#talas researcher
mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Talas Researcher
From time, knowledge. From knowledge, power.
Artist: Kaja Foglio TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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anbaisai · 2 months
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Happy birthday to @crystallizsch and the lovely Yuusha! May you have another wonderful year full of happiness and currynoodles💜
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It seems so! Though from what I understand it's not as strong as from an animal or human source, so you end up needing more plant matter and to do more refinement, but people will still grow these hybrid healing plants at home for minor injuries and wounds. I've heard of people growing a variety hybridized with mint since it's very hardy and easy to spread. It just can be a little difficult to get your hands on one of these plants in my time. You either get ones that are more difficult to keep alive but do a better job of healing or you get hardier plants but the healing factor isn't as strong.
Though before all the science was going towards the... whole.... parasite... thing... I'd heard they were trying to see if they could use mushrooms too, seeing as the healing factor seemed to mess with the chlorophyll of plants, but if they can get it to work with mushrooms there's no chlorophyll to effect!
Maybe looking into either avenue could be beneficial!
(I love science fiction, I love theoretical science, I love science that may someday become reality, I love youuuuu。・:*:・(✿◕3◕)❤)
Mod B: I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi, especially sci-fi that takes place in space or on other plants, but man do I adore some speculative biology!
Ludwig watches you carefully as you talk, nodding along in certain moments, "Mhm, I see. That is all very fascinating. I will have to look into this myself, maybe I'll manage to start the research process for such plants earlier in this timeline than in your original one. I will have to bring back one of these plants with me when we go to the future." He bounces Maria on his knee a bit, looking around himself for something to write on.
#Lutz and Misha#tf2#tf2 ask blog#tf2 medic#tf2 ocs#🦖 anon#sue me i took your previous ask & ran with it#I HAVE CREATED THE HUMBOLDT-NABOKOV FAMILY LINE!#so basically the line continues with maria whos wife gets pregnant using the bone marrow technique & emil helped with that#maria & her wife have a son while in their 30s (120 years before tala) named albrecht who looks like a mini ludwig#albrecht lives until his sixties before marrying & having a child (but physically looks to be around 45-48 as all all od ludwig's#descendants inherited his self-heal & his slower aging)#so albrecht has his daughter sasha around 60 years before tala comes to the past#albrecht grew up to become a doctor like his uncle emil but sasha (who turned out to be trans but kept the name sasha) decided to go down#the mercenary route#sasha had twins named kira & ada 30 years before tala went back to the past#kira is a splitting image of ludwig & is a doctor while ada looks like a genderbent mikhail & stuck to their father's mercensry life#kra & ada are still alive during talas time but sasha died during a mission trying to clesr out zombies from a safe zone#so that is 4 generations aftee mikhail & ludwig & since the humboldt-nabokovs live so long they also know who their ancestors are#& i believe that kira was the one to popularise the use of plant matter for the healinf fluid usinf her great great grandfather ludwig's#research that was later continued by great geandfather emil but not picked up by grandfather albrecht for reasons unknown
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liberty-barnes · 8 months
can you please give us an update on (y/n) lively-reynolds and tom i’m so curious on how they’re doing. Or if they have a child????
Happy to!
So, it's been a little over half a year since Tom and (Y/n) got married, so they're just enjoying this new step of their lives. They had their extended honeymoon (Tom had to stop (Y/n) from stealing all the cats in that island, it was not an easy feat), and came back home where Tala was eagerly awaiting their return after staying at her grandparents'.
Christmas and New Year's were once again spent at their house, where they got a frankly ridiculous amount of dog toys. Harrison, however, is no longer allowed to give them presents that they will open publicly. No, I will not elaborate. But it was bad enough that Georgia almost broke up with him.
(Speaking of which, the date did in fact go great. Harrison Osterfield and Georgia Lighthaven are the new power couple since Tom and (Y/n) dropped off the face of the world. They call them Gerrison.)
They don't have children yet, decided to just enjoy their time together for now, but they've had a serious discussion about it. They knew they wanted children, but after much talking and researching, decided to go for adoption instead of biological. They don't care how they get their children, they'll love them either way, and there's thousands of children begging for a home. They've started the process to be certified and as of Christmas morning, are now certified foster parents.
Everyone's really excited but respecting their wish to take their time.
Except for Ryan.
He keeps sending them TikToks of adoption videos and children doing cute things.
He's very excited to be a grandparent.
And also, he needs to look on the bright side of things cause fucking Tom won this year's NYE 24-hour contest and Ryan is still not over it.
But revenge will be sweet once he becomes his grandbaby's favourite.
Fuck you, Tom, you better watch out.
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transgenderer · 1 year
The Epic of Manas is a traditional epic poem dating to the 18th century but claimed by Kyrgyz tradition to be much older. Manas is said to be based on Bars Bek who was the first khagan of the Kyrgyz Khaganate. The plot of Manas revolves around a series of events that coincide with the history of the region in the 9th century, primarily the interaction of the Kyrgyz people with other Turkic and Chinese people.
The government of Kyrgyzstan celebrated the 1,000th anniversary of Manas in 1995. The eponymous hero of Manas and his Oirat enemy Joloy were first found written in a Persian manuscript dated to 1792–93.[1] In one of its dozens of iterations, the epic poem consists of approximately 500,000 lines.
The epic poem's age is unknowable, as it was transmitted orally without being recorded. However, historians have doubted the age claimed for it since the turn of the 20th century. The primary reason is that the events portrayed occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries. Central Asian historian Vasily Bartold claimed that Manas was an "absurd gallimaufry of pseudo-history,"[1] and Hatto remarks that Manas was
"compiled to glorify the Sufi sheikhs of Shirkent and Kasan ... [and] circumstances make it highly probable that... [Manas] is a late eighteenth-century interpolation."[2]
Changes were made in the delivery and textual representation[3] particularly the replacement of the tribal background of Manas. In the 19th century versions, Manas is the leader of the Nogay people, while in versions dating after 1920, Manas is a Kyrgyz and a leader of the Kyrgyz.[4] Use of the Manas for nation-building purposes, and the availability of printed historical variants, has similarly had an impact on the performance, content, and appreciation on the epic.[5]
Attempts have been made to connect modern Kyrgyz with the Yenisei Kirghiz, today claimed by Kyrgyzstan to be the ancestors of modern Kyrgyz. Kazakh ethnographer and historian Shokan Shinghisuly Walikhanuli was unable to find evidence of folk-memory during his extended research in 19th-century Kyrgyzstan (then part of the expanding Russian empire) nor has any been found since.[6]
While Kyrgyz historians consider it to be the longest epic poem in history,[7] the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata and the Tibetan Epic of King Gesar are both longer.[8] The distinction is in number of verses. Manas has more verses, though they are much shorter.
Manas is said to have been buried in the Ala-Too mountains in Talas Province, in northwestern Kyrgyzstan. A mausoleum some 40 km east of the town of Talas is believed to house his remains and is a popular destination for Kyrgyz travellers. Traditional Kyrgyz horsemanship games are held there every summer since 1995. An inscription on the mausoleum states, however, that it is dedicated to "...the most famous of women, Kenizek-Khatun, the daughter of the emir Abuka". Legend has it that Kanikey, Manas' widow, ordered this inscription in an effort to confuse her husband's enemies and prevent a defiling of his grave. The name of the building is "Manastin Khumbuzu" or "The Dome of Manas", and the date of its erection is unknown.
heroic levels of cope from the kyrgyz
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32bitterra · 2 months
Heya hi howdy! Hope your days been well! Anything you’re looking forward to you wanna share? Or any doodles? Any Headcanons you’ve always wanted to talk about but never had the opportunity???
I dunno! Mostly just wanted to say I LOVE your works and look forward to seeing your posts on my dash <3
Oh and, Hi Quentin! (,’
Helloooo! I've been alright. I'm kinda looking forward to when my sister leaves once more so I can play PN1 on her laptop and do Very Important Camper Research on the weekend, but that kinda sounds mean like I WANT her to leave lol. It's not the case.
I've actually been meaning to revisit/redo the previous time I shared headcanons when you asked, but I haven't gotten around to it. I basically took some bulletpoints from my "Thought Compilation" doc and some of my guidelines and observations got mixed in with what could be considered "headcanon" or "interpretation" or whatever. Some of which have been altered/changed due to better understanding the characters as I draw and observe/learn about them more, so that post has become somewhat outdated. This is also part of why I considered making a side blog or something, but I dunno.
ETA on that: Eventually.
Now for doodles. Anything I've done recently will be compiled in a post like I do monthly/bimonthly, so look out for that in August (or whenever I feel the time is right.) There are some things in there I think you may like, but I am not ready to share them yet.
But I do not want you to go empty handed, so I will show some fun things I call "absolute rejects." Some of which do not even exist anymore and the only proof they existed is from crusty phone pictures. I will also share some doodles I did not deem good enough to post. This post is getting long, so I will put them under a handy dandy cut:
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This is from October 28, 2023. It's hard to tell, but Lili is the one tickling Raz's nose.
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(November 13, 2023) PATHETIC.
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(January 22, 2024) Older Phoebe.
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(April 12, 2024) An earlier version of older Crystal.
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(October 18, 2023) I showed my sister and she said she looked like a mouse. This is why anthro Tala is a mouse.
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(October 28, 2023) Benny die lmao. I think this was a request?
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(February 11, 2024) I'm not sure how to explain the context.
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(February 12, 2024) Or the context to this one either. They are repelling like magnets.
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(February 14, 2024) OK!
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(March 7, 2024) It is my duty to Megaman-ify everything I like.
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(June 16, 2024) ???
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(June 17, 2024) I actually thought about including it in the June doodle compilation, but decided against it. I have a soft spot for very early Psychonauts fanart. This is me channeling my younger self to pay tribute to that lol.
Wait, I've got one more thing:
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Hello from Quentin. I also want to thank you for leaving kind and enthusiastic words on my drawings! I highly value them and it makes my day to read them.
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maya-chirps · 11 months
Can you tell us more about Filipino mythology and moneters, cause there's no 1 official website and I almost always barely passed filipino? Can you also list like great sources for me to read? Thanks
I had a pretty busy week last week so it took a while to get to this ask but I'd love to give more info on the topic!
More on Filipino Mythology:
Si Apolaki at Mayari - Bakit may araw at gabi
EN: Apolaki and Mayari - Why there's day and night
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An illustration of Apolaki and Mayari created by the illustrator PM Graphix
I am currently still doing a write-up on the Tagalog pantheon so I could start by maybe talking about that and what I've found. For the mythology section of this, let me start with something that's actually not from the Tagalog pantheon but is often attributed to the Tagalog pantheon: the Kapampangan story of Apolaki and Mayari or why the day and night exist. This story has been sourced from Maximo D. Ramos's book Philippine Myths, Legends, and Folktales (which you can buy on Amazon here, sadly I cannot find a free version of the book without going through suspicious links) and posted by Jordan Clark of The Aswang Project on his website.
BATHALA, the creator of the world, had a son named Apolaki and a daughter named Mayari. The light that shone upon the world and enabled the people, the beasts, the birds, and the fish to see came from the bright eyes of Apolaki and Mayari, So all the creatures loved them dearly. Bathala himself was very fond of his children, and he watched over them as they wandered across the meadows of heaven. Since the eyes of Apolaki and Mayari shone continuously, it was always day on the earth. In time Bathala grew feeble with age and died. Then Apolaki and Mayari had a quarrel, for each wanted to rule the world alone. “I am the man and I will succeed my father to the throne,” said Apolaki. “I am going to rule the world, whether you like it or not.” Mayari’s eyes flashed with anger and she said, “I am no less my father’s child than you. I will succeed him to his throne, whether you like it or not!” The quarrel grew from bad to worse, and finally words could not express their furious rage. So they picked up wooden clubs and fell upon each other with fierce blows. Back and forth they fought until at last Apolaki struck Mayari in the face and she became blind in one eye. When he saw his sister stricken, Apolaki took pity on her and said, “Let us fight no more, my sister. Let us share our father’s kingdom equally between us. Let us reign by turns and be friends.” Mayari agreed, and from then on, Apolaki, whom we know today as the Sun, has ruled the world half the time. Mayari, whom we now know as the Moon, has taken turns with her brother in ruling the world. When Apolaki is on the throne, the world is flooded with warm light, because the light beams from his two bright eyes. On the other hand, when Mayari is reigning, the world is bathed with cool and gentle light; for she is blind in one eye.
Now from what I've researched, a lot of places tend to attribute the story to the Tagalog people or state that it is a shared story from both the Tagalogs and their neighboring Kapampangan up north from them but I cannot find any specific source prior to the late 1960s that even mention that Mayari was part of the Tagalog pantheon so it may be a more recent addition.
The source that first states Mayari's inclusion as a part of the Tagalog Bathala's court comes from a paper written by F. Landa Jocano called Notes on Philippine Divinities (1968) where he does not cite a specific source of where he has learned Mayari was of Tagalog origin nor even stated that he had learned it from a Tagalog local and considering Jocano himself isn't a Tagalog nor is he Kapampangan, it's unlikely he's learned it from his upbringing or otherwise.
I had also done a little digging on his sources and none of them bring up Mayari nor her sister Hanan, the goddess of dawn, so the paper leaves much room for doubt. Tala, the goddess of stars, who is also listed in Jocano's paper make a lot more sense despite the lack of sources as it is the actual word for star in Tagalog but I still have to do further research on her as well.
Either way, I had also never heard of Mayari as a Tagalog deity outside Jocano's work and online articles that heavily source Jocano (The Aswang Project, one of the most popular sources for Filipino mythology which I had used as a specific source for Kapampangang mythology, has cited him twice in regards to Tagalog mythology specifically but not Kapampangan mythology). This is also despite me being born and raised within a mostly Tagalog community.
All of that for me to say that this story of Apolaki and Mayari may be a later addition to the Tagalog mythos after interests on Filipino mythology got revitalized from the mid-20th century onward rather than something that has always been a part of the Tagalog mythology.
Note that I'm not saying that it is an impossibility that this had been part of the Tagalog culture prior to that time period, but a lot of sources that discuss this do not bring up this story until after Jocano's work. I will have to maybe do more reading on this to find out more information about this and Mayari's status on whether or not she did belong to the Tagalog pantheon prior to the 60s.
I also want to add a quick note that it's pretty common for people to misattribute this story to the Pangasinense people as well but it may be from both people constantly confusing Pampanga from Pangasinan (think of it as how people confuse Sweden and Switzerland), as well as a name overlap with Apolaki who is referred to as Apolaqui in Pangasinan. The two places are both north of the Tagalog Regions. I might look into this connection/association/coincidence later on.
Further Readings and Sources
It's actually pretty hard to suggest a specific source for Filipino mythology given that a lot of them pull from the same reference (Notes on Philippine Divinities) which I had said has some dubious information but Maximo D. Ramos's book that I had referenced is a good read as it collects various myths from different places throughout the country. I myself had been thinking of getting a copy of the book soon as well as his other books.
Some Filipino Monsters
As for Filipino monsters, I could say that its similar with Filipino mythology, in that with so many cultures, there's many different kinds on who you're asking. These ghouls seem to be more widely similar from culture to culture, however, probably owing to the fact that the Catholic Church didn't discourage the belief in them as much as they did the precolonial gods. Whether you go to the northernmost part of the country to the southernmost islands, there is a lot of similarities between the creatures that they could be classified easier than the gods with some creatures even sharing traits from cryptids from other Southeast Asian countries.
I'll give some of them here that you may hear pretty often when looking through catalogues of Filipino monsters. I have to be honest that I may not source as much for this section since I will be bringing up some personal stories and anecdotes that are passed around the community. I'm also open to discuss more about these creatures as well as other monsters later on.
The Aswang
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An artwork of an aswang uploaded to Wikipedia by H.M.Bec
Aswangs are often considered as the most ubiquitous of the Filipino monsters. When you look up monsters from the Philippines, this may be the top result. Aswangs are often portrayed as people who transform into ghoulish creatures that feast on human flesh but especially children, babies, and fetuses. There's so many stories and variations of aswangs, however, that some of the monsters in this list are actually sometimes considered as part of the aswang category depending on the source or who you ask.
Aswangs are shapeshifters, often turning into dogs, pigs, and many other creatures, in order to stalk their prey in the middle of the night.
Aswangs are also considered as one of the main stock monsters in FIlipino media so you may see them as the villains of a lot of fantasy series and movies. They're one of the villains that Alexandra Trese faces of regularly on the folklore-inspired supernatural comic book series turned Netflix original animation Trese. They're also the main antagonist in my favorite FIlipino fantaserye series Juan De La Cruz (although I don't particularly like the lead actor anymore lol).
Here's some stuff I've heard about Aswangs from those around me.
Aswangs often won't attack their neighbors and would rather attack neighboring villages/barangays/towns. This is so they avoid detection or suspicion from their community. So, if you suspect your neighbor's an aswang, then you might just be lucky they won't target you.
Aswangs are often said to have come from the province of Capiz. It's an often common joke and stereotype that Capizeños may be aswangs themselves or know people who are aswangs. The people of Capiz are mixed on how they feel about the association with the provincial government seemingly trying to shake off the specific association to their province.
They can go to mass but cannot stay during the consecration of the holy host. Holy water and holy [coconut] oil also boil in their presence.
When you look directly into their eyes, your reflection would be upside-down. They also don't have the dent between the nose and the lips.
They could pass their curse through different ways and may depend on belief or tradition. One belief states that if a person marries an aswang, they also become an aswang.
One of the other beliefs that can turn a person into an aswang is if one makes contact with an aswang's saliva.
According to another belief, a person could also become an aswang if they ingest a black chick alive.
Similarly, an aswang cannot die until they pass their curse to another person (typically a relative). This is done by passing a black stone or chick hidden in their body to the chosen new curse holder.
They hate the typical ghoulish hated items like holy crosses, water, oils, and the classic garlic and salt, but they also hate calamansi (a small Filipino citrus fruit), and my mother had always told me that they hate suha or pomelo (a type of citrus fruit) and the smell of burning rubber.
A typical weapon used to fight against them or ward them off is the buntot pagi or stingray tail that is often sold in occultic shops around the country. You could also buy this from online stores as I've learned (x)(x)(x).
Now here's a story I've heard about them:
A story I had heard was that of the aswang bus. I had heard it repeatedly throughout the years but the basic premise is that there's a bus of a bunch of aswangs from a different province that's traveling to [province you are in] and are hunting down people at night. This is some of the more funny stories about aswangs because I keep imagining an aswang bus driver purposefully running over people and then a bunch of aswang tourists hops off of the bus to drag the body for a snack later.
I honestly might come back to the aswangs topic later since I had just learned some things from a Capizeña who works to help around our house.
The Manananggal
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An artwork of an aswang uploaded to Wikipedia by Gian Bernal
The Manananggal is a ghoulish creature and is often times categorized as a kind of aswang. They are typically humanoid creatures that appear as regular people (often women) during the day, but at night their torso severs from their legs and fly away with bat wings. They often feast on fetuses using their long proboscis tongue.
These ghouls share a lot of similarities with the Southeast Asian ghoul called the Penanggal which is a similar creature but instead of their torsos separating, their heads separate from their body alongside their entrails.
Manananggals are also some of the typical stock monsters in Filipino fantasy stories. I can't think of any specific instances of the manananggal being the main character besides the softer depiction of a manananggal girl named Anna in Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia who acts as a deuteragonist to the human boy Niko. They are also featured in Trese where a tribe of manananggal is shown. They are also the main lead or love interest in some horror movies and even horror romances.
Here's some stuff I've heard about Manananggals
It's name comes from the Tagalog word "tanggal" which means "to remove" or "to separate" and specifically means "the remover" or "the separator". This of course is a reference to the fact that it removes its torso from its legs or separates its body in half.
Unlike the typical aswang which transform back during daylight, the manananggal needs to find their way back to their body or else die by sunlight.
The unattached legs of the manananggal is their weakness. If found by a person, they only need to sprinkle salt or smear crushed garlic on the legs in order to destroy them.
A lot of the typical things that ward off the aswang are also typically effective towards the manananggal.
Similarly to the aswang, manananggals are also said to had come from Capiz.
The list is shorter because honestly, just take what most you've heard about the aswang and apply it here. I don't know specifically if things like the upside-down reflection or the lack of the dent between the nose and lips could apply to manananggals, however, and I don't think I've heard people claiming that about the manananggal.
Now here's a story I've heard about them:
One story I heard that I find quite funny was something my sister heard from one of her high school friends. This friend was struggling to fall asleep at night and was tossing and turning in bed when she heard bat-like fluttering from outside. She went out to inspect the source by looking out the window and was shocked to see a manananggal climbing up a coconut tree and seemingly harvesting the fruit in the middle of the night. She wasn't flying up the tree, she was climbing it.
The next day, an old woman who was selling her goods door-to-door came by their house. She was selling coconuts.
The Tiyanak
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A screenshot of a tiyanak from the movie Tiyanak (1988)
The tiyanak is considered as a demonic baby that would transform itself into a regular looking baby, crying in the middle of the night in order to attract their unfortunate target who may feel pity towards the child. The tiyanak may also be classified as an aswang but is typically considered as a separate thing more often than the manananggal from my experience. This creature has noticeably a lot in common with a lot of other Southeast Asian and East Asian myths about demonic babies and toddlers like the tuyol or the tuyul.
Like the previous two, the tiyanak is also part of the typical stock monster antagonists found in Filipino media, but not as much as either the typical aswang or the manananggal. They are often used to add a bit of a scare factor into a story and isn't typically the main antagonist of a story as of recent horror movies (with only a single short B-Movie I could think of called Flight 666 from the Shake, Rattle & Roll horror anthology series. It is not a good movie but it's stupid fun). They are featured, as usual, in Trese as the main supernatural antagonists of a specific story arc. Their depiction from the comic and the Nteflix show has been changed due to the controversial nature of the comic book depiction.
When they appear in a horror series, there's often a sort of reason or lesson as to why one has appeared and typically based on the typical origins of the tiyanak.
The most common belief is that the tiyanak is the ghost or ghoulish corpse that had come from an unbaptized child.
At times, they may be a ghoulish baby that had been created after a woman gets an abortion, other times it is simply just a baby that had died before baptism often as a stillbirth or even as a joint death with their mother.
I had also heard that it may be an abandoned baby that had died to the elements.
It is also believed, the reason that they are cursed to wander the earth after death is because they were not given a name through baptism.
Because of this, when they typically appear in stories, it is often either a story about the bad that could come from abortion or child abandonment depending on the values of the writer.
The tiyanak would also sometimes lead people astray with its cries.
Speaking of its cries, there are some places that believe if the cry sounds loud and near, the tiyanak is actually farther away from you than if you hear the cries to be quieter and farther.
Here's a story I had heard about them:
A common Filipino story of the tiyanak is the parking lot story. Story goes that in certain parking lots of buildings, typically malls, you may hear a baby cry in the middle of the night when you're alone. This is a tiyanak that's trying to lure you in by seemingly tricking you into thinking that it is just an innocent abandoned baby which is sadly common in the country. It is common enough that there are some people who would often want someone to accompany them when they're alone in a parking lot at night.
Further Readings and Sources
As much as I had stated that The Aswangs Project and their handling of discussions about Filipino mythology, specifically Tagalog mythology, is dubious at best, they have a lot of good articles about aswangs that do align with local beliefs so reading through their website for monsters specifically could be a good and free resource. They had also made a documentary that you can watch for free on YouTube that covers a lot of this and more about aswangs.
For written works, I would suggest any of Maximo D. Ramos's works as I've brought up before. There's his published paper The Aswang Syncrasy in Philippine Folklore which is considered as basically the holy grail of Aswang research, which, as I had stated, take up a bulk of the FIlipino monsters. It's hard to find easily accessible PDFs of the paper and I remember that I found a copy of this or a similar work by Ramos but the link has eluded me.
For a less academic and more fun fictionalized source for Filipino monsters I suggest The Lost Journal of Alejandro Pardo: Meet the Dark Creatures from Philippines Mythology by Budjette Tan and David Hontiveros which is available through Amazon here. It follows a fictional researcher and his discoveries of Filipino monsters and other creatures. It's a pretty easy read with a lot of good information about cryptids and monsters from the Philippines, owing to it's style of found media. If you've seen something like Gravity Falls's officially published Journal 3 from the show's universe, it has a similar vibe to that.
That's all I have for now, but I am looking more into this topic! My PC has issues right now so I might answer questions more slowly than my already slow answering speed. I hope this post helped you learn a little more about Filipino mythology and cryptids.
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gogojetters · 4 months
It’s been a while since I’ve done a big headcanons post- and this certainly is a big one ! Potential futures for the Go Jetters cast is something that has always intrigued me, so I wanted to share some of my current headcanons for where I think the Go Jetters and co may end up in the future ! This post is messy and a little long, but it’s a lot of fun to think about all of these concepts, and thinking of futures for these characters that reflect their personalities, interests, talents and goals, as well as some more mundane stuff, such as where they live, how they dress, little flaws and quirks, or just how they may act that differs a little from canon !
Regarding the age of the cast for these headcanons- I would imagine that this is around the 30s/40s for the Funky 4 + Tala, and 70s/80s for Ubercorn and Grandmaster Glitch. This post is a little less organized than my usual headcanons posts, and I hope that’s okay! There’s a little bit of bleed and blend that allows for better segues for this one, so making defined segments for each character didn’t really make sense.
Reminder that these are all headcanons, and are meant for fun! If you disagree, or don’t like these, that’s a-okay !! I do hope you enjoy reading them though !
Rambles under the cut because oh boy is this a long one-
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To preface- the Go Jetters have long since graduated the academy at this point! None of the Funky 4 work directly at the academy full time, but have kept in contact and are respected alumni. Maybe every now and again, they pop in to visit, or teach a one-off lesson, but the academy is not their forever place, and for the most part they have found new places and passions. This does not mean they have lost contact with eachother- the Funky 4 & Tala are all still incredibly close friends, they just don’t always see eachother as often ! While Ubercorn has had GJ teams before the funky 4, and has had teams since, he still holds them particularly close, because they helped to reunite him with Glitch. Ubercorn has had many Go Jetters, many cadets, but none quite like them- none who left an impression so big that it included reuniting him with someone so important to him.
Ubercorn still works at the Go Jet Academy! Even in his older years, he is still the academy’s top mentor for their globetrotting team for phase 2 students. Nothing can stop him from sharing his funky facts- he’s far too passionate and strong willed to be stopped. He also hasn’t aged much physically- only a few grey hairs and barley any wrinkles! Most assume that this is normal for him- since they don’t exactly know how unicorns work.
Ubercorn and Grandmaster Glitch are finally together! Nobody really knows if they are married, or if they are dating, but they’re romantically involved, and finally at a place of peace in their relationship. And really, that’s all that matters.
At some point, shortly after s3 in terms of timeline, Glitch was welcomed back to the academy, and worked alongside Ubercorn. But unlike his partner, Glitch has now retired. He still lives at the Go Jet Academy, forever a freeloader of that island. He’s a bit of an eccentric grandfather figure to the cadets, and he looks the part too. He still causes antics, no doubt about that, but people seem to be more forgiving of him because they misjudge him as a “kooky old man”. A lot of the staff, as well as more recent Go Jetter teams, have a love/hate relationship with him because of this. He still absolutely wears the suit & chimney ears, and his grimbots still follow him around, forever perpetuating his nonsense.
Who else works for the Academy? Tala Glitch! Although, it’s only part time, with the other “part” of her job being dedicated to her research. Tala has a doctorate in ecology, and studies rare and endangered plant species, taking samples into captivity to research and regrow the numbers, in order to plant them back in their natural habitats again and replenish the species that are most vital to an ecosystem, both gif and small. Thanks to her work with the GJA, she is able to get more resources to accomplish the goal. She teaches at the academy part-time, and sometimes takes cadets along with her on her expeditions to find and recover plants. The cadets all LOVE her. She also does conservation work and has even made a few groundbreaking discoveries- her work is never truly done ! Tala still beekeeps- it’s now just for fun however.
Onto our first Go Jetter! Foz Helquist is an author, who is oddly known for prolific work in two very different worlds- he writes educational textbooks and sci-fi novels ! It’s the happiest and most fulfilled he has ever been, if you asked him. Post graduation, he had originally pursued a career in science, something he considered to be “expected” of him, considering his skipping of school years to join the Go Jetters team, and early graduation. However, he eventually realized that no matter how hard he tried, this career didn’t make him feel happy or fulfilled, so he took a step back, and took a break. During this time, he wrote the first of his sci-fi novels that would go on to be published. He found that he’d never been happier than when he was writing- and he loved to write just as much as he loved to read- so he decided to take the risk and get into the publishing world. It all worked out, too! While he is better known for his academic works, and the textbooks and research that he publishes, he has a soft spot for his novels, inspired by his adventures at the academy, and classic authors such as Jules Verne and Mary Shelley’s works.
Tala and Foz are together, but they are not married. Not every relationship’s “end goal” is marriage, but this does not undermine their relationship. There is no doubt that their love is strong, and that they are happy together. Tala and Foz have a house together somewhere in the English countryside, with a LOT of land, to accommodate for Tala’s plants and gardens, with room to spare for more. While Tala isn’t always home, due to her job, Foz is there most of the time, as his office and writing room are all there.
Lars Oxford is living his best life, and he is working hard ! He got his first job very quickly after graduating, and not much has changed since then. He works for the military, creating prototypes for military aircraft! He was scouted out thanks to his work on academy vehicles, particularly inventing the turbo zoomster all on his own, and he loves getting to build, try and test new vehicles. His work has probably been the most “consistent” of the four Go Jetters. He travels around the UK for work, and owns two houses- one in England, his mainstay home, and a smaller house in Paris, France, which he rents out to someone else but refuses to sell- it’s got the best view of the Eiffel Tower ever, who knows when he’ll need to stay there again! He has done a *little* bit of work for the academy since graduating- he finally invented a mainstay boat vehicle with similar functionality and purpose to the Vroomster and Truckster! Lars is comfortably single (aroace and thriving!), but has many a pet, including a one-eyed dog and a large red bird.
Xuli and Kyan are married ! If any of the couples was to be- it’d definitely be them. They couldn’t decide on wether they wanted to take one surname, or do a double barrel, so they ended up doing neither and just choosing a new surname instead- Volante! Xuli and Kyan live together in Spain, with Xuli convincing Kyan to make the move because they’d be much closer to the other Go Jetters, and because the US just isn’t the best place to live. Kyan learns Spanish… eventually. (Footnote: similar to marriage, I feel like if any GJ couple was to have kids, it’d be xyan. I have a concept for a hypothetical xyan kid who would fit into this future (Scott, age 8), but I’m still not sure if I want to include it or not. So for now, I’m just leaving this note here, because wether they have a kid or not does not really effect their jobs or living situation. Maybe they have a kid, maybe they don’t! However if you WANT to see the concepts, do be sure to let me know and I will share!)
Xuli has been through a lot of jobs, and a lot of hair colours. After graduation, she was a stunt pilot for a few years, then had a stint as a commercial pilot for all of two weeks, before deciding it was boring and quitting, and tried out test piloting, before finding herself as a flight instructor- teaching younger pilots the ropes. It’s not the same rush she used to get, but there’s a new joy in it. And there’s just something really fun about getting to show off to a bunch of new recruits, and then getting to build them up to do the same. As aforementioned- Xuli doesn’t stop dyeing her hair! At one point, she has to cut it all off because she’s fried it so badly, and has to let it grow back again healthy. She doesn’t keep it as long as it used to be, but it’s still got some sort of undercut or side shaved aspect to it. She still does photography as a hobby, and loves to get a good aerial shot!
Kyan’s journey is odd, but not surprising. He got his big shot in his 20s, getting to compete in the olympics/paralympics (I HC him as an amputee) twice. He places one of the two times. After finishing his run, he refuses the job of becoming a coach to the next gymnastics stars- he cannot see himself enjoying it. Instead, he turns to something else that still allows him to be active and use his fantastic gymnastics and fast thinking skills- cinema! Kyan becomes a stunt double and stunt coordinator for TV and movies! Coming up with stunt routines for himself and others, making sure it is both impressive and safe to perform. At the Go Jet Academy, he already had a stunt gig once in the “hospital for broken hearts” movie, so it’s not like this is new to him- it’s a grand return! He loves to point out his name in the movie credits at cinemas. When it comes to hobbies, he still enjoys dance, but finds himself liking cooking more and more with each day, taking any chance to create an elaborate dish for his friends or family.
Although for the most part, the Go Jetters are split apart, and don’t see each other every day, their friendship is still incredibly strong ! Since all 5 live in Europe, they try to meet up at least once every 3 months, either travelling to the other or meeting at a “half-way” point to see each other ! It’s in no way typical, but when have they ever been? And they make it work. They see Ubercorn and Glitch much less, but if Ubercorn is passing by where any of them live or are staying, he’s not opposed to popping in to say “hi” and catching up.
I know these headcanons won’t appeal to everyone, not all will like that these are on the more “domestic” side, as opposed to the action oriented show, and that’s okay! However, If you read this all the way through and did like it, THANK-YOU SO MUCH !! If you have any questions about these, I will try my very best to answer!! Thank you again!!
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currymanganese · 10 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
Thanks to @all-inmoderation @bioloyg & @imliterallyjustablackgirl for tagging me! ❤️
Star Sign(s):
Sagittarius Sun, Virgo Moon, Pisces Rising <- What does it all mean? No idea! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite Holidays:
Eid, Divali & Christmas <- Not for religious considerations, I associate them with having lots of delicious food, which is precious to me. 🤰🏽
Last Meal:
A slice of pawpaw (papaya), stew chicken, black eyed peas, white rice and sorrel juice. <- #grateful thanks mom 😔
Current Favorite Musician:
Khruangbin because Mark, Laura and DJ are all super talented and disciplined musicians, but also because I want the band's lead guitarist, Mark Speer and the bassist, Laura Lee, but especially Mark Speer, in ways that would shock and alarm you, like IDK anything about his personal life, but I think I'd combust if I met him. Mark if you're reading this that smut chapter in my songfic WIP was only possible because I just know you're good with your-[GUNSHOTS] <- He's not reading this, finish the meme! 😤
Last Music Listened To:
Total Control by The Motels for a The Bear meta post that I did and Hope Tala's "All My Girl's Like To Fight' from my small playlist of songs that I headcanon that Syd and Carmy from The Bear (2022) listen to. The playlist serves as a writing aid for me because regardless of the actual musical tastes of Syd and Carmy in the show's canon, this is a small sample of what the two of them like to listen to as I've characterized them in my fic.
Last Movie Watched:
Precious (2009) I was traumatizing myself and [SPOILERS]
Carmen Berzatto in my WIP fic, because Syd insults him using a gif from the movie and Carmy ends up watching this film so he'd understand the reference because he is a loser and is obsessed with his totally platonic coworker and he wants to know everything about her. 😔
Last TV Show Watched:
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, @devisrina convinced me, but I haven't finished watching it yet and I'm not to sure when I'll resume because The Bear and Sydcarmy still have me in thrall. 😔
Last Book/Fic Finished:
Last book finished, Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. Last fic finished.....I shan't say - I'll describe it though - it was a seedy, sketchy, funny, smutty, crack ship one shot gag fic on AO3. I'm ashamed of myself, some of those words in that fic were in The Bible, but chile........anyways. Moving on!
Last Book/Fic Abandoned:
Last book I stopped reading - Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson - Dalinar Kholin, you stupid cunt, why do you always-[GUNSHOTS] <-Girl walk away from the book if it's stressing you that bad, c'mon now - the fictional character's dumb decisions can't hurt you. I'm actually planning on finishing it someday, but I watched The Bear when I was a quarter of the way through the book and now I am totally useless for almost everything else.
Currently Reading:
Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappe, get a free ebook copy of it here while you can. Also the Gaza Diary by Ziad, a 35 year old Palestinian man.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation:
High blood pressure and pregnancy, and maternity leave in the US of A, and before that CBT case studies and CPTSD and ADHD, and before that meningitis and sepsis. <- All for my current Sydcarmy WIP.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory:
The day Richonne went canon, or rather that era. <- Love it when racists suffer, schadenfreude can be something so personal. 🥴
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence:
I want Star Wars and BNHA to be good, but alas....Next question. <- Anyways these franchise/series are making money hand over fist still, nobody cares if I never care about them again, but I do love the ship Inko Midoriya/All Might from BNHA and I ship UkaTake from Haikyuu!! <- I had a lot of fun in that niche marketplace for a time.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did:
The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery FUCKS severely - I'm glad that it got a boost on here with The Blue Castle Book Club. Ms. Montgomery put her whole pussy into that book, every single cell and I relate to the book's protagonist, Valancy, quite a lot.
Also, The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner has a smallish, but fairly active following on Tumblr, but it deserves the energy that is devoted to some more popular YA fantasy/historical novel series. <- All of these books are re-readable af, 10/10 no notes.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Reign In/Don't Have Time For:
No such thing because I am unemployed. <- have mercy on me O God! It's been the first year of my adult life that I haven't been in university or running myself through the gristmill of capital and I feel trapped and anxious and fed the fuck up. I hate it here, goddamn!
Sorry to end on such a bummer of a note, but thank you for reading if you've read this far and please, regardless of if you were tagged, play along if you can! I've seen a lot of my mutuals tagged in these things before, so apologies if you've already done this, but*
@vacationship @anxietycroissant @bulabujalam @tvfantic87 @devisrina @dreadfuldevotee @mod-doodles <- please come back to me, Mod, darling, I miss you! 🥲 @jub-jub @pureseasalt <- bestie I miss you too! @ashluvsu4ever @cchickki @parrradiseeee @margaery-bonaparte-said-so @seleneofthejungle @prowitchazel @gardenianoire @artemis0404 @polymorphposting @hauntedstrawberrygiver @justabovewater20 @monetbonet @sab-teraa @agoodworkerdoes @melfinawins @melaninerd @iwantadecentblogname @persephonelovesbooks @november-rising @yannaryartside @bitchqueenofthebitchsquad @waywarddeee @myelegieseulogizeme @paddington22017 @ruethrills @techliche @erins-quinn @sydcarmyfan @lunasink @perkedelktg @couldbemaybe @msmoiraine @darkostudios-blog @angelica4equity @theonlyamazingtazmin @mswyrr @chansoooo1-blog
*pretends all of your blog names rhyme with pikachu*, I choose you!
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Guys does tala x bryan have a ship name😭 i know thers yubo which is a combination of boris and yuriy but do their dub names have a seperate name (like kaitaka and tyka being the same ship) cuz like i literally only see yubo (im doing extensive importantr research trust)
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freakscircus · 1 year
got my trip film back this morning - i shot an entire roll at weston hospital, formerly known as the trans-allegheny lunatic asylum in weston, west virginia. weston hospital is no longer a functioning hospital and hasn't been since the 1990s. weston was bought by a wealthy family in the area for the purposes of turning it into a location that could be open to the public. the owners tore down any condemned outbuildings or wings of the hospital that could not be repaired. everything else was fixed up to the point where the hospital looks abandoned, but there is no debris or danger and it is safe enough for visitors. they offer multiple tours - my partner and i opted for the longest tour, which was about 90 minutes of basic history about the hospital and access to all open floors.
i have mixed feelings about TALA/weston. there is a small town built around the hospital, and clearly the town was at its peak when the hospital was still in use. tourism is clearly the main driver to the town now, supported by the asylum tours. the tour we took was okay... the tour guides are quite knowledgeable but they are open that they are not historians or experts on the asylum, and honestly with what they are paid they should not be expected to be. the history tours are sparse - the main draw are paranormal tours, halloween parties, and to my horror there are karaoke parties held in a large room that used to be a communal women's bedroom, similar to photos you may have seen of dozens of women crammed into a space filled with single cot beds.
i understand that it would be highly unrealistic to expect this space to become solely a landmark dedicated to remembering ableism or psychiatric abuse inflicted for over a hundred years. undertaking research done by trained historians is not sustainable and employees with that training would not do minimum wage tour work. the hospital is expensive to maintain and constantly falling apart which requires employing a full time maintenance staff. the big draw is booking the space for events or having people flock to pay for ghost tours. i also understand that not many people are interested in an academic style tour that breaks down the history of the hospital from a disability studies perspective. i understand all of that. but it just feels so wrong to hear a harrowing story about the lobotomies performed here and then in the next breath hear about the parties that corporations throw at the asylum for the spooky novelty. maybe i'm a giant hypocrite myself being icked out then photographing these spaces to post online. i don't really know what the answer is. i suppose i'd rather have this space saved but exploited as opposed to being completely torn down.
i guess my one wish would be more academic work surrounding the hospital. i looked up weston/TALA through my university's academic journal page and there is not one in depth scholarly article about it. there are, however, many ghost story and paranormal books and chapters on the hospital written by laypeople. if i wasn't exhausted trying to write an entire book-length dissertation on a completely different topic, maybe i would try to undertake it myself. there is fascinating disability studies/disability history work being done in canada on lakeshore psychiatric, which was the largest psychiatric hospital in the country. i wish the same would be done for some of the asylums that dot the south. i don't know.
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bodhrancomedy · 2 years
In order:
Emmett Askren (Tall, dark bundle of anxiety, autism and Trying to Be a Good Dad vibes)
Gideon Laurence “Six” Sixsmith (Crime grandpa, chaos incarnate with creaky knees)
Keziah “Kizzy” Nunn (Born thief and ADHD kitten in human form)
Talas Katsaros (Snarky disabled genius who Loves His Wife)
Maia Katsaros (Whirlwind of sunshine and good intentions)
Elizabeth Scarlett (Butch Lesbian with a throwing knife - so far in the closet she can see Narnia)
Cloud (Kizzy’s cat)
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mirchloe · 11 days
oh fuck i haven’t made a mirchloe post in forever ummmmm mirtala and her itty bitty hands fascinate chloe. no human has hands that small. she must be a zwickian, and zwickians are with fathians as her favorite aliens. she must continue this research by holding mirtala’s hand - wait tala is now picking up chloe effortlessly. my god with one hand, too. something so yuriful is happening.
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Notes and ideas about what? Experiments to try? Potential magic to research?
*Lillian has started flicking pieces of her sandwich out for little birds to pick up*
"And spells."
"Those aren't spells, Heavy. Those are scientific terms for different parts of the brain."
"So mostly Latin. Language that spells are written in."
"Don't be pedantic, Lieber."
"You are cute when you correct me."
Ludwig huffs, rolls his eyes, & pointedly turns away from Mikhail & towards Tala, "I have never had the chance to experiment on a live demon specimen, so I'm writing down ideas!"
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darkened-storm · 1 year
Mayblade: Day One
For Mayblade this year, I’m setting out to post a 500-600 word scene from my current WIP: No Sacrifice, No Victory (link below), and for day one, who better to start with than our fave redhead, Tala. This scene needed a bit of a refresh to fit my story edits, so it was a good idea for this project. This one is for you @hellovivirose​
(shh, I’m posting a tad early, it’s technically May 1st here in Aus!)
The Past
“I was four,” he said finally, and he turned to look at her, his blue eyes cold and calculating. “I was four years old when my father died and I became a ward of the state. Do you know what it’s like to be an orphan in Russia?” Steph shook her head. In all the years she had known him, Tala had rarely spoken of his life in Russia. He’d told her the important bits of course - that his parents had divorced when he was a kid and how his father had been an alcoholic for many years before he’d died, leaving Tala to fend for himself. She knew about the experiments and the enhancements too - not because he’d told her about them, but because the equipment and research had been seized by Interpol when Balkov was investigated. But his life in the Abbey? How he’d wound up there? Steph had figured that was something that Tala might go his entire life without sharing anything more than a tidbit or too. Tala, it seemed, hadn’t planned on offering up the information willingly. He seemed both eager and hesitant to continue and Steph didn’t press him. Instead, she found a comfortable spot on the grass and waited for him to continue.
“This was after the Soviet Union fell, and Russia was in a political and economic crisis - which for the kids in orphanages across the county meant not enough food and too many hungry mouths to feed,” he began, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He flopped onto the grass beside her rather ungracefully, his blue eyes never leaving the stadium as he went on;
“The orphanage I lived at was run by the local church in a pretty poor area, so there wasn’t much in the way of donations. Bryan and I - we were two of the lucky ones though - we found a way to get enough extra food and provisions to survive those early days. “I had seen kids beyblading after school, but I’d never spun a beyblade myself. When you’re scrounging around for your next meal you don’t really have time for hobbies. “The first time I picked up a beyblade was in the orphanage. Some kid bet me his bread roll that I couldn’t beat him in a match -  and as you could probably guess, he ate his words that night instead.” Steph rolled her eyes. She had never known Tala to apologise stomping people into the dirt after they made the mistake of challenging him. “We made a name for ourselves, Bryan and I - we’d beat up on the younger kids, and when they inevitably grew wise to our game, there was always a new orphan or two to pick on instead. Our operation made what the Bladesharks were doing here look like kid’s play,” he snorted derisively at the thought. “It wasn’t long after that Balkov facilitated my transfer to the Abbey. At the time the facility was operating under the guise of a school for kids with remarkable athletic talent - and anyone who discovered its true purpose was paid a great deal of money to look the other way.” “That sounds like Kai’s grandfather, all right,” Steph muttered, picking absent-mindedly at the long blades of grass in front of her. “I don’t think that man’s ever met a problem he couldn’t solve with money.” Tala nodded. “That money funded one of the most advanced beyblade development facilities in the world,” he reminded her. “And the facilities were one thing - but the training program, that was another nightmare all together. “For five years I trained from sun up to sun down to become not only the best beyblader, but the perfect soldier…
TBC in No Sacrifice, No Victory
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silverwolfxiii · 1 year
Nine people you would like to get to know better...
Thanks for the tag @reicchel 😊 (I wanted to answer this since I saw it but I got sick and started a new career, so I could barely catch up)
Three ships:
Yuriy/Tala x Kai (bakuten shoot beyblade)
Kaeya/Diluc ∆∆ Kaveh x Al-Haitham (Genshin Impact)
Arthur x Merlin (The adventures of Merlin)
First ship ever:
Probably Yuriy and Kai ❄️🔥...another one maybe Kidflash and Jinx from Teen Titans 🤔🤔
Last song: "Lobo hombre en Paris" the version of Volovan, I like to be in theme throughout this month 🐺🌖🌗🌔
Last movie: Haunted Mansion,my sister invited me to the cinema, it was an entertaining movie~
Currently reading: ...I'm in a reader's block :'D... the only thing I've been able to read has been criminal codes due to university research
Currently watching: goosebumps 2023, It's an interesting concept of a new story combined to reference the stories from the first series
Currently consuming: Chinese food 🥡~
Currently craving: Pumpkin latte 🎃☕ (the cafes in my city still don't have the drink in their specials :'c )
I'm tagging @novaerog @encb @koifishart @ceruleanmusings @cobalt-drawlight @og-beyblade-fan @rakuenarts
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