#tavi kin
honeybatz-png · 3 months
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My boyfriend (@pasteloctoz) got me hyperfixated on redacted sooooo here I am!
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👻 My names Octave (or Tavi) and I use they/he/it with a few neos you can f33l fr33 to ask for!
👻 Due to my biggest hyperfixation being homestuck, I will make a few references from time to time. I also use a typing quirk if you couldnt tell.
👻 I HEAVILY kin Honey and my boyfriend never shuts up about it. Along with that i project onto Honey a lot so they might not be canon canon but like. Still canon.
👻 Idgaf who interacts with me just dont be a weirdo.
👻 Uhmmm other important stuff im black and will say reclaimable slurs.
👻 I like Homestuck (no shit), Scott Pilgrim, Vast Error (HUGE hyperfix), Redacted (no shit x2), Homies Inc, and other stuffs!
👻 Cant really think of what else to put for now, i'll make a tag list later. Cya!!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 9 months
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The Waves the Ship Brings
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO (knots, slick, mpreg), Viking/god Col, fae Dom, plot heavy chapter, PTSD, fear, worried boys, breastfeeding, alpha voice, slight sexism (normal for the times but Col is trying), war talks, mentions of murder, mentions of past questionable sex (Col), family joining together against a greater evil, family togetherness, a little fluff ☠️ Rating: mature ☠️ shared ideas by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
The moment Kol'son walked back into the middle of their village with his wife and babe in his hold they were surrounded by people. He didn't mean to but he knew he snarled and snapped at a few of them. He didn't want Dom dealing with more than he had to, his parents were close and he wanted the prince to rest. Finally it was Tavis who stepped close, not even hesitating to fall in step next to the Viking and take the wolf pup from the siren's arms to check him over. Kol would admire his uncle's balls if he wasn't so up in his head. He only had one thing on his mind first and foremost- get his pack safe. "I could hear him from here. Megna returned?" The lost fair prince asked as he gently looked over the baby.
"Yeah. With a goddess in tow. Fuck. Let me get them settled first." His wife was shaking against his chest and staring wide eyed at their boy. He wouldn't worry him more. He couldn't. Thankfully Tavis nodded and gently handed the wolf back who curled tight on his mother's chest and stayed put.
Tavis opened the hut door before they could reach it and when the calming scent of his family washed over Kol'son it was joined by something that turned his stomach. Nervous pregnant omega. Tom was pacing with a crying Kiva in his hold, it was as if they were feeding off each other's anxiety. Even though he didn't see Modig in the room he knew the news had already spread. Fuck. "I can't calm her down." The selkie's voice was soft and thready as if he were moments away from breaking down himself. All the god could do was get his mate settled on the bed before gently removing the child from the fae.
"She's probably just hungry. You did great Tom." He tried to soothe, he knew he was softer with the man than he used to be. It was something he couldn't help. Before he saw a warrior that might fight him for Dom's affection but now he saw an omega, a pregnant one at that. He was still a fighter and probably more badass than Kol'son thought of himself but… he could be nicer and more open. More emotional. He knew it drove Tom insane though. Until now.
Tom smiled but it was a shaking thing. He surprised himself by stumbling close and hugging the giant Viking as if they were… friends? Family? Oh gods the child was making him mushy. "They're here?" He whimpered against the man's chest before he stepped back and let Kol get the tiny alpha feeding. The sight of his kin so broken and spaced out again reminded him of the days before. He was impressed when the god got Dom free of his pain but he wasn't sure they could bring him back to life again.
"Almost. Megna and her new bitch showed up. They touched my son. Threatened us. She… They thought they could break us." Kol's voice dropped, he didn't want to snap and cry but it was a near thing and his throat felt tight. He sat next to his mate and moved Cia enough to get Kiva settled against Dom's chest to feed. Finally when the cries quieted and those sweet little suckles filled the air he cupped his queen's face and sighed. "We won't let that happen though right, ástin min?"
Dom blinked, the feeling of his child feeding brought him back a little but it was the touch of his husband and the broken sound of his voice that made him fight through fear to focus. "Of course not. I- I'm sorry she used you like tha'. If she knew… I was never made for 'er. Jus' you. She wanted to break tha'."
"Or I was just that hot a piece of ass." Kol'son tried to joke because anything else made him feel sick. He'd thought her a young adult when they'd met. He was barely more than a child but Bjørn had been telling him to act like a man. He was on his first real raid when she came to him. Gorgeous and sweet. She'd turned sharp and mean the next day. He'd spent years trying to prove her insults wrong. He'd made himself a skilled lover by sleeping with and discarding so many women. He'd never wanted a relationship because he didn't trust them not to turn against him at the drop of a hat. She'd broken him so easily for so long but Dom healed all of that.
"You is a very 'ot piece daidí. Get me clothes please?" Dom tried to tease back because he knew at least a little what his leader was going through but the man gave him a sharp look.
"You're not going out there. You fucking with me? No. You two are staying right here with the kids." He explained, putting his foot down and just a little of that old alpha power in his voice. Dom scoffed and Tom stepped closer and he stood fast, placing his hands on the selkie's shoulders. Before he could start whatever tirade he was about to go on the Viking tried to explain. "Look at yourself Tom. Do you want them knowing? Do you truly want them knowing after all their potions that you were still able to build a family here? Do you want the people who tried to destroy who you were to know you have a child on the way? That there's two breedable omegas here?" He didn't mean to be harsh but he couldn't help it. The bastard was part of his family now and he didn't want him risking himself. When the fae grumbled and glared up at him he leaned closer. "There's no one I trust more to watch my family while I deal with this alright? Please? Dom needs you."
"Dom don't need shite cause Dom's going! 'Ey me family Kols." The siren scoffed from the bed and Kol spun around so fast he almost made himself dizzy.
He knew it was the situation. He knew it was the knowledge there was another alpha god so close that wanted his family. He knew it was the stress of protecting everyone yet again but all of it was too much and he couldn't hold back a little of the beast inside him. "They are not your fucking family omega! I am! These children are! I will keep you safe but you will listen to me or be punished." The last dropped to a graveled growl and he watched as his wife's eyes flashed gold and the boy swallowed hard, squeezing his thighs together. Kol's brow arched, his nostrils flaring. The scent of Dom's slick was unmistakable. "Really?"
"Shut the fuck up." Dom whined, blushing hot and looking away. He was more embarrassed than he should be but he was happy to have the tension broken. Tom even giggled at him. The fae took a deep breath and nodded, sighing when his lover knelt close and kissed his temple.
Kol nuzzled his mate's hair and pet his daughters face with the back of his knuckles. It was always a strange sight, his war torn skin looked shocking against their children's smoothness. He would die to keep them safe from harm though and yet again he was facing something that might be more than he could handle. The first war had ended alright though and he had more power now. "Be good for me for now?" He begged softly and the fae nodded, turning his pink face back for a lingering kiss.
When the Viking finally pulled away he tried to mentally prepare himself, his gaze circling the room to remind himself of all he had to protect. He paid special attention to their sweet Ronan, he was fearful for him most. They were sure Rose was an omega as well but Áine seemed to have a fucking type. Gods he wanted to rip her to shreds. Tavis placed a palm on his shoulder and he nodded. Maybe he didn't want to leave but they had work to do. Damnit.
The fresh air was almost a disappointment after the scent of his family but he led Tavis away until he thought Dom wouldn't be able to hear them. He sent out a mental pulse, summoning his cousin and two of the fae but more than that appeared around him. Tavin- Tavis's brother circled close. The poor nymph was a little mad but he was powerful and certainly on their side. Inga of course would never stray too far from her family. Mod with a pipe between his lips. Finally Ádam and Ben showed up and he felt a little more peace. It was strange realizing only two of these people were his originally, the rest they'd gathered along the way from Dom's side but they all felt close and important but… "We're missing- where the fuck is Pete?"
"He followed the women to the other village." Ben explained and Kol nodded before he realized the implication and felt sick.
"She went home? Where she-" He couldn't even finish the statement but he felt disgusted. He couldn't even sleep in the room his mother had died in but Meg was returning to the home she slaughtered her mother and sisters in. What the fuck was wrong with her? "No matter. At least they aren't close to the babes." He huffed, clearing his throat and swallowing bile. "I need to ask… just to get it out of the way- can we just set the boat on fire?"
Inga and Mod chuckled while the fae twins remained somewhat stoic but Ádam and Ben gave him a look. "Did you forget your mate is a selkie? They can swim. They'll just be pissed and it will be an all our war when they reach land. We don't want war." Kol'son wasn't sure about that. He kind of wanted a war. He could easily stand at the shore and throw rocks at approaching seals. He had somewhat forgotten what his wife was though… Dom so rarely slipped into his second skin. He was starting to realize it might be because the boy wanted to separate himself from his terrible kin. He understood but he hoped they could make a new pack. Their own.
"Fine so… we welcome them. Be fucking diplomatic until we can't. We take them to the other village, I don't want anyone near Dom. For now we treat it… like I'm meeting my in-laws." He couldn't help but gag at the thought. The wolf inside him was clawing to get out and eat them all. Perhaps rip their hearts out. It didn't matter as long as he ended up soaked in the blood of those who wronged his family but he couldn't do it too quickly. "I think if we make a show of being as close and mingled as we are they won't think they can come against us. We have our own royalty here. From what Dom has told me their numbers are dwindling and ours are rising. Will you stand with me brother?"
Mod startled, he had thought his cousin was talking to his father and uncle but no. Technically he was the new fae ruler. Well, he and his mate and Dom but he couldn't bring the omegas into it. He pushed his wild hair back and took another deep drag of his herbs, offering his pipe to his obviously stressed kin. "Of course I am. Where else have I ever stood?" He smiled and caught his father's prideful look. "And the two of you?" He didn't want the previous generation thinking they didn't matter. He was only a halfling but mad or not the brothers were renowned for their strength.
Tavis grinned and nodded. He might be enjoying his retirement but he knew he was far more adept at meeting royalty than his Viking family. A little while before he would have been too scared to face Megna again but with his kin near and the emotional strength he'd built finding his love and son and brother again he felt ready. He could handle anything with and for them. Besides, they were also threatening his grandchild and that wouldn't do. He knew things others didn't and he would do all he could to see the future come to fruition. It was a beautiful thing. No wicked goddess would ruin that. He just wished he could tell them but that might knock the wrong thing off course. He could help though, he just prayed it wouldn't be too rough a journey for his family.
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @manicpixiedreamb0y @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
What does Tavis know? How will Dom's family act? How are they going to get out of this? Will Dom actually stay in bed? Lots of questions and I'm still working out the answers 😂 but I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the fluffy moments and Dom's precious embarrassment. Who doesn't love Col's growly voice? 👀🖤☠️
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silversiren1101 · 9 months
17 and 36 from the last set of OC questions for Her majesty, Queen Morolai?
OC Asks Game
So excited to see you in my inbox, friend! All for Queen Moro the Terrible 💚
17. Who are they soft for? Do they find being soft easy or difficult?
Ohhh, is Moro soft on anyone? Hmm, definitely Varndekai after a little while, honestly. She lets him get away with much and finds amusement in his own amusement. The years pass, he's a good partner and supplicant, he gets away with a little more and more.
Otherwise, definitely Octavia and Regongar. 'Tavi especially since they have similar shitty childhoods as scions of their 'noble' houses but cast aside or treated like dirt for being bastard half-elven children. Moro encourages Octavia to burn down the home of her mother and nurtures that thirst for vengeance and little edge of viciousness in her, pushes her closer to Calistria in a way. She does recognize 'Tavi will never reach her level and is okay with that, simply seeking to empower the young lady to pursue the life of freedom and comfort she desires. Regongar is also in a similar boat for Moro, though she's a little more disapproving when he causes trouble for her rule. Still, she wishes to see the former slave grab his freedom by the draconic claws and teeth, giving him comfort and power. Honestly, as the bigger and more cunning dragon she sees him as kin she feels a drive to shelter and nurture.
As for overall, Moro does not find kindness coming naturally to her, nor softness. She must be strong. She must not show any weakness. Softness is weakness.
36. Tell us something about your OC that doesn't make it onto the page?
This is a hard one! She's actually relatively simple all things considered as a character! I'd say her total... gracelessness casting magic. She's all force. No nuance. No grace. Sheer force of will contorting magic to fit her will. It's aggression and rage, crackling and malformed, exploding on impact as it barely contains its shape.
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another-stray-dog · 1 year
Kin list time
Yes, Me, Myself and I
Of course :
Junkrat (Overwatch)
Octane (Apex Legends)
Cassidy (Overwatch)
Symmetra (Overwatch)
Will Graham (Hannibal Nbc)
Yes I relate and kin :
Jinx (Arcane/League of Legends)
Bloodhound (Apex Legends)
Rampart (Apex Legends)
Wraith (Apex Legends)
Tracer (Overwatch)
Kin but like
Not heavily?? :
Widowmaker (Overwatch)
Wattson (Apex Legends)
Revenant (Apex Legends)
This might get updated it might not.
Anyways, Sí!!
Honestly just ask me what name or pronouns at any time and I'll tell you
Jamie, Tavio/Tavi/Tav, Cass, Bugs
He/Him, They/Them, It/It's, (And it really depends but sometimes she/her)
Adios Amigos
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fictionkinfessional · 3 years
Every time I play against a Crypto who has his stupid nerdy glasses skin I wanna kiss him so bad but I CANT cause I’m supposed to kill him it’s very sad actually I just wanna kiss BOYFRIEND hes so nerdy and cute and anxious AUGH - Tavi (Apex Legends)
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mrpeby · 6 years
how to deal with becoming kin
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aipilosse · 3 years
ooops, didn’t specify from which list 🤦🏼‍♀️ I meant “once bitten, twice shy” :)
(First part was Ost-in-Edhil, any characters :)))) From this list of prompts.
This turned into 1,000 words of silvergifting, focused on my favorite subject, Annatar lying to himself. Warning for elves and dwarves making drugs look cool.
Annatar woke up in Celebrimbor’s bed feeling worse than he could remember feeling in centuries. The fact that he was even waking up was a bad sign — he typically didn’t need sleep; his fëa was separated from his hröa in such a way that sleep wasn’t necessary for the storage and capture of memory.
He blearily felt across the bed. The other side was cold and the blankets were undisturbed. He couldn’t even claim that he ended up here as part of his plan to seduce Celebrimbor; a successful seduction typically required at least two people in bed at the end of it. 
He tried to remember what had happened last night. Tani was in town and she had brought an array of exotic goods as usual. The Khazad-dûm dwarves were good for more than mithril; they also provided access to a vast trading network east of the Misty Mountains. This time she hadn’t brought fine fabrics and beautiful glasswork; instead she had spread out an array of dried mushrooms, each a more alarming combination of colors than the last.
“We tried some of these when my kin brought them to Khazad-dûm,” Tani said. “A monochrome fabric will look like a rainbow, you’ll feel heat and cold like you’ve never felt before, and problems that have been locked deep in your mind will come springing out. But you have to be careful — if you consume them with darkness in your heart you might spend the whole night screaming.”
Annatar knew from the first sentence that passed Tani’s lips that the Gwaith-i-Mírdain who were gathered around the dwarf were going to try the mushrooms, even if the consequences she had described were twice as likely and twice as dangerous. He also knew that her description was accurate. He had encountered such plants in his journeys in the east and seen them used by sages and torturers alike. 
When they gathered in their corner of the common room that evening with a jar full of sweet fruit and nut paste that would be their vehicle for the mushrooms, Annatar had tried to demur.
“Eating a fungus is not going to grant me any insights I don’t already have. Besides, I don’t even metabolize the chemical components that create the psychedelic effect.”
“But couldn’t you change that?” Celebrimbor asked.
“Yes…” The next question was inevitable.
“Don’t you want to try it with us? You might not discover anything you didn’t already know, but you won’t know until you try.”
“It would be a waste,” Annatar tried as a last ditch attempt.
Celebrimbor squeezed his hand under the table. “There is plenty for us all to share.”
“Fine.” Some time later he needed to figure out why he always caved when Celebrimbor asked him to do something. It could potentially interfere with things. “If we really are set on ingesting strange mushrooms on the word of a dwarvish trader—” Tavi made a noise of protest. “We should try to only consume the mushrooms. Other mind-altering substances like alcohol should be avoided; they will only interfere.”
From his position curled up in Celebrimbor’s bed, Annatar eyed an empty wine bottle cast on the floor. He vaguely remembered making the smallest alternation to his liver so that he could feel the effects of the mushrooms. Was that the error? Or was it the alcohol he must have ingested? Or did he have more than one mushroom, or even worse, multiple kinds of mushrooms?
He remembered Celebrimbor pressing the drug against his lips and smiling widely as Annatar did the same. He remembered being convinced that he’d made the alteration to his liver too subtle as he laughed at his friends discovering their own fingers, the grain of the table, and the bubbles in a fermented drink. He remembered Celebrimbor pressing his face to Annatar’s neck, murmuring about colors so beautiful he couldn’t bear to see. And he had told him to look because even if he forgot in the morning it was worth the joy of seeing now. Annatar had not been looking at the candlelight, or the condensation on the glasses, or listening to the rippling ebb of voices; he had been staring at Celebrimbor’s face.
That was the last coherent memory. He dragged himself upright and dourly eyed the trail of clothes that led to the bed. He couldn’t imagine the state he had been in to throw his clothes on the ground with no thought to their upkeep or proper place.
Physical sensations are only temporary. Pain is meaningless, Annatar thought to himself as he slowly put on a linen shirt and carefully folded the rest of his garments and set them on a table. He picked up the empty wine bottle, grimacing the whole time, and finally exited the room.
“You’re up!” Celebrimbor greeted him from his desk with a devastating amount of energy. 
“Yes,” was all he could manage as he took in Celebrimbor, fully dressed and very awake. He took a second glance as he slumped on the couch across from him. His relatively composed state was not quite as impressive as it had been at first; he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and his braids were definitely on their second day of wear. “Did you sleep at all?”
“No. After I helped you to bed, I stayed up all night writing on colorimetry.” He gestured at the stack of paper next to him. “No promises that it’s comprehensible though,” he said with a wry smile.
“Aren’t you tired?” Annatar found Celebrimbor’s complete disregard for what one might term healthy habits concerning at the best of times, but more and more he was wondering how he’d survived the First Age.
“Not at all! Look what else Tavi brought us.” Celebrimbor thrust a mug of pungent liquid towards him. Annatar recognized another familiar plant from the east: a bean that could be used in several different forms as a stimulant. He had used it in the past as a paste given to slaves to increase productivity. Celebrimbor was of course drinking it as if it were as harmless as water.
“Aren’t you tired of modifying your state of being with chemicals?” he asked.
Celebrimbor just laughed at him. “Actually tonight we were going to try the set of mushrooms we didn’t get to last night. Will you join us?”
“Absolutely not.” While Annatar was not perfect, no matter how he strove for it, he could at least resist making the same mistake two nights in a row. 
“Very well; I don’t think it will be quite as enjoyable without you.” The cool silver  eyes were so warm.
“Aren’t you going to sleep at all?” Annatar asked, trying to convey his disapproval. 
Celebrimbor began throwing some things in a bag. “Maybe this afternoon. Lofrik composed a ballad last night, he’s going to perform it soon. Would you like to join me?”
Annatar could think of few things he’d like less in his current state than listening to a dwarvish ballad composed under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms. “I would not.”
Celebrimbor poured him a glass of water and sat on the arm of the couch as Annatar drank it. “Want me to have anything sent here?”
“Just some bread.” He should probably object to being fussed over, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. 
Celebrimbor laughed. “I’ll have someone come by. I’ll be back later to try to convince you to join us again tonight.” 
As Celebrimbor left the room, Annatar shuddered at the thought of a repeat of last night. He had been right about one thing at least; the mushrooms had no insights to offer him whatsoever.
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stimmedtavi · 3 years
about me!
hey!! are u interested in who i am? that's pretty cool :D here's some info on me.
first here's my carrd
here's some other stuff about me: - yes i use sea/seaself but you don't have to use those pronouns for me, i don't mind as long as you don't refer to me as it/it's and she/her - i kin! my highest kin is octane and i don't really enjoy having personal contact with doubles. if u just rlly like octane i don't mind that at all but if you are also someone who has tav as your highest kins i'd feel most comfortable if you didn't message me directly or anything. kind of stupid and this sort of fluctuates but eh it's my account so.. - if you write serious nsfw about tavi on tumblr i do not feel comfortable with you interacting with my posts. i'm 16 meaning i'm underaged and i feel extremely uncomfortable when nsfw blogs rb posts of mine with something... ""interesting"" as either the tags or the caption. - that being said JOKES abt nsfw stuff are hilarious to me. as long as you aren't someone who writes massive fics about octane getting dicked down to hell i do not care!! - if you write r/pe, inc/est or b//stiality fics do not come near this blog. do not ever talk to me or interact. i fucking despise you and you make me angrier than you know. - in the past i've said that i won't write for trans octane because as a trans person talking ab dysphoria triggers my own. this still stands true but i don't take it so seriously anymore. if requested i will write for him, if not then it most likely won't happen. - i'm open for all requests as long as they are nsfw and not triggering. i write heavy angst sometimes but i'm never going to write something that has serious offenses like sa or r/pe because as i've stated previously it makes me angry. - self shippers with octane are fine to interact but i think maybe i should make it clear since i'm a kinnie i don't want to rp w you.. i had that happen in a discord server once it was kind of odd. didn't enjoy.
ok swag now that that big. thing is over here comes me and my apex stats!
APEX STUFF!! mains: octane (obvi), crypto, lifeline, wattson characters i also feel comfortable playing: revenant, loba, horizon - started playing in season 4 - i used to only get to play 2-3 times a week bcs i only had a console at my papas - i now have a second account at my mamas so on that account i'm only level 10 or so but at my papas i'm level 311 or smthn dumb like that users: stimmedtavi and onjahelijah kdr: it isn't very good lol.. i think it's .56 rn (it's a work in progress i promise T-T) fav loadout: r301 and wingman can i carry? if by carry you mean get your banner after you die bcs i'm terrified of everything than yes!! precaution to playing apex with me: i have severe anxiety and get overwhelmed very quickly, i will most likely not play with mic on due to this. if we play together more often i will probably turn mic on but then again it's distracting for me. i am very good at pinging things tho so communication is no issue! when i do have my mic on you may hear me ticcing or stimming in the background bcs my mic is shitty and oversensitive.. just ignore it lol sorry. you might also hear my teeth chattering bcs i shake a lot when i play apex still nsbdkv this is mostly why i don't play on mic apart from the fact i sound like a little baby. i'm still not super good at this game but i play for fun, not to win. i like this game a lot but if you're sweaty i'm not the teammate for you so don't add me if you're expecting a lot lol. this is long sorry i just don't want to disappoint someone with my lack of Epic Gamerness.
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viterwrites · 4 years
The Night Of Rebirth
Whumptober Day 4: Collapsed Building. Setting: Draihaw (new, to be used in future FATE games).
It was a night like no other. At dusk few would say—or think so—but it was one of a kind not seen in Liave in a long, long time. Perhaps, ever since the demise of the Republic. 
There was no sign, no warning, except for the growing tension in the realm. All and everyone hoped to stall for time, to be elsewhere, to be safe when the bubble bursts, hoped it wouldn’t happen for as long as they were vulnerable. And it didn’t. For a time.
Until the inevitable happened and the grandeur of the City of Mirrors shattered, much like broken glass. 
A noble, they were. The heir to, perhaps, the wealthiest and the most influential family, known for its literal and metaphorical control of the city. Was it within the bounds of law? There were none who would tell, and none who would ask. Those who had never got their answer. And had never got to step outside the gates. Er’Auphteqhs weren’t known to be bloodthirsty, but they guarded their secrets better than anyone else. All because those were hidden in the depths of the miles-tall city that was Flacauldr. At the bottom of the giant city, yet the building seeing more sunlight than the towers up top. 
The heir wasn’t known well outside of the family: just another secret kept close to the heart. They roamed free all across the city, taught by life itself, though, of course, they had the best tutors they could afford. Tutorship, however, was not nearly enough for the sphere his kin operated in. Only personal involvement could fill in the gaps, and that is what they did.. After all, how can one learn control of water if they’re bound to earth? 
Neither could one hear the whispers of the City, should they stay within their family garden.
So they walked. Up and down, into the spires of the royals and the deepest parts of the underground, where no mundane would dare descend. Every corner and every alley, every staircase and every well — they learned of all in time, and knew them all, in a way that most would not. And could not.
Not that it helped when the skies crashed to the earth. 
First they knew was panic. The sheer panic, at first coming from above, then spreading and spreading until it swallowed them whole. All was quiet, yet the city was screaming in a million voices, maybe warning, maybe pleading for help—but they could do nothing. And understood nothing. Couldn’t even move, overwhelmed by it all. Pathetic, for a descendant of such a family. But, alone, they couldn’t do much.
Then, in a single moment, the cacophony of voices turned into a single scream that left them deaf. Not to the material—this had nothing to do with their hearing—but to the spiritual. The scream was loud, so terrible, they fell down to their knees, pressing their hands knowing it wouldn’t help at all. The voices melted into one, until they became a continuous squeak. And then went silent. Forever.
The same moment they felt something crash into their back and bury them underneath. And all went black.
Time passed. They awoke, finding themselves under the rubble, pinned to the ground be various shards of stone, metal and spirits know what else. With no hearing, sense of smell or orientation. They yelled, not knowing if it would reach anyone. It wouldn’t. Couldn’t. For minutes, hours.
Until it did. And an arm pulled them out, only to release them and be taken back in shock the moment after. Shock, disgust. They didn’t know. But they knew something had happened. Even though their hearing, their vision came back in a painful process, something—aside from losing their single purpose in life—was different. 
They raised their hand. It was the colour of cyan, and not… solid, although it felt as such. They passed out.
Months went by in recovery. Once they could hold their own, they found out about the death of their kin, of their death. Or was it their? Could they still call themselves the name they were given? No, they could not. And they didn’t. Er’Auphteqhs remained dead, and they became a person with no heritage and no paved road but a long path ahead. Yet, for the first time in their life, they were free. No one would prevent them from talking with people, no one would make them stay out of cafes, theatres and bars, no one would tell them to bide their time and wait till they were old. They had no age anymore. And no title.
Only the name. Tavi.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 9 months
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The Buds Bloom in Spring
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warning: ABO (knots, slick, mpreg), Viking/god Col, fae/god Dom, fluff, smut, we all deserve some happy, spring puns, fear, PTSD, a few mentions of sexual assault and miscarriage (Dom), some angst, needy boys, bites/marking, commands, masterbation, facials, cum shot, teasing, body worship, almost annoying amounts of love and worship, god puns, Col being silly, Col being cocky af, lactation kink, cum tasting, cliffhanger (sexy one) ☠️ rating: explicit ☠️ shared ideas by: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤 Dom centric body worship chapter because: happy birthday Dom! 🎂
Dom was nervous. He knew he should be relaxed, they'd literally just destroyed the only people after them but he was anxious sitting with his pups with all their people milling around. He wanted to trust their clans but there was a small voice in the back of his mind whispering they had never caught whoever Megna convinced to help her. He knew it wasn't Tavis- he was a last minute weapon that she used wrong, and it wasn't Eric- he was her last ditch effort. He worried that meant there was someone about who helped to poison him and his children. It was impossible for him to enjoy the food unless explicitly brought to him by Inga but she didn't mind. She was just as careful as he was honestly.
The party was in full swing, almost everyone was deep in their cups and wild. He knew part of it was the relief but honestly he knew their people loved to have fun- any excuse was a good excuse. It was normally a beautiful sight to him but he was scared. He couldn't get rid of it completely. It was incredible to witness all three- now four clans mingling even though the newest additions were a small number. For now. It was obviously a little split, they couldn't completely get their human villagers comfortable with their magical ones but as long as they weren't fighting it was fine.
Kol'son was close of course, he'd shifted back and their son had thankfully followed suit but the man was more drunk than he probably meant to be. Dom was used to being pawed at, he loved it normally but with everything that had tumbled from his mouth that day he was… sensitive. To say the least. He wasn't annoyed, he adored the Viking and totally understood his need for libations. The god had been through hell right along with him, he deserved the peace of mind that alcohol and their kin's herbs hopefully brought. Dom just didn't feel comfortable taking part. He wanted to be sober just in case. There was a sick feeling in his stomach and he wasn't sure if it was the revenge, their newly growing babe, or his fear.
"Mmm, who's the most beautiful bitch at this feast?" Kol purred as he leaned over to his wife's throne and kissed his cheek. He could feel there was something off but he couldn't place what it was which always drove him insane.
"Ciarán?" Dom teased back, feeling enough levity to at least play along and they both searched out their happy son in the crowd. Cia was dancing with his uncles, his arms tangled around Tom's neck. He was obviously sleepy but warring with himself. He'd be out before long but they trusted their brothers to care for him.
"Close, but no." The god hummed, his lips working a trail down the boy's neck. Normally the siren would be pushing into it, begging with his body and mind that they get even closer but he only tilted his head and that more than anything worried the wolf.
"Rose?" He teased, gently rocking the basket their daughters were in. The boy's had their own as if they'd accidentally paired alpha and omega together. It wasn't on purpose though, which babes were most comfortable with each other could change daily. Sometimes they switched who they wanted to snuggle with and at times they wouldn't calm unless they were all close together.
"Definitely close, but no. You're the prettiest bitch. But I'll remember to tell the kids you implied they were." He joked, chuckling when Dom scoffed.
"Oh but it's good enough for me?" The boy asked, his jade eyes innocent and wide as his gaze met Kol'son's and made his heart stutter. They'd been together for years but it never mattered, Dom would always be so gorgeous it took his breath away.
The Viking sighed, his lips curling in a dopey smile and he cupped his queen's cheek and caressed his pink skin with his thumb. "You've always been my bitch." He teased, the tip of his thumb ghosting over his lover's bottom lip. "From thrall to goddess. Why am I not surprised? I thought you were one the day I found you with my father's sword between your legs."
Dom choked, his cheeks turning even redder at his husband's words. Gods the man was smashed, he didn't normally talk so sweetly in front of others but he hoped no one heard that and took it wrong. The selkie huffed, biting the tip of his daidí's finger and sucking softly. He wasn't surprised by the way his belly flipped or the way his core tingled, if anything he was thankful. He was scared the goddess of rot had broken something inside him but he wasn't daft enough to think everything would be perfect automatically. "I'd raver your sword between 'em."
A low growl rumbled in the alpha's chest and he stood without another word. He honestly didn't give a fuck if the feast was in their name, they'd spent time with their people and it was time to get his mate alone, it'd be going on for days anyway. Dom didn't know which he was more impressed by- the way his husband gripped both baskets in one hand or the moment he slipped an arm under the siren's ass and scooped him up as well. A high squeak escaped him that of course the man chuckled at but he was thrown half over the brute's shoulder and couldn't help but be embarrassed.
'We've got the boy. Would you like us to take the babes?' Mod's voice floated through their minds but Dom shook his head. He needed them close and it would be better if no one had to come knocking every time little mouths needed fed. He thought a quick thank you but couldn't really look up, his husband had him at an awkward angle though he wouldn't complain. Kol'son's ass might be less plump than his own but let's be real- no one had an ass like him and he adored every inch of his mate anyway. Down to his perky sweet butt. The moment night air surrounded him instead of the smoky great hall he let one hand wander down his daidí's back to tuck inside the back of his pants. The Viking stumbled before hiking Dom more stable on his shoulder and he pulled the boy's tunic up. The siren squeaked, a fresh trickle of slick escaping his overheated folds but he blushed even warmer. He walked around naked frequently but having just his ass and pussy on display in the cool night air was surprisingly erotic.
He didn't know what his husband's next move would be but the position certainly brought back memories of their first walk together. It must have for the god as well because in the next moment he felt fangs scraping over the first bite Kol ever gave him. "Alpha?" He whimpered, his half hard cock twitching against his lover's skin. The walk was bumpy but it brought him vibrations of arousal and the night stayed silent around them. It was oddly peaceful besides their growing harsher breaths and his low whines.
Kol sighed when he finally got them back to their hut. The walk had felt too long and too short at the same time. Part of him was scared to treat this like any other night. He didn't exactly know how to approach sex after everything he knew Dom went through. He hadn't been thinking and he knew he was too intoxicated but they both had needs and he wasn't scared to try… just terrified to break the boy more. He kicked the door closed behind them before setting their babes down in the nest, they were fine in their baskets until they woke up. He was more careful with his queen than he normally would be- cradling the back of his neck and wrapping his arm around his plush thighs as he laid him down. It wasn't just an emotional thing, he was carrying incredibly precious cargo and after everything they'd been coming to terms with he had to be gentle.
Dom smiled up at his lover but the moment his spine hit the bed and his second skin the Viking started to pull away. There was a nervous clench to the man's jaw that had him worried. Kol backed up enough to help him undress but those gorgeous blue eyes never met his and the tightness in his jaw never relaxed. "Daidí?" He asked softly, his voice barely above a breath. He wanted to pull him close but maybe he was still anxious too because the moment he was bare he let his god step away.
Kol'son walked around the room and lowered their fires before stripping off his own clothes and crossing his arms as he stared at the boy he loved more than anything. Dom was laying out, his legs fallen open, his hand resting over the soft swell of his belly. He hadn't even had time to lose his bump and now it would grow full again. He couldn't wait. It always made the siren a goddess but… he truly was one. He couldn't help wondering if the glow under his pale skin was the baby or his magic or some perfect combination of both. Dom's toes were curling in his fur below him, betraying his nerves but at least he could see the kid's arousal in the twitch of his dick and the slick wet shine over his pretty pink pussy. Even his nipples were wet, the sucked rosy buds matching his core and the tip of his cock. "What scares you?" The god didn't mean to ask it, he was just terrified of how to handle himself and he thought honesty was best. He wouldn't hurt him.
Dom startled, a soft breath escaping him. He didn't know exactly how to answer but he knew his lover was only trying to help. "She touched me." He whispered, his gold reflective gaze darting to his shaft before he looked back to Kol. The alpha was hard for him, his cock hanging heavy and red between his strong thighs. His knot was already threatening to pop, pulsing at the base. His golden skin was shiny with sweat and his muscles were twitching all over as if he was fighting himself not to lunge.
His jaw clenched, his lip pulling up in a snarl before he caught himself and relaxed. "That's mine but… it's also yours. Will you touch yourself for me? I know you need me to erase it but… I think it'll help you more if you start." He knew it didn't exactly make sense but it did to him. He wanted the boy to prove to himself he didn't need Kol to feel better. He had his own power. His own strength. It's what the man fell in love with when they were just a man and a seal pup.
Dom tried to breathe deep but everything was trembling. His demons were trying to flash the memory of her in his mind but his mate had asked him for something. He wouldn't let him down. His palm caressed over his belly and he felt himself go softer as he curled a fist around his dick. He was thankful when his husband walked closer and knelt next to the bed, his pheromones thick enough he could taste them on the back of his tongue. "That's it. A little more? Squeeze. Pull the hood back for daidí? Want to see you." The god's voice shook, his hot breath smelled of those spiced herbs and wine and it tickled the siren's skin. He did as he was told of course, his thumb rubbing over the head of himself to draw back his foreskin and a bead of precum trailed down his shaft.
It reminded them both of their early days. Dom had been so innocent and naive to the point he called orgasms 'feeling good'. They made love before the prince ever even jacked off. He learned how to pleasure his master before himself. Kol taught him that as well, talking him through it until he found every little thing that made him squirm and whimper. He'd started to go soft but he felt himself filling again until his dick was throbbing but he kept everything slow. Soft. He didn't want to cum without his mate.
"Feel good ástin min? Hard for me- for yourself aren't you?" That voice dropped to gravel and hinted at a growl and Dom shivered, nodding once. "Fuck yeah you are. Such a gorgeous bitch. Cunts wet too isn't it? Yeah. I can hear it. Making yourself drip. Look how gorgeous you are."
A hand tangled in Dom's hair and tilted his head up so he would actually look down at himself. He'd rather watch his husband drooling over him but he obeyed because he knew it made his alpha happy in all the right ways. He watched himself, the way his fingers looked wrapped around his pulsing shaft, the way precum dripped down and tickled over his skin. He let himself drift at the sounds of his play and his own breathing and the soft growl in his lover's chest. Every stroke drove him closer and closer and he was so lost to it he didn't feel Kol'son moving until a tongue flicked over his cockhead. "Fu-fu-ck!" His voice broke and his pleasure surprised them both- white heat squirting over the Viking's face. His lips weren't curled around the tip so when Dom came he was splashed all over, some of it even dripping over his eyelashes and nose. The siren moaned through it, he couldn't stop himself so he kept rubbing until every drop was free and his toes were curling from overstimulation. He was surprised at his pleasure, normally his core was more involved but while he was soaking between his thighs he wasn't sure he'd cum that way.
Kol blinked slowly as he sat at his wife's feet and licked over his lips. He was suitably surprised, he'd given the boy countless facials but never been given one. He loved burying his face between Dom's legs and getting drowned in his slick and he adored blowing him but that… was a first. Who knew they could still find some? "You look pretty in pearls." The goddess purred before finally letting himself giggle and Kol'son couldn't stop himself from laughing too and preening playfully, posing a few silly ways just to make his mate chuckle harder. Dom laughed until his stomach hurt and when he finally settled he just watched his perfect man slowly wiping his face clean and sucking his fingers clean. He was moving so carefully as if he didn't want a drop to escape. "Filfy whore you is."
Kol grinned, sticking his tongue out that he knew was coated in white before he swallowed his mouthful and crawled up over the boy. "You love it." He hummed back, his voice dripping sex the way his skin dripped sweat over Dom's body. The scent of him was intoxicating and the siren knew he wasn't going soft anytime soon. He needed his lover in a way he couldn't describe. It wasn't his heat- he was pregnant. It wasn't just his fear though that was still there, quieter but there.
"I love you." He whispered, his plumb black lips parting on a happy sigh as Kol settled between his spread legs. His body flinched when that oversized monster cock brushed his folds. He didn't mean to and it hurt his heart but the feeling of that bitch was still fresh. Before Kol could try to pull away or take anything wrong he wrapped his arms around his neck, his legs around the god's waist, and he pulled him down till they were flush together. "Don't go. I won't apologize but you know you ain't doing nuffin wrong." He soothed, letting his hips sway, teasing his dripping core against his alpha's pulsing hot cockhead.
The god groaned, rolling his lip between his teeth as he watched the boy but he had to take him at his word. He just wanted to worship the goddess and erase every bad thought or feeling from him. Wash other people's sins away in his cum and sweat and blood. "I'll make you pure again before I make you fucking filthy." He rasped and he watched as those golden eyes were swallowed by his pupils. He could feel Dom's core clenching and trickling fresh need against his tip. "Should I try fucking another litter into you?" He teased, a smirk curling his lips. He had to be himself and trust Dom to be honest. It was the only way for them to move on.
"You know it don't work like tha'. Jus' one 'is time." The boy huffed back but he was too enraptured to roll his eyes. They both knew he was probably wrong about the number though.
Kol scoffed, arching a brow as he let his hips roll, his dick easing playfully from hole to hole. He pressed a bit harder, letting himself catch first against the boy's ass then his pussy, bouncing his tip against Dom's balls before slipping back down. Everything was so wet they were already squelching and he knew they couldn't be quiet. They just couldn't. "You should really know better by now sweet boy. I'm going to need you to hold on though- see…" He trailed off with a sigh before he pushed himself to sit up with Dom wrapped around him and he let his palms pet down the siren's back to grip his ass hard. "I've been holding back for years, just a little. You can take me now though can't you? My goddess. You want to see if we can break the bed?" Dom whimpered but nodded, his claws making pinprick marks on Kol's skin. When the wolf smiled next it was pure power and it caught his breath in his chest but the next words truly made him melt. "Good boy."
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @manicpixiedreamb0y @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @cole-way-iero28 🖤
I hope you enjoyed Dom's (kind of) birthday chapter! I wanted to write something special for him but I didn't know if I could work in his actual birthday so hopefully this works. They're still dealing with stuff but I think they'll be okay 👀 How much more intensive can they get? Will they break the bed? Will the babies interrupt? Will Dom accidentally make everyone fertile and bring spring too early? Doesn't Kol look pretty in pearls? 🫣🖤☠️
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God, the last time I even actually accepted that I was kin w/ Travis Phelps was back in April and now I have 2 tl's?? One where Sal was released and the cult was busted and the other where almost the same events as Ch.5 happened but Larry didn't disappear, he wasn't even in any kind of void, after Ash burned the treehouse down he was kind of? bound to her in a sense? he could go where he pleased but instead of the treehouse keeping him stuck here it was Ash (1/2) (#Tavis🗡️🌈)
I.. still stabbed my father, but I was able to let go of the handle before I was pulled in too. Even now I don't think I could express my gratitude to Sal, he truly believed that I was a good person in both lives, and Larry? I'm grateful that we were able to start dating. To everyone, I'm so sorry you all had to go through that because of that cult. I hope maybe one day you all can forgive me. (2/2) (#Travis🗡️🌈)
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6sheep · 4 years
it’s 2020 and kel @sheep6 is kinning rikki tikki tavi
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
OTP Theme Songs
Tagged by @ariela-of-aedyr​ and filling this much faster than the love languages one xD
Tavi Illani/Aloth Corfiser 
(what, you’re surprised? XD)
tbh, they have a whole playlist, but the top three, for me, are: 
F**kin’ Perfect by Pink 
Oh, pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel Like you're less than fuckin' perfect Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing You're fuckin' perfect to me
First Time by Lifehouse
Looking at you, holding my breath For once in my life, I'm scared to death I'm taking a chance, letting you inside
Walking the Wire by Imagine Dragons
Oh, I'll take your hand when thunder roars And I'll hold you close, I'll stay the course I promise you from up above That we'll take what comes, take what comes, love
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“Why is it always splatfest I seem to find my own kin out an about more than normal? Like, I’m with Uncle Tavi and two other Tartars. It’s so weird,” Tartar remarks.
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fictionkinfessional · 3 years
Crypto if you’re out there reading this,
- I’m “sorry” about knocking over your rubix cube and hurting Hacks feelings
- you’re a nerd
- sorry for accidentally shooting you those multiple times and giving away our position but the look on your face was really funny (and cute)
- do I infuriate you? Do you wanna strangle me? Would you give me a lil kissy?
- Tavi (Apex Legends)
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stardreamertreasure · 6 years
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sooo im a tavros kin and i def know that i would be a girl tavi bc im the most feminine soul you’ll meet lol <3 
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