#surprisingly very good!!!
wonder-falcon · 2 years
i finished loa 2 and it was very good <3 better than the first one even i loved it!!!
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
good news! Pangur’s lump is a lipoma 🥰 she’s just old and lumpy
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bruciemilf · 2 years
One thing I wanna do more is include Battinson's complete lack of filter.
That scene at the funeral where Falcone tried to push that 'your father saved me for a reason' fantasy, which Bruce ended very quickly with his '' He took the Hippocratic oath" line
It can sure read as snarky, and in some parts, it was, -- Falcone's antourage surely saw it as that, -- but Bruce was completely serious.
It wasn't a diplomatic move on his part, but that's why it works. 'No filter' doesn't generally entail being rude and bold, it's your thoughts being faster than your mouth without considering how it'd sound out loud
Not to mention, Bruce wouldn't process sarcasm the same as everyone else. He's good at dishing it, for sure, but we've seen he's completely oblivious to obvious social ques,
If somebody were to be like, " haha maybe YOU'RE batman" him, the go to reaction would be " haha good one"
Bruce? Would start shaking on the spot. It's raining nerves out here. " No I'm not." With a blank face, " I'm not. I'm scared of bats. I hate bats. I wish bats never existed. I wish YOU never existed. Im sorry. Goodbye." Before taking off in a hurry.
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chalkrub · 6 months
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challenging myself by engaging in the ancient art known as "dynamic poses", but making it harder on myself by ignoring the noble practice of "using references"
featuring belvedere and florawell
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gummi-ships · 6 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Olympus
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
man, the world seems terrible and full of bad things, and then you read about the Chicagoan who started developing ramen recipes with meticulous (even obscene) attention to detail, or an Irish hurler who decried state-sponsored spending for sports complexes live on air, or well-considered analyses of films or animated television shows and whether they are narratively/dramatically coherent, and it's....well, it's okay to be here. I like it here.
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grassoftunnel · 22 days
I Love You For Psychological Reasons: George and Shannon as a matching pair of gendered insecurities
let me start right off…this is NOT a shipping post (for MANY reasons..), and is not structured in any particular way its just half awake rambling but I feel like George and Shannon’s relationship is super compelling in terms of what they are looking for in each other, and how they define themselves using each other as props.
the title is from the song I Love You For Psychological Reasons by They Might Be Giants which is kind of a cute romantic song but i think can be applied to them as a sad and cynical song about their relationship. I’ve also just thrown lyrics from this song into the post not for anything deep really but bc it made me think of them. Like I said, this is just rambling but I’ve divided it roughly into 4 ways they’re similar:
Hard to explain, but it's plain that I love you for psychological reasons
The root of their decisions to pursue each other have nothing to do initially with an actual interest in the other on their own merits. For George, he was driven by wanting to make Shannon turn away from Battler and look at him that way instead, and for Shannon, george was her way to settle/move on from the heartbreak of Battler.
Lately, I've taken to vacantly making repetitive movements. Mistakenly seen as improvements
They are both deeply insecure about their abilities to fulfil certain gendered expectations, and both seeing each other as pathways to successfully performing those gendered expectations. For George, he was bullied so much and unable to be “strong” and “assertive” or even defend himself, and feels like he’s not a real man because of it. For Shannon, she has her hangups about her androgynous appearance first, and then her intersex body later. See also, their awkward, and at times uncomfortable/forced miming of their ideas of how a man and a woman in a relationship “ought” to act. For George, this can sometimes veer into really uncomfortable ordering around of Shannon…and as for Shannon herself…she learns to react in specific ways to his artificial negging. Both are trying to follow the “script” for how George thinks these types of couple interactions should go/what he thinks Shannon wants based on his distorted perceptions of her past relationship with Battler.
They are both also well aware of the inexperience of the other in relationship matters, so they are able to kind of do a training-wheels version of an actual relationship (most notable with George, but for Shannon like as much as she eventually slowly grows to like George…kind of…any boy who was nice/showed interest would have done the job).
Nearing perfection but wisely electing To shun my reflection, preferring instead shoe inspection
Even then, they’re both twice shy due to their own neuroses so their relationship kind of stalls until George resolves to marry her.
They are also both desperately wanting to leave their old/current self behind, in favour of remaking themselves in order to reach a certain type of future, even at great personal cost. For George, this is his desire to go all out in marrying Shannon, even to the point of throwing away his family if he needs to.
Under the table, unwilling, unable, the torture's medieval The dream is a fable with feeble wings
For Shannon this is her murder-suicide bomb plot deathwish that will wipe away all traces of the truth of her cage of flesh (of the body which makes her “unable to love” in a physical sense..and also a genetic one..since it taints the romantic relationships that were so important for her with incest) ,and make real the possibility of her relationship with George being a True, Uncomplicated Love. They differ greatly though in what this commitment to this relationship means emotionally….for George it’s triumphant but for Shannon, while also triumphant in a way…it’s a bittersweet death march.
Why does the mouse share the house with the louse? They won't say, but they feel their feelings
It’s also worth noting that both of them see the other as “above” themself, and as attaching themself onto someone better in order to improve themself (regardless of whatever the actual reality of their class and age difference is…)
I'm ashamed to admit I'm afraid of assuming the blame For my lame abnegation of braveness and fame Brain in a jar in a car in reverse, I'm rehearsing the way I'll replay how to say how to be where you are
In pursuing this relationship, they both want to prove to themselves that they are capable of achieving these things that they’ve wanted for so long (performing their gender, remaking themselves). They are both constantly trying to plot out their future and like do a “good job” of hitting milestones in their relationship rather than being carried naturally from one stage to another.
Anyway I have no way to wrap this up lmfaoo this is just my loose thoughts! These two are really interesting! Their weird falsely-mutualistic relationship where theyre simultaneously both getting something but also not really getting something of actual substance since its all performance. The selves they present to each other within the context of the relationship are curated specifically to exist in the relationship. And of course this relationship “succeeding” crystallises Sayo’s resolve to undertake the murder suicide…the win condition for both of them is so drastically different haha…
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hoofpeet · 18 days
I LOVE HOOFOLOGY ENERGY DRINK LORE !!!!!!! What would you say lamblock and catscratch taste most similar to? just their plain flavor
I imagine the default flavor for satyr stuff is like matcha/very salty green tea (Though as a fun fact, bovines are sometimes fed skittles irl, so there are also more candy-like flavours) - meanwhile Catscratch kinda tastes like fruity pebbles milk
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wybienova · 1 year
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um who’s this weirdo. get him out of here
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little-pup-pip · 8 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards! Day 9: Favorite Disney Princess!!
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ascorian · 1 year
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bunch of sketches I don't hate
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tswwwit · 4 months
I re-read the one shot of Bill going home after walking in on someone having a raunchy dream about Dipper, and now my mind is thinking what would happen if Bill decided dipper wouldn't last a single day in his shoes (ie reading people's minds all day), so they make a bet to see if Dipper can last 24 hours with a mind reading spell, only for Dipper to realize just how many people are thinking weird things about him
That's an interesting premise! And you just know Dipper's going to think it's all great and fascinating - right up until he doesn't.
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mitamicah · 3 months
Draw in my tent at Roussalo camping just now waiting for the door to open 🥰
(It is a need!!! Please let it happen 😭)
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There’s a reason borzoi aren’t supposed to have prick ears
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lizardthelizard · 6 months
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Arnold Rimmer and Duane Dibbley in 'Can't Smeg, Won't Smeg'
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brewed-pangolin · 5 months
Soap MacTavish, five seconds after watching Fallout..
"You wanna make my cock explode now?"
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