#homestuck x gn reader
dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader PLEASE
sure thing!! <3 sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted, but i had a lot of fun writing this!!
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alright, let's be clear. dirk strider does *not* hate many things. he dislikes things, of course. he dislikes a lot of things.
but hate? hating things is too emotionally vulnerable for his tastes.
oh, but you?
he can make some exceptions for you.
you are a special, particular kind of pain in his ass.
there's two very different reasons why (i think) dirk would hate someone.
either they, as a person are in entirely direct conflict with him and get on his nerves in a major way - or, they're way too similar to him, and dirk does not like getting a mirror to his own behavior.
so more than likely, you'd fit into one of those two categories. i don't know you, though.
but regardless of what it is, you probably wouldn't have known for a while.
he didn't treat you.. differently? per say?
he was cold and cryptic and strange to everyone.
but with you, it seemed different. everyone told you it was just in your head. that dirk didn't have a problem with you, he was just like that.
but it was not.
dirk took so much pleasure in confusing you, getting one over on you. playing his little mind games.
granted, he is just kind of like that, but it's different. it was a lot more targeted, pointed - it wasn't purely in jest.
but, more importantly, it wasn't onesided.
you were not just a passive actor in this, oh no.
whatever you did, it was equally targeted to get on his nerves as much as possible.
there came a point where both of you, just for the sake of your fucked up little game, knew more about each other than even your mutual best friends did.
you'd torment each other with things, but you'd never bring anyone else into it or tell anyone things only the two of you knew. there was something of a code of honor. a trust fall system.
despite how much you disliked each other, you'd never actually do tangible harm to each other.
you just engaged in a prolonged battle of psychological warfare over your chat client.
eventually, it gets.. bizarrely flirtatious. not in a traditional way, no, but in a way that was still undeniably flirting.
you still hated him. he still hated you.
it continued regardless.
you two never.. officially got into a pitch relationship.
you're both human, after all. how would you know?
however, eventually, you were informed that your relationship with dirk sounded a whole hell of a lot like blackrom.
so, of course, you approach him about it.
neither of you know *enough* about quadrants to really call it.
but all the trolls have just been assuming it anyways, so you just shrug. by now, it's calling it what it is.
you and dirk have the mutual respect necessary for blackrom. and the mutual attraction.
needless to say, you have the "hate" aspect down.
alright, miscellaneous hc time.
he'll offer to teach you how to swordfight. he might only have done it so he could rock your shit, but he'll always patch you up after. and that little smile he gives when you first managed to get him back was pretty genuine.
just enjoys teaching you how to do his stuff in general. he'll tease you about sucking at it, but he'll actually be happy when you make progress. curse his tiny soft spot.
shows up in your house/wherever you live at random. also likes sneaking up on you whenever he sees you. the more you hate it, the more he'll do it.
he'll claim that you're more attracted to him than he is you - but that's a total lie. he's a little pathetic sometimes.
gets very flustered when you're better at him than something. anything. literally anything at all. why, exactly.. good luck getting that out of him.
actually gets genuinely upset if he goes too far with you in any way. it'll mess with him a lot, and he'll apologize profusely.
he cares about you, despite how annoying you are. despite how much he hates you, despite all of it. he cares about you a lot. and, in his own weird way, loves you.
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sebbywrites · 1 year
Rain (Dirk x gn!Reader)
Summary: Just a cute little one shot of Dirk and a gn reader centered around the monsoon season :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was raining again. It had been raining for the past week with almost no break, which was unusual for your desert home. Granted, your neighborhood was a good 30-minute drive from the rest of the city in a more mountainous part of town with no street lights and full of hicks, so your house usually got more rain than the rest of town.
You inherited this property from your parents, your siblings had all moved out of state and had lives of their own, so they were content with you taking care of the house. 
You had always liked the rain, given you were raised in a city with very little of it to start with. The smell of the creosote bushes and the sound of the water droplets hitting the desert floor calmed you. 
To keep yourself company, aside from the tortoises that you inherited alongside the house (they weren’t very, uh, social) and your two cats, you adopted an Australian Shepard named Strawberry. Kitty and Karma were skeptical at first, but came around eventually. 
Right now though, you were sitting on your back patio drinking a cup of warm tea by your propane fireplace. It was nice to finally relax from your day at work. Strawberry was curled up at your feet, too afraid to go out into the yard because of the rain. 
Your favorite pair of brothers were supposed to fly in from their Texas apartment next week. As much as you loved the rain, you really hoped the storm system would pass by then.
─── [1 New Message] ───
timaeusTestified Today at 7:27 PM
What are you doing rn?
I Drink Too Much Caffeine lol Today at 7:28 PM
why don’t you ever change your server nickname
i’m on the back porch 
timaeusTestified Today at 7:28 PM
So you’re home
Can you open up, it’s fucking raining out here.
I Drink Too Much Caffeine lol Today at 7:29 PM
You and Dave are here???
Hold on
─── timaeusTestified is typing... ───
You rushed to open the front door, not really caring what his response was because you already knew. 
You stared at the two blonds on the covered front porch in absolute disbelief. They were both drenched like they walked over in the rain, which they probably did. Rideshare services only ever went to the end of the paved road, which completely misses your house as your street was just dirt and loose gravel.
“.....What the fuck are you doing here?”
Dave slapped the back of his brother’s head, knocking his triangle shades askew (“Dude!”). The exhaustion and exasperation were clear in his voice as he pointlessly asked Dirk if he remembered to tell you their flight was changed. Obviously, he did not.
“Roxy had to change our flight to an earlier one, and this one-” he glared at his brother pointedly- “was supposed to text you about it.”
The rain had started to pick up just as you ushered the brothers into your house. Strawberry didn’t bark at them, luckily, but because she was still only 3 years old she was excitedly jumping and sniffing around.
“Fuckin idiots, you should’ve called me to pick you up, I’ve been home for hours!” you grumble quietly while trying to push Strawberry away. 
Dirk sheepishly while adjusting his sunglasses to sit correctly on the bridge of his nose, “Sorry, (Y/n)...”
“Never mind that, both of you need to go take warm showers. Now.”
“Yes ma’am!” 
You stared blankly as they ran off in different directions. They had both stayed over enough that they might as well have lived here before you did, so they knew their way around. 
The younger two Striders’ parents were never around because of work, and their older twin brothers (both were only ever addressed as ‘Bro’ so even now as an adult, you had no idea what their names were) were horrible at guardianship. When they were 8 and 10, their brothers finally got legal guardianship over them and promptly moved to your city for college. The boys became quick friends with you at school and would stay the night a lot before they moved back to Texas at the end of the 8th-grade year. 
But enough back story, that isn’t what you’re here for. 
Seeing as your boys were taking their sweet ass time in the shower (probably using up all of your favorite soaps, to be honest), and you hadn’t eaten since you got home many hours ago, you got started making a simple chicken noodle soup.
It was suiting since the dry air mixed with rain for the past week just made everyone cold. Especially since your house was solely tile, apart from the occasional accent rug in some of the (rather large) rooms. 
Once the vegetables and chicken were done, you added the broth to the pot and turned the heat down. Satisfied with how it was going, you turned your attention to their half-open luggage still sitting in the entryway.
You set their things into each of your guest bedrooms for them- who are you kidding, these were their bedrooms; They both decorated them as they saw fit after the 5th consecutive month-long fly-out to visit you. There was no such thing as a guest bedroom in this house. Unless you decided to convert your office space back into a bedroom, and you really didn’t want to do that. Both rooms were furnished with a full-size bed, a desk with a complete setup, a 50-inch wall-mounted TV, and whatever else the two decided they needed in their rooms.
Dirk and Dave returned to the open living space from their much-needed showers to see you curled up on the couch under a blanket eating your soup and watching something on the TV.
You took notice of them, of course, sending them off to get their soup before they joined you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Everyone had long since bid each other goodnight, and yet at nearly 2 in the morning, you sat up in bed abruptly, scaring off your cats who lifted their heads in surprise at your movement. You would usually be found asleep by now, but for some reason, you just couldn’t tonight. Not even the gentle pitter-patter of the rain droplets on your windows could lull you to sleep.
This is what I get for forgetting to buy another bottle of melatonin, you thought to yourself as you pulled yourself out of bed to go brew a cup of chamomile tea.
You just set your cast iron teapot on the stove to heat the water when a phone flashlight nearly blinded you. The owner of said light moved it towards the floor once they noticed you squinting at the brightness.
“Sorry... again,” Dirk chuckled. “What are you doing up?”
His iconic triangle shades were left on his bedside table, leaving you to stare into his bright orange eyes. 
“I couldn’t sleep, so I came out here to make some tea,” you stated. “What are you doing up Mr. I couldn’t sleep the entire 2-hour plane ride? If anything, you should be, like, in a coma right now.”
You and Dirk broke the beat of silence with hushed chuckles.
“I guess you’re right,” he said. He looked at the ceiling with a smile, thinking about it. “I guess I was just so excited to come back and it hasn’t worn off just yet.”
You rolled your eyes, taking the teapot off the stove after examining the water with your phone flashlight. You put your teabag in to brew, as Dirk just stared at you with a look on his face that you couldn’t place. Content maybe? He did always say that this house felt more like a home to him than quite literally anywhere else he’d lived throughout his life.
Yeah. Content. It couldn’t be anything other than that, you thought to yourself bitterly as well as sadly.
You had no idea when it happened, or how, but you knew that you had been in love with the orange-eyed blond for some time now. Trying to distance yourself from these feelings only made you feel like shit, like you were keeping a secret from your childhood friend, but you could never gather up the courage to confess to him either. Once again, this is because he was your best friend.
“The rain is still going, huh?” Dirk spoke up, bringing yourself out of your thoughts.
You looked out the window on the backdoor, listening and watching as the rain poured down. It was barely noticeable from where you stood, but you could tell that the wash running through your backyard was flowing.
“It’s been like this all week, Dirk,” you smiled. “Did you even read any of my messages?”
He only hummed in response, accompanied by a quite obvious rolling of his eyes.
“Um-” Hello? Dirk Strider never in his life started with an um. Is he nervous- “You can totally say no, but... can I.... hang out in your room tonight?”
Pink dusted itself over his freckled cheeks and his eyes started darting around nervously. He was looking anywhere but at you. You stifled a giggle as best as you could (he still heard it and by god, her laugh is gorgeous) before telling him you didn’t see a problem with it.
Your LED lights illuminated the room when you turned them on before you lowered their brightness to a soft glow. 
“You can sleep in here, too, if you want,” you said when he noticeably jumped at the sound of thunder reverberating through the house. 
It was almost 4 in the morning by the time the two of you drifted off to sleep. Half awake, Dirk pulled you close to his chest and tucked your head under his chin as you lay under the covers. Unknowingly, you snuggled into his warm embrace (seriously, he was like a human space heater). 
It all felt so natural to him, like he’d been doing it forever. 
He absentmindedly feathered a kiss to the crown of your head before he drifted off to sleep himself.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Waking up in Dirk’s arms and the smell of his cologne was a frightening (for 2 seconds while you gathered your bearings) then pleasant experience. It almost pained you to pull yourself out of bed, but given that it was just past 11 am and you had a sleep schedule to keep for work, you had to. You gently removed Dirk’s arms from around your torso and got ready for the day.
You knew that the Striders had planned to be your roomies for a month, and given that your house was beginning to dwindle on supplies you should probably go to the store for groceries. You made a quick list of what you needed to buy before heading out - not without a note stuck on the fridge, of course.
Just as you closed the garage, Dirk woke up to an empty bed. He laid there for a good 20 minutes trying to fight off waking up so he could go back to dreaming, but alas, the morning called.
Dave also staved off his brother’s sleep by making an absolute racket in the kitchen a few feet outside your bedroom door, but I digress. 
“G’mornin’....” he groggily stumbled into the kitchen. “Where’s (Y/n)?”
“Shoppin’, if the rain doesn’ make traffic too bad I’d guess she’ll be home pretty soon.”
Kitty circled around Dirk’s legs, rubbing against him and meowing.
“I jus’ fed her and Karma, fuckin’ whore,” Dave said in irritation. Since Dirk knew his brother loved cats, especially these two, he knew there wasn’t any actual malice behind his words.
“Aha!” Dave shouted in glee, almost startling Dirk off his chair at the island. “I finally found where (Y/n) hid the Life!”
Dave made bowls for the two of them and began pestering his brother about being in your room.
“I knew you had a crush on her but I never took you for a snooper,” he teased.
“I wasn’ snoopin’, asshat. (Y/n) let me sleep in their bed last night since we both couldn’t sleep, and the thunder got bad.”
“And yet I slep’ like a baby.”
“Yeah, well, I got attacked by the fridge full of swords more than you did.”
“That’s because you’re an idiot who never learned not to open the fridge.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Dave looked at his brother seriously all of a sudden, his teasing laughter ceasing near immediately. Dirk glanced back at him in surprise. 
“When are you goin’ to tell them?”
“I-” Dirk was interrupted by the sound of the garage opening, and your car pulling in. He glanced at the garage door for a moment before answering his brother.
“Soon. I think.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
That evening, Dave convinced the two of you to have a movie night. Halfway through whatever it was you were watching (Dave picked, it was some indie movie his boyfriend liked), you could feel yourself beginning to feel sleepy. Dirk took notice of you starting to nod off and let you rest your head in his lap; he started to absentmindedly play with your hair, which only made you fall asleep faster.
Not that you could see it, but Dirk was smiling softly with pink dusting his cheeks once more. A few minutes of playing with your hair later, he too began to feel tired. He adjusted the position you were in to where he could lay back on the couch with you held firmly to his chest, your legs tangled together.
By the end of the movie, you and Dirk had fallen asleep cuddling on the couch (Dave was really the only one watching it anyway, so it wasn’t like it was hard not to).
It was late into the night by the time you woke up, still snuggled into Dirk’s chest. Dave had long since turned off the TV and gone to his room to video call Karkat. It was just the two of you.
You inhaled heavily, before gently untangling yourself from the blond’s grasp after a few minutes of soaking in the moment. Your hunger pains trumped cuddling with the man you were deeply in love with.
You had decided to just make dinner for the three of you. The storm started up again as soon as the food was almost ready. You looked out the windows to the back porch, watching the torrent of rainfall onto the desert landscape of your backyard. It was really coming down hard now.
Dirk finally sat up from his spot on the couch to look over at you, unknown to you. He stared at you, completely enamored just at the sight of your bedhead and tired eyes gazing out the window at the rain. 
You caught his gaze when you turned around to grab serving dishes from a cabinet. 
“Good Morning sleepy head,” you smiled. “Dinner is ready, could you go let Dave know?”
Dirk swallowed thickly, his mouth suddenly tasting like cotton. Should I..?
“Can I... talk to you?” The orange-eyed blond flicked his uncovered eyes from you around the room, nervousness practically oozing from his awkwardly stood form against the back of the couch. 
“Talk to you...?” you mumbled. “Sure, I’ll, uh, grab my shoes and we’ll go outside.”
Dirk took the lead walking out back. He led you down the stone pathway from the porch and to the gazebo. Why did he want to walk out there when it was raining (well, sprinkling now, desert storms die down quickly), you had no clue. 
“What’s up?” You asked. “You seem... weird. Is something wrong?”
Quietly, Dirk lit the oil lamp on the table under the gazebo. Raindrops made a soft pitter-patter, then dribbled down the steel roof. 
“I- this is probably a bit blunt, but I wanted to confess to you,” he once again flicked his eyes around. 
“What did you want to confess?”
You could feel your own nervousness start to bubble up. You tried to observe the man in front of you, wanting an answer from his body language for your question. You took note of the raindrops in his spiked, blond hair, and how the light from the oil lamp made his gorgeous orange eyes shine like neon signs in the dark of the rainy night.
He was gorgeous, meaning he was way out of your league, and in no way meant ‘confess to you’ as in ‘I am in love with you’.
Right? Right!?
“I know you know what I meant, (Y/n),” he deadpanned.
You swallowed the spit that accrued in your long moment of thinking, still nervous.
“You.. You love me?”
“I... Yeah, I love you, (Y/n).”
There were no more words that needed to be said. The two of you simply gave each other a look that confirmed the thoughts both of you had. The feeling was mutual. For years, the two of you had been pinning for each other, and finally, one of you had said something.
Dirk moved to put his hands on your waist, his lips barely brushing past yours. “Will you give me the honor of being yours?” He whispered.
An absolute blushing mess, you whispered back, “Only if you’ll let me be yours.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, my love.”
And so, the two of you kissed under the palely lit gazebo in the soft desert rain.
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tobi-boi · 2 years
A cold
Characters included: Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, Eridan Ampora, Kankri Vantas, Meenah Peixes
Genre: fluff
Reader gender: gender neutral
Warnings: profanity(Karkat's part), might be kinda out of character
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✦Jade Harley✦
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=> You and Jade had been playing in the snow the day before.
=> The next morning, you woke up with a cold.
=> Jade noticed almost instantly that something was up.
=> "[name], are you okay?"
=> "youre sick? oh no :("
=> She tells you to go to bed and rest.
=> She'll take care of you until you get better.
=> You want some water? Okay. Snacks? You got it. Cuddles? Jade might get sick too, but sure.
✦Karkat Vantas✦
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=> You took Karkat to see snow.
=> He wasn't prepared for how cold it was, so you let him borrow your jacket.
=> You ended up staying longer than you expected.
=> The next day, you woke up with a cold.
=> You got up to get something to eat, planning to go back and rest afterwards.
=> On the way back, you bumped into Karkat.
=> He walks you back to make sure you're doing okay, telling you to call him over if you need anything.
=> You half-expected him to leave and go do something else, but he stayed to keep an eye on you.
✦Eridan Ampora✦
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=> You hadn't been in the snow for a long time, so you decided to take the opportunity to do so.
=> Stupidly, you hadn't dressed well enough to not be bothered by the cold.
=> The next day, you woke up with a cold.
=> Not wanting to bother anyone about it, you decided to keep it to yourself and go about your day like normal.
=> It didn't go entirely unnoticed.
=> Normally you would tell Eridan to leave you alone, but this time you didn't have the energy to do so.
=> "hey wwhy arent you actin like you normally do"
=> "wwhy arent you restin if youre sick"
=> He tells you to get some rest, but you just ignore him.
=> In the end, he had to force you to lay down and rest.
=> Eridan didn't leave you there, saying he needed to make sure you didn't get up.
✦Kankri Vantas✦
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=> You didn't want to bother anyone by telling them you had a cold.
=> Unfortunately for you, you had a headache and Kankri was the first one you bumped into.
=> "y9u have a headache? h9w s9?"
=> "y9u're sick? why are y9u up and a69ut then? y9u sh9uld get s9me rest."
=> "n9 6uts. c9me 9n, 9ff y9u g9."
=> Kankri made sure that you stayed, and didn't go wandering off again.
=> However, he will be telling you about how it's best to rest when you're sick.
=> But he will be taking care of you, as much as possible.
✦Meenah Peixes✦
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=> You didn’t even bother telling Meenah that you had caught a cold, you’re sure she would just keep doing whatever she was doing either way.
=> "youre usually able to keep up with me whats up with you"
=> "sick reelly go rest then"
=> "i aint gonna take no for an answer"
=> If you agreed to go rest or not doesn’t matter, Meenah drags you some place comfortable either way.
=> She’d even hold you if it meant you were getting rest.
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Yup, I like Homestuck. I might not write Homestuck stuff as often as Genshin stuff, but the only thing that matters is that I do.
Word count: 517
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andy4yippee · 8 days
What i do write/What i dont write and request status! (`ε´)
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Hi! Im Xander and i've been a writer for 6+ years. i mostly write fanfictions! this blog is a fanfic blog. This is a guide to what i write and my requests! (i mostly write Homestuck, Harry Potter, DC, or Stranger Things stuff.)
Requests : OPEN
Ships i write :
(character) x reader
Anything from my few fandoms thats classified as appropriate! (no child x adult, incestious stuff, etc.)
Ships i dont write :
MxF (i cant write this because im not straight, when i try they come out so bad. im sorry (눈_눈))
What i write :
Horror, mystery AUS.
Things involving abuse that aren't glorified
What i wont write :
Long series
Extra notes :
i loveee writing a good stalker mystery AU. ideas? PM me! 🙏🏻
Im very flexible! i'll likely take your idea, shoot your shot.
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sinfulauthorwrites · 8 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 14: Object Insertion
There is a SEVERE lack of Condy x Reader fics, and I’m here to provide them! I tried my best to make this as reader-insertable as possible while incorporating my headcanons about troll biology!
💖 Many thanks to @flightlessangelwings for the prompt list! 💖
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Ship: The Condesce x GN!Troll!Reader
Word count: 106
Applicable Tags: Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Sadism, Dom/sub, Age Gap, Object Insertion, Forced Exhibitionism, Bulges and Nooks, Tentabulges, Dom!The Condesce, Sub!Reader, Bottom!Reader, Dirty Talk, Captor/Captive, Threats of Violence, POV Second Person
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“I’ll give ‘em a mothafuckin’ L-ESSON on what happens if ya rebel!” The Condesce laughs maniacally as the prongs of her 2x3dent approach your nook. Your bulge had receded in fear, the genetic material tinted with your blood color noticeably absent. 
This is how I die, isn’t it? If only the coup were successful, you think to yourself, your eyes screwed shut.
“C’mon now, all of Alternia is watchin’! So ya betta keep your eyes open,” the Empress takes her free hand to force your eyes open. “Or I’mma make this reely hurt.” She forces the weapon into your nook, causing you to scream in pain.
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Liked this and want more? Check the full Kinktober fic on my AO3 here!
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professor-pato · 2 years
May I ask for some Jade cuddle hc’s?
And are you also writing for Hiveswap or just Homestuck??
jesus breakdancing christ this is almost a whole month late, i think i might owe you my life anon. btw, i do write for hiveswap! just not every character, i'll make a list at some point. ANYWAYS!
okay, first off, may i say that you picked the best human to cuddle with
jade is incredibly affectionate! sometimes. overly so
that aside, how does jade cuddle? well, i'm glad you asked!
have you ever cuddled with a big dog? like, a really big dog? specifically one of the ones that don't seem to realize how big they are?
it's basically that
it is a very messy cuddle
just a lot of tangled limbs
she will NOT lay still for any amount of time
she will shift around, nuzzle you, stretch, change positions, etc etc
loves kissing your cheek
also likes listening to your heartbeat/the general sound of your body, so she'll put her head against your chest
it's very cute
you might get her hair in your mouth on accident
she also might squeeze you too hard and give you a bruise
but other than that
best cuddle ever
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Hello! Requests:Open!💕
I’m Sunshine, and this is my yandere request blog! I write yandere oneshots, headcannons, and scenarios for your entertainment with a maximum character limit of four. Below is a list of rules and what I will write for!! :)
I will write for:
nsfw (fair warning, it may not be very good) ❣️on that note, I only write for sub characters. ❣️
suggestive content
most kinks, with exceptions for watersports, spit, and degradation
I will write for GN, afab, and explicitly fem readers only, because I don’t know enough to write about male readers to feel comfortably, sorry!!
FNAF (games only):
Michael and William Afton
all animatronics (specify if you want human or natural form)
MANDELA CATALOGUE: (No NSFW for this one, sorry y’all)
Alt Cesar,
Cesar Torres,
Mark Heathcliff,
Adam Murray,
Jonah Marshall,
CREEPYPASTA and MARBLE HORNETS: pretty much all except for offenderman, Lj, candypop, and sonic.ExE
all trolls and humans
Asa Emory
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
OG!Michael Myers                                                                                           
Bo Sinclair                                                                                                             
Vincent Sinclair                                                                                                     
Bubba Sawyer                                                                                                       
Thomas Hewitt                                                                                                       
Brahms Heelshire                                                                                                 
Erik Destler                                                                                   
SCROOGE (2022)
Ebenezer Scrooge
Erik Destler (Phantom of the Opera, Musical!Erik and Book!Erik, waiting on someone to request Cherik.)
General yandere nsfw headcannons 💜
Self indulgent nsfw post💜: part one and two
Erik getting reader pregnant headcannons 💜
Desperate Erik oneshot with cowgirl and facesitting 💜
Erik with a mommy kink headcannons (cannon in all my works) 💜
General kissing with Erik 💜
Erik with voice kink, auralism, and scent kink headcannons 💜
Erik’s nsfw alphabet 💜
Would Erik like to be called babydoll? 💜
Forever and Always, You. Valentine’s Day oneshot (unless someone requests another part and gives some ideas 👀) 💜
Erik with a mommy kink oneshot 💜
A Chance With You series: one💜 two💜 three(in progress)
Cherik general yandere headcannons 💜
Musical!Erik with mirror sex oneshot 💜
Reader making Erik a scarf and he gets whiny because they aren’t paying attention to him 💜
Brahms Heelshire
Reader who flinches when he raises his hand 💷
Eyeless Jack
Nsfw alphabet 💙
Ticci Toby
Soft reader headcannons 🪓
Mandela Catalogue
Mark Heathcliff headcannons 🔫
Adam and Jonah x reader from irl 📹📼
Human Cesar Torres headcannons ☎️
Michael Afton
Ghost Michael headcannons 🔦
Withered Bonnie
General headcannons🐰⚙️
Funtime Crew
Touch starved reader 🎉🎈
Soft reader 💉
Ebenezer Scrooge
Nsfw alphabet 💰
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arsonistcatnip · 7 months
Meow!! Ofur here!! :33
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:33 < Hello!!
Just call me Arson or h!! This blog of mine is dedicated to my meowltifandom fics, ficlets, headcanons, etc. I do [Character x Reader] with a side of [Character x Character] fur most things. I may also ramble and post about [OC x Character] stuff, both mine and my friends'.
VV Please heed my rules and boundaries!! VV
(No more cat puns hereon out, I promeowse. :33)
Rules and Warnings
Please understand that my blog contains mature/NSFW content. This includes things like gore, sex, kink content, etc. in both visual and written depictions. If you don't want to see something, please do block the tag! If you're a minor, please DNI. This is ultimately an adult space and I cannot guarantee it will be safe for you.
I post requests based on my own schedule. I don't mind people asking for updates but please do give me time to fulfil things. I'm struggling with a lot of personal issues at the moment and this blog is currently just for fun. Please respect my time and space.
Also respect others please!! We're all human, and our experiences are not universal, but please try have empathy for others.
I'm willing to write fics, drabbles, character studies (or, at least, word vomit about my interpretation of characters), almost anything!! I exclusively do [DomTop GN Reader]. If you're unsure about anything, you're always welcome to ask!!
Please make sure you specify your asks!! Make it clear what you're asking for, regardless of how long or short your ramble is. Also, feel free to sign off on it!!
More TBA.
Requests: Open!!
Fandoms I'll Write For*
*I can't guarantee that my interpretation of a character will line up with your's, nor can I assure that my characterisation of an entire cast is equal. If I'm uncertain in my abilities to write something, I may turn your request down.
Genshin Impact (especially the Fatui Harbingers)
Homestuck (no Epilogues or HS^2)
More TBA!! (I'm bad at getting into media, I'm so sorry)
Fandoms I'll Yell About*
* Won't do [Character x Reader]s but I will talk about them. Ranging from li'l' nostalgia chats to A Lot to A Metric Fuckton. Please talk to me about my Special Interests.
Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni (Very Normal)
Wings of Fire (So Extremely Normal)
MLP:FiM (actually pretty normal about this one)
Don't see a media/fandom on these lists that you think I'd like?
Feel free to try convince me to get me into one!! 'Tis quite a hard task to get me into anything, though.
Thank mew fur reading!! :33c
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
Hello! I’d like to request some 682 x reader headcanons where the reader is pretty similar to 682, only a bit smaller, and how mating would be like with 682 during their synced heats? Thank you!
Similar Enough
[SCP 682 x GN!Reader, decribing afab and amab when applicable]
[Warnings: monster fucking, but you're a monster too so? Mating cycles/heat, breeding kink, knotting, MINORS DNI]
So, from what I can remember, 682 can actually change size? Size isn't really a big thing here between the two of you, it just kind of works where it should and does.
But let's pretend 682 is at the size he finds most comfortable and you're similar, but a bit smaller than him.
Heats??? Kind of destructive tbh. I don't mean that in a "fuck so hard we destroy the facility!" I mean that heats make the two of you REALLY AGGRESSIVE. Like, can't look at each other with your multiple eyes without causing mass destruction.
It's kind of a form of play between the two of you. It's not like you two really like each other at all, kind of similar to hate sex but it's fun!
You will fight each other for submission, and it can really go either way.
Now, just because this is monster fucking I'm going by the rules of you and 682 being like snails or that common headcanon that homestuck trolls have afab and amab genetalia.
Whoever wins during these fights gets to penetrate the other.
Usually he wins. Usually. He likes being buried inside of you and has a strong breeding kink.
You don't have a knot but he does. He will use it to his advantage.
It's just,,, physically very messy between the two of you.
The Foundation hates when your heats align because guaranteed, something is going to hell more than once.
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myhedcanonicfables · 3 months
Rules and some sort of description (REQUESTS ARE OPPEEENNN)
I do not write nsfw!
And also i won't write requests with something I'm uncomfortable
English is not my native language at all. Sorry for many future mistakes
I writing only male characters x gn! or fem! reader.
as an exception, sometimes I can write specific peirings, but I like a very small number (but you can still ask if you want)
Fandoms I write(will be updating):
Homestuck, Murder Drones, Hello Charlotte
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miss-atena · 5 months
I dunno how to say this in another way but TWST requests r open! specifically TWST for a while
I've been having a big big big brainrot. Although i fall in and out of Homestuck too in this mean time, my main focus rn is Twisted Wonderland, and I love the dynamics and everything so... Twisted requests are open!
Some rules tho: I will write mainly canon x reader or, if given enough information, I can write some ocs x reader. I usually leave this for moots only, but I really wanna see the banger ocs in this fandom, so I'm making this an exception.
I accept poly ships for x reader and x oc, but depending on what is in the point below, It will be strictly a v formation or it's variants. I do not condone people who may enjoy this at all, but since the ones below are ones that make me uncomfy, i feel the need to specify this.
I do write canon x canon, but I will NOT WRITE anything romantic between the Diasomnia members, the Ignihyde Members, the Scarabia members, the Twins OR Malleus, Lilia and Leona with the 1st and 2nd years. No ifs or buts.
I do write for the staff, but in any scenario with the staff, the reader or oc needs to be part of the staff too. A staff member dating a student is GROSS, that is a heavy power imbalance in a nasty way.
I'm not against writing nsfw stuff, but it will always be post graduation, as that sorta stuff in a school setting makes me uncomfy.
Other things to note: for any canon x canon ship and also for oc x canon ships, I will put a tag so that non sharers/ no doubles may skip if they so desire.
If not specified beforehand, i will write for GN!reader, even in nsfw requests. I can write both male and female readers upon request.
if not specified beforehand, I will write reader as not Yuu. as such, for floyd requests I will put him calling reader either guppie or a fish that fits the request. For any oc requests with him, or rook for the matter, please specify a nickname they call the oc. (can specify too on x reader, if wanted, but if not I can come up with one >:33)
If ya want to ask for an oc PLEASE give a little description of them or at least the dynamic you want. I'm sadly have no crystal ball to see how they are. and include a name, grade and if not a yuu oc, the dorm. whatever else, ya can include what best fits! I know yall r smart and can come up with something cool, I believe in yall!!
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hello all! school related things have been kicking my ass lately because i’m a terrible procrastinator sometimes BUT i am finally done with midterm work and i’ll be starting requests soon!
in the meanwhile, requests are still open! check my last post and my pinned post ^^
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authorautism · 1 year
Started: 2023-04-24
Updated: 28-02-2024
Fandoms [will expand]
General Head canons
Bakugo x GN!reader soulmate au
General headcanons
Kakashi Omegaverse HCs
Dr. Stone
Bauldr's Gate 3
Gale headcanons Omega!Gale headcanons
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tobi-boi · 1 year
Calliope relationship headcanons
Character: Calliope Genre: fluff, headcanons Reader gender: gender neutral Warnings: none Word count: 233
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=> Calliope is a sweetheart, she makes sure that you're fine with things before doing them.
=> She respects your personal space, and you respect hers– as it should be.
=> If it's a long distance relationship, she'll be really hesitant to show you what she looks like. But once she finally does, a huge relief washes over her.
=> Calliope would tell Roxy about you, sometimes to the point where everything she talks about involves you.
=> You are able to talk to her about anything, and she will give you advice if you ask for it.
=> She'll help you make a trollsona if you ask her to, and she'll be ecstatic about it.
=> If you rant about your interests to her; Calliope will take mental notes and ask follow-up questions. It doesn't matter if she finds the topic boring, she just loves the way your face lights up when she asks to learn more about it.
=> She might not be the fondest of physical touch. But if you ask her for it, she will comply– although it might be something small, like hand holding.
=> If you need reminders; Calliope will provide it for you– same goes for comforting. Make sure to provide it for her as well.
=> She isn't the most keen on nicknames, but won't stop you from using nicknames for her.
=> Calliope will draw you, and has a special place to keep the drawings.
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so-make-a-move · 9 months
hi this is a place for me to reblog fan fictions/imagines/drabbles that I like!
I'm Pete, he/they/dew, and I'm a minor so please be kind!
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some of the content I might be reblogging:
yandere stuff
x reader (this one is for sure cause that's 99% of what I read)
male reader!
autistic and physically disabled reader
age regressor reader
possible fandoms:
possible real person x reader fiction? it's a huge maybe tho and it's probs only gonna be mcr or fob
tmnt (mostly donnie)
Spider man into/across the spiderverse
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
creepypasta/marble hornets
to name a few!
things I will not be reblogging:
smut (doesn't include suggestive things)
large or illegal age gaps/incest/etc.
female reader
(divider by @k1ssyoursister )
tag system below cut
current different reader tags:
#gn reader
#autistic reader
#trans masc reader
#male reader
#physically disabled reader
#age regressor reader
#masc reader
character tags:
#ticci toby
#wallace wells
#stephen stills
#matthew patel
#eyeless jack
#gerard way
#hobie brown
#sollux captor
#mikey way
fandoms tags:
#fun ghoul
#marble hornets
#across the spiderverse
other tags:
#danger days
#tw blood
#tw injury
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sinfulauthorwrites · 8 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 17: Tentacles
💖 Many thanks to @flightlessangelwings for the prompt list! 💖
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Ship: The Condesce x GN!Human!Reader
Word count: 116
Applicable Tags: Rape/Non-Con, Dom/sub, Age Gap, Captor/Captive, Bulges and Nooks, Tentabulges, Dom!The Condesce, Sub!Reader, Oral Sex, Bondage, Tentacles, Dirty Talk, POV Second Person
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The fuschia tentacles wrapped around your arms and lower legs held you prisoner, the Alternian empress circling you like a vulture above a dead animal. “Man, am I reel fuckin’ happy that I could capture a human an’ not krill ‘em this time.” She cackles as you struggle in your restraints, desperate to get free. “Aww, don’t worry. I’ll take reeeel good care of ya.” She unzips the front of her wetsuit, revealing a large tentacle-like appendage that slaps the side of your face. “Now pucker up, B-EAC) (.”
“NO!” You cry out, refusing all attempts to force you into submission.
“I think ya misunderstand.” The Condesce forces the tentacle into your mouth. “Ya ain’t gotta choice.”
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Liked this and want more? Check the full Kinktober fic on my AO3 here!
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