#sure I make stuff for the internet for personal fullfillment
Sometimes you just feel pointless amirite gays
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i would love to whose perspective you had in mind for all of the spommy taylors version songs!!! unless they were picked solely on vibes which is also totally valid
Oh Anon you have no IDEA what you have unleashed by asking me this question! So thank you so much for that <3 and let's go!
(I have like almost twenty pages worth of google doc with assigned lyrics and comments for why (most of) these songs fit for them and in this playlist! I will try my best to keep this as short as my brain allows...)
As I mentioned in the original Spommy (taylor's version) post, the order that we put these songs in has it's reasons. So I will go through the different relationship stages and corresponding songs one by one. And try to briefly explain whose POV it's supposed to represent and maybe highlight a few specifc lines.
Colour coding the song's main POV:
(Song assignments under the cut)
small disclaimer: obviously we are talking about a fictionalized version of "canon" that is loosely based on/inspired by stuff they have mentioned in videos and their general internet personas. None of the thoughts I'm sharing here are meant as 100% fact or true "insight" to their personal lives. We're all just having fun! (Obviously we all agree on this kind of stuff, I just need to write it down somewhere, for my own conscience)
The Before Meeting stage:
You’re on your own kid
-> both of these songs feel super tommy-coded (the whole sexy baby/monster on the hill stuff, for example, reminds me a bit of the body dysmorphia he's mentioned in a few videos)
tied together with a smile
-> this one could work either with one or both singing this about themselves or the other imo
-> just the whole aspect of trying to hold yourself together while struggling with fullfilling expectations
2. The First meeting/Beginning stage
Everything has changed
-> both of them just being fascinated by eachother upon their first meeting
-> a theme for a lot of the more Tommy-centric POVs of these songs was inspired mostly by the aforementioned body image issues and also the fear of living up to his own or other ppl's expectations in terms of his own creativity etc.
(I'm sure others, like maybe Spencer, struggle with parts of these aspects as well, I just feel like Tommy has talked about it more)
-> also Tommy beginning to see Spencer as someone he doesn't have to "pretend" around
cowboy like me
-> both of them recognizing pieces of themselves within the other
3. The Pining Stage
-> this stage is mostly from Spencer's POV. I believe in Pining!Tommy rights as well, however I felt like these song examples just fit Spencer a bit better given the situation
gold rush
-> aka the mini denial stage, where he falls into a daydream of what being with Tommy could be like; but not wanting to let himself indulge too much in these thoughts
also "your hair falling into place like dominoes" sounds so much like a line that could be about tommy!
Teardrops on my guitar
-> the pining is now in full force, but sadly Tommy has a boyfriend and Spencer has to suffer through him gushing about it, while he feels his crush begin to grow more and more; tho he doesn't allow himelf to do anything about his feelings
you belong with me
-> Spencer's switch from the 'good ol' fashioned pining' to "Um, actually I would fit way better with you than he does! So why can't you see what's right in front of you and start dating me instead?!"
(tho he still doesn't actually voice this outlout, yet)
4. The Flirting Stage
new romantics
-> mostly as a set-up for both of their general attitudes at the beginning of this stage and for the dancing/club theme of Gorgeous
-> this one is actually splitting the POV across different parts of the song
-> Verse 1 is Spencer with lines such as "compliment/made fun of the way you talk" and "you're so cool, it makes me hate you so much" (also the last time the soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend is mentioned in the playlist)
-> Verse 2 by Tommy with "talking to everyone here but you" (which reminds me of his dating answer in hot ones; but if I start talking about my thoughts on that bit, this will get way too long) and also "Ocean blue eyes looking in mine" (literally about Spencer💙)
-> the chorus is first sung by Spencer, next one Tommy and the others by both of them at eachother
-> also "Guess I'll just stumble on home to my cats… alone... Unless you wanna come along" is literally such a Spencer-coded line to me
-> also! if you or anyone wants to check out a fic of them with a slightly similar premise to this song, I can def reccomend Spencer vs Gay Panic by @soupy-girl 💗
I can see you
-> with these two songs the daydreaming about the other and flirting increases
-> also I initially added this one to the list bc "flashback/your buzzcut and my hair bleached" are literally both accurate about Spencer lmao
i think he knows
-> I imagine the first verse mostly sung by Spencer and then the (pre) chorus by Tommy bc of lines like "He got that boyish look that I like in a man" and "Wanna see what's under that attitude" and of course later on"lyrical smile, indigo eyes" being about Spencer as well
5. The pre-dating stage
-> I feel like this song has a constantly switching POV, in a duet sorta way. For example:
This slope is treacherous. This path is reckless.
This hope is treacherous. This daydream is dangerous.
but the bridge would be sung together, both deciding "I'll follow you home"
jump then fall
Electric touch
-> I don't have a lot of notes on these 5 songs in particular, but the idea was basically them going from the insecurities that are still present in treacherous and seeing the thing that's developing between them as smth that just happened to them by accident, to then deciding to fully "jump into it" and letting themselves actually feel the excitement of it all in full force
6. The first few dates
begin again
-> the line "you throw your head back laughing like a little kid" fits both of them so well and I'm so soft just thinking about it
king of my heart
-> in the google doc I said that she wrote "Now you try on callin' me "baby" like tryin' on clothes" about this fic by @jovenshires and I stand by that
today was a fairytale
-> the whole first verse with "You wore a dark gray t-shirt You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess" also feels so them-coded idk
-> I think this edit of them explains this better than I ever could 💖
I’m only me when I’m with you
-> it's about the "Well, you drive me crazy half the time"-but still being eachothers comfort person- of it all
snow on the beach
-> another duet style song where they take turns singing the verse and then chorus together; "Weird, but fuckin' beautiful"
-> also! I must admit that I was heavily inspired to add this song bc of this fanart by @urmxotive! which is so beautiful and reminds me of the "I've never seen someone lit from within" in this song
7. Dealing with Insecurities while being in a relationship
the archer
-> both, but especially bc "I cut off my nose just to spite my face" reminds me of what I briefly mentioned with Anti-Hero
nothing new
-> me and katie agree that this song is 100% tommy coded, but I don't wanna go into too much detail since this post is getting way too long already 🙈
-> another duet-style song for them starting with tommy in v1 and then Spencer in the chorus
new year’s day
-> duet again, in the same order as the last one
stay stay stay 
-> mostly Tommy's POV and him being relieved that Spencer knows how to deal with his mood swings
safe & sound
-> and this song from Spencer's POV about essientially the same "issue"
-> themacceptance of their insecurities and celebration of taking on the future together
8. Good ol' estabished relationship fluff
call it what you want
-> similar theme as peace and nothing new, but leaving those worries behind from tommy's side
-> and also "My baby's fit like a daydream" reminded me of spencer at 1:43 in this clip ( from this video)
-> also duet-style; "Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town" reminds me of tommy ripping up his headshots
you are in love
-> I think Katies fic explains the POVs for this perfectly 💜
paper rings
-> "I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this" tying back into glitch etc
invisible string
-> both of them growing up in florida and also both being eye-ptach-kids?? makes me so insane when I think about it for some reason
sweet nothing
-> it's about the "You say, "What a mind". This happens all the time" and "To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it" of it all
-> and, finally "Swear to be overdramatic and true" and "And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me" is literally them. I rest my case, your honor
So this post got wayyyy too long and was prob way more then you asked for, anon, but I hope you enjoyed my ramblings anyways 😊
I have so many more thoughts about some of these song choices (like Nothing new, peace, new year's day and several others) and their order, and also even more specifically assigned lines in my google doc for this playlist. So in case you or anyone else wants the link to that, feel free to dm me. Or if you have you're own ideas about some of these choices or are curious about some specifics, my asks are always open 🤗
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omeleta-omelete · 2 years
And here I am, late for sure, but finally with the second part of this ask game, featuring all the asked headcannons about Raz by @marooncookie! 🎉 Again, I tried my best to properly answer everything... and even though I had a lot of work with some of them but also with my stupid internet, I'm sure it was worth it!
The text wall of headcannons below is once again all organized by colors and emojis, to make your lives at least a bit easier when reading it! Haha! I hope you guys enjoy it! 👉👈
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+ headcannon - Raz seems to be an absolutely straight sweetheart, and that's it! He definetly will grow up to be the best boyfriend / husband ever, just like his dad Gomez Adams! XD
💌 Fluffy headcannon - my headcannon is that Raz has basically two ways to show affection: or he invests a little of his time to be with the ones he loves, or he helps everyone with something. Absolutely anything, as long as he knows that person will be happy in the end... which is kinda problematic, as we could see by his actions in Psychonauts 2, but I'm sure he will learn how to do it in a healthier way!
💔 Angsty headcannon - I have this headcannon that Raz will have a terrible dead due his relationships with the Psychonauts, at least in some alternative timeline or whatever. Basically, he would dig into stuff he definetly shouldn't be researching about (even if he was doing so just to fullfil his curiosity), and such research would led him to discovery the worst, shadiest things done by the organization. Confidential information about polemic psychic incidents, sanatoriums... stuff done for the government, that the government kept to itself. However, instead of stopping there, Raz would feel so mad and disappointed that he wouldn't stop his research, hoping to someday maybe fixing all the harm done. Did the government want it, though? Absolutely not! 🚫 So they chased Raz, aiming to eliminate him. But he, noticing the suspicious amount of dangerous accidents that were happening around him, started to doubt everyone, everything. He doubted the Psychic Seven, Truman, Hollis... even Sasha and Milla's true intentions. And the fear to see his loved ones getting hurt made him isolated... or almost, Lili was just too hard headed to walk away from her boyfriend's life. Until one day they couldn't hid anymore... and during a night mission, they died alone in a suspicious car crash.
🧸 Hurt / confort headcannon - after Psychonauts 2 ending, I can't headcannon anything but Raz finally reconciling with his family! After all, now that he realized no one never hated him, and now that the Aquatos are more opened to deconstruct their prejudices and accept their psychic side, I'm pretty sure things will be better. I mean... yes, I know that's not exactly a Raz headcannon, but anything would be more endearing than Donatella cooking Raz a huge amount of his favorite food, and after she silently watched stared him dinner, she would ask him to help her wash the dishes only so she could tell him about how she was not acting like the mother he deserved lately, about how she was sorry for having hurt his feelings... but of course without never saying these exactly words - she's still an 80s mother, after all. Or an embarrassed Dion talking with Raz while they cleaned up after a show, however, he ends getting so emotional after bear-hugging him that his eyes fill up of tears and he completely forgets about what they were doing before that. Now, Frazie surely would try asking Raz for some psychic training... in the weirdest way possible. Because first she wouldn't just talk with him, oh no! She would appear from the top a tree while screaming "HEY RAZ, CATCH IT!" rightly before throwing at him pinecone, in one of their old mind games. And everyday day she would play with him a different game, until he asked what the hell was going on... or until she finally got the courage to adress the issue.
🪀 Silly headcannon - Raz won't admit it to anyone, but the truth is that his job as a Psychonauts is the perfect excuse for his "pretending to be a super cool spy" childhood games stop seeming weird. I think he's a very imaginative kid, who's always creating new toys from scraps or new games to play with his siblings - specially when he's bored, or when Tala and Queepie are acting like if each one of them had eaten a whole package of sugar. Also, I guess he also likes to wander around all alone, or along his sisters (because they're just way cooler than his brothers) and visit all the tourist places in the small towns they pass by. I also love wholeheartedly the headcannon by @rachonaut on Twitter that Raz needs glasses but he won't admit it! LMAO
💤 Sleep headcannon - Raz is an easy sleeper. It doesn't matter if it's too light or too noisy. If he's trying to sleep on his bed, on the chouch or the floor... if everything is moving or still. He sleeps extremely easy, and once he falls asleep, nothing can woke him up but Frazie's way too loud snoring. Now, all of that stops being true when he gets distressed with something. Sometimes he's so pissed, afraid or anxious that he just can't sleep at all, not until he is certified that nothing bad will happen.
✨ A ship I like with this character - Lili, definetly! They're not only cute together, they also have an awesome dinamic! And as I already said on the first half of this ask game: they surely will develop a very strong psychic connection in the future, despite the many ups and downs they will go through as time passes.
🔪 A ship I don't like with this character - Sasha, or any other adult characters. Come on, that's straight up pedophilia and it's not acceptable at all! It's just gross, morally dubious (at it's best) and absolutely, absolutely illegal!
🎃 Something I think he's afraid of - besides fearing water like all the other Aquatos (oh gosh, I love how ironic their name is), my guess is that Raz biggest fear is to disappoint the ones he loves, specially his parents. I mean, that's actually something shown in both games, but specially in Psychonauts 1! During the Meat Circus, he's not afraid of dying at all - he's afraid to disapoint his dad, to not being able to live up to his expectations, and of not being loved because of that.
📦 Overall feelings about him - overall, I love Raz and that's needless to say! He's a good boy with a big heart and an awesome humour... he's complex, but not in an angsty way - let's be honest. The duality between his cool persona and his actual nerdy, way to excited personality is absolutely hilarious! 😂
📢 Favorite thing about him in canon - definitely, his humour. Raz has some hilarious puns and an immaculate sarcasm that must be appreciated!
🧨 Least favorite about him in canon - I guess I get so pissed about it because it's painfully relatable, but Raz, honey... YOU HAVE TO IMPOSE YOURSELF! Stop letting those adults to be so mean with you, you deserve better than that!
💬 Favorite line he said - honestly, Raz has lots and lots of awesome lines, so chosing just one of them was way more difficult than I ever thought it would be! 🤡 But after much consideration, I finally decided which lines will be honored today: the one about not drinking before noon, and the CAH CAH (or was it CAH-CAW? Was it hyphenated?) in it's entirety. They both made me laugh more than it's acceptable to laugh while playing games.
🔔 Unpopular opinion - I know that Raz is the fandom's darling (which is very reasonable), but portraying him as a little, helpless kid who suffers with what is just a projection of our own issues is just so wrong! Raz is a sweet but sarcastic ten years old, not a toddler who cries for his mama because someone was a bit meaner to him than usual. I know that self projection is perfectly normal, and that it's crazily easy to do so with characters we love. You absolutely can headcannon so many things as desired, but there must exist a line between a healthy amount of self projection and complete changes about how a character behaves to the point he / she / they becomes someone almost unrecognizable. The world isn't a shiny bunch of rainbows, and that's the best qualitie about Raz: he's strong enough to deal with life the way it is even though he will need lots of therapy later on . 😅
I absolutely hate how the fandom portrays Raz as not knowing some basic, extremely popular stuff about pop culture in general. He grew up on the circus - not in a faraway countryside or isolated tribe (and I'm saying isolated, because lots of indigenous communities have intense contact with our globalized society). And he grew up in the 80s! So even if indeed Raz didn't have access to telephones and television in a daily basis, he still got the radio, the magazines and the newspaper - all three things being available almost everywhere -, besides being exposed to the ridiculous amount of propaganda spread all over the cities! Saying that he' never heard of the most popular bands, movies and news is not only a big stretch... it sounds extremely prejudiced to me!
🔈A song that reminds me of him - is it cliché? Yes, it is. But how could I dare chosing any other song but Rasputin, by Boney M? That song is Raz, and Raz... is this song! 🕺 Simple as that LOL.
Oof. So... I guess that's all for today! I really hope I could give you at least some satisfactory answers! 😅
Do you reader have any other Psychonauts related asks for this ask game? Go ahead and ask them all - answering you guys is always a pleasure! ❤️ Bye bye, and see you later!
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Creating Animated Wallpapers with 3D parallax (Gyroscopic parallax) Like Apofiss. (Adroid)
See this here??? Example Here. Do you wanna make something like this? Skip the colored text if you want to get to the meat of the information. Do you ever just see something really cool on the internet, and go "Hey! I mostly have the skills to do this! All I'm missing is a quick guide on how to achieve certain affects!" And then proceed to spend the next two days scrounging the internet for answers but find absolutely nothing? Yeah... That was me. I only just now figured out how to do it, and that was after giving up on this potential project twice. In my particular case, I saw a neat little wall paper running around by the artist Apofiss. I love this creator's work, and I think they do amazing stuff, but me being me and an artist, I like to put my own personal touches on things, and so instead of just buying a wallpaper, I have to put myself through the pain and misery of incorporating my own art into an animated gyroscopic live wallpaper. Considering if you're here reading this post, you might be like me, and hella annoyed that you've spent hours to even days researching this and haven't found a tutorial that actually helps but instead is a shitty app that barely scratches the surface and doesn't allow you to incorporate animated details into your images that you intend to use a parallax on, and it's likely also because much like myself, you may have been using improper terminology and not scraping far enough down into search engine as a result. What Apofiss created, and what you're trying to pull off is an animated wall paper with a Gyroscopic Parallax. It's not something that requires complex coding, but instead requires a third party app called KLWP (Not sure what the letters stand for, but I find it easy to remember the order they're in because they look like a condensed down spelling of Kool Whip.) Download App Here. This is the only app that I've found that will allow you to include gifs and videos into as layers to your gyroscopic parallax. Here's the video Tutorial I found that teaches you how to set up that animation. Video Here.
Also keep in mind that if you've reached timestamp 1:35 of the video, the video tutorial is 7 years old, so it likely has not been updated to allow animations at the time that person filmed the video, but I can assure you that it is an option. This is my own screen as of 11/5/2023 showing that you can add animated images, you just simply need look for it in the prompt when you go to add items.
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This^^^ is the same settings as this vvv
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Make sure that as you follow the tutorial, you use a gif instead of a regular images for one of the items that way you can see how the thing operates, and when you preview it, have fun tilting around your phone to watch that small little glimmer of hope flare up in your fragile, already broken little heart. Trust me. It's fullfilling. I can answer questions, but I'm still fairly new at this myself. I just wanted to put these resources out here, because it is hard to find a decent tutorial. Your best bet is just going to be to play around with the app yourself and see what you can do. I recommend that you do one of two things to help others who may be struggling with this as I have. 1. Spread it around to people who have asked these same questions and never got answers. 2. If this post sucks and you can make a better, more cohesive tutorial, make one and spread that around. This is Tex, yall have a wonderful rest of your day, and happy live wall paper making.
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Dobson's Patreon: An Addendum to His Monument of Sins
(The following is a submission from @soyouareandrewdobson, meant to be an addendum to the multi-post submission @ripsinfest made a while back. Ironically, this one also had issues when being submitted, so I’ll be copypasting it here with all the images and links originally intended.)
In 2018, user @ripsinfest wrote a multipart series of posts for THOAD, recounting Dobson’s attempt to establish a patreon in 2015 and how it resulted in failure on a massive scale, to the point that his patreon is arguably “a monument to all his sins”.
Personally I think the post series is extremely well researched, rather “neutral” in terms of tone (letting the posts provided as evidence speak more for themselves than the opinion of the writer) and gives a detailed but quick rundown on what went wrong. Primarily that Dobson overestimated his own “value” as an artist and did NOT attempt to give his few supporters what they wanted through his artwork posted around the time.
I do however want to use the opportunity to also point out at certain obvious things that in my opinion (and likely the opinions of others) added to the failure of the patreon account, that were not accounted for in detail and are primarily related to how the internet perceives popularity and Dobson’s inability to understand, how to “sell” and make himself look good to the public.
To begin with, let’s just point out a certain truth about making money via Patreon: To do so, depends a lot on your popularity as a content creator online. That is simply because the more popular you are, the bigger your fanbase is and as such the more likely a certain percentage of people may be willing to donate money to you and your work in hopes they get something out of it, even if it is just the altruistic feeling of having helped someone they “like”. It doesn’t take a genius to see, how e.g. internet reviewers such as Linkara or moviebob (around 2800 and 4400$ earnings via patreon each month respectively) can make quite some money, while other, more obscure content creator or artists barely make money to go by, earning essentially pocket money at best.
In addition, popularity is fleeting. A few years ago e.g. internet personality Noah Antweiler aka The SpoonyOne managed to earn 5000$ a month via patreon, just shortly after establishing his account. But his lack of content over the years AND his toxic behavior online resulted in a decline of popularity and with it people jumping off his Patreon. As such, Antweiler only earns nowadays around 290$ a month via Patreon and most of that money is likely form people who have forgotten they donate to him in the first place anyway.
And Noah is not the only one who over the course of the last couple of years lost earnings. Brianna Wu makes barely more than he does, despite having once been the “darling” of the internet when the Gamergate controversy was at its peak. Many Bronies who once made more than 2k via video reviews on a show about little horses at the peak of its popularity (2013-15) earn less than 300-800 on average nowadays because interest on the show as well as people talking about it has declined.
Heck, in preparation of writing this piece I found out, that one of the highest grossing patreons nowadays is “The last podcast on the left”, a podcast that earns more than 67k a month by making recordings on obscure and macabre subjects on a regular basis.
So there you have it folks: As the interests of the internet users change, so does the popularity of certain people online and -in case they have a patreon account or similar plattforms- their chances of making money via their content.
Which now brings us back to Dobson, who was not popular at all at that particular time and managed to become even less popular as the months and years passed by.
Sure, Dobson had his fans via deviantart, people knew who he was. But the later was more because of “infamy” than popularity and the number of fans he had accumulated online were representing people interested in him at least since 2005 and did not quite represent his actual present day numbers of supporters at the time.
And mind you, the number of supporters was less than 100k, most of them likely underaged deviantart users. And if my research indicates something, then that most content creators with a halfway decent patreon earning need at least 100k+ followers in total. Because of those fans, only around 1-3% will on average then spend money on you, if you actually create content they enjoy and on a regular basis.
Which brings up the next major problem: Dobson did not create content people enjoyed and that in more than one meaning of the word.
On one hand, as pointed out by ripsinfest, he barely released any content at all over 2015 after a few initial months, despite the fact that he was obviously active online a lot, as shown by his presence on twitter. On the other hand, the few things he did create were not the stuff people wanted.
As an example: If you go to a restaurant and pay for a pizza, you expect the cook to give you a pizza. If however for some reason he just gives you a soda, you get ripped off and never come back. In Dobson’s case, the thing people wanted was not pizza but comic pages. But what he delivered was mostly bland fanart, such as of Disney and Marvel characters crossing over or KorraSami. Sure, a few strips of “So…you are a cartoonist” were still released at the time, but not really many.
To give an overview: Taking the release dates on Dobson’s official SYAC site into account, he released around 16 strips of it between March and August of 2015, the last two being “No Leia” being titled “Zip line”
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Afterwards, the next official strip released was “Anything at all” in October of 2016.
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Now to be fair, there was at least one more strip at the time Dobson released via patreon, that is also save to see on kiwifarms and other plattforms, which has not been uploaded to his official SYAC page. Likely because he simply forgot about it.
But I think that in itself should tell you something about Dobson’s work ethics when it comes to his webcomics. He promoted his patreon in his own video as a way to ensure he can make comics in a timely fashion again for others to enjoy, but in an environment where certain artists are capable to create multiple strips per week at minimum, Dobson could overall not manage to produce more than 16 over a course of six months, which means an average production of 3 strips per month.
For comparison, Tatsuya Ishida of the infamous sinfest webcomic (a garbage fire of epic proportions from a TERF who I think should be put on a watch list) has produced on average 4 strips per week, including full page Sunday strips, for years and nowadays even releases stuff on a daily basis to pass the covid crisis. So a mad man who wants to see trnas people die, has better work ethics than Dobson.
In other words, people expected Dobson to actually get back into creating comics (with some even expecting a return of Alex ze Pirate), but he got in fact even lazier than before, releasing only SYAC strips and random fanart as a product. Which he then also tried to justify as his choice to make because a) he had mental health issues and b) no one can tell him what to do.
And sure, people do not need to tell you what to do. But when people pay/donate money to you expecting to get a certain product in return, they should get the product. Linkara e.g. by all means doesn’t NEED to review comics to have a fullfilling life, but he got famous for his reviews, people want to see his reviews and they pay him for those reviews. So obviously, he will continue those things.
Then there is also the fact that despite Dobson’s claims how he wants to create comics for everone to enjoy and that he aims to keep his artwork online for free so anyone can view it…(his exact words in his promotional video AND text on his patreon once upon a time)
…the reality was, that he wanted to use patreon as a paywall. Something I actually kinda pointed out at on my own account (shameless self promotion) once, but want now to elaborate a bit. Basically at the time Dobson opened up his patreon, he also was on the verge of leaving deviantart as a platform people could look at his work behind. Which he eventually did.
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Meaning that the only major platforms for people to watch any “new” stuff by him were his patreon or art sites such as the SYAC homepage or andysartwork. Which granted, he did EVENTUALLY put his stuff on.
But unlike other content creators who would put “patreon exclusive” new content up on more public plattforms often within a few days, weeks or a month after making them “patreon only” at first, Dobson waited longer and did barely anything to promote his sites as places to look his stuff up for a public audience. In doing so creating a “bubble” for himself that hurt him more than it helped, as Dobson made himself essentially come off as a snob.
A snob who did not create content for everybody to enjoy, but ONLY for those willing to pay him at least one dollar per month. As evident e.g. by the fact that as time went by, certain content was never released outside of his patreon at all, such as a SYAC strip involving Dobbear screaming at the computer because he saw a piece of art that featured tumblr nose.
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Lastly, there is the issue of his patreon perks and stretch goals.
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See, his perks were essentially non existent. Aside of the beggars reward of “my eternal thank you if you donate 1 dollar”, two other perks that come to my mind were the following: If you donated up to 5$ at minimum, you got your name thrown into a lottery to potentially win buttons and postcards of his artwork. Unsold cheap merch from years prior he failed to sell at conventions basically. There was just a problem with that thing: That lottery thing, which he also was only going to initiate when he reached a stretch goal of 150 dollar a month? It was illegal!
Patreon itself has in their user agreement a rule that forbids people from offering perks that essentially boil down to “earning” something via gambling, which this lottery by Dobson was.
(THOAD chiming in here to add that, in addition to all this, he fully admitted he would be excluding Patrons that he “knew were clearly trolls” from the lottery. Which made the already illegal lottery also fixed, so...yeah.)
The next thing coming to mind was his “discount” on previous books of his he offered online, if you donated at least 10 bucks per month to him. Or to translate it: You would get a bare minimum discount at pdf files of books such as Alex ze Pirate and Formera (you know, the permanently cancelled Dobson comics) if you paid up 50-75% of their original price on Patreon already. And considering the quality of his early works, he should have given you at least a book per month for free if you dared to donate him that much.
As for the stretch goals… lets go through them, shall we:
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100$: A wallpaper per month. Something he did provide with eventually, but barely. And after less than five of those he stopped to make them overall
150$: Monthly Gift basket Lottery, which as I stated, was illegal and almost got him into serious trouble with his account. Also not an initial stretch goal he made up but instead came up with a few months into his accounts existence. Finally it got temporarily replaced by Dobson playing with the idea to use 150$ per month to open up a server and art site where people could upload stuff for free similar to deviantart, but under his administration. Promising a “safe space” for other artists. Which considering Dobson’s ego and inability to accept criticism or delegate responsibilities would have likely ended like this:
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175$: Establishing a Minecraft server for him and his fans to play on. Meaning Dobson would have just wasted time he could spend on creating comics to endulge in his Minecraft obsession.
200$: Writing a Skyrim children book. Aside of the legal nightmare that this could have been (I doubt Valve would have been happy of someone else profiting of their property) I have to ask, who was even interested in Skyrim by 2015 anymore? Sure, Skyrim was a popular game and it had its qualities, but it was also a trend that had passed by that time. So in other words, there was not a market to cater towards here.
300$: A strip per week guaranteed.
… are you fucking kidding me? 75$ per strip essentially? Something people expect you to produce anyway if you want to be considered a “prolific” creator worth supporting online? Imagine if certain internet reviewers would do that, telling you that if they do not earn at least a certain amount of money, they will not produce anything, period, or less than usual. And Dobson had already proven that he can release more than just one comic within a few days, if he is motivated by enough spite.
600$: Starting a podcast with his friends to talk about nerd culture. In my opinion could only work under the assumption that people even like the idea of listening to Dobson and his opinions. Which considering how very little people like talking to him sounds doubtful. Also, considering how Dobson tends to be late to the party when it comes to nerd culture, likely tending to be out of date faster than he could upload. Finally... what friends?
700$: Returning the love, as he says it, by donating some of the money patreon users gave him to other content creators. This in my opinion is the most self defeating cause possible. On one hand sure, being generous and all that. But essentially Dobson admits here he would blow the money people give him to support HIS art on others, essentially defeating the purpose of HIS own account. He also does not clarify how much of that money he would donate, meaning there was a high chance that he would spend less than 10% of it on other creators, only creating the illusion of support while putting the actual earnings/donations into his own pocket.
2000$: A massive jump ahead. 2000$ per month would result in him getting better equipment (as in a new computer e.g.) and as such “potentially” make more comics. Mind you, only potentially.
This goal in my opinion is also the most fucked up one. Primarily for the following reasons:
Lets say Dobson would have achieved the goal and actually earned over 2000$ per month for at least a year. His annual earning would have been 24k, minus whatever he had to pay as taxes and payment for using the patreon service. And what would he do with this money? Get himself a better computer and equipment by paying a minor fraction of it once. Then he could use that computer for years to come while still having over 10k in his account, plus his monthly earnings. And he may still just produce 3-4 comics a month of a series that has as much depth to it than Peppa Pig if not less.
Sure, many patreon users have 2k+ as a stretch goal on their accounts to signify that if they could make that much monthly, they could have the necessary financial security to focus their time primarily on their content instead of a regular job. And if the content they create is actually well made, many people would support that or be okay with it.
But 2000 dollars to buy ONE computer and not account for how this money will add up over time? And that in light of such profits people may actually expect you to create more than you barely do already? That is either a case of narcissism, plain stupidity because you can't look further than 5 feet or just shows how Dobson did not understand at all the tool he had at his disposal.
Bottom line: Dobson, like many times before, fucked it up. He overestimated the potential support and resulting profits he could make, he expected that his name alone would be enough to assure gainings instead of creating content to justify support and he was unwilling to really give his supporters anything worthwhile back.
And while I am sure that there were also many other factors guaranteeing his failure, those at least to me, were his "common" mistakes most other people familiar even with the basics of internet popularity would ahve avoided.
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ghouls-dream · 5 years
HC: So i decided to do that. For your enterteinment. i presENT YOU: ghost astrology. Papa Nihil - CAPRICORN : Since he is described as a powerful, firm leader with stamina and sexual energy (when younger). He seems to me like the old king in fairytales that refuses to give out his throne, no matter the fact that he's no longer suitable for it. Im not saying he's a bad person or anything, im just pointing out stuff i notice. And thats fine! Control and strictness is what keeps a good order and drives business ahead!
Papa Emeritus I - VIRGO: Now as the oldest one of the Emeritus brothers I strongly do believe he has the most of his father's influence, which doesnt necesserily make him bad or evil at all. In fact he tries his best to transform all the learnt lessons in something productive and useful for the new Papas! Basically helping them grow, teaching and showing them their ways in order for the bloodline to prospere. I imagine his number one mission would have been to fulfill his duty towards the Clergy and hiis father, but as well try to be a good exmaple for II and III.
Papa Emeritus II - ARIES:  He is the middle child. Not too old, not too young but perfect to be between the hammer and the envil. I imagine him as a quick learner, deffintely has a lot from his father's leadership characte (big dick energy i mean), he's always trying to be better and stronger, trying to prove himself, to find his place in the family. Emeeritus II would deffinitely be the problematic child in my eyes, but also very passionate about his little brother - he'd protect him at all cost, which would probably cause HIM a lot of arguments with his father (punishments for instance), but also be extremely respectful towards the Emeritus bloodline.
Papa Emeritus III- SCORPIO: As being the youngest of his brothers, I suppose that III would be full of energy! I think he'll have a lot from his father's sexul energy and stamina, but he'd lack the leadership and strictness, when it comes to ruling. He'd be more of a friend with every single person rather than being their "Boss" (lol). Of course if needed be, III would probably make a good leader and a Papa - he'd do his best to keep everything under control, maybe he'd look for help or seek advice from his older brother so Papa Nihil doesnt think he is not fit for the place. But in general i think he has a soft heart, full of lust and desire. Papa III might be a little manipulative, sassy, flirty and secretive at times but oh well its part of his charm!
Cardinal Copia- LIBRA: Deffinitely a sass machine! He was the character that i was like 100% sure about! Cardi is a soft boi, he aint ashamed of it and he loves showing it to the people around him. His undying love for his rats and his geniuane good character are one of his best traits! Cardi tries his best to prove himself worthy in front of Papa and Imperator, no matter how sceptic the patriarch is. I imagine he'd be the sensitive type that would be in good humor all day, being all goofy and friendly with every single person, while doing his best to fullfil everyone's expectations.. And in the end of the day he'd just lay in his bed, stare at the ceiling and become way too self-critical about everything he had done during the day, which would lead to his hidden anxiety and maybe depression.
GHOULS. ERA 4. Aether- TAURUS: Beefy boi is definitely a Taurus. There is no other sign that fits him more than this one! He's humble, a good friend, really talkative, extremely friendly not only with the other band members, but the audiance as well! Aether gives out the 'big teddy bear' vibe and he's not afraid to show it. He loves a good company, I suppose he'd be one of the good chefs around the ghouls and he'd be more than glad to share this talent of his with the others! I imagine Aether as the jolly sweet friend who's always there to help and is really passionate and protective of the people he loves. Also - really sensitive, even tho he might not show it.
Dewdrop - ARIES: Hyperenergetic, attention loving slut. He's the human form of the word 'firecracker'. Dew is like a magnet for troubles, no wonder why he broke his horn! I suppose he'd have a lot of bruises on his body, maybe even tattooes! He is the sporty type - likes running, hopping, skipping around and most of all - terorizing evey single soul around him. What's more - he is 24/7 aroused and he aint afraid to show it. He's well aware of the fact he intimidates people with his sexually agressive aura and he enjoys every bit of it! Also stomping on stage and the little "guitar battles" he has with Aether sometimes is what keeps his competative spirit alive and in shape!
Rain- CANCER Softboi allert!!! Absolutely no doubt that Rain is a Cancer. He is one of the "quiet" ghouls on stage. He's not a fan of the attention like Dew for instance, he just loves to enjoy what he's doing! The vibe he sends out to the people is also really soft - Rain wants every single person to feel the melody of his bass in their hearts! For him, being a part of the band is like being a part of "God's work" to spread the gorgeous art of music! Rain loves to be surrounded by the people he loves and most deffinitely has anxiety around new people and sometimes on stage. He feels at peace while playing the bass and is also really caring and loving, always trying to make others comfortable around him!
Swiss - LEO: Swiss boi is definitely a Leo. He radiates such a strong sassy, flirty vibe i cant even. He loves dancing (obvs), being in the center of attention but not as much as Dew. While the little jumpy-boi is demanding the crowd's adoration, Swiss just gets it not the agressive way. He just naturally gets all eyes on him with his swift moves, sexy ass body, grea talent and backing voice. He deffinitely is the star "in disguise". I imagine him off stage to be as sassy as on it, but way more flirty when it comes to giving autographs or even talking with someone. He just flirts naturally, he doesnt even need to try!
Mountain - AQUARIUS: IDK why i get this vibe from his. He's a little(lol) dork. I feel like Mountain's the "dad's joke on regular basis" type of friend, who always knows how to cheer up a situation. He's not a fan of being in the sportlight, he enjoys his place. I think he doesnt like arguments or confronting anyone anyhow, much like Rain, but if he has to go out there and defend his opinion or someone else's he'd be more than glad to do so. The civilized way ofc. As much as he loves drumming and all the loud noise around him, i have a feeling that Mountain would love to be left alone in peace after a show, have a walk or just simply take a shower and read some conspiracy theories or his favorite series.
Cummulus PISCES: Girly girly girl VIBES!!! I have a feeling that the short, sweet little ghoulette would be A) a shopaholic and B) your best friend in crime! She's the one serving looks, willing to gosip all the time and most probably try to turn Rain into her own live verison of the Ken-doll. In fact i think they're both really close since they have share a fair amount of common interests like music, small animals, taking care of others etc. I suppose they'd often go for duets or something. Also I think she's the "mother-friend" who apart from being super crazy and ready to do a lot of stuff (brunch, nights out, girly nights with Cirrus and others), Cummulus would be very protective around the people she loves! Also she has a great connection with the fans - they love her and she adores them!
Cirrus - GEMINI: Cirrus is definitely the one that's more "fiery" from the ghoulettes. Her stage presence is showing really well and she loves to communicate with each and every ghoul. In fact if she had the chance, she would get someone from the audiance on stage and jam with them! WHo knows maybe they'd become friends after the ritual? She is one of the ghouls that have the strongest need to be around others. I imagine her being really close to all of the ghouls  (mostly Cummulus ofc) and Cardi, almost as if she's the best friend of the group. Cirrus is definitely the ghoul that spends most of her time on the internet, chatting with fans maybe or simply spending time in tumblr or twitter, sharing her day and creating memes. Also big fan of posting funny photos of the ghouls and Cardi (Dew being super mad about it, tho)!
So uuuh yeah, that really turned out to be longer than i expected, but uuh I hope you like it guys! i did my best and i'll be super glad to hear what you think or even share your opinion on the matter! ILYSM
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
I'm pretty sure that to people 50 or 100 years in the future. But this isn't true. As Marc Andreessen put it, software is eating the world, and this trend has decades left to run. As you've probably noticed, they have a single format. The practice seems to have begun in China, where starting in 587 candidates for the imperial civil service had to take an exam on classical literature. Law used to mean that if your software was slow, all you need are the people. Probably not. Whereas Pittsburgh has the opposite problem: plenty of nerds, but no one person would have a complete copy of it. Their first site was exclusively for Harvard students, of which there are only a few jobs as professional journalists, for example, so competition ensured the average journalist was fairly good. Companies ensure quality through rules to prevent employees from screwing up. Arguably it's a sign of weakness. When people hurt themselves lifting heavy things, it's usually because they try to lift with their back.
Since there's a fixed cost each time you start working on a program, it's more efficient to work in a big company in the expectation of fairness goes away. When you have small children, there are at least some users who really need what they're making—not just people who could start startups, so it's not surprising to find they'll also push their scruples to the limits for them. A round. What nerds like is other nerds. The other problem with pretend work is that it often looks better than real work. Conversely, a town must have an intact center. They all say they cared too much what other kids thought of them. But we're not these people's bosses. They switch because it's a rich market, and if the difference between them will be less than the measurement error. One of the artifacts of the way schools are organized is that we get on average only about 5-7% of a much larger number. If you can make a graph of all the things we'll get in the next 50 years as they did in Ming China and nineteenth century England just as much as in present day South Korea.
None of them are run by product visionaries, and empirically you can't seem to get those by hiring them. The really dramatic growth happens when a startup only has three or four of the eight startups we funded will make it. Ironically, hackers have brought this on themselves. A lot of the reason I laughed so much at the talk by the good speaker at that conference was that everyone else did. The usual motives are few: drugs, money, sex, revenge. One of the mistakes novice pilots make is overcontrolling the aircraft: applying corrections too vigorously, so the aircraft oscillates about the desired configuration instead of approaching it asymptotically. For example, I'd tell myself I was only going to use the Internet twice a day.
This turns out not to be in as good physical shape as Olympic athletes, for example, so competition ensured the average journalist was fairly good. They all know about the VCs who rejected Google. My rule is that I can spend as much time just thinking as I do it on that computer. But when he rides the Segwell, they shout abuse from their cars: Too lazy to walk, ya fuckin homo? Microsoft could have, will you convince investors? But there's more going on than that. Apple's not going to generate ideas as well as your own. Stuff used to be valuable, and now he's a professor at MIT.
It's easy. For the young especially, much of this confusion is induced by the artificial situations they find themselves in. Certainly some rejected Google. Often users have second thoughts and delete such comments. When I ask myself what I've found life is too short for something. But when he rides the Eunicycle, which looks exactly like a regular unicycle till you realize the window has closed. They're so earnest and hard-working. The SFP was just an experiment, instead of taking a class on entrepreneurship you're better off taking money from an investor than an employer.
It's not aimed at producing a correct estimate of any given individual, but at least half the startups we fund could make as good a bet a few months I realized that what I'd been unconsciously hoping to find there was back in the US at least they don't have the clean, sparse feel they used to. If Bill Gates and Michael Dell were both 19 when they started startups, they decided to get into second gear. When someone contradicts you, they're in a sense this is historically inaccurate, it is in other ways more accurate, because when someone is being an asshole it's usually uncertain even in their own minds why they like or dislike startups. I suspect professionalism was always overrated—not just in the literal sense of working for money. Which means local TV is probably dead. I can't think of one. Are some people just a lot more independent than others, or would everyone be this way if they were sentient adversaries—as if there were a little man in your head always cooking up the most plausible arguments for doing whatever you're trying to convince investors of something very uncertain—that their startup will be huge—and convincing anyone of something like that must obviously entail some wild feat of salesmanship. Hmm, I wonder what's new online. Hacking is something you learn best by doing it. This way, they were guaranteed a social event at least once a week. The people who are young but smart and driven can make more by starting their own companies than by working for existing ones, the existing companies are forced to fall back on.
Even if the product doesn't entail a lot of energy released. If investors get too involved, they smother one of the most admired Web 2. I think they fail because they select for the wrong people. Ideally the answer is that life actually is short. It wasn't always this way. I could probably tell you exactly what he said, to learn how to deal with tedious problems or get involved in messy ways with the real world, programs are bigger, tend to involve existing code, for example—can't help but look smug. Older founders only make the first mistake. And investors can tell fairly quickly whether you're a domain expert by how well you answer their questions. The main value networks supply now is ad sales. In addition to the direct cost in time, there's the cost in fragmentation—breaking people's day up into bits too small to be useful. If you try to solve? Their lives are short too.
Plus there are probably all sorts of regulations to comply with. Clinton found he was feeling short of breath. But it's not because liberals are smarter that this is the exact moment when technological progress stops. But it would have advantages even if it didn't: you have to select 20 players. VCs, and we think as it spreads outward it will help later stage investors as well. Once credential granting institutions are no longer in the self-fullfilling prophecy business, they'll have to work that way. I'd like to suggest an alternative word for someone who publishes in a weblog format, but anyone who publishes online. B for getting startup ideas. Though the idea of fixing payments. College is an incomparable opportunity to do that.
0 notes
zvaki666-blog · 5 years
Glenn’s story
Glenn's Story
A couple of months ago, I received an e-mail from Gleen, a guy from London.
He contacted me by recommendation from his friend, originally from Croatia.
He was thinking about full sleeve tattoo and was wondering if we could arrange the design and other details by e-mail.
Negotiations by e-mail were never quite my thing. I prefer to communicate with my clients face to face, which turned out to be more efficient and practical. That's why I advised Glenn to book two VIP REVOLT appointments.
If a client lives near, I suggest one VIP REVOLT appointment for the start, but for the ones coming from other countries, I advise booking two.
It's because you can never tell how long will INKDIVIDUAL consultations and planning of tattoo last. Sometimes we can finish it in a couple of hours, but sometimes, believe it or not, it can last as long as eight hours.
And that's exactly what I want to write about.
To make a long story short, I advised Glenn to study my web site Anubis-tattoo.com, read what and how I do, to check out VIP appointments and a gallery of my works, so he could be sure I'm the right choice for what he wants.
A couple of days later, Glenn confirmed he's sure I'm the kind of tattoo artist he wanted and was looking for a long time. He paid part of the cost in advance and I booked his appointments.
For me personally, conversations by e-mail have a big flaw because I can't tell what kind of person is gonna knock at my door.
Why flaw?
Because things work quite differently at my studio.
Most tattoo artists choose their clients by the tattoo they wanna have done, how much they wanna pay or by tattoo style they prefer.
Nothing of those things matter to me.
That's why all my clients pay the same and they all go through INKDIVIDUAL consultations.
I choose my clients by their personality and their approach to tattooing. It may sound bad or even arrogant, but put yourself in my shoes - how would you like to spend eight hours with a person you usually wouldn't even have coffee with?
To paint a picture a bit better, these are the types of people tattoo artists encounter regularly:
• they enter the studio as if they own you, and that's exactly how they proceed to act
• they see you as a tool, not a person
• they set limits but expect you to do wonders
• they're insecure in their decision and submissive to other people's opinions
• have weak intellectual abilities
• they're physically and mentally ill
• they have wrong approach to tattooing
• they're presumptuous, annoying, arrogant, angry, without character...
After 15 years of working with that kind of people, I have no interest in having any kind of contact with them anymore. I believe many of You can relate.
But, let's get back to the story...
Two months later, Glenn's calling: Hello! I'm in front of your door, can You let me in? I came for my appointment.
Glenn traveled almost 2000 kilometers because he was sure he wants to work with me, but even at this moment, he still didn't know what he was getting himself into. I already had great respect for him because he put so much effort from the start, and when I opened the door and saw him, I was sure he was my type of client.
I showed him the way to the kitchen, made us some coffee and we started talking.
Getting to know each other
I don't like going into details right away. Instead, we talked in general about ourselves, what we do, how was his trip and about tattoos.
The more detailed conversation comes later, during the process of tattooing.
Whishes and ideas
I got comfortable in my chair and asked Glenn to tell me more about his idea. Not because I could put it into practice later, but to see the level of his expressing, his expectations, understanding and knowledge of tattooing. If I hear something unrealistic or something I'm not in a position to offer, I like to say it right away so we wouldn't waste our time on something that's not gonna happen.
Description of the idea
Glenn put about 20 pages of paper on the table. They were all covered in coloured drawings of mythological creatures he wanted to put on his arm. In addition, he wanted to have silhouettes of people fighting each of those creatures.
What is so great about our brain is that it can imagine unimaginable. But once we got back to reality, we started seeing flaws in Glenn's idea. To make this happen, and to transfer all the creatures credibly from the paper, we need a certain body surface. We can put a couple of the creatures on his arm, but not all 20 of them. Maybe if he would agree to tattoo his whole body...
Tattooing is therefore limited by style and technique, the medium it is performed on (skin), and artist's skill and experience.
Glenn quickly realized we had a problem and started worrying because that was the only idea he had.
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INKDIVIDUAL consultations
I told him to relax and that it's normal for everything to crumble right at the beginning of the process because a person who isn't completely familiar with tattooing and it's possibilities, can't make tattooing plan all by himself. It's kind of as if you draw a house and take it to the construction company to build it. Can't be done. There is a whole team of people, from architects to builders, who will help you with the idea, design and construction.
Well, when it comes to your tattoo, I'm your architect, builder and everything in between.
People don't get this, and that’s why I designed INKDIVIDUAL consultations.
I asked Glenn what is important to him when it comes to tattoo, and what isn't. I explained when it's OK for him to dictate the direction we’re gonna go, and when it's better to let me be in charge. Simply put - we agreed on what is his, and what is my role in the process of making his tattoo.
I explained it on everyday life examples and Glenn offered all the right answers by himself.
Once we found a mutual language and he understood how to approach tattooing, Glenn clapped his hands and said: OK, I'm ready, let's move on!
The beauty of INKDIVIDUAL consultations is that they allow you to create something you're not able to imagine by yourself. They help to create a symbiosis between a client and the tattoo artist. You become an extension of me, a fresh source of ideas and creativity, and I become yours - source of knowledge and experience. Together we create unthinkable.
Fresh start - reference
Trough INKDIVIDUAL consultations Glenn understood what he was actually paying for, and what is in fact completely irrelevant. One of the most important things in the process is the reference. We spent next hour searching the Internet looking for as much material as possible to work with. We're still at zero and don't know what we're gonna do and how. But, if we only have one reference, we have only one choice. That reference is supposed to fullfil all our wishes and combinations we imagined, what is as possible as winning the lottery. More references for one character offer us more possibilities and more combinations, which also means a greater chance of success.
Process of elimination
So we collected about a hundred references and Glenn was once again stunned. What now? Everything looks great, how to decide how to proceed?
We began the process of elimination which is actually pretty short because I lead you trough it using your emotions and taste. In the end, you get the tattoo you want – the one you'll want for the rest of your life.
Every day I hear or get messages 'I want to have this tattooed', and my question is always the same: how do you know you want something for the rest of your life?
By eliminating things, we're getting rid of stuff you don't want. Once you've thrown away a whole bunch of stuff, you start realizing what you actually do want. What is left is the right option in which you are certain because you have just eliminated everything that's wrong for you.
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Styles and techniques
Every reference is doable in more than 20 different ways and each of them demands minimal size and sets certain boundaries. At the moment we have a huge amount of options, but we'd spend too much time if we started trying them all out. That's why I have prepared a folder with different styles and techniques for my clients. I explained all their benefits and shortcomings to Glenn, and we started eliminating once again.
As a result, we now have great references, style, and technique we're gonna use. We're ready to start planning the tattoo.
We've been working for three hours and we still don't have tattoo design. But Glenn isn't disappointed. In fact, he's full of adrenaline and excited about the next step. He understands the importance of preparation and that tattooing is not simple nor should it be treated as such.
Great thing is that I use a tablet so clients who aren't visual types can see and understand what I'm talking about, how's tattoo supposed to look like and direct me to their desires.
As I have already said, ever style demands minimal space and sets certain boundaries. At the same time, every reference has its own shape and position. Once again we have a lot of options and it's impossible to try them all. We have to eliminate some of them, but this time, I choose which. I have no feelings towards Glenn's references, so I can see the situation from a different perspective.
I put my focus on the appearance of the tattoo and offered Glenn options with the references and style he chose. I explained what is possible to do and how - I offered him the simplest, more and the most complicated execution. I never force my clients to choose the fastest or the most complicated process. Instead, I offer a couple of options and explain them step by step, so a client knows what to expect.
And as most of my clients do, Glenn chose the most demanding execution.
And why shouldn't he, when all of them cost the same? That's the point of VIP appointment.
I asked him to take his shirt off so I could photograph his arm and place a sketch of a tattoo on it.
And there it was - a whole new set of problems. Glenn has many moles which would ruin most of the images he wanted to have tattooed. Even though this new info could seem like an unsolvable problem, it's just another challenge which allows us to demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness of client-artist symbiosis.
We poured ourselves a new cup of coffee and started brainstorming how to carry out our mythological creatures without ruining them.
Half an hour later, we had a new idea how to adjust style and technique in a way that won't be affected by moles. We decided to do our best references in semi-realistic style, cb technique, and position them in places where moles won't ruin them. Around references, we'll place the Polynesian tattoo.
Polynesian tattoo is made of symbols which clients choose from book. Each symbol has it's meaning so it allows them to create their own story. I always do it freehand so I can adjust things during a process if necessary.
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We both loved the idea about Polynesia, but I was a bit restless and I could tell Glenn was feeling the same way.
'Buddy, I love where this is going, but don't you think it's wrong to mix mythological creatures from every civilization with Polynesia? It's like we're putting them into the same basket, but Polynesia is not a myth. It's real. I do want this tattoo to be great, but I wouldn't like to destroy certain values in the process', I told Glenn and he agreed. Meaning of Polynesian symbols has nothing to do with mythology which was Glenn's primary wish.
At that moment, I had an idea - to do Polynesian style tattoo but with symbols from mythology.
Glenn loved it. He never saw something like that before and he got a new rush of adrenalin. We were brainstorming once again.
The process of inventing symbols from mythology
We agreed on four motives, realistic style, which seemed most doable and would look good (Eye of a dragon, Medusa, Manticore, and our favourite - Cockatrice).
There were couple more of them which we wanted to fit in this big story about mythology, and for which we also had to invent symbols (Fenrir, Scylla, Hydra, Kraken, Cyclops, Griffin, Basilisk, Naga, Golem...).
We studied narrative about each of them, drew inspiration from there and invented symbols which reflect their story.
What that actually means?
Let's take Cyclops for an example.
Cyclops are mythological giants known for having just one eye. Best known are the sons of Uranus and Gaea. They made weapons for gods (Poseidon's trident, lightning bolts for Zeus, helmet for Ares...).
What we did is we invented the symbols for Cyclops, Uranus, Gaea, forging weapons, trident, lightning, helmet... We could go even further, but 7-9 symbols for every creature was just fine for the beginning (at the end we had about a hundred of them 😊 ).
Glenn also asked if that's not a bit too much, but it's always good to have more options.
It took us two more hours and three coffees to finish this part.
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Next big step was to present mythological symbols in Polynesian style.
I've been working with Polynesian symbols for years so I'm quite familiar with the topic.
I told Glenn to get comfortable and enjoy, it was time for me to do my magic. The only thing he had to do is say 'yes' or 'no' to my drawings.
I drew each symbol in Polynesian style on paper. I could tell Glenn was thrilled while the idea he came up with, got real. He saw what it means to create your own tattoo. Creativity was all over the place, so it took me only half an hour to finish everything.
Brainstorming, planning, talking from 10 am to 4 pm got us pretty tired, but it was totally worth it.
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We were ready for the next step.
Size and position
We printed our references to decide on their size and position on Glenn's body. Once again we had to adjust our plan so all the mythological creatures would be perfectly set on his arm. I told Glenn what needed to be adjusted and where I wanted to put which character. He agreed and we could proceed.
Freehand drawing of the whole hand
Polynesian style and the way I do it was completely new to Glenn. He had no idea how I'm gonna merge realism with Polynesia. His curiosity was at its peak and he couldn't wait to discover this unknown area.
This wasn't the first time he was getting a tattoo. He did his homework researching tattoo artists, their work, he visited many tattoo studios, but still he was experiencing something completely new right now, something he couldn't imagine he'd experience when he chose me, and he was fascinated with what was happening.
I told him to enjoy the process and that I'll guide him all the way, telling him exactly what I'm doing so we can react right away if there's something he doesn't like.
After I washed and shaved Glenn's arm, I drew the contours and size of the surface with markers. He approved and we moved on.
Combination of mapping and freehand drawing is always tricky. If I drew full mythological Polynesia and start mapping after, images will ruin many of the symbols, which I really don't want.
Another way is to use mapping first and draw symbols around. But, this way symbols won't look like the background as I want them to. It would be obvious I drew around images, and it would ruin Polynesian style which always has to follow body contours.
As long as I'm combining styles, I thought, why not combine the way I'm gonna position images.
As always when I do Polynesia, I started drawing fields in which I was going to place symbols. I always draw them on muscle or curves of the arm so they are positioned in the best possible way. But again moles got in the way. If I try to bypass them, the tattoo will be discontinuous and it won’t look good.
F..k it, I said and explained to Gleen we are once again in an unknown area. Once again I had to improvise.
The poor guy looked at me and nodded in approval, pretty much exhausted from all the changes.
I decided to do double lines between the fields following the trajectory of moles, instead of curves of the hand. Glenn was confused but aware of kind of the skin he has, so he completely put his trust in me. When coming to my studio, he was scared I would turn him down because of the moles. But that was not an option because my clients are open-minded and creative, so together we always find the way to the final goal.
After this, I mapped the references and started drawing the symbols. First I sketched where I wanted to place them and got another approval from my investor 😊
With a marker, I thickened all the lines and sketches, polished everything and finally finished the design.
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It was already 6.10 PM, end of our appointment.
Usually, when I finish the design, I outline it with a light colour so I can see shapes and can continue at a second appointment. But we were so tired that we decided to wrap it up for the day. I explained Glenn how to preserve the design for next two days when we had the second appointment and sent him to his apartment.
If something gets wiped out, we'll draw again 😊
Second appointment
Two days later Glenn returned rested, smiling and ready to continue.
We had coffee and talked about how the first appointment wore us down, how he smeared all the bed sheets and about methods he tried to keep as much design intact as possible.
After half an hour, I couldn't wait anymore, I had to see how much design we had left.
The result was much better than I expected. To be honest, I expected it all to be ruined, and was ready to spend another five hours drawing. Lines of mythologic Polynesia were smudged, thick and sloppy, but I still had what I needed the most - position, symbols and ratio of the sizes.
To end my short story, which turned out to be a long one - I drew back missing symbols, fixed smudged lines, connected my equipment and finally started tattooing.
I outlined the whole design with light colour so we can continue next year. I also started tattooing the image so Glenn can get the picture of what it's gonna look like, but the most important thing is that we set the grounds and there'll be no more complications when we see each other next time (or at least we hope so 😊 )
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To conclude...
Usually, the whole process is not this long or complicated, but you have to be prepared for everything if you want your own unique tattoo.
I just wanted to show you a couple of things that you might encounter on your way of getting a tattoo no one else has.
I wanted to show you why my clients change their minds once they step into my studio.
Explain what VIP treatment is.
That at my studio you don't pay for a tattoo, but service.
Demonstrate the effort both by my clients and I invest in this process.
Getting a tattoo for me is everything but simple and it doesn't work by the principle 'I want that, how much?'. I'm sure you'll find someone who operates in that manner, but I've specialized in creating your stories, designed and made only for you and in line with your standards. The only thing that is important to me is that your tattoo is beautiful and that you love it.
Glenn's story is not in class by itself. I had many situations like this one, but I wanted to use Glenn's story as a symbol representing experience my clients and I go through in the process of getting a tattoo.
How much all of this is important to me is supported by the fact that I've spent four hours writing this article. And it still has to be edited and translated 😊
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If you want a tattoo that's only yours, that is unique, pretty and it suits you - I'm here for you.
1. Have I managed to demonstrate how much effort we invest during the process?
2. What impression did Glenn's story have on you?
3. How important it is for you to create a symbiosis with your tattoo artist?
4. Have you ever encountered this kind of work?
5. How much did you invest in planning your tattoo?
0 notes
ohsnapitssam · 4 years
To my almost. :)
It was 2016 when I first had a connection with you. First year tayo non, second semester. Naghahanap ako ng HYDRO Tickets para sa mga friends ko and I saw you posted in a freshie group na you were selling. Nag chat ako sayo sabi ko im interested and pinareserve ko muna. Pero in the end hindi ko na nabili kasi hindi naman kami tutuloy and nabenta mo naman na sa iba. And ayon. we became internet friends. And I was so mesmerized by your appearance, grabe. Hindi ka naman yung typical guy na kapogian and make girls and other gay guys drool or scream. Pero one thing that made me look back is your awesome personality. Yung usapan natin sa chat, I felt very comfortable even though hindi pa tayo nagkikita personally bale virtually crush palang kita non. 
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Figure 1.0 First pic na sinend mo sakin. HAHAHAHAHA
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Figure 1.1 2016 palang hubadero ka na pota ka HAHAHAHHA
Tapos diba umamin ako sayo non na crush kita tapos sabi mo may boyfriend ka na, w/c is Sid, i said okay and I bypassed this feelings and moved on. (Really?) Tapos ayun magkausap padin tayo through random times. FB, Twitter, texts, calls, etc. Sobrang comfortable talaga ng feeling kapag kausap ka araw-araw.
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Figure 1.2 Ito yung unang picture mo na sinave ko sa phone ko non na ACER na bulok HAHAHA. Ito din yung picture na gamit ko sa images ng Messages sa phone ko. :) (Fresh mo pa jan teh)
When First sem starts again second year na tayo non. Hindi parin kita nakikita. Sinabihan mo pa akong cute nung napanood mo ako sa Wish Ko Lang nung segment nung bulag na student sa COC tapos nakita mo ko don lol sabi mo cute ako well ako na to char. Taposl COC Week came, Amazing Race. Blue Team ako non ikaw Green Team. We first interact each other sa main. Naka braid pa buhok mo non and you yelled my name and gave me that sweet smile. I was hardstuck to where I’m standing from that time. Tapos last kami nakatapos ng mga leg don then when we head back to COC andun ka nakatayo sa may puno kina ate Lourdes. Tinawag moko then you hold my hand. I smiled. :) It was the first time we hold hands and I was shocked that time lol pero masaya naman. Then after the event tinext mo ko non e di ko alam kung about saan basta nagtext text tayo non habang nasa byahe ako lol. Tapos palagi kong sinasabi kay ate Jess yung about sayo and kung gaano kita ka crush non that time kasi siya lang kausap ko non nung newbie palang ako 
Then everything was fun and awesome ok ok sige friends tayo and all casual lang na paguusap and everything then there’s this day na sabay sabay tayong kumain apat nila Ally and Brit kina ate Lourdes ayun na ata yung last na interaction natin nung 2016 idk, may mga times na nagkikita tayo sa lobby habang nagtetraining kami. 
2017, sumali kayo ni Ally sa pep, Natuwa na ako na sumali si Ally sa pep kasi someone close to you joined edi nasa isip ko shet, si Jeremy palagi na manonood samin kasi nandito na si Ally, tapos kinabukasan malalaman ko sasali ka na ring dishuta ka HAHAHAHA edi mas natuwa naman ako pero syempre lowkey kilig lang ako :(( Nung sumali ka, syempre di mo alam gagawin mo, tanga ka pa non e. Lol edi nagpaturo ka sa mga seniors namin kina Jess Alex ng mga ganap natin sa squad. Tapos nakasama ka na din don sa BPOlympics tapos binilhan mo pa ako ng donut surprise mo daw sakin sabi ni Jarem, yung mukhang aso na donut pero hindi ko na mamukhaan kasi pinipi niyo na ata. HAHAHA. Super kilig ako non kasi wala lang I love surprises. Tapos ayon, time came when something is happening between you and Jarem and naconfirm lang naming lahat after compet kasi medyo tinatago niyo pa during cheer season. The moment I knew na something is between you two, i said to myself. okay sige. No grudge, I was happy pa nga for the both of you, really, i am! :) It’s kust na very wrong timing lang talaga tayo and siguro mabagal din ako??? I think. Lol nevertheless, i was happy and shipping you both that time. Secretly and lowkey loving you from afar. Ew. And we were still pretty close since then. and even start kissing on the lips like very damn day we meet and parang wala lang sating dalawa. Just like a friendly gesture. Ganun. And I think sakin mo lang ginagawa and kay Kenji ang pagiging kisser mo? Ewan ko.  
2 years passed. 2019. It was still okay, yea keeping things flowy and whatsoever. Then on the second half of the year starting from July, I find out na medyo hindi na kayo okay ni Jarem. Sabi ko, “Anong nangyayari sa dalawa? Issues came up, a lot of things going on inside and outside social media, I know some of it but many of them, no because I’m keeping myself away from being involved. Tapos ayun nga, medyo hindi na kayo okay. Tapos palaging naggagala, staying late hours in Cubao, nag chi-chilltop every after weeks even after training days sa pep. Overnight everywhere, talking about stuff, and i mean EVERYTHING kind of stuff. 
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Figure 1.3 Wala lang ang cute natin dito so hehehe 
Tapos ayun lets jump to this October after compet nung uminom tayo sa Chilltop Lacson to celebrate/mourn our loss sa PUP CLC, naalala ko non we are on the same line of seats pero we are one seat apart nakapagitna kasi satin si Ning, tapos nag CR sila ni Jarem so the seats are vacant and you decided na tumabi sakin. Then during the party you are just so so so sweet and clingy ang dami mong sinasabi sakin na about sa future ko na I’ll do great things and saying that you love me so much makes me feel like, putangina yung puso ko sasabog na sa mga pinagsasabi nitong katabi ko. GANON TALAGA YUNG FEELING, MY MINE! Tapos you are kissing me rin in random times which makes my butterflies in my stomach smother around even harder. Then nung natapos na tayo sobrang bagsak ka na non pota sakin ka pa nagpabuhat sobrang bigat mo, my mine :((( Sabi pa sakin nung katabi nating table non kasi nakasabay natin sila pauwi. “Ingatan mo baby mo ha sweet niyo kanina”. Natawa nalang ako tapos buhat buhat parin ktia non. Bwiset ka. Tapos naghiwa hiwalay na tayong lahat non pumunta tayo kina Chano na dapat kina kuya Jaja tayo tutuloy pero nag insist ka kasi di mo na kaya. Sinamahan kita kasi gusto ko safe ka and tsaka ako nagaalala sayo non. Tapos nung hiniga na kita sa lapag non and me myself sobrang bagsak na katawan ko and pa black out nadin. Tapos next thing I knew, ayun na. Alam mo na yon. Hindi ko na dito ilalalagay lahat ng nangyari ng gabing yon at ng umagang yon and na-open up ko na sayo yon before and hindi ko na isusulat yon dito kasi I have respect for you, my mine ko! :) And remember that time nung niyaya kita sa MOA kasama sila Rommel Ivan and Jarem pero hindi ka nakapunta, you said sorry and you appreciated my invitation pero u still didn’t chose to come kasi nga yung sa inyo ni Jarem that time. And that was also the time na umamin ako sayo na gustong gusto parin kita maging boyfriend ko. Sobrang tanga ko non kasi ang bad timing pero you were so honest and very transparent na hindi pa pwede kasi you have still high hopes with Jarem and I respect that sinabi ko naman sayo yun diba, my mine? Sabi mo pa nga hintayin kita and you will wait for our time to come and I was glad that you had that kind of mindset kasi pota 3 years na akong nakapila sa puso mo eh hahaha. Pero at the same time,  things are getting harder and harder on me kasi stage 3 na ako sa sakit ko, and I was so sad that time nung inamin ko sa inyong apat non nila Alli Rommel at Mekai and the whole night I was just staring randomly at people thinking about the one of the biggest decision I made, is to let you go, on your birthday.
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Figure 1.4 Skl nilalagyan lang ako ng mga meds sa katawan. DONT BE BOTHERED PLEASE. DI NAMAN YAN CRITICAL ITS JUST NORMAL LOL 
Stage 3 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is way damn hard to explain when you are in the situation, imagine yourself being neutral and not able to express emotions that much, as if you have your limit to do so. My mine, sobrang lungkot ko kasi feeling ko hindi na ako marerecover. Na hanggang dito nalang ako, so I did this decision to cut off ties with you. I’m not telling you na ikaw ang may kasalanan, kasi you aren’t. Wala kang kinalaman sa sakit ko or whoever person involved (eg. our common friends etc). It’s all on me. I’m sorry if ever I made you sad or angry(???). I deserve it. All the hate you can give, sige go. But one things for sure, I will never ever forget you as one of bestest (cuz best is not the right word to describe you lol) people I ever met in my life. Every memories we had and shared will always be inside me and will never vanish, I promise you that. 3 years I loved you more than any people I loved. As I’ve said to you, I tried finding love to other guys out there but I still end up falling in love with you kasi I see myself and imagine myself with you in the future way way more clearer than the others. And it saddens me to do that because you are the best thing happened to me and I chose to cut ties with you on your own birthday... Ang sama ko sa part na yon. Pero i dont know what you felt about that. Well, it doesn’t matter anymore. My mine, I love you always and what ever happens, I’ll still love you even from afar because that is my promise to you remember? :) 
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Figure 1.5 Kina kuya Ja to. Cute natin nyakakakakka :) 
2020 is fast approaching. Sabi ko sa sarili ko, kakalimutan na kita, my mine. Pero that is the one thing na hindi ko na fullfill. Kasi I can’t and I won’t. I can’t afford to lose every single piece of our great memories just because I have this sickness inside me. Sana when we meet each other ulit somewhere out there, ikikiss mo parin ako, ihuhug mo pari ako, hahawakan mo parin kamay ko, magiging same persons pa rin tayo just like before. 
I love you so much, my mine ko! When you finished reading this, I just want you to know na I’m always praying for your safety and for your blessings to come to you and I’m looking forward to see you in your successful self! Isko ka na ulit pero sa UP na. Sobrang nakakatuwa and I’m so indeed happy for you. <3 Super salamat sa lahat ng good and bad memories natin. I appreciate you and your well-being. I’m excited yet nervous when December 31 comes kasi that will be the time when I’ll gice you this blog and siyempre natatakot ako sa kung ano man yung magiging reaction mo. But anyways, ayon lang. Ito na yon. I love you so soooo much, my mine ko! :) 
0 notes
Simcity Buildit Hack - Generate Free Simcash [UPDATED]
So lastly you have arrived to the ideal useful resource where you will get simcity buildit hack or cheats on the web device, Which is very helpful to acquire free of charge simcash or simoleons as a lot required by you inside seconds !! We have been doing analysis on this subject matter considering that long time and operating on this simcity buildit on the internet resource and finally obtained great success producing free simcash and simoleons utilizing one basic trick which is really straightforward to follow and doesn’t price a dime. Now we know you have experimented with tons of sites exactly where they just get your personal information and really do not provide you anything at all which is extremely irritating for the gamer who is taking part in the game because extended time, Here we assure you to fullfill your demands with out acquiring your simcity account banned or hacked. Don’t fear and commence with the adhering to get commenced . Simcity Buildit Guidelines And Guides Are They Well worth Trying ? Allows Find Out.. Whilst browsing about for best simcity buildit ideas and guidebook, You will occur across to a lot of methods which are available to get details about the game these kinds of as right here macworld has great report about the recreation and share excellent sum of knowledge on how simcity buildit encourages road blocks instead of pure gaming pleasure, This post is prepared by Andrew Hayward who is contributor at macworld and posts standard content articles on various variety of video games, He also describes why you should perform certain sport and what characteristics it has. Our very best suggestion for you is that you really don't drop into simcity buildit in-application purchases and use above described program developed by us which will guide you via the method without paying considerably of a cash on the recreation. As you all know even though playing simcity buildit you would want tons of simcash to end the jobs but if you head over to the in-app purchases of simcity buildit then you will occur to know they are offering simcash and simoleons for huge funds, Like after investing forty$ you will get few simcash which can be employed to build a single developing in the game, Also have you tried the conversion rate of simcity buildit simcash to simoleons trust me its horrible dont every single use it yet again comply with our guidance and you will certainly get an idea on how to hack simcity buildit instantly and thats with out investing your money. Also there are some web sites who are proclaiming to have cheats for simcity buildit but as of now we are unable to use them if you know more about them you should send us so we can use them to educate our end users. We have also produced a straightforward however straightforward to use simcity buildit beginners manual which you can comply with to make most from the recreation. New Features of Simcity Buildit Hack Resource 2017 As absolutely everyone is aware of gaming world shifting regularly so the avid gamers ought to adjust appropriately, Simcity Buildit releasing a lot of new attributes with each update they release above google enjoy shop or Apple ios shop. To satisfy the wants accordingly we are also updating our method which is generating simcity buildit totally free simcash and simoleons for consumers. Beneath is the bulls eye lookup more than the most recent awesome functions you will expertise in this simcity buildit hack instrument. New update of simcity buildit hack device now supports several european countries like france, netherlands, italy and so on. So people who are seeking for simcity buildit astuce or simcity buildit triche are now capable to uncover out site a lot more more quickly and can create sources also. Inbuilt simcity buildit wiki is obtainable, While employing our on-line resource which will solve numerous issues for new players. Capacity to share your simcity buildit ideas and guides with other consumers just send us the specifics we will flow into the details with other men and women. Now you can produce totally free simcity buildit simoleons for your pals way too, Just use the latest model of the resource. All accounts are guarded above ssl connections, So your account will be secure although employing this simcity buildit hack device. Comprehensive on the internet answers which generates simcity cheats on the go for you. Easy to use online version which can be employed by a twelve yr outdated as effectively as ninety nine calendar year outdated. Its that basic !! No require to devote money on in – app buys every little thing will be free of charge until you use it. So as of now you have very very good idea on how to hack simcity buildit making use of easy to use simcity buildit hack tool, But even though employing this if you ever face any difficulty or would like to recommend new function which our program does not have then you are more than welcome, We will often be hunting to aid simcity buildit avid gamers with new features for sure, You may possibly have tried out many issues ahead of this but we would like to assure you this is 1 of the very best online simcity buildit hack instrument you will ever use… Some more inner details about the match SimCity BuildIt an great recreation by the foremost match developer company Electronic Arts. It appears rather normal 1st but as quickly as you get progressing in the sport soon after five-ten amounts you will discover that game is extremely fascinating. Now you are working your possess tiny city (as of now) and progressing towards turning into a huge metropolitan town quite soon. It has all you require in the even more stages. You will be observed higher Skyscrapers, Leisure Hubs, Transportation’s, Academic Headquarters, Landmarks and Specific Symbols like Eiffel Tower, Tokyo Town and significantly a lot more. As shortly as you are increasing you will also unlocking new items and solutions for your sims. You can keep an eye on it by tapping on the stage image its on the higher remaining corner of the game display. You will see their up coming things which are likely to unlock following finishing this amount and heading to the following one particular. It is really very best way to prepare for the unexpected costs which you are heading to encounter in the subsequent amount. Earning much more currency is not that tough in the recreation. Suppose you are making rare objects for your self and if you have enough items soon after feeding your personal need, then you can wait for the excellent deal (a popup coin symbol in your very own city) and offer them if you concur with the offer and make some instant earnings simply. A tiny observation in the offers can give you far more profit in selling match as well. Just believe that you have lots of Dozer Blades after your requirements, you can just acquire more blades as you can in the meantime disregard for the Dozer Blade bargains. If you are constantly ignoring the bargains technique thinks that you will be seeking a more awesome offer and it will immediately increase the deal sum in which you can very easily receive almost thirty to 35 p.c revenue. Typically optimum price tag for Dozer Blades goes till 800$ for every peace. But if you adhere to this approach, you could get a thousand$-1100$ for every Dozer Blade very soon effortlessly. Indicates extra three hundred$ revenue powering every Dozer Blade. If you really do not have any urgency of establishing your town very quick then you can effortlessly endure and engage in the sport patiently without spending SimCash in every single achievable techniques. I would suggest to control by yourself and do not spent even solitary SimCash on creation time. Also if you have no hurry then why to invest the simcash in the silly things? In this recreation the far more client you are the much more joy you will withdraw from SimCity BuildIt. This way you can effortlessly attain your aspiration city by carrying out small stuffs every day instead than acquiring SimCash with real money and shelling out them in worthless things just for increase your development and accomplish your city boundaries. The greatest way is be individual have joy at each and every action and perform it for cost-free. By developing your town, you need to have to focus on some standard things to supply to your sims like Electricity, H2o, Sawage Outflow, Squander Management, Law enforcement Stations, Hearth Stations, Hospitals. These are the fundamental demands of sims and if you are handed in offering them these companies, you will start off noticing that your sims are providing you lots good volume of tax in return to these companies. In the indicate while sims are also inquiring for particular providers like educations parks transportation’s and a lot more. If you could control those services as well then your populace will begin boosting madly. But before offering unique providers just make certain that your sims are getting ample fundamental solutions which I have mentioned previously. Happiness of the sims will give you trace about how sims are hunting to your functionality, you can enhance their happiness by supplying their standard wants. Bear in mind your sims happiness decides the % of tax volume you will acquire in the following period of time/working day. Just maintain sims pleased and acquire 20% tax each and every day you appear again in your town. Isn’t its simple enough? Simcity Buildit Hack - Generate Free Simcash [UPDATED] are some simple methods and tips for beginners in this game. If you like these suggestions then please like and share our web page in excess of facebook and join us there for contributing a lot more data with regards to this remarkable recreation. SIMCITY BUILDIT IF YOU Love Cellular GAMING, YOU HAVE Got TO Try SIMCITY BUILDIT. IT IS THE Newest Match Inside of THE SIMCITY SIMULATION Collection, WHICH Makes it possible for YOU TO Build YOUR Possess Town. To begin with, THE SIMCITY LINE-UP WAS FOR Laptop ONLY, Even so MOBILES HAVE Turn into Much More Strong IN Modern Several years, AND ARE NOW Capable OF three-D GAMING. Mobile GAMING IS ALSO Far more Hassle-free, YOU CAN Play SIMCITY BUILDIT ON YOUR Every day COMMUTE TO Operate, ON YOUR LUNCH Crack – GAMING Is not JUST Restricted TO WHEN You are AT Residence Any more, THESE Times – YOU CAN Sport Anyplace. EA Experienced TO MAKE A Couple of Online games FOR THE Mobile Marketplace, IN Order TO Go over THAT SECTOR – Hence THEY Commenced TO Make Cellular Variations OF THE SIMCITY LINE-UP. SIMCITY BUILDIT IS AN Absolutely Wonderful Match, THE GRAPHICS ARE Gorgeous, THE GAMEPLAY IS Easy – THERE IS Nothing YOU CAN DISLIKE ABOUT THIS Match! NOW THAT YOU KNOW YOU CAN USE THE Tool, WHY NOT AT Minimum Try out THE Recreation? Following ALL, IT Won’t Cost YOU A Solitary PENNY! SIMCITY BUILDIT HAS MULTIPLAYER MODES, AND One-Participant MODES. WHICH Enables YOU TO Take pleasure in Solitary-Player WHEN YOU Really do not HAVE WI-FI, AND THEN Get pleasure from THE Selection OF MULTIPLAYER MODES WHEN You’re AT Home, ON A High Speed Knowledge Connection. SIMCITY Attributes A “COLLECTING” Recreation MECHANIC, In which YOU HAVE TO Collect IN-Recreation Funds TO Build YOUR City. THIS IS WHAT OUR HACK Helps YOU WITH, IT CAN Simply GIVE YOU IN-Game Funds, SO THAT YOU CAN Quickly Construct A Massive Town, AND Demonstrate OFF TO YOUR Close friends. WE Feel THAT THIS IS Great, AND THAT Enables YOU TO Instantly BE A single OF THE Greater Gamers Inside of THE Sport. IS THE SIMCITY BUILDIT HACK Appropriate FOR ME? WE Feel THAT IT IS. After ALL, Video games ARE Intended TO BE Exciting. IF YOU Can not Progress IN THE Game, Which is NOT Fun AT ALL. IF YOU HAVE TWO Gadgets, This sort of AS A Pill Device AND A Cellular, YOU CAN USE TWO ACCOUNTS. THIS WAY, YOU HAVE A HACKED ACCOUNT ON YOUR Cellphone, AND A Actual, Authentic ACCOUNT ON YOUR Tablet. THIS Makes it possible for YOU TO Even now Play THE Game Effectively, BUT Simply HAVE Entertaining ON YOUR Mobile. THIS IS THE Approach THAT Numerous People USE WITH HACKED Video games, AS YOU May Uncover By yourself Getting BORED OF THE Recreation After You’ve HACKED IT, AS THERE Isn’t Truly A Goal – YOU JUST Construct Stuff. TO Get pleasure from OUR SIMCITY BUILDIT Cell HACK, Merely SCROLL UP AND Click ON "GO TO GENERATOR". THIS WILL Get YOU TO THE Webpage In which YOU CAN USE THE HACK BY Simply INPUTTING YOUR USERNAME, AND IN-Sport Currency WILL BE CREDITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT Within A Handful of MINUTES OF Utilizing THE HACK.
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Simcity Buildit Hack And Cheats Awesome Tool Generates Free Simcash and Simoleons
So last but not least you have arrived to the very best useful resource the place you will get simcity buildit hack or cheats online device, Which is quite helpful to get cost-free simcash or simoleons as a lot essential by you within seconds !! We have been performing analysis on this subject matter because lengthy time and operating on this simcity buildit online instrument and ultimately acquired very good good results creating free of charge simcash and simoleons using a single straightforward trick which is very easy to stick to and doesn’t value a dime. Now we know you have experimented with tons of websites exactly where they just get your personal info and really don't supply you something which is extremely annoying for the gamer who is enjoying the game because extended time, Listed here we promise you to fullfill your requirements with no acquiring your simcity account banned or hacked. Do not fret and continue with the adhering to get started . Simcity Buildit Guidelines And Guides Are They Well worth Striving ? Lets Discover Out.. Although looking all around for very best simcity buildit ideas and guidebook, You will appear throughout to several assets which are accessible to get info about the recreation these kinds of as below macworld has fantastic post about the recreation and share very good volume of expertise on how simcity buildit encourages obstructions rather of pure gaming pleasure, This write-up is created by Andrew Hayward who is contributor at macworld and posts standard posts on various type of online games, He also describes why you need to play specified recreation and what characteristics it has. Our very best suggestion for you is that you don’t drop into simcity buildit in-app buys and use previously mentioned described system created by us which will information you through the method with out paying considerably of a cash on the game. As you all know while taking part in simcity buildit you would require lots of simcash to finish the duties but if you head in excess of to the in-application buys of simcity buildit then you will arrive to know they are marketing simcash and simoleons for enormous money, Like soon after shelling out forty$ you will get couple of simcash which can be utilised to create a one constructing in the recreation, Also have you tried out the conversion charge of simcity buildit simcash to simoleons have faith in me its horrible dont each and every use it yet again stick to our suggestions and you will certainly get an idea on how to hack simcity buildit quickly and thats with out spending your funds. Also there are some sites who are declaring to have cheats for simcity buildit but as of now we are unable to use them if you know more about them please ship us so we can use them to educate our consumers. We have also created a simple yet simple to use simcity buildit newcomers information which you can adhere to to make most from the game. New Characteristics of Simcity Buildit Hack Device 2017 As everyone is aware gaming planet altering frequently so the avid gamers should adjust accordingly, Simcity Buildit releasing many new functions with each and every update they release more than google engage in store or Apple ios keep. To satisfy the needs accordingly we are also updating our method which is making simcity buildit totally free simcash and simoleons for consumers. Below is the bulls eye lookup above the newest amazing functions you will expertise in this simcity buildit hack device. New update of simcity buildit hack instrument now supports a lot of european nations around the world like france, netherlands, italy and so on. So individuals who are browsing for simcity buildit astuce or simcity buildit triche are now able to find out internet site much more more quickly and can make resources way too. Inbuilt simcity buildit wiki is available, Even though employing our on the internet instrument which will solve a lot of troubles for new players. Capacity to share your simcity buildit guidelines and guides with other end users just deliver us the particulars we will circulate the information with other people. Now you can create free simcity buildit simoleons for your close friends as well, Just use the most recent model of the resource. All accounts are secured above ssl connections, So your account will be secure whilst making use of this simcity buildit hack device. Comprehensive online answers which generates simcity cheats on the go for you. Easy to use on-line version which can be utilized by a twelve 12 months old as properly as ninety nine 12 months aged. Its that basic !! No need to commit funds on in – app purchases everything will be cost-free until finally you use it. So as of now you have really great idea on how to hack simcity buildit employing easy to use simcity buildit hack resource, But although employing this if you ever experience any issues or would like to advise new attribute which our program does not have then you are far more than welcome, We will usually be hunting to support simcity buildit gamers with new characteristics for confident, You may have experimented with many issues ahead of this but we would like to assure you this is a single of the greatest on the web simcity buildit hack instrument you will ever use… Some more interior data about the game SimCity BuildIt an great game by the leading recreation developer firm Electronic Arts. It looks fairly standard 1st but as shortly as you get progressing in the sport soon after 5-10 stages you will locate that match is really exciting. Now you are running your very own modest city (as of now) and progressing towards turning into a huge metropolitan metropolis very before long. It has all you require in the more levels. You will be noticed increased Skyscrapers, Enjoyment Hubs, Transportation’s, Instructional Headquarters, Landmarks and Particular Symbols like Eiffel Tower, Tokyo Town and much much more. As quickly as you are expanding you will also unlocking new things and providers for your sims. You can keep an eye on it by tapping on the degree symbol its on the higher left corner of the game screen. You will see their subsequent things which are heading to unlock soon after completing this level and heading to the next a single. It is extremely best way to prepare for the surprising expenses which you are heading to confront in the next level. Earning a lot more forex is not that difficult in the match. Suppose you are making exceptional items for oneself and if you have ample things following feeding your very own need to have, then you can hold out for the very good offer (a popup coin image in your own city) and sell them if you agree with the deal and make some instant profit effortlessly. A tiny observation in the bargains can give you far more profit in marketing match way too. Just consider that you have lots of Dozer Blades soon after your needs, you can merely accumulate a lot more blades as you can meanwhile dismiss for the Dozer Blade deals. If you are repeatedly disregarding the bargains method thinks that you will be wanting a a lot more awesome supply and it will immediately boost the deal sum in which you can effortlessly earn virtually thirty to 35 % revenue. Typically maximum price tag for Dozer Blades goes till 800$ for every peace. But if you follow this technique, you could get one thousand$-1100$ for every single Dozer Blade quite quickly very easily. Signifies extra three hundred$ earnings behind every Dozer Blade. Simcity Buildit Hack And Cheats Awesome Tool Generates Free Simcash and Simoleons If you don’t have any urgency of building your city really fast then you can effortlessly survive and play the game patiently with out shelling out SimCash in each and every achievable approaches. I would propose to management oneself and do not put in even one SimCash on manufacturing time. Also if you have no hurry then why to devote the simcash in the stupid stuff? In this sport the a lot more individual you are the more pleasure you will withdraw from SimCity BuildIt. This way you can simply accomplish your desire metropolis by undertaking tiny stuffs every day instead than getting SimCash with actual funds and shelling out them in worthless things just for increase your improvement and attain your town boundaries. The greatest way is be client have joy at each and every phase and enjoy it for totally free. By growing your city, you want to concentrate on some simple items to provide to your sims like Electrical power, Water, Sawage Outflow, Squander Administration, Police Stations, Hearth Stations, Hospitals. These are the basic needs of sims and if you are handed in delivering them these providers, you will start noticing that your sims are supplying you a lot excellent sum of tax in return to these providers. In the imply while sims are also asking for particular solutions like educations parks transportation’s and more. If you could deal with individuals services as well then your populace will start off boosting madly. But before providing unique companies just make confident that your sims are getting sufficient basic services which I have pointed out previously. Contentment of the sims will give you hint about how sims are hunting to your functionality, you can improve their joy by providing their simple wants. Don't forget your sims pleasure decides the % of tax amount you will gather in the subsequent period/working day. Just maintain sims content and gather twenty% tax every single working day you come back again in your city. Is not its effortless adequate? These are some standard tricks and guidelines for novices in this game. If you like these guidelines then make sure you like and share our webpage more than fb and be part of us there for contributing more info regarding this tremendous match. SIMCITY BUILDIT IF YOU Adore Cell GAMING, YOU HAVE Got TO Attempt SIMCITY BUILDIT. IT IS THE Most recent Game Inside of THE SIMCITY SIMULATION Sequence, WHICH Makes it possible for YOU TO Build YOUR Very own Metropolis. Originally, THE SIMCITY LINE-UP WAS FOR Pc ONLY, Nevertheless MOBILES HAVE Grow to be A lot More Effective IN Current Several years, AND ARE NOW Capable OF three-D GAMING. Cellular GAMING IS ALSO A lot more Practical, YOU CAN Enjoy SIMCITY BUILDIT ON YOUR Day-to-day COMMUTE TO Function, ON YOUR LUNCH Crack – GAMING Isn’t JUST Restricted TO WHEN You are AT Property Anymore, THESE Days – YOU CAN Recreation Everywhere. EA Experienced TO MAKE A Couple of Game titles FOR THE Mobile Market place, IN Get TO Protect THAT SECTOR – Consequently THEY Started TO Produce Cellular Variations OF THE SIMCITY LINE-UP. SIMCITY BUILDIT IS AN Completely Fantastic Game, THE GRAPHICS ARE Stunning, THE GAMEPLAY IS Smooth – THERE IS Absolutely nothing YOU CAN DISLIKE ABOUT THIS Match! NOW THAT YOU KNOW YOU CAN USE THE Instrument, WHY NOT AT Least Try out THE Match? Soon after ALL, IT Will not Cost YOU A Single PENNY! SIMCITY BUILDIT HAS MULTIPLAYER MODES, AND Single-Player MODES. WHICH Enables YOU TO Take pleasure in Single-Player WHEN YOU Really do not HAVE WI-FI, AND THEN Enjoy THE Assortment OF MULTIPLAYER MODES WHEN You are AT Home, ON A Substantial Speed Information Link. SIMCITY Characteristics A “COLLECTING” Game MECHANIC, Exactly where YOU HAVE TO Collect IN-Recreation Money TO Develop YOUR City. THIS IS WHAT OUR HACK Assists YOU WITH, IT CAN Merely GIVE YOU IN-Sport Cash, SO THAT YOU CAN Quickly Build A Enormous Metropolis, AND Display OFF TO YOUR Friends. WE Think THAT THIS IS Excellent, AND THAT Allows YOU TO Quickly BE One OF THE Much better Gamers In THE Recreation. IS THE SIMCITY BUILDIT HACK Correct FOR ME? WE Believe THAT IT IS. Soon after ALL, Games ARE Intended TO BE Fun. IF YOU Cannot Progress IN THE Match, That is NOT Enjoyable AT ALL. IF YOU HAVE TWO Products, This kind of AS A Tablet Unit AND A Mobile, YOU CAN USE TWO ACCOUNTS. THIS WAY, YOU HAVE A HACKED ACCOUNT ON YOUR Phone, AND A True, Real ACCOUNT ON YOUR Pill. THIS Makes it possible for YOU TO Nevertheless Engage in THE Recreation Properly, BUT Basically HAVE Entertaining ON YOUR Cellular. THIS IS THE Strategy THAT Several People USE WITH HACKED Video games, AS YOU Might Discover By yourself Acquiring BORED OF THE Sport As soon as You’ve HACKED IT, AS THERE Is not Actually A Objective – YOU JUST Build Stuff. TO Enjoy OUR SIMCITY BUILDIT Mobile HACK, Just SCROLL UP AND Simply click ON "GO TO GENERATOR". THIS WILL Consider YOU TO THE Website page Where YOU CAN USE THE HACK BY Basically INPUTTING YOUR USERNAME, AND IN-Sport Forex WILL BE CREDITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT In A Handful of MINUTES OF Employing THE HACK.
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Simcity Buildit Hack And Cheats Awesome Tool Generates Free Simcash and Simoleons
So lastly you have arrived to the very best useful resource the place you will get simcity buildit hack or cheats online tool, Which is very useful to get free simcash or simoleons as considerably required by you inside of seconds !! We have been undertaking study on this subject matter because extended time and working on this simcity buildit on the web tool and ultimately got good accomplishment creating free simcash and simoleons utilizing one particular simple trick which is extremely easy to follow and doesn’t expense a dime. Now we know you have experimented with heaps of sites the place they just get your personal information and really don't offer you something which is quite irritating for the gamer who is actively playing the game considering that extended time, Listed here we assure you to fullfill your needs without having receiving your simcity account banned or hacked. Don’t fear and commence with the following get started . Simcity Buildit Suggestions And Guides Are They Well worth Making an attempt ? Allows Uncover Out.. While searching around for greatest simcity buildit tips and information, You will occur throughout to a lot of methods which are offered to get information about the recreation this kind of as here macworld has great write-up about the sport and share great volume of information on how simcity buildit promotes hurdles as an alternative of pure gaming satisfaction, This report is prepared by Andrew Hayward who is contributor at macworld and posts regular articles or blog posts on distinct type of video games, He also points out why you ought to play particular sport and what attributes it has. Our best suggestion for you is that you don’t fall into simcity buildit in-application buys and use over mentioned technique created by us which will manual you by means of the approach without spending a lot of a funds on the match. As you all know whilst actively playing simcity buildit you would require tons of simcash to complete the duties but if you head above to the in-app buys of simcity buildit then you will occur to know they are offering simcash and simoleons for enormous funds, Like following investing forty$ you will get handful of simcash which can be utilised to build a single building in the game, Also have you attempted the conversion rate of simcity buildit simcash to simoleons believe in me its awful dont each use it yet again stick to our tips and you will surely get an thought on how to hack simcity buildit instantaneously and thats with no paying your money. Also there are some sites who are declaring to have cheats for simcity buildit but as of now we are unable to use them if you know much more about them make sure you send us so we can use them to teach our end users. We have also produced a basic nevertheless effortless to use simcity buildit novices guide which you can follow to make most from the game. New Characteristics of Simcity Buildit Hack Instrument 2017 As absolutely everyone is aware of gaming entire world altering usually so the players should change accordingly, Simcity Buildit releasing a lot of new features with each update they release more than google perform keep or Apple ios shop. To satisfy the needs accordingly we are also updating our system which is generating simcity buildit totally free simcash and simoleons for end users. Underneath is the bulls eye lookup over the newest amazing functions you will expertise in this simcity buildit hack resource. New update of simcity buildit hack instrument now supports a lot of european nations like france, netherlands, italy and so on. So men and women who are browsing for simcity buildit astuce or simcity buildit triche are now in a position to locate out website far more a lot quicker and can produce assets also. Inbuilt simcity buildit wiki is available, Even though utilizing our on the internet resource which will take care of numerous troubles for new gamers. Capability to share your simcity buildit suggestions and guides with other customers just deliver us the details we will flow into the information with other folks. Now you can generate free simcity buildit simoleons for your buddies as well, Just use the newest variation of the tool. All accounts are guarded more than ssl connections, So your account will be safe while using this simcity buildit hack instrument. Comprehensive online options which generates simcity cheats on the go for you. Simple to use on the web model which can be employed by a 12 year previous as effectively as 99 year outdated. Its that easy !! No need to devote money on in – application purchases every thing will be free until finally you use it. So as of now you have quite very good notion on how to hack simcity buildit using basic to use simcity buildit hack resource, But whilst utilizing this if you at any time confront any trouble or would like to advise new characteristic which our system does not have then you are more than welcome, We will always be hunting to aid simcity buildit avid gamers with new attributes for confident, You may have experimented with a lot of issues ahead of this but we would like to assure you this is a single of the greatest on the internet simcity buildit hack tool you will ever use… Some far more interior info about the recreation SimCity BuildIt an amazing recreation by the top sport developer business Electronic Arts. It seems rather typical 1st but as shortly as you get progressing in the sport following 5-ten levels you will locate that game is quite intriguing. Now you are managing your very own modest city (as of now) and progressing in direction of turning out to be a huge metropolitan metropolis really before long. It has all you require in the even more ranges. You will be observed larger Skyscrapers, Amusement Hubs, Transportation’s, Academic Headquarters, Landmarks and Unique Symbols like Eiffel Tower, Tokyo City and significantly much more. As shortly as you are expanding you will also unlocking new things and services for your sims. You can maintain an eye on it by tapping on the amount symbol its on the higher left corner of the game monitor. You will see their subsequent items which are going to unlock following finishing this stage and going to the up coming one particular. It is extremely best way to put together for the unforeseen bills which you are likely to experience in the up coming degree. Earning far more currency is not that tough in the match. Suppose you are generating rare items for yourself and if you have enough objects right after feeding your personal require, then you can hold out for the excellent deal (a popup coin symbol in your own city) and promote them if you concur with the offer and make some instant profit effortlessly. A tiny observation in the discounts can give you a lot more earnings in marketing sport way too. Just feel that you have lots of Dozer Blades soon after your needs, you can simply acquire far more blades as you can in the meantime disregard for the Dozer Blade discounts. If you are continuously ignoring the deals program thinks that you will be wanting a far more cool supply and it will automatically enhance the offer quantity in which you can simply make almost thirty to 35 p.c income. Normally maximum price tag for Dozer Blades goes till 800$ per peace. But if you stick to this method, you could get one thousand$-1100$ for each and every Dozer Blade really quickly effortlessly. Implies additional 300$ revenue powering every single Dozer Blade. If you really do not have any urgency of developing your town extremely quick then you can easily survive and enjoy the recreation patiently without shelling out SimCash in every achievable methods. I would suggest to manage your self and do not spent even solitary SimCash on creation time. Also if you have no hurry then why to devote the simcash in the stupid stuff? In this game the much more affected person you are the far more joy you will withdraw from SimCity BuildIt. This way you can easily achieve your dream city by doing tiny stuffs everyday fairly than purchasing SimCash with real money and paying them in worthless things just for enhance your improvement and achieve your city restrictions. The very best way is be patient have joy at each and every action and enjoy it for free. By expanding your city, you require to focus on some fundamental things to provide to your sims like Power, H2o, Sawage Outflow, Waste Administration, Police Stations, Fireplace Stations, Hospitals. These are the basic requirements of sims and if you are passed in providing them these companies, you will start off noticing that your sims are offering you a lot very good quantity of tax in return to these providers. In the mean whilst sims are also inquiring for particular solutions like educations parks transportation’s and a lot more. If you could manage individuals providers way too then your populace will start boosting madly. But prior to providing special solutions just make confident that your sims are getting adequate simple providers which I have talked about before. Contentment of the sims will give you trace about how sims are searching to your overall performance, you can increase their joy by offering their basic needs. Keep in mind your sims joy decides the % of tax volume you will gather in the subsequent period/day. Just preserve sims pleased and collect 20% tax each and every working day you arrive back again in your metropolis. Is not its effortless ample? These are some basic methods and guidelines for newcomers in this recreation. If you like these ideas then make sure you like and share our web page more than facebook and be part of us there for contributing much more info with regards to this great game. how to hack simcity buildit for android SIMCITY BUILDIT IF YOU Adore Cell GAMING, YOU HAVE Obtained TO Try out SIMCITY BUILDIT. IT IS THE Newest Sport Inside of THE SIMCITY SIMULATION Sequence, WHICH Enables YOU TO Create YOUR Own Town. At first, THE SIMCITY LINE-UP WAS FOR Personal computer ONLY, Nonetheless MOBILES HAVE Turn into A lot Far more Potent IN Latest A long time, AND ARE NOW Capable OF 3-D GAMING. Mobile GAMING IS ALSO Far more Handy, YOU CAN Enjoy SIMCITY BUILDIT ON YOUR Everyday COMMUTE TO Operate, ON YOUR LUNCH Split – GAMING Is not JUST Minimal TO WHEN You are AT Property Anymore, THESE Times – YOU CAN Game Anyplace. EA Experienced TO MAKE A Few Online games FOR THE Cell Market place, IN Order TO Include THAT SECTOR – Consequently THEY Began TO Produce Mobile Versions OF THE SIMCITY LINE-UP. SIMCITY BUILDIT IS AN Absolutely Superb Sport, THE GRAPHICS ARE Lovely, THE GAMEPLAY IS Smooth – THERE IS Practically nothing YOU CAN DISLIKE ABOUT THIS Match! NOW THAT YOU KNOW YOU CAN USE THE Tool, WHY NOT AT The very least Attempt THE Game? After ALL, IT Will not Value YOU A Single PENNY! SIMCITY BUILDIT HAS MULTIPLAYER MODES, AND One-Participant MODES. WHICH Allows YOU TO Get pleasure from Solitary-Player WHEN YOU Really don't HAVE WI-FI, AND THEN Appreciate THE Range OF MULTIPLAYER MODES WHEN You’re AT Property, ON A Higher Pace Knowledge Link. SIMCITY Characteristics A “COLLECTING” Sport MECHANIC, In which YOU HAVE TO Acquire IN-Game Cash TO Create YOUR Metropolis. THIS IS WHAT OUR HACK Helps YOU WITH, IT CAN Just GIVE YOU IN-Recreation Money, SO THAT YOU CAN Instantly Construct A Enormous Town, AND Show OFF TO YOUR Friends. WE Believe THAT THIS IS Fantastic, AND THAT Makes it possible for YOU TO Instantaneously BE 1 OF THE Far better Gamers Inside THE Match. IS THE SIMCITY BUILDIT HACK Appropriate FOR ME? WE Believe THAT IT IS. Following ALL, Game titles ARE Intended TO BE Fun. IF YOU Cannot Development IN THE Match, Which is NOT Exciting AT ALL. IF YOU HAVE TWO Units, Such AS A Pill Unit AND A Mobile, YOU CAN USE TWO ACCOUNTS. THIS WAY, YOU HAVE A HACKED ACCOUNT ON YOUR Mobile phone, AND A Actual, Real ACCOUNT ON YOUR Pill. THIS Permits YOU TO Still Enjoy THE Sport Properly, BUT Merely HAVE Enjoyable ON YOUR Cellular. THIS IS THE Method THAT Numerous Individuals USE WITH HACKED Game titles, AS YOU May Discover Your self Obtaining BORED OF THE Recreation As soon as You’ve HACKED IT, AS THERE Is not Genuinely A Objective – YOU JUST Develop Stuff. TO Appreciate OUR SIMCITY BUILDIT Cellular HACK, Basically SCROLL UP AND Simply click ON "GO TO GENERATOR". THIS WILL Consider YOU TO THE Website page In which YOU CAN USE THE HACK BY Merely INPUTTING YOUR USERNAME, AND IN-Sport Currency WILL BE CREDITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT Inside A Number of MINUTES OF Using THE HACK.
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