#sunnys theater thoughts
Nachdem ich das Stück seit mindestens Ende 2022 unbedingt sehen wollte hab ichs jetzt doch mal einmal quer durch die Republik geschafft und mir 'Macbeth' im Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus angeschaut. Ein paar abschließenende Gedanken ohne jede Ordnung und Reihenfolge:
- André Kaczmarczyk als Macbeth, irgendwo zwischen einem verletzten, gejagten Tier und später einem psychotischen Springclown, ist n absolutes Highlight
- Die Dynamik zwischen Lady Macbeth und Macbeth ist abgefucked noch und nöcher. Das wirkt nicht wie ne Beziehung die zu irgend einem Punkt jemals auf Augenhöhe stattfand, sondern mehr wie eine Mutter die absolut nichts mit dem Verhalten ihres massiv autistischen Sohns anfangen kann. Da hilft auch kein Paartherapeuth mehr ey, da hilft nur ne Shotgun (affectionate). Wunderschön.
- Irgendwer in unserer Gruppe meinte sehr treffend "Malcolm ist Gollum". Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen
- Die Szene in der Malcolm das Kleid von Lady Macduff anzieht? Joar das wird mich den Rest meines Lebens verfolgen
- Blutige Hände zusammenmatschen ist sehr ästhetisch und erotisch und Couple Goals
- Generell sehr viel Kunstblut. Find ich gut
- Badewannenszene. Sehr ästhetisch.
- Die Hexen??? Liebe. Drei Schauspielerinnen die sich als Gemeinschaft bewegen wie eine große, gruselige Spinne? Ja bitte
- Durch Dresden bin ich King Duncan, gespielt vom bühneneinehmenden Ahmed Mesgara, als großartigen, charismatischen Mann gewöhnt. Ihn (wie auch schon in der Bochumer Version) als tattrigen, alten, schon fast dementen Oppa zu sehen ist also definitiv ne erfrischende Interpretation
- Speaking of Duncan, den hätte man nicht umbringen müsse. Huste den einmal falsch an und der stirbt so. Hätteste dir sparen können, Beth.
- Der Torwächter-Part/Monolog wurde nicht wie so oft gestrichen, yay! Sehr schön passend bei Banquo eingebaut
- Lady Macduff die ihren Mann aktiv anfleht nicht mit Malcolm nach England zu gehen und versucht ihn physisch zurückzuhalten/zurückgehalten werden muss??? Mein Herz!! </3
- Das Bühnenbild? Rotierender Drehteller mit unterschiedlichen Abschnitten die optisch von "Joar das könnte man auch in nem Fantasy-Film mit echt krassen Budget sehen" und "Joar Reiner, wir brauchen noch den Dunsinan Hill. Schraub mal n paar Pressspahnplatten aneinander und mal die schwarz an!" reichen (Keine Wertung, war beides sehr hübsch anzusehen)
- Der Anfang der Bankett-Szene? "All unsere Freunde, kommt herein" -> Tür geht auf und die Hexen crawlen als einzige in den Raum? Poetic cinema. I'm gonna go insane over this scene. Legit glaube das was mir am besten gefallen hat.
- *Lady Macbeth fällt tot um* "Wasn jetzt los?!" - Comedygold
- Dieses 'Ich schmier mich mit dem (Perioden)Blut meiner toten Frau ein' war mir doch fast n bisschen too much. Aber nur fast. Immerhin wurde niemandem ins Ohr geleckt.
- Macbeth blutverschmiert und komplett rot wie der Teufel? This too is yuri poetische Bildsprache
Alles in allem bin ich echt froh den Weg auf mich genommen zu haben um mir das mal anzuschauen. N zweites Mal wirds wahrscheinlich nicht dazu kommen, dazu ist der Weg einfach zu weit, aber ich bin echt glücklich das nicht verpasst zu haben.
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notspiders · 5 months
Liminal Spaces w/ 141
A thought I made with a few friends who fleshed it out more:
Liminal spaces! But you know, 141 are the monsters :P Now, the rule is that as long as you're compliant and not trying to escape, your liminal space is going to be heaven. They'll make sure of that to ensure you don't associate anything negative to their space. Can't have that, hmm?
Each man has their own domain. :)
Price - Suburbia:
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Quiet, infinite neighborhood, everything looks the same. There's people but they all seem to act exactly like you'd imagine Stock Images people would act.
You can't really talk with them either. Strange how when you approach one of them, they just disappear in a blink of an eye.
Price would prefer if you act as his loving partner :)
The fridge is always stocked! Beds are warm and cozy. The television plays anything you want.
You also get WIFI. Don't bother messaging anyone (that isn't your husband.)
You can try to 'exit' the neighborhood. There's a car even! You can drive in it. There's unlimited amount of fuel. Too bad the road never seems to end and the houses are still there...
Not to worry. You can exit out of the car and enter any one of the houses. Price is always waiting :)
Got that all out of your system, hm?
Gaz - Shopping Mall:
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Shopping mall has everything and anything.
Movie theaters, designer clothes, outlets, cafeterias, anything you want- it's there! Have fun exploring :)
It's just you though. No one else is in this mall.
Gaz's voice will always guide you over the speakers, should you ever get lost.
Or, your favorite music always plays over the speakers. You can ask Gaz to skip any song or play whatever you want at any moment of time.
Arcades, cafes, even a pet shop! Gaz will be happy to join you if you wish for company :)
The doors to the exits don't budge open. Stop trying.
There's an Internet cafe and library in this mall. Anything you want to read, watch, listen- it's all there. Still can't talk with anyone... Shame.
But you have Kyle. Who else do you want?
Soap - the Woods:
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The Firewatch tower in the endless, dense woods.
It's pretty cozy.
Food is always stocked in the fridge. Plenty of water too. If you want something fresh, just ask! Soap is happy to hunt for you :)
You can watch sunsets and sunrises with him. He loves it :)
No WIFI here unfortunately, but, really- say goodbye to your electronic devices and embrace nature. It's good for you.
If you want to explore the woods, always have Soap beside you. He'll guide you around. Maybe you might find a small, beautiful clearing beside a lake. It's a perfect campsite. Could go swimming, fishing, canoeing...
Don't worry. No harmful bugs or creepy crawlies you dislike.
Oh? You want to go rock-climbing? Why how convenient that there's this cliff right beside us. With harnesses and such attached to the wall! And would you look at that, it's very easy to climb.
Plenty of things to do.
Starwatching. :)
As long as you're with him, no harmful monsters are going to bother you two.
Never go alone.
Ghost - the Beach
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It's... a lovely beach.
If it weren't so foggy in most days.
But that's what you have Ghost for. He's your personal heater. :)
Seriously it gets freezing at night and the small shack by the ocean isn't really keeping the cold out.
Don't you worry. Sand won't get everywhere. And it's smooth. Calm your tits, Anakin.
Some days, when the Sun is out, the sand is just the perfect warm bed for you to lay down and just... sunbathe.
You can tan with Ghost to get that impeccable bronze. Don't worry, you won't get sunburnt. Of course... could always ask Ghost to lather sunscreen on you. He'll be happy to help you with that :)
The water can vary in temperature- from freezing cold to a nice sunny warm.
You can swim and wade in it. And you can try to go deeper but isn't that strange? The depth isn't changing and you just don't seem to be leaving the shore too much.
The currents do get stronger when you keep on trying. Don't bother, you're never getting past it.
Plenty of food and water in that shack. And spare clothes, towels...
WIFI? Babe, this is the beach. You don't need it. You have Ghost.
Credits to @angelcqre for this line:
something about the boys all going to Gaz’s domain at random points to pick up shit they don’t have in their own domains [...]
Yes they would. They absolutely would.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 5 months
i love from me to you sm! 😭 like it aimed directly to my heart 😭 you're so good at writing stuff so, here i am asking for a zoro!fic where reader hides that she got wounded during their last battle and zoro founds out and our poor moss head thought reader was gonna die so, he confessed (i just love flustered zoro) 😚 n e ways, continue writing the best stories!! lotsoflove! - glasses of nanamin
i feel like this is your second ask cause of the "n e ways" but lol, eitherways that's such a cute concept!! i would love love love this (i tweaked the prompt a little bit to fit it better, but i hope you like it it still)
got me losin' my cool ft. roronoa zoro!
set-up: as anon asked!! you get hurt during a fight and zoro almost has a mental breakdown haha live, laugh, love <3
warning: a bit of angst, zoro is a dumbass. otherwise, wholesome!
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roronoa zoro's feet pound against the earth and he was sure that with every leap he took, his heart sunk further under. his fingers were clammy. so very clammy against your soft skin. and he was sure the sweat dripping off his forehead and dropping onto your bloodied tank top was the last thing you wanted to see before you died.
"zo—" you rasped helplessly and your voice felt like graters against his skin. your chapped lips, almost closed eyes, the wound on your stomach and your week, blood-stained hand on it. he couldn't even bear to look at you without wanting to breakdown.
"stop talkin, please." he clenched his jaw tighter, the sound of teeth against teeth jarring. and although he refused to look down at you, cradled carefully in his arms, he could hear the desperate heaves that rocked your body.
he picked up the pace, ducking under hanging vines and leaping over overgrown roots of ancient trees carefully, so, as to not hurt you. the ship should be two minutes away, docked at the edge of the island and chopper must be there. and chopper would know what to do. how to help you.
zoro had to just deliver you to chopper.
but with his poor geographical skills, he felt like he had been running for the past thirty minutes without finding the ship. and he was certain the ship was docked only 10 minutes away from where the fight was taking place between the strawhat crew and a local pirate crew.
"zoro—" you started again.
why were you speaking? DID YOU WANT TO DIE?
"—don't use up your breath. please." he panted, feet still working to find the ship. where was that goddamn ship?
"that side—" you winced as you pointed your arm in the opposite direction. you coughed, wincing again before whispering, "the sunny."
zoro's head whipped around to look behind him. and at once, he changed the course. running as fast as he could, he soon found himself at the rocky beach the ship had been docked at.
"CHOPPER!" the swordsman bellowed for the mini doctor as he climbed up the ship. the reindeer was peering over the deck and when he looked at your nearly passed-out figure, he yelped in surprise.
"she got stabbed." zoro explained as he carried you inside to chopper's makeshift office/operation theater. laying you down gently, they both looked guilty as you groaned and clutched your own hand on the wound tighter.
"i need to apply some anti-septic, clean the wound and stitch it up." chopper stated, eerily calm in the heat of the moment. "here—" he gave zoro a sterilized cloth from his cupboard, "—apply it to her wound. put pressure on the area, i need to go make the anti-septic really quick."
"you have to make it? how long will that take?" if the swordman wasn't scared out of his wits, he would be surprised at how desperate he sounded.
"five minutes."
zoro looked at the reindeer wide-eyed. but the reindeer ran off, presumably to make the said medicine.
he looked back at you, putting the cloth to the wound and gently pushing down. he knew how to make the bleeding stop, he had done this multiple time. what he hadn't done multiple times was see you so lifeless, so incredibly overtaken by pain.
"hey." he found himself saying softly. softer than he had ever spoken before, "hey, can you look at me? hear me?"
you nodded slowly and relief washed over him. atleast you hadn't lost all cognitive senses.
"just focus on my voice, okay?" he knelt down so that he was on your eye-level from the bed. his other hand gingerly took ahold of yours. mindlessly, he rubbed soothing circles on your skin. he repeated, "just focus on my voice. yeah, close your eyes. i'm here okay?"
you found yourself closing your eyes, relying solely on the darkness of your eyelids and his voice to guide you to safety. his hand felt like a familiar weight against your stomach, the kind of touch that will renew a dead man and get him climbing back from his grave. his voice was sweet, too sweet to be even called his.
"i—" he paused, rubbing your skin with the pad of his thumb, "chopper's gonna fix you up, you know. h-he always does. i mean you're stronger than this. you'd survive, right?"
he's not sure if he meant to ask it as a question. he was sure he had said it to sound reassuring. but somewhere in between him uttering the words and you hearing them, they had turned into a desperate, desolate plea.
your chest fluttered underneath him, your breath strained. the face he adored slowly scrunched up from the pain. and he found himself talking even more.
"focus on me, okay? just me." he steeled his voice. and his nerves. "you'd be okay. you know, you always said you'd make me mochi, you never did. you said you'd make sake flavoured mochi. is that even a thing?" he laughed despite himself. it was barely a laugh. a pitiful scoff maybe? it was not the kind of laugh that would fool you.
"uh— once you get better." he pretended to ignore the way your body seemed to go slack under him. he repeated, "once you get better, i'm gonna convince franky to make us fireworks. you love those. and- and nami. i'd convince that money-hungry witch to lend me some money so that i can take you out. we will go shopping. you always said you—"
why were you so awfully quiet? usually, you'd talk to the point where he wanted to cut his ear off. now, he wanted to her you. he wanted to hear you call him a moss-head like sanji and he wanted you to laugh when he yelled at luffy for doing something stupid. and—
"—hey?" his voice pitched higher, "please wait, chopper will be back yeah?"
but you didn't even shake your head a weak yes. his shaky fingers reached out to look for your pulse on your neck. it was there. feeble, but there. but for how long?
how long till he lost you?
his throat was closing up, he couldn't breathe. his eyes burned and he was sure he was gonna mark your skin with his own from the way he held onto your wrist.
why won't you talk to him? call out his name, god fucking dammit. nobody called his name the way you did. as if you liked the syllables enough to make a home out of them. nobody smiled at him the way you did. so sweet, too sweet for him. you were everything. even though he was just another wrecked, broken boy with dreams too big for his mortal body, you were everything.
"please," he clutched onto you like a maddening bastard, "please. just hold on, okay?"
but bile seemed to crawl farther up his throat every time you didn't respond. not even a slight glance. not even the movement of a pinky. his fingers checked for your pulse. faint, but there.
and he couldn't hold his words back. he called out your name in a desperate effort to awaken you. water blurred his vision and he blinked it away. his throat was scratchy. too scratchy. and where was chopper?
"i love you." he finally confessed, not thinking much of his words than the fact that he just wanted you to hear them. "i love you so much. i have for so long. i-it wasn't supposed to be like this. i- i was gonna take you out to explore some island. i would have bought you food and called you an idiot when you smiled at me. then— then." he paused, "i would have told you i loved you. you would have said nothing back. and i would have loved even despite that."
he called out your name, sobs racking through his body like accursed symphonies.
"move." chopper was back, in his hand was a ceramic bowl with a green, gooey paste. "go out. i'd call you back, okay?"
if chopped noticed the state zoro was in, he simply chose not to dwell on it. and if zoro had any residual doubts for what kind of a doctor chopper was, he didn't dwell on them either. he caressed your hand one last time and stepped out.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
the swordsman had been pacing around the deck. none of the members were back and it gnawed on his heart. what if they were hurt too? should he go back to see? but how could he leave chopper and you alone here? and what kind of a first mate was he if he cannot even save his own crew?
the world's greatest swordman be damned.
chopper stepped out and zoro looked at the doctor, frantic. chopper gave him a sigh and chased it with a smile, "she's okay."
zoro was not sure if it was the exhaustion, or the relief, or some other feeling his gut had concocted in him without asking. but he crashed down on his knees. his palms felt rough against his face and when he inhaled, he could smell dried blood on them.
"hey." chopper trotted towards him, keeping his paw on the green-haired man's shoulders, "she's okay, really. they missed any vital spots and she didn't lose a lot of blood. she will heal, okay?"
zoro couldn't do anything but just nod along. then, when he had the courage to look away from his hands. he looked at the doctor, finally muttering a faint "thank you."
the reindeer blushed at the compliment, "don't thank me. but you know, once she's better, you should tell her how you feel. this time maybe while she's conscious."
"chopper." the swordsman groaned.
the reindeer shrugged mechanically, "i won't tell anyone what i heard if you promise to take her out on that date."
after much deliberation— having to choose between humiliation at the hand of his crewmates when they discovered his crush or the humiliation from his crush when he finally confessed— he finally gave in. after all, humiliation from one was better than humiliation from seven. especially that fucking cook.
"fine." he grumbled, "i'd take her out."
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
it had been two weeks since you were stabbed. well, you didn't talk to anyone about it, really. but when you drifted off into the wicked embrace of sleep, you would be plagued by the memories. and well, a confession.
it's not like you were pretending to be dead!! your body had simply given up. it was exhausted from the fighting and the not-dying. so, when you were laid on chopper's bed to be patched up, your body had gone slack. but just because your body had gone slack doesn't mean you weren't awake.
it had been two weeks and you hadn't told the green-haired asshole what you had heard. why? maybe cause you thought he would make the first move. or maybe because you weren't quite sure if he actually said those things or if you hallucinated it to dilute the pain.
eitherways, seemed like things between you and the mosshead were the same as they were before the incident. and you were really starting to consider the hallucination excuse. but then—
"hey." zoro quipped up as he came to stand beside you. it was cloudy today, the grey skies churning in anticipation of a storm. the winds were unkind and the sea was malevolent. beautiful nonetheless.
"oh hey." you turned and gave him a small smile. you shifted from one feet to another, pretending as if you weren't terrified of the route this conversation might take, "whats up?"
"uh—" he looked back for a spilt-second and you saw— from the corner of your eyes— chopper hidden behind a bunch of boxes, giving zoro his best death glare. zoro sighed, "so, uh, this is random, i think? but when we dock on the next island tomorrow morning. do like... do you want to go see some new sword-cleaning equipment with me?"
you shouldn't have laughed. but you did.
"what's funny?!" his eyes widened and his cheeks were dusted pink.
"no-nothing." you heaved, closing your eyes. "that's the best excuse you could come up with? sword cleaning equipment?"
"what do you mean 'excuse'? i need some equipment!"
"zoro." you forced open your eyes, your smile still frozen over your lips, "if you want to go out on a date with me, you should say that okay?"
his ears went red and he looked away. you were sure if the weather was quiet, you could hear his heart picking up the pace. clearing his throat, he finally asked, "who told you? chopper?"
"no, dummy." you reached your hand out, taking his calloused palm in yours. your thumb rubbed familiar patterns on his hand, "you did."
"me?" he snapped to look back at you, "me?"
you just gave him a grin, "this reminds me, i did promise you i'd try making sake flavoured mochi. i never did. but again, you said you'd ask frankie to make us fireworks and we're still firework-less. but hey, i forgive you if you forgive me okay?"
his head could have burst open from the sheer pressure on his brain but you continued, "but eitherways, what i really mean is that if you said i love you." you stepped a bit closer, "i'd say i love you too."
your hand let go of his and you chose to walk away, leaving him dumbfounded. when his senses came to him, he ran upto you, "YOU HEARD THAT ALL?!"
"all of it."
"heh, it was kinda cute."
"i thought you were dying, woman."
"in a way, we all already are."
"have you been hanging out with robin too much? god, kill me."
"god doesn't need to. you're already dying."
"i want to die faster."
you took his hand back in yours and pulled him towards yourself. pecking his cheek, you said, "no. we still have to go on that date. i mean, if you ever actually ask me."
the flustered mess that was rorononoa zoro just sighed. accepting his fate, he asked, "well, do you wanna go on that date or what?"
you snickered, "i'll think about it"
"do you live to annoy me?"
"maybe. but you love meee."
"i might change my mind after this."
but despite his words, his fingers stayed gently intertwined with yours. hey, maybe getting stabbed in the stomach wasn't all that bad? (jk, it was very very bad)
a/n: i love writing stoic men are flustered little guys lmaoo. hopefully y'all like this? i've been writing a lot of fluff/semi-angst lately. i wanna write some nsfw content but im so out of ideas. send reqs if you guys have anything in mind!!
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sometimesanalice · 8 months
I Like Your Cinema
Synopsis: Bradley wasn’t sure why you wanted to see the movie again, especially when neither one of you had particularly liked it the first time you’d seen it together. But when you’re tugging down his zipper, things start to make a lot more sense.
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw X Female Reader
Length: 6K
Warnings: Unapologetic Smut (minors dni)
(author's note: this fic is set in the 'Like I Can Universe', but can be read on it's own! )
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Bradley wasn’t expecting to find himself rolling up to the mostly empty movie theater parking lot at 11am on a sunny Saturday morning. But here he was.
He’d had to exercise more self-control than he knew he was capable of when you’d all but skipped out his front door wearing the tightest pair of jeans he’d ever seen. It was all he could do to follow after you to the Bronco, his eyes glued to all of your denim clad curves, instead of pulling you right back into bed with him like he wanted to.
In the passenger’s seat next to him, you’re surprisingly upbeat for someone who was only running off of two cups of coffee instead of the usual three you needed to become a semblance of a functional human being. You’d happily hummed along to the songs playing on the radio the whole ride to the theater.
The two of you had already seen the movie a few weeks ago. It had been fine, but they’d clearly used the funniest moments in the trailer as a way to get people in the seats. It wasn’t one he was particularly interested in seeing again in theaters, but he’d never been good at refusing you. Not when he was younger and certainly not now. So if you wanted to see it he’d be there seated right next to you, just the way he liked to be.
Although Bradley was still trying to remember just when last night it was that the two of you had talked about going to see a matinee showing of it again. He can only guess that it must have slipped his mind after the way you’d come on his mouth.
Less than an hour ago you were hustling him into the shower, he was thinking he was about to get lucky until you’d told him to hurry up or the two of you would be late.
“Wait, late for what, kid?” he’d asked confused. To his knowledge other than meeting up with Mav and Penny for dinner later that night, your Saturday was wonderfully free of plans.
He was getting used to having more morning of waking up with you than less. In his bed, in your bed. There was nothing he like more than feeling all your warm skin under his palm before the sun was up. After so many years on hard beds, it was your softness he was always seeking out still half asleep before getting up for the day.
He’s learned so many things about you from a lifetime of friendship, but he’s only had a couple of months learning what makes you sigh and gasp and keen and come.
It was one thing to know that you weren’t a morning person, regardless of how much you claimed you to be one, and another to see your adorably sleepy pout first thing in the morning with the pillow crease still etched on your cheek.
Bradley liked knowing what your preferred brand of toothpaste was and how many steps were in your bedtime routine. For as well as he’s always known you, there was so much more to discover and he was loving every new bit of you he got to uncover.
He liked your cozy apartment filled with all your pretty things and framed pictures on the walls. He’d never thought of getting a rug for in front of the sink in the kitchen until he was doing the dishes one night at your place, that night he’d ordered one for himself. However, he’d rather see your impressive shoe collection next to his minimal assortment of boots and sneakers in the closet of his condo.
More often than not, you were coming to his place with a tote bag full of your things, spare clothes and travel sized products. He didn’t want you to feel like a visitor passing through, he wanted to be your home. He was still working out how to ask you to move in with him, but he’ll figure it out. He always does.
He wanted more mornings, more nights, more days with you.
“For the movie,” you’d said slowly, looking at him deliberately. Tilting your head at him like his confusion was confusing you.
“Sweet girl, what movie? When did we talk about this? I literally don’t remember.”
The exasperated sigh that came out of you would have been funny if he hadn’t been wracking his brain trying to catch up with something he didn’t realize he was missing to begin with.
“Bradley, come on,” you huffed, petulantly, “We talked about it before bed last night. You said you’d come with me, I already bought the tickets for it.” You wiggle your phone at him like it’ll somehow help to jog his memory.
Well, that explains it. You’d done a number on him last night.
“Last night, huh?” he smirked, grabbing your hips and pulling you to him, “Was this before or after I coaxed you into sitting on my face?” Bradley chuckled at the bashful look that coasted over your face as you shoved at his shoulder lightly, but he’d just tugged you in closer, “Awh, c’mon, don’t get shy on me. It was hot.”
He liked being the one that gets to make you all flustered.
You just shook your head at him, not taking the bait, “It was after.”
“Well if it was after then you can’t blame me for not retaining that conversation.  You should know by now that you can’t hold me to whatever comes out of my mouth when I’m still pussy dru-”
“Don’t be crass,” you’d tutted at him, tugging at the hem of his worn Navy shirt.
He slides his thumbs under your shirt, letting them skim over the soft skin above your underwear, “We both know how much you like this mouth, especially when it’s ‘crass’.”
You’d hummed at him- admitting nothing, denying nothing - before a mischievous grin overtook your face, “That’s a good a tidbit to know though, seems like the kind of thing that could work in my favor for the future.”
Those dimples would be the end of him.
“Troublemaker,” he’d said, pulling off his shirt and dropping it onto the bathroom floor.
You weren’t subtle about the way you checked him out, “What are you going to do about it?”
The sweatpants came off next and your eyes weren’t anywhere near his face when he replied, “Come get in the shower with me and I’ll show you real quick.”
You’d sauntered up to him slowly. And for a moment he thought you were going to reach for his cock, instead you’d grabbed a fluffy white towel and pressed it into his chest, “Not going to happen, Bradshaw. We’ve got a date with seats F9 and F10 in 40 minutes. Chop-chop, pretty boy.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Although, it didn’t stop him from snapping the towel at your ass when you’d spun away in your triumph.
He’s given up trying to remember the conversation from the night before or when you bought the tickets because you are happily tugging him towards the doors to the theater and he’d do just about anything to see the pretty curve of your smile.
Including seeing the action comedy that had one too many explosion sequences and a car that ends up in space for whatever reason.
The last time he made a fuss about you not letting him be the one to buy something for the two of you, you’d given him a look that had nearly pinned him to the damn wall and then said: “Don’t be a caveman. It’s not the 1950’s, I am allowed buy you things too.”
He’d hate to be called anti-feminist, so he was trying to get better about letting you pamper him in your own ways. But that didn’t stop him from trying to be the first one to reach for a credit card every chance he got. You were his girl and he couldn’t help himself.
Bradley opens the door for you and is hit with the smell of freshly popped popcorn. He looks down at you in time to watch as your nose scrunches the same way it always has in all the years that he’s known you.
Once the tickets on your phone are scanned by the yawning teen at the podium in the lobby entry, you’re lacing your fingers between his again, “Let’s get some snacks.”
“How are you even hungry right now?” He’d made the two of you a big breakfast to recoup some energy after being thoroughly worn out by you last night. So he doesn’t know how you even have junk food on the brain right now.
“We’re at the movie theater, Bradley, we’re legally required to get something with some Red Dye 40 and an obscene amount of sugar in it.”
“My bad, you’re right.”
“Of course, I am,” you preen.
He huffs an amused laugh as you lead him to concessions stand. It’s early enough that there’s only one person working the counter. The two of you get in line behind the family with three small kids who have their faces and little hands pressed against the glass display with all the colorful boxes of candies excitedly making their selections.
Bradley is watching as you mull over the choices on the flat screen TVs displaying the theaters offerings, your lips quirked to the side deep in thought. As he watches you, it dawns on him that the two of you will have plenty of time after the movie to run a few errands before they meet Mav and Penny for dinner.
“Hey, I was thinking about getting for a new dresser. I think mine might be too small now that all my things are here in San Diego now. If you’re up for it afterwards, do you want to come help me pick one out? Anything outside of IKEA is bit outside my area of expertise.”
With your help over the last few months, he’s been picking up a few new things to make his place feel more like a home and less like something temporary. Like some throw pillow for the couch, some nicer towels for the bathroom that all match. All little things but he liked that your fingerprints were all over his place even when you weren’t there with him.
“Oh yeah?” you say as you turn your face to look up at him, eyes alight with interest, “I’d be happy to, it’ll be fun! I can think of at least 5 places off the top of my head. You’re in good hands, trust me.”
“Don’t I know it,” he winks and drops a kiss on your cheek.
When it’s your turn to order you get a Cherry Coke for yourself and a Root Beer for him. Along with a bag of gummy bears, a box of Milk Duds, and a packet of Red Vines. But it’s your final request that surprises him.
“Oh, and a large popcorn, please,” you say with a smile.
He peers down at you quizzically, “But you hate popcorn.”
“What are you talking about? No, I don’t.” He just gives you a skeptical lift of his eyebrow. “Ok, maybe in the past,” you allow, with a little nonchalant shrug of your shoulder, “But today I want some, it sounds good.”
Bradley has never in his life seen you eat anything other than the homemade stuff from on a stovetop, but at the determined tip of your chin he isn’t about to press it. You’ve always been the type of girl who knows what she wants. And gets it.
“Whatever you want, kid,” he says handing over his credit card to the girl behind the counter. Feeling more than a little pleased with himself as she swipes it since you’re still trying to reach for your wallet in your purse.  
You smile and shake your head at him as you press that overly large bucket of popcorn into his chest for him to take, it’s shiny and yellow with artificial butter. You grab a stack of the thin, single-ply napkins and stuff them into your purse before grabbing the rest of the goods from off the fingerprint covered counter.
He trails after you popping a few salty buttery pieces into his mouth, admiring the curve of your ass in those jeans. His own personal preshow entertainment.
The seats you had grabbed were to the left side in the very back row of one of the smaller theaters that are usually reserved for movies about to hit on-demand and streaming services. Bradley can’t say he’s too surprised that the zoom kaboom movie isn’t going to have a long theatrical run.
It doesn’t escape his notice the way you set his drink in the cup holder on the left side of his assigned seat, your own soda going into the cup holder on your right before you settle into your own seat. It’s the little things you do for him, like putting his cup on his dominant side or stocking the fridge at your place with his favorite beer, that make him fall more and more for you every day.
The two of you get competitive when the movie trivia segment plays. You’re a split second faster than him blurting out Matt Damon in Ocean’s Twelve and securing your win against him. Your victory shimmy in your seat is cut short when a man comes walking down the aisle heading towards the front row of the theater.
Bradley plays a couple rounds of the beer pong game on his phone that you always tease him about in between eating handfuls of popcorn waiting for the lights to dim and the movie to start. He offers you the bucket, but you press it back towards him and tell him you’ll have some later.
He thinks he catches the movie app with the seating chart from the corner of his eye, but you’re probably just closing it out from using it to get the tickets scanned earlier. But you’re more fidgety than normal. It’s only after he clocks you pulling your phone for the third time that he asks, “You seem antsy, you ok?”
“I’m just excited to see the movie again,” you reply, putting your phone on airplane mode and tucking it back into your purse.
“I didn’t realize you liked it so much.”
“Well, I did. I think you’ll like it more this time too, it takes at least two watches to catch all the nuances.”
“I didn’t realize a Kevin Hart movie could have so many layers,” he jokes as the lights turn down.
“You shush, it’s starting.”
As the opening sequence plays, you push up the armrest between the two of you to lean your head on his shoulder, curling into him as much as you can. When you rest your hand on his stomach he decides this might be his new favorite way to spend a Saturday morning, with you pressed against him in a darkened room and breathing in the smell of your shampoo.
Bradley isn’t surprised in the least when you turn down his offer of popcorn again 20 minutes later when it’s revealed the best friend in the movie is actually a rogue CIA agent. He smirks to himself when you push until its resting on top of the thigh furthest away from you. He couldn’t wait to tease you about it after the movie was over.
As the movie builds to the first big action sequence, your hand slowly slides lower down his stomach. It’s all he can to do try and focus on the movie in hopes of distracting himself from getting a hard-on like some horny teenager rather than the grown ass man that he is.
But then right as the chase scene through the crowded streets of London starts, you’re popping open the button on his jeans and tugging down his zipper.
And then you’re pulling out his now very hard cock.
“Oh, shit.”
Your delicate fingers are teasing along the length of him with a featherlight touch. He couldn’t care less about the half a million-dollar car on screen that’s on its way to the junkyard with the way it’s getting destroyed, and is entirely enthralled by the way your hand looks loosely wrapped around his cock as you toy with him.
“This ok?” you ask quietly, in a way that has him wanting to flutter his eyes closed. Your thumb sweeps slowly along under the flare of his head in the way you know he likes.
He’s always been a bit adventurous, he likes the adrenaline rush both in the air and on the ground, and he was learning you were too. You’d never come so quick for him as you did the night in the parking lot of the Hard Deck when the fire alarm went off unexpectedly causing everyone to start flooding out as you were riding his cock in the driver’s seat of the Bronco.
Bradley had never been more thankful to have arrived late enough that he’d had to park on the other side of the dumpsters. The only person who was allowed to see you undone and unraveled was him.
“So fucking ok, sweet girl,” he rasps as soundlessly as he can. The one other person in the theater with them is quite a few rows ahead of them, but he wasn’t about to give away what was going on in the back row of Auditorium 17 at the AMC Chula Vista 10.
“Shh, don’t you know talking during a movie is rude, Bradley?” you whisper into the shell of his ear. And god does he want to laugh, but he has to grit his teeth together to hold back the moan he’s desperate to release when you more firmly grasp him in your hand.
He already knows that is something that’s going to keep him occupied on those nights the two of you spend apart. Something to dream about on a cramped bunk bed on a carrier in the middle of the ocean when he is thousands of miles away from you.
You and your pleased smile and your hand on his cock.
There’s no way he could have prepared himself for the way you lean over him and lick up the length of him with a broad stroke of your tongue.
You’ve got one hand at the base of him and the other braced on his thigh supporting you. He’s clutching at the rim of that damn bucket of popcorn like it’s a lifeline as you drop wet, open mouthed kisses along his cock.
His pulse is thrumming in his throat and he can’t quite remember how to push the air out of his lungs. He’s had years of learning specialized breathing techniques and it all flies out of his mind at the stroke of your hand and the bob of your head and the swirl of your tongue.
Bradley is desperate to see you face, there’s nothing he loves more than looking into your eyes when you’re treating him to your perfect mouth. It’s not possible at this angle, but he gathers your hair into his fist so that he can see your lips stretched around him. He’s not guiding your motions, he just wants a better look at you. Even in the dimly lit auditorium, he can see how spit-slicked you’ve gotten him.
You’re taking as much of him as you can, with each dip of your head more and more of him disappears into your hot mouth.
And when he hits the back of your throat he nearly loses his mind.
“Jesus,” he curses up to the ceiling, throwing his head back and trying not to pant. Thankfully in time with some explosion on screen and he knows without a doubt that you’d done it at that moment on purpose.
You pull off of him and the string of spit glinting between your lips and his cock is going to fuel his one-handed fodder for the next month. He watches in rapt until its pulled taut enough to break. Your lips are shiny and wet, there’s a satisfied smile on your face as you take him in, still pumping him with your hand.
Your teeth graze his earlobe, and goosebumps erupt along his forearms. Your words hushed so that only he could hear them. Only meant for him. “God, Bradley, you’re so good to me. You’ve always been so good to me.”
“Sweet girl,” he whispers, roughly. His chest is tight with his sheer want of you.
You kiss his cheek, “Just enjoy the movie, Bradley.” Your hand is gliding up and down his shaft easily, your thumb skimming over his sensitive head on every upstroke.
Your tongue dips out to lave at the divot at the base of his neck and you nudge him with your nose in a silent request. He leans his head back along the red velvet seat and angles himself away to give you all the access to column of his throat. With his eyes tightly squeezed closed, every touch feels that much more heightened to him. Your hot breath on his throat is at stark contrast to the air conditioning wafting through the auditorium.
The feel of your lips mouthing and sucking and licking along him is worth any shit he’d get if he goes onto base on Monday wearing your handiwork on his neck. He’d do those extra push-ups with pride.
He looks down to where your hand is working him in smooth strokes, your fingertips not touching until they reach the from ridge of the head of his cock. He knows he’s not small by any means, but in your hands he looks huge.
It feels so wrong and so right. The movie is loud enough to cover any slick sounds your hand is making and the other person is far enough away that there’s no way the two of you will be caught, not above the surround sound of screeching tires on pavement and the shattering of glass.
Your lips graze his ear, “You always know just what I need and what to say. You make feel so seen and so special.” With every generous word, his heart hammers harder and harder against his ribs. Your sweet voice and your hand working his cock have him dizzy with need. “And it’s not just me. I don’t miss the way you check to see if anyone else needs a drink before you go to get another one or the way you’re always the first to help when someone needs an extra set of hands. It’s so hot the way you take care of everyone.”
Bradley’s face feels warm, he’s sure he’s flushed pink. He’s trying to keep his breathing under control, but you’re making it difficult for him. He’s never shied away from the praise that comes with his career, he’s worked and sacrificed for that. But with you, he never wants to stop earning it from you.
“You’re so damn handsome,” you hum, your lips brushing over one of the scars on his neck, the ones he’s never told you the full story about just how he got them. “I’ve never been so desperate for someone before, I want you all the time. I didn’t know it could be like this, Bradley. I lo-like you so much.”
He breathes your name unevenly.
He didn’t realize how hungry he was for those three words from you until just now. He’s loved you his whole life, in the affectionate way that friends do, but it’s been increasingly clear to him over these last few months that he is also in love with you.
Bradley already knew he was never going to feel the same way about anyone else the way he feels about you.
He’s never felt more himself than he does with you. You know the best parts of him and the worst, you’ve been there and seen it all. He doesn’t have to just be Rooster or Lieutenant Bradshaw all the time. He can just be.
It’s never been like this for him before either. He’s always orbited around your sun, but now you’re his whole universe.
He loses himself to the sound of your voice and pretty praise, soft and low, and to the feel of your lips and tongue on his skin as you work his cock in the way that he knows is going to have him seeing stars soon.
Bradley can feel your grin against his neck right before you drag your teeth down the column of his throat, “No one has ever fucked me as good as you do. I’ve never come so hard as I do with you.” 
He has to swallow down the groan that almost escapes him as he jerks into your hand as a tidal wave of masculine pride crashes into him.
Damn right you do.
You are his girl.
He knows your body. He knows you.
His. His. His.
Yours. Yours. Yours.
A cough from the front of the auditorium startles the both of you. The tension makes his throat tight, but when it’s followed by a sniffle rather than a second more pointed noise, the two of you know you’re safe to continue.
“Bradley.” He can hear the request in the way you say his name. With no minimal effort, he cracks his eyes open and turns his head to you. Half of your pretty face is illuminated by the movie playing in front of the two of you.
Holding his gaze, you slowly stick your shiny, pink tongue out to him and he almost comes on the spot.
He can see the playful dare in your eyes and the wicked curve of the corners of your mouth around your waiting tongue.
You know exactly what you are doing to him. A menace, his favorite menace.
His favorite person.
Bradley leans over and cups your jaw in his hand, his thumb skimming along your cheek right before he spits into your open mouth.
You let him admire his handiwork for a moment and then you wink at him.
It’s in that instant that he knows he’s played right into your winning hand because you’re leaning back down over his cock and letting the combination of his spit and yours drip right on to the top of him.
The two of you watch as the thick dribble slowly slides off and down, down guided by the thick vein along the length of him.
When it reaches the base of his cock, your mouth is chasing after it as you take him right down to the hilt.
His stomach and thighs are tensing with the strain of holding himself back when you hollow your cheeks around him. He almost doesn’t want to give in just yet, but the feel of your soft lips and the firm strokes of your hand on him is just too good.
That pressure that has been steadily building behind his bellybutton is too hard to ignore. He’s so close now. You must be able to tell he’s right there too because you’re humming around him in that way that makes his lower stomach and inner thighs coil in anticipation. He reaches for your leg, driven by the overwhelming need to touch you. Bradley can feel all your soothing warmth through your painted on jeans under his palm.
And with a tricky twist of your wrist at the base of his cock as you tongue at the firm ridge of him, he spills into your perfect mouth as you finish him off.
Bradley’s mind goes blank with pleasure as it hits him like a sucker punch. 
It’s intense. It’s a rush. It’s all because of you.
Spent and sated he melts further into the comfortable movie theater seat as you clean what cum you couldn’t swallow with your tongue, laving at him until you were content before tucking him back into his boxer briefs.
He doesn’t know how he made it through that without sending that giant bucket of popcorn to the floor, but the rim of it is noticeable crumbled on one side. He balances it on his leg as he adjusts himself and rebuttons his jeans.
When he looks over at you, you’re popping a Milk Dud into your mouth like a prize for a job well done. And you grin widely at him.
“C’mere,” he murmurs, affectionately pulling you back to him. He kisses the top of your head as you tuck yourself into his chest, that box of candy clutched in your hand.
The rest of the movie passes in a hazy blur as his heartrate returns to normal while he plays with the ends of your hair.
He tries offering you the popcorn again, but once again you push it away. This time he does laugh and you tilt your head up and press a soft kiss at the base of his throat. He can’t help but smile to himself every time you hold up one of the chocolate-covered caramel candies up for him to eat, your eyes never leaving the screen.
And this time, he’s not even annoyed when they misidentify the Immelmann Turn for a Barrel Roll Attack. Although how they got a Pontiac Fiero airborne is still beyond him.  
When the man in the front row leaves as the credits start rolling he turns to you, “Well, you were right, sweet girl. I think that might be my new favorite movie.”  
Your smile is beaming, but your laugh is even brighter.
He still can’t believe that just happened, but he’s already planning to preorder the damn collector’s edition Blu-ray the second he can. “Can I ask what brought that on?”
“You keep trying to get handsy with me at the library, but you know I can’t desecrate the books. Knowledge is power, Bradley. But I figured this was something you might like too.”
“Are you telling me you brought me here for the sole purpose of getting me off in the back row, kid?
“I am and I did,” you preen.
Bradley chuckles and leans over for a kiss. It’s soft and sweet.
He pulls away and looks into your eyes, grinning he asks, “So you like me, huh?” He knows he’s probably pressing his luck, but he’s willing to take a gamble if it means he gets to hear that from you again.
You press you lips together trying to fight back your own smile, “I’m not saying those three words to you for the first time after blowing you in the back row of an AMC, Bradshaw.”
“Is it just the AMC then?” he teases, setting his bucket of popcorn to the side before pulling you into his lap. Your knees balanced on the seats to either side of him as you settle on him, “Because we could hit up a Regal if that’s more your speed. Or-”
“Bradley,” you laugh, trying to cover his mouth with your hand.
He catches it in his and presses a quick kiss to your palm, “And what if I told you I like you too? Would that change anything?”
It’s no secret what he really means. He knows what almost slipped out of your mouth. But if you’re not quite ready to say it then he can be patient. You’re more than worth the wait.
Bradley sees the way your eyes light up and the way your smile gets even wider only a sliver of a second before you’re ducking down to eagerly kiss him.
For a moment he feels like he is a teenager again, making out with his girlfriend in the back of a movie theater without anyone around. Wild and reckless and carefree.
Your hands slide up his chest and into his hair, your nails on his scalp have him sinking further into the seat. His hands grip your ass, just like the way he’s by dying to touch you since he saw you in them this morning. He takes advantage of your gasp to slide his tongue against yours. He didn’t know that happiness tasted like the Cherry Coke you had been sipping on, but it does and he can’t get enough of it.
He probably would have kept on kissing you if it were for the pointed clearly of a throat that has the two of you flying apart like you’ve both been electrocuted. The teen standing in the aisle just awkwardly lifts up the broom and dust pan.
You bite your lip to keep from giggling at getting caught as you scramble off of his lap collecting your things, hastily shoving the candy back in your purse and babbling a sorry, sorry that he personally didn’t think sounded too terribly apologetic. He’s quick to follow your lead, checking his pockets to make sure he still had his wallet and keys, not forgetting to grab that large cardboard popcorn bucket as you head for the double doors to the auditorium.
The two of you manage to keep it together until the swinging door closes behind and then you’re bursting out into a fit of laughter in the hallway.
“Oh my god, Bradley, I’m mortified,” you giggle into his chest, “We can never come back here.”
“Nah, I’m sure that’s not the first time that kid has busted people for necking in the back row. Plus this is the best reviewed AMC in the area,” he says with a grin, dropping his arm over your shoulders. “Hey, I’ve still got at least half a bucket of popcorn left should we make it a double feature? I’m more than happy to return the favor. Those jeans of yours might make it a little difficult, but I’m up for the challenge.” He gives you a playfully suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Maybe next time,” you grin, reaching up and threading your fingers through his to tug him towards the exit. “I am worried we might be arrested for public indecency if we stay here a second longer.”
He tosses the popcorn bucket into the trash as the two of you pass by the concession stand on your way out.
“Ok, kid, but I have to know, why did you order the biggest size they had if you weren’t going to eat it too? We both know you hate movie theater popcorn.”
“You’re not allowed to tease me if I tell you.”
“I promise not to tease you,” he says holding open the door for you.
“I thought it might help to block any potential wandering eyes,” you admit, blushingly, “Just in case, there was any last-minute Kevin Hart super fans who wanted to go to a matinee first thing in the morning.”
He tips his head back and laughs, “She’s smart and pretty.”
“And you like me for it,” you say, squeezing his hand in yours.
“Oh, I more than like you for it, sweet girl,” he confirms.
Any other plans he had for the day are forgotten when you press him against the Bronco for another thorough kiss.
It was a miracle the two of you weren’t late meeting Penny and Mav later that night.
He still wants to get a new dresser, he wants you to have a place to put things in his home. But if his girlfriend wants to spend the rest of their Saturday in bed together, who is he to deny you.
Not when he knows you like him.
You don’t make him wait long to hear it though.
They are the first three words he heard out of your mouth the next morning.
And it is without a doubt the best thing he’s ever heard in his life.
Nothing has ever felt as easy or as right to him as it does saying it back to you against your smiling lips.
I love you I love you I love you I love you
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Shout out to the AMC Chula Vista 10! They're the real MVP here. Bradley and Sweet Girl definitely return, and the next time she wears a dress 🤗
A big thank you to Jordan (@gretagerwigsmuse) for being the ultimate hype girl, I know when the vibes are right when the ALL CAPS come out. Ames (@laracrofted) you saved the day with the color edit for the banner, thank you! And Elle (@callsignspark), you know what you did and I thank you for letting me join you on the 'spit in my mouth' agenda, haha!
If you enjoyed these two, you can read their story from the start here!
You can read my other stories here!
Tag list:
@gretagerwigsmuse @sehnsuchts-trunken @notroosterbradshaw @tongue-like-a-razor @laracrofted @bradshawsbitch @starryeyedstories @top-hhun-main @startrekfangirl2233 @callsign-viper @teacupsandtopgun @shanimallina87 @angelbabyange @oneelleandaneye @mizzzpink @cornishkat @alana4610 @20th-centu-fairy-girl @pono-pura-vida @donttouchmycarrots @eg-dr3amer3 @whaledots-blog @a-beaverhausen @hangmanscoming @mandolin22 @theweekndhistorybook @lilpeekabooze @high-bi-imgonnacry @ahintofkiwistrawberry @ruewrote @spiderman-stilinski @jayniebop @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @imaginecrushes @keyrani @chicomonks @artemissunn @mayempress @eddiemunsonreader
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jxckchxmpi0n · 1 year
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I'm currently going crazy as I have three weeks until I graduate- anyways this is my little delu-lu moment where I break from reality and think about dating jack 🧎‍♀️
Did not proof read || m.list
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Dating JACK CHAMPION is the most fun you'll ever have. There are so many little dates in there different towns he's filming in.
He'd take you to the zoo, the aquarium. "Baby, we have to see the otters!" He jumps around like a little kid.
There would be many dates at your shared apartment as well.
Building Legos. "Baby, look, I bought us a new Lego set. Wanna watch Marvel movies and build it?"
Or you would be studying for your college classes when he storms into your shared room. "Baby, do you wanna try making this tiktok pasta with me?"
Your favorite thing is making forts in the living room and gathering snacks around the TV and having a marathon.
"Jack, we should watch all the scram movies before we go to the premiere next weekend" you know for a fact that even if you watch them all tonight hell be watching them again throughout the week.
Sometimes, when you need to run errands, he'll join you just to be with you. "Hey baby, I have to go run out for a while. I should be back in a little"
He gives you puppy eyes as he pulls his headset off. "Can I go with?" Seeing him with his bed head and pj's makes you giggle. "Of course," he then jumps up and kisses you, running to take a super quick shower.
Waking up to the smell of breakfast filling your nose, the sun light filling the room.
Jack comes in with a tray of pancakes and fruit for both you and him. You then both cuddle in bed as your eat food.
When he's been gone for months for filming and you'll be on tikok while on the phone giggling. "Why are you giggling? I didn't even say anything. " You giggle more and just tell him to check his phone. He then sees three notifications from you and sees that you sent him edits of him. "Baby." His voice is a little high-pitched as he is very flattered.
You both decide to go out for lunch as it's a nice day, ditching the car and walking downtown to a small cafe. Holding hands and sharing airpods, there's no need to talk. Sometimes being with each other is all you need
FaceTime dates as he is in a different state filming. He doesn't care. Even if he's around people, he will show his love for you every second he gets. "Mason, look y/n, and I our on a date!" He flips the camera to Mason as their hair and makeup get touched up.
Excited about avatar coming out the idea of dressing up and hiding in a theater to see others' reactions.
Sitting next to a few pre teens and hearing their reactions warm both of your hearts. But also watching Jack as he gets into the movie himself as if he isn't in it.
You wanted to try something new, so you thought about making cookies. He would sit on the counter watching you with so much love in his eyes. "What?" You notice him looking at you getting insecure all of a sudden. He jumps off, his hand goes to your cheek, "You have flour on your face." You chuckled at his actions. "God, you are so pretty"
Face masks!!!! The best part is it's him trying to convince you. But you secretly act like you don't wanna do it, so it makes him wanna do it more. You both wear big headbands, and you sit on his lap as he paints it on your face. And vice-versa, his hands lay on your hips as he has his head tilted up looked at you through his lashes.
It's a sunny day, and you decide to clean the apartment playing music, and of course, Jack being himself, he ends up taking over the music playing different songs to dance to. Then you both end up dancing in the living room.
Jack has to give Butters a bath, and as much as he loved butters, it's a lot of work, so you join and end up joking, saying you guys are married and butter is your first born. Then, half way through washing butters, you have a fake fight, then die laughing on the bathroom floor.
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cellophanejpeg · 1 month
quirk play | Amajiki T.
Amajiki Tamaki x nameless!oc/reader
s.: She can't stop thinking about it. Ever since her best friend mentioned it, the act of having tentacle sex with her boyfriend won't leave her mind and it's driving her insane. Maybe she should try it once, just out of curiosity…
w.c.: 4.9k
a.n.: wrote this last year, but only posted on ao3 because i was scared people wouldn't like it. fuck it we ball. bnha is over and i'm bittersweet.
w.: smut, tentacle sex, very explicit, mdni
divider by @/saradika-graphics
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If it weren’t for Shinsou’s nasty comment, she would’ve never thought about it.
“So, Amajiki-senpai, huh?” He had given her that stupid smug smile. “Bet you two get creative in bed with his quirk.”
Despite shutting him off  immediately, telling he was the most disgusting pervert she’d ever met – which resulted in him laughing even more at her reaction –, she couldn’t stop thinking about it.
They’ve been together for about a year and have been taking things slow ever since they met each other in high school. It wasn't usual for a first year to tutor a third year, but due to Tamaki's duties as a hero he hadn't had time to study and was almost failing in English, among other subjects that didn't involve crime fighting. So Present Mic had her to tutor him and teach him some extra English lessons, since she was fluent at it.
At first, Tamaki was so shy and hesitant that he didn't even look at her. And she thought he hated her, because during their first tutoring sessions, all he used to do was nod and look away every time she seeked his eyes with hers.
But then, after a lot of coaxing from her part, he started to open up to her. He started answering her questions more promptly, held her stare when he looked at him…
She could say she started falling for him right there, in their tutoring sessions.
And then, Tamaki had graduated high school, and was about to become a pro hero, with an actual license – not a provisional one. She remembered the day where she boldly entered the 3-A dorm, in a hot afternoon, and knocked on his door with tears in her eyes, asking for his number to keep in touch after he left.
It wasn't only until three years later that they finally admitted their feelings for each other and started a serious relationship.
Three long years of texting and late night conversations on the phone, friendly meetings at coffee shops, going to the movies as friends, and pining for each other, later and they were finally together.
After graduating, she asked him out on a date. It was a simple coffee shop date with a movie session afterwards. And to her surprise, he said yes.
Tamaki was an introverted man. He preferred staying home to going out, watching a movie on the couch instead of on a theater chair, home cooked meals and chilling inside the best he could. And when she came into his life, she showed him a world of possibilities. She encouraged him to go out more whenever he was free, to enjoy a walk in the park on a sunny day, and to go out as a couple. She didn't mind having to initiate every move, as long as he was comfortable with it. She did her best to let him not get uncomfortable with every touch, every kiss.
When they finally got together, sex wasn’t something that even crossed her mind in the first few weeks of their relationship. And when they finally did it, from the very beginning, she knew Amajiki wasn’t one for going rough at her.
He would never agree to something like that.
“You’re still thinking about it, aren’t you?” Shinsou’s voice interrupted her train of thoughts. Somehow, she knew exactly what he was talking about, but still decided to play dumb.
“Thinking about what?” Her eyes never left the streets under them.
It was a warm summer night where they both had hero duties to attend and, since neither worked in a proper agency, they chose to patrol the area in the shadows. She was hunched down the edge of a building when Hitoshi found her, deep in thought.
“You’re a bad liar.” He approached her and sat beside her, legs dangling off the edge while she was still in a crouched position. “And you look like a gargoyle right now. I could spot your wings from so far away, I’m sure any criminals would give up committing any crimes around here. You’re a like billboard for them, staying here–”
“What do you want, Shinsou?” She interrupted him, finally tearing her gaze from the city to look at her best friend.
He smiled and scoffed with a playful arrogance that was only reserved for her. She sighed and rolled eyes, dropping her gaze from him.
“Are you seriously thinking about having tentacle sex with your boyfriend?” He murmured, speaking as if they weren’t the only ones on that roof.
“I’m not even going to answer that,” she replied, closing her eyes and controlling her anger. Hitoshi had a way of getting on her nerves that no other person had.
“Poor Amajiki.” He mocked, “He’s so innocent. What would he think of his beloved girlfriend being such a pervert like that–”
A punch on the arm interrupted him and he barked out a laugh, finally getting a reaction from her.
“Are you done with your buffoonery?” Was she said before returning to her patrolling on the streets.
Shinsou took the time to watch her while she sulked. He didn’t lie, her dragon wings and horns did make her look like a gargoyle, especially as dark as they were at the moment. The crouched position, with her back hunched, the serious expression on her face… She looked more like a creature than a human.
“You know,” he said and watched as she rolled her eyes again, “when I said that, I was trying to make you angry… ‘Cause you know… It’s funny when you get angry. I didn’t mean to make you worked-up about it.”
Her eyes slowly made contact with his. She didn’t move a muscle as her wings tucked behind her, as if she was ready to attack. If he didn't know better, he'd think really was a gargoyle.
“Just stop talking about it then.” Her voice was cold despite the smoke that started coming off her nostrils. A bad sign.
“Geez, alright.” He mumbled, raising his palms to her, “Don’t go spitting fire on me…”
But the thing was that she was worked-up about it. The thought infected her mind like a virus and nothing she did made it go away. Not the steamiest sex with her boyfriend, not the vibrator she had in her nightstand drawer, not even the use of fingers made the image of tentacle sex with Tamaki leave her mind.
The fact she had a wet dream about it the night before was eating her up on the inside.
"Shinsou." She suddenly said, breaking the silence and standing up. Her thighs screamed at her for staying in the same position for so long. Shinsou looked up at her as she stretched before speaking again. "You've ruined my mind with that comment."
She didn't see the way his eyes lit up with amusement, lifting her arms to stretch her body.
"I knew it!" He exclaimed, "I knew you were thinking about–"
His voice faded away as she jumped off the edge of the building, diving in the sea of artificial lights. She allowed herself to get closer to the ground before opening her wings to fly away from her watching spot.
The cold wind blew on her face, calming her senses down. Whenever she was on the air, it was like every voice inside her head quieted down.
She was far enough from the tall buildings to be able to pull out her phone from her jacket pocket to look at the time. It wasn't too late for stopping at Tamaki's, she knew he would be home even though it was a Saturday night. Maybe she could surprise him, Tamaki loved when she visited. His apartment building wasn't so far either, so why not?
Landing softly on the balcony of his apartment, she leaned over to unzip her combat boots so she could take it off before steppin in. But before she could knock on the glass door and have him open it for her, saying his usual line – "You know you can ring the bell, right?" – she heard different voices coming from the inside of the apartment.
She raised her hand to knock on the glass, but as if he had heard her, Tamaki pulled the curtains and opened the balcony door, a soft smile on his face.
"Hi," she said, smiling.
"Hi," he replied and there was a pause of a second before he launched himself at her, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face on her shoulder, "I'm so glad you're here."
Her smile widened as she hugged him back, rubbing the soft material of his shirt, and inhaling the scent of his shampoo on his hair.
"Something happened?" she asked as she tried to let go, but he hugged her tighter, making her laugh softly.
"Nejire and Mirio are being mean," he replied, voice muffled by the fabric of her jacket.
"Oh." She pulled away from him this time and noticed a pink tint on his cheeks. It wasn't unusual for Tamaki to be embarrassed by something, but the faint scent of beer in his breath told her the cause for the flush on his cheeks was something else. "I didn't know you had people over, I can come back later–"
"No!" He interrupted her, "P-please stay!"
Before she could answer, a high pitched laugh came from his living room.
"Tamaki!" Nejire Hado's voice echoed the place and he tensed, his ears going pink at the sound of her voice. "Where did you run off to?"
Before he could say anything, she grabbed his hand and stepped inside his apartment. "Sorry! I think he heard me arriving!"
A smile curving her lips and a hand raised in greeting made Nejire gasp in surprise, whispering her name. She dropped whatever she was holding and ran over, hands going immediately to touch her horns. Nejire's favorite activity was to touch her horns until she grew bored of her and move to the next thing that made her marvel. Nejire once tried to touch her wings, but she jumped off her spot, saying they were too sensitive to the touch.
"Hey there, senpai," she said, breathing out a laugh.
Togata called her name and walked over to them, "You don't have to call us senpai anymore," he said, approaching to give both her and Nejire a bear hug.
The hug knocked the air out of her lungs and she whimpered, along with Nejire. But the way they behaved and the smell of their breaths, they all seemed a bit drunk.
"We were just talking about you!" Nejire speaks, still being crushed by Mirio's hug.
"Oh!" She tried to say, "Really? What–" She breathed out, "What were you talking about?"
Then, Mirio finally let them go. Suddenly, the atmosphere grew tense and they all hesitated. Even Mirio. Tamaki's face got even more red than it already was. She frowned at their reactions.
"U-uh, here!" Nejire exclaimed, skipping to the dinner table, grabbing a platter of food and shoving it to her face. "Have some takoyaki! We saved it for you!"
She eyes the food in front of her. No doubt it was Tamaki who cooked it, he was a great cook since he had to do it often for his quirk. But one of the fried balls had an octopus leg hanging out of it and it reminded her of it . It took everything in her not to flinch.
"I-I'm not hungry," she said, despite the takoyaki looking delicious. "Thank you though."
Mirio took the platter off Nejire's hands and set it on the table, wrapping his hand around her wrist right after.
"Sorry, we've had a little too much to drink," he said, his cheeks flushing a bit.
She waved a hand at them, laughing softly, "Don't worry about it." Then turned to Tamaki, "Do you mind if I use your shower?"
Tamaki, who had his eyes on the floor all this time, looked at her and blushed again. Was he okay? Were they all okay?
"Uh, n-no, go ahead," he replied, and then in a lower voice as he approached her, "I told you, you don't have to ask…"
She shrugged a bit and smiled at his reaction.
"We should get going as well," Mirio said, wrapping an arm around Nejire's waist to support her weight.
"Oh, please don't leave because of me!" she said.
"Don't worry, it's not because you got here!" He smiled, "We've been here for hours, so…"
Only then, she checked her watch to see it was almost 11pm, "Oh."
A moment of silence filled the gap between all of them and she thought it was strange how they were all behaving. They were usually so friendly and talkative, but tonight Mirio and Nejire were avoiding her eyes like the plague.
"Well, I'm gonna go ahead and take that shower," she said, thumb pointing over her shoulder in the direction of Tamaki's bedroom.
"Right! See you around!" Mirio smiled cheerfully at her.
Once they said their goodbyes, she walked to the bedroom, wings tucked tight against her back.
"Hey, hey." Nejire's voice came from the living room, "Do you think she heard us?"
She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were talking so loud that she heard Tamaki scold his friend.
"Why were you talking about it in the first place?" His voice trembled.
Nejire giggled and Mirio shushed her quickly.
"I'm sorry, Tamaki," he said, "We were just playing around, we had no intention of getting our noses in your sex life."
She almost choked, widening her eyes at his words. Deciding not to listen to them anymore, she hopped into the shower quickly. Letting the warm water run through her body, the sensation felt like heaven. She washed herself, rubbing the sweat of the day’s patrolling off with Tamaki’s soap. She sighed, inhaling the scent of her boyfriend. Ready to forget about what Shinso told her, she finished showering and wrapped herself in a towel.
“Are you seriously thinking about having tentacle sex with your boyfriend?”
Shinsou’s voice echoed in her head again and she cringed. "Goddammit, Hitoshi.”
Putting the soft pajamas she’d always kept in his bedroom drawers, she only heard the quiet pads of Tamaki’s feet and some clinks of the dishes being washed in the kitchen. Meaning Nejire and Mirio went home already.
Quietly walking around his apartment, her bare feet matched the pads of his as she reached the kitchen. He walked around the place, cleaning it and washing the dishes that he and his friends used to have dinner. Deciding to help a little, she started gathering the empty bottles of soju they drank. As soon as the bottles clinked together, Tamaki turned his head from his spot on the sink in search of the source of the sound.
“I’ll help you.” She smiled at him.
His face went red as he realized she was wearing a top and tiny shorts pajamas as usual. She frowned at his reaction and walked towards him, throwing the bottles in the trash.
“Everything okay?” She asked him and he just nodded, tips of ears going red as he avoided her stare.
“T-there’s some food for you on the table,” he said, ducking his head and letting his hair fall on his eyes. “I made extra takoyaki for you.”
She almost cringed again, “I’m not really hungry.”
At that, Tamaki raised his head and looked at her. “You’ve been patrolling all night. You should eat.”
A warmth spreaded in her chest at his words. Tamaki would always look after her, no matter what. And he was right, she was a bit hungry. He knew how much she loved his food and made sure he cooked some extra just in case she dropped by tonight.
"Okay," she replied with a small voice and sat at the table to eat.
Meanwhile, Tamaki finished washing the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. She looked at him with heart eyes, feeling the domestic vibes in the air and the familiar warmth bloomed in her chest once more.
"What?" he asked once he noticed she was staring.
"Just thinking how much I love you."
His face grew red once more, but he smiled at her, approaching and bending over to give her a kiss on the head.
"I love you too," he murmured, rubbing the top of her head and walking away towards his bedroom. "I'm going to shower. There's ice cream in the freezer, make yourself at home."
Unbeknownst to him, she already felt like she was home.
As she finished her meal, she washed her plate and got the ice cream he talked about. Sitting on the living room couch, She turned the TV on to see if there’s anything interesting on. A few moments later, Tamaki joined her, smelling like the same soap she used. She laid back on the couch, her feet on his lap as the both of them watched a cheesy romcom, when a question pops in her head.
“So why were you guys talking about me, huh?” She teased. His hands froze on her calves and the familiar pink shade made its appearance on his face again.
“U-uh,” he replies, avoiding her stare, “it was nothing, trust me.”
“Yeah, they were just being gross.” He still didn’t look at her.
“Why?” She asked after a beat of silence.
Tamaki visibly shrunk his shoulders, eyes still set on the television.
“Was it that bad?” She pulled her feet from his lap and sat up, putting the bowls of ice cream on the coffee table and facing him. When he didn’t answer, she moved to gently grab his chin and turn his head to face her. “Tamaki…” Her voice was stern, as of a mother scolding him and she knew the effect it had on him. He loved when she was a bit hard on him in bed, so trying to seduce him wasn’t too hard for her. Half lidded eyes and pink cheeks already looked at her as she approached his face. “Why were they talking about our sex life, Tamaki?”
Then, he widened his eyes, pulling away from her grasp. “How– How did you–”
“I overheard them talking about it.” She interrupted him.
He sighed in defeat, closing his eyes and slumping his shoulders.
"We were just drinking and they started talking about…" Tamaki seemed to hesitate, but she encouraged him by slipping her hand behind his neck and stroking his hair gently. "They started talking about quirk play."
A frown grew between her brows, "Huh?"
"I was confused at first too, but–" Tamaki swallowed hard, "They said my quirk was perfect for i-it."
And then the penny dropped. Mirio and Nejire were talking about… It with him as well.
"You mean…" she started just to be sure she and him were on the same page.
"They asked if we ever had tentacle sex."
Holy shit, he said it. So bluntly like that…
An awkward silence filled the gap as both of them blushed. How much of a coincidence does it have to be that multiple people had brought it up? Maybe it was overall curiosity that got the best of people, but to have Shinsou, Mirio and Nejire comment about it in the same night?
How curious were they?
How curious was she?
"I-I-I shut them down, though…" He explained, bringing her back to reality. "Told them it was gross and stuff…"
"Huh." Was all she said and as she leaned back on the back of the couch, deep in thought.
If she were to ask Tamaki to use his quirk in bed, would he be able to say no? Knowing him, he'd go along whatever she wants, but would be going so far by using his quirk to get off?
"Tama, baby," she said, catching his attention, "It's okay." She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath, "I've– I've been asked this too."
It was her time to sigh, "Shinsou teased me about it a couple of times." She rolled her eyes, reminiscing how he would laugh when she got mad about it, "I suppose people get curious about it. I don't blame them, really."
Tamaki hummed and an awkward pause hung in the air. She watched him with tenderness in her eyes, as he was deep in thought, resting her chin on her knees.
"S-so, uh…" He said after breathing deeply, "Do you– Do you want to try it?"
She looked at him surprised. Not only was the initiative coming from him – which was rare –, but also he was the one who brought it up. He looked at her with timid eyes, but full of lust and curiosity.
Her mouth opened to answer him, but she hesitated. Then, as if he had sobered up, he started stuttering.
"I-I-I mean– I just– I thought–"
"Yes." She interrupted him, looking right into his eyes.
"Yes?" Tamaki seemed like he didn't believe her.
A soft laugh escaped her throat as she looked at him with the same tenderness and affection as before. Her hand tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"Yes," she replied softly.
Then he smiled at her, and her heart skipped a beat. He leaned over her to press a kiss on her lips, but when he went to pull away, her hands hooked in the back of his neck and pulled him closer for a deeper kiss. Tamaki's hands were shaking as he reached for her waist to pull her closer. She obliged, straddling his lap and slipping her tongue inside his mouth. A whimper escaped his throat when she rolled her hips on him, already feeling the bulge in his pants.
His hands traveled through her skin, slipping under her top and brushing lightly where her wing met her back. She shuddered, always sensitive in that area. He knew that.
Tamaki pulled away breathing hard, a small whimper escaping his lips.
"How–" He inhaled sharply when she rolled her hips on him once more, "How do we do this?"
Leaning her forehead on his, she smiled wickedly. "How about you take me to bed first?"
Her warmth breath on his face made him exhale and in a split of a second, he grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her from the couch as he stood up. His mouth found hers once more in a hungry kiss, lips crashing together, tongues sliding against each other, building up the arousal in both of them.
Tamaki carefully set her on his bed, covering her body with his. His teeth pulled her lower lip and she moaned as he started to leave a trail of wet kisses through her jawline and neck.
It took her by surprise. He was never this assertive, never like this during sex. Usually, it was her who always initiated and her who led on, who commanded. But now, Tamaki was doing as he pleased, without a command. His eyes searched for no approval, instead, there was pure lust in them.
It was like he flipped a switch when she said yes.
His hands traveled through the side of her body, reaching the hem of her shirt. He wasted no time in pulling it over her head, discarding the piece of clothing on the floor. Tamaki's hands were rough from working as a hero, but they were warm as they cupped her breasts.
Kneading one of them with a hand, his mouth wrapped around the other nipple, making her gasp in surprise. Arching her back, her damp middle grinding against the bulge in his pants. The motion caught him by surprise and he moaned, biting her nipple.
"Shit." She gasped. Tamaki looked up, pulling away from her breast, a string of saliva connecting his tongue to her nipple.
"Did it hurt?" He asked, cheeks flushed with something else other than timidness.
She shook her head, unable to form words. What was going on? Who was this new Tamaki who was so confident?
"Do it–" She breathed, "Do it again."
Tamaki gave her a half smile and bowed his head to suck on the other nipple. Meanwhile, his finger pinched the freshly bitten one and she gasped again, whimpering his name.
Suddenly, his hands started to feel a bit weird. Instead of the rough skin on her, there were soft, clammy, and silken touches. When she opened her eyes, she saw dark pink tentacles gently wrapping themselves around her breast. The tip of one teased her already sensitive nipple and she sobbed at the contact.
Once more, Tamaki looked at her, worried eyes burning her own. The silent question lingered in the air and she nodded.
"I'm okay." She whispered, giving him the green light. Her face burned with desire, arousal and lust. It made Tamaki’s cock twitch in his pants.
His once fingers that morphed into tentacles slid over the skin of her ribs, waist and hips, making her grip the sheets and whimper softly. One of the pink limbs hooked on the waistband of her shorts and teased to take it off by tugging it lightly.
“Tamaki…” She whined, closing her eyes when a tentacle slid between her legs, caressing her inner thighs. A gasp turned into a sob that escaped her lips when he pulled his mouth away from her skin.
Kneeling on the bed, Tamaki used his tentacles to pull her tiny shorts off her legs. While she lifted her hips to make it easier, another tentacle ran through her stomach to reach her breast, joining the other in pinching her nipples.
“Pin–” She gasped, “Pin my hands above my head.”
An involuntary smile curved the corners of his lips as he did what she asked with two more tentacles. Other two spreaded her legs, exposing her fully to him. It was quite the view, he had to admit it. But the most impressive thing was that he wasn’t hesitating at all. He was willing to do anything she wanted, no questions asked. This was different from the other times, he didn’t have to ask for her permission to do anything. She voluntarily was at his mercy, willing to go along with whatever she wanted.
Tamaki approached his face to her cunt, pressing soft kisses on her inner thigh before lightly pressing his nose on her clit. She whined again, clenching around nothing. He was never one to go down on her without proper instruction, so having him there surprised her.
“Tama, are you sure–” The limbs around her wrist tightened their grip and she moaned as he licked a long stripe on her slit, coating it with his saliva.
Then, he circled her clit with his nose, making her tremble. His tongue suddenly didn’t feel the same. The soft sensation of it was replaced by something thicker and stronger. Before she could realize, his tongue was a tentacle and he was sliding it inside her.
“Fuck!” She cried, bucking her hips. A tentacle slid through her lower belly, holding her in place.
It was a strange sensation to have it inside her, the texture of the tentacle, the suckers, the firm muscle had her whining and moaning his name nonstop. 
“Tama– Oh, shit, it feels so good.” Her praise motivated him to move his tentacle shaped tongue in and out, earning more whines from her. Until,
“Put one of them in my mouth.”
He looked up, but didn’t stop his ministrations as he ran one limb through her body and slid it inside her mouth. Her moans were still audible, but a bit muffled now. She rolled her eyes in pleasure as he hit a special spot inside her. He used the tip of the tentacle that was wrapped around her upper thigh to circle her clit, the sucker suctioning it. She clenched around him.
Tamaki’s hips started moving on its own, grinding against the mattress, searching for some friction to alleviate the hard boner he had. His own eyes rolled to the back of his as he realized he was so close to cumming on his own. The tentacle inside her mouth slid further, making her gag on it, but he was quick to pull it out.
“I’m gonna cum!” She cried out as soon as she was able to talk. “Shit, baby, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t–”
The tension in her lower stomach snapped and she let out a loud moan, tightening her walls around his tongue. Tamaki couldn’t hold himself anymore and ended up cumming along with her.
A thin coat of sweat covered her skin, her chest moved up and down as she breathed hard, heart hammering inside her chest. Slowly, Tamaki released her wrists and thighs, leaving suction marks on her skin. His hands morphed back to its original form as he kneeled between her legs. He waited for the shame and embarrassment to hit him like it usually did after sex, but… It just didn’t. He wasn’t embarrassed to give her pleasure. Of jizzing his sweats? Maybe, but not this.
A satisfied sigh left her lips and she finally opened her eyes to look at him. Hooded eyes met soft eyes and she smiled, sitting up to meet his lips with hers. He kissed her passionately, hands cupping her cheeks to bring her closer. His chest swelled with something unfamiliar. Pride, maybe? No, love . A deeper feeling of love, as if through this they’ve become more intimate with each other.
And he wasn’t blushing at all.
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evidenceof · 12 days
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winnix but they don’t get their happily ever after in some chicken farm in hershey, penn. nix says, ‘we’ll go to california. think you have anything to grow there?’ dick says, ‘i’ll find something,’ because he’s moved for him once, what’s another time? besides, there’s still sun and he thinks maybe the sea will help stop the drinking. but it doesn’t, and nix still drinks. which should bother dick, but it doesn’t. he thinks maybe it’s contagious because he finds himself thinking, ‘what’s another bottle?’ when nix pours himself two, four fingers of vat. no one’s ever there to tell dick that exceptions become habits. he’s stopped counting or he’s already lost count. blanche looks at dick the same sympathetic way ann used to when he’d come home from a fraternity-mandated date.
winnix but nix barely comes home and he’s stopped asking if dick wants to come with him to the yale club. dick is busy restocking the fridge with food for one (he’s grown tired of the waste. tries not to acknowledge the constant anger under his skin when lunch is too quiet, when dinner is just one set of utensils). there are girls, he knows. but none of them understand nix—where he chucks his shoes at the corner of the living room, which suitcases he likes when he leaves for europe, or asia, some theater without war on the other side of the world. invitations to fly out stopped around the same time as the ones for nights out. dick hears the women through his bedroom walls (nix doesn’t bring home the men) and wonders why he can’t sleep, why he runs at 3am and stares at the glittery, too bright californian sea until his shoulders are raw and red.
winnix but they don’t go to chicago and sometimes nix comes home sick, paler than bastogne. and he lets dick bring him soup, pour one (‘c’mon major, just a bit’) splash of vat into his black coffee. lets dick order him around—(‘take a bath, eat, don’t go out tonight, let’s walk, lew. just around the block.’). and nix leans on him like they’re sharing a foxhole, or a pup tent, or some officer’s quarters on the ss. samaria. dick has to remind himself he doesn’t miss war. shoves the idea of fresh eggs and coops in a sprawling green field. nix falls asleep on his shoulder and dick forgets what compromise means when this feels like getting exactly what he wants.
winnix but it’s a sunny wednesday morning when nix tells dick he’s in love with some new socialite with a pretty smile and shiny hair. ‘you’ll like her,’ is what he says when he uses his fingers to brush up the coppery strands plastered on dick’s face after a morning run. dick tries not to think of how nix’s fingers linger on his forehead like some kind of oxymoron. and he’s angry. he’s always angry these days and it makes his skin itch the way it did in mourmelon, but this time it’s sticky from the ocean and sand instead of dark mud and blood. maybe nix notices because he frowns when he says, ‘i thought you’d approve.’ after a beat he says, ‘she’s a woman.’ and dick has to stop himself from snapping (again). ‘you don’t need my permission,’ is all he says because he doesn’t want to imagine either scenario. his skin still feels sticky. they don’t talk for a week.
winnix but nix demands, ‘what are you still doing here, dick?’ he’s sick again, but the pretty socialite takes care of him, brings him the wrong soup and too much vat. tonight though, tonight it’s just the two of them. nix looks tired and it isn’t from the flu. ‘i don’t know,’ is what dick replies because he still can’t name the feeling. what word to use for staying. some equivalent to ‘exception’ or ‘special case’, whatever the hell he said that one time about nix dying—in the holland, and then again when the doctor talked about diabetes.
winnix but dick still doesn’t know that he loves nix because it doesn’t fit into any box he’s made for himself. because he’s told himself he’s comfortable in a ymca only because it’s cheap not because of the company. because he couldn’t trace the sound of a threat in his father’s voice telling him not to move in with that man. or deetta’s eyes that looked like they understood something dick couldn’t. because he can’t bring himself to say, ‘what about me?’ when nix tells him he’s proposing to the woman. or the lilt of the statement in the end that makes it sound like a question. the same way he said, ‘am i all right?’ when the bullet didn’t pass through his skull. dick moves out and neither of them ask what took so long.
winnix but dick gives his best man speech like they’re vows and nix tries not to look at him like he isn’t the only other person in the room. winnix but it’s dick in the hospital beside nix and his wife who knows what soup nix likes because dick had sent her the recipe. winnix but it’s just dick now with white hair and smudges of movement. he has a hard time putting the spoon to his mouth so ethel, god bless her, does it for him. his muscles can’t do much, not anymore, but he still remembers what shape to contort his tongue so he can say, ‘lew,’ when that biographer asks about his best friend.
winnix where they don’t ever say ‘i love you,’ even when there’s no other way to name it.
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nb-octopus-writes · 1 month
once you’re in the hive, the other bees assume you’re supposed to be there
Chapter 3: A Series of Unintended Events
Wordcount: 1.3K
The pancakes are delicious, light and fluffy. Virgil only has two, because he did already have cereal and unlike Remus his stomach is not a bottomless pit into which he can pour an unending stream of nutrients. But they're delicious, and he's glad Calico convinced him to try a bit.
After breakfast, Virgil helps with the dishes because Remus still isn't up yet, and neither is Janus—probably still curled around him like a hot water bottle—and he has nothing better to do.
Princey meanders in after him, and despite having just demolished an entire stack of pancakes and a decent amount of scrambled eggs, starts rooting around in the fridge. He emerges with a plastic-wrapped plate of tiny pumpkin pies and leans against the counter to eat them directly off the platter, clearly pleased that the party having ended means he can have the leftovers.
“So you're the reason the chinese buffet has a twenty plate limit,” Virgil teases after Princey eats several in a row without pausing. Virgil had a few of those tiny pies last night, so he knows they're good, but Princey is absolutely chowing down on them.
“Hey, that was not my fault!” Princey protests. “Besides, a place that calls itself ‘all you can eat’ shouldn't even have a limit.”
“It shouldn’t,” Virgil agrees. “But I've never hit the limit myself, so I thought it was reasonably high. I suppose that a buffet operating in the same town as twin black holes would need to be cautious to protect their profit margins though. How much did you two pack away before they asked you to stop?”
“Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy,” Princey says. “Anyway, it really wasn't us.”
Princey sighs. “No, Count Woe-laf,” he says. He is just too much fun to tease. “If my father is to be believed, it was actually him and a couple of his college buddies.”
Virgil laughs. “Oh, so it's definitely genetic, then!”
Princey chuckles, popping the last tiny pie into his mouth and setting the plate on the counter. Virgil takes it and rinses it off so he can put it in the dishwasher with the others. “Yeah. Dad says they absolutely cleared out the seafood section, and most of the mac and cheese, and ate a sizable portion of pretty much everything else. If you get him going, he'll give you a very long and probably quite embellished retelling of the many courses they had. They never got kicked out, but the next time they went, they were told that there was now a limit to just how much they could eat.”
“Ah, alas,” Virgil says. “I bet it was a fabulous feast, though.” He finishes loading the dishwasher and checks under the sink for soap. They have pods, which is very convenient for measuring, or rather for not having to do that. He pops one in and turns the machine on.
“So, if I'm Count Olaf antagonizing you, which Baudelaire does that make you?” he asks. “Not bookish Klaus, surely. Maybe Sunny? I think she could demolish a plate as quickly as you, though her small stomach wouldn't have the same capacity.”
Princey's eyes light up and he leans forward. Instead of answering the banter, he says meaningfully, “I have the full series on dvd.”
“I'm not doing anything right now,” Virgil says. Princey beams.
“Great! I'll make popcorn!”
They have a dedicated home theater. The tv is large, the seats are comfortable, and the speakers are crisp and clear without being too loud. Princey made a bucket of popcorn for each of them, and Virgil isn't very hungry right now considering he very recently had breakfast, but he munches idly on it as they watch, and comment, and theorize. Princey is fun to watch tv with, and doesn't mind Virgil talking while they watch.
They're in the middle of an episode when Remus appears in the doorway.
“Hey Emo,” says Remus. “I gotta get home and feed my cat before she figures out how to unlock the front door and hunts me down. I was gonna take you home on the way, but it looks like you're in the middle of something.”
Virgil considers. He looks at the screen, where Lemony Snicket is explaining that if you're allergic to something, it's generally best not to put that thing in your mouth, especially if the thing you are allergic to is a cat. He looks back at Remus. “You swear you'll come back for me?”
“On my favorite dildo and Janus's two cocks,” Remus says with feeling, and Virgil can't help the chuckle that escapes him.
“I'll be okay,” he says. “Go get Diesel Fuel her lunch.”
Remus salutes him and disappears.
They finish the episode and Remus hasn't come back yet, so they go on to the next one. During the theme song though, Nerdbot appears to inform them that they too need to eat lunch.
Virgil thought Princey might protest, given how invested he's been, but he pauses the show and gets up. “C’mon, Tall Dark and Stormy,” he says to Virgil. “If we skip lunch to watch tv all day we get a lecture about why proper nutrition is important.”
“You do,” Nerdbot confirms. “Points of note include the necessity of proteins and vegetables in addition to carbohydrates.”
“Is popcorn a vegetable?” Virgil asks.
Nerdbot raises an eyebrow. “It is a carbohydrate, actually. It is also primarily air.”
It seems that all the other guests have gone home, so it's just the four of them now. The table is back to its smaller size, and Princey has Virgil sit at the corner beside him, so they can keep talking. Nerdbot sits on Virgil’s other side, and Calico sits at the head, across from Princey.
Lunch is baked chicken and a vegetable dish that Virgil doesn't really expect to like, but he takes a polite spoonful anyway because he's sure Nerdbot is capable of a very powerful ‘eat your vegetables’ lecture, and he doesn't feel like hearing it right now.
The vegetables do not taste bad. Virgil’s not sure why he's surprised anymore considering everything he's eaten in this house so far—with the possible exception of the cereal, which doesn't count—but the vegetables are the opposite of bad.
“Why are you such a good cook,” Virgil says to Calico, who brightens. “I need to come eat your food more often.”
“He has a magical tongue,” Princey says, making heart eyes across the table at him.
Calico blushes slightly (not nearly as deeply as he had last night) and clarifies, “I'm very good at tasting, and I have a lot of practice combining flavors. I'm also not afraid of fats and salt, and that helps.”
Virgil has two servings.
Remus still isn't back yet when they finish lunch, and Virgil is starting to get concerned.
Don't forget me, he texts, and goes into the room with the couches to wait.
This couch really is comfortable. And Virgil got barely any sleep last night, between staying up late and waking up so fucking early, and also probably never actually falling into a deep sleep at all since there were other people in the room. And his stomach is full and warm. And the couch is so comfortable. 
He barely has time to notice how heavy his eyelids are becoming.
Virgil wakes, briefly. The room is dark. Someone has covered him with a blanket. He finds his phone and checks it. There's a message from Remus, about half an hour after Virgil’s last text.
came to get you but you were very asleep, it says. text me when youre awake and wanna go home
Attached is a selfie, with Virgil in the background passed out on the couch.
Virgil groans. fucker, he texts back, and falls back asleep.
Chapter 4: The Second Morning
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equallyshaw · 8 months
to regain what once was | oc hughes sister x hughes brothers.
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background: Abigail 'Abby' Marie Hughes - now known best by her stage name: Gail Marie is a 21-year-old professional theater actress, having been performing professionally since she was 7 years old in Toronto, Ca. After Jack and Luke followed Quinn to Michigan she ventured off to NYC to live with her grandparents, which was supposed to only be a temporary summer stay, for an intensive she'd book a year prior. After that, she booked a chorus role in Annie the Musical, then booked youngest Fiona in Shrek! the musical in the NYC run before landing the pristine role of 'Matilda' in Matilda the Musical. Therefore, her grandparents took the initiative of becoming her legal guardians in order to keep her in NYC and her pursuit of claiming Broadway by storm. All the while, her brothers never dared step out of their hockey gear and come support her, as she had back in TO as much as she could in between her hectic schedule, student by day; and professional by night. So when the drafts came and went, as well as debuts came and went, she stayed in New York not daring to celebrate them when they hadn't been there for her. What hurts the most is that she yearns for the way they speak about each other in the media as well as how her parents spoke about them, because that's all she wanted more than anything in life.
Yes, I know the queen ellen and jimmy would never allow this but this is obvious fiction.
italics are flashbacks. Non italics takes place after the passing of their grandfather, unless otherwise marked. little brother is translated to, ach sheli.
warnings: swearing, family member passing.
word count: 7.8k.. longer than i anticipated lol
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It was not always like this, Gail thought as she swirled around her pre-show honey lemon tea. Peonie flowers stood tall on her dressing room counter, freshly delivered before the show by her now-late grandfather. She winced biting back tears as she thought about the past week and all that it had entailed; fights, tears, slammed doors, breakdowns, and broken hearts. Five individuals had come back into her life right as it was truly becoming special, though warranted; she absolutely hated having them in her home. Her home which had been for some time now, was with her grandparents. It was never with the home she was born into, never with those siblings and doting parents who spoke highly and sweetly about one another in the media. It was never with those who had never reached out to her on her own milestones and wins, never those who came to see her wished her happy birthdays or cheered her on when she learned how to skate, or the ones that let her score on them over and over again before she realized she hated the sport and everything that came with it. She hated the sport of hockey for taking away her brothers, and her supposed best friends, hated that it took away her parents, and hated that it had stolen everything she had known. She lost her childhood to the sport and her family.
The Hughes family sat around, listening to the will being spoken out loud. It was a bright and sunny, cool 75-degree day in New York City. Gail stared at the brown wooden desk in front of her, her leg shaking up and down like a manic. Her mind raced with thoughts, raced with notes from the night before, and raced with the last few fleeting moments she had had with her Pa. She hadn't heard her Ma call out for her, "Gail!" Her grandmother said from across the table. She swallowed, looking around at who was supposedly her family, and then she looked towards the lawyer. "You are left with 45% of..." She tuned him out and waved her hand not caring to listen. The meeting came and went, Gail the first one out of the room. She pushed the door open to the law office and took in the fresh air of Greenwich New York. She sighed, running her hands through her dirty blonde almost brunette hair. The past month had been hell. She'd lost her out on a leading role that she had worked her ass off in auditions and callbacks, one that would have surely set her up for a Tony nomination, she had lost out on a role in an upcoming musical movie and this. This. She'd lost her best friend and Pa, her most trusted and adored father figure. "Sweetie." She heard Ellen walk out of the law office reaching for her daughter, but she quickly moved out of reach. Ellen had been having a hard time coming to terms with how distant she was being towards her and the rest of the family. It was hard for the family to come to terms, and accept that Abigail was no longer Abigail, and she was no longer a pushover. "Its fine Ellen." Jimmy said walking out, and the two of them plus the brothers watched Gail begin to walk down the street.
_ Ellen, Jimmy, and the brothers had just arrived at The Hughes estate in The Hamptons. Gail was nowhere to be found, as she had been in the middle of a matinee when she got the call that her Pa was growing fainter. "Do I fly? Do I drive?!" She said as she whipped off her wig, wincing at the glue tearing off. "You can drive." Her Ma answered, and Gail quickly went to call her longtime boyfriend, Nick. She made it three hours later, her leg fidgeting up and down like a manic. "He's gonna be there." He reassured her over the course of the ride, but she had a hard time believing it. By the time she had made it to the estate, she didn't bother to look in the direction of the three boys who were out on the lawn chatting. She jogged inside the house, whipping open the door and trying to see if she heard any voices. "Ma?" She called out, walking into the kitchen. Luckily that's where her grandmother was, along with Jimmy and Ellen. "Ma." It felt like the world fell off her shoulders, seeing her grandmother. It felt like Ellen had been hit by a freight train. "Gail." Her grandmother said wrapping her arms around her granddaughter, "Pa is upstairs." And now it was Jimmy's turn to feel like he had been hit by a freight train.
Gail hummed, warming up her voice, going through her pre-show rituals. She hadn't been this nervous for a show in years, but there were a few people here tonight that hadn't been since, it's honestly too sad to think about how long it's been. She heard a knock on her door, "You good G?" She heard her co star, Casey question as he leaned against the doorframe. Gail nodded, saluting him with a smile and the mug of her lemon honey tea. "Break a leg." He called out before he ran off for places. She set down her mug, looking at herself in the mirror and did a once over, before deeming that she looked good.
She made her way out of her dressing room, and walked down the hall, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath her. She continued her pre-show hum and made her way to her place for the top of the show. She looked up at the ceiling, saying a little prayer towards her Pa, and then closed her eyes. The music began, and the crowd immediately relaxed and clapped along to the beat.
"Gail?" Ellen asked for confirmation and the girl nodded. "How long?" She questioned, and Gail genuinely had to think about it. Ellen could tell it had been for some time, "About 8 years." Gail responded, and Ellen sniffled. "So much has changed." She hummed, and Gail snickered. "You could say that Ellen." She snapped, and Ellen quickly looked towards her. "Why are you calling me that?" She questioned and Gail rolled her eyes. "You think that after you dumped me at Ma and Pa's house 10 years ago that I'd still call you that? You think I'd call you 'mom' when you sure as hell haven't been one for over 10 years?!" She questioned, "You dropped me off and never looked back. Too worried about their precious careers?! What about me? What about my career Ellen, huh? What about me, what happened to me!" She said raising her voice, both of them shocked at the words that were coming out.
Ellen stood up as the peanut gallery listened intently from beside them, "You forgot about me, your daughter, incase you forgot!" Gail said through strained tears. Ellen felt her own tears begin to form but was subdued due to anger.
"You think I don't regret it? Do you think I don't regret not being more involved? Y-" Gail cut her off, "You signed the papers! You're the one who signed your rights away!" She said fully screaming now. "You think I don't know? You think I don't know what you guys did?" She said furiously in a strained voice. "You think I wouldn't hate the very people who brought me into this world, only to get rid of me when I didn't follow in your footsteps? You think I would have sat idly by?"
Gail and Casey walked toward one another before turning towards the audience, as they performed their second-to-last duet - crazy rolling. The two ended on a high note, holding one another in their arms, and were met with enormous cheers and claps. They had no time to spare and were quickly off the stage. Quickly changing for the finale, the two took a brief moment with one another before getting to their spots. "oh my god Gail!!!!" Casey said bringing her in for a hug, realizing just how emotional she was. She was on the verge of tears before their final duet, which would result in her character's death. It would also be her final performance on this stage with this incredible cast and crew before she headed off to a faraway place and one that held such promise for her and her career. "You're gonna absolutely kill it Gail, I promise." Casey encouraged as he pulled away to embrace a tiny bit. She nodded, not looking at him directly. "No need to cry now." he teased and she giggled, knowing she was about to sob on stage. She nodded, looking up at Casey and giving him a smile. "Thanks for being the best partner this run." she beamed and he smiled widely, pulling her in for one last run. "Now move so I can fix my makeup." she joked, pushing him away. He playfully saluted her before running off to the other side of the stage, for his final position. Casey walked on first, as Gail followed suit into their positions. The opening music for the reprise of your song, began.
"Look at me Satine..why else live for love?" Casey spoke, as Gail began to sing. She turned a bit, looking back at Casey and felt the tears beginning to fall. Casey gave her a look of encouragement and gloom while staying in character.
Gail turned towards Ellen and everybody else who stood there stunned by what she had to say, "The minute you walked into my house, the very home that I have grown up in the past 10 years, yo-you act like nothing has changed. You act as if I am still the 10-year-old little naive Abby! Im not and haven't been since you put me on that train and never looked back." Gail said through stubborn tears, feeling her heartbeat thud in her temple. Ellen went to say something, but Gail held her hand up. "You act like this prodigal mother and parent in the media and in life, but you- you and him are so far from it." She finished, walking out of the living room away from everybody.
She jogged onto the stage, hugging Casey tightly at the top of the stage, before taking their bows. Casey stepped in front of her, bowing and earning a chorus of applause. He turned back towards her, holding out his hand and she smiled widely taking it. He took a step behind her, letting her have this moment. This will never get old, she thought. She bowed, giving a kiss to the crowd before bowing once more. Gail stepped back, connecting her hands with Casey and another actor, and they all did a bow together. Casey and David who plays the Duke in the show, pushed her in front of them once more for her to have a moment with the crowd. A Producer on the show walked out from left stage with a bouquet of roses and Gail quickly brought her hands up to her mouth in shock. She clasped her eyes shut, feeling tears rush out. "Thankyou!" She sobbed, pulling the producer in for a hug. Turning back to the crowd now, Gail placed a hand on her chest saying the words 'thankyou' to the crowd over and over again, and then towards the cast. She shook her head when the director came on stage with a microphone and desperately tried to flee toward the rest of the cast who only shook their heads.
"We have been incredibly lucky to have Miss Gail Hughes grace our stage for the past year, putting everything that she had into every performance. We couldn't be more thrilled and excited, to see what she has been tirelessly working on and prepping for. It'll be a joy to watch her from this side of the pond, gaining the hearts of each person to see her do what she does best. Gail, good luck on your next journey and break a leg!" the director said and she smiled widely, pulling him in for a hug. She waved a bit more to the crowd, and then the curtain came down.
"You knew Q?" Jack questioned after Ellen and Jimmy explained everything. Once Gail had left the house with Nick, the two were swarmed with questions from Jack and Luke. Quinn shrugged, and their parents turned towards him. "You knew?" Ellen asked and Quinn nodded timidly. "Wh-when?" Ellen asked, and Quinn smiled. "When she was nominated for her role in Matilda at the Tonys. She was 13 at the time, but she knew who her parents really were. Grandpa and Grandma." He responded, and Jack began to pace. "And then, she said in an interview with Andy Cohen that they were her parents, not you guys. She said that she had been living with them for years at that point, that was I wanna say in 2020 before Covid. But she said that she hadn't seen you guys in years. Then everything clicked." Quinn expanded and Luke's mouth was agape. "You didn't want to say anything?" He asked stunned. "You guys don't know the full thing." Jimmy said, and Jack was furious.
"What the fuck?" Jack said walking into the connected living room, hands dragging through his semi long locks. "In order to benefit her career and her future, she came to live with grandma and grandpa. It was meant to be temporary as we got you boys settled in, and then things just worked out the way that it was and, then she got Matilda and we couldn't take her away. She needed to stay." Jack cut her off, "You shipped her off in order for you guys to focus on us? What kind of fucked up shit is that?" He asked, angry.
Jimmy held his hand up, "We did it to benefit all of us. And grandma and grandpa welcomed the idea and believed in it enough to do it." Jimmy explained, and their grandmother shook her head. "Don't Jim." She began, and all the boys whipped their head towards her. "You did what you believed to be best for her, but you really didn't know. You didn't know that she needed her parents. But why wouldn't we say yes? What would happen to the life she had just begun to build herself? What would happen? We couldn't let her passion, talent and love of theater go down the drain to watch pucks after school." She paused beginning to walk out of the kitchen, "If you think we welcomed it Jim, you are mistaken." She finished before disappearing upstairs to check on her husband.
As soon as Gail exited the stage, she turned towards a few of the ensemble cast members who had become close friends the past year and pulled them in for a huge hug. "I can't believe it's over." Gail sobbed as the other girls wiped their tears. The girls and Gail, slowly made their way over towards her dressing room. "One last post show picture!" Martha one of the dancers gushed, and Gail giggled softly. She sat down in her chair as a hair and makeup artist, came behind her and gave Gail a small frown. "Don't you start crying Matilda!" She scolded causing the room to laugh. Matilda slowly began to take off her wig while Gail took off her jewelry. "Oh can you grab my phone, Marie?" She questioned and as soon as Gail turned on her phone, she was flooded with messages. Her brothers and her now had a group chat, and they texted her during the intermission and now after the show finished. "Im gonna kill them!" She growled, and then showed the girl's the pictures they had taken throughout the second act. "I even told them, they couldn't do that!" she mumbled, texting them back. She then texted Nick, that in 30 minutes that he could bring her brothers and parent's back stage. In the meantime, she'd be doing her rounds of goodbyes.
Around 45 minutes later, Gail walked back to her dressing room and heard the familiar laughter of her brother, Jack. She walked through the doorframe, and everybody's heads turned towards her. She saw flowers in her dad's arms as well as Quinn's. "Oh my goodness, you didn't have too!" She said bringing her hands to her chin in surprise. "Ofcourse we had too!" Quinn grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, to which she turned into a full hug. "You absolutely killed it dog." Jack smiled widely, pulling her in for a huge hug. "Thankyou." She smiled, and then turned towards Luke still surprised by how much taller he was. "Amazing, amazing job." He smiled pulling her in for a bear hug. "Thankyou." She beamed. Her parents brought her in for hugs and then found her spot next to Nick's, as it was second nature. "You make your rounds?" he questioned looking down at her, and she nodded feeling tears prick her eyes once more. He noticed and placed a soft kiss to her temple, and he could feel her relax a bit. "Are these from grandpa?" Luke asked softly, and she nodded. "He would send them every week when he came for the Sunday Matinee, and he made-made sure to do one for my final performance." She said through tears, looking at the grand bouquet of peonies. "They're gorgeous." Ellen smiled, "He gave me my love of peonies at a young age, and he's never let me down all these years." She hummed thinking back to all the times he had waited for her in the lobby after every show he had come to. His matinee show was a tradition he started dating back in 2012 with Annie. "He started to bring them with Annie, every week when he'd come for a matinee, even through Covid he came." She said smiling softly and looking at the flowers. The Hughes family all looked at one another, and again realizing just how much they'd missed out on her life and blossoming career.
Gail sat outside on the private beach, that lined her grandparent's backyard. Her knees were pulled into her chest, as she looked out over the Atlantic Ocean. She hadn't been up here since she took a week off back in March for a small vacation. It had been four months since then, and it seemed like a lifetime ago. Between auditions, workshops, and every show she did during the week it seemed like a blur. She didn't hear footsteps behind her, but she felt the sand that lightly brushed her as somebody came up behind her and sat down next to her. She looked over, not believing her eyes. Her eyebrows creased, "Quinn?" she questioned softly, and hearing her say his name for the first time in years made Quinn's eyes swell with tears. "Hey lovie." he whispered, and pulled her in once he saw tears swell in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, as he pulled her into his chest. He silently cursed and berated himself, as he thought about how much of a coward her was for not reaching out to her. She had Instagram, he knew where she lived most of the time and could always contact their grandparents. "Im sorry." He said as his voice cracked, and she sobbed even harder. "Im sorry I never said anything, im sorry I never reached out. Im sorry I let you down when you didn't deserve to be. You didn't deserve any of this, and I hate myself for allowing all of this to happen." he said through tears. Gail cried harder, into his chest as she heard the words she had begged the universe since she arrived at her Grandparent's house. "Quinn." she said softly, she pulled a bit back to look at him. She placed a hand on his cheek, trying to get him to look at her. "I don't think I can ever forgive myself, Gail." He sobbed, clasping his eyes shut. Hearing those words, broke her heart.
"Quinn." she said softly again, and he reopened his eyes. She swallowed, "I have hated you and the three of you since you didn't come to my first opening night. I have wished you three nothing but pain and loss because that was how I took it as a child. A fucking child, who all she wanted in the whole world was her brothers again. Yet, she never got them. She got brick walls, unanswered birthday messages, no invites to the lake house, and congratulations on my own milestones as a child." She paused ripping her hand away from his cheek, and Quinn swallowed tensly. "I have waited for those words since I was 12 years old...but now? I deserve a whole hell of a lot better, than that. Than this. You expect me to forgive so easily, after being ghosted all these years? My life and childhood have never been mine and now that im an adult? That's mine, all mine. My peace and healing do not deserve to be rocked because somebody wants to be a big brother now." She paused once more standing up. "I expected way more from my best friend growing up, but I've learned to live with disappointment because I was given disappointment from a young age." Gail finished before beginning her descent down the shoreline. Quinn watched through bouts of sobs, that ripped through his whole being.
Before Final performance. (August, 2023. One month after passing.)
"So..this is you really leaving?" Jack questioned softly, as he and his two brothers walked into the NYC apartment that she had shared with Nick the past year. Gail nodded, as she finished taping a box shut. The brothers couldn't believe that she was finishing her run in New York, and then heading out to West End to begin production in Hadestown. She would be originating the role of Eurydice in the first run in London, from February 2024 through August 2024 with the possibility of an add-on of dates. "Yeah, it's been a long time coming actually. We've been itching to get out of here for a while, and then London opened up and we couldn't jump at the opportunity quicker." She smiled as Nick smiled from across the room. "Oh wow." Luke said. Jack and Luke had been hoping that they could have built a relationship with her while they were in Jersey. "Yeah." Gail said awkwardly, "Congratulations though. You're gonna do amazing." Quinn encouraged and Gail gave him a small smile. "Well uh, did you guys get the tickets I sent over?" She questioned, picking up her glass of ice water. The brothers nodded, "Good good. They were hard to get so im glad you guys can come." She said with a grateful smile. "Anybody wanna get some pizza? Could use a break." Nick interrupted and Gail gave him a thankful look, and the brothers nodded. "Good, know a spot just down the street." Nick beamed, grabbing ahold of Gail's and then they were out.
It was only a few days later when their grandfather passed. Gail had been asleep on the all-year-round porch couch, with Nick. Ellen came down frantically, and Gail knew as soon as she was shaken awake, that she knew the reason why. She quickly cried out, as Nick sat up and pulled her into his chest. Ellen found Jim in the kitchen, as they listened to their daughter - who really wasn't their daughter in a way - cry out bone-shattering cries. The three brothers all made their way downstairs at the sound of her cries and then found their parents in the kitchen consoling each other. Gail stood up pushing herself from Nick and wrapped her arms around her self. Trying to give a slick of comfort to herself. Nick placed a soft hand on her arm, but she pushed him away. "NO!" She screamed, anger flaring from her. Nick took a step back, not appreciating the look of hatred in her eyes. But he knew it wasn't personal. Gail flung open the door that led to the kitchen and living room and hurried past her siblings and the parents she no longer considered hers. "Ma!" She called out, jogging up the stairs, and looked for her Ma. "Gail dear!" She heard from Ma and Pa's room. "Don't go in the extra room please, don't go in there." her Ma whispered, as she pulled the dirty blonde to her chest, who at this point she considered a daughter. Gail sobbed into her Ma's arms, as her Ma continued to whisper those few words. She didn't need the young girl to see her father figure being transported away from the place that they had called home for over ten years now, and one that she considered her childhood home.
Gail had been outside on the swing for hours that her Pa had put up as soon as she came to stay with them, all those years ago. She swayed slowly as the wind came off the ocean, with much curiosity and bitterness. Her brothers and parents had watched from the living room with her Ma and Nick, for hours now. Waiting for her to come in and say something, or grab something to eat. But she sat there, much to their dismay. "Im going out there." Jack announced as he stood up, annoyed at the fact that nobody had attempted to get her inside, besides Nick who failed miserably. She wouldn't let him five steps past the door. Jack opened up the door and shut it as softly as he could. Gail turned her head to her side but did not look back to see who was there. Wary footsteps came toward the girl, and Gail looked up as Jack came up next to her. "Hey, Gail." He said softly, and she sighed turning to look back at the pool, garden, and the ocean just past their white gate. "Can I sit here?" He questioned, to the spot next to her on the ground. She didn't give him a response, which he took as a win.
"Do you wanna know when the first time we noticed you weren't there?" He questioned, looking at the girl. She did not respond, and to be frank she could give two shits. "Well, I was 15 and Lukey was 12. You would have been 14, and finishing your run with Matilda. Lukey fractured or broke his finger, I can't quite recall and I remember watching him go down from the bench, it was a little scrimmage we were doing with some of the neighborhood kids and the first thing that Lukey said to Ellen was, "Where's Abby?" and he kept repeating that, even as we brought him home. All he wanted was his sister, and to be honest- so did I. I wanted you to be there because I wanted somebody to give me a hug and remind me that Lukey was going to be ok. I had to settle for Q who just so happened to be visiting from Vancouver. But all Lukey wanted was to hear your voice, and to reassure him that he was going to be ok. He never said it nor any of us did, but you were all our favorite sibling. You were our sister, whom we wanted to protect. We still do, but he wanted his favorite protector and the one person who knew exactly what to say. And when Ellen went to call Grandma, she was already calling Ellen. You had cracked your head open, after falling on some ice in Manhattan." And now all Gail could do was flash back to that moment, when it had happened. She didn't remember the ambulance ride but she remembers waking up in the children's hospital with her Pa, who was holding her hand, and her Ma was outside calling Ellen. She remembers crying out for Ellen, all she wanted was her mom in that moment. All she wanted was her mom, dad and her brothers telling her that she was going to be ok. That her 9 stitches on her temple, were gnarly and that they had had many over the year with out her. She remembers vividly crying into her Pa's arms that night, wishing that she was with them. But she knew deep down, that she was with her grandparents for a reason. Her parents no longer wanted her, she thought for the first time that night. For the first time in a year and a half, she felt abandoned by her parents and her brothers. She no longer felt welcomed or loved by the ones who gave her her name, and existence in this world.
"That night I wept. I wailed and I sobbed and I screamed to the universe, in that exact living room." She began turning towards Jack, who now had looked at her. "For the first time that night, it had sunk in that my own parents and brothers had abandoned me. They had cast me aside because I didn't skate or play hockey. For the first time, I felt as if I had no family of my own. It was the first time that Ma and Pa had become terrified, and believed that I was never going to calm down. Which believe me, in that moment of realization I believed I would never stop crying, or screaming. But do you know the first things you said?" She paused, waiting for a response. He shook his head and she made a tsk noise. "You said and I quote, "Do you wanna know when the first time we noticed you weren't there". The first time are the two key words Jack. It took you over a year to realize that I was gone, missing.!" She screamed at the now frightened boy. She stood up, "For over a fucking year, I waited for two birthday wishes, I waited for a phone call or a response to the messages I sent through grandma and grandpa!" She screamed again, and Jack felt tears sting his eyes. "And YOU! YOU don't get to cry!" She screamed, lowering her face towards his, as he wiped away his tears. "From what I recall, YOU were the selfish one! You were the selfish one who made us move!" She screamed at him, and the peanut gallery inside were frozen in their spots listening to her. Jack continued to look at Gail, with his features full of guilt. "I hate you Jack, I hate you! I hate you for making them give me up! I hate you for asking to go to Michigan! I hate you I hate you I hate you!" She screamed as her chest rose up and down, quickly. Rather too quickly for Jack's liking. "You did this Jack, all of it." She finished, before making her way toward the gate door and she was off to the beach.
Gail stood at Laguardia Airpot with Nick, and the two were saying goodbye to her family and a few of their friends. Jack was the first one to pull her in for a hug, whispering a few words of encouragement. Luke was next doing the same and lastly, it was Quinn. Quinn pulled her in tightly and whispered, "You're going to do amazing Lovie, we can't wait to hear all about it." and then the two pulled away. Next was Ma, and Gail had been dreading this moment, "I love you so much Ma." She whispered through tears and her Ma sniffled. "I know sweetie, Ill be over as soon as I can." Her ma whispered back. She pulled away a few inches, and her Ma pinched her cheek just a bit and then kissed her forehead. Next was Jim, who pulled her in for a bear hug. And for the first time since she was a child, it felt warm and inviting. "Break a leg, Gail." he hummed causing her to smile softly. "Thankyou, dad." She responded before pulling back and then shifting towards Ellen. Jim wiped away a few tears, as Ellen pulled Gail in for a hug. "Im gonna miss you so much sweetie, I'm always here if you need anything." Ellen spoke softly and Gail nodded, "Thankyou, Mom." she whispered back and Ellen's heart broke at the word. Ellen sniffled, pulling back to look at Gail. She placed a soft hand on her daughter's face, and Gail nodded through tears. To which Ellen broke down, she pulled her back in tightly, and now both females were crying. Jim looked towards his boys who also had tears in their eyes, as they watched Gail and their mom hug. "I'd like for you and dad to visit as soon as you can, I'd love to show you London. It's quite the city and - and I'd love it if you two could come for my opening night." Gail said softly and Ellen nodded profusely, she'd be doing everything in her power to be there and would make sure her sons would be there as well. To hell with the season, Ellen would argue. "We'll be there, I promise." Ellen said as they pulled away, and Gail nodded. Before Gail could step away, Ellen wiped her daughter's tears and Gail sniffled. "Well, uh we should be going." Gail said looking back at Nick and he nodded, "Have a safe flight!" sounded around them as the two waved one last time. Nick took ahold of Gail's hand as he rolled their carry on suitcase and her carry one bag into the airport.
Last but not least, it was Luke's turn to attempt a breakthrough for Gail. Nick was currently loading up their car, getting ready to go back to New York. She was currently standing at the edge of the backyard, looking out at the waves coming in. She did not know when she'd be back, and was savoring each and every moment she got with the ocean. Luke stepped up next to her, and Gail looked up at the tall giant. She caught his eye and she quickly looked away, swallowing hard. They stood there in silence, and for some odd reason, she felt as if she had to be the one to say something first. She looked up at the curly-haired boy and hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Ach sheli." she began with an old Hebrew nickname she used to say as a child. He looked down at her, and she saw the instant tears in his eyes. "Lovie?" He questioned softly, and she couldn't take it anymore. She pulled him in for a hug, and he stood there stunned for a brief few seconds before wrapping his arms around her. The two of them sobbed with one another, holding onto each other for dear life. Jack was not wrong about Luke having once felt that way about Gail, and how she was everything and more he looked up to and looked to for everything he did in life. "I know I should have said something, all of us should have. I know they'll never be an excuse for what we did, ever. Truth be told, you should never forgive us because of what we did. We turned our backs on you when we should have fought them to bring you home. Even if you would have been home 2 weeks out of the year, we should have screamed and jumped and thrown every tantrum under the sun to bring you home. We should have brought you home, and we didn't. We passed up every opportunity to do so and ignored you for years because we were cowards and naively thought you were better off without us. Nobody to bring you down or take time and attention off of you." he paused sniffling, as she sobbed into his chest. "You deserved so much more, and im sorry none of us ever said a thing. We knew it to not okay, but it was our fault for not saying anything. You don't know the number of times we begged mom and dad to bring you home. And them never listening, and us not understanding why, so we fought even more." she pulled back, "Wait what?" She questioned softly and his eyebrows crinkled, "What?" He questioned back. "You-you guys fought? But why didn't you call me back? Why didn't -" Luke cut her off by pulling her into his chest again, "Because we were stupid, we were young and so immature, that we didn't think twice about calling back. Like I said, Jack and I specifically were idiots. We should have said something, we should have. And im sorry we did not." He said wiping his tears away, and she pulled back looking at the grass beneath them. She pulled back completely, her arms coming to her chest. She looked up at Luke once more to find him staring down at her, "I - I have to go Luke." She said stepping back and then began her way towards the car where Nick was waiting. Luke watched her go, feeling his chest ache as she walked out of not only his but the rest of the family's life once more.
It was a week later, when she heard a knock at her and Nick's Condo door. She stood up from the couch, and made her way over and without looking through the peephole she swung her door open. She did not expect to see Ellen and Jim at her door, let alone a week later. She swallowed harshly, and felt tears begin to sting her eyes. "Hi Gail...can we talk for a bit?" Ellen asked hopeful, and Gail breathed in heavily before opening up the door further. The two walked in, inspecting the industrial-looking two-bed room and two-bath condo in lower Manhattan. "We uh, we thought we'd come by before the reading of the will tomorrow." Ellen announced and Gail shrugged, heading over towards the kitchen to make another coffee. "What's with all the boxes?" Jim asked looking around the living room. "Oh. Im uh, Nick and I are leaving for London in about a week. My final performance is two days before that." She said and the two of them were confused. "Ive taken a lead originating role in London, rehearsals start in a month and then premiere in the new year." she explained with a slight shrug. Ellen and Jim looked at one another, "Would you like any water, tea or coffee?" Gail offered and the two shook their heads. Gail nodded, adding some creamer in her cup and headed towards the small den, off from the kitchen and living room. "SO, what can I do for you guys? she questioned, sitting on the plush chair that stood next to the window. "We uh wanted to come by and talk, we never really got a chance while up state so we wanted to check in with you." Jim said and Gail nodded. "I uh I am not sure where to start but we want to apologize to you. We know there will never be enough words or the right words to truly say how much guilt and regret we feel. We knew how much the boys missed you as kids, and for awhile there we thought it would get easier not having you there with us. We truly believed that at the time it was the right call, I know your Ma would agree. The original time period we sent you was what you needed to grow your craft, but you should have come straight home after that. Or one of us should have come to stay with you for your runs. To see you this weekend, so broken and so angry and full of hatred broke my heart. And as a mother, you never want to see your child feel that and especially not have it be directed at them. Im so sorry sweetie." She said beginning to cry, and Jim quickly put a hand on her back to comfort her. Gail felt herself begin to feel bad and did not like the fact that she was crying in front of her.
"If we could go back and change things we would, we would do it in a heartbeat." Jim said and Gail nodded. "Yet it doesn't change the fact that you weren't there and you didn't know how much I needed you. I needed you and you weren't there. And I wish you could go back and change what you did, you betrayed me and gave me up when you didn't have to!" She said growing irritated, "You didn't have to sign guardian rights to them!" She added setting down her coffee on the table before her. Shaking her head, she stood up and stood in front of the window. She heard Ellen sob quietly as guilt, and despair coursed through the older woman. "My childhood as never mine. It was taken away early on and now, this is my time. I have healed from many things but I still have so much to sort through still, and heal from it." She paused turning around and facing them. "And as much as I hate myself for saying this, but I think I need you guys to heal that part of me. Heal my childhood wounds that haven't been fixed because I needed you guys with me to do it. Even if it's from half way across the globe." She finished and Ellen quickly stood up to hug her daughter. Gail was stunned for a brief few seconds before returning the hug. A few seconds later, Jim stood up and Gail quickly opened up her arm for him to join. Pa would be incredibly happy, Gail thought.
The next few months were hard work, but in the end they would prove to be worth it. Her brothers and her had a heart to heart before she left for London. They added her to the brothers only groupchat and the family one, and had plans to come out to London before the show ended next August.
February 10th, 2024 could not have come quick enough Gail thought. Now here she was backstage getting ready for opening night, in her dressing room. She could not wait for the audience to see the show, it was truly one of the most magical casts she had been a part of in her career thus far. She knew for certain that Nick, Ma and her parents were there, and she was incredibly happy that they were there, to begin with. They had kept their promises to come.
The lights went out and Gail felt like she could finally breathe, as she leaned into her costar and love interest in the show. The two of them hugged one another as the curtain closed, and she felt bittersweet tears fall. "You okay?" He questioned as he heard her sniffled and she nodded. "Yes and no, but it's the first show that my Pa hasn't been at and it has really sunk in now." She said through a small chuckle. Her costar pulled her in for another hug for some extra comfort, before the two of them were heading off stage to get their hair and makeup off. As soon as she entered the dressing room, she saw a grand bouquet of peonies sitting in front of her mirror. She let out a small sob, as her hair and makeup artist came to help her take her wig off. "You okay Gail?" She questioned pulling the girl in for a hug, somebody had gotten her peonies and she wasn't sure who.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped into the lobby and was met with many cheers by some family and friends of the cast, and the cast members themselves. Her understudy came up and hugged her tightly. She was grateful to have this particular actress understudying her because she knew the show was in great hands. "Oh my god, thankyou!" She said taking the bouquet of roses into her hands and hooked them into the crook of her elbow with the other bouquet. "Thankyou for a fantastic first show, it was such an honor to do it alongside you guys." She beamed looking around at the cast. After a few minutes, all of them began to disband and make their way either out of the theater or towards, their loved ones.
Gail looked around for her family and was shocked to see big foot with curls standing there. her eyebrows creased when she recognized the two others who were standing with her parents and Ma. Luke noticed her first, his face lightening up which caused everybody else to turn towards her. She brought a hand to her mouth to cover her shock. "Oh my god, hi!" she said as she was pulled into a hug by Jack. Nick took her flowers from her, and Luke pulled her in for a hug. Next was her dad, mom, Ma, and finally it was Quinn. "Oh my goodness, not more flowers!" She said taking them from her Ma. "We had too! We couldn't come empty-handed." her mom mused. "Im still trying to figure out who might have sent these, there was no note." she said referencing the peonies. "It was us." Jack spoke up and her eyebrows furrowed, "Wait! But don't you guys have games...." She trailed off remembering. "That's why I saw posts saying you guys were going to be absent for a week.. I should have known!" She said realizing that they had taken time off to see her show and spend a few days with her before flying back out. "Ofcourse we had to see you perform Gail, we've missed out on way too many openings and closings, so we had to be here, and with Nick's help, we were able to get tickets." Luke said and she turned towards Nick who only shrugged. She turned back toward her family, something she thought she would never call them again.
She never thought she'd be standing in the same vicinity of them again. Yet, here she was and she was truly grateful. She couldn't believe that they had gotten this far together, and only wished her Pa was there to witness it all in person.
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@gailmarie: to the one that helped make all my dreams come true, to the one that came to my matinee each week and to the one that made me a Hughes- Thankyou for everything my Teo.
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oh my god.....if you've read this till the end I love you 🫶🏻 pls like and reblog if you enjoyed, it would mean the world !!
also this has been sitting in my drafts for a month now, and thought it would never see the light of day lol
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Willkommem zu Sunnys Spielzeitrückblick 2023/24!
Inspiriert von @bychertryntheatyr und diversen Theatermutuals von Instagram dachte ich, ich fass meine Erlebnisse der letzten Spielzeit mal in einem... naja, nicht ganz so kleinen Textpost zusammen.
I will be honest, jede einzelne Vorstellung werde ich wohl nicht durchgehen, denn ich war insgesamt in 56 davon und das ist mir dann doch zu viel. Mein lokales Theater des Vertauens ist ganz offensichtlich das Staatschauspiel Dresden mit seinen ganzen Haupt- und Nebenspielorten - sollte also keinen nähere Ortsangabe bei Stücken stehen kann man davon ausgehen, dass das irgendwo dort läuft.
Los ging die Spielzeit im ereignisreichen Monat September, wo ich es erfolgreich geschafft habe in drei Wochen neun Mal ins Theater zu gehen. Den Spielzeitstart macht hier für mich die Romaninszenierung DER NAZI UND DER FRISEUR in Regie von Monique Hamelmann - absolut genial ungesetztes und bedrückendes Studiostück zum Thema Holocaust, für das ich bisher immer keine Karten bekommen habe. Der Abschlussdialog "Und das ist dann die gerechte Strafe?" - "Nein." verfolgt mich bis heute.
Am nächsten Tag gehts weiter mit einer sommertheaterlichen Adaption vom THE ADDAMS FAMILY der Comödie Dresden sn der Schlossruine Übigau. Mir persönlich war die ganze Aufmachung ein klein wenig suspekt, aber die Location war super. Hab im Nachhinein gemerkt das da ein Typ mitspielt den ich vor ca. 10 Jahren mal auf Youtube geschaut habe - das war arg wild.
Ne Woche später geht es dann für mich in das Stück das bei uns die Spielzeiteröffnung gemacht hat: LULU von Frank Wedekind, in Regie von der absolut fantastischen Daniela Löffner, mit Simon Werdelis als Lulu und einem generell komplett männlichen Cast. Gott ist dieses Stück toll! Das ist zumindest meine Meinung, denn dem Großteil des etwas älteren Publikums gefällt das Stück so gar nicht - ob das jetzt an der recht konstanten Bühnennacktheit, dem doch ziemlich grafischen (männlichem) Bühnensex oder dem Stück selber liegt, bleibt ein Rätsel. Nach der Pause ist der Saal irgendwie deutlich leerer. Schade eigentlich, es ist nämlich verdammt gut und echt zu empfehlen. Naja. Ich brauch nach dem Ende erst mal einen Schnaps, denn ich bin ziemlich mitgenommen. Wunderschön, ästhetisch, aber auch nichts für schwache Nerven.
Dann: Ein Stück das in der Gemäldegalerie der SKD (die an diesem Punkt basically meine Ex-Freundin ist) gespielt wird? Ja bitte! Oder? ALTE MEISTER, nach einem Text von Thomas Bernard. Extrem schön gemacht, inhaltlich aber gar nicht meins. Wenn ich nem alten, exztrischem Dude zuhören will wie er auf Gott und die Welt schimpft geh ich halt auf das Twitter-Profil von Elon Musk und nicht in die verdammte Kunstsammlung. Und damit das erste Stück welches ich gar nicht mag. Sad.
Irgendwie ist auch schon Oktober und wir haben ein Doppelpremieren-Wochenende vor uns!
Am Freitag geht's los mit der DREIGROSCHENOPER von Berthold Brecht in Regie von Volker Lösch. Hui. People were mad. Die Story in die Moderne holen und damit dann basically 3 Stunden lang aktiv gegen die AfD und die ganzen Querdenker-Spacken schießen? Großartig. Zumindest meiner Meinung nach, denn teilweise war das Publikum massiv empört. "Warum muss man denn alles immer politisch machen?" beschwert sich eine Mittvierzigerin beim Verlassen des Saals nach der Vorstellung - denn bekanntermaßen war die Dreigroschenoper in Originalfassung und generell alles von Brecht ja super unpolitisch.
Zum Stück sei noch gesagt das Jannik Hinsch als Maceath und Sahra Schmidt + Phillip Grimm als Ehepaar Peachum an der Parteispitze der PfD (Perspektive für Deutschland) ein absolutes Highlight sind. Das Kostümdesign ist hier im übrigen auch absolute Spitzenklasse - insbesondere die Ausstattung der Querdenker rund um Maceath und der absolut fantastische Wutbürgeranzug (mit Hut!). Warum ich dieses Stück in einer Spielzeit dann aber 6-7 mal gesehen habe ist mir ehrlich gesagt trotzdem auch nicht 100% klar. Wahrscheinlich weil man sich im Zweifelsfall doch recht gut davon berieseln lassen kann.
Am Abend darauf geht's im Kleinen Haus mit der Premiere von DER SANDMANN nach ETA Hoffmann, in Regie von Sebastian Klink (von dessem Stil ich bis heute im übrigen nicht weiß was ich davon halte) weiter. Naja. Klassischer Fall von "hätte gut werden können, ist es aber leider nicht". Leider viel zu überladen, viel zu random und generell irgendwie to much. Hätte man sich einfach nur auf den Originaltext konzentriert wäre das ne solide Inszenierung gewesen. Warum man da aber noch Edgar Allan Poe und Nietzsche mit reinbringt ist mir dann doch schleierhaft. Immerhin optisch war das hübsch!
SYLVIA UND SYBILLE wird spontan im Kleinen Haus angesetzt, da bei dem Stück das eigentlich spielen sollte irgendwer krank ist. Nice, hab ich erst einmal gesehen, nehm ich mit. @blueshelledbastard sollte eigentlich bei irgend nem Seminar sein, ist aber extra wegen des Stücks von dort abgehauen. Bin massiv verwirrt und freue mich wie sau darüber. Absurdester Abend der bisher frühen Theatersaison.
Es folgt eine kleine Theaterpause, denn ich bin an diesem Punkt massiv fertig und möchte eigentlich nur eine Woche durchschlafen.
Das ziehe ich auch erfolgreich durch und in der Woche darauf geht's dann weiter mit der Uraufführung von AJAX, einem Thomas-Freyer-Text der von Jahn Gehler inszeniert wird. Das Stück war mit seinem minimalistischen Bühnenbild, unfassbar gutem Cast und bedrückendem Inhalt rund um das Thema Familie und Verschwörungsidologien sofort eines meiner Spielzeithighlights - leider war davon nicht das ganze Publikum zu überzeugen und AJAX wurde nachdem es mehrfach vor einem fast leeren Saal gespielt wurde dann recht schnell wieder abgesetzt. Schade eigentlich. Der Satz "Warum steht da ein Bagger in unserem Vorgarten?!" - wunderschön intoniert von Christine Hoppe - lebt bis heute mietfrei in meinem Kopf.
Der November und der Anfang des Dezembers sind beide etwas seichter und leben hauptsächlich von Wiederholungsbesuchen, ich wobei ich mehrfach bei meinem Dauerbrennern Macbeth und der Dreigroschenoper vorbeischaue - nichts spannendes hier.
Irgendwie lande ich zwischendurch an einem Freitag komplett übermüdet und nach dem Konsum von 5 bis 7 verschiedenen Energydrinks bei JASON MEDEA MEDLEY, einem ruhigen, experimentellem Stück rund um Beziehungsdynamiken und die antike Thematik zwischen Jason und Medea. Ich bin ehrlich. Spätestens ab dem Punkt als auf der Bühne eine Dose Monster Energy aufgemacht wurde kann ich nicht mehr mit Sicherheit sagen was von dem Stück ich halluziniert habe und was nicht. Ich hatte irgendwo Spaß damit, was hauptsächlich an der großartigen Castleistung lag, aber das ganze war absolut eines dieser Stücke die man einem Nicht-Theatergänger zeigt und der dann der Meinung ist das modernes Theater komplett bekloppt ist.
Zum Jahresabschluss dann noch ein Highlight! Nochmal HAMLET mit Christian Friedel im D'Haus in Düsseldorf. Die Karten dafür sind sehr schnell und ohne viel nachdenken gekauft worden, denn eigentlich hab ich an dem Tag überhaupt nicht frei, irgendwie haben wir dann auch zu viele Karten gekauft und generell ist alles chaotisch. Huppala. Egal. Einmal mit dem Flixtrain kurz vor Silvester für viel zu viel Geld quer durch Deutschland tuckern. @bychertryntheatyr kommt mit, weil wir wie gesagt ne Karte zu viel gekauft haben. Wir werden in der ersten Hälfte des Stücks angeschrien und ich bin sehr überfordert damit. "Ähhh Hilfe!", rufe ich aus, während 1 Dude über die Reihen klettert und mir ein Mikrophon ins Gesicht hält. Tryn ist nicht 100% vom Stück überzeugt, ich hab nen Dopaminrausch und bestehe darauf das wir die 30 Minuten zum Hotel zu Fuß laufen - denn ich muss mich abreagieren. Im Hotel krieg ich die Pornobeleuchtung vom Bett nicht aus. Am nächsten Tag gehts mit dem Flixbus zurück nach Hause - nach etwa 10 Stunden entwickle ich dabei doch ein bisschen Selbsthass.
Nach dem Jahreswechsel geht es dann erstmal zur Deniere von DER ALCHEMIST nach Ben Johnson in Regie von Lily Sykes. Puh. Also. Es hätte auch gereicht wenn das Stück nur halb so lange geht. Völlig ok das ich das nur einmal gesehen habe. Uff.
N' Tag später geht's zu HEY SEXY - einem interaktiven Studiostück der Bürgerbühne zum Thema Körperwahrnehmungund Sexyness. Auf die Frage, was ich denn so sexy finden würde, antwortete mein panicked und überforderter aro-ace-ass im übrigen "Ähhhhhhhhhh - NICHTS?!?"
Tags darauf lande ich im übrigen mal wieder bei MACBETH. Langsam wirds absurd.
Im Februar hat mir den Spielplan wohl nicht so richtig zugesagt, denn insgesamt hab ich es da nur drei Mal ins Theater geschafft.
Einmal zur DREIGROSCHENOPER, dann zu einer recht okayen, aber alles in allem unspektakulären WOYZECK Adaption im Kleinen Haus und außerdem war ich zum ersten Mal in einem Musical!! DER KLEINE HORRORLADEN, inszeniert im etwas chaotisch-abgefrackten Spinnbau vom Theater Chemnitz. Kann mit 'Singen und Hopsen' ja eigentlich eher weniger anfangen, aber das war süß! Vielleicht steh ich auch nur auf die Pflanze. Keine Ahnung (Eine Sache die man dem Theater Chemnitz im übrigen lassen muss: Kostüm und Bühnenbild können die. Nur die aktuelle Interimsunterbringung des Theaters ist halt ein bisschen gruselig.)
Anfang März schaffe ich dann das völlig absurde: Binnen zwei Tagen in drei verschiedenen Theatervorstellungen an drei verschiedenen Schauplätzen gehen. FRÄULEIN ELSE nach Arthur Schnitzler an der Landedbühnen in Radebeul, das Weihnachts-Familienstück DER WUNSCHPUNSCH nach Michael Ende im großen Haus des Staatsschauspiel Dresden und NAPOLEON BONAPARTE im kleinen Haus. Halleluja! Zwischendurch haue ich fast jemanden weil ich Hunger habe und McDonalds mir das falsche Essen mitgegeben hat.
Weiter geht's dann mit der Deniere eines meiner Lieblingsstücke - WIE ES EUCH GEFÄLLT, einer Jugendproduktion der Bürgerbühne auf Shakespeare Basis zum Thema Querness, das mir genuinely in meiner eigenen Entwicklung irgendwo weitergeholfen hat. Bin sehr sad. Immerhin hab ich durch das Stück auch privat sehr viele coole Leute kennengelernt! Bin trotzdem sad.
Auf einmal ist Buchmesse, Tryn ist gerade eh bei mir, da können wir uns ja auch zusammen die Dreigroschenoper anschauen. Oh. Fällt aus? Na dann PIAF, ein Stück rund um das Leben der französischen Chanson-Sängerin Edith Piaf. Ich hab dabei Beef mit den Leuten die hinter uns sitzen, Tryn bekommt davon nix mit. Auch nicht schlecht.
Anfang April werde ich von @blueshelledbastard zu Sahra Kane's ZERBOMBT in Regie von Monique Hamelmann an die Landesbühnen Sachsen eingeladen. Absolut irres und großartiges Stück, leider hab ich zwischendurch insgesamt drei Panikattacken. Hui. Visuelle Trigger funktionieren also auch im Real Life. Immerhin denkt sich mein Gehirn komplett kontextlos zum Stück danach den dümmsten Anmachspruch aller Zeiten aus: "Willst du meine Nummer haben? Ich kann sie auch rappen."
Dann nehmen wir doch noch die Premiere MARIA von Simon Stephens, inszeniert von Adrian Figueroa mit. Bin ehrlich, ich bin ohne viel Erwartung und sehr spontan in das Stück gegangen und kam völlig erleuchtet wieder raus. Die Geschichte rund um die gerade einmal 18-jährige Maria, die ihr erstes Kind erwartet und trotz der Steine die ihr die Gesellschaft in den Weg legt mit einer unfassbare Offenherzigkeit und Neugier durch die Welt - eine komplett stockfinstere Bühne mit minimalistischer Ausstattung und viel Lichtspiel- geht, hat mich total mit seine Einfachheit in den Bann geschlagen. Mit Sahra Schmidt in der titelgebenden Hauptrolle Maria und Katja Gaudard als deren immer schwächer werdende Großmutter ein absolutes Highlight uns definitiv mein Spielzeitfavorit.
In 9 TAGE WACH macht Moritz Kienemann etwa 2 Stunden lang das was er defintiv sehr gut kann - er schreit grenzdebil rum. Es ist absolut wunderschön. Wir lernen im Rahmen des pädagogischen Auftrags wie man Chrystal Meth herstellt. Ich darf eine Colaflasche voller wer-weiß-was schütteln die freudig durch die Reihen gereicht wird. Bin mir immer noch nicht sicher was ich von Sebastian Klink's Inszenierungsstil halte.
Die Lange Nacht der Theater kommt und geht! Erfolgreich schaffen wir es und vier verschiedene Stückeinblicke á 25 Minuten an drei verschiedenen Standorten anzuschauen. Ich bin an diesem Abend unironisch die am besten gekleidete Person in ganz Dresden (neben dem random Typ in preußischer Armeeunifom mit Pickelhaube der in einen suspekten, schwarzen Van gestiegen ist). Habe dann noch Beef mit den DJ der Afterparty via Twitter. Sorry, aber wenn man ABBA so abmischt das man dazu nicht tanzen kann, dann sollte mans vielleicht lassen. Der DJ im Vorjahr war toll. Der war als Mönch verkleidet.
Die Dreigroschenoper spielt mal wieder. Ich will das Stück nem Kumpel zeigen. Ach ja, es kommt noch eine Person mehr mit. Und noch eine. Tryn läd sich selbst ein und kommt einmal komplett random quer durch DE gefahren um sich das auch mit anzuschauen. Auf einmal sind da sehr sehr viele Leute in meiner Wohung. Hilfe. Wir klauen Stage Probs und müssen Leuten in der Bahn dann erklären warum wir einen Fake-Afd/PfD Ballon mit uns rumtragen. Hilfe.
N Tag später ist die Deniere von DAS LEBEN IST TRAUM, bei dem ich mich immer noch ärgere es nicht öfters angesehen habe. Das super simple Bühnenbild, welches viel mit rhythmischen Schattenspielen gearbeitet hat, war ein absolutes Träumchen. Sitze in der erste Reihe und kichere an einer Stelle zu laut, was dazu führt das ich fortan konstant von der Bühne angequatscht werde, woraufhin ich noch mehr kichern muss.
Ohne das es irgendwen überrascht lande ich mal wieder bei Macbeth - diesmal im Begleitung von 1 Kumpel und einem Gengar Plüschtier namens Mary Shelly. Wir bekommen sehr viele Komplimente für das Plüschtier. Meinem Kumpel gefällt das Stück überraschend gut. Irgendwer hinter uns ist extrem horny für Jannik Hinsch als Banquo.
Tags drauf spielt nochmal Lulu, mit anschließendem Publikumsgespräch. Kann man ja mal mitnehmen. Aufgrund einer Preisverleihung am folgenden Tag werden wir aus sicherheitstechnischen Gründen Punkt 12:00 Uhr rausgeworfen. Das Publikumsgespräch setzt sich dann nachts halb 1 vor der Theaterkasse fort. Auch ne Erfahrung.
Es ist Pfingsten! Da kann man doch mal nen Ruhigen machen. Oder man fährt halt 7 Stunden quer durchs Land um sich die MACBETH Adaption von Evgeny Titov mit André Kacz­marc­zyk als Macbeth im Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus anzuschauen. Tryn sagt das Stück nicht so zu, ich hab den Spaß meines Lebens und freu mich wie sonst was darüber mal einen anderen Inszenierungsansatz zu meinem Lieblings-Shakespeare-Stück zu sehen. Wir ignorieren das ich basically wegen Tumblr Memes hier gelandet bin.
Da die Woche ja nicht hektisch genug losging geht es kurz darauf mit der Deniere der Bühnenadaption von Robert Harris' Roman VATERLAND weiter. Das Stück endet - zurecht - mit ca. 10 Minuten an Standing Ovations. Beim verlassen des Saals komme ich mit ner Masse an pissigen Menschen ins Gespräch die absolut nicht nachvollziehen können dass das Stück abgesetzt wurde. Mood.
Und um das ganze zum Wochenausklang noch ad absurdum zu treiben ist dann auch noch Kostümverkauf am Staatsschauspiel. Ich übernehme ab morgens um 8 den Anstelldienst, damit der Rest meiner Gruppe Zeit zur Anreise hat. Punkt 10 Uhr öffnen die Türen und es geht hinein ins Getümmel und Geprügel um extrem fragwürdige Klamotten. Wir machen den Fehler unser Anprobier-Lager neben einer zweiten Gruppe queerer Leute aufzuschlagen, was dazu führt das wir uns die nächsten 1 1/2 Stunden gegenseitig die absurdesten Klamotten einreden. "Its giving 'Mathelehrer der von einer siebten Klasse gemobbt wird und sich heulend im Direktorat beschwert' - slay", wird mir entgegengeworfen als ich ein besonders hässliches Männerhemd mit Wischtuch-Muster anprobiere. Hinter mir höre ich den Ausruf "Das erinnert mich an Lady Gagas Meat-Dress - aber in sustainable!". Kurz nach 12 Uhr verlassen wir das Theater mit dem Armen voller Klamotten - natürlich ist bei mir das Wischtuchhemd dabei, sowie 5 Krawatten und mehrere extrem fragwürdige Westen, Jacken und Röcken. 35 Euro für das ganze ist mehr als valide. Geht zu Theaterverkäufen meine Freunde!
Der Tag endet im übrigen nicht an der Stelle, nein. Das wäre ja langweilig. Nach einer groß angelegten Haul- und Anprobiersession landen wir nämlich nochmal allesamt im Theater - bei der extrem spontan angesetzten Deniere von Sylvia und Sybille. Das ganze ist eine etwas unangenehme letzte Vorstellung, denn eigentlich ist niemand so wirklich begeistert darüber dass das Stück abgesetzt wird. Bei der Afterparty versuche ich nach einigem Wein-Konsum irgend nem fremden Typ meinen Marketingpitch von einem "Energydrink mit Erbensgeschmack" zu unterbreiten. Erfolglos. Leider.
Ne Woche später landen wir dann bei der (für mich) letzten Premiere des Jahres: DIE JAGD, inszeniert von Daniela Löffner, von der ich mir im übrigen mittlerweile alles anschauen würde. Ein extrem bedrückendes und atmosphärisches Stück mit Amphitheater-Bühne, das sich rund um die Geschichte eines Kindergärtners der des sexuellen Missbrauchs beschuldigt wird dreht. Hui. Ich kriege Zerbombt-Flashbacks und verlasse komplett fertig und verstört den Saal. In weiser Vorraussicht hatte ich mir Gin in einen Flachmann abgefüllt - den brauch ich jetzt definitiv. Man war das gut! Muss ich mir defintiv nochmal anschauen, vielleicht das nächste Mal mit etwas mehr Vorbereitung. Ps: Lest Triggerwarnungen, auch wenn ihr der Meinung seit schon aus dem Beschreibungstext alle notwendigen Infos rauszulesen.
Dann hab ich ausnahmsweise hab ich meine 5 Gehirnwindungen mal gut benutzt und mir vor Besuch der Bühnenadaption von Kafkas DAS SCHLOSS den dazugehörigen Roman durchgelesen. Die Rentner die in der Pause neben mir stehen haben nicht so weit mitgedacht und beschweren sich lautstark darüber, dass sie das Stück nicht verstehen - welch Überraschung bei ner Kafka-Adaption. Auf der Bühne mit dem Panoptikum-artigen-Bühnenbild brüllt Moritz Kienemann als K. mal wieder schön grenzdebil rum, ich interpretiere in viele Sachen religiöse Bildsprache rein und allgemein wirken sehr viele Sachen sehr horny auf mich. Kann aber auch sein dass das einfach ich gewesen bis. Huppala.
Im letzten Monat vor der Sommerpause erwischt mich dann nochmal der Theaterburnout - nachdem ich wochenlang auf Achse war will ich eigentlich einfach nur noch meine Ruhe. Irgendwie lande ich trotzdem noch einmal bei MARIA (mit anschließendem Publikumsgespräch mit dem Autor Simon Stephens das gerne hätte länger gehen können), bei der Deniere von VOR SONNENAUFGANG und natürlich nochmal MACBETH - wobei ich hier in der Pause gehe, weil ich zwischendurch Migräne bekomme und dem Typen neben mir fast in den Schoß kotzen muss. Das vorbestellt Glas Weißwein trinke ich im übrigen trotzdem auf ex aus - hat immerhin 5 Euro gekostet.
Der Saisonabschluss macht dann noch DAS SPIEL VON LIEBE UND ZUFALL - das Sommertheater im Japanischen Palais. Und naja. Das war halt auch einfach nur Sommertheater. Nicht mal die Brezeln die es dort zu kaufen gab waren gut!
Damit endet die Spielzeit 2023/24 für mich nach sage und schreibe 56 besuchten Vorstellungen!
Die Planung für die Spielzeit 2024/25 ist mittlerweile im vollen Gange und wenn ich Lust habe kommt vielleicht irgendwann demnächst noch ein Spielzeitausblick für die nächste Saison.
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adrianicsea · 8 months
the time that glenn howerton was in a gay period-piece play about crossdressing
so awhile back i was poking around glenn howerton's wikipedia looking for movies and such that i might have missed, and i noticed it had a small theatrical section listed. this was never something i'd given much thought in the past, but on this particular occasion i was so hard-up for new Glontent that i decided to see what i could find about the three plays listed there, because i'd never seen anyone else have much luck with that and i love a good internet scavenger hunt. walk with me.
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compleat female stage beauty caught my eye right away-- the title of the play itself is interesting, and i happened to know already that the most famous real-life duke of buckingham was the lover of king james. so of course i went delving...
and what should i find but the entire playscript for compleat female stage beauty, For Free, on archive dot org? anyone on earth can rent it and read it for an hour at a time, or for 14 days if you want to really take your time with it. i have to assume that this is NOT common knowledge among sunny fans (or anyone else), as the archive upload only has 99 views at the time of making this post.
to give a VERY succinct summary of what the play is about-- in the 1660s, during the english restoration, women were allowed to act professionally onstage for the first time in english history. this caused problems for the male actors who had previously made their careers playing female characters, such as edward kynaston, around whom the play centers. outside of his acting career, kynaston is a gay man, and he's in a romantic entanglement with george villiars, the duke of buckingham (NOT the same duke of buckingham who was fucking king james-- that was this villiars' dad. we love gay fathers and their gay sons!) kynaston struggles to find his place in a changing social landscape where it seems as though his talents are no longer needed or wanted.
before getting into the script proper, the book has some information about notable early productions of the play. this is great because it pins down a lot of details about glenn's involvement in the show that wikipedia left unanswered, but there's also an unexpected sunny crossover here-- in an even EARLIER production, the lead role was played by david hornsby!
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(i also learned over the course of my deep dive on this that glenn's costar, lead actor brandon demery, was a fellow member of glenn's graduating juilliard group!)
things don't end well for kynaston and villiars, but still, the onstage relationship between the two is both electrifying and heartbreaking as it changes over the course of the show.
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now, this WOULD be where i would include cast pictures or footage or any kind of photos of glenn in this show... but if any such material exists, it's not publicly available. i went so far as to email the publicity and outreach coordinator for the theater that hosted glenn's production of this show to ask if they had any archived materials, but she told me that they didn't.
but this production took place in october of 2000, meaning it was pre-that 80s show, meaning we can all sit and think about how a glenn that looked like This was acting in a gay period piece about crossdressing and gender roles and the mystery of human sexuality. dudes rock.
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a bit of a disappointing note to end on, i know, but i really wanted to talk about this play and share it with people!! it's a super interesting and overlooked part of glenn's early career, but also i think the script is fascinating and very well-written in its own right. i definitely encourage yall to check it out on the internet archive if you're interested-- again, it's literally free!
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helionpegasus · 1 year
Hi! Can you please write a story where reader is pregnant and Azriel helps her take a bath. Thank you!
lilies and pine
Azriel x Reader
summary: based on the req :)
warnings: a bit suggestive? otherwise none. pure fluff
words count: 936
author's note: i love pre-dad azriel <3 this was a bit short but i hope you like it.
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Your back was sore for the last week, the end of the pregnancy getting the best of you. Ankles swollen and hurting due all the weight from the fast baby growth. Nyx said that you were walking like a puppet in the street theater, which took out a loud laugh from the Inner Circle.
You went to the kitchen to have the snack you've been craving the most lately. The plan was to make the snack, go back to the bedroom and continue reading your book. But the thought of going upstairs again made you already tired.
The weather was good, the transition from summer to autumn were giving sunny fresh afternoons to the whole Velaris. And you hope the baby wasn't planning to arrive when the weather will be in full autumn with the cold winds.
Your mate made his presence known with the sound of the front door closing. It didn’t take long for you to feel the little shadow roll itself around your right ankle, it was always the same one. Azriel laughed at you when you said you should give it a name.
“Hello, sweetheart.” Azriel says, bending down to give a kiss in the side of your head. His arm going around the chair to caress the big belly.
“How was your day?” You asked when he took a seat right in front of you. Hands not leaving yours.
“You know…” He sighed. “The days in Windhaven are always tough ones.”
“But how is this little one doing? Made their mama tired today?” His hand goes back to your belly again, moving your sweater up so he could kiss the bare baby bump.
“Ugh. It’s starting to be so heavy.” You complained. The Shadowsinger’s eyes soften in concern, sending love pulls through the bond. “They’re moving a lot lately. I think that’s why.”
“Your back must be sore, love. Why aren’t you in bed?” 
Your cheeks tinted red thinking about the reason you decided to stay at the kitchen table. Azriel would never laugh at you for this, obviously. But he would definitely be mad that you didn’t ask for help.
“The stairs are killing me.” You confessed with a sigh.
Your mate only rubs the back of your hand once more and then gets up on his feet.
“Let’s take a relaxing bath. I’ll carry you.” He pulls your hand gently. A silent ask for you to stand up.
“I think I might be too heavy now.” You laughed, but Azriel looks at you like you called him the most offensive name he ever heard.
“You’re saying that I can’t take you? Do I have to remind you of the training I’ve been doing for more than five hundred years?” He lowers himself ‘till he’s eye to eye with you. 
“I’m not doubting your strength, Az!” You laugh, arms finding their place around his neck.
“Then let’s go to the bathroom.” He says with a smile plastered on his face. 
One of his arms goes to your lower back, the other around the back of your knees, and in an instant he gets you up in a bridal style. Like you weigh nothing more than a piece of paper. 
“See, that was easy!” He gives you a proud smile. “And it would still be no problem for me even if you were weighing three times more than this.”
The way to the bathroom was short. And when you both arrived, the shadows had already prepared everything. The tub was full with steam coming out of it, the smell of lilies and pine entering your nostrils and immediately calming your nerves.
Azriel put you down and started to get rid of his own clothes first before helping you with yours. His hands were so gentle when he got to your leggings, the only thing that was fitting you. Your hand finding his shoulders for stability when you took one leg off at a time.
Getting inside the hot water of the tub was a blessing for your sore muscles. Your whole body was relaxing so much, you were scared that it would make way for the baby that moment.
Once Az placed himself behind you, his hands started to work. Your calves, ankles and thighs receive so much attention from him. Then the sponge with vanilla soap went to your sides, caressing your waist, and doing magic on that sore spot in your lower back. He traded all the way up to your shoulders and collarbone, lastly going to your breasts.
“I’m so excited for this baby to be born and get rid of all this milk. My breasts are feeling like two melons.” You said with your eyes closed, head resting on his shoulder.
“Babe, if you wanted someone to suck your breasts, you could just say-” 
You didn’t give him time to finish the sentence. Giving him a weak slap on his forearm. The Shadowsinger only laughed at you.
“Come on, it’s nothing I’ve never done before.” He kisses your jaw, next pressing his lips on yours.
“Azriel, no! You want to drink your child’s milk?” You turn a little to see his face. Only finding a smiley batbaby.
“I would do a lot of things to stop you being uncomfortable, sweetheart.”
Your laugh stops when you feel a thud in your belly, feeling a liquid come out of you.
“I think I peed.” 
“It’s okay. They kicked your bladder again?” Az asked.
“No, it was other-” You cut your sentence when the first pain shot arrived. “Az, we need Madja.”
“The baby is coming?”
“The baby is coming.”
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pattypanini · 6 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 4- Drunk Words, Are Sober Thoughts
Josh Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 6,384 
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the fourth chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! Thank you so much for all the support on our last three chapters. Here is the taglist incase anyone wants to be added to it: TAGLIST. We hope you enjoy chapter 4, Drunk Words, Are Sober Thoughts.
Also get ready for smut because it doesn't end from here, only gets worse. LOL
Next chapter coming next Tuesday!
Warnings: 18+, SMUTTTTT, 69, Tit fondling, Fingering, Oral (F and M receiving), Angst, Flirting, Cursing, Hickeys, Nudes, Sexting.
y/n's POV
Your last class of the day, Music History, went by pretty fast. Coming to the University of Michigan, you were set on Musical theater being your major, but from listening to Charlotte talk about her major, elementary education, you fell in love with the idea of being a teacher. From there, you observed some music classrooms in your area and knew you had to make a change. You're now a Music Education Major and can’t wait to teach the youth all about your passion.
It's very sunny and warm today, which normally would have led to you picking out a tank top and shorts, but due to the marks all over your chest you opted for a black shirt with a higher neckline and black shorts paired together with your white Hokas. Although the sun felt good on your skin it wasn’t good for your hangover. 
Normally a loud upbeat song would be the way to go for after class, but due to the way you’ve been feeling, Groupie Love by Lana Del Rey was the smarter option. You were perfectly content in the moment but your music was suddenly brought to a halt as you felt your headphones being pulled down around your neck.. 
As you turn to see who it is, you meet the last person you’d want to see, Josh. But something was off, he seemed cocky.
“Hey mama, have a good time last night?”
What is he going on about?
“What?” You ask annoyed.
“Well you seemed to be having a loose night. I have a question, am I always on your mind or were those texts also ‘not meant for me’?”
What. What is he talking about? Your mouth opens to defend yourself, “ I- um, I don't… know what you’re talking about.”
“I’ll see you in there” leaning into your ear, “little cum slut.” He winks and slaps your ass making you jump. He starts walking away into the building.
Immediately, your hand goes to your pocket, opening your messages. Holy shit.
11:14pm y/n: God Josh, I can’t stop thinking about you 
11:30pm y/n: I hsd a dream about you, it was so hot.
11:31pm y/n: Fucking me from bwhind, you were calling me a cum slut. I wanna be your cum slut, Josh. 
11:54pm y/n: You shoudl come over.
11:55pm y/n: You're probably sleeping like a loser, come over Joshy.
 No way. There is actually no way. 
You begin to make your way towards the bench outside the building and reread the texts.
You could throw up. You did not recall sending a single one of those text messages. The first text, whatever, but the others… now he has the high ground on you. You can’t go to this practice. He probably thinks you’re a fucking idiot. 
You would never care if you sent a drunk text to anyone else, but he’s different. How stupid could I be? 
No, you couldn’t let that douchebag win. You pick up your bag and your head, making your way into the building. 
You push past the doors, walking with a purpose. Once you get to the room you walk through the doors to see Josh staring at the doorway, as if he was waiting for you to walk in. As you make eye contact your eyes go to him, then to the raven haired girl, next to him. 
Wait, why is he talking to her. Josh would never be caught dead talking to “extras,” he's too good for that. So why is she an exception? 
God will she ever stop talking. Sophia has nothing of worth to say to you. Normally, you wouldn’t talk to other people on the cast, they're not on your level. She's hot, not your normal type, but you’d do it at least once. 
y/n is putting on the act that she's chill, but nothing she’d say or do could convince you after seeing her reaction to the text she sent. You felt kinda bad, but it’s probably something she does a lot. 
“Alright everyone!” You hear Coleman scream obnoxiously. “y/n, Josh, I assume you guys worked something out?” 
You look at y/n and she's nodding with a big smile on her face, what is she so giddy for?
As everyone clears the stage you and y/n meet in the middle of it. “Okay so since you guys worked things out lets go from the Lay All Your Love On Me scene, got it? Not the speaking, straight to the singing.”
You look at y/n and once again she's smiling ear to ear. 
She has a pretty smile. It lights up the room, whether it's fake or not. 
You try your best to tune out your thoughts. You climb up your fake rock wall and the music begins and you count yourself in to start singing.
As you make your way down the steps y/n is looking at you with a certain type of eyes. 
Not of innocence, but of lust.
“Now everything is new. And all I’ve learned has overturned, I beg of youuuuu.” You sing, leaning in close to her, lips less than an inch apart.
She pushes you and your body slams hard against the wall behind you. You sensed real anger behind that one.
“Don’t go wasting your emotionnn, Lay all your love on meee.” She sings as her hands drag softly down your body, her nose touching yours.
Her vanilla perfume smells so good, it's intoxicating. 
As the scene goes on, she continues to mesmerize you. She begins kneeling to the ground, you mirror her. 
She crawls to you, her back arched, hips swaying side to side. Usually she’d wear a lower cut shirt, but assuming because of the hickeys, she wore something a little higher neck. You wish she had worn a v-neck. Her tits are perfect. 
“A grown-up woman should never fall so easily.”
She finally meets with you, leaving no room for innocence.
“I feel a kind of fear.” Her eyes fasten to yours. 
Her hands start at your chest once again, something she would have never done before. With every inch they trailed down, you expected her to stop, but she never did.
“When I don’t have you near.”
They make it to your waistband.
“Unsatisfied, I skip my pride.”
And caresses your already hard dick, leaving it for a moment.
“I beg you dearrr.”
You can’t hold back. Your hands go to her neck and push the hair off her shoulders and inch your mouth closer to her mouth, edging her as you both kneel in front of each other. 
You begin to sing. “Don’t go wasting your emotion.” You place one hand on her back, lifting her torso up into you, and press her into your chest, brushing her tits into you as you gently lay her to the ground. 
Leaving little space, you press down, pushing your dick onto her pelvis. You watch as her eyes widen a tad and a slight chuckle travels past your lips. 
“Lay all your love on meeee.” Your head bows down, closer to her ear as the extras begin to come in from the side stage.
Normally you’d go in for the kiss but you had something else up your sleeve. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard. I know you want me, you cum slut.” You quietly whisper in her ear.
The guys begin to grab you up off her and Coleman shouts. 
Everyone stops in fear, placing you back onto the floor, not knowing why she was so amped up.
“Holy shit, GUYS, that was PERFECT! The tension, the love, whatever you're doing keep it up.”
You lend y/n a hand to get her off the floor. As you pull her up, you continue to pull her in close, her ear meeting your lips. 
“I guess we have to keep practicing then.” You smirk at her, anxiously awaiting her response. 
“Then I guess I’ll see you tonight at your place?” She says with a wink. 
How can she be so confident after all that happened? It made her 100x sexier. But you knew you were going to have to walk the walk after talking so much game. You were going to rock her world tonight. 
As practice went on the room got hotter and hotter, and you could tell it was getting to y/n, along with everyone else practicing. She was getting uncomfortable in the shirt she was wearing, sweat beginning to form on her forehead. Next thing you know, she was pulling her shirt away from her body to try and let some air pass through, as she was getting more and more antsy. 
You turn away to grab your water, from being out of breath from the last scene, and as you turn back around you're met with a sight. y/n had taken her shirt off leaving her in nothing but her sports bra, her hickeys on full display. You could see Lindsey’s eyes widen and jaw drop. You begin to walk up to them, wanting to hear a piece of how y/n was going to defend herself. 
“Holy shit y/n, did you get attacked or something?” Lindsey asks sarcastically. 
y/n giggled, “No Lindsey I didn’t, just had a good weekend…”
“Did you now?” You begin to ask. “And who's the man of the week?”
“Doesn’t matter, it wasn’t all that exciting.” She looks at you with a smirk as she takes a sip of her water.
“What did you guys do?” Lindsey prods for more.
“Well, not all that much. We watched a movie and then he was getting touchy, which I didn’t mind. Then I straddled him and we made out and he was about to go down on me but someone walked in on us.”
“WHAT, that’s crazy! You have such an exciting life.” 
You roll your eyes at the statement. “Are you going to see him again?” You question her, as if you don’t already know who ‘mystery man’ is.
“I might Josh, but I hope he brings more to the table this time, or else I’m gonna have to call up my regular hookup.”
Your eyebrows raise, “You’ll have to keep us updated then, I guess.” You shoot her a devious smile, you watch as her cheeks reddened a tad. 
“Oh I will.” y/n says to you. 
Lindsey is staring at the both of you now, looking confused. “Am I missing something?”
“No Lindsey, Josh is just a nosy piece of shit.” She leans in to whisper to her. “Plus he probably gets no action so he likes to listen in on what happens in the bedroom.” Making sure you were still able to hear. 
Everyone disperses and we run a couple more scenes, before Coleman dismisses us. 
You look to find y/n packing up her stuff. When you spot her in the corner putting her shirt back on, you walk over to her with your bag. 
“Hey.” You ask innocently. 
“Hi Josh.” She waits for you to leave. “Do you need something?”
“Well I was going to see if I could walk you back to your dorm? It doesn’t make up for not walking you back the other night obviously. I feel bad though, sooo, can I?” You give her a dorky, little smile.
She smiles at you and thinks about it as you two make it towards the doors, opening it for her as she walks through. “Okay fine, but I have to stop at the campus store first to grab a celsius. I don’t want to be a drag tonight.” You look at her and smile. She looks back with a scared look. “Wait, do you not want me to come over? I thought you were being for real but if you're not I can just…”
“y/n, stop. I want you to come over. Calm down.” You pull out your sunglasses, the sun burning your eyes and skin, but you look over to y/n to see her uncomfortably squinting and covering her eyes with her hands. 
“You want these?” Handing her your sunglasses.
“No I’ll be okay, it's the consequences of my own drunken actions.” Realizing what she brought up she goes silent. 
“You know I didn’t mind those texts you sent.” You say opening the doors to the campus store.
“I’m sure you didn’t mind, but I’m the one who sent them.” She says as she makes her way back to the refrigerated section. 
“Were they true?” 
“Well yeah, I don’t think even drunk me would make up something as crazy as that.” She reaches in and grabs a kiwi guava celsius and makes her way up to the register.
“Is that your favorite flavor?” You ask her as you begin to reach into your pockets. 
“Oh for sure. I had a big 24 pack in my dorm but I kinda went through that already since the beginning of the semester.”
You thought about it, “It’s only been a little over a month.” She nods cutely and puts her celsius on the counter. 
“Just the celsius please.” 
“That’ll be $2.39.” She places her backpack on the floor to grab her wallet out, but before she could stand up you quickly tapped your card to the reader. You grab the celsius and look at her as she stands there confused.
“Okay let's go.” You smile at her and she awkwardly puts her bag back on and heads towards the door.
“You didn’t have to do that Josh.”
“I know, but I wanted to.” You open it and hand it to her.
She takes a sip and hands it back to you, “You wanna try it?” You look for a moment and think. “You can’t make the excuse that you're a germaphobe, you had your tongue down my throat.” 
You take it and take a small sip and a shock of flavors and bubbles wash over your tongue. 
“Ew, what the fuck. You drink this shit everyday?”
“WHAT, I love it. How can you not?” She grabs it back and takes another sip. Beginning to walk down the path to her dorm building.
“Do they hurt?”
“Does what hurt?” You take a look down to her chest, to where the hickeys would be if they weren’t covered. 
“Oh phh, no.” She laughs. “Not as nearly as bad as other times before, this one time this guy Mark he left um… um never mind.” She awkwardly laughs and looks down to the sidewalk. 
As she makes her way up the steps and swipes her card into the building she turns to you. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring him up. And I’ve been thinking about it and I respect what we have going on here, with practicing and well…a little more than that. So I'm not going to be talking and getting with other guys while this progresses. I want this to be like the real deal for the show, so I want to put in the effort for it.” 
She stands there for a moment, waiting for you to respond. “Okay, deal. I won’t be getting with anyone either.” She smiles at you holding the door open to the building. 
“Okay, cool. Um well I’ll see you tonight.” She smiles letting the door close behind her. 
She’s all yours. Well until the show is over. Which leaves you a month to make it happen for real. 
y/n’s POV
You walk into the living room, drop your bag onto the floor, and make your way into the bathroom. Your head had been pounding all day and you wanted to feel the best you could for tonight with Josh. 
You waltz over to the cabinet and rummage through the drawers for the ibuprofen. After swallowing them down with the sink water, you look up to yourself in the mirror. Jeez. You look like a mess. You have to get yourself ready before you head over to Josh’s. 
As you strip off your sweaty garments you look into the mirror and notice the soft purple marks scattered across your skin. You were kind of sad they were starting to fade, you liked being marked by him.
But you were happy that you were both able to reach a civil agreement, you weren’t best friends by any means, but you were kind of excited that you were each other's until the show was over. You liked the level of commitment you both had for each other.
You enter into the shower and put a lot of thought into everything you were doing. Making sure you got a good clean shave, shampooing your hair really well, and making sure your body was clean in preparation for tonight. 
As you get out of the shower, you dry yourself off and slip into your soft robe. And notice a text 
Josh 7:45pm: Come over around 9, don’t eat anything.
Hmm, you wonder what he has planned. You heart the text and begin to towel dry your hair and wonder what hairstyle you should do for tonight. You think about different times you've worn your hair a certain way and remember Josh giving you a little extra when your hair was down. 
You get out your blow out brush and plug it in and start sectioning your hair into pieces. You begin styling your hair and after about thirty minutes you finish. You really like the way it looks when you blow it out but sometimes you just don’t have the effort. You lotion up your body and then walk into your room and begin to pick out an outfit. 
While the shorts were great for last time, you wanted him to have to make more of a move this time. So you opt for a pair of navy blue leggings and a tight black athletic t-shirt, this time, opting for no bra on purpose. You take a seat at your vanity and begin with a dewy base, cream blush, black mascara, and lip gloss.
You make sure your gold necklace with your initial, that you never take off, is centered on your neck. Pairing it with your normal stack of earrings and apple watch. Finishing off with your spray deodorant and douse yourself in your coconut vanilla perfume. 
You check the time and it was 8:38. Which gives you plenty of time to get your things together and say bye to Charlotte. You walk to the kitchen and fill up your hot pink Stanley with ice and water and chug the rest of the Celsius from earlier. You quickly brush your teeth so you're all fresh and then make your way into the living room to grab your belt bag and say bye to Charlotte. 
“Are you going out y/n?” Charlotte asks while deep into her HayDay game play. 
“I am, I’m going to Josh’s again.” You look into the mirror to check your hair and makeup, fixing the lipgloss on your lips. 
“Again? Are you guys a thing or something?”
“It’s complicated.” You grimace at her.
“What! Complicated? With the same Josh Kiszka that you hated deeply a few months ago?” She raises her eyebrow at you, with a slight smirk on her face.
You shake your head and laugh. “Whatever, plus we both kinda agreed on being committed to each other, just for the role, until this is all over. Which I don’t mind.”
Charlotte smiles at you, “Okayyy, well you two have fun tonight.”
You smile back at her and blow a sweet kiss to her and pull your bag over your shoulders and grab your water bottle and head out the door.
“USE PROTECTION!” You hear from the crack of the door.
“Sure…” you mutter under your breath, closing the door, making sure it is locked behind you. 
y/n 8:58pm: omw
As you make your way to his apartment you reapply your lip gloss and fluff your hair to give it a lot of volume. 
It was a little chillier that night than you had expected, so the no bra decision was starting to seem like the wrong decision. As you begin to walk up the stairs to his apartment you try to warm up your body before you would have to knock on the door. 
Once you finally get to the door, you look down to see that warming yourself up didn’t help very much with hiding your hardened nipples. You knock on the door and wait for Josh to answer but hear shouting from behind the door. After a few seconds of waiting you’re met with Jake again at the door. Were they fighting for who was going to get the door? 
“Hey y/n”, you watch as Jake’s eyes flick down to your chest. You get a sudden surge of self consciousness and cross your arms over yourself.
“Hi Jake”, you shoot him a tight smile, slipping past him through the doorway. Your nipples graze over his chest as you walk by him. He smirks to you and looks down to your tits, obviously feeling them when you walked by.
“You know, once this whole ‘thing’ you guys have is over, I'm here waiting for you.” Quickly exiting out the door before anything else can be said. Leaving you left with Josh standing in the hallway. 
“What was he saying, y/n?” 
You thought about saying the truth but didn’t want to ruin the night. “Nothing just joking about being ‘safe’ tonight you know.” 
“Right… well, I have something in the living room for us.” Josh smiles to himself. He swiftly grabs your hand, leading you into the living room. Upon entering the room, you see two white bags sitting on the coffee table. “I got you a bagel from that little shop on main. I know you mentioned the everything bagel with lox so I got that, I hope it's okay.” You smile ear to ear and look at him and notice his cheeks blushing. 
You can’t help but hug him. He wasn’t the tallest person, but it was a nice difference for your 5 foot stature. 
“This is so sweet Josh, you didn’t have to do that.” 
“I know but we did really well today and I thought it was deserved. So what do you wanna do?”
“Do you wanna watch a show, have you ever seen Community?”
“No, as long as it's not a stupid ass show we can watch it.”
“Yay, I think you’ll like it. Could you plug my phone in somewhere, I think it's gonna die.”
He takes and brings it back to his room and comes back out to meet you in the living room.
As you take the seat that you were in not too long ago, Josh hands you your bagel. It looked so yummy, considering how hungry you were. He brings up Community on Netflix and starts the first episode letting it play while you guys eat your bagels. Throughout, he laughed a few times at the raunchy jokes made by the characters. You begin to feel far from him and want to make a move. You begin to nestle yourself in between his legs, leaning your back into his chest. As time went on he wrapped his arms around your torso, resting them on your stomach. By the 6th episode you were very comfortable, it felt like you had melted into each other. 
He began to release your arms that were tangled with his, one making its way down to your legs and the other wrapping around your tits. Your head tilts back to look at him, resting on his shoulder.
“What do you think you're doing, Joshy?”
“I’m just trying to make you feel good mama.” As he says that you feel a hand begin to pass under the waistband of your leggings. “Is this okay?” You nod frantically wanting it so incredibly bad. “Speak to me y/n, use your words.”
“Yes Josh.” You grab his hand moving it faster to your heat, slipping it past your underwear. 
“Patience y/n, you’ll get what you want. I’m gonna make you feel so good baby, you won't even remember the others.” As soon as he was done talking, his fingers started making fast circles around your clit and his left hand going under your shirt, squeezing your left tit. 
You started moaning uncontrollably. You wish you could have held it in, but he knew the spots to get you going. “Talk to me, Josh, Talk me through it.” His fingers teased your entrance, before they were forcefully plunged into you.
“Fuck, baby. You’re such a fucking slut. You feel so nice and wet around my fingers. Who’s got you this wet baby, huh? Tell me.” 
“You Josh, fuck, I’m all yours. Your fingers feel so good in my pussy. Are you gonna make me cum?” Your hands reach behind you and grip onto his hair for leverage. 
For a moment he stops, before lifting you up and carrying you to his bedroom. When you get there you’re gently laid down on your back on this navy blue comforter. He begins to peel the leggings off your legs and discard of your shirt, leaving you in only your black, lacy thong. You felt exposed, but Josh made you feel safe. 
“You’re so fucking perfect.” He begins to leave a trail of kisses down your body, making sure to kiss over the purple marks he made before, and leaving new ones down by your underwear before pulling those off too. 
“Look at that pretty pink pussy. All for me.” He says while letting his finger pass through your slick, examining how wet you are, before bringing it up to his mouth and tasting you. “God, I've been thinking about how you taste after our little interruption last time.” Without further warning he goes down in between your legs licking up your slit, getting a good taste. 
“Fuck Josh, please just do it. Eat me the fuck out.” You beg him.
“Patience sweetheart. You’ll get what you want.” He fuels your fire. 
He leaves more kisses and hickeys in between your legs, basically making contact with anything but your pussy. After a while of teasing you couldn’t take it any more. 
“Please Josh, I need you. Tongue fuck me. I need you so bad Josh.” You’re sick of his games, you are desperate at this point. 
“Are you always like this? A fucking slutty brat. Such a dirty little girl.” 
His face dives back down in between your thighs, immediately creating circles on your clit, causing your hand to go straight down to his hair. “FUCK Josh, don’t stop. Just like that.”
As he continues going down on you, your back arches, pushing his head in further. 
It was all so good, you were so close, it was all perfect. 
Your head shoot’s up along with Josh’s. It’s your phone. Oh fuck. Josh goes to grab it and it was the last person you could have wanted to call you. Mark. Fuck. 
“Um, just ignore it Josh, I don't know why he's…”
Before you can say more Josh answers. “Hello?” 
“Hi, who is this, I’m looking for y/n.”
“She's a little busy right now, isn't that right baby?” He says before placing the phone onto your chest and looking deep into your eyes beginning to press his fingers back into you. 
“Hi Mark, um yeah I’m a little, FUCK.” Josh curled his fingers hard and fast right into your g-spot. “Um, I can’t talk right now.”
Josh picks the phone back up, not missing a beat on your g-spot. “Yeahhhh sorry about that.”
“Okay um I’ll call back later I guess?” He asks, confused, you’re usually never busy.
“No you won’t.” He hangs up the phone and throws it to the ground.
He brings his full attention back to you. “Just so you know, you're mine. Only mine, not Marks, or whoever else you have in your phone, mine. Got it slut, tell me who you are.”
“I’m yours Josh only yours, I’m a slut for you.” He smiles, beginning to pick up the pace. He leans down kissing you passionately. You were so close to orgasm but you didn’t want to do it like this. 
“I’m so close Joshy, but this isn't how I wanna cum.” He stops, very confused on why you were making him stop. You begin to lift yourself off the bed and switch your positions letting him sit on the bed, and bring yourself in between his legs. 
“Take these off Josh, let me see what I’ve caused.” You lightly tug on the waistband of his shorts.
Josh stands up, pushing down the sweatshorts he had on from earlier. Releasing his cock, letting it slap against his abs. It was much different than it looked in the pictures. You spit into your hand and begin to pump up and down on him, just barely able to get your hand all the way around. You rub your thumb around his tip a few times, eliciting a moan from him. 
You could tell he wanted you to suck him off, but didn’t want to push you down. You looked up to him, “You want me to suck your dick Josh, gag on it while it's in my throat?”
“Fuck yes, y/n, please I need you.”
“Beg for it Josh, the same way you made me.” You whisper seductively into his ear, earning a shudder from him. 
“Please baby, I need you so bad, I wanna feel your mouth around my cock. You’ll feel so good, then I can make you feel so good, please mama. I fucking need it”.” 
With that you took as much of him into your mouth as you could, still having your hands wrapped around it pumping up and down, synchronized with your mouth. 
It was like an automatic response for his hands to go to your hair, yanking at the nice blowout you had, wrecking it with no remorse. But you didn’t mind, you wanted to make him feel good and to always remember how you made him feel.
You were starting to gag on his dick, but you weren’t gonna back down that easily. The watery feeling you knew all too well started in your eyes. Tears began trickling down your flushed cheeks, undoubtedly taking your mascara along with them. 
“You’re a mess, baby. I fucking love it. Such a dirty whore for me.” 
You took him out of your mouth for a moment, trying to get a little air, continuing to pump him with your hand. He looks down to you, wiping a tear from your face. “You’re so fucking sexy, y/n.” 
“Get up.” You say forcefully.
“What?” He shoots you a confused look, brows furrowing. 
“I said get up. Lay in the middle of the bed.”
Without any further questioning Josh moved back so he was at the center of the bed. You begin to climb on top of him and turn so your pussy was hovering above his face. 
“Are you gonna finish the job Josh?” Before you could respond he pulled you down onto his face, leaving little to no room for air. It was time for you to finish the job for him, as well. 
You leaned down taking him into your mouth again, knowing it can’t be too long until he's gonna cum. The feeling beneath you though was becoming a distraction for what you had to do. You were moaning onto his cock, which led to vibrations that you knew would make him moan back. It was becoming a match of who would cum first. Both of you were so close to finishing, you were beginning to meet your climax. 
“I’m gonna cum y/n, move your mouth.”
Does he not know who you are?
“y/n, move your fucking mouth,” he repeats.
You bob your head faster and faster before you feel warm fluid hit the back of your throat. 
“Oh fuck baby, you’re so fucking hot sucking up my cum.” He wasn’t going to waste anymore time. You sucked up the rest of him before swallowing it. You lifted your body up, bracing yourself on the bed beneath you. Josh’s tongue began to pick up the pace, his hands digging into your hips, and you were really feeling it. 
“FUCK, Im gonna cum Josh don’t stop please.”
Within seconds you felt a wash of pleasure all over your body, riding out the high on his face. 
You pull yourself off him and lay beside him. He’s  silent for a moment before turning and looking at you.
“You’re a fucking slut you know that? God damn.” His hand trails gently along your thigh.
You smile thinking about, “Yeah I know, this slut made you cum though, hard.”
He rolls over kissing you hard, threading his hand through your hair.
“Do you wanna, uh, stay the night?”
You thought about it. Your first class wasn’t until 12 anyways. Plus you could always go back to your room beforehand. 
“I mean if you really want me to. I don’t want to intrude or anything.”
“I do, I really do. You’re not intruding at all. Plus, I wouldn’t want you to have to walk back after all of that.”
You smile before getting up to look at yourself in the mirror in his room. Holy shit. You looked like a mess. Your hair was absolutely destroyed, knotted and messy. Makeup was smeared all over your face and mascara was trailed all down your cheeks. Your skin is bruised with fresh hickeys. You were a nightmare. Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the sluttiest of them all. You. Definitely you.
“How could you look at me, I look insane Josh.” You begin to walk back over to the bed.
“What are you talking about, you look so fucking hot. I thought I mentioned that many times.” You both laughed before he got up. 
“Do you need something to sleep in?”
“Yeah that would be good, do you just have a shirt and shorts, or even boxers? I don't really care.
He nods before picking out some blue gingham boxers and an oversized Michigan t-shirt. You slip them over your body and make your way to the bathroom before freshening up. 
You quickly wash your face off with some warm water and try to brush down your hair as much as possible. When you come back out and make your way back into his room he isn’t there. 
“I'm in the kitchen y/n.” You turn your head and walk down the hallway and to the right into the very small kitchen where Josh got two glasses of water, handing one to you. 
“You know with how well you did tonight I would have thought you were a whore yourself, or is that something you like to keep to yourself?” You look down to check your watch. 11:48, not too late but you were definitely getting sleepy after all of that.
He laughs making his way back to the living room sitting down long ways on the couch, where he once was. Not knowing where he wanted you to sit, you took the safe choice and sat down next to his feet.
“I mean I’ve had my fair share, but nothing crazy.” You take a sip of his water before placing it on the end table and grabbing the remote to click “Continue Playing” on the TV. He turned around and grabbed the blanket that was across the back of the couch. 
“Are you scared of me or something, after all of that? If anything I should be scared of you.” You laughed and laid your head in his chest. He flung the blanket up so it was on top of both of you.
“What time do you have to be up tomorrow?” You asked. 
“Well I have a class at 11 so I have an alarm set for 10.”
“Okay, I’ll just wake up when you do so I can go back to my room and get ready for class. I’ll be right back. I'm just gonna text my roommate that I won’t be back.” 
He nods, picking up the blanket to let you go pass. You quickly scurry back to his room and just let Charlotte know that you’d be back tomorrow morning to walk with her to your class that you have together. 
As you leave the hallways you’re met in the middle with someone you hadn’t seen all night, Jake. You didn’t even hear the door open. 
He looks at you, noticing the shirt you had on, making his eyebrows go up. You begin to go around him before you are stopped. “You could do better, I’ll be here when you're ready for the treatment you deserve.” He whispers. You stare at him for a moment before making your way back into the living room. 
Josh is laughing at whatever just happened on the show and he happily lifts the blanket for you to get back under. 
“You could do better, I’ll be here when you're ready for the treatment you deserve.”
What is up with these Kiszka men? You brush off what Jake had said to you, remembering that as if now you’re Josh’s. As you watch the show you begin to doze off. Your eyes closed and had to force them to stay open, and Josh playing with your hair was making it harder. You decided that it was definitely time to just call it quits and sleep. You lift your head to Josh who was intently watching the screen. How is he not tired? 
“Goodnight Josh, thank you for tonight.” You press a kiss onto his lips. You could feel a smile forming beneath yours. 
“Night y/n, I’m glad you had a good night. Sleep well mama.” Pressing one final kiss into your head. 
With that you were out like a light, sleeping the best you had in a while. Dreaming about the night you had and the future that will come.
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @slut4lando @gvfmarge @peaceloveunitygvf @mar-rein12 @jjwasneverhere @areuirish @mar-rein12
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
So I just got back from the theater watching demon slayer and I have thoughts about Tanjiro!Sanji.
There are demons in the OP world and there is a demon slayer corps that Mihawk and Sanji are a part of. Mihawk is a Hashira and claimed the title of world's greatest swordsman from a demon. Sanji goes through all the training and is technically a fully fledged member but there's been a dwindling number of demons for years, Sanji hasn't been called away for a mission since Baratie. Having just got back a week before joining the crew. He retired during the two year time skip due to realizing helping Luffy is his main priority and demons aren't really a problem anymore.
Sanji does have Tanjiro's nose and he is suffering. Then he notices Zoro starts smelling different thanks to his Asura form. Sure he's the Demon of the East Blue but it's just a name. Though he did crawl back from Hell to kill Sanji. Then a crow appears on the Sunny and appears to be following Sanji and then departs a few hours later. Sanji stares after it and smiles brightly at the crew. It's the first time he's been visited by one since retiring.
Robin mentions crows usually are warnings, foreboding messengers with ill intent. Sanji laughs and says he has a few extra things to do at the next island. When they get there he waits for everyone to be asleep before he goes looking. He runs into Mihawk and he thinks it shouldn't be a problem if it's the two of them. It's a small problem, it's an upper rank demon, something not seen in decades.
They're both beaten and bloody and the demon has gotten away because the sun is rising. The crow finds them and lets them know upper rank demons have been making appearances more often and that they are both needed at the head of the corps to discuss this. Sanji says he's retired and can't go back. His crew will freak out if he leaves again, but he'll take care of whatever he finds. He heads back to the Sunny when the crow assures him and Mihawk more members will be there by nightfall.
The crew is shocked to see Sanji come back in the state he's in. He waves it off and says it was just a small fight he accidentally got into. Zoro puffs a breath at him and they leave after breakfast. Chopper checks over Sanji and deems he'll live but needs to go on light duty. A few islands later Sanji and the others are out drinking and soon it's just him, Luffy, and Zoro walking back to the ship. Sanji had a guy feeling that told him to bring his sword and he smells it when they're on the way back he looks and -
It's a fucking kid. The demon is a fucking kid. It's an upper rank too. Sanji is staring at it wide eyed and Zoro tells him to leave the kid alone. The island is small and almost deserted so it's not like it can get lost and that's the problem. The demon smirks as spikes shoot out of a hand it raises that Sanji manages to stop. Luffy and Zoro look fully and Luffy asks what's wrong with the kid as they take fighting stances.
"So these are the two students of Dracule Mihawk? A retiree and a half demon?" The child sneers.
"Don't know what you're talking about kid. You should go home before picking a fight you can't win." Zoro warns but the demon moves in a blink of an eye and Zoro barely blocks the sharp claws of the kid.
They fight and Zoro and Luffy don't understand why this kid is so strong, why it's not going down. Sanji is trying to get them to leave because he doesn't want them to get hurt by a fucking demon. Luffy grabs the kid around the waist and yelps in surprise when the kid splits in half and then regenerates.
"Woah, what kinda devil fruit is that?" Luffy asks.
"I'm a demon, not a devil fruit user like you!" The kid shouts and Sanji starts using his breathing forms so Zoro and Luffy get hit with a one two punch of demons and Sanji's sword skills. It would be great if there were more demon corps members here, active or not, to take this thing. Sanji tells them they have to behead it and Luffy and Zoro are like 'were not killing a kid' and Sanji doesn't have time to explain it's not a kid and hasn't been for years.
Sanji eventually gets a hit to the demon's neck but his sword is stuck even with breathing techniques so he kicks it. He hates himself for it, but it works in actually decapitating the thing and the body starts turning to ash. He picks up his sword and winces it the nicks in the blade. Sanji explains what happened on the Sunny after Luffy gets everyone.
"Wait, how come that kid knew Mihawk? And why the hell did it say he had two students?" Zoro asks.
"Right, see, I was raised by him and I joined the corps but I retired." Sanji explains.
"Corps?" Robin asks.
"Yeah, there's a whole multi island years long training thing to go through to kill demons." Sanji nods.
"And you did it?" Nami asks.
"For a few years."
"The World Government must sanction it then." Usopp says.
"No, it exists outside the government, we think they know demons are real and just act like they're nocturnal devil fruit users." Sanji shrugs.
"Why?" Franky asks.
"Well, demons get stronger with the more humans they eat. Devil fruit users get stronger the more they train and those can look really similar." Sanji answers.
"Can you have a devil fruit user who is a demon?" Robin asks.
"Ya know, that's not something we ever experimented with but I'll write a letter." Sanji grimaces.
"Yeah get to that, swirls." Zoro grunts.
"At least I don't smell like demon." Sanji shoots back and ignores the questions about that. A few days later a crow lands on the railing next to Sanji who blinks at it.
"You and your crew have been requested to come to the masters island at once or you will be brought by force." The crow says.
"I'm retired!" Sanji yells at it.
"Mihawk and the master will be waiting." The crow says before flying away as Sanji screams and sets his legs on fire.
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yours-trulyy · 3 months
gonna post all of my omori headcanons right here before i forget lol. spoilers obviously just be warned. n yes i ship kimbrey be afraid (/hj) this isss a work in progress which is why basils section is barely done
👤 :: before incident
👥 :: after incident
🫂 :: post ending (good/bad ending is stated)
ahem so
{ he / him (cisgender male) ,, bisexual (not aware) }
— nicknames :: sunny-d, sun-sun, sunshine (he hates all of these nicknames (besides sunshine since MARI used to call him that)
— allergic to peanuts and has asthma
— obviously has some sort of ptsd + selective mutism
— 👤 :: loves coloring books (KEL found him coloring in an old preschool coloring book but SUNNY said he thinks coloring books are for kids.)
— 👤 :: loves bracelets ,, mainly because AUBREY would make him a bunch that he has an entire box of all sorts of bracelets.
— 👤 :: loves capri-suns. hands down.
— 👤 :: hates movie theater seats because he claims their sticky and wet and just smell weird. he loves movies though.
— 👤 :: hates the smell of rubbing alcohol and nail polish. he only likes very specific perfume scents but he doesnt like too much either (he’s very picky when it comes to perfume because of his sister)
— 👤 :: literally only got into Disney because AUBREY was into it. (his favorite disney movie is the princess and the frog change my mind)
— 👥 :: SUNNY took MARI’s polo and V-Neck sweater and it fit him perfectly. he had to improvise on the bottom though so he also took MARI’s old shorts. SUNNY’s mom took her tie without him knowing though so he thinks it’s lost.
— 👥 :: still wears a few bracelets that AUBREY gave him years back. (she forgot about them so it was a shocker that he still kept them all these years)
— 👥 :: he’s in denial about AUBREY dating KIM, but he genuinely doesn’t have a crush on her anymore because of how much she’s changed.
{ she / they (demigirl) ,, lesbian (aware + in a relationship) }
— nicknames :: aubs ,, aubergine
— not allergic to anything but despises sea food
— badd anger issues
— 👤 :: made bracelets for everyone. she had a hyperfixation on bracelets for some reason.
— 👤 :: totally oblivious to SUNNY’s crush on them even though everyone kept telling her.
— 👤 :: definitely thought that she was weird for liking girls and never told anyone.
— 👤 :: made matching bracelets for her and MARI (MARI got pink and they got purple)
— 👤 :: mari was the one who gave them the bracelet kit in the first place (she still has it)
— 👥 :: still wears their matching bracelet with MARI even though she’s gone
— 👥 :: has a secret cosplaying obsession but only kim knows about it. they went to a convention out of town and absolutely adored it
— 👥 :: loves music, definitely a TV Girl fan. (i can see her loving the heavy metal and like emo/scene genre)
— 👥 :: paints her nails with KIM (they match, AUBREY does pink and KIM does blue.)
— 👥 :: had gotten MARI’s old clothes as hand-me-downs since MARI’s mom noticed how she would always wear the same outfit everyday.
— 👥 :: has a total of 13 sketchbooks and counting, loves drawing.
{ he / him (trans ftm) ,, bisexual (aware) }
— has no nicknames (deadname : Kelsie)
— lactose intolerance but somehow still unaware despite thousands of times throwing up from a single drop of milk
— has ADHD
— probably is on the spectrum of autism
— 👤 :: definitely had a sonic/mario phase as a kid,, he was obsessed with pokemon (specifically charzard) when he was like 8 and still has a small interest in it now
— 👤 :: would slap AUBREY in the face with any sticky hand he could get his hands on
—👤 :: being trans is one of the reasons why his parents neglect him besides the fact that he’ll “never meet their standards.”
— 👤 :: hates how much HERO smothers him with gifts.
— 👤 :: His parents deadname him and he actively states he’s uncomfortable with it but his parents genuinely do not care at all.
— 👥 :: HERO would genuinely still be the only one supporting KEL. Examples: showing up to his basketball games, buying him a new basketball, getting him new shoes, just overall doing what his parents never wanted to do.
— 👥 :: KEL was actually really excited.. not really more than excited when the friend group got back together. He had felt completely alone since AUBREY, SUNNY, HERO, and MARI were gone all from their own circumstances so all he had was BASIL.
{ he / him (cismale) ,, hetero + aromantic (active ally) }
— has no nicknames (besides the name HERO itself) except MARI’s few nicknames (Examples: “Good Lookin’, My Hero in Shining Armor, etc)
— allergic to pollen ,, he has to take a lot of medication just to come over to see KEL
— probably has OCD but doesn’t have the time to get professionally diagnosed due to how busy he is with college.
— a very active supporter of the LGBTQ+ community because of his brother.
— 👤 :: hates how his parents never cared about his brother at all, they didn’t put an effort for him.
— 👤 :: has a small collection of pins for some reason. he’s the type to collect little things because he finds them fun.
— 👤 :: loves going out on picnics. when the group all went out on a picnic together for the first time HERO discovered his own personal liking to them.
— 👤 :: planned out his entire life with MARI one day. They said they would go to college and share a dorm, then work together and make enough money to travel the world together and start a family of their own.
— 👤 :: MARI was genuinely everything to him and he loved spending time with her.
— 👤 :: secretly an astrology and dungeons and dragons geek but never really told anyone
— 👥 :: HERO was actually the one who put in the most money to get KEL his transition surgery.
— 👥 :: buys KEL anything he wants. like literally anything. before he was saving his money to have a family but now he just wants to make his brother happy.
— 👥 :: every christmas HERO would get KEL a lot. like literally shower him in things he would probably never use in exchange for getting at least one A or even a B in one of his classes.
— 👥 :: KEL’s personal tutor. HERO was able to explain concepts that were actually understandable.
— 👥 :: sometimes when HERO needs a break from school (which is rare) he’ll come over for a day or two and just check in with KEL. they usually play games or go to the park like usual.
— 👥 :: doesn’t really care for social media that much besides for family. he made a Facebook account that hasn’t been posted in for a few years.
— 👥 :: definitely goes (or tries to) to every one of KEL’s basketball games and he’s always the loudest one there. KEL would always be embarrassed when HERO would cheer KEL on.
{ any prns (he/him pref, genderfluid) ,, demiromantic + pan }
— nicknames :: flower boy (literally only used once, he doesn’t have any nicknames besides that)
— allergic to soy and lactose intolerant
— obviously has ptsd + social anxiety
— 👤 :: doess have his ears pierced and he has a few sets of earrings thanks to MARI and HERO during christmas.
— 👤 :: he used to be obsessed with bugs when he was younger but that transformed to an obsession with plants.
— 👤 :: he has a really reallyy bad habit of biting his nails.
— 👤 :: hes thought about growing fruits (specifically watermelon) but never really invested in the idea
— 👤 :: has a secret tumblr blog (i can imagine him roleplaying)
— 👤 :: definitely on top of all of his classes, he gets all A’s and when he doesn’t he feels bad
{ she/her (cisfem) ,, hetero (active ally) }
— no nicknames surprisingly (but does tease others with their nicknames)
— not allergic to anything
— has really bad OCD
— 👤 :: always told the gang that once she gets a car she would drive the gang everywhere. (she specifically told AUBREY that as soon as she got her car they could go for a girls day and she could finally get her ears pierced and they would get matching earrings.)
— 👤 :: AUBREY and her were secret gossip buddies like they always would fill each other in with whats going on.
— 👤 :: had a small obsession with nail polish (and by small i mean she had an entire box of just nail polish, this is why SUNNY doesn’t like the smell of it or immense perfume)
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amphiptere-art · 3 months
I woke up. My brain remember this again so I need to put it down somewhere.
Little theory about the DCA. So. Everyone knows there's this weird moon / daycare section near parts and service. It's what you go into to get the security pass. So you can fix, and help Freddy after Moon kidnaps him. They're literally is this giant hallway full of fake mini daycares and tons of moon merch and posters.
Not a spic of sun. At least if we're not looking at the sunny rolling hills and rainbows. I'll go make sure to have a double check. But from my memory there's nothing sun related in that tunnel. The only thing related to Sun in those tunnels. Is the fact that it seems to be going off of the day themes of the daycare. There's only that one specific room that contains the nightmare Marion plush That seems to be specifically themed towards starry night.
So I had a question when I was playing through the section. I was technically terrified of the endows the entire time. And also having much fun breaking their AI by stepping on boxes. But. I asked myself why there would be so much moon merch Specifically in this fake daycare.
Think about it. Why have this sunny day daycare, But only have moon merch around? It's themed like it's supposed to be during the day. There's only little things that are based around night. But there's not an image of sun anywhere. Just moon. And I started to question to myself. Was moon first?
Now Moon being first could be a lot of things. It could just be moon being the original AI that was split. It could just be that moon was the first AI made before sun. It could be moon was just the one they were merchandising first, before wacky things happened with his design and model. But I find it interesting that moon might have been first. At least in merchandising. But perhaps other places.
Imagine what pieces we have under that connotation. Because I think right now. The natural thought is that moon was second. Whether you are going off of the theater theory that moon was that secret evil personality, and sun was the base. Or perhaps you're just going off of the fact that maybe Moon only came from the virus, and so he's second in that scenario too.
But like imagine this idea that moon was the original and sun wasn't. Moon was the original theater person and sun was only brought up for the daycare. Imagine if it was moon that was taken over by the virus and sun was the one pushed out of the way as like the unneeded emotions or something. Being a baby AI in those moments.
It's an interesting twist. Either way you put it. Moon has been around longer. Or at least he was supposed to. He was probably the one manufactured as a little endo in those mini daycare hallways. He was probably the one down there. Not Sun. Sun came after. Or at least wasn't present when they were making those hallways and merch. It's an interesting little add-on to remember.
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