#superhero civil war
dailyflicks · 4 months
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Captain America: Civil War (2016)
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artbyblastweave · 7 months
While I'm thinking about it, the thing about Civil War is that it's an event that conceptually makes total sense as something that would eventually happen in the Marvel Comics universe as it had been depicted up until that point, particularly in the early oughts- the center obviously was not gonna hold. The hammer eventually coming down is inevitable, the tension between the wild cowboy soap opera antics of the superheroes and the government trying to reign them was well-established by 2007.
The problem is that once you pull the trigger on it, you can basically never go back. You can never plausibly have Iron Man or Mr. Fantastic or Captain Marvel return to a working relationship with any of the antireg people ever again after they spend a year and change running the extradimensional virtual reality gulag for all of their colleagues who wouldn't kiss the ring. A bunch of people died and a couple of the less popular ones even stayed dead. It's the kind of thing that happens in a bad future that you have to send Kitty Pryde back in time to prevent because it would so obviously be an irreparable annihilation of the status quo were it to happen in the main timeline. And yet, after a few greater-scope threats and a reconciliatory whimper, to the status quo we inevitably return. Comic Books Babey
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pinkdinkydoon · 1 year
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I had an epiphany
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figures4fun · 4 months
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Cap and Peggy reflect on their time in the service on Memorial Day.
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movie-gifs · 2 years
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An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever.
Captain America: Civil War, 2016
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joeytime · 4 months
Superhero au where Lewis can manipulate gravity, making things sink to the ground or float into the atmosphere. His childhood friend, Nico, is a flyer, soaring through the sky like a kite cut loose.
They're everything, friends, teammates, childhood buddies, rivals and perhaps lovers.
They become a hero duo, Lewis disorients enemies by floating them and Nico swoops in like a falcon to fight them high in the air where he is most comfortable. Then, Lewis slams enemies back onto the ground to defend Nico like a lion.
Nico, who loves the feeling of flying, loves the freedom it grants him from everyday life. He jokes that he was born lighter than air.
Lewis, who's only power drawback is that he can't use them on himself, he's permanently grounded on the earth, even Nico can't lift him. Lewis, who's forced to watch Nico soar in the sky but be forever tied to the ground. Lewis, who slowly yearns for freedom as Nico escapes into the sky from paparazzi, managers and enemies, leaving Lewis to handle everything by himself. Lewis, who slowly grows resentful, jealousy coursing through his dense bones.
Lewis who subconsciously uses his powers bit by bit, weighing Nico to the earth, to him. Nico struggling to fly, he thinks it's some mental block, he visits therapists, older heroes, he even goes on a month long vacation with Lewis in case it's the stress.
Until one day, a villain escapes and Nico wants to fly to catch them but he can't lift his feet off the ground, he falls, humiliated. Lewis is right beside him, asking him what's going on while tears stream down Nico's face. Nico thinks, I lost it.
Paparazzi surround and crowd them and Nico looks into Lewis' eyes. And, his eyes are faintly glowing, like he's using his powers.
Nico realises what had been happening, that Lewis has been sabotaging him. He's hit by emotion, he's not angry, he's not sad. Nico has been feeling so trapped recently and to find out that it was Lewis? He is hurt.
In front of all the paparazzi, Nico yells at Lewis, he screams at Lewis and cries and wails at him, he's so betrayed and upset he doesn't notice the tears in Lewis' dull eyes.
Nico, finally out Lewis' grasp, flies. He leaves Lewis surrounded by hungry reporters and paparazzi like he always does.
Lewis watches Nico fly further away from him, watches Nico retire to have a family and leave the superhero world while Lewis dodges phone calls from a desperate Toto Wolff, pleading for him to stay for the safety of the world.
Nico flies as high as he can and Lewis stays right on the earth.
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entity9silvergen · 10 months
It’s been like seven years but I’ve been thinking about this and I need to know.
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meraki-yao · 18 hours
I had a 20 minute meltdown over the fact that apparently BUCKY BARNES IS A CONGRESSMAN NOW???!!!!
I just—I have so many questions
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hoziersmilligan · 4 months
i was really on an supernatural roll till the venom trailer dropped. had to take a few business days off to process that but i've recovered
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
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This to me is obviously Bucky and Steve. Like this is Bucky in Civil War, not quite Bucky not quite the Wintersoldier just someone looking for peace.
His memory is spotty at best, still comes and goes. He remembers the good times but he remembers the horrors as well, he’s not sure what’s real and what’s not. Doesn’t quite know when the torture started or which one it was. Which time was he saved by Steve and which time did he lose his arm. It all blends together.
he doesn’t always remember Steve and Captain America are the same person, he can’t remember their differences either. But he knows that they both make him feel the same way. That one of them, both? Is a promise of safety. That he could weep and never stop and they’d still be there.
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gunsandspaceships · 6 months
Living in a world of superheroes and supervillains (if you're an ordinary person)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world of superheroes and supervillains?
Imagine: you are an ordinary person, without superpowers. You live your life - go to work, date someone, raise children. And then one beautiful sunny day there is an alien invasion outside and Hulk smashes your house. You are lucky - no one in your family was hurt and you had home insurance. Personal belongings are destroyed and some neighbors are dead, but your family recovers.
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In a few years, a rogue AI hacks your bank’s computers. The bank goes bankrupt, and you are left without the savings you had accumulated over decades. You are lucky - you have a well-paid job and can provide for your family. But your kids won't be able to afford college anytime soon.
Next year you decide to visit your parents in Germany. You and your family enjoy your time there, but on the way back your flight home gets cancelled. Because superheroes thought it was a good idea to kick each other's asses there. The airport is destroyed and you are heading to another city to get home.
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Two years passed. You are peacefully watching TV in your apartment. An alien spaceship has landed on your roof.  You are watching the fight from your window. Debris is flying around, but you are lucky - your window is not damaged and you are intact. The spaceship finally flew away. The next day you discover that your family is gone.
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You mourn for the next 5 years. At some point, you meet another grieving person and start a new family. One day, all your disappeared family members returned as if nothing had happened. And you have no idea what to do now with two spouses and a bunch of children.
P.S. I've only included the events of a few movies, but you can add everything that happened in the MCU or imagine everything that happened in the comics. Something bad happens all the time. There is no certainty, no plans for the future. After one saving of the world goes another, because the world of periodicals is not allowed to have a break.
You got my point. Living in such a world is the worst. Ours is pretty good, I’d say.
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Captain America: Sam Wilson #13 (Cover art by Daniel Acuna)
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No team Cap isn't morally correct in Civil War
I think my main problem with team cap stans as someone on team tony is that I don't actually put myself in the shoes of either team.
I look at what's happening in Civil War from the perspective of a random no powered citizen who'd really like it if people with super weapons or super human powers wouldn't trample over my right not to get killed because those super heroes decided "The best hands are our own".
Even when that completely disregards stuff like international boarders, jurisdiction on what the Avengers team was actually supposed to do (fight threats no one else can, in Civil War the inciting incident is them deciding to fuck around in another country as an anti-terrorism task force when they aren't in anyway trained for that), and you know the reassurance that I won't get murdered when the heroes go chasing after their bestie and I'm unlucky enough to be in the way.
I honestly feel like if you think what Team Cap does in Civil War is "the moral choice" then you're empathizing way too hard with Team Cap and not looking at the situation objectively.
Civil War worked in the comics because it was an entirely internal affairs situation happening inside the USA. It was about people with powers being put on a list and being monitored and being somewhat stripped of their personhood. Cap's side is in the right in the comics. Because the Civil War comics conflict is based in fantastical racism, which in the comic's universe had been established and building for literal decades before the actual CW incident takes place.
This is not true in the movies. Where it's based on the actions of this singular super hero team, and how they frequently go over international boarders, disregarding things like jurisdiction and due process, and leave fucking disaster zones and piles of civilian casualties in their wake. Even when they have no business being there interfering.
And how everyone else in the world who isn't a superhero fan, is fucking terrified that they're going to die because this small group with godlike abilities decided they were going to do whatever the fuck they wanted based entirely on their own morals, and anyone they happen to murder while doing that is acceptable casualties.
So no, no one on Team Cap is "morally right" in this situation if you actually look at the bigger picture. Especially because Cap's own motivations for the whole movie isn't even actually that he disagrees with the Accords, he's just wants to protect Bucky, and he goes the whole movie doing that at the expense of literally everyone else.
Along with everyone else on that team besides Clint and Scott who were just Captain America fans who were dumb asses and went along with whatever he said.
Sam's full blown power tripping and doesn't want government over site, Wanda wants to be a hero without taking any of the responsibility that comes with that, Cap doesn't trust governments and wants to protect his bestie at all cost.
Bucky is the only Team Cap member who gets a pass because, I don't think he even knows what the hell is going on that whole movie. All he knows is a bunch of guys showed up trying to shoot him and Steve showed up shortly after. He's trying to deal with fucking scrambled egg brain and being a POW for 70 years, he's the only person I don't blame.
Though I think Tony fucks up in the movie too. He brought Spider-man in without verifying that he was one a grown up, and two knew the situation he was getting into.
Natasha fucks up because her entire life she's had her morality dictated by whoever is her then trusted superior. Which at this point in her life is Steve & Clint. I honestly think Natasha is doing her best in this movie, but she still objectively fucks up by not actually picking a side and sticking to it.
T'Challa is only on Team Tony because he's convinced that it's going to let him get revenge for his father's murder. So he's also in the wrong. Yeah he's grieving. Still not cool trying to use your diplomatic immunity to try and meet out vigilante justice.
Honestly I think the only people not in the wrong at all during the whole movie who's part of the actual conflict is Rhodey, Peter, Bucky and Vision. And that's it, everyone else is fucking up bringing their personal emotions into something they're supposed to be dealing with objectively.
Which yeah, I know that's a hard thing to do in a high stress high stakes situation like this. But if they can't do it then they're just not cut out for super heroing. Or like high stress high stakes jobs in general.
So I'm more Team Don't be an Asshole than I am Team Tony, and Tony's team just happens to have fewer assholes in this movie.
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yen-sids-tournament · 3 months
Scarlet Witch v Spider-Man - Round 1
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Scarlet Witch
Name: Wanda Maximoff Power: Magic, Psionics Story: Avengers: Age of Ultron et al.
Spider-Man (MCU)
Name: Peter Parker Power: Spider-like Mutation From Radioactive Bite Story: Captain America: Civil War et al.
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figures4fun · 3 months
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Why can’t the branches of the military just get along?
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cinemablogs · 1 year
Captain America: Civil War
Director: Anthony & Joseph Russo | USA, 2016 Starring: Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr. & Sebastian Stan
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