#this post brought to you by sleep deprivation gang
superbeans89 · 1 year
Tangled would’ve hit different if Rapunzel could heal Flynn by stuffing his face in her armpit
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animazi · 3 months
icl i fundamentally disagree with the 'oh the acolyte shows anakin could have left the order anyway actually so he's so much worse bc he had an easy way out the whole time' discussions I've been seeing, because, like. literally why is this even a topic of discussion? ok ok hang with me here, I'm doing a list.
there is literally nothing in the prequels that suggests this is ever an option for him. up until shmi's death he is happy with the order - most of the problems he expresses come specifically from his relationship with obi-wan not the jedi generally, so why would he want to leave. once shmi dies, sure I getcha. his mum died and the jedi have a significant hand in that, and then he immediately breaks the code and does a massacre. however, and some may have missed this, its a fairly small plot point, the clone wars begin. anakin is not only never characterised as the sort of guy who would back out of this conflict (esp since he was involved from the get go), but also there is literally no time between anything - aotc and rots take place over such short time spans, comparatively; we see quite literally All the events happening at once.
so why doesn't he quit in tcw/rots? again. there is a war on and he is directly involved. tcw shows him as having made personal connections with the clones, and if there's one thing about anakin that everyone should be able to agree on its that he sure has attachments. also, again, rots takes place over such a short span of time and he is fairly clearly not in the best place in like fucking any of it
it probably wouldn't even fix anything bro. anakin is not the central turning point of the war, not really. that's palpatine. with or without anakin palpatine still gets the war, and realistically if anakin leaves the order then war breaks out, he is going to turn to palpatine as one of the only people he is close to, and ergo probably falls anyway. maybe he doesn't kill the younglings but like. shit still happens, jedi still get order 66'd
No Please Understand One Busy And Isolated Woman Is Not A Full Support Network Stop It. ok so. padme isolation is something that I fully see in the films. I will not yap on about that now, but take it as read for this point (although. even if she has a great and healthy support network that is not the issue! you are still saying that padme, who has a very busy job and her own life regardless, should functionally drop everything to support anakin). a key part of support networks is that they are a network aka not one woman. look me dead in the eyes and think anakin and obi-wan (already not having a great communicative relationship) are still talking after he leaves. go on. try. realistically speaking once the war starts anakin is in an, if anything, worse position - his fatherbrothermentor is out there fighting and he cannot help, his wife is barely home, the senate is always busy, and he is so so jobless (again. here is where palpatine would swoop in...bro cannot win fr fr). and Again, One (1) Padme Should Not Be Responsible For Dealing With The Entirely Of Anakin's Issues. stop it.
I don't actually have a full point 5 rn I just like it when the numbers do this :3
so bonus not-quite point: tcw and the acolyte both explicitly say the jedi don't prep you for the outside world if you leave the order, transferable skills etc etc BUT ALSO does your ex-jedi have any records of employment? any space gcses or a-levels or space degrees? a letter of recommendation? are they actually skilled enough in say mechanics/engineering to be able to survive in a world where droids exist and clearly have a huge presence in those sectors? any any money to help them get a flat or smth (not applicable in anakin's case but worth saying anyway)?
in short. I don't think it's a fair point to make when criticising anakin. it relies on a really weird reading of the prequels that misses a) the war, b) palpatine, c) the inherent misogyny of putting the wellbeing of anakin, guy who is hanging on the same thread as my sanity after exam week, entirely in the hands of one woman, d) the lack of regard for how support networks are, in fact, networks, e) how fast everything happens in the prequels
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womaninwinter · 5 months
The voice that says “hey if you stay up just half an hour longer, you can totally finish that story” at 22.30, that’s the voice of the devil for sure
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catastrophic-crow · 9 months
you just don't get it,, do youuu? i AM the EEBIE-DEEBIEST
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freakattack · 11 months
I kind of hate thinking about this but i do it anyways. In any case something that really sucks about orbulon's general situation is that it must really suck to be acutely aware of how fast time runs out on earth but to not be able to be awake for more than ~40% of it
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shantechni · 1 year
"2012 Mikey is Abused" and other constant complaints that, quite frankly, don't make sense
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Since one Reddit user (who shall remain anonymous) inadvertently made me type out an essay I intended to write and post in a more coherent manner at a later date, I will be using their comment and my response.
Anyways, the comment itself starts off fairly normal and agreeable:
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But then I see the next three points and my sleep-deprived mind just goes off the rails, so let's start with the second point:
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Let me preface this by saying I absolutely do not condone the writing here because everyone under the sun will agree that we could've easily had the "Karai is our sister!?" plot twist without Leo and Karai briefly developing feelings for each other.
The problem is that this brief development of feelings is wildly blown out of proportion by the fandom, so much so that it makes it seem as though Leo and Karai actually had anything legitimate going on between them.
The "incest-eqsue garbage" between Leo and Karai is almost nonexistent outside of the writing room. They openly crush on each other for a whopping six episodes by way of verbally teasing each other and being at odds before Karai tells Leo that she's the Shredder's daughter. That's it. He is not pursuing her after that (hardly ever did, not even to the extent that Donnie pursues April) and Karai isn't remotely fond of him anymore after he broke their deal. Then, after we find out alongside Splinter that she's actually his daughter, he tells Leo towards the end of Follow the Leader. We don't get a reaction, actually nothing on Leo's side since the Foot Clan is mostly absent with April being the main point of conflict, even in Target: April O'Neil because April's forgiveness of the turtles is the main focus.
Leo eventually attempts to tell Karai the truth in Wormquake! and The Manhattan Project and she obviously doesn't believe the poor guy, she just wants to kill the turtles and Splinter at this point. Leo doesn't tell her because "he still likes her", but because, in his own words, it would change everything. She deserves to know the truth and Splinter shouldn't have his own daughter cursing him at every waking moment. When she tricks the gang into bringing her to the lair under the guise of her finally accepting the truth, Leo is ecstatic and his first thought is for her and Splinter to make amends. He's upset that Raph still can't fully trust her in the end when she fought alongside them (who can blame Raph though, he's cradling an unconscious brother after a plan gone awry), and that's the end of that.
They dedicate two episodes to the guys attempting to rescue her because Leo has enough brain cells to worry about what the Shredder could be doing with her, and Raph makes a jab at Leo on one instance when they find her (there is absolutely no romantic undertone, Raph just picks at his old crush on her and their tendency to tease each other at the worst times). Then, when she wants to get back at the Shredder for ripping her away from a life she never knew was her's, Leo attempts to aid her because he knows it isn't wise to face someone like that alone, especially with his henchmen there.
There's one last self-aware jab at their past feelings in S5, of which Karai awkwardly remembers and forgoes mentioning, and that's the last you see or hear of that.
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As much as I dislike it, I'd take this narrative over the Donnie-April-Casey hurricane any day.
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It seems that 2012 Mikey's mere existence is a sore spot for fans because Jesus Christ this gets brought up way too much.
Mikey is not written as a complete idiot, he's written as someone who doesn't see a reason to take everything so seriously, has odd habits, and doesn't always think things through, yet is shown to be highly capable and intelligent when the situation calls for it. Yes the writers left much to be desired at times, but to say they wrote him to be a "complete idiot" and left it at that is just offensive. I'll ignore all the miraculous things Mikey can do with Kraang stuff and Dimension X and focus on what other things he's shown to be capable of.
Mikey was a temporary learning model for Donnie in how to fight without thinking, or in better terms, how to fight instinctually without becoming bogged down by your own mind. Splinter's lesson is shown in a comedic manner, but that's ultimately what helped Donnie defeat Falco.
Another interesting thing is his ability to keep his composure when no one else around him can do so. I mentioned this briefly in another post, but it really stands out to me how he put Leo at the top of his priority list in Invasion Part 2. He's as worried for Splinter as Raph and Donnie are, but they have with them a crippled and unconcious Leo who needs medical attention asap, compared to martial arts master Splinter who's older and wiser than the three of them combined at times. Even when they eventually find Splinter and lose him, he keeps the gang in line by reminding them, as well as himself, that Splinter can take care of himself.
Along with that is when Splinter was kidnapped in The Manhattan Project. Mikey was quick to intervene when Raph was angry with Leo for allowing Tiger Claw to coax him into calling Splinter, and he reminded the two of the problem at hand: they have Splinter, let's go find him and take him back. There are so many other moments when he becomes the levelheaded one in response to the chaos or disorder surrounding him.
Mikey is a highly skilled fighter, he's emotionally intelligent, he remembers the weirdest things that eventually aid the team, he's street smart, he's a fast learner (ex: Bradford's secret kata, as well as the temporary use of the plasma katana in Target: April O'Neil), he's great at distracting enemies without needing to become bait, he gets insecure about things, he has photographic memory, he's the most outgoing of his brothers and therefore ends up with the most friends, he's quick to adapt to a situation and think of a plan, he can throw together seemingly random ingredients to create exactly what Donnie would struggle to create, he knew exactly what to do to find Casey after his run-in with Tiger Claw, the list goes on.
Heck, just to add to this, Mikey is the one who saves the day in three separate stories in S5. 1) His temporary electric powers save the world from Dregg and the Newtralizer, 2) he convinced Frankenstein's monster to join their side, retrieved the scepter from Savanti and Dracula (he accidentally broke the scepter while he was at it, but that helped) and cured Raph and Donnie of their vampirism, and 3) he was the one who repaired Kavaxas' seal and made him reopen the portal to the Netherworld so the dead could return.
The brothers don't always take him as seriously as they should or listen to him, and that's understandable at times, but when they do, they're reminded of the fact that Mikey, in his own way, is intelligent.
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If I had a dime for every comment I've seen about this, I'd be rich enough to buy the TMNT series from Viacom and right every wrong they made with the 2012 series.
These abuse allegations are as bad as people putting Markiplier in the same tweet as problematic Youtubers and saying something wild like, "these content creators should've been cancelled a long time ago." I feel like people who say the brothers abuse Mikey are either an only child or genuinely have a warped sense for what actually counts as abuse, and I'm not even trying to be mean, those are just my thoughts. I shouldn't even have to comment on this, but the fact that people are still seriously believing that to this day is shocking.
Would you also like to say that Raph was abused in Turtle Temper when Splinter had the boys ceaselessly taunt him in that little exercise? Or that the boys abused Raph everytime they downplayed his anger? Or that Raph abused Donnie by threatening to hit him if he didn't find Snakeweed's hideout? Or that Leo abused Donnie everytime he stressed him out by rushing him for answers? Or that Donnie abused Mikey because Mikey flinched 2cm to the right when Donnie raised his hand to playfully knock at his noggin? Or that Leo was abused by the team because they took forever to view him as their leader? Or that Splinter abused the boys because he was "too rough" on them during training?? Or that April abused Donnie because she "constantly led him on"? Or that Xever and Bradford abused Baxter???
I'm losing my mind over here
Mikey is never physically or emotionally abused by his brothers, the show speaks for itself. But if you somehow aren't listening, go look up a textbook example of abuse, or better yet, look at Karai.
Abuse is the Shredder locking Karai in a dungeon when she tries to escape to her real family and going so far to become a peak manipulator by saying Karai was hurting him by making him lock her away. Worse than that, he starts brainwashing her with mind controlling worms so she has no choice but to obey him. Even before then, he's lowkey uncaring of her wellbeing: he treats her like any other soldier of his and doesn't listen to her when she tries to tell him something. He doesn't address her concerns about the Foot bots nearly finishing her off, instead telling her, "disobedience comes with a stiff penalty, especially for my daughter," when she objects to him telling her not to take action against the turtles while he's gone.
He only ever pays her any attention or gives her praise when it benefits him and his vendetta against Splinter.
Splinter and the turtles are the farthest thing from the image of a family filled with abusers. Raph openly apologizes to Mikey when Splinter tells him to stop picking at him in Shellacne, Raph comforts Donnie when the brainiac is somber after forcing Timothy into the equivalent of a cold sleep, Raph apologizes when his anger gets the better of him and he hits Leo harder than intended, Donnie apologizes when he realizes he shouldn't insult Raph when the guy is visibly upset, Leo regrets doubting Donnie about Metalhead, etc., etc.
Even beyond apologies, Raph is the quickest to entertain Mikey and vice versa during a mundane moment, Donnie never kicks Mikey out of the lab, Leo plays around with Mikey when the situation doesn't call for him to be their fearless leader, and Splinter is quick to advise Mikey during Karai's Vendetta and Shellacne. There are even times when the guys just go along with Mikey's antics because there's no harm in doing so, and often times Mikey needs a moment to be silly.
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If you think play fighting, teasing, or getting a little physical with a sibling is the equivalent of abuse, particularly in the context of TMNT of all things, you need to do some re-evaluation.
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darkniters · 1 month
i wrote this in 2021 for cscoop but i will replace coopers name with schlatts. enjoy!
"very sorry about having to delay the video again! i'm working really really hard on it, just give me some extra time, and i'll have it up by next week!"
... i feel bad for lying to the fans, but what am i supposed to say in a situation like this. 'oh sorry loyal viewers of the y/c/n youtube channel, ive been a bit busy having a child.'
i hadn't told anyone about her, and i wasn't really planning on it until she was old enough to conveniently walk into my recording studio. i made a really bad decision months ago when i decided to fuck a dude i didn't know, but the outcome was truly someone beautiful.
i sighed and decided that i should maybe try get a video out by next week, so i get off my ass and head to my recording room. however, before i do so i go to my own room to check on my little girl.
she's sleeping peacefully in the dimly lit room, nothing but her soft breathing being heard. i smile, not in a million years would i expect this to happen. when i found out i was pregnant i was mortified, i told nobody, i still haven't, what will they think of me if they found out i just fucked a random dude? i'd be slaughtered for sure. however, when i first lay eyes on her, i knew that she deserved all the love in the world, for she was perfect.
instead of staring at my child for the next hour i decide to finally get out of the room and work on the video i promised. it was already recorded, just editing to do, so the fun parts already over with. instead of wearing headphones, i let the sound come straight from my speakers, with my pc turned down extremely low, just to not disturb my daughters slumber.
the videos not too hard to edit, just a gameplay of castle crashers with the sleep deprived gang. the memories of the recording session rushed back as i was editing, a smile was brought to my face.
"go dude get his ass!' i yell into my mic.
'you're fuckin alive too y/n, help me out here!' schlatt responds 'besides, you were all talk earlier, what was that you said 'ougghhh i'm sooo good at castle crashers i finished all of it on the original xbox, you guys wont get any opportunity to shine.'
the rest of the group laugh as schlatt teases. mika ended up getting the final kill on the boss.
'god, you two tease SO much, why dont you two just fuck already?' mika joked. the group laughed once more, however, i was left thinking... is this really what everyone else thinks? do they know im pregnant? oh god...
'you good y/n? shit was a joke please dont think too much about it. i dont wanna get too many thoughts into your head.' mika interrupts your thought process.
'dont worry moka, i was just thinkin of a good response, since schlatts mouth is a little too full at the moment.' i smile, leading up to a bit, hoping schlatt gets where i'm trying to go with it. i never actually thought of cooper as such, however, the idea was intriguing... i wouldn't say no if he ever asked me out... and with this little dude on the way, itd be a good help.
'my mouths too full? what the fucks that supposed to mean?' schlatt quizzes, surprisingly he doesn't know what i'm leading up to. thats not like jschlatt...
'your mouths filled up with deez nuts dog, jesus christ' you giggle, schlatt groans in response, a bang on his desk being heard over the discord call. once again the other members in the call erupted into laughter.
'how'd you miss that coming, schlatt! i saw that shit from 300 miles away!' aztro struggles to say, her voice filled with laughter.
'surley.' mika simply says.
'look shut up, i'm a bit stup- oH SHIT WATCH YOUR ASSES WE HAVENT SAVED' schlatt yells out, but it's a little bit too late, as each knights health runs to 0.
the video was edited in the span of 3 hours, and with regular checks on the wee doll, everything was going fine.
you let your subscribers know that the video was done and ready to be uploaded with a tweet and youtube community post.
'hey dudes! the videos all ready to upload! see you guys again next week!'
as soon as i posted, likes and quote retweets were flying in. the people in the replies were ecstatic, and all of the dudes were dropping 'welcome backs :D' in the comments.
however, when i saw the response from schlatt, i swear my smile beamed more.
'welcome back fuckhead, we hangin later, yea? awesome, i'll be an hour ;)'
though my smile didn't last, for i looked down to see my daughter in my arms. oh. fuck.
what's schlatt gonna say when he sees you?!
hes gonna think im a whore! oh fuck my friendships gone hes gonna tell everyone, and im just getting feelings for him and everythings goin- woah hold on.
. . .
it sounds so right to say that?
i have feelings... for johnathan jschlatt...
i have feelings for johnathan jschlatt...
i have FEELINGS for JOHNATH okay we get it.
there's definitely a blush on my face, but i gotta put this newly discovered truth to the side, cause this silly little goobers here. what do i do?! i cant just stuff her into a closet! my plans foiled!
this panic ensures for an hour, until that dreadful moment where theres a knock on the door.
i put her back into my bedroom, hoping that theres a chance that maybe she'll sleep again?
and walk back down the hall...
to the front door...
and slowly pull the handle...
to reveal...
schlatt, of course, who else was i expecting.
"schlatty!" i exclaim, pulling him into a tight hug.
"ey, whats up y/n," schlatt responds, return the hug, placing his head atop of mine. "you've been offline for a bit and wanted to see if everythings good. i hope you don't mind me suddenly coming over." he chuckles.
i smile in relief, hes so chill all the time. "don't worry, i've just been a bit.. pre-occupied, i'm perfect as usual dude." i close the door after schlatt, and we both walk into the living room.
theres no shortage of conversations, johnathan talks about how him, mika and pandah recently had a massive clear out, and he found an old glow in the dark ring i won for him in an arcade years ago.
"'we're only 20 points away from being able to get anything from the prize counter, come on john, lets play some easy mini games!' a 18 year old y/n replays in your mind.
'you want to get something so bad get your own points... i'll keep watch though cause i know you too well, y/n.' johnathan responds. 'besides, you wouldn't want me to miss if you got something huge, right?'
i stick my tongue out, preparing to spin a wheel with numerous numbers of points on them. it finally lands on 100 points, which definitely isn't the most but it's not the lowest amount either.
'YOOOOO!' you yell in unison, claiming your points.
as we arrive at the counter, i see this glow in the dark ring and decide 'john will hate me for this'
so i purchased it, and jokingly proposed to johnathan. to my surprise, he said yes, and wore it back to his house, his parents question it, i remember. they've been very keen on johnathan and i getting together, ever since we were younger. too bad my plans changed...
as we both kept reminiscing of the past and our food arrived, everything was going quite well. she was silent for majority of the time schlatt was in my home, which is really lucky.
we would occasionally go silent, and during that time i would scan johnathans face. he'd catch me starting from time, and he'd stare at me with forced wider eyes. we'd laugh at this.
unfortunately the moment was ruined, for a small, frail cry could be heard down the hall. at this moment i could feel my soul leave my body FUCK
"dude..." johnathan begins hesitantly. he looks extremely confused. "you.. you fuckin... child dlc?"
you both laugh at the comment, however he still looks lost. the kids probably best not to be left crying, so i head to the room to bring her down the hall. i come back, and his face shows a bit more understanding.
"woah." he gawks. his head relaxing on his shoulders and his muscles un-tensing. a smile is brought to my face.
at this point the small wails from the girl has stopped, her tiny frame in your arms as you sit down next to johnathan, a little closer than last.
"shes my little dude! sorry i didnt really say anything... i didnt want anyone to know, especially the youtube dudes..." at the end i trail off, thinking how stupid that sounds. these guys are some of my closest friends, why would they judge me for something like this?
one of his arms wrap around my shoulder and the other wraps around the little girl in my arms. theres a tranquil smile on his face, as he looks down at her.
"why'd you think hiding something this cool was good idea, y/n? look at her! she's awesome, i'm sure the dudes will love her!" he laughs. he leans his head against mine, and my face grows warm. "still surprised you 'got some' though, yknow what im sayin?" you can feel a faint smile tug your lips.
schlatts finger runs down the childs arm softly, and ends at her hand. he stopped and stared as her tiny fingers gripped around his finger. truth be told, he was astatic that his long time friend had a child. he was so happy to see his friend happy, and to have her here in his arms, and her daughter made everything better.
he loved you.
he kept staring at the little girl in my arms, his eyes unmoving, but there were another set of eyes that were unmoving.
my eyes kept on schlatts face, a dazed smile plastered on both of our faces. unnoticed, i put my hand over johnathans which rested on my shoulder.
his eyes move to look at mine, a shimmer in his eyes as his pupils grow. i study his face, his pasty physique now grazed with a soft pink, and his lips slightly parted. his eyes seem to be doing the same as yours.
his hands turning around to grasp mine, and just now am i noticing how silent the room is, all that is heard is the breathing from the three of us. a nervous smile once again graces my lips, leaning my back into johnathan a little more.
after a couple of more seconds of decision on wether or not this is what we should be doing, our mouths finally meet.
it was a very quick kiss, but we take no time at all to go back for a second, then a third.
and then a fourth.
once finished, we both smiled and looked down, both of our faces a rose like color. johnathans hands still caught by the girl in my arms, and my own.
"i could get used to this." johnathan says after some time, his head leaning into mine. all three of us falling asleep on one another. i hum in response, with a small chuckle coming through. i turn my head and give him another kiss on the cheek, and as i do it his cheeks turn red again. some of his brown hair falls down closer to his face as he looks at me again, simply to return the favor.
his lips are slightly chapped, but still feel soft and perfect against yours, he parts first, feeling his finger finally being let go. she had fallen asleep.
"my fingers sweaty... euch" he whispers, making a grossed out noise at the end. he leaned back into you. "love you."
i feel hot again.
"love you too johnathan."
this story was better when it wasnt jschlatt dont care hope you enjoyed
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a-tale-never-told · 10 months
Nagito's Investigations
Hope's Peak Nurse's office, September 11, 2012, 11:30am.
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How's she doing, Tsumiki. Is she going to be alright?
*The rest of the gang were gathered around the bed, where Chiaki is currently lying in the hospital bed, completely motionless and her body covered by a white blanket, with her head being the exception. Nagito, in all of this, slowly takes the file out of his jacket*
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Oh, um... H-her vital signs are normal, as she's B-breathing normally. H-However, I f-fear that she will have to s-sleep the whole day just to get some r-rest from all of that sleep deprivation she has.
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I understand. Thanks for keeping me posted. Let me know when she wakes up, okay?
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Okay, Nagito. We brought Chiaki to the bed in order to help her recover, just like you asked. And now it's time to tell us the truth: What's in the file and how did you even find it in the first place?
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Ah, the file? Very well, then. I guess I could tell you everything that I know since you did uphold your end of the deal, and I figured you needed to know anyway about this. So it all started when I was on my way to find the prescribed medicine Hanamura requested. It was about this time that I was already on the Fourth Floor of the academy, on my little detour...
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*As Komaeda starts walking down the hallways of the Fourth floor, he starts to whistle Jingle Bells while closing his eyes, albeit opening one to see clearly, he stops in the front of the hallway, seeing an entrance to the office of the Headmaster of Hope's Peak. Curious, he opens his eyes and stops whistling to open the door, only to find it locked.*
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Locked... I should've guessed that our beloved headmaster wouldn't be so idiotic as to leave the front entrance open to any would-be intruders.
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Luckily for me, I have this valuable object with me at all times! *takes out a makeshift lockpick made out of recycled metal * Now then! Time to work.
*Once he takes out the pick, he starts to put it in the keyhole and starts to pick at it hard. Eventually, the lock is opened and Nagito calmly opens the door to head inside the now-empty office. Inside the office is a desk that is currently empty on the front, except for one photo of the headmaster holding an infant white-haired girl in his arms, smiling. Komaeda, taking a quick glance at the picture, ignores it and heads to the front desk, where he proceeds to open the drawer, containing a photo of the girl, now aged up to be 12 years old, a few coins, and pens, and of course, a folder holding a paper inside of it. Seeing it, Komaeda grabs the folder and starts to open it*
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Alright Headmaster Kirigiri, let us inspect and see what you are trying to hide in-
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*Upon looking at the file, Komaeda reels his head back in shock, amazed as to what he found in the folder. Blinking his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, he saw a picture of a familiar brown-haired teen with a stoic yet annoyed expression and a familiar name from before. Inside the file are his name, date of birth, hobbies, interests, parent's names, and the most important thing to Komaeda, his status in the school and biography*
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Well, I certainly was not expecting this! Haha! Now, let's just see who you truly are behind that exterior of yours, Hajime Hinata...
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So when I opened the file, I could've never believed that I would even see this man again. Curious, I decided to investigate it more to see what I could find about Hinata and what he is, and what I found was... truly something that invoked my ire deeply.
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Do you all remember the assignment that Miss Yukizome gave us a while back last week? Just before the academy was closed due to the murder of Mr Simmons?
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Yeah, it was something about that we had to do a presentation of an important topic or event that happened in history, and that we would present it in class. We would use all available resources to complete the assignment, and we had to submit it by the end of the week.
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Correct! Whilst everyone else was studying with the textbooks from the school, I decided to head for a more alternative solution. So I simply called Fuyuhiko and asked him to drop me off at the Kyoto National Library, so I could get my research from the history books for the assignment. As I was approaching the history section of the library, I came across this strange fellow in front of me in the same section and area as I, sitting down at a desk, inspecting a book that he had with him.
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Curious, I went to check up on him, and from there, the conversation started. He simply told me his name, and how he dreamed of going to Hope's Peak Academy, which I can genuinely see why considering that we both wanted to be accepted into Hope's Peak and become a part of some significant event. However, I did not have a lot of time to talk to him as I shortly afterward grabbed all of my books and left the library.
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Y'know, I wanted to give Hinata the benefit of the doubt, considering that I had my suspicions about him being in the talentless filth that is the Reserve Course, as well as considering the simple factor that he seemed absolutely genuine about being accepted into Hope's Peak, which is rather the exact same feelings I possessed back then during my first time at Hope's Peak. But after analyzing the contents of the file and reading every single piece of dialogue, my perception of him has significantly changed and I finally now know the truth about him.
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The sheer, unmitigated truth is that Hajime Hinata is nothing more than worthless talentless trash and simply isn't even worthy of being an Ultimate! He is a liar and manipulates people just so he can advance his own position at the top and is insignificant compared to the talented people, the ones who truly contribute to society and spread true hope!
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There are two kinds of people in this world that are definitive in life, based on their status in this despair-ridden world: Those who are talented, as those who are with talent, don't just become talented, they are simply born into that lifestyle of abilities and glamour, and then there are people who are worthless to society, the ordinary people that do not possess talent, and contribute nothing to humanity's advancement. Those who try to succeed with effort and time are nothing more than worthless trash, and no matter how hard they try to succeed, it will all be worthless in the end, as they cannot be compared to someone who was born into success and has the capabilities and abilities that are far superior to any lowly, ordinary human.
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Hinata is one of those ordinary people, except actually far more than all of them worse as not only is he a talentless piece of trash, but also wants to spend time with the Ultimates simply to suck up and feel happy and secure about himself. Everything about his motivations and reasons for going to Hope's Peak is nothing more than worthless garbage, as he simply does not put in the work to actually achieve or strive for success, he simply complains about how he has no talent and that he is incapable about his skills as a talentless individual in this society, instead of actually trying to change that.
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I completely understand that I am nothing more than self-righteous, hypocritical trash who rants about hope, but at least I worked to get where I am today! Sure, I had my luck to back me up, but the majority of the time, I tried to control and gain some reign over my talents as an Ultimate and actually contribute and give something noteworthy and valuable to this academy, despite my personal issues. But as for this worthless, talentless, insecure loser, all he ever contributes to society is just constantly whining about his lack of talent and trying to be somebody, but failing miserably in the process. And what makes this man so pathetic and miserable to look at is the fact that he didn't even pay for his own tuition fee for Hope's Peak, but rather his own parents paid for him instead.
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How tremendously and utterly embarrassing is that?! To have your own parents basically, pay your tuition fee to enter you into Hope's Peak Academy? In the end, he never ended up in the Main course as he dreamed of, but rather alongside the other worthless, talentless trash in the Reserve Course, so all of his parent's hard work and effort simply translated into failure. I honestly feel ashamed for his parents, to give birth to a talentless, worthless son who contributes and does nothing of valuable use for this society and try to enroll him at Hope's Peak, only for him to belong in the talentless, bigoted place that he deserves to be in.
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But the main significant issue with this entire complaint about Hinata being a part of this academy, which infuriates me to no end, is the fact that he is so valued and apparently important to this school, despite doing nothing, that his file is in the Headmaster's office, instead of the staff room like everyone else. Why? Out of all the talented and well-renowned individuals in this academy, ranging from people like the Ultimate Princess to the Ultimate Blacksmith, and even the Ultimate Chef, why is a talentless waste of air even being recognized by one of the most famous and most popular men in the Japanese education system?! This worthless human being hasn't even shown himself to be considerably anywhere near valuable or noteworthy to even be worthy of the headmaster's presence, let alone even have his file in his office!.
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The main point of this entire conversation is that Hajime Hinata is a worthless, self-egotistical, talentless piece of trash and that's all he'll ever be! No, worse than trash, because at least trash has some value to be found underneath all of that lack of talent, while this degenerate piece of scum contributes absolutely nothing to society and only reaps the benefits! He contributes nothing! He serves no purpose in life and in Hope's Peak Academy! He does absolutely nothing of value or of grateful use! He is NOTHING!! HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE AN ULTIMATE!! HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE A PART OF THE MAIN COURSE!! AND HE CERTAINLY DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE A PART OF THIS TALENTED ACADEMY!!!
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*Pants* *Pants* *Pants* F-Forgive me for that unnecessary display of violent rage and anger, everyone. I do not wish to cause you all harm as a result of my crusade to eliminate despair. But I absolutely cannot stand someone like him disrupting the balance between the Ultimates and the rest of society. And I will make sure he's out of this academy and back to his home where he belongs...
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msgrandpre · 2 years
The NEXT Conference
I started working on this on 11/08/2022 Tuesday.
Hello, everyone. This short story will be the sequel to this one below.
also, look at this.
I hope you enjoyed these, too.
As of today, 11/08/2022, I'm still suffering sleep deprivation from over a week's worth of lack of adequate sleep. I slept for about 7 hours last night. The previous nights, I got very little sleep. That's not going to stop me from writing. If my writing is bad today, it can always be improved & edited at a later date. Thanks for reading, & thanks for the support.
Consider this YouTube video for reference. PLEASE watch it!
Mind Control Made Easy. Become a cult leader today.
Timberwood: Short Stories Edition - Vol. 26
Ever since some of the former Timberwood cult members found out the truth, they've been doing whatever they could, to defy the cult. The cult wanted everyone to believe that they're in it for life, & that there's no escape. Some people didn't have a say-so in refusing to join. Unfortunately, they were abused, bullied & coerced to join. Some were brought up in it as babies & children. Born into it.
Kristina was trying to let everyone know that yes, there IS a way out. That the cult just wants to trap you in order to set you up to go to hell when you die. The cult brainwashes their members to believe that being sex trafficked for money & being physically pretty is their earthly "salvation". But the members don't realize that until after they've awakened from their MK Ultra mind control trance.
Some additional members left Timberwood, after rejecting the truth for over a decade. Mr. Earl Price, Sr. had an idea for a Counter Conference. That is, a conference that defies the fake Timberwood cult traditions. He regrets rejecting the truth for so long, & is finally ready to come into his acceptance. He even renounced his freemasonry membership. He urged his family members to leave. His son, Earl, Jr. ("Kurl" AKA Kurlicious) was already out of the cult & suffering as a homeless targeted individual, right along with his best friend, Carlos Sanchez. Kristina warned everyone to EXPECT to be surveilled, sabotaged & gang stalked for leaving the cult.
[Author's Note: Even in the 1st "conference" short story, some of the members who were present in the cult at that moment defied the rules, but had to pay DEARLY for it!]
1 of Mr. Earl's nieces, Trenise, teamed up with Jessica to help me, Nola Bordelon, to get my own hotel room, by myself. This time, it was in the Winter. We settled with going to stay at a ski resort in Colorado. It was just before the so-called "Christmas" holidays.
Taschika was jokingly telling her sister, Kristina, "Hey, activity planner! Let's whip up an itinerary."
After that, everyone joked & laughed about how Kristina's supposed "role" or "job title" in the cult was the "Activity Coordinator", but she never really got to plan or coordinate any leisure activities because she was so busy trying to fight against being sex trafficked & trying to get out of that trapped maze of being a cult sex slave. When she was in Timberwood, all of her plans were unsuccessful because of sabotage. It was all orchestrated & planned. She was tricked into thinking that she was going to get a job as an Activity Coordinator, since she has a Master's degree in psychology & also a Master's in Mathematics & Applied Engineering. Now, here's her chance to be the Activity Coordinator AWAY FROM Timberwood. Yep. Remember those Fruit Fest events?
Mr. Earl's nephew, Kendall & also his niece, Trenise, joined in & helped Kristina plan this trip out. The trip was like a 2-week long retreat with post-cult support group meetings 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. We gave ourselves the weekends off, for leisure activities. Timberwood didn't like what we were doing, so they planted fake "agents" who pretended like they wanted out, as usual. But they weren't successful in their plans to destroy us.
Each 2-hour meeting day was a different topic. Sometimes, there was even that open talk "venting". Everyone surely missed Mr. Tharen, Sr. hosting the meetings. They would wonder up what would things be like, if he wasn't murdered off for attempting to self-publish his tell-all book on how the Timberwood cult ruined his family. Instead, his baby brother, Mr. Tim (the youngest) took his place & started hosting all the meetings. The former Timberwood cult members wonder whether or not Mr. Tim will write his own version of a tell-all book, exposing the cult. Mr. Tim would also be risking his life. He's already risking his life, hosting the meetings.
Mr. Earl, Sr. felt deep sorrow for his mistakes & his wrongs. He had enough money to treat & house everyone who wanted to come & learn the truth. He supplied the finances, while Kristina, her husband, Tharen, Jr. & also Trenise & her brother Kendall helped plan out the trip.
Kendall rented out 5 charter buses for everyone, to take us wherever we wanted. We mostly stayed at Vail Ski Resort. Mr. Earl, Sr. paid for everyone's hotel rooms, while a guy, named Chancey, paid for everyone's food & excess spending. We did a little bit of shopping & got a few souvenirs, but not too much, because we learned the truth about materialism & consumerism. Trying not to be covetous.
Trenise's nephew, Tremarcus, whom they call "Spidey-Cat", is her sister, Tracie's son. Spidey-Cat, along with Mrs. Jacqueline Smith's son, Jacob, teamed up with Tracie's new boyfriend, Freddy (Kristina's childhood friend), Jamaal & the Latin Boys, as well as me, to go around different neighborhoods in Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah and Wyoming to go pass out flyers (gospel tracts) that warn people against joining cults, while simultaneously sharing & spreading the Gospel & educating people about Timberwood. We did 1 state a day, for 4 days, each week. 3 days off. Lol! Mrs. Jackie was the van driver. She didn't mind. She loved it.
Some former Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Scientologists & other former cult members from other cult groups joined us on our retreat, as the days went by. Even a few Hollywood celebrities. That made Timberwood even MORE mad! More people were waking up to the truth, leaving Timberwood & other cults & turning to Jesus Christ. Timberwood HATED it!
On our chill days, on weekends, we would go to visit different lakes, hot springs, amusement parks, museums, etc. The guys went hunting & fishing. We made sure there was no drama or fighting. Everything was peaceful. No rebellion against our group because the infiltrators were spotted, called out & ejected at the 1st offense. There was that reminder that there's strength in numbers.
At the end, there was even a farewell fruit fest party, just before we left Vail Ski Resort. The trip was broadcasted Live on every social media platform you can think of. Timberwood was defenseless & couldn't do anything about it. How's THAT for showing the devil who's boss?
Edited & finished on 11/21/2022.
I probably might re-edit, amend & add more during a time when I'm less sleep deprived.
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atosofficial · 3 years
it is mod Type appreciation hours because I’m love her and where else am I going to get notifications like this: (suggestive(?) under cut)
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superbeans89 · 2 years
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jawabear · 4 years
Feelings are hard (Mandalorian x Reader)
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Not my GIF
A/N: I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for ages and finally decided to post it because I kind of like it. Sorry for any mistakes.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, Soft Mando, Mando really wants some love, but poor boy is so awkward, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning
Summary: As a Mandalorian, Din doesn't have much grace when it comes to feelings but maybe he has another way he can express himself 
Feelings were not something the Mandalorian knew well. He had blocked most feelings off from himself. He couldn't have feelings of compassion, love, sadness or anything else like that with the job he had. He felt felt guilty after every bounty he went after, he would be no good at his job. He probably wouldn't even be a Mandalorian if he had any such feelings lingering in his body.
But since meeting the child, his feelings were slowly sinking back into his life. He felt protective over the small creature. The thought of loosing him made the Mandalorian sad beyond belief, he desperately cared for the child, he was defiantly becoming more human with each passing day. 
This child of his had been a sort of charm for Mando. A bad luck charm in the sense that where ever they went, trouble was sure to cross their path. There were still people looking for the child and Mando would do anything to stop them, to get him and the child to safety as quickly as possible. But a good luck charm in the sense that if it weren't for the trouble the child brought with him, Mando would never have met the woman who made him feel what love is.
Their first meeting was a blur. A gang and pinned Mando and the child in a corner, seeing no escape, he held the child protectively close to him as he waited for the shooting to start. And it did. But he ever seemed to get hit. She had come to their rescue, effortlessly shooting down the gang members without breaking a sweat. She had introduced herself as (Y/N) and asked why those people why shooting at him. He explained his situation and she offered them a safe place to sleep for that night, fit with food, water and any fresh supplies they may have needed.
Since that meeting, the three of them had traveled that galaxy together. She had agreed to go with him, saying that she had nothing left on that planet anyway. She wanted to see what other planets there were in the galaxy, she wanted to live a little. He was happy to take her on board, he knew he could use someone of her skill to help him out on difficult bounties and he could use an extra pair of hands to help look after the child.
Currently, the two bounty hunters walked through the bustling streets of the cities market. Mando wasn't phased by what the stalls had to offer, he had seen countless market stands in his time, some far better than this, and some far worse. But what he enjoyed about it, was seeing how (Y/N)’s face lit up with every stall she stopped at, even if it wasn't selling anything interesting.
She was a person deprived of any sort of experience of the outer worlds. Only knew the sands and hills of her own planet, she had probably never seen so many people in her life, let alone all the bright colours, exotic foods, music and dancing. He was in awe at her expressions as she took her time to take in everything she could before moving onto the next stall. Mando was patient with her, he was thankful his face was covered, he probably looked like a dazed idiot, he was smiling like one at least.
His heart swelled when she would speak to the person behind the stall to ask them about an item in their table, hearing her voice filled with gratitude when they would offer her a taste of a food, whether that be from her obvious excitement about the new world she was discovering, or intimidation from her bounty hunter demeanour and outfit. He kept a slight distance between him and her, wanting her to experience it fully without his input to tell her what was what, but he would step in when a dodgy guy would approach her, her innocence of the world making her and easy target, even more so, the fact that she had the child in her arms.
"You don't seem to be enjoying this as much as I am, Mando" she pointed out, her eyes scanning over the various jewels and precious stones that laid out on the stall in front of her.
"I'm enjoying watching you" he mumbled, she looked at him over her shoulder and laughed slightly "that came out a little creepy. I meant, I'm happy seeing you so excited by all this. I know what it's like to experience things like this for the first time" he tried again.
"Am I waisting your time?" She asked him nervously "you can go if you want, if you've got somewhere else to be, we can meet up later"
He shook his head, walking closer to her and looking over the table himself "I'm not leaving you out here alone. And you're not wasting my time. I came here for you. I wanted you to see all this" he admitted quietly.
She looked to him with soft eyes, he felt like he was melting under her gaze. "Thank you Mando" she smiled to him. He nodded and looked back over the table, as did she. Her smile remained on her face as the Trader would offer her to hold the stones, he watched as she ran her hands over each stone, memorising the smooth or rough texture of each one she was handed. He took further notice of how she seemed to hold one in her hands for longer then the others. It was a white stone mainly, however, it was in necklace form. It was the shape of a crystal he figured, but it shone differently to the average crystal he was used to. It seemed to glow with a bold line of light blue, it looked like a tiny galaxy inside it, only it wasn't black like he was used to. He saw how it reflect the own galaxies in her eyes. How she stared at it with such amazement, she seemed to get lost inside the crystal, taken by its beauty completely. Now she knew how he felt each time he looked at her.
Reluctantly she handed it back to the Trader who gently placed it down in the table. She thanked the Trader for her time and heard the child coo in her arms. (Y/N) looked down to the child "I think he's hungry" she observed "I'm pretty hungry too" she laughed.
"Right. I think I saw a Cantina down that way" he said pointing back the way they had come. "You go ahead down there with the Kid, I'm going to stock up on some supplies before we head back to the ship" she nodded and turned from him, she began making her way to where he had pointed.
After they had all eaten, they found theirselves back on his ship. It was dark now, the child was sleeping after the big meal he had eaten, leaving Mando and (Y/N) awake alone with each other. Mando had landed his ship up in a ridge that looked over the city square. (Y/N) sat in the gateway of his ship, staring out into the horizon in awe. She could see colourful light of lanterns and fires, she could hear the soft sound of music, singing and laughter from the residence down there.
"Mind if I join you?" Mando spoke suddenly from beside her, making her jump slightly and look up at his figure. She nodded to him with a soft smile. He settled on the floor next to her and looked out over the city as well.
"I've never seen anything like this before" she whispered, she hugged her knees close to her chest as he chin rested between them. "All the colours, all the people. I've never heard such music or laughter before. I've really been missing out"
"I'm happy I'm able to show you the universe (Y/N)" he nodded.
"I'm thankful for you Mando. For everything you've done for me. For bringing me with you, for getting me off the planet, for showing me all this, for giving me a purpose"
He was silent for a moment before taking in a deep breath "Din" he finally said.
"What?" She asked as she turned to face him, but he wasn't looking at her.
"My name...is Din. Din Djarin. When we're alone, call me that"
"Okay...Din" he liked the way his name sounded on her lips. He liked hearing his name again. It had been so long since he was called anything other then his job title. He was slightly surprised he still remembered his own name.
"I uh.." he paused for a moment as he reached into on of his many pockets and pulled something out of it "I got you something" he held up the necklace she had admired earlier, her eyes widening at the sight of it again.
"D-Din" she stuttered as she reached out to gently take it from his hands to admire it again.
"I saw the way you looked at it earlier. I loved the way you looked at it, I wanted to see it again. I want to see that look everyday, so I thought I would get it for you" he admitted sheepishly.
She was speechless. Her eyes flicked between him and the necklace, she didn't quite believe what was happening. She felt like the luckiest girl in the entire galaxy. To anyone else, it wouldn't be that much, but to her, someone who had been so deprived of the world, it was everything. "Thank you" she whispered. She could feel tears forming in her eyes. She handed it back to him "can you put it on me?" She asked quietly. He nodded, she turned slightly so that her back was too him. She lifted her hair to allow him better access to her neck. He placed the item around her neck, securely fastening it at the back.
"There" he muttered. She dropped her hair and returned to her original position, looking down at the crystal and smiling. "(Y/N)..." he began "I need to tell you something" she looked at him with worry. She pressed a gently hand against his thigh that made his heart flutter.
"What is it?" She asked him.
He looked at her for a moment, getting lost in her eyes. He blinked a few times before speaking again "I...I haven't know feelings in a long time. My way of life denied my of any. But...my life is different now. Now I have the kid, and I have you. Feelings have snuck their way back into my life. Thanks to you and the child, I have recalled the feelings of compassion, happiness, sadness, comfort, anything like that. But thanks to you...I've began to feel something that I never have. I think I'm madly in love with you. I'm in love with your innocent. With your wonder. I'm in love with the way you care for the child. I'm in love with the way you are able to so effortlessly handle any situation, how easy you make taking down twenty men look. I'm in love with you face, your smile, your eyes. I'm no good when it comes to feelings or words, so this probably didn't come out how I wanted it to. But I don't think I understand how much I love you yet, but I know that I do. And regardless of whether you feel the same way for me or not, I don't think I could live without you"
She shuffled closer to him, a smile once again on her lips "I'm awful too when it comes to feelings. But I love you too Din. I love the way you make me feel. I love the way you protect me and the child, how safe you make me feel. How you'll hold me after a tough mission. How you take me to places like this so I can get a taste of what the galaxy has to offer. And I too may not understand her how much I love you, but I love you. And I can't live with out you, I wouldn't be alive without you"
He brought a gloved hand to her cheek and she leaned into the touch. "Close your eyes" he ordered softly as he removed his hand. She nodded as did as she was told. She was confused at his sudden request, even more so when she heard a slight hiss. The sound of metal hitting the floor had her slightly worried.
"Din, what are you doing?" She asked.
"Just keep your eyes closed, okay?" He said "do not open them until I say" she nodded again, her eyes tightly shut. The feeling of his gloves were once again against her cheeks. She then felt something warm against her face, it felt like warm air, coming out in steady beats. She was about to talk but all knowledge of words slipped from her mind the moment his lips pressed against hers.
She didn't know how to react at first. Her heart rate increased, it pounded against her chest so hard that she was sure he would be able to hear it. The kiss was gentle, it was soft, it was something ten times better then what she could ever imagine kissing him would feel like. He hands slowly raised to his cheeks, resting against them. She basked in the feeling of his skin under her fingers, it was slightly rough, not as smooth as she had imagined but she didn't care, she could feel him. The real him. Her thumbs traced over his cheeks as their lips moved together in perfect sync. They had fit together perfectly. They were two halves of one piece.
The need for air was calling and caused the two to part from each other, they stayed in close proximity, their hands did not move from each other. "Wow..." she breathed quietly with a smile on her lips. He didn't respond at first. He looked over her face, seeing how her cheeks were dusted with a light shade of red. A dazed smile on her rosy lips. He wanted to see her eyes. He wanted to see if they showed the same amount of love and adoration as his. But he didn't know if he could allow her to see his face. No living creature was allowed to see him. That was his code. But if he put his helmet back on he couldn't kiss her again.
"Open your eyes" he whispered.
"But...I'll see you"
"I know. I want you to"
"A-are you sure?" He nodded and saw her gulp. She pulled her head back and slowly she opened her eyes. She drew in a sharp breath when her eyes met his. He wasn't anything like she had imagined, he was so much better. She fell instantly in love with his dark eyes, his sloped noise, his scruffy facial hair. She felt her eyes brim with tears but her smile was bright. She pulled him in for another kiss. This one was different. It was better because she had seen that face of the man she loved.
Suddenly, there was a massive bang and burst of bright colours that made her jump and curl herself around his body in fear at the sudden noise, he managed a soft laugh as he slipped his arms around her waist "what was that?" She asked, her voice small and timid.
"Nothing to be afraid of" he assured her "they're fireworks. People set them off at festivals and special occasions. Another reason I wanted to bring you here. I thought you might enjoy the show" she heard another bang and quivered "it's okay (Y/N), it's nothing to be scared of. It's quite beautiful to watch, you're safe"
She slowly pulled away from him and he nodded in reassurance. She didn't move far from his body but she turned her head to look back out over the city. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. Her face framed by the beautiful explosions of vibrant colours that filled the night sky. She let out soft breaths of amazement with each one. She held onto his hand tightly, his eyes were fixate on her, watching as her face lit up.
He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek making her smile ever brighter. She then rested her head on his shoulder, his head resting against her. They both let out sighs of content as they relaxed in the comfort of each other's hold and enjoyed the dazzling display of colour that felt as though it were put on just for them.
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livlepretre · 4 years
I was just catching up with your blog, and I saw your klonnie post. It just got me thinking about how literally anyone in the narrative would have been more logical to pair Klaus up with than Caroline. I’ve read all your posts regarding why Klaroline does not make sense. 100% agree. I feel like Caroline is just who they went with because committing to a real Klaus love story would have taken way more time than the show had, and Caroline was the one who had the least commitments elsewhere in the narrative. I mean, there are plenty of plot heavy episodes where Caroline just disappears for no reason, and it’s obvious that the writers just didn’t have anywhere to logically put her. I honestly believed during my first watch through that Klaroline was just Klaus trying to put Tyler in his place. He never interacted with her before the episode where Tyler challenges his authority and refuses to bite Caroline, and then after that episode, he was being ooc and fake charming with her. I just thought Klaus was trying to get her to sleep with him so he could show Tyler that he was the one in charge and could take anything he had. Color me surprised when that was never the case.
Anyway, this all got me thinking about what individual arcs Caroline got, and I can’t really think of one after her becoming a vampire and getting tortured by her dad. After that, the show kind of played “pass the Caroline.” She would get passed around during episodes where she was either tagging along with Stefan, Tyler, or Klaus. Obviously it’s okay for your characters to be in scenes with each other, but the problem is you could take Caroline out of the season 4 sire-bound breaking storyline or the delena ft. sad Stefan storyline and nothing would really change. She is really on par with Jeremy and Matt in which she could just leave for a while and make a reappearance later like nothing happened; however, unlike Jeremy and Matt, she isn’t treated this way in the narrative. Caroline is made out to be more important than she is. I didn’t realize how long this ask would be, but if you could change the story structure of TVD to fix this, how would you do it? Would you have written Caroline to have more individual storylines or would you have decreased her role? Maybe it’s just me and you would keep her the same. Idk. Either way, I’m very interested in your opinion. Especially because Caroline is the more utilized and loved character throughout this fandom and fanfiction, and I don’t know why.
first of all “catching up with your blog” what kajfklajdfklajdf
sorry it’s taken me a few days to reply, I’ve been mulling this over and it’s been kind of a long week so I’ve had to gather the bandwidth to answer 
I agree with your analysis about why the show chose Caroline as Klaus’s love interest... I’ve always said that it was just so painfully obvious that they wanted to give Klaus a love interest from amongst the heroines (which: rude, he already had a love interest, it was Stefan) because he was interesting and hot. And I always assumed they picked Caroline because 1) Elena already had too many love interests even though she and Klaus had history and wicked chemistry so this still to me remains the obvious choice 2) Bonnie would have actually had moral problems with Klaus (but would still have been a great choice because then we could explore those morality issues with Klaus) and 3) they wanted to do another “bad boy” romance without actually digging into the fact that Klaus had crossed lines for us as an audience that were SUPER hard to come back from, namely: MURDERING MAIN CAST MEMBER JENNA. (I would argue that this is different for us as an audience than Vicki’s death because Vicki died at the beginning of the show; our emotional investment in Jenna was significantly higher after 2 full seasons with her.) So, Caroline becomes the path of least resistance because Klaus has no serious, personal history with her, and she’s not as prone toward actually making moral judgment calls as Bonnie is-- for example, she’s shown to be significantly more flexible about murder and mayhem than Bonnie is.
I’ve never thought about the fact that it was partially just that the writers didn’t have any great ideas for Caroline’s personal storyline though, and that really brings up 2 huge questions: 1) DID they assign her the Klaus romance because they didn’t know what else to do with her? and 2) did that romance storyline actually deprive her of other (better) storylines?
This got me thinking about Caroline’s storylines in a broader sense, and her place within the narrative structure. I think of TVD as having 3 types of main characters:
A-level characters-- Elena, Stefan, and Damon are the only A-levels, as they appear in every single episode and the plot falls apart without them
B-level characters-- Bonnie, Caroline, and then later Klaus would all fit in here-- characters that are in most episodes, and have their own independent side plots that are ongoing, sometimes for long periods of time -- we know they’re B-level and not A-level because sometimes they disappear for a few episodes-- in other words, they’re not essential every episode like the A-levels
C-level characters-- the rest of the main cast-- Tyler, Matt, Jeremy, Jenna, Katherine, Rebekah, etc-- these characters sometimes have ongoing plotlines (the werewolf plot, the Hunter plot, the serial killer plot, etc) but they’re literally dispensable to the overall plot-- the writers feel comfortable having them come and go as necessary, and we often experience them through the perceptions of the higher-leveled characters--they tend to actually be the object of higher level plots as well-- Damon kills Jeremy to move his plot along with Elena; Matt scheming against Caroline’s vampirism is actually part of Caro’s plot; Katherine is mostly a  narrative tool to use with the main 3; Jenna’s death isn’t even about her at the end of the day from a narrative perspective but about Elena, etc.
So when thinking of the basic structure in this sense, that issue you brought up where Caroline doesn’t have enough of her own storylines really comes to light. Part of that I think is that functionally, she has less to offer-- Bonnie is a great counter point, because she often has her own storylines, and she serves a super strong narrative purpose of 1) witch and 2) the moral center on the show-- like, usually the only one who doesn’t forget what’s right and what’s wrong from a basic human perspective. Klaus also has his function as villain, though he gets derailed by the show not killing him off when it was time. 
Caroline meanwhile... the show probably took her as far as they could with her being human, and turning her into a vampire in season 2 was incredibly strong and compelling storytelling. It brought Caroline into the main fold of schemers, it gave her agency, and it put all of her problems with her family and friends and self-esteem under a microscope lens. Season 2 is Caroline’s strongest season because it offers her the most development and gives her both a functional role as baby vampire-- working for Katherine, working with the gang, trying to keep the big secret from her mother-- as well as a satisfying emotional arc. The issue is that she just doesn’t have a ton of places to go as a character once the issues with her parents are resolved midway through season 3 and a lot of her self-esteem issues had actually been tackled... The only other storyline I can think of that was HERS was her mother’s death, but I never finished that arc and never got to no humanity!Caroline anyway, so I don’t have much to say on that topic. I will say that the show REALLY drove Caroline’s storyline into the dirt when they turned Elena into a vampire-- having two baby vamps on the show was WAY too many. We’d already gone through this with Care, but also, Elena is an A-level character-- anything she goes through necessarily usurps the power from any similar story the writers could have told about Caroline. 
So. The Klauroline romance. (Apparently I’ve been mispelling this ship for a decade but honestly you can’t expect me to stop now.) I think they gave Caroline to Klaus (rather than giving Klaus to Caroline) as a love interest for the reasons stated above, but it really did limit her character; I’ve gone over my problems with it ad nauseam here on this blog. The whole thing just spun Caroline around in circles forever-- I remember dreading that this ship would be canon but the show just kept spinning the Klaus/Caroline/Tyler wheels for two seasons without ever really progressing anything or changing anything, just always always always spinning in place, with Tyler disappearing to make room for the other ship but the writers also not actually committing to anything... It really does get in the way of Caroline’s character development. 
So, how to fix? 
Well, first off, I think Caroline (and Bonnie, and Klaus, and everyone else) should stay in their lanes as B or C level characters-- the show didn’t have enough stories to give every single one of them main character status, and that’s okay. 
But if Caroline is a B-level character, she still needs her own stories and subplots interwoven throughout the show. 
The obvious thing that comes to mind is something I’ve said many times--  Fix Klauroline so that it actually makes sense and doesn’t break character-- give them a subplot where they have to work together and learn to rely on each other or see each other differently than how they expect-- literally TVD is amazing with tight, action packed episodes-- it would have taken ONE episode to establish this, and then have the relationship progress as a subplot-- not as Caroline’s main plot-- give her other things to work on with the team and let the Klaus thing develop alongside it. 
Other things: the issues with her parents probably could have been extended to be season 3, honestly, with her facing her vampirism more in season 2-- or she could have gone off the deep end earlier, or she could have wound up in trouble with the council, or she could have taken a more active role in trying to kill Klaus other than just “bait” which would have been great because then she would have had to face her feelings about it directly, or she could have been the one to investigate the vampire lab at Whitmore and maybe end up briefly imprisoned or whatever-- I personally think Elena should have only been a vampire for one season, which would have made Elena actually face her moral crisis, but also opened up the space in the show for Caroline to get the young vampire storylines the way that Bonnie gets the witch storylines. 
The show gets into this weird habit at some point of forgetting that it’s really about the main three and not supposed to be a HUGE equal ensemble show-- if you look back at the promotional materials, it was originally always the three of the main triangle, but by seasons 5 & 6 there’re these photos with like all dozen cast members... equalizing things didn’t actually help Caroline’s or Bonnie’s or anyone else’s storylines because it stripped down the time we spent with the main story and it meant adding a lot of frustrating swimming in circles for the others (how many times was Bonnie dead? I can’t keep track anymore) 
Sorry this is so rambly, I hope it made sense! I have a lot of feelings about Caroline-- I really loved her and the handling of her storylines from season 3 on has never sat well with me.
(As for why Caroline is the fan favorite, I do have a theory: she actually tells us what she’s thinking and feeling, so it’s easier to connect with her. Elena meanwhile rarely ever explicitly states her emotions, instead tending to brood and force us to work through what her silences mean, and Bonnie tends to bottle until she explodes--which is still easier to empathize with than Elena, because at least Bonnie eventually tells us. Meanwhile, Caroline gets upset, or she gets drunk, or she has long conversations where she spills her heart out to Stefan or Elena or Bonnie or anyone... so it’s easy to jump on board with her. That’s my theory at least.) 
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
13 with Cole and Claire
First of all, Toby, I love you. Second, Cole/Claire gang rise. “Wait, Cole and Claire dated?” Yes! The following ficlet is set Cole’s freshman/Claire’s sophomore year, which is the school year before Nando and co. arrive. And in an interesting first, it’s Claire’s POV. Claire, if you do not know her, is from the drama club. She’s one of the nicest people at Kiersey College.
And yes, she dated Cole Kolinsky. I honestly think it’s a crime that she winds up breaking up with Cole Kolinsky, but in Claire’s defense, it’s a mutual decision. And don’t worry; they stay friends.
So without further ado! From this list of sappy prompts. (Yes, I’m still accepting them if you want!)
 13. “The way I feel when I’m with you...”
Claire is having a great birthday.
She knew it would be a good day when she woke up to sunny skies and a forecasted temperature above freezing, which, honestly, it’s about time, since it’s April 18th. Spring has pretty much arrived to campus, and even though this is her second spring at Kiersey, she feels like she maybe almost forgot entirely how pretty it gets. The trees are budding— slowly, but surely— and there are a few flowers coming up— bulb stuff, mostly hyacinth and iris, like they have in the backyard garden at home.
So that’s how her birthday starts— with a smile, a recognition of spring, and a nice breeze through the window, which Ellie opened, by the way, because they’re trying to ‘embrace the outdoors’ in Joy Hall Room 134. Ellie is asleep when she wakes up, because Claire is definitely the earlier riser in their roommate duo, but the second she lifts her curly ginger head from the pillow, the first words out of her sleep-deprived self are, “Happy birthday, legend!”
There are other things in the morning, too— a FaceTime call with her mom, an invasion of said call by her siblings and her dad to say happy birthday, a regular voice call with her grandparents because they can’t work FaceTime, and— maybe sweetest of all— a text.
4/18/18, 12:03 AM
helloooooooo don’t yell at me for my poor sleeping schedule choices but its past midnight so happy birthday :) you make me very happy, i hope you have the best day (when you wake up, which i hope isn’t now because it’s way past your bedtime)❤️
She laughs at her screen when she reads it, and can’t really wipe the smile that lingers off of her face. Ellie is awake by that point, and she has some kind of best friend boyfriend-radar, because she immediately pipes up from her bed across the room. “Uh-oh.” Claire looks up, and she’s grinning. Her hair is everywhere, because of the way she slept on it. “Mushy text alert.”
There’s literally no use denying who the text was from, so Claire just shrugs and shakes her head, still smiling. “He just said happy birthday.”
Ellie sits cross-legged, and pulls her duvet around her shoulders. So much for embracing the outdoors. “What time did he send the text?”
“Uh… 12:03?” Claire pauses. “Why does it ma—”
“Because that means he didn’t see it on my story.” Ellie flashes a freckly grin. “Which means he remembered organically. Which already makes him better than He Who Shall Not Be Named.”
“Oh.” She laughs a little. “I guess you’re right. Yeah.” Her ex from freshman year, Devin, was notorious for a number of things, among them forgetting her birthday. Ellie plotted his murder on the regular.
Me: Thank you!💜💜💜
Me: And good morning! I hope you slept well, despite being awake at midnight…
Cole texts her back during breakfast, by which point her day is already pretty much going. She gathers with Ellie and their small circle of friends, mostly hallmates from last year they bonded with really well in the shared terror of freshman housing. They occupy the same table at the dining hall every time they get breakfast, and today, Niamh and Hannah from across the hall bring her a plastic crown and a purple balloon to tie to the back of her chair.
She doesn’t wear the crown to her 10:30 class, tempting as it is. On her way there, she texts Cole again. He’s being cryptic in a cute way, and it’s exciting.
9:04 AM
Cole💕🎶: thankfully yes, i did sleep well, i hope you did too :)
Cole💕🎶: you’re free at 4:30, right?
10:18 AM
Me: Yes!
Me: Why do you ask?
Cole💕🎶: i reserve the right to let you wait to find out
Cole💕🎶: but
Cole💕🎶: you should meet me in the orchard around then
Cole💕🎶: if you want
Me: Omg
Me: Of course I want!🥰🥰
Me: You’re making me excited!
Cole💕🎶: good!
Cole💕🎶: you deserve a good day
Cole💕🎶: ❤️
Me: You’re so sweet🥰🥰🥰🥰
Cole💕🎶: hahaha
Cole💕🎶: have fun in linguistics!!
Me: I will!!💜
She winds up being soft over him for pretty much the whole morning, which is definitely cheesy, but it’s all in the privacy of her head, so nobody needs to know. She runs into Reid at lunch, who does her the hilarious honor of (loudly, badly) singing Happy Birthday and getting a good percentage of the dining hall to join in. In her afternoon theatre class, she hangs out with Zelie, her favorite senior, and then walks out of class to a funny post her brother made for her on Instagram. The sun is still warm, and everything is good.
So it’s already a good day. And then Cole makes it better.
She walks up through campus toward the orchard at 4:30. She’s wearing her favorite outfit, which is maybe not the most important detail but still makes her feel good. It’s a lavender blouse with a black skirt, and fun floral-patterned purple tights. Her flats are maybe not the most sensible choice for walking in the orchard, but at least she doesn’t have to go that far.
Because when she gets to the actual orchard, Cole is already in sight; he’s sitting under a tree. The sight of him alone is enough to make her face warm, and it just gets easier to blush when he raises a hand over his head and waves.
She waves, too, and takes in the sight. Cole has spread a blanket out on the grass, and he has a small grocery bag to one side and his guitar case to the other. There’s a white box next to the grocery bag, and a small bundle of purple irises on top of the box. He’s in a green beanie and a flannel with plaid in the same color, and his smile is soft. “Hey,” he says, as she stops by his blanket. “Happy, uh— happy birthday.”
“Cole,” she laughs, and drops down to sit across from him. “What’s— did you set all this up for me?”
“Well— yeah.” Cole half laughs, as he nods, and pushes his rounded glasses up the bridge of his nose. He is entirely too cute to handle, and Claire is going to melt. “I had a little help, but yeah.” He pauses, shifts the way he’s sitting, and then grabs the flowers. “These— may or may not be stolen from campus grouds, but—”
“They’re beautiful,” she says, before he can finish, and takes them when he holds them out for her. They’re her favorite color, soft purple, and she laughs as she adds, “I think I know exactly where you stole them from, too,” because they look an awful lot like the flowers in the garden outside the student center.
“Just don’t tell campus security,” Cole mumbles.
“I would never.” She puts a hand to her heart, and knows she’s still smiling like a big sap when she meets his eyes. “Thank you. You’re so sweet. These are going in my room.”
“You’re welcome.” His voice is soft, and he’s smiling right back. For good measure, she leans across the blanket to close the small distance between them, and kisses his cheek. This, as it often does, turns his entire face pink. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t do it on purpose, for that reaction. “Uh,” he adds, as the blush floods his cheeks. “So I brought some stuff.”
“It looks like it!” She leans back, to survey the scene on the blanket again. “You did all this by yourself?”
Cole shrugs, gently, and murmurs, “I… may have had a little help. Reid told me this is a good spot for a picnic, but I did the rest.”
“He’s a man of wisdom,” she muses, regarding Reid, and then, as Cole reaches into the grocery bag, adds, “But you are a very sweet boyfriend, and for that I’m very grateful.”
Cole is still blushing, as he roots around in the grocery bag. “Let, uh— let me explain, and then we can eat.”
He walks her through the small assortment of items in the bag— sandwiches on the good, fresh bread from the dining hall, and snacks he bought at the grocery store. The white box has cupcakes inside, but not just any cupcakes— purple cupcakes, with cream cheese frosting, from the bakery in town she loves. She’s about ready to fly in her joy as he explains this to her, rocking back and forth gently as he speaks. “I know there’s a lot,” he says, “but, uh, I thought you could always have the extras some other day. And maybe Ellie would want one?”
“These are my favorite,” she cries, which he obviously knows, because he bought them for her birthday in the first place. “You’re the actual best person alive. Did you know that?”
Cole shrugs. His hair, wispy and light brown, is blowing gently where it sticks out from under his beanie. With the blush under his glasses, and the small smile on his face, he couldn’t be cuter. Claire is sure of it. “I mean,” he mumbles, all bashful and sheepish. “It is your birthday.”
Which is true. But he’s still totally outdone himself. And that’s before he pulls out his guitar.
She eyes it while they eat, but doesn’t ask. She figures he brought it out here for some reason, and he’ll eventually explain, which she turns out to be right about. It would be lying, though, to say that, as they eat, she’s not secretly hoping he���ll serenade her. Cole’s guitar is sort of the whole reason she started liking him in the first place. Not the actual guitar itself, but the way he is when he plays it. He’s super talented, and super cute when he does it, and she first started to notice him when she first heard him play.
So she waits. Patiently. More than a little excitedly. They eat the food he packed, and she tells him about her classes, about her breakfast with the girls, about her serenade from Reid and his impromptu backup singers. The sun shines warm on her shoulders, and he tells her she looks pretty. It’s more than enough to give her butterflies.
She’s eating a cupcake when the guitar finally gets brought up. It’s after a pause in conversation, while she pulls the wrapper off of the cupcake and he takes a deep breath. He’s fidgeting with his hands in his lap, a sign he’s thinking. When he speaks, he’s looking down at his hands. “So, um.”
Claire waits. She puts the cupcake down on a napkin, and nods. “You okay?”
“Oh, I’m— yeah. I’m fine.” Cole’s laugh is gentle, and nervous. He nods, and then takes a deep breath for a second time. “I, uh… I was going to write you a card,” he starts. “I know that’s sort of, like. A thing people do.” He pauses. “But, uh… well… okay, I tried to write a card. Or, like, something like that. But I realized…” He fixes his beanie, and then takes a deep breath for a third time before he finally blurts a bunch of words out at once. “I’m… not good with words in that way, and I honestly, like, I don’t know how to write down the way I feel when I’m with you.”
The butterflies are at it again. Claire knows she’s smiling at him. She might even be blushing, too. And it just gets easier to smile and blush and all that jazz when Cole finishes his ramble with, “So I, uh… I wrote you a song?”
He reaches sideways for his guitar. The case is undone, so all he has to do is throw the top open. “You did?” she asks, because in that moment, she can’t even find the words for the excitement.
“I, uh— yeah.” Cole rests his hand on the neck of his guitar. It’s maybe the most beautiful instrument Claire has ever seen, except her own flute, but she’s sort of biased towards the latter. Cole still looks hesitant, still red in the face. “Is that weird?”
“Oh, my God, no,” she laughs, and shakes her head as she leans forward. “Cole, that’s— that’s maybe the sweetest gesture anyone’s ever done for me?”
“Well,” he laughs, “maybe don’t speak so soon. You haven’t heard the song yet.”
“I’ve heard your other songs.” She could kiss him. She wants to kiss him. She has done that before, a good number of times considering they’ve been together for two months. But right now, she especially wants to. “I can’t even— Cole.” She puts both hands over her face and laughs. “You’re the sweetest boy.”
Cole laughs, too; it’s the same bashful noise she’s gotten so fond of with him. Gingerly, he pulls his guitar from its case, and settles it into his lap. One test strum of a G chord, and she is positive she is going to combust with all the softness.
“Sorry, I, uh—” Cole stops strumming, and shakes his head. “I’ve never actually, uh, played someone a song I wrote them before? Especially not, like, a girlfriend.” He winces at himself. “So this is sort of new for me, and I’m, uh— a little embarrassed.”
“Oh, my God,” she murmurs. “Please do not be embarrassed.”
She guesses that’s enough for him, because he takes another of those huge breaths, and with that, he plays her the sweetest song she’s ever heard.
It’s like watching a little concert that was meant just for her. The lyrics are soft like a love song on the radio; his guitar sound is just… well, there’s nothing like it. In the entire world. Claire is blushing like crazy, and the best part is that he is, too, right through the whole thing, as he looks down at his guitar and sneaks her smiles between verses. When he finishes, she wishes she’d made a voice memo of it on her phone or something. Something to hold onto.
“There is no way,” she breathes, as the last chord hangs in the air, “that you’re a real person.”
Cole laughs, doubling over his guitar. He’s the cutest boy in the world. “I really hope I’m a real person,” he replies, and she wastes no more time. She lunges across the blanket, takes care not to knock the guitar off of him, and grabs his face to kiss him gently. When he smiles against her lips, she thinks her heart is literally going to fly.
How is this happening to her.
“That was so sweet,” she tells him, when she’s looking into his eyes, hazel and dazed behind those cute glasses. “I don’t even know how to thank you.”
“That was a thank you,” Cole breathes, and then adds, “Happy birthday.”
Claire laughs. She presses to his forehead, and then kisses him again.
This is, by far, the cherry on top of the best birthday she’s ever had.
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bornintartarus · 4 years
Posted for the annual Jason Todd Birthday Week! Also on AO3
Jason's feet are numb as he walks the lonely streets of Gotham. They are barely protected against the ice and snow he treads upon, covered in the remnants of shoes that had been brand new five years ago. He wiggles his toes to bring back some warmth as he walks, hands tightened in his tattered jacket pockets. One of his hands is clenching the leather wallet he picked off a businessman chattering on his phone, the other a bracelet he stole from a woman when she helped him up after falling to his knees in the snow.
A stab of guilt worms its way into his young heart and he squashes it down resolutely. His mom needs this money, he needs this money. It's the only way they'll survive past this stupid winter.
Winter in Gotham City is much like everything else he's experienced in his life this far, brutally unforgiving and a death trap on the streets if you weren't careful. It makes him shiver in his sleep, the wind's screaming jolting him awake in the middle of the night. He loves his city, it's the only home he's ever known, but that doesn't stop him from being tired.
The stealing is rough, but it hurts less than coming back to his mom without anything to feed her. It doesn't help that she's getting weaker by the day, barely accepting anything to eat anymore. Jason fondly remembers the days before his life became a living nightmare, before his dad left and they were living out in the cold.
His mom was filled with life back then, her cheeks pink and eyes glowing. She was healthy, not starved and always exhausted. He had sobbed at first when he realized what the drugs were doing to her, depriving him of a mother who was actually capable of taking care of him. There is no sparkle in her eyes now, all traces of mischief and adventure gone.
Jason realizes that he doesn't really know his mom anymore.
Wind whips at his cheeks, pushing hair in front of his eyes. He brushes it aside with trembling fingers and readjusts his hood to cover more of his face, gasping when the wind steals its way through the cracks and engulfs his ears in the freezing cold air.
Better hats, better socks, better gloves- there's a list of clothes he needs to survive this season, all with expensive price tags. It's either being cold or going hungry, and even at eight years old Jason's smart enough to know which one will get him killed first.
He has an actual list too, one back in that ramshackle shelter he and his mom call their home. He used to carry it with him, but just looking at the store windows made him want to tear it to pieces with desperation. They need food that isn't stale, water that's hot, clothes that actually fit. He doesn't know how much longer he can go on like this.
They've only been out on the streets for two years now, and a part of him swears he's never been this cold. He spent the last couple of days nailing scraps of wood and plastic garbage to block up the cracks at their little shelter, trying to root out where the cold air forces its way in. He spends the rest of his time out on the streets, scrounging for anything that can substitute for blankets and stealing things here and there from people to buy food from the dingy convenience store around the corner.
He takes the time to check on his mom, usually just to reassure himself that she's still breathing.
"Hi mom."
His throat closes up and not for the first time he wishes he was less of a crier.
"I have to run out to get some things."
No response.
Jason sniffles and holds back tears. He can do this, it's been two years, but seeing his mom like this never fails to cripple him.
He clears his throat. "I'll be back soon."
He doesn't expect a reply as he whispers a quick "Love you" and bolts away.
So that's what he's doing now, out in the cold. As he passes the Gilzean's Turf he keeps his head as low as possible, making himself smaller as he inches away. He's perfected the art of being invisible over the years, the only way to get away with trespassing on another gang's land. He knows that the gang members in Gotham have no qualms about killing children, hell, half of them make a living by selling drugs to kids in public schools. The thought makes his blood boil with anger.
He skirts around one of the drug dealers, hands inadvertently clenching around his stolen items. If he's caught with the wallet and the bracelet he'll be a prime target for life.
He breathes a sigh of relief when he finally passes safely, but something bright stops him in his tracks.
The store window is closing for the day, but the lights are still on and the cakes are on display. He hasn't seen anything this beautiful in the two years he's lived on the streets. The cakes come in all shapes, colors and sizes, but the one that catches his eye is fire engine red, yellow and orange icing swirling on top to imitate flames. The whole thing has a ridiculous toy fire truck on the top, and at that moment all Jason desperately wants to know is if it's edible or not.
He's stomach is growling with hunger while his mouth waters in vain. His fingers twitch at his sides restlessly. He doesn't know how long he stands there, cold, tired, hungry.
It's his birthday.
He's turning nine, he knows he's turning nine. It's his second birthday on the streets and he misses everything he's lost.
He misses his full stomach, his friends at school, his warm bed. He misses his books and toys, and the way his mom used to laugh when they spent time together.
He misses it all, and none of it is coming back. The feeling hurts more than anything he's ever felt, and he wonders if the hollow feeling in his chest will subside over time.
Suddenly, someone in the store shuts off the lights and the cake vanishes from view, a pang of misery resonating within him. It's gone, and some lucky kid will probably eat it tomorrow.
He stuffs his shivering hands back into his pockets, hands immediately finding the wallet. At least they'll have food tonight.
He makes his way back home after stopping at the convenience store, purchasing two cans of microwavable soup and a bottle of water with a $20 bill. The cashier looks suspicious as he hands over the change, and unease ripples through his empty stomach until he leaves.
He wastes no more time getting back, drinking the cold soup straight from the can. It's the cheapest he could find, greasy and too salty, and the chilly liquid does nothing to prevent the chills racking his skinny frame. Pouring the other into a chipped ceramic Tupperware container, he makes his way to his mom.
She's awake this time, eyes glassy. Catherine Todd is right in front of him, but all Jason wants to do is cry about how far away she is.
"I brought you soup. You need to eat some this time, alright?"
She turns her head to face him briefly but doesn't respond. He sits next to her and tries to stop his hands from shaking as he feeds her small spoonfuls of soup.
She gets through half of it before she's pushing him away. He leaves the bottle of water next to her, knowing with a heavy heart that he'll find it unopened in the morning.
He pecks her on the cheek and pulls their best blanket over her, pausing to say goodnight before he leaves.
He knows that it'd be warmer if they slept together, but he knows he can't handle seeing her so frail for longer than an hour, and his crying upsets her.
He pulls out his raggedy piece of carpet to cover himself with to bed. He found it a couple of weeks ago in a garbage can, it's the warmest thing he possesses.
He makes a wish, hoping that his mom will live long enough to be there for his tenth birthday.
He dreams of red fire trucks.
It doesn't take long for time to pass; the days blur into weeks and weeks into months. The cold fades away and suddenly Gotham is warm again, bathed in summer light. The trees grow new leaves, the birds come back, and in no time at all the world moves on.
Wayne Manor hasn't changed in the slightest. The famous Robin costume hangs in the cave, Batman's proudly standing next to it. The manor is spotless as always, the endless hallways and rooms free of dust. The banisters are polished, the fireplaces cleaned of any ash.
Bruce's life simultaneously feels normal and completely out of order at the same time.
He still gets dressed in the morning, still eats breakfast and leaves for Wayne Enterprises. He still deals with boring meetings and pesky co-workers who won't stop staring at him.
It's difficult to get out of bed nowadays.
That, at least, is new. The wretched feeling of hopelessness weighing him down like an anvil. It makes his head hurt and his hands shake. His chest is left feeling tight and it’s always hard to breathe.
No matter how hard he tries to hide it, he knows almost everyone can see the change in him now, and a part of him hates himself for being weak while another part can't muster up the energy to give a damn. Lucius gives him pitying looks whenever he drifts off during a conversation. The league members are more gentle with him now, speaking in low tones without the biting remarks from before. Alfred tries his best to hide his concern when Bruce wakes himself up in the middle of the night screaming his son's name.
Everyone treats him like glass now, fragile, delicate, and liable of shattering. It doesn't help that it's exactly how Bruce feels, like one wrong word could break him for good. The only time he can remember hurting this bad was when he was eight years old and kneeling in front of his parent's bodies in that god forsaken alley.
He lets out a whimper of despair when he remembers finding a 10 year old Jason in that very alley, wrench in hand and grime on his face. He shoves his head into his hands to try and bury the memory, pulling at his hair.
The boy had looked so guilty, crouching in front of the Batmobile. He reminded Bruce of a scared cat, frightened to come forward but fierce in a fight.
He brought the kid a burger.
It had seemed logical at the time, Jason was obviously starving and he figured it was a smart way to get the boy to trust him.
That memory used to make him feel proud, now all he feels is nausea churning through his stomach.
If Jason never met him in the first place he'd still be alive. Maybe hungry and out of school but still breathing.
Adopting Jason had been different from adopting Dick. Dick was cautious as a child, still grieving over his parent's gruesome deaths. When Bruce looked into the acrobat's eyes he saw himself, someone desperately alone who needed love and support. When Jason was brought into his life it was sudden but welcome, and it made Bruce feel a little less lonely in the Manor since his first child spent most of his time in the Titans Tower.
Loving Dick felt like a responsibility, in a way. The boy deserved the attention Bruce had been deprived of after Martha and Thomas Wayne were murdered. It made him proud to witness Dick's journey through teenage years, standing by his side in some of Gotham's darkest moments. He's fought Penguin and Scarecrow and Riddler, and he gets better every time.
The arguing was new, but Bruce knows it's normal. He just wishes it didn't rile him as much as it does. Their fighting is loud, angry and sharp. Words are tossed around, ones that hurt, and they make Alfred sigh sadly. He can't help but feel annoyed at Dick acting out, but he knows that Dick hates it more when he gets left out.
It doesn't take long for Dick to realize he needs some space, and Bruce doesn't stop him when he leaves to train with the Titans.
But in that amount of time Jason Todd has wormed his way into his heart, slowly but surely. He manages to fill the gaping hole in Bruce's heart, and he comes to love the boy more than anything. While his love for Dick is as natural as breathing, instinctual at this point, his love for Jason is all-consuming, and it burns inside of him like a roaring flame.
Dick was never happy about Jason's presence in their lives, and he'd told Bruce once that it made him feel replaced and unwanted. It was hard work, but eventually the four of them had learned to make it work, coexisting with some semblance of normalcy. Nothing made Bruce happier than seeing his sons get along, and it made his heart swell with pride.
Life was good. Dick came by the manor more often and they fought less, Jason was settling in nicely, Alfred was overjoyed. Their small family wasn't normal, but Bruce gave up tradition when he put on the cowl for the first time.
Bruce wants that life back so badly. His heart aches and his head burns with memories. Dick is grieving as well, in his own way. It hurts to see Dick at his worst, awakens something primal in him that screams and shouts, demanding his attention. Dick runs himself ragged, stubbornly contributing to the Titans Team and Gotham at the same time. When Bruce voices his concerns, Dick shouts at him, cries out that he’s doing the best he can.
It makes Bruce feel even more like a failure.
In the end he holds Dick while he weeps and tries to pull himself together, because Dick’s grief is his fault, Jason’s death is his fault.
Today is as bad as any day, his legs feel like dead weights and his brain is mush. He knows how to get past this, he’s been battling this feeling for almost a year now. He swings his legs to the side of the bed and pulls himself upright.
He picks up the phone lying on the bedside table next to him and starts scrolling through his notifications. He reads through the schedule Lucius has made for him for the day, making mental notes as he goes along. He makes adjustments when needed, planning on the meetings he’ll attend. He swears internally when he realizes he’s overbooked for 5:00. He wastes no time switching to his calendar, searching for a free spot when he freezes.
The date is there, staring him in the face like a warning sign. He gazes at the letters almost hypnotically until they’re etched into his brain.
August 16.
He barely gets the chance to register the fact that his legs are moving until he’s crouching on the bathroom tiles, throwing up his dinner from the night before. Sweat beads his forehead as heaves, unable to focus on anything except the fact that it's August 16.
When it finally ends he pulls his legs forward and haunches himself up into a ball on the floor, head tucked inwards. Tears escape and he sobs, grief tearing his heart in two.
17. His little boy would have turned 17 years old.
The realization makes panic seize his chest until he’s gasping for air, fingers trembling as they scramble for purchase. There are hands on his shoulders, warm steady ones pulling him out of his head.
“Bruce, it’s gonna be alright.”
The words float towards him like distant echoes.
“I need you to breathe for me B, c’mon.”
He’s had panic attacks before but in his experience there’s no way to be fully prepared for one. His throat feels like it’s closing up, palms sweaty. His eyes bounce back and forth manically, finally settling on his eldest son.
“That’s good. Focus on me now.”
He tries his best, and eventually his breathing slows. Dick eases himself onto the floor gracefully, covering Bruce’s trembling hands with his own.
“Talk to me Bruce.”
After months spent alone, struggling to get through the days and dealing with his grief alone it’s all that’s needed to break the dam.
“He would have turned 17 today.”
The words are barely a whisper, but he can’t stop the tears that roll down his face from the confession. Dick squeezes his hand and gives him a silent nod of encouragement.
“If I hadn’t gotten him involved with being Robin in the first place he’d still be alive today.”
Dick shakes his head firmly.
“This is my fault, Dick, I-”
“Remember when he put on the suit for the first time?”
His brain scrambles as he's taken back to that day. Like he’d ever be able to forget. Jason was so excited he’d been worried about him falling off one of the buildings while he ran and leaped, doing somersaults in midair.
“He put it on and preened in front of a mirror, then jumped onto a table and screamed about it being the best day of his life, remember?"
Dick laughs softly and Bruce can't help but return the favour with a watery chuckle.
They sit for a few more moments, collecting their thoughts. Dick turns to face him.
"Here's what we're going to do B. You're gonna change, I'm going to help Alfred with breakfast and call Lucius to tell him you're taking the day off."
Bruce groans. "No, Dick, I've got the product launch meeting to supervise, the company's been working on it for months-"
His eldest gives him a hand to help him off the floor and glares at him. "You're taking the day off. Don't make me bring Alfred into this."
He finally relents, heading back to his bedroom to find some clothes. Dick retreats to the kitchen, grinning victoriously.
He abandons the suit he was preparing to wear to work and picks out the softest sweatshirt he owns instead. His phone rings unexpectedly and he grabs it, expecting it to be Lucius.
Clark's soft voice rings through the phone and Bruce's breath catches. He hastily presses it to his ear.
"What's wrong? Is it Metropolis or the Justice league?"
He's already running the scenarios through his head, calculating the amount of time it'll take to grab his batsuit and get there.
The voice on the other end halts, Clark clearing his throat. His unease grows.
"No, Bruce." The kryptonian sounds surprisingly gentle. "This is about Jason."
Bruce takes a minute to wipe the tears stubbornly forming at the corner of his eyes again. Clark uses that silence to continue.
"Look, I know what today feels like for you and your family. I've been there."
The emotion in his voice instantly lets Bruce know that his friend is talking about Jonathan Kent. Clark's father had passed away two years ago from a heart attack. The memory is still fresh in his mind, Clark barely holding himself together as he spoke at the funeral, clutching his mother's hand.
He swallows. "It's just hard-" his voice cracks with emotion and he starts over. "Hard to move on. A part of me feels like I'm just leaving him behind if I forget the moments we spent together."
He doesn't feel like locking his emotions away this time, he's been doing it for the last couple of months and it's definitely making him worse. The reasoning makes him feel significantly better about his breakdown.
"How are Dick and Alfred holding up?"
"Better then I am, but at this point I have no idea. A part of me is afraid that Dick's distracting himself from his grief by taking care of me instead. He's spreading himself too thin with Gotham and the Teen Titans and-"
Clark stops him before he starts spilling his soul into the phone. "Alright, so work through this together. It's pretty obvious that you both need each other right now."
"I know he needs me but I don't know how-"
He can hear Clark's smile through the phone. "Bruce, c'mon, you're overthinking this. Just be there for him, trust me."
Bruce swallows audibly. "Alright."
"I'm here too, if you need me. For anything."
And shit if that doesn't make him want to start crying again. He manages to whisper his thanks and accepts Clark's casual "Anytime."
He hangs up, and heads downstairs, eating breakfast with Dick and Alfred. The rest of the day passes without incident, Dick calls Lucius and they spend his day-off relaxing in the manor and taking strolls around the grounds. Overall the day is one of the best he's had in a long time.
That doesn't stop him from going to visit Jason's grave in the middle of the night, shakily opening up his copy of Oliver Twist and reading it out loud until his tears start to blur the words.
He spits out curses as he walks down the street, breathing laboured under his signature red hood. His ribs are bruised and he can't seem to muster up enough energy to hide his brand new limp.
Black Mask's men had attempted to take over some of his turf once again. Usually Jason didn't mind, it was pretty low on his list of concerns. He let them have it for a couple of days before moving in, killing most of the idiots on sight. He figured Black Mask would get some better men by now but it seemed he was as much an idiot as they were.
The problem with this particular spot was that it was home to an apartment he'd brought earlier and rented out to a couple of street kids. They were all minors, some of them living on their own while others lived with roommates. If Jason was loyal to anyone it was those kids and he wasted no time going in with guns blazing.
Not exactly the nicest way to start off his 23rd birthday but hey no one could say it hadn't started off with a bang.
At least all the kids were safe. Most of Sionis's men were dead, but that was normal at this point. One of the kids stopped him as he left, concern painting his features.
"You look like shit man, stay here."
At least the kid had spunk; not all of them were brave enough to approach him. He looked about 15, barely fitting into clothes that were dirty and about two sizes too large. Jason searches his memory for a name, comes up blank. He might have been one of the kids who tagged along when he'd picked up someone else.
His musing is interrupted as the kid steps in front of him.
"I'm serious, you look like you're about to keel over."
Jason ignores the lightheaded feeling as his surroundings spin lazily around him. He clears his throat.
"I'm good. Make sure you lock the windows and doors tonight, call me if anything happens."
The kid nods, looking unconvinced. Jason pushes forward.
All he wants to do is spend the night snoozing in one of his safe houses, but the thought of sleeping in one of his cots makes him groan with discomfort. The possessions he keeps in his safe houses are always meager, he doesn't want to lose his supplies over something as stupid as being caught.
He prepares to walk home and scowls when he realizes he's going to need to stop somewhere for food, his stomach is growling. He makes a right on the next street and propels himself to the nearest grocery store, grateful that it's a dingy place with hardly any customers.
He ducks into the alley next to it and ditches his helmet, breathing in the fresh air as it comes off. He swaps it for a baseball cap and covers up his suit with a light jacket. He zips it up as he makes his way into the store, head down and steps purposeful.
He browses the shelves and picks out some water bottles and stops at the freezers to grab microwave lasagna. He grins at the thought of Alfred shuddering at his meal choices, he could practically hear the man complaining about the unhealthy ingredients used.
On his way to check out he finds a table cheerfully advertising cupcakes that are 50% off. They look like they're on the verge of expiring but it's been a while since he's had something sweet. He shrugs and picks up a pack that isn't too crushed.
He dumps his items on the conveyer belt and roots through his pocket for money, groaning internally when the price totals to $27.88. Money isn't hard to find nowadays, what with all of the connections he's gathered over the years, but a small part of him is still a starving nine year old desperate to feed himself with the little he has.
He wonders dimly if that part of him will ever fade.
He's startled out of his thoughts for the second time that night but the woman behind the cashier. He knows he needs to bandage his wounds and sleep it off, but he can't do that unless he focuses and gets his ass back to the safe house.
The woman's name tag indicates that her name is René and she peers at him worriedly from behind her glasses.
He flashes her a tired smile. "Sorry, I'm a little distracted tonight." He hands over the cash and she busies herself with the register, printing out his receipt. While the machine spits out the paper she turns to face him again.
"Are you alright? You look like you were hit by a car."
Even when Jason was a street kid, he loved to watch people. It was a great way to practice his thieving skills, finding out who would be an easy target long before slipping his hands in their pockets. One thing all citizens in Gotham had in common was their bluntness when it came to the crazy crime sprees and sudden robberies. Barely anyone batted an eye when there was a home invasion, and unless the body count was above five it wasn't even featured in the local newspapers.
To outsiders the cold disinterest might've been considered cruel, but it didn't take Jason long to figure out that it was the way that people coped. Keeping yourself numb kept the pain at bay, and he could probably relate to that fact more than anyone.
So René's reaction to an injured young man showing up at her store instead of a hospital wasn't surprising, but at least he could deal with this.
"I'm fine. Just ran into some people, you know how it goes."
She nods as she bags his items, pausing with the cupcakes.
"You sure you want these? I know it's technically my store but you seriously don't want to know how long they've been on these shelves."
He can't stop the sudden bark of laughter at her words and tries to stop himself from doubling over and crying out. He's starting to reconsider his original evaluation of the state of his ribs.
In the end all he manages is turning away and wheezing, trying to quell the coughs that makes his insides feel like they're on fire.
René stares at him with unease, looking like she wants to simultaneously pat him on the shoulder and take a couple steps back at the same time.
She settles for grabbing him a bottle of cold water from the fridge behind her, unscrewing the cap and pushing it into his shaking hands. She glares at him until he relents and takes a gulp, the cool liquid soothing his dry throat. He keeps his eyes on her as he finishes it.
"If you start coughing up blood like the dude in the horror movie I saw last night I'm kicking you out. I'm not staying overtime, I got a girlfriend to binge Stranger Things with," she warns, not unkindly.
"Wouldn't dream of it." He gives her a smirk, or tries to. He'd like to think he pulled it off. "And yeah, I'll take the cupcake. I am the birthday boy after all."
She raises an eyebrow. "No kidding? I'm guessing the blood and twisted ankle is from a surprise party gone wrong?"
He doesn't grin this time, eyes focused on the bags containing his items.
He keeps his tone carefully uninterested. "Nope. Decided to celebrate the occasion on my own this year."
He doesn't miss her sigh. Once you move to Gotham you see some things on a daily basis that make you stop questioning the why behind the crimes. It's just a fact of life at this point, trees are green, pizza is good and Gotham is where bloodthirsty maniacs call home sweet home. She's probably seen thousands of tired, ragged kids on their own stumbling into her store just like he's done tonight.
The thought stirs up the familiar rage he's been carrying with him since he was little. The sick feeling that haunts him as he sleeps, the knowledge that the children in his city are raped, beaten, kidnapped and killed almost regularly.
He grabs his purchases and avoids René's gaze, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. He knows he's practically running out of the store but can't seem to give a damn.
He's already outside when he hears it, the shout muted through the glass doors.
"Happy birthday!"
It's enough to stop him in his tracks as he contemplates going back. She was nice to him, there's no reason to leave things awkward.
He settles for sticking his head back in the door and yelling out a "Thanks!" before bolting.
He heads back home, head throbbing in tune with his heart. He shrugs off the dizziness as he walks, pausing to catch his breath as he leans against the wall of a building. He inhales the sharp smell of cigarettes and gasoline, a combination he's been familiar with for longer than he can remember.
Cars speed past him, the bright lights almost dizzying as they flash across his vision. He rubs his hands against his eyes to get rid of the bright spots, trying to quell his rising nausea.
Miraculously he makes it back in one piece, and it takes all of his willpower not to collapse on his cot and pass out. He heads to the small shower and runs the water until it's hot, shedding his jacket and dirty armour. He climbs in and sighs out loud at the blissful feeling. He shampoos his dark hair, fingers dragging through his scalp as he works in the soap until it starts to foam.
He rinses it all off, wincing slightly when the hot spray of water hits the worst of his bruising. He grabs a towel and grabs some clean clothes, settling into a comfortable tee and a pair of sweatpants. He dries his hair methodically, swiping the first aid kit from his bathroom cabinet, an ice pack from the fridge and his plastic bag of items from the store.
He settles on the cot and cleans out his wounds with antiseptic. One of the cuts is deep enough for stitches, and he clenches the muscles in his jaw as he passes the needle through his skin. It's a task he's done countless times before, usually without anesthetic. He finishes the job neatly, snipping the thread and dabbing it with antiseptic before wrapping up the whole thing in gauze bandages.
He works on the bruising on his torso next, which is covered with black and blue. He rubs salve over the worst of them and bandages the rest.
His leg is last, his ankle throbbing from the walk home. He focuses on the part that's swollen and red, grimacing as he alternates between pressing the ice pack to his ankle and the bump on his head. He's fairly certain it's not bad enough to be a concussion but it's giving him a headache. He makes sure to keep his ankle elevated and rifles through his purchases, pushing the conversation with René out of his mind.
He's starving, hasn't had anything to eat all day. He's too exhausted to muster up the energy to get back up to heat his frozen dinner, so he leaves the lasagna for now and grabs the cupcake instead.
It's minuscule, barely the size of his palm and covered in bright yellow icing. Little blue sprinkles are scattered on top. He unwraps the white wrapper and takes a cautious bite.
It doesn't take long for him to register the taste and he spits it out, wiping his mouth on his sleeves. The cupcake is definitely stale, rock hard and inedible. Imagining Alfred's disapproving face makes him grin.
He decides that at least alcohol is worth getting up for and heaves himself off the cot. He's careful with his ankle, maneuvering his body to ensure that most of his weight is on his good leg.
He scoops up the frozen lasagna from the floor and heads to what substitutes for his kitchen, containing just a tiny fridge and a microwave. He puts his meal in a microwave safe dish and watches it as it cooks, grabbing a spoon and a can of beer while he waits.
The friendly beep signals that it's done, and he curses when the plate burns his fingers slightly as he walks back to his cot. He studies the books kept carefully organised on his shelf, picking one at random.
Finally he settles, sighing in relief when his twisted ankle is cushioned and iced once more. He pops the lid and takes a satisfying swallow, putting it aside to eat the lasagna.
Happy birthday to me! He thinks sarcastically. The lasagna is warm but doesn't even come close to some of the after-school snacks Alfred had made him when he was 13.
He digs through his food, pausing momentarily to flip through the book. His heart hardens when he realizes that it's a battered copy of Gone With the Wind. Memories flit through his head, Bruce reading it to make him fall asleep and Dick taking him to a library to renew his borrowed copy for the billionth time.
He figures that it's poetic enough for the occasion and opens it up to page one.
“Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. …eyes… brows… lashes… magnolia-white skin…so prized by Southern women… bonnets, veils, mittens… against hot Georgia suns.”
He smiles at the familiar words, nostalgia overtaking him as he reads.
Steph and Cass were the first to bring it up, crashing into his current safe house like they owned the place.
He will grudgingly admit that it isn't entirely unwelcome, spending time with his sisters makes him feel less like a bastard.
That didn't mean the topic was a good one, and Jason is willing to ditch his very nice safe house in an attempt to escape.
"Please, Jason? For us?"
Steph is practically begging at this point and Cass is looking more and more like a kicked puppy every minute.
"No. Not a chance in hell."
Steph rolls her eyes. "C'mon big bro, live a little! It's not like it'll kill you."
Cass, the little devil that she is, grins at that while he groans.
"You did not just bring up the death card." He stabs a finger in her chest. "I'm the only one who gets to use the death card."
She blows a raspberry at him at him and winks. Cass tugs on his shoulders.
"It'll be fun."
Jason snorts. "Yeah right. Spending a whole evening with my greatly extended family for a birthday bash sounds exactly like fun to me." sarcasm drips from every word as he puts air quotations around "birthday bash".
Cass hits him and glares at her.
"Alright, ow, you don't have to be mean!"
Steph grins. "Does that mean you'll come?"
Jason shakes his head and dodges the expected blow from Cass. He smirks. "No, that means I'll consider coming."
Step shrugs. "Good enough." 
Thankfully that's the worst of it and they spend the rest of the time eating chips and playing Mario Kart.
His luck doesn't last though and Tim is next. They're barely halfway through staking out a weapons drop-off when the interrogation starts.
"So, your birthday's Sunday huh?"
Jason lets out a laugh. "Subtlety was never your element."
"Everyone's hoping you'll-"
Jason waves him off. "Yeah, yeah, show up at the manor out of the blue and spend the evening with you guys, Cass and Steph already gave me the rundown."
Tim smiles at that. "I'm not surprised.” He frowns thoughtfully. “I am surprised that you didn't agree right away though, those two are fierce when they want something."
"And I'm not?" Jason can't stop himself from asking or the annoyance that comes with it.
Tim puts on a mock expression of sadness. “Don’t worry Jason, I’m sure the street thugs are still scared of you. But face it, Cass is a full blown assassin, you couldn't compare in the slightest.”
Jason shoves the younger teen and Tim cackles. “Fuck off!”
As Tim regains his balance the truck beneath them finally starts its engine. He knows Tim still wants to continue the conversation but he brushes him off hastily.
“Too bad, guess we’ll have to finish this later!”, He sings, unable to contain his smugness.
Tim scowls. “Whatever dude, but don’t come crawling back to me when Dick finally makes his move.”
And with that happy thought the pair are off into the night, conversation forgotten almost immediately.
As the week progresses he isn’t surprised to see Dick’s number ringing on his cell in the middle of a turf war. He ducks behind a car as the gunfire gets progressively louder as he groans out loud.
“Dickiebird, make this quick. I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”
“Are those guns?”
Jason smirks despite his situation. “Nah, just some moron doing fireworks in his backyard.”
“In the middle of the day?”
“Who are you to judge, going out in spandex at night-”
“It’s not spandex, dammit, how many times are we going to argue about this-”
Jason cuts him off again. “Whatever dude, told you, I'm a little busy-”
His brother snorts at the end of the line. “Sure. What a busy life you lead, without a day-job and any personal relationships that haven’t been forced onto you by your loving family.”
Jason grins. “Hard day at the police station, Officer Grayson?”
Dick sighs audibly. “We’ve had three complaints filed at the station for incidents relating to this one stupid cat who invades people’s backyards. The little guy’s a menace and has no owner. I’ve been talking to angry neighbors all day today and i’m pretty sure Rowell broke the coffee machine too but he won’t admit it and I haven’t had any goddamn coffee all day today-”
Jason rubs at his eyes, trying to quell the headache that’s already forming. “Slow down, you’re starting to sound like Tim. Remind me why you work at the police station again?”
Dick sighs again and the sound flashes Jason back to Bruce after he used to return from a long day at Wayne Enterprises.
“To help people legally”, Dick drawls, annoyance creeping into his words.
Jason snaps his fingers intentionally knowing his brother can’t see him. “Exactly! If you weren’t so hell-bent on being a good person you might be less miserable on a daily basis!”
“Shut up, Jason.”
“Make me. Any reason you’re calling me in the first place?”
“Just wondering if you have plans for Sunday-”
Jason hangs up.
He’s starting to tick off the family he has left, he doubts that Bruce or Alfred will approach him and that leaves Barbara, Damian and Duke.
He decides to grab some coffee and a croissant before heading out for the day, stomach rumbling at the thought. For once he’s not in a hurry, so he smiles at the woman at the cafe who brings him his order and settles down to enjoy it on one of the park benches.
He’s taken his first bite when Damian slides in next to him, trying not to choke at the sudden appearance of the youngest Wayne.
Damian notices his reaction and smirks like the little shit he is, folding his hands neatly in his lap. After he gets over his shock he’s taken aback at how casually Damian’s dressed.
“You look relaxed”, he points out, sipping his coffee.
Damian scowls. “Tt. Jonathan’s convinced I need to blend in using civilian attire.”
Well that makes him grin. “Jonathan Kent huh?” He elbows his brother in the ribs. “Spending a lot of time with him lately, aren’t you?”
The shade of red peppering Damian’s face is gratifying and he can’t stop himself from laughing out loud as his brother fumes silently.
"There's nothing going on between me and Kent, you imbecile, and even if there was-"
Jason puts his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, jeez. But if you ever need advice or someone to talk to, I'll be here."
The offer seems to take Damian aback and his shuts up, looking thoughtful. "We'll see," he finally mutters.
Jason claps his hands. "Awesome. I'm guessing you're up next to torture me about my birthday?"
Damian nods. He puts a warning hand on his arm.
"Don't even think about running away. I'm a trained assassin, I will find you."
"Having fun is hard for you isn't it?" Jason replies idily, staring up at the blue sky.
Damian ignores the jibe. "Think about Bruce's face, Todd. He'll think he's finally gone delusional if you end up showing up."
Jason opens his mouth with mock surprise. "Are you trying to bribe me with the opportunity to give your own dad a heart attack?"
The younger boy sniffs. "He can handle it. The others just want you to be there."
He doesn't include himself in that sentence but Jason gets the message. Damian wouldn't be here if he didn't care.
Oh, how he hated to disappoint.
Damian shakes his head resolutely, a gesture so Bruce-like it gives Jason deja-vu.
"I thought that'd be your response. Which is why I came up with a back up plan."
Well fuck if he doesn't like the sound of that, recalling Damian's earlier threat when he consideres running away for the hundredth time. Damian bends over to rummage through the bag he brought with him, and Jason smiles when he sees the amount of knives instead and something that resembles a katana sheath.
Eventually his brother finds his phone and presses a few buttons, handing it to Jason with a smirk as it rings steadily.
Jason contemplates dropping the phone and stamping on it until it shatters when the person on the end picks up.
"Master Jason, I assume that's you?"
He freezes like a deer in headlights and Damian's smirk grows impossibly wider. The little shit! He knew this was going to be a deathtrap.
"Master Jason, you know it's rude to leave someone waiting."
The british accent is one he hasn't heard in a while, and the familiarity of it makes him want to tear up. He holds the phone up to his ear with a shaky hand.
"Hi, Alfred."
"Ah, you're alive. I'm assuming Master Damian has explained what this is about?"
He shoots his brother a dirty look, the other inspecting his fingers smugly.
"Yeah, he may have mentioned it."
"Excellent. You'll be at the manor on Sunday then?"
His throat is dry. "Or course."
"Wonderful. Come no later than 7, Master Jason, the others will be delighted."
"I'm sure they will", he mumbles.
Alfred hangs up after they exchange goodbyes and he hands the phone back to Damian.
"You're a cheater."
Damian shrugs. "Honestly, you should have expected that to happen eventually."
"Demon spawn," he mutters under his breath.
"Piece of shit," the younger retorts.
Jason raises his eyebrows but can't exactly say that he's surprised and resigns himself to his fate, but not before delivering some well-deserved pay back.
"So, about Jon-"
Damian shoots him a warning glare and leaves.
"Karma's a bitch little wing!" he yells at the quickly retreating form, ignoring the annoyed looks of the people around them. Jason sighs and finally finishes his croissant in peace.
So now he's standing in front of Wayne manor, trying to school his features into something that doesn't look like apprehension. He's wearing casual clothing, jeans and a sweater. A part of him wanted to wear his full Red Hood suit just to get under the idiot's skins but there was no way he was wearing full bullet proof armour all evening long.
He jogs past the fancy garden sculptures and fountains, letting himself into the unlocked house. He makes his way through the foyer, finding his family huddled around an Xbox playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
The group is laughing, smiles all around as they banter back and forth. His heart aches dimly to be a part of that something, an intense yearning to be integrated into their family dynamic. It looked so easy.
The moment's ruined as soon as Dick spots him and wraps him up in a hug. "You made it!" The grin on his face is blinding. "Guys, birthday boy has arrived!"
Fuck this. This family sucks.
"Jesus Dickface, get off-"
"You're crushing him Dick", Barbara says, tone reproachful.
And jeez, literally everyone is there. Tim, Duke and Steph are crouched on the floor, still engrossed in the video game. Damian is standing beside Dick, looking too smug for his own good. Barbara and Cass are right behind them.
Someone starts to ruffle his hair as they walk past. He's about to shove the hand away when he sees who it belongs to.
"Aunt Kate?"
Kate grins. "Good to see you kid. Happy birthday!"
"I wasn't expecting you to be here."
Kate shrugs. "Life's been slow recently and besides, there was no way I was going to miss a Wayne party!"
He laughs at that, making his way over to give her a hug. Kate has always been one of his favorite people, he distinctly remembers the chocolate she used to smuggle to him when Bruce wasn't looking and she hung out during patrol.
Bruce and Alfred are next to enter the room, and Jason smirks when he sees Bruce stop his sentence abruptly when he sees his second son. Jason catches Damian's eye as he winks.
"Hey Bruce."
Bruce cautiously steps forward, unease rippling across his features. Things have been better lately but some wounds take longer to heal then others. He squashes the guilt as Tim's bloody face flashes beneath his eyelids.
"It's good to see you Jason."
Jason spreads his hands. "It took some convincing," he replies, words directed at the others. Tim smiles and Dick laughs.
Alfred wastes no time drawing him into a tight hug, one that no one comments on after Jason gathers his composure.
Alfred smiles brightly at all of them, and fuck, Jason knows that coming was worth it.
"Dinner will be served shortly, if you all want to follow me to the kitchen?"
There's a mutter of agreement around the room and Jason is soon swept into various activities. Dick grabs the plates while Bruce helps Alfred with the dishes. Cass and Duke chat as they swipe cutlery while Tim and Steph set the table. Damian carries the knives, rather ominously in Jason's opinion but no one bats an eye.
There's some jostling as everyone finds a seat, Damian and Tim shoving each other to get the chair next to Dick. Cass finally sighs and switches with Tim, whose face brightens considerably.
He chats to Dick quietly about things in Blüdhaven, Bruce resuming his conversation with Alfred and Tim. The girls talk about school, Damian bringing up the art show he's participating in next week. The food is as good as he remembers, roast paired off with potatoes and countless salads, sauces and side dishes. Unfortunately there's no alcohol but he eats enough for two.
As the food is cleared away and multiple praises are directed Alfred's way for the meal, they drag Jason to another room. He grins when Steph pulls out the alcohol.
Damian and Tim groan out loud and Kate shoves them. "Don't worry, I'm sure there's juice in the fridge", she teases. Damian scowls at her.
Alfred informs them that he'll be in the kitchen preparing dessert and he leaves promptly, Damian following him to the fridge.
Bruce raises an eyebrow at his daughter. "We do have better drinks."
Steph shrugs. "I'm convinced there's a difference between getting drunk on fancy red wine and getting wasted on cheap beer that's past its expiry date."
Bruce relents, an incredulous look on his face. They sit in a circle, passing chilled bottles around.
Steph grins. "We're gonna play 'Most Likely'."
A mixture of gasps of delight mingle with complaints as the room descends into chaos again.
Steph raises a finger and whistles piercingly. "Ah ah ah, no buts. We're playing. It's simple, one person says a scenario and everyone else chooses a person in the group who they think is most likely to do it. The person with the most votes takes a drink."
Duke opens his bottle and takes a gulp, laughing at Dick' expression, Damian returning with cranberry juice for Tim and himself.
Cass laughs. "I'll start. Most likely to set the manor on fire?"
Bruce chokes at that one, eyes flashing dangerously. Jason grins. The votes are casted here and there but when he counts most of them are on Kate.
The woman in question smirks and gives a mock bow as she takes a swig of her beer.
"Can't say that I disagree."
That makes a bunch of them nod and laugh out loud. Kate swallows and starts the next question. "Most likely to get punched in the face by a stranger?"
Jason can count six other hands pointing at Dick, including his own.
The five others are pointed in his directions, but like Kate's answer earlier he can't really argue. He's gotten punched by tons of strangers, usually people undercover for Roman Sionis or other drug dealers he's managed to piss off. He takes a mouthful of beer, smiling from the burn.
"What are you talking about?" Dick complains. "I'm a nice person!"
"Sure, but you're also oblivious as fuck-"
"Language." Bruce mutters.
"-and you can't catch a hint to save your life. I can name some of the girls and guys who've flirted with you and didn't get a reaction," Tim finishes.
Dick pouts dramatically and takes a drink. "Most likely to giveaway hints by accident while playing poker?"
That one causes an uproar and Jason can't really choose who gets this one. They're all pretty decent liars, they have to be in their line of work. He ends up picking Barbara, only because she's had trouble keeping Batgirl a secret from her dad.
He's not the only one who brings that up and the votes are tied between her and Duke. The pair each take a drink.
Duke chews his lip as he thinks, brow furrowed in concentration. His face lights up when he figures out what to say.
"Most likely to use their kids as an excuse to get out of commitments?"
Simultaneously, everyone points at Bruce, who looks guilty and amused at the same time.
"How many times did you tell Wayne Enterprises I was sick as a kid to leave a meeting early, B?" Dick asks with a raised eyebrow.
Bruce smirks. "Not nearly enough times, those meetings give me migraines."
He unscrews the cap and takes a long swallow, his kids cheering. He shoots Steph a look. "You prefer this to red wine?"
Steph grins and nods, Cass and Barbara agreeing along with her.
Kate claps him on the back. "That's more like it!"
Bruce smiles and proceeds with the game. "Most likely to kill someone out of spite."
Jason counts two fingers pointing in his direction, one at Tim while the rest point to Damian.
The youngest Wayne scowls, raising his glass and taking a grudging sip of his juice, eyeing Dick's bottle wistfully. Dick gets the memo and pulls his beer away from his younger brother, tightening his hold just in case.
The game continues for the next hour, all of them getting progressively more drunk as the sun sets. Tim's declared to be the 'one who's most likely to be a criminal mastermind', Bab's 'most likely to run for president'. Alfred steps in just in time to win 'most likely to manage to survive while being stranded on an island'.
Overall, Jason is happy and sleepy and wasted.
The cake is brought out, cheers ringing out as plates and forks are passed around. The cake is shoved in his hands, and he takes a moment to blink with surprise.
"You made a cake in the shape of my helmet?"
It's really the only possible explanation, the cake is absolutely drenched in red frosting. It's in the shape of an oval, frosted white slits substituting for where his eyes would be. It's bigger than his actual helmet, and Jason turns it around to inspect it from all angles. A single candle glows brightly on top.
He stares at them. Dick and Alfred are squeezing his shoulder supportingly, Tim and Duke flashing him grins. Kate looks nostalgic as she hands him a knife, Damian's face carefree. Barbara starts to sing happy birthday softly, Steph joining in while Cass gives him a hug.
"Happy birthday chum," Bruce whispers, eyes bright as they reflect the flames. He smiles in response and blows out his candle.
Tim nudges him. "What did you wish for?"
To stay here forever.
Jason snorts. "I wished that one of those birthday presents you all suck at hiding contains a new gun."
Dick laughs at his response and Alfred smiles. Cass gives him a comforting look however, and not for the first time Jason's taken aback at how well she can read him.
It doesn't take long for everyone to settle down with a piece of cake. Jason takes his first bite and sees stars. It's just moist enough and the icing melts perfectly on his tongue. He gives Alfred an appreciative nod.
As the plates are returned to the kitchen they all find themselves in front of the TV, arguing on which movie to watch.
"For the last fucking time Dickface, no one wants to watch Dumbo because it makes you cry every single time his mom gets taken away!" Jason retorts.
Tim opens his mouth hopefully.
Damian cuts him off before he can even speak. "The same goes for you, asshole. No more Lion King fiascos."
Tim shoves Damian and he stumbles, both of them tackling each other to the ground. Kate claps slowly while Bruce breaks it up.
Jason takes the opportunity and steals the remote, grinning with triumph.
"It doesn't matter what you losers want, it's my birthday so I'm picking." There's a chorus of groans and Jason's smile widens. He scrolls through the Netflix suggestions and finally decides on Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Steph yells with excitement and throws a pillow at Duke who groans, Cass's features morphing into one of confusion.
Barbara shrugs. "It's a classic."
Jason whoops as the movie starts, all of them fighting for popcorn and soda. Halfway through the film the mood gets increasingly more relaxed. Dick’s head is on his shoulder, Damian’s fighting for more leg room with Tim on his other side. The girls are spread out on the floor, Cass’s head in Steph’s lap, Babs sitting comfortably in her wheelchair beside the couch. Duke is falling asleep on Bruce, who Jason realizes is already asleep, snoring lightly into the cushions. Kate’s perched on the edge of the sofa’s armrest, watching the movie with interest. The only person who still looks dignified is Alfred, lounging in a chair he’s pulled up.
The movie marathon continues with Steph’s suggestion, Mean Girls, and they’re halfway through King Kong when they finally shut off the TV. Alfred wakes Duke and Bruce, Cass and Tim pulling Jason through the room for presents.
The pile of presents is larger then he would have guessed, boxes covered in shiny wrapping paper and small parcels. Everyone scrambles to sit around Jason, pushing their gifts forwards. He doesn’t know if he should be amused or terrified at the looks of eagerness around the room.
Kate gives him her present first, grinning slyly at her cousin. Bruce frowns, knowing he’s not going to appreciate what’s in the package. Jason tears the wrapping paper and lovingly pulls out one of the knives from its sheath.
He holds it out and tests the balance. “Well these’ll be useful.”
Steph hands him his present next, the weird object decked out in black wrapping paper with comic style font all over it. He squeezes it and scowls immediately. “Please tell me you didn’t.”
Steph shakes her head, eyes bright with mischief. The plushy Jason’s holding is a frog that looks like it’s seen better days, a dirty brown color that may have originally been green. One of the buttons used for eyes has popped off and he's pretty sure the hole at the bottom has been leaking stuffing for years.
He holds it up to face her and she smirks. The others are laughing as well. "What the hell is this?"
"Your birthday gift!", she sings. "Found him at a thrift store last week and I couldn't just leave the poor guy there, his eyes are so full of love, you know?"
"You mean eye, singular,” he points out.
"So he's a cyclops, why does it matter? Turn it around."
He does, biting back the urge to start laughing uncontrollably. The front of the sorry looking toad indicates that his name is Jason. He groans out loud when he sees the tell-tale smear of sharpie under the frog's name.
Jason Toad.
Dick throws his head back and laughs, while Babs gives Steph a high five.
"Yeah, yeah, very funny. Now shut up or I'll leave him here." He abandons the plushy and grabs the nearest gift instead.
The package is soft and he crinkles the wrapping paper as it tears. His breath catches when he finally sees his present in its full glory.
"Whoever brought me this is automatically my favorite sibling." his gaze slides over to Damian and Tim and reconsiders. "Unless it's Replacement or Demon Spawn, they can be promoted to third."
Tim rolls his eyes and Damian shoots him a disinterested stare.
"Be nice Master Jason", Alfred chides lightly.
Duke puts a hand on his shoulder. "Guess I win then."
Jason grins at the other man. "Thanks dude, way better choice then the toad."
He wastes no time pulling on the soft leather jacket, stretching his shoulders out comfortably and digging his hands into the pockets.
Tim's present turns out to be a key-chain with a mini chainsaw attached, because "Bruce wouldn't let me buy you a real chainsaw."
All of his other gifts are just as good, Alfred gives him Bluetooth headphones, a brand new copy of Life of Pi from Dick plus boots and eyeliner from both Barbara and Cass respectively.
Damian's present is one of the last and when he pulls apart the wrapping paper he’s left with a thin rectangular box. He stares at his younger brother.
“If this is jewelry it better be nice.”
Damian shakes his head, a small smile forming on his lips. “Better than jewelry.”
The gift turns out to be bullets, all of different sizes and shapes. They’re organized carefully, each with a label attached underneath.
Jason studied one that’s sleek and silver, little slits in the sides. The little lettering in the case lets him know that this one is filled with gas. He grins.
“Are these personalized?”
Damian nods. “Each and every one, tailored to your favorite gun. I modified the version father uses for his Batarangs and transferred it to work with bullets.” He shrugs. “I figured they were more your style.”
Jason stares at him, silent for a beat before turning back to the weapon. “Fine, I guess you can be my fourth favorite sibling.”
Tim huffs. “I helped him with the tech.”
Damian elbows him smugly.
He almost doesn't register Bruce standing in the back until the chatter dies out. His adopted dad looks like a kicked puppy and Jason feels an unexpected fondness shoot through his heart.
"You have something for me Bruce?"
Suddenly something is roughly being shoved into his hands and he stares at the thin object for a second. The room goes silent, the entire group fixated on Jason and Bruce.
The slips of paper are familiar and he swears he's held them before. He turns them over to read the minuscule writing.
Gotham City Knights vs Gotham Giants
Featured in Gotham City Stadium
Mon Aug 31 2020 7:30 PM
“You got me baseball tickets?”
Bruce clears his throat and presses on, looking uncomfortable. “You used to love going as a kid, and I brought two so you could take someone with you if you wanted.”
Jason’s voice catches and he swallows around the lump in his throat. “Sure, are you free Monday?”
Bruce’s “Yes” sounds more like a croak but it’s there, an open invitation to spend some time together. It’s not an apology but it’s a start, and he’ll take it. Jason’s heart swells.
After that they all goad him into sleeping over, an offer he would have declined if not for Alfred’s stern glances. They decide to grab some pillows and blankets and settle on the floor, everyone comfortable and sleepy.
Well, if anything, it’s not the worst birthday he’s ever had.
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prince-everhard · 4 years
Prince’s Whumptober 2020 masterpost
Gonna have links, titles, summaries, and all that jazz under a readmore because i decided to really push myself and do all 31 prompts separately. Thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged my work; your support means the world to me and makes me want to keep writing! 
multiparters here have been listed in chronological order rather than posting order for ease of reading. 
No 1. LET’S HANG OUT SOMETIME Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
Title: another duck joins the flock Fandom: FAHC Character(s): Geoff, Michael Rating: T Warning(s): blood, handcuffs Wordcount: 728 Summary: Or how the Fakes gained their most famous muscle. [tidied up/expanded this never-to-be-posted fahc wip for whumptober]
No 2. IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY “Pick Who Dies” | Collars | Kidnapped
Title: and the worst part of waiting is the anticipation Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Team 7 Rating: T Warning(s): blood, vomit Wordcount: 951 Summary: Team Seven gets captured. [part of the whumptober au]
No 3. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY Manhandled | Forced to their Knees | Held at Gunpoint
Title: A Teaching Moment Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Sakura, Kabuto Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 498 Summary: Kabuto makes her an offer she can’t refuse. [part of the whumptober au]
No 29. I THINK I NEED A DOCTOR Intubation | Emergency Room | Reluctant Bedrest
Title: Graduation Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Sakura, Kabuto, Rating: T+? Warning(s): blood Wordcount: 835 Summary: Kabuto has one more test before Sakura can be considered a true medic-nin. [part of the whumptober au]
No 15. INTO THE UNKNOWN Possession | Magical Healing | Science Gone Wrong
Title: Arboreal Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Sakura Rating: T Warning(s): needles Wordcount: 803 Summary: It was only a matter of time before Sakura found something that could help her escape. [part of the whumptober au]
No 9. FOR THE GREATER GOOD “Take Me Instead” | “Run!” | Ritual Sacrifice
Title: no good deed goes unpunished Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Naruto, Teuchi, Kyuubi Rating: T Warning(s): violence against children Wordcount: 972 Summary: Something goes wrong on his seventh birthday. Naruto might never be the same again.
No 26. IF YOU THOUGHT THE HEAD TRAUMA WAS BAD… Migraine | Concussion | Blindness
Title: Degradation Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto Rating: T Warning(s): dismemberment ment Wordcount: 187 Summary: Kakashi knows that power comes with a price.
Dragon Age
No 6. PLEASE…. “Get it Out” | No More | “Stop, please”
Title: Like Dogs Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Tabris, Shianni, Soris, Nelaros Rating: M Warning(s): implied/offscreen rape, violence against women, blood Wordcount: 1640 Summary: It was supposed to be a good thing, getting married. It wasn’t. [this is really just a love letter to the origin that fucking shooketh me]
No 19. BROKEN HEARTS Grief | Mourning Loved One | Survivor’s Guilt
Title: all’s fair but war is not without casualties Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s)/Pairing(s): Female Cousland, Alistair; ex-Alistair/Warden Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 695 Summary: Ten years after the Blight ends, Elissa Cousland runs into someone she never thought she’d see again. It, uh, doesn’t go quite as planned. [mostly canon compliant; Loghain is spared and becomes a warden]
No 11. PSYCH 101 Defiance | Struggling | Crying
Title: Duty Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Cousland, Eleanor, Bryce Rating: T Warning(s): blood, betrayal, last stand Wordcount: 633 Summary: Even without interference, history marches on. A what-if scenario if Duncan wasn’t there to recruit the Cousland. [part of iron & ash]
No 23. WHAT’S A WHUMPEE GOTTA DO TO GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE? Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation
Title: To Ostagar Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Cousland Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 545 Summary: Jasmine is determined to get vengeance for her family. [part of iron & ash]
No 14. IS SOMETHING BURNING? Branding | Heat Exhaustion | Fire
Title: Consequences Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Surana Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 368 Summary: Surana helps her best friend escape the Circle, and the consequences are more than she bargained for.
No 21. I DON’T FEEL SO WELL Chronic Pain | Hypothermia | Infection
Title: Corrupted Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Mahariel, Duncan Rating: Gen Warning(s): none Wordcount: 192 Summary: It’s a long journey from the Brecilian Forest to Ostagar for someone with blight sickness.
No 31. TODAY’S SPECIAL: TORTURE Experiment | Whipped | Left for Dead
Title: Big Sister Instinct Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Hawke, Unnamed Templars Rating: T Warning(s): torture, violence against women Wordcount: 325 Summary: Marian Hawke would rather die than betray her family. She might even just get the chance to do it.
Mass Effect
No 4. RUNNING OUT OF TIME Caged | Buried Alive | Collapsed Building
Title: never forget to bury your regret (before it buries you) Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Male Shepard, Human OC Rating: T Warning(s): cave-in, blood, character death Wordcount: 450 Summary: Survival training goes south in the ICT.
No 7. I’VE GOT YOU Support | Carrying | Enemy to Caretaker
Title: First Contact Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Turian OC, Human OC Rating: T Warning(s): injuries, broken bones, vomit, vehicular crash Wordcount: 1150 Summary: Decimus isn’t ready to die, but he’s especially not ready to die on a stupid scouting mission to a stupid alien colony. [set during the First Contact War; probably not canon-compliant but idgaf]
No 18. PANIC! AT THE DISCO Panic Attacks | Phobias | Paranoia
Title: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (and what does makes you scarred forever) Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Edi, Tali’Zorah, Garrus Vakarian Rating: T Warning(s): panic attack, open space Wordcount: 662 Summary: Shepard isn’t afraid of getting spaced. No, really. [a closer look at the geth dreadnought mission]
No 28. SUCH WOW. MANY NORMAL. VERY OOPS. Accidents | Hunting Season | Mugged
Title: Torfan Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Major Kyle Rating: T Warning(s): blood, guns, drugging Wordcount: 589 Summary: How the Butcher came to be.
No 25. I THINK I’LL JUST COLLAPSE RIGHT HERE, THANKS Disorientation | Blurred Vision | Ringing Ears
Title: Rest Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s)/Pairing(s): Female Shepard, Anderson; referenced Shepard/Vega Rating: T Warning(s): blood, character death Wordcount: 1018 Summary: A father-daughter moment after they open the arms of the Citadel. [part of Alder]
No 5. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING? On the Run | Failed Escape | Rescue
Title: they found you on the floor Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard Rating: T Warning(s): alcohol, vomit, underage drinking Wordcount: 348 Summary: Like mother like daughter; Shepard deals with her trauma after Mindoir. [part of Gloria Shepard]
No 22. DO THESE TACOS TASTE FUNNY TO YOU? Poisoned | Drugged | Withdrawal
Title: there’s easier ways to die Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Ashley Williams Rating: T Warning(s): DTs, vomit mention Wordcount: 368 Summary: Shepard takes a stand against her own demons. [part of Gloria Shepard]
No 17. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING Blackmail | Dirty Secret | Wrongfully Accused
Title: you crawled up on your cross Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Jacob Taylor Rating: T Warning(s): alcohol Wordcount: 645 Summary: Shepard gets a morale boost from a crewmate. [part of Gloria Shepard]
No 16. A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY Forced to Beg | Hallucinations | Shoot the Hostage
Title: Cornered Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Garrus, Female Shepard Rating: T Warning(s): broken bones Wordcount: 1281 Summary: Garrus gets into some trouble. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 20. TOTO, I HAVE A FEELING WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE Lost | Field Medicine | Medieval
Title: Ancient History Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Garrus Rating: T Warning(s): injuries, death, self-destructive/suicidal actions Wordcount: 1223 Summary: Jane is an enigma and Garrus just wants to figure her out. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 8. WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? “Don’t Say Goodbye” | Abandoned | Isolation
Title: After Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Garrus, Female Shepard Rating: T Warning(s): injuries, death Wordcount: 440 Summary: Jane comes for Garrus after the gangs’ assault. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 30. NOW WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Wound Reveal | Ignoring an Injury | Internal Organ Injury
Title: Debt Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s)/Pairing(s): Garrus, Female Shepard, Mordin; mutual pining Shakarian Rating: T Warning(s): painkillers Wordcount: 590 Summary: After the gangs’ assault, Garrus overhears something. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 13. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Delayed Drowning | Chemical Pneumonia | Oxygen Mask
Title: Drowning Fandom: Undertale Character(s): Toriel, Asgore Rating: T Warning(s): character death, child death Wordcount: 156 Summary: Asriel brought Chara home one last time.
[replacing no. 27] Alt 7. Found Family
Title: The Door Fandom: Undertale Character(s): Frisk, Papyrus, Sans Rating: Gen Warning(s): none Wordcount: 357 Summary: Just a little look at what could be a meeting with Gaster
Red vs Blue
No 12. I THINK I’VE BROKEN SOMETHING Broken Down | Broken Bones | Broken Trust
Title: Being a twin is a Hard Thing Fandom: Red vs Blue Character(s): South Dakota Rating: T Warning(s): psychological trauma Wordcount: 281 Summary: In the days before Wash finds them, South gets… introspective. [canon compliant? taken from a wip I was never going to finish so I fleshed it out for whumptober instead]
Original Fiction
No 10. THEY LOOK SO PRETTY WHEN THEY BLEED Blood Loss | Internal Bleeding | Trail of Blood
Title: please leave a message Rating: T Warning(s): blood Wordcount: 537 Summary: A detective’s work is never done. Antonia deals with the news that her most famous case’s subject is on the run again. [original fiction]
No 24. YOU’RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE Forced Mutism | Blindfolded | Sensory Deprivation
Title: Secondary Location Rating: Gen? Warning(s): kidnapping Wordcount: 143 Summary: Antonia wakes up on the wrong side of the city. [original fiction]
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