#swr modern au
cameoliob · 2 months
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I need rebels fic writers to know that when they write modern AUs this is how Zeb looks in my brain
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moodboards-aesthetics · 4 months
FBI Agent Alexsandr Kallus & Rebel Zeb Orrelios
Star Wars Modern Enemies to Lovers AU
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kanerallels · 5 months
My first contribution to Spring Fling, run by @monthly-challenge!
Day 2: Green
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla
Had it been any other person, any other encounter, any other voice, Kanan probably would have just brushed it off and moved on.
Bumping into some stranger in the hall of the VA? That was normal enough. Getting around with about 75 percent of his vision gone was something he was still getting used to, and the building was pretty full on an average day.
So when he bumped into someone while leaving a meeting he’d been at, Kanan caught himself quickly. “Sorry,” he said, stepping back to let whoever it was by.
“No worries,” they said— she said. It was a woman’s voice, and the very sound of it rooted Kanan to the ground, speechless.
He’d been alive for 25 years, fought in a war, lost people he loved, and made a variety of highly questionable decisions. And in that time, Kanan had seen and heard a lot, both ugly and beautiful.
This voice? It blew all of them away. Both gentle and firm, with a musical quality that sent warmth through his bones and made his heart skip a beat. It was absolutely exquisite, and Kanan knew, without a doubt, that he absolutely had to know the woman it came from.
She was already walking away, towards the elevator, by the time Kanan recovered enough to come to this conclusion. And by the time he’d started to move or speak or do anything, the elevator door was already sliding shut.
All he’d seen, with what was left of his vision, was a bright, vibrant flash of green.
From a shirt or a scarf, or something else entirely? Kanan didn’t know. All he knew was that the color was burned indelibly into his memory, and that he definitely needed to find out who that woman was.
He took the stairs, but when he made it to the lobby a floor below, the woman was long gone, leaving behind the memory of her voice. Kanan bit back a frustrated growl. Don’t worry, he told himself. If she was at the VA, it was for a reason. Which means I might bump into her again.
So he stayed calm, and headed out. Unfortunately, he was late for lunch with his friend Zeb thanks to his searching. The burly man was waiting in the usual booth at their favorite diner when Kanan made it.
“Oh, thanks for bothering to show up,” he said as Kanan slid into the seat across from him.
“Sorry,” Kanan said with a grimace. “I didn’t think I was going to be that late. But I— got distracted, and then the cab had to take a detour thanks to some accident. Did you order already?”
“I waited like ten minutes, but then I got bored,” Zeb said with a good-natured snort. He wasn’t the type to hold a grudge over one being late. “What exactly distracted you so much you forgot about lunch with your best mate?”
“I didn’t forget,” Kanan corrected. “I just got distracted, like I said.” The waitress approached, and Kanan ordered. He and Zeb had been coming to the diner since long before he’d lost his vision, and the menu was ingrained in his memory.
As were the staff, for that matter, and Kanan frowned as the waitress walked away. “We don’t know her, do we?”
“Nope,” Zeb said, slurping from his drink. “Some Russian kid Quinlan picked up. Now, are you being evasive, or am I going nuts?”
Kanan hesitated, then admitted, “You’re not going nuts. I was distracted by… someone I met. She and I bumped into each other in the hall—”
“Ohhh,” Zeb said, and Kanan didn’t need to see him to know a smirk was stretching across his face. “She?”
“It’s not like that!” Kanan protested, then paused. “Well… it is a little. But it’s not like I had enough time for anything to happen.”
He recapped the incident for Zeb, lingering just a little on what he remembered of the woman. Especially her voice— he probably lingered a little too long on that.
“Right,” Zeb said as the waitress reappeared, carrying both of their meals. “So you fell head over heels for this girl you met one time, and you’re gonna do what about it?”
Kanan shrugged. “Find her, I guess? Thanks,” he added as the waitress set his sandwich in front of him, along with his drink. “How hard could it be? I just need to talk to all the women in Lothal City until I find one that sounds—”
“Like an angel from your dreams?” Zeb said, snickering as he took a bite from his burger.
“I was going to say familiar,” Kanan said, scowling at him.
The man chuckled. “Sure, mate. Well, you’ve got the VA to start with. Maybe ask Piett. He and Veers know everyone around there, and if they don’t know her, they’ll know someone who does.”
“Good point,” Kanan said, his heart lightening a little. Veers was his former CO, and between him and his best friend Piett, they had a handle on pretty much everything that went on in both the VA and Lothal City. (Although it helped that Piett’s sister in law was a state senator.) After their meal, Kanan headed home planning to speak to them the next day.
He didn’t have to wait that long.
While he knew it made him something of a stereotype, Kanan liked to stop at the same diner every morning before work. He’d been going there for years, and the owner, Quinlan Vos, had been close with his mother. So he could usually count on cheap— or free, depending on if Vos’s wife was there— coffee, and a decent breakfast.
What he hadn’t counted on, however, when he stepped inside, was finding someone in his usual booth. In fact, Kanan had been expecting it so little that he’d sat down before he realized someone was sitting across from him.
“Oh— sorry,” he said, starting to slide out of his seat.
“No apologies necessary.”
Kanan froze. That was the voice— warm, slightly amused and curious, and stunningly gorgeous. And, as he gave her a proper look, there was the green. Her hair, by the looks of things. It was unexpected, and fit her well. Really well, he thought.
“Do we know each other?” she asked, her voice thoughtful. “You look familiar.”
For a moment, Kanan couldn’t speak. A long moment, as it turned out, because she asked, “You speak English?”
“Words fail me.”
There was no mistaking her smile, gentle and wry, as she said, “So they do.”
Recover, Jarrus. Pull yourself together. “Um.” Not a strong start. “We, uh, we actually met the other day,” he told her. “Bumped into each other at the VA— literally.”
“That’s right,” she said. “Which is why you sat down next to me?”
Kanan couldn’t help himself— he laughed. “Believe it or not, this is a complete coincidence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it happened. But this is my favorite spot, at my favorite diner.” 
It’s almost like fate, the unhelpfully romantic side of his brain whispered.
He elected not to say that part out loud.
“Well, you may as well stay, then,” she told him serenely. “I’m Hera.”
“Nice to meet you, Kanan.”
A smile crossing his face, Kanan said, “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.”
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sabellart · 2 years
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human au N’ura!!!
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twinsoulvisionary · 1 year
A list of all my fan fics and other stuff.. so far.
If you have landed here, be prepared to have some fun!
Letting everyone know, for now I only post my written fan fics on AO3, so if your into Star War Rebels / Kalluzeb & Art / Rebel’s Jedi Temple Guard Art  / Cosplay Builds and a wee bit of Star Trek TOS Art - see fan fic links in the pinned post below and the rest in the Tumblr feed thread... more coming soon.
1) The Last Fear / SWR’s Kalluzeb / AU / Human Zeb
2)  The Hunter and Healer Series - Part 1:  
A Destiny Stolen / SWR’s Kalluzeb / AU / Human Zeb
3 ) The Hunter and Healer Series - Part 2: 
For You I Shall Wait An Eternity - The Hunter and The Healer / SWR’s Kalluzeb / AU / Human Zeb
4 ) The Hunter and Healer Series - Part 3:
 A Descension Into Misery / SWR’s Kalluzeb / AU / Human Zeb
 5 ) A one shot up and coming! / SWR’s Kalluzeb / Canon
Yes, there is much MORE.. I will add and format better as I go along.
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cosmiccinnabun · 1 year
Fat bratty modern Ezra AU thoughts:
- Literally spends most of his day on the couch. Couldn’t be bothered to get his ass of of it. Why get up when you have Kanan to get anything you feel a hankering for?
- Junk food addict. There is never not an open bag of chips or something nearby for him to reach his hand into.
- Big Gamer. Emphasis on the big.
- Extremely spoiled. Kanan literally gets him anything he wants. The man does not have an ounce of restraint when it comes to indulging Ezra.
- In his underwear most of the time. Rest of his old clothes fit poorly now and he just doesn’t care. Will sometimes wear an old T-shirt, but is basically become a crop-top.
- Whines like a needy cat when he wants something from Kanan.
- Absentmindedly plays/squeezes his fat when he’s bored, especially his moobs.
- Cat ear headphones, obviously.
Lemmie know if you guys wanna hear more about this AU 😌
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
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incorrectpizza · 8 months
So, I have a SWR Modern AU that has lived rent free in my head for the past...four years? It's pretty self-indulgent (why the kriff would anyone have a journalism AU if they weren't obsessed with journalism?) and idk if it will ever get written for a large variety of reasons.
Hera's a journalist at Phoenix Press, a paper that does a lot of deep-dive, important investigative work on the corrupt government.
Kanan's an ex-con and her best informant. They get coffee every Friday morning, whether he has new intel or not. They are definitely not dating.
Zeb's a good cop in a world of very, very corrupt cops (including Kallus). He's friends with Hera, provides her with tips once in a while.
Sabine becomes the secretary/office assistant at Phoenix Press after her parents kick her out for refusing to take up a military career and instead pursuing art/photography/writing.
Ezra's a street rat who Kanan sends Hera's way because he knows she needs a paper boy who can sneak around and hand-deliver newspapers.
Chopper's a stray cat who's decided Hera's his mom. She rolls with it.
Sabine moves in with Hera shortly after she signed up for the job. Her parents aren't willing to finance her college education if she's not in ROTC, which completely conflicted with Painting II. She takes a few classes on the side while working on office management/chaos control.
Next to move in is Zeb. He crashes on Hera's couch after being kicked out of the police department.
Then Ezra comes into the picture. Hera finds him a bunk bed so he doesn't have to sleep on the streets.
Cue an 11 p.m. call from Officer Kallus at the police station saying there's a very drunk Kanan Jarrus there who says Hera Syndulla will pick him up. Zeb gets kicked off the couch and onto the other bunk.
And that's how the entire Ghost crew ends up living in Hera's apartment, fighting bad government and facism with words rather than war.
(Ezra has a meet-cute crush on Sabine that diminishes the same as canon but is it gone forever? Who knows)
(Oh Ahsoka's the editor of the paper and Bail's the publisher)
(Not many other characters' roles are decided)
(ALSO the sleeping arrangements in the apartment are. So stupid. And it takes until Hera's pregnant with Jacen for Kanan to move into her room and off the couch)
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secretlyatimelady · 2 years
Hello Timelady my dear!
tropes: there's only one bed, enemies->friends->lovers, and modern aus
Hmm, there’s only one bed can be excellent, especially if combined with idiots to lovers, or mutual pining. I would definitely read it in certain fandoms (particularly a 9-1-1 buddie fic). As I don’t necessarily actively search this out using the tagging system on ao3, I’m going to give this one a B+.
Enemies to friends to lovers, also for specific fandoms. If we’re talking swr Kalluzeb, then sign me up! However, while I do love a good friends to lovers, there aren’t a huge number of fandoms that have enemies to lovers ships that I’m in (that I can think of). I’m going to give it a C.
Modern aus: sometimes. If they’re from an author I know writes fics I enjoy reading, then sure. I don’t search them out however. Probably going to grade this one with a C. There have been many that I have enjoyed, but sometimes I find they don’t always keep my attention.
Thanks for the ask willow!
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ludwigshafen-lokal · 9 days
Ludwigshafen Aktuell
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Das Wichtigste in Kürze
- Chemiekonzern BASF: Umsatz sinkt weiter, harte Sparmaßnahmen im Stammwerk Ludwigshafen. - Straßentheaterfestival: Mehr als 70 Künstler aus der ganzen Welt begeistern Besucher. - Klinikum Ludwigshafen: Innovative Strategien gegen Fachkräftemangel. - Neubau Hochstraße: Bauarbeiten verlaufen schneller als geplant, jedoch Verkehrsbehinderungen am Berliner Platz. - Verkehr: Anhaltendes Bahn-Chaos in der Pfalz, keine Besserung in Sicht.
BASF und die Wirtschaftslage
Der Chemiekonzern BASF, ansässig in Ludwigshafen, kämpft weiterhin mit sinkenden Umsätzen. Auch im zweiten Quartal 2024 stagniert der Betriebsgewinn, und das Unternehmen setzt weiterhin auf ein striktes Sparprogramm. Dies betrifft vor allem das Stammwerk in Ludwigshafen, wo Arbeitsplätze und Ressourcen eingespart werden sollen​ (SWR)​.
Kultur und Veranstaltungen
Straßentheaterfestival begeistert Am vergangenen Wochenende zog das Straßentheaterfestival in Ludwigshafen zahlreiche Besucher an. Mehr als 70 Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus aller Welt präsentierten Artistik, Clownerie, Theater und Musik in den Straßen der Stadt. Dieses Event war ein großer Erfolg und brachte Leben und Vielfalt nach Ludwigshafen​ (SWR)​.
Gesundheit und Soziales
Klinikum Ludwigshafen trotzt Fachkräftemangel Während viele Krankenhäuser über Fachkräftemangel klagen, verzeichnet das Klinikum Ludwigshafen ein hohes Interesse von Bewerbern. Dies ist das Ergebnis mehrerer innovativer Strategien, darunter eine aktive Präsenz auf TikTok, um junge Fachkräfte anzusprechen. Dieser moderne Ansatz hat dem Klinikum geholfen, trotz der allgemeinen Krise im Gesundheitswesen gut aufgestellt zu bleiben​ (SWR)​.
Infrastruktur und Verkehr
Fortschritte beim Neubau der Hochstraße Die Bauarbeiten an der Hochstraße in Ludwigshafen verlaufen schneller als geplant. Dies ist eine positive Nachricht für die Stadtentwicklung, bringt jedoch auch Verkehrsbehinderungen mit sich. Besonders betroffen ist der Berliner Platz, der zeitweise komplett vom Nahverkehr abgeschnitten sein wird. Anwohner und Pendler müssen sich auf Umleitungen und längere Fahrzeiten einstellen​ (SWR)​. Anhaltendes Bahn-Chaos in der Pfalz Die Gewerkschaft der Lokomotivführer (GDL) prognostiziert keine schnelle Besserung des Bahnverkehrs in der Pfalz. Immer mehr Züge fallen aus, und die Unzufriedenheit der Passagiere wächst. Dieses anhaltende Chaos stellt eine erhebliche Belastung für Pendler und Reisende dar und erfordert dringende Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Situation​ (SWR)​.
Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit
Wasserstoff-Lkw im Praxistest In Wörth am Rhein, nahe Ludwigshafen, startete Daimler Trucks einen Praxistest mit fünf wasserstoffbetriebenen Lkw. Diese Trucks werden nun ein Jahr lang im Alltag getestet, um ihre Praxistauglichkeit und Effizienz zu überprüfen. Diese Initiative könnte einen wichtigen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Mobilität leisten und die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen reduzieren​ (SWR)​.
Fünf interessante Fragen zum Thema "Ludwigshafen Aktuell"
- Wie beeinflusst das anhaltende Sparprogramm von BASF die lokale Wirtschaft und die Arbeitsplätze in Ludwigshafen? - Das strikte Sparprogramm von BASF betrifft vor allem das Stammwerk in Ludwigshafen, wo sowohl Arbeitsplätze als auch Ressourcen eingespart werden sollen. Diese Maßnahmen könnten zu einem Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit und einer Schwächung der lokalen Wirtschaft führen. Langfristig könnte dies die Kaufkraft der Bevölkerung und die allgemeine wirtschaftliche Stabilität in der Region beeinträchtigen​ (SWR)​. - Welche langfristigen Auswirkungen könnte das Straßentheaterfestival auf die Kultur und das Gemeinschaftsgefühl in Ludwigshafen haben? - Das Straßentheaterfestival fördert nicht nur die kulturelle Vielfalt, sondern stärkt auch das Gemeinschaftsgefühl und den Zusammenhalt in der Stadt. Solche Veranstaltungen können langfristig dazu beitragen, das Image der Stadt zu verbessern, mehr Touristen anzuziehen und das kulturelle Angebot zu erweitern. Dies könnte Ludwigshafen zu einem attraktiveren Wohn- und Arbeitsort machen​ (SWR)​. - Inwieweit könnten innovative Strategien wie die Nutzung von TikTok durch das Klinikum Ludwigshafen ein Vorbild für andere Krankenhäuser sein? - Die erfolgreichen Strategien des Klinikums Ludwigshafen, insbesondere die Nutzung von TikTok zur Rekrutierung junger Fachkräfte, könnten als Modell für andere Krankenhäuser dienen. Dies zeigt, wie moderne Kommunikationsmittel effektiv genutzt werden können, um den Fachkräftemangel zu bekämpfen und das Interesse an Berufen im Gesundheitswesen zu steigern. Eine breite Implementierung solcher Ansätze könnte die Situation in der gesamten Branche verbessern​ (SWR)​. - Welche Maßnahmen könnten ergriffen werden, um das Bahn-Chaos in der Pfalz zu beheben und die Situation für Pendler zu verbessern? - Um das Bahn-Chaos zu beheben, könnten verschiedene Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, wie die Verbesserung der Infrastruktur, die Erhöhung der Anzahl und Zuverlässigkeit der Züge sowie die Optimierung des Fahrplans. Darüber hinaus könnten Investitionen in moderne Technologien und die Einstellung zusätzlichen Personals zur Wartung und Überwachung der Züge erforderlich sein. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Bahn, der Regierung und den Gewerkschaften ist ebenfalls entscheidend, um nachhaltige Lösungen zu finden​ (SWR)​. - Welche Vorteile bietet der Einsatz von wasserstoffbetriebenen Lkw im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Dieselfahrzeugen? - Wasserstoffbetriebene Lkw bieten mehrere Vorteile gegenüber herkömmlichen Dieselfahrzeugen. Sie stoßen keine schädlichen Emissionen aus und tragen somit zur Reduzierung der Luftverschmutzung bei. Zudem sind sie leiser und können zur Verringerung des Verkehrslärms beitragen. Langfristig könnten sie eine nachhaltige Alternative zu fossilen Brennstoffen darstellen und die Abhängigkeit von Ölimporten verringern. Der aktuelle Praxistest in Wörth am Rhein ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Evaluierung der praktischen Anwendung dieser Technologie​ (SWR)​. Read the full article
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Working on a new fic!
It’s a Star Wars modern au. If I’m being honest I’m not entirely sure whether it is just going to be one era or cover all of Star Wars, I’ll just roll with it lmao.
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cameoliob · 6 months
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All im saying is that modern Wrecker is THE demolition guy on any construction site (trust me, i know these things)
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moodboards-aesthetics · 7 months
i can't decide. let me know if you have other ideas or if you have moodboards/aesthetic you want me to make :)
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kanerallels · 9 months
Kanera, high-school theatre au?
Oh I had a LOT of fun with this one (has never been to a real high school)
“Excuse me? Is this where the line for tryouts for the school musical starts?”
Kanan was pretty well known for his quick wit and ability to come up with smooth responses, especially where girls were concerned. (not that he was actually in a relationship— his grandfather had pretty strict rules where that kind of thing was concerned, the cornerstone of which was “school comes first.”)
But when the girl behind him spoke, he froze. He’d been part of the theater program at Lothal City High for years, and he’d never heard this voice before.
He’d known it if he had. It was melodic and rich, like warm honey and the song of a violin. The tone was calm and matter of factly confident, but none of that took away from the unspeakable beauty of it.
Turning, Kanan saw the girl behind him standing with her arms folded, one eyebrow lifted in a half-amused, half-challenging question. Her hair was twisted back from her face in green dyed braids. Similarly vibrant green eyes studied him, bright against her brown skin. She was wearing a band t-shirt and a leather jacket, and despite only looking to be a year or two younger than him, he’d never seen her before in his life.
And she was also the most beautiful girl he’d ever met.
“Um,” he stammered, trying to recover a little. “Y— yeah.”
“You okay there?”
Kriff, her voice was stunning. He wondered idly if this was what the sirens in myths had sounded like, then realized she’d asked him a question. Luckily, he had an answer for this one.
“Words fail me.”
The corner of her mouth tipped up, and Kanan wanted nothing so much as to see her full smile. “So they do.”
“Are you new here?” he asked, shooting her a charming grin— hopefully it would help make up some lost ground. “I haven’t seen you around before.”
“Yes, I’m new,” the girl said, looking more amused than enamored. 
“I’m Kanan.” He paused, but she didn’t offer any comment. “And you are…”
The girl gave him a sympathetic look. “Not interested, I’m afraid.” Without waiting for a response, she stepped past him and headed into the auditorium. Kanan watched her go.
Huh. This year’s musical is going to be very interesting.
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minniethemoocherda · 6 years
The Ghost: Attorneys at Law (Chapter 2)
Over the next few weeks Zeb and Kallus managed to make a lot of progress on the case thanks to the staggering number of witnesses to The Empire's tyranny and Kallus' inside help. They met up every few days to exchange information and plan their next move. However they never met in the same place, always at secluded cafes or restaurants with a large number of escape routes at Kallus' suggestion. Zeb thought this was a bit unnecessary but went along with it as it seemed to make Kallus slightly less tense and after all it was batter to be safe than sorry. Kallus also kept trying to pay for Zeb’s meals, claiming that they came under expenses but Zeb wouldn’t let him.
Zeb felt like he'd gotten to know Kallus well over those weeks. Like how he had an almost unhealthy obsession with earl grey tea and that he could talk with wit dryer than the Sahara desert. He also learnt how he would puck out his lower lip in an adorable pout and how the corners of his eyes would light up on the rare occasion that he smiled.
Zeb found himself looking forward to those meeting more and more every day, even though he had to constantly remind himself that this was as close to Kallus as he could get without being unprofessional.
About two months after Kallus had first come into his office Zeb was sleeping peacefully in his bed when was woken up by a loud banging sound.
"Kid I swear to the Ashla if you're having a house party!" Zeb shouted before burying his head under the covers.
"It's not me! Someone's at the door." Ezra called from the living room.
Reluctantly he crawled out from the warm covers of his bed and dragged himself to the door.
"Listen whatever you're selling I'm not-"
Zeb cut himself off in shock when he realised that the man standing on his doorstep was none other than Kallus. His arms were wrapped around the ripped fabric of his signature black suit as blood dripped from his spilt lip and angry black eye.
"The Empire...they found out about...they were waiting for me outside my apartment and..." His words were as much of a mess as how he looked. It was startling to see such a contrast to his usual in control demeanour. He must have been really shaken up.
Zeb didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the man, pulling him close to his chest.
"Hey." Zeb said soothingly, stroking his golden locks. "It's alright. You're safe now. You're safe here."
Somehow he managed to hold him even closer when Kallus melted into his embrace at those words.
"Ezra! Get the med kit!" Zeb called over his shoulder as he continued to stroke his hair. For once in his life the kid actually listened to him without complaint and sprinted off to fetch it.
Reluctantly he removed one of his arms from around Kallus’ shoulders. He then lowered them to the other man’s waist so that he could help to walk him inside. Kallus leaned against him as they walked, his weight positioned heavily on one leg. Eventually they made it to the kitchen where Zeb helped Kallus sit down before opening the med kit that Ezra had placed on the table.
Zeb tried to ignore Ezra’ hovering form as he placed an alcohol soaked cotton pad to Kallus’ eye. He felt a stab of guilt when Kallus failed to hide his wince of pain. They sat there in comfortable silence as Zeb gently attended his injuries and wiped the blood of his face. Kallus had tried to resume his usual emotionless faced but even he couldn’t stop his involuntary shaking.
“Now do ya believe me that it’s too dangerous?” Zeb sighed. “Tomorrow we’ll get ya sorted up with a safe house. No arguments!”
Zeb couldn’t help but let out a small relieved smile as Kallus rolled his eyes.
“And ya staying here tonight. I don’t think ya should be alone right now. Ya still pretty shaken and I want to keep an eyes on them bruises. And if those punks try to hurt ya here then they’ll have to get through me.” Zeb told him rubbing his fists with a protective grin. The grateful smile on Kallus’ face made his heart flutter.
“Err…yeah. Ya can sleep on the-“
"Hey! He is not sleeping on my couch!" The kid interrupted before leaping over the back of the couch so that he was lying across it. "I pay money to sleep on this pile of dead moths so you can't kick me off!"
As much as Zeb wanted to throttle the kid right now he begrudgingly admitted that he was right. He was trying to think of another solution when Ezra spoke up once again.
"He could share your bed." He suggested in a vice that was far too innocent for Zeb's liking. "It's big enough and with his injuries he really should be sleeping somewhere comfortable."
Despite still wanting to throttle him Zeb couldn’t deny that his suggestion made sense. He turned to face Kallus, hoping that his blush was hidden underneath his beard.
"If you don't mind sharing then-"
"No!" Kallus said quickly. "I... I don’t mind."
"Well...I...err I'll just get you some clothes you can change into." Zeb said quickly heading towards his bedroom before things could get even more awkward.
Get a hold of yourself Zeb whispered in his head. They were just two business associates sharing a bed. Nothing strange about that at all. It didn’t matter than the man he was sharing his bed with was handsome and smart and funny and-
Zeb slammed his draws shut with probably more force than necessary to distract himself from the rabbit hole of thoughts inside his head.
He then headed back to the kitchen where Kallus was waiting.
“Here.” He said, handing him an old pair of pyjamas. “Ya can get changed in the bathroom over there. Then my room is just there.”
Kallus nodded as Zeb pointed them out. The blonde man was just about to head for the bathroom when he stopped and looked deep into Zeb’s wide eyes.
“Zeb…thank you. For everything. I promise I will pay you back for all the medical supplies you had to use and I’ll buy you a new pair of pyjamas and-“
“Hey.” Zeb said placing his large hands on the other man’s equally large shoulders. “Ya don’t have to pay me back for anything’. Don’t worry about it. Now go and get changed.”
Kallus looked like he wanted to argue for a moment but then thought better of it. Zeb watched him as he headed for the bathroom. He ignored whatever looks Ezra was sending him from his couch as he went back into his room. As Kallus got changed he put a wall of pillows down the middle to divide his bed since he didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. He also hastily tidied up his mess of a room the best he could in a few minutes and sprayed some of the air freshener that Ezra had given him for his birthday.
A few minutes later Kallus came out of the bathroom wearing his old clothes that were slightly too large on him. Zeb did not need to know how good Kallus looked wearing his old pyjama bottoms that hung loosely around his hips or the shirt that’s neck was so low on him that he could see a few curls of blonde chest hair.
Zeb quickly tried to distract himself by plumping up the pillows.
"I usually sleep on right anyway but I can switch if you want."
"It’s fine." Kallus aid quickly. He waited for Zeb to lie down on the bed before lying next to him with his head facing away from him. Zeb wasn’t offended by this. Honestly he was more worried he would face him and he wasn’t sure what he would do if that happened.
Most likely exhausted after everything he’d been through, it didn’t take long for Kallus to fall asleep. Zeb couldn’t help but notice how he’d curled up into a ball and was right on the edge of the bed as though trying to take up as little space as possible. Even sleeping his body was held tightly as if he was still stressed in his dreams.
Now Zeb had more reason to win this case quicker and faster than before. So he could see Kallus relaxed for the first time in his life.
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dameronalone · 6 years
7. Raindrops on eyelashes
The kitchen ceiling had finally caved.
Honestly, Hera didn't know why it took so fucking long in the first place, it'd been dripping since she first moved in. Apparently, this thunderstorm was the last straw.
She'd woken up to an almight crash that had both her and Kanan tumbling out of bed and careening downstairs to find a mess of popcorn ceiling, beams, and shingles on the linoleum floor. 
It was almost laughable, if someone had looked into the old house to see her standing there in socks and a too large tee shirt, her green hair in a tangled braid down her back, and Kanan next to her, barefoot, in sweatpants and scratching his head at the destruction on the kitchen floor.
"Well, at least it stopped raining," Kanan had offered weakly. "We should deal with this in the morning, Hera. No point in doing it now."
She hadn't even answered, just turned around and climbed the creaky stairs that needed replacing back up to the second floor, and promptly collasped back to sleep on her matress on the floor.
Hera didn't sleep long, waking up around five when the sun decided to grab her eyelids and force them open. It'a not like she minded - she'd always been an early riser.
So instead of laying around, she got up, put some water in a pot on the hot plate to heat up for coffee, and braided her hair while she waited.
Sipping her coffee, she eyed her shoes. She'd rather not where them, but Hera was definitly anti-splinters, so she tugged them on and got to work clearing the kitchen.
The jagged edges of what was left of the ceiling dripped profusely - it must have rained more. Fuck. Still, could be worse - could be raining at the moment.
A rumble of thunder came through the gaping whole clear as day, and Hera cursed rather viciously.
"Hera, what...?" Kanan mumbled as he stumbled down the stairs, no less dressed than the night before, but this time with a styrofoam cup of coffee in his hand. He answered his own question when he saw her, head tilted back, staring up out of the hole, to where the sky drip-dropped rain into the kitchen. "Oh."
Hera turned to face him as he carefully stepped closer, and he could make out raindrops sticking to her stupidly long eyelashes.
"This fucking sucks," she said without preamble, and Kanan couldn't help a small, sympathetic smile. She did 't curse that often, but when she did, she didn't hold back.
"Yeah," he agreed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "It sure fucking does."
sensory prompts
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