#summer's summertime sleepover
bloodiedrogue · 1 year
✒️ hello my dear! could i ask for a drabble inspired by this song where basically loki courts asgardian!reader with huge gifts and promises but they don't really need that, just his love? I just want something really sweet and happy. okay, love you, byeeee <3
first off, love you, hi <3
second, okay, i absolutely love httyd so when you requested this i only slightly screamed. that being said though, i really don't know if i did this justice??? ahhh i hope it's okay. i changed a couple of things to make it easier for my brain to write but hopefully you still like it???
also to anyone reading this, if you'd like your very own fic feel free to read this post and then send in a request!
PAIRINGS: Loki Laufeyson & Asgardian Female Reader
SUMMARY: There's always rumors circulating throughout the kingdom of Asgard, but what happens when one turns out to be about you?
WARNINGS: Literally none???
There’s talk amongst the kingdom, as per usual. A rumour of sorts running through the land’s highest families. Like always, you’re completely unaware of who starts it. As well as who it goes through as it ultimately falls onto the ears of your cousin Mads who tells you about it during archery practice. 
As you move to pull back your bow, you notice how low his voice is. How his eyes slightly narrow into tight slits as they survey the area, making sure none of the maids are within hearing distance. “Odin’s finally pawning off the frost giant,” he whispers, just before you take your shot, making you momentarily slip and send the arrow flying way too low. 
Angrily, you curse under your breath as it happens, hearing your cousin snort and proceed to take his own, landing it perfectly in the centre circle of the dummy just fifty yards away.
  Ignoring your claims, he knocks his next arrow with ease. “It’s not my fault you’re blinded by love.” 
“I’m not blinded by love,” you scoff, your eyes rolling practically to the back of your head as you watch him take another near-perfect shot. “I’m just… surprised.”
You shrug your shoulders and look around. So far none of the help has suddenly appeared like they usually do, leaving you thankful as you knock your next arrow. “That Loki would agree to it.”
“Agree to it?” Mads laughs.
“You and I both know it’s not a matter of agreeance. It’s a matter of peace.”
“Ah yes, the Odinson’s, a family known for their abundance of peace,” you mock, instantly feeling a twang of anxiety build in your chest once you realize what you’ve just said. “I mean, I uh—“
“Relax. I’m not going to storm the castle and tattle on you for insulting our beloved king,” he assures, watching as you look at the target in front of you, honing in on the centre, before taking a deep breath and pulling back the bow in one tight motion. 
“You can just do it yourself once you move in.”
Your arrow shoots directly into the ground a couple of feet in front of you. Again, you curse, this time much louder, drawing in the attention of Tora -your lady in waiting- who’s suddenly scurrying up the path with worry in her eyes. 
“I swear to—“
“Is everything alright, m’lady?” Tora, the living embodiment of fear itself, runs to your aid without question, causing you to sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Yes Tora,” you drone.  
“Are you sure? You seem awfully distressed. Can I get y—”
You open your mouth to respond but Mads beats you to the punch. “She’s fine, Tora. Just a tad ticked that I keep upstaging her archery skills.” 
If it wasn’t for the shock of the informational bomb he’d just dropped, you would’ve pounced on him then and there, elegance be damned. Instead, though, you merely just glare and listen to Tora as she lets out a sigh of relief before apologizing and taking her leave. 
“If I wasn’t required to uphold a certain standard in public you’d be on your ass right now.”
“I highly doubt that, princess.” 
Princess. Norns, you want to kill him. Right here, right now you want to pull back your arrow and pierce it right through his thick skull. 
“You know false gossip is frowned upon.”
“Yes, but who are we to say what’s true or false?” Ever the annoyance, he nudges your elbow with his, wiggling his brows in such a mocking way you feel your chest start to ache with uncertainty because there’s no way this information is real. Sure, the prospect of Loki being married off could be probable. He’s at that age where people are starting to question his marital status but he’s… Loki. Your friend. There’s no way they would’ve chosen you. 
“Who told you?”
“Who do you think told me?” he scoffs. 
Immediately, you feel like a fool for asking, already well aware that it was his sister, Freydis. 
“Where is she?”
Before Mads can even shrug you’re dropping your bow and racing to her quarters, feeling your heart begin to race as you run up the path, motioning for Tora to stay put. Reluctantly she does, giving you a nervous look as you tell her you’ll be back soon even though you’re not entirely sure. Freydis is often selective when it comes to information. Being one of the biggest keepers of it, she can be quite fickle regarding trust, especially with something as serious as the future of the king’s son.
It makes you nervous about what’s to come —thinking about the possible results. 
For example, if it is true, what do you even do? How do you process? It’s not as if you can, really. Arranged marriages like these, as you’ve often witnessed, tend to go from zero to one hundred at the drop of a hat, leaving both parties too exhausted to deal with the consequences beforehand. Plus, knowing Loki it’s not as if he’d be willing to share his thoughts on the matter. 
Considering he’s always been closed off, even throughout your constant years of friendship, he’d most likely just grin and bear it for publicity's sake. Play the part of the loving husband. Hold your hand, kiss your cheek —make sure the world knows you’re his and no one else’s. 
To the people you’d be the perfect couple, but to you?
There’s an inkling of pain that resides throughout your chest once you think about the alternative. That instead of you it’s perhaps some other woman being thrown recklessly into his chambers. Somehow it fills you with dread as you round the corner of the path, your mind moving at such high speeds trying to figure out how you should react that you don’t even process the body that’s crashing into you. 
At first, it hits you —knocks the air right out of your lungs as you fall prone— but then it hits you. Like a freight train, your innermost thoughts rush out of you as you look up to see Loki’s wide eyes staring at you from above. 
“Is it true?” 
He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he just looks at you, settling on the vision of your dishevelled appearance before him. 
“Lo?” you ask again, feeling his hand extend to meet your own once he realizes you’re still on the ground. Without protest you take it, feeling the coolness of his skin mix with the heat of your own as he pulls up, asking if you’re alright. 
“I’m fine, thank you,” you say, watching him stand there, hands now at his sides. His fingers rub against each other nervously as he looks around the path, avoiding your gaze entirely. 
“Loki, is it—“
He nods, finally making eye contact. “Who told you?”
You’re tempted to lie in case there are consequences but ultimately admit the truth. “Mads… but to be fair it was Freydis who was the first in our family to find out.” 
As expected, Loki shakes his head. “Course it was.”
“Obviously it’s a mystery as to how she found out,” you blurt out, your nerves suddenly becoming more apparent the longer you look at him. 
He’s wearing his nicest leathers today. The ones that hug his frame just right. Across his skin, he’s adorned himself in all his usual colours, dark greens with charcoal and hints of gold. Like usual his hair is pushed back behind his ears, dangling just beneath in a way that somehow seems different despite how standard it is for him. 
“You uh, you look nice today.” 
Your words throw him off for a moment, his face screwing up in confusion until he eventually looks down and realizes. “Oh, yes, right. Thank you. So do you.”
Like him, you look down to see your archery gear covered in dirt from the fall. “Only the best set of pants for my future, uh…”
“Husband?” he offers, a cautious grin plastered across his face. 
Just the sight fills you with a certain warmth you’re not entirely sure you’ve felt before. Your hands, already covered in sweat seem to double in perspiration the second you see the slight embarrassment in his eyes and the way he immediately searches your face for an approval you don’t know how to give. 
An approval you’re desperate to offer despite the circumstances. Despite you and him and this whole new arrangement, you have to navigate. It’s odd, really. Surreal. This idea that two people being forced to spend the rest of their lives together at the expense of someone else’s gain. 
It’s barbaric, isn’t it? 
You’ve always been the kind of person that agreed with the notion of freedom. That, regardless of an individual's nobility they should be able to choose the person they love over everything else. Things like shared resources and politics shouldn’t be a factor in one’s future marriage. 
And yet, the longer you stand there, thinking about it —this idea of you and him and everything that’s suddenly been thrust upon you— the less awful it sounds. Because despite everything, Loki as a whole is good. He’s kind and smart and albeit, a bit of a troublemaker but in your experience never at the expense of your happiness. In fact, he’s always treated you well. Respecting you in ways that other people hadn’t. Growing up, he never saw you as this woman being trained to wed a higher man to bring further respect to her family. He only saw you as you, a rarity nowadays. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“You just did,” he jokes.
You give him a half-happy, half-annoyed look once you realize that despite the awkwardness, everything between you is still okay. Still normal, in a way.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, obviously your father’s pretty strict about arrangements but if you’re not comfortable —if you’ve got your eyes set on someone else I’m sure we could—“
He doesn’t interrupt you. Instead, he merely shakes his head and smirks, causing your words to fall to the back of your throat as you nervously swallow, watching him motion toward your hand. 
Without protest you offer it up, feeling your fingers twitch in the air until they’re being steadied by his own. 
“Honestly, I’m a bit irritated I didn’t get to be the bearer of bad news,” he tells you, and before you can even think of a clever response, you end up snorting and averting your gaze, feeling a wave of embarrassment as his thumb runs lightly along the base of your fingers. “I got all dressed up to tell you and everything.” 
As he speaks he takes a small step closer, watching the way your gaze continues to shift around the path, focusing on the grass or the trees or really, anything other than him. 
“I even skipped out on training with Thor and the others.” 
“That’s, uh, very… nice of you.”
You can feel his eyes boring holes into the side of your face. His pupils are impenetrable, staring at you like two black holes just waiting to pull you in. Desperately, you want to look at them —to memorize the way they dilate and constrict with every action and reaction. 
“I came to ask you something, if I may?”
This time you give in, noticing the slight growth of his eyes once yours make contact. Suddenly, they look lighter, filling his face with a newfound warmth as he pokes out his tongue to nervously lick his lips before clearing his throat. 
“If it’s alright, I’d like to do this. Properly.”
“Yes, properly. And not because Odin said so or because it’s the right thing do to politically. No, I—I want to do this because slowly I’ve come to realize that it’s what I want. Th—that you’re one I want.”
You open your mouth to speak but pause, noticing his other hand come up into the air between you. In it, his sedir flickers for a moment before pulsing brightly, prompting you to scrunch up your face in confusion when, barely a second later, a small wooden box appears before his palm. 
It’s made of ash, you notice, leaning it to scan the etchings that overtake the top. It’s simple in design but beautiful nonetheless, its presence leaving you almost breathless as you glance back up to Loki who’s suddenly smiling again. 
“It’s not much,” he says. “To be fair, I probably should’ve waited and got you something a bit better but I promise if you say yes I’ll get you everything. A horse, a castle, the finest gowns with the softest fabrics you’ve ever touched, the most delicious—”
Before he can even finish you’re closing the space between the two of you, ignoring the box in his hand in order to squeeze him tight and tell him you could care less about the gifts. 
TAGGING: TAGGING: @lovelysizzlingbluebird, @just-someone11 , @linaax, @eleniblue, @infinitystoner, @ozymdias, @use-your-telescope, @liminalpebble, @freegardenbanananeck, @lokixryss, @violethaze, @simplyholl, @coldnique, @mischief2sarawr, @jasperthechaosgremlin (if you’d like to be added fill out this form)
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thebonegoop · 3 months
Summer Memories
Sitting down as I write this; I can hear the splashes of water from children making cannonballs in the neighbor's pool and the subsequent banshee-like screams of a pack of now-drenched mothers yelling at their kids. I'm also sneezing gunk like I'm having a demon exorcised from my body (The Zelda Rubinstein way, of course).  
You may be asking yourself right now - Lincoln, what does that have anything to do with this post?  Well, my dear Watson, it means summer we are just beginning another summer! So, for the inaugural post of The Bone Goop, I'll discuss eight great summer memories!  
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#1: Ice Cream Trucks
Okay, okay – Maybe I never had a traditional Ice Cream truck come down to my town – so sue me. I was raised in – said in my best George Burns Voice – God's Country—a place forgotten by all who didn't dwell there. But like an oasis in the desert, we did have one truck that came around town once a month - THE SCHWAN'S TRUCK. While serving primarily to adults looking for overpriced frozen steaks and vegetables, they did sell a minor assortment of ice cream goods. Let me tell you, orange cream push pops never tasted so good as when I bought one from the Schwan's man. He dressed in all white like Reggie from PHANTASM and would sometimes take pity on poor country kids by putting in an extra push pop for us to fight over like wild dogs.
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#2: Summer Minutiae 
I'm a big fan of waxing poetically about life, so only I could think back so nostalgically about the utter boredom summer can bring as a kid. We all remember the highs that summer can bring, but there is also beauty in the lows. While I'd take riding bikes with my friends any day, many summers were spent alone, bored in my mother's backyard garden, watching fish in the pond or imagining a safari adventure through her overgrown Pampas grass.
And if one was truly bored in the summer heat, find the closest slab of concrete and a bucket of chalk and spend your day expressing the inner Ar·teest inside of you.
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#3: Water Parks! 
I have a confession – I've almost drowned twice while visiting these water-themed wonderlands. I was 11 and full of youthful confidence in my swimming abilities as I stepped foot in Lexington's Pirate-themed water park during a trip with my best friend. That was until I was pinned underwater by a giant plastic riding Crocodile like I was in a Wrestling Federation match. It takes real love to enjoy something that tries to kill you.
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#4: Sleepovers
As a kid, one of the best things about summer was the Sleepover with your buddies. A one-night no-holds bar contest of wills - fueled by junk food, movies, and chaos. We had it down to a science: Blanket forts, Hot Pockets on tap, Gameboy Colors holstered in our pockets ready with Pokémon (complete with link cables), and maybe most importantly the tape rentals. Setting the mood for the night was imperative, so finding the perfect movie was the priority. STAR WARS or JURASSIC PARK were the faithful standbys, but the best nights were when someone smuggled a VHS TV recording of ROBOCOP and HALLOWEEN. It was like sneaking contraband through airport security.
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#5: Jackass
While the show was watched under cloak and dagger at night, my friends and I would often recreate the extraordinary stunts we saw during the day. Johnny Knoxville had a shopping cart, but we had a Big Wheel and trashcans! Hot summer days were spent building ramps up coal piles and flying off in terror. Hi, I'm Lincoln, and this is Jackass!
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#6: Calling Your Bluff
Many of my formative summer years were spent at my neighbor's kitchen table playing various card games like Canasta and Poker or Scrabble. We didn't have air conditioning, so they'd make Kool-Aid pops out of plastic ice trays wrapped in plastic with toothpicks poking into each cube. These were MacGyver: The Adolescent Years.
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#7: Yard Sales
Summer is Flea Market season, Baby! Truthfully, I don't make the time for Yard Sales like I used to, but rummaging through other people's trash was like second nature as a kid. So, it was even more devastating that my mom once went without me while I stayed with my grandparents.
The fogs of memory preclude me from knowing why, but I remember being extra grumpy about life while she was gone. The childhood vitriol melted instantly when she picked me up, and I saw the treasures she'd bought me – a pristine RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK VHS tape and a MONSTER IN MY POCKET figure!
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#8: It's Good to Be King
Summer wasn't summer if it didn't include one trip to King's Island - the Ohio amusement park made of dreams and overworked costumed employees. At the time, every ride and character were made to resemble Hanna-Barbera properties. Having lunch with your partner is great, but having lunch with Scooby Doo AND Space Ghost? On top of riding roller coasters? That was pure magic.
The night was complete only if I bought a blue Candy Rock stick for the ride home. It was the perfect day (Ignore that everyone but me got Pinkeye on that trip.)
I hope these memories stirred up some of your own about the magic of Summer. Thanks!! 
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lnfours · 1 year
toms-gf summertime sleepover
hey everyone! to celebrate 9.2k, and to have a little fun this summer, im hosting a sleepover event!
what is a sleepover?
it’s where you guys send me asks of your choosing from the list below and i answer them! it’s a fun way of hanging out, writing things for you guys, and getting to know each other :)
before we get started, you can find the list of people i write for as well as my blog rules here!
here’s the list of things you can send in!
send in a 🐚 for an imagine request
send in a ☀️ for a song off of my playlist
send in a 🌊 for a moodboard
send in a 🕶️ and a question from this list for my honest answer
the sleepover starts right now (10:50am EST, july 8th) and will go on until 9:00pm EST tonight!
see you all soon <33
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wandasaura · 2 months
summary — when boredom strikes in the absence of your girlfriends, you make friendship bracelets that will tether you together no matter the distance
warnings — fluff, the slightest indication of hurt but not really, mentions of lethal weapons and battle, minor mention of ohio but it’s a soft/happy moment
authors note — i am so high you gremlins better appreciate this, i got so carried away
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Truthfully, you weren’t entirely sure when summer had lost its whimsical spark, but as you trudged through the halls of the compound searching wistfully for something to do that could even begin to fill a fraction of the time until your girlfriends returned home from a last minute op, the early days of August just didn’t feel the same as they did when you had popsicle sticks and sandcastles to look forward to. The endless days that had once been vibrant within your memory, defined by sleepovers and an assortment of frozen treats, were now bland and filled with earnest longing for company that was hard to come across when the entire world needed saving and that impossible responsibility fell on the shoulders of a few ragtag individuals. 
The height of summertime had befallen you if the scorching heat outside was any minuscule factor in the judgment that determined ever changing seasons, yet still you felt paralyzed in an eternal winter, pessimistically comparing the barren landscape of early February to the isolating interior of Stark’s state of the art compound. Pepper and Maria had become familiar faces since the Avengers workload had picked up again, becoming short lived intermissions to the reality you lived in permanently, but even with their infrequent trips upstate to visit with you and collect paperwork that probably could’ve waited until Tony himself returned home, persistent boredom was slowly becoming your worst enemy. 
Wanda and Natasha had been trying their best though it was hardly any consolation, sending nightly texts and assuring that although they missed you terribly, they were doing well, but it just wasn’t the same as having them home with you. They called anytime they got the chance, FaceTime’d whenever a hotspot managed to be secured, but it would never be enough to heal the ache of their physical absence beside you in a place that you so desperately tried to call home for them. 
Scrounging through the game closet, because as ‘tough’ as Tony attempted to appear in the light of the everlurking media, he still valued spending time with his wife and friends – as hesitant as he was to ever truly call the Avengers such a thing. It was something of a shock to stumble upon a bracelet kit in the madness of board games and extravagant card decks, but knowing the billionaire, it had most definitely been purchased in a haze of sleep deprivation and later been put away by Pepper who would’ve  ultimately been the one to unbox each package as they came. 
Shrugging off your initial surprise, a smile derived of childhood nostalgia pulled at the corners of your lips, and for a single second, that unreplicable spark came back to you just as  the August sun created a breathtaking sunset beyond the living room windows. Settling onto the couch, illuminated by the slowly ebbing traces of warm daylight, you pried open the plastic packaging and allowed that innocent child within you to have a single moment of joy. Intricately you weaved plastic beads onto thin rubber string, shifting through tiny sections until you found colors and letters that fit your wildest desires, leaving out no tacky charm whilst you were at it. Before you knew it, your wrist had become adorned with personality by three entirely cliche bracelets, all different colors and hues but perfectly cohesive as they mirrored the colors visible just beyond the large windows. You grinned down at them blissfully, caressing the ‘N’ on the highest one on your wrist, mesmerized by the simplicity of their appearance on your body. They were so effortlessly simple, weaved and tangled together by environmentally damaging globes of hollow plastic, but they’d healed a part of your being that you hadn’t even recognized was slowly dying as adulthood stole the joy of childhood. 
After cleaning up the house, although you most definitely did slip the bracelet kit into your shared bedroom with Wanda and Natasha instead of placing it back in the closet for communal use, you fell into the couch once more, this time with a lousy dinner of buttered pasta and a sitcom that just didn’t hit the same without Wanda’s amusement to drown out the laugh track and Natasha’s dry commentary. At some point, you had fallen asleep to Michelle Tanner stomping through the kitchen, but when you awoke, groggy and disoriented, you found that the sky had morphed into a deep shade of violet and the house was filled with echoes of shuffling. 
You frowned, rubbing at your eyes with balled up fists as you took in your surroundings. The room was painted in near total darkness, however the lamp nearest your body had been switched on and bright an ambient glow to the blackness that threatened to drown you within it. There was also the telltale sounds of quiet conversation, and though the thick walls did a lot to muffle the sounds of life existing beside you for the first time in days, you recognized the drawl of Wanda’s soft Sokovian accent instantaneously. 
Shooting up from the couch, barely acknowledging that someone had thrown a blanket over top of you, weaving through the hallways that didn’t seem so barren anymore until you found your girlfriends bent over the countertop, still dressed in their tactile uniforms and covered in dust and dirt, but happily snacking on the left over pasta that you had placed on the highest shelf in the fridge. You didn’t give them a moment to react to your abrupt presence in the kitchen, certain that Natasha had heard your feet pattering against the floorboards and Wanda had felt your energy shift and grow closer. The Russian happened to be on the side of the island closest to you, and without hesitation you embraced her in a tight hug, wrapping your arms around her midsection and digging your face into the center of her back, effectively pinning her arms to her sides, though she could’ve easily escaped you if she wanted. 
“Hi, malyshka.” She cooed softly, her voice hoarse from smoke inhalation and a long stretch of yelling over bombs and active fire, but you paid it no mind, happy just to have her back in your arms miraculously in one single piece. “You gonna let me go so I can hug you the right way?” She teased when your grip remained steeled, not wavering for a second even as you nestled your head farther into the back of her spine. 
“No.” Your voice was small as it fell into the air, drowning both Wanda and Natasha in your tender softness. “Never letting you go again.” 
“As endearing as that is, malyska, you refuse to be in the bathroom when I pee. You’re going to have to let me go at some point.” Her humor was dry, blunt enough to have your cheeks twinging a shade of pink they hadn’t been since the day she and Wanda left, but you didn’t hold back your strained laughter like you would’ve had she not just been gone for nearly a week, instead, you allowed the sound to tear through your body and vibrate hers. 
You only loosened your grip because Wanda had rounded the corner of the island and pulled you back into her chest the minute you were in reach. Natasha took that to her advantage, shimming out of your loosened grip to turn around and embrace you fully, one hand cupping the back of your head whilst the other looped around your waist over top of Wandas. You sighed contently, laying your chin against Natasha’s shoulder while your hand slipped down to grasp firmly onto Wanda’s. 
Only when curious fingers brushed against your wrist did you remember the bracelets adorning your arm, and passionately you wiggled away from them to snag the lowest bracelet off, extending it to the Sokovian with an admittedly sheepish grin. “I made you this.” You offered simply as an explanation, awaiting Wanda’s reaction as she took in the sight of the bracelet, the lone bead in the center the first letter of your name. 
Wanda’s mesmerizing green eyes wrinkled beneath the kitchen lighting, and tenderly she stroked her finger across the beads that framed your single letter. “I love it.” You smiled shyly beneath her tender stare, cheeks heating up as you shifted your attention to Natasha, pulling off the bracelet that just as simply as the first, bore a black inked ‘W’. “I thought we could wear each other's names. That way when you're off saving the world one Hydra base at a time, you still have a little part of me with you, and I have a little part of you.” 
Natasha couldn’t contain her endearment, and for a single second as you glanced at her tearful expression, you were worried that she hated it, that she thought it was stupid and childish, which it most definitely was. A spluttered apology was on the tip of your tongue, hot and loaded as it formed in seconds, but it was pointless, because once she had taken a few seconds to collect her reserve, she slid the bracelet onto her wrist, fitting it comfortably over the sleeves of her sleek black uniform that desperately needed a dry clean, and smiled at you. 
“Yelena and I used to make these in Ohio. They weren’t as pretty, and they didn’t really mean anything significant, but it was the one thing that we could do that made us feel like real kids; me more than her. I love it, detka.” Natasha mumbled insightfully, though you didn’t have a second to unpack her whispered admission, because she was pulling you into a kiss that tasted of vodka and pasta the second words stopped forming on her tongue. You didn’t whine about the taste of her tongue, or how her lips were painfully chapped against yours, simply melted into the touch and shuddered as Wanda came up behind you to kiss a soft trail down your neck. 
Two weeks later, they were called away on another mission, this time in Nigeria where a Hydra base had apparently popped up out of the blue, but this time, amongst their tactical uniforms and lethal weapons, were two bracelets crafted by you. When they returned six days later, those same bracelets remained, looking dingy beneath the ambient glow of sunset, but entirely perfect as well.
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one shot
1.5k / joel miller x f!reader / minors dni
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summary: summertime saturday bliss with joel. Inspired by ‘Sweet’ by Cigarettes After Sex
warnings: fluff, dad!joel, boyfriend!joel, no specific description of reader, no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid20s& joel is early to mid 40s), just a whole lotta loving. 
Main Masterlist 🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️🫧☁️
You were never fond of sharing a bed with anyone. As a child, you hated sleepovers and always wanted to be asleep early. As a teenager, you had a scrupulous night routine which carried on into your life now. Skincare, meditation, reading and sleep no later than 10pm. You were a light sleeper too, the slightest twitch, distant car alarm or whistle of wind would startle you.
That soon changed after you met Joel and you stayed the first night with him. He was double your size and he made sure to hold you all night. He was a deadweight and didn’t disturb you in the slightest. After the first night with him, the loss of his arms draped over you was huge and you could no longer sleep easily without him next to you.
Joel always slept in later than you, and would only wake after you did, to you either stifling a laugh to some stupid cat video, or vigorously writing down your manifestations and goals for the day. He didn’t mind. Your face first thing in the morning was a sight he’d want to cherish for the rest of his life.
‘Morning darl’ he drawled through a squint. 
‘Sleep well?’ You rolled over to face him, and he cupped your face and pulled you in for a kiss.
‘Better than ever,’ Joel rubbed his eyes and scooped your hair off over your should and behind your neck. ‘Coffee?’
You both moseyed downstairs and opened all the doors and windows, ready for the heat of an American summer to fill the home .
Joel made your coffee, exactly how you liked it, with frothed milk, plenty of syrup and in your favourite mug, engraved with your zodiac sign.
He held out his hand and you delicately took it and walked outside onto the patio. 
Wildflowers were scattered across the borders of the garden, splashes of colour and flickers of wildlife dashed throughout the morning dew.
A sparrow darted across the garden and landed the fence, calling out to the magnolia tree which shaded your patio. Joel laid propped up on his elbow as you both lounged on the deckchairs watching the birds and butterflies in the morning sun. 
He aimlessly ran his fingers up and down your leg, gazing at you sipping your coffee, and smirking with a full heart.
‘Enjoying the summer mornings baby?’ Joel drawled, as he stood up and stretched. His shirt lifted, revealing a strip of golden skin and chiselled stomach.
You tilted your head, squinting as the sun glowed into your eyes. ‘I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else, sweet boy. The city life doesn’t even compare’
‘Well this is your home now darl’. Can’t let you go anywhere now’ Joel winked and took your empty coffee mug into the kitchen.
You followed him into the house, finding the motivation to get your life together and not strip the man down to his bare bones. 
He pointed a finger at you. ‘You, shower.’
You rolled your eyes.
‘Er, none of that little miss. I’m not having you moaning when it’s 11am and the parking lots are gridlocked and you can’t get your damn scented candles and bed linens.’
You were too stunned to speak, and cackled as he knew you too well. How could you be mad when he loved you too deeply to let you lose out?
You hopped in the shower, scrubbing yourself whilst filling the air with fragrance that came from Joel’s mahogany teakwood shower gel. Women’s toiletries smelt sweet, but didn’t last anywhere near as long as men’s. And anyway, who wouldn’t want to have Joel’s scent lingering all day.
Wrapped up in a fluffy white towel and your hair in a towel wrap, you did your makeup, brushed out your lashes and eyebrows, and drowned yourself in Lost Cherry. Your signature scent. 
You decided on a linen co ord, baby pink with shorts and a long sleeved shirt, which you had unbuttoned slightly lower than normal, but smart enough to leave enough to the imagination. 
You danced down the stairs, hearing Joel and Sarah playing in the garden. Breakfast had been made and you invited Sarah to join you on your Saturday shopping trip before Joel had to go to work 
‘Come on peanut, I’ll treat you to the soda shaped candle you wanted’ you called to Sarah and grabbed your purse and some snacks, of course. Sarah ran upstairs to find one of her favourite dresses and matching bows. You prayed she’d never grow up out of her tutu dress stage for any occasion.
Joel looked like a dream, in his cargos and tight fitting flannel. The sky could be on fire and this man would still be wearing a flannel insisting it’s never too hot. He smelt like coffee and cigarette ash, and cedarwood.
He grabbed your waist, threatening to tilt you backwards over the garden sprinkler. You yelped and whacked him off with your purse and whispered seductively ‘That’s just taken away your chance to see what’s underneath my outfit.’
He fell to his knees and lunged into you, your knees buckling as he stood up with you over his shoulders. He ran into the kitchen, still holding you as if he was a fireman and the garden was a burning flame. Sarah skipped down the stairs and immediately ran with concern hearing you yelping.
‘Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to clear the exits!’ Joel did his stupid talking down a walkie talkie impression and pointed to Sarah to give way to you both. 
She crossed her arms and stood firmly in the doorway, as if she wasn’t 4ft nothing.
‘You leave me with no choice’ Joel seemed to forget he still had you upside down over his shoulder and squatted down to put Sarah in the same position.
You clumsily bumped heads as Joel flung you both about with no care. He dropped you on the sofa and Sarah on the armchair.
You were out of breath from laughing and trying to keep some of your dignity.
Joel realised the time, he had to leave in two minutes to go to the site. 
‘Well girls, thanks for holding me up’ he jokingly muttered, trying to imitate the attitude you and Sarah sometimes give him.
Sarah looked at you and you both shook your head and giggled. Joel chucked you the car keys and you and Sarah went out to do some shopping. 
After facing the trenches of a retail park in scorching heat, you headed home. Joel had called to say he would be home before you and asked what cocktail you wanted lined up.
Sarah was asleep in her car seat, and you reversed onto the drive, texting Joel to grab Sarah while you got the bags.
Joel’s eye widened and jaw went slack as he saw you unload the car.
‘Baby, if I see another throw cushion I may have to scream.’ Joel delivered the most deadpan one liners sometimes, digging at your femininity and weakness for home furnishings. 
‘Don’t act like you don’t fall asleep on them every single night half way through the film you decided to pick’ you shut the car door and let Joel chuckle as he went and layed Sarah on the sofa.
‘What’s for dinner baby?’ Joel asked.
‘Not sure, ask Sarah when she wakes up what she wants, I got groceries yesterday so she can pick’ you kissed his cheek and reached up for the wine glasses.
You gestured at Joel if he wanted some, and he pulled the cork out of the half finished wine bottle from last night with his teeth. 
You began to crumble under how hot this man was, until he blew the cork out of his mouth and aimed it for your head. He laughed like a boy and smacked your ass as you rolled your eyes. 
‘You know Miller, for someone who likes sex so much, you’re doing an awful lot to sabotage your chances of getting some tonight’ you tapped him on the hip with your foot, and he grabbed your ankle trying to trip you up. 
‘You can’t resist this boyish charm, baby’ he winked and showed his perfect white teeth through a grin.
Sarah came tiptoeing into the kitchen and cuddled her daddy. You sat on the breakfast stool next to Joel, and she clambered onto your lap. You kissed her forehead and she wrapped her arms round her neck. 
‘Daddy, can we have Pizza and the special salad you make?’
‘Anything for my princesses’ Joel stood and wrapped his thick arms round you both, before getting dinner ready for you all.
Sarah picked up your phone and scrolled through your playlist, picking the song you were humming as you drove earlier.
‘It’s so sweet, knowing that you love me. Though we don’t need to say it to eachother, sweet’
‘I love you’ you mouthed to Joel. Your eyes welled up as the song played and filled your heart with an overwhelming feeling of how happy you were.
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la-fumettista · 2 months
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New month, new sticker designs for my Patreon members to vote on!
The theme this month for my monthly sticker club is “Campfire Tales,” inspired by the nostalgia I have around swapping spooky stories, urban legends, or creepy things that happened to a friend of a friend of a friend during sleepovers or around a campfire making s’mores during the summer.
October is obviously THE spooky month, but summertime presents a lot of opportunities for spookiness as well.
Which option do you like the best? Which one do you think will win?
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sotwk · 2 months
It's the last day of Campfire Sleepover! Come toast your last smores!
(Technically the last hours, but I'm not going to be super strict about the hour of cut-off.)
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Thank you again to everyone who has participated and sent in requests! I will be working through all of them throughout the second half of July. Please keep an eye out! :)
All answers/responses written for this event are tagged #SotWK Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
I have not yet heard from several people who expressed an interest in joining, so I hope they see this "last call" announcement. :)
Once again, here is a rundown of all the Summer Campfire Sleepover Games! All of these are open to everyone!
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Pick one of the Special Guest Blorbos listed and I will write a 300-word “drabble” for them with a summertime-themed prompt:
Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark, Harwin Strong, Gil-galad, Elendil, Halbrand
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Need advice or a chance to vent over a problem? Send a quick letter to King Thranduil and/or Queen Maereth, and one of them will respond with some loving parental wisdom! ANONS ARE ACCEPTED for this game ONLY.
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Share with me 5-10 bullet points about your Original Character (any fandom), and I will match them up with one of my own OCs, or a Tolkien canon character. Please include a face claim if you have one. 
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Fill in the blanks: “What would <name of Thranduilion Prince> do if <describe hypothetical situation>?” Send me the question and I will answer with some headcanons. For example: “What would Legolas do if he got asked to dance by someone who is a terrible dancer?”
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Quote a line from the lyrics of a song you love, and I will say which Tolkien character I think is most likely to say it. (Please name the song and artist.)
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Pick one character you would like to receive a love note from: Boromir, Eomer, Thorin, Fili, Haldir, or Feren. Please turn on your Anon Asks for this game to avoid delivery issues.
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Send me the link to a short fic (one-shot, 3,000 words or less only) that you wrote or you recommend. I will read it and “comment” by making a moodboard or doodle for that fic.
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arminsumi · 2 years
Hi! Are you still taking requests? If yes could I request modern au Armin falling in love with his best friend headcanons? Also i love your works! It's incredible how much work you put in it
Yes I am! I'm just a bit lazy lately („ಡωಡ„) And thank you so much for your compliments, I'm glad you enjoy my work!
Honestly, I daydream about this headcanon premise a lot, so I'm going to have a blast writing this.
Headcanons | Armin falling for his best friend
Just thinking about Armin having a shy/hyper dynamic when falling for you, and how he doesn't recognize his steady fall into love even when his friends point out that it's blatant; he likes you.
Cws: Contains explicit sexual content (Separated from the non-sexual content, and also will have a forewarning)
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"Only if you knew how much I liked you..."
Whenever you two hung out, it would create an incredible energy that everyone in your friend group would point out
You and Armin went together so well that you'd joke about being the perfect soulmates
That joke, although a joke it was, sent him soaring each time. His heart would get excited pangs whenever you even hinted towards the idea of dating
Connie would call Armin something in Eldian that meant 'frog boy', because of how he'd visibly jump with excitement when you appeared
Although his friends thought his crush on you was blatant, the two of you were oblivious
It's only when his grandfather said something about it that he recognized his feelings for you were way beyond platonic
But still, I think he put himself in a state of denial in order to deal with these feelings
"I do love you..."
In the summertime, Armin would weave a flower crown for you, so you now had a pile of flower crowns that accumulated over many summers
During sleepovers, you two would bundle up and have a movie marathon
Although he was the shy one of the friend group, Armin's confidence would sometimes skyrocket and he would put his arm around your shoulder during these movies
He was the first to get sleepy during movie marathons, and he'd use this sleepiness as an excuse to lean his head on your shoulder and doze off
As soon as he didn't have your company, he'd want it again; even if the two of you literally spent the whole weekend together
His friends started saying that he should shoot his shot with you, but he was so scared of fucking up your friendship that he decided to stay quiet about his feelings
"The birthmark on your shoulder reminds me..."
Armin was intense (Eheh Scorpio boy stuff), and emotional too, so the two of you would go on long midnight talks about your deepest feelings
Each time you touched on the topic of love, his mind would scramble
Armin would listen to Mystery of Love while daydreaming of you
He'd play the piano for you, and you'd joke about how he was trying to 'win you by serenading'. He'd just cheekily smile and keep playing
He recognized how much he loved you when he started composing a piano piece for you; something soft and serene, he wanted to make something that would make you feel the way you made him feel all the time
When he played this piece for you, and watched your reaction as you slowly began to cry and smile simultaneously, he realized that the swelling in his chest wasn't platonic at all, and it hadn't been for a long time
Forewarning: Explicit content ahead!
Eren would laugh when you said that Armin was innocent, because he knew that Armin was actually awfully horny
Normally he wouldn't be, but there was something about you that set him off
The smallest contact between you two had his mind racing with ten dirty fantasies at once
He felt guilty afterwards, but really he couldn't help but feel that way for you
Whenever he'd be touching himself in bed, he'd think of you being there with him and stroking it yourself
Sometimes you'd catch him gazing at your hands, but you thought nothing of it
Once, when the two of you shared a cigarette, a little bit of wetness from his lips was still on the end, and just watching you wedge it between your lips without caring got him heated
During hugs, sometimes you notice he'll squeeze you tighter and you feel the firmness of his chest squishing yours completely
Anytime he'd hear a Doja song, he'd think of you immediately
Alright, I'm obsessed with the idea of him being a hypersexual Scorpio ugh
He just thinks about how if he'd get his hands on you, he'd make sure you moaned nice and loud for him
There's something about your walk style that gets him; he thinks about putting a possessive hand on your hips whenever he sees them swishing
You notice him zoning out often when you're alone together, and you laugh it off as one of his cute little quirks. But he's just thinking of what you'd look like if you were on your knees in front of him
I like to think of him as someone who's obsessive in and out of the bedroom; but especially in the bedroom, he'll practically worship your body
He's just obsessed with the idea of giving you such intense pleasure that you start shaking from it
Fini! Hope you liked it! I'm a bit rusty with writing here, especially headcanons, sorry if my writing seems a little stiff or out of the usual style... (─‿‿─)
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olderjustneverwiser · 2 years
Give Me Love, I'll Put My Heart in It (Steve Harrington)
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images aren't mine
Two best friends, four seasons, one night. A mistake and finding the way back to one another. Yet another friends-to-lovers fic and literally no one is surprised. WC: 8K.
Warnings: mentions of loss of virginity, sex is alluded to but not explicit, lots of Steve Thoughts, drinking way too much. Literally so much pining, just two oblivious idiots in love.
This fic is heavily based on 'An Evening I Will Not Forget/Furthest Thing' by Dermot Kennedy, and lyrics from the song are at the beginning of each part.
I'm always thinkin' summertime with the bikes out
Pushin' our luck, gettin' wiped out
Days with nothin’ but laughin’ loud
When Steve thinks about summertime, he thinks about sweltering bike rides, cooling off in the pool, and sleepovers on bedroom floors. Sharing sleeping bags and candy stashes and secrets. Nothing was too sacred, not if it was with you  
He thinks about meeting you when you were kids. He knew of you because you were in the same class as him but didn't really know you, too engrossed in his existing friends and action figures to really pay attention to anyone else. But then one summer day he saw you, riding your bike down his street and looking like you were having way more fun than he was. You asked him if he wanted to ride to the quarry with you, and that was that.
One bike ride turned into two, and after learning that you lived just down the street from one another, you were inseparable. The two of you rode to the arcade, the quarry, into the woods, anywhere your little legs could take you until the sun would start to set and your parents expected you home. It didn't matter where you ended up, whether one of you wiped out while racing the other. The skinned knees and hurt pride was worth it because he had you, and that's all that mattered.
He thinks about summer days spent in the pool; cooling off in the hot Hawkins afternoons. He thinks about games of Marco Polo with all of his friends, playing treasure dive when it was just the two of you. Always seeking you out because somewhere between biking in the Indiana sun and splash fights, you had become his best friend. 
And as the days turned to night and you both grew too exhausted from the sun, the sleeping bags would be rolled out and you would pretend that you were far away from Hawkins, away from his nanny and the house that was always too empty until sleep inevitably took you both. These are the things Steve thinks about when he thinks about summer. Not loud parties or college tours or summer jobs. Not the loneliness he'd feel when his parents would leave yet again. No, these are the memories that come to his mind, memories he made with you.
Those were always the best. Those were the ones that made his heart feel a little lighter.
It didn’t matter how many summers passed; how old the both of you got or who he happened to be sleeping with for those few months, his mind was brought back to the smell of chlorine and the wind in his face, in your hair. It’s no surprise, really. Those memories have been the highlight of his summers for as long as he can remember. 
Of course, the summers changed as you got older, but the sentiments always stayed the same. Bike rides turned into long drives in Steve’s car; the destination sometimes unknown, a surprise even to the both of you. Kool-Aid by the pool became diluted with vodka since no parents were around to tell you different and the smell of smoke lingered alongside chlorine and sunscreen. As you got older you and Steve stopped trying to pretend that the floor of his bedroom was comfortable enough to sleep on; Steve happily sharing his bed instead of just his blankets. You had both grown over the years and his bed didn’t feel quite as big as it used to but neither of you really cared. The slightly cramped space only gave you both the excuse to lay a little closer to one another. 
Not like either of you really minded. 
Somewhere near the end of his teen years, between early morning drives and late nights in his bedroom, Steve noticed things. His eyes starting to linger on your face a little longer, his hands seeking out yours in the pool. He noticed how touches always seemed to last a little too long to be just friendly and how his heart pounded when some punk would flirt with you. At first he brushed it off, he was seventeen and just chalked it up to possessiveness towards his best friend. Then time passed and Jonathan Byers beat a little ego out of him and Steve realized that, oh, what he had been feeling was a crush. Not young lust, not just want for another body or bragging rights, but he wanted you. All of you. 
You and him never changed through the years, though. Not really, not in a way you both thought of. Both wished for, even though the other was totally oblivious. 
Steve remembers a day last summer, the two of you hanging out like you always did when you were both off from work and the kids weren’t hounding Steve to drive them all over Hawkins. The day was spent in his pool; his empty house gave you both the freedom to be as loud and obnoxious as you wanted, to drink and smoke without any caring parents.
He remembers playing music through a boombox; smiling as you sang along to ’American Girl.’  He thinks of how you slipped off your dress, bathing suit already on and the skin you displayed wasn’t anything he hadn't seen of you before, but it made his stare linger for reasons he still didn't understand. The day was perfect; neither of you had a care in the world for a while and then at one point when the sun was just beginning to set for the night, he remembers turning to look at you and he almost forgot to breathe.
The colors of the setting sun surrounded you over the trees, shades of purple, blue, orange, and red all around and they somehow made your face glow. You turned to him with a smile, all teeth and wide eyes and pure joy and Steve swore you were perfect. He could finally put a word to the confusing, complicated feelings that had been swirling in his head for the past few years. It was love. He fucking loved his best friend.
He almost made a move, right then and there.
He wasn't King Steve anymore, though. You were both older, somewhat wiser. He didn't act like every girl was his anymore because he didn’t want just any girl; hadn’t for years. Besides, you were his best friend and it's not like you had ever acted like you wanted to be anything other than that. So, he held back. Kept the feelings he knew he had locked away deep in his chest because it was better that way. He had always been a shitty boyfriend in the past, anyway, and you didn't deserve that. Steve had always been a good friend, though, so he chose to keep things just the way they were because you had him, he had you, and that was good enough. You still held his arm as he led you back inside, still laid next to him in his too-small bed that night. Still was his person, just like you had always been. That never changed.
But as everyone knows, summer always has to end. Days get shorter, nights a little cooler and not everything stays the same forever. 
What's important is this evening I will not forget
Purple, blue, orange, red. These colors of feelin’
Autumn flowed into Hawkins quickly, leaves turning different shades of red and yellow in September and temperatures dropping in the first week of October. It brought fewer pool parties and movie nights since the kids were going to football games and studying more. Robin and Vickie had recently moved into an apartment together, and Eddie's band had started to book more and more gigs, which left you and Steve alone more often than not.
It's not like he minded, not at all. He loved his friends more than his own family, but you were special and he'd pick time with you over time with anyone else, every time. 
Which brought the both of you to tonight, Rocky Horror playing and you two on the couch in the den. A bottle of cheap wine shared between you and your legs resting on his lap. It was comfortable, the kind of night that you both loved. You had stolen one of his cardigans earlier; the chill outside had found its way in after the sun had gone down for the night and you had slipped on the thick material without even asking, knowing Steve wouldn't mind.
 He loved seeing you in them, anyway.
"I totally had the hots for Janet when I first watched this," Steve said as 'The Sword of Damocles' played through the TV. "Pretty sure ‘Touch Me’ was like, my first sexual awakening or something."
"Wow, that explains so much about you," you teased.
"Oh shut up," Steve tickled your leg, careful not to make you spill your drink. "She's a super hot girl singing about wanting to get dirty and lose her virginity, how could twelve-year-old me not be changed by that?" You muttered something about how crass he could be, though your smile told him that you really didn’t care.
"I mean, I probably shouldn't have watched this when I was that young. Gave me a pretty fucked up idea how my first time would go, y'know?" Steve expected some snarky retort about the workings of the male psyche or something, but he didn't get it. 
"I, uh, wouldn't know actually," you said shyly, running your finger over the rim of your glass. "Don’t really have a good frame of reference for that sorta thing."
Steve almost asked what you meant, but then understanding washed over him. He couldn't help but sputter and the almost spit-take would have been funny if it was under different circumstances. If it wasn't at your expense. "You- you've never had sex?"
He didn’t mean the question in any sort of mean way of course; he was genuinely just surprised by your admission. Though the way you rolled your eyes and the blush that creeped up your neck told him that you definitely took it that way. "I mean, have you ever heard me talk about having sex?"
"How did I not know this? We're best friends!"
"It's not exactly something I broadcast. Hello Hawkins, twenty-two year old virgin here."
Steve hated how you said the word with a sneer, like it was something awful. Hated how he definitely made it worse. "Come on, don't say it like that. Sorry if I made you feel bad; guess I figured you had done it and were just, I don’t know, being a lady or something."
You huffed, "I mean, it's not like I'm a prude. I've done stuff, I just never wanted to have sex with guys in high school, y'know? Most of them were gross. But after we graduated I just wanted to get it over with, so I went out with Kevin Murphy-"
"That's why you dated that asshole?" Steve interjected.
"I thought he'd be happy to do it!” You continued. “But he left when I told him I was a virgin, as if sleeping with me would make me wanna marry his dumb ass or something. I thought stupid boys liked innocent girls? I remember you bragging about how you were Nancy's first for days."
"Don't remind me how much of an dick I was-"
"But then I dated Matt from the swim team, and he was a little too into the whole thing, so dumped him. Then there was Ralphie but he was just a creep and after that I guess I just gave up. I didn’t realize how hard it'd be to find a guy to fuck me and not be weird about it."
Steve hated how sad you sounded after your confession. He genuinely was shocked by it; he had been too busy with his own sex life to really pay attention to yours when he was younger. But now he felt like an asshole for even bringing it up and he wanted to turn back the time; shove the words back in his mouth. He wanted to make it better.
"I could be the one, if y'want," the words left Steve before he could think better of them, before he could even think through them and they shocked him almost as much as they seemed to shock you, if your wide eyes and slack jaw were anything to go by. 
"You drunk already, Steve?" You asked, a slight laugh at the end of your question to try to make light of the situation and part of Steve wished he was a little too drunk at the moment. He wished he could blame the offer on too many drinks so the two of you could laugh it off, forget about it in the morning. 
The truth was that Steve was as sober as he could be. The question had flowed from his lips too easily because if he was being honest, he had thought about that for too long. He has wanted you to be his for years, but he lost his nerve and gained popularity and suddenly he was dating Kathy, then Nancy, then Brenda. Sleeping with other girls in between just because he could. He realized you deserved better than he could offer you. You were so much more than just a friend but still not what Steve wanted, not how he wished things could be between the two of you but even after every failed relationship, he never made a move. Never risked ruining the best fucking thing he'd ever had because if he just had you as his closest friend, well, that would have to be good enough. 
That didn’t mean he couldn’t do this for you, though.
"Not drunk, trust me." He replied. "Just thinking."
Your expression was completely unreadable as your eyes bore into his. Steve couldn't tell if you wanted to agree or run for the hills or slap him for even suggesting such a thing. Eventually you responded, and he thought a nice slap from you would have hurt less.
"I don't wanna be a pity fuck, Steve."
And fuck, those words cut him like a knife because how could you think that's what you would mean to him? How could you think that he would just fuck you and that's all?
Steve wetted his lips, planning his words carefully this time, "You know it wouldn't be like that. It's just, this way your first time would be with someone who-" Someone who loves you.
"Someone who cares about you. And it's not like I wouldn't get anything out of it," he added with a grin to attempt to hide how much he was freaking out inside. He thought he saw the blush on your cheeks deepen even more if that were possible and you appeared to be actually considering his offer. 
For some reason, it terrified him.
"If you're uncomfortable you can say no, obviously I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do and even if we'd start and you'd wanna stop I would-"
"Okay." You said, almost a whisper, and Steve swore he felt the air leave his lungs. Because he had wanted this since he was a teenager with too many hormones and not enough life experience to know what his feelings for you meant just yet. He had thought about you and him together like this far more times than he’d care to admit and the fact that you just accepted his offer, just like that, damn near brought him to his knees.
"Okay?" Steve clarified, making sure he heard right, hadn't imagined it.
"Yeah," you nodded, "Yeah, I know you'll take care of me."
And yes, he would. No matter what. 
Some sort of silent understanding of tonight passed through the air between you. He grabbed your hand, blankets and half-empty glasses long forgotten as he led you through the hallway and up the stairs to his bedroom. Steve could feel the pound of his heart, the blood rushing in his ears and he wondered if he should say something before you both went through with this. Should he tell you that he's loved you for years, and that this would mean so much more to him than just helping out a friend? Does he tell you that he wants you to be his after this, too? 
But before he could think about it any further the two of you got to his room, still comforting but there was a new feeling in the air now. The soft light from his bedside lamp illuminated your skin, you were looking at him with those eyes and he knew that he was a fucking goner. 
You looked like you wanted to say something, your hands twisting in his cardigan as you worried your bottom lip. Clearly nervous and thinking your question over in your head before you spoke, "This isn't gonna change things between us, right?"
Steve wanted to say that they would. He wanted to tell you that he's wanted change for as long as he could remember, and that he's wondered if you wanted it, too. He wanted to say that this could change everything, and wouldn't that be wonderful? He wanted to say that he was almost as nervous as you undoubtedly were because he thought you were perfect, wanted this to be perfect and that this didn't have to be the only time. 
He didn't say any of those things, though. Didn’t want to overstep so instead he settled on, "Not if we don't want it to."
You nodded, slowly, thinking his response over. He wondered if your silence was a sign; if your hesitation meant that you shouldn't do this. 
“Hey,” Steve took your hands in his and he sat on the bed, meeting your eye level. “What're you thinkin' about, huh?”
Shaking your head, you offered him that small smile of yours that he secretly loved. "Nothing, just nervous I guess."
"We don't have to do anything," he started but you shook your head, assured him that you wanted this, wanted him. Then your hands were on his chest and there was a pleading look in your eye and you were asking if you could kiss him. It was like you couldn't wait any longer. Like you had waited a lifetime for this opportunity.
He wondered if you had, just like him. 
Only a second passed before he whispered to you that of course you could, and then you were kissing him. It was soft, testing, just the push of your lips on his and it was everything. His blood rushed and he wondered if you felt the thump of his heart because how long had he waited for this? Wished for it?
You ended it too soon but he couldn't help but bring a hand to your cheek and pull you back in, just for one more because for all he knew, this would be the only time. He wanted to remember how you tasted, like sugar and sunlight and he didn't want it to end. Not yet. 
“Sure about this?” he asked once he managed to pull away. Just to make absolutely sure that this was okay; that you really wanted him.
You just nodded, cheeks flushed and hands gripping the soft material of his sweater. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
The night was a blur after that. Steve willed time to slow just for that night, just a little while but the better things in life always pass too fast and this was no different. Still, he was determined to remember every detail about it. Soft sweaters and tee shirts being shrugged off, thrown somewhere in the room and hands touching bare skin. Kisses that Steve knew he would never have enough of. Your sigh that tickled his mouth as his hand grazed your hip bone and then even lower, and the way you sounded when he entered you, gasping and asking for more, chest heaving and fingers leaving little marks on his shoulders as you came. 
He wanted to remember it all because it had never felt like this before. 
Steve expected the awkwardness to come as you both cleaned up or brushed your teeth side by side at his sink, but it never came. Not even when he asked if you were okay did the conversation feel different than any other you'd usually have. It felt normal after, as if having sex with your best friend was something the two of you always did. When you both crawled into Steve's bed and flicked off the lamp, surrounded by darkness and the silence of the night, the shift in your friendship he'd half expected didn't surface. The night was quiet and calm like it always was. 
It felt like a calm before a storm and neither of you were prepared.
Bittersweet celebrations, I know I can't change what happened
Things changed, as they inevitably would. 
At least, they didn’t at first. Steve still woke up before you the morning after, like he always did whenever you spent the night. Still watched as sunlight filled the room and woke you from your slumber slowly. He still thought about waking you up with a good morning kiss; one that he could pour all of his feelings and wants into but he didn't, allowing the sunlight to kiss you awake instead. 
You still shrugged on one of Steve's sweaters instead of your own, always finding comfort in the way it smelled like his shampoo and cologne. The two of you still shared breakfast at his dining table, the shy smile you wore and marks above your collarbone the only indications that something different had happened last night. 
Steve wondered if he should bring it up; if he should ask if you were still okay or if you wanted to talk about it. He wondered if this would eventually change things, if something would finally come out of this.
He wondered if your lips still burned like his did. If you still felt his hands on you because he still felt yours. 
But he kept quiet because he didn't know what to say. His brain told him that if you had wanted to talk about it, you would have brought it up yourself and before either of you knew, it was time for you to leave for your shift at work. So you left, hair still slightly mused from sleep and his sweater around your body. You loitered at his front door for a second, seemingly wanting something that he couldn't comprehend but after a beat, he let you leave.
He should have said something because everything changed after that.
Things were fine at first. Steve still saw you daily. You still made the same jokes and shared snacks on his couch during movie nights. Still rested your head on his shoulder when the hour got too late and you could barely stay awake. Days passed and you never talked about it, almost like that night never even happened. Steve kept thinking that he should bring it up, but the fact that you so pointedly did not bring it up told him that he probably shouldn't, right?
He wanted to, though. He wanted to so badly because he couldn’t stop thinking about how you felt against him that night. 
If he thought he had it bad before, it was nothing compared to how his hands ached to link with yours when you walked next to him on the sidewalk. He wanted to grab you and kiss you again, not satisfied with the sample he’d gotten that night. You never asked him for it again, though, so he kept quiet, kept everything to himself. Steve thought he saw it in your eyes a few times; a silent plea whenever the two of you were together. You’d cuddle all close next to him on the couch, flash him a smile and for a split second he’d think about closing the gap, thinking that you were going to do it, but you never did. The two of you stayed on the side of friendship, like always. 
Steve noticed a shift, seemingly out of nowhere. You stopped linking your hands through his in the car, jokes that once made you laugh only earned him a smile and you didn't ask to borrow his cardigans anymore. Then, you didn't come around as much.
You started visiting him at work less and less. Thanksgiving lunch with your parents was strained, more and more nights were spent without you and before Steve knew it, autumn had turned into winter and you were turning just as cold towards him. 
You didn't go Christmas shopping with him like you had done every year prior. Hellfire nights at Eddie's somehow started to feel lonely as you opted to sit on the opposite side of the couch instead of curled into his side. Watching the kids play from the sidelines, keeping a safe distance. 
You'd never done that before and Steve didn’t know how to navigate this. 
Thankfully, you still came to his house for New Year's Eve. It had become somewhat of a tradition for everyone to come over to celebrate the holiday, but he had a hunch that you only came to see Robin and the kids. 
It stung, but he'd take it. It had been too long since he'd seen you. 
The night started out like it always did, Eddie and the kids talking D&D or Lord of the Rings by the outdoor firepit, Nancy and Jonathan off in their little area by the pool together, Vicki talking Steve's head off while you and Robin caught up on the porch.
The only change was you, who hadn't spoken a word to Steve the whole damn night. You, who had shown up in your own thick sweater instead of stealing one of Steve’s and opting for his liquor cabinet rather than him.
He wondered if you were embarrassed by what the two of you had done or if you regretted it. He had a haunting feeling that you did because he was starting to regret it himself. He didn't regret what happened,  exactly, he would never regret that but he hated what happened after. If he had known that night would ruin the best friendship he'd ever had he never would have made that stupid fucking suggestion. 
What was done was done, though. He couldn’t change it.
As the hour grew later the sparklers and poppers came out, Eddie broke out the s’mores, and his special blend mingled with the smell of gunpowder. Music and laughter was in the air and Steve couldn't help but smile at the scene, the people closest to him having the time of their lives just by all being together to celebrate the end of another year. 
Well, all except you, it seemed.
You were no longer with Robin, and Steve didn't see you among the group of younger ones. He almost panicked as he looked around the yard and didn't see you, but his eyes caught a shape in the living room window. 
You were inside, alone. Away from your friends and away from him. 
Steve left to go inside and check on you, deciding that he missed his best friend too much and fuck, enough was enough, when he was cornered by none other than Dustin Henderson before he could even make it to the porch. 
"What happened?" He asked Steve, no preamble or clarification needed for him to understand his question. 
Dustin didn't need to know that, though. 
"What're you talkin' about?" 
"Don't play dumb, Steve. You know exactly what I'm asking. The two of you were joined at the hip and now you haven't talked all night! What. Happened."
Steve sighed, cursing his friend and his never ending curiosity. "We're fine, alright? Look, even if something did happen, you think I'd tell you?"
Dustin narrowed his eyes, “Do you really think I’m that stupid, Steve? Do you think any of us are that stupid?”
Steve really wished they were. 
He hadn’t told anyone what happened, he knew you didn’t either but he also knew that the fact that something had gone on in the recent months was obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain cell. Thanks to the fact that you hadn’t spoken to him all night and were currently drinking on his couch alone instead of curled against his side. 
“Fuck off, Henderson. Let the adults worry about the adults, okay?” With a pat to Dustin’s shoulder Steve continued to his destination, ignoring Dustin’s calls to him as he stepped into the house and made his way over to you.
"Hey," he said stupidly. He hated not knowing how to approach you or what to say. You only gave him a small hum of acknowledgement, so he tried again "What're you doing in here all by yourself?"
"Drinkin', ya know, end of the year and all. Kinda whatcha do" was your reply and Steve noted your glassy eyes and pink cheeks, your plastic cup that smelled like vodka with a hint of juice. It fucking killed him.
"What, gotta be drunk just to see me now?" He hated how he sounded defensive, hated how he felt the need to say something because he knew you were a lightweight and that you probably wouldn't even remember this in the morning. "How much have you had to drink, anyway?"
You shrugged, downed the cup and grimaced when the alcohol burned your throat. Steve wanted to cut you off, knowing you must be well past your limit but he couldn't. Not after the disaster with Nancy years back and besides, he didn't feel like he had the right to do it anymore. It's not like the two of you were friends at the moment.
He hated this. It had never been like this with you, was never supposed to be like this.
Steve took a chance, taking the seat next to you on the sofa. This was the most the two of you had spoken in weeks and he wanted to take what he could get. He didn’t know what to say though, because you had treated him like a stranger. Steve knew you better than anyone else, in more ways than he could count, but still you couldn’t seem to look him in the eye. The silence was deafening; Steve couldn’t remember ever feeling awkward next to you. Nervous, sure. Maybe even scared but never awkward. Not even after you had seen each other naked and knew what the other tasted like. So yeah, this awkward silence was new and unusual and Steve fucking hated it.
You broke it before he had to, though. 
"Things are different now and I don't know what to do.” You whispered, closing your eyes to contain the tears gathering there. “I wanted you for so long and it was amazing but it was a mistake and it’s all fucked now.”
Steve watched as you paused, taking a breath between your rambles and he didn’t know how to feel at this moment. It felt like a climax, like a big reveal in a movie and he didn’t know what was coming. He knew it wouldn’t be good, though. Drunk confessions never were.
“I fucking love you, Steve, and I wanted it to be you and maybe that was selfish of me, but when you said that you wanted it too I thought that you wanted me and loved me. But I don’t think you love me like I love you."
Now, Steve thought that he had suffered a broken heart after Nancy called him bullshit, dumped him like garbage. At the time he naively thought she was the love of his life and the pain he felt in his chest was the worst he’d felt yet in his short, charmed existence.
This, though? This was soul crushing. The fact that you probably felt used and dumped out and it was all his fault. That you didn’t think he loved you after everything. The fact that you had just said that you loved him, but you were drunk, so was it even real? 
"Why didn't you ever say anything?" He asked, disbelieving. Why didn't you tell me? Fuck, why didn't I tell you that I feel the same? Would it even matter now if I did?
But then he watched as your face fell, and tears you'd managed to hold in finally leaked, and he physically saw you deflate.
Steve was stunned, torn between wanting to run and wipe your tears like he'd always done but knowing you wouldn't let him. He didn’t know what to do because you had just told him what he had wanted to hear for years but you were drunk and heartbroken, and you wouldn’t even remember this in the morning. He didn’t get the chance to be happy about your feelings for him, wasn’t able to try to hold you close and tell you that it would be better in the morning because at that moment, a voice neither of you really expected to hear broke through the uncomfortable silence. 
“Hey, Harrington, you got any-” Eddie stopped in his tracks and his face turned serious, noting the pained look on Steve’s face and the tears you tried to wipe with your sleeve. “Sorry, guess I’ll just go-”
“Nope!” You said, a little too enthusiastically. “I’ll go.” You stood and tried to walk to the door but the alcohol you had consumed was clearly affecting you now and you stumbled, both Steve and Eddie reaching to catch you before you fell.
“I don’t think you should be walking anywhere like this, drunky,” Eddie said, trying to add levity to the situation.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “Why don’t you just stay here, huh? We can talk about it in the morning.”
"'Cause everythin' worked out so great the last time I was in your bed?" you mumbled, speech slurring a little more and your eyes losing focus as you stared at him.
Steve didn’t miss the way Eddie looked at him then, eyebrows raised and looking like he was shocked, annoyed, angry. He wanted to wipe the look right off of Eddie’s face.
As if Steve would ever mean to hurt you. 
“How about I walk you home?” Eddie offered, turning to face you before Steve could respond. “You’re right up the road, yeah?”
You agreed with little argument then, exhaustion seemingly taking over. Steve watched as Eddie grabbed your coat off of the back of the couch and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, just to steady you. He wanted to call out to Eddie, to convince you to stay so you would be here in the morning. Instead he watched the two of you leave out of the front door, avoiding your friends outside and leaving Steve to explain where you’d gone off to and why you weren’t just staying here like always. Maybe he deserved it, maybe this was some sort of karma for being a dick for years.
So Steve joined his friends outside, giving vague answers to Is she okay? and Why didn't she just stay here? He ignored the knowing grin on Dustin's face and the look Robin gave him that told Steve she would definitely be grilling him about this later. Steve ignored it all; too exhausted to explain and defend himself to his friends. 
This was the first New Year's spent without you for what felt like forever and, fuck, Steve had never felt more alone.
I still love you, I still love you always 
Let's not crack and break and part ways
Things weren't the same for weeks after that.
It wasn't for lack of trying on Steve's part, though. On New Year's Day he had gotten up as early as his hangover allowed him and made the short walk to your house, only to see Eddie walking out of the door just as Steve stepped onto the lawn. He told Steve that he had just stopped by to check in and that you were hungover but okay, and he didn't know if you'd want to talk to anyone right now. 
Steve had a feeling that meant that you didn't want to talk to him but were too nice to say it.
So Steve waited, and then he called your house, then called it again the next day. Eventually he got your machine enough times to tell him to give it up. It hurt, but he gave you space and waited a week.
A week turned to two, and before anyone knew two months had gone by without speaking to one another. It seemed like you and Steve had finally outgrown each other, which is something he never thought would happen. 
Because you and him were each other's person. Whenever he felt too lonely in his big, empty house or when you felt too lonely in your own head. You had always been there. Hell, he saw you way more than he saw his own parents. Steve was used to being without his parents; they’d leave for weeks at a time, come home for a day or two, then leave again. Give him a call every other week, just to make sure he wasn’t dead. He hadn’t ever gone longer than a day or two without speaking to you, though. The both of you had watched the other grow up and change, and had way too many inside jokes to count. But now you weren't there anymore and it felt like cutting off a limb. 
As cliché as it sounded, it felt like he had lost a piece of himself. 
He still saw you, of course. Hawkins was a small town and it was impossible not to run into you at the movie theater or the grocery store or even with your mutual friends. It hurt his chest a little each time, but he never acted on it. You'd give him the same look whenever you'd meet his eye; a little bit embarrassed and regretful. Disappointed. 
Steve never meant to disappoint you. 
It was obvious that he had, though. Whether it was because of what happened that night or what didn’t happen the morning after, he still wasn’t sure. 
He had his hopes, of course. Hoped that your words on New Year’s Eve were true, that you loved him back. He didn’t know for sure, though and he was too chicken to try to ask you again.
Then March rolled around, beginning to melt the snow and by some small miracle, you'd asked to see him.
Well, not directly, but it was something.
Eddie's band was starting to really kick off. They had been playing small, local bars for years and had finally booked a gig in a college town a few hours away from Hawkins. It was easily the biggest they'd played yet, and no one in the group was going to miss it.
Steve knew that he'd be driving Robin and Vicki to the show and Jonathan and Nancy would probably choose to go separately. The only question was you and how you'd get there. You loved Eddie's band, and there was no way you'd miss a show like this. Steve also knew that you didn't have a car, so you'd have no way to get there unless he'd drive you, too.
Which, he wasn’t about to hold his breath for. It came as a huge shock when Robin and Steve were on the phone the night before the concert, talking logistics and she mentioned that he'd be picking you up.
"Um, Robin, does she know that I'm picking her up?" He asked, unsure if he'd heard her correctly since you hadn't spoken a word to him since New Year's. 
He practically heard her smirk through the phone, "Even better, she asked you to. So you better work your shit out before picking us up, got it?"
Which brought him to the night of the show, slowly pulling up your driveway and wondering just how this was going to go. It felt foreign yet familiar, and he started to step out of the car to knock on your window like he always did when you stepped out of the front door, giving him a little wave before locking your door.
God, he’d missed you.
The drive to Vicki and Robin’s was quiet. Even with music playing softly from the speakers, the air inside felt heavy with the unspoken words between you. You’d seemed like you wanted to say something the whole drive, but you stayed quiet. Steve didn’t think he’d be able to take it much longer when you finally spoke just as he was turning on Robin’s street. "Thanks for driving me, I didn't wanna miss the show."
"Don't sweat it," he took the moment to turn towards you, reveling in the image of you next to him in the car again. His front seat had felt empty for far too long. "You look pretty tonight.” He knew he was pressing his luck but the smile you gave told him that you didn't mind. It wasn't much, but it was something.
He wanted to ask how you'd been and if things could ever go back to the way they were because he missed his best friend, but the girls were already running towards his car, effectively cutting off the conversation. That was, until you finally arrived in Bloomington a couple hours later, the four of you tumbling out of the car to stretch your legs and you’d grabbed Steve’s arm, asking if the two of you could hang back.
You leaned against his car, fidgeting with the sleeve of your denim jacket. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. I was just embarrassed about what I said at New Year’s.”
Steve was stunned. “You remember that?”  
You grimaced, “Well, Eddie kinda told me the next day. I’m so sorry, you didn’t deserve what I said about, y’know, being in your bed. I was just being stupid."
Of course, that’s what you meant. You had no fucking idea that you had spilled your feelings for him along with your tears before Eddie barged in.
Steve shook his head, waved it off and tried to fake indifference to it all. “No, it’s fine, I probably deserved it.”
“You didn’t! I knew what I was getting into that night, it’s not your fault." You took a breath, fingers tapping on his car as you broke his gaze. "I'm sorry for avoiding you before that, too. I just didn't know how to be around you anymore, but I miss you so I wanna just forget about it. Move on."
He could honestly say that he considered leaving it at that in the hopes of saving your relationship but he found that he couldn’t. Call it bravery, stupidity, or just being fed up with the downfall of your friendship since autumn. Steve had an inkling that it was partially due to him not talking to you.
Not telling you how he felt before.
Not doing anything the morning after.
Not fighting to see you after New Years.
The two of you had been able to confide in the other about every little thing since you were kids, so why not this? Why not something as monumental as what happened between you and how you felt about one another?
Steve felt bold, brave. He was tired of the comfortable, tired of the contentment he had allowed himself to live in, because what if something better was waiting on the other side?
So, he went for it.
"You told me that you love me." Steve said, voice surprisingly even despite the nerves he felt. He watched as your eyes went wide, and if the neon bar signs hadn't been painting your faces red, he knew he would have seen a deep blush blossom on your cheeks. "On New Years, you said that you love me. Did you mean it? 'Cause I gotta be honest, I've been in love with you for a really long fucking time."
Steve couldn’t focus on anything but you; barely registered the drunk college kids shuffling on the sidewalk or the shitty rock music coming from inside the bar. All he wanted to focus on was how the shock on your face morphed into relief, embarrassment fading away as it clicked in your brain that he felt the exact same way you did.
"'Course I love you, Steve. I've loved you for years. That's why I didn't know how to be around you after. I guess part of me thought it didn't mean anything to you and I just didn't know how to deal with that. Then I was so fucking scared afterwards because I thought I lost you."
Steve could feel his heart lighten in his chest, the weight he’d been carrying for months finally lifting at your confession. His heart also constricted after you confirmed his fears, that you didn't think it mattered at all to him. It was a confusing feeling; an uncomfortable circumstance and he wanted to make it right.
"Are you kidding?" He asked, reaching for your hands like he did that night. "That could never not mean anything to me. I belong to you, you know that? Have for a while now. I was just too scared to say anything and ruin us.”
You beamed at his words, pure happiness oozing out of you it was a sight Steve hadn’t seen in a long time.
It was something he wanted to see every damn day. 
“We’re so stupid, aren’t we?” Your voice held a laugh, an airy sound that Steve had missed more than he realized.
He nodded, the motion making you laugh even more and he reveled in it “I’m sorry I was an idiot. Sorry I didn’t say anything.”
You squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry too, again. For everything.”
“I’m sorry I hurt you. I never meant to, you know that, right?”
“I know, and I think we should say something other than 'sorry' now.” The implication of your words weren't lost on Steve, and he wasn't going to let this moment slip by, too. 
"I love you," he said, grinning when your smile widened even more at his words, eyes turning a little glossy but he knew they were good tears this time. He pulled you closer, emboldened by the feelings bubbling up in his chest and the way you were looking at him like he was all you'd ever wanted. "I love you, and I want you to be mine 'cause I think I've always been yours."
You leaned yourself even closer to him, body centimeters from his but it still didn't feel close enough. Not after so long of not being with each other. "I love you, and I wanna be yours."
There were many things Steve could have said after that. He could have whispered out more apologies, other would've, should've moments you both let pass over the years but he knew those didn't matter, not right now at least. So instead, he did what he wanted to do since the first time. 
He pushed into you, closing the gap that was left and kissed you, mirroring your smile with his own when he felt it. It was safe and comforting, like coming home and he never wanted to leave.
"We should get inside," you whispered after you broke apart, foreheads resting against the other. The whole reason why you were here in the first place was almost completely forgotten by Steve and part of him wanted to skip out on it all together; make up for lost time with you. He could have happily stayed outside with you alone; could have listened to Eddie's noise from the road, endured the dirty looks from your friends later but he realized that this wasn't going to be the only time. You and him were going to talk about this again, be changed for the better come morning. So he relented, nodding before pressing another kiss to your cheek, taking your hand and leading you to the door.
As friends, but as much more, too. 
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calicheer-cove · 6 months
Select Clientele - Billy Hargrove x Chrissy Cunningham
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Summary: Chrissy has her eyes on Billy. Billy has his eyes on Chrissy. He decides to have a little talk with her. What will be her decision?
Author’s Note: The pool flirting scene, but make it Calicheer. Also let me know if you want a part two.
Summertime in the small town of Hawkins meant something different for everyone. For El and Max, this meant sleepovers and playing around with her powers to spy on the boys. For Dustin this meant computer camp to learn and build with the latest in tech ware. For Will, he was hoping for D&D, while Lucas and Mike wondered if their girlfriends were mad at them. As for the older ones, summer internships and jobs to save up for future endeavors. Billy was more than happy to work as a lifeguard if it meant being out of the house. Chrissy, against her mother’s narrow mindedness, worked at the GAP.
Training alongside her friends was a nice change of pace instead of attending bible camp, again. Utilizing her people skills, practicing money management, and keeping the place in tip top shape made the time roll by. Even on days when only a small handful of customers came over, she was happy to be there. Aside from store discounts, she also had the benefit of stopping by Scoops Ahoy! to meet up with Steve and Robin during her lunch breaks. Harrington went on about his failed love life, while Buckley and her rightfully poked fun at him. Dustin was surprised to see Cunningham, feeling apprehensive at first. In time he was able to see that she was actually a nice person. Chrissy thought of him like a second little brother.
Aside from the mall, the community pool was also another big hot spot. The place to be for fun in the sun, much to the boredom of the juniors and seniors working as lifeguards. They did their training and work of course, their faces indicated that they would rather be anywhere than here. Billy was no different, still at least he was able to earn a little extra money and work on his tan. Billy was not ashamed of how he looked, he took pride in his appearance. A number of the mothers clearly took interest. He offered them a charming smile as he passed by, his face dropping immediately once he turned his back on them. He loved the attention of course, but there was only one set of eyes that Billy wanted on him. Eyes as blue as the ocean beneath the Santa Monica pier in July.
Nancy took in the warmth of the bright sun on her skin. Robin preferred to stay under the umbrella with Vickie, worried that the 50 spf wouldn’t be enough for her; despite her reassurances. Dustin was engaged in a battle of chicken, keeping himself steady on Steve’s shoulders. Making his best attempt to push Will off of Jonathan’s shoulders. Lucas and Mike were showing off in front of Max and El, the two girls focusing on each other rather than their idiot boyfriends. Erica and her friends were more than prepared to make fun of the older Sinclair sibling and his friend.
Chrissy’s nose was firmly in a copy of some trashy romance novel that Heather loaned her. A pretty predictable story, but one that she enjoyed nonetheless. In a small, shanty sea town, a faithful woman of god (who so happens to be a widow) crosses paths with a sexy pirate. He steals her, they go sailing, have sex, and that’s it. The words were enticing, the same could be said for the cover art as well. Muscular man with a tan, long flowing locks of golden, curly hair, eyes as blue as the sea, and he’s wearing a shirt that showed off more cleavage than the lady.
“So how are you liking it so far?” Heather asked, passing over a can of Tab to her.
“It’s good. Captain James is wooing Prudence in his quarters,” Chrissy answered back, eyes going back to the page.
“Ooh, you’re gonna love the next chapter. It’s so hot,” Heather purred, sliding a stick of gum into her mouth.
Chrissy wasn’t exactly a connoisseur of romantic smut, but her curiosity was definitely piqued in freshman year. During a slumber party, Heather shared her mother’s private reading collection and the girls all had a good laugh. Chrissy wasn’t sure what the flowery language meant, but she giggled as well. In sophomore year, she would find a private corner at the public library to read those stories; that is until Heather would offer one to get, in exchange for a little tutoring. As they studied for an upcoming science test, Heather noticed how distracted Chrissy appeared during a session. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Cunningham was crushing on Hargrove as he walked by. Heather, in good fun and genuine curiosity, had questions. Chrissy was easy to read: Cheeks glowing, heart thumping, and scowl that wouldn’t scare a rabbit. Heather swore to tell no one and she kept that promise.
Chrissy peaked over her heart shaped sunglasses at the tanned Adonis. She had an inkling that he was looking at her, despite wearing his aviators. She figured that maybe she wouldn’t register on his love radar, boy was she wrong. Billy wasn’t a stranger to certain members on the cheer team, little flings in between after school practice were commonplace. To his surprise, all she did was offer him a friendly greeting and nothing more. He sat behind her in geometry, staring at the gentle slope of her neck. The curled loop of her ponytail looked so pretty, often accessorized with a scrunchie or a bow. Her perfume smelled expensive, costing more than a six pack, a box of Camels, and gas combined. In the cafeteria their eyes met briefly before she went off with her friends. One of Hargrove’s fellow goons made the fatal mistake of jokingly stating that Billy had a crush on Chrissy. A threat and swift punch to the shoulder was enough to shut him up. Wounded pride aside, it was true; Billy did find her fascinating.
Getting paired up in class for a history project led to conversations, allowing for them to talk; even if it was surface level. They began to converse in the hallway and after school as well. People began to talk, Billy didn’t give a shit, but Chrissy did. He wasn’t sure why, but a part of his mind ordered him to keep her safe. If someone made an inappropriate remark at her, Billy was the first to know. If he noticed that she wasn’t in class, he would ask around. Max kept her distance between her step brother and the cheerleader. She figured it was going to be nothing more than another quick relationship that she would end up having to hear from her bedroom, again. Yet he seemed different around her. The last thing Max could do was bring it up. Still, she found it a little amusing that El didn’t understand what Mayfield meant by “happy screams” and why Chrissy wasn’t making any.
“Chrissy? Hello, earth to Chrissy?” Heather stated as she waved her hand in front of her friend’s face.
“Huh? What?”
She chuckled, “You were totally staring at Billy.”
“I was not,” Chrissy hissed back, her blush betraying her.
“Aww, look at you, you’re blushing.”
She crossed her arms, “No! I- I- I’m sunburned.”
Heather leaned back in her chair, expensive sunglasses perfectly perched upon her nose, “Uh-huh sure, whatever you say. I mean, it’s not like he’s been staring at you since you came in or anything.”
Was he? Chrissy wanted to check, but she didn’t want to be so obvious. She placed her own glasses back up, eyes lingering back to the beautiful man. Solar spectacles on, face on the residents having their fun. No one would ever know about the ocean eyes gazing at the strawberry blonde.
Chrissy inhaled slowly and made her way over to the pool. Fake it til you make it as the old saying goes. For Chrissy, her confidence always shined through whenever she cheered. Her feet and legs gracefully strolled over to the water. His eyes kept his sight on her, his mind taking in each and every step that she took. She dawned a two colored one piece swimsuit, purple and white adorned the fabric. She wondered if it was too revealing due to the revealing neckline and how the suit hugged her rear. Heather and Nancy insisted that she looked amazing, Vickie loved the colors, and Robin was speechless before giving her a compliment (well more of a ramble, but Chrissy still thanked her).
The water felt so welcoming along her skin, allowing her to feel so comfortable and so free. She always loved the water, be it rain, lakes, and whenever she took a bath. As a child, she used to pretend that she was a mermaid swimming far, far away into the endless depths. No more responsibilities, no more worries, and no more stress. She could be her own person with a strong, shining tail and locks as long as a kelp forest. If only this mermaid knew just how much the lonely sailor watched her. Billy slowly removed his sunglasses, admiring the incredible form and movement. Chrissy took to the water like a bird to the air, with ease and strength. Her vibrant eye makeup never washed away, strawberry blonde locks darkened to a warm amber hue. She was radiant, lively, and enchanting.
His job was to focus on everybody at the community pool, yet he simply could not look away. He could hear music playing loudly in his eardrums. The booming of drums, the slick plucking of a bass, the melodic riffing of a guitar, and the amorous lyrics from the vocalist all came together. In his eyes, Chrissy moved in slow motion to the tune of Foreigner’s “Hot Blooded.” As much as he loved Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, her presence was no longer lingering in his mind. Chrissy was the one to break the surface of the pool’s water, strutting towards him in a red hot bikini. Manicured fingers carefully unclipping her top from the front to reveal her small and pretty breasts. His whistle seductively brushed along his upper lip and tongue, blowing out a loud tweet. The loudness of reality returned, but he kept his eyes on her. Chrissy used the ladder and was pleased to see him walking over.
“Looking good out there, Chrissy,” Billy stated, unable to keep back his smile.
She couldn’t resist smiling as well, “Thank you.”
He offered her a towel, their hands touched for a moment, “Perfect form.”
She felt the pleasant spark, eyes drifting along his sculpted body before she met his eyes, “Well… your form is amazing.”
Oh god, did she really say that to him? She really said that to him. His smile grew, letting out a mischievous chuckle.
She felt the little twinge of embarrassment, “I’m sorry. I’ve seen you… teaching lessons. Swimming lessons.”
Chrissy looked away briefly, asking for the concrete below her to melt beneath her feet. Maybe getting buried in a rock solid hole would be less painful than this. Yet he was still here, more than ready to engage. She hoped that perhaps he could smooth out the wince inducing matter.
Billy’s toothy grin dropped from humorous to a heart palpitating smirk, “You know, I could uh… I could teach you, if you like.”
Did she hear that right? Or did she imagine those words? He fluttered his long, lovely eyelashes when he spoke. Chrissy stood there with her mouth slightly agape.
He continued, grin still evident, “I know all the styles. Freestyle.” He took a step closer, his expression neutral; enjoying the way she obediently nodded her head and clutched her towel. “Butterfly.”
Chrissy could hear her heart racing many miles a second. Her brain begged her not to say something stupid again. She could feel her body heat rising. She swore that she could also sense the warm sensation of his body as well, despite the short distance between them. Chrissy was so lost in his eyes that she didn’t notice the fresh stick of gum that he unwrapped and fished from his pocket. Gazing at the thick fingers gently holding the treat beneath his lips.
There it was, that smile, that gorgeously handsome smile, “Breaststroke.”
Chrissy did not blink, fingers loosening up as the air from her lungs momentarily vanished. The sound of her towel plummeting to the hard surface brought her back. She bent down to grab it, finding herself looking at Billy’s face when he helped her; his hand brushing hers once again.
“You okay?” He asked, sounding a little concerned and a bit smug.
She wrapped the towel around her waist, trying to hide her shyness with a friendly disposition, “I didn’t think you- I didn’t think you taught other age groups.”
Billy smacked his lips while he chewed, his breath minty fresh, “Well I offer more uh… advanced lessons to select clientele.”
He looked her directly in her gleaming eyes, he could see her demeanor change. Any time they spoke, even if it was just for a few minutes, Chrissy noticed how she felt a little light headed. Being in such close proximity made her lower half pulsate, a feeling that would continue to plague her long after they spoke.
His voice became as soft as the wind, Pacific blue eyes drilling into her soul, “Come to think of it, there is a good pool out at a Motel 6 on Cornwallis. It’s very quiet. You know, very private. Shall we say tonight? Eight o’clock?”
Chrissy’s brain reminded her to breathe, her ears focusing on the sound of his deep, gentle tone amidst the noise of summer fun. She could feel her head nodding, having to stop herself when she gave him a sympathetic smile, “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
He sounded heartbroken, it was all an act of course, one that made her laugh, “Can’t what? Have fun? Chrissy Cunningham.”
She felt so weird in this unusual predicament, yet she couldn’t help but enjoy this extra attention that he was giving her. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Billy to flirt with others, but she couldn’t imagine herself being with him romantically; and yet her mind did wander to that possibility.
Chrissy ran her nails through her soaked locks, doing her best to calm down her racing heart beat, letting out another chuckle, “No. I… I… I just, uh… I don't think I need any lessons.”
How strange. Her voice sounded different. Breathy and just a little seductive. Billy liked that, he really liked it.
He was closer to her, truly towering over Chrissy, “Oh, you see, I think you do. I just don’t think that you’ve had the right teacher.”
She gulped, this was really happening, “I, uh-”
The smug bastard showed off his best smirk, his voice was like caramel, rich and smooth, “It will be the workout of your life.”
Chrissy wondered if it was possible for a human heart to thrust back and forth through one’s chest the way a cartoon character’s heart does. His wolfish demeanor should have disgusted her, but she couldn’t lie to herself, she was enjoying this. Yet she could sense the judgemental eyes of everyone around her. As if she were bare before all of Hawkins, a sensation that haunted her in life and in her dreams.
Chrissy gasped when she felt Heather’s grasp on her arm, “Hey Billy, don’t you have some cougars to flirt with?”
He rolled his eyes, “Speaking of cougars, how’s your mom doing?”
Heather scowled at him, “You’re such a prick.”
“Well, I’d like to stay and chat, but I have a job to do. See you later, Chrissy,” Billy stated before heading back to his station.
Chrissy covered herself with the towel, “Thanks Heather.”
“Are you okay?”
She nodded, “Yes, I’m fine. Just um… I don’t know… kinda weird right now.”
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
Yay, thanks for hosting this summertime sleepover!
💿 Anyway, I’m obsessed with all your curated playlists. I would be honored to have you create a playlist for BOX OF RAIN!!
hi friend! yes of course, here is your (hopefully???) beautiful playlist:
also if y'all haven't read box of rain yet definitely follow the link above and give it a read because k is literally such a lovely writer/human and deserves all the support in the world!!
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oftlunarialmoon · 7 months
32 Summer Fun Ideas!
originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on May 14, 2017
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Ciao lovelies! Today, let’s talk about fun things to do in the summer!
Summertime is a lovely season. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the birds are happy and so are you! Well, maybe. You might be bored as well. But I’m here to help, with 32 super fun things to do this summer!
 Learn a New Skill!
Something great to do with your freetime is to learn how to do something new. 
Some things I’d suggest are:
-Sewing! Sewing is great because you can make yourself new clothes, accessories, etc!
-Knitting! Knitting is said to be very therapeutic and fun, and you can make clothes and scarves and hats!
-Music! Teach yourself to play an instrument. A great instrument for beginners is Piano! I learned to play piano as a child and it helped me with math and other logic skills! 
-Dancing! Teach yourself some fun dances to do! YouTube is a treasure trove to find cool dances you could try and replicate! 
-Writing! Brush up on your writing skills this summer and write poems, short stories, or even a full book! Or just keep a journal. 
-Cooking! Summer would be a great time to learn new recipes! You could learn to cook or bake new things and let your family test your results!
Arts and Crafts!
Summer is a great time to do arts and crafts! I suggest first going on YouTube and making a playlist of diy ideas you want to do, and see if you can do all of them before summer ends!
Some DIY Craft Ideas:
-Friendship Bracelets
-Pressed Flowers
Check out any free local events!
Check your local papers and library for free local events! You could find tons of cool stuff, like concerts for local bands, local small conventions, volunteer opportunities, or the chance to meet new friends!
I also recommend going to your local library anyway to pick up some books on new, exciting subjects to learn about, like interesting periods in history or books teaching you some of the skills from #1! My local library even has a chess table set up, free to use for anyone! It’s tons of fun.
Go to the Beach!
A traditional and super fun thing to do in the summer is to go to the beach! There are tons of fun things to do in beach towns, so go nuts!
You could:
-Collect shells and make crafts with them later
-Do a fun beach photoshoot with yourself, some friends, and some dolls, or even pets!
-Get a henna "tattoo" from a local shop!
-Buy one of those super useless but fun tourist knick knacks and put it somewhere fun in your room!
-Take pictures and get them developed and make a scrapbook!
-Go swimming!
-You can fish if the beach has a fishing pier!
-Eat ice cream or snow cones!
-Go in cosplay or costumes and walk along the boardwalk. For extra fun, stay in character!
-Take video and make a vlog out of it!
-Bring an instrument and play some music!
-Go boogieboarding!
The possibilities are endless. Going to the beach is a great way to make memories in the summer time!
Spend time with those you love!
-Spend time with your family! Take lots of pictures of them and make a scrapbook of all your family memories!
-Call your extended family for a fun chat!
-Spend time with your pets! Take them on walks, give them baths, give them treats, play games with them, scratch their favorite spots.
-Hang out with your friends! Arrange a sleepover! Or arrange a big meetup of all your friends and go out and do something special! Hang out at a park or go out on the town! Maybe film vlogs or take pictures!
-Spend time with your significant other if you have one! It’s okay to not have one, and don’t feel rushed to get one. If you have one, plan a nice surprise date. Or just go to the park or beach and sit calmly and talk with them!
Stay awesome, please remember to love yourself and have a great day/night/etc!!
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so-am-smyme9540 · 30 days
1, 3, 13 for the music asks let’s go!!!!
A song you like with a color in the title: I looked through all my songs and I can't find a single one with a color in the title. Im pretty sure I remember at least one, but I can't find it. Maybe I'm blind, idk
A song that reminds you of summertime: ...uh. Jellyfish Jam from SpongeBob. Only because me and my friends always play it at sleepovers, and we usually have more over the summer
One of your favorite 80’s songs: This is the best 80s song of all time I don't care WHAT anyone says
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jo-harrington · 1 year
For the AASB blurb game - this was a very tough decision for me. The obvious answer for me would be Bigfoot, of course, but I've decided to take a different and less traveled path.
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This is the Loveland Frogman, a well known Ohio cryptid from - you guessed it - Loveland, Ohio. I would love to know about any possible interactions our Knight may have had with this green fellow.
Oh buddy, HOOTIE! WE ARE IN FOR IT THIS TIME. I was really hoping that you were gonna drop this one specifically. It's not the sexiest...ahem...but...
Please enjoy a little summertime fun. If a name is unfamiliar to you, it's because they are who I lovingly refer to as "Corroded Coffin 1.0" AKA the boys that Eddie grew up with before they left him behind. They always show up in one of my stories or another.
Haven't ready Heaven yet? Find it here. And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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August 1984
Eddie hated goodbyes.
After his mom died, he got it in his head that it was because he said goodbye to her at the drop-off that morning that she never came home.
Wayne had held him for hours as he begged and cried and pleaded for whatever power that was in the universe, whatever God, to just bring her back. To start the day over so he could say "see you later" instead of goodbye.
But there were no merciful Gods, and no do-overs. Once something was put out into the world, it couldn't be taken back.
So he didn't say goodbye anymore. Sometimes he didn't say anything at all. A clap on the shoulder could do just as much as any words could.
And now, as his friends were about to leave on the most harrowing of journeys--college--he decided a "good luck" party was more important than a "goodbye."
It was nearing the end of summer now, still as humid as ever. Belongings were already packed into boxes and last minute trips were taken to Kmart and the Bed Bath and Beyond out by Muncie Mall to grab dorm essentials. Textbooks were purchased and summer jobs abandoned with the empty promise of shifts given during holiday breaks.
Mickey and his parents would hit the road for such-and-such University in the morning, and instead of letting him sleep in his comfortable bed for the last time, Eddie made the whole gang sleep under the stars out by Lover's Lake.
Of course, like any camp out or sleepover, there was no real sleep happening. Instead you were all stuffing yourselves with burnt marshmallows, sipping rapidly-warming beer, and scaring each other shitless with ghost stories and other tall tales.
Well, trying to at least.
"...so they say, if you put baby powder on the back of the car and you sit on the train tracks, your car will roll off the tracks themselves and you can see the handprints of the ghosts in the baby powder."
The boys all boo'd and threw marshmallows at Dave, who flinched and defended himself.
"A ghost train dude? Really?"
"It's not a ghost train, it's ghost kids!"
"If I wanted to fall asleep I would have just stayed home."
Eddie felt you shake under his arm as you giggled at their antics. Dave's eyes immediately zeroed in on you.
"You too?" he whined, and Eddie didn't know whether or not he should feel a little proud that the younger boys wanted to impress you too.
"Your story was good, Davey," you insisted. "Not as scary as we were all expecting, though."
"Alright, what kind of story do you have then?" Jack challenged you from across the fire.
"Probably not a good one."
"You're a fucking liar," Eddie scoffed, hoping that it would get you to be a little braver and tell the gang one of the many stories you told him. You shifted to look at him with a big smile and warning eyes. He simply ignored you and turned to the already-captivated audience.
"She's a liar," he repeated. "Before she came to Hawkins, she was driving through Ohio and pulled over to ask a group of people who were on the side of the road for directions and when one of them got closer...it was a Frog Man."
All of the stories of the night had been tall tales meant to shock; even so, the boys instantly lost their minds.
"What the fuck?"
"What do you mean a Frog Man? He was a frog...and a man?"
"What did he look like!"
"AND," he continued proudly. "She maintained eye contact the whole time and when he blinked it went--"
"Shut up Eddie!" You slapped your hand over his mouth before he could keep talking and he licked your palm to get you to release him. You turned back to the boys sheepishly. "Ok it was late and it was dark and when I told Eddie this story I might have been exaggerating because I was a little high."
Ok. That might have been true. Eddie had coerced you into smoking. But, he knew even under the influence, you were not typically one to lie. In fact, it just got you to loosen up more. Spill some of your many secrets.
Just not the ones he was dying to know deep down.
Still, the boys started to ask their questions.
"Ok so was it a frog man or was it not?"
"You know the kids book Frog and Toad? Just like that but no little vest."
"Did he ribbit?"
"He didn't...but one of his buddies for sure did."
"Did you get out of the car?"
"Well, no that wouldn't have been smart," you laughed judgmentally as if that was the most odd and dangerous thing being said all night. "But it was the middle of the night. I just needed to know how to get back onto the highway."
The discussion progressed, more amongst the others than you and Eddie, about the logistics of the Frog Man and his Frog Friends, and what they might do if they ever crossed paths with them.
You snuggled back into Eddie's embrace and watched them, the two of you making comments occasionally, especially as they started debating whether the Frog Man would walk like normal or if he would hop.
"Ok. What else have you seen though?" Jeff finally piped up and shuffled a little closer. "Or what did you think you've seen? A ghost, a vampire...a hellhound or something?"
"Uhh..." You tripped over your words and reached up to fiddle with the cross on your necklace. "Well nothing like that but..."
Eddie knew that little tell of yours, how you couldn't stop playing with your necklace when you were nervous. Restless. It was sudden and unexpected and he frowned.
Why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
He pressed a kiss to your temple and said a few words of encouragement.
You took a deep breath and went along with your next story, something much more elaborate and cryptic, falling into the theme of the night. And you didn't once reach for your necklace again.
But as the festivities began to wind down, and everyone started to doze off, Eddie couldn't help but wonder...
They were just stories. Weren't they?
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allieisacrybaby · 1 year
Cute dad thought here….
I’m thinking about you and Sammy being the fun aunt and uncle who don’t have any kids while Jake josh and maybe Danny have a few. You’re younger and not in any rush and love being aunt/uncle.
But one day…with all your nieces and nephews around you you get to tell the entire family that you and Sam are expecting 😩
OMG, this is sooooooo cute, and I'm about to dump all my thoughts on this because this is so canon in my head! I currently only have 1 nephew, and he's only 8 months old, but my goal is to be the "cool fun aunt" when he gets older!!!
Anyway.....Imagine being the token "cool aunt and uncle" Jake's, Josh's, and Danny's kids are always asking if you're going to be at any family gathering they have, constantly having cute little sleepovers so that the tired parents can get some rest, always giving the best presents at holidays and birthdays, and of course always running around the backyard playing with them!
Because it's summertime, Jake has been throwing little summer family get-togethers so that all the cousins can play with each other because school's out. When you and Sammy enter the house, all the nieces and nephews come running up to receive hugs and kisses and, of course, immediately drag you and Sammy out to the backyard to play. After playing with the kids for a while, the sun starts to get to you, so you make your way to the covered patio where everyone else is gathered, chatting and drinking. You plop down on the couch, Karen making her way over to you.
"Hon, you have got to be thirsty." Karen says, slipping a cold beer into your hand.
"Oh, thank you, but I can't....I-" you say, setting the glass down on the table.
"Wha- NO! NO! REALLY?!!!" Karen shouts, putting the pieces together.
Sammy and his entourage of children come running to the commotion.
"I'm guessing it slipped out?" Sammy says, beaming down at you.
"What slipped out?" Josh questions.
"Rose isn't gonna be the only baby anymore." Sammy smiles at his brother. He slips into the spot next to you on the couch and places a hand on your stomach.
"You're pregnant?!!!" Josh yells in realization.
"Good on 'ya Sammy boy!" Jake says slapping a hand onto his brother's shoulder.
"Oh, this is such great news!!! I'm gonna be a grandma again!" Karen coos.
One of your nephews crawls into Sammy's lap and looks up at him.
"There's a baby in her belly?" He questions pointing a finger at your tummy.
"There is. That means in a couple months you're going to have a new baby cousin!" Sammy explains, smiling with the biggest grin on his face.
"And it's going to play with us?" your nephew questions.
"Yeah, buddy. He or she is going to play with all of the cousins."
"Yay!!!" your nephew spots all the other cousins off in the yard playing, so he jumps off of Sam's lap and runs back over to them.
The announcement excitement had died down and everyone had gone back to chatting and eating, but Sam still hadn't let your side on the couch.
"I'm so happy were having a baby." Sam smiles, smoothing his hand up and down your belly.
"Me too." you beam up at him with watery eyes. He leans down and places a gentle kiss on your lips.
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2n2n · 2 years
The probable significance of summer vacation
Overall, JSHK has a very tight narrative. Nene has never been in her winter uniform, so this series takes place over a specific series of months. 
The first semester of high school starts in April.
We do know Nene confessed to her crush 1 month ago (from meeting Hanako).
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So it’s not possible Hanako and Nene met in April, it has to be at least one month out from the start of the year, when Nene confessed to her previous crush. May or June would be when we start the series.
Using holidays and school events, we can triangulate a few dates succinctly.
Nene knows Hanako for 1 month as of Confession Tree
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the next large-scale event with a timestamp is the bookstacks!
The bookstacks take place around June 13th
...meaning Nene seems to have met Hanako in May, if around June is 1 month from their meeting!
Hell of Mirrors: July 2nd
Nene reflects on the events of the Hell of Mirrors on July 5th
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The next day, just before Tanabata, is when she comforts Kou. July 6th
Tanabata is July 7th, and when Nene meets the young Amane.
We have the Kegare outbreak before Picture Perfect begins. So, we aren’t meant to see the events as so immediate. 
Picture Perfect is immediately chased by school exams, which mark the end of the semester. This is likely mid-July.
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The school sleepover is just before summer vacation.
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followed by the Severance, which is at the start of summer vacation, roughly July 20th.
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...for some reason Tsuchigomori in the official translations says Obon is August-Sept, but it literally has to be in July for our timeline to make any sense? Obon celebrations can be held in mid-July so.... 
I'm not sure what it was like in Japan in the 60s (and this is an obtuse thing to try to search for information about....) with regards to summer vacation, so I don’t know if imminent vacation is placing any pressures or constraints on Amane/Tsukasa.
The date in the past that Amane is found crying, by Nene, as a result of the tea party Tsukasa hosts, is July 18th The date when Tsuchigomori is tending to Amane, is July 22nd
We seem to be at around this date, now!
We're swiftly approaching the likely anniversary of the Yugi's shinjuu!
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The Yugi twins died in their summer uniforms... while I can’t speak for exact customs of dates of the past, I do imagine that the uniforms are a significant hint to the timeframe of the shinjuu, placing it both in the summer and close to the school session (I think being in personal clothes would add a different inflection!). The Amane we see doubling down on some unknown resolve to Tsuchigomori, is doing so at a date that easily matches with this....! A summertime affair.
We now know that Nene’s fate is somehow linked to the yorishiro’s complete destruction. We know that Tsukasa is baiting Nene and Amane to destroy these items, including himself....
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not the point of my postie but, the recent chapters have been titled ‘dawn’.... interesting? I’m excited! 
....we should also maybe all make fun of (or applaud?!) Hanako for falling so in love with a girl he’d destroy an ancient system of protection, a girl he met, at best ... 3 months ago ............................... he’s very 13, isn’t he? So funny.
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