#super not up to date about anything but something about it makes my bullshit sense tingle.
kaiasky · 8 months
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why is it using a blockchain
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Nivi!! Two Monday updates in a row? Inspirational stuff, babes. I hope you're doing good! You spoil us way too much 🫶
Firstly, I super appreciate the addition of the months to the dates cause I was lowkey hoping for it. I get way too invested in the actual timeline so this was very much welcome haha.
I always love flashbacks to fetus (teenage) Pazzi, like even irl, that’s always the time period and their dynamics during that time that interests me the most so I absolutely adored this flashback scene!
Azzi sending an actual letter invite was so wholesome, would not be surprised if something similar actually happened irl. I know Paige spent a whole day just re-reading the “Yours, Azzi” at the end 😂
Ice cameo! I love getting these new special guests each chapter, makes it entertaining tryna figure out who’s gonna pop up next.
Stephie was already tearing up saying goodbye and they’d only properly known each other not even a month?? BRUH, this one-year contract is not gonna go down well AT ALL. #ProtectStephieatallcosts
Also, has Ice met Stephie? The way she talked to P about Stephie made it seem like she hasn’t yet or maybe I just read that wrong?
Yep, place that bet Icey, it’s gonna happen!
As soon as I read the “comes roaring back with a vengeance” and the name “Olivia”, I knew it was trouble (nothing against those with the name Olivia 😅), I felt it in my bones she was the ex-wife.
Look, she hasn’t done much wrong yet and P maybe did deserve some of it but I don’t like this Olivia. It’s just a matter of principle, you know.
Stephie facetiming P on her own cause she just missed her too damn much 🥺 This little family (they’re already a family in my mind okay) gives me so much life, and will probably be the death of me eventually.
Time zones would be a confusing af concept to kids, I never even thought about that lmao.
Not Paige thirsting over Azzi over the phone! There is a kid present, Miss Buecks!
Stephie’s fave colour being purple too, I mean I guess she’s been constantly around purple her whole life so it makes sense but imma choose to believe it’s a continued manifestation of that invisible string between Paige and Azzi. Also, I can just imagine Azzi’s reactions when she realises she’s basically raising a mini Paige too lol.
And the full circle moment of P skipping out on team events to stay on the phone with Azzi (and lil Azzi) – you never fail to deliver with these full circle moments babes, and the way you do it is just so organic, like it always flows and never feels forced and ugh YOUR MIND 🙌
What’s next?
Ice’s comment about teammates having to deal with Pazzi’s bullshit – that just made me even more desperate for those flashbacks to their UConn days, especially when it all starts breaking down.
Oh btw, does Azzi know it’s a one-year contract? Are contract terms reported on like they are irl or nah?
Also, just making sure I’ve got the timeline down pat – Paige and Olivia were together from 2027 to 2031? And I’m assuming Azzi had Stephie Jan 2028 or late 2027 since Stephie’s five in present day? So Stephie woulda been almost two when Paige first met her in that run-in with Tim?
I wonder if it was P that proposed to Olivia, and if it was, I’m curious to know the timing and if it was a knee-jerk reaction to Azzi having a baby??
What I really need to happen though is Paige’s dream coming true!
Stephie is just so real to me that even when Pazzi have kids irl, Stephie will always be the OG for me 😌
Also, the suggestion someone had the other day of Paige kid-proofing everything is on point. Like her first priority for her new place in Cali isn’t even gonna be furniture or anything, it’s just gonna be stacks and stacks of toys and lego sets and other kid stuff 😭
Lastly, you know I love me a little bit of the jealous trope 🤭 Could we potentially see like a really close friend of Azzi’s that also has a good relationship with Stephie bring out a little bit of jealous P??
Oh btw, are the lyrics from that Louis Tomlinson song?? Cause that really took me back lmao, I haven’t heard that in forever!
Favourite line/quote:
Paige realizes that her favorite thing about Azzi’s smile isn’t when her dimples show or when her eyes twinkle, it’s when it’s there because of Paige, when it’s there just for Paige.
P.S: This is non-fic related but while watching my fave sport (AFL) over the weekend, there were a couple players playing their first game back from an ACL injury and one of the guys was coming back only SEVEN months after tearing his ACL! And this sport is like one of the most physical sports I’ve ever watched so I couldn’t believe it. Anyway, it made me really hopeful for Azzi, cause I feel like she’s probably on track for a nine-month recovery and I’ve had reservations about that especially given it’s her second one, but seeing those guys coming back after an even shorter period of time and pulling up fine made me feel a lot better. I know the recovery is different for everyone, but if Azzi (and her rehab team) believe she’s ready to be cleared after nine months, then I have full trust in them and I can’t wait to see her back on the court 🥹
Alrighty, this got way too long 😬 I’ll catch you next time bestie, enjoy the rest of your week and if I don't pop by before then, happy Olympics to everyone! 💗
BABE!! Aren't you proud of me? Can't believe this is who I've been these last two times (just wait until that can't-write-for-three-weeks hits and all these other people realize who Nivi really is)
I probably had some logic for not having dates in the beginning but lmao yeah it makes a lot more sense to have them so I'm glad it's helpful
Paige still has that letter for sure, in a little treasure chest somewhere with everything else Azzi's given her
I'm stressing myself out adding so many characters ngl and I still haven't added the rest of the Valkyrie team so let's see how that goes
LMAO not the Olivia name slander (but no I get it like when I was thinking about the ex-wife the name Olivia just seemed fitting)
The difference in people's reaction to Zoe in the UCLA fic vs Olivia in this one is so funny to me
I think they're a family in their own minds to now...but is it sustainable?
BRO RIGHT? That part was inspired by a convo I had with a kid at work who was so confused about why their mom could only call their uncle who lives abroad at certain hours
Paige gonna thirst no matter what (but me too so she's not special)
Thank you lovie! Sometimes I'm a little worried the parallels do seem too intentional so this made me relieved that it doesn't feel forced.
I'm so excited to write UConn days fs!
Everyone knows that Paige is signed to the Valkyries for a year but the assumption is that it's like Stewie with the Libs last year, where yes it's a one-year contract but you're obviously gonna renew. Nobody, including Azzi, knows about the Liberty part of it because that's all technically hush-hush behind the scenes stuff
Stephie's born early 2028 , so she's probably like one and a half when Paige first meets her (I am going to fuck this timeline up at some point.
Babe you read my mind. Azzi has this really pretty international French teammate who Paige just might not end up liking too much.
YES it is a Louis Tomlinson song. I was listening to it the other day and I was like damn wait, lemme add!
I think Azzi's first one she came back 9 months later and this one was reported to be less severs so I am finger-crossed that if she still does the 9 month recovery anyways, she'll be absolutely stellar. Ugh I'm so excited to see my girl play, it's been too long.
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k7l4d4 · 4 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 13
Hello! One more episode until I review the episode I feel is the worse in this show to date, continuity-wise!
Now, Migration is... less bad then the majority of Season 5, but that's such a low bar to clear it isn't anything impressive to write home about. The plot is kind of, honestly, garbage in that it has Kitty Section be shilled as this amazing band in the making by Jagged Stone (not sure if we've ever actually seen him play at all, honestly, but he's a professional shilling an amateur band), while also having them being super hyped over signing on with Bob, which makes no sense as Bob has never been anything less then a scumbag towards them. Like, this episode would've made more sense if they'd had it that the group they were signing on with was actually run by Bob in secret and they didn't learn about it until AFTER signing. Like, the best thing about this Episode is that it doesn't do any irreparable damage to anyone involved, and has a genuinely cool scene of Marinette freaking out over realizing someone knows her secret that she didn't tell personally before hand.
Anyway, with that said, onto the episode review! As always, warning for any profanity on my part.
Episode 13: Migration 
Alright, Marinette shows up to a Kitty Section meeting, and goes instant noodle. Not as badly as normal, though. 
And we get a brief moment of Marinette zipping around greeting everyone. I know it's partially for effect, but dang, she's fast. 
Marinette briefly dances around what she wants to talk with Luka about, Luka cuts through the bullshit, and now we get an awkward scene of Marinette using Luka as a therapist. The awkwardness is mostly in how Marinette is phrasing things, personally. Like, starting a conversation with "as you know, there are things I can't tell Adrien" doesn't help matters as, for all MARINETTE knows, Luka DOESN'T know there are things she can't tell Adrien. 
And we get Marinette whining about "breaking Luka's heart" and I just... I'm just sitting here and wondering how long this conversation is meant to last. 
...The fact that Luka is basically reiterating something both Tikki AND Alya have told Marinette multiple times for her to go "so you mean I'm not cruel, or pathetic?" just kills me, and not in a good way. It's nice seeing Luka get some development, but it doesn't feel as believable as it should, if that makes sense. I don't get why Luka is meant to be the "team therapist." I don't MIND that he is the one, but it doesn't look like anything was put into establishing why that's the case. 
And right away, now that I'm back in... Why in the world is ADRIEN going to Luka for therapy!? It made SOME sense with Marinette, but from what I recall, Adrien and Luka don't even really KNOW each other all that well, and have interacted less than Adrien normally interacts with his classmates. 
Maybe I'm forgetting something, I don't know, but the show treating it like Luka being the team therapist is this established thing feels... weird to me. Like, if they had Adrien go, "Hey, Juleka said you were good at helping with talking about problems, do you have a moment to listen?" it would feel more... believable, if that makes sense? 
Ugh... I can (grudgingly) see why this episode is regarded a bit better compared to the rest. Seeing Adrien open up when he's been so dead set on keeping his thoughts and feelings locked up for FIVE SEASONS would be a huge breath of fresh air.
And the "therapy Luka" train keeps chugging along. This one, I'm less annoyed by, even if the set-up feels a bit dumb. Like, I doubt a bunch of amateur kids are making better songs than a famous professional like Jagged Stone, but seeing him show doubts about being a father and honestly wanting to improve it, getting his son's input... it's a MASSIVE improvement overall compared to the fiasco that is the show's efforts at trying to portray fucking GABRIEL of all people as a well-meaning father. 
And the "I don't know what I'd do without you" bit ruined it for me. Also, the kinda awkward ship-tease between Jagged and Penny for a second. Jagged struggling to be a dad? I'm cool with that. But the show is trying to push the idea that Luka is this brilliant therapist... it feels forced, especially when it's three consecutive scenes of him... basically just giving extremely basic and obvious advice. And yeah, sometimes hearing obvious advice is what people need when they are making too big of a deal over something that isn't really as complicated as they fear... but it's undermined by how the first scene involved Marinette hearing advice she's already heard, the second trying to set-up Luka and Adrien as being bros when I can't even recall them ever hanging out, and the third just gives me cringe-vibes at how it presents Jagged as being... kinda pathetic 
...And of fucking COURSE we get a fucking FOURTH scene of "therapist Luka." Nope, nope, I just... can't with this. And Penny going "I don't know WHY I'm in love with Jagged" is just... UUUGGGHHH!!! As strange as it might be, people tend to have REASONS they are in love with someone. Even if they are in denial about those reasons. This just feels like the show is shoving Penny into Jagged's arms. They should be able to give a fucking REASON why Jagged makes Penny happy. And yet, they don't, and I'm losing patience with this bullshit. 
No, no, people may not be able to explain WHEN or HOW they fall in love, but people tend to very much know what it is that makes them fall in love with someone, or at least have some kind of idea. I do not like how this show is presenting love as this "unknowable, impossible to understand force of nature." Is love mysterious? Yes, yes it is. But not to this extent; it just comes off as the show trying to defend how crappily it's written all the relationships up until now by going "no no, you can't EXPLAIN why you love someone, you just DO!!" and since this is coming from the same people who insist on treating the idea as if having two crushes at the same time is scientifically impossible, I call BULLSHIT on it.
Okay, seeing Anarka literally yeet Bob off her ship makes all this nonsense worthwhile for that alone. Bob's such a selfish, stupid scumbag that seeing him being treated like garbage just made my day. Thanks, Migration! 
...Yeah, the show saying that Kitty Section are better than a professional musician is just... laughable to me. They aren't BAD bad, but they are very obviously amateurs. 
...Bob Roth getting thrown overboard makes the idiocy on display of him trying to sign the contract for the band he plagiarized so worth it. Also, I wonder if the show will acknowledge the fact that he plagiarized them; that ALONE makes him an untrustworthy scumbag, something they should be well aware of. 
"Anyone can change," yes that's true Luka... but someone has to have to want to change and have shown that they ARE, and Bob has shown NOTHING indicating he's changed AT ALL, and hasn't even acknowledged that he tried to cheat your sister's band. Honestly, knowing the episode that's coming next makes this feel like they are trying to go for the opposite moral of "people never change, so don't bother trying to get them to." 
WHY are they acting like him admitting his promise to sign them up was a lie is some big shock!? The fucker PLAGIARIZED THEIR WORK!!! 
Yup, that's about what I expected. He fired all of them except Luka because WHY THE FUCK NOT!? This man is a fucking moron who doesn't seem to have even the slightest understanding that deliberately antagonizing and alienating someone YOU JUST HIRED is the epitome of idiocy. 
Yeah, the way they are having Bob act like a blatantly evil and immoral scumbag blaming THEM for trusting him would be honestly pretty funny (and whatever comeuppance he gets more deserving) if I weren't dreading what's to come. 
Okay, I can't lie, despite the pit in my stomach, seeing Bob reveal just how completely and utterly overboard he went on making the contract as unfair and exploitative as possible is kinda hilarious. Although I don't really see what's "small print and ambiguous phrases" about "can fire them whenever he wants, is sole owner of Kitty Section as brand, AND owns the rights to whatever they make for the NEXT THOUSAND YEARS."
Like, if they were going for a lesson exploitative and corrupt businesses that treat their employees and talent like tools, it could be really interesting at seeing such a laughably blatant scumbag reveling in being such a jerk and then getting what's cumming to him... but the placement makes me feel icky. 
You know, normally I would put up a token effort against Luka categorizing this as "all his fault," but in this case...? Yeah, no, he's spot on. He took a scumbag who has done nothing but be a complete and utter piece of exploitative shit each and every time he's shown up and done nothing to indicate he's changed in any way at his word that he's become a better person, so yes, this is ALL HIS FAULT. Although, now that I think of it, it's also the rest of Kitty Section's fault, since they were perfectly willing to take Bob at his word all on their own, even without Luka's backing. This is just stupid. 
...Uhh... I just... WHY THE FUCK DID MONARCH INSTANTLY JUMP TO LUKA KNOWING THE IDENTITIES OF LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR!? Like, he has HAD people resist him before, he KNOWS that no one (aside from his cronies) LIKE getting Akumatized, so him jumping to "You KNOW!?" Is utter fucking NONSENSE. It's the same BS with Ephemeral having him take a single word as "evidence" that his son was Chat Noir. Seriously, the Writers aren't even fucking TRYING!! 
I am curious as to how Bob's contracts haven't been destroyed by being chucked in the river. Did he get them laminated? 
Huh, they nearly had Rose admit to being in love with Juleka. Boo, quit with the dodging, writers! Just admit they are a couple!! 
...They had a rubber duck somehow get turned into a record by Bob's new powers. Nope, not gonna think about it, not gonna think about it, nope nope nope! Also, while the songs being sung by the people he's "recordized" might not be what he's looking for, they honestly sound better then Kitty Section did at the beginning, to me.
...Okay, the fact that Bob LIKED the Rubber Ducky Record is the one thing I wasn't expecting. 
...Wow, Marinette really isn't noticing that Luka is explicitly stating her name, despite the fact that she's transformed. I just... wow. Not a good wow, a "I cannot believe this fucking stupidity" wow. 
Okay, NOW she notices, and is currently freaking the hell out. Which is an appropriate reaction, if COMPLETELY the wrong time for it. 
Alright, I will admit, Luka expressing his absolute confidence and trust in Ladybug was nice. 
Yup, he's still an unrepentant scumbag. 
Oh no, the guy who knows Ladybug and Chat Noir's secret identities that Hawkmoth found out by complete and utter bullshit has to leave. Who saw this coming? (Raises hand) 
...When did Jagged see Luka stand up to Bob again?? Also, for fucks sake, WHY would him accompanying Luka involve ANY of that!! He flat out said it himself during Guitar Villain that he's one of the biggest chart toppers there is in-universe, he can just find another producer who isn't an exploitative scumbag like Bob whenever he likes. 
You know, this scene wasn't as bad as I was fearing it was, since it's not Jagged inviting Luka to come with him, it's him volunteering to GO with Luka so he has supervision and company until Monarch is defeated. Still, it's annoying how little focus is given to Juleka in this, given she's supposed to be Luka's twin. And with that, this episode is done. Phew. Not as bad as I was worried about, but it's definitely not a chart topper.
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I was going to tell you about a similar situation I was in (communist friend offered to be my benefactor, only difference is I’m physically disabled rather than cognitively and I wasn’t dating her) that went bad. As just like. A way to help you watch for red flags.
And then I saw posts saying The Communist is 51. The bullshit fallout from my situation happened because she was 25-27 and not ready for me to just. Take her at her word. A 51yo isn’t going to make offers they aren’t ready to back up! [just to be clear, my only concern with this was money potentially causing relationship problems in the future]
Fuck all the anons mad about this purely for the age-gap. Just because I personally wouldn’t date someone that much older than me doesn’t make it morally reprehensible for all! Let people make their own choices!
And like, Jesus, if you do end up getting abused by this guy in some way? YOU HAVE PARENTS THAT ARE SUPER INVOLVED IN YOUR LIFE AND CARE ABOUT YOUR WELL-BEING AND YOU HAVE TOLD US WOULD DROP ANYTHING TO HELP YOU! Not to mention your various friends! Where do these anons get the audacity to think they know what’s better for you than you do? Or that the people you know IRL wouldn’t say something if there was a red flag?
Yeah also I don't NEED therapy in the sense that I would let him abuse me to keep it. Of course I hope to benefit from therapy, but this is not a hostage situation at all. And yeah there's the whole having invested friends and family thing too. I am not particularly vulnerable to any kind of abuse.
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1ovede1uxe · 2 months
Hi :P I saw matchups were open and I'm sooo fixated on JJBA so why not, if thats ok :D. I don't really label myself for gender (Just he/she prns womp womp) OR sexuality, but I like men.. LOL. My mbti is INFP I think. I honestly just did a test, but I think I bullshit enough to seem extroverted... Small talk king mayhaps....? My big three are Virgo sun, Leo moon, and Aquarius rising…I also just looked this up…I’d like to consider myself nonchalant though I do have the tendency to be a bit excited and dorky, which I’m worried about coming off as annoying whenever I get like that but also like, whatever I’m just gonna do me. 
For my career, right now I work in a bakery lel, that’s also part of why I’m better at getting extroverted, cuz I have to talk to customers a lot. I’m still trying to figure out what I really want to do for the long run, but I have a good paying job so I’ll worry about it later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
My hobbies right now are art, writing, anything to do with creative stuff- I also love music, my top genres being rock and metal right now I think, but it fluctuates just a tiny bit. I love cooking (and eating), and shit talking and judging people. SORRYY. Not really a hobby but I super like spoiling people I love, making art for them or just buying gifts which I do have the tendency to go overboard on…My sense of humor is all about keeping a bit going and sarcasm or low-brow humor- just dumb ironic stuff, yeah. I really hate typical self deprecating humor and wordplay. 
My sense of style is just… A little nonexistent…I always like trad goth stuff tbh, IF I COULDD… if I could. But also I don’t really care about dressing up, I usually pick comfortability over fashion; Tank tops, t-shirts, big baggy pants. But, I love love loovee piercings, I have an eyebrow, septum, and navel and I’d like more soouu! 
I hope thats good enough or not too much lol! Much love! I hope you have a great day or night...!
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Hi! This was super fun to write and I hope it's to your liking.
I match you with Caesar Zeppeli! I know this may seem like it's coming out of left field but trust me on this!
I think the point where you two would really bond is your love of the arts and creative flair. He also has an artistic nature, which shows in his hamon technique, the bubbles being gorgeous and effective. His passion for what he does definitely resonates with your own. Also, cooking, I have no doubt in my mind that he can cook well and would love to be in the kitchen with you, he wants to assist, but if that's not your jam, then observing at the bare minimum.
He will totally talk shit with you, whenever you want. Dates or dinners together are always great because he gets to see you and he gets an update on recent drama.
Caesar also likes that you're a bit of a goofball too, sharing your affinity for sarcasm, and even if it's not totally his humor, he'd find your dedication to the bit fantastic. You'd definitely bring out the sillier side in him, and he appreciates that you can put a smile on anyone's face with your jokes, especially his own.
His charisma w rizz? and confidence will mesh well with your extraversion as well as intuition (the n in infp), and he loves it when you get all passionate or in your words "dorky" over your interests. He's happy you feel comfortable sharing what makes you happy with him, and he'll indulge and research your interests to understand what you're talking about better, Even if it's not something that resonates as well with him, he wants to understand you.
Your tendency to spoil those you care about is very sweet and charming, and he's giving it back to you tenfold, in any way he can. He loves your gifts, though he insists he "doesn't need any, you're a gift enough." If you give him any kind of handmade or written artwork, especially if it's dedicated to him, he will absolutely melt on the inside and it's getting framed and hung on the wall or put on display no questions asked.
Your nonchalance and "worrying about it later" both scare and impress him. He's impressed by your ability to stay cool, but also is kinda like "wtf why do you not have a plan" and it gives him a bit of anxiety. He trusts you though, knowing you'll have a solution when needed and also there is no reason to worry. You balance each other out in this way, as he takes a more regimented approach.
I really hope you like this! It was super fun to write :) You also seem like a really cool person B)
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sprooknooky · 1 year
Irene and Wall for the character ask?
Thank you for the ask!! Two of my favorite guys ever!! This ended up being really long...
favorite thing about them:
Just her <33 She’s like my favorite person. Sorry real life friends, Irene is my best friend and has been since I was twelve years old.
Really though, I actually enjoy her part of the story (ignoring the sequel). I love that she’s a weird old lady who invented dragon slayers and lives in a castle across the ocean from her daughter that she just assumes is dead. Fuckin amazing. She’s flirty. She’s really hot and she knows it. She’s traumatized as hell. Good for her.
least favorite thing about them:
This kinda goes for every woman in Fairy Tail, but I hate that she’s used for fanservice, especially in the sequel, but also how they changed some scenes in the anime to showcase her massive tits. Like really?? She’s better than this. Let her wear clothes. Please.
Also, I really love super overpowered characters, but for a lot of Irene’s attacks, pure plot armor was used to beat her. Like why is she able to summon a meteor? That part is so dumb. Just let her be an enchantress. It just feels weirdly inconsistent to show that she’s powerful. We already know she’s powerful. Whatever. I’m salty.
favorite line:
Irene says some absolutely batshit stuff but I may have to go with this one. I like how sarcastic it is. She’s such an asshole (affectionate).
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Also fun fact: they forgot to color the collar of her top in this panel!
Irene and Bloodman!! I know they don’t interact at all in canon but I love that they’re on the same team during the war. It sparked something within me. They’re both super old and have to put up with Zeref’s bullshit and would bond over that. <3
Irene x Anna! They’re old and traumatized and totally knew each other 400 years ago. Also, Irene is a lesbian so I like it a lot better than Irene x Zeref or Irene x Acnologia.
Ehhhh Irene x Acnologia gives me bad vibes… I understand the appeal I guess? She created dragon slayers to help the dragons and he became a dragon slayer and killed all of them. But MAN is it toxic. They both deserve better.
random headcanon:
I think I’ve said this one before but she watches so much shitty reality TV. Like the dating shows where people are on an island and have sex and there’s drama for no reason. She loves that stuff. She makes fun of it daily.
unpopular opinion:
She shouldn’t have been back in the sequel…. I love Irene. So much. But she really didn’t add anything meaningful and didn’t need the ending they gave her. It was just really dissatisfying in my opinion. I feel like a lot of people didn’t mind her being back, but it really doesn’t make sense.
song i associate with them:
Never Love an Anchor by the Crane Wives thanks to @pencilofawesomeness ‘s post here (it’s so cool!! I hope you don’t mind the tag)
favorite picture of them:
She is SO PRETTY but also so silly and I’m struggling to pick just one…
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But probably this one :)
favorite thing about them:
I love their silly little personality. I enjoy deranged little guys in general but I like that he has a weird lawyer thing going on. He says “indeed” a lot and stuff like “case dismissed” and it’s so funny. Their title is the adjudicator. Why is he a lawyer??? And the best part is he can rewrite his own personality. So he wrote himself to be this way. That’s amazing. Go little funky robot guy go!!
least favorite thing about them:
I feel like Wall was really doomed by the narrative. He should have had so much more screen time. He just has so much potential. Why introduce a species of robot people as well as alchemy just to kill the guy off? It just makes me sad because they’re so fun.
favorite line:
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This is just so badass
Wall and Dimaria are menaces <3 I love that they tease each other in canon and they definitely spar in their free time. Everyone hates it when they’re together because they’ll just gang up on people and make fun of them. It’s great.
I don’t think I ship Wall with anyone… they give me aroace vibes.
I think some people ship him with Neinhart? That’s kinda weird in my opinion. Don’t they hate each other? I dunno, it just feels wrong. Besides, Neinhart is too stupid to get any bitches. (Full offense to Neinhart.)
random headcanon:
He was broken out of jail by the empire and that’s why his outfit kinda looks like a prison jumpsuit.
unpopular opinion:
I don’t think I’ve seen enough people complaining about red lightning but it should not have killed Wall. Lightning is lightning regardless of color or strength or whatever. I would have much preferred Wall die by being outsmarted. I also really hate Laxus fighting Wall at all… I think it would have been so much cooler to give the Thunder Legion a better fight against them! Anyway, I don’t know how unpopular that is, but it’s all I have right now.
song i associate with them:
Hmm… I can’t really think of one right now. I’ll update this if I remember anything though.
favorite picture of them:
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This one’s pretty rad :D (Or the one I used for his quote)
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lackyghost · 1 year
Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou stalk down the sidewalk toward their friend’s house, both decked out in their Halloween costumes.
It had taken some (a lot) of convincing for Eijirou to get his best friend to agree to dress up in matching costumes, but they both look damn sexy right now.
Heavy black combat boots adorn their feet, thigh high white stockings beneath, leaving only a thin line of skin visible between them and the silky, frilly red skirt that barely covers their crotches and asses. The skirts are fluffy, with black lace tulle giving them a nice, puffed shape.
Neither of them has a shirt on, leaving their perfectly toned torsos on full display, sculpted through years of rigorous dedication at the gym. Their arms are thick as well, shoulders bulky, the look accentuated by the red capes wrapped around their necks, hoods down to leave their spiky hair on display.
Katsuki’s is pale blonde, wild and untamed in its natural explosive design, while Eijirou’s is a vibrant red and carefully tamed with gel. They both have eyes with blood red irises complimented by the red of their capes and skirts.
Katsuki has a small scowl on his lips per usual, while Eijirou has a broad grin on his lips, showing off the ends of his sharply filed teeth. The final piece for their costumes is held loosely over their shoulders; cheap, very fake axes, to avoid having cops called on them or some bullshit.
When they reach the upscale, modern house of Todoroki Shouto, they storm up to the door, which Katsuki kicks open, making Eijirou snort and shake his head.
Shouto looks over from across the room, mismatched red and white hair above gray and turquoise eyes, and he sighs at their antics as they stalk inside.
Eijirou snickers as he shuts the door behind them, and they walk over to where their friend Sero Hanta is dressed as Spiderman, mask pulled up to the top of his head so he can sip at something in a red solo cup.
The two men beside Shouto immediately look at the newcomers, both tilting their heads as they eye-fuck the two men across the open living space.
These two are Todoroki Touya and Natsuo, Shouto’s older brothers.
Natsuo is twenty-three, tall and broadly muscled, with lightly wavy white hair and gray eyes. Touya is slender and a bit shorter than Natsuo, and twenty-eight years old. He has white hair as well, but his is wild and not at all dissimilar to the blonde his bright turquoise eyes are roaming over.
All three of the brothers are dressed as vampires, with little lines of fake blood at the corner of their mouth, black slacks, and loose white button-ups, the top few undone.
“Hey, Shou, who's that with the redhead, uh, Shitty Hair or whatever?” Touya asks casually, and Natsuo’s head tilts, eagerly listening.
“Uh, Bakugou Katsuki, and the redhead is Kirishima Eijirou,” Shouto explains, giving his brother a confused look.
“So, they’re dating?” Natsuo asks, casually sipping his beer.
“No,” Shouto says, eyeing his brothers suspiciously.
“Any idea what they’re into?” Touya questions.
“Kacchan, er, Bakugou, doesn’t like super brawny guys,” Izuku says, popping up beside them, startling the drooling brothers. “He likes to be the biggest, strongest guy in the relationship. I thought he’d told you that before.”
“I’ve never met him before,” Touya says, biting his lip as he tilts his head, looking the blonde over with lidded eyes. Shouto and Izuku exchange confused looks.
“What about Kirishima?” Natsuo asks, and at least his question makes sense, as he has actually never met either of them.
“Well, he likes manliness, so anything that could be portrayed that way is good for him,” Izuku says, shrugging.
“Right,” Touya says, nodding slowly. “Fuck. I need a wolf costume.”
He rushes off before the other guys can question him, eyes darting around for a suitable replacement. He spots a familiar blonde guy with a black lightning bolt dyed in his bangs; brown wolf ears atop his head and a fluffy brown tail clipped to the back loop of his jeans.
“You,” Touya says, grabbing the guy’s bicep, not remembering his name, making him squeak as he pulls him to a corner of the room. “I’ll give you 15,000¥ for your ears and tail.”
“Fuck yeah,” the guy says, pulling off his headband and tail as Touya tugs his wallet out, counting out the cash.
He hands it over, and the guy grins, giving Touya a wink before walking off. Touya ignores him, shoving the ears on his head and fumbling to clip the stupid tail on the back loop of his slacks. He untucks his button-up, trying to make himself seem a little more disheveled.
Touya looks around for a moment until he spots the blonde, now talking to some chick with angular purple hair, dressed up as some kind of punky rockstar.
He plants a cocky smirk on his lips as he saunters over, swallowing back the drool in his mouth as he gets a closer look at the guy. His chin is sharp, cheeks soft, lips plush and those fierce eyes slide to him as he approaches, making his cock twitch in his pants.
“Hey there, Little Red,” Touya says.
“Fuck off,” Katsuki says, looking back to Jirou Kyouka, who quirks a brow.
She looks Touya over and purses her lips. “Cute. You guys match.”
“I’m so glad someone noticed,” Touya says, grinning a bit wickedly. “I noticed Little Red here and just wanted to take a bite.”
Katsuki scowls and Kyouka nearly spits out her drink. She clears her throat and turns to walk off, which has Touya snickering. Katsuki groans in annoyance, ready to leave the guy as well.
“Hey, doll, I’m Touya,” the white-haired man introduces.
“Fuck off,” Katsuki snaps.
“Aw, but you’re so sexy, it’d be a waste to miss a chance to woo you,” Touya says, a teasing lilt to his voice.
Katsuki scoffs derisively. “Yeah, yeah, go tell whoever put you up to this that I agreed to fuck you and go claim your reward money.”
Touya blinks in surprise, tilting his head. “Now, why would I do that?”
“Because every year someone pulls this shit, wanting to fuck the trans dude,” Katsuki says, scowling angrily. “I ain’t a fucking kink, bastard.”
“Okay, first of all, I didn’t know any of that,” Touya says, and Katsuki gives him a highly unimpressed look.
He steps closer to the blonde, who’s nearly half a head shorter than Touya. He smirks at him, leaning in close, eyes lidding as he gets a whiff of something sweet.
“And second, it sounds to me like you’re scared of the big, bad wolf,” Touya drawls, looming closer.
Katsuki rolls his eyes, not moving even an inch. “I ain’t scared of shit.”
“Oh?” Touya says, pushing his luck as he shifts close enough to whisper in the guy’s ear. “I could just eat… you… up…”
Katsuki’s cheeks flush and he shoves at the guy’s chest. “F-fuck you.”
Touya chuckles, but shakes his head. “C’mon. I’ve got a room saved upstairs. If you don’t want me to eat you up, I would happily eat you out.”
Katsuki forces out a breath, eyes narrowed suspiciously. “You’re not doing this for a fucking prank?”
“I’m hitting on you because you’re hot as fuck,” Touya says, raising a hand to swipe a finger over his own chest. “Cross my heart, doll.”
Katsuki gives him a considering look and then sighs. “Fuck it. Let’s go.”
“Fuck yeah!” Touya says, grabbing Katsuki’s hand and tugging him toward the staircase.
Katsuki rolls his eyes, but lets the man lead the way, flipping Eijirou off when he yells for him to “get it, man!”
Touya leads Katsuki down a long hall and into a bedroom layered in black and purple décor that has the blonde suppressing a laugh. He releases Touya’s hand to step over to the bed, cocking his head at the lacy black drape hanging from the canopy of the black bedframe.
“I knew you were an edgelord,” Katsuki muses.
Touya cackles loudly as he wraps his hands around the blonde’s hips, coaxing him into turning around so he can pull him in for a hungry kiss.
Katsuki sucks in a sharp breath, through his nose, not expecting the intensity that flares up from the simple fucking kiss. He raises his hands to Touya’s neck, holding him closer as he licks the seam of his lips. Touya eagerly opens up, their tongues meeting in the middle, the bitter taste of cinnamon highball from Touya’s earlier drinking adding a layer of heat to the exchange.
He parts from the kiss and shoves Katsuki backwards, making the blonde yelp in surprise when he falls onto the bed. His feet dangle off the end, and his eyes blow wide as he watches Touya crawl overtop him, straddling his thighs.
“Fuck, you’re hot,” Touya says, leaning down to capture Katsuki’s lips again.
Katsuki has never been one to let someone else control things, he’s always wanted to be the one setting the pace. But something about being pinned down has his cunt clenching and T-dick swelling.
Touya nips at his lower lip, and Katsuki moans softly, the sound encouraging Touya to kiss across his jaw and down his throat. Katsuki lets out little shuddering breaths and whispered curses as Touya takes advantage of his shirtless state.
Touya hums appreciatively as he squeezes the blonde’s pecs, rubbing his nipples with his thumbs until they’re hard. His mouth reaches the pert buds next, and he latches on to one of them, flicking his tongue across it before sucking hard.
Katsuki gasps, hands moving down to tangle in the man’s white spikes. Touya releases the current nipple with a slick pop and switches to the other, laving it with the same attention and relishing in the sounds the blonde is making.
He shifts further down, sucking and licking along Katsuki’s abs. He presses kisses along the v of his hips, down to where the skirt starts. He bites the edge of the elastic band and tugs on it, snapping it back in place.
“Fuck,” Katsuki hisses, jolting at the sensation.
Touya chuckles, the sound deep and husky, as he slides off the end of the bed, tugging the man’s legs to pull him to the edge. He licks his lips as he leans up, lifting the man’s skirt to expose his black boxer briefs.
He presses his nose up against them, damp at the center from how wet he is, and he inhales deeply, groaning at the thick scent of Katsuki’s arousal. He loops his fingers around the tops of the underwear, pulling it down swiftly, unveiling his prize.
“Oh, I’m sorry, doll,” Touya coos as he grips the man’s powerful thighs. “I didn’t realize how badly you needed me.”
“Fuck you,” Katsuki says.
“Hush now,” Touya says, tutting disapprovingly. “I’m going to huff…” he blows a breath against Katsuki’s sex, making him gasp, “and puff…” another breath of hot air against him, “and blow your fucking mind.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever—” Katsuki starts, but Touya dives forward, licking up through his folds. Katsuki chokes on his own words, sputtering out an “o-oh-oh, f-fuck.”
Touya sucks on his cock, twirling his tongue around it, making Katsuki shudder and moan, his pussy clenching around nothing as his pleasure builds impossibly fast. He closes his eyes, reaching down again to grasp the man’s white hair, grinding his hips up against his face.
Touya gives his dick another little lick before moving down to thrust his tongue deeply into the man’s cunt, curling it to expertly press against his g-spot. Katsuki gasps, tugging at the man’s hair as he throws his head back.
Katsuki hadn’t been sure what to expect following the man, but the way he’s passionately curling his tongue within his inner walls has his edge approaching faster than ever before. His legs start trembling heavily and he clenches rhythmically against Touya’s tongue.
Touya grips one of Katsuki’s thighs, his other hand coming up to thrust into his pussy along with his tongue for a moment before he moves up to show his cock some more love. He sucks on the erect member, humming around it as he roughly thrusts his fingers in and out.
Katsuki cums with a shout, his entire body jolting with the shockwaves of pleasure that course through him. He grinds his cunt against Touya’s face, who delights in the movements, not relenting in his ministrations, drawing out the man’s pleasure.
When Katsuki finally slumps back down, he grunts and twitches, pushing at Touya’s head when it becomes too much. Touya releases his cock and leans back, pulling his fingers free so he can lick them clean.
He stands up, leaning over the bed to kiss the blonde, rolling his hips up against Katsuki’s core, letting the man feel how hard his dick is. Katsuki wraps his legs around Touya’s waist, pressing closer against him and Touya groans.
“Be a good boy for me, doll,” he says.
“Fuck,” Katsuki says. “Just take this fucking thing off and fuck me.”
He tugs at the skirt lifting it away from his folds, but Touya stops him there, shaking his head. “It’s fucking hot, and I want to fuck you in it.”
“Just fucking hurry up,” Katsuki says, squeezing his legs harder around Touya, rubbing his soaking folds against the man’s pants.
Touya bites Katsuki's lower lip and tugs. “I’m the wolf here, Little Red.”
Katsuki groans, nodding to the man, eyes lidded. Touya hums his approval, kissing him a bit softer before pulling his legs free so he can unbutton his pants. He soaks in the desperate look Katsuki gives him, not even blinking as he watches Touya shove his pants and boxers down, freeing his cock.
A silver ring sits at the tip, coated in precum that drips down the flushed red member. Katsuki bites his lip, spreading his legs a bit wider, the only thought on his mind how badly he wants the man’s dick inside him.
Touya smirks, slowly stroking himself, tweaking the piercing, giving the blonde a little show. He can see the way the man licks his lips like he wants a taste, but Touya isn’t interested in that right now.
Maybe next time runs through his head, and he blinks, surprised by his own thought as he’s never been one for relationships, but he quickly pushes that aside.
He stands at the foot of the bed and Katsuki starts pushing himself up further on the mattress to make room for him, but Touya shakes his head. He gives the blonde a devilish smirk as he grips his ankles, tugging him down to the very edge of the bed so his ass is barely hanging off.
“Now, I know I’m the wolf here, but I want you to howl,” Touya says, snickering at his own joke as he rubs the head of his cock along Katsuki’s slit. “Think you can do that for me, Little Red?”
“Fuck, yes,” Katsuki says, wiggling his hips, trying to coax the white-haired man into just getting the fuck on with it.
“Good boy,” Touya says, thrusting forward to fully sheathe himself in a single move.
Katsuki nearly screams, the stretch is intense, and that piercing rubs along his most sensitive nerves. Touya groans, gripping the man’s hips tightly, holding him at the end of the bed as he rolls his hips, soaking in the tight heat shrouding his dick.
Touya looks down at the man speared on his cock, licking his lips as he shifts his hands to the man’s thighs, pushing them toward his abdomen, folding him as he leans forward, sinking even deeper. He starts thrusting slowly, watching his dick move in and out, shining with slick, a delicious soft squelching sound accompanying each movement.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Touya groans.
Katsuki just nods, savoring the sensation of the man’s impressive size as he moves. The stretch of his inner walls is so fucking good, and that Reverse Prince Albert rubs along his g-spot with every movement.
When Touya finally starts moving faster, it’s like he can’t stop moving faster. He pounds harder into the man with each thrust, drilling into him quicker, leaning over the edge of the bed to get deeper.
“God, you’re tight,” Touya pants out, eyes nearly rolling back as Katsuki clenches around him.
“You’re fucking huge,” Katsuki retorts, and Touya huffs out a breathy laugh.
“Fuck, Katsuki,” Touya groans, not even realizing that he’s just used someone’s real name during sex for the first time.
He reaches down to roughly jostle Katsuki’s T-dick, and the blonde cries out as he’s pushed over the edge, back arching as he cums, soaking Touya’s cock in more heat.
Touya curses loudly and pulls out, roughly shoving the blonde further up the bed and flipping him. Katsuki is still dazed, easily allowing himself to be pulled onto all fours, barely even registering the shift until Touya rams back into his pussy.
“Touya!” Katsuki shouts, pushing back to meet each movement.
The white-haired man groans, gripping the blonde’s shockingly tiny waist, using it as a grip to help tug the man against his dick with every move. This position has his balls slapping up against Katsuki’s cock with every thrust, and he moans, tilting his hips to get more contact.
Touya curses under his breath, feeling sweat trickling down his temples, doing his best to hold off on his orgasm so he can delight in this euphoric feeling for a bit longer.
But Katsuki can’t stop the way his entire body vibrates as he cums again, cursing loudly as drool trickles past his lips and his cunt gushes out more of his release. There’s so much now that it’s dripping down his thighs and onto Touya’s legs, creating a wet slap that echoes around the room.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” Touya groans.
He grips Katsuki’s hips, leaning back, sitting on his heels and pulling Katsuki into his lap, legs spread over Touya’s thighs as he continues fucking up into him. He snakes a hand around the man’s front, rubbing Katsuki’s cock.
The blonde gasps, still dazed, but starts to bounce, and Touya eagerly adjusts to meet his downward movements, slamming up into him as hard as he can. The blonde is a twitching, moaning mess, his pussy sporadically clenching as the waves of bliss continually surge through him.
Touya kisses along Katsuki’s shoulders as they move, sucking little marks into his pale flesh. He teases his teeth along his neck, grunting and groaning at the intense pleasure still building up.
“God, I’m gonna—” Touya chokes on his own spit, unable to finish his sentence.
“Bite me,” Katsuki gasps out, “please, fucking bite me.”
Touya doesn’t even hesitate, opening his mouth wide and clamping his jaws down on the soft flesh between the man’s neck and shoulder. He puts just enough pressure behind the bite to make it hurt and Katsuki shouts a broken version of Touya’s name as he cums again.
That’s all Touya can take, groaning heavily around the mouthful of flesh as he fills the blonde up, feeling like he might black out from how hard he cums. It’s like his balls are emptying everything wasted on past ventures, releasing all his pent-up frustrations into the man.
When he finally stills, he can’t even move for a long moment, barely even able to unlock his jaw. He closes his eyes and presses his forehead against the blonde’s new mark, chest heaving as he attempts to regain control of his heartbeat.
Katsuki slowly pulls himself up, but Touya grips his hips, holding him down, sighing as he opens his eyes, kissing the mark.
“The fuck?” Katsuki says.
“God, you’re perfect,” Touya says.
Katsuki’s face flushes red and he quickly pulls up, cum spilling from his slit as he shifts to face the guy, giving him an annoyed look.
“Shut up,” he snarls, and he would get off the bed, if he could get his legs to cooperate.
Touya tilts his head, brows raising. “I dunno about you, but I definitely wanna do that again.”
“Shut up,” Katsuki snaps again.
“Why?” Touya asks, genuinely curious.
“I don’t just… fuck,” Katsuki says, scowling.
“Don’t do casual fucking?” Touya guesses.
“No, I fucking don’t,” Katsuki says, shuffling to the edge of the bed. “I did my T-shot this morning, so I was just extra fucking horny.”
Hurt laces through Touya and he scowls. “Oh, regretting this already, huh?”
“Yeah,” Katsuki says, using his foot to grab his underwear and tugging it up his legs. “Should’ve known better than to sleep with my fucking crush.”
“Wait,” Touya says, blinking. “Crush? We’ve never met before.”
Katsuki scoffs loudly. “Right. We definitely haven’t hung out every weekend for the past fucking year since I moved here.”
Touya blinks again. “Uh.”
“That’s what I fucking thought,” Katsuki says, grimacing as his briefs squish the leaking cum up against his skin. “Fucking Shitty Hair and his stupid fucking wingman bullshit.”
“Wait, seriously, we’ve met before?” Touya says, standing up in front of the blonde.
“Fuck off,” Katsuki says, shoving him to the side as he gets up, legs wobbly. “I’m Blasty, you fucking idiot.”
“What!” Touya shouts, eyes going wide. “No way. Blasty is a nerd who wears baggy pants and oversized hoodies. He’s got thick black glasses and wears beanies and always has his nose shoved in a book.”
“And I come here every fucking weekend,” Katsuki hisses venomously. “We’ve had entire fucking conversations, asshole. So fuck off, and don’t talk to me again.”
Touya sputters, totally surprised by his own dumbassery, but he rushes to the door before Katsuki can open it, shoving himself between it and the blonde.
“Wait, please,” Touya says. “Fuck, I… I’m a fucking idiot, okay? But this was fucking amazing, and I want to do it again.”
Katsuki’s nostrils flare. “Move, or I will break your nose.”
“Date me,” Touya blurts out.
“I’m not going to date you just so you can fuck me again,” Katsuki snaps.
“I swear, I will woo the fuck outta you,” Touya says. “Shit, doll, Blasty, give me a chance?”
“Give me one good reason why I should do that,” Katsuki says, crossing his arms.
“Because I’ve never wanted to beg someone to stay before,” Touya says.
Katsuki gives him a suspicious look, but after a moment, he sighs. “Fine.”
“Can I kiss you again?” Touya asks. “Please?”
Katsuki leans up to kiss him, wrapping his arms around the man’s neck, Touya’s own arms snaking around his middle. Katsuki melts into it, hating how badly he wants this to work out.
Touya hums a contented sound. “It’s a Christmas miracle.”
Katsuki breaks away to laugh. “It’s Halloween, moron.”
“But we’ll be engaged by Christmas at this rate,” Touya says.
Katsuki scoffs. “You still gotta fucking prove yourself.”
“I’m thinking a black silicone band with fire opal, so you can wear it at the gym,” Touya says, pursing his lips, leaning his back against the door, pulling Katsuki against him.
“Fuck off,” Katsuki says, trying to fight back the blush on his cheeks.
“No, I liked that nerdy little shit,” Touya says. “But I thought he was straight. Now that I know how much you like my cock, I’m gonna keep you around.”
“Quit sayin’ that like I don’t have a fuckin’ choice,” Katsuki hisses.
Touya scoffs. “I’m determined, doll, I ain’t gonna let you get away that easy.”
He smirks, leaning in to kiss the bite mark he’d left on the man’s shoulder. “And I know you like being dominated.”
Katsuki’s face flushes a vibrant red hue. “You still owe me a hell of a fucking date for not knowing who I fucking was, asshole.”
“Okay,” Touya agrees easily. “Now, where do you think we should go for our honeymoon?”
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moxiemaemaple · 2 months
Dear Diary~ 003 'Uppies'
I'll never get them. For so long I would observe other couples and watch how they love on each other. Built this list of things I wanted, things I wish someone would do for me. Uppies is one. Stop saying I'm beautiful, I already know…Just pick me the fuck up like a princess!
Its so stupid. I cry every night everything. Uppies isn't the only thing but it comes up because its something now I'll never experience… Years I settled in my past city. I dated so many losers in my past and not a single one gave me uppies and it kinda rips me up inside. Its like a first kiss. It is like how one day I wanted to climb that mountain… I was so stupid to think one day someone would purpose to me up there. Just weaponized to cheat on me once…
Was I never anyones queen? Was I never good enough… Those intrusive thoughts murder my self worth. I was good enough for everything else. Not really. I got cheated on so many times that I can't help not think its something to do with me. Good enough to fuck I guess? Good enough to parade around for a little but not settle with. Not good enough to show the world 'this girl is mine' and give me some fucking uppies?!
It all doesn't matter anymore. I'll never get uppies. I might dress up like Barbie and pretend, doesn't disguise the trash I must be. Tossed away like I'm worthless. Again, and again. Whats wrong with people? Or me?
I'll never understand. I'm tired of putting in all the effort to try and love. Anytime I open my vitals an someone just stabs me. I hurt too much. I think about all the whores who fucked my former partners and what they had over me. A toxic thing to reflect on but when it happens nearly four times in a row you really begin to wonder. What did those bitches have over me?
I can cosplay anything. Proven I can learn skills on a weekend like some fucking genius! I have taught myself so many skills, building myself literally up like Barbie. Trying to become the most likable. Pickmeshia shit. I think about all I've done, all I know how to do, what I've done over and over for others but then time and time sees some brainlet just say hi and there goes my property. Keep them, trash.
You ever have so much self worth you just feel like everyone is below you now? Like getting cheated on is some method of humbling me cause they couldn't match my boss bitch energy? I don't see many going to weekly therapy trying to iron out jack shit. My mastery of hip winds in dance is something I've worked and practiced for hundred of hours, then some low grade wanna be stripper just bends over and that's 'h0t'. Low effort. I just think I could do better in my head.
I try and stop comparing though when I see what others have I can't help it. I'm outcasted consistently from everything. No matter how I present. In fact dressing up literally like a bimbo I feel has gained me MORE HATE. Being super nice to everyone and neutral makes you hated. Tell me the logic of that. I can't fucking win. What the fuck is wrong with people and this existence?
How do I stop being made into a fucking villain and finally I can be a queen?!
So we come back around. Why do they deserve to be given uppies and not once was I? I'm like a cat, I used up all nine lives in the last place. Love is bullshit. Pretty sure people are incapable of loving me. Bullshitters, all liars wanting ass. Or maybe love just doesn't actually exist, cause I'm trapped in fucking hell.
Dreaming of that knight who jumps any novel, any story to keep my love is just asking for too much. I wish while cosplaying Misa Misa from Death Note I could actually write some names into a book… Cause Kira turns out to always be a piece of shit. Makes no sense I put a hundred and get zero back everytime. I keep wishing there was someone just like me. There isn't. At least I'm starting to lose faith in soul mates being a real concept. Just fairy tales.
Fairy tales I dream about every night as I get uppies through a beautiful park. Loved and not dropped into a bin at the end.
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Hey girl I want to tell you something because I feel bad about it.
Okay so my sister is a really “busy” person who her only priority is work she haves 3 children and she doesn’t care about them they will go weeks with out showing and she makes one of the kids sleep on the leavings room floor or kitchen with out a blanket or pillows she treats them super bad and she doesn’t even buy them new shoes when the old ones are ripped she only cares about her self she needs to have the new iPhone a new clothes and other stuff .
So today she told she one of her coworkers was giving kittens away and ask me if she should get one and I told her no because she’s. It responsible she only doesn’t clean her house and haves two bunny’s that sleep on their own pee/poop I told her that taking in a kitten will be hard because they need a lot of attention and I also told her that she needed to get the cat fix and up to date with the vaccines and sometimes they ask to get your gat some blood test when they get surgery and I told her that’s I’ll be expensive since the cat doesn’t have vaccines or anything and she got mad I also pointed out that her kids are aggressive with animals and she got mad because I told her that and said that I was jealous (all because the cat she was gonna get looked like mine witch idk if she got that got but since she’s not responsible to take care of her kids I new she won’t be the same with the cat) it poses me off and I got upset because poor baby doesn’t deserve an owner my sister or to live in a bad condition. So idk what to feel if i should apologize or to ignore it.
Sorry for the long rant I’m just frustrated 😭😭😭
First of all, I am sorry to hear that you and those children are having to deal with all of this. No child should have to deal with such a shit parent.
Secondly, no. Not at all. You do not have to apologize for stating the truth. If you sister is a shit parent, let her know. Over and over and over again until it sinks in. How are you going to get another pet when you refuse to take care of your children...make it make sense. You are not in the wrong at all.
If she won't put the time into her kids and the pets she already has...what will happen to the kitten? The bunnies could hurt it or the kitten could hurt the bunnies. Also if her children are rough with animals, they could hurt the kitten as well and that wouldn't be good for anyone.
Has no one stepped in to talk some sense into your sister? Why does she still have her children if they are being neglected so badly? Also, are you the same anon from before that told me about their sister and kids? I'm sorry if you aren't and are new here. I've had another anon come to me with something in the same field.
Again, I so sorry that you and the children have to deal with this bullshit. I am here if you need to vent some more or just need someone to talk to. Sending you all my love and best wishes!!!
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starry-eyed-butch · 1 year
I’m almost 32 and I’ve never dated another woman and I’m super upset about it cause now I don’t even know how to do that without feeling creepy on top of not even trying to date in so long that I’m awkward. And I struggle with even responding most of the time cause I’m so stuck thinking it’s silly or I’m needy or I’m a nuisance and they’d text me if they wanted but that’s entirely unfair and I’m trying to break that cause, it takes two and all that but fuck man I’m just gonna be alone for the rest of my life cause every time I start to feel like I’m not Annoying, something happens that kicks me back (I really wish I could quit my job) and I don’t even think I’m into men in a not gay way cause I don’t see myself as a girl and that’s a whole other slew of shit that most folks are so “supportive of” until it happens and it’s “weird” cause I’m not a man but I’m not…anything else?? That fits? Every time I think I have feelings for a person, I come up with a reason to not pursue and it dies. Like, I don’t know how to form healthy relationships and between school and work, I have less energy than normal anyways, and I just…I wanna girlfriend and I wanna be butch cause that makes the most sense in how I see myself and it’s just never gonna exist. It doesn’t help that I live in southern Ohio with all the political bullshit going on.
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fbfh · 3 years
robin buckley x reader dating hcs
(you’re referred to as her girlfriend but otherwise gn)
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Holy shit holy shit
Robin would be SUCH a good girlfriend
Literally after all the bullshit she's been through now not only does she get a girlfriend??
But it's you?????
Holy fucking shit did she luck out
She's not like,, a super aggressive person or one to jump into a fight or smth yk
But once you're together she gets this fire she's never experienced before
And she knows that she won't hesitate to throw hands to keep you safe and happy
She will fight for you
In every sense
She's the first one to defend you
Someone makes an underhanded comment, your coworker does something creepy, your family or friends are being shitty, you get an unfair grade on an assignment you worked hard on
Or literally anything else
It doesn't matter, Robin will be there 10000% ready to stand up for you
Most of the time this manifests as using her hilarious wit and sharp tongue to verbally annihilate people until they apologize (which doesn't take long)
But everyone knows she will knock anyone out in one swing if it comes to that
It's sort of like dating chill 80s jade west
Because oh my GOD you're her girlfriend???
You're HER girlfriend?!?!???!?!!
When you first started going out she had a silent thank you god I don’t really believe in for answering my prayers
She's such a good girlfriend
She's so attentive
Like when you're in the same vicinity you have her full attention
Even if it's in the form of quiet yearning admiration
The way you might look at a Renaissance painting you can never remember the name for until you eventually burn it into your memory so you never lose track of it again
Like for real
Any time you say anything she's ready to listen
You could be talking about absolutely nothing and she'll still be paying rapt attention, hanging on your every word
She's just so glad to be around you
Any amount of time with you is a good use of time
And dear god does she love kissing you
Forehead kisses
Cheek kisses
Neck kisses
Hand kisses
Literally anywhere she can kiss you she will
And of course, your lips
At any and all opportunities
God she can't get enough
And neither can you
Because she is an amazing fucking kisser
They're warm and full and soft
And very addictive
Which obviously leads to a lot of making out
Making out with Robin is one of the nicest things you can experience
She's so warm and soft
She always tastes a little like cherry or cotton candy depending on which lip balm she's wearing
She knows exactly what to do at exactly what moment to make you as flustered as possible
She picks up on your cues so fucking fast
Cause like she's so smart yk
She accurately translated and cracked a code in a language she doesn't speak in literally a day
She's good at puzzles and smart as fuck
Of course she'll pick up on all your cues super fast with some fuckin Sherlock style deduction she doesn't even notice she's doing
Making out with Robin will end in one of two ways
One of which won't be discussed here this is the sfw version
You'll be kissing and kissing and kissing until you're both full of butterflies and a little dizzy
One of you will get so flustered you start trying not to smile into the kiss
Then you'll both be smiling and giggling, faces warm, teeth scraping against each other
And you just stay like that
Giggling messes, clutching each other, foreheads touching
Her hands are probably on your cheeks
She'll try to kiss you again but you're both still smiling too much
She just buries her head in your neck
Completely and utterly lovestruck
Unable to function
Her brain is in happy chemical overdrive
And once again she almost can't process how happy
How fucking lucky she is to have you in her life
At all, but especially like this
She literally loves you so fucking much
She can not and will not shut up to Steve about you
If you started dating Robin before you knew Steve once you finally meet
You introduce yourself and he’s like “yEah I know,,,,” and you both look over at Robin
“She talks about me a lot?”
“I know your favorite color, you favorite band, I’ve heard you’re a very good kisser…”
Yes yes she does
Cause she loves you
How can she not talk about you all the time????
Who wouldn’t????
You’re so fucking amazing it’s impossible not to fall in love with you at first sight
And robin knows she’s not at all the exception to this rule
tags: @hopefullhearts @littlewinter1917 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl
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writingwithciara · 3 years
Just Another Day ~Miguel Diaz~
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summary: y/n and miguel are close friends. y/n believes that valentine’s day is just another day of the year. miguel is a hopeless romantic who constantly dreams of the perfect date. when johnny asks his students for a volunteer to take his little sister out for the night, it only makes sense for it to be miguel.
word count: 1.5k
pairings: miguel diaz x Lawrence!reader, johnny lawrence x sister!reader
warnings: none
a/n: i started this around the time that cobra kai was released on netflix. that was about 2 years. it’s been sitting in my drafts, half completed, since then. i’m releasing it now because it’s valentine’s day. hope you enjoy & happy valentine’s day ❤️💝🌹🍫
“you have a date for valentine’s day?” y/n followed her brother around the apartment as he cleaned up. “YOU have a date for the day of love? that sounds like bullshit.”
“well, it’s not.” he threw a couple of bottles in the trash before turning to look at his little sister. “you’re gonna be out that night, correct?”
“well, i would leave the apartment but i dont have any plans.”
“you could always just go hang out at golf n’ stuff.”
“no thanks. that place is going to be crawling with couples & i don’t feel like seeing that. valentine’s day is just another day that is over commercialized and i really don’t find the appeal.”
“if you stay here, you’ll see another couple.”
“well then find me a date for saturday night & i won’t be here to annoy you.”
johnny rolled his eyes and went to his room. he loved his sister, truly, but sometimes she got on his nerves. he wanted her to be happy. she was too young to be cynical about love.
the next day at the dojo, he examined his students, trying to find a suitable date for his sister. his eyes landed on hawk and miguel. either one of them would do, he thought. 
“alright, listen up. saturday is valentine’s day and im assuming neither of you guys have dates. am i correct?”
“actually, sensei, i do have a date with my girlfriend.” hawk smiled and high-fived miguel.
“okay.” he looked at miguel. “what about you?”
“my yaya wants to teach me how to cook.”
“look, someone needs to break their plans.”
“why is that, sensei?”
“because i have a date and my little sister needs to be out of the apartment for the night so i need someone to take her out.”
“oh. why didn’t you just say so? i’ll do it, sensei.”
“what about your yaya?”
“she’ll understand. she adores y/n so much.” miguel smiled. “she isn’t a very big fan of the day but i’m sure i can change her mind.”
“thanks, miguel. just don’t do anything stupid or hurt her, okay?”
“understood, sensei.”
friday came fast and that meant valentine’s day was tomorrow. miguel had already had the perfect date planned out and he tweaked it a little to incorporate some of y/n’s favorite things. he was sure she would love it. all that was left to do was ask her.
“hey, miggy. what are you doing in the library?” y/n looked up from the book she was reading when miguel sat down at the table with her.
“i came here to ask you something super important.”
“okay. i’m intrigued.” she closed the book completely and maneuvered so she was facing him directly. “what’s up?”
“what are you doing tomorrow night?”
“wandering around town because my brother is kicking me out for the night. why?”
“well, maybe you can hang out with me. my mom has a date so my yaya is gonna be watching old soap operas.”
“i love old soap operas. can i hang out with her?”
“what? no. can you please just say you’ll hang out with me?”
“okay. but just so you know, i-”
“i know. you don’t like any of that cheap valentines day crap. no romance, right?”
“as long as there is absolutely no romance planned, i’m in.”
“perfect. i’ll stop by your place and pick you up around 6. sound good?”
“sounds perfect.” she smiled and watched as he left the library happily. miguel diaz was truly one of a kind.
the next night, y/n stood in front of the mirror in her room. she changed her outfit about a hundred times but nothing looked good.
“johnny, can you come here please?”
“what is it? my date will be here soon and i want you gone before she gets here.” he opened her door and looked at her. “what?”
“does this outfit look fine? i’m hanging out with miguel tonight and i can’t decide on a decent outfit.”
“you look fine. i’m sure he won’t care about what you’re wearing. he likes spending time with you.”
“he does?”
“yeah, i think so.” johnny scanned her bedroom and sighed. “i hope you’ll be cleaning this up later.”
“obviously. i may be a Lawrence but i’m not a slob.” she smiled and dodged the jacket he threw at her. she began to pick up a few things when she heard miguel’s special knock on the door. “miguel’s here. i’ll be back later.” when she opened the door, miguel and his mom were standing on the other side.
“ready to go?”
“yes, of course.” she stepped out and his mom stepped in. “you’re my brother’s date tonight?”
“yes.” she smiled shyly and looked around for johnny, who had disappeared into his room.
“johnny, your date’s here. don’t keep her waiting.” y/n looked at carmen and smiled. “have a seat on the couch. he should be out shortly.”
“alright, thank you. you kids have fun tonight.”
“we will, mom.” miguel closed the door and walked away from the apartment with y/n.
“so, where are we going on this wonderful evening?”
“well, since you don’t like valentine’s day, or romance really, i have decided that the best place for you to be tonight is golf n’ stuff.”
“that’s where johnny told me to go but i said i didn’t wanna go because of all the couples that will probably be there. but at least now i won’t be alone. i’ll be with you.”
“most of the events tonight are just what we would normally do when we hang out, aside from the few special additions i planned for you.”
“they better not be romantic plans, miguel.”
“don’t worry. i chose carefully so you wouldn’t hate me.”
when they arrived at golf n’ stuff, it was nearly empty, aside from a few lonely people and the workers. they played a round of mini golf and then went inside to play some games. miguel won lots of tickets and got y/n a sculpture of a koala on a bamboo leaf. after the games, they went out to the go-kart track and raced each other. miguel let y/n win because he knew it’d make her happy.
at the end of the night, miguel took her to Tommy’s. it was her favorite place to go for a burger and it was the least romantic restaurant he knew of. 
“you know, i’m happy with what transpired tonight. it was way more fun than i thought it was going to be.” y/n smiled as she and miguel stopped outside her apartment. “thanks for taking me out tonight, miguel.”
“it was my pleasure.” he looked at her and smiled back. “when sensei asked for a volunteer to take you out, i offered to do it.”
“so, this was all because of johnny?” y/n frowned and miguel began to trip over his words.
“no no no. well, yes but...he was just...he was only looking out for you and wanted to make sure you were happy. he’s my sensei. what else was i going to do?”
“you volunteered because he asked you to do it? that’s not really volunteering then, is it?”
“so this date wasn’t because you actually like me?”
“i do. i do like you. god, i am such an idiot right now.”
“elaborate, please.” she crossed her arms and tapped her foot.
“when he first asked, he never mentioned it was for someone to take you out. he just asked if anyone had plans. i thought he was going to ask us to come in to train some more so i told him that i had plans with my yaya. but then he said he wanted someone to take you out and when your name came out of his mouth, i quickly volunteered. i think that maybe he thought i was a little too eager because he was barely finished asking the question before i spoke up.” miguel chuckled. y/n, however, didn’t look to amused. “look, i know you think i’m an idiot but the truth is, i really do like you. the only reason i never asked you out before was because i know how you feel about romance and all that cheesy crap. i didn’t want to ruin what we already had by asking you out and scaring you off. so i figured that volunteering to do it would give me a little more confidence to enact the plan i’ve had written down since i met you.”
“are you done now?”
“no. wait, yes. i-i believe so.”
“okay, well aside from the fact that johnny was pretty much behind all of this, i really did have a great time tonight. any time i’m with you is fun, even if we’re just sitting around doing nothing. i like spending time with you, miguel. and as for the cheesy romance crap, i think i’ll be able to handle it as long as it’s coming from you.”
“are you saying what i think you’re saying?”
“i’ve been waiting for a year and a half for you, miguel. i really don’t want to wait any longer.”
“me either.” he smiled and pulled her in for a gentle kiss. they were so invested in their affection that they hadn’t noticed the apartment door opening. it was only when they heard johnny’s voice that they pulled apart.
“i guess you’re okay with valentine’s day now.”
leave it to johnny to ruin a beautiful moment.
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Hi lovely! I adore your writing style and noticed you were taking requests. This is my first request ever so if it comes off a little awkward please forgive me! 👉👈
I was hoping for a scenario where Hawks has been wondering why y/n has been skipping out on get-togethers with him for the past week or two. He gets curious enough one day that he just-so-happens to patrol the area where you run off to after you reject another date with him.
He finds out that you have been going to an outdoor avian clinic and taking classes on how to pamper/massage or preen bird wings in order to surprise Hawks for your anniversary coming up.
But not like totally before Hawks confronts you and blurting out “Have you been cheating on me with a parrot?” 😂
Thank you! I hope this all makes sense. Hugs and kisses!
Hello there!! You are so sweet! and you didn’t come off awkward at all! <3
I am so sorry I didn’t actually mean for this to become an angst fic in the beginning ;-; 
but it is fluffy don’t worry!
warnings: avian Keigo (Keigo having bird like tendencies)
Also I schedule this to be a bit later than I normally post, I’ll most likely be asleep when this goes up so I just wanted to say to everyone thank you for reading!!
word count: 3.3k
He tapped his foot against the floor of the restaurant, his patience deteriorating every second as he stared at the door.
As the fastest hero, Keigo never really had any patients for just about anything. One thing he hated more than anything was people being late, he moved fast, he wanted people to move fast with him.
All he wanted to do was go on a nice date night, have some dinner, and go home and watch a movie or something. He just wanted to spend time with you.
You normally never skipped out on dates, so why now? 
He had noticed your absence in the last few weeks, more and more you would skip out on him. 
The anxiety bubbling in his heart was starting to spill over, seeping into his attitude in daily life. In his head, he wondered if maybe you were trying to signal to him that you weren’t interested in dating anymore, that maybe you were just silently drifting from him. But he loved the 11 months he got to spend with you, he’d never experienced anything like it. It was fresh, new, loving, he didn’t want it to end. Those thoughts had made him feel miserable for the last week or so, but he was still confused by you. Although you skipped out on dates and such, you still acted so lovingly towards him. You would still come home and snuggle up to him, you would still run your fingers through his hair at night, you would still talk mindlessly about your day, as though nothing was remotely bothering you.
So, maybe you really were busy, perhaps he was just looking too much into the issue.
But still, getting stood up for the 4th time in a row would make anyone a bit upset. 
He left the restaurant, paying for the drink he had ordered, and went on his way home.
Maybe it was a side effect of his quirk, but when he had these sorts of thoughts his wings would get all twitchy. He had done the research and found that when birds were in a high-stress situation they plucked at their feathers. The article also said that when a person that said a bird was attached to someone that abandons them, they get even more stressed and irritated. Which he supposed made sense. He would never admit it to very many people, (and if the press got a hold of it he would honestly shoot himself) but he had some bird tendencies.
Not big ones, just small ones.
He would bob his head in time with music sometimes, his pupils would dilate and contract when he was concentrating on something, he would mindlessly coo and cluck randomly as well.
Luckily, the commission taught him to control his bird-like tendencies, they told him that some of his bird traits were “off-putting”. But he really wasn’t sure what they were talking about, animal quirks weren’t uncommon, but he didn’t complain, he didn’t mind the help. 
But since he’s been dating you, he found himself getting more and more of these tendencies.
A few times, he would find random shiny objects and give them to you, he acted all excited about it too, saying, “I saw it and thought that you could keep it! It’s super pretty so, I don’t know, I thought you’d think it was cool.” After he said that, you just took the objects and told him he was so adorable. 
Another time, when you two were just out and about, he had seen you talk to someone with a similar bird quirk to his. He didn’t even know what came over him, but he squawked at the man, effectively freaking him and you out.
He apologized profusely after that. 
There was one bird-like quality he didn’t mind all that much, and that was the preening of his feathers. It was honestly so relaxing, the dirt and dust from flying seeped into his feathers, so he always found himself soaking his wings in water and then rubbing them with a special kind of oil.
There were some days, however, were all he could do (or all he had time to do) was take a warm towel and gently rub off his feathers. 
And lately, he had found himself going overboard with his preening, pulling more aggressively at his feathers, sometimes even hurting himself. He suspected that it was due to the stress of worrying about what was wrong with you (or him).
He hated all of it, loathed it even. Worse was how hard it was for him to broach the subject with you, whenever he got close he always wussed out. In his mind, even though it bothered him, he didn’t want to lose you. He was so scared that if he brought it up he would hear something he dreaded, and you two would fall apart. 
He loved you so much, he wanted you to stay with him. Another bird trait he learned, some birds mated for life, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel that way about you. He just...he didn’t want to lose you.
There was one possibility that was the worst, and yet the most likely. You had been cheating on him.
He really didn’t want to admit it, but it all sort of added up.
You skipped out on dates so you could go out with this other person. When you would become affectionate with him could be a sign of guilt, he read about that online. And the way you wouldn’t see his texts or missed calls when he knew you were on a lunch break, maybe you were seeing someone else. 
Was he a bad boyfriend? He thought that he had become better at this whole relationship stuff, maybe not perfect, but he was getting there. He knew he was hard to deal with, he wished he could be better for you, he really did. He knew he was busy a lot, tired from work, he knew he wasn't the most affectionate guy, but he wanted you, he wanted you so much it hurt.  Keigo thought that you loved him because he really loved you. 
The thought of having to let you go crushed his heart crushed his spirit too. He really did care for you, he knew that you were the one for him, so the thought of you not returning that feeling hurt him.
He flew through the night sky, looking down at the lights of the city. Normally, a sight like this would have made him smile, made him feel like he was on top of the world.
But his wings just felt uncomfortable, the wind blowing through them just increased the feeling. 
He just felt… done. Like the whole world felt heavy to him. Maybe he really was overthinking everything, but he couldn’t help it, he was made to be observant. 
He knew he had a strange habit of over-complicating things, but it was just his nature he supposed. A trained government agent always has to look into the fine details, at least, that's what he was taught. So, with your absence, he found himself becoming more and more paranoid.
He brought it up to his side-kicks and hero friends, and they all said the same thing; he was just being paranoid. They told him that, “sometimes in relationships, things get a little rough, it happens.” But Keigo couldn’t help but hate the whole ordeal.
He sighed, flying faster to his home.
One time, he had tried to follow you on your lunch break. He supposed it was pretty stalkerish, but he was getting desperate. All he needed was reassurance, just to know if you were actually busy or if that had been a bullshit excuse. He told himself it wasn’t a huge deal, he was just making sure you were doing ok.
...ok maybe it was a bit of a breach of privacy.
He had perched himself on top of a building near your workplace. Keigo had made sure that you wouldn’t be able to see him as he followed you, keeping out of sight as best he could.
His initial thought was you would go to a coffee shop, maybe some sort of expensive restaurant if you were meeting someone. 
Yet, to his surprise, he saw you scarf down a sandwich as you entered an animal clinch.
Were you cheating on him with an animal clinch employee?
He wanted to confront you then and there, but from where he was, he didn’t have any reason to.
It looked innocent enough, you were just going to an animal clinch.
He immediately felt guilty. There was no reason for him not to trust you, you had done nothing wrong in this situation. Maybe you really were working overtime and he was just overthinking everything.
He shook his head, sighing, he unfolded his wings and flew off the building he was perched on.
That was a week ago, it was after the third time you stood him up. And now, although he didn’t have any proof of you cheating, he still felt like he had a reason to confront you. He just felt sick of worrying and overthinking everything, and in all honesty, you weren’t helping the situation. Every time he asked you about it, you always came up with some sort of excuse. 
He landed on his balcony with a loud thump, not caring all that much about the noise. 
As he entered his home, he lifted the hem of his shirt off his head, throwing it on the floor unceremoniously. Walking over to the bathroom, he filled a special bowl full of water and made his way back over to the bed.
It was probably a bad idea to preen himself when he was so aggravated like this, but he wanted to do it, his wings felt so uncomfortable. 
His right-wing raised a bit as he sat down, pulling the feathered stump closer to him.
But before he could even graze the feathers with a damp cloth he had, he heard the front door open and close.
Before he had even realized it, he was already zooming down the staircase of his luscious penthouse, knowing full well you were already inside of his home.
“Hi honey,” you slipped your shoes off, not looking at him yet. “How was your day- Oh,” he crossed his arms over his chest, he was sure his expression was one of utmost anger. 
“Where were you,” his tone was irritated, his wings twitched behind him.
“I was working. Baby what's wrong,” he nearly rolled his eyes at your concerned tone.
“Don’t baby me, you stood me up,” he huffed, “again.” 
He didn’t miss the sorry expression that flashed on your face, “Kei, I’m sorry, I really am. I’ve just been so busy lately. I know I haven’t been fair to you, but I’m not doing anything tomorrow! Look I’ll even make dinner for you, ok? Really, Kei, I’m ”
“Y/N,” here it came, “if your gonna break up with me, just do it already
Well, that certainly shocked you (and him if he was being honest). Your whole expression fell into one of confusion, your eyes looked up at him with genuine hurt.
“What? Keigo what are you talking about? You’re not making any sense, why would I want to break up with you?”
“I don’t know Y/N?! Why have you been avoiding me for so long!?”
You sighed, “Is that what this is all about? Well,” you pulled out some sort of form, reaching it out to him, “here, I wanted to surprise you on our anniversary, but I don’t want you to think that I’m doing something dishonest.”
He snatched the piece of paper out of your hand, maybe a bit too harshly. He looked at it and was immediately confused.
It was information on a class about… how to preen birds?
He gave you a confused look, to which you gave him a light smile, “I see how frustrating it is for you to preen them, so I wanted to help out. I saw that I could learn how and thought it would be a cute thing for us to do together.”
He stood in shock for a few moments, letting the guilt wash over him. 
“I-I’m so sorry.”
You chuckled a bit, “Don’t be, it was wrong of me to leave you high and dry on dates, I just had to work overtime in order to get these classes in.”
Now, he felt twice as guilty.
This whole time he had thought you were drifting away from him, and worse, he thought you were cheating on him. He felt sick. His friends were right, he really was overthinking the whole situation. And worst of all, you were working overtime to do something so nice for him, and here he was, yelling at you.
“I-I’m so sorry, Y/N. Jesus,” he shook his head, “I’m an idiot. You were off doing something so thoughtful for me, and I was being a prick, yelling at you. I’m sorry honey. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?” 
But you just chuckled, “Keigo, really, it’s ok. I should have at least done something to convince you, or rescheduled our dates. It’s ok honey, don’t feel bad.”
You moved in to give him a hug, which just happened to be the moment you realized his shirt was missing.
“Uh,” he saw your body straighten up, and your face makes a flustered expression, “why is your shirt…”
“Oh, well,” he scratched his feathers nervously, “it’s kinda funny, I was just about to preen my wings. So I have to take off my shirt in order to get the water to the back. Kind of a weird coincidence, huh.”
“Well,” you looked at him, eyes softening, “can I help?”
Keigo was sure his heart had frozen, after a moment or two, he answered, “S-sure.”
You pulled a stool for him to sit on as you sat down on the bed.
Keigo wasn’t sure why, but he felt so anxious. To tell the truth, he never really had someone preen his wings before. He would always do it himself, it was an annoying effort sometimes, but the commission was very big on him looking good for the public eye.
His wings weren’t super sensitive, but the light touches of your fingers running through them felt like pure heaven to him. The sensation was like having someone giving a message, but… different. It felt nicer, more loving, more slow and nice.
The whole sensation made him shutter.
“Is this ok,” he didn’t miss the anxiety in your tone.
“Yeah,” he said, breathlessly. “Perfect, keep...keep doing that babe.”
The little pulls of his feathers relaxed him more and more, making him seep into the back of the stool he was sitting on.
When you had started to add water to the mix, he didn’t notice his cooing.
“Hmm,” his mind was so far gone in the relaxation of your hands that he barely registered your voice.
“Are you cooing,” you had to suppress your smirk as his body went rigid, as well as his wings.
“I,” his face was almost as deep red as his wings, “s-sorry.”
You giggled, “Don’t apologize,” you pressed softly into the apex of some of his feathers, “if it feels good, it’s fine if you coo. I won't judge you.”
Softly, he let out a few coos, but he didn’t want to freak you out.
But soon, he realized he couldn’t keep them in, you were just doing so well. 
You moved softly to grab his feather oil, “Uh, so how does this even work? Do I take a few drops and run them through each individual feather or something?”
You’ve seen him preen his wings before, but until recently you had just started to pay attention to how he exactly did them. You had noticed that the oil he used on his feathers gave a shine to the red plumage, but you had noticed he was a bit cautious with the serum.
“O-oh,” you didn’t miss the light stutter and the soft up-take of his voice, “Um, if you want you can just put a few drops in your hand and rake them through. You don’t have to do each one if you don’t want to.”
You thought for a moment, “Alright, I think I’ll just do each feather. I wanna get this right after all.”
And, honest to god, Keigo gulped.
You’ve never seen him this relaxed and yet so tense, you would have thought he was drugged. You would be lying if you didn’t enjoy it though, the way Keigo melted into you, it was weirdly adorable.
“Yeah,” he let out, “yeah ok.”
After that, it was like Keigo could barely talk. 
For a moment, you considered something. When you and Keigo had started to date, you had noticed how he was a bit touch-starved. He craved affection, whether he was aware of this or not, you weren’t sure.
But it made sense, his childhood past, and plus, this was his first real relationship. You wondered if Keigo had ever been shown so decent, honest love before.
Perhaps his bird instincts also played a part in how affectionate he could be. You read once, that when male birds became attached to their mates they tended to get affectionate as well as loving. Plus, some birds preened their mates as a show of love, you wondered if what Keigo was doing was just his way of showing how happy he was with you preening him.
After you were done, Keigo’s head was light and tired. The whole experience for him felt magical, he wasn’t sure why though. He preened himself a bunch of times, why was this the first time he felt this way?
But Keigo’s head couldn’t really process the question at the moment.
“You wanna go to sleep,” you asked, bringing your hands lightly over his shoulders, kissing his forehead.
He let out a small, “Mhm,” as he stood up. You had to help him to his bed because of how wobbly he was.
After you carefully helped him into bed, you turned to go to the bathroom to wash your hands, but Keigo dragged you down.
“No,” he whined softly as you tried to get out of his grip, “cuddles.”
(You couldn’t lie, this had to be the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen him do)
He nuzzled into you, his body flushed against yours. 
That’s when you heard it, the little chips. You didn’t say anything, scared that if you did he would stop. You played with his hair as he chirped into your neck, his wings shivered a bit.
You decided to ask him, “Hey, Kei.”
He hummed lightly.
“I’ve never seen you like this, does it have something to do with your bird instincts?”
Keigo thought for a moment, “Maybe,” his voice was light you noticed, “it could be. Kinda just something I experience because that’s what birds do with their...mates.”
You chuckled, running your hands through his wings again, “Maybe it’s because you're also, like, really touch starved.”
“Oh yeah, maybe. I mean,” he looked at you, like a lovesick puppy, “you are my first time in a real relationship.”
You laughed lightly, going back to lightly stroking his hair and feathers.
“Hey Y/N,” Keigo’s voice was tired, and yet, it was soft.
“Yeah honey,” you asked in an equally gooey voice.
He nuzzled in closer to you, giving you a soft, yet deep kiss, “I love you.”
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dollslayer · 3 years
Fight or Flight
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve comes clean, in the aftermath and shock you turn to the one person who you know you can trust.
W/C: 2,369
Warnings: Implied cheating, angst, swearing
A/N: Hello! I wrote this for @sweetlyscared 's 1k celebration (congrats, it's well deserved!), prompt is in bold. I'm still pretty new to writing and this is my first true Angst fic so any and all reblogs/comments are super appreciated! Please check out my other stuff if you liked this fic!! Cheers!
PART TWO I Masterlist
The feeling of everything crashing around you was slow. Like your world was moving in slow motion as you processed the words. Everything else he was saying became distorted, going to waste as he tried desperately to explain himself to you. All you could hear clearly was your own breathing while you tried to will yourself to do something, anything.
Fight or flight is a funny thing, you were always so feisty and eager to fight back, A Bulldog, Steve had affectionately called you. But when he told you he was in love with someone else, that he has been in love with someone else for months, your body couldn’t find anything in it but to walk away.
Your breathing picked up and your eyes searched the ground, refusing to meet his. You felt your legs raise you up to stand and start walking away, unsure of your destination. When you pivoted to leave the room your eyes met his briefly, staring emotionlessly as his desperately searched for anything at all in yours.
“Where are you going? Doll, please, can we talk about this? I’m, I’m so sorry I-”
Whatever else he was saying wasn’t heard over the noise of opening the door and shutting it behind you. You didn’t know where you were going or what you were feeling other than the obvious. You were in a state of shock, it’s one thing to hear awful news and another to understand that it’s true but you were fastly approaching that truth head-on.
You paused for a moment in the hall and heard no movement come after you. You almost let yourself be surprised but he’d admitted he gave up on you a long time ago, so it only makes sense he wouldn’t fight your exit. You kept walking and tried to hold the floodgates of your heart closed for a bit longer.
Flashes of what was said come back to you slowly as reality sets in. “I can’t put this off any longer. I want you to know that I will always love you, but there’s someone else.”
Your head hurt like it would as if you were already crying, the blood pumping in your ears and pressure building in your temples that would no doubt evoke a long-standing headache. Your face felt hot as you stepped into the elevator, maybe you’d go for a walk in an attempt to fend off your tears. Or maybe you’d walk to a safer place to have an emotional breakdown. Whichever is easier.
Brisk gusts of air greet you as you exit the building, making you realize you left your jacket on the arm of the couch. You took a second to evaluate yourself and noticed you’d also walked out in your house slippers and a thin pair of leggings. Trying to evade the cold you tucked yourself in the doorway of a bodega down the street and dialed Bucky.
Two rings and he picked up.
“Did you know?”
The silence on the line only reminds you of the blood pumping in your ears. The silence tells you everything you needed to know.
You hang up.
You’re breathing even harder now. Who else knew? For how long? How long was I the joke? You need to find somewhere else to be soon or all these strangers are going to get an eyeful of a grown woman sobbing. You dial the last number you’d expect to at a time like this.
“What’s happening, shortstack?”
You can hear Tony’s grin through the phone and his easy greeting gives you momentary comfort.
“Can I come over? Something happened.”
“I’ll let Jarvis know to let you in” Tony’s tone is understanding, not needing you to explain further, just letting you know you can come to him.
Tony’s only seven blocks from yours and Steve’s shared apartment, a fact you’re grateful for when you feel your feet aching every time they hit the pavement. The conversation replays in your head, you try to word what happened in your head and your anger starts overtaking the heartbreak. It’s almost a welcome reprieve from the settling heartbreak but you’re not sure if you’d rather be numb to it completely.
When the elevator doors open Tony’s waiting for you with two tumblers of scotch in hand. You shake your head and move past him to the couch. He joins you on the opposite armchair and sets both his elbows down on his spread knees, resting his face in his hands.
“Would you like to talk about it or not talk about it?” He asks with a sigh.
You don’t make eye contact with him so you don’t cry, choosing to focus on the Iron Man coffee table book you’d gotten as a gag gift for Tony all those Christmases ago. It almost distracts you enough to laugh, the fact that he just has it out. But you need to tell someone what happened and get it all out before you can let yourself feel it all.
“Steveisinlovewithsomeoneelse,” You rushed it all out in one breath afraid if you didn’t get it out fast enough that you’d break. “He has been for months. He said he doesn’t know when it all changed but when he was with her things just clicked,” you paused to collect yourself, “But don’t worry, I’ll always hold a special place in his heart and he hopes this won’t affect the future of the team or our friendship.”
“Oh, and he’s really sorry.” you added.
You laughed bitterly and shook your head in disbelief. His delivery had been so cold but so sincere, very to the point but pained in its delivery. “I just, whatever we had, it’s just gone. Things are just different now, with her, this kills me though, please believe me. You’re still really special to me.” Bullshit. Special enough to act as a placeholder until someone better comes, special enough to cast aside.
You’re broken momentarily from your spiral into anger by the sound of a glass hitting a coaster a little too hard. Looking up, you find Tony quietly seething. He and Steve aren’t close by any means so you figured that he wouldn’t have known, it’s why you called him over anyone else.
He moves slowly to your side on the couch and pulls you into his side. You can smell his aftershave and what you think might be burned grease from one of the many things he’s been tinkering with in the lab, it smells like him, like comfort.
“That fucking asshole. Unbelievable, I don’t even…” He leaves the thought unfinished.
His hands move up and down your arms in a soothing motion and you finally let yourself have it. You don’t even realize you’re crying until you feel the tears wet his shirt when you bury your face in. You sniffle up tears and snot when your face heats up.
There’s no way to know how long Tony lets you sob into him, no doubt ruining his vintage Depeche Mode shirt. Somewhere in the back of your mind you make a mental note to buy him a new one later. But for now you’ll just allow yourself to cry and you can deal with the world in the morning.
Tony lets you fall asleep on his chest, feeling somewhere between furious and heartbroken by proxy. He thinks about letting you sleep and giving Steve a piece of his mind but figures that’s not what you need right now. Your phone sits on the table and he touches the screen to check the time. No notifications on your homescreen except for a missed call from Bucky and an old photo of Steve making a funny face as your background.
Had Steve not even tried to call you? Had he not even tried to go after you? Why was Bucky of all people the only one to be trying to get a hold of you? Prick.
Selfishly Tony is glad that he has a good reason to be rude to Steve now, he has to admit. You two had always been close but when you and Steve started dating he saw less and less of you. He couldn’t fault you for it though, you were so in love with Steve and you knew that the relationship between the two of them was strained so you kept your distance a bit.
He thought of all the sacrifices you’d made for Steve. You gave up your childhood home in the Bronx that your parents had willed to you to move in with him because he wanted you to be closer to the tower. You gave up a promotion and transfer to DC when you were still just an agent, granted you were an avenger now but it doesn’t matter, he’d made a very big deal out of you turning it down. You gave up the friendship the two of you had.
It was incredible, really. How much you had done for him only for him to turn around and love someone else behind your back. Brave enough to fight aliens and terrorists but too cowardly to break up with you and leave you with some dignity. Did anyone else know about this?
Tony had to stop himself from getting too angry, afraid he’d wake you up. So instead he went back to plotting up schematics for the half-finished suit mod he’d been in the middle of when you called.
It’s been a week and you still haven’t properly talked to Steve. After two days on Tony’s couch you need to look at things from a logical stance. Where am I going to stay? It’s not like you had your parent’s place anymore and you didn’t want to sign a new lease on an apartment. You could always move into the tower but that meant a higher chance of running into Steve.
You were thinking about all of this out loud to Tony when he offered you the guest bedroom in his penthouse. You were shocked, he’s always been a generous man but after you drifted apart from him you were surprised he even let you stay these past few days. Maybe now was a good time to rebuild your friendship with him and have some space from work.
What’s work going to be like? You agree and go on a temporary leave from the team, just a month to collect yourself. If you really wanted to you could go back but the thought of seeing everyone that knew about Steve’s affair was humiliating and enraging in one go.
It turns out Sam had been playing therapist to Steve in all of this, Nat figured it out through some sleuthing, and Wanda had inadvertently heard his thoughts about her. And none of them thought to tell you? To save you from the anguish but to let it fester? Steve wasn’t the only one that betrayed you. They all had.
What will I say to him? Should I say anything to him? Turns out the answer was ‘nothing’. You texted him to let him know you were moving out and you’d be by to get your things as a courtesy. You walked into an empty apartment and you were almost relieved.
He’d chosen to not be here but he’d left you a letter on the kitchen counter next to a framed photo of the two of you on vacation last year. You scoff but don’t touch the letter. Every ounce of restraint you have is being used as you leave it untouched. But you don’t need to know what excuses or apologies he has on deck, nothing he could say would exonerate him of his wrong-doings. You had no intentions of speaking to him but secretly you hoped he suffered as he stewed in his guilt and inner-turmoil. He deserves to.
When you pack you leave every gift he ever gave you, taking only what you’d brought with you in the first place. You take one look at the unmade bed and almost go to make it out of habit but then you think of the two of them there together. All the long missions you went on without him, all the times you stayed late at work or went out with your friends. How many times had he been here with her while you were there?
You end up only leaving with two suitcases and a backpack full of things. Tony waits for you in the lobby, understanding you wanted your space when you went to get your things in case Steve was there.
The elevator doors open to him taking a selfie with a couple of fans and shaking hands. He’s all too happy to be recognized but when he sees you his eyes soften. Not out of pity, but fondness, like he’s proud of you for getting out.
He sends you a questioning look with a silent question. Are you okay?
You smile at him and for the first time in days it’s a genuine, non-placating, happy-to-see-you smile. It’s okay, I’ll be okay.
He takes one of your suitcases from you and helps you load them into the back of the car before opening the door for you. The drive back to Tony’s is silent but comfortable. The trust you have in each other is strong and unspoken. Something you’ve always been grateful for between the two of you.
He doesn’t ask you about Steve or what happened, always letting you come to him first, which you appreciate. And when you talk he just listens. No bullshit unsolicited advice about moving on or how everything happens for a reason or getting back out there, just listens.
You know the road ahead is long and it will be difficult, but you have someone in your corner and the knowledge that what happened isn’t your fault and that you’re a badass and fuck Steve Rogers and fuck anyone else that did you wrong in all of this. Maybe you’ll forgive them someday but for now you’re gonna focus on you and work on building yourself back up. You’re ready for the ups and downs, you’re ready to fight.
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OK but Dating Actually More Canon Hawks...would be interesting...
also known as why I think Hawks is Submissive and Breedable
*potential spoilers*
I haven’t seen/read everything so whoopsies
also this post is long so...teehee
Because Hawks is extremely clever, extremely charming, and it makes for an interesting set up. I’m not sure we ever really see him from his core like we do other “main” supporting characters. He seems to have a face he presents to the public [suave, charming, cool-guy] and there’s how he deals with other heroes [calculated, straightforward, strong moral sense]. Yet, unlike with say Endeavor, we don’t seem to get to see his personal side as much. We know what Endeavor is like behind closed doors, but what about Hawks?
Hawks is a young 22 year old boy who was severely abused as a child, then taken under essentially government custody [from my understanding]. I’m not sure he ever got the chance to develop a personality of his own or the chance to learn how to regulate emotions. He knows what it’s like to feel that uncomfortable feeling in his wings and that strong urge to do something about it, as seen when he’s a child and talks about it. And I think that sort of danger sense gets reinforced when he finds out Endeavor saves him. 
He had been waiting for things to be over and now they are, all thanks to this fantasy ‘character’ he idolized. He’s pretty young to deal with all the stuff he does. We do see a little bit of a darker side of him, but I wouldn’t necessarily call that his inner self, like a personal side if that makes sense. He grew up doing anything he could to survive and now, as an adult, is under similar stressors. 
Now why do I bring all of this up....I think these sort of foundational things are important in understanding the kind of relationship Hawks might have with someone. 
~However, my dumb little stupid brain can’t keep up with canon plot events...so canonish personality but fuck the plotline that’s too complicated~
I do legitimately think Hawks would be interested in a fellow Pro-Hero or Side Kick. I think your strong sense of justice would be super attractive to him. Low key, he likes someone that sticks up for the little guy. It tells him that you look out for others and aren’t in this just for fame or money. That kind of stuff- being of service to others etc.- is oddly a big deal to him. He can’t really explain why but it just means a lot. 
He would be a menace to argue with. He just doesn’t understand why you’re upset over something. It’s really hard for him to see why he might be in the wrong about something, especially if it’s something that’s “logic” based. Like if you argue about his tone of voice or something similar. He doesn’t understand that just telling you “he didn’t mean it that way” doesn’t make it better, especially if it’s a consistent problem. He still feels bad for upsetting you...he just doesn’t understand...
As much as he comes off as this real ‘lady-killer’/charmer, I don’t think Hawks has any intentions on being remotely intimate anytime soon. He just likes taking you out ‘to this really great hot pot place he knows’ or for chicken wings and holding your hand across the table. Opening up is hard for him, so you’d have to be willing to go slow. He’s submissive and breedable. You thought he was gonna be the dom but no. It’s you...you’re the dom...get used to it babey...
I think Hawks is also becomes enamored rather quickly. He just sees you, decides that he wants to be with you and asks, maybe without thinking about what that all entails. There’s an impulsive streak in his personal life, even though he’s usually so calculated. It might stem from not having much autonomy as a child or even a young person, but it’s something you notice. He tends to impulse buy trinkets the most. You somehow end up with a junk drawer at your house with all the little key chains, mini-brands, and magnets he’s bought you. It’s not a great habit to have, but it’s not make or break either. 
You would both probably live pretty separate lives for a long while. Unless one of you is calling the other to go somewhere or to chat, you don’t call or text too much. Especially if you’re both in the Hero industry, I can see this happening. Hawks just doesn’t feel the need to text you all day long. A) he’s working B) he’ll talk to you when he sees you next. Won’t it be more special that way? About every two or three weeks he gets the urge to call/see you. If you call before then he doesn’t mind.
He’s a babe. He needs someone who’s understanding and patient, but bull-headed enough to argue with him and help him figure out what’s going on. Hawks never really got the chance to learn to regulate his emotions, so he’s pretty quick to shut down. He’ll do anything to avoid making you upset, to the point where it isn’t helpful. He needs someone who can tell him ‘to cut the bullshit and just tell them what’s wrong, they won’t be mad, they’re just frustrated he isn’t communicating.’ Hawks isn’t used to always having a say when it comes to close relationships. It takes him a while to get the words out. But with you, he always feel better when he does.
He’s just submissive and breedable just love him plz I’m crying
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adiwriting · 3 years
Do I sense some jealousy? From the prompts please ☺️
More from my Nerd!Michael / BadBoy!Alex series. Because why not?
“Do I sense some jealousy?” Alex asks, leaning back against the mirror and making himself comfortable on the counter while Michael washes his hands.
“I’m not jealous,” he says, hating the amused smirk that Alex has on. “I just thought… This is supposed to be date night. And I don’t understand why we have to spend it with my siblings.”
“Because I’m actively trying to make sure your siblings don’t hate me,” Alex says, tugging on Michael’s wrists when he’s done drying off his hands to pull him closer. He steps in between Alex’s legs easily, leaning most of his weight against Alex’s chest while Alex’s arms move around his shoulders.
“Why do you care what they think?” he grumbles.
The thing is, it's not really Alex that he’s mad at. It’s Isobel. Isobel and her stupid fucking underhanded shit. Michael knows that’s exactly who orchestrated this night. Alex Manes, in all of his ‘I hate the world and everyone in it except for you’ glory did not come up with the idea for a family game night himself. And with how much of a disaster game nights are in his family, there’s no way anyone but Isobel would have suggested this.
“Because they’re important to you,” Alex says.
Michael shakes his head.
“I don’t care what they think,” he argues. Because it’s true. Isobel and Max have both tried to talk him out of dating Alex, but here they are. Together. He doesn’t care if they never accept Alex. He’s happy and that’s all that matters.
“You absolutely care what they think,” Alex says. “You guys don’t do anything without the other’s approval. And they hate me. Which is fine. I can handle it. But it’s killing you and I hate that. If there’s something I can do to help them see that I’m not out here to steal your virtue or whatever it is they are worried about, I’ll do it.”
“Pretty sure you’ve already stolen my virtue,” Michael says, thinking back to several days ago, how Alex had led him into the locker room, sat him down on that narrow wooden bench and proceeded to blow Michael like his life depended on it. And if that wasn’t virtue-stealing enough, Alex had made good on his promise of a celebration after his win yesterday and Michael had finally gotten to return the favor, tasting Alex for the first time.
Alex ducks his head to cover a blush and Michael is still baffled with the idea that he has that kind of power over Alex. That he, nerdy, insecure, nobody Michael Evans can make Alex Manes blush.
“Not completely,” Alex says, the words quiet and a little bit insecure.
“Not yet,” he says, leaning in to kiss Alex’s cheek.
“We should probably head out there before they think we’re doing anything scandalous,” Alex says and attempts to move off the counter, but Michael reaches for his hips to hold him in place.
“Wait,” he says. “I need to warn you…”
Alex gives him a weary look.
“There’s, uh, a reason my mom has banned us from playing anything but cooperative games,” Michael says with a blush.
Alex looks at him curiously, waiting for him to explain.
“When the three of us play games, we get super competitive,” he says. “They, um, they usually end in bloodshed. Often literally.”
“No,” Alex gasps, amused. “The perfect Evans kids? You guys are joined at the hip. I can’t picture you guys ever fighting. Bloodshed over Monopoly is some Manes family bullshit.”
Michael shrugs, feeling a bit better that Alex isn’t judging him, but still worried that tonight’s going to be a disaster and scare Alex off.
“Three’s a hard number,” he explains. “We usually get along, but there’s a reason our mom stopped putting us in the same activities. It’s not good. And when we play games, somebody always teams up and it’s two against one and doesn’t end well.”
“I can see that from your sister, but I can’t imagine you ever losing your temper on anyone. Let alone your siblings,” Alex says.
“I’m not some Pollyanna. Stuff pisses me off,” he says, a bit annoyed.
“I know that,” Alex says, reaching up to brush a curl back from his forehead. “You get mad all the time, but you just never let anyone see it. You bottle it down like a good little boy, no matter how much people push you.”
Michael shrugs, but he can’t deny that the comment throws him for a minute. The fact that Alex really does see him in a way that nobody else but his siblings ever has. It’s nice. It’s really nice. He’s not used to many people seeing him clearly.
“I guess I’m just proud to know that you’re capable of standing up for yourself,” Alex says, leaning in to give him a sweet kiss as Michael blushes. “There goes that adorable blush again.”
Michael moves his head to try and hide his face, but Alex just nuzzles his nose into Michael’s cheek before kissing it.
“You sure you’re ready for this?” Michael asks one last time to be sure. “We can still sneak out the back.”
Alex shakes his head. “Your siblings don’t scare me.”
And though Michael’s not sure that’s entirely true now that he knows the real Alex Manes underneath all that black eyeliner and false bravado of his, he takes his words at face value.
He steps back so that Alex can slide off the counter.
“Just so we are on the same page, under no circumstances can we let Isobel win,” he says as he opens the bathroom door.
“Got it,” Alex says, not sounding remotely convincing.
“I mean it,” he says, thinking about what a monster Isobel will be if she wins.
“Okay,” Alex agrees, again, not sounding convincing.
Michael glares at him. “You’re gonna let her win aren’t you?”
Alex smiles innocently and Michael knows that’s exactly what he’s going to do. He groans, picturing the way Isobel is going to brag about this for weeks. She’s going to be insufferable.
“You owe me a date night,” he says as they step back into the living room where Max and Isobel are setting up for the night.
“Anywhere you want,” Alex promises with a smile and a wink that makes it difficult for him to stay mad at him. Secretly, Michael is glad that Alex is trying, even if he can’t say the same for his siblings. Michael is still hopeful that once his family gets to know the real Alex like he has, they’ll love him every bit as much as Michael does.
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