#t-mobile latino
stele3 · 3 months
Rode the MAX one stop from M—— to T——. Little bird chirping in the car, fluttering around. Bicyclist gently tries to shoo it off. Bird flies past me to land on a dapper Black gentleman with a fedora and a mobility aid. Latino guy with no English tells him to stay still, he’ll try to grab the bird. Bird evades him, now on the back of the dapper gent’s neck. Gap is too small for the Latino guy to grab it so I flank the bird, nab it, and run off the train to cheers. Left the poor birdie on the platform, still chirping. Hopefully it’ll reconnoiter and take off; if it’s still there when I make the return trip soon, then — well, I guess we’ll see!
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alphateampilot · 2 months
LEGAL NAME: RAUL GONZALES NICKNAME(S): NIGHTHAWK, formerly LONE WOLF BIRTH DATE: July 31, 1965 (7/31/65) AGE: 59 GENDER/PRONOUNS: Masculine (He/Him) ORIENTATION: Bisexual, with masculine preference ETHNICITY/NATIONALITY: Afro-Latino, Puerto Rican. ZODIAC SIGN: Leo CURRENT RESIDENCE: Mobile, but frequents the Lodge, and Central Florida, USA. EDUCATION: Bachelors of Science in Physics, Minor in Organic Chemistry. Trained in the Marine Pilot pathway in the US. OCCUPATION: Mercenary pilot, gun-for-hire. EYE COLOR: Dark brown. HAIR COLOR: Dark brown/almost black. HEIGHT: 6'4" (sitting height of 40"). BUILD: Lanky, wiry muscles. SKIN: Medium tan. SKIN MARKINGS: Light freckling on his arms, and a slight scar above his left eyebrow. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Hawk's hair tends to coil around itself, so he keeps it short, and wears stubble on his face consistently.
Raul Gonzales was born to Luis and Rosa Gonzales in 1965. He was the eldest of five children in a low-income family, and attended public school in Central Florida until his graduation from High School in 1982. He immediately left to pursue college, and in the year 1984, Luis died of lung cancer.
He completed his bachelor's degree in 1986, and signed on with the USMC with the promise of funding his Master's degree. He enrolled as an officer, and due to his high grades, was streamlined into the pilot pathway.
His service came to an end in 1989 when suffering a mental break in Honduras after being witness to CIA downing a passenger plane. He hijacked a plane to take himself and his squadmates back to the United States. Only intervention from the Umbrella Co. prevented a court martial, and possible execution, and it was agreed that he would serve in the UBCS with his military record wiped.
In the UBCS, he gained a reputation as a "Lone Wolf" when on ground missions, often taking the role of sniper or counter sniper to cover teammates from rogue B.O.W.s. In 1996, after the loss of the USS Alpha Team's pilot, Raul was transferred into USS as the new Alpha Team pilot. A shortage of pilots led to the additional role as Delta Team's pilot.
In 1998, now under the callsign "Night Hawk", he was put on extraction for Alpha Team and Delta Team for Operation Nestwrecker in Raccoon City. Umbrella Command lost contact with the teams, and Raccoon City suffered an outbreak, Nighthawk was told to stand by and await further instructions for command.
When news came that Raccoon City was going to be destroyed, Hawk snuck out of the base with a Med-Evac helicopter and patched through radio frequencies trying to make contact with either team, eventually making contact with Alpha Team's leader, Hunk, in the hours before Raccoon City was set to be wiped out.
They returned to Umbrella base and were subsequently hospitalized together, and visited by the Umbrella US Vice President while recovering from exposure to the T-Virus, and it was made very clear that both of them were spared for their usefulness, and the successful recovery of G-Virus, though the Umbrella VP considered their mission a failure, because Dr. Birkin was not recovered as well.
After the recovery, Nighthawk remained Hunk's primary pilot through several missions, and this continued even after the fall of Umbrella into the present day.
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dhaaruni · 1 year
At one house, the barrel-chested 64-year-old who opened his door to Ortiz-Velez already had his mind made up about the two candidates. “Get rid of ’em both. They’re wishy-washy. We need law and order,” he told her. He was wearing a National Latino Peace Officers Association T-shirt. He said Protasiewicz is too soft on crime, echoing GOP attacks. He called Kelly, who was paid by state Republicans to advise them in a covert scheme to overturn the 2020 election, “a crook.” Then he added: “The one thing I like about (Protasiewicz) is giving women their rights.”
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bigonrealestate · 7 months
Latin Twitter
We are all familiar with Black Twitter, but what about Latino Twitter.
Latin Twitter, also called "Latino Twitter," is a social media platform where users can share news, engage in political discussions, talk about pop culture, show
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jdididydog · 8 months
Do you think there’s a male version of Jolene or is he a Latino thot who works at a T-Mobile store
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year
Ocho peloteros latinos fueron nominados a este prestigioso galardón Roberto Clemente que reconoce al pelotero por su contribución dentro y fuera del terreno, su ayuda a las comunidades, filantropía y actos humanitarios. Seis de los ocho jugadores están por primera vez entre los candidatos [caption id="attachment_73422" align="aligncenter" width="675"] Salvador Pérez con grandes méritos para este premio. Foto Cortesìa[/caption] Reinaldo Oliveros El premio Roberto Clemente es uno de los grandes premios de las Grandes Ligas y este año están 8 peloteros latinos nominados al galardón. Esta distinción se entrega al pelotero por su contribución dentro y fuera del terreno, su ayuda a las comunidades, filantropía y actos humanitarios. Los nominados serán elogiados a partir del 15 de septiembre en los distintos parques de pelota. Los 8 latinos que están nominados a la distinción son: Miguel Cabrera, José Ramírez, Jeremy Peña, Salvador Pérez, Jorge Soler, Francisco Lindor, Carlos Correa y Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Seis de los ocho nominados están por primera en esta prestigiosa lista. Miguel Cabrera y Salvador Pérez han estado entre los finalistas en otras ocasiones. El único pelotero venezolano en ganar este galardón es Carlos “Cookie” Carrasco en 2019. “Esta lista de nominados incluye jugadores cuyos diversas actividades comunitarias y filantrópicas se han centrado en causas importantes como el apoyo a personas desatendidas, niños y comunidades en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. También apoyando a aquellos con cáncer y otras enfermedades, apoyo a programas educativos, defensa del medio ambiente y más”, detalla el comunicado de MLB. Entre los 30 candidatos hay: 79 selecciones All-Star de su carrera, incluidas diez All-Stars de 2023 24 ganadores de carrera del Premio Guante de Oro Rawlings 10 campeonatos de la Serie Mundial Cinco MVP de la Liga (Cabrera, Goldschmidt, Judge, Trout, Yelich) Cuatro MVP de postemporada (Peña, Pérez, Soler, Taylor) Dos campeones del Derby de jonrones de T-Mobile (Guerrero Jr., juez) Tres nominados que juegan para el equipo local y sirven a la comunidad local (Bednar, Crawford, Freeland) Dos ex alumnos del programa juvenil MLB Desarrolla (Gray, Greene) Los fans podrán votar a los nominados desde este 8 de septiembre hasta el 1° de octubre a través de este link en MLB.com.   Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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capitol-scholar · 1 year
Greetings, Scholars!
After our initial introduction, it's time to dive into the heart of our journey - the essential readings. These foundational texts provide a comprehensive exploration of American politics, covering everything from the grassroots to the echelons of power. We'll be going through these readings systematically, discussing their main arguments, implications, and relevance to contemporary political discourse.
Below, I have provided our initial list of essential readings. This list is, by no means, exhaustive. It's a starting point for our exploration, but we're not confined to it. If you have any requests, recommendations, or come across a gem that you believe should be shared, please feel free to suggest. After all, academic pursuit thrives on collaboration and openness to new perspectives.
The list is as follows:
Aldrich, John Why Parties?
Alvarez & Brehm Hard Choices, Easy Answers
Arnold, Douglas The Logic of Congressional Action
Bartels, Larry Unequal Democracy
Baumgartner & Jones The Politics of Attention
Baumgartner & Jones Agendas and Instability in American Politics (latest ed.)
Baumgartner, et al. Lobbying and Policy Change
Bensel, Richard The Political Economy of American Industrialization, 1877-1900
Berry, Jeffrey The New Liberalism
Browning, Rufus, et al. Protest Is Not Enough
Burns, Schlozman & Verba The Private Roots of Public Action
Cameron, Charles Veto Bargaining
Campbell, Louise How Policies Make Citizens
Cohen, et al. The Party Decides
Converse, Philip "The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics," in Apter (Ed.),
Ideology and Discontent
Cox & McCubbins Setting the Agenda
Delli Carpini & Keeter What Americans Know About Politics and Why it Matters
Erikson, MacKuen, & Stimson The Macro Polity
Fiorina, Morris Retrospective Voting in American National Elections
Fiorina, Abrams & Pope Culture War? (3rd ed)
Gilens Affluence and Influence
Green & Shapiro Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory
Green, Palquuist, & Schickler Partisan Hearts and Minds
Hacker, Jacob The Divided Welfare State
Hajnal, Zolton America’s Uneven Democracy
Hansen, John Mark Gaining Access
Harvey, Anna Votes Without Leverage
Hibbing, Smith & Alford Predisposed
Hero, Rodney Latinos and the US Political System.
Iyengar, Shanto Is Anyone Responsible?
Jacobson, Gary The Politics of Congressional Elections
Kernell, Samuel Going Public (latest ed.)
King & Smith Still a House Divided
Kingdon, John Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies (latest ed.)
Krehbiel, Keith Pivotal Politics
Mann & Ornstein It's Even Worse Than it Looks
Mayhew, David Electoral Realignments
Mettler, Suzanne Soldiers to Citizens
Milkis & Nelson The American Presidency (latest ed.)
Mutz, Sniderman, Brody Political Persuasion
Neustadt, Richard Presidential Power
Olson, Mancur The Logic of Collective Action
Ostrom, Elinor Governing the Commons
Page & Shapiro The Rational Public
Patashnik, Eric Reforms at Risk
Pierson, Paul Politics in Time
Putnam, Robert Bowling Alone
Rosenstone & Hansen Mobilization, Participation and Democracy in America
Schlozman, Verba & Brady The Unheavenly Chorus
Skocpol, Theda Protecting Soldiers and Mothers
Skorownek, Stephen The Politics Presidents Make
Smith, Steven S. Party Influence in Congress
Stone, Clarence Regime Politics
Stone, Deborah Policy Paradox and Political Reason
Stonecash & Brewer Split: Class and Cultural Divisions in American Politics
Strolovitch, Dara Affirmative Advocacy
Verba, Schlozman & Brady Voice and Equality
Weimer & Vining Policy Analysis (latest ed.)
Wilson, J.Q. Bureaucracy
Zaller, John The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion
Each reading will have its dedicated blog post, where I'll summarize the key arguments, provide a critical analysis, and relate the text to our broader understanding of American politics. More importantly, I encourage you to share your thoughts, critiques, and insights as well.
The sequence of our reading will not necessarily follow the order in which the books are listed. Depending on our discussions, current political events, or requests, we might jump around the list. Flexibility will keep our exploration fresh and relevant.
So, let's embark on this intellectual adventure! It's time to dig into these fascinating texts and unravel the complex, dynamic world of American politics. Here's to a journey full of discovery, debate, and deep insights!
Happy Reading,
The Capitol Scholar
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zooterchet · 2 years
The Royals, since the 1960s, have been involved in computing technology; by using a homosexual male raised in Christian cultism, Jewish cults of Christ (the criminal, to be hunted, for manipulating the Nobles as himself, prayer), they developed computing technology, and then a prayer system, a "chip", the term for a slighted bust of a sculpture, to manipulate Nobles out of espionage (prior, the Neanderthal rulers of Europe, then, the Senators of Rome, and later, the world's espionage organizations).
The replacement was vigilante work, by mimicking petty literatue, a lucrative avenue for field research mimicking Shakespeare (the system of logic intended to teach a trade, of a field assassin, the "thespian", through a sexual infatuaton, with the corner stone body object of the opposite sex, such as with the clitoris, and the Hagia Sophia).
By a Noble refusing meditation in puberty (homosexual) and then converting to Islam (loss of bowel control), you could then have them master QUI, a QBASIC language, partnered with a Jew Gideon (shellfish allergy) that had mastered BASIC in childhood (the Jewish version of a child molester).
In 2001, a USMC chip program went live, through George W. Bush being given a seranzine injection, to mobilize the Yorks the day of 9/11, when the control call first went through that there had been a terror attack.
The Carnegie Institute leadership (Andrew Carnegie's kin, Irish-Jews mixed with Saoirse Noble households, narcotics control and distribution smuggling), went live, as USMC "chip" experts, an Occult ritual known as "Deng-Shui", in China, used by Genghis Khan, the ancestor of the Bruces, to drop a "down fogel", on the Chinese reserves of currency ("golde", a form of wheat droplet used for rice substitute, when times were "tough", war, to bulk the population into fat for heterosexual, rigid, accumulated physical strength, and women with large bosoms and thin waists, the Chinese female gene, still replicated today with Asian females of "Orient" variety, outside of India or Malaysia or Tagalog populaces, "ladyboys").
As a Bruce, a Khanate-Muhammadan, I am of course against this practice; having been hired out of Chas T. Main, for a run on the House of Tudor, an English mercantile house trapping all the royals under a talent management house, supported by George W. Bush.
9/11, was a lucky opportunity, to assault the inheritence of Prince Charles (GOP rumor), the achievements of Prince Andrew (Latino CIA prostitution), and Prince Edward's control of the arts (Andrew Lloyd Weber, Likud's public finances).
Upon first spotting Hebrew Yiddish USMC (day three of monitoring, UMass-Amherst), I surfaced for the first time as aware, calling the chip controller specialist a "Nazi".
The IDF and Mossad at the university noticed that it gave the USMC a psychotic break, and began using the technique internally, in Europe, Britain, Canada, and Western Massachusetts, on victims of the USMC Carnegie-Mellon project, the chip observers.
Let's look at the House of Tudor's goals, with George W. Bush's project:
There's one of these data chips, in Biden's head, so he can support gay marriage, for the military's membership.
They hate women, they're afraid of BDSM, which is a woman's preference for sex, since U'Niall and the Kingdoms of Ireland, Britain, and France.
Russian Slavics are trying to reverse the spy/infantry division, with student's loans and false housing statuses from factory unions.
Poor kids spy, they care about their own mortality; spying pays very little, financially, you do it for a girl back home, or if a woman, because you're high IQ and dislike stupid women of your ethnic origin.
Rich kids are infantry or officers, they don't care about dying, they live in a fantasy world; the military pays a lot of money, enlisted in land benefits, officer's in saved salary of stock investment.
Cops are trying to be male tops, to avoid the accusation that they're racist, for preferring interracial sex, American civil rights.
Obese women, are trying to marry cops and informants, since girls that fat women bully, are recruited to be cops, for anti-gang and narcotics.
It's illegal for slight women to be vice officers, the courts ignore it.
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manleycollins · 2 years
Journal Entry #72 - The Phone - Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor and Co-Founder of AT&T - Must Did Not Know How Crazy Communication Would Become - And My In-Person and Postal Mail Communications Independence - Who am I talking to?
JOURNAL ENTRY #72 Name: Manley M Collins Social Security Number: 5 7 9 – * * – 6 5 4 1 Date of Birth: 06/21 Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia Country of Birth: United States of America Date: July 4, 2022
TOPIC: The Phone - Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor and Co-Founder of AT&T - Must Did Not Know How Crazy Communication Would Become - And My In-Person and Postal Mail Communications Independence - Who am I talking to?
Happy Independence Day to the United States of America!
Schizophrenia and the recognition of my American mental health issues was created solely based on the topic when I shelled out information about a future to people that I did not know what I was talking about. Normally, life would call it a 'lie' or 'alternative truth', but made sure my American life, in English, reap every word of having anything mentioned about my future and losing it very fast with little or no evidence. So now my readers or people now dislike or love me revealing my past and present of what he/she does not expect to see.
Based on my telephone logs and great memory, people wonder who do I talk to if I am not speaking to them specifically. For me, my 792 contact list is 10% of the amount of people I would have had if I had my storage drives and no distractions in putting people in various information systems and backing up various places. I do believe in speaking to humans over artificial intelligence or interactive voice response systems. Those people I spoke over the phone or in-person or video call are as follows:
Brothers of Rho Kappa Lambda of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., police officers and every other type of officer, attorneys, lawyers, teachers, LGBTQIA+ associates/friends, heterosexual friends, families, my paternal family members, my maternal family members, classmates from Cross High School, South Carolina State University, and University of Phoenix, track and field teammates, football players, basketball players, disabled persons, Asian, Indian, European, African, American, French, Italian, Mexicans, Latinos, Brazilians, Jewish, Muslim, drug dealers, gun owners, Beta Delta of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Future Business Leaders of America, Chief Executive Officers, presidents, vice presidents, directors, project managers, program managers, leaders, small business owners, entrepreneurs, barbers, hairstylists, Human Resources managers, my co-workers, supervisors, and managers from every position on my resume, security officers, librarians, administrative assistants, doctors, nurses, case workers, mental health professionals, resource officers, principals, assistant principals, military - army, navy, marines, coast guard, air force, government officials, government employees, government contractors, the courts, judges, custodians, Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity, travelers, skateboarders, punk rockers, me phi me, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho, Zeta Phi Beta, homeless professionals, drug users, Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Beta Sigma, Kappa Kappa Psi, Tau Beta Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha, Up2Us Coaches/Coaches Across America, AmeriCorps, City Year, any department in any state I resided in, United Parcel Service, DHL Express, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Apple, Nike, Amazon, insurance agent, appraisers, sales personnel, technologists, gamers, leasing agents, apartment owners, banks, brokerage firms, hotels, motels, airlines, restaurants, public transportation workers, car rentals, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, children, teens, adolescents, garbage workers, recruiters, headhunters, airport workers, all the violators of the Ten Commandments, sinners, pastors, deacons, choir members, ushers, meetup groups, church congregation, actors, gym and fitness gurus, bodybuilders, athletes from other sports, research professionals, and many more….even if do not specifically mention your area of expertise I am talking to you or something related to you.
Ever since the Journal Entry regarding my depression and how it came to fruition, I never have and do not plan to shut up for anybody since 2007-2008. I know all this information is coming fast, but I am just like you sharing in bits in pieces, but I am all at once to catch up.
Pine Street Inn provided me a locker for storage. It is about half the size of a middle school or high school locker. I only store daily stuff, such as my multivitamins (Vega All-in-One Protein Shake, Gatorade G-Fit, Lenny & Larry's Plant Based Cookies, Metamucil Fiber Gummies, Metamucil 4-in-1 Single Packs, One-A-Day Men's Multivitamin, Hydroxycut, Metamucil Cinnamon Fiber Wafers), everyday clothing, medications, and work clothing. I do laundry every two weeks. You can see them in my photo albums. Pine Street Inn provided more housing applications to Somerville Housing Authority, Pine Street Inn Housing, Woodburne Apartments, and The Bay State Banner real estate section had housing lotteries. I am still on the lottery list for a brand new affordable housing project. At Pine Street Inn, I had to get a tuberculosis test and reading done, which I was informed I was supposed to get every six (6) months.
With my former residence in Atlanta, Georgia and in between actual health or medical plans, I never signed up for public insurance. So with me very focused on rolling off United Healthcare impacting the ability for my bills to paid by MassHealth (BMC Community Health Plan now WellSense). I wanted to test At-Home Medical Tests for all the same services you see in my photo albums. I did the tests publicly so others can see me do it. The results were the same.
Racial profiling and customer profiling does happen in Boston, Massachusetts despite importing diversity to create diversity. So here it goes, Target (Beacon Hill), a white/Latino retail floor employee, did racial and customer profiling, and I informed them through their surveys. CVS Pharmacy (North Station), overabundance of female employees, did racial and customer profiling, and I informed them through their surveys, but it still happens at random. StarMarket (North Station), a white manager, did racial and customer profiling, but stopped surveys for a year now. Whole Food Market (Charles River Plaza) security did racial and customer profiling, and I informed them through their surveys and it stopped.
I got my Monkeypox/smallpox vaccine JYNNEOS from Boston Medical Center Sexual Health Clinic. I still have a residual mark from where the vaccine was placed. Hopefully, my Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides start helping my hair, skin, and nails along with my prenatal multivitamins.
I purchased TurboTax to prepare to file my taxes.
I attended BayState (Massachusetts) Summer Games. I ran the 100m, 200m, and long jump. I won the long jump. I may or may not plan to go California for the State Games of America. It is in my photo blog.
I had to seriously pray the Lord's Prayer, read a Bible verse, Joel Osteen's message of the day, and recited the 23rd Psalm before my criminal court hearing at New York City / New York State Criminal Courts. It is in my photo blog. I also attended my follow up court date in September 2022, and the case and charges were dismissed. I talked to my pro-bono The Legal Aid Society attorney via the phone, and he told me I can get a Certificate of Disposition if I needed it, but most likely not available for the next day. The way I booked my trip was through Megabus and Marriott. I booked to hear the decision and leave immediately. My case came up first and the judge told me the decision without the presence of my attorney. I did eat a good meal at Whole Foods Market (Hudson Yards) to treat myself. I missed the USATF Masters Outdoor Nationals Championship in Lexington, Kentucky. I signed up for eTrack, the free case tracking service provided by the New York State Unified Court System, to actually track my case, which I never found and could not add. Checkr, Inc. provided all the employers that I am employed by and uses Checkr's service to provide the post-adverse action notice due to New York's situation.
I joined new workforce apps called Adia and Instawork. Adia Solutions LLC, works with Adecco staffing, and I filled out the profile. My first gig was Wyndham Hotel & Resorts (Beacon Hill). I worked as a bellman and backoffice customer service. I made some friends, associates, and acquaintances. It was my first time seeing the tipping business in the hotel other than housekeeping. When I can tip, I normally tipped the housekeeping and restaurant workers. I never thought about the bellpeople. I worked as a custodian and engineer, but I had to tell the supervisor that I do not mind moving other people (Wyndham's) stuff once a month and I do not do this type of physical activity on the regular.
Boston Medical Center had to prepare me for my first colonoscopy. My BMC primary care physician prescribes Golytely as the medication and gave me the instructions. I discussed the instructions with McInnis Health Center (Boston HealthCare for the Homeless Program) doctors and nurse. A month before the procedure, McInnis Health Center provided interesting advice, but not efficient planning on how to go about the day. As the procedure came close, I was in discussion with BMC on how to prepare and I planned a week ahead for it scheduling a PT1 Medical ride. McInnis calls the Friday before the procedure on Tuesday, and ask, "Am I still coming to the McInnis House?" I politely while enraged had to tell them, "No, I made other plans."
I communicated quite a bit through the Massachusetts General Hospital, McInnis Health Center, and Boston Medical Center information system with practitioners more than any other hospital information system for care.
Transitioning from Arbour Counseling Session (Zoom Calls) to Boston Medical Center In-Person (through the Bridge Clinic - Psychiatry Department) (Previous Journal topics - I just was repeating them to new people verbally)
Boys Relationships Sex Travel Materialism Research before buying Attachment Give and Take Work on trauma Touching and Assaults Thinking and Feelings Begin Cognitive Behavior Therapy or Cognitive Processing Therapy (homework on myself)
Other Topics from Summer and Fall 2022:
I started participating in University of Phoenix Dissertation to Publication Workshop. I attended University of Phoenix Knowledge without Borders Summit. I attend the UOPX KWB in person in Chicago and Washington, DC/Virginia, but this time it is virtual.
I started working with Massachusetts Vocational Rehabilitation Center for SSA's Ticket to Work to be local and not have Illinois's virtual center involved.
I never paid attention to what was happening with my toes. After everything happens and distractions, time becomes available to actually pay attention to myself.
I worked with some new rental startup companies, such as SplitSpot and June Homes. They are two of I do not know how many that rent out the megahomes throughout Boston and other cities. SplitSpot does an application and roommate approval process for a room. SplitSpot was funny because you provide a profile and roommate communication data is shared so I had to talk to the roommates. For one place, all the rooms were vacant and the potential roommate was in another state (Florida), and disapproved me. For another place, two male roommates and a potential female roommate with a pet, disapproved me, but during phone conversation individually with all three tried to blame each other for stating their vote, 'No.' June Homes does an application and credit check before roommate approval process for a room. When June Homes denied me on credit, I had to clutch the pearls and reflect that I have to have good credit score of 650 and above to rent a room in the house plus pay deposit.
I went to Atlanta, Georgia for the first part of my vacation and stayed at the Marriott TownePlace Suites. I switched from the J.W. Marriott at the last minute to prevent any shenanigans like New York City. I met a few South Carolina State University college people (we were not in the same class to say classmate). I told all my Atlanta-based friends I was there, but I guess they wanted to do schizophrenia and not see me physically. It did not matter, but I had a great time seeing three hairstylists and/or barbers and meeting people from Atlanta LGBTQIA+ Pride weekend, and unexpectedly ran into Rho Kappa Lambda brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. at House in the Park. I flew Delta Airlines and used my points. I had a terrible experience at Subway restaurant at Atlanta Hartsfield airport, the supervisor replaced the sandwich, and the Delaware North assistant general manager did reach out to me. See my photo album.
I spent my second half of vacation in Charleston/North Charleston, South Carolina. I rented a car from Atlanta and drove to South Carolina. I played with the hands-free technology and cruise control on rural road with minimal to no traffic. I had to work at Dorchester County District Two (South Carolina Public Schools). I signed up for three days to get my feet wet and see how everything operates. See my photo album. It was very restful and relaxing. I went through a half box of magnums and eight regular condoms so it was good. Walmart was nearby so I was happy. UberEats worked very well on my order from Bonefish Grill, and it was hot and delightful. Finally, I found the CSC Works smartphone app, it worked well at the Extended Stay America hotel, and gave me a bonus for using the app. The CSCWorks vendor does Boston system of laundry centers, but you have to use a smartcard connected with one site.
I signed up for United States Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Authority's Pre-Check program. My Global Entry program known traveler number expired. I signed up for the new program.
I attended Snow Companies - Gilead - Advisory Board program on HIV prevention services and medicines.
I had to subscribe to AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss because my original two-year subscription expired. I did a month break between the original expiration and new subscription to see if anything was going to happen. I had to replace the front glass on my iPhone.
ZipCar kept sending me reminders about re-establishing membership.
I updated my National Board's Candidate Management System (NBCMS) profile, which is supported by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
I joined a new meetup Skip the Small Talk Online through the Hey Siri group. This is the first time I had audio issues over the Apple iPhone. I could hear everything, but they could not hear me. We troubleshooted for thirty (30) minutes.
I filled out DoorDash Shop and Deliver form. I was already doing it, but I guess they wanted to make it official. UberEats provided these types of orders when they know I am at the end of my day.
I updated my Hilton profile.
All of Us Research provided some data.
Allied Universal sends me Special Security Briefing I guess to keep in touch and get additional business.
Massachusetts General Brigham started sending more research surveys about new features.
I started Busuu Live Lessons.
I participated in USATF Potomac Valley Association and PVTC Zoom call and voting process. This was a first ever.
I sent in my United States Department of State Passport Application through the United States Postal Service.
I attended Oracle Cloud World. It was whole breadth of knowledge and experience on how one organization works around a winning product. I do not have the $5,000 annually for training and certification around it, but learning bits and pieces through webinar and technical papers works too.
I participated in new Crunch Fitness Malden class offerings. I participated in Crunch Fitness Summerville group fitness classes. I tried to enter North Charleston's Crunch Fitness, but that is when I was notified that my gym membership expired.
I am reading the newsletters, responses to my letter (all the different thoughts), and participating in polls by the United States Congress (Senators and Representatives).
Federal Express attorneys tried to answer the civil suit by stating nothing happened and deny everything. We are at the pre-trial conference stage. MCAD still pending. I was told to decide MCAD vs Superior Court, but I told them to settle. I am only looking for one settlement from Federal Express, but however I can proceed with Pre-Trial and private investigator to proceed with one trial for both courts.
Southampton Street Shelter's case is left with the State of Massachusetts, but just continuous notice of appearances by different attorneys. I am unsure what that is about.
I am getting prepared to 'sit and wait' because the government trained me well to let routine drive people crazy up the wall, plus speakerphone, and wait until the end of time for something to give way or give me my money for what your people did.
From my Nokia first cellphone to current Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy Smartphone Apps:
Remember black and grey screen snake game. I loved that game.
Remember black and grey screen Tetris game. Using the keypad and directional keys to get the blocks right.
I had the UberEats, Uber Driver, and Uber apps on my smartphone. I was using them, but until New York took Uber away. I threw the whole business in the trash, uninstalled, and did not bring to new phone. It is backed up in cloud storage.
I had the DoorDash driver, and DoorDash apps on my smartphone. I was using them, but until New York took DoorDash away. I threw the whole business in the trash, uninstalled, and did not bring to new phone. It is backed up in cloud storage.
I had the Grubhub driver, and Grubhub apps on my smartphone. I was using them, but until New York took Grubhub away. I threw the whole business in the trash, uninstalled, and did not bring to new phone.
Google Chrome has done a great job syncing data with is apps platform. I was impressed just as much as I use Firefox in syncing data and search abilities.
The Google sync with Android phone was impressive. No duplicate data anywhere…yep, throwing shade to Apple.
Security got much better with Android. AT&T Cloud, AT&T Call Protect, AT&T ActiveArmor, plus Samsung HIYA and Samsung Cloud service darn sure capture my data, photos, music, documents, everything to help me not miss one communication beat plus secure any data network for a minimum fee. No Google Cloud or Microsoft Cloud services yet.
Starbucks app exemplifies the service provided by its restaurants. It has not missed yet, even with a cup of iced water. I love the rewards, but I do not have Starbucks budget like that. Thanks for always remembering my birthday.
McDonald's app knew its customers and how to get them store with the $1 deals, but when inflation raised it to $2. I had to rethink my trips to all the Boston's McDonalds. I went for breakfast and lunch/dinner.
Grindr, Jack'd, GROWLr, Scruff, Recon, Bro, 3Fun, Mr X apps (outside of Massachusetts) are used for the purpose of sex and hookups, and its actual purpose. Inside Massachusetts, New York, or Northeast is for scamming, headaches, and from me-educational purposes to eliminate those gray matter opinions. Remember my scamming Journal Entry what folks tried to do to me.
Google Authenticator was better than Microsoft Authenticator for rolling over from various phones. I understand Microsoft's logic to authenticate each account, but it becomes a headache when more websites are rolling out multi-factor or two-way authentication. ID.me is very good for government multi-factor or two- way authentication. Adobe Access authentication is pretty good for the Adobe suite of products.
My banks, credit cards, and brokerage firms worked all my phones and iPad.
Zoom was and is pretty good with weblinks. It is used by most organizations. I played with the various backgrounds. It was slight hiccup when I tried to switch phones on my personal account, but I recovered figuring out it was multi-factor authentication had to be turned on. Google Duo/Google Meet was pretty good. Apple FaceTime was good. Video calling became a better experience.
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mariacallous · 2 years
As we approach the November election Americans are overwhelmed with the amount of campaign ads flooding their television and social media feeds. It is estimated that by election day over $9.7 billion will have been spent on campaign ads. Between January 6, 2021, and August 7, 2022, 2 million ads aired on national television alone.
The volume of campaign ads can unfortunately be harmful to some members of the public due to the heavy emphasis on immigration and immigrants.
While the United States has been home to an anti-immigrant political climate that has politicized Latino immigrants for several election cycles, it feels as though the volume of campaign ads that focus on border enforcement has increased this campaign season. America’s Voice has reported 700 unique paid ads that have been viewed 52.6 million times on voters’ social media feeds are anti-immigrant, divisive and/or racist. Many of these ads are generating fear and xenophobia by framing the immigration issue around an “invasion” of immigrants coming to the United States, which generates fear and anger.
The primaries push candidates to mobilize the more ideologically extreme segments of their respective parties. It is therefore not surprising there was a heavy use of border enforcement and anti-immigrant ads during the Republican primary. However, what is surprising is that the Southern border was used as the backdrop for campaign ads during the primary season in non-border states. This included ads suggesting weak borders were responsible for drugs and crime in states as far from the border as South Carolina and Alabama.
We are interested in how the exposure to a high number of anti-immigrant campaign ads may impact the attitudes of the Latino population.
Latino Exposure to Campaign Ads and Their Impact on Latino Families
We rely on the Abriendo Puertas/Unidos US National Latino Family Survey to get a sense of how pervasive exposure to anti-immigrant campaign advertising is among Latinos. The survey asked respondents if they have seen any campaign ads on television or online that they felt discriminated against or were intended to make the public think negatively of immigrants. Over a third (36 percent) of Latino parents or primary caregivers indicated they have seen these ads, with a higher percentage of registered voters reporting exposure.
The National Latino Family Survey asked respondents who have viewed these ads how this made them feel. As reflected in the figure below, the most commonly reported reaction among Latinos in the sample was “anger”. This was a particularly common response among foreign-born Latinos (+6 percent relative to their U.S.-born counterparts).
The next two most common reactions identified by respondents are “nervous/anxious” at 40 percent and “scared” at 27 percent. When combined these two outcomes that are often measures included in mental health studies, were mentioned by 67 percent of Latinos across the country. This is consistent with the literature documenting how the anti-immigrant politics across the country negatively impacts mental health of immigrants. The anti-immigrant sentiment was expanded by former President Trump and research has found that there is a link between Trump’s racist policies and symptoms of both depression and anxiety for Latinos.
I have found in my own work that living in states with punitive immigration policies does not only impact the health of immigrants, but Latinos overall. This helps explain why U.S.-born Latinos, who are not immigrants themselves, are more likely to report they are nervous or anxious upon seeing anti-immigrant campaign ads than immigrants in the sample (+7 percent for U.S.-born Latinos relative to the overall sample).
Another 29 percent of respondents indicated seeing these campaign ads made them feel as though “people do not want me here in the United States.” This is an important response to track, as the social science literature has found Latinos often report feelings of not belonging or feeling unvalued in society when exposed to discrimination.
Reflecting the variation in Latinos attitudes, 15 percent of the sample of Latino parents and primary caregivers said they felt the campaign ad they saw “was spot on with what needs to be done with immigration policy.”
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Implications and Potential Solutions
The rise in these anti-immigrant ads is indicative of wider acceptance for this extreme political rhetoric, which unfortunately suggests the Latino community will continue to be exposed to more stress-inducing political images than ever. This is an issue we should all be concerned with given the impact these ads have on Latinos’ perception that they are welcome in this country. Feeling as though you belong and are valued in society has huge implications for civic engagement. Seeing evidence that exposure to anti-immigrant campaign ads influences sense of belonging is worrisome for those interested in civic participation of Latinos, regardless of which party they choose to support.
A way to combat these harmful ads would be to prevent them from being viewed in the first place. To circumvent millions of people being exposed to this, networks should be pressured to prohibit this type of hate and fearmongering to be aired. Whether by filing a complaint through the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to implement regulations, or creating social pressure for change, networks are responsible for what they choose to broadcast and should be held accountable.
The implications of a sharp increase in anti-immigrant campaign ads on the mental health of Latino Americans are huge given the limited access to mental health services the Latino population has experienced both before and during the pandemic. Latinos have greater delays in receiving mental health care (twice as likely as white Americans) and they are less likely to receive guideline care for depression and anxiety compared to white Americans. Expanding access to quality mental health services to a wider segment of the Latino community will help address longer-term challenges this community faces in regard to mental health.
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99addy · 2 years
This is an insightful look on a subculture of Twitter
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radioambar · 4 years
Camilo y El Alfa Cantan “BEBÉ” en Premio Lo Nuestro 2021
Camilo y El Alfa Cantan “BEBÉ” en Premio Lo Nuestro 2021
Camilo y El Alfa interpretar “BEBÉ” enciende a Premio Lo Nuestro 2021, excelente combinación de dos Dominicanos que con orgullo llevan ese sabor y esa buena vibra a todo el mundo. 
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p-rsona · 7 years
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“J Balvin es...”
J Balvin habla sobre “Mi Gente” para T-Mobile Latino. #PJilimitado (x)
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maythearo · 3 years
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Hi I'm May, mobile user who does not know how to social media!
(mostly) digital artist ▪︎ aroace genderfluid ▪︎ asian latino - japanese brazilian ▪︎ english is not my first language, I'm horrible at social interaction, and I care about Jamil a normal amount (trust me). I may take some time to respond to some asks, so I apologize in advance for the wait! That's all u need to know + stuff on bio, thanks for checking my blog!
▪︎ general linktree
▪︎ twst intro
▪︎ what i use to draw list
▪︎ scarabia blog header edit by @/twistedafterhours
▪︎ sideblog is @mayreblogging where i reblog more cool posts!
Current interests: twisted wonderland, ever after high, monster high, spider-man (even though I'm not very knowledgeable on all the lore lol) and splatoon !
Navigation under the cut:
▪︎ All my stuff is at #my art
▪︎ #shut up may is a tag for mostly my crazy ramblings, feel free to block it, I'm trying not to get people spammed with it lol 🙏
▪︎ Yuu's character sheet
▪︎ Luci and Luka's character sheet
▪︎ OC character inspiration
monster high x twst (on-going series) :
R. Rosehearts ▪︎ T. Clover ▪︎ C. Diamond ▪︎ A. Trappola ▪︎ D. Spade ▪︎ L. Kingscholar ▪︎ R. Bucchi ▪︎ J. Howl ▪︎ A. Ashengrotto ▪︎ J. Leech ▪︎ F. Leech ▪︎ K. Al Asim ▪︎ J. Viper ▪︎ V. Schoenheit ▪︎ R. Hunt ▪︎ E. Felmier ▪︎ I. Shroud ▪︎ O. Shroud ▪︎ M. Draconia ▪︎ L. Vanrouge ▪︎ S. Zigvolt ▪︎ Silver
series' general tag for related reblogs and minor posts is at #.the ghostly gossip. Tags for asks related to the AU is #.phantom asks
blank character template, free to use, here!
FAQ of the AU, kind of:
▪︎ I don't really "own" the concept of a monster school AU or anything, and probably wasn't the first person to think about it, so if anyone wants to join, whether that be by making your own designs of the cast, writing fanfiction or even adding your OCs to the concept- feel free to do so! no need to ask me for permission!
▪︎ I suppose the only thing I "own" in this are the individual designs I came up with so far? So if anyone ever wants to draw, write or make their own content out of them, go ahead, I don't mind! I'd just like to be credited somewhere if possible, in this case
▪︎ Tagging me in related posts isn't necessary but I'd love to be anyway bcs this AU lives in my head rent free and seeing stuff surrounding this idea is so cool to me qkndkwdnwk I think that's all? I'm open to respond to any other questions, so feel free to ask whenever 🏃
twst into the spider-verse! :
▪︎ Spidey Jamil and Kalim design
▪︎ Spidey Jamil and Kalim comic cover
series' general tag for asks and chatting is at #.twst into the spider verse
Same points in the monster high x twst FAQ are applicable in this AU too!
▪︎ diasomnia dorm uniform redesign by me but it's super old I should re do it
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raydrawsdaly · 4 years
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Cerebral Palsy Day is March 25th! 💚
An illustration of two people with CP standing at either side of a green banner that reads, ‘cerebral palsy awareness month’ with blue sky and grass in the background. The character on the left is an afro Latino wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a t-shirt over top of it, jeans with holes at the knees, and converse. He is using a mobility chair, noise-cancelling headphones, and a speech tablet. The character on the right is a white woman with an overbite smiling towards the audience. She is wearing a leather hat, button-up, khaki shorts, and hiking boots. She is using arm crutches. 
Accessibility, accommodation, and acceptance should be every day! 
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rosielindy · 2 years
I just signed up for the event, we’re in the home stretch to get out the vote! Will you join us?
“As some of you know, I recently attended an amazing one-hour Zoom presentation by Focus 4 Democracy. There were 700 participants (!) there—including some of you. What I heard there made so much grounded good sense that I volunteered to co-host another event on Wednesday, September 7th at 5pm PT/8pm ET. Please join me if you can—you won’t be sorry.
F4D will provide updated information on two of their top donor recommendations—as in where best to give money to get more Dem votes. The first organization they’ll be talking about is Working America, an incredible group that can produce more Democratic votes than Biden's margin of victory in 2020 in each battleground state. In addition to Working America’s amazing persuasion programs, they’ll be presenting on an exciting NEW program from Movement Labs that will mobilize many thousands of voters, especially Black, Latino and Asian American voters.”
Link to register:
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