#tavros x reader headcanons
myhedcanonicfables · 6 months
Tavros, Gamzee, Karkat x injured! reader
Tavros :
«hHEY YOU'RE NOT OKAY, AREN'T YOU?» Tavros just looks down at you, examining your condition if, for example, you fell or something.
This guy is really worried about the situation. He tries his best to help, with his inept support or first aid.
Even if it is something very insignificant, he wants to show politeness, show his kindness. If he could make a good impression on you, he would be able to raise his self-esteem and your's friendship.
Tavros will probably chatter about how it's nothing and such injuries (in comparison) can dont sooo hurting or take soo long, in the way like comforting....
He will talk you about his experience with wounds and bruises
Gamzee :
«WhOa! MaMmA, iT's HuRt?» He takes you by the hand, lifts you up and helps you shake off or serves as a support if necessary.
He's more likely just to make sure everything is fine cuz there are still cases when a friend needs to help. So i mean he's just not exaggerating the tragedy.
But if it's really something scary, then he will certainly sympathetically help, although with his carelessness and ineptitude he may not do things perfectly.
In fact, he doesn't really care about it as a result, as long as you're okay.
Karkat :
« HEY! BE CAREFUL!» Like the Gamzee, he lifts you up and serves as a support.
Swears if it's something serious. «YOU'RE GOING TO DIE AT THIS RATE». But if it's nothing and you complain to him too often, he also swears that you're a crybaby
After that, Karkat can laugh at you or vice versa in risk place he hold your hand for safety, occasionally reminding you of your lack of care.
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abandonedafterimage · 6 months
I can feel my Homestuck interest coming back soooo
You guys should send me Strider requests, or just homestuck requests in general. the striders are my fave tho (yes, also Bro)
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Its been a while so some of my homestuck knowledge has left my brain, so what some things are called have probably left my brain. but thats not gonna stop me.
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dopecat420 · 2 months
Doing Headcanon Requests.
Will Do: NSFW, Mlm, Kinks, X Reader, ETC.
Will Not Do: 18-, AgePlay, DDLG, All In That Criteria.
Might Do: MLW, WLW, Dancestors (Although, Their Personality And Character Will Probably Be Butchered Because I Have Not Reached That Chapter Yet Where They Arrive)
-- Fandoms I Will Do
Homestuck (That Is All. I Just Really Like Homestuck.)
That Is All. I Am New To Tumblr, So If I Make Any Mistake, Let Me Know.
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ragingjuggalette · 1 year
🦀 karkat 🍒
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You walked into your roommate karkats room and asked him if he wanted to go and pick up a kitten, he was a small black cat with deep green eyes and was only 20 Minutes from your house. He was sort of confused on the random cat offer, but he agreed nonetheless. He wouldn't admit it to you, but he had a major soft spot for felines!
After you and karkat picked up the kitten and drove him back to your house, you let him explore around karkats room. You and karkat immediately fell inlove with a small kitten.
You left karkat to watch him for a second while you go get some cat safe formula milk, you opened the door and chuckled a little. The small cat was snuggling with karkat inside his sweater, karkat was baby talking him and it was too cute. (And funny.)
Karkat eventually noticed that you where watching him. His faced flushed a bright, candy red as he yelled at you. You didn't care.
You walked up to him and took the kitten from inside his sweater. Karkats flush grew at the sight of you being so handsy. You fed the cat and watched him suckle on the syringe. You cradled the small, baby kitten in your arms. Eventually karkat came over to look at you being so motherly with the kitten.
He leaned on your shoulder and asked what you where gonna name the cat. "Stinky. That's his name" you answered. Karkat gave you a look, but shrugged it off. Karkat started to fall asleep on your shoulder.
As he slepped, a loud purr emitted from his chest rocking his body in his sleep. You put the syringe away as stinky had finished feeding, and started to fall asleep beside your best friend, and your new kitten.
🐏 Aradia 🦴
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You and your friend Aradia have been planning on getting a kitten for months. You where both very prepared and excited.
You came back home with a small, white kitten. She was sleeping softly on your lap and purring very loudly. Aradia have you a jokey death stare and picked up the kitten to go cuddle her herself.
You weren't having it. You stomped over to the kitchen and got a little bit of salmon. and crept back to the living room. The kitten immediately hopped over to you, and quickly devoured the tiny piece of salmon. She crawled into your lap and started to knead your shoulders, slightly digging her claws under your skin. You didn't mind.
Aradia started to stroke the frail kitten and she kneaded your skin. "Can we name her Helena? PLEASEE?" Aradia have you some puppy dog eyes and you agreed to the name, it was quite cute and matches the kitten very well.
You and Aradia played with fake mice and watched Helena pounce. She was such a cute kitten, what a blessing.
🐂 tavros 🧡
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Tavros had seemed rather upset lately, and for good reason to. His old 'friend' vriska kept bugging him on his blood, looks, personality, stutter, anything she could bully about him, she did.
It was practically soul crushing for tavros. He barely had any self confidence already, and vriska had destroyed that small strip he had left. And now vriska had left him for good, he was just so upset and stressed he would burst, he didn't ask you for comfort however, he didn't want to annoy you.
He felt lost and didn't know what to do, he craved comfort so dearly but had nobody he felt he could truly trust. He started sobbing in his room and breaking down.
You heard sobbing from the room beside you, and immediately ran over to see what was up. You saw your best friend crying and burying his face into his pillow. You walked up to him and asked what was wrong.
He was so embarrassed to cry Infront of you, he thought you saw him as a nuisance due to his endless wailing, but you didn't mind.
He started talking about anything that has upset him. (Name) gave him a tight hug. He felt himself feel better as he was comforted by his best friend. He smiled happily.
(Name) told him about their plan to get a kitten, tavros was over the moon! When (name) came home with the little orange tabby, tavros practically melted. He snuggled the little baby and gave him little kisses on the forehead.
You chuckled and watched your best friend interact with the kitten. The two of you decided to think of a name for the little kitten.
He recommended the name 'arturo', he said it was because it just stuck! And it did suit him so you agreed.
You, tavros, and Arturo fell asleep together, without realising you started to cuddle up with tavros and Arturo slept on the pillow beside you.
🐝 sollux 🍯
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You drove home with a small brown kitten despite your roommates protests that 'we didn't need one' well, yo sure as hell needed a kitten, who cares what he says.
When you came home with the kitten in hand, he whined and gave you a disappointed look. You just shrugged it off and put the kitten on his lap.
He started dubiously petting the small feline Infront of him, a smile crept up on his face. You went and grabbed some cat formula milk in a syringe and handed it over to sollux, he gently cradled the kitten and fed it.
You left to go buy some groceries and when you came back you saw sollux sleeping with the small brown kitten on his stomach, you giggled and decided to lay next to him.
"Shhh, you might wake ernice" he whispers, you smile, he had just spent a few minutes with the small kitten and he had already named it, you knew he would love having a cat around, he just needed a bit of help realising it.
🐈‍⬛ nepeta 💚
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You and nepeta had been researching cats all month, nepeta and you where inlove! Those little furry felines where litter-ally purr-fect!
You and nepeta left the house together to go adopt a cat from the petstore, until you spotted a little kitten laying alone in the grass, next to their dead mother.
Nepeta pouted and cried a little. you where also on the brink of tears, seeing dead cats was very heart wrenching. Nepeta went and picked up the meowing kitten, and it would be wrong not to take it home.
As you and nepeta arrived home the little kitten immediately showed her true colours, pouncing and being active around the house, with nepeta of course.
You giggled and joined in the zoomies, it was like playing tag with the other children as a kid, if felt nice. Eventually you got tired and decided to calm down a little.
"Can we name her mewo? PLEASEEE?" Nepeta gives you some shiny begging eyes, while holding the kitten close to her chest. You loved the name, it reminded you of one of your favourite games, omori.
"Of course!" You answered, nepeta did a little happy dance and span around, stimming as she did so. You smiled and once again joined in, nepeta was such a great roommate.
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Can I request the beta kids and trolls with a female human friend reader?
Reader is the leader of the human kids team. She's a free spirit who jump into every fight she can, mostly to protect her friends. She's not stupid by any mean, she just prefers to fight rather than talk, and doesn't hold grudge against her opponent if they reveal to be a good friend/ally.
She's feisty and kind of a tomboy, she hates dresses, ribbons, high heels and the color lime.
The trolls and the kids are kind of worried, because they saw a adult woman in a lime dress, with lime high heels and lime ribbons who look like reader, but more mature, cold and sour. Apparently, she's under the order of Lord English and Doc Scratch.
Platonic headcanons Leader of human kids team
👓 John Egbert ♦️ human fem!Reader 🌪
Your friendship with John has been going on for several years. He liked talking to you. It was easy for him to communicate with you. There was no awkwardness between you like when he was talking to Rose or Jade. That's why he was so happy to meet you in person. Even though your first meeting took place in the game, he was still happy. You fought shoulder to shoulder and you often wrote to your other friends to coordinate your actions. You were the leader of their small team and they agreed with that
John knew you well. You were bold, preferred pants to skirts, ready to get into a fight at any moment to protect your friends from dangers. You weren't stupid, but you weren't going to waste time negotiating, even if your opponent later became your friend or ally. The only thing John was sure of for sure was that you hated lime color. He didn't know the reason for it, but he knew it was so
During the battle, you had to split up and it was then that John saw a woman who caused him great concern. She was a tall woman in a lime dress, with her hair tied with a ribbon with a cold and indifferent expression on her face. But what bothered him most was that this woman seemed to be an adult version of you. He didn't even have time to approach her. He was distracted for only a couple of minutes, but the woman disappeared. However, he understood something. He understood that if this woman was you, then something bad had happened to you
He intended to find you and tell you about who he saw. He didn't know what exactly happened to the other version of you, but he hoped that together you would be able to prevent it. He saw that your adult version was like an ice puppet, devoid of emotions, and he didn't want something to happen to you, his friend, that would make you like this
🔮 Rose Lalonde ♦️ human fem!Reader ☀️
You and Rose were friends even though your characters were opposite to each other. She was calm and rarely lost her composure, preferring dialogue, while you were bold, determined, eager to fight and ready to defend your friends at any moment. In your team, Rose was the think tank and you were the leader and you worked well together
You always tried to help your friends and Rose made sure that you did everything right. She gave you advice and you helped her. You weren't stupid, but you preferred fighting to negotiation. Rose knew that and didn't disapprove of your methods. You were not cruel and never held a grudge against enemies if they became friends or allies
When Rose saw an unfamiliar woman with an indifferent expression in a lime dress and with her hair braided with a ribbon during a game session, she tensed up. Pretty quickly she realized that this woman was related to Doc Scratch, but she was much more concerned that this woman was very similar to you. Like it was an adult version of you. When Rose realized this, it was like a puzzle had formed in her head. She realized that in some of the developments of events you were under the guidance of Doc Scratch
Rose wasn't going to let that happen. You were her dear friend and she wasn't going to let the enemy control you. Rose didn't know exactly how she was going to stop Doc Scratch, but she wasn't going to let him hurt you or control your mind
🕶 Dave Strider ♦️ human fem!Reader 💿
You and Dave have been good friends for several years. He liked talking to you. You were easy to communicate, you rarely had any disagreements. You were good at playing the role of leader, which is why when the game started, Dave was not against you taking on the role of leader of their small team
You were always the first to rush into battle, ready to protect your friends no matter what. You were bold, brave and far from stupid, even though you preferred battles to negotiations. Dave knew he could rely on you. You were willing to go to great lengths to protect your friends and they knew it. Just like they knew you hated dresses, ribbons, and lime color
During the game, Dave felt someone's eyes on him. At first he thought it was one of the enemies, but when he turned around, he saw a woman in the distance who was watching him. He noticed her because of the lime dress that stood out strongly against the landscape. She was just watching him. He was able to see her face just for a moment before she disappeared, but he could tell for sure that this woman looked like you, even though she was older
The thought that something happened to you in the future because of which you changed so much did not give him peace of mind. He intended to tell you about it in person so that the whole team could sort it out. He wasn't going to let something break his friend and change you so much
🐾 Jade Harley ♦️ human fem!Reader 🌌
Jade was always genuinely happy with her friends and you were no exception. You were one of her precious friends and she tried to do a lot for you as well as you for your friends. Jade knew that you were always ready to protect your friends and when the game started, she saw how you were eager to fight to protect them. You were the leader of their small team and not only Jade but the others agreed with that
You corresponded a lot to distract yourself from everything that was happening around you. Jade was glad to have the opportunity to chat with you and when you saw bright lime-colored plants on your planet, you often began to write to Jade about this. She knew that you hated lime color, but it was far from something that you or she could control
Jade was sure that everything would go well, but something happened that she did not expect. She saw a strange woman. This woman was wearing a lime dress and her face was indifferent. But what scared Jade a lot more was that this woman looked a lot like you, like she was an adult version of you. She tried to approach her, but the woman disappeared. Jade wasn't sure if it was really an adult version of you, but she intended to tell you about it
Jade was worried about what she saw. She was sure that that woman was not your ally, but if it was you, then something obviously happened to you in another timeline, but she was going to prevent it. You were her friend and she wasn't going to let someone control your mind or break you
♋ Karkat Vantas ♦️ human fem!Reader ❤
You and Karkat started chatting online. Then you didn't even know that he was a troll. For you, he was just an ordinary stranger from the Internet who often wrote to you. You didn't pay attention to the fact that some of the things he wrote were strange. You talked for a long time and eventually you began to consider him your friend, not even knowing who he really was
Karkat knew quite a lot about you. You, as well as other people, seemed strange to him, but he communicated with you as a leader with a leader. He knew that you were ready to rush into battle at any moment to protect your friends and he knew that you hated lime color. He often watched you and tried to help in the ways that were available to him
When he was watching your gaming session once again, he noticed someone's silhouette. When he brought the silhouette a little closer, he saw an unfamiliar human woman. She was wearing a lime dress and was watching you with an indifferent face. It bothered him, but it bothered him even more that this woman was very similar to you, only older
Karkat has written you a huge number of messages in which he wrote to you to be careful about that strange woman. He didn't know who she was, but he was sure she wasn't your friend. He tried to protect you in his own special way, but you were not online. This made him even more worried. He hoped that you were okay and that you hadn't turned into that cold version of you
♈ Aradia Megido ♦️ human fem!Reader ☠️
You met Aradia personally during the game. She was traveling through different time periods and accidentally met you. She saw a slightly later version of you who was familiar with her, so she decided to get to know you. She found you interesting and she was interested in watching you fight. For you, she became your first troll friend and sometimes she even gave you advice on how best to act as a leader
She traveled between time periods and communicated with different versions of you. You found it funny, but you never asked her what would happen in the future. You liked talking to her and listening to what she was telling you. You didn't know much about archaeology, ghosts, and time lines, but you were a good listener
During the trip in the next period of time, Aradia saw you again, but this time everything was much worse than she could have imagined. You were a grown woman in a lime dress and with an indifferent expression on your face. She immediately realized that you didn't become like this on your own and that apparently Doc Scratch was involved in this. She couldn't even try to talk to you, because you disappeared, but she wasn't going to let this situation go by itself
She went to you to warn you and ask you to be careful. She knew that Doc Scratch wouldn't back down from his plans so easily, she intended to stop him even if it would require her to take you on a journey through time lines
♉ Tavros Nitram ♦️ human fem!Reader 🦽
When you and Tavros started chatting, you quickly took a liking to him. He seemed nice to you and you wanted to protect him as well as the rest of your friends. Tavros has been watching you. You seemed like a hero to him and he was happy to talk to you. You never insulted him or laughed at him and he was pleased to communicate with you
Tavros watched you fight. You were bold and ready to defend your friends at any moment, regardless of who your opponent was. You've always preferred battle to negotiation. You weren't stupid, but you didn't like to waste time negotiating. However, Tavros still admired you
When he was watching you again, he noticed that he wasn't the only one watching. He saw an adult woman in a lime dress who was watching you with indifference. She looked like you and he assumed that this woman was someone like your lusus, but she disappeared as strangely as she appeared
When he wrote to you about the mysterious woman, you were surprised. You replied that your guardian was dead and you had no idea who that woman was. You both understood that this woman was somehow connected to you and you intended to find out exactly how. Tavros had no idea who she was, but he intended to help you in the few ways he had
♊ Sollux Captor ♦️ human fem!Reader 🐝
From the very first day you met Sollux, it seemed funny to watch you. You were a little weird, but he liked talking to you. You reminded him of Karkat, only less hot-tempered. He liked talking to you. You were able to become friends pretty quickly, which you were glad of
Sometimes he would joke about you, but you really seemed interesting to him. You were brave and loyal to your friends. He liked watching you and watching you fight. You didn't like negotiations, preferring fights. He knew you weren't stupid, but you had your own methods that you used
When he was watching you again, he saw a strange woman. She was watching you with an indifferent expression on her face. She looked like you, only older and wearing a lime dress. Sollux knew that you hated lime color and at first he thought it was your lusus, but then he remembered that you said that your guardian had died. He didn't know who that woman was, but she disappeared after a couple of moments, as if she just disappeared into thin air
He wrote to you about it, but he didn't find out if you responded to his message. He was forced to take his mind off the screen to deal with his problems. He was hoping that you could talk a little later and that you weren't in danger right now. He really wanted to believe it
♌ Nepeta Leijon ♦️ human fem!Reader 🐱
Initially, your communication with Nepeta began in the format of a game. You thought it was funny and you had no idea she was watching you. You always tried to find time for her. You considered her one of your friends and tried to answer her every time she wrote to you. She knew you weren't a troll, so she was interested in learning more about you, even though you didn't quite understand the reason for it
During the game, she saw how often you became a participant in battles to protect your friends. You were brave, daring and always ready for a fight. You weren't stupid, but you didn't waste time negotiating. Nepeta liked to see you when you were fighting. You were a good fighter and she understood that. She hoped that someday you would be able to talk in person and she would be able to introduce you to Equius
When she was once again watching you and waiting for you to be able to reply to her message. However, a figure she didn't recognize caught her attention. It was an adult woman dressed in a lime-colored dress. She was watching you with a cold expression on her face, as if expecting something, but when she literally disappeared into thin air, Nepeta felt uneasy. She wasn't sure that this woman was friendly to you and wanted to protect you in case of danger
She texted you about a mysterious woman, but you were busy and didn't see her messages. Nepeta hoped that by the time you read her messages, you would be safe. That woman looked like you and that was another reason why she was worried about you. She hoped this woman wouldn't hurt you
♍ Kanaya Maryam ♦️human fem!Reader🧵
You met Kanaya personally. You have never corresponded before, so you only knew each other from the stories of your mutual friends. It was interesting for you to communicate with each other. You told each other about your lives before the game and what you were interested in, as if you had known each other for many years
You had a lot of time that needed to be occupied with something. Kanaya got to know you better. You were a good friend, the leader of your small team. You were brave, daring, you were always ready to go into battle to protect your friends and you hated dresses and lime color. Kanaya found out the last two facts when she offered to sew something for you. The rest she found out even before your personal acquaintance
Kanaya came to your room to talk about Rose. You knew Rose much better and Kanaya was hoping that you could give her some advice, but she found a strange woman in your room. It was an adult woman in a lime dress and with a cold expression on her face. She disappeared before Kanaya had time to do anything, but Kanaya remembered something well. She remembered that this woman was very much like you
Kanaya didn't know what she needed to do. She wasn't sure if this woman was real and wasn't sure if she was related to you. She was going to tell you about it and ask you to be careful. Kanaya didn't know what exactly happened to this woman, but she looked like she was just a puppet, and Kanaya didn't want the same fate for you
♎ Terezi Pyrope ♦️human fem!Reader 🐲
From the very beginning of your communication, you were not sure how you felt about Terezi. She was a little weird, but you kept talking. Over time, you stopped considering her oddities as such. Your opinion about this was strengthened when you met in person. You had a lot of time that you could spend together and become really good friends
Terezi enjoyed spending time with you. You were bold, daring, it was interesting to communicate with you. You were the leader of your small group and at any moment you were ready to get into a fight to protect them. Terezi knew about it because you almost got into a fight with Karkat when she and Dave had a serious fight
When she was walking down the corridor past your room, she smelled a strange smell. This smell was very similar to yours, but there was something different about it. Terezi went to the source of the smell to find out its source. She definitely smelled your scent mixed with the smell of lime. She knew you hated lime color, so you couldn't smell it. She wanted to get closer, but the smell disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, puzzling her
She went to you to make sure that the source of the smell was not you. She told you about a strange smell similar to yours. You were surprised by what she said, but you went looking for an outsider. You doubted that you would be able to find the one Terezi sensed, but you believed her
♏ Vriska Serket ♦️ human fem!Reader 🎱
Your friendship with Vriska was quite unusual. You seemed to get along well, but there seemed to be some rivalry between you. Vriska aspired to be in the center of events, while you were the leader of your team. You often corresponded and she watched you, giving you advice in her own special way
She saw you rushing into battle to protect your friends. You were bold, daring. You reminded her of Mindfang. She was interested in you. She wouldn't mind being able to fight alongside you, but she didn't tell you or anyone else about it
When she was watching you again, she noticed something strange. She wasn't the only one doing it. You were being watched by a woman who looked like you, dressed in a lime dress. She was watching you with indifference, as if she wasn't interested at all. Vriska wasn't sure why, but it bothered her. When the woman disappeared right in front of her eyes, she became even more worried
She wrote to you about a strange woman. You were grateful to her for her help, even though you didn't understand where this woman could have come from. Vriska intended to help you as much as she could while she had the opportunity. She was still worried about that woman and hoped that you would be safe
♐ Equius Zahhak ♦️human fem!Reader 🥛
From the first day of your acquaintance, your communication with Equius was quite strange. You seemed to get along well, but some of his phrases bothered you. You perceived him as a little strange, but a friend with whom you didn't mind talking
Equius found you a little strange. Despite the color of your blood, you were the leader of your team. You were strong, bold, brave. You were a good leader and a good friend. Equius was interested in communicating with you even though you had different interests and different worldview
When he once again corresponded with you, he noticed that there was someone's silhouette in the distance. Looking closer, he saw a woman in a lime dress. She looked like you and it was weird. He wrote to you about it, but as soon as you turned around, this woman disappeared. Equius could have sworn that he definitely saw this woman who looked so much like you
You believed Equius, but you didn't know anyone like you. You had no idea who that woman was or how she could have ended up with you. It bothered you. You didn't know who she was, why she looked like you and how she could have disappeared, but now you were alert and ready for a surprise attack
♑ Gamzee Makara ♦️ human fem!Reader 🎪
For all the time of your communication, Gamzee considered you funny and interesting. He was watching you and distracting you from your business, even when the game started. He was interested in watching you. Sometimes you got annoyed because of his strange phrases, but even that seemed funny to him
You and Gamzee were not alike. You were the leader of your team, ready to get into a fight at any moment to protect your friends. You were bold and daring. You didn't like negotiations, even if in the end you got along well with your former rivals. Gamzee liked watching you during fights
When he was watching you again, he noticed something curious. You were being watched by an adult woman who looked like you. She was wearing a lime dress and with an indifferent expression on her face. However, at some point she turned her head, as if she knew exactly how to look into his eyes and put her finger to her lips and then disappeared
Gamzee wasn't going to tell you about this woman. He was sure that this woman was connected with you and with someone that others didn't know about. It could only mean one thing. In the future, something will happen that will put you on the same side with him and Gamzee was not going to prevent this from happening
♒ Eridan Ampora ♦️ human fem!Reader 🪄
Initially, you and Eridan did not have the best relationship. You quarreled but continued to communicate. He was arrogant and wanted a lot of attention even when you directly told him that you were busy and you didn't have the opportunity to respond to his messages. But even though you were fighting, you continued to consider each other friends
He watched you sometimes. He saw how brave and daring you were. You bravely rushed into battle to protect your friends. Sometimes Eridan wanted you to be able to communicate in person. He was sure that you would have a great friendship
When he decided to watch your game session again and that's when he saw a strange woman who was watching you and the fight in which you participated. It was an adult woman like you dressed in a lime dress. Eridan remembered how you once mentioned that you hate lime color and dresses, so he was surprised. But when the woman disappeared, he realized that she could well be dangerous
He sent you a huge number of messages to warn you about a strange and possibly dangerous woman. Although he was rude sometimes, he really considered you his friend and he didn't want you to be in danger because of a strange woman
♓ Feferi Peixes ♦️ human fem!Reader 🐠
Your friendship with Feferi started pretty quickly. She was friendly and sociable and you were able to find a common language quickly. You often corresponded and talked about everything in the world, as if you had known each other for many years. She became your friend with whom you liked to communicate and who was ready to answer you at any time of the day
She saw in you the image of the leader she aspired to. You were confident, bold, daring. You were ready to rush into battle at any moment to protect your friends. You weren't stupid, but you preferred battles to negotiations. But you didn't hold a grudge against the enemies who became your friends or allies
Feferi wished you only the best, which is why she was very worried when she saw a strange woman watching your gaming session. At first she mistook it for your lusus, but then realized that it wasn't. This woman looked a lot like you, but she was older, she was wearing a lime-colored dress and her expression was frighteningly indifferent. Feferi didn't know who this woman was, but she was very worried about her
Feferi hastened to write to you about a strange woman and asked you to be careful. She promised you to try to make sure that this woman doesn't show up again and warn you if she sees her again. Feferi felt threatened by this woman and the last thing she wanted was for her dear friend to suffer because of her
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somberauthor · 11 months
John Egbert finds out you haven't watched ghostbusters
John Egbert <3 reader (HEADCANONS)
John Egbert and you have a sleepover
Rose Lalonde gets given a dress you made
Rose Lalonde + Jade Harley <> Reader (HEADCANONS)
Dave Strider and john egbert fight over glasses
Dave Strider gets called by his middle name
Dave Strider talks to karkat very seriously
Dave Strider <3< Reader (HEADCANONS)
Dave Strider tells john that nic cage is most likely dead
Dave Strider <3 Reader (HEADCANONS)
Dave Strider falling asleep on call with you
Dave Strider finds out your horns are sensitive (SFW, its not weird)
Strider cuddling headcanons
Beta Kids Sleepover (HEADCANONS)
Humanstuck (HEADCANONS)
Aradia Megido <3 Troll! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Aradia Megido <3 Fem! Horror Artist! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Tavros Nitram gets pushed around in his wheelchair
Mituna Captor plays just dance with you (HEADCANONS)
Karkat Vantas + Sollux Captor <3 AFAB! Reader (PERIOD HEADCANONS)
Karkat Vantas <3 Reader (STORY)
Kanaya Maryam, John Egbert, and Equius Zahhak with a S/O with a high pain tolerance
Eridan Ampora <3 Reader (HEADCANONS + STORY)
Feferi Peixes <3 Reader (HEADCANONS)
Marvus Xoloto <> PurpleBlood! Masc! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Chahut Maenad + Marvus Xoloto <3 Human! Reader (STORY)
Karako Pierot <> Reader (HEADCANONS)
Vast Error
Arcjec Voorat <3 Reader (HEADCANONS)
Hamifi Hekrix <3 Reader (HEADCANONS)
Edolon Vryche <3 Mirthamaniac! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Calder Kerian <3 Reader (HEADCANONS)
Calder Kerian <3 Reader (HEADCANONS) but fluffier
Void Bound
Formik Amoros <3 Reader (HEADCANONS)
Toki + Reader (HEADCANONS)
TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Cast + TV head! Male! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Kinger + Reader (STORY)
Kinger + Reader PT 2 (STORY)
Ragatha + Everyone (STORY)
Jax x Clueless! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Jax x Fox! Mime! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Jax x Chaotic! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Jax x Reader failed rizz (STORY)
Jax x Reader first kiss (HEADCANONS)
Jax x Nonverbal! Reader (STORY)
Jax x Sensitive! Bunny! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Pomni Shows Jax Tumblr (STORY)
Chihiro Fujisaki + Reader (STORY) !ANGST!
Parent Au! Komahina + Reader (HEADCANONS)
Parent Au! Komahina + Reader comfort (HEADCANONS)
Parent Au! Naegiri + Reader (HEADCANONS)
Fionna Campbell x Reader (HEADCANONS)
Farmworld Finn x Trans Masc! Reader (HEADCANONS)
Octavia and you share music tastes
Axeofshame x Dr. Catatonic
part two... ^
please tell me if any links are incorrect!!
UPDATED: 7/6/2024
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audaciousacolyte · 1 year
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Welcome to The Garden!
About Me:
• My name is Joan
• I really enjoy writing and drawing!!
• I am a Libra
• I love talking to people, so don't be afraid to reach out to me!!
Interacting Rules:
This is my basic criteria for those who wish to follow me =>
《☆ do NOT interact with this blog if you are:
• LGBTQphobic
• Pedophillic or MAP
• Exclusionist
• Ableist
Or otherwise unnecessarily hateful. ☆》
With that out of the way, my requesting basis and current status are avaliable under the cut.
Requesting Rules:
《♡ I will only write character x reader requests, but I may include other ships if asked to. ♡》
《♡ Before requesting, please make sure that you are using clear language that is easily understandable and be as specific as you can on what exactly you would like for me to write. ♡》
《♡ Please limit your requests to three or four characters at a time, and be sure to specify whether or not the characters are in a romantic relationship. ♡》
What I will write:
◇ Fluff
◇ Angst
◇ Hurt/comfort
◇ Headcanons
◇ Platonic relationships
◇ Queerplatonic relationships
◇ self-inserts x characters
◇ OC x characters
What I will NOT write:
♤ Explicit gore
♤ Explicit NSFW (BORDERLINE NSFW is alright)
♤ Anything kink related
♤ Hardcore Angst (ex. Character A dies in a dramatic/tragic way, while Character B is left to mourn)
♤ Anything trauma related, such as SA or abuse
♤ Anything related to SH or su!c!de
Fandoms and characters I write for:
《|| Animaniacs ||》
• Yakko Warner
• Wakko Warner
• Dot Warner
《|| BABQFTIM ||》
• Bendy
• Boris the Wolf (platonic only)
• Cuphead
• Mugman
• Felix the Cat
《|| Epic Mickey ||》
• Mickey Mouse
• Oswald the lucky Rabbit
《|| Homestuck ||》
• John Egbert
• Dave Strider
• Jade Harley
• Jane Crocker
• Roxy Lalonde
• Jake English
• Dirk Strider
• Karkat Vantas
• Aradia Medigo
• Tavros Nitram
• Sollux Captor
• Nepeta Leijon
• Terezi Pyrope
• Vriska Serket
• Equius Zahhak
• Gamzee Makara
• Eridan Ampora
• Feferi Peixes
《|| Lego Monkie Kid ||》
• MK
• Mei
• Red son
• Sun Wukong
• Macaque
• Nezha
《|| Sonic the Hedgehog ||》
• Sonic
• Shadow
• Amy Rose
• Knuckles
• Tails
• Rouge
《|| South Park ||》
• Stan Marsh
• Kyle Brofloski
• Kenny Mccormick
• Eric Cartman
• Leopold Stotch
• Wendy Testaburger
• Craig Tucker
• Tweek Tweek
• Tolkien Black
• Clyde Donovan
• Jimmy Valmer
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Yo, just found your blog I rlly like it!
Can I request Tavros x reader who has to use crutches to walk around? I recently recovered from a broken foot and I can't walk on my own without them so lol. Take your time!!
HIIIII I love Tavros. Best guy ever ❤️
Keep in mind that I don't have any mobility aids! Some things may be innacurate, but I'm doing my best
♉ Tavros x Reader ♉
It wasn't that Tavros minded the crutches, really. He actually liked them -- it gave him a way to relate to you, and seeing someone as cool as you use a mobility aid really helped him feel better about his wheelchair.
He would decorate them in some way!! Probably smack on a few stickers on them for you, and possibly ask for you to do the same to some non-moving parts of his wheelchair.
Ok so now on some general headcanon shit I think he would LOVE hugs and shit. Give that boy a squeeze!! A smooch!! He will always flush and giggle every single time.
He always is up for some quality time with you! If you agree to watch one of his movies with him, he'll be giddy the whole time you sit and chill with him (and if you actually ASK and WANT to watch it?? Omg he is SO smooching you)
I feel like he'd fuck with your hair a lot of you'd had let him. Touch it, braid it, style it, whatever else. He's gentle as fuck too, he never tugs or pulls on anything.
THATS ALL I GOT RIGHT NEOW!! I love Tavros and I love WRITING abt Tavros so I hope u enjoy :)
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luminousbravery · 4 years
HCs for terezi, vriska and tavros(separately of course) having a punk s/o? Go wild dvwodjj, thanks in advance
Yup yup! I apologize if Tavros isn’t to your liking, I can never write him.
♉The style is definitely something he’d have to get used to seeing?
♉But he really does like it!!! Enjoys it a whole lot.
♉..Kind of wants to try it out too, just low-key.
♎She can’t see it, but she can sniff and get a vague idea of it.
♎She instantly enjoys the style, a big grin on her face whenever you’re near.
♎Thinks you look cool as hell.
♏Oh, she’s instantly all over it.
♏She secretly wishes she had the courage to dress like you, too.
♏Maybe borrows your clothes when you’re bringing her to your place.
♏”Dayum, Y/N! Makes me look 8adass!!!!!!!!”
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sludgewolf · 3 years
Trolls comforting their s/o by purring
Context: You've been stressed for the past few weeks and your matesprit tries to help with some cuddles and purring
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
ao3 rework
Karkat Vantas
Karkat is very shy about purring in front of others, so you're the only exception
His purrs aren't very loud so you have to press your ear to his chest
Because of that you can also hear his heartbeat almost in synchrony with his purring
Karkat being Karkat believes that ranting helps when upset, so he encourages you to talk his ears off
He plays with your hair as you talk
This is the most quiet you've ever seen him
If you want his help with it you just need to ask, but he doesn't promise that he won't yell at the dickhead
Aradia Megido
Loud purrs and she isn't shy of purring in front of others
So whenever she's with you, you can faintly hear her purring
She prefers to lay on top of you since she's so tiny and the fact that she's so warm
she'll loudly purr while listening to what's bothering you
If you don't want to talk she'll offer to tell you about some new bones she found or some fun facts about death
But if you don't want that either she's more than happy to just enjoy some comfortable silence while she purrs
Tavros Nitram
Poor boy was so worried about you
So he offers to cuddle while you tell him what's up
Tavros wants to help you with what's stressing you, no matter what it is
Once you either calm down or you both find a solution you'd feel him start to purr against you
His purrs are quiet but they can shake his whole body
And it never fails to make you fall asleep
But if Tavros also falls asleep you'll hear some soft snoring coming from this precious troll
Sollux Captor
Sollux rarely ever purrs so you have to ask him to do so
It's not that you doesn't make him happy nor anything like that, it's just that he's more of an introverted troll that isn't that open about his emotions
But if you ever ask him anything, no matter how busy he is he'll find a way to do it for you
So when you ask him for cuddles and for him to purr for you he wouldn't even waste time getting out of his chair
Sollux has you sit on his lap and he hugs you tightly while purring
His purrs, just like anything about him, sound doubled
It's almost like he has a theme
After a few minutes of him just purring he'll ask you what's up
If you don't want to talk he'd understands, so he'll play a playlist you made together
And if you want to talk he'd put some lo fi on the background and listen to you
However you want to deal with it he'll remind you that he'll always be there for you
Nepeta Leijon
This kitten is another loud and proud purrer
She already unconsciously purrs in your presence so once you tell her that it helps you calm down she's so flattered that she won't be able to hide the blush creeping on her cheeks
She'll prepare a corner in her cave full of fluffy blankets, pillows and Pounce for both of you cuddle and talk
Once you're comfortable she'll kiss your cheeks asking
"What's troubling you y/n? You can trust me..."
As you both talk she holds you in her arms and purrs loudly
She'd offer to deal with whoever is bothering you herself
But if you deny it she's more than happy to just lay with you and cuddle
Kanaya Maryam
One could say her purrs are perfect, not too loud that they keep you from hearing much more while cuddling her, nor it's too quiet that you need to press your ear to her chest to hear it
Like with some cats she rolls her Rs if she speaks while purring
Kanaya usually takes some blankets and rolls you into a burrito whenever you're upset
Sometimes though she likes to be the little spoon, resting her head on your chest and sharing the blanket with you
She stays quiet only purring until you're ready to talk
Kanaya will listen to your every word and offer help if you so desire
Terezi Pyrope
Terezi has a shameless and loud purr
Different from the other trolls her are more comparable to a dragon's
She likes to lay by your side and put her face on the crook of your neck while messing with your hair
You both cuddle on the scalemate pile while she purrs to you
She lets you rest a bit before asking you anything
She would suggest that you both reenact a whole trial to sort things out before going with you to deal with it
If you're still feeling down she'll lick you to get a rise out of you
Also because teasing you helps to take your mind out of the problem
Later she might surprise you with a scalemate that suspiciously looks like her
Vriska Serket
She goes on and on about how grateful you should be for having her spend her time with you, that while dragging you to her room and pulling you to lay with her
As much as she'd like to deny it Vriska likes to spoon you because she feels like she's protecting you
Vriska tries to ask about your problem but still keep her cool image
"What could possi8ly 8e 8othering you so much?"
But despite her fassade, Spider Bitch is really worried about you
So once you start to talk she puts your head under her chin and listen to you attentively
Equius Zahhak
Equius is a reserved and extremely awkward troll
So only you and Nepeta have ever heard him purr
He has you lay on top of him so he won't hurt you on accident
He isn't very warm but he makes up to it in his purrs
His purrs are very deep and shake his whole thorax
Because of that you lovingly call him "Your Little Lawnmower"
He doesn't quite get it but since it makes you laugh he doesn't mind the nickname
Once you calm down he asks what's troubling you and if he can help you in any way
If you prefer to deal with the problem alone he'd understand, lay a kiss on your forehead and resume his purring
Gamzee Makara
This troll is like a lanky and clingy cat
Gamzee hugs you tightly and covers you both with tons of blankets for the nice pressure and warmth
His purrs are softer that you'd expect from a troll his height but they're still comforting and lightly vibrate his chest just like a domestic cat
Gamzee leaves to ask you what's wrong later, now you deserve to rest and take your mind off whatever it is
He lays your head on top of his heart and purrs until you fall asleep
Eridan Ampora
Fish boy has a quiet and timid purr, you have to press your ear to his chest to be able to hear or feel it
Eridan is self conscious about how he purrs so he tries not to purr in front of anyone
But once you tell him that you don't only like his purrs but that they help you calm down he stops keeping himself from purring in your presence
He takes you to his hive and has you lay your back to his chest while he sits
If you're standing side by side he might pull you close and shyly purr because he's just happy to be with you
Eri likes to play/fidget with your hands since it helps him focus
He also offers to kill whoever it is but if you say no to this idea it's no
Feferi Peixes
You'll go to your place since it's dangerous to go to her hive
Fef will bring fluffy blankets and a giant hoodie that could fit you both
Once you're settled she takes the hair out of your face hugging you thightly
"W)(at's been bot)(ering you my cuddle fis)(?"
As you help her warm up she starts purring
Due to her being the second tallest troll of the group her purrs sound closest to a Mountain Lion
If your hair is long enough she'll braid it while you talk, if not she twirls and plays with it
If your problem is with someone she's there with you when you go talk to them, if it's not she's still by your side helping in any way she can
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homofuck-headcanons · 4 years
- No incest, pedophila, yandere HC,,, ( it makes me uncomfortable, sorry :(()
- I will write NSFW for adult characters
- I write match ups!
- please specify troll/human and gender please! It makes it easier for me to write
More will be added if needed!!
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Ohhh Nelly did I not introduce myself did I? Let me do that!! I’m 18, I started this account when I was 14 and I’ve been in the fandom for a SUUUPER long time, feel free to call me Mod Fef! It’s super nice to meet you all, again.
Edit! For the third time.. I do art commissions! I will draw you kissing your age appropriate fav! Dm if u want more info :3
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if you're still doing homestuck can i get som Eridan,Equius,Nepeta,and tavros relationship headcanons ?
{ Oh, yeah-!I have received so many Homestuck’s asks this time and it’s so cool uwu I will answer to everyone, don’t worry-! }
♒ Eridan Ampora ♒
~ He is such a difficult person who has high standards (even if they are not really so high but he wants to seem busy and desired, and we know it’s not true). Eridan just wants to be loved and accepted for what he is, and he is still a teenager, after all so he acts just like one of them. His mate has to be capable to handle his aggressive temper and do not give up on him at the first hurdle because his feelings are true but he does not know how to show them without seeming awkward. At the end, he will not even care if the colour of your blood is lower than his, and he will listen more his heart than these stupid social barriers. ~ He loves any kind of pirate’s games so you and Eri can live so many adventures and he can guide you to his boat that was the vessel of his Ancestor Dualscar that Eridan estimates so much. He will tell you all the stories regarding his Ancestor but you can tell him yours, he loves in particular war’s stories so maybe the human history could be interesting to him since it is full of wars and violence… Sadly.~ Surprisingly, he can be romantic when he wants, he likes making you hearing the sound inside the shells, seeing the stars under the night sky nearby the beach and things like these. Then, he loves sharing his scarf with you when he sees you too cold even if his blood is cold too (because he is a fish), but it does not matter since his scarf is comfortable and soft and he wants to be next to you feeling the warm of your delicate skin.
♐ Equius Zahhak ♐
~He is too strong and he has afraid to hurt you every time he tries to caress you, just see how he is sweating. It’s absurd his nervousness! But he really likes when you touch his muscles and biceps saying to him how he is strong and fascinating (even if he feels so embarrassed but it was your purpose, to make him uncomfortable so he becomes as blue as his blood). Then, you can give him a towel so he can rest himself.~After a long speech, he will ask you the permission to pose for him because you inspire him so much and he wants you to become his muse. He is still a sculptor so he will be so glad if you accept this proposal. Unfortunately, because of his big strength so many of the sculptures he made are destroyed now and he has to do them again and you have to wait a little longer. In his sculptures, he will sculpt you like a fierce centaur. One of his favourite beasts. Then, he will need another towel because you are so majestic in this form. He is having impure thoughts and he wants to hide himself for the shame.~You will break him down if you use horse-puns, he will not see properly and he becomes so blue. Something too funny. He is a gentleman so he will say to stop, especially when you say to him you want to ride him. No, you are crossing the line and he can’t handle this for so long. This room is getting too hot. Give him a towel, now! A bunch of towels.
♌ Nepeta Leijon ♌
~The role-playing sessions you will do with her are infinite and intense because she puts all her efforts and heart but how could you say no to this little and cute kitty? You must be a horrible person if you deny her, she is too cute-!Then, when you are distracted she will jump over you and you will be captured by the greatest hunter Neppy.  It’s cuddles time. Since she is still a cat, you can play with her with balls of yarn, ribbons and those lights you shot on the wall and that make cats crazy. She will have so much fun with these games. ~Since you are her matesprite, you know a certain troll-horse has to check you because Equius has to be sure you are good enough for Nepeta, since he is her meowrail and Neppy deserves only the best, she is too precious, or you are going to meet his strong muscles and it’s not so good. ~ You x Nepeta is her OTP and she is so happy it became reality, her favourite shipping has sailed! She always writes fanfiction about the two of you, but she also draws fan-arts but they are so sweet because she is not a malicious kitten, her heart is so pure. No NSFW for you, sorry-!
♉ Tavros Nitram ♉
~Tavvy is such a cutie-pie and you have to treat him right after everything he’s been through with that spider bitch. He is a dreamer and he cannot believe you are by his side. You and him can role-playing pretending to be Wendy and Peter Pan, flying through Neverland! You can tell him stories before the bed time so he can sleep safe and sound.~You can bring him wherever you want when he is on his wheelchair and he does not care about the speed but it’s better to be careful he is such a delicate boy and he is broken enough. Maybe you and him can remain at his home playing some cards games with his Lusus, Tinkerbull that is so cute and small. ~Despite his disability, he tries his best to be strong, ignoring his problems because he does not want to be a burden for you so he can take care of himself alone, maybe not every time but he tries. In any case, it’s better if you protect him from her and sometime he is still afraid to call her name because the feelings he felt for Vriska were real, but he deserves so much better than her. You must stay by his side, without making him feel like a useless crippled.
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abandonedafterimage · 2 years
Im back in my homestuck funk, so im open for requests if anybody wants any x readers.
I write mainly gn reader, but if you want a specific gender put it in your request. Please put in the request if the reader is a human or troll, and if troll what caste. If you want a specific classpect, place that in the request aswell. Please read my rules before requesting.
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dav3katz · 3 years
Gamzee x Troll!reader headcanons?
Gamzee relationship hcs
- well, if you’re a low blood (or even midblood) you’ve hit the fuckin jackpot, he’ll let you wear anythin of his
- the guy talks to you a lot ! When he isn’t completely spaced out that is, but even then he still texts you regardless lol
- it would really suck if you’re long distance tbh for him . He’d really wanna see you :o(
- he’s just clingy . Cant blame him . Goat dad doesn’t give him enough love
- he’s constantly talking nonsense to you tbh
- but he appreciates you listening regardless
- totally just chills out with you, eatin that sopor slime, watchin tv
- and doin some “mAkInG oUt :o)”
- speaking of makin out he loves kissin your face !
- or just kissing in general . He’s good at it too
- all for pda on top of that, like y’all just make out in front of everyone (if ur comfy)
- it’s a meme at this point
- (you would return the favor with kissin his face… but… his … makeup…
- but seriously the guy is really chill to date (when he isn’t sober anyways)
- but even in his sober state he wouldn’t hurt you, but is overly protective and possessive :o(
- likes his hair being played with! Big messy hair
- loves cuddling, but typically has his chin on your head because of his horns
- likes playin with your hands
- and before datin he’s pretty honest about his feelings n probably flirts with you
- pls make him like… clean up . Pls. He is kinda stinky and his hive smells like weed and pie mixed together . Weed pie .
- while this motherfucker isn’t crazy about being overly feminine, he does like the idea of you doing his nails and lipstick and shit
- tavros hangs with y’all a lot :o)
- he just loves you so much, and wants you to know that, even if he starts talking absolute nonsense afterwards
- but you are his miracle
- prank wars? Why not . It’s fun
- and bonus points if he can make you laugh because of it because your laugh is a miracle
- your relationship with karkat is rocky at first, to say the least. He worries about his moirail, hes not gonna trust you right off the bat? He’s just kinda like that when it comes to gamzee and dating .
- but now it’s like … cool .. he likes you .. especially since he doesn’t feel the need to check up on gamzee so much since gamzee has you
- very flirty . Like all the time? Always flirting straight up like he’d be very charming if the shit he said wasn’t so ridiculous or dumb as shit
- and like his flirting is kinda gross sometimes . It’s gamzee what do you expect
- lazy bf . As you’d expect . However!! He’s all for you taking him wherever !
- but a bit on sober gamzee I guess ; if you’re willing to date a murderer that killed his friends he’d be really happy honk
- as stated before he’d never hurt you, very protective and possessive . But also? Trusts karkat and a few others . And the only person that can get through to him is you (and karkat too ofc)
- you’ll have to deal with the honking . Sorry
- talks about you a lot to karkat and it’s like
- likes watching movies with you, love the idea of him loving romcoms and that being the reason him and karkat started becoming “friends” lol
- you guys are the meme where the girl is literally on top of the other girl while doing her makeup
- “yAsS” “gamzee please”
- when you sleep together and holds your hand throughout the night, even when you try to let go because your hands get all sweaty
- speaking of he’s kinda cold? He’s a highblood so duh, but he gets warm pretty easily, especially since he clings to ya so much and warms up
- (the reason he warms up easily is bc u make him happy and purple in the face)
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Beta Trolls
♋ Karkat Vantas ❤️
Yandere!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gemstuck!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Insecure!Chubby!Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
Yandere!Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons [Vikkirosko]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (S, U, and Z) [Yanyan-stuck]
♈ Aradia Megido 💀
Yandere!Aradia x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 19: Sadism with Aradia Megido [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Aradia x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B,D and H) [Yanyan-stuck]
♉ Tavros Nitram 🦽
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Yandere!Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
KinkTober Day 30: Master Kink with Tavros Nitram [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons Darling Who Friendzones him [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader NSFW Minific [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B and L) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Gamzeeliker69]
♊ Sollux Captor 🐝
Yandere!Sollux x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Heinoustuck!Sollux x Reader Drabble [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Sollux x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
KinkTober Day 8: Edge Play and Humiliation with Sollux Captor [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 27: Oral with Sollux Captor [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, C, and Y) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (J and O) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Short!Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
♌ Nepeta Leijon 🐱
Yandere!Nepeta x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Nepeta x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Nepeta x Reader Love Letter [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B and C) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (N and Z) [Yanyan-stuck]
♍ Kanaya Maryam 🧵
Yandere!Moirail!Kanaya x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Kanaya x Reader SUGGESTIVE Drabble [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet (B, E, and J) [Yandere--stuck]
♎ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 13: Petplay with Terezi Pyrope [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, M, P, and S) [Yanyan-stuck]
♏ Vriska Serket 🎱
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Drabble [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 3: Sadistic Giant/Tiny with Vriska Serket [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Oneshot FLARPing [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Vriska x Timid!Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
♐ Equius Zahhak 🥛
Yandere!Equius x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 20: Lactation with Equius Zahhak [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 22: (M!Reader) Somnophilia with Equius Zahhak [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 25: Collaring, Breeding, and Bondage with Equius Zahhak [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Equius x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, E, and H) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (K, O, and V) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (L and Y) [Yanyan-stuck]
♑ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, N, and J) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B, C, and D) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (H, I, and K) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [randomnessunicorn-imagine]
Yandere!Gamzee Makara x shut-in introvert!Reader headcanons [Vikkirosko]
KinkTober Day 28: Breeding with Gamzee Makara [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan--stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan--stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons [Yanyan--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, L, and Z) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, E, and S) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Gamzeeliker69]
♒ Eridan Ampora 🌊
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Human!Reader - Quadrant Vaciliation Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gemstuck!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, and Y) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Eridan x Yandere!Reader Headcanons [randomnessunicorn-imagine]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [randomnessunicorn-imagine]
KinkTober Day 11: Femdom with Eridan Ampora [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 21: Shower Sex with Eridan Ampora [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Cuddling [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Winning Over a Darling [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, F, H, I, and U) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C ) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (T) [Yanyan-stuck]
♓ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Empress!Feferi x Reader Fluff Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gemstuck!Feferi x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 2: Femdom with Feferi Peixes [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 14: Vore with Feferi Peixes [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
61 notes · View notes
vikkirosko · 2 years
Masterlist Beta trolls 3
♋️ Karkat Vantas ❤️
Karkat Vantas ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Well, if you won't do it, I will
Little troll in a box
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Mage of Space
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Other KK
Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons Serenade
♈️ Aradia Megido ☠️
Aradia Megido ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Aradia Megido x goldblood fem!Reader headcanons Comfort
Aradia Megido ♥️ human!Reader headcanons Secrets of the universe
♉️ Tavros Nitram 🦽
Tavros Nitram ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
♊️ Sollux Captor 🐝
Sollux Captor ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
Sollux Captor ♥️ Reader headcanons Bad dream
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Mage of Space
Sollux Captor x Reader headcanons Video games
♌️ Nepeta Leijon 🐱
Nepeta Leijon ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
♍️ Kanaya Maryam🧵
Kanaya Maryam ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Kanaya Maryam x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
♎️ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Terezi Pyrope ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Terezi Pyrope x Reader headcanons Neon yellow blood
♏️ Vriska Serket 🎱
Vriska Serket ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
male!Vriska Serket x human fem!Reader headcanons Tsundere
♐️ Equius Zahhak 🥛
Equius Zahhak ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Equius Zahhak x Reader headcanons Serenade
♑️ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Gamzee Makara ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Mage of Void
Gamzee Makara x Reader headcanons Rage player
♒️ Eridan Ampora 🪄
Eridan Ampora ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Eridan Ampora ♥️ limeblood!Reader headcanons
Eridan Ampora ♥️ Reader headcanons Alternative style
♓️ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Feferi Peixes ♦️ human fem!Reader headcanons Leader of human kids team
Feferi Peixes x Reader headcanons Serenade
Feferi Peixes x witch of mind!Reader headcanons Illusion
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