#survey’s effectiveness
wellnoe · 2 hours
reading a book that is very interesting in its quantitative analysis but is so weird in its tone!! the place the author chooses to insert emotionality is bizarre and his treatment of mortality of the be all end all of suffering is equally so.
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snakeoid · 2 months
what do you think of the new natlan characters
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this is what i said almost exactly a year ago and what i think now. i dont play genshin anymore and i dont want to give the game any more of my energy or time so i dont really care because it's exactly what i expected. the amount of people who care and probably are already f2p in comparison to the amount of genshin dickriders who spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on this game and will spend even more for a new region and characters is huge. from a business perspective they aren't losing much thus i don't think they'd care enough to ever do anything. imo the only good form of protest is. to stop playing genshin
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notyourwatermelon · 6 months
anyway not to be thirsty for men on main but jotaro kujo only gets finer the older he gets. pt 3 jotaro? ehhh he's a minor plus he's a nerd get real. pt 4 jotaro? NOW we're cooking with gas baby he has the exhaustion only a PHD student and father of one has, not to mention the gaggle of teenagers around him at all times draining what little energy he has left AND the rugged haunted beauty of a scarred man who has had Experiences. and then pt 6 jotaro??? HELLO SAILOR. what a crime it was that he was only in less than half of the show. WHAT A MAN. WHAT A UNIT OF A MAN. the things id do for a chance dr. kujo just one chance. I'd crawl to the ends of the earth. I'd lick the ground you stand on. GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN
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takonxmz · 7 months
I'm far off from editing this spy au I'm podficcing, but I keep wondering how folks feel about gunshots/bullet sfx in podfics...????
✨️ GENTLE REQUEST: If you don't listen to podfics or podcasts, pls select an answer in the hypothetical event that you (don't select Other).. and pls reblog for a bigger sample size!
** This may or may not effect my decision, I am simply just curious (I am already leaning towards not adding it because I don't want to exclude folks with ptsd or folks who just don't like the sound).
In case this clarifies anything: the sound of machine guns and pistols in particular is what I'm curious about, not so much like the dropping bullet shells or anything gun related that isn't a gunshot.
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bylertruther · 2 years
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haters want his sopping wet feral kitten found splashing in a puddle hot final girl swag soooooooo bad it's embarrassing at this point tbh
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As my following grows and as I meet more and more people who have rats, had rats, know someone who has/had rats, and love rats...
increasingly I wonder if/when a day will come... a day that I'll express rat enjoyment to someone and they'll enthusiastically ask me if I've heard of This Funnie Little Rodent Blog they like, figuring I may already know it or will enjoy it if not...
and it's.. my blog... and then I have to come out as popular Rat Tumblr blogger that they follow and now know IRL.......
#/lh#I'm saying this like it's some big deal but I'm just exaggerating for comedic effect adjfgsbkdfj#no idea what the likelihood on that looks like. based on statistics of people estimating statistics? probably likelier than we all think#anyway that time I posted a survey for a university research project here and you all wound up comprising 2/3 of our sample was so funny#I had to actually say in an academic research paper that one possible flaw in our study#was bias that may result from 2/3 the sample having come from a niche and extremely specific demographic of people#due to the fact that they flocked in from One Of The Researchers' Substantial Online Following Centered Around A Particular Theme#And Selected Specifically To Have Only A Certain Kind Of Person On It Via Boundaries And Blocking#literally you all made up 98/150 respondents (but that's assuming all digital responses were from y'all-- we had 52 paper responses)#ah but the research symposium was the best. in the paper I was able to remain that generic about it#but at the research symposium. well it's a glorified science fair. so participants have their own stations set up and observers tour them#as the participants speak to their audience; directly providing a summary and then answering any questions#some of the audience/observers are faculty and most are fellow students#so real scholarly scientific types yeah? so they had questions. thoughtful questions#long story short I confessed to numerous listeners throughout the day that the sample's bizarre gender ratio is probably my fault#around 57% women; 21% nonbinary adults; 17% men-- an unusual proportion#so I had to academically tell my professors... underclassmen..... my classmates....... acquaintances.... foes..........#... that I'm big famous in Rat#and it was so. djkjSBCJXHQKRIGAJFSHF
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enchantricks · 8 months
Please fill this Google form...it'll be a lot of help:))
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anghraine · 2 years
I think YouTube fandom ranking surveys are pretty silly in general, but otoh, can't deny the satisfaction when my faves win resoundingly.
I am, of course, referring to this ranking survey prompted by the official ATLA/LOK account:
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ampers-andmore · 27 days
when i read that fucking addendum to the help me file i lost it i want to draw something so bad
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hypershadicman · 5 months
just finished watching Red @comicaurora's newest video on the eclipse video and dear god i have THOUGHTS because the eclipse really was incredibly fucking magical (link below if you haven't seen it already)
so i happen to currently be living in an area where the path of totality was going directly over, i didn't have to go out of my way to see the eclipse and admittedly much like Red, i doubt i would've searched it out if it wasn't coming right to my exact doorstep. Unlike Red however, i had absolutely no idea what i was getting into, aside of course from Red's last eclipse video which put me on to the fact that i'd be in the right place at the right time; i brought up a telescope with no solar filter assuming that "surely i'll be fine if i wear my glasses" (i was advised against it once i got there, so i did not melt my telescope), i had no expectations and no preparations whatsoever essentially.
but fucking hell it was beautiful, i realized very quickly that i had absolutely no way to capture the real effect of it with my shitty phone camera, the sheer vastness of it all was overwhelming but i think the thing that really got to me is just how indescribable it felt. How was i supposed to explain this to my family and friends who weren't in the area, counting on me to send them something back to capture the experience? how could i even find the words?
so hearing quite literally some of the exact same descriptions from Red was quite possibly one of the most gratifying things i could've imagined. it was like there was just a hole in the sky, it was this oddly ethereal pale, the rim dotted with little pinkish red somethings that i still couldn't believe were real when i looked at them. it really was suddenly just night time in the middle of the day and i had absolutely no way to share it with anyone, not to the extent that i saw it.
so uh, thank you to Red for letting me know that someone else gets it, i hope that everyone else who saw it feels a little bit less alone knowing that we all got to share a moment like that, and i hope anybody who didn't gets to see something that beautiful at least once in their lives.
oh, and for anybody who made it this far down into this clumsy rant, i may not have been able to get a good shot of the eclipse, but a friend of mine with a 4K camera captured a full 2 hour video of the whole thing, beginning to end. i don't think it could ever compare to the real thing, but it is by far the closest i think it's really possible to get.
(apologies if dropbox is a little unwieldy to use here, or if the quality isn't quite up to snuff, i've had to take this through a youtube video converter so it probably got caught up in youtube compression a bit)
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tj-crochets · 1 year
I am once again in insurance hell, so let me reiterate: Aetna is the worst health insurance company I’ve ever had to deal with. Avoid it if you can. 
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izzy-b-hands · 6 months
I know it's probably just a part of restarting the lamotrigine, but. holy fuck does it have me short on spoons and patience and. Everything mentally today lmao
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scatterpatter · 10 months
ur info... dump it...
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pissfizz · 1 year
Every time I watch a wxs mv I have the urge to clap when it ends
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six-of-ravens · 11 months
youtube: okay we're going to force you to see ads. what ads should we make you see?
youtube: google owns us so we know everything you've ever done in your life, you white, English-speaking female age 29 who works in tech!
youtube: .....local Chinese language newspaper ads it is!
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imvasic · 2 years
Help Needed!
Hey everyone! I'm posting this here because this is my blog with the most followers. I'm taking an English class that requires a paper that I have to conduct research on, so I made an anonymous survey.
Most questions are optional and multiple choice, and the topic is "What makes an effective writer?" All responses are very appreciated, even if you don't write. <3
Apologies if the options on the main question at the end are a little bit confusing; I tried to explain them concisely to the best of my ability, but feel free to dm me if you need more clarification!
Link to survey: https://forms.gle/aWESpH4J281fah5q7
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