#ted talk with vee
vettelsvee · 4 months
in case you’re interested about my works, here are some of the upcoming fics i’m writing and posting! jenson x gf!reader (cute af), seb x wife!reader (smutty one), and oscar x perez!reader (and maybe nico rosberg x driver!reader🤠)
all of them are requests so if you’re interested in requesting you can tell me on the anon thing or on this link 🩷
also, i’m working in the shadows on mu f1 dilfs au saga (reminder that it’s formed by lewis, seb, jenson, fernando, nico and mark fics/“books”). the name of the general saga it’s already chosen, and i promise to tell you as soon as i finish uni and have everything ready and “cute” for it to be posted! 🥹
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(manifesting seb content tomorrow, but if not i bet he’ll be enjoying whatever he’s doing so i’m happy for him as well sjsjs)
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Reblog if you think that Vee should get to punch Belos while screaming about every evil that he specifically committed against the basiliks as a species
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th3-l0c0l-l0v3r · 1 year
If Vee is bisexual, instead of them being called "The Noceda Siblings", imagine them being called "The Bisexual Siblings"
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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nihiltism · 5 months
regarding odio baja blast. u don’t understand I’m always thinking about this. with the ambiguous time travel incarnations thing would he know about baja blast? could he have tried it? after years and years of rigorous debate I’ve determined that he would never willingly try baja blast even given the opportunity cause it’s kind of tasty and nice and he only cares about Evil and Hate. So ultimately yeah I think it’d still kill him.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW FUNNY IT IS TO WAKE UP AT 6 AM AND SEE "regarding odio baja blast" IN YOUR INBOX. anyway I'm not sure if he would have tried baja blast either??? the way I see the timetravel incarnations is like ? I'm pretty sure they're distinctly different people who branched off (probably the original lord of dark's but really god knows what the hells up with that that's just An Allegory at this point)'s hate ??? and like odios Able to help/control ??? them like in his bit of the DoH but I don't think he controlled them through the acts of any of the chapters bc he sees them more as like. idk the I weep for you my brothers line goes for a lot. those r their own people I think. he just pities them a bunch. not explicitly them unless he's actively controlling them (which rejects any claims that odio would chase after carrots on sticks but still validates my claim that odio is technically guilty of cannibalism)
anyway I don't know if this would even matter in the long run because. hold on let me google something
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ya. I tend to go with the thought that the present day chapter is 1994 so this would mean that the only odio incarnations to have been around for baja blast existing would be odeo and OD-10 who both are incapable of Drinking baja blast. I'm pretty sure. I'm sure at least one of the goopified souls in odeo has probably drank baja blast but I'm not sure if that'd do anything since god knows if those have Any impact in the way odeo behaves and I'm pretty sure the oppressive future government didn't think the taste of baja blast was important knowledge to hardcode into OD-10.
in conclusion: yeah he probably wouldnt have been given any opportunities to drink baja blast even if he Was fully in control of the other 7 incarnations which I do not think he is. and nowadays probably only drinks distressingly red evil potions from cursed chalices or something. maybe we could have saved oersted if we gave him a sippy of baja blast before he faced the horrors. or it could have just killed him on the spot. doomed by the narrative once more
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As a writer on here, I 1000% agree that interaction and reblogs are vital to motivation and continued creating our art. Comments, reblogs, and asks about our fics, art, moodboards, gifs, etc. are what motivate us to keep going and without them, many creators are leaving.
HOWEVER, I think it's important to remember the other side of the equation as well.
While we thrive on interactions, so do those who are enjoying our creations. How can we get mad no one is commenting on our stuff if their words don't feel like they matter?
I know it is unreasonable to think that every comment will get responded to (especially on more popular pieces of work) but even just a handful shows that we read the comments and they were worth the time to write.
So maybe instead of just an empty timezone reblog, reblog someone's reblog that had a comment or reaction to thank them for it. Or if people make comments in the notes, respond to a few of them.
I'm not saying that most creators don't do this, but as someone who is both a creator and someone who enjoys other people's creations, I see both sides. Yes, we need to get interactions up before we lose more and more of our favorite creators, but we also need to show appreciation to those who do interact. It is one big symbiotic relationship and without one another, this whole thing collapses. And I for one don't want to see that happen.
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callixton · 3 months
maybe i am biased (i am) but i genuinely believe darkling is such a masterpiece….. need this bitch on shelves Now
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akkivee · 1 year
@bingbong21 it was too big to reply with so here’s a text post lol so it originates from how hangyodon, kuukou’s sanrio partner, mysteriously appeared in a temple after a passing comet broke a seal within it LMAO
kuukou brought bat together with the promise that they’ll be family who’ll never betray each other. family is held in very high regard by kuukou, as shown in the unami chapter where he tells ichiro all you need are friends close enough you can call family and imploring to unami that since they’re like family, they should do whatever they can to help each other out. so what if this comes from a perceived betrayal from a family member???
ichiro’s backstory resonated hard with kuukou, like he calls them two peas in a pod basically, but it’s not like kuukou has siblings of his own lol so the only part i can see kuukou identifying with is the part where ichiro, left behind by his father, took his brothers with him to raise them. forging his own path kinda deal, which is precisely why kuukou left for ikebukuro in the first place (except with a lot more ego involved lmao), but what if that path started far earlier??? kuukou was abandoned by, say his mother, at the temple gates and since that’s the hand that was given to him, he’s making the best of it by striving to be the best damn monk out there lol
as for why, the rip drama track showed us that it’s actually not normal that kuukou can communicate with ghosts (across the few times ghosts have come up in the franchise there’s also the discussion if they’re real or not too) and coupled with how kuukou has protective charms in his design (his prayer beads for example), maybe his strong spirituality attracted a lot of ghosts and misfortune to the point his very normal mother couldn’t take it anymore and left him in a place where that kind of thing could be more expected
(the darker version of this theory includes his fear of the ocean)
all this to say tho!!!! kuukou himself has told us he was born in a temple!!!!! so it’s pretty much debunked lmao!!!!
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hunter-noceda · 2 years
wait. if vee was able to suck all the magic out of hunter/belos wouldn’t that have killed him? since grimwalkers are made of magic?
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
What is this I hear about Wolffe with nipple piercings???? Did I miss something? Because I like this idea very much
my precious honey bun nonnie 😏 it all started with this ask about the commanders and their thoughts on nipple piercings. andddd then i mentioned in the tags of another ask that there is a second part of this kinktober prompt where reader plays with wolffe's nip nops piercings and that brings us to today:
wolffe has nipple piercings.
He's always liked them and considered getting them, but never did when he served as a commander.
He kept pushing it off mostly because he had no clue how to heal them while out on missions.
But assuming he gets a long enough break, Wolffe and Fox go and get their nip nops pierced.
If not with Fox, then he for sure goes after Order 66 once he's settled down with Gregor and Rex.
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baskalis · 1 year
I wanna talk about Vee for minute here every witch and demon.
While Vee knows and accepts that they are basilisk. They feel almost certainly more comfortable in their human form and almost always takes on that form as opposed to shifting into other people. The form Vee takes on is one she cultivated and made their own they did not copy a human or try to mimic anyone around them.
Going off of this while Vee has come to terms with the fact that they and the other basilisk were back into existence by Belos merely to be used as tools for his own evil goals to later be cast away.
But with the help of their adopted family Camilla and Luz along with their friends Vee was able to finally accept themself as they are after searching so long for a home where they could be free and not hide.
Even so Vee see their human form not as a disguise but as the other half of who they truly are. Not a mere tool created by Belos but a person who deserves to be loved and not have to hide. 
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Okay sorry I was talking with my mother
1) I hate sir Pentious’s new character. Sure, he’s fun. But oh my gosh, I miss his old character. The way that’s he’s not at all remorseful and just purely wants destruction  and to rule over the pentagram city. But now he’s too goody goody(I haven’t seen the new episode, pls don’t spoil it), and turned WAYYYY to easily over to Charlie’s anti-Christ ass, and wanting to be redeemed. He should have stayed a spy for longer and I would’ve loved to see his dynamic grow with the Vees(especially Vox) and how he worked for them as a spy. His rape scene wasp so uncomfortable and unnecessary, and speaking of that his and cherris relationship should of never of even been thought about. It’s such an awkward thing, as they’re rivals and Cherri has destroyed things that he’s made and insults him.
2) speaking of Cherri, she offered Angel drugs(which seems like it’s a normal thing for them as she’s so causal about it) when she knew he was there at the hotel that’s for redemption, but also she was so rude to Angel when he was trying to get Nifty out of the cleaning closet??? She’s a much better friend in the pilot and in the addict music video. She’s showing actual friendship and concern for Angel, nothing like she does now.
3) Alastor. Sure, I like his moments, but he’s so painfully edgy it’s not that good. His radio sound effects are good, I miss the old effects that he had in the pilot and his old voice actor, but of course viv is a “it’s my way or the high-way” gal and she dumped all of the previous cast. He’s nearly completely different now, claiming that Charlie is like his daughter(I swear to god he better be manipulative to her in that moment), when in the pilot he openly mocked her and what she was trying to do. He seems way to open about his emotions and wanting r help Charlie, using a TV(???) and playing along when what she wants to do. He also seems to much like an attention whore, which could be a good character trait if he wasn’t the way he is now. Also he’s too touchy touchy with everyone, especially Charlie.
4) Angel dust is not as interesting now as he was to me in the pilot. Now he’s just a porn star who gets raped and abused and is going to be redeemed. I’d love to see his old character traits(from before the pilot and during, such as mafia, insane, violent, ect), rather than just “oh he’s a gay sex spider who sometimes does violence but he’s such a good person now for finding love and refusing drugs!!!! :3”.
5) Husk’s new voice. I see the appeal of his new one, but his old voice actor just hit different. Make that skinny 1970s gambler man sound like he smokes 5 packs a day. Also I can’t stop thinking about the cat from Coraline.
6) almost everything about vaggie. Her design, her actions, and her backstory. It’s cool that she’s a fallen Angel but oh my gosh!! Don’t reveal that in the first season!! Slow burn that shit!! And why did she do quickly realize that he’s murdering ‘innocent souls’?? They’re in hell for a reason, she didn’t have to think that just because it was a kid it was innocent of any crimes it did. They revealed it too soon, it would have been a good twist for season 2.
Anyways, my TED talk is over. Thank you
Thanks for your TED Talk, Anon. It was an excellent talk.
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vettelsvee · 4 months
Seh's back! I'm not missing a single part of this weekend. You're the biggest Seb fan I know you must be hyped 😭
that’s such a big compliment omg, but i’m sure you know a biggest seb fan 😭
i’m actually on cloud 9 this weekend. seb means a lot to me and has been not only a huge part of my life, but also a huge influence since i first started looking up at him, when i was 8 and he was the bad golden boy from red bull. he’s helped me go through the hardest moments of my life (currently still going through one of it after almost a year), and since i met him i even look up at him more and try to be more like him (and, if i can, spread his “message” and take part in his initiatives!)
soooool yep, after this long reply af that you won’t probably read, i’m really hyped! literally the best ray of sunshine i could have during my finals season 🫶🏻
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vylad243 · 6 months
Ok so I’m back again with that emotionless Vox au because I have thoughts but imagine Lucifer visiting the hotel with Vox after a lot of convincing from Charlie and for some reason a group of sinners decided to attack the hotel. Alastor obviously goes to defend the hotel but then Vox unfortunately gets to them first and utterly destroys them like they gotta regenerate from scratch like it was nothing and now Alastor is having feelings about it cause if Vox didn’t need him to protect then how can he show that his affection
At some point Lucifer finds out what’s upsetting Alastor so much and being the petty gremlin that he is Lucifer sends Vox to fight more often you see Vox isn’t dumb he knows very well what Lucifer is doing but he doesn’t care because after all he may not have any of his former emotions but he knows one thing he wants Alastor to feel every ounce of pain he felt when he left him 7 years ago even if it costs his life
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
Some extra I think he still works with the Vees but like in the background he would make all of the products Velvette and Valentino use but he doesn’t make any public appearances and stuff
Love being here for the TED talk. We will find Ted one day
I love how much Lucifer is a little shit. I think him being a little gremlin is incredible, and more people should take advantage of that
Poor Alastor would be so conflicted and confused 😭 I feel like Alastor would be even more pissed off at Mimzy for putting Vox in danger too, and utterly embarrassed that Vox whipped ass before he could. Like that awkward feeling when you're happy, embarrassed, and pissed all at the same time
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Seven snippets, seven people
Was tagged by @lonsdalewrite forty bazillion years ago, finally have enough material and spoons to actually share stuff. Thank you for the tag!!
Gonna do the elf marriage wip (Nettle and Song if you're pretentious (and I am)) cuz it's the freshest one
Tagging (lmk if you want off this ride or onto it)
@hanna-writes, @nabanna, @croaceian, @angelofthemornings, @descent-of-stars
@rrrawrf-rewrites, @scribble-dee-vee, @forthesanityofsome @meanceclosetohell and YOUUUUUUU!
Putting the snippets under a cut cuz I can't be bothered to edit them rn but I might feel up for it later also it got kinda long oops
“Relax. As long as you don’t murder anyone, these talks will be the most peaceful interaction we’ve had with humans since the war ended,” Del mumbled while they waited. “It’ll be fine even if you don’t speak. Or smile. Or make any sort of positive impression.”
“Uh-huh. I’m sure they’ll love giving their princess away to the meanest-looking asshole in the Given Earth.”
“Meanest-looking? No-no, dear prince, you’re a pretty elf boy. Humans find elves irresistible, you know. Just pout and bat your little eyelashes, and they’ll let you get away with just about anything.
Roel grimaced, hand tightening around the hilt of his sword.
Mother sat down next to Teddy, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Nobody can force you to marry against your will, Theodosia. No matter who says what, no matter the so-called political benefits or diplomacy. You are not cattle to be traded.”
Mother glared at Elias, who winced, “Stop. I didn’t bring Teddy up to trade her.”
“Then why did you?”
“And why not? Is this better? What’s left for her here, where she’s not allowed into the royal palace without an invitation? Where her own mother and siblings can’t see her without sneaking behind the king’s back like criminals? She didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Ted? Is everything alright?”
He put rubbed her back gently. It made the tears sting harder, and she blinked them away stubbornly. If people noticed Efra, they’d notice her and her expression, and that would lead to gossip. Better to have the elves be the main talking point rather than the queen’s rejected child having a crisis.
“Yes, I’m fine,” she sighed deeply.
“Are you sure? I could tell them to wait.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just remembering some things. Nothing to worry about.”
She forced a smile. Efra didn’t seem convinced, but this wasn’t the time to figure out Teddy’s emotional traumas. He had to drop it almost as much as she.
“The elves are ready to meet me, I assume?” she said when he kept staring at her with that worried expression.
“Yes. But I’d rather come up with an excuse than have you break down in front of them.”
“’Break down’?” Teddy scoffed. “Please. If I were breaking down, there would be casualties.”
“I forgot that humans welcome women in combat,” Del said thoughtfully. “Androel, would you consider this a virtue or a flaw in a woman?”
Roel hated his brother in that moment, when Del forced all eyes to land on him.
He grunted vaguely, “Depends on who she’s fighting.”
“Do you have magic too, Lady Frye? Were you blessed by your goddess?” Roel wondered, genuine curiosity softening his tone.
Lady Frye smiled demurely. “I have been blessed by Etheme as well as any other member of my family, Your Highness. Even if it was never quite so obvious as those of my siblings, I am still grateful for it.”
“For what?” Roel pressed.
Her smile took on a strained edge. “One must be grateful for everything Etheme deems fit to give. My only gifts were a full belly and a loving family.”
So she hadn’t received a blessing, then. She had no magic. Wasn’t that so much easier to say than whatever other nonsense she’d been going on about?
The song was coming to an end. Soon, they parted, and Roel bowed along with the other men. She curtsied deeply.
“Thank you, Prince Androel,” she said. “I hope we can dance again sometime.”
He didn’t.
“But don’t you want to choose who you marry?” Mother asked. “What if they demand heirs? What then?”
Teddy hadn’t thought that far. Or rather, she hadn’t wanted to think that far. The idea of simply sharing a bed with Prince Androel made her queasy enough, but imagining touching him? Or him touching her? It made her want to peel her skin off.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. If we get there. Aren’t you worried a little too prematurely? What if Prince Androel says no?”
She half hoped he would.
Mother shook her head, “I spoke with King Roendel. The prince is willing.”
Oh. So it was really happening.
After that awful first meeting, too! It seemed the prince must’ve had his own reasons for accepting, since he was openly disgusted with her.
And every other human.
And everything in general.
“How long do I have to stay?”
“There is no time requirement, Your Highness, and you may leave whenever you please. Though I would recommend staying for the better part of an hour at the very least, if you cannot tolerate a whole night.”
“Can you?” he challenged.
“I don’t see why not. I’ve a good book, some hot tea and biscuits, and it’s a warm summer night. There are worse ways to spend an evening.”
“Where will you sleep?”
“In the bed.”
“And where will I sleep?”
Theodosia pursed her lips, her cheeks bursting with sudden color. “I’m sure the bed can accommodate two people.”
“Which part of ‘I am not touching you’ escapes your understanding?” Roel sneered.
“If at least one of us is awake when physical contact accidentally happens, we each would be able to stop it. And if it happens while we’re both asleep, what difference does it make?”
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hyperfixationiris · 1 year
(In advance I apologize for any grammatical or syntax error that I may have, English is not my first language).
The Separated AU by @cupcakeslushie has been my complete adoration and obsession in recent days, so (with the author's permission) I created this playlist for Separated!Donnie!
I have chosen the songs mostly for their lyrics, so the musical genres may be all over the place, hehe.
The title comes from the mini comic "Thirds", also part of the Separated AU and creation of Cupcakeslushie, because damn, that interaction between Donnie and Splinter hit me hard.
That there are thirty-three songs (Three Three) in the playlist is... totally a coincidence! But it is one of which I feel very proud!
You can listen it on YouTube here or on Spotify here (I recommend the YouTube version more, since on Spotify I couldn't find all the songs or not in the versions I wanted).
Below is a brief explanation of why I chose some of the songs, (you can ignore this if you like) But enjoy the music and go see the Separated AU, I recommend it with all my heart!
(This part is very based on my interpretation of Sep!Donnie, so I may be wrong about some things.)
— "Saint Bernard" and "Cradles" are the first songs for being the ones I most associated with Donnie. The first for talking about being a failure and that there is something intrinsically "wrong" with you. The second I associated with his way of seeing the world and the fact that he does not perceive what has been done to him as abuse.
— The instrumental melodies I chose I feel they are a good reflection of his mental state, especially in one of his episodes.
— "Papercut" was a song I heard and it was immediately like: "Oh, yes, this is Donnie talking about Three and the hallucinations he has of his brothers".
— "Immer Sie" is one of the few songs I chose with a specific moment in mind, in this case: Donnie attacking his family because he felt they were leaving him behind and abandoning him. The song speaks of a desperate and almost aggressive love, in addition to having in its lyrics a fairly broken syntax. That is why I think it can reflect Donnie's altered mental and emotional state in that specific moment.
— There is a song that clashes a lot with the others and is "Lovefool (Remix)". However I think it represents the affectionate behaviors, although sometimes too intense, of Donnie, as well as his need to be loved.
— I think "Pale Machine" is a song that would play once Donnie was rescued by his family and once he was living with them. Although he is very happy and basically the situation is a dream come true, that does not mean that all his problems are fixed.
— Two other songs for specific moments are "What I've Done" and "Cop Graveyard". I am referring to the moment Mikey finds out about the collars his brother made for Big Mama, and when Donnie realizes that he basically helped Shredder poison Leo's mind.
— "Rolling Girl" is the first of the comfort songs, being a reflection of the way Donnie sees himself and how his family is doing everything possible to help him out of that vicious circle.
— I see "Demons" as a song dedicated to the relationship between Donnie and Vee (which I love). In turn, "Devil Town" would be Donnie's relationship with Leo, Raph and Mikey.
— "New Soul" is basically Donnie on the road to recovery, with its ups and downs.
— Finally, "Somewhere I Belong" is not exactly a happy or entirely positive song, but whose central theme is something that Donnie has been working on and has wished all his life: a place to belong to.
And with this ends my TED Talk, thanks for coming.
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kairithemang0 · 8 months
Wicked is still good, it will never not be good.
This is my second time seeing it, I didn’t remember it the first time. What I DO remember from it was my cousin who I saw it with took my playbill and threw it out and as a 10 year old I didn’t care but NOW???? I’m pissed. THANKS VEE (jk Vee ur awesome). Anyways I loved it, it’s truly a timeless story. I wouldn’t say in my little list of musicals I’ve seen this year it’s my favorite though, Gutenberg was just too damn good. However Wicked is still amazing, the story is amazing, the music is killer, of course the acting is incredible??? There’s a reason it’s been on Broadway for so long. I’m really happy I got to see it, and my sister loved it! Anyways, it’s landing in 2/2 place with an 8.7. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk I’ll leave forever now
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