#tagging this properly bc now i'm afraid people don't know
real-life-cloud · 1 year
Hey uhh I vaguely remember reading in your tags somewhere some time maybe long ago that you were homeschooled, do you mind me asking just generally what that was like? Don‘t share if you don‘t want to
Y'know what, sure! I like telling stories and oversharing on the internet tbh. Strap in lol it got long.
Tldr; homeschooling was isolating, it definitely set me back socially. The self paced nature of the work put way too much pressure on me, and now I have terrible choice paralysis and rarely finish a project I start. If you or someone you know is considering homeschooling someone, make sure they know what they're getting into.
A lot of homeschooled kids were put into that kind of schooling because their parents want to monitor them. That's not healthy. I'm sure that's not how it is every time and that there's applications of homeschooling that work for people, but it needs to be done well. Kids need to be properly socialized, supported, and given the privacy they need.
Some background info on why I left public: There was an incident where a teacher yelled at me for no good reason in front of the entire student body during lunch. (I was holding a piece of paper (THAT ANOTHER TEACHER GAVE ME FOR HIM TO SIGN) in the lunchroom which wasn't allowed??) I was EXTREMELY embarrassed and anxious around that teacher from then on. I got moved to a different class so I didn't have to be near him. The guidance counselor was really helpful during the whole thing.
OKAY storytime 📖
"Homeschooling" can mean a couple different things , I did it two different ways at points in my life. I feel like the first thing ppl think of is being taught at home by a tutor or parent, but I wasn't homeschooled in this way. And I was in public school until about 7th grade actually!
However, my mom was super mad, and wanted to talk to the man that yelled at me, but the principal wouldn't let her. They kept giving excuses as to why but the jist was: the guy was an asshole and they knew it. SO mom got fed up with the staff and just pulled me out of public school altogether. It was actually my idea! The thought of seeing that teacher again was so upsetting that I just wanted to leave.
[ I feel like I should also mention that I grew up religious and that it was super common for kids to be homeschooled in my church; you were looked up to for homeschooling your kid bc it "kept them away from bad association" and "gave them more time to devote to god." So my mom didn't really fight me on the suggestion. ]
First, I did cyber school! I was in cyber school from 7th - 10th ish. I was given a laptop that blocked anything fun (but not well, so I zipped right past all the blocks lol) and had online classes. It was similar to how I think school worked during covid? No cameras yet tho, just a teacher on VC with power point slides and a chatroom for students. I was a pretty good student up until this point, but I started barely scraping by a lot of classes and failing others. I think I retook pre algebra 3 times? I passed with a very low D 🫶
And SOME classes were self paced. Those were the Fucking Worst. No teacher, not really. I could technically email a teacher with questions but I was a horribly anxious little 14 yr old so no way was I gonna do that. I remember one year I had a civics class that was self paced and I was so lost and stressed about it that I procrastinated til the entire course had like a week til it was due. And it wasn't just tests, I had to make multiple power points on different topics throughout the course. I had a complete emotional breakdown in front of my mom cause I'd been hiding this from her. I was so afraid she'd be mad, but she helped me finish everything on time. She basically did like half of it for me, bless her. God I hated that class.
So at this point school is going. Kind of really bad. My grades suck and half the time I cheat. I don't really have friends because all I do is sit on my laptop and go to church with my family. I didn't have any contact with my old school friends because they weren't a part of my religion. (Jehovah's Witnesses are super exclusive and cult-y) And teenage me has just realized they're not straight!
Like many isolated, repressed, gay teenagers, I mainly expressed myself online. But a few months after I turned 16, my parents found my secret email account that was connected to all my private social media. It was very apparent I was gay. So I outed myself by accident. They pretty much took away all my access to the internet and started paying super close attention to the media I consumed. I'm just glad they didn't go to our church elders and tell on me for my sins or whatever. Life continued as "normal" with them just. Pretending it didn't happen and hoping and praying that I'd magically turn straight. I actually recently found out that my parents NEVER talked about my sexuality with each other during this stage. They just completely avoided the topic.
[ another note, my entire immediate family is actually out of that religion now, and everybody's cool with the gay thing 🫶 my dad actually told me that my coming out is what made him question some things with our religion. ]
But then it became a question of what I was supposed to do for school. I couldn't be on the Websites That Turn You Gay, but I was also doing bad in school and would be put behind a grade or two. Not to mention I was terribly anxious and hadn't really socialized with people my age for the past 3 or so years.
That's how I started correspondence schooling! Another kind of home schooling. It's exactly what it sounds like. The school sends you books and tests, then you mail back the finished papers to be graded. And you might be thinking, Cloudy didn't you just go over how much you hated the self paced classes in cyber? This sounds just like that but worse! And I would say why yes, anon, I did! Such a good memory!! Gold star for you ⭐
This schooling didn't go great, as you could imagine... I think I finished two classes? This didn't have any time limit, however. So why on earth would I feel any pressure to do anything? Overall it was a giant waste of money. I just kept not doing it! Then life got super crazy, I won't go into detail but it was a rollercoaster of family drama, my mental health being at the worst it ever was, and leaving that religion. And then covid!!!! Everything happens so much 😞
I was so far from my diploma that I gave up on finishing my classes and started focusing on getting my GED. This took me another 2 years lol. I finally got it last summer!! I also landed a new job in the spring after being unemployed for a little over a year. And I just got my driver's license last week! It's taken me a longgggg time but my life is on the roll again. This is probably more than you were asking about but yeah.
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neewtmas · 1 year
hey, I really love your writing. I want to start writing my own fanfiction, do you have any tips? also on how to reach people if I don't have many followers yet :/
First of all, I'm honoured that you decided to reach out to me, but I need to make clear that I'm in no way an authority or an expert in this topic. I can only talk about what I do.
- for general fanfiction writing, I think my most important takeaway (bc I've been doing this for several years) is to not be afraid of clichés. You'll most likely not re-invent the wheel, or maybe you will, but either way it's not important. I'll gladly read a hundred different fics with mutual pining, friends to lovers, etc. because I love those tropes and I know many others feel the same way. Don't hesitate to write something just because you think it has been done before, because it hasn't been done by you.
- also you have to write for yourself. Write what you would want to read, basically. Taking requests is a lot of fun (and obv validation bc it feels great when people bring their ideas to you so you can bring them to life), but make sure that everything you write is still for you, otherwise you might burn out. Writing is a hobby, and it's supposed to be stress-free and fun.
On the topic of followers I want to tell you to not stress about it! The amount of people following you isn't that relevant. First of all, it's private metric anyway, and also, tumblr doesn't have an algorithmus like tiktok so just because more people follow you doesn't mean more people that don't follow you see your profile.
As a rough reference point, rn I have about 2.1k followers. That's an insane amount of people, but you have to also know that this blog is almost 8 or 9 years old at this point. Since I started posting about Lockwood & Co I have gained about 150 followers. Having lots of followers also doesn't necessarily mean lots of engagement bc many aren't active anymore, or have different interests now, etc. and just never unfollowed.
There are absolutely blogs that amass a pretty big following in a short amount of time, and that usually means they are quality blogs with quality content. But if that doesn't happen to you, it does not mean that you're not a quality blog.
What is the most important and effective way to reach people with your original posts? Definitely tagging your posts properly. What do I mean by that? I'm assuming you're interested in Lockwood & Co bc you messaged me, so I'll take that as an example.
If I have a George x reader fic that I want to post, tags I usually use are george karim x reader, lockwood and co x reader, lockwood and co. Definitely be specific, bc just george x reader probably won't reach the right people. Just of the top of my head I can think of at least three characters named George, so be specific!
Just in general, if you want more interaction, you have to interact with other people! People are more likely to follow you if you are active.
This has gotten really long, so I'll leave it here. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me! I'm also more than willing to read over any stuff you write if that is something you want :)
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boowoomuu · 2 years
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#if netflix doesn't confirm doudou in the new cast i can already see heiya and aguni themselves killing the netflix staff one by one
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118 notas. Fecha de publicación: 5 de enero de 2022
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120 notas. Fecha de publicación: 12 de septiembre de 2022
Mash, before finding out her true heroic spirit name: Uhm, senpai, should we really do this 👉👈 İ'm afraid to hurt people, what if they die uwu, İ'm so cute *blush blush blush*
122 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de septiembre de 2022
So, as some of you may have noticed, today (2/10) was elections day here in Brasil. Things are really tense and scary here, at least for myself. Right now, our president, unfortunately, is Jair Bolsonaro, a man who has openly said he supports torture and our dictature, is also openly misogynist, queerphobic, the first thing he did when he became president was putting an end to the ministery of culture, he openly made fun of the pandemic, being able to help the people in need during covid's peak and decided not to, saying things like "it's just a little flu, people need to stop being so dramatic about it", made advertisement of a medecine not approved by doctors which his supporters started taking like water, never properly wore a mask and promoted marches during the lockdown, oh, and also spread fake news about vaccines, wich made a lot of people refuse to take them, among many many maaaany other things (I'm so tired rn, it's 02:59am here, if you guys want to, I can get the sources and post here but tomorrow.). Today we had the chance to take him out of our lives, but this is Brasil, no one takes anything seriously and we always find a nee way to surprise people.
I didn't want to sleep until the votes apuration reached 100% but I'll be waking up super early tomorrow so yeah, I must sleep. Anyways, the vote apuration is currently on 99,99% (it's been for the last hour btw) but those ate the results so far.
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In conclusion, I am legitmately terrified. Lula was our best shot to take him out, so everyone who didn't want Bozo voted for him, and we were really hopefull we could get him elected on the first turn, but now we'll have to have a second one where we choose either Lula or Bolsonaro. The choice is obvious to me, but as you guys can see, most people prefer to elect a genocidal man than a socialist.
I don't really know what I wanted to achieve with this post, but I just thought it was important to let everybody now what is happening here. We are comparing this to our period of dictature, bc a lot of people here still deny the fact we had one or say it was the best time of their lives and that, quoting my grandma "the history books are wrong".
I once had to research the kinds of tortures that were made by the army during the dictature for school and it still haunts me to this day.
And to see people in the streets, using my beloved flag as their symbol to say that that period was good makes me really angry and terribly sad.
I'm fucking terrified of the second turn. Things are getting more and more expensive here. There are reports of people raiding garbage trucks to look for food bc they're hungry. I am lucky to be privileged and I can still buy food, but for how long? I don't really wanna find out what four more years with him as president will do to us, but I'm scared. I'm scared to go out in the streets, and to openly say my opinions on the matter. There are also reports of people being murdered on the streets bc they were wearing stickers of leftists candidates.
Things are scary here. But please, don't let this be ignored like the dictature was. We now have internet on our side. Please, pray for us and wish us luck, we'll need it.
130 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de octubre de 2022
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Separated at the maternity
131 notas. Fecha de publicación: 29 de abril de 2022
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bored-storyteller · 2 years
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Redoing this bcs doesn't appear in tags :3
Twisted Wonderland, Leona Kingscholar x Reader
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The air is light, fresh, peaceful in the last glow of the evening.
The wind smells of wildflowers, the dandelion seeds flutter lightly around you.
A lock of his hair is between your fingers, you play with it casually while your gaze is lost on the horizon.
Your back rests on his chest, his breath lifts you up, his heart gives rhythm to yours.
He feels you relaxed, sitting between his legs, and he doesn't want to break that peace.
Even if he knows you will.
Leona doesn't know what you're going to say, but he knows you will, he sees it in your bright eyes that shine with something new, a realization.
But he doesn't know if he really wants to hear what you have to say, because he knows it's something that will change you two, your balance, probably him too.
His tail moves, it rests on your lap. His fingers brush the skin of your arm absently, his nostrils flood with your perfume.
"Leona ..." you call him.
There he is.
"I love you."
And the world no longer exists for him.
His back straightens as he pulls you away from him just enough to see your face.
He needs to see you, to look for any sign that contradicts your words, but in the depths of your eyes he sees only himself, what you look at with that very real light that has lit up inside you, and it burns sweetly in your chest.
And in his chest.
He wonders how it is possible that someone like you can truly love someone like him.
Love. It's such a strong word that people no longer know how to use it properly, but you two do. He knows you've never told him for a reason, and he knows that now that you've told him it's as if you've put your world at his feet, in the service of his true happiness.
He has no one more precious than you. He knows it, while he holds you in his arms, while he hears you and sees you. Nobody could be in your place. He loves you, and he should tell you.
But his teeth instead clench in a grip of pain.
He's not as strong as you are, he can't make himself so vulnerable to opens his chest and puts his heart in your hands.
And it hurts him, you don't know how much. He loves you, but his words are stuck in his throat and they keep falling down without coming out.
He feels fragile, like an overflowing vase about to break. Because you had the courage to make him worthy of you in the light of the sun, while he is still afraid of that light, but he feels that if he still holds you too much in the dark he will lose you.
"I ..." he tries to speak, but he doesn't know what to say. He wants to fill the silence, but admitting his feelings just isn't like him. He never does.
The sigh that escapes him is surrendered, painful, almost trembling, as his eyes close to hide.
“Hey…” Your voice calls to him, and you almost laugh as your hands pick up his face. Your thumbs caress his cheeks: no one ever use that sweetness on him, except you.
"Don't be so sad, it's okay!"
"I'm not sad." He tells you almost by instinct, but his eyes look at you with the same feeling that hatches inside him every day, every hour.
I'm not enough.
"I love you Leona." You tell him with a smile, dressing up with that feeling of him and that greatness that you find inside him "I love you with all my heart."
So Leona is thirsty, he needs to drink from you, to feel the truth of that wind that becomes his home.
The kiss isn't hard, he doesn't want to hurt you, but it's hot, and hungry, like him.
He holds you and wants you.
One day, when he will be brave enough, he will know how to tell you too, but for now you just need to feel his heart beating strong and proud inside him. A heart that is now completely, inevitably yours.
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behindthegalaxy7 · 3 years
Here's a small introduction to my main Little Nightmares OC, Hora! Disclaimer: She is NOT a self insert in any way, shape or form. Her hair is black and purple while my dyed hair is red and a darker purple. The birthmark on her face is also on a different spot on mine and I draw myself with an eyebrow slit. Just wanna get that out of the way bc I don't want people mistaking me for another Erin Clover (if you know, ya know). Here's a visual comparison on Hora and how I currently draw myself!
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Anyways, let's get the basic shtuff out of the way!
Basic synopsis
Hora is a 12 year old girl who, if canon, would be one of the protags in a third game and the ending towards the time loop arc. Unlike the rest of the protagonists, she didn't really have to scavenge and hunt in the outside world. Her biological parents left her as a baby for some unknown reason and a woman named Ranza (a former escapee from the Maw) took her in and raised the child as her own. Ranza is VERY overprotective of Hora and doesn't let her go outside the cave they live in.
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One day, Hora decides to try to find food for them to prove to Ranza that she can manage. Hora runs into a traveling circus and meets Six there, of course, captured. Once they break out, she rushes Six back to her cave. Ranza was pissed, but before she could properly scold Hora, the Ferryman finds them. Ranza hides the girls, but the Ferryman takes her instead. Hora's arc begins when she and Six have to save Ranza. Along the way, Hora learns that she can stop and slow down time, maybe even reverse it for a short while. She is also connected to Mono/Thin Man. When Hora is passed out, she can relive the events Mono went through the second game as well as communicate with him/Thin Man. That's where I'll stop for now since I wanna develop her story a LOT more!
Hora is a very bubbly and energetic girl! She doesn't let anything get in her way and is always willing to help. She's also very naive, letting her instincts overshadow her thinking.
RANZA: Ranza is the only person Hora truly relies on. Their relationship, while still loving, is a bit distant due to Ranza's past in the Maw. Regardless, Hora still views her as a mother.
SIX: At first, Six and Hora do NOT get along well. They would bicker and argue over what to do. Six at first wanted to use Hora for her own survival and then ditch her. However during their journey, they start to grow closer. Because of her, Six really starts thinking about the terrible actions she has done in the past and wants to change. Their relationship starts to grow as an almost sisterly bond.
MONO: While Hora was trying to communicate with Mono, he was very distant from her, constantly pushing her back and to leave him alone. He didn't want another Six. But Hora wouldn't give up on him. Once she arrived at the Tower and saved Mono, he starts to really put his trust in her and ONLY her. He even starts developing a little crush on her, even though she's completely oblivious to it.
THIN MAN: Like Mono, he was distant towards Hora. They would talk as the door was the only thing separating them. Thin Man viewed Hora as a powerful yet annoying child, but he got through his heart at the end.
Hora was originally supposed to be a boy with a mask on, but I wasn't satisfied with the design.
Hora is Mexican (her name even means "time" or "hour" in Spanish).
Hora was based off of Emma from the Promised Neverland and Eleven from Stranger Things.
The more she uses her time power, the more she loses blood.
Her purple and black hair are natural.
Hora's favorite food used to be nopales, but she discovered sweets.
Hora is 12 years old, which is the same age I headcanonned Mono!
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And yeah! Thats it! I have MANY other Little Nightmares OCs that I would be so so so happy to share! And don't be afraid to make fanart and tag me! I'm ALWAYS down for fanart!
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verobatto · 6 years
"And he loved from me what I hated the most about myself..."
Destiel Logic and the unspoken words
14x05 spoiler Foreshadowing the Destiel Talk
This is another Destiel romantic meta, and I wanted, again, write this symbolic kind of title... Is the conclusion of this meta, and I imagine is what Dean would say if he could just use his words properly.
This meta has two parts... The first talks about the "unspoken words" and the Destiel Logic of this love, traveling for all the seasons... And the second part talks about the last episode and the foreshadow for a possible incoming Destiel Talk. I hope you like it.
Ok... I want to talk about DESTIEL LOGIC to understand the importance of why they are not clear with each other using the words (I know there's not logic in love, but... Here we have interesting points), and I want to link this with a meta i wrote about Destiel...
I love how every thought I wrote about this two is so connected, and is so interlaced.
So... Let's start this romantic journey.
"I see inside you"
In season 4, the introduction of Castiel created a big impact in Dean, was like a big presentation of an implacable supernatural been, that proclaimed himself as his savior and from the beginning could empathize with Dean just with the mention of this...
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Beautiful gif credit @magnificent-winged-beast
For the first time someone was looking inside him with compassion in his eyes and in his words. Seeing what was inside him, and not hating him for that, should be huge for Dean, although he was feeling scared by the impressive presence of Castiel, he should be attracted by him too, not just because how he looks, but because the words he said to him in this first meeting.
"What's the matter? You think you don't deserve to be saved?" And there was compassion in this words and sadness and concern in Cas's face. Yes .. this had to be huge for Dean.
"I admire you"
So Dean begins to understand this creature, there was something different on him, Castiel was different.
That's why when he was locked in that beautiful room by the Angels, Dean tried to get Cas being by his side. He knew this angel was different, so he talked to him, trying to make him see.
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And Cas had this fight inside him, and Dean was the fire that began to burn inside his heart, this fire was the feeling of fighting for a beautiful cause: FREE WILL.
So Cas, he fell. Beacuse he begins to admire Dean at the same time that he begins to love freedom.
And Dean, he was sure... Since that moment... He won not just an ally, he won the best friend he will ever know.
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Gif credit @givedeanhisangel
And that look in Dean's face? Yes... "Cas... I'm admiring you too..."
"I always do everything for you."
Season 6 showed us Cas doing everything to keep the Winchesters safe but mostly, Dean... Beacuse... Cas always does everything for him. Dean was his cause, his reason to fighting for. Even if he should go to the dark side.. he would do it for him.
"I'm loyal to you, till the end."
Dean is feeling Cas will be there for him.. always no matter what... He always come back to him, and he is always willing to die for him... Dean too.
"And I don't know when I begin to love you more than my own life."
And in season 8 in Purgatory Dean knew he was feeling something more than just a platonic love for this angel, and the words that began to go out from his mouth started to betray his mind and soul. It wasn't what his heart was feeling what was coming out his lips. That was scary, feeling all at once, he has to repress it. He wasn't worth it...
And Cas was loving him all the way, but he didn't know till he became as human as it could be...
So here begins the thing... They love each other... They just don't know the other loves him too...
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Will the words come someday? Maybe... But they will say what they didn't mean it to say... Bc that is what words are sometimes... Our own enemies...
"You are beautiful."
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Gif credit @thejabberwock
Cas is always saying to Dean good things about him. His good points. Cas sees him as a role model, bc he knows Dean is beautiful, his soul is beautiful, bc he knows him and he sees through him. Cas gives Dean what he thinks he doesn't have. Dean is not use to this... He's not use to this kind of things... People complimenting him, bc he thinks he is not worth it but Cas is always remembering him that he's beautiful. And that scares him too...
"And he loved from me... What i hated the most about myself..."
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Gif credit @carmelasky
You can't love someone good things if you don't love his bad things too... You love everything from this person. And this realization of Cas loving him and staying by his side even when he was a monster, was the most terrifying for Dean... Cas wanted to be with him? Even if he murder the world? Why? He was a monster and Cas was loving that monster inside of him too... Why?
I can't use my words to tell you... But... Would you let me share my time with you?
So... Since Dean realized he was in love with Cas, the wrong words always begins to show out from his mouth.
And the shame of feeling this overhelming love inside of him, lead him to repress it... Although that.. he allowed himself to share time with Cas... To make him feel in home, bc he was family... And his head changed... He didn't want anymore die on board Baby... In a blaze of flames... No... He wants another thing now...
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"or... For the first time."
Dean wants experiment what is to be with the person that he is in love.
That's why in season 11 he asked those married men how was to settle down with a hunter, bc he wants that too, with Cas...
That's why he doesn't hook up with random waitress anymore... Bc He just Wants Cas.
That's what the Dean Cave means... Dean expending time with Cas... Just allow himself to do that... Bc he thinks he doesn't deserve more. And he is afraid of the L word and afraid to his own overhelming feelings for Cas...
Dean WANTS Cas.
And then Cas confessed his love... But he was terrified again... What to do? Words doesn't come as he wish to come... So... He gave him that gift, the mixtape.
Bc he has clear in his heart what he wants...
Remember that time when Sam and Dean were locked in the bunker... And they knew they were going to die? Remember Dean's face?
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Gif credit @itsokaysammy
He doesn't want that... Now he knows... He wants retirement with his brother, his little Sammy, his constant love, his safe refuge. And Cas...
When you were gone... I wanted to be gone too...
And then Cas came back... And words were worst than ever... Wrong, mistaken, words like enemies in his own mouth.
And the fear... The horrible fear to loose him again... So... "Just don't die again."
I'm learning my lesson, I'm really trying to reach you... Just wait for me.
Now is Dean in this season, post possession, working his traumas and growing up slowly, so the last chapter was so important for him, bc he was reliving his father issues, one of the big question he has to go through, fight and win, to love himself as he is... And 14x05 was about Father issues, and fears, but it was too about LOVE AND TALK. Bc Mary was mirroring Cas all the time, and the talk she had with Sam in the Forrest, I would love to think is more than a desire, but a foreshadow for Dean and Cas.
So this TALK is something that these two own each other...
That's why was Mary saying: "We are always hunting" or... "He doesn't talk too much." Or more... "Do you think I should try to find out?"
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I think it was @dimples-of-discontent who talked about Dean's bag... and we heard him in this episode saying he make a baggage with all his past, traumas and feelings... and graphically, this beautiful escene about confidence and trust, Cas going straight to Dean's heavy baggage of feelings, should we take this as a foreshadow for the Talk we are waiting for them? Should Cas trying to figure out what's inside Dean's baggage? Break all his walls? Break him free from his emotional prison?
Dean, talk with Cas as you talked with Mary that time... You need this...
And then... Another thing that make think about another TALK foreshadow... Sasha.
Sasha was mirroring Dean too, and Dean was trying to talk with her about her Dad issues... And this was a very symbolic scene bc... She began saying she doesn't like "heart to heart" talk, is like Dean speaking here, with all about the L word.
Although this first thing she said..., She ended open up and talk about her past, feelings and trauma. So I interpreted this as another foreshadow for our Destiel heart.
To conclude, I want to mention Mary and Bobby finally having "The talk", she was healing Bobby's wounds in his body and in his soul. And thought... I hope Dean could open like this to Cas... Finally saying what he's feeling, letting Cas to heal his soul... That would be beautiful.
So... This is our Destiel Logic... Loving the good things, and the bad things. With unspoken words that should be saying... Could it be this new episodes foreshadow for this talk? I want to believe that they are... Who wants to believe it with me?
@emblue-sparks @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @cheerstofandomfamily @agusvedder @dustythewind @evvvissticante @navajolovesdestiel @jenabean75 @silvie111 @lykanyouko
And everyone who want to discuss!! Please feel free to do it!
Buenos Aires, November 14th 2018 03:58 PM
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moregraceful · 7 months
YEAH!! Sorry to put Spittin Chiclets on the dash but this is some CRITICAL Nick Suzuki lore:
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Let's hear for the captains who knit 😌
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