fact that she won't be there well..."
"It's hard." Baz finished for him.
"Yeah. How do you do it, how do you deal with it?"
"I don't. Christmas is always hard. The first year, my dad forgot about it, it was awful."
"Wow... Is that why you're such a dick?" he asked without thinking.
"I guess... My family isn't exactly the friendly-cuddly type, we don't show affection, only my mom did. So I'm not used to that."
"But that's not just that. You close yourself off everyone. I've never seen you be friend with anyone, for six years."
"It's easier to be alone than to be hurt. If you don't have anyone, it's impossible to lose people."
"It's sad though." Simon said, his hand slowly moving on Baz's knee.
"I'm not exactly the happiest person alive Snow."
"I like it better when you call me Simon. And I like you better now."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I prefer when you're acting like you're acting right now. I kinda wish we'd started doing it sooner."
"Because you're great, and you're actually not that much of a douche when you let down your walls," he explained softly, taking Baz's hand in his, intertwining their fingers. "I'm not a really good friend you know. I don't know why Penny's still sticking with me. But I kinda want to be your friend now. You could use some company, I don't think books are that great at keeping a conversation," he said with a laugh.
"I think I would like that," Baz answered with a small smile, looking straight at him. 
THREE MINUTES LEFT! But I did it! It’s unbetaed, but @blackintheskies helped me a lot with it, half of the plot was her idea, so thanks for that, you’re amazing! I’ll probably do a second part, maybe more I don’t really know, but I really like what I’ve written yet and I have more ideas left, so we’ll see! Hope you enjoyed!!
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Baby Rogers - Captain America x Reader
Summary : Reader is pregnant, and she has no idea how she’s going to tell Steve...The other Avengers try to help. 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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Shit. Shit shit shit shit SHIT.  You knew there was nothing to be afraid of, that he was going to be great as usual...but you were scared shitless. 
Were you ready to have a baby ? You didn’t really know, the only thing you were sure of was that if you ever wanted kids, it was with Steve. He proposed to you a few months ago and you were suppose to get married the coming summer, a child wasn’t really part of the plan. However, the more you thought about it, the more you smiled...But was he going to be as happy ? You were totally freaking out, alone in your bathroom, glad that he wasn’t home right now. He would have totally understand that something was wrong with you...it was fairly obvious really. So you were glad to be alone. Well, not really. You wished you had someone to tell, someone that wasn’t your fiancé. 
You bolted out of your bathroom, grabbing a jacket, and went to the Avengers’ Tower common room, hoping to find a friend there. While you walked to the common room, you started to panic. You knew Steve, he would never hurt you...So what if he didn’t want a kid, but just to please you would act as if it was OK ? What if he decided that he didn’t wanna marry you anymore, and you suddenly found yourself raising a kid alone ? Granted, it wouldn’t be that difficult, you being a Stark, but...You were never so glad to see your brother, chilling in the common room with your friends. They were all there. Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, Vision and Bruce. 
You came in awkwardly, and they didn’t notice you right away. 
Tony was trying to explain how computers worked to Thor, and clearly, he was about to give up. Clint was checking his arrows. Natasha was in a deep conversation with Bruce, and Wanda and Vision were...Cooking ? You weren’t sure. You didn’t care. 
-Oh hey lil’ sis, do you want to take my place and try to knock some knowledge into the God of Thunder’s brain ? Literally. I feel like the man only understand violence. 
-I do not, it’s just that...your Compopper is confusing. 
You laughed as you took a sit in the couch across your brother and Thor. 
-...Computer honey, computer. 
-Whatever, it’s confusing, it doesn’t make sense. In Asgard, when we want to know something, we go to the tree of Knowledge, and it answers us. We don’t have to type many words in the Google to...find things that aren’t even related to what you want to know ! 
Laughter took over all of you, and you felt more relaxed all of a sudden. So relax in fact, that you didn’t realize what you were about to say before you said it. 
-Hahaha I’m pregnant. 
Silence. You were still laughing, not registering what you just said. Until you did. And you laughed nervously. 
-Hum...I’m joking ? 
No one believed you. They were all stunned. Tony was the first to speak.
-Is it Cap’s ? 
-Of course it’s his who do you think I am ? 
-My sister. 
-Haha you know I’m nothing like you on that matter.
He smiled. He knew. Finally fully getting what you just said, Natasha shrieked highly, making Bruce almost turn into the Hulk. It wasn’t like her to act like a teenager like that, but she was so excited for you ! You and Steve were some of her best friends, and she ran to you, catching you in a tight hug, asking to be the godmother. She’d be a great godmother.  
Thor congratulated you on your future hopefully strong spawn, and you weren’t sure how to take it...
Wanda and Vision both smiled widely at you, patting your stomach, which made you awkward. 
Clint told you that it was great, now, you were going to be able to babysit his kids in return of him and his wife babysitting yours. Perfect deal. And like that, you were sure the children were safe. Superhero nannies. 
Bruce shyly came to you and shook your hand awkwardly. Aw Bruce. 
They were all speaking at the same time, asking if you already thought of names, if you wanted a boy or a girl etc etc...
-Well, I have known for less than two hours, so no, no names. I don't care if it’s a boy or a girl. I haven’t even told Steve yet...
They all stopped talking. 
-What ? Oh he’s not gonna be happy that you told us first...
Tony said, making your nervousness from earlier coming back violently. 
-Shut up Stark, he won’t care. All he’s going to think is that he’s gonna be a father. He called earlier, he’s on a solo mission not far from here, he’ll be home soon. 
Natasha’s words, though they were trying to be reassuring, made you almost throw up in stress. He was coming home soon, and you’d have to tell him...
-Yes, who wouldn’t be happy to have a child with such a lady as you Y/N. Your waist is perfect to give birth. 
Once again, you weren’t sure how to react to Thor’s word, so you just thanked him awkwardly...And then you passed out. It was too much. 
You woke up within seconds to the sound of your brother asking if it was already because of the pregnancy, and Bruce answering that it most likely wasn’t. With a small smile, he said it was probably nerves. 
-Nerves ? She’s a Stark, her nerves are made of steel. Or, iron. Haha. 
-Shut up Tony, you have panic attack regularly. 
You scolded him while you were slowly waking up. 
-Ouch. Well at least you’re still as sharp as ever. 
-I’m pregnant bro’, it’s not going to change my personality. But I can already feel my hormones going crazy, they make me want to punch you in the face...oh wait, no, that’s a normal feeling. 
He grimaced at you and you smiled.
-So, stressed of telling Steve ? 
Bruce asked. As usual, you were surprise at how good he was at reading people. Probably because he had to know who he was, and how he felt at all times, to be able to somewhat control his transformations into Hulk. 
-Hum...Yes. Very much. But you guys gotta promise to not tell him before I do. I’ll handle it. He’s going to be happy...right ? 
-Y/N, he asked to marry you. No matter if this isn’t part of “the plan”, it’s gonna be fine. 
You smiled at Natasha, hoping she was right. Still made them promise though. 
Two weeks had passed since that day, and you still haven’t told Steve. Your friends were bickering you every passing hours to do it, but you just couldn't bring yourself to go and tell him. 
Maybe you could hide everything until the baby was born, and just put him in his arms afterward saying : “Hey, it’s yours” ? ...Probably not. In a few weeks, the bump was going to start to show, and he would definitely notice. Besides, weird cravings for food already started, and he looked at you like you were crazy when he surprised you eating pickles with ice cream last night. 
You had to tell him. Today. You were gonna tell him this instant. You went out of the bathroom and to the bed, where Steve was still asleep in. You gently stroke his hair, and he smiled, not opening his eyes. 
-Morning sweetheart. 
He said. You kissed his jaw and he pulled you against his chest. You laughed. Yes, it was the right moment to tell him. Now. Now. Go. Go Y/N. Tell him...You didn’t do it. Instead, you initiated a rather heated love making session. 
Another week passed, and your friends were getting extremely annoying, always on your back. It wasn’t much because they wanted Steve to know, but because they were afraid they would say something to hint at it, and that he’d understand without you actually telling him. 
Like Tony, this morning. Though it wasn’t a hint, it was plainly saying it...You were sat at the counter of the kitchen, eating cereals with hot cocoa in the same ball, when your brother entered, not seeing Steve slumped in a chair in front of the TV. 
-So, Y/N, my sweet little sister, when are you going to tell Cap’ he’s gonna be a daddy ? And not in a sexual way...
You froze, glaring at Tony. Motherfucker. You loved your brother, but right now, you could have smothered him to death without hesitation. But you were too nervous to make a move. And he most likely just didn't notice Steve. 
Steve had raised from the chair and turned his head quickly towards Tony, before turning to you, utterly surprised. Your brother winced, fuck. He didn’t meant that to happen...He looked at you. Ooooh you were mad. But you were going to deal with him later. He slowly backed away, and ran out of the room. 
Steve stood up, staring at you. You didn’t know if he was scared or happy. Maybe a bit of both...
-You...You’re pregnant ? 
You nodded, unable to speak. 
-And it’s...Mine ? 
Again, you nodded, giving him a look that meant : “Obviously it’s yours you idiot”. 
He didn’t make a move, too baffled. 
-Since...When ? 
-Almost a month. 
-Almost a...and you’re telling me just now ? 
You nodded once more. 
-The others know don’t they ? I knew they looked at me in a weird way lately...especially your brother...
Again, you nodded, raising from your seat and taking a few steps towards him...but not daring coming too close. 
-I’m sorry Steve, I wanted to tell you, but I was just...Too nervous. I was afraid of how you’d react. 
-..How I’d react ? 
-Yeah. Maybe you...maybe you don’t want a child with me...
Months of pent up feelings started to explode, and tears filled up your eyes. 
Steve chuckled softly. 
-Honey, I love you. How else could I react but like that ? 
And before you could say anything, he ran to you and gave you the most wonderful hug ever. His eyes too had some unshed tears in them, and his smile was impossibly wide. Relief showered you. 
-I’m gonna be a daddy...
-Not in a sexual way. 
You both laughed, and he twirled you around in a warm embrace. 
-Oh, we have to built him or her a nursery ! What about names ? Did you thought of names ? Do you already know if it’s a boy or a girl ? Doesn’t matter, I’m already in love with them. I’m going to be a father...A family of my own...finallly... 
You smiled gently at him. 
-It only been a month, I don’t know the gender yet. I didn’t want to think of names before I told you and...Well...you know...We can built a nursery together, that sounds fun. 
He put his hand under your shirt, on your stomach, and smiled. Of course, he couldn’t feel anything yet, but he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. 
You hugged each other for a long time, kissing each other’s neck, jaw, forehead, lips...Just happy. So happy you both thought you were going to burst. After a while, you pulled away. 
-Now excuse me baby, but I have to have a word with my stupid brother. 
The end ? 
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