#techno doesnt know how to communicate
foxeshum · 5 months
i have accidentally appeared outside the techza community. oh dear
anyways just to feed you guys, i’ve seen loads of au’s where its like. modern techno meets eldritch god philza but what if its modern philza meets god techno but techno is literally just pretending to be Some Guy.
and phil only finds out technos a god because techno is really BAD at being Some Guy.
“ yes i love potatoes. like every other human “
and phil just thinks hes autistic at first but the coincidences keep on adding up but like . he doesnt even think technos a god at first he assumes techno is a fae or a vampire.
“ i know what you are, technoblade. “
“ say it. out loud. say it “
“ vampire. “
“ what???? no? what? how did you get that? hello? what? “
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box-architecture · 6 months
more of this specific au
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Quackity destroying Dream's scalp and hair in prison. Sam holding a piece of hair to inspect the damage.
Sam is actually really upset about this, even though Dream doesn't get why
Ah yes, torture is okay, but but destroying her hair? Something Sam used to spend hours brushing when they were young, and made her stare when Dream was on the battlefield?
Sam ends up banning Quackity for a week and tries to repair the damage herself. (Sam is. Extremely Stressed. Dream's hair is Important. It's a sign that things are Normal. Dream can't really be having too hard a time, she's still taking care of her hair!)
Dream will 100 percent insist she doesn't care and that it doesnt matter, shes being tortured for fucks sake. (Being feminine was important to her. Being able to go toe to toe with anyone and win while also getting to be a woman. Because there's always that pressure to sort of. renounce femininity when you get higher up. People sneer at you for caring about your appearance)
She bites her tongue while Sam inspects her scalp, and there's a deep, resentful pit in her stomach. Just A Pretty Thing. Regardless of what she was enduring. It felt like the torture wasn't real for Sam until she saw this. And there's some part of Dream that wants Sam to see how ugly it really was. Sam finally getting a glimpse of the reality, torture isn't pretty, this isn't a game that Sam can win.
When Quackity is let back in it shatters something inside her a bit. She keeps finding little bits of faith in Sam and it keeps proving futile. Since this is an alternate communication knife au she probably starts up the favors around now, but she is Not Doing Great.
Also makes the favors have a different undercurrent of tension to them. Sam is wrestling with guilt about the hair (and trying hard to ignore the fact that Dream is now covered in scars) and Dream is trying hard to Perform Pretty, anxious that Sam will stop the favors because she doesn't look like how she likes.
Everything Is Fine.
Punz ends up holding Dream and rocking her a lot post prison. Dream is briefly stuck in a cycle of hating what she looks like and hating herself for caring about what she looks like.
When the escape happens, Punz sees Dream's hair destroyed and Dream is forced to stop and get a warm jacket and scarf and is forced into Comfy Time (Dream is not pleased).
Techno breaks Dream out, lets Dream fuck off wherever, Dream goes back to Punz, and Punz sees the state of Dream's hair and instantly knows somethings wrong. She doesn't manage to get much out of Dream while she's trying to go get the Axe of Peace back, but she does demand Dream come see her after.
When they meet and Punz questions her about her hair, Dream has a mild meltdown, raging about how her hair didn't matter and it was fine and is that all that matters to Punz? And Punz, who is just trying their best, ends up hugging her and they sit on the floor while Dream cries.
This Is Very Fine.
Dream gets cleaned up and bandaged and taken care of, and Punz has decided that Sam and Quackity will die. First one doesn't end up happening, but like, one out of two is still pretty good.
When they do end up becoming a trio with Sam, the eventual talk about the hair is. Interesting. And by that I mean Sam decides she isn't up for sex once, and Dream kind of lurches and and goes off to the bathroom to have a very quiet anxiety attack (Sam doesn't want to have sex with her Sam doesn't want her because she isn't pretty anymore her hair is gone she's different now-)
And Sam panics because Dream very abruptly left looking upset, and when Dream doesn't answer she calls she breaks in and flounders a bit before loafing on top of Dream and purring to try to calm her down.
"I'm not going to be pretty again"
"What?" Sam looked down at her, confused.
"My hairs gone. Its not coming back," Dream informed her. Sam was not allowed to wrap her arms around her, but she pressed herself a little closer. "You ruined it."
"I didn't," Sam protested instantly, "Quackity did-"
"You did it," Dream stressed, "You let her in. And now its gone. You're not getting it back. So why don't you just leave."
Dream curled up tighter into a ball in the tub. Where was Punz? Punz was always good at making Sam leave.
Sam hesitated. Her ears drooped. "I don't want to leave you."
"You heard what I said."
"Yes, but… I don't… you're very pretty." Sam mumbled, face heating up. "I can call you pretty more often, if you want."
Dream felt a little numb.
"What," she croaked, or she thought she did. She didn't seem to fully exist in her body at the moment. "was the point of all this? You let Quackity torture me for months without a word, but the minute I lose my hair, you act like its a death sentence. You cared more about how I looked than you did about me. And now you're acting like it never happened."
Dream looked up at the light on the ceiling. It hurt to stare at, but she didn't care. "Get off your idiot train and go bother someone else. I'm sure being a loser got you a bunch of loser friends to hang out with."
For a long time, it was silent. Dream continued to stare at the light, never glancing in Sam's direction. There was no shuffle of creeper paws, no shutting of the door, no indignant huff. Just silence.
Finally, in a very small voice, Sam said, "I'm sorry."
Dream didn't respond.
"I liked your hair. It was, you." Sam shifted, trying to find the words. She struggled for a moment, before wilting. "When it was gone, it felt. Wrong. You're supposed to be you."
Dream closed her eyes. The light hurt too much.
"I should have done a lot of things different. Like, like letting Quackity in. Or panicking over your hair. Or… all of it."
Sam swallowed. "Even if I don't have the right to say it, I still think you're pretty. Even without your hair, you look really nice. Like, sunlight. Or a butterfly."
Dream snorted wetly. "Butterflies are symmetrical. I'm not like that."
"But when they're in a garden," Sam insisted, "and you're looking at all the flowers, and they look nice, but you stare at the butterfly when it flies by, and you don't care about any of the flowers. You're looking at how pretty the butterfly is. You're like that."
Dream laughed softly, tasting salt in her mouth. "I don't know what that means."
Sam perked up. Her tail wagged. "Your laugh is pretty, too. Everything about you is pretty. It makes everyone want to look at you all the time. I-"
Sam cut herself off, cheeks pink. Dream turned her head in curiosity. "What?"
She stuttered, paws shuffling. "I like looking at you. When you're here. I like you."
Tension seeped slowly out of Dream's figure, draining her of any energy she had left over. Good. This was good. Sam wasn't leaving her over her hair, and Sam apologized. This was good. Everything was-
"Dream?" Sam asked in concern. Dream felt a wayward tear slide down the bridge of her nose.
"I'm tired." Her eyelids drooped at the realization. "If you bring me to the bed, you can sleep with me."
She felt Sam pick her up with surprising gentleness, cradling her to her chest. A warm breath fell against her torn ear.
"If you want that." Sam murmured.
Dream barely registered them leaving the bathroom. As soon as her body hit the sheets, she melted into its softness. The past hour had been so much, but she would sleep it off and things would make more sense.
Fluffy paw pads brushed at her cheeks. "You're crying, Dream."
A warm body pressed into hers and began to purr.
Punz shows up with Dreams meds or something like 30 minutes later, and nearly murders Sam. She's stopped by Dream, who asks for sleepy cuddles, and then they're forced to hold off on murdering Sam until they can find another reason to stab her.
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bedrockbones · 2 years
Sbi Aliens human Tommy 👀
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it ///not accepting
Idk if you meant this for flying saucer attack but I'm gonna assume it's just a random alien au sorry lmao
1. Ok so part of the reason humans evolved so fast is because of our tendancy to just. Eat Fucking Everything. Plants made themselves spicy for us not to eat them? Not only do we eat them, some people LIKE the spicy pain taste. Pufferfish are literally toxic? Guess what? Theres places where they are prepared specifically for you to safely consume. If we can eat it, we eat it. And if we cant we will keep trying until we can
That being said the first time they saw tommy drinking wilburs coffee rations they SCREAMED. Caffeine is toxic to humans!!! What in the galaxy was tommy thinking?!
That horror only grew when tommy explained that almost the entire earth regularly consumed caffeine in many different forms and many even actively pursue the product. They effectively banned tommy from consuming it further despite him insisting it's fine
2. Tommy steals from the others so oftenm not anything valuable just food and blankets and small things here and there. and for the first few years of them living together sbi allow this because tommy kind of heavily implies it's a "human instinct"
When they find out later that tommy was screwing with them just to use their shit they are so offended (though techno begrudgingly respects the hussel)
3. The human smile is...weird. it took Technoblade a while to get used to tommys baring his nubby fangs as a positive sign. (Though he'll never admit its kind of adorable. Like a piglet trying to look tough)
4. Something they all secretly love is Tommy's ability to adapt to their instincts and habits. Humans seem to be this blank slate for most instincts and senses. They dont even behave like their ape ancestors that much. But to SBIs surprise, this doesnt mean tommy is detached from their behaviors, he actually adapts to them faster than they even do for each other. Tommy let's phil "preen" his hair. Even mentions it feels nice. Tommy likes swimming with Wilbur and even tries to mimic his bubble blowing under the water. Tommy even let's techno drown him in his gold hoard and lays with him during his hibernation days. philzas theory of this has something to do with humans need for pack and community. its something so ingrained in a humans instinct it allows them to packbond and mimic practically any species behavior in the name of community
5. though SBI has learned a human’s pack bonding tendency is both a blessing and a curse in one. tommy can join in their instinct behaviors, yes. but he also has the terrible habit of taking any and all strays he comes across. he even puts techno’s pet hoarding to shame in only that tommy does not seem to care whatever animal he is adopting is hostile or not. there have been multiple occasions that tommy has smuggled in a alien beast twice his size that very much wants him dead. how he manages to do this without being caught is something that no one knows. they only find out by the bite marks and injuries (and on one memorable occasion, the need for anti-venom) that tommy starts gaining.
“kevin is my friend! you cant get rid of him!” tommy cries about the 2 ton hoglin he has somehow smuggled from technos home planet in the thirty minutes they had stopped by
“shroud wouldnt hurt a fly! ...well he would but thats just because he eats them! he wouldnt hurt me!” tommy says seconds before shroud requires them to make a hospital visit for tommy
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suck-a-egg · 2 years
A possible au that has been entertaining the hell out of me for months but everytime I try to post it, I forget it immediately.
long story short: Domino survives, they go into hiding until after order 66. This is going to be hard to explain so stick with me
After Rishi, it turns out that Droidbate was more or less stunned but left behind by the others. He has a weird feeling and decides to stick back. He gets out of the building in time to watch Cutup get eaten by the eel and the flair go up and the other three make their way to the "inspectors" and sees Rex kill the eel. He runs and cuts Cutup, haha, out of the eel's stomach because I dont understand how stomach acid works and I don't care to know.
Newly released Cutup and confused as fuck Droidbate, now watch as Hevy sacrifices himself and they bust into the old station and find him burnt up. Listen, if Echo can survive an explosion so can Hevy. They somehow got him stable, don't know how and don't really care.
After Fives and Echo leave with Rex and Cody they get in contact with the "survivors" and give them a comm channel to contact them on and they all talk regularly. The twins give the comm channel to 99 the morning of the invasion but he never gets to use it.
After the citadel, Echo still gets blown up there's literally no way of stopping it, the comm channel goes silent until Umbara where Fives just wants an outsiders opinion and starts talking to them again.
When Fives finds out about the chips, Fox shoots Fives in the shoulder instead of the chest and one of the Corrie guards patches him up. Fives, understanding that if he stays with the GAR then he will be killed, contacts Domino and is smuggled off the planet and back to their little base that they made in a corner of Rishi (Kamino doesn't really pay attention to the moon anymore). Rex doesn't know where Fives; went he just knows he's alive and has no way of communicating with him.
Fast forward towards the end of the war, Rex and the bad batch find Echo caught in the wires on Skako Minor. Rex tries his hardest to try to somehow get in contact with Fives but he's just left at a lot of dead ends. He tells Echo about Fives to a certain degree. He basically just tells him that he went AWOL and doesnt even try to explain the chips or anything. But Echo, being one of the one only people to know about the comm channel, just calls Fives one day and has him explain it.
Domino, now knowing that Echo is alive, tries to convince him to leave the GAR and come with them. But since Echo is not done fighting yet, he chooses to go with the Bad Batch. But Domino makes him agree that if he's ever in trouble or needs help that he will contact them but once he does they will take him "home" to be with them.
Hunter figures out that Echo knows some type of squad outside of the ones that he has personally met because he hears a little bit of their conversation due to his senses. But he chooses to not say anything.
Order 66 still happens and the events of season 1 of the Bad Batch still happens.
After the fall of Kamino, Rex contacts the Batch asking them to go on a mission with him and they somehow end up captured (Omega included). The group that captured them are allies with the Techno Union and they easily figured out who and what Echo was and are trying to take him back to Wambor. The captors for some reason didn't take their equipment, so Echo, now panicking, contacts Hevy specifically, because he's the least likely to freak out, and asks for help. The batch has no idea who he's talking to but Rex has an idea after he hears Hevy's voice.
Rex starts to basically interrogate Echo, asking how long he had known, who was alive, why he kept it a secret. Echo breaks down because he doesn't want his older brother to be mad at him but he also wants to keep his other brothers safe and away from the war.
Wambor shows up an hour before Domino does and they have already taken Echo and hooked him back into a computer and have him completely out of it.
Domino busts in and Hevy and Droidbait find Rex and the rest of the Batch. They let them out of their cell and start asking them where Echo is but get cut off by Fives and Cutup on the comm line telling them that they had found the final Domino. Everyone rushes over and finds Fives cradling Echo to his chest while trying to calm him down. Fives ends up carrying him out of the prison and back on to the ship that they somehow commandeered.
They get poor echo back on the ship and after some questioning from Rex, they take the Batch back to the marauder but when they try to get off of Domino's ship, Echo doesn't go with them and chaos ensues.
You didn't see this, E
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iworshipsappho · 1 year
c!tommy for the headcanon ask game :DDD
(you dont have to answer all/more than one of them, idc I´m just really curious lol)
OOOOH this is gonna be funnnn >:333 strap right in!!!
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood mmm so ykn choomy was just 9 during the whole first war right? well uh imma take his childhood to be before everything went down. He was a summer child, bright vibes, all toothy grins and scraped up muddy knees. c!wilbur was a damn worrier, every time he saw c!toms all bloodied up mans would get anxious as fuck despite the obvious joy on tommy's face. and so when will wud bandage tommy up, tommy too would take a couple bandaids and stick them all over will's face and colour them in. so like when they're done wilbur wud just be a mess of awkwardly stuck bandaids covering his face while tommy would be haphazardly patched up :')
👻 A headcanon about what scares them mmm well, we all know about the tnt. im not too sure if the phantoms are canon or not, but to me ctoms is definitely terrified of them. and dont even get me started on bodies of water. both remind him of sleepless nights during exile and just utter helplesssness. im sure we all remember him waking up drowing every single fucking day. so yeah...
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about oooh he's such a fucking liar man. he lies about almost everything, but not in a ooh im a teenage boy who's an idiot way. he just doesnt think that anyone would actually be interested in what he has to say. the only person he didnt lie to after exile was revivedbur, even with tubbo sometimes he wouldnt know whether or not to tell him how fucked up he actually was and wud lie that he was fine all the fucking time. another person he never lied to was probably cjack, he just didnt care what jack thought of him. oh he also probably lied about all the times shroud inadvertently hurt him, to chommy thats just how the spider shows affection and acknowledgement
🥇 A headcanon about what they’re best at he's the bestest boy ever. period. uhhh but liek if i had to specify smth uhhh my boy loves to crochet and he's ace at it. i personally dunno much about crochet but like i know we as a fandom widely headcanon the blue sweater knitting thing but like, imagine crocheting man. he'd just go full brrrr mode with it. like, someone wants smth? boom he fucking crochets it for them, in my mind, c!beeduo have a bunch of crocheted alliums that chommy made. (alliumduo my beloved, id give my life for them)
💔 An angsty headcanon ooofff my boy is the embodiment of angst man ffffffff. mmm so ykn how ctom's limbo was just utter darkness? well what if it wasnt. what it instead of darkness, he had every single "mistake" he ever made replayed over and over like a dream sequence? what id he spent months just unable to escape from visions of his life on the dsmp. the community house, cgeorge's house, the foirstever time lmanberg blew up, nov 16th, doomsday, techno killing tubo, etc etc. all things that tommy think he couldve stopped, all the things he blames himself for. what if his limbo was both complete isolation, but being hounded by his past. what if
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of there mmmm c!tommy with braids my belovedddddd. i do it, so he does it to. whenever he gets anxious or fidgety, he just plucks out the front few strands of his hair and just starts teisting or braiding them. over and over, undoing and doing htem again, just to keep himself grounded and his hands occupied. he also adresses every bee he meets as if htey're ctubbo's messenger, calling them a big man and trying to leash them. oh and when he picks flowers, he comes up with whole backstories for each one :333
😶 A random headcanon! oooh he was sooooo a loom band kid man istg. he would be obsessed with them!!!!! like henry's horns would be completely covered in like absurdly coloured sets of loom band bracelets even his own hands would be coveredddddd in them up till his elbows. at least. and like he even managed to drag ranboo into it and to tubbo's absolute chagrine they both would just sit for hours on end making bracelts. c!techno was also roped into it during exile, and phil would just look at them amused. ooooh if only c!phil had a camera, he would have soooooo many pictures of techno's supposedly "deadly" base littered with torn pieces of loom bands
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
So fucked up soap elaborate on the time traveling to not kill quackity part as an apology.
cat jumping up and down gif jjj!! my best friend @anonymous-jey (<- tagging so u can see bc i took a while to answer ths one and then answered it at 3 am dorry about that) HI J!!!!!!!!! HEHE OKAY so i have two options here that i am turning around in my brain
referencing this post :)
first one is timeloop!! of the same day, he gets somehow manages to get just enough control of his time travel to trap himself in a timeloop of the same day, memories not jumbled as they were before, but skip-y, like he has both versions, the real version, and XD's version, but as the same day goes by again and again more and more come back. no matter how hard he tries though, the day seems to end the same way, him shoving quackity off a cliff, accidentally hitting him instead of a zombie. they r cursed. etc. and at the end of everyday karl gets a choice to go back, like in a video game or smth etc. (normally he resets just as sapnap runs in the door, communicator in his hand to find karl covered in blood standing over quackity's body.)
karl slowly starts to realize that hes never going to be able to get out of this cycle, never get to escape without killing quackity. that the only way hes going to be able to get out of it until he accepts it, confronts what he did when sapnap gets there. so the tries that, he talks to sapnap and they try to accept it and sapnap is very angry but they somehow manage to make up and try to. do smth. move on figure smth out. they go to sleep. and guess what day karl wakes up on.
at this point hes getting really hopeless, miserable, sad, etc, and decides if this is his last chance, if this is all he has left before quackity dies, he wants to make up, wants to apologize for everything he said in the past that quackity remembers, and even what he doesnt. this goes poorly as quackity (not remembering the number of times karl has killed him before) assumes karl is making fun of him. and. well they fight again and that goes bottoms up and karl has seen this film before etc, but somehow, this time is different, and they manage to make up THEN END LOVE WINS!!!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
okay and option two is a little less sad and melodramatic etc and a little more back to the future but make it. uh. ????
anyway very similar start except from instead of karl accidentally sending himself into a timeloop, he accidentally (on purpose?) sends himself back to the day of the dethronement conflict. more specifically, just outside of some fight happening outside of the prime path. he barely recognizes himself at first. he recognizes quackity first though, almost as soon as he hears his voice. hes so much younger, so much more naive, but karl knows its him. just a second later, he recognizes sapnap, george, dream, and as the time travel nausea starts to fade, he starts to recognize himself too. they barely look like the same person anymore, he realizes slowly, sliding down behind a tree to steady himself while the fighting continues just a bit away.
hes not exactly sure why he's here, or even how he got all the way back here, but hes decided hes going to do everything he can to mkae the most of it, do a little back to the future and keep himself from forgetting, but more importantly keep q from dying. how is he going to figure this out you ask? well im not quite sure but i think maybe his communicator still kinda works so he can use that like that one phto from back to the future. his plan? he has to keep past!q from dying at technos execution. he tries but unfortunately he is a fool and a sad little noodle and he fucks it up and convinces q to convince tubbo to move up the schedule on the butcher army, and yeah, then quackity dies. fuck. this is tragic for karl, as he has just watched quackity die to his own hand and guess who he blames for thistoo!
lcukily for him, hes very used to watching people die in front of him. around this time, past!karl is taken for his very first tale! awh :)! cute!!! now!karl immediately remembers /that/, mourns his past self etc, but makes the most of it by doing his best to disguise himself as past!karl as quackity recovers, and they start to jump right back into work for el rapids, not yet christened yet. present!karl does his best to take care of quackity as he recovers, and does his best to tell him things that will keep him from getting hurt in the future. but he gets sad and ends up just awkwardly trying to make sure quackity knows karl loves him, that smth's wrong that he never would forget him etc. together they work on el rapids and whatnot, and then, the time when we get to the day where its pretty clear the same plot regarding framing eret.
guess who gets back its past!karl. present!karl finds him in the woods, sort of confused and small and just back from Time etc. but he has to let past!karl go, cant stop the el rapids plot. ofc he cant talk to his past self, but he figures as a last ditch effort, he can try to leave a message, one last message to his past self, one last chance to fix things. he tears out a photo from a locket or smth and writes a message on the back, smth to fix smth one last chance, and drops the locket into the leaves and waits. past karl picks it up, and present karl holds his breath and. past karl drops it and runs back out to their house as sapnap starts yelling looking for him.
and then karl has to accept that he failed. he cries its sad etc just then, to make matters worse, he starts getting sucked back to the present. he cant fight it he goes back etc. but to his surprise, he wakes up on the couch, in some, just a little different version of kinoko, with sapnap and quackity bent over him, looking worried. they look just a little different, that he remembers them, sapnaps got way more flashy gold jewelry and about seven earrings, the kind someone who often visits a casino might wear, and he looks less stressed, smile opener than karls seen it in a while; quackitys still in his suit, but he looks softer and less on edge, bandana and flowers in his hair, wings free and relaxed at his shoulders. but its them, and they look happy, they look so happy. its them :)
(at the end, after having a small discussion w his fiances and starts to realize what he managed to change, how they're all together and how nothings ever been wrong ever!! :D he finds a small silver locket in his hoodie pocket :))
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i-go-by-whatever · 1 year
uh this is gonna be me processing how i feel one year after the news of technoblades passing. skip this one.
it was 10am on july 1st when i learned of the news. the first thing i saw when i woke up was dreams tweet and i just saw 'fuck cancer' and my heart fucking dropped. in that split second i was thinking 'oh no, did it get bad again?' i didnt think that he died. i had hope. when i watched the video and listened to his last words, my heart was shattered and i simply did not know what to do but cry for hours.
i had just got out of a week long 'down' state, when i had felt the worst ive been in years and i had one good day before i heard the news. i fell back into the sadness and it sucked. it sucked so bad.
every few hours id go on twitter and see more people react to it throughout the day. i watched as his family, friends, and community mourned him. every passing tweet made me cry. technoblade meant so much to a lot of people. he meant a lot to me too. and his death hit me so hard i was blindsided by the pain.
its an insane feeling to grieve over someone i dont know or never met, whom i only started watching for less than two years. it makes me feel insane to cry about it when none of my friends knew him. it feels insane how there is no tangible way techno had changed my life because i built no friendships through him, or made art of him, or was even an active member of the community. all i got was/is my love for him and his friends that he introduced me to. idk how to explain it, but it felt like i dont deserve to grieve him.
but obviously his community has been so loving through and through. we held each other, even though i personally spoke to nobody about it (given the fact that i dont talk to anyone or tweet on twitter and nobody irl knew him). theres still a weird feeling of loneliness and isolation despite the collective grief.
the toughest thing to watch was his father grieving him together with us. i had lost my father when i was a child and i watched his mother mourn him. it never made sense then that a parent should watch their kid die. it still doesnt make sense now. in some egotistical, nonsensical way, it felt like the universe did a trade with me.
i have never had any direct communication with technodad, but i think he had helped a lot in my processing my pre-existing grief over my father, together with our grief over technoblade, and everyone else i have lost in between. i will forever appreciate him for that.
sidenote: the dream technodad had about being at a gathering and he couldn't find technoblade. but turns out he was in the other room playing a game. and in the dream he was like 'oh thank god he's not dead' but when he woke up reality hit him like a truck?
yeah well, that was how it felt when i found out my dad passed away all those years ago. i woke up to a house filled with relatives and my mother pulled me aside to tell me my dad had passed away. he was the only person who wasnt there.
the grief i have for technoblade is so deeply intertwined with my grief for my father and i dont think i can ever succinctly explain it to anyone in my life. because they happened 16 years apart and had no connection whatsoever except for me whos in the middle. slowly processing my own grief.
(midwriting this i suddenly realized that after my birthday this year i will be older than technoblade could ever be and im sobbing silently in my room so my roommates cant hear me)
it sucks being someone who doesnt cry in front of people and struggle to ask for help or even a hug. the loneliness is palpable. thats why i wrote everything here.
i love you, technoblade.
i love you, dad.
im sorry to lump the two of you together like this. im a little insane, i know. i hope its okay.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
i'm so shit at analysis of writing, so i'm just gunna say what i can about the new chapter of stars!!
the realisation of wilbur knowing phils playing favourites is so bittersweet, he doesn't understand why someone likes him more then tommy, it's not something he's used to. i know that's not the main point of that part, it just makes me feel many many many things. AND THE FACT THAT PHIL DOESNT CARE!!!!! makes me insane /pos
the way that aimsey and ranboo describe how tommys feeling fucking broke me dude. he's just as scared and pissed and anxious as wilbur is, maybe even more so. also the parallels with tommy + techno and wilbur + phil are insane, im glad tommy somewhat has someone to lean on like wil has phil. these brothers better hug soon or i'm gunna lose it
this is a tiny other bit but the silent communication between jack and wilbur means a lot to me as well, cant explain why. it just does.
woo boy the boys aren't doing good!!!! again sorry i'm not the best at literary analysis on short notice, so i'm just gunna be here rambling about the stuff that makes me feel things the most. so excited to see where this is gunna go!!
- 🍦
ice cream anon there is absolutely zero pressure to be good at analysis to come dump your thoughts in my ask box. the analysis stuff is great if that's fun for you! but if you're not about that that's fine too! i just love hearing what you guys think about my fics :D
hehe glad you picked up on that subtle bit about wilbur not understanding why someone likes him more than tommy. they were going to have a more explicit conversation about that, but then I realized it was kind of just a rehashing of an older convo they already had, plus it didn't fit the vibes of what I wanted for the scene so I had to cut it rip
tommy is NOT having a good time, but we only get to hear about it from outsider povs like aimsey and ranboo :(
!! i love including tiny tidbits like jack and wilbur's silent communication. they're such good friends and I love showing their bond in subtle ways like that
ty for this!!!
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yr on ur way to bodyhack and accidentally k hole a lil too hard in ur own living room and have to hold ur roommates feet / kuddle a bit b4 u go cuz u've never felt that way b4 on k besides the time u did that Laced bullshit like 3 months ago in the comfort of strangers u just met at le bain and yr crush at tha time. who actually wuz NIce a lil but they were like a weird capricorn with a gf N we all kno how poly relationships hav been for moi. Painful n weird. lik LEARN 2 communicate andSTICK2 UR boundaries [ AND DONT TRY TO INTERPRET WHAT THT MEANS BY URSELF IF YR CONFUSED LITERALLY JUST ASK] or just like DON'TTT try to have multiple relationships if u r INCAPABLE Of being responsible WITH MULTIPLE PPLZ FEELINGZZZZZZZ!
We ordered 2g of shitty mexxy Fake ass K n all tha colors IN tha room blended together, u threw up and had to go into fetal position just to feel better cuz u dont rly remember talking but u just remember SURVIVNG Tha weird after party b4 when we all went into some strangers hotel [that i met at a party in LA like a few months back but it wuz like a quick meet outside tha warehouse so lik not rly KNEW the person but] that had a clogged toilet n RANDO EMERGENCIE ROOM SURGEON WHO ASKED U... 'hey…have u ever had k...INSIDE u..' LIK OMG WHAT LE FUK!
then the weirdo who owned the hotel unclogged tha toilet After LYING and said he'd order room service n tried to stand in between yr friends who were lik just Kutie dancing to the german techno House n then yr crush was tryna like do a cute bubble bath moment with u but it all just got 2 GOT DAM MUCH so we all made a run 4 it. LE LITERALLY.
And this wuz after we walked around tha city, called the sunrise a tequila sunrise then talked ab makin it big 1 day n moving in those big apts in soho. And waiting for 4 uber cars for an hour to give us a ride but then they nvr came/cancelled so we walked 3 blocks n begged a rando with a Family sized lookin sUv to give us a ride to anotha party. like WUZ IT WORTH IT 2 GO 2 A KLOGGED TOILET SCARY HOTEL WITH SCARY SURGEON MAN N PREDATORY WEIRDO. WULD IDO IT AGAIN???? YES!!
u bump into a KUTE designer uve been supportingfor like a year n a half n they They tell U they Hav a crush on u like WAH RLYYYYY. but yr like not interested in starting something new but. IM IN MY NO1 DESERVES MOI ERA !!!!!! TUMBLR BLOGGING CONSISTENTLY ERA!!!!!!! ALL MY 9 OTHER ACCOUNTS R BLENDING TOGETHER ERA! MOI BDAY ERA!!! EXCITED 4!!!! N NOWADAYZZ ERA!
!!!! Yr waiting 4 ur friend n someonecomes up to u and asks u if u sell drugs LIKE WHT DO I LOOK LIKE. anotha gurl told me that nite i look like im poly. LIKE WHAT IS THE POLY AESTHETIC...BC I WULD RLY LIKE 2 MF KNO!!!! Then they proceed to overshare ab autism camp n then ask me if IM THA ONE thats "STILL HIGH' . We find a rubber duckie in tha hammocks n MR RUBBA DUCKIE IS OUR SECURITY GUARD 4 THA NITE while we dance with "fuckboy PRESENTING' kutiez n crave tha K that yr friendz say is from tha nethalandz. Yr high as shit n the sink in tha bathroom looks like a fukin goat n yrthinking of tyler tha creators iconic tweet on03-13-22 "YO IF SOMEONE INVITE U TO A SHOW DONT FUCKIN B LIKE CAN I GET 5 PASSES. NO. COME W 1 GUEST N SHOW SUM FUKIN RESPECC . DONT FUCKIN ASK 4 A FAMILY AMOUNT OFICKETS N SHIT HELL U THINK THIS A CHARITY WHO RAISED U N---GAS KNOW YALL FUKIN PLACE U AINT SPECIAL'
i wanna make a tiktok audio of me saying that but i dont wanna b problematic. N i wanna giv my mum tha rubbie duckie to add to her collection of rubbie duckiez. tha nite ended kute going to a white boys apt who wears kat ears who's name was aaron n we were with another aaron so there were two aarons then we smoked n watched sunrise n listened to the killerz nitecore version tho.
well. Now dat DAT out of tha way, TECHNO PAGAN IS LITERALLY A FUKIN GOD ANNNNDDD Tha Trinity is not A culmination of one god in three gods but a singular god!!!!!!!!!! THA TRINITY IS A MF SHMEXY
something tht i hav been reflecting on in my nitelife has been the beauty of community i feel when we all stomp n dance together so hard, even in a room full of strangers, we all sit under tha influence of a universal language, something tht we kannot describe with words, something that is not expressed with words - music . ladybird hates club music but i feel like club music has encapsulated so much that normally goes out of my reigns of comfort, it is challenging as an artist to see thingz differently in lens of appreciation , but to feel every genre and every word n instrument n actually react to it has been something i feel like tht keeps me sane. going out has not been something that has just been "fun' for me, i release something into the nite that the nite keeps it for me. lily says i am the moon, the nite , and she is my sun, my day. i think
there is something beautiful about the nite, and how
it holds the darkness for u... it exists 4 a reason,
although scary ..... but i like the way i see the world
more when i am awake thru it, and i appreciate the
day while in fragmented time frames
i Yam SO MF behind on skoool. i wuz supposed to go
2 a truck show where clothing stores showcase a
bunch of new collection pieces kind of like sample
sales] todai but i ended up having a depressive
episode n crying 4 hours to 8485 n blackwinterwells
n helix tearz. idk when i will feel better some dayz, i
just kno my greatest pain / biggest wound is getting
taken 4 granted or being misunderstood / unloved by
the people i hav loved purely ... i hav an innocence to
me, ive realized ... i give ppl tha benefit of tha doubt
b4 they prove anything to meh. i hav been aching,
ive been sinking in my bed, i kant sleep, i dont know
how to proceed when ppl i want to luv me r so
incapable. n even then i am happy to be the 1 who is
hurt at the end of it all, and not them ..
nyfw is coming up n castings have been interesting.
the modeling scene is so small n i've been
recognizing mad ppl in the rando castings i've been
going to n showing up how i do . Cuz ima always b
me and that's what that truly means to me to model
to showcase myself authentically and though Yes i
am sample size - i think beauty is something more
philosophical and subjective than what we kan
condense to merely standardized measurements . I
always found it funni that if u live in model housing ur
like required to go out like three times a week to
make ur agent happie and like it wasn't til i was at lil
sister in st marks / 3rd ave area that i was like kinda
weirded by the modeling party nitelife scene , like it
gave human trafficking vibes from these old ass men
grinding too close to meh and then spilling their
orange ass piss colored drink on moi. like promoters
really pay models to go to these clubs and uber them
back n forth just to make these clubs look better.Butt these clubs ain't even got leg noom????
What wuld u do if u were in the club wiff me and i got
stomped on n I naturally scream MY LEGGGG in
spongebob voice. And Why the FUCK would i pay for
a san pelligrrinno to assimilate to this fancy club
aesthetic ???? LEZ B HONEST .....
so moral of tha storie is take K from musicians who
hurt ur feelings online , support trans mutual aid but
Fuck the trans men that slut shame u for literally
going out n partying, Give they thems money n
Marlboro redz, Take polaroids of urself at nowadayz
then hate being perceived then leave them on the
floor, Sleep with ur contacts in , Don't touch ur
septum ring while K holing , My chemical romance
and pierce the veil are superior, give twinks twinkies,
and Fae/Xe's caramel candiez. And ALWAYS emulate
carrie bradshaw, believe in urself and ur writing and
stay safe n KUTE and even if u have 4 blisters and 2
corns and 1 bunyon on yr foot just keep remembering
beauty is pain and Just apologize n giggle cutely /
politely decline if someone wanna suck ur toes, it's easy to decline n giggle n decline.
XXOXXXXX, ur fav gossip they , King princess hater
«Ur literally not more gay if u like them cuz they are
literally racist n problematic my friend played the
keys for them on tour so get with it and grow up,
listen to julien baker or Clairo or some shit>, 2021
covid survivor, mosquito bite wear-er, gemini moon
ass chatty ass Cathy ass " Don't u know who i am? energy" emulator, RENNY <3
0 notes
felinedetached · 4 years
Stop metagaming the Dream SMP guys. You can't say Phil's a bad father for not rescuing Tommy from Dream/not going to the beach party, because in canon he didn't know about either. Similarly, you can't do the same to Techno/accuse Techno of betraying Tommy by siding with his abuser, because in-canon Techno doesn't actually know what happened. To Techno, he didn't side with Tommy's abuser, he just sided with the man who wants to kill Tommy.
Tommy, who just betrayed him.
Also Dream isn't a figure in the government guys. Eret may be a figurehead, but the Dream SMP is only any form of country because L'manburg is. The only laws they have are the server rules. It's barely a country at all lmao. The only position of power Dream holds is that of an admin/god, and that's... Not a government. That's a requirement in a server. You have to have an admin/owner, there's no way to have a server without one.
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wasflypaw · 2 years
Because I keep seeing people downplay Exile, (just saw someone describe it as 2 weeks of c!Dream taking his items), I'm going to just explain as much as I can and shut down arguments I've been seeing.
1. c!Tommy wasnt confined to Logstedshire/He couldve left whenever he wanted
While it was true he wasnt Confined to exile, neither was c!Dream. c!Dream would have followed and abused him Wherever he went. c!Dream did not like him "running away" or going out of sight, he would not have left him alone. The problem wasnt the location, the problem was c!Dream being there.
2. There was no physical abuse in exile/Minecraft hits can mean Anything
I have a whole compilation here of c!Dream hitting c!Tommy, and you'll quickly notice something. Tommy screams, yells or talks about being in pain when c!Dream hits him. cc!Tommy vocalizes his character being In Pain, which is Not something someone would usually do if someone hits their Minecraft character to nudge them or anything similar. Not to mention, c!Dream uses Weapons
I do have to wonder, how do you people Think c!Tommy was conditioned into giving up his armor and tools every day? c!Dream simply saying "give me your items" never worked, you can see in the compilation that c!Tommy would rebel, he would refuse. You know how c!Dream dream him to listen? Because he would hit him with weapons if he didnt listen, which would usually lead to c!Tommy screaming, giving in, running over to the hole and putting his items in. The "armor in the hole" scenes simply do not work otherwise.
3. It was more like rehabilitation, c!Dream took weapons to make sure he couldnt cause trouble
One of the main things in Minecraft you need to survive is Armor. You die very quickly to mobs or any other kind of damage if you dont have armor. c!Dream would not only take weapons but he would take armor, which is a Necessity in the world they live in to survive. He would take them and not explain why, either, he would simply threaten c!Tommy upon being asked Why he should give up his armor. You cant compare the Armor thing to Needing Armor in real life, trying to make the argument he doesnt Need it, because you dont get Skeletons with Bows, Zombies or Spiders half the size of you appearing in your house at night in real life.
4. c!Tommy was breaking rules, c!Dream had a right to be mad
It should be noted c!Dream's rules often go unsaid, which is common for an abuser. You can see in the compilation I linked above that c!Tommy was Confused that c!Dream asked him the second day to give up his armor and tools, because c!Dream Never said he'd do that. He told him to give him his items the very first time they reached Logstedshire, but never, not once, told him the rule would be to give him his items Every Day. Not only that, but...
Rules can be dumb! Not every rule has to be followed! Imagine someone who's decided they have authority over you deciding that they have to take your food or something else that's a basic necessity away as a rule. It's a dumb rule, c!Tommy needed armor and weapons to survive, he has every right to not follow that rule. I hate the idea that an authority figures word is law and you have to follow everything they say and its justified to punish you if you dont.
5. It was more bullying than abuse/abuse is a strong word
Do you think Exiling someone from their family and friends, taking their basic necessities away every day, hitting them when they dont give in, making them so miserable they consider suicide, repeatedly telling them nobody cares about them and they're a burden that had to be dealt with, Isnt Abuse? Why?
6. It was only 2 weeks
The Length of Exile confuses me, I'll be honest, but that doesnt really.. matter? Abuse is abuse whether it happened in 2 weeks or not. It didn't even happen in only 2 weeks, because afterwards c!Dream would torment him. Visiting Techno's house, looking around, knowing Tommy was hiding there. The Festival, Framing Tommy for burning the Community House and the fight between Tommy and Tubbo which wouldnt have happened had Dream not orchestrated the Exile conflict weeks beforehand. Doomsday, having Tommy watch as he destroys the country he loves, the thing Tommy associated with his now dead brother, calling him Too Fun to his face as TNT, the item he traumatized him with during Exile, rained down around them. Destroying his house, threatening to kill Tubbo, everything that happened in the Prison between them (Tommy was trapped in there with him for a week before he died and over a week After he died, and we didnt get to see Most of their interactions on screen). Killing him, obviously.
c!Dream's abuse isnt confined to just exile. People seem to think when we talk about c!Dream's abuse we Only mean exile. And while we do usually mean Exile, we can mean Many other scenes too. During Exile, their dynamic became Abuser and Abuse Victim. Every scene where c!Dream torments and hurts him after that is the Abuser hurting his Abuse Victim. It's way more than just 2 weeks, dude.
This isnt even mentioning the fact that
1. c!Tommy Wasn't supposed to be exiled from Everywhere, that was Another one of c!Dream's unsaid rules (it being said After Tommy was exiled doesnt matter, because he was Already exiled by that point)
2. Mexican Dream. c!Dream murdered one of c!Tommy's friends in front of him then tried gaslighting him into thinking he died from drugs. Not only that, c!Tommy tells Mexican Dream "he's borderline my owner" (referring to c!Dream)
3. c!Dream's tantrum when he finds the items that Tommy hid from him. You'll see this a lot with abusers, I see it a lot with abusive parents that a lot of people defend because "the kid shouldve listened". Where the authority figure in question would see the kid doing something they dont like, not listening to them, disobeying them, etc, and proceed to destroy all their things. c!Dream blew up Logstedshire, the Tent, Tommy's items, killed Mushroom Henry, etc. Compare this to an abusive parent seeing their child do something they dislike online and proceeding to smash their computer with a hammer because they think they have a right to do that. Do you see what we mean now?
4. The Party. c!Dream's ultimate trick to getting c!Tommy to feel more isolated and alone, to believe nobody cares about him. To get Tommy so excited that his friends might be visiting, to crush that hope beneath his boot to make c!Tommy more reliant on him, his "best friend".
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the-final-sif · 3 years
You mentioned Techno bring clothing that doesnt have a smell of fear or something when they go the bastion. Does fear even have a scent tho?
The only thing I can think off is smells that do make me anxious or scared. Yes I know that's a little weird but some smells make me scared. Idk why.
You've activated my trap card, which is you've allowed me to talk about biology.
The short answer is yes! Fear has a scent! So do most strong emotions! You might not be able to consciously smell it, but most humans can detect these scents and it will influence how you perceive a situation. Certain animals (particularly those with lots of history with humans) can pick up on these scents, and there's shared general traits for the smells of emotions within mammals.
The long answer is that this is called chemosignaling (and is related to pheromones), and frankly it's under researched in humans, but what we do know is that scent plays an important role in human communication. Humans can detect fear and disgust in the scent of other humans (1) animals such as dogs can detect human emotions from their scent (2) and some evidence suggests that mice and cows react to these scents too (3). Even more interestingly, preliminary evidence suggests that humans can detect fear scents in other animals (4).
Pigs (and piglins as a result) have an amazing sense of smell and lots of emotional complexity. So, piglins would be able to pick up on stuff like fear/stress smells really easily. That's why Techno gets Dream to scent a scarf for him, because it'd be really hard to fake that. The piglins he meets know that, and so when adding that to his explanation of what happened, they're willing to believe him and give them Michael as a result.
1. Calvi, E., Quassolo, U., Massaia, M., Scandurra, A., D'Aniello, B., & D'Amelio, P. (2020). The scent of emotions: A systematic review of human Intra‐ and interspecific chemical communication of emotions. Brain and Behavior, 10(5). 10.1002/brb3.1585
2. D'Aniello, B., Semin, G. R., Alterisio, A., Aria, M., & Scandurra, A. (2018). Interspecies transmission of emotional information via chemosignals: from humans to dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Animal cognition, 21(1), 67–78. 10.1007/s10071-017-1139-x
3. Destrez, A., Costes-Thiré, M., Viart, A. S., Prost, F., Patris, B., & Schaal, B. (2021). Male mice and cows perceive human emotional chemosignals: a preliminary study. Animal cognition, 24(6), 1205–1214. 10.1007/s10071-021-01511-6
4. Sabiniewicz, A., Białek, M., Tarnowska, K., Świątek, R., Dobrowolska, M., & Sorokowski, P. (2021). A Preliminary Investigation of Interspecific Chemosensory Communication of Emotions: Can Humans (Homo sapiens) Recognise Fear- and Non-Fear Body Odour from Horses (Equus ferus caballus). Animals : an open access journal from MDPI, 11(12), 3499. 10.3390/ani11123499
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sajdd · 3 years
whenever anyone says "c!techno doesnt know what c!dream has done" i find that to be such bullshit because hes literally seen proof time and time again what type of person dream is but he just actively ignores it
literally teamed up with schlatt during manberg vs pogtopia
he saw what state tommy was in after exile and how dream was trying to hunt him down. he literally had to protect tommy from dream lol....
that whole community house scene where dream berated tubbo and also said "i was more of a president than u ever where" or whatever to which TECHNO CHEERED HIM ON?????
dream is in prison because he literally got caught in 4k about to murder tubbo and intending on putting tommy in the prison. and also the hall of attachments. caught by LITERALLY HALF OF THE SERVER
dream killed tommy in prison. he beat him to death. and techno laughed about it. also he killed ghostbur and revived wilbur.
how tf does techno not know what dream has done and is capable of. hes seen it. hes been told. and he could just ask. but he literally just doesnt care. he actively ignores all the evidence in order to spin his own narrative about "government bad anarchy good", but is actively helping and supporting the biggest monster on the server without remorse or care.
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dyketubbo · 2 years
all rp even when character tags are dropped but. yknow i think im realizing the reason why i dont hold cranboo being apart of the syndicate against him (outside of him being like. buddy buddy with the people who destroyed his home but i think thats an interesting thing since the birthday stream kind of implies they rely on his bias against dream so he doesnt directly criticize them?) besides just the simple fact that he only joined to protect ctubbo and michael_b is that like. in a way the fact that he felt the need to do that makes the syndicate out to be antagonistic and sort of fucked up
like the snowchester investigation for ctechno was just. fun investigation of a previously antagonistic person. cniki seemed to only get nervous because of the nukes (yknow. because she tried to kill someone), but. cphil himself gets nervous about techno meeting michael, and of course for ranboo and tubbo this whole thing is. scary. it directly opposes their want to be a family and threatens their community and the home tubbo is trying to make and protect
ranboos relationship to the syndicate is. direct evidence of how bad of an idea it is and how corrupt ctechno and cphil actually are, and how cniki has fallen. they laugh at him in the face of his concern and genuine grief over ctommys death, they threaten ctubbo and nearly cause cranboo a heart attack over it, when he gets sad about losing his house hes encouraged to blame cdream and Only cdream so he doesnt think too hard about it, and then finally. his concern about cdream being released is pushed to the side by techno as if hes annoying for questioning the decision
he actively says hed rather stay if it meant dream wouldnt be released too and its just. shoved off as a non-concern. techno.. doesnt Care about who ranboo is. not really. he cares more about what ranboo symbolizes (a student, a disciple, someone to revenge) but not really about who ranboo is as a person. he doesnt even get to know hes a father until ranboo is literally dying and has no one to rely on But techno in that moment. if he never died there, techno never would have known
phil doesnt encourage ranboo to grow, and niki has pretty much stopped being involved in his life outside of syndicate meetings at all. phil is the closest ranboo has to an actual friend within the syndicate, and even then due to phils own ideals, he does encourage some of ranboos worse ideals and habits. none of the syndicate is a good influence on ranboo, not their ideals, not the way they go about things, not the people themselves
ranboo isnt really a Person within the syndicate. hell, he seems to not care much about them once theyre out of his line of sight (vague exception with phil, but even then thats more because phils the only one that is actively in his life). even when ranboo finds out about the red festival, his reaction isnt of utter betrayal, its just. concern for tubbo and then a short assessment that he. cant talk to techno. because they havent talked in way too long and he isnt really technos friend due to their distance
and then.. the final impression he has of techno while alive is techno pushing aside his feelings to let dream out. something that ends up being apart of the reason his son is in danger at the time and apart of the reason he Dies. even ghostboo only casually acknowledges techno and cares more about, well, his family. his actually canon family, and techno is in no way apart of that. nor is niki, and phil is, frankly, lucky to have been trusted enough to be apart of it in some way
ranboos relationship to the rest of the syndicate is. honestly a big point towards why theyre antagonistic characters rather than ones in the right or even good by any means. for a group thats portrayed as ranboos closest buds, the guys he loves and sees as family with the trusted information of who he holds dear and who he really cares about.. the syndicate is often not much more than a fear factor for ranboo. a place of disrespect. a group that encourages his worse flaws and either ignores or makes him hide any of his virtues. theyre a bunch of dicks, and theres not even enough screentime of them for him to ever grow a spine and confront them
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cmyknoise · 3 years
"i will keep silent bc people dont like it when i dislike these two" i mean. who cares, its ur blog. do what u want! also theyre shit characters so 💖 speak ur mind
sajdd... they infuriate me. more than any other character.
uh, below! (this took extra long because lmao i was in call brr brr barking w/ a friend who missed the stream and we were both just, so mad at phil & techno)
they've never once lost, in so many definitions of that word. the closest techno has ever gotten to losing anything of value was ranboo, and the way that was treated pisses me off, but i digress for now.
i've watched almost every single dsmp lore stream since august of 2020. i've especially watched every single one for SBI. i want to note rq that this is nothing against c!phil or techno, because they're lovely people.
their characters just infuriate me.
i have gone on about c!phil before- about how you can trace almost every single problematic behavior that c!wilbur has back to his upbringing with phil we know about. the way phil has spoken about wilbur as a child is reminescent of a neglectful or misunderstanding parent. the fact that it was HIM who drove the sword through wilbur's chest, no one else, but he blames everyone else- and to this day hasnt apologized for it or even said he did it. he blames anything else.
we know they have a rocky relationship, its brought up constantly. wilbur put phil with schlatt when he talked about liars. he lied to him about his success- and yet he always goes back to him. he wants that validation from a father, and he never gets it.
c!phil gives out advice that is surface level decent advice to give people, but it ends there. i dont know if it's because he's incapable of reading the room, or if he's really that dense, or just doesnt care about anything but his own morals, or all of the above, but thus far he's given advice to c!tommy and c!wilbur, both times when they looked to exclusively him for advice, and in return they were both told they need to either change fundamentally, or accept it as entirely their fault something happened and apologize to everyone else. for tommy it was his fault that he got exiled and thats because he puts items above people, despite the fact that as a viewer we know thats false, but EVEN from phil's perspective he's never ONCE seen tommy do such a thing. actually, phil has witnessed tommy on multiple occasions have absolutely NOTHING and still defend people. but no, things like being exiled was because of the discs, not because of dream.
phil even has the forsight to admit that dream is creepy, that he's off, that he's no good. he said so! he said so after doomsday, that it was 'just business'. phil was one of the very few people to see tommy during exile, shortly before his party, he gave tommy boots. he saw the state tommy was in, ripped clothing, missing shoes, he saw the holes everywhere. the tent. the fact that dream was there.
so when he heard dream was in prison??? no bells went off? and he broke techno out because techno is a friend and that was a favor- EVEN THOUGH we also know their bond isnt completely solid because phil keeps secrets from techno! such as michael! phil has known about michael for over a year, he met him! he even knew that ranboo was at the very least, hanging out with tubbo. but he didnt tell techno because he feared how techno would react. thats not good. THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING.
but no he listened to techno to break dream out despite feeling 'off' about it. the syndicate makes me mad. for something that is supposed to be a community where they make decisions together, no members wanted to speak up that they didnt want to do the prison break out? feels off.
but THEN. right after the prison break out, when tommy came running to him he has the audacity to be mad at dream for going after tommy right away, calling him a wrongun or whatever the fuck. NO SHIT? ever think maybe there was a reason he was in prison???
but god even when tommy was under his "protection" phil like, made it painfully obvious that he's just tolerating tommy, going along. he had to point out that the walls wouldnt work. mind you, he did this WITH ghostboo, meaning he absolutely KNOWS ranboo is dead. he kept brushing tommy's concerns off, even when he SAW the fall pit.
this isnt even onto wilbur yet. ive made posts before, phil has been and has always been a shit father and grandfather. the way he treat fundy too was just, utterly inexcusable and awful, even despite the whole butcher army thing. he forgave tubbo, but wouldnt even give fundy the time of day to step on the property. and when they finally DID speak, he accused fundy of misremembering or lying about l'manburg and manburg, despite fundy having LIVED THROUGH IT, just because it didnt match his own perception of believed events.
just, oh my god i'd go into more detail if i could think coherently but i am just tired and enraged at an old man.
it hurts so much with wilbur you know. just. he has his son, someone he killed before, in front of him. there should be red flags and alarm bells ringing about the way wilbur spoke of himself. it should be familiar, you'd think, of wilbur's final moments with him. the way he speaks and thinks of himself. and all phil can offer is cookies and 'maybe you should distance yourself from everyone you think you've wronged'
and oh my god the way he treated tommy. "the child". hitting him away. not giving him snacks until wilbur insisted
and i've not even SPOKEN about c!techno man.
c!techno genuinely- im sorry pogtopia? he wasn't used as a weapon. he was an ally. i utterly hate the whole 'the blade' thing, thats his nickname, hell, its his last name he signed legal papers that way!
in pogtopia they all had fun moments. maybe in the end, he was a good ally because of power, but NO one ever asked him to make the armor and weapons. never. he was only ever asked to make a potato farm. no one asked him to gear everyone up.
would they have lost the battle? maybe! though in the end it was everyone against only a few.
i just... techno has never given an apology to someone that mattered, not a full apology, and his apology the tubbo was never full.
but he expects apologies from everyone else. he for some reason, cant be viewed as an antagonist, even though he is literally the antagonist for over half the server and has been since november 16th.
people have apologized to him time and time again but he doesn't care. he wants more.
and today when wilbur apologized his first thoughts weren't anything about wilbur, it was once again about himself. was anyone else against him? wilbur said he didnt know and techno would bring it up again. wilbur apoogized again and told him to ask them.
and techno just went 'yeah okay' and forgave him, but wilbur never needed forgiveness from techno, that's one of the last people he needed it from.
it beyond pisses me off that c!techno and c!phil can over and over again hurt people, and cause pain, but then avoid the blame. sure it was sam who drove a sword through ranboo's chest, but that would've never happened if techno and phil didn't break dream out of prison.
and dream never needed broken out. phil didnt even want to, but he did for techno. which. mind you, hot take? the c!emerald duo friendship is lowkey toxic.
phil cant trust techno enough to tell him about michael. he feared he'd 'do something' and so he lied to him about tubbo and ranboo for months.
phil also can't seem to say no to techno, ever? he cant ever say 'this isnt a good idea.', even if he thinks its not. because in his minds eye techno is either always right, or the ends justify the means just because its techno.
and there's the 'for you the world phil' thing, but have we ever been shown that? and has techno EVER asked phil his opinion about things because i cant recall a time.
but no, phil will criticize tommy for his friendship with tubbo, because he put 'discs over his friend', even though that isn't true, and phil wasnt even there to witness the disc confrontation, and has never seen any evidence of tommy doing that, but can make a basis to claim 'maybe tubbo wasnt much of a friend'.
the difference is tubbo and tommy both have the gall to say 'this is a shit idea' and either go along with each other, or stop one another from doing something. they had their ups and downs but they chose each other and would ask each other their thoughts. they have their faults but emerald duo is NO better, and maybe even, in my opnion, a little worse. but clearly im a bit biased.
this is literally just me ranting & rambling, because i have no uh, time rn to do an analysis and point out every thing that they've done, even though i could. i have done quite a bit with phil and his treatment towards wilbur, its somewhere on my blog.
they're at the very least antagonists and it just, upsets me greatly that they're framed as the good guys, that everyone needs to forgive or ignore their wrong doing, even though they've hurt so many, even those they consider 'friends' (niki & ranboo).
c!phil is a neglectful father and grandfather who is so stuck in thinking he's right that he cant see red flags and alarms of his son being suicidal again.
c!techno is so full of himself that even when he loses someone he cares dearly about, he cant bring him up more than once and is 'done' with it once he's 'completed' a task of saving his son, leaving a widowed husband and his son to be on their own.
whatever, i dont like them, ive not liked them for a very long time and every time i think 'maybe ill give them a chance' it always disappoints.
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hualian-blessing · 3 years
why mcyttwt does not think some (if not most) of the time when it comes to mcc
if i post this in twitter, i’d surely get hated upon but someones gotta have to say this one day. also this does not target to mcytblr!!! this rant is more of towards mcyttwt!!!
remember how mcyt was so chill before all of this shit? how we would watch our favorite minecraters when the community was so small? or how mcc was an event that both ccs and fans can have some fun and entertainment once per month? and that was only last year too. now look at the new generation of mcyt fans and see why some of the old fans dont really associate the new ones.
as a fan of the old gen mcytbers like DanTDM, SkyDoesMinecraft, Aphmau and CaptainSparklez. heck im a fan of pewds’ minecraft series before dream or tommy or ranboo or the new gen of mcyt ccs blew up (a year before them if im correct), and we dont see drama or bad shit all the time when it comes to their content.
now compare that to the new gen where every single fucking day, a bored fan or anti would post shit drama in twitter where some of the people from twitter moved to tumblr just to not get a headache from the batshit craziness mcyttwt brought forth. and it just snapped more when the mccp21 rolled in.
heres some of my takes about the mccp21 issue:
1) “there’s a lack of representation of lgbtq+ in the teams!!!”
heres something to tell yall about that. scott doesnt have a fucking choice. scott smajor has told time and time again, WEEKS before the announcement of teams, that there are certain requirements and limitations to mccp21 thus there will be difficulty in choosing whos entering or whos not. limitations and requirements such as it will be streamed on youtube or how streamers with twitch contracts aren’t allowed to stream or (god bless scott’s good heart) scott not allowing some of the lgbtq+ streamers in joining the special event due to wanting them to have a chance to stream and experience their first mcc (so to those who said that ranboo should have been in mccp21, shut up ‘cuz scott wanted genderman to have fun streaming his first mcc but cant due to ranboo being a well-known twitch streamer). to those who complained that ant and velvet should be in the mcc, stop being selfish and do some actual research on why scott didn’t include them. a simple question to those two’s fans would answer that they can’t make it due to them camping for a week which within those days is the mccp21. they’re having time to themselves, not wasting it on a minecraft championship. 
take in the consideration that, oh i dont know, not a lot of lgbtq+ ccs applied to the event? its not a free invite championship (in fact, mcc has always been like that), it’s an applied with the sufficient and correct requirements kind of event. the artist who created the icons from the previous mcc for the teams said that scott let in some of the new ccs in last minutes due to lack of applicants not meeting the requirements thus not having custom artworks for the teams if they want to announce the teams in time.
2.) “there’s no lesbians or trans in the teams >:(((”
sadly enough, there’s not much of the players from the lgbtq+ community but to say there’s no trans people in mccp21 is utterly false. by definition, trans mean  denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. other genders such as non-binary, genderfluid, androgyne, bigender, gender expansive all fall under trans. you define yourself with the gender you personally chose and comfy with from you birth gender. so saying there’s no trans in the teams when there are players from the event like eret or sqaishey who are nb and genderfluid respectively are there to also represent not only the sexuality but also the gender identity of others??? like c’mon, please make sense mcyttwt. 
also, while its sad to not see lesbians, please know that lgbtq+ doesn’t strictly be defined by lesbians. ffs, lgbtq+ literally means Lesbians Gays Bisexuals Transgenders and Questioning (or Queer but im not too sure about that one) which means that there are still other representatives for the community in the event.
3) “technoblade is in the event?!!! WHAT THE FUCK, HES A HOMOPHOBE/LESBIPHOBE-”
utter clowns, toxic twitter users are. do you really think that scott smajor, an openly gay man, would let a supposed “homophobe/lesbiphobe” in an event that focuses in supporting the lgbtq+ community? do you hear yourself? do you even do research where the joke he made was when he was the same age as me and it was based on a historical article back in WW2? or how he passionately supports the community especially the lesbians because a lesbian couple complimented him to which kickstart his confidence? the man willingly went to this mcc event despite being flamed a lot in twitter because he (and everyone) knows that his chat, his fans and supporters, are literal millionaires. if you saw a stream from foolish where he auctioned canonical characters for funs, a techno fan donated thousand of dollars to get technoblade, and that’s only one fan, now imagine a hundreds of thousands of them.
like it or not, technoblade has always been open about his support to the community, especially that majority of his fanbase are from the same community that mcyttwt allegedly swore that technoblade hates.
4) “since this mccp21 is pointless because theres no dteam, quackity, punz or (insert cc name), let’s have a watch party of the previous mccs to spite mccp21!!!” “let’s hope (insert cc name) stream on the 26th so mccp21 doesnt have the same amount of viewership like before!!!” “where are (insert cc name)??? gosh, this mcc is so boring without them!!!”
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut the actual fuck up. are you really seriously hearing yourself? are you willing and proudly boycotting a once in a year special event that is seriously needed by the lgbtq+ community? are you that cruel and selfish to sacrifice a project that helped tons of people just for your sick entertainment and desires? are you that evil to stop others from enjoying and donating to the trevor project? are you that inconsiderate of other ccs that aren’t part of dsmp and calling them boring? and for what? because your favorite cishet streamer isn’t there? oh booofuckinghoo! you’re so fucking petty to even post about this kind of tweets in public.
(edit: did yall honestly thought that without your favorite streamers that the mcc is not worth watching because they aren't there? well let me tell you, im a ranboo fan. ive watched him when he first entered the dsmp and watched him spinning in his unicorn chair for 5 minutes. the boo community waited for so many months for genderman to join mcc yet we didn't even do that kind of disgusting action and behavior every time he isn't in mcc. 8 months. that's how long ive watched him. ive waited 8 months for him to be in the event yet i still watch other povs like tommy's, puffy's, wilbur's, and etc., because it's fun and entertaining to watch them despite the beloved not participating in the games.
if you're that spoiled to not even watch mcc because (insert cc whose not part of mccp21 name here) isn't part of the roster then you most likely have a one dimensional humor because there will always be someone more funny and entertaining than them. i like dsmp don't get me wrong, but i found parrot's school smp funnier than dsmp yet you don't see me insulting both series, do you? learn to keep yourself if you're calling ccs as boring or dull or not entertaining enough due to not having the same big platform as the dsmp members.)
you don’t deserve to call yourself a fan if you’re doing this kinds of actions. in fact, people like you should be kicked out from the mcyt community because your kind of people are the reason why we look so bad from the outside. your toxic and self-entitled to these content creators are the reason why famous ccs like sbi, purpled, tubbo and almost ranboo left twitter/implied strict rules to their subtwts. you drove out an entire friend group that tons of fans found comfort in from the platform and you still have the audacity to this kind of shit? honestly, just leave before you give me a headache.
what im sayin’ is that mcyttwt is one of the worst, if not THE worst, subtwts out of the other subtwts in twitter. having no actual research or evidences or spreading false information is common in twitter where you would have to take what they said with a micro size grain of salt. mcyttwt already ruined the fun and spirit of mcc during its comeback in mcc14 due to the glitch and beta testing shit (ey i still stand for the ranboo beta testing but i know that will be worthless since theres hints of him joining soon in mcc15). if you’re still in mcyttwt, i suggest to get out of there while you still can. we’ll never know if there’s a bigger shitstorm than this in the mcyttwt that may happen in the future.
edit! hi bella again, ive been told by a polite and cool user that not all people from mcyttwt are toxic and/or cruel. im going to clear something up here. ive written this during the heat of the announcement of mccp21 teams. so there's a lot of complains and/or entitled people in the app (you can even see it in my previous post too if you want evidences!) that gave off mostly negative vibes towards the event.
ive seen the cool ones who actually took the consideration for scott's side and the criticism of the lack of representation of other communities within the lgbtq+ umbrella (ive even share some parts of it above so im also a bit upset to the lack of numbers in the community). and some of them are correct about recruiting lgbtq+ creators in youtube but! like i said, it's an applied event and not invitational one, so its up to that content creator if they want to join or not. the amount of cishet in the roster are just those who want to support the cause and/or backups/stand-ins in case scott and noxcrew can't find enough ccs in time!
just wanna clear this up because mcyttwt these days are covered by really cringe fans (ive noticed a pattern of them mostly new ones but there are still awesome new fans (like my irl friend who just joined this year) within the community) that covered the good ones where they enjoy, have fun and share some neat ideas and thoughts to the community within the platform!
when i said to get out of the mcyttwt while you still can, i meant to get out of there to avoid drama (that is really small contrast those who really need to address the issue) and take a break from it. it's still your choice if you want to be surround by it or not or if you want to come back to the app. all im saying is to buckle up for the shitstorm cuz this is not the last time that the twitter side of mcyt will cause negativity to the community.
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