#tav: musings
mostlydamned · 9 months
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About Tav
Name: Tav (unknown last name) Race: Human Class: Draconic Sorceror (Blue Dragon) Background: The Dark Urge Age: Verse dependent (21-ageless) Height: 5'5" (165 cm) Hair color: Aqua with white stripes (Dark brown/black) Eye color: Glowing blue on black (Blue under glamour) Birthplace: Unknown Date of Birth: Unknown (He will claim the 25th of Leaffall(October)) Residence: Faerun (verse dependent) Personality: Tav has the personality of a golden retriever boy. He tries to do what is right and be a good adventurer. He has energy to spare and usually runs from place to place to keep himself busy. He wouldn't hesitate to help someone on the side of the road who needed his help. But deep down, there is what he calls the Dark Urge trying to compel him to chaos and death. When he gives in, he is maniacal almost, willing to lash out and hurt anyone he sees. These breaks are infrequent unless he is staying still for too long.
Notable features: Draconic scales scattered about his body. Eyes glow more during spellcasting
Abilities: Spellcasting: Tav is naturally attuned to lightning and Thunder magic, but he knows various spells and cantrips. Due to the Dark Urge and his draconic bloodline, he can access Lightning breath. He can alter his spells on a whim to double them, make them go further, bigger, etc (meta magic).
The spell list will be in a different post and be updated as I change it.
BG3 verse: He does not remember anything of his life before being infected with the tadpole. The only thing he knows is his name and the Dark Urge.
Modern: Cannot remember his life before 16. He knows basic information and knowledge like a high school degree. Uses glamour magic to hide his draconic features. He makes his money by using his magic to help out other magical creatures. His spare time is used for playing video games and watching all sorts of TV and movies. (Big Weeb Energy)
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telumendils · 9 months
my chaotic neutral tav after learning one (1) thing about vlaakith, shar, mizora, zariel, cazador, mystra, etc:
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spikesbicth · 6 months
Got Love Sick All Over My Bed
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Astarion x F!Reader!Tav
Summary: Astarion discovers Tav having a private moment in her tent.
approx 1.5k words
cross posted on ao3
CW: 18+ Minors DNI, smut, masturbation, maybe a tiny bit voyeurism but only if you squint. biting. vampires.
A/N: I am just in the inspiration train so I banged out (lol) this quick one shot. just feeling so creative! once again barely proofread so excuse any glaring issues. Feedback always appreciated :) enjoy!
The smell of smoke lingers on your hair and the clothes lying in a pile at the foot of your bedroll. This was a usual occurrence, as nearly every evening was spent at the fire with your companions, discussing the day and what was to come. Conversations often went in circles, regardless of what had happened that day you often felt you were no closer to safety, always in danger. During these nights, you often found your mind and your eyes wandering to Astarion, whose pale skin and sliver hair was awash with a golden glow from the firelight. He was always entrancingly beautiful, but in this light he was truly ethereal, otherworldly. You were awash with love for him, and yet at the same time completely unsure if he felt the same way or would stick around long enough for you to find out.
These memories and feelings swirl in your mind as you try to relax on the uneven ground. It was difficult to remove your doubtful thoughts of Astarion. In an effort to gain closeness to him, you had offered your neck and your blood to him. Over time, for yourself at least, it had become something you anticipated and desired each night; you wished to steal a kiss from him before the ritual. Tonight, you imagine more. You close your eyes, picturing the crescent of his collar bones under his loose silk shirt he wore each evening at camp. The spot where his jaw meets his neck. The feeling of his body pressing against yours, his broad shoulders and chest that narrow delicately to his waist, his hips, his hands…
Tonight you want him, you want what you know he is capable of doing to you. He is to meet you tonight, in your tent, after the others have settled in their own.
You have time though, don’t you…?
You feel blood rush to your pelvis, a slick arousal beginning to pool between your legs.
Unable to curb your desire you trail your cool fingers down your abdomen, pushing up goosebumps as you progress. Already naked under your blankets, you find your clit and begin to rub small circles, gentle and delicately at first. You imagine the smell of Astarion’s hair, sweet with bergamot…
You imagine the smell of Astarion’s hair while he kisses you and touches you the way you touch yourself. A light gasp escapes your lips as the image sends a jolt of energy through your body and you press harder with your fingers. You move on for a moment, pushing two fingers inside of yourself, slightly shocked at how wet you have become. You slip further into your fantasy, imagining Astarion cupping your breast while he fingers you, playing with your nipple, kissing your jaw and neck. Gods, you wish for it.
“Oh my… now what do we have here..?” A voice questions in the darkness at the entrance of your tent.
Your stomach drops, and your eyes jolt open.
Oh. Fuck. You think, feeling your cheeks flush. You in fact, did not have time for this before the object of your desires arrived at your stoop. How long had he been there?
“I… uh, hi,” you croak, your mouth slightly dry from the rhythmic breathing forced by your touch.
Astarion widens the slack door of your tent and lets himself in, an knowing grin across his face. He immediately sits beside you near your pillow. No matter how unreasonable, there was no doubt to you that he knew your pounding heart was beating for him. You sit up, pulling your blanket up to cover your bare chest, feeling unusually exposed in front of him tonight.
“Shall we?” He asks, ignoring what you felt to be the elephant in the room. Though you felt embarrassment, the idea of him watching you touch yourself made your clit pulsate and wetness continue to flow from within you.
“Oh, yes… of course.” You answer, trying to hide your arousal.
Astarion moves behind you, sitting with one leg on either side of you. This was not his usual approach to feeding, and you wonder what he is planning.
“Darling, do lean back for me,” he requests, his voice deep and velvety. You lay back, resting your bare back against him. Your heart continues to pound in your chest and at this point, you were more than certain he could feel it. You tilt your chin back looking up at home with wide eyes and meeting his crimson gaze. He leans forward, and you anticipate the joining of your bodies with his bite.
To your surprise, he lays a gentle kiss on your neck. You gasp, and blink, was this a dream?
“Is that alright, my dear?” he asks, his lips brushing your neck as he spoke. You nod yes, rendered speechless by his kiss. “May I continue?” he asks again, and you nod once more, moving a hand slowly to touch one of his legs.
His kiss meets your neck again, kissing slowly, his fangs only occasionally catching your skin rather than piercing it. You feel your throbbing heartbeat between your legs, as you feel the blanket you had pulled across your chest begin to slip down as you arch your back to allow Astarion more access to your neck. The cool air grasps your nipples and they grow dense and hard in response.
“Would you like to continue to touch yourself?” He asks.
Yes Gods, Yes. You wanted to. You wanted him to watch you. Still, the bewilderment you felt of these fantastical actions playing out squirmed at the back of your mind.
“Please… I do,” you affirm. You send your free hand back down to your folds, and find them even slipperier than they were before. The blanket falls further down your chest until your breasts are fully exposed and it only covers your hand working on your clit.
Astarion moves a hand to one of your breasts, continuing to kiss your neck and jaw. His cool touch sends lighting through your body.
Your clit throbs under your fingers, swollen and sensitive. As much as you desired these moments to last forever, there was certainly no way you would be lasting very long. Moaning and gasping in Astarion’s arms, you rub yourself hungrily.
It doesn’t take much more to reach your peak, bursting into orgasm suddenly. Your hips sway, and you clench rhythmically around nothing. Your back arches and you press the back of your head into Astarion’s shoulder.
Your neck now even more exposed, Astarion sinks his teeth into you, your rich, crimson blood flowing into his mouth. You burn in pain, and you close your eyes, submitting to him.
Eventually, the rush calms, and you are left a panting, bloody mess in Astarion’s arms. You look up to his face again, this time moving to meet his mouth.
You join in a passionate kiss, and he slides his tongue into your mouth. You taste your own blood in his mouth and relish in imaging how much he enjoys the taste of you.
It was an explosion of passion, nearly as satisfying as your orgasm mere moments before. His soft lips sliding against yours, his fangs occasionally catching, his tongue touching and sliding against your own.
You pull away for a moment, looking into his ruby eyes.
“How…?” you ask, unable to find the words to describe your confusion at the sudden encounter, almost a recreation of what had occurred in your mind only moments before his arrival.
Astarion opens his mind to you, psychically linking to yours through the tadpoles that swum in your brain. You needn’t see his thoughts to know what has happened. How could you be so naive, of course the tadpole. Of course. In your fit of sudden insatiable desire, you left yourself almost completely unattended. Anyone who was tadpole-afflicted that happened to be wandering by may as well had been broadcasted the images you had conjured in your mind.
Without words, Astarion interrupts your thoughts. You see into his own mind, and are flustered by what you see. The same feelings you hold towards him, the same desires, the same yearning, the same love - but all for you.
You sit up, turning to look at him straight on, completely at a loss for words. He had wished for this as much as you had. A gentle, warm smile spreads across your face.
“Will you… stay with me tonight?” you ask, your voice faltering, still riddled with disbelief.
“I want nothing more” He replies, reaching a hand out to cup your cheek.
Like twisting vines, the two of you entangle yourselves in each others arms, and cuddle into the bedroll. Exhausted and contented, the worries that plagued your thoughts earlier that evening were nowhere to be found, and you knew that you wouldn’t be kept up from them ever again.
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melonalemonade · 3 months
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I’ve been having fun with the wizard over on my horknee account on twitter
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comatosebunny09 · 8 months
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Figure drawing is surprisingly lively today.
A question hangs in the air. Something about relationships sitting on your classmates’ tongues. You’re in and out of the conversation. Tucked between your peers’ laughter and the gentle croon of new age music spilling from the speaker.
Your fingers are smudged from the soft pastels you chose as your medium today. Stained red like the irises boring holes into your head, stripping you down to the marrow.
You’re warm when you feel them on you again. Warm like the ivory glow of sunbeams pouring into the classroom. You can’t focus. Can’t get your vision transferred onto paper. Too hard to concentrate. Your skin prickles with heat. You can’t help glancing up at him to lay your curiosities to rest.
He doesn’t look away. Shameless as he watches you, seated pretty on a stool in the center of the classroom. Porcelain-skinned and lithe. Knees tucked beneath his chin, arms slack, encircling his legs to keep them together and up on the stool—a little modesty for today’s pose.
His expression is unreadable. Maybe a bit contemplative. And you don’t miss the slight cant of his lips and the crinkle of his eyes when he catches you staring just as long. He waggles his silver, groomed brows. Like what you see, they query. The heat blooms tenfold through your chest as your eyes return to your sketchbook. Like a grade-schooler caught eying their crush.
Your throat thickens. You wipe your hands on your jeans, hoping to dispel your nerves. Hoping to distract yourself from the ethereal beauty watching you like a best-kept secret. Like you are the sun he’s never basked in, and he wishes to savor every moment beneath it.
Truthfully, Astarion makes you nervous. Makes your heart pump over time, and your tongue feel all doughy in your mouth. Causes the hairs littered across your body to stand ramrod stiff, and you breathe a little shallower when he guides you into idle conversation. He’ll throw in a quip or two to break up the monotony of the classroom, but his focus always drifts back to you.
You’re not sure why he’s always had this penchant for you. Why he sets your nerves afire like solar flares exploding beneath your skin. You can never deny you enjoy the attention. While everyone else vies for his recognition, you capture his intrigue so effortlessly, garnering the envy of your peers.
Maybe somewhere in a past life, you meant something to him. Maybe he exalted you. Offered you the sweetest supplications. Held you dear in the circle of his arms with his lips pressed cold yet reassuring against your forehead.
You shake your head, banishing the cacophony your thoughts. Silly you. Past lives and all that. When the hell did you become such a romantic?
You take up your pastel stick anew. Figure you’ll get the line work down before class ends. However, it’s proving rather tricky with the subject of your piece staring you down like that.
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mintytealfox · 10 months
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looool I hadn't noticed this in game before but Astarion looking at her like 'damn gurl, you're more openly thirsty than I am right now'
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nanaoise08squad · 4 months
As much as the new ascended kiss has me going absolutely feral, I'm a spawn girlie at heart❤️🥺🦇🖤 imagine spawn Astarion accidentally catching your lip with his fang. You wince from the sudden pain, though you don't pull away from the kiss immediately. It's Astarion that breaks from the kiss instead, a slightly worried look on his face as he can see the blood dripping from your lip.
"oh shit, sorry my love" he says softly, tracing his thumb over your cut lip tenderly.
"it's ok, I've definitely had worse" you smile, chucking lightly as you studied his concerned expression. A far cry from the man you'd met on the beach all those months ago. His self centered attitude slowly melted away as he opened his heart to you, protectiveness and love taking it's place in a way neither one of you excepted.
"well, at least let me kiss it better darling" he hums, tongue flicking over your skin to catch the bood before pressing his lips to yours in a gentle, loving kiss.
I'm just weak for spawn Astarion being soft and fluffy with Tav, I just needed to do SOMETHING while I'm stuck at work till 6 😭
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gyldowen-draws · 2 months
Tav Tuesday 2: Electric Boogaloo!
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Welcome back to another Tav Tuesday! I had so much fun last week, I thought I would keep the ball rolling with another set of awesome Tavs (and one Durge lol). Here's this week's line-up:
Kader by @highblooddrumming | Staeve by @velnna Elyon by @irrevocably-delicious | The Dark Urge by TheListenerOfVoid on DA
Stay tuned next week for more cool Tavs! 😊
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itshaejinju · 4 months
Random BG3 Headcanons (#3) -Touch Starved-
Like there are so many characters that are touched starved, just a few people that came to mind and thoughts.
Astarion doesn’t even realize it that he’s touched starved for genuine affection. Not the dalliances for Cazador the fodder he brought back to the mansion. He didn’t even recognize the touches when Tav and slept with him that first time. It wasn’t until they were inspecting the ritual on his back slowly tracing fingers over the thick gnarled scars. Their touch was soothing….healing the horror of what happened a little bit a start to a long journey. Astarion finds himself relaxing, leaning into the gentle strokes and fingers running through his hair as they relax for the night reading a book.
Karlach poor girl is stark raving mad for touch but the fear of burning someone alive with the touch will do that to you. She gets jealous seeing others being able to touch so freely but it doesn’t last long as instead of turning it to anger Karlach loves vicariously through them. She will ask whoever if it is okay to describe it just to help her remember and for private stress release times. When her and Tav finally can touch it’s overstimulating and can’t feel it always so because her system is over drive. Karlach is in such a daze unaware until one morning tangled in arms and legs of Tav that it is the best thing ever. She loves holding hands and will hug anyone willing.
Rolan touched starved because of a wall he put up keeping himself and Lia and Cal safe. There was not much time for personal relations when he spent all of his time studying learning spells and watching his siblings. He knew he would get around to finding a mate but one thing lead to another and he forgot about a spouse, a fling or even any affection that wasn’t platonic. One day Tav placed a flower crown on his head hands grazing over his horns causing a shiver down his spine startling him. Just a small gentle touch and he grew flustered why did that feel good? He didn’t need their affection with all the trouble Tav had caused him already. This bright smile amongst the doom surrounding them. Absolutely melts with fingers being dragged up and down his arms and back, his tail wrapped around Tavs leg.
Dammon didn’t realized he was touch starved until he received a hug from Tav after helping Karlach. That the more he saw Tav as they visited often to have weapons repaired enjoying their company enjoying their open nature. Carefree with their forms of appreciation patting him on the back making him lean into the touches. Throughly enjoys shoulder and neck massages after a long day at the forge.
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rsxavior · 8 months
Astarion x Tav Headcanon
Tav will let Astarion feed on him every night if he could. He'll douse himself in potions to make it happen. All because he likes to see Astarion warm and happy. Astarion always looks more alive afterwards. He can breathe. There is a rare bit of color in his cheeks. He moves more fluidly and with confidence. For a small while Astarion can live free without his vampiric hunger gnawing at his gut and clouding his mind.
Astarion can feel more like a person, and not a dead thing at Cazador's beck and call. Being well fed helps him feel miles away from the person he was forced to be under his master.
So Tav will always offer even when it's stupid, even when it's unwise. Astarion will always make sure Tav drinks plenty of water and gets the sweetest food he can find in camp after he's drank from him.
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greenleafo · 9 months
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sorc tav x gale
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jin-in-faerun · 3 months
Just saw a TikTok of a Cameo that someone has requested of George Taylor (Roland’s VA) doing a reaction to a love confession in character. It was the cutest thing ever. Like he’s so adorable and sweet. Had me like:
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Like it gave me an idea for Tav right before dealing with the end game shit, dropping a confession off at the towers for Rolan. He’s busy with work and sorta dismiss Tav or they sneakily drop it off and he doesn’t read it until later and is all the chaos going around he’s terrified for them as he realizes his feelings and theirs.
Tav comes back all battered and bruised and he’s rushes up them all concerned checking them all over and gently scolding them as he slips out:
“How can the one I love so much be so reckless and brave?”
And Tav is like, “You love me, too?”
“Always my darling.”
Gah why isn’t he a romance option, Larian!? He can be such a Mr Darcy and I love it.
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telumendils · 6 months
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i was just taking screencaps when inspiration struck...
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emblazons · 5 months
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Glawen • Half-Elf | Ranger | Noble Post-Epilogue Adventure • Baldur's Gate III + part ii When the Hero of Baldur's Gate descends into Waterdeep's Dungeon of the Crypt following a lead on the long-lost Cloak of Dragomir (that he might once again grant his lover, the vampire spawn Astarion, moments in the sun), he finds himself hunted by one of the last descendants of the Unseen—an ancient group of shapechangers, illusionists, assassins, thieves, and other evil creatures driven into the underbelly of the Crown of the North over 100 years ago. Armed with little more than wits, a ranger's proficiencies, recountings from Professor Gale Dekarios and the few Unseen histories chronicled in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep, Glawen slowly realizes he is facing a demon even more terrifying than Orin the Red—a greater doppelganger with access to every thought, experience, insecurity and desire he's ever had, with an insatiable thirst to see both him and his beloved ended before the secrets of the dungeon are revealed.
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bhaalbaaby · 5 months
forgot i made this list and never officially posted it on tumblr but here's a tier list of companions least to most likely to notice her curves when they first meet.
small notice: she is not wearing any practical armor because she is not a fighter nor does she really want to be. she is wearing this when they first meet since she was taken while taking a break while working lol
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Wyll - I don't think he'd look at her boobs first. I think he'd be too focused on tadpole and his mission and trying to do the right thing to take a look at her body. He also just the most respectful too. I do think he does notice later at camp though when he can breathe lol
Lae'zel - She doesn't care in the same way as the others. She mostly thinks Penelope is dead meat because she is not in fitted armor and thinks she's just waiting to die lmao
Minthara is similar to Lae'zel. She's busy trying to find the grove and Penelope is just in the way. When she sees her again in her camp, she's more grateful and ready for vengeance than to look at her boobs lol
Shadowheart - She looks but it's more like "Oh she's stacked," but is similar to Wyll where she's like we have bigger things to think about.
Astarion - He looks when he's trying to see how best to use her out and like figuring out how she can serve him. I do think he thinks about her curves though lol
Halsin - Halsin looks and especially at the party thinks about giving in to temptation, but remains strong to his cause, but he definitely thinks about it.
Gale - He gets flustered and has to work hard at not slipping up and mentioning her curves. He thinks he has it under control until he accidentally says that he is abreast of things
Karlach - I think she looks the most but hides it with her height, but she definitely is like eyes boobs eyes boobs eyes boobs. She does ask if she can find her some better armor though so she won't get hurt.
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comatosebunny09 · 8 months
Allowing him time to rebuild his boundaries.
Asking if it’s okay to hug him. If it’s alright to hold his hand. If you can kiss him. Slinking into his tent in the wee hours of the morning, drowsily asking if he would like to cuddle. And he can’t help chuckling at how cautious you are with him. You’re the one who is vulnerable here. Eventually, he gets fed up with you walking on eggshells around him.
“If you want something of me, my love,” he croons into the crown of your head, holding you close and massaging all the world's worries from between your shoulder blades, “You don’t always have to ask.”
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