#sunset talks biology
sunset-peril · 5 months
I actually tend to hc that all the Links are descended from another at some point.
However, what do you think about epigenetics being a viable reason for such?
You mean epigenetics being the reason they all are similar? Or that epigenetics is the reason they're all descendants of each other? I'm not sure I understand the question.
However, considering that epigenetics regards the condensed-ness (that's not a word but oh well) of the histones and the DNA wrapped around them and that most epigenetic changes are extremely reversible due to being caused by environmental stimuli (the only epigenetic changes that are permanent being CpG methylations in gene promoters, because those control cell differentiation.), I don't think epigenetics would leave a permanent mark on all Links as a whole. If Twilight Princess was Ocarina of Time's grandson or great-grandson, then that would be the only time I could see epigenetics playing a role in more than one Link. However, I think the rest of them are too far apart in the bloodline to have any real epigenetic effect on each other. Generally, epigenetic changes have been reversed after two or three generations, unless whatever stimuli that caused the original modification was persistent. (We used diabetic rats and poor/proper dieting for this study, and research on psychological epigenetics is still very new)
Although now that you mention this, I am curious to see how epigenetics would play a role in BotW/TotK's children.
I hope that answers the question!
For me I definitely hc that Skyward, Ocarina, Twilight Princess and BotW/TotK being all relatives (BotW being descended from TP literally being a foundational piece in my lore). I just don't know enough about the rest of them to decide for the rest of them.
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shirecorn · 1 year
Shirecorn's Ponyverse Masterpost
So for the last 2 months I've fixated on doing redesigns based somewhat loosely on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've had so much fun filling in the gaps and extrapolating until my version is less of a redesign and more of an AU.
"Ponies" are three species of sentient hoofed creatures that populate Equestria. They worship giant goddesses that fill the sky and ferry the moon and sun across the world.
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Could you tell us about grumpy cat Leona in the nonhuman au?
Rubs hands together.
The big grumpy meow-meow that doesn't meow.
Has toe beans and the fur on his body is the same color as his ears and tail.
Ruggie was a little worried at first about you two getting together cuz of possible extra work or you replacing him for stuff, meaning less money to earn but, nah. You keep Leona from overworking him and actually help Ruggie with a lot of things. He is pleased.
It doesn't happen often, but he may roar in his sleep, and this is a real lion roar. He can sleep through it but you and everyone else in the dorm sure as hell can’t. He gets pissy if you wake him up to stop or go to sleep somewhere else. He will also lick you in his sleep.
It doesn't matter how small you are, he will straight up lay on you and smother you when he feels like it.
He won't tell you but man he loves your praise. So, keep praising his looks, strength, and intelligence. You are probably the only thing that makes him want to put the effort into showing off. It becomes mandatory for you to come to his Spelldrive matches, please, do it for the good of the school.
He’s actually really good about not nicking you with his claws.
Loves to bite, nibble, and scrape his fangs against your skin.
When he first brings you home the first thing his brother blurts out is “Why are they small?” His wife of course scolds him and tells him “You can't just ask humans why they're small!”
Scents you as soon as you are out of the shower, he will also stare right at the person you're talking to as he rubs his chin against the top of your head, scenting you in public.
You will groom his main for him.
He refuses to call your petting...well petting. He keeps calling it grooming. He will be demanding that you do it though. Kind of like those cats that yell and head bonk you until you do it, except he will straight up lay his whole body on you if you try ignoring it. I hope you like being smothered by big meaty lion-man tits.
Leona has lots of good traits but let's all remember that, in canon, Leona in plain terms: is an arrogant and domineering man who’s as prideful as he is lazy. He tends not to waste his energy on those he deems inferior to him and is only willing to cooperate with others if it benefits him in some way. In the same vein, he puts little to no effort into activities that don’t interest him, like when it comes to his studies.
Now don’t get me wrong, he's also the type to see it as unfair and demeaning to treat others differently based on their inherent status, and wants to compete with others on a level playing field. Still, we've seen he isn’t above using underhanded tactics to ensure success. The guy is willing to do whatever it takes to prove himself as a worthy leader, the dominant lion, even if it means playing dirty.
Also stated on the wiki “Leona has stated he is intimidated by the women of the Sunset Savanna because they are much physically stronger and more strong-willed than the men, including himself. Ruggie corroborates this statement. This follows the biology of many savanna animals, such as lions and hyenas, wherein the females are hunters and typically dominant in nature.” and “It's only at Night Raven College, where he's treated as an equal, that Leona attempts to seek the dominion he cannot achieve back home.” 
Now add the extra dominance stuff that goes on with regular lions and add THAT onto a now even more beast-like Leona with his personality and with him actively looking to achieve that dominance plus you being a weak magicless human in a world of big strong beasts. You are not gonna be the one leading this relationship, even if you identify as a girl, cuz you are not a Sunset Savanna one.
Of course, Leona respects you though, he wouldn't have taken you as his mate if he didn't but…he’s a dick.
Now, your role? He expects certain to go like in the wild. You and him are your own pride with Ruggie and Jack being unofficial members. You know how Ruggie brings him food? That’s your task now. “Male lions defend the pride’s territory while females do most of the hunting.” Doesn't matter if you're a dude and…Ha, no he doesn't expect you to actually hunt. But he’s gonna want you to bring him food. (he gives you the money for it and then some, get yourself something nice) Expect his head on your lap, a pleased grin on his face as you hand-feed him.
If you tell him he went too far he’ll back off but…really likes comparing you to him, but in ways that show that he’s bigger and stronger. Teases you about being a weak little herbivore and how easy it would be to eat you.
His tongue has a bit of a rough texture but not nearly as rough as a regular lion's so you don't have to worry about the meat being scraped from your bones by it when he intensely grooms you.
(Talking about his junk and lion mating facts below)
Another thing he shares with his animal counterpart is penile spines, also known as barbs, luckily for you, lion beastmen evolved enough to wear they aren't the painful kind and are more like small nubs. Though they do have a similar reaction of stimulation ovulation and form a “genital lock”, basically it has a cat version of a knot. So, quickies aren't gonna be as quick and you will be subjected to mandatory after-sex cuddles.
As for the whole “going into heat” thing, female lions are only receptive to mating for a brief period, usually lasting three to four days, and they will go at it every 20-30 minutes for as long as the heat lasts. Humans don't go into heat, but the cooch havers do ovulate, which beastmen can in fact smell and will take this as you going into heat and he, unless told no, will react accordingly. Though…even with how he is it would be funny if it’s one of the times instincts kick in cuz…the thing is female lions can be pretty damn aggressive about it so imagine it’s the first time and he’s just laying there expectantly and looking annoyed, wondering why you haven't hopped on top of him and ravaged him yet.
Though another thing with lions is males will mount another male to excerpt dominance so imagine talking too much shit and you end up getting pinned down and humped by a pissed-off Leona.
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melanieph321 · 1 month
Ruben Dias x Reader - Summer Fling Part 10/10 Epilogue
A damn shame. But summer must come to an end. ☀️
Thank you to everyone who read this story. I'm very grateful for all of you! ❤️
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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Summary - Reader has landed a research job at a marine biology lab in Portugal. She is, therefore, staying with her sister and her sister's Portuguese boyfriend for the summer holidays. There she meets Ruben Dias who is on vacation with his friends after the 2024 Euros. However, the two meet under the circumstances in which Ruben believes that Reader is a prostitute.
Enjoy ☀️
It was odd. In Australia, August meant the beginning of spring, there after summer. But here in Portugal, the summer was coming to an end. Yes, you were still Portugal bound. Now more in a city called Amadora, where the evening sunsets cast a beautiful silhouette over the wholesome city.
"What are you thinking about?"
Ruben's chest vibrated against your back. The two of you were seated on the balcony of his parents' house, watching another day come to an end.
"I should probably call my sister." You sighed.
"Right now?"
"Yeah, she should be on her way from the hospital by now."
It was remarkable how the summer had unfolded. You came to Portugal with the hopes of boosting your academic portfolio, only to end up in a trafficking scheme in honor of the world's population of pufferfish. Thank god Gavin's bullet had spared Diogo's arteries, giving him another chance in life. Too bad a part of that life would be spent behind bars after his accomplices to Gavin's crimes. Nevertheless, your sister didn't care. She was in love and swore to stick by her man's side, even if it meant raising that man's child alone. Another thing that wasn't on your summer bingo card: becoming an aunt. However, it was another excuse for you to return to Portugal next summer and the summers after that.
"I think my mom would also want to talk to her. You know, to see if she needs anything."
"Thank you, Ruben, really. But your family has already done so much by letting us stay here for the remainder of the summer. I think it's time that my sister and I figure things out on our own."
His chest rose against your back as he exhaled. "So this is the end, then?"
"Of summer? I'm afraid so."
"What if I don't want the summer to end?"
You smiled, hearing the stubbornness in Ruben's voice. You turned to look at him, his features soft in the velvet sun.
"What if I don't want us to end." He said.
You perked up and kissed him, the kiss soft but hard at the same time. 
Ruben captured your face in his hands, attempting to draw you further into him. However, if you let him, you would never be able to recover from the heartbreak.
"Ruben." His name escaped your lips. A whisper. One that drew him out of his momentarily daze.
"Yes?" Ruben's eyes batted slowly, his eyelashes enviously long.
"Could you love someone you've just met?"
The question startled him. "I...I don't know."
You nodded, the answer expected. You couldn't love someone you've just met, especially not a summer fling. At least not without it being artificial, not to mention cynically cliché.
"But I want to...try."
You perked up, his voice fueling your hopes.
"I really like you, Y/N. It's just that....I've got to go back to England. and asking you to come with me—"
"Would be too fast." You smiled through the welling tears. Ruben was quick with his thumb, catching the thread of water before it escaped your eyes. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple. A promise that what you've experienced this summer wasn't all bound to become a traumatic therapy session later in life. His soft lips grazing your ear was a confirmation that summer flings were real. Summer flings were something precious, worth remembering. But like every August, a summer fling must come to an end.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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qtkat · 1 year
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being childhood friends with the main four would include..
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gender: female (she/her)
warnings: none, other than it’s south park
request: no lol
a/n: this is my first time posting my fanfiction, so please be kind with any criticism! x <3
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- being one of the only people eric can genuinely get along with
- because let’s be real, if he were to let a girl in his main friend group he’d definitely have to actually like you
- and if even eric likes you, the others definitely love you
- you’re really close with all of them, picking up kenny and karen with your shitty car every morning, slacking off and talking about whatever with stan in first period, rating the day’s school lunch with eric (you both take this very seriously), and letting kyle coach you through your biology homework after school
- you’re really the glue to their broship, because without you there kyle would’ve definitely dropped eric at some point and they would’ve split up the whole group
- but don’t worry, they don’t argue as much as they used to in elementary and middle school
- ironically you all have one period together, ap history with mr. garrison
- it’s definitely your favorite time of the day because you get to see all your favorite people at once
- it’s also definitely not mr. garrison’s favorite time of day, he’s hated you little gremlins since fourth grade (and you can’t really blame him)
- outside of school you try to see them as much as possible
- you definitely see kenny the most, he loves just hanging out at your house so he doesn’t have to be at his own
- he even takes karen with him sometimes, and you love babysitting her together and going out to hang around south park
- if you smoke you guys get blazed together all the time (it’s tegridy weed he steals from stan’s house when he’s there)
- whenever you’re just chilling with your other friends (like bebe or wendy) he comes up to you throughout the day to ask if you want to have a smoke break with him
- if you don’t smoke he definitely tries to blow the smoke away from your face as much as he can
- you’re his trip sitter
- he’s also visited you as mysterion, kind of like how they do in miraculous (if you catch my drift)
- you’ve definitely bragged about being friends with mysterion before, much to eric’s dismay
- speaking of eric’s dismay, he’s the most jealous friend you’ll ever have
- “who took that picture of you” “why aren’t you free this weekend?” “why won’t you go to casa bonita with me” “why do you hang out with that loser anyways” ALL. DAY. LONG.
- he loves hanging out with you alone the most so no one steals your attention away from him
- he likes people knowing you guys are friends since he thinks you’re cool (and honestly he just wants people to think he’s cool too, he cares)
- you don’t call him fatass and he really appreciates it, he doesn’t say it though
- you need to pick up a lot of the love you get from eric like context clues since he doesn’t ever really say it out loud
- also liane LOVES YOU
- she sees you as a good influence on her son
- she’s also the type to try and get you to eat over every time you come over (which i also see sheila doing)
- speaking of sheila she’d definitely invite you to celebrate hanukkah with the broflovskis, it became a yearly thing
- kyle and you are study buddies since he doesn’t want you to fail and stay a class behind
- he gets angry when he gets sad, and you can deal with that really well, you calm him down really easily
- you guys have deep conversations whenever you’re alone together
- you hang together on the roof of your house and watch the sunset while talking about the meaning of life or some shit LMAO
- if you also have textured hair you guys would have joint wash days and it’s so cute
- and 80% of the time you’re with kyle stan is there too
- not that you mind
- if you play and instrument you have definitely written music together with stan
- and even if you don’t you love hearing him play, you’re his number one fan
- jam sessions in his barn >>>
- i feel like i’m one of the only people who isn’t a football stan truther, like he’s literally a little nerd who plays guitar
- he plays warhammer with you if you’re into board games, and you guys get really into it together
- that first period chat i mentioned earlier? yeah definitely filled with your character lore and shit
- stan loves hanging out at your house to get away from his dad, honestly yours and eric’s houses are just the general hang out spots for the gang
- whenever you guys hang out with the five of you it’s mostly video games and chilling with food
- subsections of the group are definitely you/stan/kyle and you/kenny/eric (even though eric doesn’t like sharing you he gets really bad FOMO anytime he’s not there)
- whenever you hang with kenny and eric it’s filled with immature jokes, and probably weed too
- idk i just see kenny getting high 24/7 and i feel like eric would try smoking at least once
- kyle and stan won’t try weed, since stan hates it and kyle promised not to try weed to stan when randy bought tegridy farms
- and because butters is basically a bonus member of the group you’d definitely also be friends with him
- you, kenny and butters make the best trio ever, you guys have so much fun
- butters deserves someone sweet in his life and you two are definitely that to him
- whenever he’s working you and kenny just hang around the whole day in a booth, sometimes kyle comes over too to help you study a bit
- willy chilly’s is a hang out spot too, it seems so nice in the summer
- in conclusion you and the boys have a great friendship, and you have ever since you were young! it’s so cute honestly
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joshsindigostreak · 4 months
Running Through the Garden
“Periwinkle: Early and sincere friendships, tender recollections.” - Language of Flowers
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Werewolf!Danny Wagner x Werewolf!OC
Danny Wagner knew, no matter what path he walked in life it would always lead back to what he was born to do: lead his Pack for not only his generation, but his future children’s generation as well. He didn’t talk about it, but it was in the back of his mind at all times. A ticking clock to his destiny. He thought going to college with his best friend Sam would take his mind off of it, but all it took was a Full Moon, round golden eyes, and a flash of auburn fur to remind him that he can’t keep running from it forever. But would she be willing to run with him?
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Authors Note: Hello! This is the prologue to Danny’s story, and the final piece to the ISHIYE universe puzzle. I hope y’all enjoy going on Danny’s journey with me! ❤️
*Set in the ISHIYE universe but can be read independently. It���ll run the closest to O, Pioneers but it’ll be different enough to where you can still read it by itself if you prefer. There will be cross references from the other fics but I promise it won’t be confusing.
Word Count: 3,057
Warnings: Descriptions of bodily transformations, slight body horror if you squint, language, descriptions of blood and anima death.
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His best friend's hand was resting over the center console, ready to take everything that rested in Danny’s pockets and keep them safe for the night. He gently placed his wallet, cellphone, and half of a granola bar in Sam’s hand. 
Sam gave pause at the granola, but packed it all silently in the small bag he always kept everything in. Out of pure muscle memory, he reached into the bag and fished out a small velvet drawstring pouch. He pulled it open and offered it to Danny, letting him put any and all jewelry he had on at the moment inside; another possession that Sam would guard all night. 
“It’s getting darker earlier, I don’t want you cutting it close again,” Danny said softly from the passenger seat. 
Sam gave his best friend a look, and the side of his mouth slid up into a smile, “Daniel, I probably know the sunset times better than you do. I’ve got plenty of time to get back to the house.” 
“I know but traffic can be a bitch sometimes and I don’t want to worry about whether you’re indoors when it’s all…happening.” 
Every month, the same nerves creeped up on the young Wolf, and he wondered if they were just a permanent feature to his biology. The build up to sundown was arguably the worst part for him now, even if the physical part never got any easier. It was the same kind of anxiety one would get in middle school; not knowing if they were going to be chosen to read aloud next. Even with the windows up, he could hear every leaf rustle in the early fall wind. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the familiar trailhead that he always took. Well, to him it was a trailhead. To anyone beside him and Sam, it was just a narrow gap between a few trees on the side of the road. One probably wouldn’t even notice it if they weren’t looking for it. But the two friends always recognized the young Maple lazily leaning across the gap to its larger, and older sibling. 
Sam dramatically extended his arm to expose his watch on his wrist, “it's 6:57 PM, and sunset is scheduled for 7;46 PM, on the dot.” 
Danny always admired Sam’s confidence. He had the type of confidence that often blurred with arrogance, depending on who you asked.  When it came to Danny’s schedule, he took it more seriously than his own independent studies, which was saying something. He had spreadsheet after spreadsheet about weather patterns and sunrise/sunset times. Danny didn’t even have to look to know that there was an already worn out farmers almanac in the glovebox. Every year Sam would read the new one cover to cover, highlighting everything he found useful, his messy scrawl filling the margins with observations and reminders, all while tabbed with color coded sticky notes for quick reference. 
They rarely verbalized the sentence, ‘I love you,’ but this was one of the many ways Sam showed it. One could always know if Sam cared about them if he revealed he read up on anything you were interested in, or in Danny’s case, his species. The one convenient thing about Sam coming from a family of bloodline hunters was that he had plenty of literature at his disposal on whatever non-human species that caught his eye. The drawback was that most of the books in his house were written by other hunters, and thus were a little biased against other creatures. Sam had to unlearn a lot in the past few years, but he did so without question; because it was for Danny. 
“That's still cutting it close,” Danny warned. 
Sam smiled, wanting to lighten the mood for his friend, and held up three fingers like a boy scout, “I promise I will get back to the Manor as quickly as I can and get all the doors bolted shut from the inside and the curtains drawn, just in case. I’ll even break a few traffic laws, just for you.” 
Danny stared at him, trying not to smile, but Sam was infectious, and the corners of his mouth tilted up anyway. Before he could reply, his skin was starting to itch. He still had plenty of time to get into the woods, but those first few physical symptoms were like a ticking clock, and the anxiety crept back in. If he was starting to feel the pull of the Moon, the other Wolves in the area were too, and he wanted Sam home and in the Kiszka Fortress until sunrise. 
He glanced out the window again, before turning back to Sam, “I need to get going.” 
Sam’s expression sobered a little and he nodded, “I’ll see you in the morning?”
“Bright and early as usual,” the Wolf replied as he opened the car door and started to get out, 
Just as he was about to shut the door, Sam called out, “don’t eat too much deer tonight. It always fucks up your stomach the next day and you regret it.” 
It was a futile request, as Danny didn’t have much control once the Wolf took over, but he appreciated the sentiment anyway, “I’ll keep that in mind, Sam.” With that he shut the door, and backed up a few feet so Sam could drive off. 
The young scholar gave his best friend one of his classic closed mouth smiles, the slightest bit of worry crept into his large Sanpaku eyes, but he kept his promise and pulled his car away from the side of the road and sped off. 
Once Sam’s car was out of sight, Danny sighed and turned towards the woods. He began the slow walk into the trees. With each step, his skin got itchier and itcher, letting him know his body was preparing for its monthly ritual. The daylight was disappearing with each passing minute, and while there was still time, he started walking faster to get to his usual clearing.
After ducking under some low branches, and taking a few turns, said clearing came into view. It wasn’t massive, or much of anything, but it was a big enough space where he could strip down and get ready for what he was born to do. 
As he stripped, the nocturnal animals started to stir, ready for their own nights to begin. The birds were quieting down, but the insects were singing their songs as it was their stage now. A few stray fireflies started to twinkle around the edge of the clearing, as if they were waiting for him too. 
He folded his clothes as neatly as he could and walked them over to a small rock pile by a Red Oak. It was set up in such a way that he could safely hide his clothes until the next morning, and not worry about animals getting into them. Wolves are always taught to not shift while wearing anything. His mother always reminded him of how much of a waste of clothing it was, and that she wasn’t going to be buying him new jeans every month because he got lazy. 
Once everything was secured and hid away, he walked back to the center of the clearing. His gums were starting to feel weird, and his teeth felt wobbly. Not too much longer now. He looked up through the trees, seeing a tiny bit of fading orange sky. The hue turned into a grayish purple as he stared. The sun was bidding his farewell, holding the door open for the moon. 
The young Wolf took a few deep breaths through his nose, and tilted his head from side to side to crack his neck a couple times. He flexed his hands at his sides, knowing that he only had a few more minutes of being Danny, the humanoid lycanthrope, before surrendering to the Wolf within. They called themselves Wolves because they indeed fully transformed into the canines, It wasn’t like the movies where they would look like some weird hybrid. No once the night took over they looked just like any other wolf in the forest. Blending in with the wildlife was one of the main reasons their species remained safe from endangerment, but also kept humans ignorant to their existence. To humans Werewolves were urban legends and folklore, and they were determined to keep it that way. 
Finally, the sky was dark and the only light was provided from the precious Moon. She wasn’t directly above him just yet, but her presence was just as strong. Danny closed his eyes for a second, silently thanking her for all the blessings She bestows on his kind. Wolves weren’t religious in the way humans were, but there was a supernatural connection to nature and the Moon that was very real, and an intrinsic part of their lives. Some packs paid their respects more than others, and he happened to be born into one that never went a Full Moon without giving Her proper acknowledgement. 
He couldn’t see it obviously, but he knew as he opened his eyes that streaks of gold were invading his hazel irises. Instinctively he knelt down to the soft earth, crunching a few leaves beneath his knees. His body felt like it was vibrating now, and with a final sigh he surrendered to himself. It was time. 
The first snap of bone always knocked the breath out of him. 
It was his left wrist. 
It always started with the wrists.
His skeleton began to warp and ripple under his skin, and he fell forward to rest on his crooked arms. The pain was familiar like an old toxic friend. He begrudgingly welcomed it as he tried his best to relax. Stiffening up made it hurt even worse. 
The last thing Danny saw before the Wolf took over was his hands shrinking down and sprouting black fur. 
After a few tense moments, the sound of a Wolf’s howl joined in with the insects. 
It was time to Run.  
Two crows were cawing in the tree above him, and their calls roused him from sleep.  Every muscle in his body felt like jello, and he had at least a dozen different aches in his body. The grass beneath him was soft and dewy, and the chilly air provided a little comfort to his sore muscles. He kept his eyes closed for a little while longer, wanting a few extra minutes before he had to get up and make his way back to the side of the road. 
But after a few moments, Danny rolled over on his back, flexing his wrists and stretching his arms. His eyes fluttered open, and the sky was just shades of pink and purple, letting him know that it was a little after daybreak, and that he had time to get back to his clothes. He slowly sat up and looked around, recognizing the field he was in. This was a common place for him to wake up, and he always figured the Wolf liked laying down on the soft grass before ending the night. After one last look around to make sure he was alone, Danny stood up and turned back to the woods.
The walk back to the clearing didn’t take long, and when Danny arrived at his little safe spot he was already fantasizing about the shower he was going to take as soon as he got home. He quickly fetched his clothes and shook everything out to make sure no dirt or bugs were still clinging to the various fabrics. The feeling of normalcy crept up as he finished tying his shoes. With one last look at the clearing he turned towards the trail he knew like the back of his hand and started to make his way towards the edge of the woods near the road. 
By the time he stepped out of the trees the sun had fully risen, and the soft morning light gently touched on his freckled face. The first thing the Wolf spotted was his best friend's car, parked in the same exact spot it had been parked the previous night. Sam was sitting in the driver’s seat, his long hair pulled up into a messy bun, sipping what Danny knew to be medium roasted coffee from a thermos and a book propped up against the steering wheel. 
As he nearly jogged over to the car, Sam spotted him out of the corner of his eye and turned, giving him a warm smile as he yanked the door open and plopped into the seat a little harder than intended. There was a comfortable silence in that car, as neither one of them were morning people and didn’t need to fill the seconds with mindless chatter. No, the two friends could sit next to each other without speaking a word and be happy. 
Sam reached down to the cup holder and pulled up another thermos, another batch of coffee he made just for Danny. After having the same routine for over a decade, he knew exactly what Danny wanted the mornings after a Full Moon. He liked a lot of sugar in his coffee to get most of the taste of the wild out of his mouth, with a splash of cream for texture. As he handed it over to his best friend, his large sleepy eyes focused on Danny’s face. 
Danny took the thermos quickly, immediately unscrewing the lid and taking a large gulp, not caring if it was too hot or not. He felt Sam’s eyes on him as he turned to his left. One thing about Sam’s eyes is that they never stopped analyzing anything. Even if he never shared what he was thinking about,  you knew he was lost in thought, picking apart whatever was on his mind. 
“...what?” Danny questioned. 
“You have…umm..some…,” he brought a finger up to his mouth and pointed to the side, indicating Danny had something on his face. 
Danny pulled down the sun visor and looked in the mirror, only to find he had a large stain of blood from the side of his mouth, down his jaw and onto his neck.
“Oh god,” he sighed in annoyance. 
Before the Wolf could do anything about it, Sam was already reaching into the center console for the small pack of wet wipes he stored in there, just for situations like this. Danny gladly took it from him and instantly went to scrub the blood off his face. 
“I hope it was only one deer last night and not your usual three,” Sam chided while taking another sip of his coffee. 
Danny rolled his eyes slightly as he yanked a second wipe to clean up his neck, “yeah whatever.” 
“I’m just saying don’t come complaining to me when you’re stuck in the bathroom all afternoon…”
Whatever else Sam was rambling about, Danny didn’t hear it. Instead the memories of the night before started flashing through his mind’s eye. 
The Wolf was sprinting through the trees, sniffing out the scent of a male deer that ran away from him.  Dodging rocks and jumping over logs to not lose the scent trail. 
The Wolf eventually caught his prey and sank his teeth into the deer’s neck. Danny didn’t particularly like remembering what it felt like to eat raw animals but it was just part of who he was. 
He remembered trotting through the trees afterwards, stopping to sniff the night air and lick his chops. As the Wolf tried to find another scent to chase, he caught a slight sweet smell on the breeze. A familiar and addicting sweet smell. The Wolf instantly turned in the direction it came from, and took off into the fog. The scent wasn’t following any pattern, and the source of it was clearly darting around randomly in the woods. 
Finally, the scent became strong enough that it almost overwhelmed the Wolf, and he ducked beneath a branch to come out to a small pond. The Full Moon shone overhead, Her reflection clear and bright on the water's surface. He looked around, sniffing even harder when his large golden eyes landed on...her. 
A large Red Wolf was about thirty feet to his right, standing at the pond's edge, staring at him with her own equally large green eyes. His paw lifted up to take a step, but before it could land in the grass the She-Wolf took off and rounded the pond, stopping for a moment on the other side, directly across the water from the young Wolf. She looked so familiar to him, her rusty red fur was beautiful in the light, rippling in the wind, and sharply contrasting to the dark woods behind her. 
They stared at each other for who knows how long, her gaze nearly defiant, before a distant howl from another wolf sounded, and before the Wolf could react, the She-Wolf darted into the trees, her fluffy tail the last he saw before she was swallowed by darkness. 
The wolf followed her path around the pond, and stopped where she had stood. He tried to follow the scent again, but the way it snaked around the trees and went in nonsensical patterns made it clear she didn’t want him to know where she went. 
Danny got the last bit of blood off his neck as he slowly sat back in his seat. Sam was still trying to fill him in on some journal he had finally gotten his hands on. As much as he loved listening to his best friend telling him anything and everything about his interests, Danny was too caught up in his thoughts to care at the moment. 
Red fur on a Wolf was rare, and he had only seen it in person on a handful of Wolves in his life. Those green eyes as well, that looked right through him, unintimidated by the presence of a future Alpha. The last time he had seen such a combination was in his last year of college. When he was still seeing-
Ivy Phillips
The first girl he ever gave his heart to, and the same girl who broke it.
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Tag List:  @roving-blade , @readyforthegarden , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne, @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @sadiechar , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky , @bladenotblaze , @gretavanlace , @lipstickitty ,
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
Hi! Yes please. We want to know more about your hc about silly robo babies
A bunch of random tidbits about the skrimblos go! Not all are necessarily plot relevant just things I thought they'd vibe with and i don't feel like doodling rn
Looks to the Moon
Can chuck a spear with great precision
Is still trying to catch batflies with her bare hands (even the pups can do it and they're laughing at her!!!!!!)
When travelling with the scug colony she likes to help scout ahead to unknown areas
Takes alot of photos
She's more afraid of losing something in the water than the water itself
Cannot draw or write to save her life but can sing
Doesn't like darkness, gets antsy when travelling on moonless nights
Secretly on super high alert when she asks Pebbles to go on walks with her
Five Pebbles
One of those scary engineering kids that can draw straight lines and perfect circles traditionally
Sketches alot more and rarely colors
The one that helps Moon write poetry for Sliver
After canon, goes on expeditions to dig up more pearls and record old buildings, brings Suns along if the expedition site is too far on foot
Goes to his city to watch the sunset sometimes
'The dad and the cat he didn't want' energy
He does listen to Arti if she forces him to look away from his screens but pretends he hates it if someone is looking
Can't bring himself to look at Moon if she's struggling physically
No Significant Harassment
A fan of fidget toys, rubix cubes, puzzles, and tiny mechanisms
Definitely knits
His scarf is a little worn at the end from Hunter tugging at it alot but he never fixes it
Very interested in biology even if his branch is technological
Will literally wait for Moon's scug colony to pass by so he can go down and bury himself in cats
Seven Red Suns
Paints alot
Makes alot of knick knacks
Listen and talks alot with their citizens about their interests during the Ancients Era
They manually do species population control / culling in their territory
Extremely proficient with engineering purposed lifeforms
Cat parent, scugs love them, except for Arti, they gotta prove themselves lmao
Tunnel visions
Sometimes needs to be snapped out of the spooky mode, ya know that one yeah
Unparalleled Innocence
Only has a soft spot for her cats, her magnum opus
Will psychoanalyze anyone that talks to her
The 'I wonder what happens if-' kind of scientist
Has once cured herself of the rot
Almost never uses her security systems
Cannot fight physically
Gets off the string only to walk around in her can or city
Chasing Wind
Is also those scary engineering kids that can draw perfect lines and circles
Definitely a boomer but tries to be updated on current culture
The one that falls for deez nuts jokes
Will straight up chuck you out of his can if you dirty his robes
He likes diamonds but hoards other precious stones as well
Prefers not to get off the string
Sliver of Straw
Wanted to understand her people and why they wanted ascension
Is an empath
Her speech is heavily influenced by monks so she speaks with fancy grammar and metaphors
Unintentionally psychoanalyze people silently
Does nature watching when taking a break from work
Extremely professional when serving her religious duties, is a cinnamon roll when talking to other iterators
Sometimes Omen has to literally snap her out of serving as god
Wishful Omnipotence
Does scrying with the black glass ball on their staff
Really likes stars
Has dismantled 2 iterator cults
Thinks ascension is stupid but hearing Sliver talks about her people intrigues them
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mimissubway · 2 years
When the days go by
pairing: scaramouche x (gn) reader tw: bit of swearing, scara is mean, you're a masochist, a bit of making out, scara is a blushing tomato, they're high school kids so they are a bit awkward and unpredictable tags: highschool au, modern au word count: 636
author's note: this is my first ever time writing on tumblr ( i used to be a wattpad kid lol ) and I haven't wrote in awhile so please bare with me. Head full of scara
Scaramouche likes to think that he's better than all his classmates and that's why he doesn't talk to them. It's totally not because of that mean grin he constantly wears around the school. Of course with his looks, all the girls fall for his devilishly handsome face but with his mean personality he was only a handsome face and nothing more.
That was until you came to the school. On the first day, you saw his mean glare starring dead into your soul, but that didn't stop you. In fact, it made you more attracted to him. You're a weird one, and not weird in the good way. Your masochistic ass eats up that kind of shit up. A handsome man, with an attitude that can make you cry? You've definitely hit the jackpot! Yeah it might be weird to want someone to be mean to you but you can't help your feelings.
So you could find Scaramouche's surprise when his mean glare didn't back you off but rather made you start talking to him. He was weirded out by it but he guessed that it didn't hurt him to get to know his new classmate.
It didn't take you long until you started to develop actual feelings for him. You learned that he isn't actually that mean after all. I mean sure, he insults your whole bloodline on a daily basis but you like it, and you know that he doesn't really mean it. (Half of the time)
"Can you stop gawking at me?"
He asked of you nicely which was surprising since you were practically staring into his lavender orbs for no particular reason except for checking him out. (but he's too dense to know that)
You giggle before turning away to look at your biology textbook.
" Why do you always stare at me?"
"it's cause you're handsome."
Scaramouche has never blushed so hard until then, his entire face turned a sunset pink.
"Shut up, wrench"
He covers his face while you laugh at his tomato red face, even though he has a tough exterior he's actually a softy in the inside. It's usually not like you to be this flirty but the sudden confidence from his blushing made you take it to the next level.
You looked at his face which still had a tint of pink.
"What do you want?"
He says it in a harsh tone.
"What would happen if we were to date.."
"Well, my personality won't change but I will treat you well in my own way, I guess.”
You were expecting him to tease you but the genuine response caught you off guard.
"Why do you want to date me?"
He says it jokingly but you took it seriously.
"Well actually yeah... I do."
His face went all red again and he looked away from you hoping that you couldn't see how red his face was but unfortunately for him you already did and had the biggest smile on your face.
"A-As if I would want to date you."
He tries to tease you again but it came off so horribly shy that it just made you laugh. Feeling bold you wanted to do the unspeakable.
"Hey look at me!"
When Scaramouche looked into your eyes, you leaned in for a quick peck. Your first kiss! His entire face went a darker shade of red but instead of scolding you for doing something as bold as kissing him, he grabbed your chin and pulled it towards him for other kiss.
The kiss was slowly turning into a make out session until it was interrupted by a teacher walking by. You and Scaramouche got reprimanded for indecent behavior on school grounds but the both of you didn't care.
It was all worth it, even for one kiss
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I’m scrolling through Tumblr trynna catch up on all your wonderful asks since yesterday and I’m not up to date on your POW fic yet but so far it all realllyyy hurts and I’ve got my own idea or two to share Mommy based on what I’ve read here :
1.) Bucky enters the camp and Buck is still clinging to the no fraternizing rule like it’s his lifeline. Every night it seems Maureen sleeps closer to him but still in her own bunk and Buck tells himself that’s enough. Well it’s Bucky’s first night and he missed his friend and he can hear Buck shivering so he slides into Buck’s bunk and cuddles him and tells him where he can shove those rules. Cue Maureen entering and being very upset that Buck has allowed Bucky entry to his bunk when she’s been begging and it’s a load of childish back and forth as she then tries to force herself onto Buck’s other side.
2.) ida’s pregnancy. Before she manages to get rid of it, Bucky is the only one who can get her to acknowledge it and how in any other circumstance it wouldn’t be something she thought of getting rid of. Even if she escaped and returned to base, she wouldn’t get rid of it, she just can’t risk herself or the baby in the camp. And she can’t tell John about it because he’s worried enough and that’s her baby brother and it’s only now that Bucky’s in the camp that John is finally allowing himself a few hours of sleep. Because he trusts Bucky with Ida. Maybe they talk about how if they escaped Bucky would step up for the baby and do anything to make it easier for Ida. They can talk possible names or the reactions people would have and how they could create stories on how Bucky is the father (jokingly) and the story changes every time. Sometimes Ida says the baby can have no father too, except God. And those late nights in her bunk with Bucky are the only moments of weakness she allows herself with her baby.
Bucky centric ideas because if it isn’t obvious by now I love him but also he’s such a faithful, loyal friend, a leader, and still brings laughter and youth to the group so it fits.
Baby I love these and that first sentence took me out, this is what I’m going to enjoy most about writing him in this world despite a lack of “love interest” because he’s so deserving of exploration in all of it.
I’ve already screamed at you in private but I do feel like you’ve been in my drafts, haha, especially about the baby. Bucky makes her think of it that way which is both terribly hard and also a little healing, and you know it -those plans to run off into the German sunset with her and the baby haunt them both for the rest of their lives.
He meant it, he was gonna be there for them.
One day I may have to explore an Au of that, there’s so much to unpack with that between her own thoughts towards her child and his care and love of it and considering himself it’s father in all but biology and then their own dynamic that’s not romantic but neither is it lacking love. They could make it work in the Swedish countryside for years, stuck in a cabin and eating what Bucky catches from the ocean. 😭 -at least, those are the daydreams he tells her in their bunk.
Also, while it’s gonna make me cry my eyes out, this man is 100% going to bury this baby, premature and nearly shapeless though it is, he owes ida and himself and their dreams that, this little innocent, too. 😭
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bloodmoon24 · 4 months
Meet the User
(Warning: Long ass list)
OC Name: Luz V. Storm
What I am:
• An digital artist
• Autistic
• Animal lover
• Dog person (with some love for cats as well)
• Taurus
• 19 years old
• Bisexual
• AroAce
• Genderfluid (Pronouns she/her/they)
My Fandoms:
• Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
• Ben 10
• Murder Drones
• Sonic the Hedgehog
• TinkerBell
• Lackadaisy
• Ever After High
• Trolls
• The Amazing Digital Circus
• Avatar
• Spider Man
• Wild Kratts
• TMNT 2012/ROT
• The Owl House
What I Draw:
• Ships
• Crossovers
• References
• Fashion ideas
What I Don’t/Can’t Draw:
• Proper backgrounds
• Requests that are too much, or have too many details
• NSFW (I’m somewhat complex with this one. No clue why)
What I Love:
• Drawing
• Music: Pop, techno, k-pop, Latino, movie songs, rock/rock-pop type of genres
• Strawberry/grape flavor sodas
• Astronomy, biology, zoology
• Animals
• Indie animations
• Chicken sandwiches/quesadillas/nuggets
• Reese’s cups/chocolate ice cream
• Kawaii
• Learning about history and culture
• Darker shades of red and grey
• Techno, robotic, fairy, nature aesthetics
• Spiritual/Fairy stuff
• Rainy days (bonus: with hot cocoa)
• Peppermint Frappuccino
• Fanfiction
• Fantasy/Cartoons
• Sitcoms
• Making friends
• Looking back at old and fun memories
• Magical things
What I Hate:
• Not being understood
• Nobody listening to me
• Death to me or the people I love
• Big changes
• People taking or touching my stuff
• People being rude to me/making fun of me
• People making jokes that sounds very hurtful
• Being annoyed/ignored
• Scary movies/shows/anime
• Creepy crawlers/Spiders (Even though I love Spider Man)
• Nobody understanding autism/autistic people
• TERFS, racism, sexism, homo/transphobic people
• Vomiting
• Loud sounds
• People who abuses literally everything and everyone at any age
• Nature being harmed and nobody not doing anything to help it
• People giving me too many things to do
• Other users rushing me on making an edit/asking me a complicated request for an edit
• Catfishing/Predators/Pedos (STAY OUT)
• Jokes that aren’t funny
• Talking to others (sometimes)
• Extremely gory things
• People not paying attention/ignoring my special interests and misread the plot of the franchise
• People dissing on my favorite fandoms
My OCs:
• Moonlight Storm (Very first one ever for MLP/EG)
• BloodMoon Storm (Hellaverse)
• Unnamed NightLight Fury (HTTYD)
• BeatDrop (Techno Troll)
• Rapidity (First alien, Kineceleran, for Ben 10)
• Thorax the Spider Woman (Spider Man)
• Storm Prime (Original robot OC (gonna redesign her)
• Moon the Bat, the Chaos Witch (Sonic the Hedgehog)
• Prototype L (Murder Drones)
• Unnamed Na’vi OCs (Avatar/Way of Water)
• Tick-Tick the Robot (The Amazing Digital Circus)
• Moon the Art Fairy (TinkerBell)
• Evelyn V. Carmen (Lackadaisy)
Ever After High OC coming soon
What I Allowed:
• Art requests
• Questions
Who I Ship:
• Alastor x Vox
• Charlie x Vaggie
• Zestial x Sir Pentious
• Adam x Lute
• Husk x Angel Dust
• Asmodeus x Fizzarolli
• Feedback x Big Chill
• XLR8 x HeatBlast
• Ben x Rook
• Looma x Attea
• N x Uzi
• V x Lizzy
• Sonic x Shadow
• Amy x Blaze
• Silver x Mephiles/Espio (I’m having trouble picking which one)
• Knuckles x Rouge
• Luz x Amity
• Twilight Sparkle x Sunset Shimmer
• Mordecai x Rocky
• Ivy x Freckle
• Wick x Zib
• Bezel x Trazuil (my partner’s OC)
• Apple White x Darling Charming
• Cerise Hood x either Kitty/Daring/Raven
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sunset-peril · 5 months
The world is funny because I spent my life being told that squares don't occur in nature and then I find naturally occurring square crystals
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In 2013, neurobiologist Kristin Tessmar-Raible and her colleagues published some of the most compelling evidence of a molecular moon clock in an ocean creature. They studied the marine bristle worm Platynereis dumerilii, which looks like an amber centipede with tiny feathered oars running the length of its body. In the wild, the bristle worm lives on algae and rocks, spinning silk tubes for shelter. While reading studies from the 1950s and ’60s, Tessmar-Raible learned that some wild bristle worm populations achieve maximal sexual maturity just after the new moon, swimming to the ocean surface and twirling in circles in a kind of whirling dervish nuptial dance. The studies suggested that changing levels of moonlight orchestrated this mating ritual. “At first I thought this was really crazy in terms of biology,” says Tessmar-Raible, who notes that she grew up far from the ocean, “but then I started talking to colleagues in marine biology and realized that this might not be so uncommon.”
To learn more, Tessmar-Raible and her colleagues kept bristle worms in plastic boxes, feeding them spinach and fish food, and simulating typical and aberrant moon cycles with an array of standard light bulbs and LEDs. Worms raised in perpetual light or in entirely moonless day-night cycles never displayed reproductive rhythms. But worms reared with periodic nocturnal illumination synced their spawning rituals to the phases of their artificial moon. As suggested by earlier studies, Tessmar-Raible found light-sensitive neurons in the worms’ forebrains. And genetic sequencing revealed that the bristle worm has its own versions of essential molecular clock genes found in terrestrial insects and vertebrates. Tessmar-Raible’s conclusion is that the worms have a robust lunar clock analogous to the more familiar sun-synced circadian clock. “This is an endogenous oscillator,” she says. “Something in the body preserves the memory of those nocturnal illuminations.”
In similar studies, Oren Levy and his colleagues collected pieces of living corals from Heron Island reef and housed them in large outdoor aquaria, some of which were exposed to ambient sunshine and moonlight, some shaded at night to block all moonlight, and some subjected to dim artificial light from sunset to midnight and then kept in the dark until sunrise. Each day for eight days before the estimated night of mass spawning, the researchers collected bits of corals from the different aquaria and analyzed the activity of their genes. The corals in natural conditions spawned as predicted and expressed many genes only during or just before releasing their gametes. Corals subjected to artificial light and deprived of moonlight displayed anomalous gene expression and failed to release their gametes.
 —   The Lunar Sea
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spiritshaydra · 7 months
Oh yeah funny story
So I went on a field trip yesterday out to this field station on an island out in the hyper-saline lagoon that’s like,, right down the road to collect botanical samples for my wetland ecology lab.
Left a little while after 2pm.
We were on the island for about two hours collecting plants (and finishing the trip off with some king cake) before hopping back on the boat. It was about 4:30pm
So,, normal lab field trip right?
Our boat stops suddenly and a big plume of mud is sprayed out from behind the skiff. Not a good sign. Four guys hop out of the boat and start trying to push the boat free- Laguna Madre is VERY shallow, especially in this area since we weren’t where they had dredged it out for the larger ships, so the water was about knee deep where we got stuck.
We started moving again. Kinda. I see the guys get these poles out and start using them to turn the boat like those gondolas in Venice. (Sadly no accordion) Also not a good sign.
THEN the guy who was sitting at the wheel gets up and walks up to the front where we were sitting and pulls the anchor out, and then drops it out into the water. NOT A GOOD SIGN.
Then I hear my professor talking about calling the biology lab coordinator to figure out what the fuck to do, and then she’s on the phone with someone talking about how we need someone to come out and tow us back to the boat ramp. 💀
It’s 5:30pm now and the sun’s beginning to set. (And my other lab back on campus had just begun, which I obviously wasn’t able to attend unless I could teleport) My brother also happened to call me which I answered with a “hey you won’t be able to guess where the fuck I currently am.” Never a dull moment.
Another hour passes and FINALLY the lab tech guy shows up with another boat to tow us back (while wearing his Iron Maiden shirt like an absolute legend, we love lab tech guy) it’s now sunset and we’re finally moving. Slowly, but moving’s moving.
The sun set completely and I had dozed off a little as there really wasn’t much else to do. It was also COLD with the wind blowing off the water and the lack of sunlight. Thank GOD I decided to wear both my hoodie and wind breaker, along with a bandana to use as a scarf. Eventually we made it back to the boat ramp at around 7pm. So I’d finally be able to go back to my apartment and have some warm hot chocolaty goodness right?”
HA if only it was that easy.
It probably took them an hour to get the boats back onto their trailers because they kept loading them incorrectly and would have to retry. Me and some other classmates stood out in the cold for about fifteen minutes before we realized that we could hop in the van where it was warm, and wait in there. So that’s EXACTLY what we did. Luckily I packed some snacks because I thought it wouldn’t hurt to bring them along, so I just kinda,,, passed around a bag of trail mix.
Something something hour later we get back to campus at like 8pm where I was finally able to go back to my dorm. (My wonderful roommate brought me hot chocolate bless her)
Anyways I’m tired <33
TLDR: Went on what should’ve been a three hour long field trip for hehe swamp science fun times and our boat's steering went out so we were strANDED FOR TWO FUCKING HOURS IN THE LAGOON. We were out in the sun for like five hours and gone for six. I love being a stem major <333 yippee!!
(For those biology nerds out there we saw mullets jumping out of the water, sea grass beds, black mangroves, various salt flat succulents, stupid plant with wickedly sharp thorns that ripped apart the sample bag it was in, wolf berries, mosquitoes, a tiger moth caterpillar, turkey vultures, dolphins, brown and white pelicans, mosquitoes, a crested caracara, tons of laughing gulls, great blue herons, mosquitoes, egrets, white ibises, cormorants, and black tipped skimmers.)
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
So you know how Harley Quinn has pet hyenas? Can you please do Savanaclaw reacting a reader who used to look after their animal counterparts back in their world (maybe reader introduces them to each other when they take them on a trip to their home)?
I'm sadly not up to date with DC stories sadly 😓 but this was a cool fact! Thanks for the ask, I'm planning for the reader here to perhaps be someone like a zoologist or an animal researcher
Savanaclaw with a reader who has a hyena they work closely with
Thinks it's kinda funny that you happen to know so much about hyenas. It's just random, something he didn't really expect (he thought you might be interested in anything but animals)
Might tease you about it a bit, asking you if you ever had interest in lion research instead haha
Overall though he does find it really nice that you look so excited when you get to talk about your experience with a specific hyena that you were close to. Turns out you were with them since they were basically a cub and now it was all grown up
If you do get to show the hyena to Leona, he might be able to talk to it (he might be fluent honestly). Will the hyena like him? Maybe!
He loves you
Hyenas are so underrated, usually categorized as some scheming species that steals food and all (even back in Sunset Savanna they don't have the best reputation). But seeing how much you respect them kinda made him blush ngl
You are boosting his ego a bit, but he won't say anything. If you do decide to show him your hyena friend back at your world, he'll gladly tag along
Expect him to be fluent in animal language, besides it's a course they need to take at NRC. He might become friends with it and ask if he can take care of the hyena instead haha
Didn't know if you would be scared or intimidated by beastmen, but seeing you so chill with his features did make him a bit happy (he's always seen as a scary, big guy)
Didn't know you specialized in animal research and probably didn't guess it either. You just happened to be super good at classes that involved things like biology that he asked about it and you were like "Oh yeah, I do research, also hyenas are like my favorite."
Might be the one to tell Ruggie about it. Jack respects him a lot, and because you'll be staying in Twisted Wonderland for a while, why not introduce you to some of people from his dorm?
Please show him your hyena friend when you get the chance. He's a wolf beastman sure, but he would like to see them just because you talk about the hyena a lot. You also show funny videos of them when you have the chance, it's pretty wholesome
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puddleorganism · 1 year
Alright. So while we’re all thinking about Steven Universe again I wanna talk about something I’ve been thinking about for a while
I don’t like that the gems are human-shaped. Like, I get why they are from a design standpoint - and specifically as a children’s show. I don’t even dislike the designs! I just. Am insane about speculative biology and aliens. I would like them to be weirder. So I will make them weirder
(Now, take this whole thing with a grain of salt because it has been a very long time since I’ve actually watched Steven Universe and a lot of the lore is a bit fuzzy to me.)
Ok! Disclaimers aside, let’s get into it!
So, (if I’m remembering right) there are three key facts pertaining to the appearance of gems:
Gems’ physical bodies are projections of/from their gems.
These projections are heavily influenced by their mental state and identity, and are capable of not only being subconsciously influenced, but also consciously influenced.
Gems are capable of extremely accurate mimicry.
This means their appearance could basically be anything.
Homeworld gems tend to have elaborate, inorganic crystalline forms. Especially in high-ranking gems, there’s a lot of posturing involved. Their forms are just barely even function, capable of completing the tasks they were assigned and all else dedicated to looking pretty and complicated and wholly inorganic.
Gems created in kindergartens would be the exact opposite, especially when they first crawled out of the ground. Their forms would be built to dig and… not really anything else at first. As they get older they become more specialized, their bodies evolving to suit their assignments - and eventually adding whatever personal flair they can get away with (which really isn’t much). This is why gems of the same type tend to look nearly identical.
It’s also possible for - and actually likely that they would mimic things that they really like, or otherwise had a great influence on them. Friends may begin to look like twins over time. Curious kindergartners may look like some strange life form that caught their eye, before they learned it was a very bad idea to express any sort of affection for such beasts. Lapises and aquamarines often look like living water.
It makes sense, then, that the Crystal Gems looked like humans. But what if they didn’t? What if they looked like tigers or herons? Flowers or frogs? Isopods, trees, squid, extinct megafauna, or any of the incredible, bizarre organisms that shared Earth with them!
This is also why I think corrupted gems look the way they do; animalistic and strange, that is. They don’t know what they’re supposed to look like. They hardly know who they are. How are they supposed to make themselves a form with no knowledge of themself? Well, mimicry. They mimicked the creatures they saw on Earth, but not super well because honestly perfect mimicry isn’t really what they were going for anyway.
Now, imagine if you could pick anything, anything at all, what you would look like. Imagine a gem who looks like their mental picture of a strange creature from an old myth. Imagine a gem that looks like an ever-flowing sheet of rain. Imagine a gem that looks like a miniature nebula. Imagine a gem that looks like a waveform of their favorite song. Imagine a gem that looks like a sunset in a storm cloud. Imagine a gem that’s an amalgam of all they’ve ever loved - people, creatures, places, things.
So, yeah. More fucked up gems please
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dead-set-goat · 8 months
Pinned post_________[!]
Welcome to my main_blog! Goat, he/they, adult. Former usernames: FishNchips, Cheez-something…(I don’t remember)
Here I reblog other’s posts and also post my own:
Sketches, illustrations, music, OCs etc.
& sometimes I complain or talk nonsense.
DISCLAIMER: I reblog a lot of insects, possibly suggestive shit and other potentially triggering things sometimes. And I probably won’t tag all of it! Most of it… so yeah⚠️
My main interests include:
Biology (biochem student)
Videogames (series I’m into now: Borderlands, much Nintendo stuff, esp the 3DS era, TF2, Postal, Sunset Overdrive, Rayman)
Industrial music n’ noise, some punk too (Foetus, Skinny Puppy, Godflesh, Coil, NIN, Capdown…)
Urban decay
Lush nature
MAD MAX & Star Wars
DoingItYourself! , zines, the likes
IDK other nerdshit and whatever brings me nostalgia…
[incomplete] Art archive at @crustychipset !
Asks always open and ready for hate mail!
Tags I use: #my art (guess what), #soundwv (my music), #🦞chat
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