#sword and shield I just sorta forget about
mokeonn · 9 months
Hey quick question, why the fuck was everyone angry at sword and shield for being ugly, rushed pokemon games but was pretty much completely fine with Scarlett and Violet being worse?
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sonicasura · 5 months
A Pokemon Trainer gets dropped into the Godzilla/Kong Monsterverse, how much chaos will that one person cause?
People from the Pokemonverse is guaranteed to make any normal person's headspin upon comparing the differences between both worlds. Sure the kaijus close a lot of damage but they are like tidal waves about it. It happens yet not all the time. Meanwhile Pokemon are so common that getting zapped by a electric rat or your neighbors fire breathing dog keeps burning your flowers is normal.
Know that church up the hill? Well a living soul eating candle named Mr Funky lives there and has a habit of stealing people's lunches. A Pokemon Trainer would thinks normal while any Monsterverse character will have a thousand mile stare hearing about it. This is just simple slice of life shit I'm talking about here!
A Pokemon Trainer wouldn't be that surprised or scared encountering an actual kaiju. They'll probably even admire them and throw compliments when you think of it. Godzilla surfaces cause the trainer is radiating some strange aura so he's ready to fight the current nuisance.
He ain't prepared to the discover this new disturbance is just an odd human whose giving the big grumpy kaiju compliments and isn't bat shit terrified about being crushed. I definitely think Godzilla is the type to follow someone if they pique his interest so congrats to the trainer for doing it without bringing out their Pokemon. Although Big G is absolutely a possessive fucker when it comes to claims.
The King of Monsters wouldn't feel so offput by PT's team and instead just sorta feel at home. He doesn't exactly fit anywhere but neither do they. Plus they actually behave and not cause trouble unlike most kaiju he knows.
I'm also the type to indulge in the potential chaos of a kaiju being smitten with a Pokemon. (Goodra, Tyranitar, Baxcalibur are a few choices that haunt me if it involves Godzilla. Big G got two paws with Mothra having one.) MONARCH being driven up the wall as they already have to deal with potential offspring from two different kaiju species. They rather not have a third option be added to the mix.
Also the trainer in question is already impossible to track down. They could have a Pokemon like Solgaleo, Hoopa or Lunala to travel between dimensions with ease. Whose to say the trainer also has a 'mon that can use Teleport to escape every ambush MONARCH sets?
Plus dimensional travel has a habit of acting off at times. Like the Trainer could show up on Skull Island during Kong: Skull Island and then later shows up around the time Ghidorah gets freed. Only common factor is that Godzilla or King Kong is involved.
I'm not forgetting about the Pokemon throwing down against a kaiju either. When you consider Dynamax/Gigantamax/Mega Evolutions/etc exist, size absolutely doesn't matter cause a well trained Maushold can beat up Arceus(Pokemon's equivalent to God) with little issue. A Focus Blast to the face will hurt more than a missile.
Imagine how insane it would get if the Pokemon Trainer can utilize Dynamax on their team whenever and wherever. You do collect Dynamax Energy in the form of Watts, Wishing Stones and Wish Pieces in Sword/Shield. Finding a workaround is possible.
Half of MONARCH is about to quit when that small yellow electric mouse turns into a kaiju sized chonker.
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Hello!! I saw you were doing match ups and that's so cool! I was hoping to participate if that's okay! Could I possibly get both male and female matchup? No poly please !
I'm nonbinary but i am physically fem, 5'5, with a bright red mullet that's like sorta grown out? Soft looking. My fashion sense tends to vary depending on my mood. Goth one day, cottagecore the next type of thing. One thing that's always a constant is my spiky earrings, kinda like the Fangs preset from the game! Necklace and my two bracelets. If I ever take them off I feel disgusting and off
Positive personality traits wise, I'm caring and selfless. I tend to be pretty cheerful and optimistic, goofing off. I think I'm smart? The most basic things tend to confuse me but then I'll bust out some complex knowledge lmao. I'm pretty creative too! I create stuff out of basically trash lol. I made a whole shield and sword sheath from recycled cardboard once.
Negative traits wise, I'm overly selfless, tending to put others before me. I'm very forgetful but thats cause of adhd. I can be messy and far too loud. Oblivious to a lot of things. I'm a big scaredy cat too which makes it hard to enjoy some stuff. I also tend to hide my negative emotions
My love language is definitely quality time and gift giving. Heavy on gift giving.
I have all kinds of hobbies but I'm not particularly good at any of them. Like video games, writing, arts and crafts, painting. And active stuff too like skateboarding. But uh. To be completely honest my main hobby is just sleeping forever lmfao
Likes: savory foods, coffee, aesthetic stuff, all kinds of animals, dressing up, reading, anything adrenaline inducing like rollercoasters, rainstorms
Dislikes: i cant eat any kind of fish/seafood I will gag, spiders, snakes, being vulnerable, people being mean (I seriously don't understand how people can be mean), the dark especially if I'm alone
Thank you so much! I hope that wasn't too much- or that I missed any requirements lol. Have a great week!!
A/N: Okay, for you @lord-westley … I’m thinking for romantic matchups your best bets would be… Gale (Male) and Karlach (Female)! 
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Gale is a great match for you, as he’s quite similar personality wise. He’s kind and selfless; smart but also somehow clueless? He’s got a good spirit, and an old soul. He wants someone he can share his life with, and thinks you’re just the person to do that with. 
He thinks you look fierce, for real, he’s almost intimidated by how good you look, especially your hair. It’s bright and bold and something he’d never have the courage to try. It suits you, and it makes him feel all the more special for being with you. 
His style is fairly consistent, and he’s not the most fashion savvy, but he does appreciate a good look when he sees one. Be prepared for a bunch of horrible puns, and awkward attempts at flirtatious compliments. He wants to tell you how much he loves your look, it’s just that it comes off wrong more often than not. Please don’t be mistaken- he really does think you look great. It’s just that loving words aren't his strong suit. 
He loves how caring and selfless you are. He quite admires your capacity for compassion. He likes to think of himself as selfless, but he’s also aware that’s not the truth. But for you, it is. And he’s so honored someone as pure and kind hearted as you would choose him as your partner. 
He’s also very grateful you’re smart. At least, that you’re smart enough to sort of get some of what he says about magic. He has a tendency to infodump, and he really likes it when you make comments or ask questions that let him know you’re listening. And your creativity, good heavens! He’s so impressed. He thought as a wizard, he’d be able to think outside of the box, but his imagination is no match for yours. Thanks to your builds and use of garbage, he’s starting to rethink the way he goes about spell casting and brewing potions. Your perspectives are actually helping make him a better wizard. 
He does worry that you’re too selfless, though. He’s been used by powerful beings before, and he’d hate to see you get hurt similarly. If he thinks someone is taking advantage of your kindness, he won’t hesitate to bring it up to you. He just wants you to know your time and effort has value, and it should never be taken for granted. 
He’s understanding when it comes to your fear. He thinks it's rather healthy to be afraid, especially of death. It shows you have a lust and respect for life. He’s glad you understand the enormity of what it means to live, because he wants you to protect your life so that the two of you can grow old and gray together. 
He will give you gifts! A lot of them are favors done via spells, but a good amount of them are physical presents. (Many of which may have previously been magic items that have since had their magic drained, but hey! It’s the thought that counts, right?!)
He loves savory foods! He can’t wait to show you his extensive wine cellar and kitchen in his tower in Waterdeep, and feed you his especially _ sauce. It’s full of flavor, it’ll knock your socks right off! 
He may not be a huge fan of adrenaline inducing activities: he much prefers the safe mental exercise of a good book. But he will join you on occasion, so long as you promise him it’s mostly safe. (He may or may not ask Shadowheart to cast Guidance on the two of you before you leave, but then again, he’s just covering his bases!)
Thanks to his arcane knowledge, you’ll never be in the dark. He can conjure light to ensure you’re not afraid. And he vows to always be by your side, so long as you’ll have him, protecting you, just as you protect him. 
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Karlach is also a great match for you! She’s a very upbeat person, and she loves your loud and creative energy, it makes her feel like you can keep up with her and match her own outgoing personality. 
She loves your style, especially the bright red hair. That is her color after all. And she’s obsessed with all the new looks you combine and create. Everyday she’s basically shouting at the other members of your party, ‘Come look at how hot/cute my partner looks!’. It’s a bit over the top and embarrassing at first, but she means it in the best, most sincere way. If you ask her to stop, she’ll stop. But otherwise, be prepared for compliments, like ALL of the time. 
She loves goofing off with you, pulling pranks and just having a little fun in between missions. She’s a firm believer in taking breaks- it keeps you sane. She’s fairly intelligent too, I mean, she’s not a scholar or anything, but she’s got a good head on her shoulders and so do you. 
She thinks it’s incredible how you can make something totally new out of garbage, or old unwanted scraps. It’s both your resourcefulness and creativity she finds impressive. 
She has no problems with your being messy or loud, even if other people might. If they have an issue with it, she’ll join in, and make it a point to be messier and louder than you. And if anyone still has a problem, she’ll take care of it for you. She’s a big strong woman, and she understands how scary confirmation can be. She does her best to make the world around you a little less frightening. 
Kalrach strikes me as someone who would enjoy doing almost any hobby outside of being forced to fight. I mean, she also really loves a good battle, but she’s down for basically whatever. She’s so ready to try everything- to make up for all the time she missed down in Avernus. She’ll do anything or go anywhere with you. She’s especially excited for any adrenaline inducing activities. As a Barbarian, she is 100% there. No questions asked. Also the idea of skateboarding blows her mind. (Pretty sure that doesn’t exactly translate to DND, but if there was anyway in Faerun willing to ride a board with little wheels up and down steep hills or ramps, she’d be your girl.) 
Even though she’s adventurous, she’s also cool with just chilling- taking some time to enjoy your company. She thinks you’re adorable when you sleep, and can’t help but want to take naps with you, so long as her engine is fixed enough, and you don’t mind being warm. 
She’s fine with you not eating seafood, it’s not that big of a deal to her. You like what you like, right? And she gets that spiders can be pretty creepy- especially the ones in the Underdark. She promises to never make you visit there, and should any of those creatures try and get you topside, don’t worry, she won't let them lay a hand on you. 
Despite being a fierce fighter, she’s got a heart of gold. She hates bullies, and people who abuse others. She knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that, and it feels awful. She’d never want you to feel that way. So gods help anyone in Baldur’s Gate who tries and bullies you for whatever reason. They’ve just got themselves a _ tiefling to answer to. 
Karalch thinks you’re wonderful, and so sweet. You’re precious to her and she promises to protect you. You make her so happy. She’s so glad she’s met you. 
I hope you like it!
Please Like & Reblog!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
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raguna-blade · 1 year
As I carefully put aside some immense immediate frustration vis a vis some private matters i am more happily reminded of my dear beloved Wild Arms.
Wild Arms, a series of games that really said "Ok So we're going to make a Narrative RPG that's a western and really stick to that aesthetic and vibe, but also, we're going to have all the normal RPG Nonsense"
A Series of games that, despite the increasingly bizarre and strange beasties and big bads which includes, in rough order and as I recall it through some haze and the hazard of serial incompletion:
1: Actual BioMechanical Aliens From A Distant Star that were also, kinda sorta also demons (and were, in fact, called so. By themselves If I recall.
2: Both a Sentient Universe that Ate Other Universes, and Also An Actual Literal No Bullshit Demon Lord who you duel on the moon and beat with the power of friendship
3: Another Actual Fucking Demon, this time of Dreams, that Hijacked the Planet that you had to fight and ultimately beat so badly that it fucked up reality for the better
4: The Ghost of Your Extremely Dead Dad that was being puppetted by Rogue Nanomachines, which later discarded this and decided fuck this planet actually. Your dad never actually showed up in the game. He was dead the whole time. Kind of. Sort of. But Yes.
5: Aliens Again. Except this time the Aliens are from your planet, and they left because shit was fucked and I'm pretty sure they weren't actually expecting anyone to be there, and Also their leader got like...Possessed by an Evil Magitek Spear? I'm definitely forgetting something.
Tactics: The Planet I think. I never really completed this one or 5 if i'm being honest.
and it's just, yeah ok but those are westerns and yeah man. Yeah they definitely are westerns. They're extremely western. 3 Especially. BUT ALSO
There's just vampires. There's a race of vampires that show up in basically every game, and they're exactly as out of place in universe as they are else wise. In general they're also like, the original people who lived on the planet? Which might be the same one across all the games, but also might not be. Really every single game that brings it up just kinda has them be these figures of legend, except for the times when they, you know, show up and basically don't do anything because they're just kinda chilling I guess.
There are Giant Robots. Indeed, Giant Robots are in basically all of the games, And the Main recurring one is a notable in that he's not really like a big fuck off sword wielder or weapon of destruction that you'd expect by like having a fuck off gun or something. Like he IS a weapon of destruction, but that turns out to b because when you're able to project a near unbreakble shield and are also built like a skycraper, just walking forward and LMAOing is a completely valid and terrifyingly effective tactic.
Cyborgs show up in like...All of the games actually. Cyborgs and Robots. Extremely human robots. These are distinct from the metal alien demons, but when the cyborgs do show up, it's usually about as you'd expect from cyborgs in a western, in that they're the coolest fuckers around, but also there's usually something fucked and tragic going on.
I might just be projecting the one cyborg, but Robot People? That's super frequent actually. Artificial Humans in general really.
Magic is a thing. But not just like, one kind of magic. There's usually like at least two different kinds of magic in any game, one of which is like this classy advanced sorcery thing, and the other is invoking the spirits of the land to fuck things up.
I forgot to mention the spirits of the land actually. Like they're a constant thing. They show up in every game, they're always a big deal one way or the other (4 has them be like...Giant nanomachine clusters that PROBABLY aren't magic actually except like...You're tapping into magic power of the land to summon them so maybe?) They're deeply tied to the magic....Native Americans is factually WRONG here, though that's what they're invoking, although given it's from japan maybe it's Ainu people? I factually don't know enough to make that call, there may be a kind of overlap thing going on based on what little I know on the subject, but regardless yeah.
Dragons Show up....WEIRDLY regularly, but they never just look like fucking dragons. They're usually either Extinct and you're using their fossils to power up your guns (which are UNIVERSALLY some kind of weird magic weapon of which most people can't use or if they can they're still like...Excavated ancient weapons.) and the few times they show up in person theyre horrifying biomechanical horrors that absolutely fuck everything up. And one of them is usually Trask, which looks like a weird turtle thing.
And actually i wanna circle back to the spirits of the land thing again, because the most powerful ones are like, what you'd probably expect. They stop being elements relatively quickly, but the top 4 are CONSISTENTLY every time the same 4. The Extremely Understandable Hope, Love, Courage, which are cool and heroic and all that and then you have LUST. Just straight up desire, not actually necessarily sex stuff (but maybe? the games don't touch on it but there's no reason it couldn't be) and that guy just kinda...One is a big badass wolf, so yes good excellent, but he's like ALWAYS shown off as a neutral guy at worst, which has some funny implications with the other 3, which we can kinda see in one villains plan to fuck over another villain which basically amounts to I'm going to use the power of love to make you suffer until you die so you know, maybe they had something going there.
The Main Characters from the mainline games are Actually a pretty eclectic bunch, considering both the era and in general
1: is an Actual in universe mute outcast which ok not too odd, but also he's a literal ancient war machine that just kinda showed up as a kid and got raised human
2: Dudes basically a mercenary, but critically he actually just wants to open up a bakery with his sweetheart until he accidentally get's posssed by a demon which turns him into a toku hero under duress
3: A very Idealistic Young Girl who proceeds to Go Through It, Remains steadfastly idealistic, and also a wanted criminal
4: One Literal Child Way In Over his head struggling against a not so ancient conspiracy that is trying to save the world but also, personally, actually, fucked his life all the way up. He also has super speed. He's just so fast. HES SO FAST GUYS
5: Actually the most normal protag here. He just wants to go on adventure so badly guys you don't get it, but haha careful what you wish for. We were THIS close to having a guy go ham with a shovel as his main weapon.
And just...Dude. Dude I love these games so much, I hope the one that got kickstarted manages to live up to them.
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manchasama · 2 years
okay so the game's legendaries are two dogs. Their names basically translate to 'that cyan one' and ' that magenta one'. specifically thats how it was supposed to be-their names were just the colors you saw glimpses of.
the two dogs followed a king (or a set of kings? twins maybe idk), one using a sword and the other absorbing a shield, where they fought a great threat and then turned themselves to stone in the fog. like lore is they both absorb metal particles, specifically one of a 'legendary sword/shield'. Some say the sword dog was the older sister, others say they're rivals.
The threat they faced against, was Eternatus. Now Eternatus is not its old name--The antagonist of the game in modern day times, named him. they're a poison skeletal dragon fellow, and they were very ultrabeasty. The final battle against him is a 4 way raid battle with yourself, your rival friend, and the two legendary dogs. In the background you can see portals, implying they have ties to ultraspace, ect. Which ya know, could be interesting for your fanfic.
Far as i know, Eternatus just released a energy that lets pokemon become giant sized-it itself may or may not have been a direct threat to the world as a large. It was sealed up basically forever after that, till the antagonist released it.
The antagonist was just desperately worried about a potential energy crisis 1000 years down the line and wanted to release that dragon for a brief time for a boost of the power source. So its really hard to see him as being evil, given how he's just trying to prevent a potential future disaster. he just, didnt have to react right away.
Most of the game has just small towns/houses, though occasionally you get gimpses of stuff like a massive castle for the dragon place, and one gym leader refuses to make their pokemon go giant sized because its not fun that way. Piers lives in basically a back-ally town and has his own musical theme, the only gym leader with that .
(the story of the dlcs were 'become a kung fu master' and that was fun, and 'so theres this legendary rabbit everyone sorta forgot about, causing him to forget/lose almost all of his powers. ' It was a very fun story arc where he's basically puppeting this poor man )
Oh man, that actually sounds really cool? I recently did an event in pokemas that touched on the doggos and eternatus, so I at least know what they look like! The shield doggo cracks me up, it's so goofy looking<3
It sounds like a pretty chill game tho. Nice to not have an antagonist who wants to take over or destroy the world (even if it's to "save" it). The text book definition of jumping the gun tho lol~
But portals you say? Iiiiintersting how many areas have ties to those things. Time traveling shenanigans are notoriously difficult to manage large scale, so I really hope they don't keep pulling modern people back (except for emmet he is allowed), but so far they've done a pretty good job as far as I can tell!
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restingdomface · 3 years
Okay so in the past few days I’ve vaguely been back to Supernatural fandom (only for the non-sexual kink tho!!!!! And also I don’t really like much of the later seasons. I’m not one of those propel who can outright hate every aspect of a series after a certain point but past a point shit got real fuckin wild and then they made an episode that featured my town and I have never been so offended in my life like Christ that one made me lose my shit I live in a tiny college town and that episode just like… Christ sir I get that it’s tv but like. I couldn’t stop cringing the entire time then I slowly stopped watching) but like. I’m still on an Untamed kick lately.
So. What did my brain come up with? Well. I kind of want an AU where some random Angel hunts Wei Wuxian down with the premise of ‘what’s dead should stay dead’ considering he was raised using a ‘satinic’ ritual so like. It wanted to get rid of him. But it makes the mistake of attacking while WWX is on a night hunt with Lan Wangji and Lan Sizhui. And when it first shows up it tries to get the upper hand by blinding them with holy light. But it only manages to blind Sizhui. So WWX panics and brings forth a buuuuunch of resentful energy to cloud the whole area, heavily shielding him snd Sizhui, which leaves Lan Zhan (the epitome of goodness and self restraint in the world) to. Fight. The Angel.
Sizhui won’t be blind permanently but he will have to hide under a blindfold for a good week or so till it heals, but while him and WWX are hiding under the shield, LWJ is more used to fighting around resentful energy than an angel who’s never actually touched it before, LWJ’s sword gets tossed which means he’s grabbed for the angel blade and killed. An. Angel.
So anyways. I’m just losing my shit at the idea of when they can all see again LWJ is looking at the blade and goes ‘I have never seen a weapon like this before’ which gets WWX (who had pretty much been entirely focused on LSZ cause that’s his A-Yuan and the threat is gone, and he’s making a blindfold for his kiddo out of part of his robes cause he’s got the darkest robes) to actually pay attention again. He gets up to look at the blade, and then looks at the area where LWJ stabbed him, and sees. The angel wings.
Anyways. I just want the first ever angel death by human hands in recorded history to be done by an honorable man who’s son and husband was threatened. And also WWX sorta laughs himself stupid when he realizes that angels can be killed and wonders if their next reincarnation will be like. A worm, or something. Lmao.
Then they baby LSZ lots and forget all about this bullshit but now they got a blade that’ll kill anything and go home to cuddle their poor blind baby till he feels better. Thank you.
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Will Pyrrha and Yang do themed Halloween costumes for Jaune this year?
“Of course we are~!” Yang called out from JNPR’s dorm’s bathroom. “We went as a cop and his two hot female prisoners~. Jaune got a lot of jealous stares that night~.”
A whimper from Pyrrha also came from behind the closed bathroom door. “I should have just gone with one of the silly and fun idea’s Jaune had picked.”
“Oh come on Pyrrha, it was a great idea! Our outfits were totally on point and we rocked the roles!”
“W-why did we need to handcuff ourselves to him as well though Yang!?”
“To sell the look P-Money. Aaaaand to let all the pervs staring at us know we were taken. Speaking of which, Jaune! You ready out there Lover Boy?” 
“Y-yeah, I got everything on. How about you girls?”
“You betcha, just sit back and enjoy the view~!”
The bathroom door swung open slowly and Yang strode out soon followed by Pyrrha. Both stood side by side in front of Jaune who was standing in the middle of the dorm. All three of them took a minute to take in each everyone’s costume.
Jaune had on a very large, and very fake, suit of armor. From head to toe, helm to boot, he was dressed in a stereotypical plastic night costume one would see in a kid’s cartoon or comic. The look was completed with an equally fake plastic sword that hung loosely on his hip and a small shield on his left arm.
Pyrrha had on a full body length, frost white robe tied tightly shut around her. The only parts of her skin that were visible were her face, hands and a small portion of her feet that were in sandals. In her hands, she had a book with a plain black cover tucked against her body. On her head, or rather over it thanks to a little stand hairclip, she had a yellow tinfoil ring acting as a halo. On her back, she had a pair of white, feathery wings attached to her robes.
Yang easily had the most revealing outfit out of the three, though still not much. Yang had on a small, obsidian black, leather jacket, too small to actually be zipped closed so it was left open. However, under her jacket, Yang still had some modesty and wore a matching leather tube top over most of her impressive bust with only a little top portion of her cleavage showing. The edges of her top had been frayed and cut to look like flames of points. For footwear, Yang wore a pair of shiny latex, black boots with two inch heels that went all the way up to her mid thigh, hugging her legs all the way up~. On top of her still wild mane of blonde hair was yellow headband with two curved, red horns, easably  visible amongst all the yellow. Like Pyrrha, Yang also had a pair of wings attached to her jacket, but hers were black and purple, bat-like wings.
“Well Jaune, what do you think of your personal angel and devil~?” 
Jaune took off his plastic helmet to answer her clearly. “I think you two look as beautiful as always. Those costumes sorta suit you two.”
Pyrrha blushed lightly and smiled wide at the compliment. “Thank you Jaune. The same goes for you.”
Yang walked up to Jaune and began inspecting his plastic armor. “Don’t know why you can’t just use your regular gear for you costume.”
Jaune rolled his eyes but let her inspect him over. “Because of the new guidelines for costumes this year from Professor Goodwitch Yang. No actually weapons or gear, only props. And don’t forget Yang,” Jaune stared right at his blonde girlfriend. “No, and I quote, ‘revealing, lewd, or provocative state of attire’.”
Yang only look a little sheepish when she retorted, “I don’t know why you’re talking to me.”
“Because something tells me Professor Goodwitch added that rule since last year because of the costume you had us wear.”
“Hey! It was Pyrrha’s idea!”
“I-I never said to make it sexy! I just brought up cops and crooks! You were the one that wanted to make it revealing!”
Yang turned to argue with her girlfriend, but stopped when she couldn’t exactly call her wrong. “Okay fine, I’ll take the fall for that one. But I know the new rules. Why do you think I’m not wearing the bikini version of this devil costume?”
“There’s a bikini version?” Both Jaune and Pyrrha couldn’t stop themselves before those words left their mouths.
Yang just smiled smugly back and forth between the two. “Yup~. Shame Prof. Goodwitch wouldn’t allow it.”
Jaune managed to stop his mind from dwelling on the idea of Yang in a devil bikini for very long, however Pyrrha wasn’t as strong as Jaune could see her face growing redder and redder. “Y-yeah well, she might still think what you are wearing is too much.... or too little in this case.”
Yang rolled her eyes and sighed, annoyed with this discussion already. “Then we can just ditch the Halloween party earlier than we plan too anyways and watch an extra movie or something that night. Either way, fine by me.”
Pyrrha nodded with Yang’s backup plan. “That would still be nice I suppose. Speaking of which, now that we made sure our costumes are all good and fit us, should we move onto thinking of some movies to play after we leave the party?”
Jaune nodded and pulled out his scroll. “Sure.” He opened up a page and began scrolling. “What were you girls kind of thinking in terms of movies? Besides scary obviously.”
“Oh how about one of those comedic, satire horror movies from the Scary Movie series?! I love those!”
“Maybe some with a bit of action too? Perhaps some zombie films?”
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thecanadianowl · 4 years
Justice league Snydercut review
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Wow talk about a long movie. Remember Mass Effect's 3 shit endings that were later improved (sorta) with DLCs. Well that is kinda how this movie is.
Before we start this, I just wanna say that I was very impartial throughout the whole snydercut movement. I wasn't part of it but I do see the good that they did in regards to some of their charities and with how the fandom itself has been painted in a negative light. So its good that they got what they have been demanding for quite some time. Snyder as director for me, I really am not the biggest fan of. His movies have some great cinematic moments that look amazing but the context around it is what muddles it for me.
Is it better than Whedon's JL? YES. To start I'll look at some of the things that I do like.
I do like how it was split into parts.  Gives it that miniseries/Comic book feel
Thank god they removed that stupid cringy flash landing on top of Diana's chest scene.
Darkseid looks good. I know some people have issues with it but I liked it. I mean looking at it first glance has me convinced its Darkseid. His voice isn't too bad either. Reminds me a bit of Injustice 2.
As much as I have issues with Darkseid being introduced so early I do like that he had a brief confrontation/glaredown with the League, foreshadowing a possible in person encounter and that the League needs to expand if they are going to fight against Darkseid.  
Steppenwolf's design has greatly improved and looks better than before.
Loved the scenes between Alfred and Diana.  Wish there was more of that.
I loved how the movie added Cyborg, Aquaman and Flash attempting to stop Superman from getting to Batman. I also liked how in this version,  Batman pleading to Clark's humanity telling him that world needs him and he needs to snap out of it.  Also bonus for taking out that scene of Batman on the ground groaning about how old he is getting.
Okay seeing Clark get the black suit and having the voiceovers of both his father's merge together works in terms of Clark's arc into becoming the person he was meant to be. Also like the use of Zimmerman's Ideal of Hope score wished they let it play out a little longer.  Probably my favourite moment in the film is where Superman just takes Steppenwolf's Axe like its nothing and freezes it.
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Now to go into some of the more critical stuff that bugged me when watching.
For a movie that is 4 hours long, pacing issues were bound to happen. I think the first example of this can be found in the opening with the Superman scream wave (which started to get a bit hilarious when his screams could be heard every now and then) hitting all three mother boxes. they are shown individually reacting to it and it takes time, where it could have just showed them together or an compilation of each of the motherboxes waking up. I know it Snyder's thing but tone down on the slow mo. Like some instances its fine (like with bullet time or Flash's scenes) but other instances I'm just like alright I get it.
The scene involving Cyborg transferring money into that single mother's bank account. Is he gonna do this for all the people suffering just like her? or just for that one person? I mean if you can hack into the world monetary system, you can solve a lot of financial issues affecting  the majoirty and not just one person. Did I miss the scene but why did Cyborg go from helping one poor person, suggesting the potential good he can do to change the world for the better  to "Fuck the world". Seems a bit inconsistent in character. Especially since he knows who Diana is (from what he says)  and that Parademons are after the motherbox. Maybe her offering help, you should take it? idk Vic. Also the whole Auto defense system malfunction, would it not be better if this was established beforehand where we see Vic struggling to maintain his body's autonomy leading up to the Superman confrontation? Prior to that it seemed he had it under control and his biggest conflict throughout the movie seemed more to be with him coming to terms with his new body. With that being said, Cyborg's character here is much more interesting and better than it was originally. I can see why Ray Fisher is so pissed (well that and the abuse he faced).  I am glad this was improved and gave the character a lot more to do.
The movie still has the same issue as before in regards to the whole motherbox plot and how convenient it was that all three are located on earth. You would think that with the involvement of Darkseid/Steppenwolf that separating them to distinct locations across space would make it more difficult to collect them. I mean we know that the Green Lanterns exist (we saw one get chomped), you'd think that they or the guardians would take one and secure it on Oa. The pushback to this would be "well there was only one green lantern and he died, so how could they retrieve the box?" which begs my question, why send only one? I mean it has been established that Darkseid is a known conqueror of worlds, you'd think the Guardians would be smart enough to send more than one Lantern to aid Earth in their fight.  Did they not think it would be a good idea to have the corps be more involved/keep an eye on earth since it is the only planet that was able to repel Darkseid's forces?
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Why is it that the best idea of security when it comes to humans is to bury it? Would it not be better in optics to look over it and know its location instead of dropping it somewhere on the off chance that someone might find it due to being  curious or the land changing/altering  making the box more easy to attain? A situation as dire/serious as this, you would think that the Amazons/Atlanteans would have been better prepped with armor/weapons for such an event. I mean you have the arrow of Artemis that shoots quite a distance to give Diana a message but not some kind of weapon that hurts/cripples Steppenwolf? Or better yet, how about the moment that the boxes started acting up after Superman's death, that Atlantis/Themiscarya would put aside any differences they had with one another and to the outside world to come together to secure the boxes?  How could Darkseid forget the name of the only planet that was able to force him to retreat? nor does he know that it harbors the anti life?
Did this movie break Aquaman's continuity? because from the dialogue between Mera and Arthur, its implied that Atlanna abandoned/left Arthur at Tom's doorsteps whereas in the movie,  we see Atlanna spend a couple of years with Tom and raising baby Arthur before she was forced to come back. You'd think Zack being a producer for the Aquaman  movie would have edited that line or made it more clear. Well that or James Wan F'ed up when making the movie.
"I've never seen a being as strong as Steppenwolf" Did Diana just forget Ares aka the god of war who killed the Greek Pantheon/Old gods and orchestrated the first World War? Hell from the looks of the flashback it seemed Ares (I'm assuming its Ares, if its Hades, my bad) was getting some good hits in on Darkseid, who is superior to Steppenwolf.  While we are on the topic of Diana, it's a bit odd that Snyder who  was a producer on WW84 where one of the biggest focuses on the movie that Patty Jenkins talked about was how Diana doesn't solve her problems with violence (even though her primary weapons in this movie are a sword and shield but okay. Then again New 52 hasn't done a good job in disproving that), yet in this movie we see her using her gauntlet smash to fucking kill the one remaining terorrist. Like sure you can argue that they were terrorists and deserve to die, but given how easy and quick it was for her to take out the previous guys, why do something that runs the risks of destroying the very building that you are in (with hostages). I mean from the look of the blast and how much debris fell from the building outside, and it was a miracle no one (but the terrorist) got hurt/killed.
Why did Steppenwolf  kidnap  them in the first place? Just use that mind extracting device you used on the Atlantean soldier to see if they know. Seems like a waste of time to collect them in one location only to interrogate them later.
Okay, I'm sorry but even in this cut I still don't like Miller's Barry Allen. He isn't as bad as he was in the theatrical cut but man does it stick out. When he is helping to escort the kidnapped civilians out, why doesn't he just grab them and transfer them to a safe distance? He even makes a comment about how slow they are going. Can I also just say how weird it is for Barry to take time saving Iris to caress her hair and look at her more creepily in slow mo? Like yeah its in slow mo but still I think your priority should be to get everyone to safety as quick as possible and check if anyone else could get hurt.  I will admit that Barry's speech as he is running so fast to reverse time at the end was really good. Tho the more I think about all the slow mo Flash scenes are good.
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They still kept the "Let's use the mother box to bring back Superman plot". Why? This is a piece of tech that you don't fully understand how it works and you are going on the whims of someone you just met. Especially if they come back as a different person/mindset all together.  If Superman 's death was the reason that allowed for the Mother box to call to Steppenwolf/Darkseid, what the hell were they doing prior to Superman's arrival on earth? I mean we've seen how easy it was for Steppenwolf to attain the two boxes even if they were guarded, so why the wait ?. I get that Batman is going through an arc and trying to change from the person he was but how does go from "1% chance of absolute certainty" to "let's go on a whim and have faith" when it comes to resurrecting Superman? 
Its gonna be awkward as to how Clark will explain his sudden return from the grave around the same time Superman came back.
I was wondering when the Knightmare scene will play out. Jared leto's Joker isn't over with me, it seems way too try-hard to be edgy. Other than that yeah, not much I can say about it. Tho do we seriously need another iteration where Superman (or someone with Superman like powers) is evil?
I also love how nonchalant Bruce is about J'onn appearing in front him. However the revelation that J'onn was that army general all the time breaks so much of continuity (and just why now did you decide to show up and help and not idk the time Zod invaded and nearly  terraformed earth, HELL WHY TF DIDN'T SHOW UP TO HELP THE LEAGUE IF YOU KNEW ABOUT DARKSEID, I'M SORRY TO RAG ON BUT REALLY THIS CAMEO JUST OPENS UP SO MANY QUESTIONS, IT JUST SEEMS LIKE AN "PALPATINE WAS BEHIND THIS ALL ALONG" KIND OF THING ).
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In terms of getting a sequel, I am not sure if WB is going to go through with it given that their current vision seems to be a different route than the one Snyder intended so who knows. Despite my criticisms I do believe this is Snyder's best DCEU film to date and probably one of his better films. You could tell that he put in a lot to make this. The movie itself does have issues mostly due to the plot surrounding the motherbox as well as pacing. I would say it's worth the watch at least once, though I think its best to watch it in doses rather than one sitting. Ultimately this is the version that we should have gotten and I can see why so many people who were supportive of Zack wanted or vouched for him to finish it. Regardless, I think the very least I am happy for Snyder. If you like Snyder's previous stuff, you will like this one, if you don't, your perception of the film won't change significantly other than some cool bits here and there.  
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snakesinatrenchcoat · 4 years
It’s Split.
Word Count: 1,278 words.
Ships: Implied Kingceit, implied Intrulogical and Anxceit, I think.
Trigger Warnings: Possible implied character death. Sympathetic Sides. Ask to tag.
Author’s Note: I sorta free-lanced this and posted the first draft. 
When Red and Green split in half, when the King of Creativity finally fell for good, and peace crumbled across the Imagination, the two sobbing sides were like blank slates.
Physically? The young brothers had pieces and chips of the King. A starshow of gold into a streak of silver. The fluttering sash, tied around the chest and waist, billowing behind, now two ribbons of green and red. Eyes no longer the sweetest shade of honey brown, now scarlet, emerald, and gray. The great sigil of the eclipse of arms now broken into the sword of the night and the sun shield of Great Princes, Green and Red. Duke Remus and Prince Roman.
But mentally, emotionally... the two were just the same. You’d expect a single fragment of him, the small thread keeping them the same, was a drop of his beaming personality. But that’s not true.
They were new people. They didn’t have the charming personality of their predecessor. They lived together for just a short year. Creativity was together for only so many days. Only so days before the fight.
It shouldn’t have escalated. It was stupid. He knew that. But it ended with Deceit whisking away, children just as frightened as him scampering after him in wake of a screaming, sobbing side.
Morality regretted it. He regretted it so much, the two being raised apart. Any chance of the King coming back was gone. If a seven year old could flood with guilt, that was Morality.
Deceit had to grow up too fast. He didn’t expect Green and Anxiety to follow him, hadn’t expected the Imagination to react so badly to the separation of Creativity. Hadn’t anticipated the cracks in the blood red sky, hadn’t expected the sky to clear at the rise of a gate between light and dark so powerful only the King could conjure such a thing.
He also didn’t anticipate having to raise Green alone. He’d thought Morality would help care for the broken side, but now it was just him and Anxiety and half of the only person keeping the sides a family.
Morality raised Red to be just like the King. Telling the young prince tales of the great hero, training the boy to fight in the Imagination as best an eight year old could. Red was an empty shell of who once was, held together by a few strands. Morality needed to help him rise again.
Deceit tried his best to make Green happy. He couldn’t lie to Green. Told him exactly what happened, told him what happened to Red. The two chose their names when they were nine, and Deceit.. didn’t. He stayed as he’d always been. A deceitful snake, someone.. unworthy. Of love, and of hope.
Green became Remus and Red became Roman, just as Morality became Patton and Anxiety became Virgil. 
But then rose an issue. What was their title? They were Creativity, of course, but... so was the King.
So the day Deceit brought Virgil and Remus to visit the gate... 
The two met for the first time in four years.
He bowed. “Prince Roman, pleased to meet you!” 
Deceit tensed. An echo in his ear made him look away from the beaming royal. King Creativity, pleased to make your acquaintance!
Remus tilted his head with that snake’s smile of his, eyes sharp. His time in the so-called Dark Realm had made him different from his brother. His hair was darker, his eyes were like a cat’s, his clothing was a deep black.
“Remus, the Duke of Dark Creativity, cheers to seeing you again!” the boy declared.
The two were so alike, you know. They’d come back from the same dark place. They both had the good and the bad.
Where Roman came from, he was told to vanquish what was bad and defend what was good. 
And Remus was told that it was all just a matter of what he decided was good and what was bad. That he had to choose what he did with good, with bad.
The two were brought home after a day of them showing off their magic, becoming fast friends. As close as they were the day they were split, just like the sides, just like the realm.
As they grew older, they visited oh so often. They talked and played from the other sides of the King’s Gate. It was such fun.
Remus did as he pleased with his portion of Creativity, but he grew up with two monsters full of support and kindness. Deceit and Virgil and their love could shift any opinions on what’s truly bad, what’s under a mask. It was beauty to the beholder. Remus became Dark Creativity, Remus embraced his title, and he makes sure everyone knows how proud he is to be the Great Kracken, the Monster Prince, the Duke.
Roman made quick to defeat evil, as only good things should be in place. He had to keep the balance of the world, and keep Thomas running and bright. Expectations went high for him as word spread of the Dark Prince. Rumors sperad that the Dark Realm was ruled by a kracken, a hydra, and a terrible spider, and Roman swore to keep his world safe.
In essence, Roman saw balance as the light ruling steady. Remus saw the Dark underdogs. 
But together?
They saw it how the King saw it. Yin and yang, you could say.
You seem to be forgetting about someone.
As the two sides talked more and more, the Gate fell shorter and shorter.
At age 26, Virgil ran. 
Deceit’s warmest cloak billowed, wrapped around his shoulders as he tore through the wood and to the gate. He’d heard Remus’ tales of the Light Realm, of how his brother lived the perfect life. Well, perfect to Virgil, at least.
So he left.
He broke through the bushes, panting, and looked up. Up at the King’s Gate, the Gate that lowered its barrier the closer Creativity got. 
Virgil jumped the fence and he ran faster than he’d ever run.
The next night, the fence was high as the trees. Nobody would be going between the Realms again.
Creativity didn’t meet after that night. The Gate stood high and it stayed that way.
Then he came.
A Light Side found his way over the gate.
Remus and Logan met when a stain-streaked scientist fell into Remus’ garden, trying to pick flowers from over the fence.
They grew to fast friends with a relationship impossible to be matched. Remus loving the shows Logan put on with his amazing experiments and Logan appreciating being listened to.
Each night, Remus would help Logan climb the Gate, and each morning, Logan would climb the trees and escape to his new emotional refuge.
That’s how Deceit knew how to get to the Light Realm, to his old friends, old family.
To Virgil.
That’s how Logan was found out. Roman caught him and Deceit trading places, a snake hopping into the skin of the scientist as they exchanged news at the top of the Gate before jumping down to be with the only ones who made them whole.
And then one day, Deceit stopped coming back. Logan stopped coming back.
The Gate grew taller.
Remus made his debut, of course, hoping to catch a glimpse of his scaly companion as every side was raised. 
He thought calling out Logan as Deceit would get the others to explain what had happened to him. Perhaps bring the snake out of hiding, at the very least.
He never did find him that day.
But if Deceit went back for Virgil and Virgil hated Deceit...
What happened?
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I’ve mentioned before that one of my stories, Stellar Grievances, featured a class system loosely based on the class systems from Fate, Mass Effect, and TF2.
Here’s a bit more of an in-depth look at the system.
Technicians are, lore-wise, tied with Medics and Scouts for being the most intelligent class, though specifically they’re engineers, unlike Medics and Scouts. In terms of actual function? They’re summoners and brawlers. They excel at close-quarters combat due to their brute strength, and they also are capable of deploying self-constructing drones and structures to aid them and their team. The reason that they’re brawlers is because of the tools they use to deploy their robotic buddies, portable micro-factories called Wrenches; Wrenches were initially designed specifically for the deploying purpose, but early Technicians realized that Wrenches were also just really good for hitting stuff. So, they started designing Wrenches with this secondary function in mind, being sturdier and tougher, and also started working out themselves to better effectively wield Wrenches as weapons. Even without a Wrench, Technicians just tend to be the most buff class as a result, since they rely more on muscle mass than any other class (though Knights, Assassins, Marines, and particularly Scouts tend to be in better shape overall). Technicians also have a number of secondary abilities that aren’t quite as crucial to their function as summoning and brawling, and aren’t even universal, but are still interesting, such as hacking enemy computers and equipment to backfire on themselves, or mildly manipulating gravity (but only for themselves).
The main protagonist of Stellar Grievances, Stella Greenfield, is a Technician who wields an arm-mounted Wrench called, well, the Gauntlet Wrench; this means that her fighting style revolves partially around deploying drones and structures, and partially around just punching shit. She also utilizes gravity manipulation quite a bit to enhance her dodging and her punching. Finally, she also designed an AI, Eve, who provides advice, runs all of her drones and structures, and assists in hacking.
Another major Technician is known as Haley, and she wields a Wrench that looks like some kind of cross between an actual wrench and something out of either RWBY or Lyrical Nanoha. She’s noteworthy for being a Technician who doesn’t rely as much on her intellect; sure, she’s just as smart as any other Technician, and she does use her drones and structures at all and utilizes gravity manipulation for the same reasons as Stella... but she mostly focuses on the brawler aspect of being a Technician. She really likes hitting things, and she’s really good at it.
Assassins are, lore-wise, well, assassins. However, that doesn’t actually quite demonstrate their actual function. Their true function is being a stealthy Support class that focuses on debuffing enemies. All Assassins have one major stealth ability, but if they want to learn a new one, they must forget the old one, and all stealth abilities are intended to be sidegrades to each other. More importantly, though, is that Assassins can learn a wide variety of debuff skills that can be cast either at a distance or up-close. See, Assassins did start out as actual assassins, and when they joined the fight, they intended to use those same skills of taking out priority targets, but they quickly found that such skills weren’t as effective here. But, they did find that their weapons could be repurposed for Support purposes. The distance at which a Skill can be cast isn’t dependent on the Skill itself, but rather, on the weapon- some Assassins use things like knives, while others use things like sniper rifles. However, as a side ability, Assassins are still capable of one-hit kills on most enemies, but these one-hit kills are costly and don’t work on particularly tough enemies, so it has limited use.
The secondary protagonist of Stellar Grievances, Madison (no last name), is an Assassin who wields a sniper rifle and has the stealth ability of turning invisible for a short period. Her rifle has multiple delivery methods for debuffs- tranquilizer darts and vials of harmful substances can be fired from it, and it also has a transmitter near the barrel for sending out signals to potentially hack enemy equipment.
Another major Assassin named Ichika has a ninja gimmick- his weapon is a kunai that can be coated in harmful substances and has a sort of communications disruptor attached, and his stealth ability is disguising as enemies.
Another potential stealth ability could be a smokescreen or an EMP.
Medics are, lore-wise, again, tied with Technicians and Scouts as the most intelligent class, but are physicians. Their function is pretty widely varied- they are a combination of a Support class (being a healer and buffer) and a Tank class (being capable of absorbing lots of damage). Medics joined the fight primarily as healers, and quickly adopted the other two functions in order to be more useful. Medics are unique in that they wield two major pieces of equipment, one MedTool, and one shield. The shields are how they function as Tanks; not only can it absorb damage the Medic would have taken, it can also be used to protect teammates. The MedTool, meanwhile, is responsible for their Support class endeavors. It’s responsible for healing and buffing teammates. A secondary “ability” Medics have is being deadly against the undead; “ability” is in quotes because it isn’t really a separate ability, and more like a separate trait of their healing ability. “Healing” an undead enemy does damage. An actual secondary ability is bashing enemies with their shields, though since Medics tend to be the least in-shape class, this has limited effectiveness most of the time.
The team’s Medic is Lily Flowers, who has a prosthetic arm with her MedTool built in and a holographic shield generator affixed to her living arm.
Another major Medic has a MedTool that’s a staff, and his holographic shield generator is actually affixed to the front of the MedTool, so it’s like a two-in-one deal.
Another major Medic, meanwhile, has a force field generator instead of a holographic shield, and the default shield is just plain solid.
Knights are, lore-wise, the oldest class, sorta. While the class system is in general a fairly recent development, all Knights were originally members of an order of knights that has existed for centuries. In terms of function, they are experts at bladed melee, and they’re also psychic. So, they all wield bladed weapons- swords, axes, etc.- and they all have crazy mind powers. Their mind powers mostly just benefit themselves, with abilities like being able to see through the eyes of others or electrocuting enemies or setting their blades aflame.
The team’s Knight is Kyousuke Tenjou, who wields a longsword and often uses telekinesis and sets his blade aflame.
Another Knight named Gabriella wields a rapier, and another one known only as the mysterious Delta Knight uses arm-mounted blades.
Marines are, lore-wise and function-wise, possibly the most boring class to talk about, though that’s not a bad thing; they keep things simple and don’t try to fix what ain’t broke. Lore-wise, they’re soldiers, nothing much else to them. And function-wise, Marines are defined by the fact that they use guns. A lot of them. Most classes are limited to having one piece of primary equipment (Technicians have Wrenches, Knights have Swords, Assassins have their weapons); the two exceptions are Medics (who have two, their MedTool and their shield) and Marines. Marines can carry up to six pieces of primary equipment. And unlike Medics, who have two types of equipment and they can have one of each? Marines only have the one type of equipment, guns. They can just have six of them at once. And that’s really it. They have guns. They’re also fairly slow, which makes them pair up well with Scouts; you’ll see why once we get to them next.
The team’s Marine is James Ferguson. His favorite gun is a laser gun that’s labelled as an “assault rifle” since it fires a steady beam; it looks like a tommygun. He also has a revolver that, when fired at the ground, causes a serious of spikes to shoot out from the ground, kinda like Lurkers from StarCraft. And he has a flamethrower.
Scouts are, lore-wise, the final “intelligent” class, alongside Medics and Technicians, and are specifically scientists. Function-wise, Scouts are the most unique class, and the best descriptor I can come up with for their role is “agile masters of Battlefield Control”. A Scout’s main piece of equipment is their, well, transportation. The piece of equipment that makes them so agile compared to everyone else. As for their skills? That’s where things get complicated. One thing a Scout can do? Instantly swap places with another teammate (hence why they pair so well with Marines). They can also analyze the battlefield to spot things like environmental hazards, traps, drops, pickups, and other things. And they can analyze enemies to learn the enemy’s strengths, weaknesses, and skills. They can also move pickups and put them somewhere else, and send out and pick up distress calls, and operate vehicles with increased skill. They also have some offensive skills, like sending out ricocheting projectiles or just straight up attacking an enemy with a buzzsaw. Just, in general, they have a number of really miscellaneous and esoteric abilities, mostly but not entirely geared towards support.
The team’s Scout is Travis, who has hoverboots.
Other Scout transports include hoverboards, motorcycles, jetpacks, and grappling hooks.
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darkzeruda1214 · 5 years
The Destiny Trio as Pokemon Trainers??
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Oh… whoa,
Sorry. That was one of the most random questions I’ve ever gotten. But at the same time really interesting. I do like Pokemon, I grew up watching the show when I was younger. And still a fan of the show and games today.
Now I won’t deny that your question left me thinking. What kind of Pokemon would the Kingdom Hearts characters would have. I’m not 100 percent sure what Pokemon team the characters would have. But I’ll give it my best shot
Now I will have to modify your question and might split it into three parts (for the three trios) if I ever get back to going on it. Not sure if I’d be able to write it for organization XIII (Or the Disney characters... I’m sorry, but Disney and FF characters will have to strictly stay out of this one). 
I don’t think all the KH character would all get a full team, but I’ll try to think more into it.
However, I do believe that they would all get at least 3 Pokemon with them. (But again I do have a hypothetical team for all the trios) But for now I will only focus on the Destiny Trio and a brief explanation as to why I gave these Pokemon to them alone.
I did make a couple of ground rules before I started, one being, that neither of the characters would share the same Pokemon, regardless if one is evolved and the other is still in the first stage or so.
So let’s say I gave Sora a Gardevoir and Riku a Gallade. Since they are both from the same Pokemon line, regardless of different evolutions and are of different genders, they would counteract with each other (and while it would make sense, make the challenge way too easy). So I would cancel that.  
Also, like I said I gave myself a challenge, so there are no starters. And absolutely. No. Legendaries.
*But since region starters are a primary Pokemon that every trainer has to get at first, I decided to add a “hypothetical case” if I were to give them a starter. (And as an added bonus, each starter has to be a different type, so if I give character B a fire type, character A and C must be EITHER water or grass). Just an extra challenge for me.
Also, one Eeveelution since Eevee has the ability to change it’s type when it evolves. And I think everyone has a special type of personality that would fit them well with a certain element.
Also I’m strictly sticking with Gens 1-7, since Pokemon Sword and Shield hasn’t been released when I wrote this.
With that said were we go with the Destiny!
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Starting with the one and only protagonist in the majority of the titles, I think it’s only natural I only start with our little cinnamon bun. His type of Pokemon team was a little tricky to come up with considering his easy going personality. But I think I managed to get a stable kind of team. I don’t think realistically he would be very balanced out in types, but since I based the type of Pokemon they get from personality his a little balanced here.
So the main three Pokemon he could possibly have would be:
Okay. Okay. I know I said Eevee was a hypothetical case for everyone, but I’m gonna have the bend the rule slightly once because of the reason behind it. Now as far as why I gave him these three is simple. As for Eevee’s case, since the beginning of the game Sora has been rather classified as this “normal boy.” As stated by Xehanort, mentioned in KH1 and even by Nomura himself. He was just a normal boy so people would be able to relate to him.
So Naturally Eevee stuck with me (not because his hair and Eevee look pretty similar in a sense) but also because Eevee is known as the evolution Pokemon. And as you all know, Eevee can evolve into any Pokemon type (currently only 9 types at the moment when I wrote this analysis). And Sora has shown time and time again to shape his own destiny by his own hand and choices. Despite being that “dull, ordinary boy.” So to me Eevee was the best option.
Again, I know I wasn’t going to add Eevee other than a Hypothetical Pokemon, but I think Sora earned the spot to be the exception because of what kind of character he’s portrayed as.
Now as for Klefki, the answer is obvious. Sora’s the first character to show that he has a Keyblade when the games first came to existence. And while Klefki isn’t exactly one of the most strongest Pokemon it is a good support Pokemon. And to me that really “speaks Sora” because of “his friends are his power” and how much he supports his own friends.
So maybe not a powerhouse, it still speak reflects Sora’s character.
Litleo has a few reasons why he’s on Sora’s team, and namely because of a certain Pride Lands exploration. But also just in general because I’ve always seen Sora having fire as favorite magic spell. So naturally fire would be a good Pokemon type for him. (Also it doesn’t help that in monster’s inc he’s a cat-based monster and the Simba summon is fire based, so...)
Now as for the rest of his team in this hypothetical case scenario:
Lucario (He’s a fighting steal type, which also reflects on Sora’s character and Keyblade)
Pidgeot (His name means sky in Japanese, it would be criminal for not for me to give him a flying type. But also I think Sora would like to have a Pokemon to fly once in a while and I think Pidgeot fit’s the glove)
Lapras (A certain Atlantica incident inspired this one. But also Lapras is shown to be large enough to carry it’s trainer across water. And in a sense that would also be Sora since he doesn’t have trouble to carry extra weight to help his friends) Also Lapras is adorable and so is Sora.
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(The starter I think he would more likely get would be Charizard) (And he already has normal Eevee, so…)  
This one was a bit of challenge for me to figure out, but in the end I managed to get something in. I’m not 100 percent happy with this team, so if you might think that there are other Pokemon who fits him better, I understand why, but this is what I got.
The main three he would call upon the most would be:  
Lycanroc (dusk form)
These three Pokemon spoke a small little story to me when I put them in that specific order.
Zoroark was the first Pokemon that came to mind when I thought about Riku’s team. The majority of the time we see Riku’s he’s struggling or is using darkness to help him win his fights or get an advantage. So there’s no way I wouldn’t give him a dark type I think Zoroark made the most sense. Not because it’s solely a dark type, but also because it’s an illusion fox.
And while not cannon to the game (at least to my knowledge) the anime has shown that Zoroark has the ability to transform into people. And to other Pokemon. And that’s what happened to Riku, whether he wanted to or not, when he used the powers of darkness Riku turned into Ansem seeker of Darkness. And to me that spoke a nice Pokemon for Riku to have on his team.  
Now as for Lycanroc (more specifically dusk form), Riku also came off to me as this “lone wolf” kind of character. And yeah sure there is Mightyena, and let’s not forget Lycanroc’s midnight form. I felt that while Riku did have darkness, it’s not too much to the point his entire team would be all dark types. And so we get to dusk form, for one the reason I gave him Lycanroc is because it’s a rock type which coincides with his name. Because Riku means land.
And while I do like the midday form, since it looks more a like a wolf, the Midnight form suited his style more. But at the same time, I didn’t want his team to solely reliant at the night. And so we have his dusk form. And Dusk Lycanroc speaks a lot of Riku’s transition from the darkness to the light. Because he chose neither light nor dark. But the road to dawn. Which to me felt like a mixture of both. (Heck his Keyblade is called “Way to Dawn” which has a combination of both light and darkness) And closest we got to in between was Dusk form. So I think it worked the best.
(Also Riku spent a good amount of time in Twilight Town, so…)
When it came to Aegislash, I will admit that it could be either one of the evolutions. But knowing Riku he would want to max out his entire team to reflect his strength. So the conclusion why I came to Aegislash is to continue the story, when he first started out as darkness, he soon came to the light but was still influenced by his past. So when he finally overcame that he started to fight against it and for what is right. And to me, I think the best way to demonstrate that was Aegislash because it’s a sword. And normally when I think of a fighter of good, I normally (stereotypically) think of a knight in shining armor. And the Pokemon that fit the category the best was Aegislash. And to me it finishes the story of Riku’s arc in Kingdom Hearts (or in this case, in the AU Pokemon)  
For the rest of his team, well might not be the best choice I figured it could be like this:
Gyarados (Gyarados is a Pokemon of both intimidation and hard work, in order to get Gyarados, either you have to beat it, or struggle to evolve a Magikarp. And Riku fit’s that bill pretty good IMO. Also Riku can be intimating if he wanted to).
Garchomp (This is mostly because I feel like Riku would have a dragon type, I know Salamence might be a choice. But I think Garchomp eased into the role mostly because of it’s design as well as being a ground type, again fitting to Riku’s name)
Sawk (Okay… I’m not going to lie, I’m not 100 percent sure about Sawk. There are other Pokemon that fit’s the fighter type better. And since Riku is a fighter, I wanted to give Riku a fighting type. In the end I just chose Sawk because of it’s color design, because Riku wear predominantly blue in KH3)
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(The starter I think he would most likely get is Greninja) (Eevee would no doubt be Umbreon)
Kairi was sorta like Riku, a little difficult to decide, as many of the Pokemon I thought would be nice also seemed… too redundant. I tried to limit the amount of Fairy types since that’s the closest we’ll get to a light type in Pokemon. But since Kairi is a princess of Heart naturally she would have more light compared to others.  (I wouldn’t be surprised if she had an all out Fairy team, but again I needed to give her something a little more realistic).  
So in the end I thought her main three would be:
The reason I didn’t go for Florges is mainly because I think Kairi would care little to evolve her Pokemon for power. I can see her be a bit of a strategist and Floette could provide a good amount of advantages. Also biggest reason I gave Floette, because one: Fairy type. And two, it’s a flower which goes pretty well with her Keyblade.
Milotic was sorta an easy pick because of Kairi’s name meaning ocean. And Milotic is a really pretty Pokemon. I can easily imagine Kairi wanting to join showcases or Pokemon Contests. And just in general it could also represent Kairi and the sign of strength. Despite not looking much, she can grow into something much more than just something simple and dull. (Though… it’s debatable after what happened in kh3... But that’s not the point right now!)    
As for Meowstic, it doesn’t really matter what gender Kairi would get, because I sincerely doubt she would care about that. But I think the female version would be more likely on her team, knowing how it’s typically girls with girls sort of deal. But beyond that, the reason I gave her Meowsitc has to be because it’s a psychic type. For as much as I can tell Kairi has been surrounded in and has magic, and the closest we’ll get to a magic type is psychic type. And while I know there are other Psychics that fill the role. I think Meowstic isn’t too much of a bad choice. That and it’s a cat, and there is a theory that Kairi is a chirithy just like Riku is a dream eater for Sora. So, I use that to help choose her Pokemon.
I think Kairi would definitely have the least amount of Pokemon compared to everyone else. But hypothetically for a full team, I thought this would work:
Ninetales (Alola version) (during my gameplay I noticed that Kairi used a lot of ice spells, so I figured that might be her favorite element in magic. That and Ninetales is really pretty in design and I figured it would be a nice addition on Kairi’s team).
Emolga (The biggest reason? Emolga is freaken adorable, and I know Kairi would have other cute Pokemon, that and it doesn’t evolve, which… sorta fit’s Kairi… but also I think Kairi would be interesting to see Kairi have an electric type that isn‘t Pikachu) that and I think someone else would more likely have Pikachu on their team 
Arcanine (I’m sorry, but no one can tell me otherwise that Kairi would not have a fire type. Despite her nature she has shown to be feisty and can get riled up. And honestly I wanted to give Kairi a Pokemon that does look pretty strong since the rest of her team has an appearance of fragility ~even though the Pokemon themselves aren’t~ I wanted to give her something that would show her fighting spirit too)
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(The starter I think she would most likely get is Chikorita, unlike the others I don‘t think she would evolves hers. At least not beyond Bayleef, I feel like Chikorita would be comfortable being in it‘s first stage).
*The other starter that I feel would suit her as well is Fennekin. But her Keyblade is mostly flowers so I felt the grass type held a little more influence in what starter she would get
(I’d be an idiot to not give her a Sylveon)
And that’s pretty much it, I actually had a lot of fun writing this, and honestly I think I might do the others to. Also, please consider that this was done for fun and not meant to be taken seriously. I understand that others will have different views and opinions. And that’s totally fine, I see no harm in it at all. In fact I’m really curious,
What Pokemon teams do you think these character would have? I’d love to see what you all have in mind
That’s all for now, thanks for reading
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
Dread Moon, Chapter 13 Excerpt
[Context: Post-Inquisition, Pre-Trespasser...Dorian has been ‘rescued’ and is headed back to Skyhold with his Inquisition fam. Anders is struggling to find his place in Kirkwall again, and without Justice. Hawke tries to big sister him to repair their friendship. It starts to work...sorta.]
[Oh shit! Also...have I mentioned how important Orana’s cinnamon buns are to keeping all of Hawke’s friends from killing each other?]
A hungover Evelyn was not happy that she had to practically drag Dorian and Cullen aboard the ship Harding had chartered for them the next morning. Bull, and even Alarion, who was technically their prisoner, though it was easy to forget that he would be taken directly to the dungeons as soon as they arrived at Skyhold, came along much more willingly. Aveline as Guard-Captain, and Varric as the official Inquisition ambassador in Kirkwall were there to see them off, and Merrill had accompanied them, having woken up as bright and chipper as ever before sunrise. Hawke and the others opted to sleep in and enjoy the comforts of the Hawke estate, which most of them had been missing for the past few weeks, months, and even years, in Anders’ case.
Just like old times, Orana had cinnamon buns baking and coffee brewing by the time Hawke even realized she’d missed her chance to say goodbye.
She rolled over, from dead asleep to wide awake in an instant. “Fenris!” The mid-morning sun was already streaming in through the curtains. “How could you let me sleep in and miss sending Trevelyn and Cully-Wully off?”
Fenris had already gone for a morning run, done his meditations, bathed, dressed, and was reading on the chaise across the room while enjoying a bowl of strawberries with his cinnamon bun and a cup of hot water and lemon, all parts of his routine that he had been missing dearly for quite some time.
“It’s not really a matter of ‘letting’ you…” he murmured, not looking up from his book.
“Is everyone else gone, too?”
“Isabela just woke up. She’s downstairs with Anders and Orana in the kitchen trying to convince someone to make her an omelette. Your sister said she had to go meet another potential donor for the College. And Merrill went with Varric and Aveline.”
Fenris shrugged, finally looking up at her. “Perhaps she was just being nice?”
“Weird.” She eyed his plate. “Are there anymore cinnamon buns?”
Fenris smiled and shook his head, returning his attention to the book. “I’m sure Orana saved you one.”
Hawke spent the rest of the morning nursing her hangover, gossiping with Isabela and Varric when he returned from the Docks, helping Merrill move more of her stuff into the estate, and insisting on buying Anders a new robe and a trip to the barber.
“You can keep the beard, Anders! But it’s in desperate need of some tidying up. Hobo apostate chic is so...not a thing anymore. And your hair could use a trim, too. The messy man bun still works for you, I think, but the dead ends...you’ve just taken the look way too far.”
“Even I get my glorious chest hair groomed…” Varric bragged, puffing his chest out even more than usual.
Merrill’s eyes lit up. “Really?!”
“Next time, Daisy...I’ll let you tag along to my appointment.”
“Oh! How fun!”
“I just don’t think I need --” Anders began to protest again.
Isabela eyed him knowingly. “No harm in cleaning yourself up! You know...in case you run into anyone cute…”
Anders shot her a quick glare and then turned back to Hawke. “Fine,” he sighed in defeat.
An afternoon shopping with and cleaning Anders up turned out to be quite exhausting for both of them, and they headed back to the Hawke estate tired, hungry, and irritable, but not entirely unsuccessful.
“It looks good, you know…” Hawke grumbled, trying not to look like she was admiring him too much. No one could ever call Anders ‘ugly,’ but new clothes and a bit of grooming had certainly reminded her how attractive he was. “I think eating food the past few days has helped a lot, too,” she added, just to annoy him.
“Thanks,” he grunted begrudgingly. He had thought the barber had done a fine job of accentuating the parts of his face that he didn’t completely hate. And the robe he’d picked, after so much fretting, was a nice teal velvet, free-flowing and comfortable, weighted perfectly for his tall lanky frame, with lots of useful pockets inside for potions and herbs and tools. It had gold accents that brought out the amber of his eyes and the various shades of blonde that actually washing his hair had revealed. Even he had to admit that it was nice to look down and appreciate what he was wearing, and how he looked in a mirror for the first time in...well, since he’d come to Kirkwall, really. Justice hadn’t really had much patience for vanity, after all.
But the two of them actually sharing a moment of gratitude and appreciation was short-lived.
“Anders, get behind me…” Hawke muttered, glaring ahead of them into the lengthening shadows of one of Kirkwall’s many winding alleys.
A large sinister-looking figure stepped out, brandishing a Templar’s sword from under his ill-fitting cloak. Several others, smaller in stature, but no less ill-intended emerged behind him. All of them wore hoods or masks to hide their faces. Hawke grinned. Too afraid to even reveal themselves...this would be easy.
“Our beef isn’t with you, Champion. Best get out of the way,” the big one muttered.
Hawke laughed. “I thought we routed all you inbred mage-haters out of the city years ago! Show your faces, you cowards!”
“We represent Kirkwall. You brought this murderer, this terrorist, back to our city, just as we had begun to rebuild from what he did, and we intend to do what you could not five years ago before he does anymore harm.”
“Kirkwall is BETTER NOW, you idiot! Are you so blinded by your ignorance and hate that you don’t see it?”
“I ask you once more, to please step aside. And let this man answer for his crimes.”
“You don’t have to do this...” Anders muttered behind her.
“Oh, shut up. You know I do!” she said through gritted teeth, refusing to take her eyes off of the menacing group forming in front of them.
“Very well, then. Try not to kill the Champion, but if you must...” He motioned toward them with his sword and the rest of the group swarmed out of the alley, swords and knives and bows out in front of them. There were far more of them than Hawke had imagined, but they were clearly not trained or very well-organized, and many of their weapons were makeshift or old family heirlooms, heavy and rusted. Most of them didn’t stand a chance. Anders noticed several of the hooded figures were small, child-sized, even for dwarves, and he felt his stomach drop.
“Hawke, don’t!” he shouted. “They’re mostly civilians! And children!”
“They want to kill you!” Hawke shouted back, daggers flashing as she unsheathed them, ready to pounce on the first person who dared to attack. “Civilian or not!”
Anders was panicking. He didn’t want this. This is precisely why he’d hidden himself away in a cave for five years. He felt himself reaching for Justice, trying to will him to take over. He didn’t want to be here, he didn’t want to see this, didn’t want to be a witness or to have to decide between his own life and that of someone else, let alone a child, however murderous. Justice could make those hard decisions. Justice could protect him from the guilt. But Justice was gone.
“Faith and Justice send their regards…” a familiar voice murmured. In his head? Mostly...though his shimmering presence was beginning to coalesce nearby. Compassion.
“Cole! Can you help?!”
The figure nodded, and Hawke did a double-take when she finally noticed him.
“Nevermind! Get out of the way, Hawke!”
She stepped aside as the shimmering spirit-boy-thing walked right into Anders, and a blinding golden light exploded out of him, pushing the angry mob back as they shielded their eyes.
“Abomination!” the leader of the group cried out, his cloak thrown back revealing full Templar armor underneath, though it was ill-fitting and unpolished. “We must kill him before he transforms into a demon!”
But many of the others had begun to back away, lowering their weapons, pulling their friends and family members along with them.
“Your friends are smart.” Hawke grinned at the man, sauntering up to him with a swagger that Anders had always both loved and hated in equal measure. “Show me that Templar sword again, big man.”
He raised his sword in front of himself defensively, but he couldn’t hide his trembling.
“And take off that stupid hood!” Hawke whipped one of her daggers up and knocked his hood back to reveal a plump-faced, orange-haired man with a ruddy complexion. He looked terrified. “Ah, of course! Ser Mettin! Who let you back into the city? I thought we’d made it quite clear you weren’t welcome here after you threatened to...hmmm...what did you say about my sister? ‘Put that little witch in her place’?”
She dragged her dagger across his cheek, tracing the line of a scar that ran from his ear to his nose. “Bethany gave you this with one flick of her wrist, but you deserved worse. My sister really is the kind and benevolent one of the family. She’s busy at the moment, so I’ll go ahead and finish you off for her.”
“This is my city, too! You and your sister and your friends can’t just do as you please!”
“Why not? Meredith and the Templars certainly did for more than a decade…”
“That was different!”
“You’re right. She was cruel and abusive and driven to madness by her greed for power. We’ve just been trying to help this Maker-forsaken city.”
“Hawke, let him go,” Anders said. Cole was back beside him, watching curiously as Hawke pressed her dagger against his other cheek.
“He doesn’t deserve that…” she mused, sliding the dagger down his jaw to his throat. “How many other mages did you ‘put in their place,’ Mettin?”
Suddenly a barrier flashed between Hawke and Mettin, and the man winced, half expecting it to have been some kind of killing spell. “Let him go!”
Hawke turned around, livid with Anders for interfering with her kill, and it gave Mettin just enough time to throw his hood back up over his head and take off in the other direction.
“Go back to the estate!” she shouted angrily, preparing to pursue him.
“It’s not worth it, Hawke,” Anders sighed.
“I know...he’s pathetic, right? Totally out of shape...I bet he dies of a heart attack before I even get to slit his throat.”
Anders looked at her pleadingly, those damn doe eyes of his begging mercy for the man who’d just tried to incite an angry mob against them. She’d always had a weakness for them, and especially now, with his hair pulled back away from his face, and the new robe with its contrasting teal and gold drawing all her attention to them.
“Fuck, Anders! But he’s complete garbage,” she whined.
“So forget him. Let’s just go.”
Hawke stared longingly down the dark alley, then sighed. “Fine…”
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lovecanbesostrange · 6 years
I blame @konako for putting Red Beauty feels inside my dusted heart again. And also @myfawnwy because reasons. So, how about a nice re-telling of Ladyhawke with those two?
It starts in Regina’s kingdom. The Evil Queen rules with an iron fist and lots of fear (just how we like her). Red is the captain of her guard. Strong, loyal, good at intimidation. Also Regina has a thing for her. Red really doesn’t mind all the special favors she gets. It’s a good life. All she needs to do is turn a blind eye toward all the suffering she causes. Oops.
So there is a soft side within her and then Belle drops into her life. Red is out on duty, she needs to collect taxes from an orphanage (the Evil Queen is actually evil, you know). Belle is there and disgusted when one of the soldiers threatens a child. She throws an apple it him. It’s not really efficient, but it makes Red laugh and they end up talking. Well, they banter.
Red is amused and also intrigued and when Belle offers up money (which isn’t enough, but it’s a good amount), Red can’t take it. She looks at the way the children and the nun running the orphanage look at Belle, and something pulls on her heartstrings. Red has money. She can actually pay the debt owed. She never needs her money for anything, because Regina gives her all she needs (sugar mommy, nice). But oh no, so Red learns about herself that there is something Regina can’t offer...
Among Red’s soldiers there is Mulan. Sorry to say, but she is miserable heartbroken rather dishonorable Mulan. Aurora broker her heart so bad, she drinks way too much and is very rude (if you know the film Ladyhawke, you know what role she plays in this, and sorry, but somebody has to). Still Red talks to her. And in the next few days Red manages to super accidentally run into Belle (girl knows how to track, *cough*stalker*cough*). And they just talk.
Belle is seen a lot of the world, she’s traveling ever since her father wanted to push her into a loveless arranged marriage. Yikes. She has met a lot of people and learned that most just want to live in peace, be happy and have the compacity to be good. Belle is an optimistic. She likes nudging people towards change for the better. And oh, does Red enjoy the nudging.
Red grew up in a tiny village, lost her parents early in life and she wanted more. It was a series of weird events that brought her to Regina and the attention, the power, the sudden sorta carefree egocentric life - morals be damned. But deep down Red remembers that she wanted to do better one day. She just told herself to compromise a little bit, to get into a better position and well, here she is now. But Belle tells her it’s not too late for that.
Regina feels that Red is slipping from her grasp. There is something going on and she will find out. Red knows to hide herself from the mirror’s watchful eyes. Regina has other methods though and Mulan - with no bad intention - lets it slip where Red and Belle are meeting up.
Regina finds the two and she is rage incarnate. What a betrayal and omg feelings, really, love only ever hurts people (she has issues). Red is super protective and tries to shield Belle, which only makes Regina laugh with madness. If she wanted to kill them they’d be dead in a second. Instead she throws a curse at them. It’s a bit on the spot, so she isn’t sure about it all, but gets a good laugh.
It’s night and while Regina retreats Belle looks around only to find Red is gone. Instead there is a wolf. A huge wolf. With her. In a tiny room. But before the panic boils over she can see that the wolf is distressed as well and not at all hostile towards her. Okay, so that wolf is Red. Well. Damn. What now? Belle talks to her, unsure if she talks to a human or an animal or like both. But they end up huddled in a corner.
The next morning changes the situation dramatically. Red wakes up and for a moment she is all “thank god, what a shitass dream that was”. Two arms, two legs, all human. But where is Belle? There is just this hawk sitting on the back of a chair. Looking a bit wobbly. And Red just knows, this is the curse. Only one of them can be human.
Then the hunters come. Regina wants to see them run for their lives and so they do. Only at sunrise and sundown, for a precious few seconds, can they see each other as human. When they transform. It’s never enough time to say anything. But they protect each other nonetheless.
Red has revenge on her mind and she talks about it to the hawk (who does enjoy learning how to fly, it’s a perk). But during the night Belle tells her why killing people rarely leads to good results. And she’d rather have a wolf by her side than nobody at all.
Red finds out what happened and she confronts Mulan, who has left the guard in shame. She is trying to get sober and when Red has her literally by her throat all she can do is offer up her own life. It’s no fun killing people who are ready to die and okay, so maybe Belle has an effect on Red in many ways. She just tells Mulan that one day she will collect what’s owed.
They live this way for a few months. Red using her skills by day to help people against bandits and Regina’s men, always looking out for hunters. And wow, since when are so many people out here bird hunting? It’s not easy being a hawk.
Then they hear about something outrageous - a woman escaped the Evil Queen’s most infamous dungeon. That castle is impenetrable. Not even Red knows how she could get in without being detected. Which is the other reason she’s putting revenge on the backburner.
The hawk scouts the land and it’s actually not hard finding the girl fleeing from guards. Just the general direction of where things are happening. So Red helps. A few well placed arrows, a sharp sword, a pointy dagger and the girl is safe. Her name is Snow. Oh wow, this one girl Regina always talked about and who she is really pissed at.
Red is all “I saved you, now you do something for me” and Snow is just “sounds good, but no thanks”. She has been imprisoned for some time, Regina keeping her a secret prisoner and now she has places to be. The hawk screeches at her and damn those talons are no joke.
Red offers to train Snow, because that girl is fast and tiny and stealthy, but she can’t take care of herself. What a shame. So she gets Snow to talk to her, tell her about the cells she has seen, the tunnels she found and the secret passageways connected to the city sewer and all. But Red knows she needs a guide right there. They argue a lot.
Snow is really irritated when Red vanishes and this other woman comes to her at night. Smirking “oh, I know you, Red told me all about you”. When Snow thinks this might be her chance to flee there is suddenly a wolf standing in her way. What’s with all the animals? Since when are they against her?!
Snow confides in Belle how Regina is actually supposed to be her stepmother, but there was this incident where a man Regina loved died tragically and the marriage with the King didn’t make Regina happy. Here Belle can suddenly empathize a tiny bit with Regina and once again she wishes she could just guide everybody to the side of good and sunshine and rainbows.
Turns out Snow is a princess and she should be in the spotlight, but it all was taken from her and she doesn’t have anywhere to go. “You have us now.” Beggers can’t be choosers it seems. What a weird new family. Snow slowly gets suspicious about never seeing Red and Belle together, yet they talk about each other like a married couple. Wtf.
They are so focused on training Snow and gaining her trust so she will help, they forget the hunters and one day the unthinkable happens. The hawk is shot down. Red gets mad. Berserker rage mad. Still she wraps up the bird in her cloak, gives it over to Snow and instructs her where to go. It would be so easy to leave the animal, but Snow has a feeling... and she runs. Red covering her. The hunters becoming the hunted. An endangered species actually. It’s a bloodbath. Turns out Red still has some wolf left in her by day.
Snow reaches the cottage that was described and a sober yet annoyed Mulan opens the door, to only smash it in her face again. “Red sent me.” That opens the door very wide and Mulan doesn’t even ask another question when she sees what is inside that cloak she knows so well. Luckily she knows how to help. She has stitched up so many wounds, pulled out arrows etc, she can handle this. Especially because night falls soon and there is a woman lying on her kitchen table now. (Snow on the side makes a small fist “knew it”.)
It’s after midnight, Belle has survived the worst of it and sleeps it off, when there is a howl. Mulan lets the wolf in, telling her it all will be fine. Red doesn’t leave Belle’s side for the next three days, no matter the body. Mulan tries to talk to her, but Red is angry. “Your debt might be paid, but that doesn’t mean I have forgiven you.”
So Mulan turns to Snow and explains how she tried to research this curse. And there is this eclipse coming up. There will be a day without sun and then Red and Belle can be together and break this curse. But they need to face Regina. Yeah, okay, so Snow how that meeting can be arranged and with a long sigh she caves. She will help.
Red doesn’t want to hear anything about the curse. Killing Regina is goal enough at this point, so they can be free. One way or another. Belle feels the guilt and misery radiating from Red. It’s all her fault they ended up like this. If only she hadn’t stalked... tracked her.
Mulan and Snow believe there is a chance to break the curse and they try their best to talk to Red and Belle. Coming up with a plan within the plan to see this through. They delay the journey a bit, so the eclipse can work its magic so to speak.
Snow leads the others through the tunnels underneath the castle. Or course today is the anniversary of Regina’s coronation, because it would be too easy with fewer people around. They get disguises, Snow being the one carrying the hawk. She does not like being stuffed in a bag and then shoved into a trolley table. Red gets a guard’s uniform with a closed helmet, so in the end there can be a dramatic reveal (including shaking that hair).
Regina actually enjoys the festivities. Everybody says so many nice things about her. Yes, they like her, they really do like her. So good. She always wanted to be a good leader. Yes, yes. (She has issues.) Mulan manages to create a small diversion, leads different guards out of the room to disable them. (Do you know how many unconscious bodies fit into one broom closet?)
The final confrontation is here. Right when Regina is giving a speech Red makes her presence known. It all starts with “You know that people whisper behind your back and call you the Evil Queen”. It kinda gets to Regina actually, she hates that name. She is strict and likes to punish, but if everybody would just do what they are told...
Red’s reflexes are faster now, she is more agile, the fireballs don’t seem to be able to hit her. A few guards want to help the Queen, but a few more remember Red being their Captain. O Captain, my Captain runs deep with them.
The eclipse starts, wonderful spectacle through the hugh windows. And Belle turns human again. Red has Regina almost on the floor, but the sight makes her lose focus. Belle is here. She never had the chance to tell her in person how much she loves her and that she’s sorry for this mess.
Regina wants to use this moment, but Snow comes forth. She yells a rather simple “mother, don’t” and it’s like a spell is cast. All Snow wanted was a mother, not the throne, not to destroy young love or use Regina. People recognize the princess now, who was rumoured to maybe be dead, or kidnapped to a strange land or fleed because of a crime (lots of conflicting stories, which Regina always enjoyed).
“You can choose to let the hate go.” It’s all very sappy. The way Red and Belle hold hands and Snow holds a speech while Regina holds her breath and Mulan holds a crossbow just in case...
Regina says she can’t lift the curse, even if she wanted to, because only true love’s kiss (TM) can. Which was the bittersweet revenge part, because the time was always too short for the two humans (furry rights not found). Belle grabs Red’s face and they kiss. *boom* ~Happy Ending Unlocked~
Mulan will later muse about this. “So, we never had to put ourselves in danger, because the eclipse was bound to happen and you two are so ridiculously in love, you would’ve kissed anyway........” (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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It’s (Not) Over, Isn’t It? Chapter Four
Chapter Masterlist
Warning: Misgendering in this chapter
Logan was wondering how they had gotten here. Well, obviously, they had walked to the bus stop and were now on their way to work, but they were speaking in a more metaphorical sense than usual, where they were typing on their phone, on Discord, with one of Patton’s newest recruits to his server, a user who they were informed went by Virgil.
virgilent: look, all i’m saying is that i personally don’t see connie weilding the sword while steven using the shield as basis for a theory that connie is the more dominant personality in the relationship. i think it gives them good balance, to be sure, but outside of that i’m not sure i really agree with the meta. it’s nothing against you, it’s just my personal opinion
Sherlock Holmes: i understand. perhaps i should have not gotten so passionate about the subject when we were merely discussing weapons that you might use in your latest fanfiction. regardless, it has been enjoyable to debate with you
virgilent: you sound so uptight when you speak like that. it’s kinda endearing, in an annoying sorta way
Logan made an affronted noise under their breath.
Sherlock Holmes: i will have you know that i most certainly am not annoying
virgilent: sorry, it was supposed to be a joke. i keep forgetting not everyone shares my love for snark and sarcasm
Sherlock Holmes: well, speaking to only close friends a majority of the time will allow one to forget what outsiders are like. i’m hardly surprised
virgilent: why are the people on this server so understanding? anywhere else and i probably would have been aggressively kicked out and possibly banned by now
Sherlock Holmes: blame the man of sunshine who owns this server. he’s a fantastic influence, and a true follower of the “golden rule” as it were. most of the time i think that i learn more from him than anyone could learn from me, and i’m striving to become a university professor
There was a pause from the other user which allowed Logan to get lost in their thoughts somewhat. There was something different about Virgil, something that they liked. It was similar to why they decided to message Patton, though it wasn’t quite the same pull.
virgilent: that’s a noble goal, teach. good luck
The conversation was soon taken over by a user whose nickname changed at least twice a week and was currently going by Lapis, and Logan allowed themself to just idly read what was going on with these people they were starting to know, and whose company they greatly enjoyed.
The bus came to a full stop, and Logan glanced up to see that they had arrived at their workplace. They got off the bus and adjusted their coat, shivering in the cold rain. It was still autumn, but just barely. They hated the miserable weather, but supposed they were lucky it wasn’t snow.
When they walked into the Tesco’s, they went to the back without a word, got ready, and then walked out to the floor for another mind-numbing day of retail work.
They tried not to flinch whenever some unassuming older woman would compliment them for being “such a nice man,” or when a little kid would wail too close for them to bear. It was a day where Logan wished they had more spoons than they did. To be misgendered and belittled all day, and then have to go home and continue his studies online while ignoring snide comments from his parents, it was hard to keep going through it every day.
Whenever they got a brief respite, they thought to themself about Virgil and Patton. Both of them were strange characters. They had to admit they were closer to Patton than Virgil, though with the sheer amount of time Logan had talked to Virgil, they were hardly surprised that they were closer to him than most on Patton’s server.
“Hey, Thomas!” their manager called.
Logan tried not to cringe and turned expectantly. “Yeah, Charlie?”
Charlie panted a little before he pointed back from where he came. “Can you clean up aisle eight? Someone decided to throw nearly everything to the ground and leave.”
Logan couldn’t help their next cringe, and sighed in defeat. “Yeah, I can clean it up.”
Charlie grinned and clapped them on the shoulder. “You’re a gem, Thomas. Thank you.”
Logan nodded and walked away, thinking to themself, I know you meant that as a compliment, but the deadnaming rather negates the positive message.
There wasn’t anything they could do about it for now, though. They couldn’t risk losing their job, this was the only way they were getting their classes at Uni.
The dreaded aisle eight was an absolute mess and Logan sighed at the sight. It was an aisle that seemed to be cursed with never being clean. If it wasn’t bags of crisps being opened and strewn everywhere, it was all the bags being in the wrong places, tricking the customers into thinking the bags were cheaper than they were, and getting the employees yelled at for mishelving.
Still, they had a job to do, so they slowly and methodically picked up everything that they needed to from its position on the floor and put the bags back in their proper places on the shelves. The bending down and standing up over and over was soon giving Logan a headrush, and they tried to bite back the dizziness that was threatening to take over. They knew they shouldn’t have stayed up until three last night writing that meta, but they couldn’t resist a challenge, and they had aggressively proved themself superior in their meta skills against a “SU-critical” blog which did nothing much more than spread hate.
Their mind sifting through memories made the dizziness a little easier to bear, and made the time pass faster, and soon they were done cleaning up the aisle. For now, at least. They didn’t know when another person might tear it up.
The rest of their day at work passed mostly uneventfully, and they were relieved to get back on their bus home and scroll through Discord. Virgil was apparently in classes, but Patton was on.
Sherlock Holmes: hello, dad.
Papa Patton: heya logan! i hope work was good to you?
Sherlock Holmes: as good as it ever is. how’s everyone here?
Peridot: p good! i just got out of school for the day, which is a HUGE relief
Opal: luckyy, i’m stuck in classes for another three hours
Steven Wannabe: at least you get access to your phone in class. as soon as lunch is over i gotta go. :’(
Sherlock Holmes: i wish you luck, steven
Steven Wannabe: thanks, sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: you know you can always call me logan. you all are about everyone who does, and i appreciate taking advantage of every chance i get to go by my real name
Steven Wannabe: okay. logan. thanks
Sherlock Holmes: any time
Logan got off the bus and walked into their house, nodding to their mother when she said, “Welcome back, Thomas!” They didn’t argue over their name with her. She never understood, and they really didn’t feel up to a shouting match today.
Instead, they went to their room, and checked online for their homework for the day. They were going to become a professor if it killed them; this was their dream job, and they weren’t going to let anyone take that away.
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zachsgamejournal · 3 years
PLAYING: Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
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It's coming to an end. There's frustrations, celebrations, good ideas, terrible ideas, complete lack of ideas... it's been a journey.
I can't remember where we left off. I think it was the blandly decorated asteroid space station. I had finished the interestingly designed reactor level. Now we're on the dock...or something. Anyway, at some point the game says, “There’s too many, I’m going to have to use stealth” (paraphrase). I got excited because I love stealth. This section gave me some Deus Ex vibes, sneaking through vent shafts and such (which always give me MGS vibes...which gives me GoldenEye vibes...).
The first bit was challenging. some guard kept hitting the alarm, but I couldn’t tell where he was. When I finally figured out which alarm he was using, I was able to quickly kill the guards and get to the alarm. But the guard never showed up. Still, it was a nice change of pace. I wish the entire game had a “stealth” option.
I eventually make it to the Doom Giver, or whatever it is, and Luke is fighting Desann. for a moment I thought they were gonna kill Luke, or make him look ineffectual against an enemy the player would later kill. I don’t like Kyle well enough to accept him as more capable than Luke. Luke waves goodbye as we ride off on the Doomgiver. Our job is to slow it down, if not destroy it, before it can reach the Jedi temple on Yavin.
These levels were a bit more linear. It was harder to get lost, but I did get confused. There was an interesting, but horrifying, point where I could open hangar doors to suck out the guards into space. I’m impressed they had it in there, though it was horrifying.
There’s an interesting bit where there’s a large room with smaller rooms (shacks) inside. Each designated by a color, Red, Green, and Blue. You have to find the right code-symbol for each room. I’m not sure how Kyle got the code, but it was revealed in the menu (after I spent many minutes trying to figure it out). To “crack it”, you have to go to this basement area with cube-rooms suspended from the ceiling. There’s three floors of these cubes. Each a color: red, green, and blue. Some rooms have bridges connecting them, and some don’t. It was a neat area, as you had to Jedi jump to different floors and rooms. Each room had a code symbol (color coded). When you found the right symbol, you activate it. then Once you’ve activated the Red, Green, and Blue symbol, you head upstairs and activate them.
It’s super gamey--but also a great way to represent finding a code and hacking the system. Silly, unrealistic, but fun!
Eventually we get to a boss fight. Dude has a shield. It reminded me of Borderlands. It was a bit of a challenge. But not too bad. i finally used those “attack drones” they give you. Some times I’d get lucky and the boss would be distracted.
Then the gravity gets blown out and I have to float around in zero grav. It’s kinda fun but also silly--since I’m basically swimming through space.
OH SHIT--and we rescue Jan, cause she’s not dead. I sorta suspected this, but it’s more a shame that she’s been absent from the whole game until I could rescue her. I forget how isolating 90′s games can be. I remember playing Uncharted on PS3 for the first time, and other characters actually participate in solving puzzles and fighting bad guys. Mostly they just follow you around, but it FEELS competitive. And now games have added more cooperative NPCs, but it makes it playing these old games feel “weird” when your buddy keeps finding excuses not to be in the same room with you.
So we land on Yavin and Jan and Kyle kiss (ew). I mean, romance is fine--but it was just awkward. Hilariously so, actually. While the mouths move on the cinematic models, there’s zero expression. So Kyle and Jan kiss for like 10 seconds and then suddenly they pull apart and Jan is just blank. No expression what-so-ever. Funniest part of the game.
The “swamp” level was kind of interesting. After playing Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith, it was nice to see this series handle nature well. Plenty of foliage and tree diversity. The rock-textures were just pictures--but they finally did nature some justice.
I think I’m getting better at lightsaber dueling, but it’s still a mess. The best I can tell, you just dance about hoping for an opening. I know there’s deeper moves and stances, but it seems to really be the luck of the draw. And several enemies resist light saber damage--which pisses me off. Lightsabers cut through shit, that’s the deal. Reminds of playing Morrowind and I swung a sword, watched it clip through an enemy’s head, and then the battle report said: “Miss”.
Still, they’re more tolerable than Dark Forces 2 fights that were just shit.
After the swamp, I came to a canyon. It was filled with troopers at AT-STs. I suspected that I might be able to avoid a fight. So I did. I just ran for it. I killed 1% of the enemies present and even skipped a few lightsaber duels.
What was interesting is the game is starting to feel “epic” with New Republic Forces fighting stormtroopers. I kind of help. It’s not...very impressive, like in Jak 2 when all hell breaks loose in the city. But it’s pretty cool. Still, Mysteries of the Sith captured this on the first level, so I’m less impressed by it here.
I got to the Jedi temple and several Jedis were fighting dark Jedis. It was kind of neat (less work for me). I felt bad when they died though. :(
I’m at the end of this level now, and will then be on the final level. I’m looking forward to putting this game behind me. And while I’ve needed a guide, I’ve yet to cheat my way through. As tempting as that can be. Once I’m done with this game I may take a break on Star Wars for a while. I’m really interested in picking up Elder Scrolls and getting into Final Fantasy 14.
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pleasinglytherandom · 7 years
Soul Split Drabble #2 kinda sorta
Okay, some context here. In the manga, a month period happens before the gang goes to Egypt to send Atem off to rest. While driving home one day, I remembered this and had the random thought--”What were they doing in that period?” And for some reason, the first thing that popped into my head was the idea of this drabble. Realistically, the most I would do is reference this time period in story and come up with something relevant. But it definitely gives some good material and leeway to write with. I actually debated on writing this for a couple of weeks and finally decided “ to hell with it” and wrote this in 4 hours (with distractions) lmao. I figured this would still fit in the au, so eh. Why not? So...fair warning, this is absolutely raw and unedited, so ignore any mistakes. Because chances are I won’t go back and edit it on here lol. (I reference my past work a lot to see what mistakes I have made and try to better at it)
Still can’t tell if I made myself cry while writing this is or good not
Yugi and Jonouchi walked into an arcade one late afternoon. School was finally over for the day and they had no tests to study for. There was also no immediate concerns for them. Battle City has ended, Atem has retrieved his memories, and they have all the necessary items to send him back. The only thing that is to do is to make the trip to Egypt. In a fortunate way, making the money will take some time for the group to make this trip, so that meant more time to spend with Atem. The group all sat down and planned it out of how long it would take to create the funds for them to all go, and the answer they came to was a month. In that month, they all made plans to hang out whenever possible and split the time up as fairly as possible.
Today, it was Jonouchi's day. It has been a long while since either of the boys have played anything else that wasn't a card game. It has been a long time since they stepped inside an arcade in general. The changes were startling to both of them; nevertheless, it was a scene that was familiar to them. The sounds of buttons clicking and joysticks clacking, the sound effects of various video games going off from every corner of the room, and the ocassional whooping from some kid who beat a high score. Not likely Kaiba's high score, but a high score of some sort.
“Alright Yugi, where to first?” Jonouchi asked as he put a few yen into a machine. The machine dispensed a handful of coins and he pocketed them into his jeans. “Check out the newer games or go for ‘ol reliable?”
Their “ol reliable” was the typical beat 'em up games. They used to sit on the stools for hours, fighting each other with their favorite fighter. Sometimes they would even see who was the better Bruce Lee. Yugi would always win, but they had fun regardless. It was a simpler time.
“Let's go check out the newer games first,” Yugi answered as he retrieved his own set of coins. “But I also promised Other Me that he gets first play on whatever we decide to play.”
“That's cool and all, but no cheating! Don't help him on the controls or anything!”
“Ha ha, I can't promise anything Jonouchi-kun, we do share the same body after all. I can only promise I won't tell him anything myself.”
“Man, the one time I might be able to win at something and you can't even promise me you won't cheat...”
“Alright, alright, how about this? I promise on my honor I won't help Other Me or help him cheat as far  as me telling him is concerned. When it comes to my body and muscle memory, I can't help that.”
Despite their competitive bicker, they were smiling widely and laughing as they passed all of the machines. Any outsider wouldn't be able to tell anything was amiss in their lives. If one really looked hard enough, they could see the pain behind the glint in their eyes and grins. For the moment, they could forget the weight on their shoulders. They could have normalcy for a day.
That was all they really needed.
Yugi and Jonouchi looked side to side in the aisle of the games, noting which ones were new and which ones weren't. They rounded a corner and spotted a shiny pinball machine with bright colors and lights. It had a comical mascot dressed up in a princess dress and being carried away by some sort of monster on one half, the other half with another mascot dressed in a hero's outfit giving chase, a sword and shield in hand. They stared at it, attempting to make sense of the story the images told. A light layer of dust covered the glass, making it difficult to see the visuals clearly.
Yugi gave a pitiful smile and walked up to the machine and used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the dust away. Clearly it hasn't been used, but it was still taken care of to a certain degree. Jonouchi walked up behind him with curiousity, looking over his shoulder. Upon closer inspection, yellow letters was written to tell the player the point system and how many coins to insert per turn. At the top in between the mascots, bubbled characters was bolded with what the machine was called.
“ 'Save the Princess', huh?” Jonouchi read it out loud with minimal amusement.  He shrugged and leaned against the wall with one hand, looking back at Yugi. “Not very creative title. So you decided on this Yugi?”
“Yup,” Yugi nodded, a more genuine smile appearing on his face. “Every game deserves a play. What do you think, Other Me?” Yugi titled his head back and looked over his shoulder, the question directed to the spirit. Yugi smiled even more and laughed, then cradled the Puzzle in his hands and shuts his eyes, like he normally does to switch places with Atem.
Jonouchi couldn't see him, but he can feel his presence there. He used to not be able to tell, but after the Memory World escapade, Atem felt even more like of a separate entity that inhabited the Puzzle. He isn't entirely sure why, but he suspects that seeing him in his own body had something to do with it. Did it reaffirm the fact that he indeed was someone else? Is it because he emits the aura of a regal being rather than the aura of a different Yugi? Is it because he is confident of his own identity and it shows—or rather, oozes?
Jonouchi shook the questions out of his head and came back to the present, seeing Atem now standing there in Yugi's place. He jingles the coins in his hand while looking at the game, his eyes narrowed in contemplation. He looks at the contraption from side to side, pressing one of the buttons with his free hand, an eyebrow shooting up. He pulls on the knob that shoots the pinball out, then releases it. The thud from the action made him jolt in surprise, but his face turns into amazement right after.
“Are...are you trying to figure out the controls?” Jonouchi asks, trying to hold back a bit of a snicker. His mouth twists a bit from his effort, but a snort comes out of his nose. He knew that it would be amusing to watch him play more unique games, but his raw reactions could be compared to a kitten testing a new toy for the first time. To put it simply, he couldn't handle it.
“Yes, I am,” Atem mused for a bit more before inserting a coin in the slot, causing the game to come to life. He puts the rest of the currency in a pocket and rests his hand over the knob and pulls it back as far as it could go and releases, watching the pinball shoot out of the slide and bounces around. “Grandpa's shop has many games, but a pinball machine is not one of them, so I am not familiar with it or it's functions. Partner isn't that familiar with them either apparently.”
“All the better for me then! Makes the playing field more fair. I bet I'll beat your scores every time!” Jonouchi stands up straighter and watches closer, the pinball going from side to side on the board, sounds pinging when something is activated inside.
“Are you sure it's wise to make a bet like that Jonouchi?” Atem smirks, the competetive determination lighting up inside his violet eyes. He observes carefully, his fingers twitching at the sides on top of the triggers for the flippers.
“Wise? Who said anything about wise? I am making the bet because it'll be fun to test your skills at something you have never played!”
“If that is what you want, then that is what you will get.”
The pinball finally began to drop down into the middle of the board, then the bottom, and launched back up by the flipper. Fortunately for the King of Games, Yugi has above average timing and reflexes, and that is all he really needs for a simple game like this. His luck can cover the rest. The score board went higher and higher as Atem kept playing, the ball yet to drop to it's death.
Jonouchi clicked his tongue as he witnessed the score rack up higher gradually. He shook his head and crossed his arms, finding it hard to swallow that Atem can be good at something he has never touched. There was no possible way for him to find time to know these games existed, let alone practice. However, he couldn't bring himself to be mad. Atem was into it and enjoying himself, and Jonouchi was able to witness it for himself. It brought a smile to his lips, and that much he was grateful for.
“I would like to thank you, Jonouchi.” Atem said softly, the ball finally whizzing past the flippers, unable to be saved. His eyes look up to his friends', a gentleness that the blond was not used to seeing. “You and everyone else are working hard for my sake. Not only to help put me to peace, but to spend time with me and feel like a person of this time. To help me feel like I could belong on the last moments of being here with you. It makes me incredibly happy and honored that you all would do that for me. So, thank you.”
A lump jumped into Jonouchi's throat, and a burning sensation settled in the back. He swallowed hard to prevent any tears from coming, and he smiled sadly at the words. He knew they couldn't ignore the obvious, it was inevitable that it would come up. But, that was a part of their normal. The obvious was always there in front of them. They just ignored it.
If only they figured out what would happen sooner.
“I feel the same too, Atem.”
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