#taiyang xiaolong
zozoistireds-blog · 5 months
A 'normal' day out
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Ruby and Yang were out on a walk with their dad when he decided to stop and take a photo. Look at his happy girls
"Uncle qrow would've joined us if he wasn't too busy with work" - Ruby
First drawing of my modern mythicals of remnant au where specific rwby characters are human/mythical creatures set in a modern day remnant! More info coming soon :)
(Click the images for better quality)
Photo with just yang and ruby
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rwbyazre · 2 years
How about Team RWBY’s families?
We definitely have the families for Team RWBY, they’re the second important team in AZRE lmao
Both Ruby and Yang have the same family, since they’re, you know, sisters, so they’ll share this section together. 
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Taiyang Xialong is the still the dad for both Ruby and Yang, and his design doesn’t actually change from canon. The only things I changed with him is colouring issues. 
His skin is obviously darker than what it looks in canon, even with the varying skin tones he has. Really, the cloest would be how he is in RWBY Chibi, since he’s considerably darker than his daughters and his RWBY counterpart. Plus, his hair is less desaturated and just lighter than Yang’s bright golden yellow, since it got lighter as he got older. 
His eyes are also a more purplish indigo than the actual blue he has in the show. 
The last thing is his pauldron on his shoulder. I changed it from silver to gold, since the silver metal clashed really badly with his overall warm pallete. Nothing too crazy for Tai’s redesign in AZRE, just a few bits and pieces so he’d look better in my vision. 
I also gave him a little design for Beacon, just so he had a keychain with Summer for my sister and her fiance.
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He still has the overall colour scheme as his older self, and uses reddish browns and oranges compared to Yang’s more stark black and reds. It makes him seem more warm and mellow to contrast the dangerous fire that Yang embodies. He also had an undercut.
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I actually answered a whole ask for Summer’s design alone, you can find it here!
What I will say is that I primarily redesigned her so that she could both be Ruby’s mother and her own character, so her design has her with features that Ruby took (such as the hair and eye colour) while being different in other ways (she’s pale skinned, has wavy hair texture, and even her clothing style is, while gothic like Ruby’s, far more sexy.
Which is where Yang actually gets her fashion style from. Plus, the yin necklace is directly connected to Yang’s necklace, so Summer has something for both of her daughters regardless of her blood relation to Yang. 
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Raven was redesigned to move away from the Japanese style clothing, and play more into her Norse/Celtic allusion and naming. The in-universe reason I gave for them being in Anima is simple migration; the Branwen Tribe was originally from Northern Vale, like other Celtic inspired tribes such as the Ankou, before they migrated over the frozen seas to Solitas and Anima collectively. 
So the Branwen tribe has their own fashion and culture to the majority in Northern Anima, especially since they actually travel across the entire continent rather than seemingly remaining up north.
But back to Raven specifically, I kept the mostly black and red colour scheme to contrast with Qrow’s lighter pallete, since it sells a more dangerous and deadly look for Raven in fitting to her character. She now also has a cape as a subtle connection to Summer, who she had a conflicting relationship with, and to add some more of a leader vibe to her now. 
She still has the rainbow sheath, but her katana was swapped for a more European Carolingian sword, which were only used by those of higher status since they were more expensive to make; hinting to Raven’s higher status in her tribe. 
Her sash over her stomach was also reminsicent of an obi, which does at least connect Raven to her home in Anima, but I added feathers and her emblem on it to connect her to her namesake. I think I’d redesign her bottom half honestly, it’s a bit plain and I’m not a fan of the shoes. 
She obviously still has most of her characteristics; her pale skin, feather textured black hair, her red eyes, and her bandana. I also gave her face scars to add to the dangerous look and because I wanted to. 
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Qrow’s outfit is very much the same. I only added some details to give him a more dishevelled look, like his body hair/eyebags, and made his eyes the same red colour as Raven’s than the pinkish red he has in canon. 
You can’t see it in the full body, but he wears a ring on his right hand that Winter gave to him.
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It’s silver but with a green gem, to match her green eyes.
I actually haven’t designed him an Atlas outfit. I already talked about how I felt about his canon Atlas outfit, since I like how it looks but feel that the colouring brings it down, so I’m unsure on whether I’d take more inspiration from that and just make it more suitable for Atlas along with fixing the colouring. 
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Qinri Xiaolong is the only original character I made for the Xiaolong family, the one that appears anyway, who lives with Taiyang and his daughters. She thre great grandmother, but raised Taiyang as a child and so is seen more as his mother and grandmother of Ruby and Yang instead.
She lived before the Great War, and actually fought in it as a teenager, so her style of fashion is more of the traditional Tang Dynasty hanfu compared to her more western grandson and great granddaughters. Her blue and more water themed design is a contrast too, since she embodies the traditional chinese dragon with rivers and water compared to yang embodying the more western fire dragon. 
Very much the grandparents who grew up in their native home compared to diaspora grandchildren. 
The crests on her shoulders as well are the Taoist symbols, since she very much is a firm believers in the ancient ways rather than more modern beliefs that others might have. 
Now that Ruby and Yang’s are done, we can move on to Weiss.
Weiss’ grandparents aren’t shown, and Nicolas himself is important, but I haven’t settled on a design for him yet. I like the idea of his red scarf, but his canon design with the armour looks a bit too out of place, especially for the more Victorian style I’ve put in Atlas. He might get a design, he might not, his appearance isn’t really that important since he’s already dead. 
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Biggest change for Jacques in AZRE is that his defining colour was changed from white to blue, so his design was changed to really bring this colour forward with the darker blues and greys to offset him from Weiss’ lighter blues and whites. 
His all white business suit was changed for a more defined over coat and crevat, similar to what Willow wears, since Atlas as a city takes more after rich Victorian fashion. His sleeves also have his style of the Schnee emblem, while the belt buckle and shoulder pads have the traditional emblem. He’s very proud and adament to keep the Schnee family in power and continuing strong, so he slaps the emblem everywhere to show it. 
The bottom of his coat tails also have white crystals on them, just like Willow and Weiss, to connect to his family business in Dust.
With his physical features, his blue eyes are still the same, which Weiss inherited, but his natural black hair is still shown, just greying with most already turning white to show his age. 
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Willow’s design is very similar with the purple vest, skirt and crevat, but I did change some things around so that Whitely and Weiss have aspects of her design in their own. 
She has the shoe gems, crystal decals on her vest, and painted nails that Weiss obviously has in her Beacon outfit, while having the frilled sleeves and crevat that Whitley wears. I also have her eyes be indigo, which Whitley inherited rather than Jacques’ blue eyes. Willow’s hair is still naturally white, explaining Winter/Weiss/half of Whitley’s.
Not much to say since I kept it so similar, just adding bits to connect her to her children. 
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Winter’s AZRE outfit had changed from her canon ones, mostly so that her uniform is closer in style to the uniforms worn by other upper ranks in the army. 
Now her story is different in AZRE than in RWBY, since I combined my Winter Watts! AU with AZRE to have this Winter who stays in Atlas rather than being taken by Watts in her backstory. This is why she has tanned skin and green eyes rather than her canon pale skin and greyish blue eyes. It also makes her only Weiss and Whitley’s half sister. 
Now her outfit still has the white coming through with the large overjacket and fur trimmed boots, but she also uses more darker blues than Weiss, with the royal blue and periwinkle, very similar to Jacques’ blues than Weiss’ ice blue. She can try to cover up his effect on her but it’s still just under the surface. 
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Similar to Jacques, I gave Whitley a bit of a redesign to move away from the boring vest and tie, so now he’s obviously taken heavily from Jacques’ own design, since Whitely really doesn’t have a say in what he wears.
He’s also the Mirror to Weiss’ Snow White in AZRE, so he has the mirror in his crevat, along with the gem having the colours seen in the mirror in the Snow White Disney movie. The inside of his coat is also the same shade of purple that Willow wore, so while Jacques dresses Whitley up to be a mini him, Whitley does keep some bits of Willow. 
Especially since Whitley is the only one to inherit Willow’s indigo eyes, and has split black/white hair. I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t a copy of Weiss like the Schnee siblings are in RWBY. 
Klein is considered part of Weiss’ family, but his design is still the same in AZRE since I liked it enough and couldn’t be bothered redesigning him. 
The one original character for Weiss’ family is actually Winter’s daughter; Winijay, or Jay for short. I don’t have a design for her as a child, but here’s her design as an adult. 
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I had actually drawn her before starting AZRE, so her design hadn’t changed from it all that much. She very much has Winter’s features, skin tone, and eyes, but Qrow’s black hair and fashion sense, since she’s closer to Qrow than she is to Winter and idealises her father. 
Still, the sleeves are similar to the sleeves of Winter’s first canon outfit, and her boot was changed from the all blue thigh high to a fur trimmed black one instead, since it contrasts with the mostly blue prosthetic. Her colour scheme is meant to mimic the blue jay, another corvid like Qrow.
She’s actually one of my favourite designs, I’ve always loved Jay’s look. 
Finally, there’s Blake’s family. Hers is actually the smallest, since most of her family members actually died before she was born, and her mother was an orphan who joined the White Fang just as it started. 
Both Ghira and Hajimu were done here for Adam’s section, since they’re his adoptive parents.
But there is one more person who wasn’t included for Adam, since she died just before he was adopted and never got to meet him. 
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Chandra Devi is Blake’s paternal grandmother and where both she and Ghira get their Indian heritage from, since Aurelé is French. She came from Eastern Anima originally, similar to Kaanchana and Sienna, where she and Kaanchana take inspiration from Haryana clothing specifically. 
Since she’s connected to the moon, her colour scheme reflects that with the pale whites/blues and blacks, plus her moon patterns on her headdress. She also has the bindi as a married woman, similar to Sienna having the same bindi.
Really, I designed her to take heavily from Ghira and Blake, she’s the one with the black hair and panther traits, as she has the ears, slit pupils, and claws that her son and granddaughter have as well. Though, the gold eyes came from Aurelé rather than her, since Chandra has purple eyes instead, and she’s noticebly more darker skinned than Ghira and Blake. 
And that’s it for Team RWBY’s families!
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totallyrwbyquotes · 6 months
Glynda: Are you and Mr. Xiaolong a couple?
Qrow: Of course we're a couple!
Taiyang: A couple, of guys!
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wispofthevalley · 9 months
Rg drabbles #2: Preparation
Oscar took a deep breath, steeling himself before he raised a hand towards a heavy looking wooden door. He was alone now, Aunt em having turnt back after helping him carry the load, if he looked back he could probably spot her but it wouldn’t be long now before she was out of sight. 
He hesitated, wanting nothing more but to turn his back to the door and call her back to help him, but he wouldn’t, he had to do this alone. Realistically, he didn’t have to and Aunt Em would gladly help him if he booked it down the road to catch up to her and asked. Even if it would ease some of his anxiety, it felt weird to ask her for help with this part. She had helped enough already.
Before he could chicken out any further he rapped his knuckles on the door thrice, waiting for a response. And then waiting some more, and a little more, for a response that didn’t come. He stood there in awkward silence with nothing but his thoughts for a good bit, when he realised he should probably knock again.
And so he knocked, harder this time.And then proceeded to have his soul forcibly stripped from his body when he felt a hand come down on his shoulder.
“Oscar!” Taiyang said enthusiastically, patting him on the shoulder.
“Ah, good after- good morning Mr. Xiaolong,” he stuttered out, face already starting to flush from embarrassment.
“Sorry I didn’t hear you earlier, I was out in the garden. These plants won't take care of themselves ey?”
“It’s fine, I haven’t been here for long anyway,” he reassured him, waving off the apology.
“Excuse me,” he says, stepping around Oscar to get to the door before he unlocked it and made his way inside. “Aren’t you gonna come in?!” Taiyang called out from inside.
“Coming!” Oscar startled, closing the door behind him after he hurries inside and slips off his outside shoes.
He slowly made his way into the house, stopping in the middle of the living room unsure of what to do before Taiyang popped out from the kitchen carrying a tray that he rests on the table.
“You didn’t have to wait for me, come now have a seat,” he said, gesturing for Oscar to take a spot on the couch before sinking into a corner of the couch himself.
“Ah, thanks!” He blushed before rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, dreading bringing up today’s topic. “Did you have a reason to visit or did you just come to keep little old me company?” Taiyang teased, looking thoroughly amused at Oscar’s shyness.
The embarrassed flush spreaded to the top of Oscar’s ears before he placed a potted plant on the table next to the tea tray and slowly pulled out two ornate looking bags both green in colour with yellow embroidered details running along the seams of the bags before offering it to Taiyang. “Thank you?” Taiyang’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he accepted the bags, the first one being much heavier than the second.
Oscar cleared his throat, steeling himself before he started “Sir, I’ve come here today to ask-to ask for your daughter Ruby Rose’s hand in marriage” 
He gestures to the gifts before continuing “The plant is almost mature and should be able to bear strawberries by next spring, the first bag has a few pieces of uncut jade and- and silver jewellery. 
He clasped his hands and looked down to his lap, “The second has fresh tea leaves, and a few sweets I made- well tried to make myself.” The last part of his sentence is quieter than the first.
“Oscar,” Taiyang prompted, waiting for him to look up.
“I would be happy to have you as my son, just as I’m sure Ruby would be elated to have you for a husband,” he started gently before he clasped Oscar’s hands in his. Oscar looks up, surprise coating his face. 
“Are you- are you sure?” He asked almost incredulously, eyes wide and mouth dry. “Of course, as well as the fact I’m sure Ruby would try and convince Yang to help set something on fire if she ever found out I had said no”
“Oh gods, I forgot about Yang!” Oscar exclaimed, dragging a hand down his face right before the doorbell rang. “Well would you look at that! Perfect timing, now’s your chance.” Taiyang chuckled, getting up to peer out the window.
“Looks like Yang’s here,” he said just before the lock rattled and someone cursed outside.
Oscar silently resigned himself to a fiery death, via Yang.
Surprisingly, that didn’t happen at all, in fact by the end of the day she was just about his biggest supporter. (Y'all want the proposal fic?? lmk)
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wuyi1551 · 1 year
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Still Skating Paro
Chinese translation⬇️
18 years old 173cm
She used to be a figure skater and was injured due to a mistake in an important national competition, so she had to take a break from her activities. After learning about Ruby's dream, Yang decided to help my sister become number one and put all her energy into it. She is the assistant coach of qrow. After learning that my mother was the coach of Ruby's biggest rival (and even being mocked), yang became even more determined to make Ruby the number one.
10 years old, 142cm
Ruby have admired her mother's uncle and sister who shine on the ice since she was young, and she also want to become a figure skater. However, after Yang was injured, Taiyang didn't really want his other daughter to continue developing in this direction, so Ruby was sensible and didn't mention this wish again. Later, at the age of 18, Yang discovered that she had been silently practicing and loving skating. After discussing with his uncle, Yang decided to fully support Ruby's dream. And Ruby finally has the qualification to stand on the ice rink.
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madmanwonder · 7 months
(Prompt, Crossover, Valentine's Day Card)
Taiyang Xiao Long X Emilie De Rochefort
Lili: Happy Beloved Day, Monsieur Xiaolong~! *Hand a Card to Tai*
Taiyang: Thanks for the card Ms.Rochefort. *Took the Card and read the content*
Your Maturity is Rugged to My Youthful Elegance
Your Greatness is Marvelous to My Beauty
You Are the Great Dragon To My Principality
And They Will Call me the Great Layer~
Taiyang: *Gawked* W-What—
Lili: *Look at Tai with a longing smile*
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thuban-x · 4 years
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The new "You are my Supermom" Comic is out! Summer Rose and Yang Version 3 Part 1 https://archiveofourown.org/works/28688685 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13783088/1/ https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/okf0as/weronika_zi%C4%99bakowska_you_are_my_supermom_summer/
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silentmagi · 3 years
Taiyang x Summer x Raven in "Failed To Escape"
Summer sat on Raven's lap, holding looping her arms around her neck while Taiyang made them lunch. She was not getting out of this relationship, not without harming Summer. This failure seemed almost like a success.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me!
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ozcarpin · 6 years
What were the STRQs like as students? Are they much different than they are now?
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“I suppose that’s unfair. Team STRQ has certainly matured in some ways since their time at Beacon, though in others...... perhaps we should say that they’ve merely matured in their mischief. 
In their early days, the team had a great many struggles with cohesion believe it or not. Qrow and Raven tended to be known for both their reclusive nature, as well as their aggression to those who didn’t respect that. Taiyang tended to be of the sort to act out for attention, typically in ways that he hoped to get laughter for, which didn’t always sit well with either his teachers or the rest of his team. Summer struggled with her voice and confidence among them between the animosity of one half of her team in particular towards the other member, and trying to find her ability to rope them into a shared goal. 
Despite this, I hold to this day that Taiyang was most likely the best thing that had ever happened for the Branwen twins, if not the entire team itself.
For Qrow, he showed him a less violent outlet for which he could vent his frustrations, one which the school grounds and custodial staff didn’t much appreciate perhaps, but also one that saw far less individuals being placed in the hospital ward. Between the two of them and their ability to bring the rest of the team after them, STRQ became a veritable campus menace, though one under a singular flag in the least, and I will always prefer vandalism and inconvenience to broken bones. 
In terms of Raven, Taiyang succeeded in tempering her more distrusting qualities. While its uncertain to me if she ever truly felt that Beacon was a home to her, I do genuinely believe that she found a family in her team, and while I have no doubts that Summer always sought to assist in the process, Taiyang was the necessary catalyst of it all. 
As they all came together, and Summer found herself with more confidence, she did more and more take a leadership role among them, and excelled within it. As a unit, the team itself was a sight to see, though this effect was always due to the bonds they had achieved together, the trust between them all which was as hard fought as it was worth the efforts. 
As for Taiyang himself, his journey was as much in finding his place as any of the others. He perfected his craft of bringing joy to others, his efforts becoming less obtrusive and more......delicate as time wore on. He became the glue that the team required to function, the support to all of the members and a perfect example that not all strength is physical. While more subtle, I feel that his growth is possibly the most pronounced among them, and I am incredibly proud of him and what he has accomplished.
They matured, together, certain things about them mellowed out, while others became more pronounced, the typical aging process, and.....while certain things were less desirable, I remain very proud of how far they have come, even when it is to my and the school’s detriment at times.”
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thepiedsniper · 7 years
Every time I watch the early episodes of volume 4, all I can think about is Yang's ponytail. That would be pretty much impossible to do one-handed, right? So I imagine Tai would have helped her put her hair up every day, and this hurts my heart for some reason
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rwbyazre · 1 year
in your au did ozpin as the infinite man create the circle organisation?
Ozpin himself didn't create the organisation since the Academies and the inner circle were all created at the same time. The one who created it was Headmistress Osian Evergreen, the host before Ozpin, and even she couldn't bring Atlas and Mistral into the fold until the Four Kingdoms Unification Act of 30MTP.
It was that same year that she would step down as headmistress and vanish from the public eye, but she would carry on working with the new circle with her partner Emilia until she finally passed away from the complications brought on as Ozma's host.
When Ozma reincarnated into Ozpin, he was told of the organisation and urged to take the next spot as headmaster on the recommendation of Emilia to the council, as she was told everything by Osian decades prior as Ozma's host.
When Ozpin took over as Headmaster in 47MTP, he found that most of the previous members had left. Shade's headmistress, Mombi Ofer, left to focus on ensuring Vacuo didn't crumble after the end of the Atlesian Occupation.
Atlas' headmistress, General Fern Kuklip, refused to wait and instead was leading her armies against the Solitas people in hopes of expanding Atlas' territories and gain more access to the valuable Dust deposits.
Haven's headmaster, Long Sunwu, was caught in the political turmoil following not only Mistral's defeat in the war, but the economic loss with all its territories outside Anima being seized by Vacuo and Vale. He was a member of the Long family, which is what Yang and Ruby are from, and the betrayal of Long Qinri ended with not only her being disgraced, but the entire Long family tree.
So much so that they were labelled Xiaolong instead, mimicking the smaller cowards compared to their bigger, more honorable ancestors that sided with Mistral.
So, Ozpin barely had anyone left in the circle, and instead worked to having the next generation in his circle to help him in this life.
The first was Eliana Kokkinos, who joined when she took over as Shade's Headmistress in 63MTP, then it was James Ironwood when he became Headmaster in 68MTP, and then the final headmistress was Haven's Tong Jin, who became Haven's headmistress in 69MTP following the assassination of Sunwu.
There were other members that joined as well, Team SRTQ were officially brought in their last year of Beacon in 61MTP, though Raven and Taiyang would quickly leave in the next year due to Yang being born in 62.
Qrow and Summer remained however, and while Ozpin made sure his fellow members could trust him, he struggled more and more with trusting them over the years and made sure anyone who could potentially find out was vetted hard.
So much so that the only people to officially join the group was Seigyoku in 73, Roxanne in 77, and both Winter and the Ace Ops in 79.
This doesn't include the Maidens, who are always brought into the circle if possible. The ones Ozpin and the circle manage to find are Amber Pine (Fall), Fria (Winter), and Chavi Kokkinos (Summer). The Spring Maiden, Odstesteg, was with Jin but ran away the same year Jin became headmistress, due to using the Lamp and finding out about Ozma's secrets.
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uphandc · 4 years
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Japanese-style rwby#5
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good-rwbyaus · 4 years
Yang and Ruby in a Fullmetal Alchemist AU?
let’s all go to hell together - mod lilac
Penny: You monster...
Yang: No. No way. This can’t be real. 
Taiyang: You came a little early, but behold - the culmination of my life’s work! 
The red-haired Atlesian dog chimera whined in pain, its limbs protruding at odd angles and too gangly for comfortable movement. Patches of fur could be seen falling off, the rotting flesh seen underneath.
Yang: What have you done to Ruby?! 
Taiyang: Progress requires sacrifice. And I’ve done it, a dog that can use a Semblance! Your sister contributed to the salvation of all mankind! 
Ruby-Zwei: -Ya-ang. It hu-urts.
Yang: Change her back! Or I swear to g-
Taiyang: Why would I want to do that? She’s a higher being now, and I can’t let you stop progress. I’ll give her to Central, and they’ll promote me, and we’ll be able t-
Taiyang is interrupted by a mechanical fist slugging into his mouth. 
Yang: You bastard! Penny, protect Ruby! We’ll fin-
The entire laboratory suddenly came apart with flying pipes turned to floating spears and desks into deadly spikes. 
Taiyang: -holding his face with one hand while channeling his alchemic powers with the other.- Think because you got the fancy title of Flame Alchemist that you can hit your father! Huh? Think I’m a hasbeen like everyone else? I”ll show you the power of the Full Metal Alchemist!
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dragynkeep · 3 years
So if we were to make Ruby and Yang half Chinese how should they look? And should Ruby have the name Xiao Long as well? Or should it be hyphenated to Rose-Xiao Long?
what we do to represent their chinese heritage in azre is give them more tan skin, along with narrower, monolid eyes much like tai would have. i don't know why this is apparently so hard for them to do in the current engine when it should be easier than the old one, where they actually did have a narrow eye preset just not for the girls, but oh well.
as for ruby having summer's last name that isn't really an issue so long as she's connected to taiyang in other ways like physically, because i don't think chinese people hyphenate their last names & that was an issue with xiao long being hyphenated for tai & yang. so essentially it wouldn't be xiao - long, it would be xiaolong. one word.
the entire name order for the xiao long's — & ren when they changed it in v4 so everyone was calling him by his last name including nora for some reason — is wrong anyways; countries like china & japan go surname first, then given name.
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To Oz, Qrow, Yang, Ruby, and Mercury: Do you think Mr. Xiaolong could beat up Watts? If so, how much would you wanna see that? Hypothetically of course.
Qrow: Oh, Tai would win, no questions asked.
Mr. Oz: Yes, I have little doubt that Taiyang would crush Mr. Watts like the bug he is.
Yang: I would literally pay to see that, are you kidding!
Ruby: Yeah!!! Ya know, assuming it was like... legal somehow..... and Dad wouldn't go to jail for it.....
Mercury: [shrugs] Yeah, I wouldn't mind having a front row seat to that show. Sounds fun.
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