#teenagers locked in a room
arduousblaze · 2 months
Personal Heaven by LennyDark
marauders era , James x Severus , kind of slow burn
"Professor Dumbledore is tired of James and Severus fighting 24/7. So he has planned the ultimate summer punishment for them, but is it really a punishment."
James and Severus have to spend their summer vacation at Hogwarts unable to leave one room which they have to share. They have to figure out how to get along together and they end up realizing they don't hate each other after all.
I really like this one. I love seeing how they slowly get together and watching their shenanigans. I don't usually read marauders era stories but as I've said, if it's well written then I'll be obsessed.
If you enjoy forced proximity, enemies to lovers, slowburn, and mpreg then this is for you. If you don't like mpreg I still think you should read this. At least until it comes up. Give it a shot.
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enobariasteeth · 1 year
I love the hunger games movies but they really took so much of katniss’ personality out. She is so fucking funny.
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saionjeans · 1 month
i love how wakaba/saionji is normie4freak except you wouldn't ever expect which is which
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lemon-natalia · 5 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 12
you'd think people who deal with necromancy daily would be less disturbed by Harrow's bone decor
new plot prediction: Harrow's gonna give up necromancy to become an extremely goth interior designer
wow i really got a false impression of Magnus when he first appeared, i thought he was gonna be all suave but instead he just seems ridiculously polite and awkward
Dulcinea's just having a free vacation basically huh? honestly i think thats what i would do if i was trapped in a creepy gothic mansion, you go girl
what is it with people in this book and having creepy whispered conversations in corridors, none of you are good at espionage
speaking of, Gideon is also terrible at it, she tries to spy on one person and gets into a fight immediately
finally, Camilla!! also she backflipped down the stairs!?
File under disturbing facts: necromancers sweat blood apparently
okay i guessed the ring had something to do with being a key, but i didn't think it was just, like, an actual key ring 😭
laboratories? a mortuary? this whole place is just giving creepy abandoned hospital in a video-game, get the fuck outta there Nav
also, creepy science lab has a nonagonal room? hmm 🧐
Gideon is remarkably determined to find Harrow for someone supposedly hates i won't lie. also she called Harrow 'her necromancer' wow
poor Harrow, i fully thought she was dead for a second then. hopefully now she'll let Gideon in on some of what she's been up to, and they'll start being a bit more like a team - speaking of, what exactly was she trying so hard to do that got that much blood everywhere...
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thegoodgege · 2 months
Wish Higuruma had a criminal detector in his brain so he could've put that cow Mei Mei on trial
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kuaille · 10 months
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2003 leo 2012 leo
facing the shredder alone, being in a coma, having severe physical damage, having an emo phase, going on dangerous missions alone and not telling their brothers
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holdoncallfailed · 9 months
my toxic trait is that i am genuinely convinced that not only would have i endured the kind of psychological experiments enacted upon ted kazcynski in which he was forced to argue his life philosophy and opinions with harvard professors at the age of sixteen, i would have sincerely enjoyed the experience
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darth-sonny · 2 years
Messed up thought came to me when looking at your Prime Leo AU, but what if, if Leo is healed. He is not actually... Healed?
Like they are able to help him stop doing all the messed up stuff,(like killing the entire planet) but because Prime does not want to let go of Leo, (so much so they would kill Leo and themselves to keep Leo,) they just, have to keep Prime in Leo's head.
So while trying to heal Leo, Leo just keeps on having Prime in his head. Having a forever parasite in his mind, talking to him. And the only thing his family can do is ground him and remind him that Prime is lying. Which is hard because some days Leo does believe in Prime's words.
So Leo is just stuck, forever with Prime. Keeping hope that his family will figure it out. While Leo's family can't do anything but just keep reminding Leo to ignore Prime.
okay who are you and how the fuck did you get inside my head!?!?
but..yea, the biggest and main plot twist of this au is that prime and leo can't be seperated. like, yes, prime is defeated and leo get his mind and body back, but like you said, prime won't ever let leo go (obssessive possessive creep that one is)
it was a last-ditch attempt that legit almost killed leo in the process, and the worst part is that prime would've seen that as a win-win. if leo died, then they would've died together. if leo survived, then prime's main (and now only) goal of keeping leo as their host still goes on
the good new is; no one knows that prime is still alive!!
the bad news is; no one knows that prime is still alive.....
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juniperhillpatient · 12 days
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*guy who doesn't know his sister is a raging homosexual voice*
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the-plantman-is-queer · 5 months
I'm beginning to suspect my cats are developing a toxic, codependent realtionship
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rottmntquotes · 2 years
2012 Raph: Really, Leo? You don't think with any part of your being that Hamato Michelangelo gave you reptile mites?
2012 Leo: *Silence*
2012 Mikey, whilst hugging Leo: I love YOU more!
2012 Leo: No, I love YOU more!
2012 Leo, tucking Mikey in: You're the sweetest baby brother ever! Yes you are!
2012 Mikey: Ooh, you're making me blush!
2012 Leo: *Aggressive Mother-Hen Look Over* My poor baby! I knew I shouldn't have let you use a skateboard!
-End of Flashback-
2012 Leo: Okay, FINE. Mikey probably gave me mites.
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br1ghtestlight · 3 months
i lived in the worst neighborhood in my city growing up surrounded by homeless ppl and drug addicts and MY MOM did not lock our apartment door bcuz she lost the key and we lived like this for over five years. she'd leave for hours in the middle of the night to do her Activities and the door would be fully unlocked and open. everybody in our neighbourhood knew the door was unlocked. it's genuinely a miracle we were never robbed?? nobody broke into our house for some reason? They wouldnt even NEED to break in the doors were unlocked bro
but robberies and breaking and enterings were not common where i lived. never heard of one happening in the area. our biggest problem was my dad breaking into our house when my mom wasnt home and uhh don't feel like explaining it but basically shouting and being violent and breaking shit. and my mom didnt WANT him there but he kept coming back for us kids. it was a whole ass mess before he went to jail and got a restraining order (for unrelated reasons nothing to do w/ mom)
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was at the mall and someone complimented my outfit and then followed up like five minutes later like 'wait how old are you, you look really familiar' and while i turned out Not to be who they thought i was i really hope they didn't recognize me, for some reason, from the fact i'm wearing this exact same outfit i drew daigo in
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solidwater05 · 8 months
Yup! With a side of cannibalism. No actually it's like mainly cannibalism-
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david-watts · 11 months
there will be someone reading about my life in sixty years’ time wishing he lived when I did because things seemed to be much more suited to him and his existence just like I do reading about the life of someone from sixty years ago now
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camptw1nk · 11 months
I love exploring the. The different ways trauma affects kurt in aus and different scenarios
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