#teenage girl oc
musubiki · 6 months
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danmarch 🐉💎
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rottengurlz · 13 days
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try to be gentle when you are ripping me apart 🔪
w/ @kashisun
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html-girl · 2 months
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I like to think she has the voice of Marisa Shirar…… 😗
Kiss the Ladder by Fleshwater
Oc by @lune-redd
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otaku553 · 11 months
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I have an agenda.
Long hair teenage sabo.
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Do you have your own spiderman? show them please!
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I do! Spider beats! Or also known as Devin August, the whole idea she’s from a Y2K era cartoon, and so follows the logic of them
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68spidey · 1 year
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As requested... Minerva!!
Got some grandpa Splinter, poppa Raph, and uncle Leo! Who's usually the one bombarded with her fantasy hero ideas, seeing as he's the one always in the dojo messing with swords. He loves it.
Definitely gonna be drawing grandpa Splinter with some Ramona babies later!!
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where-she-dwells · 3 months
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Be kind, cause life isn't easy for anyone....
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malama-art · 1 year
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her name is lucy
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taringill · 3 months
Rise girls' families - part 2. O'Neil family and Tilley family (part 1)
Семьи rise девочек - 2 часть. Семья О'Нил и семья Тилли (1 часть)
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Yes, there are two whole families in this part. There will be one more part and that's it.
Да, в этой части целых две семьи. Будет ещё одна часть и всё.
What can I say about the Renet family? A normal, ordinary family. Parents love their daughter. Reinet is such a fidget, cheerful and the soul of the company in her father. Her mother is more calm.
Что могу сказать про семью Ренет? Нормальная, обычная семья. Родители любят свою дочь. Ренет такая непоседа, весёлая и душа компании в своего отца. Её мать более спокойная.
Officially, all we know about April's family is that she has a mom and dad... and that's it. There is no more official information. April's dad didn't appear or flash in the series at all, and mom appeared once in the background.
Официально про семью Эйприл мы знаем только то, что у неё есть мама и папа... и всё. Больше официальной информации нет. Папа Эйприл вообще не появлялся и не мелькал в сериале, а мама появилась один раз на заднем плане.
Here she is. Carol O'Neill
Вот она. Кэрол О'Нил
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I always imagined that April's dad was pretty busy and could sometimes go on business trips, and Mom also worked, but less. April's parents (at least mom) are calm about the fact that their daughter left an unusual and magical dog as a pet. Apparently April's mother accepts that her daughter likes oddities. She even wanted to introduce her daughter to Draxum in one of the episodes of season 2. This can be understood when Drax tells Raph and April, mistaking them for April's mom, that he does not want to meet her daughter. In short, everyone should have such moms👍
Я всегда представляла, что папа Эйприл довольно занятой и иногда может уезжать в командировки, а мама тоже работает, но меньше. Родители Эйприл (как минимум мама) спокойно относятся к тому, что их дочь оставила необычную и волшебную собачку в качестве питомца. Видимо мать Эйприл принимает то, что дочь любит странности. Она даже в одной из серии 2 сезона хотела познакомить свою дочь с Драксумом. Это можно понять когда Дракс говорит Рафу и Эйприл, приняв их за маму Эйприл, что ему безразлична её дочь. Короче, всем бы таких мам👍
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kabutoden · 6 months
i love it when people introduce their coolass adult trolls like yes. this is slayer martin the cruel. five sweeps ago he killed his way through his enemies and earned the title of worlds best assassin. hes the most competent warrior with swordkind in all of alternia and he had to duel his matesprite to the death when he was 7 sweeps old so hes rejected love and compassion from his dictionary literally and its like so cool bc it’s like. wow. i love slayer martin hes just like a real cool adult troll he’s so badass and epic and his themes and story is so complex i love it!!! but when i make homestuck ocs its like:
this is my babydoll cringe mcpeeper she’s 6 sweeps and her talent is screaming. really into defying the system these days. yes thats an ankle monitor. she shaved half her head a sweep ago. her mommy does not love her
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excuse me, but I’m still waiting for my dramatic kiss in the rain
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artsolarsash · 4 months
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Re redesign of my fox girl is here
She’s back!
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acidichcl · 4 months
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I drew smth based on my notes about my silly lil au cuz i wanted to practice drawing backgrounds. Not sure if i like how it turned out but oh well
Below is the notes i wrote if ur interested. It's about how my turtle island au starts
(During the evil league of mutants episode) As the brothers go on a rooftop after getting grounded and having their weapons confiscated by splinter, an illuminated alleyway nearby caught their eye. Wondering what it is, they check it out without expecting anything significant. They see what appears to be a small mutant turtle laying unconcious in front of a portal they have never seen before.
Raph was hestitant and worried if they should approach, but leo, mikey, and donnie insisted they take this mystery turtle in. Donnie was more interested in learning about the portal, while leo and mikey was more intrigued about their new friend.
Back in the lair, the turtle wakes up and was a bit uneasy when realizing she's somewhere unfamiliar. Mikey, alongside leo, came to her assistance and asked if she was ok. She stayed silent and her eyes looked all around. Mikey and leo took it as a sign shes not comfortable yet and gave her some space. They thought that maybe a snack would help her out, so they went to the kitchen and had their eyes on a slice of cake. It was raph's. He barges in and insisted that it's his, but started feeling guilty once leo mentioned about giving it to their guest. So he reluctantly agrees.
Full of questions, raph goes to donnie, who's on his gadgets, and asked what he found. Donnie theorizes it might lead to another world, or something.
Suddenly, his devices alert an unusual energy signal was detected. Donnie looked into one of his many cctvs and sees the same portal from earlier, and 3 figures nearby who seems to be mutant turtles as well. Connecting the dots, the brothers head out and brings their guest along. As the brothers and the figures encounter eachother, the little turtle runs up to the figures and gets picked up by one of them. Mikey, in awe, asked who they are. They then reveal themselves to be teenage mutant turtles from an island in another realm. In their reality, they take on the role of being protectors of their people. They introduce themselves as Scooter, Hoops, Zen, and their youngest - Harper - who the brothers have already met.
The sisters then start to apologize for the trouble their baby sister may have caused and started explaining about there being a device that have been damaged, opening up portals and allowing otherwordly creatures, that have been trapped in another realm, to cause havoc. Harper’s displacement was a quick decision to prioritize getting her out of the area. Intrigued by this device and the existence of mutant turtles just like him and his brothers, donnie offers to help fix it and the sisters happily accepts. At first, raph was hestitant about leaving without telling splinter. But the lingering resentment and unresolved feelings about their dad's flaws causes him to ignore the hestitation. Raph glances at his brothers, seeing their determination to explore this new world and their shared frustration with splinter, he decides to go along.
They go through the portal behind them and before they know it, they are now on their new friends' island. However, for some reason the island doesnt seem like its in any danger anymore. Before they left, there were cracks everywhere. Shadowy figures going through the cracks, big and small. But now it's as if all those things never happened.
Confused, the sisters now isnt very sure if the brothers' help would be needed at this point. But the guys seems so eager to explore, so they let them stay for a bit and check on the device anyway.
The first destination the sisters brought the guys to was their humble home. After a while, the guys decide to have a look around the island. But Zen has to be somewhere to take care of something, and Harper fell asleep. so Mikey stays at the sisters' place to look after Harper while the rest go out for a walk.
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I love them so much lol. I hope u guys will like them too as i show more of them. ..Eventually ◑.◑;
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spaciebabie · 5 months
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fellas, are you living the Yuri ™ dream if the subject of your affections barely has any alternatives?
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balletbby · 2 months
things that help me as a writer !!
(these are all just things i do when i write a new book or start a small project/story)
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i always start my figuring out what i want to write & make a small synopsis, usually written in google docs or in my notes app.
if i really like the idea for the book then i'll set a new book up in wattpad, giving it a cover and adding the synopsis in the intro.
then i start with the FUNNN stuff . .
tons and tons of pinterest boards, for the characters, for the book's aesthetic, for the setting, the lifestyle, the fun everything.
this isn't for my small projects, or even all of them, but for the ones that get published early on, i make spotify playlists for the readers.
playlists also help me because i can turn a different playlist on for each book when i'm writing it, and it helps me zone into it
songs play a big role in my writing!! (though i usually make playlists when i'm figuring out the synopsis.)
i don't always do this, but make moodboards for your main characters, i use a 3x3 grid, so i get 8 photos that are based very much on the oc, and then leave the middle photo for the faceclaim/what they're supposed to look like.
use faceclaims !! i don't do this everytime, but if i have some characters i really think would make a good match then i use faceclaims.
otherwise, if it's a big group of friends, you'll rarely catch me using faceclaims :p
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these usually consist of short stories, or writing urges/spurs i get when i just feel like writing something small i come up with.
still make pinterest boards, they help me a lot with planning out the characters vibes
i add the wattpad stuff last, because i don't always know if i'll publish the smaller projects
visualize the characters, i don't use as many faceclaims for smaller projects that are like a few chapters long
if making moodboards use smaller (twitter header sized) moodboards for each character, and only use 3-4 photos
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that's really all <3
i don't usually make things about writing on my gb but i just felt like it since i'm preparing for 3 books to publish in a few months lol
love you guys alwaysss
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the-lavender-clown · 7 months
Everyone, I’d like to introduce you to Emi!!
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I’ve been seeing some funny age gap siblings on TikTok and thought “you know what, let’s do that too the dragons!” because it sounded funny 🤣
Emi is born after season two of Rise but I haven’t decided if it’ll be before or after the movie, tho I am leaning more towards after
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