#supportive Draco
cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the song “sanctuary” by origene from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 170
Drarry microfic: okay
“I… I think I’m asexual.”
The words left his mouth in a whisper. He had been thinking about this for months, now. And even if it took him some time to finally admit it to himself, he was finally ready to share it with Draco.
Carefully, as if not to startle him, Draco took Harry’s hand, lifting it up to his lips and placing a soft kiss to the back of it. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Harry asked, confused. Was that really all Draco had to say?
“Yes,” Draco answered. His expression was soft, loving. It almost felt overwhelming. “I won’t judge you for that and I won’t stop loving you either. On the contrary, I think I love you even more.”
The smile that appeared on Harry’s face was so big he thought his face would split in half. He jumped up and engulfed Draco into a big hug, placing a tender kiss on his cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered as tears started to spill from his eyes. “I love you.”
Prompt from May 12th
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Flufftober 8: Shooting Stars
Harry sat quietly, staring up at the stars and trying to ignore how overwhelmingly exhausted he was.
And not just the kind of exhaustion that came from having one too many things to do or from not getting quite enough sleep the night before. But the kind of exhaustion that came from seeing too much of the ugliness of the world; too much pain and hatred, too much unkindness and too little remorse.
He laid back in the grass and took a slow deep breath, pushing thoughts of all of the ways that his students mistreated one another, of their family situations, and all of the rest of the horrible things, out of his mind. And for just a moment, he closed his eyes.
He should have known that was a horrible idea, that closing his eyes when he was as tired as he was would make him fall straight to sleep. Still, he did it anyway, and within a heartbeat he was asleep. And he stayed asleep until he was startled awake by someone tripping over him and falling on top of him.
"What the fuck?" the offending person groused, "lumos."
Harry blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden change of light. "Hey, Draco."
"What the fuck, Potter? Why are you laying on the ground?"
"I was looking at the stars."
Draco raised an eyebrow at him, "Surely you heard me approaching. Couldn't you have warned me not to trip over you?"
"Well, I was looking at the stars," Harry corrected. "But then I fell asleep."
"In the grass?" he asked incredulously.
"I'm tired," he said, the truth of those words hitting a little too hard. "I'm tired," he repeated softly.
Draco looked at him for a long moment, then settled onto the grass next to him. "What happened?"
With a sigh, that was mostly relief at being allowed to talk about it, Harry launched into a detailed explanation of all of the things that had gone wrong in the past couple of days. Of all of the ways that the kids he taught had treated each other awfully, had hurt one another, "and it just feels like no one cares," he said, waving his hand hopelessly. "And I don't know how to stop all of the things that are happening."
Draco was quiet for a moment, then he said, "What if it isn't your job to fix it?"
"They're children!" he spluttered. "They deserve to feel safe, to feel loved, and cared for-"
"Yeah, you did," Draco said.
Harry froze, hardly even breathing while it felt like his heart might burst in his chest. "What?" he asked carefully, trying not to put a single ounce of emotion into the word.
Slowly and very intentionally, Draco said, "You deserved to feel safe, to feel loved, to feel cared for when you were their age."
"This isn't about me."
Draco tilted his head at him, "Isn't it?"
He wrapped his arms around his knees, drawing them up to his chest. "No," he said. "I mean, sure I don't want them to have to do years of therapy to understand the trauma they experienced here wasn't-"
"They know you care about them," Draco said. "They know that you see them, that you do your best to make sure bad things don't happen to them and then when they do, they know that you are going to set it right."
"None of them are invisible to you. What you are doing right now makes a difference." He shrugged, "Kids are always going to be kids. By nature, they are pushing each other's boundaries and pushing yours. They are human, they are going to make mistakes. It's not your job to prevent them from happening."
"It's not your job to prevent them from happening as long as it wasn't your negligence that caused it," he said.
Harry swallowed, "I don't know what to do with that."
He hummed and knocked his shoulder into Harry's, "Just admit that I'm right."
He huffed a laugh and looked up at the stars, "I just want to protect them."
"Yeah," he said softly. "You do. You just can't protect them from everything. They're whole people who get to make decisions and who get to make their own mistakes. All we get to do is help them recover and learn from them."
Harry sighed, "Thanks."
"You're not the only one who cares about them," he said softly.
"Sorry," he started, aghast, "I didn't mean to imply you didn't-"
"I know," Draco assured. "I just have to tell myself the same things a lot. They're going to be okay."
He nodded.
"What you're doing matters."
"Thanks," he said softly.
They sat in companionable silence for a long moment and Harry leaned over so their shoulders were pressed together.
"What were you doing out here?" he asked.
Draco laughed, "Looking for you, idiot. The bed was cold."
Harry hummed, "I knew there was a reason you keep me around."
"Harry," he said softly, always too adept at reading Harry's insecurities in his joking. "I love you. A lot," he said, "And I am always happy to listen to you after a hard day."
He hummed noncommittally, it felt like a burden, like he was too much; and if he wasn't careful, if he put too much on him, Draco wouldn't be able to stand it. "It's not your job-"
"I love you," he repeated. "I am happy to listen to you about the things that make you sad."
"They're not rational."
Draco shrugged, "They don't have to be. I like listening to you, I like reassuring you."
He didn't know what to say, didn't know how to believe him that that was actually true.
The other man wrapped his arm around his shoulder and pulled Harry into him, "It's okay that you don't believe me."
"I want to-"
"I know," he murmured. "I'm not going anywhere, though. I don't mind proving it."
He exhaled, "I love you."
"I love you too." Draco pointed at the sky and Harry followed the path of his finger, "Shooting star," he murmured.
"What did you wish for?" Harry asked, soft and a little sleepy.
Draco pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, "This."
Read more of my Flufftober ficlets
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steampunkserpent27 · 2 years
Growing Pains
for @hdcandyheartsfest 's prompt: Pillow rated: G CW: Werewolf Harry He was stretched out across the couch, his face buried against the pillow. It was lumpy and misshapen, but it was all he could find. His muscles ached and his skin stung with the approaching moon. He could feel his body getting ready to change, as it always did around this time. Every week before the full moon, his bones would start to ache and fatigue would settle in, rendering him practically useless, as the pain only increased with the passing days. And now, the day before his transformation, he couldn’t even lift an arm without feeling as if he were tearing his muscles apart. The blanket that was wrapped around him was light, and not nearly long enough, as his toes stuck out the other side. He was cold and miserable, and he wished Draco would hurry up and come home. He was supposed to be getting groceries, but he sort of hoped he’d just skip that and come straight back. They didn’t need to eat, right? He burrowed deeper into the pillow, letting out a grumble, as he attempted to get some sleep, knowing he was going to need it. But his eyelids were sore, and he was far too painful to even hope to sleep. After what felt like an eternity, the front door opened and Draco stepped inside, a row of grocery bags floating in after him, which were sent to their proper places with a flick of his wand. Harry watched him, trying not to look too impatient, while he silently willed him to come over and make him feel better. Draco finally spotted him, his face softening. “Not feeling well, Love?” He let out a muffled grumble, his face still smashed against the sorry excuse for a pillow. Once he had crossed the den, Draco knelt down beside him, running a finger over his forehead and tucking a stray curl back into place. “Wouldn’t you be more comfy in bed?” “I don’t wanna move.” He whined, knowing he sounded like a petulant child, but he didn’t care, as he was sore and tired and didn’t think he’d even be able to stand without falling over. Draco smiled and bent down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss against his cheek. “Okay. Can I get you a warmer blanket?” He nodded, although the movement sent sparks of pain through his neck. “And a better pillow?” “And a better pillow.” Getting back up, Draco placed a hand against his shoulder, before he pulled away to go and look for his blanket and pillow.
It didn’t take very long, before Draco returned with both. Once the pillows had been carefully switched out, and he was swaddled in his new blanket, Draco sat back down beside him. He glanced over at him, his eyes already growing heavy from exhaustion. “Thank you.” “Of course, Love.” Draco placed his hand against his cheek, rubbing small circles over his skin. “Do you want a massage?” He could feel his cheeks growing warm, so he turned his head, until it was hidden from view, and he was starting to suffocate against the pillow. “Yeah.” “Okay. You just had to ask.” He could hear Draco shifting, as he moved closer and began to drift his hands around his shoulders, pressing against his sore muscles. Draco was always incredibly gentle with him, somehow knowing exactly where to rub and how much pressure to apply, so he wouldn’t agitate his body more. It was something Draco always did for him before every full moon. He didn’t know how he would have gotten through them without it, as it was the only thing that cut through the constant pain. His hands were warm and helped to release the growing tension inside of him, as he worked his way over his back, avoiding any spots that were too tender to touch. Draco could always tell where the terribly sore spots were, even if he had no idea how. Maybe, he could feel the tension growing in his back. Or maybe, he was just magic. All he knew was that it felt good, and it helped to distract him from the pain and discomfort. His breathing slowed, as he let himself relax, thoroughly enjoying the warmth that spread through his skin with every touch of Draco’s hand. Lips brushed against the back of his neck, sending tingles down his spine and eradicating any of the soreness that had been lingering there. He tilted his head, so he could look up at Draco. “Thank you.” Draco just smiled. “It’s okay. I like being able to help.” 
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pato-roldnart · 8 months
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Some friendly Quidditch match for @hdwickedwixen zine :3
He caught the snitch!
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kk1smet · 9 months
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That day, Draco went home, stunned. Did he just meet the boy who lived? The boy in his favorite storybook?
I like drawing drarry in different ages so today we’ve got these little beans. I’ve also drawn two other hairstyle for Draco (see after cut lol) but I thought that one would be funnier for when years later Harry would poke fun of it.
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juiche · 2 years
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Inspired by Way Down We Go by @xiaq 🪄
Draco and Harry found a way to snuggle together while remaining as clueless, platonic best bros and it's a bit hilarious and very sweet, so I had to draw it :)
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barryhotter · 3 months
draco malfoy would NOT listen to taylor swift.
draco malfoy would listen to the smiths, and occasionally a bit of david bowie. he likes morrisey's ego.
harry potter would listen to the cure.
they are destined soulmates. in this essay i will-
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lunaxart · 1 year
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them forgiving each other is always my fav part in fics, so i felt like i had to draw my own version of it
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I'm rereading the Cursed Child after five-something years and I'm laughing at how much gay vibes this has like COME ON
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basiatlu · 9 months
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A wonderful time was spent plucking away at this commissioned piece by @jtimu as a gift to @apricitydays-lazynights for their aptly tagged ‘kafkaesque’ fic “Would you love me if I was a cloak?” (E Rating)
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wordssricochet · 4 months
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💬 — Hello !! Just the usual reminders, I am still learning. Please do not expect my work to be perfect, English is not my first language. That is all, thank you.
⚠ — rejection, bullying, draco being stupid, hurtful words, mischaracterization of Blaise Zabini (I guess, we had to do it for the plot)
📝 — ♡ (fluff) + ☣︎ (angst)
#⃣ — 1270 words
📹 — based on the movie "Flipped" (one of my comfort movies)
Flipped | D. M |
by wordssricochet™
Growing up as a troublemaker kid, you were always rejected for affection. Thus, anyone who would even look at your way would be bombarded with your attention and affection.
And that anyone, fortunately —for you— is Draco Malfoy.
"Heart eyes again, yeah, Y/N? " Fred Weasley —your best friend's brother who is also your best friend— elbows you.
"I honestly don't get what you see in that blondie, " George adds, "I mean, he's.. good looking and all, but his personality? Askaban! "
You simply just roll your eyes at the twins, focusing your attention again on Draco. Or Dray-Dray, as you nicknamed him (He never liked it, and would glance at you with a disgusted look. You loved his face though.)
A few minutes passed by and the boy and his gang of Slytherin friends leave for their classes. Now, you were left wondering about what Draco's type is. It just suddenly came up in your mind! But what is his type? Is it like you? Or is his type those pureblood girls that bullies first years? Hopefully not, hopefully not Pansy Parkinson.
"I wonder if his type is even closer to me.. you know, a fun but serious girl? " You questioned yourself.
"Oy, don't flatter yourself, Y/N. Since when were you serious? " Ron snickers, followed by Hermione hitting his arms.
"But seriously, Y/N, why him? I mean, there's Cedric-", " Too old for me" You interrupted Hermione.
"Okay.. what about Longbottom? He's a nice guy. " She gives you a warm look.
You almost wanted to cackle at Hermione's suggestion, "Seriously, Hermione? Neville is the complete opposite of Dray-Dray. "
"And that's exactly why I wanted you to give him a try, plus, the Yule Ball is in 2 weeks already, " She plastered a smirk on her face, "Let's be real, Y/N, You have no chance with Malfoy.
"I'm aware.. but still! " You insist.
Hermione gave a long sigh, "Do what you want then. But remember, I warned you! " She glances at you with a worried look.
"I'll be fine. "
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Your classes for today ended and you went straight to Fred and George.
"Okay.. How do I look? " You fixed your hair. You put a clip on it and put the remaining hair behind your ears.
"Stunning", " Gorgeous" , the twins replied at the same time.
"You got this, Y/N! Plus, if ever that Malfoy prick rejects you, I'll go with you at the Yule Ball. " George says with a reassuring smile.
"Now, off you go! " Fred says, as he gives your back a soft tap.
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"Dray- Draco, can we talk? " You ask while fiddling your fingers. It's been at least 5 years since you guys last talked, since his father found out about your friendship.
Draco and his friends glanced at each other, a smirk coming up on all their faces.
"Sure, what is it that you want to talk about? "
"Can we please talk in private? "
".. fine. "
"So, what is it? " Draco started, looking down at your rather smaller figure.
"Um, look, I've been meaning to tell you this since we were kids, " You gave a short inhale,
"Malfoy, I really like you. You were the first person to ever look at me like I'm a normal person, and not some nuisance to society. I've liked you since the day that I met you, the day that we met by the sea shore when you were taking a rest because of all the moving houses thing going on. I really appreciate your kindness toward me.. Well, towards me in the past. I hope that we can be friends again, or even more than that. So Dray-Dray, will you please go to Yule Ball with me? " You let out a long exhale as you said all those words in a span of 30 seconds.
"How pathetic can you be, Y/L/N? " He lets out a chuckle, "For Merlin's sake, are you even capable of being embarrassed? You're honestly the most annoying person I've ever known in my whole life! Since the day that.. "
You couldn't even hear what Draco was saying anymore, you just stood there, your ears ringing. Your vision started to blur. Your body can't physically move at this moment, like you've been paralyzed. After what seemed like an eternity (which is just 3 minutes for Draco), you finally gained consciousness.
"- I feel disgusted and offended that you can even think about being with me, hell, being friends with m-" You cut him off by saying sorry and ran away, just like you did when all those kids from your childhood bullied you.
It all started coming back to you, and you hated Draco for being the reason why.
You headed straight back to your house's common room and straight to your dorm. You ignored all your housemates asking if you were okay.
You flopped on your bed, head onto the pillow. You started letting all your emotions drain you.
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These past few days, you started ignoring Draco more and more. You flooded yourself with academics and friends, specifically George Weasley.
You never stare at him in classes anymore, not even in the Great Hall. You started avoiding him at all costs. You couldn't even handle being in the same hallway as him. It makes you teary eyed whenever you remember the things he said to you.
Of course, Draco Malfoy had noticed the drastic change in your demeanor, too. He no longer had this Gryffindor stalking him around. He no longer had this girl that would send him chocolate frogs whenever she goes to Hogsmeade.
He should be glad, that's what Pansy tells him.
"Well, well, well, congratulations, Malfoy. You no longer had an obsessive stalker that would smell your hair whenever she's beside you in charms class! " Blaise Zabini chuckles, as he claps his hands together.
"Mission successful, I guess, huh? " Theodore Nott added.
Draco stayed silent, not answering any remarks, not looking at anyone.
"Anyway, Draco, would you mind going to the Yule Ball with me? " Pansy asks with hope in her eyes.
Meanwhile, Draco was dying inside at the faint mention of the Yule Ball. He remembered what he had said, and what he had lost.
Draco suddenly stood up from the couch of the common room and left the room before anyone could even ask what's going on.
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"'m going to make things right, " Draco muttered to himself as he looks for you. Little did he know that Blaise was following him.
"Dude! Malfoy! Wait up! " Zabini yells as he grabs his best friend's arm, "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing? Pansy Parkinson, the finest Slytherin, just asked you if you wanted to go the ball with her. And you're here, bailing? Completely ignoring her? " Blaise yells, trying to put some sense into his friend.
"I already have someone I'm going with. "
"Who? Astoria Greengrass? Merula Synde?"
"None of those, idiot! "
"Who then? Y/N Y/L/N?"
Draco went silent at the mere mention of your name. Blaise looked discombobulated.
"What the hell, man? You're bailing Pansy Parkinson for Y/N Y/L/N? Are you insane?! "
"I don't know anymore, Zabini! I-I don't know what I'm feeling! "
"Are you really that bloody stupid, mate? You rejected her! Countless of times! We even laughed at her silly love letters together with Nott! "
"They were not silly, Zabini, you just.. don't understand. "
"Oh, I don't understand, alright! You hate her, Y/N, since the first year! "
"That's the thing, Zabini, I don't think I hate her now. "
"You've gone mental, man! I'm telling you! Have you flipped?! "
"Trust me, Blaise, I have no idea. "
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💬 — hi !! OM GOSH, idk how to end this!! but i'm thinking either angst or fluff.. i still haven't planned. although, i finally found the perfect schedule when dropping fics (not like anyone cares); sundays in philippine time. anyway! i MIGHT make a masterlist now (with 2 fics in them lmao)
Sincerely, March.
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tiefkuhltruhe · 3 months
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forbidden football au thats been pestering in my brain for a decade
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aurorasleeps-27 · 3 months
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going absolutely feral over instinct’s Veela!Draco….. @jittery-wisp essentially plucked him out of my mind and gave him life. Obsessed doesn’t even begin to cover how I’m feeling!!!!!! Thank you!!!!🖤
There’s a nsfw version of this on my ao3 too 🤭
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steampunkserpent27 · 2 years
for @hdcandyheartsfest 's prompt: Love Language rated: G CW: Vampire Harry read the sequel here
He was slumped back against the couch, bathed in moonlight, as he finished knitting the pair of gloves he had been working on. They were a bit misshapen and lumpy, but he thought they were an improvement from his first attempt, even if Draco still regularly wore them. It was one of the reasons he felt compelled to continue with his knitting, as Draco seemed to enjoy the scarves, hats, and mittens that he made him. The smile on Draco’s face was all of the payment he ever needed, it made all of the discarded attempts entirely worth it. Besides, he’d read all of the books in the house three times over, and he was running out of things to do during the night. The least he could do was make gifts for Draco, as the other man always made sure to tell him how wonderful he was and never hesitated to cheer him up when he was feeling sad. It was a constant that Draco would be there for him, no matter the reason, regardless of what he was. Draco was the only one who knew, and sometimes the constant pretending wore on his nerves, as he always had to be on guard, making sure he didn’t move too fast, making sure he didn’t forget to breathe, or making sure that he didn’t lift something that should have been too heavy for him. He’d gotten better at it over the years, but it was still a constant stress. One slip up, and it’d all be over. But Draco knew, and he didn’t care. He loved him anyway, and it made him feel just a little bit less horrible. But it wasn’t just Draco’s kind words that helped him to get through the never ending days, Draco also never hesitated to hold him. He still couldn’t understand it, couldn’t understand why he would want to touch him, but he did, and it made him feel whole and complete again, as complete as he could ever remember feeling, maybe more so. He tucked the finished gloves away, planning to give them to Draco in the morning. Now with nothing left to do, he began to clean up the kitchen, trying to find any idle task to pass the time with. The floorboards from across the hall creaked, and he paused, to find Draco shuffling towards him, his eyes still heavy with sleep. “What’re you doing?” Draco mumbled, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand. “Cleaning.” He put everything back, not wanting to leave the kitchen in more of a mess than when he’d found it. “Can’t sleep?” Draco shook his head. “No. Well, I was, but I woke up.” He nodded, he knew Draco had been fast asleep when he’d left him to work on his gift. “I’ll lay with you.” “I know it’s boring for you.” Draco crossed the distance, resting his head against his chest, as he let all of his weight press against him. “It’s not, and even if it was, it helps you sleep. So, I wouldn’t mind.” He placed a hand over his back, giving it a gentle pat. “Come on. Let’s lay down.” Draco let out a sleepy mumble, before he nodded and started to make his way back to their bedroom, their fingers still intertwined. The room was completely dark, as the windows were drawn, since Draco couldn’t sleep if any light came in. Draco flopped back on to the bed and curled up under the covers, waiting for him to join him. He laid down beside him, feeling Draco rest his head against his shoulder, as he rolled onto his side and clung to him. Wrapping an arm around him, he pulled him closer and relaxed against him, enjoying the warmth Draco provided. He ran his fingers through Draco’s hair, as he knew that it helped him to fall asleep, and he seemed to enjoy it if his content smile was anything to go by. “Goodnight.” Draco’s smile grew. “Night.”
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littlewinnow · 1 year
Hello!! I would love F4 and C3 for Drarry please! ❤️
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I like a smitten Harry Potter :)
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dotoriko · 25 days
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Brawl stars 🦅🆘✊🤟😜.... Sorry(┬┬_┬┬)
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