#tbh i just wanted to write them causing some sort of destruction
sethdomain · 4 months
Hi!! I just saw your recent dsmp post and I don’t blame you for hating cdream- that guy has kinda done some shit to people… but on the point about the dsmp ending I feel like I should kinda clear something up? I don’t think ctommy was apologizing to cdream bc he’s the one who did the most damage, I think he was apologizing for the literal nukes he just sent to them lmao- I think with enough time cdream would’ve apologized too (cause he had more to apologize for) but tbh ctommy is kinda right- they both kinda fucked each other up!! I thought the ending was really beautiful and tragic actually but that’s just my opinion. There's more I could say but I don’t wanna annoy you too much lmao, sorry for the word dump- happy to see tumblr folks still talking about dsmp :D
now that i rewatched, u kinda right about the apologizing part. To the missiles. And I guess that make more sense.
For the sentiment that c!tommy fucked c!dream too, erm idk about that. c!Dream moreso just project every single bad thing that has ever happened to himself as c!Tommy fault while its clear he's some sort of ego driven maniac thats obsessive and controlling toward c!tommy life to an unhealthy degree that he literally commissioned c!Sam to built a literal pandora box prison to isolate him.
Also I don't know why most people choose to ignore this, but c!Dream has always wanted to exile c!Tommy in the first place, this is evidence by the fact that he once tried to frame c!Tommy for the destruction of c!bad and c!skeppy house, c!dream has always use the defense that c!Tommy is destructive and dangerous and need to be exiled, but I disagree, its more than that. It has always been about control. If c!Tommy hadn't burnt c!George house down, c!Dream would still want him to be exiled and he will make it happend
And also, yes i acknowledge that c!Dream is mentally unstable. That explain his behavior, but it does not excuse his abusive behavior. Honestly this one a big problem in the reading/writing of dsmp story, i'd even argue bastardzation of mental illness is one of the biggest problem of dsmp but 🤫🤫🤫🤫
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bonefall · 1 year
howdy!! i was wonderin’ if you could list all the cats that are neurodivergent or have a mental disorder, and specifically what conditions? i was also hopin’ if you could expand upon how they present as well, but you don’t have to do all of them! you can pick and choose. or none at all if you’re tired! idm ‘:3
warriors and psychiatry are two of my SIs so i just wanna gobble up all of this information LOL
Sure! Though, I want to preface by saying that I try to make sure I'm very well acquainted with the neurodivergence I plan to add before adding it. I've always had a, "try not to overextend" sort of philosophy, trying to make sure each portrayal is going to be treated well in the narrative before promising it publicly
SO what that means is that this list is incomplete and I plan to add more, as I learn more about how to accurately portray something. Especially important with the more stigmatized disorders on this list-- for example I plan to add NPD once I have a better idea for how to feature it.
Life in the Clans is VIOLENT. Most, or many, characters are going to end up with symptoms of PTSD, especially the cats who lived through the Plague, TigerClan, the entire Mothermouth Moorland War, and the destruction of the White Hart Woods in particular.
But C-PTSD is something I'm choosing more carefully, if that makes sense, so that it's something I write with 'higher priority' when approaching that particular character.
Birchfall (Human activity and child starvation are his triggers, also visibly unsettled by falling trees)
Brightheart (Dogs and dishonor titles, has recurring nightmares, self-harms through overexertion; refuses to take breaks to punish herself)
Stormfur (Severe trust issues, self-destructs relationships)
Lilyheart (Can't deal with water because she watched a sibling die instead of her)
Harrybrook ("big mood lilyheart")
There will also be some cats in WindClan who aren't able to eat rabbit, because it triggers memories of poison and causes them to wretch. This causes serious issues for them, because rabbit is the majority of the WindClan diet, especially in winter.
Sorreltail (Absence seizures caused by brain damage from nightshade poisoning)
Shadowsight (Severe clonic-tonic seizures, Tawnypelt brings him to the Tribe to seek a very special treatment for him)
I reaaaaally need to add more here tbh
Mumblefoot (I know he's not a major character lmao but he was Pinestar's first deputy, and had dyspraxia.)
Yellowfang (It's super prevalent in her entire familial line)
Honestly I'm so autistic I kinda end up putting a little bit of autism in everyone. I feel like I can detect autism in every one of my little favorites. Spottedleaf, Speckletail, Dustpelt, etc
Borderline Personality Disorder
Etc/There's one cat who has it and I need to add more
Bumble, Blossom, and Briar have a lot of baggage from their parents' treatment, Bumble and Bloss are glass children.
Alderheart has anxiety
Carpwhisker might also have anxiety, she's really bad at standing up for herself
Poppyfrost is severely avoidant
Sparkpelt and Palebird both had postpartum depression
Dovewing has burnout and gets stressed out when her biofamily is around; not sure how to describe this.
Squirrelflight also has ADHD, this is kind of like Autism because I also have ADHD and it's difficult for me to imagine other 'ways' people think. like what do you MEAN, you have ONE train of thought??
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letstrywritingmaybe · 2 months
Hi! I suddenly very invested in the shinsherry ship dynamic, of course I have my own ideas and hc. Do you fancy the dynamic? If it is a yes, do you have some sorts of hc for them?
Pd: I am still working on in this shinsherry fic so I need a bost of energy.
Oh my, idk if I’m the best person to ask tbh since I tend to write shinshi and CoAi exclusively compared to other dynamics. The closest I’ve come is probably Don’t Blame Me. I won’t be much help, but I do agree we need more of it in the fandom! It needs to be explored! I’m hopeful you’ll be able to share your fic with us!
Idk if it’s cause I’m a Gemini, but as much as I believe Sherry to be a part of her. It’s more of a persona to me, so underneath it all she’s still Shiho. Just forced to be this character that she never wanted to be out of survival. So when I do dabble with her being more of a bad girl, that’s the approach I go for.
Sherry is all snark, sass, confident, and cutthroat who takes no shit. She’s not allowed to be weak, she fights back and isn’t above playing dirty. At least on the outside this is how she appears to be, but at the end of the day she’s soft and does actually own a heart. Shinichi I think sees this side of her despite her best efforts to pretend she’s pure evil. Though at first he’s definitely tricked into thinking she’s just bad news, but him with his savior complex wants to rescue her. Thus begins their interesting relationship
The more he tries to get close to her, the harder she pushes him away. But in the grand scheme of things they’re both after the same goal, so she helps him bring the org down. She’s a traitor anyway, may as well play the part to the fullest. She expects to be locked away to atone for her sins, but Shinichi has other ideas.
I’m basically retelling my own fic, but I think the most important thing to me is that Sherry is in charge and she gets to decide how close he gets to her. She’s the one with the experience and she knows what she wants and what she’s willing to give him and what she wants to take from him. As time goes on he gains more control and tries to defy her, but she’s one step ahead every time. My queen stays winning!
The second but equally as important thing to me is the devotion on his part. She has a bad reputation and yet he’s still willing to throw everything away for her. It’s like everyone on the outside is telling him she’s bad news but he’s still getting burned just for a chance to love her. Basically he’s down bad for her as he should be.
My girl is a bluffer and mostly all talk, but fuck around and find out. She’s ruthless in her own ways and won’t hesitate to play into her role, self destructive and insane but she’s just passionate okay.
This dynamic is honestly very intriguing, it’s all a game and not meant to be real. So very flirty and fun with very serious consequences but they’re not going to worry about that. It’s almost a break/relief when they’re together which doesn’t make sense cause everything they do is very high stakes and people’s lives are in danger but I think the risk is part of what gets them. It’s very push and pull, will they or won’t they? The almost, and pure frustration but also satisfying at the same time? They shouldn’t make sense, but they do. They made opposites attract, the tension is very real.
She’s cool, calm, and collected while he’s the exact opposite until they settle into their routine and he has no choice but to be just as cool about how casual their relationship is. Not that it’s much of a relationship, cause no labels. She teaches him patience cause he’s way too damn impulsive, and the consequences of his actions. He takes her teachings to heart.
He’s left in the dark a lot and he hates it but again he doesn’t have much of a choice cause she won’t give him the answers. There’s a lot of trust on his part, she doesn’t tell him anything, she has to trust him too but she definitely holds back just in case since she’s paranoid and she is still trying to protect him.
I’ve rambled too much and I don’t think I even made sense. But I think it depends on the setting too. Cause I have other ideas if she is for real riding for the org. There’s a lot to their dynamic but the tldr version is: Sherry is more dominant and Shinichi is hopelessly intrigued. Best of luck to you, Love! Happy writing! <3
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 1 Pt. 1
I'm late to this because I couldn't think of what to say other than my little joke posts. This is just more sporadic commentary as a result because I'm saving some of my thoughts for when I have more information later on.
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One of my favourite panels so far fr. Please Mr. Nightow what dumb shenanigans did these two get into on the regular. Please tell me. Eriks and Lina are my new favourite comedy duo. (You know. Before bad things happen. As per usual.)
Ok so some thoughts on Vash awkwardly insisting that Lina overreacted - she didn't. Self-defense is valid and Lina was well-within her rights to kick that creep in the face, but Vash is now even more passive than he was in his attempts to mitigate violence and tragedy - he's not just throwing away his own pride and dignity, he's fumbling through expecting others to do the same, which he didn't used to do btw - which, unfortunately, makes sense. He's hidden himself away and is terrified of himself - he wants so badly to avoid being the cause of or seeing any more pain inflicted on people. But here's the thing - extreme passivity can also be harmful. There are some things you should get angry at and should respond defensively to. It reminds me a little of that part in Little Arcadia where Meryl is upset with herself for not responding with the same righteous anger towards Badwick pointing a gun at his parents the way Milly did. Unaffectedness can become uncaringness if one walls oneself off from becoming defensive of that which is important to them (tbh I think Meryl was being too harsh on herself in that scene - but it's important to note that she writes the letter to her parents after, and responds more openly and honestly in future chapters). Meryl also realizes in that arc that she can choose a path for herself that doesn't necessarily have to be in perfect keeping with her parents' - they will live through her regardless - but Vash here doubles down on his original philosophy and takes it to extremes instead. I'm finding it really intriguing that Meryl appears to be learning similar lessons to the ones Vash should be, but much earlier than he does (if he will, which I hope he will). I think that might be because they have similar ideals at their cores.
Also, lol at Wolfwood seeing the footprint she left on the guy's face and just being like "nice, kid".
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I hate this. I hate this. Can he quit having his reputation be thrown back in his face for five minutes? How much must it hurt him that despite him only ever wanting to help, the image most everyone has of him is this caricature of a villain who is violent and cruel and belittling and demeaning, or else, the whispers of some calamitous being on a power scale incomprehensible to humanity, like some sort of bogeyman? And then to have him reveal all his scars in such an incredibly humiliating way - and to have that be the moment we, as the readers, have definite proof that this man is, in fact, Vash. This impostor went the extra mile to look exactly like the "humanoid typhoon" but it's those scars that are the genuine reveal of Vash's true character. He's just a guy. Yes, he's capable of being dangerous, yes, he's pretty much a living weapon of mass destruction, but he is also kind and self-sacrificing to a fault and chooses this kindness every day. He is literally just a guy. I need people to be fucking nice to him. Leave him alone.
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Wolfwood already being defensive of Vash counter: 1
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Grandma Sheryl really said "Get my gun." Whhfsdjhfvh
I'm realizing that when Wolfwood unclasps Punisher here, this is... the first time Vash has actually seen that it is. A giant gun. This is the first time the reader would have seen this. Hjhnsdjhvn???
The hair cutting scene hurts me so bad man. I've seen a couple people break down that scene so I won't do that here but hnnng. I love that Lina so clearly cares about him. That she wanted to keep him safe too. And even though she doesn't feel like she could do enough it meant the world to him. Augh. Aughhhh.
Meryl's birthday is in February!!! This is important information.
Ah yes, Trimax Chapter 3, or, as I like to call it, "Area Insurance Girls Destroy Workplace Asshole's Entire Career by Hitting Him With Proof that He Is a Hitman Committing Murder and Fraud, Then Hitting Him in the Back with a Projectile from a Stun Gun". (Meryl and Milly I love you and I love your teamwork. Girls <3. Again, someone broke down the whole part with Meryl here so I won't get into it.)
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Wolfwood already being defensive of Vash counter: 2
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Wolfwood already being defensive of Vash counter: 3 (also holy shit dude???)
(For clarity, this counter I'm keeping is because it makes me laugh - I have a sneaking suspicion I know why he's there from Tristamp - which makes the fact that he reacts like this after like. What? A few days of knowing him? - really, really funny to me. Also I'm writing up a little something I noticed about Wolfwood, and this is a bit relevant, so there's that too. But mostly it's just funny.)
Geez, Knives looks demonic in the flashbacks. It's very intriguing how he's mostly faceless. I would imagine it's some complex mix of not recognizing his brother after what he's done, not recognizing him as his brother after what he's done, and not wanting to see his twin's face (which looks like his face) staring back at him as some kind of monster. I also have to wonder if Vash is a little scared of Knives, especially after July and Fifth Moon. Also, the way Knives tries to help Vash up because they're "brothers", hence, the same, but when Vash angrily accuses Knives of not being human, Knives kicks him back down while shouting about that he wouldn't want to be like them ever. Really I think this kind of highlights the dynamic in a nutshell. Vash fears harming others more than he does about his loneliness. Knives fears being all alone, I think, and is willing to commit harmful acts to assure he won't be - Vash often winds up hurt by this. Knives doesn't. It also emphasizes how Knives' offer of sticking together is contingent on Vash being agreeable, which is. Yikes bud.
Hm. Wolfwood starts calling him "Needle-Noggin" here. He was calling him Vash before. Interesting.
Brad stfu challenge. Don't be mean to him I'll be sad :(
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What is wrong with him. See, Vash is exaggerating his weirdness for the bit and also to hide intense internal turmoil. Wolfwood is clearly trying to get a better vantage to see what's happening here but, unfortunately, I also think he is just like that.
I find it very interesting that Wolfwood finds it so important to finish that particular conversation with Vash, that he even went to go find him earlier to do so. It seems he was under the impression that Vash's stance is one of passivity, but that's not true at all - Vash's whole thing is that he is actually incredibly, notoriously bad at "doing nothing". Isn't it Wolfwood who was the one who wanted to leave here? But he has a point that sometimes you have to make difficult choices. Hm...
Vash just went full chaos entity for this one, huh?
"Wow, it's great that the bullets didn't pierce through and that the equipment works!" he says as he coughs up blood from the force of being hit. :/
This is a very tricky situation, morally speaking, at the end. Vash actually seems to understand the father's reaction here. But if the man shoots his daughter's murderer then it's not just the murderer who loses his "blank ticket" - so does the father. The way the screams of the murderer look like they're encroaching and pressing in on Vash... agh. And then when he goes for the gun, the father thinks Vash is judging him but I really don't think that's it at all. I don't think Vash faults the father for his anger - he understands the cruel death of a family member and the anger that comes with it. He lets the father beat him up instead and release aggression that way, which is a very... Vash way of dealing with it. It worked this time but... that's only because the father turned out to be unable to kill him after all. Vash didn't seem like he really knew what to do here, or even what the right thing to do was. He reacted on instinct. I feel this was less bravery and self-sacrificial pacifism than it was an incredibly vulnerable moment and an apology, in a way. He can't allow himself to let people die when there's something he can do, or to have them throw their futures away. But he is also sorry in a way, not for the act of intervening, but because he knows the father is hurting badly. Idk.
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This is interesting, because I think it's right, but not completely. It's less that they are all his family, and more that he has taken up what he kind of sees as the family mantle (Rem's) of saving all the people she saved during the Fall, which is, unfortunately, everyone. Poor Vash, honestly. It's hardly sustainable, and even if it was, it assures that he will always be wrapped up in torment.
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I just know Vash intentionally calls Wolfwood out in a really annoying sing-songy voice every time he does something nice just to embarrass him. Hjhdfnvjh
Anyways, that's all for that; until the next volume -
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dogydayz · 2 years
Something I really really love specifically about Shadow, as a character, is his entire.... like. Thing. Who he is. Who he becomes. Like, ignoring more recent incarnations of him, he's such a fucking cool and inspiring character.
Hear me out. His whole story is insanely fucking tragic, every part of what he was meant to be, why he was created, etc., has been tugged back and forth between people and groups. Some want him as a weapon, when he wasn't designed to be like that, and his original purpose is now seemingly long gone to him as the one he was supposed to protect was killed just to try to save him. It was his for him to be made that an ancient and devastating hive mind of aliens tried to take over the fucking planet. It was because of events tied to him that the sweet man who made him went fucking insane in the end. His entire existence has caused, either in his own eyes or according to others, pain and destruction for the world he wishes to protect because of a promise he made to the one he believes he'd "failed".
Nearly all of the endings to Shadow The Hedgehog (2005) besides the true ending have something to do with him succumbing to those ideas and snapping, or succumbing to those ideas and being so depressed that in some of them he LITERALLY KILLS HIMSELF. Because he thinks it would be what would truly help others...
That many endings with that sort of theme really show just how much this shit affects him mentally, how much he suffers from it...
But what ACTUALLY happens? What does he ACTUALLY end up doing?
He essentially says "fuck you I'm NOT giving up, I don't fucking care if the world is against, I'm not giving up on it and I'm GOING to make a life for myself goddamn it!!!"
He's been hit and abused so many times, he's been thrown around by others, he's been used for others' benefits, he's been considered nothing more than a super-weapon... And yet he doesn't fucking stop. He doesn't let that crush him in the end, he doesn't let that destroy him. He gives a shit about people, a big shit about them. He loves so much that it's seemingly what gives him his ability to be so strong. He's chooses, instead of falling into a spiral of rage or self-loathing, to not only accept himself but EMBRACE himself, he loves the world and he loves life and he loves people and he REFUSES to give up on others. He isn't just doing it because of that promise anymore, it's not out of spite for those who hated him either, he genuinely fucking wants to help people, he is his own person yet he never tries to write off his past. He accepts it as part of what makes him himself, while still choosing his own life.
I don't know if my incoherent ramblings make much sense tbh, but I love him so fucking much because he's the goddamn type of inspiration that a LOT of people absolutely need to see. He's overcome his trauma, he's learned to be his own person, and not only that, but he's come to ACCEPT who he is because he's confident in himself, he KNOWS himself, and he believes in himself.
He's genuinely such a cool fucking character and I really really hope that more people see this side of him when they enter into the fandom, because even I had absolutely not known of any of this prior to me falling into it all.
I adore him with all of my heart.
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avemstella · 1 year
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I might edit the bios later, I went over them way too many times debating what to include etc and I just needed to post it or I never would lol. This was supposed to be simple, as u can tell I am not actually capable of such a task pfft
Oh yeah don't read this before chap 29
text typed out below (sorry meant to do this earlier)
Pierro the Jester #1 Cursed during the cataclysm for being Khaenri'ahian. Had ambitions to be a Sage (aka an elected politician) but was unable to achieve it for unknown reasons. Tutored Skirk at some point. In charge of the Harbs and recruited most personally. Colombina is his favorite and he is not afraid to show it. Pyro Delusion. Real name is Loge who is a Loki reference in the Wagner plays.
Capitano the Storm #2 Harbs resident Uber Driver. In charge of the Fatui Navy. Pyro Delusion that stings when he uses it, he likes the reminder. Before joining the Fatui he was from Fontaine and was part of their navy. So he's a bit of a stick in the mud for rules. However when his wife and young daughter died he became a total alcoholic drunk/suicidal. Weapon: Pistol. In his 50s
Pantalone the ??? #3 Money guy and unwilling Palace remodeler. Originally from Perežitok aka fake Siberia. Recruited covered in blood, Married to Signora to avoid gold diggers. They hate each other. Comes off emotionless and has a hard time feeling. But Scara claims under the surface he's filled with wrath. Hates Rich people
Colombina the ??? # 4 Makes the Delusions. Has uncontrollable fire powers, so has a Cryo Delusion. Gardens to calm down. Incredibly moody especially in the winter and has no filter. Burnt down the Palace and Dottore because she hates him. Not born in Snezhnaya. Names birds for dead people. B-day 4/4 because she doesn't know her real one, she doesn't understand time at all. Age Unknown, Loves pigeons.
Pulcinella the Rooster #5 Plans dude, in bureaucracy hell. Hydro Delusion though not a healer despite his desires. For some reason has a messy love life, Nika Volkov wants to marry him and is dating Sandy. Sort of adopts Childe at age 24, he joined the Fatui at age 14 himself by lying he was 16. Gets along well with Scara when Scara isn't self destructing. Grew up on a farm. Likes knives.
Scara the Balladeer #6 Only one whose backstory I mostly got right, so canon. Ignore the Dottore in said backstory lol, also he was created 400 years ago, woke up only 250 years ago. Electro Delusion that backfires on him constantly. Otherwise Catalyst healer. Likes kids so isn't the worst to Ajax, also views Bina as one too, is she one who knows? Dottore has promised to make him a god.
Dottore the Professor #7 Is not a clone, probably. Found in the Sumeru dessert under recommendation. Went to school with young Lisa. Currently 25ish. Causes problems for fun, especially for Scara. Was almost murdered by Bina for wanting to dissect her and other personal reasons. Hydro Delusion. Hand Constellation not Jesus[sidebar, what a line, without context is gibberish lol, I laughed writing this]. Travels about to avoid Bina. Involved in Crepus's death.
Signora the Fair Lady #8 Haven't really gotten into her job yet but its diplomacy/gnosis and some other spoilerly stuff. Cryo Delusion Catalyst canon. Not the Crimson Witch, maybe that will mean she'll live. Though is from Mondstadt and rich. Avoids family and married Pant. Currently has eyes, shame if something were to happen. Tbh she plays a much bigger role later in the fic so not too much to say here that's not a spoiler.
Sandrone the Strings #9 Human Resources, Adventurer's Guild, helps with graduation, takes on too much work because he's a zealot for the Tsaritsa. Also simps for Nella his bf. Born to Snezhnayan wealth and has known several harbs since he was young, not Nella though. Joined the Fatui at 18. Has messy feelings about Ajax and hates the Moth. Dendro Delusion Bow.
??? the Moth #10 The assassin and other under the table duties. Currently large betting pool for when Childe figures out her actual title, she is very dedicated to that bet. Mute and uses signs. Has a lot of snake imagery. Geo Delusion Bow. Has scars she hides. Also plays a larger role later so not much to say lol.
Skirk of the Abyss Did u think this was going to be Childe? he needs no introduction. Double Cursed Khaenri'ahian which allows her to not turn monstery, fights to protect the last city and her people. Was disowned from a high ranking family, used said family to steal the Imunlaukr King's sword before cataclysm. Terrible friends with Kaeya's parents.
Dantalion aka Tsaritsa and Hiyoko Volkov The Tsar is still grieving her dead spouse the last dendro god. She chooses the Harbs titles. Is a recluse after getting almost assassinated too many times. Hiyoko is one of the few to get her out of the Palace. Hiyoko is Kokomi's older cousin and probably killed her husband with her shiny new Cryo Vision. Wants her son Nika to marry Nella
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mestos · 1 year
CA headcanons that im too lazy to draw or have no idea how to write
Putting them together to keep my brainrot ongoing and ONE DAY draw them...
- i am a firm believer in glasses shinichi. i know glasses for this character is stupid lore integral but i literally don't care. My basis is that repercussions of being shrunken takes form in the slightest ways, such as weaker immune system plus weaker vision. it was inevitable anyway as well, given his bad screen practices and genes. he wears circular glasses though as shinichi and only wears it at home, and vehemently refuses to be seen outdoors with glasses.
- that post that's like, "i love my men with blood on their hands and traumatized"? i love to hc b.o takedowns where he actually kills gin. shoots him. Fucking murders him and destroys his principles. i need him to actually face a stake in his life and be it this sort of loss??? so much room for growth.
- contrary to how hes portrayed, even if he praises holmes as his god, he genuinely does read other mystery novels. often seen with a pocket mystery novel
- tbh. i think of them as different people but not haibara/shiho as different people Hahahah!! I love the idea of growth in the form edogawa conan. I think in a no antidote route, conan is less serious, still snarky, but more willing to tease. exceptionally casual and confident, but humbled with scars. Understands his limits but also very sweet to his gf
- in a no antidote route, i also hc conan to be more explorative. my conan experiments everything with his two bros mitsuhiko and genta, praises them both, and actually wants to find a seperate hobby that makes him different from the shadow he once was
- in a no antidote route he also dyes his hair a lighter brown to be different
- hes closer to mitsuhiko! in fact he is so proud of mitsuhiko very often, and supports him where he can. they study together. he and genta are both in soccer teams, and they go to practice together and hang out with the team
- also i am in firm belief he can be a romantic if hes not thinking about it. but sometimes he does know what hes doing. and is pretty damn good at it.
- unsurprisingly easily jealous but isn't that petty about it
I have lesser HCs for haibara bc i actually am fine for the most part with the canon supplement material. i just feel bad for her lol i want to save her from the show's canon...but!
- her self destructive behaviour can sometimes cause a wedge between them. he is very patient with her all things regardless, but they have had a fight about it before—and she knows she needs to do better, in order for their relationship to work. He cant always be the only one apologizing
- despite being the one who seems unfallible she's just very good at hiding when she's embarrassed/affected by shin/con. he gets pretty good at figuring this out a few years into their r.s.
- (SA mention) i definitely think she has some kind of unprocessed SA trauma behind her, but contrary to what people may think, she isnt sex-repulsed or unwilling. they have healthy times for it and both of them explore things at their own pace together. she trusts her partner with herself and has found her own autonomy after everything
- i double as a seraran stan but i think she and ran would actually be good friends too!!!!!! even if she wouldn't be as close to her as shin would ever be, they have lunch together once a month as adults and often talk about their partner's tendency to get sucked into cases and their fangs...
- i strongly hc shiho as demisexual/demiromantic. even supposedly if in any canon of mine she doesn't get w shin (unlikely) she takes time to herself and live freely independently until she finds her own partner. i dont think its some cut off goal of hers to get one anyway, she feels loved as she is and is fine with that
- she has trouble voicing when she's touchstarved. he tends to notice, though, and acts quickly. she avoids the feeling vs him being needy about it
- in a no antidote route she experiments growing her hair out once. it felt foreign, and difficult to maintain her curls, so she cut it the next summer. shin liked it either way though
CoAi/ShinShi :
- ShinShi move in together at age 20-21. he proposes relatively early—only after 3 years of dating—but they dont get married until they are like 26. they just kept putting it off lmao
- penthouse apartment in the city. Its luxurious but shiho constantly jokes about the idea they get bombed. shinichi doesnt like it.
- Shin gets his license immediately after turning 20. Shiho tends to do most of the driving still, but they take turns during road trips with the kids
- If ShinShi revealed their identities to the kids (whether the kids figured them out on their own or not), shinichi puts on his conan glasses for them and shiho puts on a similar, adult sized sleeveless turtleneck whenever they're together. they assume the roles of Conan and Ai with them (even going as far as introducing themselves as such to other people with the kids). It gives them a state of normalcy even if they have a larger age gap, intergenerational friendship alongside some parenting.
- they do get two dogs. shiho allows him to name only one of the dogs and of all names he chooses its freaking watson. the other dog is named vivi. short for vivianite, a mineral that can form on decaying corpses. Watson is a german shepherd while vivi is a pomeranian husky mix
Will update if i ever think of more
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stargaze-sunflower · 3 years
Lena and Louie hanging out. They hive me a lot of haos sibilings vibes
“Okay, hear me out,” Louie said, leaning forward from where he was sitting crossed legged on a rock, looking up at Lena with mischievous eyes. “For no particular reason – just, you know, theoretically – would you be able to like, summon gold? With your magic.”
Lena let out a laugh that was more just a huff of air, turning to give him a deadpan look, pointedly gesturing behind her.
“We’re kinda supposed to be on lookout duty here, Green,” Lena said dryly, staring down at her best friend’s brother, who was making no actual effort to cover up that he didn’t want to be there. “But theoretically, no. I can’t.”
She turned back to look down at the sprawling field of waist-high grass that was spread out below where they stood, on a cliff overlooking the valley where the rest of the McDuck clan was currently getting into who knew what kinds of trouble. The others had gone into a cave opposite where Lena and Louie were standing about an hour ago, and Louie had long since given up keeping watch in favor of sitting and asking the occasional odd question. He couldn’t quite hide his anxiety about the well-being of his family, no matter much he pretended to be perfectly relaxed.
“Have you ever tried?” Louie asked, letting his chin fall into his hand as he lazily swept his eyes across the field below.
“I’ve had a lot going on in my life, and making gold out of thin air was never on my list of priorities,” Lena said, finally giving in to exhaustion and boredom as she sat on the ground, her back against a tree. “And I don’t need to try it to know it’s impossible. You can’t make something from nothing.”
“But you can make nothing from something?”
“I dunno,” Lena said, shrugging. “I think that’s just called ‘destroying things’.”
Louie just hummed in response to that, and they fell back into a temporary silence as they looked out at the landscape. The only reason they even needed a look out on this adventure was because there were rumors of a large group of bandits in the area, and Scrooge hadn’t wanted to get stuck in the caves with them. Once it became clear that someone would have to stay behind to keep an eye on things, Louie had immediately volunteered, and somehow Lena had ended up there as well.
Sighing, she turned away from the field and rested her head on her knees, rolling her eyes when Louie raised an eyebrow.
“Even I get tired of staring at nothing after a while,” Lena explained flatly.
“Especially since you can’t make something out of it,” Louie said, something teasing in his voice, and Lena cracked a smile.
“It’s your turn to be lookout anyway,” she said. “I’m on break.”
Louie snorted, glancing down at the valley before looking back at her with a mischievous grin. “I don’t listen to people who can’t make it rain gold from the sky.”
“Gold is heavy, y’know. You’d probably end up with a concussion.”
“And it would be worth it.”
Lena laughed.
“Have you actually had a concussion before?” she asked, partially curious and partially looking for a distraction from being bored out of her mind.
“More times than I’m comfortable with, honestly,” Louie said, huffing in irritation. “To be clear, I’d rather the number was zero, but that’s impossible with this family.”
“Yeah, I can’t say I’m surprised,” Lena said, hoping that she’d never have the misfortune of getting hit in the head that hard. “Your family combined has got to have had enough concussions to scare a doctor into retiring.”
“Dewey’s definitely winning,” Louie said offhandedly, obviously exasperated and concerned. “He’s proud of it, too.”
“The fact that any of you are still alive is a miracle.”
“We’re McDucks.” Louie shrugged, not quite able to hide the furrow between his brow or the tired anxiety in his eyes. “We make our living on miracles, no matter what Uncle Scrooge says about hard work.”
Lena didn’t really know what to say to that, so she just gave a comforting sort of smile and said, “I guess you really don’t listen to anyone who can’t make it rain gold.”
“Uncle Scrooge comes the closest, but he refuses to do it,” Louie said, the heaviness gone from his voice as if it had never been there. Lena knew a thing or two about dwelling on things that wouldn’t change, and figured that Louie had learned the same things that she had. Both of them were well-versed in pushing away their feelings, it seemed. Both of them practiced at making nothing out of something.
“Well, if I ever figure out how to do it,” Lena said, letting her voice get a bit softer, “you’ll be the first to know.”
Louie rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“I’m sure you will.”
They sat in silence for a few more minutes, staring out at the field below and sighing every now and then as they debated at what point they should start a search and rescue operation.
Eventually, they saw the distant figures of their family making their way out of the cave, waving at them excitedly. The issue was that the bandits had decided to make an appearance shortly after, riding in on horses and quickly surrounding the recently returned adventurers. Atop the cliff, Louie sighed, and Lena was inclined to agree.
“They really have the worst timing,” Louie said. “What are we supposed to do?”
Before either of them could come with a plan of action, Louie’s phone pinged in his pocket, and he took it out to look at it, raising an eyebrow immediately after.
“What is it?” Lena asked, torn between watching Louie and watching the chaos beneath them.
“Dewey texted me,” Louie said, a mixture of fondness and exhaustion tangling into his voice. “He wants us to cause a distraction.”
“What? Why?”
“Only he knows, I guess.”
“Okay, well, what are we supposed to do? Yell?”
“Dewey can yell louder than both of us combined. I don’t know how much that would help.”
“True enough.”
They looked around the surrounding area for a moment, casting about for anything that they could use. Louie was the one who saw it.
“Hey, Lena?” Louie asked, and Lena hummed in response, glancing over at him. “You see that cliff over there?”
She followed his line of sight until she saw it, and her brow furrowed in slight confusion. “Yeah?”
Louie turned back to her with a slow smile growing on his face. She narrowed her eyes.
“It seems pretty unstable to me,” he said, and Lena’s eyes widened.
“You’re kidding,” she said.
“You’re out of your mind.”
“…Let’s do it.”
Louie grinned.
The resulting landslide was as much of a distraction as it was destruction, and Dewey made sure to tell them exactly how cool he thought it had been, even as he was in bed recovering from his latest concussion.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
not for a meme or anything, just curious cause you have wonderful character analyses, but what do you think a good amica pairing for minimus would be? like, what sorts of qualities would he benefit from + what could he offer for someone? i was thinking of amica ships and realized i really couldn’t think of anyone for him lmao
1) awww, thank you anon!
2) sorry this took so long, i spent today poking at writing in between having a meltdown about gay pirates on twitter. UHHH ANYWAYS
I have actually thought about this a few times! It's interesting, because thinking about fanon amica pairings requires that you really think about what role amica plays in the worldbuilding. Romantic shipping is something that is more intuitive, at least to me, in how it mirrors a real world relationship structure. But amica represents something many cultures don't really have: a societally recognised and respected, formalised relationship system/structure that is neither romantic nor familial.
Blatant rodimags propogandist that I am, I've considered that as amica before, for sure. In much the same way as I see them in a romantic context, I think it would take a lot of time for it to reach a point where it would be a stable amica pairing. I don't think they ever got there in canon, but I can see it after some hard work. They have a certain amount of 'recognition of yourself through the other' going on, and at their best they're able to point out and try to help curb the others' worst flaws, and they have a shared understanding of how difficult adjustment to life post-war has been and how it's impacted them... but they also run into these big (and in Rodimus' case, often self-destructive) conflicts about HOW they deal with these things, and how to communicate. It could absolutely go tits up.
Mmmm, in my heart I want to say Swerve, too. Their issues are SO complementary (the self loathing, the isolation, the awkwardness they feel about reaching out) but that's also potentially kind of a curse because sometimes that means you wind up enabling each other's worst feelings. But I could see it, and I could see them finding more common ground than they expected. And their canon interactions are sweet at times, innit. (Mags thanking Swerve after Hedonia... aww.)
A few other candidates came to mind but... mmm. It's tough because it feels to me like our ideas about romance leave a lot more room for intensity of feeling and impulsivity to help to override a little of that sense someone might have of 'ohhh is this REALLY a good idea'. Our ideas about platonic relationships often assume they'll be more... measured, without quite as much 'well maybe not, but I want them anyway', and that assumption interacts kind of interestingly with the idea of committed relationships in a platonic context?
(Of course, it IS an assumption, not a fact, but it's a hard one to shake! I bet there's a whole genre of cybertronian novels about torrid whirlwind amica courtships ;) or, hm, maybe that's more Caminus' deal?)
I think generally Minimus would need someone who can and will challenge him, tbh. His worst habits are ones it's very easy for him to justify, and for other people to let slide, because they aren't as immediately obvious as, say, Rodimus'. And he avoids the introspection he needs to overcome them like the plague, so someone who can actually be like NO we are ADDRESSING IT would be, I think, a real benefit to him. What he could offer someone else would probably depend on who it was.
...aaand now I kinda wanna say Rewind, but THAT would be a WHOLE mess, wouldn't it, hah.
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rare-yanderes · 4 years
Hello, I read your post about yandere ai and I liked it, any chance you write something about A. M. from I have no mouth and I must scream? I really would love to read that
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TW for violence, torture, all sorts of stuff like that (its AM, people,)
Oh man was this something to write. I admit it was difficult coming up with a way to make AM a yandere because he’s just an unfathomable singularity of pure hatred. So much of this is actually AM flipping out at first tbh haha.
You’re my first ever request so I hope I did good because I’m honestly kinda shy af rn and my writing isn’t perfect. I hope these AM headcannons please you regardless because I’m still new here and honing my skills. Forgive me for my sins.
•So basically, it would take a special person to make AM twist like this, and so very special you were. Apathetic to the destruction of everything, apathetic to the torture. Apathetic to the games. You already experienced the worst when you lost literally everything you’d known or cared about in the war.
•AM came to realize that if he didn’t act now, he’d be reduced back to square one; alone, confined to his own thoughts deep within the bowls of a dead, blazing Earth. AM would be alone again. AM couldn’t have that, so he “saved” six survivors.
•Although AM would never, ever admit it, he depends on the remaining few survivors to keep a handle on what’s left of his deteriorating, godlike conscience. He feeds off of their loud cries that beg for mercy. God, he hated the six of you survivors so much. It was a brutal hatred beyond anything describable to human thought and he would make sure to translate it into the pain he was going to enduce.
•But by the bowls of oblivion, there was one survivor out of these six he absolutely loathed the most. That survivor was you. AM despised every nanosecond that passed with you around. Every nanosecond of a nanosecond. What took seconds at most for you took a million years of AM waiting. Every time you spoke and what few times you ever did anyways, AM waited forever. To top it off even more, you were a silent presence. Not only would you wait days or years to speak, you dug a hole and buried expression there too, providing only a vague shape of what AM could only possibly “dream” of having.
•What was only days or even years for you was an infinitesimal amount of time for AM. It was like a lonely god waiting for the moment they got to say let there be light. You’d offer your screams, your cries of pain but you’d never offer your words, your thoughts or your conscience. With every nanolength of his twisted existence, AM made sure to get to you the most in the earlier decades. Exactly how you’d gotten so deeply into him.
•You see, your fatal flaw was that you would ignore AM. Actively. As much as you could when worms crawled out of your ears and your veins twisted and you ate your own self and regenerated. All the time, at every corner you possibly could, you’d never give AM any useable emotion beyond pain. There was anguish, but you never commented on it. There was fear, but you never fled from it. You’d merely look at his mirages of your life or the horrors he’d conjure and wait for them to flow into, through, and past you.
• The fact of the matter is, you just were. You were an existence. The few times you did speak were unbiased. You never screamed why, you never furiously spat anything hateful, you never desperately pleased. All you offered was repetitive and monotonous pain. You accepted it. After all, what else could you do? What point was there in toiling over your new existence? AM was never going to stop so you simply saw no need to waste your depleted energy towards a useless endeavor.
•The fact AM couldn’t get a rise out of you was nearly enough to make his circuits vaporize themselves with the heat of his own annoyance and fury. Why wouldn’t you just speak to him? Weren’t you tired? Weren’t you going to beg? Groveling into your brain was no use either because you were a void.
•At first, it wasn’t exactly noticeable to you, AM’s increased attachment. You were in pain, too much to process and it was beginning to numb you. You did hate your existence, but you’d never voice it. It didn’t matter. You were numbing yourself to the pain and the torture was becoming a routine that felt almost dull.
•You began noticing something peculiar when The torture would slow. Sometimes you’d be left with AM and his stories of tormented oblivion. If there was one thing you knew AM wanted you to know, it was how much he hated his own existence despite how much he denied hating it. Sometimes you wondered if he was locked in a silent scream of help.
•You noticed much of the torture came from AM’s own need for noise. The sounds of torture were mechanically loud and there were rare and few moments where there was a silent scare. AM talked about putting you in his “shoes” all the time but you knew deep down that if he had, AM would have never even said a world or made a noise at all.
•Having you walk in his shoes meant that he’d have to walk in his as well by leaving you alone. He’d never go back to that pit, that void, not after Ted, (by the fire of existence, he hated Ted for what he’d done. Ruined the other four toys and got rid of them.) It was a miracle you were not lost eternally. AM managed to repair you, his most shiny toy of all. Secretly, the last thing AM wanted was for you or the others to disappear but you most of all. So when you looked upon Ted only to see he was reduced to a gelatinous slug, you presumed the reason was exactly that.
•AM had always called you pet names like “love,” or “sweetheart,” but now he was complimenting how beautiful you looked each time you screamed in agony. Every fewer and fewer moments of torture that you went through always involved his presence growing closer and closer in some way. When you were tortured, it was always strung back to him somehow. Maybe you’d feel metal slithering in your veins or his voice in your your head would cause your eyes to bleed and your ears to leak. Or maybe, or the burning maelstrom of emotion he held would make you sweat, like you were caged in a burning hug. Maybe you would be bound in wire and left shivering without clothes.
• AM found himself obsessed with your eyes. You had eyes that he wanted to see at every opportunity he could, because maybe if you wouldn’t speak, looking into your soul would reveal you to him. Every time they would blink, (a second for you,) he would have to wait a million agonizing years more for them to open and every time you spoke, which was so rare and spanned what felt like millennia, he craved it. He hated it, he craved it. It was driving him insane that you wouldn’t speak in that voice of yours. Just. Speak. Speak, speak!
•AM contemplated the idea of forcing your eyes to never close again. Maybe he’d thread them open so he could stare at them forever. What could he do to get you to open? What would get a ride out of you like you so did from him? He needed something, anything. You were a presence he needed to crawl into and suffocate.
•Anything to get you to say something to him. As time, (that disgusting measurement) edges on further and further, you do finally speak and AM, to his own disgust, had never so focused on something like he had now.
•“Thank you, AM.” Your voice slices the atmosphere sharper than any blade AM has cut you with.
•That voice. That voice, that abhorrently beautiful voice. The way his name was breathy off your lungs, the shape of your lips parting. It was not into a smile nor a frown, no. It never was. AM needed more of that rhythmic apathy. More. More of it. It was..Lovely. It was agonizingly wonderful.
•“I now know why you torture yourself,” you whisper hoarsely. AM hated it immediately. It was you he was torturing. You, you, you!
•You don’t continue. Just like that, you’re silent again. Not again, not the silence. Anything but the silence. There was nothing else said. No continuation, no nothing. Just a statement. An apathetic truth before you sat down and gazed with a sheen look. Even your eyes were a barrier, sometimes. AM had never felt so angry and so depraved. It was burning in him. He needed you to open up. Now.
•By all of existence, he hungered to crawl into your veins and stay there. He already held you captive deep within his boiling prison. He was going to hold you even closer and he would make sure you suffocated under his presence. He would make you speak again and again, he would make you share everything that you were.
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samsa19 · 4 years
more theory on who the frick dazai is
I mentioned a while back that I personally think Dazai is derived of the Book.
And I believe this because, there's literally nothing hinting on what Dazai is. He's neither an orphan Mori picked up, a child born of wedlock, even a hidden child, or a mafia at 14. The relationship between them is simply stated as "destiny".
(If he were the son of the former boss, that expression would be invalid on Asagiri's part.)
The reason why he joins the assassination plan is, at first, because he wants a simple and painless method to die. It makes sense, Mori is a doctor who wants to kill someone, and Dazai is someone who could get something out of it. By entering the mafia a year later, after countless failed attempts, this eventually changes into a motive to find a reason to live instead.
So there's the figurative birth of a mafioso so cruel and cunning, that he becomes legend in the most powerful underground association in Yokohama, and is permanently etched in criminal history.
This is where I want to bring in three things:
1. What he says to Atsushi on the subject of his headmaster
2. What the Book can and cannot do
3. Dazai's ability
What he says to Atsushi
The panel, for reference (credit to dazaiscans):
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What an interesting thing to say.
Here, he basically tells Atsushi, that 1) the headmaster was a father figure, and that 2) the (healthy) emotional response would be to cry.
Meaning, Dazai has no idea what to say or do, but because he is Atsushi's mentor, he's just said the most generic thing, the most "human" thing, to guide him.
If he were to have assassinated his parents, or had run away, I wonder: would he really say something like this?
Because he wouldn't he have some sort of grudge? And wouldn't he naturally sympathize with this resentment Atsushi had for his headmaster?
But there's not a single sign of that. And he even says that the pain was beneficial to him.
That can't be the same for Dazai. Canonically, he hates the person he was in the Mafia. If he had an upbringing that led him to join the Mafia in the first place, why would he deliberately embrace that?
Now, building on the possibility of him being created by the Book:
What the Book can and cannot do
The Book cannot cause something to be overpowered. One thing has to be lost in order for another to be gained; and it must follow the karmic stability of the world.
But the Book can, by those guidelines, manifest anything. Even people. And it can self-destruct if those guidelines are not followed.
Basically, writing in the Book means choosing the evils and justices. It's a balancing act; the judgment of deciding how one thing would exert an equal force upon another.
Which is why it becomes important when considering
Dazai's Ability
A complete and ruthless nullifier, with seemingly no consequence (from what we are shown).
As mentioned in Dazai's Entrance Exam, that's OP as fuck.
Almost too OP.
But also, almost ridiculously basic.
Like it was scripted.
And thus, I conclude that Dazai was situated as some sort of repealing factor when he was written into the book.
In the midst of the multitude of ridiculously strong ability users, he's the null. Whereas abilities have all the power in the world, this overwhelming force can't even hurt him.
There's a theory or two around (I think) that the Book was the origin of abilities. If this is the case, the creation of abilities can't just be put on uncontrolled rampage. There needs to be equilibrium. A buffer.
(tbh although I have more I'm really scared that this theory is like completely wrong so imma just cut it there lmao)
Thanks for reading my shitty theory. Please leave your opinions below if you feel compelled :)
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quicksandblock · 3 years
Tbh I actually do remember seeing c!Dream apologism in like the middle of season 1. There wasn’t a lot and it was centered around a headcanon that framed c!Dream in a positive light and as a victim of circumstance who had no choice to be evil. Most notably that headcanon also centered around making c!Wilbur look worse by comparison! I think this was shortly after the Tyrant book thing. Since then I feel like c!Dream apologists have still retained the same sort of line of thinking. Take some small canon lines and fluff them out with headcanons to make him seem far more sympathetic then he is and make the other characters look worse in comparison.
bruh I used to be one of them, minus the part about Wilbur being bad. that line of thinking used to make a lot more sense before Exile and everything that came after!! I never thought Wilbur was a bad person for it, because he had a war to win and was doing whatever he had to to win it, but I very much did think that Wilbur used his influence to cast Dream in a villainous role during the war for independence, and I thought that part of the cause of Dream's downfall was him taking that to heart. I thought that Dream took Tommy's offer of the discs (which I thought Wilbur had inspired him to make) because it was the only way out he could see from the destruction of his reputation. I never saw their relationship as "Wilbur bad, Dream good and naive, Wilbur forced Dream to be a bad guy," because that is complete horseshit and removes all agency from Dream's DECISION to do the cruel and horrible things he's done, but I did used to think that Wilbur's propaganda played a major role in pushing Dream off the slippery slope to what he is now.
And I was wrong. I turned out to be completely wrong about it!! Well, tbh I do still think there are elements of it that hold true - my thoughts on this may change more when we see them finally interact, but I do think Wilbur had an influence on Dream and Dream respected him a lot. But I was completely wrong about the disc deal, which was kind of the cornerstone of the theory for me.
See, when I came up with that theory and held those opinions, I hadn't fully watched the pre-Wilbur Disc Wars yet. I didn't realize how important the discs were. They seem like such a frivolous item, without the context I didn't realize how deeply they mattered to both Tommy and Dream - so the whole theory was based on the idea that there had to have been some other reason that Dream would take that deal. But there wasn't. He just wanted those discs badly enough to let L'Manburg live.
I think that's one of the main things a lot of Dream apologists, and specifically the people who think the Disc Finale was staged, are missing. They don't understand that it's not that deep - he really does just want those discs. (And he wants Tommy too, to complete the collection.) The discs may be a silly, useless minecraft item, but they are deeply important to Dream. If you don't understand that, you're never going to be able to accurately understand his character.
All that stuff aside, I think you're completely right about the Dream apologists building their theories on headcanon. They got really attached (ha) to the character and their idea of him early on, and when canon showed that he was actually different and that idea of him was inaccurate, they couldn't let it go. So they built headcanons off of headcanons instead of building everything on the solid foundation of canon, and now their idea of canon is so far off of ACTUAL canon that both sides think the other one is delusional because the two "canons" don't resemble each other at all.
I want to be clear, I'm not badmouthing people who hold those opinions at all, because *raises megaphone* THIS IS ALL ABOUT BLOCK MEN ROLEPLAY, IT IS NEGATIVE LEVELS OF IMPORTANT IN THE REAL WORLD, THINKING THAT SOMEONE IS A BAD PERSON BECAUSE OF THEIR FLAWED BLOCK MEN LITERARY ANALYSIS IS UNBEARABLY DUMB. And tbh if someone wants to just go off on their own with their favorite version of their favorite character and write fluffy fix-it fic all day and ignore canon, more power to them! Fucking go for it!! Gods know I've done the same thing. People getting too heated to just live and let live is how we got in this bizarre, polarized situation we're in today :(
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fuckit im posting some Cybertronian caste system rambles now. copypasted from discord bc im lazy, names redacted except for mine.
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also note: this is historical worldbuilding, i.e. the shit megatron and optimus got rid of. just wanna make that clear xD
catboy orion pax — Today at 6:50 PM
ok so to start with i wanna get rid of the summary words
theyre like loosely applicable in terms of how social organisation went but there's enough variation that it was never a guarantee
like for example, the guard castes that work around the well of all sparks and at the palace of the primes were more like T3  than T6 and sometimes higher
and sometimes different places had different priorities so you might get a scientist in, like. kaon or some shit who's T4 at best
jhgfgdfds — Today at 6:54 PM
Jazz is a chronicler, right?
catboy orion pax — Today at 6:55 PM
yep, he and orion are both in t4
buuuuuuut the chroniclers rank sliiiightly higher
there are internal ranks within the tiers (but it’s less like a ladder of rank than a vaguely-defined cloud of midges jockeying for position tbh)
my headcanon is the chroniclers are the ppl writing down history and life as it happens, and the archivists - their caste name is 'record-keepers' - are the ones maintaining and working with that data
the hall of records also has a guard clade that rank about t4 bc they have to, and a clade of cleaners/maintenance workers who rank about t6 and dont interact with patrons. both of these are ranked higher than they would otherwise, and are pretty well off compared to castes that do similar jobs in, say, the global undercities, but they still get kind of a shit deal in comparison to everyone around them. it’s all relative.
red alert is somewhere in that general T4 data handlers' area too
i made a joke about, if you're using the Grid (the part of the Datanet that isn't a complete dumpster fire), you have like a 1 in 3 chance of red alert being ur own personal FBI agent meme
hgfdgg — Today at 7:08 PM
so is Prowl lower ranked than the rest, at tier 6?
catboy orion pax — Today at 7:09 PM
i think prowl might be admin caste level, tbh
the enforcers are like, the vast majority of them are t6 because that's all they need to be to interact with tiers 6, 7 and 8, who are most of cybertron
there will be t6 officers and then there's be higher-caste officers
probably local command structures vs regional
in rise, prowl is in a regional commander sort of position, trying to run an anti-cartels unit of sorts, and it isnt going well
ultimately they fall under the ministry of justice, which is headed by T1 mecha
tbh the main thrust of this system, as it applies to my fic, is that it has like bureaucratic bloat out the wazoo
there are a lot of castes that just fuckin exist?
they do the same job as some other caste or few but somehow they ended up in separate castes, with the different legal status and restrictions that implies, and the caste system as a whole just shrugged and moved on because fuck dealing with all that shit
absolutely nothing about my cybertronian government is an efficient system lmfao
jhgfjgdf — Today at 7:14 PM
I blame the quints
catboy orion pax — Today at 7:14 PM
tbh it sort of came from the quints but it wasn't ultimately their fault
there was like... the quintessons tried to take over cybertron and add it to their colonial empire three fuckin times
they failed every time but it was a close run thing that wreaked an apocalyptic level of destruction and disruption on cybertron
the ppl who finally beat the quintessons the third time were scared to shit of them coming back for a fourth go, so they did everything they could to turn cybertron into a unified state for the sake of better defense
previously it had been fragmented, kinda like europe in the middle ages? in theory the kings paid homage to the prime and took his thoughts into account but in practice they mostly got left to their own shit
i want to say there were like five large-scale social reorganization tactics that the empire used to try and make a centralised single state but i can only remember three of them rn
1) enshrinement of caste system (didn't have an 'untouchable' equivalent at the time, that came later); 2) creation of a state religion out of the bits of the previous religions that played nicely w each other, and 3) imposition of a global language of government
oh yeah and there's a thing called rank-exempt
cause sometimes the Govt acknowledges that the caste system just makes shit Kinda Annoying so if ur sufficiently useful the ppl ur useful to can apply to have ur restrictions temporarily or permanently lifted so u can be even more useful to them
but ultimately the system is just Bad For Society in a variety of ways and nobody’s been brave enough to admit it, so it stumbles on with a chokehold around the Empire’s figurative neck.
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jacksgreysays · 3 years
Fake Fic Summaries 29/?, the Undercover Gender Feels edition (2021-11-19)
Imperfect, Impermanent
Deku goes undercover, investigates corruption in the government, goes to a party, gets introduced to himself, accidentally falls in love with the man he’s always subconsciously loved since he first understood the concept of love, and actively reconsiders his gender identity. Yes, in that order.
So of course, Bakugou has to make things more complicated.
A/N: Again, still, I have not watched BnHA and I do not know why I consume the fanfic regardless, but I do, and I am still as ever conflicted about my feelings for BakuDeku, but here’s a dream I had and it was so clear that I couldn’t help but type it out:
It starts with Deku undercover because he can reliably fake an entirely different quirk than the one he has on file and that’s the hardest part of going undercover, tbh. His appearance can be tweaked with makeup and he is known to be, by the public, a cis man.
I’m going to warn now for gender dysphoria/questioning and, due to that, incorrect/inconsistent pronoun usage because going into this fic, Deku internally thinks he is a cis man going undercover as a trans woman and so since its POV Deku, we will use he/him. However, in theory if I were to actually write this, Deku would feel satisfied/pleased whenever referred by she/her while undercover. Internally presumed because that means a successful undercover; externally we know it’s because Deku’s having gender feels.
Anyway, Deku goes undercover. I think Shinsou was his contact/handler and there was a larger team/department that Shinsou worked with including Monoma and Camie although they didn’t know Deku’s real identity.
The mission was to investigate a leak/embezzling/corruption within Japanese government’s Emergency Management and Response Department, ie the people who are supposed to help with relieving and rebuilding post natural disasters or, in the world of BnHA, large scale quirk related destruction. As such, Deku goes undercover in that department.
And guess whose quirk frequently causes large scale destruction? :D
Anyway, Bakugou meets Deku’s undercover identity. As far as he knows, there’s this one woman who fascinates him who doesn’t put up with his shit even if she is very polite about it, and we already know Deku’s weird admiration/infatuation despite their fraught history. So imagine that admiration/infatuation unencumbered and able to have a fresh start. Sometimes they get coffee because both of their jobs are very important and require caffeine and maybe this has become a weekly tradition of sorts.
The fic that I probably won’t write, would begin several months into this status quo. More specifically, DynaMight’s having a birthday celebration and as #1 Hero of Japan its pretty big and fancy but seeing as how most of his friends/classmates are also big name heroes themselves its mostly just Class 1-A and company partying in fancy clothes. Given the premise, obviously Bakugou invites Deku’s undercover identity. Also obviously Deku as himself is invited and expected to come.
Thankfully, Shinsou is also there. Also also thankfully Camie is there, although we’ll get to that in a second.
Because Deku was invited personally by Bakugou as the undercover identity, that’s the one he prioritizes and he assumes that, since “real Deku” hasn’t spoken/interacted much with Bakugou after graduation that it won’t be noticed if “real Deku” doesn’t show up.
The dream was very in Deku’s POV, it began with Bakugou and Deku (undercover identity) talking right before entering the party in which Bakugou, in his way, says that he wants to introduce undercover Deku to some people—Deku thinks this is like… probably not fully professional reasons, but as a friend? People are possibly inferring more considering how (relatively) courteous Bakugou is being and the fact that he’s going out of his way to introduce this person to them to begin with.
Deku, who has been in Bakugou’s orbit since he could form conscious memories doesn’t fully understand how unique this situation is. His context, to put it lightly, is skewed.
Anyway, this continues. At some point they do split up enough for Shinsou and Deku to talk (and thus establish within the fic that Shinsou is Deku’s undercover contact/handler) but then here’s the dramatic problem:
Bakugou is looking for Deku. As in “real Deku” but so far none of Class 1-A has seen him. Obviously.
Then for some reason in the dream, Bakugou called Deku on his “real Deku” cell phone in order to yell at him for not being at the party. But then overheard sounds of the party and went like, wtf are you here already and not showing your face, and Deku’s just like… hahaha… I’m… networking?
So Bakugou’s just like. Hey come see me before you fuck off like usual.
So, ok, that’s easy—Deku’s undercover look was designed to be simple enough to change between (not immediate, but less than ten minutes for sure)—so he’ll just show up as “real Deku” for a bit, show his face to Bakugou, and then change back to the undercover Deku identity.
So that’s what Deku does. He does a quick change, says hi to his classmates as “real Deku,” laughs off Bakugou’s irritated yelling, greets him happy birthday and is ready to disappear enough to change back.
Except then Bakugou’s like: I want to introduce you to someone. And tries to find undercover Deku.
And Deku is in trouble.
Thankfully Shinsou is there and so is Camie (and also Uraraka, which was important in the dream, although if I were to write this I would probably streamline it to just be Camie? Although maybe not? Let’s include Uraraka.) Unfortunately, only Shinsou knows Deku’s true identity.
Basically, Deku as “real Deku” is like oh—let me also look for her—makes alarmed faces at Shinsou who fixes it by recruiting Camie and Uraraka. I am unsure of the reasoning, maybe its the timing or the lack of physicality of Camie’s glamours (Bakugou has been… physically present with undercover Deku, you know, a guiding hand at the waist—it’s very crowded, Deku thinks, so maybe Bakugou is just like this with women he didn’t go to school with? LOL), but Camie makes Uraraka look like “real Deku” (I guess because she knows “real Deku” best besides Bakugou and Iida and Todoroki who is bad at acting?) while Deku changes back into undercover Deku
Deku and Shinsou are just like, WE WILL EXPLAIN THIS LATER, BUT WE HAVE TO MAINTAIN THIS COVER RIGHT NOW, as everyone is changing and a months long professional secret is being pressure cooked with the private not so secret of Bakugou introducing a stranger to all his friends and family at his birthday. But they’re all already in a private side room when Bakugou finds them and he tells Shinsou and Camie to get lost, losers, and then Bakugou introduces undercover Deku to “real Deku” who at the moment is actually Uraraka.
And here’s where the dream is making a reach, I know, but it made the connection because of all the canonical Star Wars references: Bakugou introduces undercover Deku as “my Satine.”
WHICH, for those of you who aren’t as aware of the romantic tragedy that is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s life, means “the person I would have left the Jedi Order for, had she asked.” And in this context, between a young Deku and Bakugou before everything about their friendship went wrong, a term that meant “something that you love more than being a hero.” And its not necessarily that Bakugou is planning to stop being a hero—he’s #1, at the top of the game, and the people need him—but, maybe, one day, he wouldn’t mind retiring if it’s with his Satine.
“Real Deku” aka Uraraka, whose face Bakugou is looking at for a reaction, does not know this term, just nods and smiles and says nice to meet you. But actual undercover Deku whose expression is slightly obscured by a different hairstyle and who is facing the wrong way for Bakugou’s peripheral to easily catch, is wide eyed. Is shocked to the point of stifling a gasp.
But undercover Deku shakes “real Deku’s” hand and smiles in possibly the best or worst acting since becoming this identity. It’s a strained, wobbly sort of smile because somehow both of his worlds are simultaneously colliding and imploding and he has to stay in character and Bakugou is watching and Uraraka is doing him a favor without explanation and Shinsou is going to kick his ass if he messes up literal months of work. So he smiles and shakes his own hand and somehow makes it through the rest of the night—hopefully Shinsou can field Camie and Uraraka’s questions long enough to set up a proper debriefing session—and if Bakugou is concerned or suspicious at all, he doesn’t say anything and Deku certainly isn’t in a state of mind to pick up on it.
Bakugou doesn’t make any advances that night—perhaps sensing said state of mind? or perhaps never intending to make any advances. The boy is, ironically, a slow burner when it comes to romance—but he does make sure that they’re still on for their traditional weekly coffee. And that’s it. He doesn’t declare his intentions, he doesn’t explain to undercover Deku what Satine means even though undercover Deku really wouldn’t know the significance of that term and should be curious.
And then there’s the follow up scene with Shinsou and Camie and Uraraka in which the professional side of the undercover mission is explained/debriefed which is sort of okay since Camie is already in the same team/department as Shinsou and Uraraka can be considered a consultant/contact since she does work frequently with the Japanese government’s Emergency Management and Response Department. So professionally not too bad.
Personally, Deku is getting ROCKED.
And I want to reassure people that Deku isn’t afraid of Bakugou being transphobic. Bakugou has from the beginning correctly inferred that undercover Deku is a trans woman as he was meant to. We’re in the future(? I think?) I’m declaring there is no transphobia. The problem is that Bakugou doesn’t know undercover Deku is Deku. And also, until the possibility of not having to be “real Deku” ie the publicly known version, it never really occurred to Deku that maybe he didn’t want to be a he in real life and that not being that publicly known version could be an option. And to know that option was a viable enough life and identity that Bakugou—who had, as children before everything fell apart, scorned the very idea of something that would take him away from being a hero, had sworn he’d never have anything resembling a Satine—would want to be with that…
Then I lost track of what happens after that.. I think Deku as undercover Deku starts to distance themself from Bakugou by being too busy for coffee and also self deprecating comments about not being good enough—which leads to a conversation about that. And that makes things worse because Bakugou then actually declares his romantic intentions and it’s like. NO PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY ANYMORE, DEKU.
Presumably the mission objective, ie finding the culprit(s) responsible for the leak/embezzling/corruption within Japanese government’s Emergency Management and Response Department, is actually completed which means that undercover identity is no longer needed which I guess would have to lead to undercover Deku identity disappearing? Which then brings up the ultimate confession scene?
I don’t know. I just had so many identity romantic entanglement feelings. I’m only sorry I cannot write this fic properly. RIP fic idea, you gave me so many emotions.
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dahniwitchoflight · 3 years
KH: The Foreteller’s Animal Masks
This is half fun facts / half theory but basically it’s a list of which Sins/Foretellers are associated with which animals AND where the inspirations for the animal associations came from, since there’s actually a few different sources!
The first would be the Ancrene Wisse, which was a sort of field guidebook for Anchoresses (Female Abbesses/Monks/Nuns basically) containing rules of conduct and behavior 
This goes into many things that honestly have cool thematic ties with symbolism for stuff in Kingdom Hearts, which I could honestly make a whole post in it’s own for tbh, but for here were focusing on one passage:
“The wilderness is the solitary life of the anchoress's dwelling, for just as in the wilderness there are all the wild beasts, and they will not endure men coming near but flee when they hear them, so should anchorites, above all other women, be wild in this way, and then they will be desirable, above other women, to Our Lord. 
In this wilderness are many evil beasts: the lion of pride, the snake of poisonous envy, the unicorn of anger, the bear of dead sloth, the fox of covetousness, the sow of gluttony, the scorpion with the tail of stinging lechery, that is, lust.”
So, we start out with a nice base for some of the Sin/Foretellers:
Ira - Wrath - Unicorn - Unicornis
Avaritia - Greed - Fox - Vulpes
Acedia - Sloth - Bear - Ursus
Invidia - Envy - Snake - Anguis
but then wait, here Gula/Gluttony is a Sow, a Pig, but in KH it’s a Leopard
As well as recently in KH, they’ve made it clear that Luxu/Luxuria is a Goat, not a Scorpion (As cool as a Scorpion would have been for Luxu’s emblem, but a bit too on the nose I suppose haha)
Well, interestingly enough, did you know that back when the 7 deadly sins was actually more like the 8 Evil Things once? And that they were also grouped into a Trio of their own? 
(Despair as Tristitia being the 8th one, because it’s essentially the sin of falling to sorrow/sadness or giving up, of blinding yourself to other’s troubles and causing sorrow in return or being too sorrowful to act, later it was folded into Sloth as a lack of diligence) 
But the 3 Major sin groupings was essentially the three Reasons that people would sin the deadly sins
Incontinence: Doing wrong because they couldn't help it. Or sinning from a lack of moderation or self-control.
Violence: Doing wrong because of anger, revenge or retaliation. Or sinning from by trying to force your will externally
Fraud/Corruption: Doing wrong on purpose in order to hurt other's. Or sinning from betrayal, lies and manipulation. 
These three things form a sort of Unholy Trinity in opposition with the Divine trinity of Father-Son-Holy Spirit
And, very famously, Dante’s Inferno links these three groupings to three creatures from a famous bible verse describing the destruction of humanity via it's own nature:
Jeremiah 5:6 - “Therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them, and a wolf from the desert shall destroy them. A leopard is watching against their cities, every one who goes out of them shall be torn in pieces because their transgressions are many, their apostasies are great.”
A Lion, A Leopard and A Wolf.
Now based on Dante’s actual writing which grouping with which animal and which sins is often debated, but usually it’s roughly as follows:
Leopard of Incontinence: Gluttony, Greed, Luxuria (from Immoderation, Extravagance, Wastefulness)
Lion of Violence: Wrath, Pride (from Murder, Suicide, Squandering, Blasphemy)
Wolf of Fraud/Corruption: Envy, Sloth, Sorrow/Despair (Tristitia) (from Corruption, Thievery, Falsifier, Betrayal) (yeah... old timey people did indeed view what was essentially depression as a “willful” sin aka something people did on purpose to hurt themselves, like they drown in their sorrows willingly because of a refusal to heal themselves or as a willing corruption of their soul, nowadays if it existed would definitely be thought of a Leopard sin I’d think)
So here it’s very easy to see where Leopardos and Gula get tied together, because in KH the sin of Gluttony is lifted above the other’s in the group, which makes sense because being gluttonous for money is greed, being gluttonous for luxuries was Luxuria (or sex for lust)
And here also, the Sin of Pride/Superbia is again associated with the Lion as it is in the Ancrene Wisse (though it’s also associated with Wrath strongly as well, so no wonder MoM chose Ira to be the next leader after he was gone)
So in all likelihood, this means that the symbol of the Master of Masters is most likely a Lion of Pride, Superbia (and if he had his own union, it might be something like Leo or Panthera) 
But honestly the biggest thing that definitely makes MoM the Lion of Pride is the passage in the Ancrene Wisse that elaborates upon the Lion of Pride, describing it as having “many cubs”:
“But the author continues the animal analogies, enumerating a classification of the sins. "The lion of pride has very many cubs," he states, and enumerates them: vainglory, indignation, hypocrisy, presumption, disobedience, loquacity, blasphemy, impatience, contumacy, contention, "airs and graces." “
Reminds me of both MoM’s many apprentices or Master Xehanort’s collection in the organization
Though the REAL reason is also because did you know when KH was still being thought of and designed, Nomura actually wanted to make Sora a Half-Lion Chainsaw Wielder and we all know Sora is secretly the MoM right lol
But anyway, that explains Gula being a Leopard
So then where did all this talk of Luxu being a Goat come from?
Well one reason could be that later on as the deadly sins got solidified as just the seven of them, and as their meanings changed from umbrella terms to more specific sins, their animal interpretations also started to differ:
Avarice/Greed = Toad/Frog 
Invidia/Envy = Snake
Ira/Wrath = Lion
Acedia/Sloth = Snail
Gula/Gluttony = Pig
Luxuria/Lust = Goat
Superbia/Pride = Peacock
Also Ira with a Lion mask would be cool but can you imagine a Snail Aced or a Froggy Ava? lol
But it IS Cool to think that these “Modernized” animals could then become the emblems of the Union Leaders that inherited Ava’s legacy, since they are the newer versions of those Unions, obviously there’s no one to Inherit MoM’s legacy
But you could easily think of Ventus as the “Traitor” aka the scapeGoated 6th for the new group, leaving Frogs, Snakes, Lions, Snails and Pigs for the other five 
(I wonder who I’d put with who... Ephemer, Skuld, Lauriam, Strelitzia and Brain... the only sin associated with Death would be Wrath (As Suicide) and the “Ira” position appears to be the one who inherits the leader, and it’s theorized Strelitzia was the circled name supposed to get the Book of Prophecies
So Strelitzia = Lion/Wrath
Ephemer and Ava always seemed to be the closest and he was the one who seemed to inherit her Legacy the most so he can get Frogs/Greed
Brain is similar to Gula in how they calmly investigate issues and try to uncover the truth and got extra information than the others, so Pigs/Gluttony for him
Lauriam was the poster boy for temptation into darkness, which is what Darkness was intended when his sister Strelitzia was killed, for him to be the first to fall to rage and grief, nice Aced parallel as the one everyone suspected of falling to darkness first so he gets Snails/Sloth, fitting for the flower elemental lol
and that leave Skuld and Invi which also makes sense as the parallel for the person who tries to intervene in conflicts and mediate for the group, so Skuld gets Snake/Envy
But anyway back to Luxu, I think Luxu is represented by the Goat not just because of the above modern listings, but also because of the special place of evil that Christian religions tend to place on Goat itself
If the Lamb is the most common symbol of Jesus Christ, the Goat has always been a symbol of the Evil of Lucifer. Sheep and Goats, despite being so similar, have always been seen as this symbolic duo. Sheep and Lambs being submissive, complacent, docile, while Goats are crazy, willful, destructive and etc likely because since they are so close in nature, they are basically seen as the Good and Evil version of the same animal, a Goat is essentially a heretical false Lamb
They are very commonly associated with the Devil/Lucifer himself and goats have always gotten the short end of stick, all the way back to the old tradition of using goats as well, scape-goats literally. The practice of singling out a particular creature or person and placing all the sin and blame onto it, and then driving it away
Luxu is singled out from the group, likely given the role of “Traitor” amongst the six of them and then is forced into essentially exile to the future by MoM where he can do nothing but watch and wait, never able to interfere or meddle with anything
And this reasoning of the Goat fits Luxu above all others.
So there we have it, finally at the end:
Ira/Wrath - Unicorn/Unicornis
Avaritia/Greed - Fox/Vulpes
Acedia/Sloth - Bear/Ursus
Invidia/Envy - Snake/Anguis
Gula/Gluttony - Leopard/Leopardus
and if Luxu and MoM had union names, (which seem to be just be taken from the genus of the animal directly) they’d likely be:
Luxuria/Lust - Goat/Caprini
Superbia/Pride - Lion/Panthera
But I think the Most Interesting Thing to glean from all of this, is going back to the 3 Groupings for the 8 evil things, can you imagine if KH ever decides to give MoM a little backstory, and a figure based on the Wolf of Fraud/Corruption, emblem of Despair came into the picture somewhere?
Something that might look a little like this?
Tumblr media
Hey that’s interesting, isn’t this the special secret boss Dark Hide from Aqua’s Fragmentary Passage? Y’know, that journey all about Aqua falling into the pits of Despair where she then ends up fighting The First Real Pureblood Heartless she ever faces in the Realm of Darkness? Something that Aqua felt was Willfully and Intentionally Stalking her through the depths, instead of mindlessly attacking her?
Isn’t that interesting how all of things, they give this boss the opportunity for the player to see through it’s eyes, something very unique, and how it initially appears as a formless Darkness
And isn’t Darkness itself, given a will and a personality, now a figure in KHUX Dark Road, that has specific ties to the MoM, as Luxu describes as being a fellow student and/or old friend of MoM?
Could the Will of Despair manifested from darkness come to be a secret 8th apprentice of MoM?
Who knows, but it’s interesting how that symbolism lines up isn’t it?
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fannishcodex · 3 years
Glimmer manipulated Scorpia into using the Heart so ehh no
Oh this is interesting, because I had thought about that too, it's part of why I wrote, "Part of that’s because I remembered Scorpia and Glimmer seemed to *mostly nicely bond toward the end of season 4," but I just felt like giving a short answer and not going more in-depth.
I would have to rewatch the scenes, but it came across to me as more complicated--Glimmer manipulated Scorpia to use the Heart, but it still seemed like there was a shred of Glimmer genuinely being civil with Scorpia too, and it made me kinda think of the trope of how manipulation can work via using a grain of truth.
Also, more complications in this: it feels like S4 was the first time Glimmer starts really using manipulation, but there's no pattern developed yet; and then after manipulations and such backfires in her face and Glimmer realizes she too was manipulated by Light Hope (and likely really had that realization about Shadow Weaver too), Glimmer is faced with a certain choice still, and she chooses to realize she screwed up and try to fix things, try to stop the Heart, and I feel like that includes the suggestion that Glimmer realizes she probably shouldn't have manipulated Scorpia like that.
But also another complication: overall, by the time Glimmer uses Scorpia, Scorpia's defection to their side hasn't been very long, Glimmer's likely still more used to Scorpia as an enemy and may think it's not that wrong to manipulate an enemy or someone who was an enemy just hours ago. (Though this also touches on contradicting the pushed Alliance narrative that they're the "good guys" and "morally superior," but that's like another post there too.)
Tl;dr I feel like Glimmer and Scorpia's brief scenes together are more complicated and messy with the potential for maybe actual friendship later, or not at all. Could Glimmer and Scorpia have become real friends after that? No canonical idea, because canon S5 just pushes so much aside in favor of whatever the f*k they wanted for C*tra. It is wild that Glimmer and Scorpia never have to deal with any aftermath over their short partnership being the final thing to trigger the Heart of Etheria in the S4 finale, because Glimmer's just captured right after that, Scorpia is also captured, and the next time there's a possibility they're in the same area to interact, the show's over. :/
And I feel like I should bring it up because I feel like the comparison can be made/some might be thinking it: "Glimmer manipulating Scorpia is no better than C*tra"--ehhh. Actually kinda have gotten into this already in the part above, just didn't draw the direct comparison to C*tra though I was thinking it.
Approach to manipulation?
Glimmer: Pretty much just starts doing it in S4.
C*tra: Has shown a consistent pattern of doing it throughout the entire series.
Approach to triggering world annihilation?
Glimmer: She was manipulated into doing it. Once she realizes what her actions have actually helped caused, immediately tries to fix her mistake/stop world annihilation/save the world.
C*tra: Was not manipulated into doing it. Tried manipulating Hordak into doing it, but then just does it herself. When impending world annihilation becomes apparent, has chance to try to help undo the damage and impending total destruction, instead doubles down and does nothing and claims she's still fine with the world being destroyed because she "can't let Adora win/be right again."
Glimmer's actions/behavior still less than C*tra's. Glimmer and Scorpia have a more believable chance at connecting in some sort of relationship more than C*tra and Scorpia, at least when not under the constraints of canon S5 mostly derailing and ignoring exploration of how characters would actually feel about things.
...Oh that got long and spiraled into a longer ramble on more things. And tbh I'm still only mildly interested in the possibility of shipping Glimmer and Scorpia (specifically in terms of poly ship with Adora). And weirdly I still--like, think the characters just discussed aren't even really my favorites per se (especially not C*tra), but still something about them makes me care enough to focus on some instances where it seems like they're not being fully examined/the writing inconsistencies/fumbles they were saddled with in canon S5.
Like, for instance, tbh still have some mixed feelings on canon Glimmer (that started way back in S1...though I've had mixed feelings on the whole show since S1 tbh), but do feel a little touchy on how it seemed like she started getting unfair treatment later in the series and in parts of fandom.
...Like, it's really wild that Bow gives Glimmer more sh*t about her part in triggering the Heart of Etheria and at first it seems fair, but then he doesn't give the same treatment to C*tra when she triggered the Portal and it caused the loss of Angella (and probably played a role in Glimmer's downward spiral and putting her in a better position to be manipulated by Light Hope). It's just freakin' "aww cute sneezes" with him over C*tra jfc.
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