constantlymisspelled · 10 months
Mandalorian Code Interpretation [link is found here]
Strength is Life
Honor is Life
Loyalty is Life
Death is Life
2. Honourable Conduct [link is found here]
Honour in self
Honour in the Community
Honour in the Galaxy
Honour Amongst Clan
Honour in Partnership
Honour in Leadership
Honour in Combat
3. Adoption Law [link is found here]
The Legal Definition of Foundling
Foundling Procedure
Disownment of Parent
Community Adoption
Adoption regarding criminal activities
Adoption regarding marital conditions
Adoption Consent
4. Marriage and Divorce [link is found here]
Spouse Definition
Spousal Privileges
Conditions for Legal Engagement
Consent and Age Restrictions
Conditions for Legal Marriage
Conditions for Legal Divorce
Children, Clan and House Considerations
5. Resolnare [link is found here]
The Six Tennent’s Broader accepted conditions
Way Followers Interpretation
Naasaade Interpretation and Redemption of Vows
Noncombatant Interpretations
The Mandalorian Healer’s Code
The Mandalorian Armourer's Code
Codes recognised in Conjunction
6. Clan and House [link is found here]
Definition of House
Responsibilities of House
Definition of Clan
Responsibilities of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of House
Requirements needed to be declared a Major House
7. Language Protectorate [link is found here]
Mando’a in Practice
Rights to change, add or remove words
Script usage and recognition in Mandalorian Space
8. The Position of Manda’lor [link is found here]
Requirements needed to be a candidate for Manda’lor
Commanding body
Restrictions, Compliance and Declarations of Misconduct
9. Education and Cultural development [link is found here]
The Education Responsibilities of Clans
The Education responsibilities of Schools and facilities
Freed Re-education programs and foundations
Religious and cultural rights within education systems
Parental rights throughout education
10. Electoral Process [link is found here]
The Court of Houses
The Sector Governors
The System Governors
The Astro Body Governors
District Electoral Members
Electoral Voters
Voting conditions
Overseers of the Ballot
Postal Elections
Voting Eligibility
Right and Responsibility
Conditions for Referendum, Re-election and Hung Parliamentary Votes
11. Court of Law
Family Court
Criminal Justice Court
Court of Appeal
Military Court
Financial and Business Court
Public Courts
12. Responsibility and due process
Parental Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Political Responsibility
Financial Responsibility
Military Responsibility
Adoption Due Process
Engagement and Marriage Due Process
Divorce and Separation Due Process
Election Eligibility Due Process
Firearms Licensing Due Process
Verdgoten and Adult Graduation Due Process
Election Results Due Process
Parental Disownment Due Process
Clan and House Formation Due Process
13. Foreign interaction and policy
Foreign Ambassador acceptance
Externa; Ambassadors abroad
Foreign Currency and Exchange
Border Security
Digital Security and Programming Policy
Citizenship and Visa Acceptance
14. Employment within and outside of the sector
Legal age and parameters of employment
Contract and procedure for levels of employment
Foreign policy for Mando'ade working abroad
Foreign policy for outsiders working in Mandalore
15. Property and payment
Land ownership and tenancy
Forms of payment accepted in legal contract
Ownership and registration of vehicles
Ownership and registration of Firearms
Ownership and registration of Non-sentient Animals
Copyright, fair trade and artistic license
16. Beskar
Donations to Foundlings
Sacred right to wear beskar as armour
Conditions for percentage declared
Rights to mine and export
Religious significance
17. Recognised Mandalorian Sects and Coverts
Haat Mando’ade
Way Followers
Creed Bound
Silver Children
18. Armour and Weapon Classifications
Military Issue
Military Grade
Civilian Use
Hunter and Mercenary Equipment
Trade and Specialist Equipment
Journeyman, Protectorate
19. Criminal sentencing
Grievous bodily harm
Criminal Negligence
Medical Malpractice
War Crimes
Demagolkase - War Crimes against children
Sentient Trafficking and experimentation
Financial Misconduct and Tax Evasion
20. Military and Law Enforcement
Mandalorian Protectors
Journeyman Protectors
Home Guard
Manda'yaim Reserve
21. Land Rights and Conservation
Land Ownership
Sale and Redistribution of land
Declaration of Sacred Places
Sector Council Lands, Protectorate Lands, Crown Lands and Stock Routes
Protected Areas
Water Ways
Tenancy, Lodging, and Temporary Accommodations
Public Areas
Squatters' Rights
Sanctioned and unsanctioned terraforming
22. Commerce, Business and Integrity
Currency and Zones
Business Licenses and Legal Procedure
External business practice
Monopoly businesses and Mega Businesses
Banking within the Sector
23. Discrimination [link is found here]
Religious Interpretation
24. Closing Statements
Manda'lor Jaster Mereel [link is found here]
The Translator
25. References
Regarding headcanons for Houses; [link is found here]
26. Contacts and Relevant Supervising Personnel of Note
[This post will be altered as I go, and as amendments are made]
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fearmypaintbrush · 1 year
Sometimes my brain reminds me that, out of all the mandos who tried to put to words what it means to be a mando, you have the original resol’nare aka the 6 actions, which inspired the canons of honor, which in turn was inspiration for Tor Vizla’s Kyr’tsad (Death Watch) Manifesto, and Jaster Mereel’s Ori’ramikade (Supercommando) Codex.
And I think about the LENGTH differences between a single phrase of six core values, a group of canons, a manifesto and a codex. Like, I can’t stress enough that the reason we don’t have a canon Supercommando codex is because a codex is an entire book, a compilation of rules, lists, values, and priorities grouped together, organized, and put into book form.
And I think of the man who, upon seeing corruption right in front of him in the system he was apart of, his first response is to kill the superior officer who was apart of that corruption. Then when he’s been kicked out for killing a superior, and he sees that the corruption and injustice and dishonesty spread far beyond the Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn, that its everywhere in the galaxy, his response then is to write a fucking book.
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jedi-nurse · 11 months
No thoughts just *Imperial Supercommandos*
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mearchy · 23 days
❌ Work on my OSHA certifications
❌ Work on my WIPs
✅ Review all the Legends material and study a bunch of honor codes and warrior society lawbooks to come up with a proposal for what the Supercommando Codex might have looked like from beginning to end
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flilisskywalker · 9 months
Ezra: What took you so long? Sabine: I was using my feelings for you. It takes longer.
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locitapurplepink · 3 months
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Taglist : @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @commander-tech , @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @laughingphoenixleader , @kanerallels , @ambulance-mom , @fulltimecatwitch and anyone else who wants to vote this one.
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bojangos · 1 year
so what does everybody think the supercommando codex actually Said.  give me your novellas on the topic
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aces-to-apples · 9 months
Also I cannot believe we got a Siege of Mandalore flashback/vision, with Ahsoka slicing up Death Watch in their Maul armor, and Anakin says it looks like the battle was intense and Ahsoka says it was but we get no Maul shoutout? Babes he set up that whole fucking invasion for you!! Can he not get an ounce of respect???
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
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constantlymisspelled · 10 months
23 - Discrimination (Yeah I went there)
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[Text in image is as below]
i) Species;
a) All Sentient Species recognised by Mandalorian Law are completely within right to be adopted, adopt, and live within Mandalore, and Mandalorian Society. b) If a Species wishes to be added to the data base, a General Notice for Recognition can be applied for through the Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients. The Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients will also keep in check genealogy to take notice of the rare cases of possible gene modification and cloning. The Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients is the official government and information authority for all occasions regarding inter-species law in Mandalorian Space. c) Sentient Species cannot be outlawed from sectors or systems – Mandalorian Law stresses the difference between a Species, and its local Governments. For example, a fleeing Zygerrian is not guilty of the crimes of the Zygerrian Empire. d) Sentient Species cannot be barred entry into clubs, pubs or venues due to their species. e) Sentient Species cannot be required or told by schools, family, or others to physically alter traits and physical features that do not cause harm. For example, a Zabracki shall not be demanded to wear a headdress to attend classes for the safety of other students.
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[Text in images is as below]
ii) Sex;
a) Mandalorian Law recognises separate biological sexes for all documented species under the Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients. b) Mandalore recognises the separate sexes, sub-sexes, and individual genders within the Species Codex held by the Bounty Hunter Guild Associations. c) Mandalore retains its right to utilise the genderless and sexless terms and wordings in day-to-day use. d) Medical Professionals, and those whose services require said information are the only beings within Mandalore allowed to require a response to request of an individual’s sex, species, and gender information. e) Job applications and education shall not require confirmation of sex or gender for acceptance or application. f) Mandalore and the Mandalorian Sector practices the use of a multitude of private and communal refreshers – schools in the Mandalorian sector will tend to have two segregated bathrooms for the two more common humanoid sexes, a disabled bathroom, a unisex bathroom, and the communal bathrooms utilised in most military settings. Individual sectors can offer a differing, or greater range of choices – for example, Ordo Minor, which has the selection of disabled bathrooms, individual bathrooms, and the communal bathrooms with no segregation of any sort. g) Married Mandalorians are not required to inform anyone of their or their spouse’s gender or sex. h) Sex work in Mandalore falls under the Fair Work Acts, and is acceptable under strict and heavily monitored conditions. A Mando’ade who worked in this sector of business is permitted to apply to other forms of employment. Attempts to block applications and transfers of employment is both discriminatory to the Mando’ade’s financial freedoms and their sexual freedoms.
iii) Religious Interpretation;
 a) Incomplete
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[Text in image is as below]
iv) Language;
a) Mando’a’s multitude of accepted forms are not to be excluded, impeded or banned in any way within Mandalorian Space. b) Mando’a is to be taught at every school in Mandalorian Space in the sector’s most common forms. c) No Mando’ade should be barred in any way from learning Mando’a. d) Speaking a Freed language is a protected right, and those found guilty of excluding or discriminating those speaking or who have spoken Freed language fall under Sentient Discrimination and can face charges at both Mandalorian and Galactic Courts. e) Speaking Basic is not banned in any way, but it is not a specific requirement to graduate, educate, be credited or to have a job. f) Basic cannot be a prerequisite in jobs that do not have any relevance to the speaking of the language. For example, a mechanic does not need to speak fluid Basic to practice on Ordo Prime or Manda’yaim. g) Learning to speak, read and write is a Right, not a privilege, and those barring students for financial reasons either in low or high levels of education will be held to account under Mandalorian Law. Learning languages in Mandalore is a Protected Right, and not to be interfered with by external pressures. h) Clan Foundlings wishing to continue to learn their pre-adoption language is a protected right under Mandalorian Law. Foundlings will not be punished for use of their pre-adoption languages.
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[Text in image is as below]
v) Ability;
a) All Clan members, regardless of their capacity or ability to fight, are crucial to Clan Welfare. b) Clan members, or Mando’ade who are visually or verbally impaired should have allocations made for their comfort and to ease participation in day-to-day life. This includes species that routinely have these impairments, for example, nocturnal species being allowed to be as active as they require at their biologically required hours. c) Clan members, Mando’ade or warriors who have been injured to the point of being removed from combat have completed a great service for their Clan and their community, and any discrimination or exclusion of these Mando’ade is punishable by law. d) Mando’ade born with non-life-threatening defects are to be treated as ordinary Mando’ade under Mandalorian Law. e) Mando’ade born with life-threatening birth defects are catered for under the Public Health Acts, and can even be served at external hospitals around the galaxy under the Mandalorian Resources and Children Protectorate. Parents can make direct calls for assistance to the Mandalorian Protectors, and can expect near immediate response and support in the occasion of life-threatening illness or injury. This is a right under Mandalorian Law. f) Mandalorians with movement impairments, mental impairment and illness, and other neurological discrepancies are protected under Mandalorian Law. In the event of a Neurological Unsound Mando’ade hurting a child, the Mano’ade risks becoming institutionalised. g) Those of impaired, separated, different nature or disposition, and disability are completely able to be charged with serious offences. However, much like criminal justice, intent must be proved for charges such as ‘murder,’ or the charge will simply be held as high degree grievous assault and manslaughter. Ability Impaired Mandalorians will still face a firing squad if found guilty of War Crimes, Child Abuse, or Sexual Assault. h) Mando’ade that cannot live by themselves can either select, or have a carer selected for them out of their Clan or Community that passes Health and Carer Training and Psychological Evaluations. The selection will take place after their diagnosis with impairment. If a Clan member has already been acting as the Mando’ade’s carer, provisioning will be made for that Clan member to have access to appropriate resources and training without separating the Carer from their charge.
[Again, if anyone has any criticism, I am open to any form of assistance you can provide. Sections like this are close to my heart, as I have members of my family who cannot give informed consent, or have a disability that stops them from being able to hold a job. When the time comes, I'm hoping to link a master post for disability and medical beskar'gam symbols to this post so that disabled verde can colour and pattern their armour appropiately, and have it understood.]
[back to main Codex]
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psyzook · 1 year
brb, I’m currently obsessed with Jaster Mereel. Like- he is so fucking pure. I mean, he’s a DILF, a nerd, and sort of awkward?!? 😫 bitch, everyone wants a piece of him
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jedi-nurse · 10 months
Some WIPpet Snippets (i just like how that rhymes :) )
“Even though I was falling I knew with every fiber of my being that you were going to catch me, because that’s what you do. I fell for you, and you caught me” Sabine said (Untitled wip about the aftermath of the *jetpack chase*)
Jacen loved all the fancy desserts he got to eat, and he did enjoy hearing all the people clap for his mom when she made a speech. He had been going to these banquets for years, so he was always on his best behavior. Unlike Sabine and Ezra, who were anything but on their best behavior. (Banquet Shenanigans/How to Get Banned from a New Republic Event)
“Uh well you see” Ezra began as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I was practicing some Mando’a on the way here and Sabine was helping me with the pronunciation and we kinda accidentally recited the vows back to each other” he finished with a shrug. This was probably the funniest thing Kanan had heard in a long time. (How to Accidently Marry Your Best Friend)
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dootchster · 1 year
Credits concept art from The Mandalorian Chapter 23: "The Spies":
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Star Wars Rebels S3E7 "Imperial Supercommandos":
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The Mandalorian Chapter 23: "The Spies":
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Actually really cool to see the Imperial Supercommandos from Rebels in the concept art for the new Imperial troopers in Mando. Curious to see how these new troopers are called. They've got to be an evolution from the Imperial Supercommandos, right???
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flilisskywalker · 9 months
Fenn: Gar Saxon! These kids are under my protection >:( Fenn: Get it? Because I'm a Protector. Sabine: jesus christ, Rau.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
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Yes, I remember Jango Fett and his secret project on Kamino. Fascinating and lucrative for all of us. And I trained the deadliest squad this side of the Mandalorian Supercommandos.
Things Walon Vau said about Delta Sqaud (x)
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bojangos · 2 years
you mean to tell me we have  a copy of the in-Universe Death Watch Manifesto, annotated by Tor AND Jango, AND Boba, and we don’t have a copy of the Supercommando Codex?????
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