reekai-art · 11 months
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versacethotty · 2 years
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astonmartingf · 4 days
— you ended up on this random stranger's bed and suddenly the next thing you know you're moving in with him to raise a baby
amgf lots of pregnancy and small timeskips??? i think, i already have the plan laid out for the first half of the fic and ughh we're getting there but it might be subject to change 😃✋ i really don't have anything to say... enjoy this 👍
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[first visit with jb, definitely not scared here...] [just a little baby button 😎🤏🥹]
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[spent three hours packing and three hours of nap time]
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[thank you for sharing your recipe nando 🙇‍♀️ next time, the tacos are on me 😉]
★ WE COULD HAVE A GOOD TIME — @cosmoscoffeee @astral-cowboy @minkyungseokie @ximaginx @thearchieves @scuderiadevils @black-fireproofs @evie-119 @hannannannannannah @evesfile @vi0letblu3s @judelina @siannaplmn @myescapefromthislife @ivyvlair @persiar9 @hsfallingsky @asmoothoperator @vettelsbees @hc-dutch @tallrock35 @akkklys @c-losur3 @mael1pastry @booksandflowrs @champomiel @jeffs77 @escapism-writer @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @whatislifebutlemons @snapeeballsack @casperlikej @woozarts @hellowgoodbye @lady-bennet @phantomxoxo @regalbanshee @dark-night-sky-99 @formulaal @cluvsya @kqliie @hrts4scarr @vicurious28 @viennakarma — TAGLIST CLOSED ★
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gainerbf · 6 months
•How I’ve gained weight•
I’ve wanted to make a post like this for a while now because I get the question ‘how do I gain weight’ often. Here is an outline of what I’ve been doing
-In the morning, I try to have eggs. 4 eggs scrambled with a slice of cheese is my go to. That’s 24 grams of protein right away. Add a tall glass of milk (for me chocolate milk) and boom, 30 grams of protein immediately.
-I work on the road during the year so around lunch time I would try to snack on cashews and peanut butter crackers. Once I’m off work around 2-3pm, I would try to have a burger. Literally just a plain ass burger or 2 with ketchup. Alternate that with grilled chicken or a deli sandwich with some kind of red meat. Or even full fat greek yogurt is good.
-Dinner is…dinner. Eat whatever. Pasta. Pizza. Chicken. Steak. Burgers. Tacos. Hell pb n js will do. Go nuts
•Weight Training
I weight train. Almost every day. I can tell I am ruining some of your ‘ooo fat boy is out of shape. He probably can’t do a push up’ fantasies. Very sorry but I can. I can do a lot actually. I lift weights. I do lunges. I do squats. I have a fat fucking milkshake made up simply of ice cream and milk. Not even trying with the milk either, it’s low fat. Imagine if I did whole milk? In due time 😉 but this is important. I’m not saying ‘hit the gym blimpie!’. Get some dumbbells. Work your lower body. You need to do this anyways to carry your growing body. Plus you’ll feel A LOT better…and your ass and thighs look good, win win 😃
-Midnight snack/second dinner. My go to second dinner/before bed snack is a steak and cheese grinder. I don’t have it every night but probably 3-4 times a week. Again, it doesn’t have to be red meat but protein is key.
In conclusion
I started doing this for a few reason
My job causes me to move around a good bit and I lost weight because of it. I had no muscle. I was just pure fat. I wanted to change that and have
I figured it would help fill me out a bit more. Uhhhh mission accomplished 🥵
It’s healthy. Pretty simple
Final reason. I am always trying to find the most effective weight gain regimen. This is it. At least for me it is.
I’ve gained 23 pounds since June 25th. I have to make adjustments do to my upcoming work schedule but I plan on keeping this routine for the foreseeable future and even tweaking it a bit.
-I can add protein powder, whole milk and heavy cream to my milkshakes
-I can have 2 milkshakes a day (or 3 or 4 or just a constant stream 😅)
-I will go up in weight with my weight training. Increasing weight is key, don’t do a ton of reps because that is how you cut/tone. You want to build. Only way to build is to increase the weight you lift. Don’t hurt yourself. Start low, then grow
I’m not saying this is a guarantee plan for you. Everybody is different. But this worked for me. It DESTROYED a plateau I was hitting and then some.
Side note: this was influenced by a post that I have a screenshot of but I didn’t screenshot the name of the blog and I can’t find the post. When I see it resurface, will rb
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kingofhyrule46 · 1 year
Happy Birthday to me 😃 I really wanted a pizza and some cupcakes so I shoved it all in. Ate the pizza like a taco 😌😅😅
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superiorsturgeon · 9 months
The Comfort Uncle
Nala (Bumblebee daughter) : My mama Yang is way cooler than your dad!
Jamie (Arkos son): Hey! That’s not true! 😭
Rouge (Whiterose daughter): Sorry, Jamie, but Nala’s right! Her mom picked up a car last week and your dad is a noodle!
Mei (Renora daughter): She’s right, you know.
Jamie: No! My dad is totally cool! One day you’ll see! 😤
Nala: *sniffles and whimpers* 😥
Jamie/Mei/Rouge: *anxiously standing around Nala, holding a damaged skateboard and helmet* 😭
Jaune: *healing her scuffed knees and elbows with his semblance* There we go! All better!
Jaune: *puts a bandaid on Nala’s knee and kisses it* Now we know not to go down that hill when it’s wet, don’t we?
Nala: *hugs Jaune and sniffles* Yes, uncle Jaune! 🥺
Jaune: *scoops her up and turns to the rest of the RWBYJNPR kids* We’ve all had a busy day! Let’s go inside and get ready for dinner, okay? I’ve got taco meat ready in the slow cooker!
Rwbabies: 😃 Tacos! *scramble inside to wash their hands before dinner*
Nala: *being carried by her uncle as her cousins run inside to wash up* …Uncle Jaune…?
Jaune: *shifts bumblebee kid on his shoulder* What’s up, little Lion?
Nala: …you’re awesome! *nestles against Jaune’s neck* ☺️
Jaune: …well, thanks…? 🙂???
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mydearlybeloathed · 2 days
just got back from my school's senior prank night 😃 it was all fun in games. we saran-wrapped the stairs and put hundreds of balloons in them. someone used a fog machine and "hot boxed" a teachers room. we made (failed) slime in the parking lot.
all was well.
some idiots (my friends included) started doing donuts and making the most horrendous SCREECHING noise ever known to man 😭 JUST as I was saying to my friend's boyfriend that "hey the janitors are watching us hey do you think someone might call the cops hey don't you think that noise is suspicious?"
my friend comes running back from doing donuts saying the cops are coming so we all DROVE away and met at a nearby taco bell 😭
it was SO suspicious bc so many kids from my school pulled in and the same friend pulls up beside me and says one of our classmates is being chased??? and to meet at the nearby park???
FRICK no. i booked it home.
the thrilling conclusion? i got sent a group pic with everyone left behind and the cops 😭 WHAT went on after I left?
anyway my whole class hates each other, but the one thing we'll come together for is 1) trashing the school and 2) evading the law
and i think thats pretty special 😃✨🥰
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lalalenii · 3 months
Live blog under the cut
Phantomsee x2
Okay ich zähle jetzt vorab die Referenzen
Der riskante Ritt
Die bedrohte Ranch
Der namenlose Gegner
Der lachende Schatten
Das Aztekenschwert
Im Zeichen der Schlangen
Der super-papagei
Das Gold der Wikinger
Oooh der Prolog ist schon sooo mega spannend!!! Wie sind sie da hineingeraten. Geht es Maxiwo gut???
Der magische kreis
Der grüne Geist
Doppelte Täuschung
Ich LIEBE dass Skinny uns auf der ersten Seite wissen lässt dass die ??? seine Erzfeinde sind. He is so obsessed 😭
Wie Skinny anzweifelt das Lys und Justus zusammen waren 🫠
"Er war aus einer ganzen Reihe von Gründen immun gegen ihren Charme" 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Skinny calling Lys babe 💀💀💀
Nachdem Skinnys Dad groß im Immobiliengeschäft ist habe ich beschlossen, dass Mrs Andrews beef mit Mr Norris hat
"Skinny schaute in eine Bodenvase, die mit chinesischen Drachen-Motiven bedruckt war. 'Hier ist er auch nicht'". Fuck Skinny is such a little shit
"Theoretisch konnte man überall auf wertvolle Gegenstände aus der Vergangenheit stoßen. Praktisch jedoch nicht, da die drei ??? ihren Mitmenschen meistens zuvorkamen. Wenn es um Schätze ging, waren sie wie Heuschrecken. Sie fanden alles und ließen nichts zurück." 😆😆😆 Ich liebe den Fragezeichen Slander
Ich liebe wie Skinny versucht, Justus zu imitieren 😭 er ist fr mehr obsessed mit den Fragezeichen als ich selber
Und omg Kari dropping Taco Bell 🔔 . Aus irgned einem Grund hat das manche Leute total aufgeregt dass sie in einem Fall Taco Bell erwähnt hat aber Kari so "I do what I want 😌"
Die Urkel Queen 🥲😅
Der Begriff "indigene" ??????? In einem drei Fragezeichen Buch??????????
Captain Kerk 💀
"Skinny konnte natürlich ebenfalls lesen. Sogar längere Texte"
"Das S in Skinny steht ebenfalls für Schlüsseldienst. Was Shaw kann, kann ich schon lange"
Ich liebe die implikation dass Skinny schlauer ist als die Fragezeichen
Können wir darüber reden dass Skinny Lys sagt, dass sie in ihrem on-the-low-outfit gut aussieht, dass extra betont wird dass er es ernst meint und dass der Hilfsscherrif dann sagt er hätte sie in dem Outfit glatt für einen Jungen gehalten? Ja? Können wir?
Taavi <3
"Sie ist nicht oft unter Menschen", erklärte Skinny
...........warum weiß Skinny was Bob für Deo benutzt. KARI. WE NEED ANSWERS
"Du bist zu fixiert auf die drei Detektive. Wahrscheinlich wärst du gerne das vierte Fragezeichen." MEINE REDE
"Die Frau hätte selbst an Bob Andrews noch was aussusetzen" Ich brauch eine Zigarettenpause.
"Cotta sah Skinny nachdenklich an. Er wirkte nicht vorwurfsvoll, sondern eher auf eine väterliche Weise besorgt. 🫠🫠🫠🫠
Die Sache mit Cottas Kaktus 🙂🙃😃🙂🫠😉
Und side Note: ich mir gerade vor, wie Cotta versucht den Fragezeichen den Fall mit Mrs Kretschmers Gartenzwergen unterzujubeln 😂
Skinny spielt Klavier? Weiß Bob das. Kann da jemand Bob sagen.
Aw die Hotel Bigfoot reference.
Nur das mit den Archie Comics verstehe ich nicht 🧐🧐
Omg skinnys Mom ist auch im Frauenclub???
"Die meisten Menschen hätten mit diesem Riesenpflaster dämlich ausgesehen, aber Yan konnte so schnell nichts entstellen" 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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jessi4branchifer · 1 month
~At The Offical BroZone Fanclub Meeting~
John Dory: C'mon guys! This is where our fanclub is hanging, I'm sure of it! (knocks on door)
Person Behind Door: (through the mail-slot) Password?😏
Clay: OmigoshOmigoshOmigoshWEDON'TKNOWTHEPASSWORD!!😩
Floyd: What're we going to do?!
Branch: Yeah, I wouldn't let even BroZone in without the password.
John Dory: Don't worry, bros, I got this😌.I know everything about Fanclub passwords- you always have to expect the unexpected... ahem Person Behind The Door-
Branch: They have a name 🧐
John Dory: You don't know that!
Person Behind Door: I do tho .__.
John Dory: OKAY WE GET IT! jeez! Okay, is the password…muffins?
Person Behind Door: No.🙂
John Dory: Koalas!🐨
Person Behind Door: No.🙂
John Dory: Kites🪁! Wombats! Tacos🌮!!
Person Behind Door: No, no, no.🙂
John Dory: Is it "I love BroZone"?🥰
Person Behind Door: Nopeitty nope.🙂
John Dory: Ahhh, is it "I hate BroZone"?😠
Person Behind Door: Nah.🙂💅
John Dory: Cammomile Tea?! 🍵
Person Behind Door: Not Even Close!😆
Floyd: John Dory, maybe we should just go…
Person Behind Door: You're never gonna get this…😏
John Dory: I WILL I WILL I WILL AUGHHHHH (bangs head against the door)😡😡
Bruce: John! Let's go! We don't need to see a fanclub, it's fine.
Person Behind Door: No.🙂
Person Behind Door: Nope.🙂
Person Behind Door: Nuh-uh.🙂
John Dory: sigh (pants for a bit) Fine…I don't know.
Person Behind Door: THATS IT!!😃
BroZone: WHAT?!😱😱😱😱
Person Behind Door: (opens door) Welcome to the BroZone Fanclub, BroZone :D
John Dory: (chuckles awkwardly at his brothers, who smirked at him) I knew that! I was just giving you guys a good show!😜
Floyd: Yeah, for sure…😄
By the way, I'm in that fanclub too :DDD -💖Jessi
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misty-sees-you · 3 months
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Akiara : here have a mini taco it’s not like I poisoned it or anything. Y/n : WELL IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU DID AND HOW IS IT FLOATING!? DO YOU HAVE POWERS OR SOMETHING!? Akiara : corndog.
All the people run away from her because of a damn rumor or some secret spread. TAISHO SECRET
Did you know when akiara says Corndog everyone runs away like why. Akiara POV : 😃😀😕
( oh and happy Valentine’s Day!!!)
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friedbaekhyunandeggso · 10 months
update: hiiii ik it’s been a min but i wanted to let y’all know i took a mini break from writing 😀😃 it was starting to stress me out more than be fun at a point so i jus chilled. but i still have been writing here & there. admittedly i haven’t worked on ‘reason’ as much as i would’ve liked but i’ve gotten muse for it recently so if anyone was waiting on that pls don’t loose faith in me 😭😭🩷 i think i overthought that one bc i felt like my levi is kinda ooc 😃 so i got discouraged. anyway, for ppl waiting on found you, i have been working on that here & there. i couldn’t tell u how far i am in pt.5 but jus b prepared for it to be long 😭
i hope u all have been doing well & eating healthy!! i’m trying to eat better too (i had taco bell for lunch & ramen for dinner)
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0emoshit0 · 3 months
Monday 5/2 2 Monster - 22 rice - 50 Veggie hotdog - 420 Total - 492
Tuesday 6/2
Rice - 50 Noodles - 370 3 monster - 33 Total - 453 I waste soo much money on monster😃
Wednesday 7/2
2 monster - 22 Dumplings - 256 Total - 278
Thursday 8/2
Monster - 11 1/2 apple - 30 Rice with something (don’t know what it’s called) - 300 Total - 341 Soo it was 341 but I threw most of my dinner up so I’m not sure. Should probably stop doing that cuz it can mess with my body a bit too much but it’s kinda hard not to when given opportunity:/
Friday 9/2
Oatmeal - 210 Monster -11 Taco - 330 Total / 551
Saturday 10/2
Oatmeal - 110 2 monster - 22 falafel - 270 Total - 402
Sunday 11/2
Monster - 11 Falafel-wrap - 270 Total - 281
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quill-pen · 1 year
*sees an account with a Scrooge related icon*
*grabs their hand tight*
☺️You're my friend now! 😃We're having soft tacos later!
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darkmatter-nebula · 9 days
Colli and Hunter tacos
Greetings, my dear @importantnightwerewolf! 👋😃
Thank you for the request!
I apologize for not writing it earlier. I had a very eventful day.
Drabble: Taco Bell
It was a sunny day in Gravesfield as the most inseparable pair of brothers, a certain young Grimwalker and a certain small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold, were eating tacos at Taco Bell.
Colli had a bright smile on his adorable multi-colored face as he enjoyed the delicious food. Hunter's magenta eyes were filled to the brim with an endless amount of love and adoration for him. 'My beautiful little Sunshine.' The blonde boy thought.
Hunter put tenderly his hand on the blue side of Colli's face and caressed lovingly the kindhearted eternal little boy's freckled cheek. Colli answered with a smile that was shining as brightly as the sun. "I love you, Hunter." Colli said softly.
"And I love you, Colli. More than anything. You are my whole world and the light of my life. My greatest treasure." The former Golden Guard pressed with infinite tenderness his forehead against Colli's, while the immortal celestial boy intertwined his fingers with Hunter's.
The End
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hey long time no see! I'm just sending this in because I won't be on tomorrow when your slots are open again!
My last matchup
This time can the fandom be hunter x hunter?
Romantic please
I've got a bunch of scars now 😭
Also I recently had my hair cut because guess who got jumped and had bubblegum put in my hair 😃🔫
My idea date would probably be a night in watching anime or horror movies eating tacos 😤
And if you need anything else don't be shy to ask
notes 💌: hi there!! i just wanna start by saying thank you for all of your support towards me for the past few weeks it really means a lot! i am super glad I get to see you participate in this event <3333 I also want to say that I'm sorry to hear that about your hair, but I bet it looks wonderful nonetheless. thanks for sending in a matchup and I hope you have a wonderful valentine's day <333
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like come on
the man loves horror movies
he's a big man
and he loves cuddles
like come on dude
he would run his big fingers over your scars so softly and give them lil kisses
he would also just pet your hair or give you like a ruffle on the head lmao
he loves what you wear, he thinks it makes you look nice and sophisticated and just super attractive to him lol
he would love to hear about when you played baseball
he would also try to play with you one time and almost knock you out because he threw the ball so dang hard
he is your big huge cuddly man and you cannot stop cuddling him
he will allow you to crawl up his big arms if you wish lol
just holds you if you dont mind
he loves that you become a big cuddly cat, it just makes him so overjoyed
he just loves you so so much and will be your giant teddy bear frfr
he would 100% make you a flower crown or something cheesy and just ask. it's simple and sweet, but enough for the two of you
Uvogin finished plating both of your tacos and you ran to the living room, almost spilling your food all over the floor. Luckily, Uvogin saved it, laughing at you. "Babe," he giggled, leading you to the couch. "Don't drop all your food." "I won't, I won't," you insisted, setting yourself comfortably before turning on the movie. "You ready for a night full of horror?" "Hell yeah!!" Uvogin's mouth was already full of tacos and you giggled, placing a kiss onto his cheek and starting the movie. The two of you watched plenty of horror movies to scare anyone normal, but you two were perfectly fine and fast asleep in each other's arms. The TV was glowing it's default screen with nothing on it, and you two were just snuggled up, snoring together. Eventually, Uvogin woke, finding you fast asleep. He smiled at you and carried you to bed, where he cuddled up with you and whispered, "Happy Valentine's Day." Softly in your ear. <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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seeanimation · 2 months
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Let’s 👀 Minions 🩳’s
NO RULES FOR MTV SEASON😱💥 #pov #shorts #tiktok #memes #viral #winter #mtv #december #trending #fyp
you're a minions anime meme #fyp #tiktok #youtubeshorts #shorts #viral #trending #ytshorts #memes
you're a minions Taco Bell meme #fyp #tiktok #youtubeshorts #shorts #viral #trending #ytshorts #meme
https://youtube.com/shorts/-5t9W85XKMA?feature= share
you're a minions anime meme #fyp #tiktok #youtubeshorts #shorts #viral #trending #ytshorts #memes
YTP - Older Sibling VS Younger Sibling #shorts #shortvideo
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