#teletubby gang
ysphcpb-ii · 2 months
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Surprise HBD 🎂🍕🎊
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carli-meows · 6 months
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wickety wack and that's that
reblogs > likes
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randomjreader · 1 year
3 poor little meow meows
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superbeans89 · 1 year
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Behold, a predator
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babeordie · 2 years
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disney-is-mylife · 2 months
My bonus baby brother was born in 2002, so I was still watching PBS and reruns well past "my time" lol. But for the sake of argument, let's just say the cut off point is 2002, since I entered middle school the following year.
NOTE: No Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, or any other miscellaneous children's programs. PBS or PBS Kids Programs pre-2002 ONLY.
(Shout-out to poor Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat, Liberty's Kids, and countless others I couldn't squeeze onto a 12-option poll. Please don't @ me, it hurt to cut them 😭)
Happy voting! ❤
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vigilvntes · 2 years
Jason Todd x Reader | On again-off again relationship hcs
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A/N: lisTen. i'm incredibly sleep deprived so this is gonna be very messy and i have a whole ass book to read before my class at 9am and i probably won't sleep tonight so let me have this. let me have my low-key volatile relationship with jason todd where we love each other so deeply that we can't even stand to be around each other sometimes because we frustrate the fuck out of each other but we also can't live without each other. as the great lorde once said: let me live that fantasy.
W/C: 2500+ (help me i basically just outlined a whole story </3)
likes, rbs and comments are all very much appreciated <3
you and jason have known each other for three years, and you've been together for around two years and two months of that time, if damian's calculations are correct. it's electric and heated and frantic and loving and frustrating and soft and infuriating, all at the same time. you just can't seem to stay away from each other. it's a 'cat and mouse' kind of situation, one where you just can't seem to stop chasing each other despite how ridiculously awful it always seems to turn out in the end. the longest you've managed to really hold it together is seven months, but you can't stay away for more than a month at a time.
you make out like teenagers. make love almost every night. laugh at his dumb jokes or funny comments. patch up any mild injuries he comes home with. tickle each other until you're on the floor breathless, surrendering and begging him to show you mercy. you spend lazy mornings together in bed. bicker and shit-talk each other over breakfast. cuddle on the couch late at night. it's perfect in theory, and he's admittedly an amazing boyfriend. he's caring and attentive and he loves to love you and be loved. but your tempers get the better of both of you.
fights break out because you're both kind of impulsive and hot-headed. neither of you can help your snark or cutting comebacks sometimes. you run your mouths about something – anything, and you run the risk of everything breaking down within the hour. you know his weak spots, know how to push his buttons when he's really pushing yours; and as you know his, he knows yours just as well. you'd never go as far as to bring up anything too personal or out of pocket, but you still know just how to get on each others nerves perfectly. how to manually detonate the ticking time bomb before it blows up on its own accord.
you frustrate the fuck out of each other, and he has a tendency to just walk out of your apartment mid-argument. he puts the suit on, tells you he'd rather be out on the streets getting his ass handed to him by a gang of drunks dressed up as teletubbies and then have bane rush in and pummel him into the concrete than have to deal with you when you're feeling particularly prickly, and you tell him to go fuck himself on his way out. the battle to get the last word in commences, and you've often found yourself yelling at him from your apartment window whilst he yells up at you from the street below because you both just refuse to give up the fight.
most times he comes back, but sometimes he doesn't. when it hits 8am and you haven't heard him rummaging through your kitchen cupboards or refrigerator; he still hasn't crawled back into your bed, kissed your forehead softly and buried his face into the crook of your neck, you shrug your shoulders, tell yourself everything's going to be okay. and then sob violently into your pillow because it's over. he's gone. but with jason, it's never really over. by some weird twist of fate (love, but jason prefers to call it coincidence, although it's anything BUT that) you always end up finding your way back to each other. you break up and even DATE other people but it's never serious and it just never feels the same because for some strange reason whenever you're apart you both miss the chaos of each other and even though you can literally be the worst when you're together, you would rather be together and be the worst than be without each other.
jason turns up at your door at 2AM when he hears you might be seeing someone new after a breakup the month before, demanding to be let in and when you relent (pretty quickly) and open the door he immediately has you against the wall, desperately grabbing at your hips and kissing you like there's no tomorrow whilst mumbling that no one could ever compare to him so don't even think about trying to replace him.
he has you naked and spread out on the bed in ten minutes tops, his tongue swirling against your clit in all the right places, big hands gripping on to your thighs. he grins like a fucking maniac when he makes you cum in record time, just under a minute if he was counting correctly. you cum on his face again, his fingers, his thigh and eventually his cock, until you're laid on his chest with his cum leaking out of you, breathless and all fucked out, mumbling 'i love you'. he says it back, reminds you again that no one could ever be him, and you know he's right. you knew this would happen and truthfully you were desperate to have him back which is maybe, possibly why you made a point to mention to roy that you were seeing someone else because you just knew he'd tell jason.
on the flip side, you send jason a risky picture of yourself in a brand new lingerie set when you find out he's going on a date with someone. you immediately apologise and claim it to be accidental and that it was meant for someone else. you watch your phone blow up with calls and texts from jason, listen to each and every angry-horny-frustrated-infatuated voicemail he leaves and grin the whole time because you know you have him wrapped around your finger, as much as he denies it.
you turn your phone off, unlock your door and wait patiently by the open window until you hear angry footsteps coming from below, stomping up the stairs of your apartment building. he busts through your door and demands that you tell him what the fuck you think you're playing at. you feign innocence and tell him that it was a genuine mistake but he knows you're lying and he has you on the couch, straddling his lap almost immediately. your pyjamas have been torn off, giving him an up-close, in-person view of the pretty new set from the picture earlier. the view is much nicer when it's not on a tiny phone screen; pictures do the real thing no justice. his phone vibrates while you're trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck, and you tell him he should take the call because it's probably his date wondering where the hell he is but he just turns his phone off and tosses it to the side. why the hell would he go on some shitty, awkward first date when he could have you?
the reunion is always sweet. there's always that honeymoon period with him no matter how many times you've broken up– upped and left each other following an argument. when it's good, it's really good. but you just can't seem to escape the inevitable. eventually one of you pushes it too far and the whole thing blows up in your faces. he walks out, you cry yourself to sleep and then you find some way to worm your way back into the others life, depending on who picked the fight that left everything broken once again. neither of you are exactly sure why you fight like cat and dog. you're perfect for each other on paper; you understand each other on a far deeper and more intellectual level than anyone ever could. you get on like a house on fire on your good days (which are admittedly most days), but somehow the bad days always seem to outweigh the good. he once made a joke that it's because you love him so much that you can't live with him, but you also can't live without him. he was probably right.
one night, after a particularly nasty breakup the week before, he stumbles into your apartment clutching at his side, barely able to breathe. he's been so uncaring lately, letting himself get caught up in his own head and his emotions regarding you and your relationship and it's lead to him taking a few more blows than he normally would. tonight he paid the price, took what he thinks might be the final hit, and he needed to see you one last time just in case things don't work out for him. you don't even have the chance to ask him what he's doing in your apartment before he's collapsing on to your living room floor, blood dripping through his fingers and on to your carpet. you drop to your knees next to him and whisper his name so softly, inspecting the wound and feeling guilty when he hisses in pain when your fingers brush against it. it's deep, and yes you've patched him up before –you know how to stitch up cuts but you're not a medical professional and this is a serious wound to his abdomen. there's not much you can do about it alone. you're already crying but before you can start freaking out and trying to fix things he takes your face in his hands, his grip weak, and tells you very sincerely that he loves you deeply, and he's sorry for all of the fights he's caused and all of the times he walked out on you and that it's always been you and it always will be.
he's in and out or consciousness and you're begging him to wake up, to be okay; telling him that you love him and you can't lose him. you try your best to stop the bleeding, pressing towels and old shirts against the wound but it just won't stop. so you call alfred from jason's phone, explain to him what's going on and soon enough you're playing host to a batfamily gathering in your tiny living room. dick quite literally has to drag you away from his body kicking and screaming while bruce and alfred assess the situation. they decide to take him back to the manor, and of course you follow them. you spend days by his side, waiting for him to wake up. alfred has to take you by the elbow and walk you away from him to eat dinner or shower or sleep in jason's old room.
it's just so typical that you're not there when he wakes up. you're sleeping, bundled up in his bed sheets when alfred comes to wake you. you literally leap out of bed, almost tripping over your own feet as you run into the room jason's in. that stupid grin, although strained, spreads across his lips as soon as he sees you through half-shut eyes. you're crying already, rushing to his side and resting your head on his chest, soaking his shirt with your tears. he chuckles at your reaction, teases you for being so worried about him as if he hasn't already kicked death in the dick before, and he mocks you lightheartedly for admitting that you can't live without him (it was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness). you giggle through your tears, letting it slide because when you look up at him, he's crying too.
it literally takes jason almost dying on your living room floor for you to both realise how much you actually mean to each other, and that having a connection and a love like this isn't something that you can and should just walk away from every couple of weeks. you both decide to start working on things; learning how to control your temper and when the appropriate time to shut the fuck up would be. how to talk things through maturely, without the yelling and constant breakups. of course, you still bicker and shit talk each other. and sometimes one of you will take it too far. jason will glare at you for a moment until you give him an awkward grin and mumble 'oops', and you'll give him the silent treatment for fifteen minutes (which would feel like HELL to him) until he makes you laugh. you're happier this way, knowing that it doesn't have to be that difficult and you can just be. you're not constantly waiting for something to go wrong or for one of you to fuck up, that anxiety has dissipated and you enjoy feeling calm and content with him.
+ bonus: batfamily getting in on the drama
the first time jason stormed into the batcave at 3am, fists balled and eyes red and puffy, bruce was immensely concerned. he sat jason down, put on his best dad™️ voice and asked 'what's wrong?'. jason told him it was nothing, just a little relationship trouble and that bruce didn't have to worry it, he just needed to get away and he thought the batcave would be the perfect place to brood for a few hours before going back home. the second time jason stormed in, he was still concerned for his emotional state, but not all that surprised to see him. bruce left him alone, let jason sit next to him, listened to him curse under his breath. the seventh time? bruce sat at his desk, jason beside him, listening to him ramble on and on about what had happened and how he took it too far again but it's not entirely his fault because you pushed his buttons but he shouldn't have said that to you because he loves you but you just get on his nerves sometimes. bruce nods occasionally, murmurs 'uh-huh' just to prove to jason that he is listening. kind of. sort of. not.
dick receives frustrated, angry texts at ungodly hours in the morning from jason telling him that the relationship is over. jason isn't sure why he vents to dick. it's definitely not because dick gives good advice, jason doesn't even open the texts dick sends back full of agony-aunt type solutions. one night, he receives one of these texts from jason, telling him that you're done with him and he can't ever go back to your apartment. all he can do the next day when he sees you and jason walk into the manor, grinning at each other like you're the sun, moon and stars with his arm wrapped around your waist, is shrug his shoulders.
listen, if damian is going to be forced to sit through the weekly couples quarrel at the manor, he's at least going to make some sort of profit from it. it starts out as a secret, damian makes everyone place bets (with real cash) on how long it'll take you and jason to piss each other off when you come over for dinner. tim wins the first time, and is less than amused when he only receives half of what everyone put into the bet, damian citing that he's the organiser so he gets half of the profit. eventually, he branches out. he starts taking money for bets on how long it'll take for a fight to break out, what you'll be fighting about, and which one of you will leave the dinner table first. everyone joins in (even alfred), and when you find out about damian's little scheme, even you can't help but slide over a $20 bill with a declaration that it'll take jason 45 minutes to say something that'll have you glaring him down. you win that bet, because you know him better than anyone else, and you split the profits with jason. everyone thinks this is unfair, and you're both promptly excluded from participating in the betting.
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flickynightdarkness · 2 years
Waves 1-18 Of My Comfort Characters List
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Oggy & Olivia (Oggy & The Cockroaches)
Little Miss Sunshine & Little Miss Shy (Little Misses)
Mr Quiet & Mr. Scatterbrain (Mr Men Show)
Hello Kitty, My Melody & Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Jigglypuff, Hypno, Eevee, Pichu, Torchic, Jirachi, Manaphy, Darkrai, Alice, Alicia, Dwebble, Iris & Sylveon (Pokémon)
Atsuover, Rageminer, Dawko, Jaiden Animations, CookieSwirlC, Nicky Tate, WolfyChu, Rosanna Pansino, Ava Ryan (YouTubers)
Holly & Nanny Plum (Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom)
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Slinky Dog, Jessie, Trixie & Bonnie (Toy Story)
Kasane Teto, Kagamine Rin & Hatsune Miku (Vocaloids)
Bubble (BFDI)
Cake, X & Winner (BFB + TPOT)
Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Bow & MePad (Inanimate Insanity)
Sonic, Tails, Vector, Chip, Cream, Chao, Orbot, Cubot, Zavok, Zazz & Tails Doll (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Rosalina, Boo, Count Bleck & Tippi (Super Mario)
Dum Mee Mee (Shopkins)
Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa & Po (Teletubbies)
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl (Steven Universe)
Giulia (Luca)
Wall-E & EVE (Wall-E)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Scarecrow & Mad Hatter (BTAS)
Scarecrow (TNBA)
Scarecrow (The Brave & The Bold)
Scarecrow (Arkham Asylum)
Scarecrow (Arkham Knight)
Scarecrow (Injustice 2)
Scarecrow & King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Scarecrow (Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Ragdoll (The Batman Series)
Question (DCAU)
Harley Quinn (MultiVersus)
SpongeBob, Patrick Star, Gary The Snail & Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Moomimtroll, Moominmamma & Snorkmaiden (Moomin Series)
Numbuh 3/Kuki Sanban, Numbuh 5/Abigail Lincoln, Mushi Sanban, Numbuh 9/Maurice, Father/Benedict Wigglestein & Monty Uno/Numbuh 0 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
The Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Poppet, Jeepers, Shishi, Sleepypaws, Baby Rox, Kissy, Captain Squirk & Dr. Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
Needlem0use & Luther Artwright (Needlem0use)
Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom & Flurry Heart (My Little Pony)
505 & White Hat (Villainous)
Odie (Garfield)
Lilo, Stitch & Angel (Lilo & Stitch)
Candy Cat & Bunzo Bunny (Poppy Playtime)
F, P & Y (Alphabet Lore)
Rover, Isabelle, Timmy Nook & Tommy Nook (Animal Crossing)
Boo (Monsters Inc)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Felix & King Candy (Wreck It Ralph)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Mio Mao
Edd, Matt, Tom & Tord (Eddsworld)
Tuffy & Tyke (Tom & Jerry)
Roy O'Brien (ROY Series)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Mama (Cooking Mama)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Toriel, Napstablook, Sans & Papyrus (Undertale)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Hex, Tabi, Sunday, Sarvente, Nikusa, Annie, Garcello, Chris, Legacy Annie/Rascal & QT (Friday Night Funkin)
Soft! Boyfriend (FNF: Soft)
Red Guy, Duck Guy, Electracey, Bread Mother & Lesley (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Puss In Boots, Kitty Softpaws, Three Diablos & Perrito (Puss In Boots)
Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Dave Algebra Class
SCP-049/Plague Doctor & SCP-999/Tickle Monster (SCP)
Skid, Pump, Robert, Jaune & Streber (Spooky Month)
Shirousa & Kurousa (Sugar Bunnies)
Bingo & Snorky (Banana Splits)
Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Grim Reaper (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
Spot The Dog
Harry Hill, Robert Englund, Charles Martinet & Tom Kenny (Celebrities)
Slushi, Cofi & Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Foxy, Funtime Freddy & Sun (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)
Gingy (Shrek)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Lani-Loli & Kapuna-Wa (Crash Bandicoot)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Lord X Hog & Curse (EXEs)
Majin Sonic
MX (Mario 85)
Eri, Tsuyu Asui & Ms Joke (My Hero Academia)
Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Movie)
Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing 2022 Paralympics Mascot)
Miraitowa & Someity (Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascots)
Inky (Pac-Man)
Mirabel Madrigal & Pepa Madrigal (Encanto)
Meilin Lee & Abby Park (Turning Red)
Wanda (Fairly Oddparents)
Bender (Futurama)
N (Murder Drones)
EteleD & Corrupt Mii (Wii Deleted You)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Unikitty (Unikitty Series)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Hypno & Lost Silver/Gold (Pokepasta)
Shinto (FNF: Lullaby)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Series)
Komasan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Sayori & Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Kirby & Meta Knight (Kirby)
Chudd Chudders & DangerGrid Of Doom (Skatoony)
Bendy (BATDR)
Boris & Sammy Lawrence (BATIM)
Tari & Meggy Spletzer (SMG4)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Mugman & Baroness Von Bon Bon (The Cuphead Show)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust & Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Slender Man, Splendor Man & Lulu (Creepypasta)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
Blitzo, Moxxie & Colin (Helluva Boss)
Woolly & Tig
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Mr. Shark (The Bad Guys)
Charles Calvin, Reginald Copperbottom, Right Hand Man & Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Grogu (The Mandalorian)
Pusheen The Cat
Anya Forger (Spy X Family)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Zoe Kusama (Criminal Case)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
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ventique18 · 2 years
Lilia is trending again on bird app because of his stunt vs Leona at the Savanaclaw chapter 🙄
They're all like "he'S aN aDULt hE shOULd'vE acTEd beTTer"
Aside from him being a faerie, literally Lilia's entire existence and reason for living is to protect the royal family of Briar Valley. I don't think the little man would hesitate to obliterate that entire school if they all gang up to threaten Malleus. And Leona attempted to stampede Malleus, so his anger was absolutely logical and expected.
This is most likely the reason why Lilia wasn't in GloMas; he would've absolutely drained Rollo's blood and used it to wash soiled underwear for what that guy did.
I don't care to defend him. I really don't think Diasomnia (except for Silver) is nice at all. But it's stupid to scream and cry at the writers that "Lilia should've been nicer" because that's absolutely illogical and against his character. Please learn to take media objectively instead of demanding every and all characters in existence to become a template character from Teletubbies. 🙄
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Schloss Einstein Staffel 4 Pt.4
Annas Mutter so "Mir egal, dass meine 14-jährige Tochter mit nem 18-jährigen zusammen ist. ABER SIE HÄTTE NICHT MIT IHM IM AUTO FAHREN SOLLEN!"
Josh im Rock! Gender Non-Conforming Icon!
Anna liest auch Hamlet
"Ey Josh. Du siehst unheimlich stark aus auf dem Bild." "Wundert dich das?"
Ich will die Eisdiele zurück. Der Falafel-Stand hat 1. nicht denselben Vibe und 2. keinen Giovanni.
"Ein weiterer Schritt zum Untergang des Abendlandes."
"Wir gründen einfach ne Firma. Schloss Einstein Wildkräuter und Co." Klingt nach einer Idee für Joel
Alexandra darf endlich auch mal wieder vorkommen
Der Vater von Paul und Paula war bei der Namenswahl aber auch maximal unkreativ
"Wow ein externes Modem!"
Eine 80 GB Festplatte und 256 MB RAM!
"Das kannst du doch nicht machen. Weniger Kräuter für mehr Geld." "Warum denn nicht? Wir haben doch freie Marktwirtschaft."
Die Kräutergarten-Gang betrügt die Kunden und haut dann ab
Währenddessen betreiben die Dorfkids unlauteren Wettbewerb und klauen Kräuter aus dem Schulgarten
Jetzt klauen die Dorfkids nen Kürbis aus dem Schulgarten
"Was er sich im Übrigen sparen könnte, wenn seine Tochter ihren weiblichen Pflichten nachkommen würde" Frau Schmalfuß direkt unsympathisch
Max und Hendrik sind gecancelt wegen toxic masculinity
Johannes fängt ne Schlägerei mit seinem Bruder an weil er nen Kürbis geklaut hat
Der Kürbis-Projekttag ist ein Fiebertraum
"Was können wir dagegen tun dass Paul von Max und Hendrik gemobbt wird weil er tanzt?" - "Wir zünden die Lagerhalle an und dann muss er Kim dramatisch daraus retten!"
Elisabeth is back!
Paul hat einen Nervenzusammenbruch und schlägt die Spiegel im Bad kaputt
Max und Paul verabreden sich zu einer Schlägerei und schlagen dabei Paula k.o.
"Halt doch endlich die Fresse du Gartenzwerg" Leo Hölzer bist du's?
Max hat jetzt aufgehört Paul zu mobben weil Paul ihm in die Fresse geschlagen hat
Ne 2,5 Zimmer Wohnung für 350€ warm
Wolfert ist mit den Namen der Teletubbies überfordert
"Wenn noch einmal jemand das Wort Gefühle benutzt dem werd ich EIGENHÄNDIG DIESES TELEFONKABEL UM DEN HALS WICKELN!"
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pasteilian · 1 year
I like to think Raph is weird when it comes to horror
Traditional horror doesn’t scare him one bit blood, guts, etc. doesn’t even get a flinch out of him the gang could be watching the most horrific horror you’ve ever seen and he’s nodding off in the background
But the second they turn on Teletubbies he’s in the corner, sobbing, begging them to change the channel he’s more scared of uncanny cute things 
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justforbooks · 9 months
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Θυμηθείτε κάτι από την εφηβεία σας που αν το πείτε σε σημερινό έφηβο, μάλλον δε θα έχει ιδέα για τι πράγμα μιλάτε.
-TDK εξηντάρα, ενενηντάρα.
-Ουουου ένα σωρό… Decadence, Μετροπόλ (σουβλάκια), SOS, Quinta, ποδοσφαιράκια, Paesano!
-Λουκέτο τηλεφώνου
-Ο δρόμος μπροστά στην Ακρόπολη με αυτοκίνητα και στις 2 κατευθύνσεις
-Γιάννης Πετρίδης στο ράδιο 4-5.
-Με ένα πεντοχίλιαρο πήγαινα σινεμά, για καφέ, στα Goody’s και μου έμενε και χαρτζηλίκι!
-Το παιχνίδι τάκα τάκα…
-Όταν τους λέω για βίντεο και βιντεοταινίες με κοιτάνε με απορία.
-Σταθερό τηλέφωνο με λουκετάκι στο μηδέν για να μην παίρνουν υπεραστικά!
-Έτρεχα απ’το σχολείο γρήγορα σπίτι γιατί περίμενα τηλεφώνημα από το τότε μεγαλύτερο αγόρι μου.
-Αν η σχέση σου δε σου είχε γράψει κασέτα με μπαλάντες, δε σε ήθελε αρκετά.
-Είχα κασέτα πάντα έτοιμη για εγγραφή όταν άκουγα ράδιο.
-LimeWire . . . ’nuff said!
-Gauloises άφιλτρα
-Ακούγαμε μουσική με MP3 και βλέπαμε Πάττυ 🤣
-Μπούμπλε Μπούμπλε
-Ποιος σκότωσε τον ΤΖΕΙ-ΑΡ ;
-Lancôme juice tube lip gloss σε όλες τις αποχρώσεις 😪
-Η αμερικάνικη βάση με τον ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό και τα αμερικάνικα μπαράκια στην γλυφάδα
-Εσείς να βγείτε από τη γραμμή. Κάλεσα πρώτος και δεν έχω άλλο τάλιρο.
-Πάρε το μηδέν δεν σε ακούω καλά !
-Τσιγκολελέτα… Τσίγκος: υποδιαίρεση εθνικού νομίσματος από φτηνό κράμα, λελέτα: βρεφική αλλοίωση της λέξης βιολέτα… Ψευδολέξη , που συμπληρώνει ιαμβικά και καταληκτικά το παιδικό τραγούδι παιχνιδιού “ένα φράγκο η βιολέτα” … Παιδικό περισσότερο ή πρωτο-εφηβικό, αλλά ποιο απο τα νέα παιδιά γνωρί��ει τι είναι ή πώς παίζεται ;
-Μολύβι και κασέτα.
-Τα περιοδικά Μανίνα, Σούπερ Κατερίνα, Αγόρι, Μπλεκ, Τιραμόλα, Σεραφίνο
-Walkman, Viewmaster, Μουσικόραμα
-Κούλα μ’ ακούς; Πολύ κωλόπαιδο ο Κυριάκος !
-Αναπάντητη κλήση
-Ατρόμητοι στην ΕΡΤ1, λευκώματα με αυτοκολλητάκια, υπέρυθρες στα κινητά
-Pen pal
-Club Αυτοκίνηση στο Μαρούσι
-Maria Magdalena, SANDRA και Fresh , COOL AND THE GANG
-Χαμογελαστοί ντεντέκτιβς, η Βιονική Γυναίκα, Αστυνομικίνα, ο Άγιος, Χαβάη 5-0, Miami Vice, The Dukes, MacGyver, Το αστυνικό τημήμα της Hill Street, Benny Hill Show, Fame, Ιππότης της Ασφάλτου, Δυναστεία, Ντάλλας, Ατίθασα Νιάτα και βέβαια οι Άγγελοι του Τσάρλι!
-Το περιοδικό Metalhammer
-"Μια Φορά και Ένα Καιρό Ήταν ο Άνθρωπος", αγαπημένη σειρά κινουμένων σχεδίων εκπαιδευτικού χαρακτήρα
-Εκπαιδευτική τηλεόραση
-Ο παραμυθάς (Νίκος Πιλάβιος) ήταν η πιο δημοφιλής παιδική εκπομπή της τηλεόρασης από το 1978 έως το 1983. Ήρωάς της ήταν ένας παππούς ο οποίος ήξερε να λέει όμορφες ιστορίες που δεν ήταν άλλες από τις περιπέτειες τις οποίες ζούσε ο ίδιος, κάθε φορά που φορούσε ένα μαγικό γιλέκο.
-Duran Duran
-Μακριά γαιδούρα
-Floppy disc
-Chernobyl 1986
-Τα ισότοπα του Ιωδίου και του Καισίου μαζί με τις μονάδες μέτρησης της ραδιενέργειας
-New kids on the Block
-MSN πριν το Facebook!
-Αυτοσχέδια φυσοκάλαμα από κομμάτια πλαστικού σωλήνα που σουφρώναμε στα γύρω γιαπιά. Στην ιδανική περίπτωση, άγουρες ελιές εν είδει πυρομαχικών.
-Ότι το κινητό δεν είχε ίντερνετ. Αν έπεφτε απο το μπαλκόνι δεν υπήρχε πρόβλημα, συναρμολογούσες τα κομμάτια και όλα καλά! Επίσης το φορτίζαμε μια φορά την εβδομάδα και αν.
-Τις σχολικές ποδιές για τα κορίτσια και τα Γυμνάσια-Λύκεια που χωρίζονταν σε Αρένων και Θηλέων.
-Σχολείο μία εβδομάδα πρωί μία εβδομάδα απόγευμα
-Πολυτονικό σύστημα
-Καράφλιασα, Μας κούφανες, Φρικάρω
-Smells like teen spirit
-Βλέπαμε Κάντυ Κάντυ και Τόλμη και Γοητεία τα καλά τα επεισόδια με την Καρολάιν και το Ριτζ
-Μπανάκι Μανάκι
-Δεν υπήρχαν κινητά. Δεν υπήρχε ίντερνετ. Και ένιωσα πραγματικό ενθουσιασμό όταν μου έφεραν την πρώτη εγκυκλοπαίδεια. Έπρεπε να βρεις την πληροφορία διαβάζοντας.
-Ράδιο – πειρατές
-Στο χωράφι με το κάρο . . .
_Παιχνίδια στο δρόμο, στις αλάνες, στις πλατείες, βόλτες με τα ποδήλατα, μπάλα, κρυφτό, κυνηγητό . . .
-Μπόζο γαριδάκια 🤡
-Τα Hambo
-Ότι έπαιρνα να ζητήσω ραντεβού από μία κοπέλα στο σταθερό και το σήκωνε ο πατέρας της.
-Κέρμα σε τηλέφωνο στο περίπτερο
-Τα πολύωρα party στη Βαρυμπόμπη και στο Αλεποχώρι.
-Σταθερό τηλέφωνο με δίσκο (ενώ βέβαια υπήρχαν τηλέφωνα με κουμπιά). Υπάρχουν βίντεο στο YouTube με παιδιά που αδυνατούν να καταλάβουν πως λειτουργούσε η συσκευή !
-Video Club παντού σε κάθε γειτονιά
-Τα πρώτα Internet café
-Πρόγραμμα σχολείου. Δευτέρα, Τρίτη Τετάρτη πρωί, Πέμπτη Παρασκευή απόγευμα και το ανάποδο, Δευτέρα, Τρίτη Τετάρτη απόγευμα, Πέμπτη Παρασκευή πρωί !
-Αθήνα χωρίς μετρό.
-Ραδιοκασετόφωνο (και κασέτες, φυσικά)
-Jeronimo Groovy (τα βράδια που έπαιρναν τηλέφωνο)
-Citroën DS (βάτραχος)
-Venue! Τίποτα άλλο..
-Τηλεφωνικός θάλαμος του ΟΤΕ με πόρτα ακορντεόν…
-C 50 Honda
-Η κόρη μου ξεφυλλίζοντας οικογενειακά άλμπουμ: Παλιά γιατί εκτυπώνατε όλες τις φωτογραφίες?
-“Κόλλησε η βελόνα”. Έκφραση την οποία χρησιμοποιώ κατά κόρον μέχρι που με ρώτησε η 11χρονη κόρη μου τι εννοώ μ’αυτό
-Δισκάδικα στην πλατεία Κάνιγγος
-"Ο κήπος με τα αγάλματα" είναι το πρώτο παιδικό σίριαλ παραγωγής ΕΡΤ. Από τα δημοφιλέστερα παιδικά προγράμματα της δεκαετίας του '80.
-Αφιερώσεις στο ραδιόφωνο
-Κασέτες, δισκέτες, tamagochi, koosh balls (ή κουσμανία), αυτοί οι αρωματικοί δίσκοι-μπρελόκ από το body shop, αλάνα, φιδάκι στο κινητό, αναπάντητες κλήσεις, πρόσοψη κινητού, ύπνο απ’τις 9 . . .
-Έξι ημέρες σχολείο ( να σχολάς στο εξάωρο Σάββατο στις 19.00 και Δευτέρα να είσαι πρωί ) μέχρι το 1980. Ποδιά και κορδέλα για τα κορίτσια.
-Σταθερό τηλέφωνο εξαψήφιο.
-”Πειρατικά” αυτοκίνητα , αντί για ταξί.
-Χωματόδρομοι στη Νέα Σμύρνη, Νέο Κόσμο, Άγιο Δημήτριο (Μπραχάμι), μέχρι το 1990.
-Μπόλεκ και Λόλεκ!
-Το κλειδί σε πολλά σπίτια ήταν κάτω από το πατάκι. Για τους ιδιαίτερα προσεκτικούς κάτω από τη γλάστρα.
-Ασπρόμαυρη τηλεόραση
-“Ο τσομπανάκος”, στο κλείσιμο του προγράμματος της ΕΡΑ, και κατόπιν, ο Εθνικός Ύμνος
-Τρόικα, Number One, Chicago, Rocket, Marengata, Τρινιτά, Τρελή Πατούσα, πάντοτε φλοκάκια αντί για ρέστα.
-Έχουμε άλλες ασφάλειες 16άρες/25άρες;
-Κουνούπι (το καλαμάκι με τον έλικα)
-Ροζ Πάνθηρας, Επιθεωρητής ΣαΪνης, Ποπάϊ, Γούντι ο Τρυποκάρυδος, Σπορτ Μπίλι, Μάγια η Μέλισσα, Χάϊντι
-Αυτός Αυτή και τα Μυστήρια (Moonlighting), 1985-'89
-The Muppet Show
-The Love Boat, Kojak (Telly Savalas), Hawaii 5-0, Combat, Alf, CHiPs
-Χυμός Ροδάκινου που μοιραζόταν δωρεάν στους μαθητές του Δημοτικού
-Τα περιοδικά Ράδιο-Τηλεόραση, Τρίποντο, 4Τροχοί, Πτήση, Pixel, Ποπ&Ροκ, Ταχυδρόμος, Ένα, Πάνθεον, Φαντάζιο, Επίκαιρα
-Πολυκατάστημα Μινιόν και Κατράντζος Σπορ
-Σοκολατάκα Τζοκόντα
-Ακάκιε τα μακαρόνια να είναι ΜΙΣΚΟ
-Φουντούνια, Πιτσίνια, Δρακουλίνια, Πακοτίνια, Γαριδάκια, Φοφίκο, Tsakiris Chips, Pizza Mexicana, Extra Τυρογαριδάκια, Τι και Τι
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bloodywolfwings · 3 months
Random things I did in the Reality AU
- Gave the main four some odd recessive traits
- Got basically the whole military gang Infected
- Made the Infected (the standard Infected, Newborns are really easy to kill) unnecessarily tough to kill
- Gave standard Infected the ability to look non-infected
- Basically made two different types of Newborns
- Gave Teletubbies a subspecies that's the equivalent to Neanderthals
- Made is so that it's impossible to kill an Infected with the same method that infected them originally (Example: Po can't be suffercated after getting Infected)
- Infected are mindless for a while but then regain who they are after some time. This can range from less then a day to 2 months.
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heyletsgetbuzzed · 1 year
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Hue, hue, hue. I finally finished the main star of Doghouse, which is of course Wally Whelp. He is a four-foot little spaniel who's extremely friendly, energetic and playful to newcomers and the neighbors, much like the breed he's based off of. However, he uses his cuteness and overall doggy demeanor to his advantage- particularly to feed his DogHouse.
I'll get into more lore later once I finish the gang, but I will add a few more things about him. To start, the last name 'Whelp' is actually another name to describe a puppy, which is extremely adorable so I had to. Not to mention, as you can see, he has two sets of teeth that are retractable- which he uses to munch on bones. The only thing he can eat is bones, cartilage from any skeleton in fact, and his mouth also secretes a black tar substance to help break it down easier. I also made his coat rather mismatched, to give him a more plushie look. Doghouse would be a show more tailored to toddlers, kids in daycare or just below the age of five really, similar to Teletubbies in a way. Finally, my last little fact for now since I'll probably do more, his nose lights up when you press it. Because yes.
Hope y'all enjoy my little lore bits and mostly the spaniel himself, and stay tuned for more of The Doghouse Au!
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neodracunyan · 11 months
If Y/n and Mario were in Slendytubbies Book Cover
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This is a book cover of how Y/n and Mario end up in the terrifying world of Slendytubbies along with their buddy, Slenderman as they team up with a white Teletubby wearing a zebra hat named Walten aka The Guardian to find a way to stop a deadly infection that turned the Teletubbies into a bunch of scary monsters called Slendytubbies.
So it looks like the gang is going to have to collect as much Tainted Tubby Custard as possible in order to find a cure to end the infection once and for all as well as stopping the evil villain that caused the whole incident that turned the Teletubbies into monsters.
This story is based on the popular Slenderman style horror game, Slendytubbies and I thought about adding Slenderman to the story to team up with Y/n, Mario and Walten to help them on their adventure in Teletubby Land since Y/n and Mario managed to become friends with him in the SMG4 series.
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bolded squads are ones i still need a picture of
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Raphael (Red), Michelangelo (Orange), Leonardo (Blue), and Donatello (Purple)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Holy Quintet: Kyoko Sakura (Red), Mami Tomoe (Yellow), Sayaka Miki (Blue), Homura Akemi (Purple), and Madoka Kaname (Pink)
Lego Ninjago: The Ninja: Kai (Red), Cole (Black), Zane (White), Jay (Blue), Lloyd (Green), Nya (Grey/Cyan)
Homestuck: Beta Kids: John Egbert - Blue, Rose Lalonde - Purple, Dave Strider - Red, Jade Harley - Green
Animator vs. Animation: Color Gang: Red (Red), The Second Coming (Orange), Yellow (Yellow), Green (Green), and Blue (Blue)
Sanders Sides: Sanders Sides: Logan (Indigo), Roman (Red), Patton (Blue), Virgil (Purple), Janus (Yellow), and Remus (Green)
Red vs Blue: The Reds and The Blues: Sarge (Red), Simmons (Maroon), Grif (Orange), Donut (Pink), Lopez (Brown), Kaikaina (Yellow), Tucker (Teal), Caboose (Blue), Church (Light Blue), Doc (Purple), Washington (Grey), and Carolina (Aqua)
Heathers: The Heathers: Heather Chandler (Red), Heather McNamara (Yellow), Heather Duke (Green), and Veronica Sawyer (Blue)
Hatchetfield: The Lords in Black: Wiggly (Green), Pokey (Blue), Tinky (Yellow), Blinky (Purple), and Nibbly (Pink)
Powerpuff Girls: Powerpuff Girls: Blossom (Red/Pink), Bubbles (Blue), and Buttercup (Green)
Tokyo Mew Mew: Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichigo (Pink), Mint (Blue), Lettuce (Green), Pudding (Yellow), and Zakuro (Purple)
Fresh Precure: Fresh Precure: Peach (Pink), Berry (Blue), Pine (Yellow), and Passion (Red)
Smile Precure: Smile Precure: Happy (Pink), Sunny (Orange), Peace (Yellow), March (Green), and Beauty (Blue)
Mahoutsukai Precure: Mahoutsukai Precure: Miracle (Pink), Magical (Purple), and Felice (Green)
Sailor Moon: Sailor Scouts: Moon (Pink), Mercury (Blue), Mars (Red), Jupiter (Green), and Venus (Orange)
Ducktales: The Triplets: Huey (Red), Dewey (Blue), and Louie (Green)
Power Rangers: Power Rangers: Jason (Red), Zack (Black), Trini (Yellow), Billy (Blue), Kimberly (Pink), and Tommy (Green)
Voltron: Team Voltron: Shiro (Black), Keith (Red), Lance (Blue), Hunk (Yellow), Pidge (Green), Allura (Pink), and Coran (Orange)
RWBY: Team RWBY: Ruby Rose (Red), Weiss Schnee (White), Blake Belladonna (Black), and Yang Xiao Long (Yellow)
Amphibia: Calamity Trio: Sasha (Red), Marcy (Green), and Anne (Blue)
Sonic The Hedgehog: Team Sonic: Sonic (Blue), Knuckles (Red), and Tails (Yellow)
Healin’ Good Precure: Healin’ Good Precure: Grace (Pink), Fontaine (Blue), Sparkle (Yellow), and Earth (Purple)
Kuroko No Basuke: Generation of Miracles: Kise (Yellow), Midorima (Green), Aomine (Blue), Murasakibara (Purple), Akashi (Red), and Kuroko (Light Blue)
Kagerou Project: Mekakushi Dan: Kido (Purple), Seto (Green), Kano (Black), Mary (Pink), Momo (Orange), Ene (Blue), Shintaro (Red), Hibiya (Light Blue), Konoha (Yellow), Hiyori (Pink), Ayano (Red)
Ensemble Stars: Ryuseitai: Chiaki Morisawa (Red), Kanata Shinkai (Blue), Tetora Nagumo (Black), Shinobu Sengoku (Yellow), Midori Takamine (Green)
Clue: Suspects: Mrs. White (White), Mr. Green (Green), Mrs Peacock (Blue), Professor Plum (Purple), Miss Scarlet (Red), and Colonel Mustard (Orange)
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated: Daphne (Purple), Shaggy (Green), Fred (Blue), Velma (Orange), Scooby (Brown)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin (Red), Simon (Blue), and Theodore (Green)
Inside Out: Riley’s Emotions: Joy (Yellow), Sadness (Blue), Disgust (Green), Anger (Red), and Fear (Purple)
Strawberry Shortcake: Strawberry Shortcake & Friends: Strawberry Shortcake (Red), Lemon Meringue (Yellow), Orange Blossom (Orange), Raspberry Torte (Pink), Plum Pudding (Purple), and Blueberry Muffin (Blue)
Disney Fairies: Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell (Green), Silvermist (Blue), Iridessa (Yellow), Rosetta (Pink), Fawn (Orange), and Vidia (Purple)
Teletubbies: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky (Purple), Dipsy (Green), Laa Laa (Yellow), and Po (Red)
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