#surprise heheheh!
ageofhearingloss · 1 year
Pick Yourself Up Pt. 1 | Jake Kiszka
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a/n: fiction! this is FICTION! y’all hear me? FICTION FICTION FICTION! none of it’s real! i know y'all know this but just in case anybody gets it twisted🤨i’m just writing what is hammering around in my brain (and also projecting cause that's how i write!)
that being said, welcome to the next installment of Angst with Iz. buckle up, and my apologies in advance heh. no y/n in this chapter (she'll be here soon, don't worry), just jakey and the boys
summary: after years of trying to make his dream of being a musician a reality, jake continues to fall short. on the brink of giving up, can his passion alone keep him afloat, or will he need help from others?
warnings: language, angst, mild violence (some shoving but no blood or injury), alcohol consumption, themes of depression
word count: ~4.7k
Is this really what my life is supposed to be? Am I fated to continue this way?
He pulled out his phone as he exited through the backdoor of the bar, seeing no texts, no calls. Reading 1:11am. The sigh he let out was one that came from deep within his chest, one that was filled with despair, regret, hopelessness. He strolled towards his barely-functioning car, shoving his phone back in his pocket in exchange for his keys, clutching his guitar case in his other hand. Throwing his trunk open, he tossed his guitar inside with a tad of aggression, frustration running through his system from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes. 
The interior of the car was cold and silent, two things he was immensely grateful for as he rested his forehead against the leather steering wheel. He clenched his eyes shut, trying to settle his emotions with a couple breaths even though he was trembling, causing his exhales to come out shaky. He was pulled from his forced meditative state by the buzzing of his phone, but he couldn’t bring himself to answer. Only after three missed calls did he dig his phone out when it began to ring once again, not lifting his head as he brought his phone to his ear. 
“Jake, buddy, how’d the gig go?” Danny knew the answer already just based on Jake’s lack of greeting, but he figured he’d ask anyway.
Jake could hear music and boisterous laughter in the background of wherever Danny was calling him from, and for whatever reason, it pissed him off further. He wanted to be alone, to sulk in his anger and not be reminded of the joy he could be having. 
“It went just how you think it went.” He had no reason to be short with his brother; Danny always called to check in with him out of the kindness of his heart, but these days it was starting to feel like pity. 
“I’m sorry man,” he detected a bit of defensiveness in Danny’s tone, “maybe a drink would help. Why don’t you meet me and your brothers at-”
“Daniel,” he sighed, trying hard to right his attitude and not snap at the man offering him a lifeline. “I just need to go home. Maybe I’ll see you later this week.”
“Okay, I just think-”
“I’ll see you later, bro,” and disconnected the line. In truth, he didn’t want to see his brothers for a long time. He did not want them to see his failure, to observe the way he was living or how he carried himself these days. The gig he had that night hadn’t been horrible, but it was not great either. Hardly anyone was in attendance besides the old boozers who drank themselves stupid every night. There had been no money to be made, the bar owner patting him on the back sympathetically after continuously calling him ‘Jack’.
Although he wasn’t in it for the money or the fame, he would like to be able to pay his rent and afford some groceries. Growing up, he’s always been told he was destined for greatness, and that success would come easily to him and his guitar because of how hardworking he was. But boy, were his family and friends wrong about that. He was desperate to keep his career hidden, to conceal his failure and feelings towards such. 
Jake drove home in silence, knuckles sheet white as he gripped the wheel. He let the sound of the road beneath him lull his thoughts, focusing on the dotted yellow line and streetlamps passing by. He wasn’t aware that he had been holding back tears until he was storming up the stairs to his studio apartment, throat bobbing as he slammed the door behind him, his vision blurry. Only once safely inside did he allow himself to feel the full range of his emotions. 
Is this really how I’m expected to carry on?
He tossed his guitar down on the couch and stomped into the kitchen, eyes hot with searing tears as he blindly grabbed a glass and a bottle of whiskey that he had left out on the counter for easy access. Admittedly, he felt a little childish for letting his emotions run out of control, but if he was being honest, he was teetering over the edge of giving up. Music was his whole world; he loved nothing more than his guitar, and he was determined to move to this city to turn his passion into a career. Little did he know that it would feel like throwing paint at a wall, watching defeatedly how absolutely nothing stuck. 
He tried to quell the tiny spot in the back of his brain that was jealous of his brothers. They all were heavy hitters in their respective industries: Josh was an Oscar nominated director, Sam owned his own restaurant, and Danny was constantly traveling around as a professional golfer. They had protested Jake’s idea of giving up and trying to find something else to do, all giving example after example as to why he should stick with it just a little bit longer. They assured him his ‘big break’ was just around the corner, but they’d been saying that for five years now. 
Fuck them.
He threw back his glass, gladly welcoming the burn of amber liquid down his throat. He was mildly shocked that he didn’t crack the glass when he slammed it back down on the counter, knowing his anger was getting the better of him. Bracing his calloused hands on the cool marble, he let his head finally fall to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt the tears fall freely, noting that his muscles were trembling. How long had he been shaking?
Jake…. Jake!
He had gotten used to the ringing in his ears, only intensified when his anger peaked, which was more frequent than not these days. He clenched his eyes tighter still as he balled his fingers into two fists. 
“Jake! Dude, hello?”
A hand on his shoulder startled him, jumping slightly before whipping around to see who could be intruding in his home, especially considering what time it was. 
“Shit, relax!” A wide-eyed Josh stood behind him in the kitchen, watching his twin with concern written all over his face. Jake braced himself on the counter again, this time facing his brother, one hand grabbed at his chest and the other busied itself with trying to wipe the tears that he couldn’t stop. Only until he glanced at Josh did he notice two more bodies in his presence, Sam and Danny standing in the doorway. 
Josh had backed away from him, inquisitively studying Jake’s face, taking inventory of the puffy eyes, runny nose, and overall disheveled look his brother now donned. The two twins stared at each other, discussing silently in their twin-talk before Jake finally broke the silence, having mustered up a facade to try to fool the others that he was, in fact, much more collected than he truly was. 
“What are you guys doing here? It’s late, go home.” His voice came out gravelly and watery, and he prayed that no one would comment on it. 
“Jake,” Sam called over Josh’s shoulder, “it’s been weeks since we’ve seen you. Where the hell have you been?” 
His tone wasn’t pushy like the classic, usual cadence of his voice, but rather laced with the same concern that was evident on Josh’s face. Jake clenched his jaw, his lips tightening into a thin line. Had it really been that long since he’d seen his brothers? He chewed the inside of his cheek as he glanced from Josh to Sam and finally Danny, not being able to look at the latter for too long knowing how he had just hung up on him not even an hour prior. Danny saw the guilt flash through Jake’s eyes for a millisecond before Jake dropped his chin to his chest, relinquishing contact. 
“Just… listen, I’ve been around, okay?” He offered quietly, still not having the courage to brave his brothers. “Sorry, but you guys should leave. Please.” And with that, Jake turned back to face the counter, pouring himself another glass of whiskey in hopes that his point would be made. He couldn’t tell his brothers what was going on, not yet, for that meant that he would have to fully admit it to himself, too. 
Another hand from Josh on his shoulder pulled him back around. 
“Don’t fucking give me that bullshit, Jake. You’ve been missing in action for weeks, hardly return our calls, we don’t know where the fuck you are and you’re just kicking us out?” He spat at his twin, ever frustrated for continuously reaching out his hand only to have Jake swat it away. 
He began shaking Jake by both his shoulders, “Look at me, come on, look at me.”
Jake had already begun to dissociate; he was anywhere but in the kitchen with his brothers. His head felt miles away, thoughts buzzing in his ears making it nearly impossible to make out what Josh was saying to him let alone the sensation of his hands gripping his shoulders for dear life. 
“We’re worried about you.”
Those four words brought him back to reality. 
Jake’s head snapped up, burning his eyes into the culprit of those words. Danny had made his way into the kitchen just a few paces behind Josh, but halted in his tracks as the words tumbled from his mouth. Jake’s lips peeled back to reveal an anger-ridden snarl, already cursing his brother for even thinking those words. 
“Don’t you dare say that to me, Daniel,” he pushed past Josh easily and made his way to stand in front of the man who still towered over him, laying a hand flat on his chest and shoving Danny back a couple of feet.
“You fucking morons,” another shove, “come into my place and act like this is some sort of intervention?” He was walking Danny back into a wall, pushing him hard enough to get the man to move but not strong enough to inflict real harm. 
Danny put up no fight; for whatever reason, he knew Jake needed this. He stood with his hands at his sides, a somber look on his face as his eyes burned down into his older brother. He kept silent, knowing that any further words from him would ignite Jake’s anger tenfold. 
Josh was glued to his spot by the counter, watching his twin’s assault on their friend, jaw hanging slack. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He was used to Jake picking fights with him, even occasionally brawling with their baby brother, but Jake adored Danny. Anything Danny said, Jake listened, no questions asked. He’d never heard Jake speak such foul words to the gentle giant let alone lay a finger on him. 
It was Sam who finally broke through, jumping Josh out of his trance, running into the kitchen. 
“Jake, Jesus Christ, stop!” Sam shouted, holding his older brother back from his charge on Danny, but to little avail. He forcefully shrugged Sam off, giving one more push to Danny as his voice rose louder, “I’m not your fucking charity case.”
Sam lunged for Jake again, grabbing him with more force than the previous time, holding Jake back as his  breathing increased, anger not only present in his features, but palpable in the heavy air of the apartment. Sam, much taller than Jake and with longer arms, spun his brother around to face him, and in a gesture that shocked Josh and Danny, pulled Jake into his arms, holding him in a tight hug.
Jake’s chest was still heaving but his eyes were blown wide, resting his chin on Sam’s shoulder and making brief eye contact with Josh who stood behind their baby brother. He didn’t fight the embrace; he couldn’t remember the last time somebody had held him. It felt nice, but he couldn’t bring himself to reciprocate the hug, leaving his arms at his sides as he tried to quell his anger. His eyes slipped shut, not bearing to look at Josh in his dimly lit kitchen; when he closed his eyes, all he saw was red. His head was pounding and his ears resumed their ringing, and only when Sam's hold on him grew tighter did Jake realize he was trembling once again. 
His brother's voice cut through, barely above a whisper in hopes that Josh and Danny wouldn’t hear. 
“Hey Jake?”
Jake kept silent, not confirming that he heard Sam but listening all the same. Sam knew he wouldn’t answer, but he continued on.
“Be the hero you’ve always been to me.”
Jake’s breath caught in his chest as he heard those words. Sam hadn’t told him that he was his hero since they were kids; he never took it to heart, always thought his little brother was just kidding around. But now, feeling like a complete failure, like he’s let his entire family down, he needed to hear something that would give him an ounce of hope. They still believed in him, after all this time of running into wall after wall.
Jake let his tears fall silently behind his closed eyes and stream down his cheeks, knowing that Josh would be able to see them but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Only when Sam felt his brothers breathing even out did he let him go, giving him one more squeeze on his shoulders before retreating next to Danny. 
Jake wiped his chin on the back of his hand as he stood in the middle of the kitchen, not exactly knowing what to say. He knew he needed to apologize to Danny for two things he had done that night, but the guilt and his own pride halted him from doing so. He knew that he should thank his brothers for coming to his rescue, but again found himself biting his tongue. Instead, he glanced between all three of them, their eyes expecting and patiently waiting for what he would say. 
“I think you guys should go.”
Idiot, stop pushing them away.
“We can stay, maybe order a pizza from one of those shitty 24 hour places-” Sam pleaded, even though he knew Jake was stubborn and wouldn’t change his mind. 
“No, it’s late. Please, I really need to be alone.”
He caught Danny’s eyes as he said those words, seeing how Danny’s face fell even more. Jake knew he was disappointing him a little more each day, and he quickly averted his gaze, not being able to bear the sentiment that was easily readable on Danny’s face. 
The three of them knew it was a losing battle, so they turned to leave, Danny leading the way with a reluctant Sam on his heels. Josh lingered, pressing a hand to Jake’s back as they stared at each other once more, the words Jake wanted to say radiating off him for Josh to gather. Josh gave his twin a slight nod before withdrawing his hand, joining the others by the front door. 
Danny pulled the door open, glancing over his shoulder to Jake who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching his brothers leave. With a faint smile, he turned back forward, walking into the hallway and down the stairs of the apartment complex. Sam followed, throwing him a reluctant “Bye, Jake,” and finally Josh, who didn’t speak another word before he shut the door behind them. 
Jake listened to them make their descent, the faint slamming of the heavy front door of the complex evidence enough that his brothers were officially gone. He sauntered over to the door, deadbolting it before returning to the kitchen. He grabbed the neck of the whiskey bottle off the counter and slid down to sit on the floor, his back up against the cabinets as he brought his knees to his chest, the bottle sitting beside him. 
He let out a sigh, resting his head in his palms as his tears began to flow again. 
“Why do I keep doing that?” he whispered only to himself, feeling even more hopeless than he had previously that night. Why was he being such an asshole? These were his brothers, his best friends, and he knew that they were genuinely worried about him. Hell, if any of them were acting like how he was, he’d be incredibly concerned, too. So why couldn’t he let them in? They so clearly wanted to help, so why not let them?
He took a long pull from the glass bottle, keeping his head resting against the cabinet as he stared up at the hanging light that only had one of three functioning bulbs in it. 
You’re such a piece of shit that you can’t even change the lightbulbs.
He smirked to himself before bringing the bottle to his lips again, thinking about the possible lightbulb joke he could make. 
How long had he been sitting on the kitchen floor, he wasn't sure; the only marker of passing time was the now empty bottle of whiskey. He groaned, shifting himself to stand and only when he steadied himself with his hands on the counter did he realize that he was truly drunk. He wrenched his head to look at the clock on the wall: 3:10am. Rubbing his temples, he left the glass bottle on the floor, stumbling out of the kitchen after flicking the light off, and trudging to his bedroom. He couldn’t be bothered with washing up, only knowing that his bed was calling him and he had to sleep before the room began spinning too much. 
He flopped onto his bed, burying his face in the pillows and letting out a short, muffled scream. Another thing he hadn’t done since he was much younger. His voice course, he flipped onto his back, hands behind his head as he glared at the ceiling. The alcohol had numbed his mind, thankfully, but he could still feel the adrenaline-fueled anger coursing through his body. He let his eyes fall, trying to count his breaths like Josh taught him once upon a time, and soon he was lulled into a fitful sleep.
Jake was pulled from his slumber by the pool of sweat collecting on his back, the world already spinning behind his eyelids. He could tell he was still being dragged down by the alcohol in his system, so he knew that he couldn’t have been asleep for long. As he came to, his breathing picked up, wincing at the already evident headache he knew he would be dealing with all day. 
His hand. There was something in his left hand. No, something holding his hand. As he awoke fully, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. Jake didn't need to see what it was, he already knew. 
Sometime in the night, Josh had snuck back to Jake’s apartment, using the key his twin gave him when he moved in, and found Jake passed out in his bed. He pulled the covers atop his brother, then crawled onto the bed next to him, laying on his back to mirror Jake. He found Jake’s hand and cradled it in his; this was their source of comfort for each other whenever something terrible happened, especially when they were little. This was how Josh comforted Jake when their dad cut all his hair off. This was how they comforted each other through bad thunderstorms. And now, this was how he would comfort his twin through whatever was weighing him down so severely. 
Jake stared at the ceiling knowing Josh was still awake due to his bouts of insomnia. Josh noted the change in his brother's breathing, but opted not to say anything, only giving Jake’s hand a gentle squeeze in acknowledgment. 
Neither of them knew how long they laid there, side by side in the darkness of Jake’s bedroom, but the silence was welcome. Jake let the comfort of his twin wash over him, slowly closing his eyes before he breathed out,
“When did you come back?”
“About an hour after you kicked us out.”
That must’ve been only a couple minutes after I fell asleep. 
Jake whispered out, “You didn’t have to come back, you know.”
Then Josh turned his head, looking at Jake’s side profile and taking in the details of his brother while his eyes were closed. His cheekbones looked sharper and the skin stretched over his jawline just a little tighter. Josh scowled, please tell me this fucker has been eating. 
“Yes, I did.”
There was another beat of silence, and Josh could tell that Jake was gearing up the courage to be vulnerable with him, he just had to be patient. Minutes ticked by, and Josh thought Jake might’ve fallen back asleep, before he heard his brother continue,
“Josh… I don’t think I can keep doing this.”
“Doing what?”
Jake took a sharp inhale through his nose, his emotions already making their way to the forefront of his mind. 
“Music,” he answered in a watery voice, “I’m… it’s killing me.”
Josh had a feeling that this was what was weighing on his mind, but it still shattered his heart into a million fractions to hear Jake admit it. By the tone of Jake’s voice, he knew that he had more to say, so he held his tongue. 
“I know you all keep telling me to keep going, that I’m gifted or talented or whatever, but it’s not working. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t believe it, or just because I’m not as good as you all think I am.”
He opened his eyes again, watching the ceiling fan make its rounds.
“Mom and Dad always told me I’d be destined for greatness; hell, I’ve been holding that damn guitar since I’ve been in diapers,” he chuckled, bringing his empty hand to his forehead, “but I just don’t know if I love it anymore.” Jake was silent for another moment, trying to string together his thoughts to make them coherent for his brother, although he knew Josh would understand no matter what. 
“It sounds like a fucking pity party now that I’m saying it out loud, but doing something creative and putting it out for the world to see and hear is exhausting. I’m playing to people who don’t give two shits. I’m tired of being vulnerable. I’m tired of writing these songs that mean so much to me only for them to mean jack shit to everybody else.”
He instinctively gripped Josh’s hand tighter. Josh continued to listen, shocked by what Jake was revealing. He hadn’t opened up to him like this in a long while, and his heart jumped that Jake felt comfortable enough again to let him see his struggles. 
“I feel like a selfish jackass for saying that. I know I should be playing my music for me because it makes me happy,” his words began to crack as the tears formed in his eyes, “but how am I supposed to live my dream when no one will take the bait? Let alone pay my bills.”
“Jake, you gotta-”
He cut Josh off before he could finish his thought.
“Don’t tell me I have to keep going, that’s so easy for you to say. You, Sam, Danny, you guys are successful. Working hard paid off for you, and you're living your dreams. If I’m being honest, sometimes it’s hard to watch.”
The tears began rolling down his cheeks again. 
“You all believe in me too much, you think I can do this. But what if I can’t? What if I actually am a failure and let you and our entire family down? Everyone who has rooted for me, who has helped me get to Nashville so I could live out my passion, I’m letting them all down. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t think I have it in me anymore.”
“Well you’re gonna let more people down if you give up,” Josh countered in a matter-of-fact tone. 
“What a comforting sentiment.”
“No, Jake, I’m serious. We all believe in you for good reason: you’re talented, you’re intelligent, you put yourself out there and you don’t take shit that you don’t deserve. Nobody works harder than you and I know you don’t see it, but it will pay off. It always does. If you give up, of course the people who have your back would understand, but I think they’d be disappointed. Shit, nobody can play like you can and if I’m telling the truth, I’d be disappointed too ‘cause that would mean nobody would get to hear your music. It’d be a real shame.”
Jake knew Josh was right; he had never thought of it that way before. 
Josh continued, “You’ve been in your head, isolating yourself away from everyone. I haven’t seen you like this since you found out Grace was cheating on you all those years ago. You need to get out again, spend some time with us. Remember last year when you would come over with your guitar and the four of us would goof off and sing together? The smile on your face spoke a thousand words. You just gotta get back to that. Maybe really think about what made you want to play in the first place. If you can find the source, you can reconnect with it.”
Classic Josh. He always knew how to calm Jake down while still talking to him straight. Of course they understood each other inside and out, and what Josh was advising was a surefire way for Jake to feel better, even if it wasn’t going to guarantee his career would take off. But right now, he wanted more than anything to feel the passion for his guitar again. 
“I love you man, but you gotta stop pushing us away. We want to see you, it’s not the same without you. Sam is worried sick as you can see, and Danny’s not much better either,” Josh slid his eyes over to Jake. “You know, you were a real dick to him.”
Jake groaned, screwing his eyes shut.
“I know, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“You’re angry, frustrated. At the end of your rope," Josh said with a shrug. "I just always expected you’d take it out on me instead of our poor sweet Daniel." 
Josh noticed a thin smile appear on Jake’s lips and he knew the pep talk was finally getting through. 
“Listen, I’m in between shoots right now and I’ve got a couple months off. You are going to have lunch with me once a week, got it?”
A slight nod of agreement from Jake.
“And when Sam and Danny invite you out, you say yes unless you have a gig. I’m gonna try to come to as many of your gigs as I can, but you have to tell me when they are.”
“Are you supervising me?” Jake asked with a sarcasm laden voice. 
“Yes! I’m helping you pull your shit together!” Josh laughed out, waving his unoccupied hand in the air. “I hate seeing you like this, it really concerns me. You and I have to stick together, and that means I’ve gotta pick you up when you faceplant and you do the same for me.”
He squeezed Jake’s hand again, emphasizing his point. They stayed silent for a while, Jake letting Josh’s words sink in. 
Connect back to the source, huh. 
He’d lost sight of that. He knew he loved his guitar more than anything, and he played it as his prominent source of self expression. Jake always found it hard to speak his emotions to others, but with his guitar, he felt like he could bare his soul to the world. It gave him power, confidence. His songs used to build him up, ever enthusiastic to share them with others. He had to get back to that. 
“Thanks Josh,” he finally whispered as his eyes slipped shut again, the exhaustion beginning to pull him under. 
“Nothing to thank me for, but I did have to resort to extreme measures.” Josh let out another chuckle, “Just don’t give up on me or I’ll kick your ass.”
“I won’t.”
"And apologize to Daniel."
"I will."
And with that, Jake was ushered back into rest, this time a peaceful sleep enveloping him. Josh listened to his twin snore lightly, deciding that he would wait just a while longer before he headed back home. It pained him to see Jake suffering like this; his twin had always been deeply sensitive, but never allowed many into his heart. Only Josh and his brothers were the ones to see the real Jake, and right now the real Jake was hurting immensely. Josh let his eyes slip shut, silently thanking Jake for being so vulnerable with him, letting out a deep sigh as he thought about what Jake had confessed. 
To be continued...
taglist: @joopsworld @gold-mines-melting @shutupdevvie @indigostreakmorgan @sacredjake @malany-gvf @writingcold @mountain-in-springtime @anthemofgvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @songbirds-sweet
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spooksier · 4 months
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is it mean to have him next to my spider keychain
(preorders soon :3)
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honestlydarkprincess · 6 months
chafe the skin (you know i like it rough)
buck x eddie || rated: e || wc: 5.9k
Buck had a problem.
A very, very big problem.
Eddie hadn’t shaved in two days.
Or, the stubble fic.
read on ao3
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likesdoodling · 23 days
Annatar during chapter 39 of The Harrowing by Chthonion~
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And then doodles with some of my favourite bits from the afore mentioned chapter -
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I've been meaning to do stuff from this chapter since it came out cause it is amazing- (in a 'wanting to suffocate Annatar with hugs and cups of tea, and the collateral sufferers too- like getting Maedhros back to Fingon for recuperation' kind of a way) - at revealing just how messed up Annatar's mindset is. I definitely recommend the Maedhros pov as well- the amount of '... I don't think I even want to unpack that statement' and 'seriously. We have gone over this. At least three times. In the last twenty minutes. Why do you not get it??' that goes through his head during that conversation is just- Amazin~
This fic is really cool and I highly recommend it to anyone even vaguely into lotr or the Silmarillion.
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jojo-schmo · 16 days
Can I just say I love how you draw expressions? Going through some of your Metadede fanart and I love how expressive you make Meta Knight, unlike how most people make him completely stoic 24/7 allow the guy to show some emotion YEAHH
Uwahh thank you so much! It means a lot to me! <3 Expressions are definitely one of my favorite things ever to draw :D
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Stoic Meta Knight portrayals are just as cool as extremely expressive ones. But I pour so much emotion into whatever I'm drawing it's hard for me to not give Meta a wider range! I personally like to think it's part of the reason he wears the mask- it wouldn't be great to reveal what you're thinking about so easily to people who are just looking at you.... Although I still cheat and make him expressive with the mask on by giving him eyebrows and stuff. What can I say? I don't easily give up the habits I enjoy drawing LOL
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One of the reasons I keep a lot of the sketches I scrap from final pages is because I'm too emotionally attached to permanently delete some of the faces and poses I came up with...
Here is a snippet of like, a third of the scrap canvas from Chapter Two. :P A lot of the doodles are just heads and expressions, it's funny to look back on it xD I am very much an eyebrow gorlie. I just LOVE looking at and drawing 'em!!!
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frenzyarts · 1 year
Gf went out what chaos should I cause while she’s gone 👀
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tinysupervicki · 5 months
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Comm for @donnyanne ! What was supposed to be a sketch turned into a 3 frame gif 🤭 still not the best at animating but I’m trying!
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fangswbenefits · 8 months
Not to be me
I need this
My soul needs it
Better yet add dry humping
Or breeding kink
I shall
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tiramegtoons · 6 days
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blitzy-blitzwing · 1 year
Has Husk seen how long Blitz's tongue is? Would he be freaked out?
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He’d be something. 😎😎
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infinite-hearts-333 · 6 months
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“Today is a special day! Today, our beloved Rose joins our ranks, our mission. Through time and time again, they have proven themselves- they have shown us all that this isn’t just a mission for joy- but for some, a mission for family. And with this mask, you’ll never be alone again, Rose.”
Au belongs to @onyxonline ✨
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niinnyu · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the one and only Kugisaki Nobara!
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okartichoke · 5 days
HIII KITH AND KIN !!!!!! i'm finally officially rebranding myself as squirrel, just as god intended. (i <3 squirrels)
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if anybody wants to ask me abt this character i would love u forever~~ :333333 (read as: in my first draft of this post, i rambled about him for way too long, then subsequently got embarrassed and deleted it all LOL)
more squirrel related screaming in the tags if you are interested >:3333 ok bye i hope you're doing well bye !!!
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knbposting · 6 months
picturing aokaga goofing around and kagami starts recording a video with the intention that his bf will do something cool on the court or something so he calls aomine's attention over with "hey, dude," and aomine who was not paying attention, tosses the ball in the hoop and turns around like ":))) yes, baby? ♥" then he realises there's a camera and he immediately returns to his usual frowny self like ">:I FUCK" and kagami loses his shit laughing because the switch was INSANEEE
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maplepoutine · 10 days
as im writing this i only have 29 followers which is not 30 like in tags but THANKS GUYS?? i wasnt expecting this many for a blog which literally just posts random canada stuff honestly.
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1driedpersimmon · 4 months
did u already reveal who saffron is or did I just jump to a conclusion on my own I can't remember. either way I LOVE your work i am so invested in your characters
Hehe I have not yet! :3c I plan to fully reveal who she is when I get to the end of shb (but I might reveal little bits here and there before… hehehehhe)
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