#supernatural tragedy
abalonetea · 1 month
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There ain't no fish in that lake...but something is moving around in the water. Jacob West died fifteen years ago, in the summer of ‘85. He went out to the lake in the middle of the night and drowned. They had to fish him out of the dawn-red waters in the morning. But somehow, impossibly so, Jacob’s still down at the pier.
Bobby Kent is trying to help his brothers fix the camp up and turn it into a legacy but the guilt he’s spent fifteen years carrying is getting in the way of that. Jacob is getting in the way of that.
Unless he can figure out what Jacob wants from him, there might be a new body in the lake by the time camp opens back up. Most people go to summer camp to learn how to tie knots, start a fire, and roast marshmallows. Today, Camp Green Hills is going to be offering a different lesson. Sometimes, grief and ghosts go hand in hand. And in this chilling ghost story, we'll see exactly what happens when you can't move on.
Available HERE
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sketchy-scribs-n-doods · 11 months
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the four horsemen of Queer Agony
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drulalovescas · 2 months
when you realize cas never got a chance to see dean mourn him. to see what his death did to dean. how it broke him completely. SHATTERED. he never saw dean's utter despair. anger. complete hopelessness. he only ever saw dean's joy when he came back. and so cas figured that his death simply didn't affect dean all that much. that dean could be happy with Cas gone. that Dean could go on. Move on. cas never understood that this joy, this hope, this smile on dean's face after he came back was ONLY BECAUSE HE CAME BACK. CAME BACK TO DEAN.
Cas was the REASON.
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cupidswurld · 9 months
last night i watched the first episode in supernatural and within 10 minutes i put it on pause because in NO way, through the 15 seasons, should anyone be happy with how dean's story ends with him dying whilst hunting
because in the 10 minutes that ive learnt about him is that he's spent his entire life fighting, and he dies FIGHTING
no satisfying narrative ends like that, especially not for one thats run for 15 years
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violetheart77 · 1 year
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Ah lads not again
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illustratus · 3 months
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The Ghost of Hamlet's Father by Eugène Delacroix
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orionsangel86 · 2 months
Its been a while now, and I've slept on it, but I'm still reeling from episode 7 of Dead Boy Detectives. Even if I can find critique in other episodes - somewhat clunky dialogue at times, a lot of exposition, the teenage drama which can sometimes get tiresome - I cannot fault episode 7. It is perfection. Its a classic Yockey episode full of symbolism and metaphor, full of layers and meaning and depth. You don't just invoke the Orpheus Myth in The Sandman Universe my dudes. That was IMPORTANT. Especially since it was invoked on the stairs to Hell - the very stairs Orpheus probably walked down himself.
There is something so harrowing about it, about the Despair of it all. About what it means for these characters. My head is reeling from it.
Not only that, but the external symbolism and the clear Knowledge of what such an episode would mean to their target audience, to a specific target audience that certain creators of this show would be well aware of, and well aware of that target audiences specific pain. The additional meta level which you can only possibly understand if you were part of a certain group of people on November 5th 2020. How the echoes of that particular event were vibrating around that staircase. How there is something lovingly carved into that episode that builds a bridge between us. There was a love letter in there, an apology perhaps too, an echo to another confession that didn't get such respectful treatment. A confession that sent someone to Hell rather than freed them from it.
To invoke the Orpheus Myth, to invoke Despair herself, there is something in that. Sure, many people will dismiss this as reading too much into it. But they don't have the same shared history that I do with Richard Speight Jr, with Steve Yockey. Two people that know all too well the impact such a scene could have.
Anyway this is mostly just ramblings as I try to get my thoughts together. Whatever it all is, its something, and it goes beyond the show itself. There is healing in this and I can appreciate that deeply.
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sammygender · 3 days
the most inaccurate sam takes on this hellsite get like 3000 notes if they’re sandwiched between ‘dean meta’. how in any way is sam spoiled
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shadystranger · 17 days
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Dean is cruel to Sam until the end. He knew Sam wouldn't be able to just survive without him; he knew Sam would lose everything he had with his death. That Sam would always remember him, and every minute he would be shattered by the pain of losing him.
Dean is aware that he is an unearthed part of Sam. Normal people can grieve over their loved ones and eventually put that sadness behind them so they can go on with their life. But Sam couldn't. He is emotionally buried; every waking moment for him is a painful misery, grief tethered to him as much as Dean is, and the ache is loomimg and unforgiving in intensity. No amount of time will make you forget what is aggressively rotting beneath your skin, deep into your marrow and bones. Sam remembers Dean when he wakes up and cries; he remembers him when they used to dine together while he is now eating alone and cries; and he sits in his home, gazing far away, reliving each memory while crying. His surroundings or the people around him are never present, even if they are physically there. His body is present, but his soul, heart, and mind are always preoccupied with Dean, tearing him apart. He has become a shell that yearns, hurts, and is never at true peace. It's an awful ending for him. Sam's death would be far more merciful than his devastatingly broken life. But, Dean went on and cruelly told Sam not to make any deals to bring him back and to continue living.
Sam would have tried until the very end to bring Dean back, or he would have died purposely, either directly or indirectly, shortly after. Cut this suffering short and be with him again. Dean was aware of the fact. But he loved him too much he wanted Sam to have what he believed his entire life was the best. And through his love for Sam, he paralyzed him one final time.
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supernatural-24 · 2 months
Dean being excited to talk about James Dean in 5x05 (Fallen Idols) is so devastating to me because James was literally displayed as the posterboy of masculinity for years whilst he struggled with his own identity, pushed so many of the people closest to him away, was desperately terrified of his bisexuality, excessively drank, barely identified with his home town, had a distant father also a mother that passed away when he was young. Like it's literally him and it's so tragic. They also both died young. (Although James was a lot younger than Dean)(James Dean's life was very interesting too and I recommend researching him if you are interested in old Hollywood or queer history)
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stepghost · 7 months
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i’m trying to wrap my head around sastiel in the context of canon and also how dean would fit into that world. and to be honest the only thing i can really compare it to is the angelica/eliza/hamilton situation: older sibling falls in love with Some Guy. older sibling sees younger sibling also fall in love with him. older sibling never says anything even though they know younger sibling would back off immediately if they knew about older sibling’s feelings. older sibling loves him from a distance in order to make sure younger sibling is happy. meanwhile the guy is a little bit in love with them both bc how could he not be
the parallels don’t work completely but basically i don’t know how to imagine a world where dean and cas don’t love each other, but also dean would do anything for sam. it would be a bit tragic but honestly what about them isn’t
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drulalovescas · 2 months
The most heartbreakingly sinister thing Supernatural ever did was have Cas believe there could be a happy life for Dean with him gone. That Dean could just move on. That Dean could just be happy without Cas in his life. That Dean could ever get over losing his angel.
The man carried Cas' bloody trenchcoat from car to car because a part of him always believed that cas'd come back.
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The man stayed A YEAR in Purgatory (even though the way out was RIGHT THERE!!) because he had to find Cas and had to bring him home.
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He literally killed himself when he believed Cas was gone for good. And he would've stayed dead if Billie didn't have other plans for him.
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The man decided he actually wanted to live again ONLY AFTER the gay angel returned to him.
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Dean would never EVER get over Cas. But Cas never realized that. So he killed himself, unknowingly killing Dean in the proces...
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classicslesbianopinions guide to tragedy
antigone: tragic 👍 achilles: not tragic 👎 captain jack harkness from doctor who and torchwood: EXTREMELY tragic 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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im-just-star-dust · 5 months
Saw supernatural was trending and immediently thought "oh no, whats happening in the news today?" Its like an innate reaction how tf do i explain that to anyone
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illustratus · 2 months
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Macbeth and the Three Witches by Francesco Zuccarelli
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