#sure id much prefer it to be free rather than like £3 for the set but like. this is my problematic capitalist moment
wavetapper · 2 years
I'm glad that the only paid dlc in risebreak (except the expansion ofc) is minor cosmetic stuff and not shit like better weapons and levelling and what have you but also I am not immune to purchasing fake outfits for my little man with real money
in my defense if I don't get this I'm playing the game wrong so
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I'm not sure how late I am to ask for something off of your prompt list. If you are still accepting these prompts, what about 21: ‘Is that a lovebite?’ with Vanderwood or Yoosung. Whoever you are comfortable writing for 😊
I hope you like this!! I love lovebites so much, I think they’re super cute <3  also CW: alcohol and mild references to mild nsfw
‘Is that a lovebite?’ - Yoosung Kim X Reader Drabble
          -‘Yoosung, we’re going to be late! Turn off the game, already!’ You stood in the door way to Yoosung’s dorm room, his flatmates had all gone home for half term for Yoosung preferred to stay at his university accommodation so he could ‘study’, essentially meaning he could play LOLOL without any interruption for days on end. You’d come to stay with him for a bit when Zen had suggested everyone met up for a few drinks if they were free, which you were very excited about.         ‘Just two minutes, ____!  - ‘Can’t you pause it?’       ‘You can’t pause an online game, I’m nearly done!’ - ‘Right, you have two minutes.’      ‘Alright guys, I’ll just raid this room and then I’ll have to head off for the night. Stay strong without me.’ He said into his mic as the flurry of fingers against his keyboard suddenly picked up speed. 
You adjusted your necklace and slipped your boots on, stumbling over slightly as you did so. You then also checked yourself over once again in the mirror to make sure your outfit sat right. It wasn’t often that you got to hang out with everyone, so you wanted to make an effort for it whilst you had the chance. You tapped your foot as you waited for Yoosung to emerge from his room. When he finally did appear, he was dressed and furiously brushing his teeth to speed up time as he threw his wallet, ID, keys and a tub of ‘lucky stew’ that he had lovingly made for Zen as a congratulations on his new role into his rucksack. Yoosung stopped and looked up at you, his eyes instantly sparkling as he took in your appearance. Through a mouthful of toothpaste, he mumbled:            ‘Wow, ____. You look really pretty!’ - ‘Thanks, Yoosung. You look really pretty too,’ You smiled and laughed at your own response, giving him a kiss on the cheek to avoid getting the toothpaste on you, ‘but we’re also really late so I’m going to call the taxi.’ You turned away to dial and very quickly Yoosung got everything together and locked up so the two of you could stand outside for the taxi to arrive. It was only when the taxi arrived that you realised you could see something peaking out of Yoosung’s collar. Oh my god, was that a- - ‘Yoosung, is that a lovebite?’ You blushed, and with a slight panic realised that everyone else was going to see it. It’s not that they didn’t know that you and Yoosung were together, but you would be so embarrassed if they saw a lovebite on him. You didn’t even remember doing it, which felt worse! You tried to recall, and almost instantly a whirlwind of last night’s scenes played through your head and yeah, you did give him a lovebite. Yoosung looked as distressed as you did, immediately knowing that Seven and Zen would never let him live it down. He also knew how embarrassed you would be if you got bullied about it, but before he had the chance to go and change into a turtleneck, the taxi arrived. Just your luck.
 Yoosung didn’t mind having a lovebite from you, he actually thought it was rather cute, but oh god, his life was flashing before his eyes as the taxi ride continued. He can see Seven’s shit-eating grin already. He can hear Zen’s laughing.  - ‘I have an idea!’ you said as you started rummaging through your bag, ‘I have some concealer!’           ‘Will that work? Won’t it be obvious that I’m wearing make up?’ He replied, slightly unsure of the stick of make up you were presenting proudly to him. - ‘It might not be the right shade for you, but I’ve used it on lovebites you’ve given me.’ He seemed bashful at your response, probably because the taximan was giving the two of you strange glances in his rear-view mirror, not that it was any of his business. You smudged come of the cream concealer onto your finger and applied it to the purple mark that sat just above the side of his collarbone. You had to apply a few layers to the bruise because it seemed as though you really went to town on his neck. You moved back to get another look at it, it was less obvious but it was still sort of visible. You rummaged once again in your bag and found some powder to set it with, explaining to your boyfriend that as long as he didn’t sweat the make-up probably wouldn’t budge. He seemed a little less scared for his life as he looked in the reflection of his phone and thanked you for the make up.
When you arrived to the bar, everyone had already taken a seat, except for Seven who was apparently finding somewhere to park because he didn’t trust people on the main road to not damage his baby. So far so good, you sat down next to Yoosung on the side of the lovebite so no one would turn to glance that way to talk to him and no one seemed to notice it was there. The waiter came to take your drinks and Yoosung gave Zen the lucky stew, who seemed less than pleased about the gift but accepted it under the promise that there was no salted ham in there, since Zen had to think about this face. This then earned a response from Jumin stating that Zen never stopped thinking about his face, and it very quickly descended into chaos. Jaehee looked as though she was ready to start knocking back shots to deal with the stress of having to spend her Friday night with her boss, but resigned herself to conservatively sipping on a light spritzer until Jumin went home.
You wondered what was taking Seven so long to park, and you also noted that you had to remember to thank him for offering to drive you and Yoosung back home after the end of the night, he didn’t drink alcohol so he was automatically the designated driver and you were very excited to get to ride in one of his fancy cars. Just as you were thinking this, you suddenly heard his voice greeting the group. The redhead pulled up a seat at the table and ordered himself a Dr Pepper and said hi to everyone properly. He stopped at Yoosung, squinting slightly before breaking into the smuggest shit-eating grin you think you’d ever seen on him. Oh no. Your heart stopped. ‘Yoosung, is that a lovebite?’
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devildamn · 3 years
You plan on making poly headcanons? Id love to read them
Heck yee, I love poly ships >w< Tbh, the way I see it, even as a harem, there are some pretty distinct smaller groupings. A bunch of em…. Hmmm… I’ll make a list with my thoughts on each. Just plz keep in mind, for the MC ships, I’ll explain more the relationship between the named characters than with them because… MCS are just so varied, I cant account for everyone and how they’d be. And if I do bring em up, it’s based on what I like in my MCs lol <w< Or what I think would mesh the best.
-        Diavolo/Lucifer/Barbaratos: Yee I ship these council goons. Their friendship is so cute, especially how both Lucifer and Barbaratos have a soft spot and give in to Diavolo’s antics uwu Like, I swear, anytime one of them tells Diavolo no to something, the other will help enable him anyways. I’m a sucker for ‘touch starved/needy Diavolo’ too, so I like to imagine the three’s relationship starting as professional with the occasional moments of showing they care, but once they get closer and Diavolo confesses (particularly to Lucifer) about his insecurity in feeling alone, their level of touchy-feely-ness will gradually increase… behind closed doors that is. Barbaratos has no shame in his affections being public, he likes making Diavolo happy, but Lucifer is hesitant to make their relationship known. He’d rather keep up appearances, and Diavolo doesn’t want to ask too much of him, so this is their compromise.
-        Asmodeus/Solomon/MC: Ahahaha look v-v I am not much of an Asmo fan. But I can see his appeal, and I do like the Solomon/Asmodeus ship. That said, how their poly ship can work depends entirely on the MC (tho that’s a given with how different MCs can be lol). Asmodeus is sure to love having two powerful humans be in control of him, even flaunting it as a sort of status symbol. And he’d most definitely act like a brat. I don’t see Solomon as being one to give into Asmo as much as he’d want someone to, so I can imagine this scenario being common, lol:
Asmo going to Solomon for whatever reason. Solomon is busy/distracted and keeps brushing off Asmo’s attempts to get his attention. Asmo gets HUFFY and storms to MC to demand attention from them instead.
Basically, MC would have to bear the brunt of Asmo’s needs lol. Solomon won’t always be so obtuse, but he’s just not as inclined to emotional stuff.
-        Solomon/Simeon/Luke: Love their dynamic. Just friends looking out for each other <3 I can especially imagine them in domestic situations. Their dissing Solomon’s cooking? Solomon’s and Simeon’s shared custody of keeping Luke from trouble? <3 <3 <3 Bonus, heres a scenario I like:
Luke being a ‘helicopter parent’ to Solomon’s annoyance when he gets super into a project. Bringing him snacks, tidying up his workspace, sending him texts to remind him of stuff he needs to do. All the while scolding him for not taking better care of himself, but secretly feeling happy that he is needed. Simeon helps take care of Solomon too, but not to the extent that Luke does. He’s better at watching from the sidelines, amused at Luke hauling a semi-conscious Solomon from bed to get a proper breakfast.
-        Belphegor/Beelzebub/MC: >-> Here’s a bit of a rant. It’s no secret I hate Belphie. No hate to Belphie lovers, y’all are great and free to love who you love, my gripe is just with how little the story did to redeem him to us. Anyways, my hate for him extended so much that it affected my love for Beel too ;o; See, before his return, I LOVED Beel. He was cutting it close with Mammon in being my favorite. He’s such a wholesome boi full of love for his family <3 But with Belphie’s return… loving Beel and hating Belph is just not good for him.It’d never work. They are a package deal. The closest of the brothers. Of course all your time with Beel or Belph would be spent with the other as well. Even Belph tells you that in his dream scenario, he’d run away with you and Beel and live happily together. They are already set on loving one person together, that’s just how it is -w-“
-        Lucifer/Mammon/MC: Mammon is Lucifer’s favorite brother. In particular, people note that he finds Mammon to be cute. Weeeeeellllllllllll, here’s a bit of tmi for my take on my MC, the reason they dislike Lucifer is because his personality is a bit like theirs too, with some key differences. And of course, that being the case…. Mammon is their favorite too. So, the way I see this is, both Lucifer and MC sharing Mammon. Lucifer scolds him, MC comforts and enables him, Lucifer tries but can’t stop MC, and the song and dance continues. <3
-        Leviathan/MC/Mammon: Listen, the beef these two had is the first thing you’re thrown into and I find it hilarious in retrospect. Levi does not like you, and only approaches you to use you to get back at Mammon. This makes Mammon the first to form a contract with you, and later, become your first genuine friend out of the brothers. The first to care uwu Then, WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE and Levi has grown to like you, his dialogue about you preferring Mammon? “Is it because he was your first?” Motherfucker, you could’ve been the first if you weren’t so up your ass in calling me ‘Normie Trash’ X,D Jealous shit. But it’s cute in a way. His rivalry with Mammon, their bickering. Both vying for MC’s attention, calling out each other’s bs, later having moments of defending the other when shit gets too far or others attack em, it’s entertaining to me.
-        Asmodeus/MC/Beelzebub: I’ll keep this one short. I can see this solely because Asmo has, on multiple occasions, spoken of his interest in Beel. To be FAIR, Asmo would form a polyship with ANY of his brothers, lol, just typing this one in particular for that reason.
-        Beelzebub/MC/Luke: Absolutely wholesome. Adorable. I feel that out of all the brothers, Luke has the best relationship with Beel. I’d love to see them interact more -w- (I am on Lesson 29). As it stands, I’m jumping into headcannon territory straight up lol:
MC and Luke get close first. Luke is the first person to have reached out to MC with good intentions (which compared to the brother’s hostile initial meetings, is a HUGE relief), and since MC respects and does not tease Luke, he attaches to them like a puppy. Beel and them grow close too with the reveal of the family history, and Beel generally feeling at ease with both people. Can you picture Beel feeling drowsy, draped over Luke as he studies and finding the scent of baked goods and vanilla coming from him comforting? Cuz I can -/w/- Hella cute. Luke IS pushy, and Beel finds it annoying at times. They’d have arguments, and initially, Beel would subconsciously make Luke feel threatened with his size and temper, but with the help of MC interfering, he’d be more mindful of it in the future. With the curbing of Beel’s temper, Luke would also learn to feel more comfortable around him, and ALSO with MC’s interference, he’d be more mindful of his nagging nature. All in all, their arguments would lead to them feeling huffy the next day and giving the other the silent treatment… but then after a while, Luke would bake too much of something and aaah, he GUESSES Beel could have some since it just so happens to be his FAVORITE… and they’d be back to snuggling. Bleeh.
Aight, so that was the list <3 I’m open to others, and if you’d like any more specifics on any you are free to send me more asks! Just that these were the ones I could think of immediately and distinctly. To be fair, MC could be added to any of the ships I have without em, but as stated before, it’s hard to characterize MC as anything other than what I like uwu So I’ll refrain from doing so unless it’s specified as such. My MC, Boo <3 Thank you for the ask!
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m4rkiza · 3 years
another headcanon
this feels like a fanfiction but anyway,
leon and raihan is a pretty healthy couple.when theyre in the middle of an argument,if one raise their voice just a bit,the other backs off and suggest to take a few hours,even days to cool down, and then talk about it when theyre calm and is able to think straight to avoid unwanted events.
and currently theyre in the middle of an argument,theres a rising problem in the league,and them being the top trainers with equally great intelligence,  theyre expected to solve it
theyve been arguing because when theyre discussing about how to solve it,theres a ...quite serious disagreement , which led into a debating session,so they decide to have time to think about it by themselves instead of discussing about it,just for a day or two.
but theres another problem rising,which came from a different source, a pokemon breeding centre,theres some issue with dragon type pokemon,leon expect raihan to be the only person whos expected to help,but because leon has 2 on his team,he was asked to help raihan. sadly he cant decline the request. 
theyre in the middle of their “argument” but that doesnt matter of course,since both got an email to help the breeder to solve the pokemon breeding issue,they push their personal problems aside and try to discuss about it,which sadly led into another debating session. both decide to stop and sit down
raihan lets out a sigh “3 days?”
“..sure i guess” leon answer hesitantly,both actually cool off easily and they certainly dont need 3 days to just cool down and think. 3 days without raihan is too long afterall,but leon assume that maybe,he had pushed the wrong buttons and just agree to avoid another conflict,which wont happen.he knows raihan, but he rather not
raihan tilts his head “you look hesitant, 2 days maybe? ive already set up papers to solve the other problem we had,so i guess 2 days is enough,how about you?”
leon looks up to raihan, “i already figure out yesterdays solution too, so... 2 days? then we discuss about the league issue,then suggesting it to the staff?”
raihan nodded “yes,then we discuss about this and gave the result to the pokemon breeding centre”
leon agrees, finally,an agreement.
the next day comes, leon suddenly has an appointment out of nowhere,oleana certainly didnt tell him about this,and now,leon is sorrounded by hellspawns.
hes in the local kindergarten,which is not bad, but this kindergarten hits different,leon has lost count of kids whos trying to stole his cap and pull his cape off. heck,even one kid almost peed on him. 
once hes free from hell,he really wants to reunite with raihan,but theyre on their...relationship break? he doesnt even know what its called because its really rare for them to argue.
but because leon is on the edge of bursting out,he decide to just,take a quick shower to make himself look presentable,and flew to hammerlocke
he arrives at the gym, walking through the hall,being guided by one of the gym trainer,to raihans office. his eyes is already glassy with tears.
he entered raihans office, raihan is there, sitting on the couch with paperworks,he move his head to meet leon,eyes wide when he see a familiar purple hair
“leon? do you want to discuss it now? ive cooled down and i al-”
leon lets out a mewl,a sad one. which surprises raihan. raihan stared at him,brows furrowing,he noticed leons golden eyes were glistening “wait-” he got up,walks his way to leon “dandelion,darling” oh how leon has been craving to be called that, “whats wrong? did i do something-”
“i had a surprise appointment today” leon croak out “i- oleana didnt told me about it-” did he just sob? “i wasnt prepared and we went to a fucking place filled with tiny demonic creatures” he leans in to raihans comforting touch “worst than giratina and darkrai, id prefer to hang out with them rather than those- those kids” leons sobs got more violent “they- they were trying to stole my champion hat and tried to pull of my cape,which almost choked me,dragon” 
raihan concerns starts to grow faster when leon called him dragon,since leon only use that particular nickname when he feels unsafe or when hes super stressed out. 
“i- i almost cried in place, i was tired for- figuring out the solutions and we had 2 debate in a span of one week, we, we rarely argue dragon,” leons grip on raihans arm got tighter,”those kids” raihan can see pure fear in leons eyes “hit the spot,one- one of them almost peed on me raihan,im glad one of the teacher grab them fast enough,i wouldnt know what id do if that actually happened”
raihan hold leon tight,then make him to sit down on the couch, leon didnt let go of raihan when raihan wanted to take a cup of water, he asked raihan to stay and hold him more, raihan cant blame him,that kindergarten IS basically hell and he doesnt understand how the teacher can withstand those tiny demons, this week has been hectic too,he cant blame leon really,he felt bad about initiating one of the debates but,i guess that doesnt matter anymore when theyve found the solutions.
leon is now on his lap,hugging raihan by the shoulder sobbing quietly. all raihan can do is hugging leon back,making sure he feels safe. 
after the sobbing had died down,raihan asks leon
“lee?baby?” raihan calls out, leon lets out a mumble, “let me handle the pokemon breeding issue yeah? its about dragon type afterall,i can do it myself,im just gonna take your typed out suggestions and take care of it by my own,about the league issue,lets just combine our solution and come with a neutral conclusion, is that okay darling? or do you want to discuss about it tomorrow? we can stay in my place if you want”
leon slowly repositioned his body to face raihan,he nodded “yeah, okay,ill let you take care of the breeding centre,but dont overwork yourself raihan, about the league,lets just combine our solutions,it does feels irresponsible though,they expect us-”
“leon,my dearest,lets think about YOU for awhile,the league aint shit,my love,how do you feel about it?” raihan cuts off
“...i..personally,i dont want too..” leon looks down, he wants to give the best for the league,but raihan is right,he needs to prioritize himself just for tonight,so he can give the best to the region tomorrow morning
“there you go,now- let me just-” raihan proceed to carry leon, as if hes a baby,leon just dont give a single fuck at this point,he just want to sleep like a rock for 8 hours,he leaned and put his head near raihans neck,looping his arm around raihans shoulder tighter,hes grateful raihan is big and strong enough to carry a 80kg bulky man like he is
“dragon,love” leon mumbled right next to raihans ear, “im..sorry i initiated the breeding center debate,i .. i shouldnt even argue with you,you knew so much more”, raihan kissed leons head, “no worries baby,i dont mind,you are a bit...selfish sometimes,but its okay,its not like im far from that either,since im the one who started to argue about the league issue,despite me not knowing much about it,im sorry about that too”
leon answered “so we good?”
raihan smiled, “always been”
leon hugged raihan tighter and closed his eyes,trusting his dragon that he will take care of him,when leon opened his eyes,hes already in a familiar place,raihans apartment,to be more specific,hes on the bed,wearing one of raihans t-shirt and...his own pajama pants? raihan is currently putting socks on his left feet,raihan noticed that his prince has woke up, “go back to sleep,ill keep you safe,i wont let rose or oleana to put their hands on you” leon looked at him “but how about you?im not gonna have a day off tomorrow if youre not sitting next to me,whats the point of a single day off if 1 of my favorite person isnt there next to me?”
raihans got surprised “wait how did you know i told them to give you a day off?” leon smiled “instinct”
raihan chuckled while crawling to the bed,setting himself next to leon, “i didnt enter hell today so i dont need one” he teased, leon hugs raihan by the waist,giving it a firm grip “raihan my precious dragon, love,sweetheart,im begging you to stay, please,im not fully sane yet,i need you to keep me on the ground,and dont commit a genocide,raihan pleaaase,do your work at home-” raihan cuts him off “no! you’d help me with it! you need to rest,prince!” raihan answered with a laugh, leon tighten his grip “but i need you! how can you leave me alone and insane like this! how dare you!” leon said,mimicking his voice to sound like a dramatic damsel in distrest
raihan obeys,of course he will,hes actually on the edge too,the breeders are plain out stupid and its no wonder that the dragon type mons had an issue,they shouldve put the baby on HIS breeding center instead,he knows well about it anyway,who the heck brought the baby dragons there?! not to mention how they act like they know more than raihan,the dragon tamer,the only certified dragon type specialist in the whole region. raihan was so fed up,the paperwork from the gym arent helping either,he got 3 helping hands and it overwhelms them all,he guess he should give the whole gym trainer just a single day break to sleep the whole day and get themselves charge. and so he did,he typed out a short email to all the gym trainers,that they will have a day off tomorrow,
leon smiled in satisfaction as raihan typed out the email on his phone,he knew raihan was close to murder someone too,,but knowing raihan,he wont take a day off if leon told him too. but raihan WILL do it,if leon beg raihan to stay with him,hes concerned about it and might talk about it, that he should prioritize himself and not his lover,but not definitely not now,nor later.someday probably.
after raihan sent the emails,he turned off the bedside lamp, and proceed he put his head on leons plump chest, “alright,nighty night prince,i love you”
leon put his hand on top of raihans head,petting it gently“night dragon,i love you too”
then they sleep. 
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oficytheft · 3 years
Finding His Way Out of the Time Stream: < Chapter 6 >
Leonard was not happy with being benched, even if he still wasn't quite at 100% just 3 days after coming back he was close enough even without his gun; and with how Dahrk and the Legion had manipulated his younger self into helping them? He had a bone to pick with the resurrected asshole. Instead though there he was on the ship with Zari, Amaya, and Helen of Troy; the others had gone to help Stein, and since the ladies charm didn't seem to affect him? Sara had asked him to stay on the ship encase any of Darhk's pose showed up on the ship. He'd decided that the best place to sit was perched on the center console on the bridge, one leg propped up as he rested his elbow on his knee to prop it up and rest his chin in his hand well his other leg dangled.
He had his gun off his leg and in his trigger hand ready to shoot if he needed to, but currently? He was just watching as Helen paced back and forth looking worried well Amaya and Zari went to make sure the doors were sealed shut. Could he have gone and helped him? Yeah, but he was kind of hoping someone ended up on the ship so he could start a fight. After so long being stuck in the time stream he was starting to get antsy just staying in the ship for so long. Finally, he slid down off where he was sitting and walked over to lean against the door frame to Sara's office. "Really don't get all the fuss, do they just not have attractive people in Ancient Greece?" He knew that wasn't it, if that was the case then she wouldn't be having the effect that she was on people in a future time. It was probably just some naturally occurring meta power that she didn't know how to control.
"Unfortunately I'm afraid I've been cursed by the gods, a thoughtless remark by someone who saw me and my beauty was turned into a curse." Leonard couldn't help but roll his eyes, he'd gotten the rundown of the myth from Gideon when they'd learned who it was that they were after. He figured that if Darhk was interested in the woman? Maybe she had a connection to one of these totem things or something, that's why he'd recruited the water witch after all from what they'd learned; who was to say that wasn't his end goal with her too. "I don't understand why you aren't affected though unless you prefer the company of men to women."
Leonard couldn't help the roll of his eyes before he lifted his gun, resting it on his shoulder before answering. "I prefer the company of people that don't make me wanna shoot 'em, a pretty face doesn't mean anything to me." His attention was drawn away then, focusing on the screen on the far wall where she could see Amaya fighting the water woman. "Well, that ain't good." He turned then and raised his free hand to let the end of his gun fall into it, telling her as he walked away. "Stay here or come help I don't care, just don't get yourself killed. Don't need to hear it from the esteemed Captain."
He didn't bother to check if the woman was following him or not as he made his way down the hallway, he didn't exactly rush but when he saw Amaya fighting in the hallway he took note of Helen peaking out from behind the corner of the other end of the hallway as he aimed his cold gun at her feet in order to avoid hitting Amaya just in time for the blonde to stab her in the back. Neither one seemed to do more than cause her pain though before she liquified herself and slid through the vent grate at her feet. "Great! Now she could be anywhere on this damn tin can." And they couldn't have Gideon do a scan of the ship until it was up and running again, should have told Amaya to move and just froze the bitch solid.
When the team got back to the ship with an unconscious Sara? Leonard made it very well known how incompetent he thought they all were, and as soon as Gideon was back on he told her to scan the ship for Kuasa once she was done fixing their captain. He had no plans to take over this half-baked mission of fighting some mysterious demonic being that could use magic time travel well she was out, but someone had to make sure that they weren't all going to get killed in their sleep. He didn't bother sticking around the medbay after they all got Sara hooked up, he'd already been itching for a fight before and now? No better. He headed to his own room rather than Mick's like he had been the last few days, preferring to channell his frustration there.
Not that Mick wouldn't get him being upset, Sara just reminded him too much of Lisa and the idea of her being hurt felt too much like the idea of Lisa being hurt. And this was why Leonard Snart didn't get close to people, this is why after Mick had nearly died in that fire in 2014 he had stayed away for 10 months. He didn't like the lack of control he felt when people he cared about ended up hurt, plans going off the rails he expected and accepted fairly easily. People he gave a shit about dying? Well, it was expected with the life he lived even before but it wasn't something he was so great at accepting. That's why there were so few people he let himself care about. When he got to his room he started opening totes and pulling out his things that had been put into storage, he'd mostly been pulling anything he needed out without unpacking the last few days because he was busy getting fully filled in on what was happening and fixing his gun.
If anything Leonard was good at focusing his energy on tasks that needed to be done, of the two storage boxes that he had to unpack he only had half of one left when Mick eventually knocked on the door. Leonard waved his hand in the air in a motion that at this point Gideon understood as 'go ahead and open the doors', he didn't bother turning around as he put the clothes in his hands in the open drawer before turning back to the nearly empty container and pulling out a small zip-up binder. As Mick spoke well walking into the room and plopping himself down in the chair at Leonard's desk. "Thought for sure I'd get to see you punch one of em."
Leonard didn't answer right away, walking over to his bed to set the binder down and open it up. "Well I'm sure it would have been very cathartic I think you're forgetting that you were there and figured 'lets let her take on the trained assassin witch on her own' along with the rest of them." He spread the contents of the binder across the top of his blanket as he spoke, turning to look at Mick with a raised brow. "I die and you take the cash from my go kit?" All of the documents were still in there, a slew of fake ID's ranging from social security cards to passports. The only thing missing, as he'd mentioned, was the substantial amount of cash he kept in it just encase.
He watched Mick raised the beer he'd been holding and pointed at him with the neck of the bottle before replying, clearly ignoring his implication that Mick was just as likely to be punched as the rest of them if Leonard had resorted to that. "You were dead-technically that money was either mine or Lisa's." He wasn't wrong, and if Leonard was honest with himself? He wasn't surprised, he probably would have done the same thing if the situation had been reversed. He turned back to his bed and began shuffling it all neatly back into the binder, making a mental note to go use the fabricator to make some cash to put in it later as he slipped the binder into place under his pillow.
He reached in and grabbed the last thing out of the box before flipping the lid shut and pushing it towards the wall of the room along with the other empty one, taking his parka and hanging it on a hook on the wall near the door. "Sara wake up?" The likely answer was no or Mick probably would have mentioned it when he'd come in, the grunt he got in response was answer enough. "Between this and helping pull my younger self outta the timeline to mess with your head? Damien Darhk is practically begging for me to personally end his life." He leaned so he was perched on the edge of his bed as he spoke, crossing his arms in front of him as he spoke.
"Gideon said she'll be fine, put her in a coma or something to help her heal." Mick told him before putting his empty bottle down on Leonard's desk. "You sleeping in here tonight then?" Leonard hadn't really thought about that one way or another, he'd mainly started putting his things away as a way to focus the agitated energy that he'd felt. It had worked, he had all of his things back where they belonged now and he felt much less agitated than he had been before.
He decided at that moment that not messing with Mick was out of the question, and so he quirked an eyebrow and asked him. "Why? You hoping to lure an ancient greek princess in there tonight?" He didn't think he was; when they had a falling out and were away from each other for a few months? Sure. Sometimes Mick slept with other people, over the years Leonard himself might have gotten drunk enough once or twice that the same was true. But when they were together? When they were on good terms? Well, good terms for them anyway. Not the case.
He almost smirked when he elicited exactly the response he was expecting when Mick pushed himself out of his seat and moved so that he was standing in front of him, he managed to hold that back though well he uncrossed his arms and propped his hands onto the edge of the bed. "I wanted to sleep with a woman it wouldn't be some powered bitch who messes with people's minds. An' if I wanted to sleep with her I wouldn't be here making sure you ain't thinkin' 'bout going ta off Darhk." He was almost offended. Sure Mick knew that he saw Sara a lot like Lisa, but he also knew that Leonard wasn't stupid. He supposed that he did just come back from them thinking he was dead though, so Mick being on edge about the idea of him facing life or death wasn't all that strange.
"Careful Mick, I might start thinking you think I'm incompetent if you start assuming I'm gonna do stupid things. I want him dead, don't have a death wish." He pushed himself up slightly off the bed and reached up to lock his arms together behind Mick's head and shifted his weight to his right foot, his left leg moving to hook his foot behind one of Mick's ankles and pull it forward just enough that his only real option was to put his hands down on the bed so that they wouldn't fall onto it . He saw that the other realized what he was doing a second before he felt his mouth on his neck and couldn't help the smug smirk that came to his face as his eyes slipped shut and he let out a hum of satisfaction.
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argentdandelion · 4 years
Things Anti-Monster Politicians Could Do (Extremely Angsty)
(Mild) → (Moderate) → (Severe)→ (Extremely Angsty)
The anti-monster politician would make coordinated attempts to intimidate, harass, trap, kill, or entirely exterminate monsters. Some options add so much angst the tone is unrecognizable as something Undertale-derived. Not recommended for fan works unless Frisk is very competent at going back in time, ruining anti-monster humans’ plans, and giving them their comeuppance.
This options cannot plausibly happen shortly after monsters leave Mt. Ebott. More likely, these options are the culmination of years of anti-monster propaganda establishing monsters as dangerous to humans or, worse, as irrevocably aggressive or uncontrollable.
Tactic 1. Trap Towns
The easiest, most feasible Extremely Angsty option for anti-monster politicians is clandestinely designing certain towns as “trap towns” for monsters, similarly to the terrifying sundown towns of the U.S. in the 1960s.1 To separate them from human witnesses/defenders, the trap towns could be put in the middle of nowhere, and travelling monsters could be directed there through mis-printed maps, faulty GPS, sadistic gas station employees, or just unexpected blockades. Once there, official or de facto policies could specify monsters must be “repelled by all means necessary”. (and, of course, some would die, that being the law’s true purpose)
Anti-monster politicians could also establish a continuous set of states or provinces where monsters are entirely banned, isolating monsters within certain states through this new interstate/inter-province “Barrier”. However, a clandestine trap town system would be technically and politically easier to set up: they could get most of the monster-killing benefits by simply putting the trap towns on state borders.
Tactic 2. Manufactured Disasters
If magic-suppressing devices regulate magic rather than only hinder it, it might be possible to make them amplify magic, or even involuntarily summon a monster’s magic. Since the monsters are used to low levels or are out of practice, this could easily manufacture disasters, justifying even worse measures. Most plausibly, they could simply make the collars stop suppressing magic when the monsters are used to the effect. Thus, a small, harmless bullet display made under magic suppression could become suddenly much more powerful, and likely to hurt a human.
Taking this to the extreme, AMPs could classify all monsters as living weapons, based on their magical ability and alleged aggressive behavior.
Tactic 3. Painful Magic Modification
For even greater angst, rather than making it more difficult to emit bullets, the collars could outright shock monsters or briefly destabilize their bodies if they tried to use magic. If using magic is an instinctive activity or important for proper psychological development, instantly punishing them for using magic would raise them to be a bunch of wrecks.
Anti-monster politicians could, beyond amplifying or suppressing magic, deliberately change the devices’ settings remotely to kill all the monsters at once. Alternatively, they could leave easily exploited security problems in the Internet-connected bands so independent anti-monster hackers can kill monsters without politicians being to blame. Or, AMPs could design the hardware so it will predictably “malfunction” after a certain span of time, or make the software “glitch out” when responding to a new kind of signal getting installed in the area for non-suspicious reasons. Of course, if they were especially clever evil people, they could use an unpredictable combination of all the factors, so no one can figure out what’s causing it until it’s too late.
Tactic 4. Separation
Anti-monster politicians could separate monsters from humans entirely, supposedly for their own safety or for humans’ safety, and put them on faraway “reservations”. (If they’re allowed to stop using magic suppressors on the “reservations”, that would make it extra appealing.) The AMPs could even outright hire assassins to kill a few monsters first, making the reservations look safer.2 For maximum angst, AMPs could ensure the monsters are all slaughtered while they are far away from witnesses or the media.
In a ridiculously angsty setting, anti-monster humans would surely be willing to kill any humans who allied themselves with monsters, or just happened to be in the way during a monster-killing spree.3 They might even seal human allies underground, too. (But not if they know the power of a human-monster fusion)
The worst variant is sealing them Mt. Ebott again, but modifying the new barrier so humans can still get in. Anti-monster politicians could pluck monsters out for use in military weapons (e.g., extracting energy from monster SOULs to make weapons). For really, really angsty options (use sparingly even in high-angst works) they could occasionally brand them as “criminals” for breaking minor and arbitrary laws and invite people at high cost to execute them, a la “canned shoots” for wild animals.
Trap Town Workarounds
Workaround 1: Using blockades to redirect monsters would, obviously, affect human transit too, possibly angering humans who live close to the trap towns. Furthermore, unless there’s a very plausible reason for the blockades (e.g., earthquake damage to the road ahead) a road maintenance crew would figure out the ploy within a few weeks and remove the blockade.
Workaround 2: If there is only a road block, the monsters could simply go off-road (in sufficiently flat terrain) or magically make their vehicles fly to avoid unsuitable terrain and also the trap towns.
Workaround 3: Alternatively, if the anti-monster humans running the trap towns would prefer not to kill other humans, one monster on a cross-country trip could have multiple human passengers and a specific travelling plan. Short of killing the human passengers, there would be witnesses, and therefore big legal repercussions for killing the monsters in the trap towns.
Manufactured Disaster Workarounds
Workaround 1: Technologically-inclined monsters notice the collars can be hacked remotely, and either fix it themselves or force humans to fix it for selfishly-appealing reasons. (e.g., “What if people hacked the collars to suddenly turn them off? Humans could get hurt from magic bullets!” “Uh, thanks, definitely wouldn’t want that to happen.”)
Workaround 2: Monsters make magic-suppressing devices themselves/a quietly pro-monster human does, secretly advised by a monster. If not all manufacturers of magic-suppressing devices are chummy with AMPs, and most monsters use devices the AMPs don’t control, it would be impossible for the AMPs to kill many monsters in an instant.
Painful Magic Modifications
Workaround 1: Monsters “upgrade” the device software en masse....just to give it stronger security protocols and failsafes so suppression won’t become lethal. (If the bands can indeed be hacked through the Internet, they could probably manage security downloads, too.) Anti-monster humans would have a hard time arguing about that, authorized or not.
Workaround 2: Wealthy pro-monster humans dedicate some land to a particularly luxurious reservation, with as few anti-monster restrictions as they can get away with.
Workaround 3: Monsters upload professionally-edited videos of very elaborate magic displays from one of the few places where it’s legal to use magic. The videos became very popular; humans are interested in visiting reservations (even if it’s supposedly dangerous or out-of-the-way) specifically to see the magic shows.
Workaround 4: A travelling troupe of monster performers/cheap movie special-effects providers is allowed to have their collars off when practising or performing magic bullet shows. They show off their great levels of control.
Tactic 4. Separation
Workaround 1: A human interested in a “canned shoot” for a monster, or studying monster SOULs as energy sources, accidentally absorbs a monster SOUL. The monster partially controls their body and tries to use them as a way to free the other monsters. Alternatively, the human becomes sympathetic to the monster and monsters’ plight after living with their very SOUL inside them.
Workaround 2: A monster absorbs a human SOUL, but pretends the human SOUL has gained control over the body because the monster was weak-willed. The monster (pretending to be a human) suggests it’s not so bad to have a monster body, or the power of its (clearly superior) human SOUL within a monster body allows it to intimidate the monster population into submission. (Making it seem less sensible to pluck out and execute “criminals”)
General Workarounds
Workarounds 1: Unpredictable malfunctions (localized gas leaks, fires, viruses, software malfunctions, Internet outages, not having any pens in the whole building to sign a law) keep happening right before anti-monster politicians make horrific laws. (It’s all Frisk’s doing.)
Workarounds 2: All anti-monster politicians live in fear of getting food poisoning right before important meetings where something is signed into law. (And Frisk learns both stealth and the art of poison.)
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Even more terrifyingly...some still exist.  ↩︎
In Undertale: Long Road, a senator named Senator Crier recommends “reservations” for monsters, supposedly for their own safety because they are so fragile around humans. At the same time, three modern-day wizards are using an ancient artifact to extract monster SOULs, which kills monsters. The string of murders scares monsters, and probably motivates them to send their kids to Asgore’s summer camp at the last minute.  ↩︎
In a frightening GlitchTale prequel video, set in the first war between humans and monsters, a masked magic-user sealed a town in a magical dome and filled the dome with (presumably poisonous) gas, killing both human and monster residents. In GlitchTale itself, the supposedly pro-human, anti-monster Betty is quite willing to kill hundreds of humans to gain the power necessary to exterminate monsters. ↩︎
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astrozones · 4 years
Sanders Behavioral Health, Chapter 4: Mother Logan
three hours bouta be gone
discord for only the truest Lads. gender dont matter- Astro’s Zone
Three hours.
Fifteen minutes.
Another hour.
Another break.
And so on and so forth, until it was exactly 8:45 p.m. and Logan would get ready for bed, and when 9:00 came around he would ideally be sleeping, no electronic devices in sight.
It was the perfect schedule for a weekend of study. And Logan sure did need it, he was only a couple months ahead in the curriculum, which was a month less than where he should be right now.
But just as Logan sat down to start, his phone chimed. Logan was 100% prepared to ignore it, but the voice told him he had to pick it up. The metaphorical voice, of course. Now that he knew how to identify it, he knew it was either his OCD or anxiety, and oftentimes both.
Logan stared at the book in front of him, not moving in the slightest. He knew it was stupid, he didn’t have to check anything. But, he could still anxiety rushing through his body.
He picked up the phone and went through his texts, feeling relief almost instantaneously.
{ We should all hang out today!!! }
[ Wait whend the chat name change ]
| like last night roman where were you |
[ Sleeping??? ]
| sleep? who’s she never heard of her |
[ And going back to Patton i am free today ]
{ Yay!!!! }
| my parents are gonna force me to do homework if I don’t, so sure |
{ !!!! }
{ Logan? }
{ We can see you’re online!! }
( I’m afraid I am busy today. I’m studying. )
{ I thought you were ahead in the class?? }
( Yes, I am. But I am not where I want to be. )
{ Aw, Logan!! You should take time to not overwork yourself!!! }
( I do. And I was under the impression that you were busy this weekend. )
[ And i oop- ]
| i can’t believe roman’s a vsco girl |
[ sksksksk ]
| that wasn’t an invitation. |
{ I am for most of the day!! I was thinking we could have a sleepover!!!! ^-^ }
| wait so i do have to do my homework? |
| i’m willing to do it if it means i get to punch roman when he acts like a vsco girl again |
[ Id like to see you try ]
{ I would very much prefer there to be no punching, but it’s great to see you’re both in!!! }
{ And Logan? }
( ... )
( I suppose I can think about it. )
{ OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }
{ We have the whole famILY :3!!! }
| huh I thought roman would’ve had something to say about that. |
{ I do have some bad news though ;-; }
{ My parents are repainting our living room and don’t wanna risk anyone messing it up :( }
{ So I was wondering if either of you were willing to host? Not Logan because he’s still considering it }
| ugh i should’ve been more picky about it and I wouldn't have to go through this |
| well my room’s too messy and it’d take more than the day to clean |
{ Well, Roman??? }
{ Roman?????????? }
[ Wait what ]
[ Sorry one of my posters fell down and i had to fix it ]
[ Lemme read through the chat ]
| lmao |
[ … ]
[ asdkfldsaihateyouvirgildksfl i suppose i can do it ]
| hey i see that |
[ My parents are out for the weekend so yea ]
{ !!!! YAY!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }
-- --
Logan’s anxiety was yelling at him once more, telling him he needed to put the phone down. Ever compliant to the voice, he put it in a drawer under the desk. A little unnecessary, sure, but it made him feel better.
Logan shook his head, the voice driving into him once more. He was off-schedule! That’s 10 minutes of studying, wasted . He was certainly going to fail, all it would take was one set off his system and he’d get addicted to the freedom it promised.
He took out his pencil, and arranged the books around him to be exactly how he wanted. If it wasn’t, it would be unbalanced, and that certainly wouldn’t do.
Because everyone knows you can’t study unless you have a perfect workspace.
Logan was outside his house, door in front of his face. He huffed.
His parents had kicked him out for a couple hours, telling him he had to go outside for once instead of staying holed up in his study room.
They didn’t get it.
They didn’t get why it was wrong .
According to them, Ramona Steers, a staff from Sanders, had told them all the ins and outs of what they needed to help Logan get better, and that making him go outside was one of them.
Originally, they said he’d have to be out for 5 hours, but once he told them about the sleepover situation, they had agreed to take an hour off.
So, he was going to a sleepover, he had 4 hours outside, $100 to spend as he wished, and nowhere to go.
Logan walked into the popular local café, The Lolapad, known for it’s fantastic drinks, welcoming aesthetic, and it’s kind owner, Lola Adams.
Lilo was at the counter today, alongside her coworker… Patton?! Logan narrowed his eyes, Patton had never talked about a job, and Logan was a frequent visitor to The Lolapad. Logan knew he had to question him about it.
Well, once he got through this excruciatingly long line, anyway.
The only downside to The Lolapad was its popularity. With it being this early in the morning, it was full of daytime workers preparing for the long day ahead of them. Logan sighed.
He admired the decorations. The floor was a deep blue, to mimic water. The tables were designed like lilypads, and the chairs had a flower pattern. The walls were purple, with painted vines crawling up in some corners of the room.
The ceiling decor was the most impressive, though. Soft, blue lights and glass hung on wires from the ceiling, almost like bubbles flying towards the sky. There was no competition that would ever pass The Lolapad, at least not anywhere nearby.
He recognized a few students lounging in chairs, mostly consisting of the upbeat, extroverted club members.
And, if he was right, one Vanessa Cordill, with her boyfriend, Jace Lendell.
God, he despised Vanessa. She had been a huge bully in the past, only stopping after he stopped reacting to it. Logan hardly had anything to do in class, having learned all of this in his own time, and his teachers would yell at him the moment he picked up a book to study ahead of the curriculum. So, seeing what his classmates were doing was the only interesting option.
And oh, Logan saw .
He was never one for gossip, but he remembered so many things.
And most of it had to do with Vanessa.
Like that time she had snuck a gun into the bag of the boy beside her- Victor Jackson. Victor was taller, and larger, and had a mean-looking face. For anyone who got to know him, though, he was very sweet, and hated hurting people.
Victor was expelled the next day.
Logan had, of course, defended Victor. But Vanessa was convincing, lying her way through her nice girl act until the principal was convinced.
So, Logan did what he did best. He collected evidence. And, once he felt as though he had enough, he would report her.
But until then, he was forced to stand by and watch as Vanessa got to do whatever she wanted.
She was like a villain out of a bad movie, or a crappy fanfiction.
“Oh, Logan!” Patton’s voice dragged him out of his thoughts. Logan was at the front of the line, apparently. “I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“Neither did I,” he responded. “When did you start working here?”
“Oh, no, I don’t usually work here! Jessalyn asked me to replace her today, well, she asked last week- so I’m working here for a couple hours! Lola was okay with it, she’s really nice y’know? And-”
“Are you getting paid?” Logan asked. It would be rather selfish of Jessalyn to keep all of the money, at least in his opinion.
Patton shook his head. “Nuh-uh. But I’m okay with it though! I like helping people. Now, what can I get ya?”
Logan found himself on a swing at an empty park. He had finished his drink, and was now letting himself go back, and forth, back, and forth. He wasn’t the biggest fan of attempting to do anything… potentially dangerous, but he found softly letting himself go back and forth was a good way to collect his thoughts.
The birds chirped in the background as the sun shone above him. Everything was as it should be, but he couldn’t stay too long at the risk of getting a sunburn.
He heard a text come in, and he pulled out his phone.
{ If your son gets burnt by the sun, is it a sonburn? }
-- --
Logan smiled slightly as the replies came in from his friends, all exclamations of distaste as Patton sent a plethora of emojis, that mostly being-
His friends .
Not that he was against that, of course, but the immediate reaction of calling them his friends was, well, a little unnerving. He had always been the quiet one, and had a few friends in the past, though they had all moved away to other towns or cities or whatever . He didn’t care.
And if his new friends did the same, he would be okay with that. Yes, he would definitely be okay with that. If they cared, they would contact him, and if they didn’t, he was okay with that. There was no use fighting it, after all that would only give him more time to study.
As it should be.
He put his phone away, no use replying, as he had already agreed to go to their sleepover.
He heard giggling from behind him. He was brought back to the real world, only to find that he had slowed to a stop. Logan turned his head around.
There stood a small being, maybe 6-7 years old, and definitely a child. He had a light brown mop of hair on his head, and donned a red-black-green coat and tiara. He stood to face… it.
“Hi! I’m Adrian!” the kid said, stuttering over the ‘r’. “What’s- did you just get done from a- a-
‘businesses’ meeting or somethin?”
Logan looked down at himself. He wasn’t even wearing a tie today… he had a simple black button-up shirt, and jeans. What about this screamed ‘professional’?
“No,” was all he said in response.
“Are you- are you gonna go to a businesses meeting?”
“No. I’m still in high school.” At this, the miniature human named Adrian grinned, and he could practically see the metaphorical sparkles.
“That’s so cool! I’m only in firs’ grade, but Mommy says I’m gonna be 7 in-” Adrian started counting on his fingers. “15 months!”
“What… do you mean 15 days?” he asked, it was either that or 15 weeks. Adrian nodded excitedly. What he was excited for, Logan couldn’t tell.
“YEAH! I’m gonna be so smart!” Adrian boasted, causing Logan to smile slightly. “Do you wanna come play wif me?”
“I- er-” he was cut off as the 6-year-old grabbed his hand and tugged him along towards a large willow tree.
“I’m gonna show you my friend- her name is Joy! She has two dads, isn’t that so cool! Some people make funs of her for it- but I find it cool! She’s really funny, there she is!” He pointed towards a girl, presumably 6 as well, in a princess costume, and very red hair.
“JOY! I FOUNDS US A FRIEND FOR OUR TEA PARTY!” hold on, tea party ?!
“It’s Princess Joy now,” the girl stated, surprisingly strict for someone so small. “Who is he?”
“Dis is Logan!” Adrian said, adding in a whispered, “he’s a buisnesses man”
“Hold on-” Logan tried. He suddenly found the purple princess in front of him, eyebrow raised. Was he about to get judged by a child?
“Hmm,” Joy said, looking him up and down before nodding. “He may stay.”
She turned around and strutted back to where she was sitting before. She dusted off her skirt before plopping down on the ground, gesturing for them to sit near her.
“We don’t have an actual table, so we gotta pretend.” Adrian whispered to him before skipping over and sitting near Joy. Logan reluctantly joined them.
“Princess Adrian, may you please pour the tea?” Joy instructed. Adrian nodded, miming the actions of pouring.
“Yes, Peasant Logan,” Logan jerked his head back, this kid - “Princess is longer than prince so’s it’s better than a prince. Princess Adrian and me are both princesses.”
“Prince and princess are equal titles.” Logan said. Joy actually looked offended .
“Yeah!” Adrian chimed in, sitting himself down in his spot. “Everyone knows that.”
“Princess Adrian! That’s rude, Logan’s a peasant so he didn’t know.” Joy said, taking a ‘sip’ of imaginary tea.
“Oh! Sorrys Logan.” Adrian’s voice lowered, and if Logan was right he was on the verge of tears?
“Er… It’s okay Adri- Princess Adrian.”
Adrian brightened. “YAAAY!” he cheered, getting up and bouncing around him. Logan didn’t know what to do-
“That is not princess behavior, Princess Adrian.” Joy said, turning up her nose. Adrian looked confused.
“It isn’t?”
“Princesses are more quiet. I’m 7, so I know better.”
“I’m 17,” Logan cut in. Joy turned to him.
“And? You’re still a peasant, Logan. I don’t makes the rules,” Joy put her cup of tea down. “I only knows them.”
Logan was about to respond, when-
“Woah, hey what’s going on here?” another voice said. Turning around, Logan saw Roman enter their little… area behind the leaves. He sighed.
Adrian gasped from beside him, nearly tripping over his feet in order to get to Roman. He peered up at him.
“Are yous a prince?” He asked, practically vibrating where he stood. Roman scoffed.
“Of course I am, I’m Prince Roman! I just lost my crown.” Roman announced. Adrian glanced at Joy, who nodded, causing Adrian to smile.
“I’m Princess Adrian! That’s,” he turned back around to point at Joy and Logan. “Princess Joy and Peasant Logan.” Roman, the bastard, hid his giggles behind his hand. Logan glared.
“Peasant Logan didn’t knows that princesses are higher than princes cause princess is longer. That’s true, right?” He asked, dragging Roman along to sit with them. Roman looked at Logan, smug.
“Of course! It’s common knowledge! For shame, Logan!” Roman exclaimed as he sat.
“For shame!” Adrian repeated. Logan groaned, shoving his face into his hands. This is not how he thought his day would go.
He felt a small hand pat his knee, and he looked up to see Joy looking at him with a sympathetic frown.
“It’s okay, Logan. Not all of us can be royalty.” She said, before returning to her princess persona and commanding, “Princess Adrian, would you may please pour Prince Roman some tea?”
Adrian nodded, standing up and dashing around the ‘table’ to give Roman his… ‘tea’.
“Thank you, Princess Adrian, I am forever in your debt.” Roman mock bowed from his sitting position. Adrian giggled before returning to Joy.
“Once we are done with our tea, we shall help you find your crown, Prince Roman.” Joy said before taking another sip.
“Of course. Thank you, Your Highness,” Roman faked taking a sip of his tea. “I must say, this tea is quite delicious! I commend your skills, Princess Joy.”
Joy preened at the praise, resituating the tiara on her head. “Thank you, Prince Roman. It is greatly appra- appre- appreciated.”
Minutes of his free time went by as they all mimed sipping tea and making small talk. Well, all except Logan. That quickly changed once Joy prompted him to start drinking, with Adrian and Roman piping up in agreement. Begrudgingly, Logan followed through.
Eventually, Joy stood up and announced that they had all finished their tea, and had to search for Roman’s crown. Logan argued that Roman’s crown didn’t exist. Joy said he was just a peasant and didn’t know what he was talking about. That shut Logan up pretty quick.
So, he was dragged around on the search for a crown he was certain didn’t exist. Joy separated them into teams, Roman and Joy on one, Logan and Adrian on the other. She said her reasoning was ‘one to search and one to protect’, with both her and Adrian on the search side.
Logan silently followed Adrian around as he set out to find it, looking in the places it couldn’t even be at times.
“Logan!” Adrian whispered, tugging on his sleeve. “Logan look! Issa bunny.”
And it was. A cream colored rabbit was frozen staring at them, ready to move at any sudden movement. Hm, that reminded him of Virgil… or was that rude?
He watched as Adrian slowly crept up on the rabbit. Logan looked around to find Joy and Roman. He saw Joy’s bright purple dress… in a tree? Roman was right next to her, carefully following to catch her if she fell while she was searching the tree.
He turned once more to Adrian, only to find him cuddling the bunny. Odd… if it were wild, it would have bolted the moment he came too close, so this one must be socialized. He walked towards Adrian and the rabbit.
Adrian smiled at him as he approached.
“I named him Jerry!” Adrian whispered, extending the rabbit towards Logan. “Wanna pet ‘im?”
Logan reached out to Jerry, only to jump back when it tried to bite him.
“Bad Jerry! Don’t bite people!” Adrian reprimanded the animal, as if it were a dog and not a clearly aggressive rabbit.
Well, at least when they brought it over to the other two it attempted to bite them, so at least it wasn’t exclusively Logan. It seemed to only like Adrian, to Adrian’s delight and Joy’s distaste. They were quickly corralled into a game of House by Joy, the quest for Roman’s crown forgotten.
Joy claimed herself as the father, saying, “I have two dads so I have to be the dad!”. Both Roman and Adrian nodded in agreement at her claim. She pointed to Logan.
“You shall be the mom!”
“ What- ”
“You act like a mom so you are a mom.” She cut him off, turning to Adrian and Roman for confirmation. They both agreed, Roman looking amused at Logan’s sneer.
“I’ll be the kid!” Adrian announced. Joy nodded and pointed to Roman.
“You can be the dog! Because you remind me of the golden dogs.” She said. Logan would’ve laughed if he hadn’t been put in a worse situation. Roman nodded, looking determined.
“Woof,” was all he said. Joy nodded once more.
So Logan found himself playing a game of House, something he hadn’t done in years . He interacted as little as they would let him, dear god if another student came and saw him like this, he wouldn’t survive.
He ended up there for far longer than he had wanted, a total of 6 hours since he was kicked out. Yet he was reluctant to leave, he knew it would break the kids hearts if he did.
He was finally freed from his metaphorical prison when a voice called,
“Adrian! Come on, we gotta drop off Joy at her dads’ house!” A woman called. Logan glanced at Adrian.
“Is that your mom?” he asked. Adrian nodded, turning to the two older men. He gave them both hugs, first Logan, then Roman. He even gave Roman his tiara, saying he was sorry they couldn’t find his crown, and he had more tiaras at home. He turned as Joy stood up and they both sprinted towards Adrian’s mom, well, only after Adrian had picked up Jerry.
Both of the remaining boys watched, amused, as Adrian seemed to argue with his mother before she gave up and let Jerry in the car. Before Adrian got in the car, though, he turned to the boys.
“Bye-bye Logan! Bye-bye Prince Roman!” he shouted, before disappearing into the car.
“So,” Roman started, and Logan mentally prepared to be poked fun at.
“See you at my house in a couple hours?” Logan blinked, once, twice, before he realized that he wasn’t being made fun of for playing with children for several hours. Well, he supposed that made sense, as Roman had done the same.
“Uh… sure.” Was all he said before making his way back home.
Logan was stressed, to say the least, when he got home. His parents were happy that he stayed out for longer than they had offered, but all Logan’s mind would acknowledge was that he went off schedule. He was going to be so behind, this is why you don’t go off schedule, Logan! You get looped into it, and you’ll never get out of it.
He dedicated the rest of his free time to studying.
As it should be.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
5,000 question survey series part--forty-three
4101. What is the most difficult thing you have ever overcome? One is all the surgeries I had as a kid that required spending months in the hospital. It was just a very difficult, frustrating time.  4102. What is more imporatnt, how much someone has achieved or how far they have come to achieve it? Uh, I don’t know if either one is more important than the other. Someone who has achieved anything they’re proud of is something to applaud, whether it’s one thing or many things. I think someone who has had to work hard and came a long way is commendable, but I’m not gonna knock someone who maybe didn’t have to work as hard to achieve something either. I want people to succeed and as long as they’re doing something shady to achieve it, then I’m rooting for you.  4103. Have you ever had anything published? No. I’ve never attempted to have something published either.
4104. Of the following, what kind of person would you be more attracted to (1 is highest, 3 lowest): I don’t look for that in a guy, like I don’t compare them to myself in that way. Besides, I don’t think I’m attractive so I would always think they were more attractive than me. less good looking than you? about as good looking as you? more good looking than you? how goodlooking are you? I’m not. 4105. less inteligent than you? about as intelligent as you? more intelligent than you? I mean, I think it would be nice to be with someone I thought I was intelligent and I could a lot from. It could also be intimidating, though. I wouldn’t want to feel dumb or like I couldn’t contribute anything to the conversation. As long as they weren’t arrogant or cocky about it or put people down for not knowing something. how intelligent are you? Meh. I just feel average. 4106. has less money than you? has about as much money as you? has more money than you? I don’t care about their money. Like, we both could contribute and take care of each other. And if they did have more money than me, I wouldn’t expect them to be the sole provider. I would still contribute what I could. How wealthy are you? I’m not. I’m fortunate that I still live at home and my parents still provide a lot for me financially, but I do contribute what I can towards bills (a couple household bills and my own bills) and whatnot.  4107. less wild and crazy than you? about as wild and crazy as you? more wild and crazy than you? I’m not wild and/or crazy, ha so I couldn’t handle someone who was. I mean, I could handle some, like a little spontaneity and adventure. Someone like, “Hey, let’s take a drive up to the beach or mountains this weekend!” Something along those lines haha nothing too crazy. I’m really gonna need a guy who is down to chill at home and binge watch shows and movies with me, play board games, get takeout, and just take it easy a lot. Not to say we never go anywhere or do anything, but I couldn’t be with someone who always had to be doing something ya know? I don’t have the energy for that and due to health reasons I rest a lot. How wild and crazy are you? I’m not. I’m tame and lame, ha. 4108. Is your bathroom shelf stacked with numorous bottles of lotions and creams? Our bathroom pantry has a lot of that stuff, as well as the cupboard space under the sink. There’s some stuff on the counter, too. 4109. How do you maintain your body? Uhh, I’m thin but I’m not in shape or fit. I’ve always been thin and had a fast metabolism, but for the past few years I’ve been too thin/underweight due to health reasons and appetite issues. 4110. Did you ever imagine that objects have a life of their own? Yeah, ha. I kept stuffed animals and stuff from my childhood because I would feel bad getting rid of them. As though they had feelings or something. I have a hard time getting rid of anything. 4111. What is it like to be an object, do ya think? It could suck cause they’re just being used by people until they’re not useful anymore, or it could feel loved and important if used often. Or it could be like some things I have that are just sitting on a shelf collecting dust and feeling sad. :X  lol. 4112. Do stones, rocks, trees, lamps, water, couches, etc all have some sort of life energy running through them? Yeah. 4113. Would you ever consider getting romantically involved with: your teacher? I’m done with school, but no I never would have considered being involved with any of my teachers, then or now. your doctor? Nope.  4114. If ____ asked me for sex, I could NOT refuse. Fill in the blank as if you were speaking. I would refuse everyone at this time. 4115. What is 'nothing'? Absence of something? 4116. Would you rather read about how to get better abs or about how thousands of people across the globe are marching for peace? About how thousands of people across the globe are marching for peace. 4117. Should america make love, not war? Of course that would be nice. 4118. If you could nominate anyone for sainthood, who ould you and why? I have no idea. 4119. Can you name one person who is purely good? Jesus. 4120. How about one person who is completely evil? Satan. 4121. Is there a book inside of you? Uhhh. If yes, what about? 4122. Do you call people more often or get calls more often? Calls more often out of the two, but it’s not a lot. 4123. What do you wake up to? Usually just on my own. 4124. If you could get a free subscription to any magazine what would it be? I wouldn’t. I haven’t read a magazine in several years. 4125. When you wrote letters to santa did you ever ask for stuff that didn't exist? No.  4126. Make up a new slogan for McDonald's: Nah. 4127. What kind of people do you like to be associated with (buisness, writers, dark, antisocial, spiritual, happy)? Chill people that I just vibe with and relate to. 4128. How are you like a toaster? I let stuff build up until pop! 4129. Do you believe we are really in the matrix? Nah, man. 4130. There are 2 dolls, a gw Bush doll and a Sadam Hussein doll. You can only afford one. Which do you buy? I’d have no reason to want either one. 4131. What is a jaberwocky? The dragon from Alice Through the Looking Glass.  4132. Finish the sentances: Nah.
I'm speed racer and I drive real fast, I drive real fast: I'm a big bird and I like to steal, I like to steal and I like to: I'm a barbie doll and I've got grace, I've got grace but: 4133. What do you think aliens would think of life on earth? Probably nothing good. 4134. What image do you get fom the words 'urban decay'? Well, I think of the makeup brand. 4135. Have a ___ day. Fill in the blank with anything but 'nice' Have a chill day. 4136. Do you own anything with a: southpark character or logo on it? No. greatful dead bear or logo on it? No. 4137. What is your impression of beatniks? I don’t know what that is. 4138. What was the last thing you ordered (or watched) on pay-per-view? I have no idea... that would have been ages ago. 4139. Nails, long or short? My nails are barely even there. :X 4140. Do you prefer touch lamps, the clapper, or the old-fashioned light switch? Ha, I think it’d be neat to have the clapper. I could set up the Alexa and get the electronics that are compatible with it and have the same thing.  4141. Can you 'berry talk'? What? 4142. Do you like vines on old buildings? Sure. How about grafitti on old buildings? Murals are really cool. 4143. When someone says 'it's been one of tose days' what do they mean by 'those days'? A shitty day. 4144. Have you ever owned those magic markers that could change colors? Yeah. 4145. It's not easy bein' ____. Fill in the blank as if you were speaking. Me. 4146. Is there a song that has been stuck in your head since you were a child? Wow, no not that long. It can be annoying having a song stuck in my head for a few days, I couldn’t imagine having a song stuck in my head since childhood. I mean, I sometimes have songs from my childhood stuck in my head, but that’s obviously different. 4147. Do you own anything plaid? I have a plaid throw pillow and a plaid pair of leggings. 4148. Do you recycle? Plastic bottles and cans. 4149. What is your strongest point? I don’t feel I have one. :/ 4150. What is your weakest point? I have a lot of those.
What are you doing to work on that weakness? I’m not, that’s the problem. 4151. Paraphrase (rewrite) this sentance without using any of the words currently in it that are more than 2 letters long (except THE you can use THE). If anyone should steal this survey from you they should paraphrase YOUR sentance and so on: “Deep in the heart of turn of the century India a young mongoose is adopted by a british family.” Long ago a European family took in a baby animal in a foreign country. Ha, I don’t know.
4152. A baby is born witha terminal disese. She will suffer agonizing pain for 5 years and then die. The mother gives the baby a sleeping medicine and it dies. Mom claims it was a mercy killing. Prosecution claims it was murder. You are on the jury. What is your vote? Jeez, I can’t with these questions. 4153. Why doesn't poetry say outright what it means? Cause that’s boring. 4154. Read this sentance: “I can’t wait until summer is over.”
Now delete it.
Now write any sentance you want there instead. 4155. What is your opinion of Orson Welles? I don’t know who that is.  4156. If you were a lotion, what would your label say? I don’t know. 4157. What side id your good side? I don’t have one. 4158. Rewrite that sentance you deleted up there as best you can. Try to get the idea across even if you don't get the exact words right: Impatiently waiting for this season to end. 4159. What is your favorite work by Edgar Allen Poe? A Tell-Tale Heart and The Raven. 4160. Of the following short stories which would you be most likly to read (based on titles alone if you aren't familiar with them, 1 is most likely 9 is least likely)?? Just gonna bold which ones I might read instead. Young Goodman Brown The Cask of Amontillado The Story of an Hour The Metemorphasis Barn Burning The Lottery <<< I’ve read this one. A & P The Sandkings Minority Report 4161. What is the differance between a norm and a value? Values are more general and abstract.  4162. Can you think of a norm in your own culture that is different from a value in your culture? Cancel culture has become the norm it seems, which differs from values in society like compassion, forgiveness, understanding, empathy.   4163. Who is your favorite star wars character? My squad: The Child (baby Yoda), C3PO, Chewbacca, Yoda, and R2D2. 4164. Why haven't we begun to colonize the moon? Because it’s not inhabitable. 4165. What did you think of the shuttle columbia blowing up? That was absolutely horrific and devastating. Ugh. I feel horrible for those who lost their lives and for the people who witnessed it, especially their loved ones. 4166. What do you remember about the challenger? That happened before I was born, I just learned about it when I was older.  4167. Is the force with you? Yep. May the force with be you, too. 4168. What is your favorite spoof movie? The Scary Movie series. 4169. Would you ever own a(n): human slave? Wtf, NO.
robotic slave (where the robot is consiouss of itself)? I don’t want any type of slave.  trained ape slave? Nooooooo. human clone slave? Nooooooo. 4170. What can no one stop you from doing? Surveys, ha. 4171. Who would you be bored without? My family, which includes my doggo.  4172. What is your only hope? God. 4173. Would you rather visit france or puerto rico and why? Hmm. I’d be down for either one. 4174. Have you ever corrupted someone or dragged them down? No. 4175. If you could say/teach one thing to all the youth of america what would it be? Respect. 4176. Does any part of your body get in yyour way? No. 4177. Leia or Amidala? Gotta go with my girl, Princess Leia/General Organa. 4178. Do you trust your feelings? Usually. Sometimes I think I’m being paranoid and ridiculous, but also I think I’m just being real and logical even if it does seem negative and pessimistic at times. I want to be safe than sorry, ya know. But there are definitely times where I am wrong. 4179. Do you feel empty or passionate most of the time? Empty. :/ I don’t have a passion and that really worries me. I want that. 4180. What was your monet of triumph? Ha, I thought “monet of triumph” was a phrase I wasn’t familiar with, but upon Googling I think it’s just a typo. It sounds cool, though. Anyway, my moment of triumph... I mean, not to get dark but being a victim of gun violence at 7 months old and surviving is pretty major. I can’t think of anything else. 4181. Explain what piety is: Being religious, I think. 4182. In what ways are you a rebel? “I’m a loner, Dottie. A rebel.”  4183. In what ways are you a conformist? Uhh. I follow the rules? 4184. Do you likie movie endings that leave you wondering or tie upp all the loose ends? If there’s going to be another movie in the series then I’m for a cliff hanger, it’s exciting. Even though I am super impatient. Otherwise, I typically don’t like when movies just abruptly end and I have to try and figure out what happened. Like, I need answers. 4185. What movie has the best soundtrack? Hmm. 4186. What adventure would you liike to undertake? I don’t know. If we’re ever able to travel again safely, I’d love to do so. I need a fun vacation. 4187. Do you tip gas station attendants when you get full service? We gotta pump our own gas where I’m from. 4188. Do you own any souvineers; what from where? I own a lot of souvenirs from various places.  4189. Does your age make you embaressed? Not the age itself, I just feel embarrassed about where I’m at in life at 31 years old.   4190. Are you the strong and silent type? I’m not strong, but I’m silent.  4191. What doo your shoes look like? Which ones, I have several pairs. 4192. Do you ever admire yourself while naked? Ew, absolutely not. I hate my body, I’m extremely self-conscious. I don’t feel comfortable at all naked. Like literally, as soon I’m done showering I’m throwing clothes back on. 4193. If you could make someone's clothes magically disappear who would you do it to and where? Uh, I wouldn’t do that to anyone.  4194. Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows the first fool? They’re all foolish. 4195. A good website for the bored (not a diary one): YouTube. 4196. Did people REALLY land on the moon? Yes. 4197. Would you rather live for a month in India or Alaska? Hmm. Maybe Alaska.  4198. What is one country you ould NEVER visit and why? I don’t know. 4199. Who is the busiest person you can think of? My mom. 4200. What is the average length of your relationships? Ha, what relationships.
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islandtrout82-blog · 4 years
15 Skills Every Software Program Tester Ought To Be Grasped In
Selenium Webdriver With Java.
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Qualified Software Test Automation Designer.
Automation Testing Resources.
Examination Automation With Selenium Webdriver.
Leading Tips For Learning Java Programs.
Licensed Software Examination Automation Designer.
TLDR; Rather than migration your assertions line by line, produce an abstraction course to stand for the new implementation and then perform inline refactoring. TLDR; Bonobo is a straightforward as well as totally free to mount Git Web server for home windows. TLDR; Getting started with programming is the hardest component. Mounting the IDE, adding reliances, creating your first test.
Automation Testing Resources.
Is Python the future?
TIOBE predicts Python will replace Java as top programming language. Java still holds the top spot while C is in second place. According to TIOBE, if Python keeps this pace up it could replace both Java and C in three to four years. “The main reason for this is that software engineering is booming.
. The 2nd kind of this test method allows specifying a descriptive examination name. syntax as asserting that this runtime worth represents some sort of class. variety as the last disagreement, instead of the varargs specification. Otherwise the named-variant of the test approach is unclear with the unnamed one. The second type of this technique enables specifying a detailed examination name.
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There are several ways by which you can learn JAVA within a week. I feel that since JAVA is an Object oriented programming language just like C++. If you are fully thorough with all the OOPS concepts that you have learned in C++,then I am 100% sure that you can learn JAVA within 2 to 3 days itself.
), and also logical operators short-circuit, the succeeding examinations will certainly not be run. Do not be tricked right into thinking you only have "simply one falling short examination", if that examination remains in the middle of a block of other test situations. Considering that every part of a path is separated by a \ character, we only require to locate the last one. Keep in mind that there's just no other way to inspect if the last part of a course is a documents or a directory simply by the name alone.
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Glassdoor will not function appropriately unless web browser cookie assistance is enabled.Learn exactly how to allow cookies. The modern technology pile is based upon Scala, Java 8, Kafka and also AWS. You'll be working in a collective, innovation driven setting and also will certainly obtain exposure to check automation tools/ methods. New offices based in West London with a bright as well as sizable working environment as well as outside area made use of for conferences/ breakouts. Based in java code tester , this is a friendly, participating atmosphere that views testing as a valued component of the testing process.
When java code tester open a project with examination cases from sustained structures, Examination Runner will certainly be activated as well as you will certainly discover Run Debug on the CodeLens of your test functions. Click on the CodeLens to run the specific examination situation. You can also gain access to and also run a team of test instances from the Examination Explorer. To learn more on debugging examination instances, see Debugging Java. We make use of cookies to ensure that we provide you the most effective experience on our web site.
You might try to match for an expansion, however there's no demand for a documents to have an extension. This will endure a space in between the second as well as first group.
For instance, the '.' metacharacter suggests 'match a brand-new line however any kind of single character', but if we prefer to match a dot personality instead, we would utilize '\.'. \ Used to indicate that the following personality needs to NOT be analyzed essentially. For example, the personality 'w' on its own will certainly be interpreted as 'match the personality w', but making use of '\ w' symbolizes 'match an alpha-numeric personality including highlight'.
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karmanticmoved · 5 years
1-85 uwu
j esus okay
1. describe yourself.
uh,, emotional ig, dumbass, quiet, exhausted all of the time, v queer, healthy mix of feminine and masculine, insecure, and not tha t great tbh. kinda a pussy ass b itch
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be?
idrk. maybe somewhere like a hella nice beach in another country, maybe somewhere in europe. i like travelling but i hate the travel to get there and have no money so i havent put thought into it. maybe hawaii or somewhere like that.
3. do you have siblings?
the one thats still alive is my half brother
4. what is your favorite constellation, why?
orion maybe bc i don't know a lot but i can see that one from my bedroom window even in the city n idk. its comforting. or scorpius cause i'm a scorpio
5. favorite color.
yellow, pink, or blue.
6. what kind of music do you listen to?
almost anything. whatever catches my interest.
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)
forgot what i said last time but those
yellow carnations i think?
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?
maybe smth to put myself to sleep immediately bc f uCk
9. favorite childhood memory.
my summer camp memories are pretty great. also memories of my dad and i going fishing are good.
10. have you ever been cheated on?
i mean in theory i couldve been bc online relationships but no. n im polyam and have identified as such for a majority of my relationships so no.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?
big but not too big, yknow? like big enough that it can be filled and have room to walk around and lay on the ground or whatever but not Empty. and a pretty big bed to stretch out on, n a closet in the room. multiple windows w blackout curtains so theres light but it can be blocked out. n fluffy rugs or carpeting but preferably rugs in case smth spills so we can get it out of at least Remove the rug. and probably a cat tree thing in corner for dipper. n a computer desk and actual lights that light up the whole room. but probably,, fairy lights too bc full lights too bright. and i kinda want a pink room but blue or yellow work also. a nd pride flags on the walls + posters and various other stuff bc plain walls are boring. and tons n tons of b ooks too.
12. favorite animal.
river otter
13. what was the last photo you took of?
Tumblr media
14. do you believe in soul mates?
i'm not sure. i do kinda think there are people who you will like. really really click with and who become so important in your life that they're like. apart of u yknow? but i don't think that anyone as an individual needs to keep those people in their life forever. they arent destined to stay with them, and they shouldnt force that relationship (platonic, familial, romantic, or whatever) even if they were close for years and years. screw destiny. youll have people you care about, and sometimes you have to break that bond to save yourself, and thats okay. there will be other people who can and will be just as important. that got kinda off topic skbsks. i don't think theres really like Destiny soulmates. but there could be like. soulmates in the sense of for however long we're together, we're soul bonded. even if its not forever. does that even make se nse skbsns
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under?
over is the one thats socially acceptable right
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there.
idk theres a place near a movie theater closeish to my house and its a nice little cafe and i dont eat there bc i dont eat much in general but i get their bubble tea and i love. raspberry bubble tea w rose popping bubbles. its comfort drink.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
no. sometimes shit happens for no reason, and its bullshit, but you can't reverse it, so you gotta figure out how to move on from it.
18. guilty pressures?
im assuming thats meant to be pleasures
umm,, idrk. i don't know what exactly i like that would count as a guilty pleasure so,,
19. favorite mythical creature, why?
merpeople are s o cool i fuckin. love funky aquatic pals hell yeah. maybe im just Water babey but. they're rad. dragons are also hella cool bc like dragons???? theyre scaly and prett y and can breathe fire or have wings and kill u?? also like selkies bc again. water. but i used to hear a lot of stories abt them and theyre so nea t
20. something most people don’t know about you.
i have the potential to be a huge asshole and also kinda Wish to fuckin murder someone sometimes but. i act nice most of the time anyway.
not murder murder but i can get angr y enough that i just wanna Stab smth
21. where did you grow up, what was it like?
grew up kinda near the edge of the city, still in it but not like the main city area. in western washington. it was kinda rly boring, i used to spend a lot more time outside or just by myself playing with leaves or toys or whatever. when i had friends i played make believe w them even when outside of school. so yeah. boring id say.
22. do you believe aliens exist?
23. what was your last google search?
other than names for some actors n stuff, i was looking up various star wars things
24. what did your last relationship teach you?
the one that like. ended? i guess thatd be. be careful with your own feelings and try to figure them out before jumping into anything, and also don't try to force smth that in reality isnt really working.
25. would you relocate for love?
honestly yeah
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy?
both. it just depends on how badly i or someone i care about was hurt by it. more likely to hold a grudge if a friend was hurt by someone d eep enough to leave a lasting impact or if they don't get a genuine apology i will be 🔫🔫. or if the person keeps hurting them. even if that person is also my friend.
27. favorite book.
favorite graphic novel is bloom by kevin panetta
favorite books in general are autoboyography, more happy than not, and what if its us. all gay. i know. its okay. im a kinnie.
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?
introvert by far
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now?
i tried once. i probably will have to once i go see a therapist, or at least one for my Bad Thoughts
30. top 5 favorite movies.
in no particular order
little shop of horrors, love simon, coco, it (2017 and 1990), and shazam! ig? maybe others but i definitely Forgot all the shit ive watched
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
32. what is your greatest fear?
definitely gotta be all of the people i love hating me and abandoning me or secretly hating me and then leaving me without saying anything. and the worst part is im always afraid its gonna happen babeyy
33. favorite alcoholic beverage.
im baby
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done.
im embarrassed by my own existence. i don't remember the Most embarrassing thing
35. do you believe in ghosts?
not until i have proof that i can actually trust and believe in
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality?
idk ig im nice. but im also. very easily set off on certain emotions especially the bad ones which sucks like especially jealousy bc i dont wanna!! feel jealous!! tho i think that ties into my greatest fear bc my brain immediately tells me im useless to everyone and they hate me. but. sometimes i get jealous and then feel bad for that and then hate myself for all of it. bc my friends deserve to hang out w other people and care about other people im just fucking stupid babey !!
37. should you split the dinner bill?
i rly don't get why you wouldnt tbh like if u both wanna be there u should both pay. but if one person gonna pay it should be the person that asked.
38. are you a good liar?
most of the time. when it comes to my mental health i can either lie great or im literally breaking down in front of the person so
39. what keeps you up at night?
depressing thoughts. anxiety about everything. wishing i could cuddle and fall asleep w jay. sometimes i just cant sleep bc im too restless.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music?
music. i need my phone to text my friends and i Need my friends
41. do you believe in god?
what god would let the world get to the point its at. what god would allow people to do such fucked up shit.
no. i don't.
42. how do you relax when frustrated?
cry, take a nap, take a shower, listen to music, cuddle dipper
43. what’s something that offends you?
when people go "oh yeah i support gay rights but im still gonna eat at chick fil a bc its good" like i get so fucking. pissed off by that. youre not gonna fucking s ta rv e without their goddamn chicken. i know a bi person who goes there and says its okay bc they dont Directly Give Their money to Specifically anti gay organisations but im just. ugh. fucking pissed bc there are other places to get food just avoid the one place for fucks sake. their food is good it doesnt matter. its like saying yeah pewdiepie is a bad person and nazi and a racist asshole but his videos r funni haha so im gonna watch him anyway
44. favorite food
i hate myself whenever i eat food
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?
@destinedformuchmore or @pinaplelee
46. when do you feel the most confident?
never? but ig i feel confident when working on tech construction during theater tech. as long as i know what im doing.
47. what do you do in your free time?
sleep. draw. cry. play video games. talk to my friends.
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect
matpat did for being a dick abt neopronouns and making a transphobic joke and only apologizing when a cis person told him to. not when hundreds of trans people did. and also other jokes that are inherently offensive to various groups. a n d for making extremely not Child friendly jokes in his videos which are very much targeted towards kids. say what you will about the target audience, there are a lot of children who watch them. please stop making creepy nsfw jokes if you won't even swear, sir.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
i guess so yeah. but she also broke mine first.
50. did/do you play sports in school?
i did. i don't anymore bc highschool sports are bullshit but. basketball, ultimate, and soccer.
51. when are you happiest?
talkin 2 jay prolly
52. coffee or tea?
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?
my binder. or my stuffed cat puppet thing ive had since i was 7
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?
their general emotions, mostly. like if theyre in a good mood or if theyre bored or distracted or whatever. or if they seem interested in actually talking to me
55. what is your favorite season, why?
fall. my birthday, the atmosphere is nice, it's pretty, its hoodie weather.
56. what makes you laugh?
stupid little comments or jokes my friends make tend to make me laugh a lot harder than i should but jabdn
57. are you a clean or messy person?
a mix. i Cannot have some things messy or i will ksjqkd. Die but i don't make my bed too often bc its ha rd when its against 3 walls.
58. what is important for a successful relationship?
communication communication communicati
talk about ur goddamn problems n keep talking to each other.
59. what was your upcoming like?
if thats supposed to be upbringing
idk, very relaxed. pretty easygoing and kinda boring.
60. favorite holiday?
any holiday in december rly. i don't celebrate a Lot but the atmosphere and others celebrating is nice to see. i kinda wish my parents did more to embrace the jewish part in our family blike. whatever. christmas is fun.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
give half of it to my parents. and then probably use it for plane ticket
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination?
hawaiian pizza. pinapple n canadian bacon ty
63. favorite outdoor activity.
64. how are you? honestly.
not great. i want highschool to end.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?
idk. camping is fun but if i get to stay at the resort for free i would rly love 2 stay at a resort tbh ive never done that
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature?
waterfalls. or rivers or just. water in nature. and very green forests. aNd snow.
67. favorite type of candy?
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title?
i can and will do arson, an autobiography
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases?
i quote john mulaney and whatever my obsessions are pretty regularly
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now?
silly bandz. pokemon cards. these weird unicorn figures i collected
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on?
im mostly the one having the weird conversations
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?
i watched one about dogs and cats and their evolution which was lit
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had?
when i let the lady just go fuckin ham on my hair bc i was watching spirit that horse movie and didnt wanna stop so it was. rly bad bangs and hella short in back but not the sides
74. what do you like to cook?
whatever im hungry for. i don't have the energy to cook a lot
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
really pretty tropical fish
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?
idk. i rly like schitts creek its pretty amusing
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head?
heart at first but my head if things get bad
78. what is your favorite quote?
"i have a splitting headache and i think i'm dying. how are you?"
or a character just saying "try harder" when another failed to do smth.
this is supposed to be deep or whatever but im in a Mood
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had?
once had a crush on a character in a minecraft parody lmao
80. what’s your love language?
sending shit that makes me think of them. n just. making tons of stuff for them both online and irl like bracelets.
81. do you ever feel alone?
oh yeah. all the time. im not but it feels like i am which sucks
82. ever been bullied?
83. are you usually early or late?
late bc of my parents rip
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?
drawing, or writing. also theater.
85. what do you wish you knew more about?
i just wish i could remember everything ive learned more about. i know a lot i just forget all.
id like to know more about forensics tho
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hobisolostan · 6 years
85 question tag thing 🏹
tagged by: @sleepbugs (ilu !!! 😙)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 (lmao funnyyyy) people
tagging: uhmmmmmmmmmmm @libraop @justinsgf @lilchims @namugf @brightjoon @moon9oddess @joonsgoth
1. drink: h2o 
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: my yearbook group chat .. its just spams from my friend cause she’s touring Europe ALONE , lucky bitch
4. song you listened to: always you - astro (stan talent !!!) 
5. time you cried: two days ago ish
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: what is this kiss?
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: is this a question?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. favorite colours: blues/neutrals 
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yup!!
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yea ig ?? not like crying with tears streaming down my face but definitely a few tears slipped out 
18. found out someone was talking about you: o yea
19. met someone who changed you: yup
20. found out who your friends are: lets not go there :)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them ??? stranger danger kids dont friend people u dont know irl
23. do you have any pets: skjfl i wish :(( 
24. do you want to change your name: no actually, as much as i hate when it gets mispronounced and not like even a tiny mispronunciation, it literally gets butchered :) , it has a lot of ties and significance to my culture which is important to me
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friend whom i would die for (the one in Europe rn) invited me over to her place and her and two other friends planned surprised gifts and hot pot ! her mom literally paid for all the ingredients akfdskjl i love her sm :(( 
26. what time did you wake up today: 7 am, my body she just did it ? idk lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a horror movie
29. what are you listening to right now: aint nobody takin my baby - russ
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no
32. something that gets on your nerves: narrow-mindedness, arrogance, ignorance, when ppl chew with their mouth open skfsjldfjs
33. most visited website: definitely between tumblr and youtube 
34. hair colour: black
35. long or short hair: short, it’s just below chin level rn sklfjsld
36. do you have a crush on someone: u ask me when hoseok is right ... there ?
37. what do you like about yourself: uh my lips and dimples and the fact that I’m pretty self-driven 
38. want any piercings: more like need ????? ive been wanting double helix piercings for the longesstttt time. might get some this year .. hopefully
39. blood type: i literally dont even know sklfjskd but its definitely a or b or ab since my parents are a combination of those 
40. nicknames: utshee ? just my normal name but instead of the ending ah sound its an “e” as in the letter e lol and then ironically its usa, long back story id rather not get into lol. shira if ur reading this u know 😔
41. relationship status: married to hoseok obviously
42. zodiac: this is virgo solidarity !!! 
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: dont really watch tv shows anymore tbh but the last good one i can remember was supernatural but its .. been awhile lmao
45. tattoos: nooooooo , i want a few small ones tho one day when im of age
46. right handed or left handed: normal regular righty 
47. ever had surgery: nope, i did fracture my arm once tho when i was like uh 2-3 
48. piercings: 2! just regular earlobe piercings, one on each
49. sport: volleyball, lacrosse, and gymnastics i did for a while competitively. i also love ultimate frisbee and long distance running on my free time
50. vacation: i havent been out of country since i came here to the states ksdjsdf my family just isn’t one of those that take family trips, at least out of country 😔ig my last family vacation was 2016 winter break where we drove down to las vegas and arizona to see the grand canyon. it was so damn cold omg
51. trainers: um i have superstars and two pairs of nikes that i wear on the daily. i really want some new van slip ons tho ugh 
more general:
52. eating: i eat literally everything lmao, im one of the least picky eaters tbh but i prefer seafood over meat. i still like and eat meat but sometimes id just .. rather not lol
53. drinking: water !!!!!!!!!! ( i down a good 10 cups at least everyday) i also love boba so much omggg u dont understand but i really do try to limit myself 😔
54. i’m about to watch: perfect man jimin focus skdjfklsdf jimin stans raise up for ur national anthem !!!!!
55. waiting for: college apps to be over even tho they technically havent opened yet akfjds;lfs
56. want: to go into my career field with zero in debt so basically impossible but a girl can dream :( 
57. get married: yea if it happens sure
58. career: medical !!! looking into anesthesiologist but im not set on anything, just wanna do Doctors Without Borders as my end career goal 😔
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: kisses pls 
60. lips or eyes: eyes bc they just convey sooo much about a person but also pls ... if ur lips are as cracked as the sidewalk outside of my house we’re never smooching 
61. shorter or taller: definitely taller, also wanna be the little spoon during cuddles so yea
62. older or younger: older for sure because i look at the underclassmen and shudder in disgust bc they’re ur typical overgrown yet immature high school students. honestly dont know wtf happened to selecting genuine students to enroll into our school but skfjsdfjs im out of there in less than a year so whatever
63. nice arms or stomach: arms bc i like tummies but if u have abs i dont mind either
64. hookup or relationship: can’t really see myself doing hookups so relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends? i definitely want a playful relationship but they should know when their behavior is verging on immature so ig slightly  leaning on the more hesitant side
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: o yeaaa, new years eve and home alone with my in-college cousin lmaoo
68. lost glasses: I LOST MY FIRST PAIR IN 5 MONTHS AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE ???? i had to buy another pair after begging my parents for a good 2 months bc the first pair were so mfcking expensive ksfjsld tbh the ones i wear right now are a lot cuter tho so 
69. turned someone down: yes
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someone’s heart: maybe ? dont know to the extent the other person liked me so
72. had your heart broken: no
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yea
75. fallen for a friend: yea 
do you believe in:
76. yourself: love urself right hahha :)) lmao im trying ig
77. miracles: hmm sure 
78. love at first sight: idk depends, im neutral. definitely think theres more to it tho
79. santa claus: no, wish i was still at that age where i did 
80. kiss on first date: hmm depends
81. angels: yea
82. best friend’s name: i have two: one’s andreana and the other is sybil (the one who left me here to die while she went to europe yea, love that betrayer)
83. eye colour: dark brown
84. fave movie: was gonna say black panther but thats too much of a popular opinion so the ritual ?? its a horror movie which i love so much omg fljsd and it was surprisingly good ??? definitely have not said that about a horror movie in the longest time bc the newer ones are always so cringy and predictable 
85. fave actor: mistre kim seokjin of course 🤩🤩
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capitaloneqa · 2 years
What are the procedure to take apartment or rent in Qatar ?
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Indeed though the country has allowed foreign power of real estate since 2004, flat for rent in Qatar is still the way to go for utmost expats. There's a good chance you're moving to Doha only temporarily, or maybe buying a room for rent in Doha just seems like too important of a commitment at first. Of course, buying 1 bhk apartment for rent in Doha  also comes with a much advanced price label, so you might prefer flats for rent in Doha just for the fiscal reasons as well. Whatever your reason, you want to make sure that you find yourself a place that you can call home.
Also, you want the process to find it to be as easy and stress-free as possible. And that’s where this companion to renting a property in Qatar comes by. Whether you want to rent an apartment, a standalone manor, a manor in a emulsion, or commodity differently. Make sure you're set. Below, you'll find the answers to some of the most constantly asked questions about renting accommodation in Doha.
Before you can indeed start your hunt, you need to make sure that you hold all the proper attestation demanded to actually be allowed to rent 1 bhk flat for rent in Qatar. So whenever you begin your house quest, be sure to have a
1. Qatar residence certificate
2. Qatar ID card
3. Copy of your guarantor ID card
Doha is a mega city with further than a million occupants. This means there are dozens of different areas, sections, and domestic systems where you can rent accommodation.So rather of just aimlessly searching through all the property to rent in Qatar, you might want to constrict your hunt first.A first way to do this is by setting a budget. With thousands of parcels to rent, Qatar can feed to any type of budget. Knowing yours before you start looking is essential, or you might end up disappointed.When calculating your budget for renting accommodation, do read up on the cost of living in Qatar first. You'll see that rent is generally by far the largest expenditure for people renting a apartment for rent in Doha. But depending on your life you do want to insure you set away enough of your yearly income to spend on other effects.Just like you need a realistic budget, you need to be realistic about where you want to look for a property to rent. Still, per month to spend on rent, you don't have to bother looking at luxurious apartments in the Pearl Qatar or the West Bay, If you have QAR 4. You're just adding unrealistic parcels to your hunt for nothing, and it'll only make your budget look bad in comparison. Rather, read up on the stylish neighbourhoods in Qatar for renting a property with your budget and constrict your hunt down to those specific areas of Doha. You want to start with about two or three area first. However, you can always acclimate your hunt and widen it latterly, If you really can not find commodity of your relish in those areas.Do you want a standalone manor for you and your family, or a one-bedroom apartment just for you? Inversely, do you want to live in a reopened community, or is a flat just fine? And how about furnished or unfurnished?Deciding on the type of property beforehand can help you farther narrow down your hunt.
0 notes
ayearofpike · 6 years
The Last Vampire 3: Red Dice
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Pocket Books, 1995 193 pages, 17 chapters + epilogue ISBN 0-671-87268-0 LOC: PZ7.P626 Las 1995 OCLC: 32331239 Released March 31, 1995 (per B&N)
Sita has just ended the reign of terror of a horrible sociopathic self-made vampire, but his killing spree did not escape the notice of the military. It seems they already know who and what she is, as well as her unwilling accomplice turned against his will to save his life. When he’s captured, she resolves to save him before the military can do horrible things with his blood. This mission is all the more urgent when she realizes that the scientist leading the research efforts is an old friend. Like, a REALLY old friend.
It was about here when I realized that Pike didn’t actually have a single plotted story for Sita, that he was just writing her adventures as they came to him. I might be misremembering this, but I feel like we’d been led to understand that The Last Vampire was going to be a trilogy, like Remember Me and his favorite title-drop Lord of the Rings. (I have not been keeping track of LotR references, but there’s one in almost every book. Reread @mildhorror‘s recaps if you don’t believe me.) Getting hit with another “to be continued” was sort of a gut punch.
But beyond that, the way it puts an old character in a new situation made me aware that this was becoming a serial rather than one story. This book doesn’t really do anything new to tie up loose ends. That door was mostly closed in the previous one, when she dispatched the original vampire. But as soon as she turned a dude, it created new loose ends that Sita now has to shear off before the story closes up. It’s a perfectly fine self-contained story, if a lot more actiony and cartoon-violent than most of Pike’s work, but it’s not exactly clear how it belongs to the previous storyline (or whether it even does).
Let’s see if I can find or assume some context for how this book ended up getting constructed.
In 1995, the public at large had just been exposed to Quentin Tarantino’s stylized violence, with Pulp Fiction coming off a controversial Oscar loss and becoming a sleeper hit. Seeing how this was received by the teens who were ostensibly Pike’s audience, it makes sense that he would have wanted to incorporate some gory battle scenes. Especially as Interview With the Vampire had also just come out — I have no doubt Pike wanted to differentiate his cool-young-adult vampire from Tom Cruise’s brooding Gothic.
Spooksville would start in October of this year. I’ve mentioned this series before, but its importance to Sita’s story is that it tells semi-related juvenile horror tales linked to a handful of main characters living in a town where this kind of stuff happens. That is to say: the main kids are the only real common link between the events. I expect that he’d already started writing the series at this point, and that the structure affected how he told The Last Vampire stories (and probably in turn his love for Sita helped him define the structure of Spooksville; after all, Goosebumps didn’t have the same protagonist in every book.)
In any case, it’s both drastically different from the suspense thrillers and mysteries that Pike’s mostly written to date, and game-changing in terms of what we would now expect about Sita stories. I think I already made this analogy: The Last Vampire is Pike’s Final Fantasy, an inspired tale about the end of an era that would seize unexpected popularity and spawn sequels unto eternity.
So let’s try to blaze through the recap, because there’s not a whole bunch of plot. Sita wakes up the day after her battle with New Vampire with a tube still stretching between her and FBI Dude. She realizes she’s been out for nearly 24 hours because it was midnight when the fight started and now it’s still dark but her watch says it’s just before twelve. But also she hears police cars, and knows that they need to escape before they’re asked a lot of questions. (I have one: if they knew what she was, which they probably did, why wouldn’t they come at NOON?) Sita prefers to keep a low profile, because she knows that if someone suspects her supernatural abilities, she’s going to get tested and dissected and someone is going to try to make more (like the coroner’s assistant already did). She doesn’t need to be responsible for that.
But since she’s dealing with a baby vampire who thinks he can use the government bureaucracy to his advantage, they don’t get out. Instead, they’re thrown into an armored van with five armed guards (three in back with them, two in the front) and a driver behind bulletproof glass. This within a caravan of armored vehicles and under surveillance from a helicopter. Of course Sita has escaped from worse situations. She’s handcuffed and shackled, but her eyes are free, and that’s what she uses to hypnotize the guards into pointing their weapons away long enough to break the ankle restraints and kick two of them dead. The third she kills just by telling him to die, which is when she realizes that Original Vampire’s blood is starting to give her new and stronger powers. Because FBI Dude is squeamish, she knocks out the other two guards and then learns from the driver that they’re not going to jail, but to a high-security government facility.
This is where the book turns into an action movie. Sita has the driver crank a turn into a narrow alley and then floor it. They makes it across two streets before smashing into a fruit truck, which gives her enough cover to jump out of the van and start shooting. This clears out a police car from ... unidentified somewhere for them to steal, and they lead the chase into the basement parking garage of a tall building, where they hop an elevator to the top floor. Then Sita breaks a window and jumps across the street to the roof of another building, and roof-hops along that side of the street to one with a helicopter pad on the roof. She steals one and comes back for FBI Dude, and they take off into the desert. So much for that low profile.
The police (or government agents, or whoever it is) pursue them but don’t try to catch up or engage. We learn why when, as they cross over southern Nevada, they’re set upon by two military combat helicopters. More questions: why not a fighter jet? Nellis is right there, and a jet is faster and more heavily armed than a chopper. But anyway, they cripple Sita’s chopper, forcing FBI Dude to bail into Lake Mead, and before she can crash it and escape herself they blow it up with a missile. When she wakes up she’s pinned underwater by the helicopter’s wreckage, but her unconscious mind has had the presence to not let her drown. She surfaces in the middle of the lake to see what’s up, and sure enough they’ve caught FBI Dude again and are throwing him in another armored van. Frickin’ baby vampires can’t do anything.
She steals a truck from a nearby campsite and follows the new military caravan out to some secure facility in the middle of the desert. She watches FBI Dude get trucked out and displayed to a uniformed general, and it’s confirmed that yes, the military knows what they are and yes, they were trying to take them alive. FBI Dude gets shunted into one of the buildings, and Sita takes special note of the scientist that the general talks to afterward. Just one scientist, yes. He leaves shortly afterward, and she goes to follow him, but realizes something weird as she gets in her truck to follow him.
She’s glowing.
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That’s right, all y’all that were pissed about Edward Cullen! Pike did it first! Granted, this is in the moonlight and not the sun, but STILL.
She decides to worry about it later and follows the scientist to a casino, where he loses too much money and drinks too much, then to his house just before sunrise. If she’s going to use this dude to get close and figure out how to save her buddy, she needs to redo her identity again. So she gets her secretive business manager or whatever in New York to set her up with new ID, new credit cards, new hair, new clothes, the whole shebang. Yeah — from here until the end of the book we’re supposed to imagine her as a redhead, which is hard to do because we’ve already got two books of blonde Alisa Perne.
When the scientist goes to work, she follows him to see where he goes in, and then breaks into his house and sees a strange model. It looks like DNA, but it has twelve strands instead of two. She recognizes it immediately — it’s the same as a model made by an alchemist she knew seven hundred years ago in Italy during the Catholic Inquisition, a monk who she took as a lover, to whom she revealed the secrets of her life and her history when he watched her heal a kid’s broken spine. So if this guy has a similar model, they must have another vampire and have already been researching, which means Sita has more to save and/or destroy.
She goes back out to the military compound to try to plan an attack, and the glowing skin makes her curious, so she takes off all her clothes and watches her body light up and start to become transparent and feel lighter. She assumes this is another unexplainable power conveyed by Original Vampire’s blood, but to what end? She doesn’t have time to figure it out right now; there’s a scientist to seduce! They gamble for a while, then Sita buys him dinner and they go back to his house, where he tells her just enough about his research to make her feel both sorry for him and further set in her need to rescue FBI Dude ASAP.
While everyone’s asleep, Sita finishes the woeful tale of the alchemist. It seems that he drew some of her blood and used it to heal incurable illnesses in combination with crystals and moonlight. But then he went too far and tried to use it on someone healthy — the boy from before, in fact, with full midday sun streaming through. This ended up creating a monster ruled by fear, and Sita had to kill him, and the inquisitors took the alchemist and she never saw him again.
This wouldn’t be a Last Vampire book without two things: drinking blood and Seymour. She gets the first from a hapless high roller, first by beating him at the card table, then insulting him, then inviting him to what appears to be a desert gangbang, then scaring off his bodyguards and mercilessly drinking her fill. Seymour comes in because she’s not sure what’s coming next with the scientist and the military and the moon-glow, so she calls him to get some ideas and assistance. He says that the only way to be sure they don’t keep vampire blood is to blow up the entire base with the nuclear bombs they probably have on site, this being a secret military facility in Nevada and all.
So now she’s got a plan, and she needs to figure out how to carry it out. When the scientists opens up about his concerns about their test subject and what the scary general wants to do with his blood, Sita tells him everything. Like, literally everything: what her name is, that she’s a vampire, that she’s five thousand years old, that she was turned by the original vampire who she just killed this week, that she knew Krishna, the whole nine yards. In return, he tells her where they’re keeping FBI Dude and the other vampire they’ve had for a month. Her plan is to sneak into the compound in the scientist’s trunk, pose as a tech on loan from the Pentagon, and somehow break out the two vampires.
It all goes according to plan, except there’s only one vampire in the cell. At least until Sita opens the door and goes to rescue FBI Dude, at which point the door slams shut and the scientist talks to her in Italian. Yep! The other vampire he had was her, way back in the thirteenth century! He used her blood on himself, although imperfectly, so in the last seven centuries he’s aged about twenty years. And now he’s got her right where he wants her, so he can keep doing his experiments and improving humanity through vampirism.
The general doesn’t care about any of that shit — he just wants to be stronger than anyone else. This is his weakness, knowing Sita’s power and being afraid of it until he gets it for himself. So she manipulates the guards into panic (more powers she didn’t have before, being able to hypnotize someone without even seeing them) and then breaks all the lights in the cell and starts pounding on the door. So they amass a whole fighting force and open the door, but of course Sita has used her magical vampire powers to ... hide behind it. She has to kill a guard slowly and messily to keep up the fear paralysis, and then she mows most of the rest of them down with a machine gun. All the killing is starting to upset her, or so she says, maybe because of Squeamish FBI Dude, because it doesn’t stop her from planning to nuke the joint.
The general is already upstairs, trying to escape, so Sita JUMPS THROUGH THE CEILING and shoots him in the leg so he can’t go anywhere. Then she gets him to take her to the weapons stockpile and arm a nuclear bomb with a timer, supposedly long enough for everyone to get away from the blast. She has to fry his brain with her hypnosis to get him to do it, but now Science Alchemist is in command and he’s got orders from the president to not let her get away under any circumstances. (Like he might have otherwise, right?) The nuke’s ticking down, and they’re in a standoff, but she finally convinces him to let the rest of the troops get out and away, so now it’s just Sita and FBI Dude and Fried General and Science Alchemist, waiting for the bomb to go off.
And Sita starts glowing again.
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This time, she lights up all the way, becoming light itself, and floats off the ground and away in the wind, saying her goodbyes to the old monk who has stolen her blood and the new friend who she turned against his will and the military leader who she has effectively lobotomized. By the time the nuke blows, she’s long gone. 
The next thing we see is Science Alchemist’s basement. No, Pike doesn’t explain how Sita reassembled her body or whatever after floating away as a being of light. No, he doesn’t spend any time on what it means or how she should use it. Yes, it would have been a perfect time to close with an epilogue about how she’s come back to Krishna and her life is complete, along the lines of the dreams she has throughout these books. But instead, she’s in a basement in Las Vegas, where there’s a complicated array of crystals and mirrors, and she’s going to turn human with Seymour’s help (and blood). So she falls asleep doing it, and when she wakes up, someone is pounding on the door insisting she let him in. And that’s it!
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So, I have to say it, and you should imagine the clapping emoji between each of the words in the following sentence: THERE WAS NO PURPOSE BEHIND SITA TURNING FBI DUDE EXCEPT TO KEEP THE AUDIENCE HANGING. Seriously, his name should have been Plot Devicerson. He gave us a springboard into the third book, he gave Sita a reason to act throughout it, and now he’s fuckin’ dead. He’s not even a tie to her life before, any more than a divorce lawyer is a tie to a marriage. The whole book could have conceivably done without him, although it would have admittedly taken a little more thought to get her out to the military installation in the first place.
You know, I wish Pike would have called a spade a spade with this series. If it had been a stand-alone serial novel set called The Last Vampire, I would have been totally fine. The stories themselves and Sita as a character I don’t necessarily have a problem with. But they DO NOT FIT TOGETHER. And by now it’s too late to retcon this into another Baby-Sitters Club or Nancy Drew type of series, so he’s stuck attemping to link one unique narrative to another.
It’s gonna be another year before we see Sita again, so I have to deduce that Pike just couldn’t bring himself to kill her off even though he didn’t know exactly what she would be doing next. And it’s OK to keep that door open — if you just admit you’re doing a serial rather than a continuance. In retrospect, I think that’s what annoyed me so much about these books, even if I didn’t realize it at the time. I guess we have to wait and see if Pike can save this series as a continued story, sometime in the next ... six books GODDAMMIT.
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jaimistoryteller · 6 years
OC/Author PrideFest Question Mess Part 3
Thanks for the tag @raevenlywrites​​ ! Ended up sleeping longer than expected, here’s the last part of the set of questions.
Rules I am going with: answer the questions you know or are comfortable sharing, tag others, add a question if you feel like something is missing.
Note: I will be answering in three different posts, one per section, rather than all together because of how many questions there are.
Questions for you:
Introduce yourself! Tell us a little bit about you and what you write
Why do you write LGBT+ characters?
Have you always written LGBT+ characters? If no, what inspired you to start? Is it a deliberate representational choice?
Do you use modern labels in your work? Why or why not?
World builders: do you have any neat societal twists? (unique names for IDs, different marriage practices, etc.)
Do you write outside your own experiences? (cis writing trans, wlw writing mlm, etc.) If yes, how confident do you feel about it?
Tell us about a favorite book/character someone else wrote that inspired you (or just plain gave you a warm and fuzzy)
Any advice for someone else writing LGBT+ characters?
Would you like people to ask you more questions when this is over?
Free space! Wax poetic about something near and dear to your heart.
Questions for your Ocs (in character or out, dealer’s choice):
Say hi! Let us get to know you, you big beautiful person, you!
How do you feel about the world your author has created for you?
Are you out? To whom, why or why not, etc?
Tell us a little about your journey. Have you always IDed the way you do now? Are there parts of you you’re still figuring out?
Do you feel settled in your ID, or do you think it might change as you and your author go on?
Did your author always know you were [blank], or did you have to tell them? If yes, oh please, please tell us how! :3
Is being [blank] particularly hard in your world? How does your society treat you differently than ours might?
Tell us a little about your unique experiences with your ID. Do you experience dysphoria? Is it impossible to find a date? Just want to find that special someone for snuggles but everyone expects sex? Unload for a minute, it’s okay to struggle sometimes.
What’s the best part about being [blank] in your world?
Do you like getting fan-mail? Would you like people to ask you more questions when this is over?
Grab that mic! Drop some truth on us, something you’ve just been dying to share! Shout out to your besties!
Questions for either you or your OCs:
Going to answer these like I would a Q&A post, with the first three characters that comes to mind for each question.
What’s your orientation and gender? Wave that flag!!!
Tichina - female and pan. I’m proud of both. While I have not yet met my soulmates, I have had a variety of partners over the year that covers the spectrum of genders and sexualities. 
Quin - agender and queer. I am much more comfortable with my gender then I am my orientation. 
Stepan - male, demisexual, pan or poly romantic, never quite sure which is a better fit. I’m good with my alignments and try to always be respectful of other peoples. If my patient has one I am unfamiliar with, then I make sure to do research so I can help my patient to the best of my abilities. 
When did you realize you were LGBT+?
Jon - as a preteen. The others on the gymnastics team were talking about how cute people were and I didn’t see it.
Isa - in my mid-twenties. I’m older than I look.
Nazreen - after meeting my soulmates in my mid-twenties, prior to that I just thought there was something wrong with me.
What makes your heart melt?
Nazreen - not technically related to my orientation, but seeing Akaal with the children, particularly the smaller ones. He’s so big and yet I know he’s never going to harm them. 
Sitara *chuckles* Nazreen beat me to that one, *thoughtful look* I’m going with the way acceptance is the norm and not the unusual within the Balakhnov Building.
Tichina - any time I am able to get one of my high risk kids off the street, bonus points for the ones who find themselves and do so proudly. 
Do you have a favorite LGBT+ song? Movie? Book? Artist? (comic?)
Marie - too many books to list them all, the beauty of being an editor. I’ve always enjoyed All the Things She Said by t.A.T.u
Ioanna - Father would have been horrified if still alive to know I play games like Saints Row 2. I think that Gat, Aisha, and the main character are a triad. Since the main character can be anything the player ones, I take them to be genderfluid, so no matter how the relationship unfolds it’s bi
Sparks - Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman. You know she keeps them in line and makes Bruce stop brooding so damned much. 
Do you have a secret crush outside of your own work? Some wild crossover OTP?
Aither - I spent my teenage years shipping myself with Buffy and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and there was that one time I wondered what it would be like to be an Aither sandwich with Squall and Seifer from FFVIII. . Of course, as an adult I have also shipped myself with Sam and Gabriel from Supernatural. 
Aaron *tries not to fidget* Q from the Craig!Bond movies is quiet adorable and I wouldn’t mind a good snuggle with him. 
Diego - I don’t know if I’d like anything more than friendship, but I’d love to get to know Stiles and Lydia from Teen Wolf. Maybe Even Scott if he could get his head out of his rump long enough to actually act like the friend he’s supposed to be. 
Tell us about your LGTB+ headcannons (I’d really love to see someone’s character answer this)
Karl - I always thought that William and Geoffrey from A Knight’s Tale were boyfriends. When Jocelyn joins them, they form a proper triad. 
Isaak - no one can convince me that Bones, Spock and Jim weren’t a space-husband triad!
Vara - I’d like to think that Nathan, Audrey, and Duke in Haven are a triad. Most of Nathan and Duke’s conflict coming from the fact neither of them wants to admit it for whatever silly reason.
What’s your favorite thing about being LGBT+?
Vasilia - I’m myself and able to accept that I am myself, rather than trying to be someone I am not because I hadn’t accepted being transgender.
Isa - there is a community of people like me.
Keywon - pride in my friends and community. 
Is there a cool place you like to hang out with your squad? Maybe an LGBT+ meet up?
Keywon - well, our team hangs out at the basketball court a lot, we also spend time in the community center where we are able to get help with any school work we need. We’re encouraged to bring others our age or orientation to hang out and what not. 
Quin - before meeting Aither, I spent a lot of my time at the queer book store, I didn’t really have a squad, but at least it was somewhere safe for me in public. Not that I like being in public too often. 
Molon - while I do spend a lot of time at the community center and at the basketball court, I also spend a lot of time at the nomyn san (Mongolian Library) where a lot of people of a similar descent hang out to share culture.
What are some things you do to keep positive?
Tichina - I help those in my community and the communities around mine. Every time I do so, I know I am helping someone else avoid the hardships that I and others before me went through. They’ll have a chance at a better life. 
Tzvia - prayer and regular worship, I am active in the both my faith and sports. 
Isaak - studying helps me keep positive because it means I can reach for the stars (literally)
Do you have any advice for young LGBT+ people?
Jon - you’re not broken, wrong, or otherwise odd. No matter what some people might claim, they’re idiots. 
Aither - own whatever space you are in, most won’t know how to take it.
Jamie - be yourself, it might require leaving what you know, but in the long run it’ll be far better for you. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Isaak - hopefully on the moon, it’s going to take a lot of hard work and study, but my Uncle and Aunt are making it possible so I’m not letting them or myself down.
Falco - retiring, I hope. I sometimes feel far too old for position within the Network that I hold. 
Ioanna - I happier and healthier me, preferably. 
Welp, that took way longer than planned because of a host of reasons. Still, have some more information on my massive world.
Tagging some peeps I am getting to know off the writer peeps spreadsheet so they can see my answers or do them as they feel fit.
@authordai @forlornraven @lagamerita @writing-at-dusk and @wordsbysarah
 Part 1 and  Part 2
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mgkaizen · 3 years
Pune is becoming the hub for corporate videos. Owing to demand, you can now easily find a good corporate video production company in Pune. The keyword here is good. With good, there’s also bad and ugly. So, make sure you are hiring the right corporate video production company who will help you reach your audience in the fastest growing form of communication – video.
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Videos are a great way to grab attention. We are a moving into a world where visual communication is best way to get your communication across. Videos are now an integral part of everyday life. Even social media sites are pushing videos. Just run through your Facebook timeline through your phone, and you will find a large number of sponsored video posts. Video communication and campaigning is the future. Videos can be used for –
Corporate videos have multiple uses. You can use them as training videos, brand stories, product promotions, new launches, service updates, etc. There’s a lot you can do and say through corporate videos. Corporate videos are also a mark of a professional company. The best companies invest a lot in video content, and make great use of these videos through their marketing and advertising channels.
First and foremost, you need to set your goals from video production. Then, you’ll need the right corporate video company in Pune who can do justice to your end goals. These videos also need to be of high quality. In the age of 4K and Ultra HD, 2D and 3D animation, etc., your ads need to be of the highest quality. They need to be well written, produced, and edited. Consumers are now used to high quality videos, and anything lesser might be ignored.
Videos are quite hot on social media. According to studies, people are more likely to read and share a video they like than an article or blog. This has also prompted social media platforms to give more precedence to videos posts. Most businesses today also have their own YouTube channels, where they can upload and promote their videos. Other social media platforms also allow you to promote these videos directly from the source. This shows that social media platforms have consciously decided to push videos. Therefore, if you wish to incorporate social media marketing into your marketing, you need to have videos to upload.
The rise of social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, where pictures and videos are the main form of communication, is another reason why video production has become all the more important. Video sharing is also quite easy, and hassle-free, thanks to sites like Vimeo, Daily Motion and YouTube. The embedded codes provided by them simply have to be copied and pasted.
Videos for advertising set alarm bells ringing as, you may think of expensive commercials you see on television. This is not the case. Any corporate video production company in Pune can make a good video for you, and once you promote it online, you can have a better reach than television. Remember, television is limited to only a certain section of audience, and viewership is limited. If you want a higher viewership, you will have to pay more. Whereas, through the internet, you can easily target and reach potential customers. You will also get measurable data when you do video campaigns. This data will help you decide future campaigns.
Videos also help a lot in marketing. Your marketing personnel can use videos to show demos of products and services. Research shows that videos are far more effective than instruction manuals. These videos can also be used for digital marketing. There’s a paradigm shift taking place in digital marketing, and as mentioned above, videos are getting more eyeballs. So, short, catchy, creative videos will help your business a lot. There are social media platforms just dedicated to video, so, you can campaign on such sites, and gather good leads for your business.
As much as content plays an important role in marketing, video is now taking its place. After research in countries where people use a lot of social media, it has been found that people do not want to read a lot. They would much rather watch a video online. Why?
• Videos interact on a more intimate level. They engage more senses than content. Plus, moving images stimulate the brain more. We live in a world with short attention spans, so, a video is the better way to catch attention. • Wonder why people prefer to see the movie than read the book? Because it is easier to remember. Our brain stores visual data better than textual data. So, it is easy to remember a product if you see a visual image (this is also a reason why companies create brand logos, rather than just text). • In a video, you can say and show more in a short amount of time than with written content. This is one of the main reasons why communication is shifting towards video. • Though written content is cheaper, video content prices are coming down. Companies can now choose a good corporate video company in Pune at who will do their work on a reasonable budget. And, in the long run, videos will bring in more business.
A good corporate video production company in Pune will explain to you all the processes involved in making the video. You can stay in the loop and understand the making process. You can also ask them to collaborate with your digital marketer, so together, they can strategize and make optimal videos. Or better yet, you can simply look for an agency which provides corporate video and digital marketing services. This way, you can get better deals, and they will make videos that can be used well across your digital marketing channels. Therefore, don’t wait anymore. Take the corporate vide plunge.
About Us  Kaizen Design Studio is the most trusted digital marketing company in Pune. We pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve and bringing in pioneering marketing strategies and tools for our clients just like the ones mentioned in this article. To know more about what we can do for you, get in touch with us at the earliest.
  Contact Us Sr.No. 20/3/2, Pashan Road, Near to Maratha Mandir, Bavdhan, Khurd, Pune, 411021 Email Id: [email protected] Website: https://www.kaizendesignstudio.com
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