#supervised full self driving
wigoutlet · 6 months
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Tesla Supervised Full Self Driving is $99/month
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danshive · 11 months
Semi-autonomous "autopilot" cars are dangerous in part due to how human minds work 🚗
We can't have the car driving itself the majority of the time, and expect whoever's in the driver's seat to be ready in the event of a sudden emergency. That isn't how our minds or reflexes work.
Humans are excellent with tools because we treat them as extensions of ourselves. That sounds horribly cliché, but it's accurate. We gain muscle memory specifically for using tools we're practiced with, and they function as though parts of ourselves.
Cars cease to be extensions of ourselves if we take our hands off the wheel, which you're supposed to do if the car is driving itself. We become passengers.
EDIT - I've been told you ARE supposed to keep your hands on the wheel. I maintain it's still no longer an extension of you because you're not actively steering, but this should nonetheless be corrected.
As passengers, if our intervention is necessary to prevent a sudden crash, we're doing so with reduced odds of success. We have to realize what's happening, take the wheel, shift from passenger to driver, and act accordingly in a very brief window of time.
It's a bit like if you've ever been minding your own business, and suddenly heard "think fast" as something was thrown at you by someone you didn't know was there, and you were holding something at the time.
If a car can't safely pull off fully-autonomous, semi-autonomous isn't a compromise. It's accidents waiting to happen.
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
relationship hcs ; vincent phantomhive
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requested by ; mod / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; vincent phantomhive
outline ; “dating headcanons for vincent”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
despite what his infamy and role as the queen’s guard dog would have you believe, vincent is an incredibly loving and attentive spouse — giving you all of his attention and affection when he’s with you and sending you frequent letters when he’s away (be that for business with funtom or for his more unsavoury duties under the queen)
he’s extremely affectionate by victorian aristocrat standards — never shying away from public displays of affection like: kissing your knuckles and fingertips, pecking your cheeks and lips, or wrapping an arm around your waist — and in private he was even more physical with you (often kissing and tickling you until you’re laughing so hard you’re crying and begging for him to stop between wheezes)
he spoils you rotten and makes sure that you’re never left wanting for anything so long as he can help it — clothes, shoes, accessories, food cravings, ornaments, books, etc. — the moment you mention wanting something he’s going to do everything he can to ensure that you have it in your possession as soon as possible
he dotes on you whenever you’re feeling even the slightest bit unwell, rearranging his whole schedule just to ensure that he can take care of you — or, rather, so that he can coo over you and supervise his staff (and, at times, dietrich) whilst they prepare your food and medication on his behalf
whenever he’s been away for a while due to some obligation or another he always makes a point to return with affection and gifts — making up for his absence physically and with many a thoughtful bouquet and arrangement of your favourite sweet things
when it comes to pet names he’s something of a traditionalist and tends to stick with ‘darling’, ‘dear’, and ‘my love’ — and likewise prefers to be called the same (but he won’t turn up his nose at the occasional ‘sweetheart’ if you’re so inclined)
if he’s ever called especially far-afield and pleasant — such as the north country, or abroad to somewhere in mainland europe — then he does his best to take you with him and the two of you have a lovely time as a couple (almost treating the entire affair as a holiday) between his investigations and assignments, and you have entire shelves full of souvenirs purchased on excursions like this (some novelty, others practical, all just sat there and occasionally picked up and looked over with vague amusement, affection and nostalgia)
he talks about you so often that he sometimes doesn’t even realise that he’s doing it, mentioning you or something you’ve done in basically every conversation he has — it drives dietrich mad but the other aristocrats of evil find it endearing and actively encourage him to keep on talking (undertaker especially finds his devotion to you touching)
he rarely ever gets jealous, but when he does he becomes incredibly short and passive aggressive — threatening them with his reputation and relationship to the criminal underground under a thin facade of politeness as he tightly grips your waist and keeps you flush against him (he’s not subtle and will be making it clear that you’re taken the moment you get home — especially if you initiated the offensive encounter in order to tease him)
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bountycancelled · 10 months
bada lee x reader (part 3)
warnings: none I think, pls comment if there are any needed
content: angst on angst, confused gays, sad times for bada, a lil bit of ??? x reader, idek man just read it, unedited because I refuse to reread my own stories
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bada couldn't concentrate.
that much was obvious to every student present in the class that she was currently attempting to teach, as well as her team members, two of which had to take over while she leaned against the wall, feigning supervision while thinking of, well, you.
she didn't know what to make of the last interaction you two had. or, rather, she knew exactly what to make of it, and she just didn't like the implications.
she was a bad friend.
although she was glad that you had confronted her about her tendencies, and she now had the opportunity to do better in the future, she couldn't help but wonder if you even wanted that.
but she couldn't lose you, she couldn't even bare the thought of it, that would be like a solar system without it's star, virtually useless and incomplete. she had to do better, before you... no, nope. you weren't going anywhere, not on her watch. she would redeem herself, whatever it took.
"bada!" she jumped at the sound of her own name, muffled by the thoughts racing through her mind, thoughts of you and only you.
"welcome back to earth." lusher said flatly, standing tall in front of where bada had chosen to sit on the floor in the corner of the studio, moping in her self inflicted sadness.
"you shouldn't be here, you know? you should be at home, talking to her." bada nodded solemnly, her gloomy expression thankfully covered by her bucket hat. "I know."
lusher nudged bada's knee with her foot repeatedly, earning an annoyed groan from bada who swatted her foot, but, she smiled for what was most likely the first time that day. "well, if you know that, then why are you here?"
"because she told me to go, I didn't wanna push her any further." bada said simply, her smile vanishing just as quickly as it arrived. how could she be happy at all, while knowing that she had been hurting you all this time?
lusher clicked her tongue, pulling bada up to her feet and placing her hands on her shoulders, speaking with a certain seriousness. "she didn't mean it. go, bada. I've known her long enough to know that she... sometimes has trouble telling you how she actually feels. classes end in 20 anyway."
she didn't need to be told twice. bada was off, fingers drumming nervously on the steering as the pit in her stomach grew and grew, and grew. god, she hoped that you were still there when she opened the door.
maybe you would be in one of her many oversized shirts, your perfect figure practically drowning as you cooked something up for yourself in the kitchen, mindlessly humming to a song as you stood in front of the stove, spatula in hand. and she could come up behind you, wrapping her arms around your middle, humming the same tune.
or maybe, you'd be furiously shouting at the TV, watching some horror movie that had stumbled upon, which would always do a better job of aggravating you than scaring you. and bada would sit next to you, pulling you into her lap as you took turns criticising the characters' stupid, plot driving decisions.
god, she wanted you, she needed you to still be there when she unlocked the door.
so that you could have a full conversation about everything, every issue, every minute problem, every feeling, all of it. you'd most likely tell her that you're not very fond of her right now, which would be completely understandable, and then she would apologise profusely, get on her knees and beg if that's what it took, and tell you how she felt, if you asked.
how did she even feel?
she loved you, of course. you had been her rock, a safe space for her to be her most authentic self. sometimes, she would all awake at night, filled with some indescribable emotion that she could only attempt to describe as pure love. just the thought that you were in her life was enough to almost make her chest explode with glee.
she was so sure that all those feelings were typical of people who had been close for years, but she wasn't as certain anymore. but that didn't matter right now, she would categorise and sort her feelings out after she fixed the rift that she had caused between the two of you.
you would be her first priority from now on, always.
"you know, you need to stop doing that." minah's voice rang out, a knowing look on her face.
"she looked sad, and I knew why, so I gave her a little push." lusher shrugged, locking the class door behind her, falling into step with minah as her and the rest of the members clocked out for the day.
"that's not what I meant. it's great that you helped bada." minah corrected, hooking her arm with hers as they made their way to their homes.
lusher sighed in mock exasperation before questioning minah. "then what did you mean? I'm not in the mood for guessing games right now."
"I mean, that you can't keep sabotaging your own feelings for her sake." that only led to another sigh leaving lushers' mouth.
throughout the years of knowing you, lusher had developed some feelings for you, but it was nothing major. but another thing she had to live with as a result of knowing you this long, were your unwavering feelings for bada.
they were, at least in lushers' opinion, completely impenetrable. it's not like she didn't understand, bada certainly treated you in a vastly different, much more intimate and compassionate way than she did anyone else, so your feelings definitely weren't baseless.
she just didn't feel like messing with your heart even further by adding her silly schoolgirl crush into the mix of your love for bada and bada's inability to look inwards for fucking once.
if she was in bada's shoes, you would've never left the club upset, because she would've never said no to an opportunity to hang out with just you. but, you being upset at the club is what led to you spending the night at her house, so lusher was selfishly a little thankful that it happened, in a roundabout sort of way.
she had to fight the urge to be visibly giddy when she saw you in her shirt for the first time. god, it looked so much better on you, she's not even mad that you left with it.
"I just, don't wanna add any more to the craziness going on with her. and you know I have the worst timing imaginable, the second I decide to confess to her, bada's gonna barge into the room and profess her undying love and then they're gonna make out in front of me." lusher ranted slightly as they made they're way to her front door.
"that was oddly specific. have you thought about this before?" minah questioned while stifling a laugh, putting an arm around lushers' shoulders. "but if you're not going to confess which is fine, then you should consider maybe not playing cupid either, you're only hurting yourself. they'll get together on their own if it's meant to be."
lusher nodded, hugging minah goodbye before entering her apartment. she was right as always, lusher had a nasty habit of trying to push you and bada into each others arms. maybe it was guilt? she felt bad for even feeling the way she did about you, so she overcompensated by helping you get closer to your dream girl, bada.
she just didn't want to see you hurting, and if she had to choose between her feelings and yours, it wouldn't even be a question. which is why she convinced bada to go finish her conversation with you, because she knew that you weren't okay.
so imagine her surprise when she saw you, in her kitchen, in another one of her shirts.
her mouth fell when her eyes met yours. "what are you doing here?" she blurted out in a high pitched voice. no, no, no, this was not how it was supposed to go. you were supposed to be at bada's place, and you guys were supposed to work out all the kinks in your relationship, maybe even get into a relationship.
"I just wanted to hang out. sorry, I shouldn't have intruded." you said simply, looking through a cupboard for something to snack on.
she wanted to tell you that bada was currently at her apartment for you, a part of her even wanted to drive you there and push you even further away from her.
but, another part of her wanted to take in minahs' advice, and not do anything. if you wanted to hang out her, then so be it.
"there isn't much in there, I'll just order delivery."
a/n: love triangle alert!!!
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 months
Life update
Posted on DW, but I figured I could update this blog as well now that I'm semi-getting back into social media...
I've sorta fallen off from the fandom and social media space, because life has been a lot these past few years. To sum up briefly:
- I made a couple of posts about it last year, but I bought an apartment in a new building (construction wasn't finished at the time). Running left and right to choose stuff such as flooring etc, getting things organized on the paperwork side (banks, notaries...), plus the move itself, took me a lot of time and energy. I've been living here full time for 10 months now though, and it's been great. Love the building (even tho it's not entirely finished orz), love the neighbourhood, and it's so great to have your own place. Missy seems at ease here, too, which is important. The balconies' guardrails are huge glass panes that go all the way to the floor with no gap, so that means I can let her out without supervision without fear of her falling/jumping off.
- Work, the main culprit for my withdrawal from fandom. I think I mentioned before that I took on more admin tasks a couple years ago, and while I enjoy the actual work when I get to it, it's a huge huge drain to my mental energy, esp when combined with everything else (class prep, exams, meetings etc). So it's pretty much killed my drive, and my already bad work-life balance just became worse and worse. Like, it's not that I don't have free time (perks of teaching = lots of holidays), but when I do I'm so mentally exhausted that I was pretty much only able to play mindless games like Solitaire or Civilization VI (which became like an addiction lol) or doomscroll on twitter or reddit. I pretty much lost my ability to engage with hobbies, except for the ones below, and I'm trying really really hard to come back and make it stick this time around.
- Speaking of hobbies though, I've gotten really into classical music and started attending concerts regularly. By perfect coincidence, my new place is at a 2-minute walk from my city's philharmonic hall, and I've been enjoying the heck out of that perk. My city's orchestra is really good, and their program so varied. When it was time to choose my subscription for next season, it was harder to choose which concerts not to attend (but a choice had to be made ;v;). Also I'm super stoked because they're playing my favorite symphony next year, I didn't expect to be able to hear it live so soon!
I think this really saved my mental health this year. Like, it's a bit hard to explain, but there's something really unique and relaxing about the atmosphere there. It's a bit intimidating at first, and I was really self-conscious about not making noise at the beginning, but I've gotten used to it now. Mostly, I think it helped me rediscover what it is to just sit down and enjoy the moment, without constantly looking for stimulation to my already overstimulated mind (silly aside, but before that I'd sorta lost the ability to binge a series without mindlessly checking my phone in the middle of episodes. Being "forced" to keep my phone away for the duration of a concert has really helped me recover my attention span). I think it helps my mind rest, if that makes sense? Also there's nothing comparable to listening to the music live in a hall with great acoustics x3
I followed the Queen Elisabeth Competition closely this year, live for a few finals performances when possible, the rest on TV, and it was really awesome. I think in four years I'll get the subscription for the whole finals week :p
- Relatedly, I've also started taking violin lessons. I'd always wanted to learn an instrument since I was a child (loved those mandatory recorder classes we had at school lol), but it never happened (partly because I was too passive as a child to actively ask for it, partly because my parents probably didn't want to have their eardrums massacred, so didn't offer it (wouldn't have said no if I'd asked, but as I said I wasn't good at asking back then)). It took me a while to actually make the jump, because I thought I'm too old now and there's no point, but I finally did with some encouragements from friends and colleagues and I'm really glad I did. Violin is... hard lol. I sound absolutely terrible. But it's also really fun? Like I feel like I'll never be good, but also I've made so much progress since I started. I don't have much time to practice (I aim at at least 10min a day these days, which isn't a lot, but it's better than nothing and it's more important to do it a little regularly than a lot once in a while). I'm really looking forward to the day I'll be able to attempt to play Xillia songs 😄 Also I really love my teacher<3
- Lastly, niece is 3 now and so fun to interact with. It's not always easy, she's very stubborn and willful, but she's also really sweet and funny. Love her ❤️ And she's just got a little sister! who's a very chill newborn, so different from niece#1 lol. I can't wait to see them play together when they're a little bit older.
Anyway, that's pretty much the main things that have been going on the past couple of years. Like I said I'm not sure I can be totally back, I think it's gonna take a lot of adjustment, but this time I really don't want to let another year pass by like that. I'm really gonna try hard to have better balance this time!
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mariacallous · 5 months
Elon Musk will be pleased that his surprise jaunt to China on Sunday garnered many glowing headlines. The trip was undoubtedly equally a surprise to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, who had been scheduled to offer Musk the red carpet on a long-arranged visit.
The billionaire blew off India at the last minute, citing “very heavy Tesla obligations.” Indeed, Tesla has had a tumultuous couple of weeks, with federal regulator slap-downs, halved profits, and price-cut rollouts. Yet, in a very public snub that Modi won’t quickly forget, the company CEO made time for Chinese premier Li Qiang. And well Musk might. Tesla needs China more than China needs Tesla. After the US, China is Tesla’s second biggest market. And ominously, in the first quarter of the year, Tesla’s sales in China slipped by 4 percent in a domestic EV market that has expanded by more than 15 percent. That’s enough of a hit for any CEO to jump in a Gulfstream and fly across the Pacific for an impromptu meeting with a Chinese premier. Globally, Tesla has lost nearly a third of its value since January, and earlier this month, Tesla’s worldwide vehicle deliveries in the first quarter fell for the first time in almost four years. As they are wont to do, Tesla investors continue to complain over repeated delays to the company’s rollout of cars with genuine driverless capabilities.
One of Tesla’s stop-gap technologies—a now heavily-discounted $8,000 add-on—is marketed as Full Self-Driving, or FSD. But, like the similarly confusingly named Autopilot feature, it still requires driver attention, and may yet still prove to be risky. Among the deals said to have been unveiled at Sunday’s meeting with Li Qiang was a partnership granting Tesla access to a mapping license for data collection on China’s public roads by web search company Baidu. This was a “watershed moment,” Wedbush Securities senior analyst Dan Ives said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. However, Tesla has been using Baidu for in-car mapping and navigation in China since 2020. The revised deal, in which Baidu will now also provide Tesla with its lane-level navigation system, clears one more regulatory hurdle for Tesla’s FSD in China. It does not enable Tesla to introduce driverless cars in China or anywhere else, as some media outlets have reported. Press reports have also claimed that Musk has secured permission to transfer data collected by Tesla cars in China out of China. This is improbable, noted JL Warren Capital CEO and head of research Junheng Li, who wrote on X: “[Baidu] owns all data, and shares filtered data with Tesla. Just imagine if [Tesla] has access to real-time road data such as who went to which country’s embassy at what time for how long.” That, she stressed, would be “super national security!” According to Reuters, Musk is still seeking final approval for the FSD software rollout in China, and Tesla still needs permission to transfer data overseas. Li added that a rollout of even a “supervised,” data-lite version of FSD in China is “extremely unlikely.” She pointed to challenges for Tesla to support local operation of the software. Tesla still “has no [direct] access to map data in China as a foreign entity,” she wrote. Instead, Tesla is likely using the deal extension with Baidu as an FSD workaround, with the data collected in China very much staying in China. Despite this, Tesla shares have jumped following news of the expanded Baidu collaboration. Furthermore, Li said there’s “no strategic value” for Beijing to favor FSD when there are several more advanced Chinese alternatives. (We’ve tested them.)
“Chinese EVs are simply evolving at a far faster pace than Tesla,” agrees Shanghai-based automotive journalist and WIRED contributor Mark Andrews, who tested the driver assistance tech available on the roads in China. The US-listed trio of Xpeng, Nio, and Li Auto offer better-than-Tesla “driving assistance features” that rely heavily on lidar sensors, a technology that Musk previously dismissed, but which Tesla is now said to be testing. Although dated in shape and lacking in the latest tech, a Tesla car is nevertheless more expensive in China than most of its rivals. Tesla recently slashed prices in China to arrest falling sales. Musk’s flying visit to China smacked of “desperation,” says Mark Rainford, owner of the Inside China Auto channel. “[Tesla] sales are down in China—the competition has weathered the price cuts so far and [the Tesla competitors have] a seemingly endless conveyor belt of talented and beautiful products.” Rainford further warns that the “golden period for Tesla in China” is “at great risk of collapsing.” Tesla opened its first gigafactory in Shanghai five years ago, and it is now the firm’s largest—but the automaker has been playing tech catchup in China for some time. In addition to Xpeng, Nio, and Li, there are other Chinese car companies competing with Tesla on autonomous driving, as Musk will see if he visits the Beijing Motor Show, which runs through this week.
Beijing is now arguably the world’s preeminent automotive expo, but Tesla is not exhibiting—a sign that it has little new to offer famously tech-hungry Chinese autobuyers. Pointedly, the Cybertruck is not road-legal in China, although that hasn’t stopped Tesla from displaying the rust-prone electric pickup in some of its Chinese showrooms. Likewise, Tesla has just announced plans for a European Cybertruck tour. But, just like in China, the EV pickup cannot be sold in the EU, either—and according to Tesla's lead on vehicle engineering, it likely never will be.
Speaking on tighter pedestrian safety regulations in the EU compared to the US, Tesla’s vice president of vehicle engineering, Lars Moravy, told Top Gear that “European regulations call for a 3.2-mm external radius on external projections. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to make a 3.2-mm radius on a 1.4-mm sheet of stainless steel.”
The “Cybertruck Odyssey” tour—as Tesla’s European X account calls it—may titillate Tesla fans, but it could prove to be about as useful as shooting a Roadster into space.
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maybe-boys-do-love · 1 month
The Trainee Episode 8, Tensions
I had a premonition from this week's episode about what online reactions to the conclusion of The Trainee will be, and I want to take this chance to preface the discourse. Episode 8 lays out all the tensions The Trainee utilizes to drive its plot and character development. Because of the specific topics it explores and their relevance to both our lives and our tv viewership, I expect no matter how the show ends, people are gonna have oPiNioNs. To me, that relevance is a sign of a show's success, whether I would make the same decisions or not, especially when the show addresses it with as much thoroughness as The Trainee does and braids them all so well together into every element of the show. Spoilers ahead.
Personal vs. Work-life
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These values hold the biggest tension in the series, as we saw how unhealthy balance between the two caused so much conflict last week. This episode gave us more balance. After the last couple episodes, I had started wondering if we had forgotten about Ryan's homelife (I miss Ink :'(). How refreshing to get so much time outside of work in this episode, then!
Of course, we now know two characters live at the same location as their family's businesses. We get Ryan doing his printer duties at home again--interestingly dressed in blue after GMMTV this week officially released his "green guy" color scheme in the series (check out @respectthepetty 's rundown of character color schemes and their meanings for the show). This color change suggests Ryan's confidence and security with his home business duties. We also got to see that Ba Mhee's grown up in a home business environment in the form of her family's restaurant. This gives us an unexpected parallel between them. It personally had me considering their relationship to workplaces compared to the other characters.
Despite their different attitudes towards it, both Ryan and Ba Mhee seem to represent the potential for growth in a workplace environment instead of depending on pure passion and confidence in a field. They grew up in workplace environments that they didn't get to choose and where they were likely expected to do basic jobs to support without needing to be dedicated in a way that they caused them to feel married to the occupation and kept them from living their own personal lives. They don't necessarily think of a workplace as an environment where they need a professional version of their self to be "turned on." It's quite the opposite from their mentors and romantic counterparts Jane, Judy, and Tae.
Ryan's personal life, in the form of his best friend, waltzed into his work environment, which caused Jane's personal feelings--those things he tries so hard to bury deep down and keep out of sight of his coworkers--to emerge outside of his full awareness as he shouted orders directly to Ryan to the point that the clients noticed.
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Whereas Ryan and Jane had thoughts of their professional life enter into their personal life, Ba Mhee had her professional world phsyically crash in on her personal life, as Judy met her unannounced at her family's restaurant. While I naively expected Judy to have breached that line to apologize to Ba Mhee for taking advantage of her mentor position, the show had different plans. I'm so intrigued to see how this dynamic plays out, and this moment in the episode was what led me to believe the show CANNOT resolve this tension adequately for all of its audiences because of the other two tensions the show is exploring, which have dramatic impacts on how we interpret an appropriate resolution of this first tension.
Maturity vs. Immaturity
I'm chose the language of 'maturity' specifically to point to the multiple questions the shows asked about these romances so far. We've gotten references to age between the two (Ba Mhee notes the significance of the age gap between her and Judy, Jane has not answered Ryan's question about his age). We see the differences in status and direct supervision roles at the office, which also comes with differences in knowledge about the field.
However, we also get to see the levels of maturity with which these characters deal with their problems and mistakes. Two trajectories have occurred in the show so far within this category. Ryan and Ba Mhee have grown in their abilities to take on responsibility, and I expect we will see how some of the aspects with which they entered into the office, while seemingly 'immature' are actually more mature and necessary to create a healthy and functional office environment. On the other hand, we have the peak ideal of professionalism Jane and Judy demonstrated at the beginning of the series. We can all admit that it was hot af to see people just getting the job done. The last two episodes are deconstructing the myth of these figures to give us more human characters with their own flaws and blind-spots. @dropthedemiurge has a great mini write-up about the contrast between the mature way the interns deal with their problems in this episode compared to the immature responses of the mentors.
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I love that episode 8 is called "New Shoes" because we finally got to shift to Jane's perspective (and Tae viewed things from Ba Mhee's perspective). Everyone is becoming more understandable to one another in an equalizing fashion. Where does that equalization land us in the romance questions, though? How you feel about appropriate age gaps and office romance is, to some extent, going to be quite cultural. (Looking up Thai laws, it looks like a few things we've seen in the series, specifically with Judy if considered unwanted by Ba Mhee, would have crossed the line into sexual harassment).
Whatever your perspective, The Trainee has infused the series with the serious issues of sexual behavior in the workplace, from Ba Mhee and Pie's sexual harassment by a crew member, to Jane's less obvious sexual harassment by the company's client, Joy, to the client choosing to work with the company because of Judy and Ba Mhee's looks. To address and satisfactorily resolve these trends of sexual harassment fully would take quite a feat, and even then, in the way it will inevitably run up against the two romances at the heart of the show, its conclusion will have to wrestle with the final tension, which is...
Fantasy vs. Reality
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The film industry is a dream factory, and this show absolutely ADORES contrasting dreams and reality. Look at Ryan and then Jane's confused daydreaming of each other throughout the morning. Look at how Ryan and Jane must stand-in for lovers for a lighting check. Look at how the stage lighting runs through the vents as they have their conversation about the shoes. We are constantly reminded throughout the show that the show itself is being constructed for our entertainment within a film industry itself. We love a meta romance!
Romance in life and in film lives in an in-between space between fantasy and reality. You have to give yourself over to romantic moments and believe in love and connection and magic, but you also have to work at relationships and compassion and paying the bills, etc. Actors and creators in romance have to make the audience believe in the reality of the love and affection on screen, and there's plenty of documentation of more than a few pairings occurring through the creation of romance works, with just as many people hating the people they're creating the appearance of romance with. The BL/QL world goes double for this confusion of fantasy and reality with the fan service of lead branded pairings and such.
Most important to The Trainee, though, is the history of the Boss-Employee trope in BLs. Its got its critics and its lovers, with great reasons on both sides if you ask me, and that's the biggest reason I can't imagine The Trainee pleasing everyone. It loves the tension between reality and fantasy, maturity and immaturity, and the personal and the workplace too much! It can't fully land on one side, and that's going to upset people on both sides. But I personally will relish it, however they choose to conclude, because few shows are taking on these kind of tensions with such dexterity and attention to detail.
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penvisions · 1 year
dev writes {{masterlist}}
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hello hello! this is all still so new to me, to be positng fic on tumblr. i’ve had an ao3 account for years so i figured why not migrate things over here as well! share it with more people c: these are the pieces i’ve been working on the last few months, i’m really excited to share them with y’all
they are self indulfgent to an extent, but that’s a part of life, no? i hope they bring something to you if you decide to check them out!
any and all likes, reblogs, comments, asks, shoutouts are so so greatly appreciated ♡ please feel free to reach out if you feel so inclined ♡ i’d be happy to chat with y’all
The Last of US (TLOU) - Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: You may have been young when the world fell, but you adapted with all the challenges that come with trying to survive. You spent your time doing runs out in the badlands beyond the QZ walls to ensure people had little pleasures to keep them going. You were dropping off some medical supplies that FEDRA was willing to pay big for when you got tangled up in a mission that involves a teenager with a mouth almost as smart as yours and gruff older man whose graying curls were his only redeeming quality. But the longer you traveled with them and the more that happened out in the open land of what once was, the more you find yourself connecting with them and wanting to protect them both at any cost.
ao3 link || masterlist 
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Summary: The longer, more dangerous patrol routes around Jackson are designated to you and one Joel Miller. You both have an understanding with each other, talking wasn’t the biggest concern for either of you, but being confident in each other was. He wasn’t a bad friend in your scavenged life, but then again you were beginning to think you didn’t want to be just his friend…and that’s got you more than a little sexually frustrated.
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Summary: You were the supervising bartender that happened to be the only person brave enough to offer help in the kitchen when they find themselves short staffed with some no call, no shows. But Joel Miller doesn’t want some floozy who doesn’t know the first thing about food in his kitchen. He makes it clear, but the tension between you two only heightens when you show him up and he realized that you do know what you’re doing. It’s driving him up the wall to see you in his kitchen, in his space day in and day out. But he needs the help and you’re so willing to give it to him. 
sneakie peek || sneakie peek 2
Triple Frontier - Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! reader)
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Summary: Running from the past to a new city gave you the perfect opportunity to open your own bakery. You're a regular at Brass Knuckles, and the owner is the right type of friendly you need in your life. Along with him, comes his group of friends, one Frankie Morales. You develop a crush on him nearly instantly. Can you manage to get your head above water long enough to tell him he's the most gorgeous man you've ever met?
ao3 link || masterlist 
The Mandalorian - Din Djarin x Force Sensitive! Reader
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Summary: You’ve been on the run for as long as you can remember, from a lot of different people and a lot of different things. Everyone seems to see you as either a prize to show off or a captive to exploit. You had been successful in keeping a low profile and evading brief captures. That is until your mother contracted the Guild and the Mandalorian came to possess your tracking fob. Will he be the reason your freedom is no longer something attainable or will he be the one to help you achieve it in ways you never anticipated? 
ao3 link || masterlist
rough summary || sneakie peek || sneakie peek no. 2 || sneakie peek no. 3
Narcos - Javier Peña x DEA Agent! Reader 
summary: You’ve been in Columbia for a few years, having family ties that allowed for the trasnfer from CA to be easier to leave your old life behind. You’ve kept your head down and your plate full until you get paired with Steve and his partner to help tag an elusive informant. That’s when things get complicated both at work and in your personal life. But you’ll be the first to admit that the notorious pair don’t have any power over you, until you’re actually faced with seeing them day to day. 
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antis0cial23 · 5 months
The Pride of the Navy
Chapter 6: Familial Ties
Summary: going home has its ups… and its downs
Warnings: Mentions of deteriorating health, swearing
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Maverick sat at the bar, cool beer in hand. Some aviators chittered around him, back by the pool table, some by the dart boards Penny kept having to replace, and some just scattered throughout. His phone was cool in his hands, not being used and most certainly not on Penny’s bar top, never in a million years would he forget about that, nor would his savings recover.
“Long day, pilot?” Penny asked, already knowing what happened during todays class. Maverick gave her a tired look, all telling. “Word travels fast in the Navy, Mav.” She offered him a smile, then got back to tending to her patrons at the bar. Maverick’s phone buzzed, the screen lighting his palm. After a sigh and some contemplation, he looked at the glowing screen. Lo and behold, it was none other than Admiral Kazansky, or outside of work, Ice.
‘I need to see you.’ Of course he did. After the burnout today during training, what higher up wouldn’t want to see him.
‘Not a good time.’ Because of-fucking-course it wasn’t. All Maverick, in his self-proclaimed old-age-but-let’s-not-act-like-it, wanted to do was go home and sleep like the old man he kept getting told he was.
‘I wasn’t asking.’ One thing Maverick had learned in his lifetime, is that Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky was absolute shit at asking people nicely. Maybe that’s why he had climbed the ranks of the Navy as quickly as he did, but boy did it get beyond annoying. Maverick wanted to slam his head on the bar top, but he had a feeling if he did so it would be against one of Penny’s not explicitly written rules, and he did not want to risk spending his savings on Navy-men’s beer. Again. So, it looked like he would have to make the nearly three hour drive to Ice’s abode. His phone dinged again, so he looked at it with a sigh full of annoyance, but it wasn’t Admiral Kazansky, it was Quinlan.
‘Srry 2 bother, u heard anythn frm Roo’ The way kids typed always confused Maverick, full words were not that difficult.
‘Im driving, don judge me, I can feel the old mn judgmnt frm hre’ Adding to his annoyance, Quinn was texting while driving. ‘Oh joy, how did one of the pilots under your supervision die? Not mission related? Crazy.’ Maverick could already see the headline. To keep her off her phone, Mav decided to call.
“Sup, Mav.” Quin tried to sound less tired than she felt, not wanting her mentor to know the real strain the training was having on everyone, or more so not wanting him to ask her about it.
“Cas, don’t text and drive.” Mav sighed, “So you think calling me, when I drive a 1972 Impala, is any better?” The sarcasm her voice held was immense.
“Just keep your eyes on the road.” Maverick put his hand on his head, slightly massaging his temples. These kids were going to be the death of him. “Why do you think Bradley would talk to me, Casper.” By now, Maverick had made his way to the back deck of the bar, everything less loud, also leaving money on the bar for Penny.
“Long-shot guess to see if he’s contacted anyone… Mav he isn’t home and isn’t returning anyone’s calls.” She had a worried edge to her voice, which Mav completely understood because he had felt just like she sounded.
“So you text me, because you are worried?” He honestly felt a little bit of joy, knowing at least one of the aviators he taught didn’t hate him in totality after today.
“Shut up.” Quinlan grumbled, barely audible over the noise from her driving and from the bar behind Maverick.
“If I hear anything, I’ll let you know, kid. Where are you even driving to at…” He looked at the time, his phone displaying 9:47 shining in pale bolded numbers. “Jesus, at nine forty at night.”
“Headed home to see some family…” Quin was never very forthcoming with personal information, but this was indeed a start. At least to Maverick it was. “Thanks for the day off, Mav.” And with that, Quin hung up and continued her drive.
 She was about two and a half hours in, about thirty minutes to go, and Quinlan couldn’t be more ready to get out of her car. The rumbling of the old engine was making her hands numb, all her muscles already sore and tense from training. The drive to Santa Monica was one she had only ever made with Emmelyn. Although Quin and Emmelyn didn’t share the same dad, Quin’s always treated Emmelyn as his, well, that being after he found out about Quin. A DNA test right before entering the Navy found Quinlan’s still very alive dad, contrary to what her mother had told her.
“Did ya get the results yet?” Emmelyn called through the kitchen. Quin, not knowing much about her lineage, or anything about her father for that matter, had decided to complete a DNA test that included health risks along with the family tree. Every time she had brought it up to her mom, she got told no, but now she was eighteen and had her own money from working at the local supply store.
“Just came in the mail, Em. Where’s momma?” Quinlan did buy the kit with her mother’s knowledge, but she still felt guilty opening her results if she were home.
“She’s out at the Cody’s. Think Diane invited her.” Quin nodded, if her mom was at Diane’s house, she’d most certainly be gone for a while. Oh, how mothers could talk.
Quinlan peeled open the envelope, Emmelyn over her shoulder the whole time. First on the paper was the list of genetically predisposed illnesses and her likelihood of getting them. Mostly everything Quin was low risk for, thankfully. Further down was her mothers relatives, which she slightly knew, at least by name, each having a ‘living’ or ‘deceased’ label next to them. And on the back? Her father. Looking down the list from double great grandparents and down, apparently her grandfather was alive. Quinlan paused, eyes hovering over the name of her father. She had known his first name, one night when her mom had a little too much Rye Whiskey and slipped up, but never his last. Next to his name was the label ‘Living’.
“Wait, didn’t momma say Daddy died?” Quin took a minute to respond, Emmelyn still hovering as closely as ever, unsure of the true weight of her statement. “Yeah, she did.” Quin read the name at least five times. Well this was going to be a fun conversation.
And that was the first time Quinlan learned her father was actually living and breathing. The following conversation with her mother, while her mother was unfortunately a bit tipsy on whiskey, went just as well as one would’ve hoped, full of tears and misspoken words. That fight, words never being able to be taken back, is was led Quin to reach out to her dad. Maybe he didn’t know about her beforehand and was slow to warm up, but Quin was beyond glad she had found him.
“Uh… Hi. My name is, uh, is Quinlan Emai. I received some results from a DNA test, and it uh, it told me you’re my dad? Shit, this is so weird. Jesus this could have been an email, I’m one of those people. Um, I don’t really know what the fuck else to say, soo… Call me back when you get a chance? Maybe? Jesus- sorry” After that voicemail to one Navy man, Quin honestly thought about throwing herself off a bridge. This guy was stationed in Cali, Quin living in a small Texan town near the coast. She was hoping, at the least, the man would not return her call. But alas, a few days later, a call from an unknown number.
“Hello?” Quinn held her phone, expecting whoever called to be spam.
“Hi, this is Tom Kazansky…” Quinlan froze at the name, “You, uh, you called about a week ago?��� “Oh, shit. Uh, hi?” Quin responded after a moment of phone static. Both sat in silence for a few moments, neither knowing what to say.
“Fuck, sorry. You’re probably wondering who my mom is. She’s uh, her name is Cecilla Emai. We’re, um, We’re in Texas.” Another few moments of silence followed, Quin could hear the gears in his head turning.
“Oh, beginning of ‘86?” Quin assumed that was when they met. “Well, would make sense. Was born October 1986.” Quinlan honestly didn’t want to talk about her conception date.
“I… wow. Sorry, I uh didn’t expect to have a kid.” Quin chuckled,
 “Yeah, and I didn’t expect to have an alive dad. Momma always said you were dead.” A small noise of surprise escaped Tom.
“She told you I was dead?” the surprise was as clear as day.
 “yeah, said you died so I shouldn’t go lookin’. Guess she was ashamed to have a kid without a dad so she told everyone he was dead.”
“She never even tried to tell me, if she told me…” Tom trailed off, “You’re in the Navy, and I don’t think there is anything that would get momma to leave.” Quinlan did truly wonder what life would be like if her dad was around.
“I at least would’ve given her money… How is she?” Quin gave a disappointed laugh, “usually drunk or not at home. Two kids take a toll, especially when the father of the second is a known felon.” At that, Tom Kazansky was officially speechless.
“Hey, I guess wanting to be a pilot runs in the blood. I just got my naval academy acceptance letter…” Quin trailed off, not knowing why she was telling a man she just honestly met.
“What’re you going in for?” A new form of excitement filled his tone.
“Pilot. Air Force wouldn’t accept the condition of me being my sister’s caretaker.” They proceeded to talk for at least thirty minutes about Tom’s declassified missions and tips from him.
“Who’re you runnin’ up that phone bill with, Q.” Cecilla asked, more of a way as telling her to get off the phone.
“Take a wild, guess momma.” Quin’s voice was edging towards sharp, her mom narrowing her eyes. “Who is it?” Cecilla’s tone matched Quinlan’s.
“My dad. Would you like to say hi? Since, ya know, he isn’t dead.” Quin still held fire from their earlier argument, Tom sat on the other line awkward and unsure of what to do.
“Quinlan Daliah Emai, get off the damn phone right now.” Cecilla’s tone was final, but Quin always had a rebuttal. Afterall, she was the daughter of a stubborn Texan and The famous Iceman.
“You haven’t paid the phone bill since you spent all the cash you got, which wasn’t hardly any, on liquor. Can’t tell me to end a phone call when I pay the price.” Quin sounded nonchalant, her voice matter of fact. Her mother only stared, Tom Kazansky awkwardly trying to find an out from the call.
“If you don’t hang up that damn phone, I will find a way to pull your application.” Cecilla’s voice held the same calmness, which Tom could only guess was terrifying in person.
“If you weren’t so drunk off your ass, Ma, you would know I’ve already been accepted. Now if you’d excuse me, I have a previously absentee father to get to know.” Quinlan shut the pocket door to the kitchen, done with the soon to be argument with her mother.
“I… is that, is that normal?” Tom’s voice sounded incredibly unsure, unaware if that was even appropriate to ask.
“The truth? Yeah. As song as Em isn’t home.” Quinlan did everything in her power to not fight in front of her little sister, even if her mother provoked the living hell out of her.
“I assume Em is your sister?” Tom questioned lightly, gently.
“Yeah, her name is Emmelyn Rose Emai. Momma has a thing for flower middle names. She is eight. Thinks we have the same Dad.” Quin’s tone edged towards sadness at the last statement, wishing Em was her full-blood sister, but she still treated the kid with every intent that she was.
“Well… I would say I’m slightly better than a convicted felon.” Tom huffed a laugh, and so did Quin, “Honestly, I’d love to get to know you more, and Emmelyn for the matter, she’s young enough to still have a childhood with a Dad.” To say the least, Quin was shocked. She expected him to either say nothing, or say hello and move on, but she certainly wasn’t ready for this.
“Shit, you’re serious?” She was dumbfounded.
“I mean if you are open to that. In my family, we take kin very seriously. I’ve missed eighteen years, why should I miss any more?” Tom sounded very sure, which calmed Quin’s mind a little bit.
“Quinlan Emai, I’ve given you five minutes, now get off the damn phone and go get your sister.” Cecilla’s voice yelled through the shut door, muffled and barely recognizable over the phone.
“Fuck, uh sorry, I have to go get Em, mom’s had too much to drive. Bye!” Quin quickly hung up, ending her first ever conversation with her very much alive father.
            As far as first meetings go, Quin’s very much could’ve gone better. But, it led to having a relationship with her Dad, and Emmelyn having one too. That phone call turned into summer visits, and a place to stay for them both once their mother passed two years later. Quin pulled up to the personal housing of Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, the place she called home even despite her rural accent. She turned off the trembling engine, hands finally free of the incessant buzzing sensation. Quin decided to park around the back of the house, opting to surprise her siblings in the morning, having seen their cars in the driveway. Quin got out of her car, grabbing her back up travel bag from her trunk as quietly as possible.
            She walked up to the back door, unlocking it with her spare key she kept on her keychain escribed with her callsign. A gift from Rooster, no less. She had texted Ice previous to her arrival, not wanting to scare him by showing up at random. The light shown through the door of his office, surprising Quin that he was still awake. At 61, being awake after 9:30 was definitely a large feat. She padded lightly to the office, knocking on the door lightly before stepping in.
            “Hey, Dad.” He turned his head at her voice, meeting her soft, but nonetheless tired, smile. He returned it with his own, although not quite reaching his eyes like it did just a few years before. Ice was bad about voicing his problems, something Quin learned was hereditary and compounded from his years in the Navy. They stared at each other for a few minutes, then she realized he wasn’t speaking, the white cursor on his monitor blinking as the black screen remained bare.
            “Fuck.” Quin’s whispered curse was the only sound in the air. Ice turned to type and with her increasingly watery eyes, quin watched the screen.
            ‘I’m fine, you have other things to worry about.’ The white words stared back like little knives picking her tear ducts.
            “You say that as you are, quite literally, my dad.” Quin huffed a laugh, although pained by the fact of his health.
            ‘Come sit.’ Quin pulled up a chair, facing him as he cleared his screen.
            ‘How’s Bradley.’ Quin just looked down at her clasped hands, shaking her head.
            “Haven’t heard from him since before I left. Didn’t even see him after Seresin outed his death wish.” Quin looked up from her hands, Ice looking at her expectantly. He knew the hurt and the issues they had faced, firsthand for that matter, but he also knew she miraculously still cared.
            ‘Just talk to him.’ Ice kept the same stare. “Really Dad, how am I supposed to talk to someone who doesn’t acknowledge my existence?” Her face was tired, not wanting to have that conversation at the current moment in time. Ice didn’t type anything new, nor did he delete his previous words. A low cough left his being, hurting Quin to hear.
            “Go to bed, kid.” His voice was gravel-filled and quiet, displaying his pain. Quin looked at him for a few more moments before standing up and leaving his office, but not before throwing in a small ‘goodnight’. As she made her way up to her bedroom, quietly passing her siblings rooms, she couldn’t wait to lay down and knock out. The days problems would just have to wait till tomorrow.
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etoile-filante222 · 1 year
˖⁺。˚⋆˙ scoups birth chart ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
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✧ 08.08.1995, 9:00 am in daegu
✧ leo sun in the 12th house
scoups has healthy self-esteem and a natural feeling of leadership over others, he portrays calm dominance and a majority of the people around him don't mind conforming to his decision-making. his generousity, kindness, directness and attentivness are elemental characteristics, which makes scoups well liked by others. he is very proud while also respecting the pride of those around him. with his sun in the 12th house scoups has a desire for perfection. his efforts and abbilities may not always get recognized to their full extent, which he doesn't mind, since he knows what he's capable of. scoups may not always be in the spotlight at social events, but that gives him the chance to observe and analyse others.
✧ capricorn moon in the 5th house
scoups finds comfort and satisfaction in feeling useful to society. despite having a leo sun, his moon in capricorn makes scoups a bit shy and distant at first. his emotions and feelings are kept at bay, he tends to keep things for himself to appear more reliable on the outside. to get rid of his self-doubt, he tends to seek approval from the outside which causes him more harm than good. with his moon in the 5th house scoups is capable combining his emotions with creativity. he is also somewhat trusting, his safety is very important.
✧ leo mercury in the 12th house
scoups is very proud of his intellect and abilities. his mind is closely connected to his heart, so he doesn't shy away from speaking what's going on inside his head, there is passion and strength in his speech. he may have troubles accepting advice and criticism from people he is close to (or he just doesn't pay a lot of attention to it). his thinking is deeply influenced by his subconcious and past experiences, decisions are sometimes based more on emotions than logical thinking. scoups may have difficulties learning new things and expressing his opinions.
✧ leo venus in the 12th house
scoups likes to express his feelings or affection in a creative way, e.g. a poem, song or other forms of art. he is romantic and very enthusiastic in love, but his venus in leo does makes him rather flirty and confident in love. this can lead to him flirting with people other than his partner. it's more likely unserious for him and is just used as a confident boost, but if his partner does it, it may get him very upset. with his venus in the 12th house, scoups is a bit lonely and feels withdrawn from his relationships. he is very emotional, but manages to control them well.
✧ libra mars in the 2nd house
with his mars in libra scoups has troubles making decisions or statements, worried what others might think. he is quite indecisive and cares about other people and tries to combine his wants with the demands of others. he attracts energetic and irritable partners. with his mars in the 2nd house scoups seeks financial and material gain, which he is quite successful in. he has the energy to make money but he also spends a lot, he may have trouble controlling his finances. scoups is not afraid of taking risks, as long as he reaches his goals.
✧ virgo ascendant
scoups develops/grows the best through self-criticism and discernment. applying his knowledge and skills must be beneficial to the public, he is very analysing. with a virgo rising scoups probably focuses a lot on his health and body and spends a lot of time working on himself. precision and perfection dominate his mind, which can make him lose spontaneity and drive him into slight obsession. this can also reflect in his relationship, scoups may be slightly overbearing regarding his partners health/well-being and feels the need to supervise or take care of them. he needs to accept, that some things are out of his control and it's best to let things go.
thank you so much for reading! ✧ let me know what your thoughts are
(this is only a rough interpretation, since scoups mentioned he was born around 9 am. so take eveything with a grain of salt!)
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findingmypeace · 11 months
(Of course this turned out to be so much longer than I intended. As always, lol)
I am SO behind on answering asks. Please know I read all of them and they are all so kind and offer so much support. I appreciate all of them. I still fully plan on answering all of them. It’s just very hard when I have 14hr days and every moment needs my full attention. Sunday’s seem to be my day to catch up on tumblr but right now I still tend to be too dissociated on those days to answer much.
Quick updates:
*15 days in a row with no b/ping but struggling with grazing and restriction at the same time. Still struggling significantly with fluid restriction.
*Still experiencing multiple medical issues but it’s still so much better than before treatment.
*Was recommended a step up to residential and then a week later told that I was doing so well that a step down to iop was a possibility. Very confusing but it seems insurance is playing a significant role in this.
*So now I am most likely stepping down to iop on Nov. 2nd
*Struggling more than I could possibly convey with body image, weight gain, and my meal plan. Weight gain has been fast and has led to such deep seated self-hatred.
*Brother’s wedding is in just a few weeks. Excited to see my family and terrified of seeing my parents. I am drafting an email to them stating how much I love and miss them but also setting strict boundaries. I am doing a lot of work in therapy on my future relationship with them but I am still not ready to re-establish contact. I am terrified of seeing them and really don’t know how I will react.
*Huge drama at my job. (This turned into a long rant as this is unfortunately taking up a large part of my time at work) I am furious with 2 members of upper management. I am being used as a scapegoat and being punished by having to attend weekly supervision and sign off on completing trainings. This involves a legal issue that does not involve me other than that I offered support to a staff member as I am actually a therapist and was hired as that. I am documenting everything, for my records, as well as emailing all of it to our executive director who has always been kind, understanding, and empathetic, and most likely is unaware that this is happening. Still, I adore my clients and interacting with them and all other staff. I love the team work and the ability to help my clients. I adore my actual job but these two members of upper management are creating so much stress, anger, and anxiety for me. It’s bullshit and I WILL NOT allow them to steamroll me into quitting or being fired.
*Last thing. Managing 7 hrs of PHP, 2 hrs driving back and forth to PHP, and 40hrs of work per week is insanely stressful and probably not something I should be doing with all the other stuff happening but I don’t really have a choice either financially or in order to keep my job. I am having such a hard time balancing everything, of course, and this is such a huge part of wanting to step down to iop although it’s terrifying and I’m not sure I’m actually ready.
That’s all for now. I know it’s a lot to be dealing with and I am exhausted but I keep going because I know it’s not permanent and I’m note sure what else to do. I definitely need a break.
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A-Z 😇
<33 i answered some already in other asks but here are the rest
B = Brat: How obedient do you like people to be in the bedroom? Is disobeying fun? i am the brat here ok 😤 and yes disobeying can be fun C = Cum: Turn on, turn off, or favorite? unfortunately my sensory ick. womp womp D = Denial: How long can you edge before it can’t be taken it anymore? if someone else is in charge, i can go for hours. i would edge myself if i could, but i have no impulse control lol E = Exhibitionism: Do you like being seen getting off? Ever done anything explicitly hoping to get caught? hahaha yes. this has always been one of my biggest kinks. i have done some questionable things in parking lots, workplaces, while driving, etc. it’s a problem F = Fucking Machines: Have you ever had a chance to ride a fucking machine? Would you? no i haven’t. and yes i would. but i’d need to be on my back in full pillow princess form, i can’t be expected to hold myself up for that long lol G = Glory Hole: Would you ever go to a glory hole? Have you been to one? oof, this is such a hot fantasy. i’ve never been to one but i would if i had a trusted partner with me to “supervise” H = Humiliation: Do you like to humiliate/be humiliated? Any stories? yes if it’s in a condescending saccharine type of way. also, having to ask permission to do basic things in front of other people (consensually) is super hot too. and so so embarrassing 🙈 I = Ice: Are you in to temperature play? not particularly, but i could be K = Kitten: In to pet play? Do you prefer kittens or pups? i’ve never been that into pet play, but again with the right partner i could be. i’d be a kitten or bunny L = Latex: Latex, leather, or neither? not my thing M = Medical: Have you ever done any kind of medical play? Share stories! i haven’t, but i think being “inspected” in a clinical way could be really hot O = Orgasm Control: Would you give up your orgasms for somebody? yes, i’d definitely let someone control my orgasms, it’s never the most satisfying part anyways Q = Queening: Self explanatory. In to it? that was not self explanatory i had to google it 😂 but yeah i could be into it R = Rope: What’s your favorite means of tying somebody up? i’m a rope bunny, not a rigger. i don’t have any desire to tie someone up T = Teasing: How much is just the right amount of teasing before somebody gets dicked down? And what are you favorite means of teasing? an eternity if my partner wants. i love me a sadist. make me suffer :) U = Uncut: Do you have a preference or are all cocks built equally? 🤷🏻🤷🏻 no pref W = Wildcard: Answer any question submitted to you but you can only give Yes/No answers okay 🙃 i’ll do that with the one below X = Xvideos: Have/Would you ever upload videos of yourself online? yes 🐒 Y = Yuri & Yaoi: Are you in to it? Does 2d get you going? sure Z = Zzz: Have any fantasies involving sleep? uh huh, i love somno. i love cnc. use me while i sleep 🙊
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internsipgate · 19 hours
Essential Tips for Landing a Virtual Internship at Top Companies
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In today’s digital-first world, virtual internships have become a gateway to gaining experience with top companies without the need to relocate. The shift to remote work has opened up opportunities for students and recent graduates to work with renowned organizations from anywhere. But how do you stand out in a sea of applicants and secure that coveted virtual internship? In this article, we’ll walk you through essential tips to land a virtual internship at top companies and explain how platforms like InternshipGate can help you achieve your career dreams.
Why Virtual Internships Matter
Before diving into the tips, it’s crucial to understand why virtual internships are so valuable. They offer flexibility, a chance to develop digital communication skills, and, most importantly, they provide you with exposure to global companies. These internships allow you to work for a company based halfway around the world, right from the comfort of your home. This exposure can significantly boost your resume, helping you stand out when applying for full-time positions.
H1: Essential Tips for Landing a Virtual Internship at Top Companies
Let’s get straight into the tips that will give you the edge in landing a virtual internship at top companies.
H2: 1. Build a Strong Online Presence
Your online presence is your new resume. Companies will look at your LinkedIn, personal website, or portfolio before making decisions.
Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date with a professional profile photo, a clear headline (like “Marketing Student Seeking Internship”), and detailed descriptions of your education, projects, and past work experiences. Don’t forget to include keywords relevant to the roles you are applying for, as this will increase your visibility to recruiters.
Create a Personal Website or Portfolio
For certain fields like design, marketing, or content creation, having a personal website or portfolio can set you apart. Showcase your skills, personal projects, or any freelance work you’ve done. It shows potential employers that you’re committed and serious about your professional growth.
H2: 2. Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter
When applying for a virtual internship, generic resumes and cover letters won’t cut it. Take the time to research the company and the specific role you’re applying for. Tailor your resume by highlighting relevant skills, such as proficiency in remote work tools (Slack, Zoom, Google Drive) or experience in virtual team projects.
Highlight Key Virtual Skills
Working remotely requires different skills compared to in-office roles. Showcase any past experience where you’ve worked remotely or managed tasks without direct supervision. Key virtual work skills include self-motivation, time management, written communication, and proficiency with online collaboration tools.
Craft a Compelling Cover Letter
A compelling cover letter goes a long way. Address it to the hiring manager and demonstrate your passion for the role. Mention why you’re excited about the company’s mission, how your skills align with their needs, and your eagerness to contribute to the team, even in a virtual environment.https://internshipgate.com
H2: 3. Develop Relevant Skills
You don’t need to have years of experience to land a virtual internship, but you do need to show that you have the necessary skills.
Take Online Courses
There are plenty of free and paid courses available on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning. Focus on learning skills relevant to your chosen field, whether it’s data analysis, digital marketing, graphic design, or coding. Many companies are impressed by candidates who show they are actively learning and improving their skill set.
Participate in Virtual Internships and Projects
If you're new to the job market, consider applying for short-term or part-time virtual internships through platforms like Forage or Parker Dewey. These opportunities allow you to gain experience while completing remote tasks for companies. Even unpaid or freelance work counts as experience and shows employers that you’re capable of working independently.
H2: 4. Prepare for Virtual Interviews
Once you get past the application process, the next step is nailing the interview. In a virtual internship setting, your interview will likely be online, so you’ll need to be ready for that.
Test Your Tech Setup
Before the interview, ensure that your internet connection is stable, your webcam is working, and that you have good audio quality. Consider using a headset with a microphone for clearer sound. Have a professional and clutter-free background, as this will give a great first impression.
Practice Virtual Interview Etiquette
Treat virtual interviews as seriously as in-person ones. Dress professionally, maintain eye contact by looking into the camera, and stay engaged throughout the conversation. Prepare answers for common interview questions but also be ready to discuss how you’ll handle the challenges of working remotely, such as time management and communication.
H2: 5. Network in Online Communities
Networking is crucial, even for virtual roles. You can connect with professionals in your field by participating in online communities and forums, attending virtual job fairs, or joining LinkedIn groups related to your industry.
Join Webinars and Virtual Events
Top companies often host virtual events, webinars, and Q&A sessions for students and job seekers. Attending these can help you get your foot in the door, allowing you to learn more about the company and meet professionals who can offer valuable advice or referrals.
Engage on Social Media
Many companies post internship opportunities on their social media pages. Follow companies on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram, and engage with their posts. Commenting thoughtfully on a company’s updates can increase your visibility and help you form connections with current employees.
H2: 6. Use Internship Platforms like InternshipGate
Finding the right virtual internship can be overwhelming, especially with so many platforms and opportunities available. InternshipGate is one platform designed specifically to help students and graduates find internships that match their career goals.
How Internshipgate Helps Students
Internshipgate curates internship listings from top companies, making it easier for students to find positions that align with their skills and aspirations. The platform offers a user-friendly experience, allowing students to filter internships by industry, location (for in-person roles), and even work hours. Additionally, Internshipgate provides resources such as resume reviews, interview preparation tips, and career advice to ensure students have all the tools they need to succeed.
Get Access to Exclusive Internships
InternshipGate often partners with top companies to offer exclusive internship opportunities that may not be listed elsewhere. By registering on the platform, students can get notified about these internships and apply directly, giving them a competitive edge.
H2: 7. Follow Up Professionally
After applying for an internship or completing an interview, don’t forget to follow up. A polite and professional follow-up email can set you apart from other candidates.
Send a Thank You Email
If you’ve had an interview, send a thank you email within 24 hours. Express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and reiterate your enthusiasm for the role. This small gesture can leave a lasting impression.
Follow Up on Applications
If you haven’t heard back after applying for an internship, it’s okay to send a brief follow-up email after a week or two. Politely inquire about the status of your application and restate your interest in the position.
Landing a virtual internship at a top company requires effort, but with the right approach, it’s entirely possible. By building a strong online presence, tailoring your application materials, and using platforms like Internshipgate, you can increase your chances of securing that dream role. Remember, every interaction—from your application to your interview—is an opportunity to show that you’re the best candidate for the job. Be persistent, stay proactive, and use your virtual internship as a springboard to your future career.
What skills are essential for virtual internships?
Key skills include time management, self-discipline, communication, and proficiency with remote collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, and Google Drive.
How can Internshipgate help me find a virtual internship?
Internshipgate connects students with curated internship opportunities, offering resources like resume reviews and interview tips to help you land your ideal role.
How do I make a good impression during a virtual interview?
Dress professionally, maintain eye contact, and ensure you have a stable internet connection with good audio and video quality.
Should I follow up after submitting an internship application?
Yes, a polite follow-up email after one to two weeks can show your continued interest in the position.
Is it necessary to have previous experience to get a virtual internship?
Not always. Many companies are open to hiring interns with little experience as long as you demonstrate eagerness to learn and relevant skills through online courses or personal projects.
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nawapon17 · 21 hours
Tesla Full Self-Driving v12.5 first impression: more natural but still dangerous | Electrek
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23raccoons · 16 days
let me bleed (you're losing me) Ao3
Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura/Nara Shikamaru, Haruno Sakura & Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura & Yamanaka Ino Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru, Hatake Kakashi, Yamanaka Ino, Sai (Naruto), Karin (Naruto), Uchiha Madara Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Blood and Violence, Unhealthy Relationships, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Dark Uchiha Sasuke, Dark Nara Shikamaru, Protective Hatake Kakashi, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Self-Harm, Akatsuki (Naruto), War, Konoha 11 (Naruto), Everyone is Problematic ok?, Heavy Angst, Domestic Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fourth Shinobi War (Naruto), Memory Loss, PTSD, Manipulation, Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts, Degradation, Dacryphilia
Chapter 10 (chapter list)
Sakura is really left alone anymore, always under the supervision of either Shikamaru or occasionally Sasuke. Both of which are about to drive her up the wall with their hovering and insistent whispering to each other. 
She closes her eyes where she rests on the kitchen floor, petting the cat that’s laying across her chest. She’s supposed to be relaxing, but Sasuke hasn’t stopped pacing back and forth for the past quarter hour. 
Sakura’s not allowed to do anything anymore, even on her good days. Except lay here on the floor or in the bed or on the couch. She’s not allowed outside or to read or to play board games. Shikamaru doesn’t even make her do any of his memory games anymore, while Sasuke even gets on her if she so much as thinks too hard while he’s around. 
She tries to argue with Shikamaru about it, but he just tells her that she’s ‘ill’, with no real explanation as to what is wrong with her or why both of them seem to act like she’s a bomb that’s about to go off at any given moment. 
So she takes Shikamaru’s advice of deep breaths and tries to 'meditate without thinking too hard’. She’s too restless. Antsy and nervous over whatever’s so wrong with her that has them acting like this. Days creep by slowly. Sakura feels like she’s going to go insane.
There is a noise from outside. Sakura, lying in bed, is supposed to be relaxing, as this is her first time being left unsupervised in days, Shikamaru having to leave for a last-minute trip into Konoha, and no Sasuke to babysit her in the meantime. She’s supposed to be on her best behavior while they’re gone. 
She makes her way to the door, sliding it open to see what the fuss is about. No sign of any of the not-deer, which means whoever’s out there is friendly enough to not be a danger. 
They’re more yelling; Sakura can distinguish a few curse words amongst them. She steps out onto the engawa, following the sound of the noise around the house. Near the fresh dirt of the little garden Shikamaru has been preparing for planting, the door to the little outbuilding that holds the gardening equipment is open, someone digging around inside, the source of the shouting. 
“Shikamaru?” she calls, taking the steps down to the yard. “Shikamaru, what are you doing?”
A head pops out, scanning the area, sliver-grey hair, almost like, “Kakashi-sensei?”
She is mad at Kakashi-sensei. The thought comes rebounding in so hard, it distracts her enough that she’s lost her train of thought. Blinking dumbly as she looks around, stopping in her tracks, trying to remember what’s happening. 
‘Oi,” the voice calls. Sakura’s head snaps to the shed, a man’s head talking to her. “Where the fucks my shit?”
Sakura stands eyes wide as he yells, trying to get the memories to fall into place. To figure out why he’s yelling at her. Why he seems so familiar.
“Are you fucking deaf or something? Where’s my shit?” The man yells, the head disappears, and theres more clattering before the full body of a nude man emerges. Well, most of a full body, as the flesh is missing giant chunks of meat, broken bones and tissues, and organs exposed. Skin draping and doping off in some spots, dangling down in tatters. Dripping thick black blood and puss.
Sakura can’t get her brain to think anything. Nothing. She can’t even find the instinct to fight or flight. Frozen in place as the man limps toward her, movements stifled by his absent parts. 
“My scythe? My necklace? A headband with a slash across it? Pretty fucking hard to forget?” He drags a thumb that is mostly just bone across his forehead.
“I-I” Sakura stutters out, her eyes stinging like she’s about to start crying. Thoughts slippery. But she vaguely remembers a headband with a slash that Shikamaru had shown her once or twice, trying to jog her memory. 
“Jashin-damn, you can fucking talk.” He laughs sharply as he nears her. Mocking "I-I"
“I can show you.” She offers, fawning, bowing slightly in hopes to appease his attitude, motioning toward the house. 
“Get the fuck to it then.” He looks her up and down before brushing past her. She tries not to gag at the scent of rotting flesh or the wiggling of maggots in his wounds. Muttering to himself, but loud enough for her to catch, “Dumb fucking whore.”
She scurries around him, leading the way inside to the big desk in the study. Trying to shove down the nausea and goosebumps that have formed from how close he’s walking behind her. Still trying to make the connections of how she knows him. 
The top drawer is locked; she spends a moment, drumming her fingertips on the surface as she tries to figure out where Shikamaru would’ve hid the key. Somewhere she’d remember surely. Kneeling down, she slides her fingers along the lip of the underside until she hits the little metal key wedged there. Pulling it out. 
It takes Sakura a few tries to get in correctly in the lock and a few attempts to turn the tumbler before the zombie man is leaning over her, drenching her in his stench. She tries not to breathe, not to move as his hand moves over hers, gripping over hers to give the leverage to turn the key. 
Her hand is shaking when he lets her go; she lets it fall into her lap, as he roughly slides open the drawer, so far she has to lean back into him a bit to avoid being hit in the head with it. She drags her fingernails down her arm, trying to ground herself. 
He roots around, pulling out not one but two headbands. 
“Fuck this leaf bullshit.” He says, dropping one into her lap, standing up to secure the other one, as Sakura looks at the headband in horror, fingers rubbing over the bloodstained fabric it’s attached to. A Konoha leaf symbol slashed out. The mark is deep, intentional. 
Why would this be in Shikamaru’s desk? It’s not like he’s a missing-nin, he’s much too loyal to Konoha for that. Sakura can feel the start of a migraine building as she tries to puzzle it out. The man digging through the drawer above her. The only Konoha missing-nin she knows of is Uchiha Itachi. 
Uchiha Itachi is Akatsuki. It’s like the thought breaks open the floodgate, memories coming in clearer, faster now. Itachi across a field, narrowing his eyes slightly at how quickly she escaped his genjutsu before any of the others. Sasori and Deidara and the dead body of Gaara. The sword through her heart, she had been looking for something.
The man above her laughs as he finds a necklace. A circle with an upside down triangle, the warning tingle of danger running through her. She needs to run now.
She stands as forcefully as she can, knocking him off to one side. He tries to grab hold of her upper arm; she twists out of his grip, running for the door. 
“YOU FUCKING BITCH!” Sakura dashes down the hall, already feeling the burn in her muscles. Turning into Shikamaru’s room, to the open door outside. She can hear him limping his way to catch up to her. She trips, caught up in the futon that’s still spread out on the floor. Scrambling for the door, narrowly avoiding his lunge to try and grab her ankle. 
Over the deck, across the yard, before she’s slowing. Out of energy, out of stamina, and she barely makes it into the woods before the sound of his yelling announces he’s outside. Searching for her. 
"Here, Kitty-kitty,” he calls, making cat-calling noises. “You know what? I’ll even give you a head start while I find my damned sythe.”
Sakura carefully peeks around the tree, watching the man enter the shed again. Moving through the trees slowly, she’s tired, and her headache is starting to pound in full force with each step she takes. Resting against the truck of a wide tree. She can hear the man crashing through the underbrush, calling out for her again. The forest is shifting, changing itself around her to try and confuse the invader. 
He passes by once. She catches a glimpse of him through the trees, of the large, three-bladed weapon he’s holding, but luckily he doesn’t see her. Moving on, before changing direction back towards her. He’s close; she can hear the clanging of the chain and the large blade it is attached to. 
She’ll have to fight, trying to clear her mind enough for some sort of plan. To fight, she needs to be able to heal properly, and to do that, she needs to get the fucking chakra cuffs off. She doesn’t have the strength to break one, too weak to force it over her wrist. 
A glint off in the distance catches her eye. It's the man, limping her way, swinging the scythe around wildly. It tears through a small overhanging branch. Just a bit wider than Sakura’s wrist. She looks at her arm, then the branch, then the cuff. If she’s going to die anyway, she might as well try.
Well, this is going to hurt. 
(Her head is hurting also; processing the fight has a migraine building in between her temples. A bad one.)
The attacker is close. Sakura laces her fingers together, planting her feet the best she can, bracing for the hit. Working to pool what little chakra she can into the area. She follows his steps, the line of the swing, The arc as it falls. Making sure it slices cleanly through her arm. 
The cuff and her own blood go flying; her chakra rushes, turning from a faucet that hasn’t been shut off properly to a stream, more than enough to vamp her healing abilities. She holds her detached hand and the arm it came off of close to her stomach, blood seeping all down her front. Her patch job is hurried, hastily done, leaving a thick ring of a scar around her forearm.
Sakura has seconds before she has to dodge another hit. Except it doesn’t come. As the silver-haired man is standing just in front of her. Head back, laughing maniacally. 
“You’re a crazy fucking bitch,” he tells her, bringing the blade up to his mouth. “You’re really gonna fucking like this.”
Sakura ignores him, tugging at the other cuff with her freshly reattached hand. The nerves have not aligned properly, and the muscles are tight, but her chakra paths are solid, and that's all she’s concerned about right now. 
She’s still not strong enough to break the cuff, but she is strong enough to tuck her thumb in the palm of her hand to grab hold of the cuff and push down with all her strength until there is the crack of a bone breaking and the cuff is free. 
Her chakra swells, torrenting through her. Repairing. Restoring. Rejuvenating. Thoughts coming even clearer now. And now she’s the one laughing. Reaching out to grab hold of the cool metal of his weapon mid-air, blood dripping from where it digs into her palm. Eyes tracing the excess chain wrapped around loosely around his torso. 
“You’re right,” Sakura tells him sweetly, with a smile. “I am.”
Sakura peels off the patch on her Yin seal. The ones she’s been working so terribly hard on keeping under lock and key, healing the damage it’s creating inside the seal with what she already has stored. Mitigating the effects as best she can from the outside, forcing all her concentration on healing, on simply not dying. On not accidently turning herself into a chidori with Shikamaru next to her. So much so she doesn’t even know she’s doing it anymore, not unlike how once she got the hang of dumping chakra into her Yin seal, it was no longer something she had to think consciously about. (Of course she couldn’t really think of much else, lest she distract herself.)
Sweeping the escaping lightning chakra along, using her own chakra to guide it, to channel it, down her arm and out her hand, pushing it down the length of the blade. Years of training of chakra control and learning how to heal, how to manage all types of medical chakra. Thick medical tomes full of long, difficult words describing theories complex enough to give a headache. (As many books on how lightning works—how electricity works—that she could sneak out of the library.)
Laughing as the whole of what’s left of the chidori comes crackling out of her. And then it’s gone. Only her own chakra moving through her body. 
Relief. Sweet relief. Everything in her body feels better, but she’s so, so tired now. She falls to her knees. And then someone’s on their knees in front of her, catching her in his arms before she hits the ground.
Sakura wakes in the comfort of bed, wrapped in blankets and the warmth of Shikamaru. “Hello, love. Feeling better?” 
Sakura nods, warm and groggy from sleep still. No trace of a headache.
“Good,” Shikamaru presses his lips to her forehead. “Go back to sleep, okay? Get some more rest.”
Sakura slips back off. When she wakes again, the door to the veranda is open. She wanders out with a yawn; the walk across the room no longer has her sluggish and weak. Feeling like she’s gotten the first good night's sleep she’s had in ages. 
Sasuke and Shikamaru are lounging on the deck. Shikamaru pats the space between his legs, so she sits, tucked between his knees. Letting him wrap his arms around her waist and pull in closer, pressing her back into his chest. Sasuke shifts also, kneeling in front of them. Reaching out to cup her check in his hand. A hint of a smile on his face. “It’s gone.”
Shikamaru sighs, dipping his head down to rest his forehead on Sakura’s shoulder, peppering it with small kisses. “Oh, love. You did so well, didn’t you?”
Sasuke hums. Letting go of her face to pick up her hand gently, carefully. Pulling something thin and round and metal metal from his pocket. 
“Sasuke, what—what are you doing?” She asks. Eyes wide, and her hand shakes in Sasuke’s grip as the cuff comes closer and closer to her. She doesn’t even fight as it locks it around her wrist. Confused, “Sasuke?”
“It’s for your own protection,” Sasuke tells her, keeping hold of her hand with one of his own, reaching forward to brush away the tear streaking down her face.
“Protection from what?” She asks, high-pitched with worry. 
Shikamaru moves her other arm, lacing their fingers together. Sakura turns to him in disbelief as the second band clicks into place. “ ‘Maru?”
“Hush, you worry too much. I’ll take care of you. We‘ll take care of you.” 
“We’ll keep you safe,” Sasuke tells her, bringing her attention back to him. Lovey, lovey Sasuke, she’d do anything for him. He’d always find his way back to her.
“Safe from what?” Sakura’s breathing is heavy as the panic starts to set in. Shikamaru’s hold on her tightens as he curls in around her, as if to shield her from the answer. Comfort and protection.
Sasuke’s face falls into something serious and angry. Dark. “Not what, silly Sakura. Who.”
“Who?” She asks weakly, tears streaming over his hand where it still rests against her cheek, but she’s afraid she already knows the answer because Sakura is mad at…
“Kakashi.” Sasuke spits off the engawa after he says it, like he’s disgusted by just the taste of it.
Chapter 11
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Buy Genuine Driving Licence uk
You are at the right place if you have been struggling to  buy genuine driving licence UK or updating provisional license UK. To know how to drive is an excellent way to be increase your opportunities as a UK resident, but to be able to buy driving licence UK  can be a challenging and also a stressful task that requires you to provide and submit a number of documents to prove who you are and citizenship. Luckily, there are online services such as Universal Identicalness that will help to simplify this process and make sure all requirements are fulfilled, so you can get your license and start driving as soon as possible.
For those with busy schedules, Universal Identicalness provides an easy way to quickly obtain your complete British drivers license. Since our licenses are DVLA-registered, you can be sure they are genuine and comply to all legal requirements. Whether you need a provisional license or a full UK car license, we handle the entire process on your behalf, according to what you want. Our aim at Universal Identicalness is to make the process of obtaining your car license UK as simple and stress free as possible.. Our knowledgeable staff provides a smooth application procedure by taking care of all the complicated details, from confirming your documentation to handling the administrative duties.
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The chalenging process to Buy Genuine Driving Licence UK
Here are the details of the normal process:
1. Provisional license uk application
Eligibility Requirements: You have know that to apply for a car licence UK, you must be at least fifteen years and nine months old of age.
Paperwork. You have to provide a recent passport sized photograph of your self and some form of identity verification such as a passport.
Application. You have to submit your application by mail or online through the UK government official website.
2. Learning How To Drive
Hiring a Teacher. Getting a licensed driving teacher to teach you on how to drive is very important.
Practical Classes. Practicing driving on a public roads to improve your driving skills.
The theory test. This includes of a hazard perception test and multiple-choice questions.
3. Taking the practical driving test
Booking the Test. Once you are ready, you have to book your practical test.
The examination it self. A vision check on your eyes is done, questions about car safety will be asked, and about 40 minutes of driving are all included in the examination.
4. Getting Your Complete License
Once you have passed the practical test, your licence will be given to you. updating provisional license uk
Why You Need a Full UK Driving Licence
To be able to drive legally in Great Britain, you need to have a full UK driving licence or a provisional driving licence. A short difference between a full driving licence and a provisional licence is that a provisional licence only allows you to drive under supervision by an instructor or any experienced driver who is a holder of a full driving licence for at least 3 years and who is over 21 years old of age. 
On the other hand, a full driving licence already indicates you have the required skills and knowledge to drive on your own without any supervision. You can drive vehicles in your licence category without any major restrictions, giving you the freedom to travel anywhere you want at any time.
Generally, getting a full UK driving licence is very important as it enhance your employment opportunities. Nowadays, many jobs require the skills to drive, and having a good licence demonstrates you have the key skill. While getting the licence is relatively important, you also need to study and prepare for the driving exam. Preparing for your driving exam is usually frustrating after studying and failing your test and you have to start all over again.
You may already know how to drive well but still fail in the theory test or another thing stopping you from getting your licence issued. In that case, we are here to solve problems like this. We will handle all the difficult parts for you only if you provide us with the information we need and pay our service fee to do the job for you. You will get real time support from start to finish from real people working in the background to get your licence.
How we can help you if you want to Buy Genuine Driving Licence UK
Simplify the Application
The requirements to apply for a full driving licence can seem difficult, with multiple forms to complete and supporting documents to bring along, driving eligibility, etc. We simplify the process by doing the following:
Identifying exactly which forms and supporting documents you need based on your circumstances
Collecting data from you and coming up with all the requirements for you.
Pre filling out the selected application form for you to review and sign
Providing checklists and timelines so you know what to expect at the application process.
Reduce Mistakes and Delays
Submitting an incomplete or incorrect driving licence application or documents can lead to processing delays, returned application and additional fees. We are out to eliminate errors by:
Double checking that all forms are fully and accurately completed.
Ensuring your supporting documents are valid and meet the official requirements.
Follow up with the process with DVLA to make sure the licence is approved within a shorter timeframe
Reduce Stress and Time
The time and stress involved in applying for your full driving licence can be taxing. We also aim to:
Handle select administrative tasks like pre filling forms and compiling documentation for you.
Provide guidance and preparation for the application process on your behalf.
Offer checklists and timelines to keep you on track.
Help ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible.
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