tabswrites · 1 year
Guardians of Eternity
Character Intro: Mara Wilkes
Age: ~24 yo
She is missing her pinky on her left hand. Normal attire for her is a pair of leather trousers, a grey linen blouse, thick boots and a long black cloak.
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(art by the amazing @drawingrosesonneptune!)
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Mara Wilkes is a well-known name in the city of Rothar. She was orphaned as an infant when her mother died in childbirth. Her father refused to raise her, so a council Elder, Arthur Herric, took her in. She was sent to school with the other children to learn basic reading, writing and arithmetic, but as she got older she was encouraged to expand her knowledge. Elder Herric intended for her to take his place one day, so she began homeschooling once she reached her teens.
At home, she was encouraged to learn geography, politics, engineering—anything that could be used to better the city. She befriended Oliver Rothe, descendant of a Founder. His father put the two of them together in the hopes that her sense of purpose and responsibility would rub off. Instead, the two became inseparable, the curious girl who needed someone to listen to her, and the prodigy who needed a distraction from his duty. As they got older, their feelings developed into something a little more complicated.
One day, Mara overheard Elder Rameau mention that the location of the restricted archive was below the Rothe family home. She used her close bond with Oliver to convince him to sneak in one day, realizing magic might be something that could be beneficial to them if used correctly. The rest, as they say, is history.
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You can read more about Mara in Tomb of Light, available on Ao3 and Wattpad!
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Tell me about Like Snow on Hungry Graves for the WIP title game 👀
~ @tabswrites
Thanks! :D Like Snow on Hungry Graves is a high/dark fantasy featuring mermaids, dragons, liches, and humans who are worse than the monsters. Half of it is about a very unlucky merman. The other half is about a detective who's forced to work together with the mob boss he was trying to take down.
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obviousknife · 1 year
From the weaponry ask game:
halberd: in general, how dangerous is the setting?
Thanks for the ask! Isn’t it a nightmare that we still can’t send/respond to them from side blogs?
I’ll answer this for Silver Sentinels, since WWLF takes place in our world and we already know how scary that is!
As far as physical dangers go, the small country of Caledon is still a fairly new territory. There is only one major city and a handful of smaller villages scattered throughout. Majority of the country is undiscovered or wilderness. It’s considered pretty wild and crazy to explore it without prior survival knowledge as the wildlife tends to be a bit…curious. In addition, there is a sizable group of roaming bandits who are known to be quite unforgiving.
In the capital city of Hollowglen (and to a smaller extent in the neighboring villages), there is a different kind of threat that targets intellectual freedom. The study of magic has been outlawed and even mentioning it is considered treasonous. The High Guard, defenders of the city, are ruthless in their pursuit of justice. One of the main characters, Mara, was a scholar who was exiled just for looking at a map.
Let’s just say…it’s a weird place to live.
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#20 and 24!
oh! i guess i should reblog the meme now huh. lmao
from the writeblr ask game
20. FIRE - What is the worst thing you've ever created?
sending me ONLY the hard ones. after determining by your own power that i was accepting ask meme questions.
ok so, in fiasco, the negative matter that the characters pull through dimensions to make objects and animals as if from nothing is, like. if they focus really hard they can control all of the components, but if the summoned object is left in their world long enough it gains its own sentience. so i guess i'd say the worst thing i've ever created is, like, the living sandwich
24. GREED - If you could steal a character from any other story, who would you take?
this is an extremely difficult question because i want to say quentin magicians but i feel like that's too obvious, i feel like everyone can tell, like, they look at me and think 'that guy wants quentin coldwater from the magicians to be his oc sooooo bad'. so i'm gonna go w/ someone else. i want KIBA FROM WOLF'S RAIN HE'S THE BLUEPRINT FOR ALL OF MY OCS ANYWAY
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indecentpause · 1 year
18 for the ask game?
18: Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
It depends on the character! To some characters it's very important because it is important to the character's story or life. But there are others who simply do not care: Smarty and Funshine in In the Basement, In the Sky are never labeled; and I think the only labels any of the characters in One More Time (With Feeling) is that March is trans masc and asexual, because it matters to his storyline. There are a few other canonically trans characters, but their sexual orientations are never mentioned. None of the characters in And All the Devils Are Here are labeled, although there are f/f and m/m relationships; but you could headcanon them as bisexual or pansexual or whatever!
To some characters it really matters: like Danny being bisexual and Meara being gay in The Black & Blues, because the whole catalyst is them trying to get out of their homophobic hometown. It's very important to me that it's clear that Sara, Austin, and Kris are in an aroace queerplatonic triad, because you see so little of that.
When characters are definitively trans they are identified as trans, and when they are some shade of queer that is identified, too, but I like leaving some things up to interpretation! Like I see Gavin from That Boy, That Girl as aroace but anyone could headcanon him as anything, because he has no romantic relationships simply because he is too busy, so who knows!
Does someone identify with a character with no specification? Do you want to headcanon them as gay or bi or pan or ace or whatever, based on information available in the story? Go for it! Do you think they could be trans? Maybe they could! The only thing I really care about is that nobody tries to untrans or unqueer anyone who is canonically one of those things.
Sorry for the ramble, and thank you so much for the ask!
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meerawrites · 9 months
UNICORN - What makes your WIP and your writing stand out?
~ @tabswrites
Writing for myself, furthermore, I am gonna say doing lots and lots of research though I'm not the exception, at all... and very intentional allegory/symbolism. Additionally, given my source material... writing to scandalize/horrify/raise insightful questions, on purpose. I'd argue every writer includes symbolism/allegory through cultural osmosis, V.TM is a case study of how influential the late, great, immensely talented writer, Anne Rice was. It is not a judgement, some people just don't include symbolism of a deliberate kind, but just cause something lingers does not mean it isn't there, like Laclos's bi subtext in my source material. He probably did not intend it, but, it is there, so I am using it, and he cannot stop me. :)
the origins of "art for arts sake."
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
✨💋Friday Kiss Tag💋✨
It’s here. It is finally here. ✨
Rules: From your story/WIP, share a scene with a kiss. It can be any kind of kiss, from familial pecks on the cheek, forehead smooches, to full blown makeouts
Happy Friday, everyone! It’s time for the kiss tag. Yep, Ali and Noah’s kiss.🧞‍♂️💋💫
From my WIP YWIMC, 33 chapters later. THE KISS….
…below the cut. Because it gets heated. Tag list is also below the cut, but consider this an +open tag. Share the love ✨
Also TW for people with emetophobia
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Loooooong tagging list. Lemme see those smooches 💖✨
@autism-purgatory @ath3alin @drchenquill @willtheweaver @wyked-ao3 @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @gioiaalbanoart @madi-konrad @alinacapellabooks @talesofsorrowandofruin @zackprincebooks @lychhiker-writes @thatuselesshuman @tabswrites @theverumproject @theliteraryarchitect @finickyfelix @bookish-karina @far-cry-from-finality @yourpenpaldee @unstableunicornsofasgard @orions-quill @poorreputation @mr-orion @aintgonnatakethis @astramachina @scribble-dee-vee @katenewmanwrites @kaylinalexanderbooks @paeliae-occasionally @fantasy-things-and-such @cybercelestian @corvys-clover @corinneglass @glasshouses-and-stones @houseplantblank @billybatsonmylove @justabigoldnerd @pippinoftheshire @brigidfromthecelts @noxxytocin @marlowethelibrarian @fortunatetragedy @littlepup93 @the-bar-sinister @despair-nagito @froggy-pposto @dyrewrites @deanwax
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willtheweaver · 4 months
OC questionnaire tag
Tagged by @theink-stainedfolk
My questions are:
1. If you could spend a day doing anything you wanted, what would it be and why?
2. What do you consider your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?
3. How do you define true friendship, and who in your life embodies this definition?
Time to hear again from some of the cast of A Feather in the Forest
1. If you could spend a day doing anything you wanted, what would it be?
Fen: Oh, I would like to spend time outside. Being out in the forest is something I enjoy. That’s why I dream of becoming a hunter for the village. I would bring Playa along as well. We both enjoy getting out, and we both have the same dream.
Playa: To be honest, I would like to do anything other than listen to administration and politics. Ideally, I would spend the day out in the forest with Fen. We both like going outside the village, and we both wish to become hunters.
2. What do you consider your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?
Fen: That is a hard one… I don’t like to brag or boast, and there is so much that I am good at. As for weaknesses, I can give you a clear answer to that. I don’t really have much in the way of social skills. I’m not supposed to interact much, in case anyone finds out I am in fact not a fox, but I have become close to several youngsters. I can interact with them good enough, but with most others, I’m totally hopeless.
Playa: Strength? That would be my ability to pick up on skills. Once I learn, I will remember. As for weaknesses, I need to work on my mouth. I inherited my grandmother’s ability to hold onto mistakes and slights, and I will go off on others for days.
3. How do you define true friendship, and who in your life fulfills this definition?
Fen: To me, a true friend is someone who always has your back. They keep us level headed, and while they may not lead us to where we want to go, they will take us where we need to go. Playa fits the description to a t.
Playa: A friend is always there for you. They keep you honest, and above all, they will be there to help you no matter what. Several youngsters I count among my friends, but the one I am closest to would be Fen.
Tagging @melpomene-grey @sentfromwolves @talesofsorrowandofruin @xenascribbles @tabswrites
@little-peril-stories @autism-purgatory @rivenantiqnerd @elizaellwrites @corinneglass
@somethingclevermahogony @theeccentricraven @revenantlore @rickie-the-storyteller and open tag
Your questions are:
1. Is there any boundary you will not cross?
2. Do you believe that your government/laws are just? Why or why not?
3. What does peace mean to you?
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space-writes · 11 days
seven lines share
tagged by @noblebs, thank you! here’s a few lines ft Lucian backstory angst hints, yay! (tags & taglist under the cut)
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[ID - a green and black decorative divider]
[Lucian] drew his knees to his chest, staring into the fire. Echoes of the flames sparked beneath his skin, burning in vain for his attention. “I would have liked to have had lessons with other people, but there weren’t any other people it was safe to have them with.” [Aliyne] snorted. “What, do you read so badly people die?” Promise and Precious and Introspection and Clarity and on and on ran the list of names he’d sworn he’d never forget. Shattered horns and a pile of ash and black bones that had once been called Determination and his throat closed up and his head throbbed and he dug his claws into his palms, breath short and shallow. “Yes.”
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[ID - a green and black decorative divider]
no-pressure tagging @reininginthefirewriting @aalinaaaaaa and @tabswrites
Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @reininginthefirewriting @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist
@at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph
@sam-glade @viscerawrites @thegreatobsesso @flower-reads (ask to be +/-)
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tabswrites · 1 year
First Lines/Heads Up Seven Up Mashup! (Try saying that five times fast)
Thanks to @rachaellawrites for the tag!
Rules: post the first 7 lines of something - it can be a WIP, a chapter, a scene, anything!
A scene from What We Long For:
That morning, the flowers were browning and wilted, the yellow and purple petals scattering the floor below. The smell of decay replaced their sweet fragrance, and immediately I knew that something was wrong. As I walked deeper into the apartment, the smell grew stronger. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a bare foot sticking out from behind the counter.
Tagging (no pressure!) @gummybugg @clairelsonao3 @i-can-even-burn-salad @elshells and anyone else who wants to join in!
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talesofsorrowandofruin · 11 months
Trick or treat? 🎃👻
~ @tabswrites
🍬 Treat! Here's an excerpt from Death Waits for Some Men:
The Fitzpatrick house was a small two-storey building on a street full of small two-storey buildings. You couldn't sneeze without your neighbours hearing. When Ruth looked out her bedroom window she could see directly into the Pattersons' garden. When Nancy hung washing on the line she couldn't help looking over the Aikens' fence. When they opened their front door they were in full view of the Wilsons' living room window. When they sat in their garden the only thing they could see was the back of the Weirs' house. It was a busybody's paradise, and a murderer's worst nightmare. Ruth and Nancy put their heads together. There was only one thing to do. Either they killed Louise somewhere outside the house — say, a car accident or a fall at an art gallery — or they convinced their father to buy a new house. A nice, quiet house somewhere far out in the country, without any inconvenient neighbours. He would be more likely to accept their idea if they had already chosen a house and had all the arguments ready in its favour. So the two of them set out to the estate agents'. Nancy read out her list of ideal traits at each agency. "Not too big, but also not too small. Peaceful and far away from busy roads. A river nearby is preferable." "Why a river?" Ruth asked when they went back to the car. "Easier to make it look like an accidental drowning," Nancy said cheerfully.
Adding DWFSM's taglist: @lightgriffinsect, @ink-and-spite (Let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
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obviousknife · 1 year
Hey lovely people! This is the main blog for @tabswrites, my Writeblr. This is where I post absolute unhinged nonsense or little things that delight me, just for fun.
If you are in need of writing inspiration, advice/tips or want to check out some cool writing, follow my Writeblr!
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#hmmm okay I’m intrigued and scared
@tabswrites thats it that's the vibe!!!!!!
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indecentpause · 1 year
Happy STS!
If someone were to open a pop up restaurant based on your WIP, what would it look like? Would the servers wear special uniforms/costumes? What would the table settings look like? And most importantly, what’s on the menu?
Oooh I love this! For The Most Beautiful Puzzle it would definitely be one of those dinner and a show murder mystery things. Everyone waiting on you would be a suspect and each would be wearing an outfit that represented the character they were (to an extent, obviously safety and cleanliness would be the priorities). As for the tables, they would be themed after where the show takes place (library, train, etc).
As for food!! I don't know if it would be themed, but it would definitely be vegetarian with vegan options just because so many of the characters are in canon, and a portion of the money would go to a charity of some kind.
This was a great question, thank you so much!
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meerawrites · 10 months
Happy STS!
Which OC has been taking over your mind recently? What excites you about them?
~ @tabswrites
This shouldn’t be as easy as it is to answer right now, but, Audrey. Cause she’s a hot Bi mess and looked good doing it.
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the-golden-comet · 1 month
✨👑Character Profile Tag 👑✨
Thank you for this tag, @willtheweaver , here @paeliae-occasionally , @mundanemoongirl here, @illarian-rambling here, @theink-stainedfolk here, and here @saturnine-saturneight ! 💛✨
Okay, PETER TAKE A SEAT. We’re gonna let BENJAMIN answer this. ✨
Name: Benjamin Matthias Bartholomew
Nickname: Benji
Kind of Being: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
“Prince Benjamin was a red-headed dynamo: short hair with long strands in front of his freckled lobes, lining the contour of his soft jawline. A slender-bodied, slightly curved twink dressed in royal purple silk. He, too, had side-swept bangs to cover his slightly-sunburned forehead. His face was also dotted in many freckles that extended down his neck, past his shoulder and arms. He rolled his emerald green eyes as he crossed his arms across his chest.”
Occupation: Prince of Port Mayor
Family members: Father—Matthias Bartholomew (Duke of Port Mayor), mother unknown
Pets: None
Best friend: None
Describe his/her room:
Finally, swinging first his arms over the window pane, then his legs, Peter tucked and rolled inside the lavish room. It was adorned with golden accents, royal purple sheets, and heavily ornamented furniture. Standing quickly, the blonde pirate dusted off his hands and took stock.
“Right….” He looked around the room, observing his surroundings. “….Vanity, check. Wardrobe, check…..hm?” Peter knelt down on one knee and looked underneath the bed. A few sheets were preemptively tied together, as if the person this room belonged to had been planning an escape. “Ah, well that makes my job easy…..”
The Golden Pirate pulled out the makeshift rope, pulling the sheets taut as he tested the integrity of the tied ends. “….Though, whoever made this needs a few tips on tying knots….” Peter reinforced the sheets in his own sailor knots, satisfied that they would hold his weight. Then, he draped the rope of sheets over the bottom of the window, outside the room as they billowed down to a foot above the ground. Tying the other end tightly to the foot of the heavy bed, he secured his exit and got to work scavenging the room for loot.
Way of speaking: British accent, speaks like a royal.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): very dynamic, perpetually pissed off, carries himself like a prince not because he wants to, but because that’s what he had to do in the castle.
Items in his/her back pocket/ purse: nothing
Hobbies: Ballroom Dancing, writing.
Favorite sports: Cricket 🏏
Abilities/Talents/Powers: Bilingual (English and French), somehow being both the luckiest and unluckiest man alive.
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): distrusting, gradually has to warm up to the person
Fears: Megalophobia, Hemophobia
Faults: naive, cynical, lofty daydreamer, idealistic, abrasive, blunt
Has Vasovagal Syncope with triggers from blood (more of a medical condition than a fault)
Good points: fiercely loyal, can stand his ground, knows exactly what he wants, shows bravery in multiple instances of fear.
What he/she wants more than anything else: To be loved by a man who adamantly loves him back, a romantic at heart. To have freedom to love who he wants, and live the life he wants.
Tag! @tragedycoded , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch , @wyked-ao3 , @gioiaalbanoart , @alinacapellabooks , @authorcoledipalo , @mysticstarlightduck , @ominous-feychild , @drchenquill , @finickyfelix , @autism-purgatory , @willtheweaver , @aintgonnatakethis , @moltenwrites , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @agirlandherquill , @astramachina , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @yourpenpaldee , @48lexr , @thecomfywriter , @thatuselesshuman , @rotting-moon-writes , @lychhiker-writes , @davycoquette , @katenewmanwrites , @leatafandom , @thebearthatreads , @tabswrites , @words-after-midnight , @theaistired , @theverumproject , @theink-stainedfolk , @ceph-the-ghost-writer , @cybercelestian , @differentnighttale , @jadeglas , +open tag! ✨
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