justlous-art · 7 months
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I got a loki request so I thought I would have a little throwback to that time tom hiddleston was wearing the captain america's suit!
buy me a ko-fi and get a sketch!
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lokiinmediasideblog · 6 months
Tournament of Lokis: Semifinals
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worstloki · 9 months
following the theory that loki intentionally banded the avengers together so he could sicc them on thanos later, after he took the throne in T:TDW, i think he'd be so angry at the events of civil war like:
loki as odin: hello heimdall, how do earth's mightiest heroes fare as of late?
heimdall: they have disagreed on many subjects and split up two days ago
loki: they haVE WHAT?
cue loki coming down to earth and bonking everyone's heads together until they all get along again
stark: how the heck are you alive???
loki: skills. listen here, i did not pour my blood, sweat and tears to form this team for you idiots to throw all my hard work out the window!
loki, grabbing rhodes and stark by the wrists: now, we are going to get your little friends out of prison, understood?
like an exasperated kindergarten teacher, y'know?
Loki, hitting Steve over the head with a newspaper: he's your friend, of course he's upset you lied to him about something like this
Tony: hah!
Loki, giving Tony a death glare: did you have to fight each other about it
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hecckyeah · 6 months
I can't believe the pure unadulterated bliss and nostalgia marvel phase one & two still brings me after all these years. like it's just banger after banger after banger. ca:tfa? timeless, iconic, heartwarming. thor 1? reminds me of innocence and smells like pop tarts. t:tdw? moody teenage me was obsessed and I can still quote the whole movie. ca:tws? probably the best piece of cinema this side of the century. that's why I can't forgive marvel for what they've done with my beloved characters. they could have expanded on a great thing and made it better but instead they decided to burn it down and stomp on its ashes.
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thelibraryofsylphide · 2 months
Stills from a Behind The Scenes / On Set video of T:TDW that I find really funny in no particular order
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"I think you missed a collumn"
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^Me explaining my hyperfixations to literally anyone
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meilas · 6 months
taika waititi did not understand the lore of thor that had been set up over thor-avengers-t:tdw and he did THAT to t3 and t4 first of all why would anyone, given his movie/tv record give him control of this franchise in the first place, and second why the ever-loving fuck would they let him do it AGAIN, he’s made it very clear that he does not understand any of the characters’ motivations or history, he has zero respect for who/what the asgardians are supposed to be OR the Lore, and he is outright fucking dismissive of the abuse and neglect that loki went through and instead treated the entire character and the trauma he went through as if it were a fucking joke
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tyrannuspitch · 7 months
From my personal Thor & Loki playlist because it didn't catch traction when I first posted it:
"Throne"-Saint Mesa makes me think of Loki in T:TDW a lot.
"This Is a Call"-Les Friction is such a Brodinsons song in the most fucked up aspects.
"Hello, My Name is Human"-Highly Suspect is a Thor 1 song for Thor
"Dark Matter"-Les Friction reminds me of Loki in Avengers (2012)
"The Villain of This Story"-Machinae Supremacy is such a Loki song
I would love to see AMV for any of them
oh cool! thanks! i don't know any of these songs, but i'll check them out :D
re: AMVs: so. unfortunately my situation here is that i have the raw materials (ie movie files + editing programme i basically know how to use), but i have absolutely no EXPERIENCE making music videos. i'd need to get a fair amount of practice to work out like... timing/rhythm, and which shots look natural leading into which, and so on, before i'd really be comfortable taking on a project(tm). and even more unfortunately, based on the one and a half little (bad) videos i've ever made, video editing takes a reeeally long time and seems to drain the same part of my brain that i like to use for writing. so if i ever do start making AMVs... we're probably talking like. months or years before i produce anything significant. but maybe one day!
re: traction: i have like four followers in this fandom so can't really help there, but best of luck to you sfsdhfsk. (lighthearted <3)
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darthxerik · 1 year
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So… I haven’t been consistently active since, like, 2015… But here I am!
Since twitter feels unreliable nowadays, I’ll make more of an effort to seek fandom meta / commentary here. If you’re from twitter, hi! I’m most active on instagram and tik tok— @darthxerik on all platforms!
My habit has been to return to tumblr for the fandom metas and commentary, particularly when the MCU has released the latest Loki content and it has either shattered my world in a good or a bad way. This is why you’ll see if you scroll not-that-far-back that I was reposting speculations while the Loki series was still being aired. I ultimately ended up loving it (insert personal reasons and the fact that I’m Sylki positive), and I’m more of a Ragnarok-positive person nowadays, even though 2018-2021 I was relatively Ragnarok-negative (I blame the IW/EG trauma). I’ve still only seen Endgame once. Still IW/EG negative for the most part.
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“The only thing constant is change,” and that seems to be one of my life’s mottos. Had you met me 10 years ago when I started this tumblr, you would’ve met a completely different person. I was a conservative, family-centric, wide-eyed “straight” and “cis” Jesus freak who just wanted to achieve my “glorious purpose” in life. Now I’m a leftist socialist, queer, genderfluid atheist with little-to-no-contact with their family…
But in 2021, I found my *true* glorious purpose… the love-of-my-life, my fiancé, @brynn-and-tonic . We found each other through tik tok, our mutual love of cosplay, and our appreciation for the Loki Series and for Loki & Sylvie in particular.
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Now we share everything, and are returning to tumblr so we can share Corintheus smutty fanart, and I’m here for it.
And I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. 💚
I’m a pro-shipper. Plenty of Loki to go around.
- T1 - T:TDW… positive, duh 🙌
- Ragnarok positive, with a dash of salt
- IW traumatic but I went to therapy over it, I’m fine
- EG… same but I still haven’t rewatched it cause it’s dumb
- Loki Series positive (with nuanced takes that I won’t necessarily have the energy to put into words for random strangers on the internet.)
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🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💚✨ Later!
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fallintosanity · 2 years
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
Hmm, for raw angst I think it would be To Close Your Eyes, an MCU Thor fic I wrote after seeing some of the early trailers for Thor: The Dark World. It's a straight-up hurt no comfort, major character death, murder-suicide fic. I don't normally write darkfic, and I still have no idea where it came from, other than that I read Lise's Great Ruins of an Unremembered Past one evening shortly after seeing the T:TDW trailers. A particular scene and line - "my cuckoo child" - stuck in my brain overnight, and I woke up the next morning and wrote the whole fic in one go.
...I do have a close second and third, but to say anything else would be to spoil some things that I don't want to spoil...... }:]
Ask me stuff!
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tarnishedxknight · 2 years
{out of dalmasca} I realize that I have never explained why I prefer Basch with long hair and why I’ve always imagined him keeping longer hair despite his drastic and messy hack in the canon game. I do think it looks better aesthetically speaking, but that’s not the main reason why. A bit of a rant about hair below, haha. Enjoy. XD
We’re all familiar (those of us in the fandom, of course) with his canon game hair, atrociously cut, perma-stiff, barely moving with the wind except somehow often oddly indoors???, and quite honestly apparently hairsprayed? Does hairspray even exist in Ivalice? Because if not, his hair isn’t just a crime against nature and fashion, but also in defiance of the laws of physics. Yes, we know it, we love hate it, it has been the subject of many a joke and meme, I present to you... TheBasch™:
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*sigh* Sweetheart, what even do you call that? Aesthetically, it’s an absolute abomination. In my head, Basch has semi-normal, average medieval fantasy man hair, one of many reasons I use CH in T:TDW as his live action FC:
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So this is around the length I imagine him with and that’s his usual hairstyle, maybe minus the braids, but yeah. Half-ponytail, tied in the back with a leather strip, and yes, messy with strands hanging down. All dungeon imprisonment and sweaty adventuring aside, assuming he has access to proper bathing facilities, Basch keeps himself and his hair very clean. He’s just... a clean guy, when he can help it. So his hair is clean and all that, but... messily styled. Because there is no style. He puts it back in a half-ponytail without the use of a mirror, and just... that’s how it is. He doesn’t take it down again until he retires to bed, and he doesn’t do too much about strands that don’t make it into the ponytail. I’ll come back to that later.
Although this is 1047% better aesthetically speaking, the reason I imagine him with this hair is actually to do with his mental health. First, I will clarify that I imagine him with this length of hair and general style post-Nalbina-dungeon. Before that, I hate it, but I accept his canon hair. But after he’s busted out of the dungeon, the game chooses to have him almost immediately hack off the two years’ worth of hair growth (which honestly to me looked like way more than would grow in two years) to reset him back to his canon terrible hair. I... kindof reject that, and I say he keeps the long hair.
The reason for this is kindof nebulous in that I don’t have a clearly definable reason why, but I do have an explanation. It’s a coping mechanism for him. A security blanket, if you will. A way of protecting himself mentally. How does one do that with hair, you ask? Well first of all, it isn’t deliberate. He doesn’t even realize that that’s why he’s keeping his hair long. It’s just that he feels calmer, more grounded, and strangely enough, safer with the feeling of having long hair around him. Like... around his shoulders and framing his face. That’s why he doesn’t overly pay attention to the loose strands that don’t make it into the ponytail. Leaving it completely down would be a problem during combat, because it would constantly be getting in his face, so the half-ponytail fixes that, but the loose strands against and around his face still give him that feeling of mental security. They don’t obstruct his vision enough to be a problem, but they do the trick well enough with regard to his mental health.
Again, I don’t have a reason for him wanting to do this, and if he was asked, he would probably not be able to give much of a response. He doesn’t know. It’s a subconscious feeling of comfort that he gets from the feeling of his hair around him. It makes him feel more closed off, I guess? Not in a bad way, but just... the world seems a bit smaller and more under control with that feeling of something draping around his shoulders. I know it makes no sense at all, but this is actually something that people in real life sometimes experience when they’ve had a lot of trauma. It’s almost in the same vein as wearing oversized, baggy clothing or maybe something with a hood. That’s another type of just... draping yourself in something to kindof put this buffer between yourself and the world. Of course neither oversized clothing nor long hair really protects you from anything, but like I said, it’s an issue of mental security, a coping mechanism.
Since the majority of writing I do for Basch takes place after his stint at Nalbina, he’s got the longer hair. It’s a trauma response from what he experienced in the dungeon. Regardless of what he tries to tell people or deny to himself, that imprisonment changed him and left him with both physical and mental scars. He’s managed to repress a lot of it and he hides the effects of it from most people, but his long hair is a side-effect of that trauma and he doesn’t even realize it. I headcanon that he’s got a little bit of a fuller beard post-Nalbina too. It’s his armor against the world, in a mental health sense.
And there you have it, folks. More than you ever wanted to know about Basch’s hair. XD
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olet-lucernam · 8 months
progress update : A Hollow Promise, CH6
current word count: 10,147 estimated percentage completion: 30%
progress notes: ahhh i hit 10K!!! i finally finished that scene that was giving me trouble in tying off (it'll probably get some editing/polishing up later because i'm like that but hey the Stuff is There to edit now) and moved onto the next scene, which i'm about halfway through
honestly i feel like that completion percentage might be s l i g h t l y optimistic though? i can think of at least t w e l v e more plot beats that i absolutely have to hit before the end of the chapter, and we've hit about... four. so far. (look to be honest it's closer to- fifteen?? that i need to get through?) but i already split this damn chapter in half once already , so i really don't want to slice it up again
in my defence i am covering three years worth of events in one big timeskip montage, and hitting major plot points from three phase 2 mcu films, plus part of one of the tv spinoffs (im2, s1 of aos, t:tdw, and ca:tws), and extra bulk of my own. and literally all of it is going to be Important in one way or another so there's not much i can cut down on. the only option would be to divide it up again and i don't really wanna
but. readability. updating at a reasonable time. hrgfhj.
if i do split it- eh. i think i'll style it as though ch5+ch6 are a split chapter, and ch7+ch8 are a second split chapter (instead of ch5+ch6+ch7 being three parts of one chapter, if that makes sense). if this one gets too bloated, i think i can afford to do it that way? thematically and plot-wise, it should work and slot together neatly enough. so this chapter (ch6) would likely cut off around about the end of t:tdw or just before ca:tws, with ch7 picking up in the aftermath, and ch8 continuing the transition into the main plot. (that would give me about- eight or nine plot points to hit in ch6? which is closer to the completion percentage ratio, assuming each plot point takes up about the same wordcount/time to complete)
on the note of "why are my chapters so fUCKING LONG"- i think i am going to start posting the fic on tumblr, starting sunday
except bc of differences between ao3 and tumblr formatting, i will split the chapters up into smaller tumblr posts, so tumblr doesn't lag while ppl are scrolling through my verbose nonsense.
hence- if i have finished sections of a chapter that is overall unfinished, those polished sections might get posted early to tumblr. whereas ao3 will only get updated once i have the whole thing done. (conversely, tho, ao3 will have the full thing up ahead of tumblr, until the release schedule here catches up)
is only a possibility for now. have not decided. am too tired to decide so this is getting tossed on the bb-queue to roast overnight (i'll regret the dumb pun in the morning) and i'm getting some sleep. night
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lokiinmediasideblog · 7 months
Tournament of Lokis: Round 4
Loki's from 2010s Tumblr
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ao3feed-thor · 1 year
WHAT IT Loki had walked away sooner...
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sejmFza
by Ceitidh_Kat
AU T:TDW where Loki basically told them to stuff it and walked away rather than accepting the regency as he did in canon in the first film. Loki left Asgard, hasn't been seen since. When the Dark Elves attack the palace, he arrives just in time to save the queen. What follows is lots of snark, family arguments, a confused Jane Foster, and a Loki who has better things to do than bother to let his family know he's back on the realm for the first time in years. (Another Evil Author work, but I loved the premise and decided to share)
Terrible title again, lol. Though now I'm looking at it, I'm already thinking of various little ideas where Loki does just that in a variety of situations... Hmm...
Words: 9812, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Thor:The Dark World AUs, Part 2 of Evil Author - Marvel
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jane Foster (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Jane Foster/Thor, Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel), Background Loki/Sygin, (IMPLIED)
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence - Thor: The Dark World, AU from Thor, Loki left in Thor hasn't been seen since, AU outcome of attack on palace by elves, Frigga Lives (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), smart loki, Competent loki, POV Jane Foster, POV Frigga (Marvel), Human perspective on Asgard, Loki's Tragic Backstory, Not Beta Read
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sejmFza
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ao3feed-janefoster · 1 year
WHAT IT Loki had walked away sooner...
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vRy7wxW
by Ceitidh_Kat
AU T:TDW where Loki basically told them to stuff it and walked away rather than accepting the regency as he did in canon in the first film. Loki left Asgard, hasn't been seen since. When the Dark Elves attack the palace, he arrives just in time to save the queen. What follows is lots of snark, family arguments, a confused Jane Foster, and a Loki who has better things to do than bother to let his family know he's back on the realm for the first time in years. (Another Evil Author work, but I loved the premise and decided to share)
Terrible title again, lol. Though now I'm looking at it, I'm already thinking of various little ideas where Loki does just that in a variety of situations... Hmm...
Words: 9812, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Thor:The Dark World AUs, Part 2 of Evil Author - Marvel
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jane Foster (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Jane Foster/Thor, Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel), Background Loki/Sygin, (IMPLIED)
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence - Thor: The Dark World, AU from Thor, Loki left in Thor hasn't been seen since, AU outcome of attack on palace by elves, Frigga Lives (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), smart loki, Competent loki, POV Jane Foster, POV Frigga (Marvel), Human perspective on Asgard, Loki's Tragic Backstory, Not Beta Read
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vRy7wxW
0 notes
thelibraryofsylphide · 2 months
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The navigational charts. The route to the Farthest Gate. Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond this one?" ― Sao Feng
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Welcome to my blog! These are the Navigational Charts (no stealing or drowning needed!) for your visit.
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Warnings / General Info:
- I can and will block freely, it is often not personal, you might just be into something I'm not. [Examples: Thor Ragnarok, Loki (TV series), Yashahime.] - Autistic, disabled, adult. - Flows in and out of obsessions. - Multilingual. - Main: @zanda-rl
Featured Post: This wonderful personalized moodboard by @abbys-moodboards
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"'Up is down.' Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear?" ― Jack Sparrow
I sure as hell forget what I put here, so I can't imagine how confusing it must be for you guys. So here's the, maybe kept to date if on a good day, list of things I usually post or reblog about:
(Useful tip: The main topics are common, but the downwards arrow is what I usually fixate on the most. The related tags are beside each one, with spaces included.)
Main Fandoms / Media: - MCU in general, commonly up until Thor:TDW [#marvel] ↳ MCU!Loki, exclusively up until Thor:TDW [#loki] [#loki meta] ↳ Asgard [#asgard] ↳ Thor, up until T:TDW [#thor] [#thor meta] and Fandral [#fandral] [#fandralposting] - League of Legends Lore [#league of legends] ↳ Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear [#pantheon league of legends][#league of legends pantheon] [#league of legends atreus] ↳ Skinlines/skins [#league of legends skins] ↳ Concept art [#concept art] (this tag will have more than just LOL) ↳ Cinematics [#league of legends cinematic] ↳ Aurelion Sol [#aurelion sol] - Pathologic (videogame saga) [#pathologic] ↳ The doctors: Daniil [#bachelor] [#daniil dankovsky], Artemy [#haruspex] [#artemy burakh] and Clara [#clara pathologic] ↳ Executors [#executor pathologic] and Tragedians [#tragedian pathologic] - The Mechanisms (band) [#the mechanisms] ↳ The Bifrost Incident [#the bifrost incident] - Five Nights at Freddy's (videogame saga) [#fnaf] - Ham-Ham Hamtaro (videogame saga) [#hamtaro] - South Scrimshaw (videogame by episodes) [#south scrimshaw] - Pirates of the Caribbean [#potc] [#pirates of the caribbean] - Lord of the Rings [#lotr] [#lord of the rings] - Journey (videogame) [#journey] - Our Life: Beginnings and Always (videogame) [#our life:bna] [#ourlifebna] [#our life: beginnings and always] - Undertale (videogame) [#undertale] [#undertale au] [#undertale aus] - Baldur's Gate 3 [#baldur's gate 3] ↳ Astarion [#astarion] ↳ Gale [#gale] [#gale of waterdeep] ↳ Wyll [#wyll ravengard] [#wyll] - Inuyasha (anime/manga series) [#inuyasha] - Gargoyles (TV series/comics) [#gargoyles]
General Likes: - Punk [#punk aesthetic] [#punk] [#punk fashion] [#punk outfit] [#punk patches] [#patches] - Dividers [#dividers] - Concept art [#concept art] - Mythology [#greek myth] [#norse myth] - Quotes, sayings and lessons [#commonplace] [#commonplace tag] - Lordi (band) [#lordi] - Moodboards [#moodboards] [#moodboard] [#my moodboard][#my moodboards] - Gif making [#my gifs] - Set Design [#set design] - Screenplays [masterpost]
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"Nothing here is set. These can't be as accurate as modern charts." "No. But it leads to more places." ― Will Turner and Tai Huang
Title card - by me
Dividers Art Deco by @saradika
Dainty Chains | green blue by @cafekitsune
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kila09 · 2 years
Ummm… I don’t care about azula but there are a LOT of people of think Loki is a misunderstood woobie who did no wrong. And Wanda, like Bucky before, was under possession, and it’s stupid that people say that Wanda and Bucky did horrible things
Wanda was NOT possessed when she decided to join HYDRA. She knew full well what she was getting into...she just didn't care. She wanted power to kill Tony and the Avengers by extension. She was also NOT possessed when she joined Ultron. Ppl need to stop taking away her agency. She went into shit eyes wide open.
I LOVED wanda when she first premiered in AoU because she was a villain, good at it and unremorseful. But its like half way thru, TPTB got scared and just ... did this complete 180. All she had to do was shed a few tears and suddenly, every fucking thing she'd done before that was completely erased 😑
A lot of ppl didn't give Loki a chance until it came out that he was tortured by Thanos even if it was clear that Loki went thru *something* after T:TDW
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