grey-sorcery · 1 month
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[Title]: Taglocks: How to Target a Person or Place
Related to Taglocks
Threshold Theory Binding Basics Introduction to Gnosis Energy Work Fundamentals Anchors Energetic Constructs Spell Logs Path of Least Resistance Blood Magic Spellcasting Basics
A taglock stands as a fundamental element of spellcasting, bridging the material world with the energies, places, and people practitioners seek to influence. A taglock is, at its core, a tangible object that establishes a direct link to a specific target. This object serves as a conduit through which energy can be directed, manipulated, or harnessed in various spellwork and ritualistic practices. 
The term "taglock" itself is derived from the concept of 'tagging' or marking something with a specific identifier, and 'lock,' which implies securing or anchoring a connection. Thus, a taglock effectively anchors the essence or energy of a person, place, or thing to the practitioner’s ritualistic focus. This tangible item could be something inherently connected to the target, such as a personal belonging or a biological sample, thereby ensuring that the magical workings are precise and targeted.
The use of objects to establish a connection with a person, place, or entity is a practice that can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The principles underlying taglocks are fundamentally tied to the broader concepts of sympathetic magic and animism, both of which have been integral to human spirituality and ritualistic practices for millennia.
Ancient Civilizations
Mesopotamia and Egypt: In ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures, magic was an integral part of daily life and religious practice. Objects such as amulets, talismans, and personal artifacts were often used to protect, heal, or curse individuals. These items were believed to carry the essence or influence of the person or deity they were associated with. For instance, in ancient Egypt, hair, nails, or pieces of clothing were sometimes used in magical rituals to exert influence over an individual, embodying the early concept of taglocks.
Greece and Rome: The Greco-Roman world also embraced the use of personal items in magic. The Greek Magical Papyri, a collection of ancient magical texts, includes numerous spells that call for the use of personal objects such as hair, nails, and garments. These items were believed to create a sympathetic link to the target, enabling the practitioner to influence them from a distance. This practice reflects the underlying principle of sympathetic magic, where "like affects like," a foundational concept for the use of taglocks.
Medieval and Renaissance Europe
Folk Magic and Witchcraft: In medieval Europe, the use of personal items in folk magic and witchcraft was widespread. Cunning folk, wise women, and witches often employed objects belonging to their clients or targets in their spells and rituals. These objects served as conduits for magical influence, much like modern taglocks. For example, poppets (dolls representing individuals) were frequently stuffed with hair, nails, or clothing scraps from the person they were intended to influence.
Grimoires and Magical Texts: The grimoires and magical texts of the Renaissance period also provide evidence of the use of personal items in magic. The "Key of Solomon," a well-known grimoire, includes instructions for using personal items in rituals to bind or influence others. The "Malleus Maleficarum," a notorious witch-hunting manual, documents the belief in and fear of witches using such items to cast spells.
Indigenous and Non-Western Cultures
African Diasporic Traditions: In various traditional religions and spiritual practices, the use of personal items for magical purposes is common. For example, in Vodou and Hoodoo, personal items such as hair, clothing, and personal effects are used in rituals and spellwork to create a link to the target. These items, often referred to as "personal concerns," function similarly to taglocks by establishing a direct connection between the practitioner and the individual they wish to influence.
Asian Traditions: In Asian cultures, particularly in traditional Chinese and Japanese practices, the use of personal items in magic and healing is also prevalent. In Chinese folk religion and Taoist magic, personal items are used in rituals to heal or protect individuals. Similarly, in Shinto practices in Japan, personal items can be used in purification and protective rituals.
Modern Revival and Adaptation
Contemporary Witchcraft: The modern revival of witchcraft, particularly since the mid-20th century, has seen a resurgence in the use of taglocks. Contemporary practitioners draw on historical and cross-cultural practices, adapting the use of personal items to fit modern magical frameworks. Books on witchcraft and magic frequently discuss the use of taglocks, emphasizing their importance in creating a tangible link to the target.
Neo-Pagan & Occultist Movements: Neo-Pagan movements, such as various forms of Wicca, have incorporated the concept of taglocks into their practices. These movements often emphasize the importance of personal connection and the use of physical objects to ground and direct magical energy. While these practices have evolved, they continue to reflect the ancient principles of sympathetic magic and the use of personal items to establish a magical connection.
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How do Taglocks Work?
Energetic Connection and Sympathetic Magic
In the practice of traditional witchcraft, the efficacy of a taglock lies in its ability to establish a connection between the anchored spell and the target. This connection is primarily rooted in the principles of sympathetic magic, a foundational concept that posits that objects can influence one another through their inherent similarities or direct associations; as well as energetic entanglement, the process through which identical energetic compounds can interact without direct spatial contact. 
Sympathetic magic operates on the premise that a taglock, due to its intimate connection with the target, acts as a proxy or representative. The energy directed towards the taglock is believed to transfer seamlessly to the target, facilitating the intended transformation or influence. This is often articulated through the maxim "like effects like," underscoring the principle that items connected by similarity or direct contact can impact each other even when physically separated.
The energetic link established through a taglock is akin to an invisible thread that connects the practitioner’s will to the target. This thread is not a physical entity but an energetic conduit through which influence flows. The strength and clarity of this connection depend on the nature of the taglock and the amount of genetic material it carries. For instance, a strand of hair or a piece of clothing with trace amounts of skin cells creates a more potent connection than a mere photograph or written name. This is due to the energetic compounds that are unique to each person’s genetic sequence and their higher probability to be energetically entangled. While a sympathetic connection works well in most situations, having an energetic connection is significantly more reliable.
Incorporating Taglocks into Spellwork
Anchoring is a necessary step in the utilization of taglocks, involving the establishment of a lasting connection between the taglock and the target within a spell. This process entails affixing the taglock firmly to the desired magical outcome, thereby ensuring that the energy directed through the taglock manifests effectively in the target’s life. Anchoring is not merely about physical attachment but the energetic binding of the taglock to the spell's energetic design.
To anchor a taglock, the practitioner must first select a taglock that has a strong and clear connection to the target. The effectiveness of anchoring is directly proportional to the relevance and potency of the chosen taglock. The next step involves ritually preparing the taglock. This can include cleansing the taglock to remove any extraneous energies, thereby ensuring that it is a pure conduit for the spell’s purpose. Common methods of cleansing include using elements like water, fire, or salt, each method tailored to the nature of the taglock and the spell.
Once cleansed, the practitioner imbues the taglock with the desired energy through a ritual. This may involve chanting, the use of symbols, or the invocation of natural forces to charge the taglock. The ritual acts as a ceremonial binding, infusing the taglock with the energy necessary to enact the spell’s purpose. During this process, the practitioner focuses intensely on the connection between the taglock and the target, reinforcing the energetic link.
Finally, the taglock is integrated into the spell structure. This can be achieved by pulling an energetic conduit from the taglock and into the spell’s anchor. This way, a solid circuit can be established. The key is to position the taglock in a manner that aligns with the natural flow of energy, ensuring that the spell’s influence is directed towards the target with minimal resistance. Just placing a taglock into a jar with other elements has a chance of establishing its own energetic connection, however it is not very likely. 
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Unbinding Taglocks
Energetic Dismantling
The most effective method of unbinding a taglock is energetic dismantling, which requires the careful and deliberate dismantling of the energetic connections that have been established during its use. Energetic dismantling is a method that involves consciously deconstructing the energic structures and pathways that link the taglock to its target. This process ensures that the influences exerted through the taglock are effectively neutralized, preventing any residual effects from lingering.
The practitioner utilizes their energetic awareness in order to visually and mentally map out the energetic connections emanating from the taglock. This step is crucial, as it allows for a clear understanding of how the energy has been structured and directed. Once these connections are identified, the practitioner then introduces energetic compounds that are of the opposite frequencies of the energetic connections. This will cause the energetic connections to cancel out and become inert.
After all the connections have been severed, the practitioner proceeds to cleanse the taglock to remove any residual energy. This can be done using elements such as water, salt, or incense, depending on the nature of the taglock and the preferences of the practitioner. The cleansing process ensures that the taglock is fully neutralized, rendering it inert and free from any remaining influence.
Anchor Destruction
Anchor destruction is a more direct and often physical approach to unbinding taglocks. This method involves the literal destruction of the taglock itself, effectively dismantling the anchor that connects it to the target. Anchor destruction is particularly effective when the taglock is a physical object that can be easily manipulated or disposed of.
The first step in anchor destruction is to identify the nature of the taglock and choose an appropriate method of destruction. For physical objects, this could involve burning, breaking, or burying the taglock. Each method carries its own symbolic significance and energetic impact. For instance, burning a taglock in a fire ritual symbolizes purification and transformation, reducing the object to ashes and dispersing its energy into the air. Breaking the taglock into pieces represents a forceful severing of the connection, while burying it in the earth signifies grounding and neutralization.
During the destruction, the practitioner may recite incantations or prayers to reinforce the unbinding process, so long as they do not cause the practitioner to break their state of gnosis. This could serve to solidify the practitioner's will and direct the energy towards severing the connection. As before, cleansing is also recommended afterwards.
Cord Cutting (Not candle divination)
Cord cutting is a technique used to sever the energetic cords or ties that bind the taglock to its target. These cords represent the strings of fate, or channels through which energy flows, maintaining the connection established by the taglock. Cord cutting is a powerful method for releasing these ties, allowing both the practitioner and the target to move forward unencumbered.
To perform a cord-cutting ritual, the practitioner begins by grounding and centering themselves, creating a stable foundation for the work ahead. The taglock is then placed before the practitioner, and a clear intention to sever the energetic cords is set. This intention is crucial, as it directs the focus and power of the ritual.
A common tool for cord cutting is a ritual knife or athame, though other tools such as scissors or even one’s hands can be used depending on the practitioner’s preference. The practitioner then uses their awareness to feel for the energetic cords extending from the taglock and uses the tool to cut through these cords. Each cut is made with deliberate precision.
During the process, the practitioner may also employ visualization techniques to enhance the effectiveness of the ritual. This could involve imagining the cords dissolving into light, evaporating like mist, or being absorbed back into the earth. These visualizations help to solidify the disconnection on both an energetic and psychological level so long as one is aware that visualization in and of itself is not a spell nor energy work.
After the cords have been cut, the practitioner performs a cleansing ritual to purify the space and themselves. This ensures that any residual energy from the cords is fully cleared away, preventing any unintended consequences or lingering attachments. The taglock, now devoid of its energetic ties, can be safely disposed of or repurposed as desired.
Cord cutting not only releases the target from the influence of the taglock but also frees the practitioner from the energetic investment in the spell. This liberation allows for a fresh start, unburdened by the previous connections, and opens the way for new magical endeavors.
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Taglock Alternatives
Taglock alternatives are useful in situations where obtaining a physical item linked to the target is impractical or impossible, such as when working at a distance or in covert operations. Methods like visualizations, sigils, memories, elemental representations, and astrological correspondences may still establish a sympathetic link to the target. However, these alternatives often lack the direct energetic connection that taglocks provide, making them less efficient. The inherent uncertainty and reduced potency of these methods can lead to weaker or less reliable spell outcomes, requiring greater effort and near flawless spell design from the practitioner to achieve the desired effects.
Sigils and Symbols: Creating a unique symbol or sigil that represents the target can be a powerful tool. This symbol can be charged with energy and intent to direct the spell's effect.
Visualization Techniques: Instead of using a physical object, practitioners can employ detailed mental images of the target. This involves deeply focusing on the target’s attributes and characteristics during the spellcasting process.
Memories of an individual or location: Using specific memories that encapsulate the essence or identity of the target can serve as a focal point. Repeatedly recalling or chanting the target’s name or a descriptive phrase can help direct the spell.
Elemental Representations: Associating the target with a particular element (earth, air, fire, water) and using that element in the spell can establish a connection. For example, water could be used to represent a person with a flowing, adaptable nature.
Astrological Correspondences: Using the astrological sign, planetary influence, or birth chart of the target can provide a non-physical link. Aligning the spell with specific astrological times or planetary hours that correspond to the target can enhance the connection.
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This post was reviewed and edited for easier reading by ChatGPT.
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elofquack · 7 months
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The homos Duck 💏
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stormwaterwitch · 1 year
I have a question for you it's kinda contraversial. I know basics of binding spells but what if the person has passed can you still do one and what is it you need to do one?
Heya~ Yeah you can most certainly still do a binding even if the person in question has passed. Traumas are still valid even if the tormentor is no longer present.
As for how to bind I'd say regular bindings should work okay, although you might need more specific tag locks to make sure you've got it solidified.
Ideas for specific taglocks: A memento from said person Graveyard Dirt Write a letter releasing all your thoughts about said person Their name Their Obituary Something that reminds you of said person (Their favorite color ect ect)
My Binding and Taglock Tags JIC you need other ideas.
I hope this helps please let me know if I can expand on anything!
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elminx · 2 years
Re: digital taglocks
They work. Quite well.
This is why if you have valid reasons to suspect that a person in your life has the means and intent to do you magical harm, your first step in protecting yourself should be the make sure that they do not have access to your digital footprint. Block them from seeing all of your social media, if possible. Make sure your photos are not public.
If you suspect that they may have photos of you from the past, change how you look. (Cutting and/or dyeing your hair is the easiest way to do this)
This is not meant to be scare tacticy. Most people will not get magically attacked by other people. This is meant for somebody who has a REASON to assume magical harm.
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witch--tips · 9 months
💇‍♀️ WITCH TIP 💇‍♀️
If you have hair long enough to braid, utilize that in your craft. Make small braids in the moment for protection. Braid things into your hair for spells. If you cut your hair, you can use it for a witch’s ladder or other knot magic, or for a taglock representing either yourself or your “old” self.
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erinnightwalker · 5 months
Paging @rootandrock , I need someone to appreciate the double ceramics-and-woo boner that this video gives
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
a bit of info on taglocks
what is a taglock? - a taglock is essentially something used in magic to create a strong bond between the working and the person casting the spell ((or the target)). taglocks are things that tend to hold someone’s dna like hair, blood, spit, fingernail clippings, etc! but pictures can be used as taglocks as well
who can use taglocks? - literally anyone who wants to give their spell workings a bit of a boost of their own personal power.
can taglocks be used for baneful workings? - absolutely! when a spell says to add a picture of the person or a bit of their hair, that is a taglock! i feel like taglocks are more popular in baneful workings nowadays but you can use them in a number of other types of workings/spells!
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I love having taglocks of my deities! That way I can hug them while mourning all the stupid shit I've done to get myself into this mess!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Okay. Okay. I've got one. Taglocks.
In my practice, I draw energy from myself first and foremost for most spells. In other cases, I draw energy from my tools (such as my crystals). When I draw energy from my tools, very often I channel the energy through myself before or during the casting. I'm very hands-on and involved in my spells and approach.
So in that case, I don't feel the need to have hyper-specific taglocks for my targets. Often, I'll just have a name and a memory of their faces. That's worked quite well for me, because it's either my energy or it's energy that specifically comes through me to do a spell thing.
But this is by no means universal. It's just how my own craft has evolved through experimentation and work. And other people will have different experiences with it.
Which is my favorite part of magic, honestly. Because imagine how boring it would be if all of our practices looked exactly the same?
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friend-crow · 2 years
im very much a baby witch, so sorry if this is a weird question
do you use taglocks in your spells? can a taglock be digital? i want to do a goodluck spell for a friend who lives in another state, and he sent me a picture of himself, but i don't have a printer.
i know you're not an educator, but im curious if you know a consensus and what you think! i really value your opinion
I do use taglocks, and whether you can use a digital one basically depends on the format of the spell, I would say. Some people do digital magic, so it could be very useful in that context. Unfortunately I don't have much experience in that area, but maybe somebody reading this does and can chime in with some suggestions 👀
If you're using physical materials to cast your spell, then something like a name and perhaps an address (if your friend is comfortable sending that) could work as well. I don't believe that all taglocks are equally potent, but something is better than nothing.
I hope this helps!
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probablyaseamonster · 2 years
Ok WHY is nobody talking about the HEARTSTONE! The MOONSTONE! There’d BETTER be fanart of that soon!
Also fuck Bertha. She’d better be a demon in disguise because if not than I’ll SEND HER TO HELL MYSELF!
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I'm not as scared as many are, of being found. Strange is my name, in short. Not my true name, not the name I will never give. But it is my name. I'm not as afraid as I could be- It's why I want to loan my energy to see if I can amp a spell from after- with just one taglock. With just one more name. Udstcarnaitasin, the middle ground. I refuse to claim boldly what I am. I've decried godkins for less, but it's because I know the madness of apotheosis better than most. I made a roadmap, one I can teach others. I know the way, better than anyone physical. I would daresay I could speak over most gods, as well. Because I can simply make a judgement call. Call that name. Take one risk in the dark. See what you call. Udstcarnaitasin. It's so close to the truth of the matter. Whisper how you think to say it. I'll do my best to pay attention.
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kurulover · 1 year
i think hair for houses is like exposed piping and outdoor ac units and shit and like chimneys and that kind of thing. yk
yeah, I see those as airways (things enter) (things stalk you from them) (when they are blocked in house or body - you are dead) to the throats of hallways (digestive system is for meat) (you are meat)….. it’s a purpose thing. But I am nodding
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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*Or if there is Injustice let it be only in my favor...
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elminx · 1 year
hi! sorry if this is strange but im a rando romantic with a witchcraft question! i'm scrolling through the taglock tag and found this blog and you seem to know your shit :) i don't know anything about witchcraft but my bf just got his wisdom teeth out and is going to give me one of them "to do spells with". from what i've already read it seems like this is a pretty powerful taglock. do you have any advice on what i could do with something like that? i don't really have any major intentions to hex him with and i really dont wanna accidentally do something hurtful but also i figure why pass up the opportunity?
or if not, do you know where i could go for trustworthy info on wisdom tooth taglocks? thx :)
Wow! That's a really intense taglock and your boyfriend really trusts you.
In my practice, I don't normally separate out types of taglocks excepting in level of power. If you wanted to think about specifically how to use a tooth, I would think about it sympathetically. Obviously, the taglock is best at being a taglock to his teeth - so if you needed to do teeth magic? Yeah, that's getting weird already. I suppose you could use it to make somebody's teeth fall out, but we aren't hexing here so let's look at it more generally.
So, what do you want to do with it? Since he's your boyfriend, I'd suggest doing some generalized protection magic on him since presumably, you want him to stay happy and healthy.
What I would do is create a spell jar of some variety with the tooth and some protective herbs. I would look for herbs or plant matter that grows close to your boyfriend - for instance, most trees have a protective quality to them so dried leaves from the oak tree that grows outside his window would be a good example of this. Second to that, I would consider foods that he likes - is there a protective herb that he really likes to eat? I would just go with a small jar with his tooth, dirt from his house, a protective plant that grows near his house, and one that he likes to eat.
Put them all in a small jar along with a name paper with his full name and date of birth on it and then seal the jar with black wax and burn a black candle on top. You can work with protective deities if that's your thing.
Really, I'm trying to give you the bones of a spell here. How you awaken the spell, the actual magic part, is up to you and your traditions. I'm assuming here that you know how to make the magic you're just looking for the what of it all.
I hope that helps.
Sidenote - if anybody has some sources on teeth as taglocks or tooth magic, I am now very curious.
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rwt-mystic-corner · 1 year
I just realized!
I have roommates now!
Roommates that are my FRIENDS and I TRUST!!!
For the very FIRST time in my life, the people I live with are people I want to allow in my space.
When I (finally) get my wards set up over the place and especially my room, and not just a quick-and-dirty shielding job: I’m going to have to program in Ward Exceptions so they’re not Bound and Blockaded the moment they cross the threshold.
Particularly because the system roommate has some headmates that are Sensitive to Magic and I’d hate to overwhelm them...
And PARTICULARLY-particularly because I already gave them permission to walk through my room if they want to visit the balcony, which is Only Accessible Through My Room.
But for my other roommate’s sake, too-- they go in to visit the chins and birds. c: And if either of them ever wants to borrow a book, it’d be nice for them to be able to just Drop In without feeling the Get Out vibes I’ve always added.
...I might wait to do that until they’re here, actually, that’ll be in about 3 months but I’ve only physically been in the same space as them Once and I think it’ll be easier to get a read on them, and thus how to “program” the wards to “ignore” them, with them here.
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