#tenant law expert
lawofficeofryansshipp · 5 months
Martin County Eviction Attorneys | 561.699.0399
Martin County Eviction Lawyers If you’re a property owner in Martin County, Florida, grappling with tenant problems, consider Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC for reliable legal support. Our seasoned team specializes in both residential and commercial evictions, adept at handling the nuances of landlord-tenant law and delivering prompt, effective solutions. Why Opt For Shipp Law For Eviction…
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🏢✨ Landlord Tenant Attorney Near Me in Queens, NY ✨🏢
Are you facing landlord-tenant disputes and need expert legal assistance in Queens, NY?
At Albert Maimone & Associates, we specialize in navigating the intricate realm of landlord-tenant laws with deep expertise and exceptional negotiation skills. 📜⚖️
Why choose us? Here's why:
✅ Expert Legal Services: Our team boasts in-depth knowledge of Local and State Laws, ensuring you receive top-tier legal services tailored to your specific situation.
✅ Exceptional Negotiation Skills: We excel in resolving disputes outside of court, offering unmatched negotiation prowess to achieve favorable outcomes for our clients.
✅ Aggressive Court Representation: In case your dispute escalates to court, we present your case persuasively and effectively, fighting for your rights with determination.
Remember, the right attorney can make all the difference in your case's outcome. With our experience, organization, and problem-solving skills, we're committed to securing your rights and easing your stress during this challenging time. 🤝
📍 Convenient Location: Our office is centrally located in the heart of Queens, easily accessible to residents of Bayside, Rego Park, Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, Flushing, and Forest Hills. We're here to ensure your journey through the legal process is as seamless as possible.
Don't face these challenges alone. Choose Albert Maimone & Associates, your trusted local landlord-tenant attorney. Call us today at ☎️ tel:7185555555 to speak with a dedicated attorney near you. Your rights deserve protection, and we're here to fight for you! 💪⚖️
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morbidology · 25 days
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On July 2, 1951, the quiet city of St. Petersburg, Florida, was rocked by one of the most mysterious and controversial deaths in modern history. Mary Reeser, a 67-year-old widow, was found burned to death in her apartment under circumstances so bizarre that they have puzzled investigators, scientists, and conspiracy theorists for decades.
The macabre discovery was made by Reeser’s landlady, Pansy Carpenter, who had tried to deliver a telegram to her tenant that morning. After receiving no response and noticing an unusually warm doorknob, Carpenter sought help from neighbors. When they managed to open the door, they were met with an astonishing scene: a room relatively untouched by fire, save for the corner where Reeser's remains were found.
Mary Reeser’s body had been almost completely incinerated, reduced to ashes along with the chair she had been sitting in. What remained of her were a part of her backbone, a shrunken skull, and a completely intact left foot still in its slipper. The surrounding area showed minimal damage—plastic household items a short distance from the seat remained unscathed, and although the walls and ceiling were coated with a greasy soot, they were not burnt.
The investigation was led by the St. Petersburg Police Department, who quickly recognized the unusual nature of the scene. Local authorities were joined by the FBI and other experts to determine how such an intense fire could have started and burned so selectively.
Initial hypotheses ranged from a dropped cigarette to an electrical fault. However, both were quickly dismissed. The chair's materials and Reeser's clothing would not typically combust so thoroughly without a higher, sustained temperature than could be achieved by a mere cigarette. Furthermore, there was no evidence of an electrical fire or an accelerant.
As conventional explanations failed, the case began to attract attention from proponents of spontaneous human combustion, a rare and controversial phenomenon in which a person is believed to catch fire without an external ignition source. Advocates of SHC argue that a combination of factors, such as the wick effect (where clothing can absorb melted human fat and act like a candle), could explain the intense and localized burning seen in cases like Reeser’s.
Dr. Wilton Krogman, a physical anthropologist, examined the case and expressed disbelief at the completeness of the combustion. He noted that even bodies exposed to extreme heat in cremation chambers do not typically burn as thoroughly as Reeser's remains had. Dr. Krogman described the case as "the most amazing thing I have ever seen" and found it difficult to reconcile with the known laws of science.
Despite extensive investigation, the official cause of Mary Reeser’s death was ultimately ruled as “death by fire of unknown origin.” The case has remained a source of fascination and debate, appearing in numerous books, documentaries, and discussions about unexplained phenomena.
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onlylove4louis · 11 days
Hi! Soo...we're mutuals very excited to talk to you btw. But in this post you said, Qoute: “It's not even slightly impossible or that much of a reach, to pretty confidently say Louis' family, did own slaves.” End qoute.
I'm not an expert but I've been doing research in New Orleans history and how a black person in Louis' era would be able to own a plantation for a fic of mine to be historically accurate in Louis' life before Lestat.
It starts here: Pre-Civil War (1850-1865)
The coming of gens de Couleur Libre in states like Louisiana, there was a class of free people of color, known as gens de couleur libre (French for "free people of color"). These were often Creoles, mixed-race individuals who sometimes had French, Spanish, and African ancestry. (Louis family.)
Some of these free Black people, including those in Louisiana, owned slaves before the Civil War. This practice was not common, but in some cases, free Black families would purchase enslaved family members in order to protect them from being sold to white owners.
The reconstruction era 1865–1877. After the Civil War, the abolition of slavery and the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments gave Black people new rights, including the right to own land.
During Reconstruction, there were some opportunities for Black people to acquire land, especially in areas where land was abandoned or confiscated during the war. Most Black Southerners, particularly in the years immediately following the Civil War, land ownership remained out of reach. Many Black families worked as sharecroppers or tenant farmers, farming land owned by white landowners in exchange for a share of the crops.
Jim Crow and the Early 20th Century (1877-1905). By the late 19th century, the Southern economy had been reshaped by the end of slavery and the institution of Jim Crow laws, which enforced racial segregation and limited the economic and political power of Black people. Despite these challenges, some Black families were able to accumulate wealth and land.
1905, if Louis' father still owned a plantation, it would likely have been a smaller operation compared to the large plantations owned by whites before the Civil War.
So following this time line if Louis’ parents have kids at around 19 - 21 as was common at the time during the 1800s then they would have had been born around 1845 - 1850. Pre-cival war era. Making them too young to be part of those Creole to own land or slaves in Louisiana. But their own parents might have.
During the time it was to serve as protection for black slaves to be owned by black people. So they were not treated the same way as most were family of their own. Slavery would have been abolished during 1865 so they would have been in their teens. So those working under them would be paid.
Note that this is also a challenge since even if his family owned a plantation it would have been small and always facing legal challenges because white people would challenge them for the land and their right to it.
For most Black Southerners, particularly in the years immediately following the Civil War, land ownership remained out of reach. Louis family would likely be workers as sharecroppers or tenant farmers, farming land owned by black land owners in exchange for a share of the crops. Creating a business that would uphold the family financially.
This would not hold for long as Jim Crow laws came into affect when Louis was born. If Louis' father was a plantation owner by then, then it would have difficult to hold on to that wealth. White competitors would want to drive their business to the ground because of this.
Louis would only be able to see or experience slavery if he visited White plantation with his father as owning slaves was against the law so black people owning slaves or rather Louis' father would be impossible when the law would push back as much as possible to drive the plantation to the ground.
Louis’ father only died in 1905 according to the first episode when Louis said he had been in the business of being a pimp since his father died five years ago. He also says that they were drowning in debt before he got the money from the plantation. Which isn't surprising seeing how he would have been pushed to ruin by the systematic racism.
So saying that “It's not even slightly impossible or that much of a reach, to pretty confidently say Louis' family, did own slaves” would be wrong. Because it is a reach. It's practically so near impossible for Louis' family to own slaves during that time.
Mainly because a) Post-Civil War, after the abolition of slavery in 1865, no Black people legally owned slaves, although some Black families did inherit or purchase land that had formerly been worked by slaves.
b) Family Protection: In some cases, free Black people would purchase their enslaved relatives to protect them from being sold to others. This was especially common among Creole communities in Louisiana.
Louis would not experience slavery in the same way. Nor see it. Or been able to own them. He would only have had workers under their families protection and even in the canon show Louis says they had to cut off a lot of staff under them.
I agree with most of your analysis of the show and I love all your posts. Especially your break down of Claudia in this post but I think Louis assurance and shutting down Claudia that they aren't slaves comes more from a black person seeking agency over himself and not seeing himself in that light. Especially because he drives the way his life goes and is completely independent.
Library of Congress Digital Collections
Use this resource for primary documents, including maps, photographs, and writings related to Black landownership and the history of slavery in the U.S.
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Their collections and articles offer deep insights into the history of African American landownership, slavery, and Reconstruction.
Freedmen’s Bureau Online
Explore primary documents and history related to Black land ownership during and after the Civil War, as well as the transition from slavery to freedom.
University of Virginia’s “Valley of the Shadow” Project
This archive focuses on Civil War-era communities and includes documentation on Black lives and land ownership.
BlackPast.org: African American History
Provides articles and essays about the history of African Americans, including topics on Black land ownership, slave ownership, and plantation life.
"Slavery by Another Name" by Douglas A. Blackmon
This Pulitzer Prize-winning book and documentary explore the re-enslavement of Black Americans through systems like convict leasing and sharecropping, which were prevalent after the Civil War.
Louisiana Creole Research Association (LA Creole)
An excellent source for understanding Creole culture and the history of free people of color in Louisiana.
“The Free People of Color in New Orleans” by Mary Gehman
A book dedicated to understanding the unique history of free people of color in New Orleans and their economic roles, including land and slave ownership.
National Archives: African American Research
Offers guides and databases for tracing African American land ownership, slavery, and records from the Freedmen's Bureau.
Guys!! Look what I woke up to 🙏🏽
I haven't had breakfast yet, or coffee or anything. I woke up peeked in here, and opened this up immediately and this is absolutely amazing!!!
@louis-disciple thankyou so much for doing this research and sending it my way. As I said I was too tired to do the real research for this. So I wanted to post this as soon as I could so that anyone/everyone else who would be interested could read through this. Complete with sources and everything!
I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a nerd for learning new things and basically just acquiring knowledge, so this was honestly one of the best things to wake up to. Again, @louis-disciple thankyou so much for sharing this, hopefully it's okay that I post this, and please, in the future feel free to do this kind of thing about or in reaction to any of my posts, you are very much welcomed to!
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This is the post in question:
-- Wanted to throw out as well, that the reason stated here in this ask... for Louis' reaction in that scene, about Claudia saying this is very similar to what I originally thought, so I have no qualms of dropping back to that, and rendering what I said about it in this recent post null and void. The rest of the post stays, but that part can go, thanks to the update of accurate information.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months
Dear magisowo
I just moved into a new home, and, on paper, it had everything I needed: close to my university, walkable city, and no low hanging lights I can hit my horns on. On paper, that is.
See, the issue started the day I moved in. The landlord gave me my keys, and I went inside. The interior was nice, however, as I quickly discovered, my new home was already inhabited by a multitude of ghosts, who were, to their credit, just as confused as me.
They're not troublesome spirits, far from it, but i was under the impression that a landlord had to disclose things like this before you sign the lease. (But it is my first time renting, so i may be mistaken) Either way, the landlord isn't returning my phone calls.
According to Martha (oldest ghost in the house, very motherly) none of them were informed the house was even open to new tenants. We're willing to compromise and try to live together, but as of right now, it's.. crowded. I wasn't prepared for roommates and they weren't prepared for me. Do we have any legal options here? I'm not looking to get them kicked out, of course, just wondering if we could get compensation from the landlord.. or at the very least a second bathroom.
- sincerely, one very cramped were-goat
(With the supervision of Martha, Daniel, Priya, Micah, Suki, and Horace, amiable ghost-roomies)
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We’re sorry to hear you were taken by surprise in such a way! Let us first assure you that your landlord should indeed have told you that the building you were renting is haunted. Not doing so is a violation of the duty to disclose that every landlord has towards their tenants.
Even if your landlord was not aware of the haunting (which, though unlikely, is possible if they lack all second sight) it is still their responsibility to have their property inspected for such things. Considering you are Sighted yourself and are not opposed to sharing with the ghosts, we are guessing you’re not looking to get out of your lease, but it is certainly grounds to renegotiate your rent.
When it comes to the rights of your ghostly housemates, that is rather more tricky. Our current laws still state that the incorporeal cannot have legal possession of physical property, but there are various provisions in place to protect their well-being. The following people may be able to help you:
The Dial-a-Ghost Agency, experts in (re)housing haunting spirits. In case any of your housemates wish to relocate.
The neighbourhood mediums of our Medium-ation Programme. They usually mediate between people like yourself and the spirits haunting them, but they also have a great deal of knowledge on the ghostly and will be able to communicate with your housemates.
If necessary we can help you find a lawyer specialising in tenancy law, or an Incorporeal Entity Advocate that can look into your housemates' options.
~ the MagISoWo Team  
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allthegeopolitics · 2 months
 A legendary French priest and a lifelong advocate of the homeless has been accused of committing acts that would amount to "sexual assault or sexual harassment," his foundation said Wednesday, in the latest instance of a Catholic spiritual leader facing allegations of abusing his power to harm women. Abbe Pierre, who died in 2007, was one of France's most beloved public figures. The founder of the international Emmaus Community for the poor, Abbe Pierre had served as part of France's conscience since the 1950s, when he persuaded Parliament to pass a law — still on the books — forbidding landlords to evict tenants during winter. Several women have accused the late priest of sexual assault or harassment between the end of the 1970s and 2005, his foundation said in a statement. It explained that it is making public the allegations of seven women, including one who was a minor at the time, after reviewing the report of an expert firm that specializes in violence prevention and was commissioned to listen to women's testimonies and analyze them. The women reported unsolicited kissing and touching, as well as inappropriate sexual comments and propositions, according to the report from the Groupe Egae firm.
Continue Reading.
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klapollo · 6 months
You may want to consult a legal clinic (many law schools run them for free or low costs) and consult them on your legal rights as a tenant. I think many of your rights are being violated, and you may have legal recourse, but you'd need to consult a real legal expert
i really hate that it might come to this at this point but like if she's going to wholesale ignore my (very polite) requests to turn the music down just so it's not bass boosting my walls like. what choice do i have lol
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libraford · 1 year
Im no expert on rental law but I think you are allowed to withhold rent by putting it in an escrow account if your landlord doesn’t make repairs/replacement in an adequate time period (looks like 30 days)
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I'm confused again.
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fawnanddusk · 2 months
A lot of my friends these days are hopping onto the bandwagon of wanting to make it illegal to own more than one house.
This is due to the housing market at large taking advantage of a lack of homes to jack up rent and housing costs in general, and I understand the desire and logic behind wanting more houses to be available to buyers and renters because of it. It makes no sense for so many houses to be left standing and gathering moss and mold and dust and sunken roofs and broken foundations because someone occasionally wants to rent it out as an Airbnb. It makes no sense for these places to be unavailable as homes because the owner who lives on the other side of the continent finds it more convenient to occasionally turn a profit than to be responsible for the upkeep of their renters' home.
Then I think about my friend with a gift for hospitality who wants to run a little bed and breakfast and cook all the meals and be the best host, who would actually be great at it.
I think about my years-long dream to build affordable housing that's close to nature and agriculture and restrict the rentals to working guests, college students, and elderly tenants who don't need or want to buy a whole house in their current situation, but would benefit from living and breathing in a small-town environment.
I think about co-op living spaces and homeowners with boarders, either renting a room or living in an attached unit. I think about people with executive dysfunction, crippling phobias, physical disabilities, or anything else that would make it more convenient and more pleasant to rent from a handyman or managerially gifted homeowner than to buy and have to hire a new contractor for every little broken tile and pest control issue.
And I think about how banning multiple home ownership is insufficient when the alternative to individuals building thoughtfully and often artfully designed living spaces is large companies building en masse, as cheaply as humanly possible, designed by people who never cook in kitchens, have guests over, or do outdoor hobbies.
What we SHOULD be doing is offering legal protections for home ownership by people, and raising care requirements for housing industry businesses. One of which should be a mandate to be "on-call" more than 50% of the time. (My apartment complex could never qualify with their 9am-5pm office schedule. In terms of customer service, my friend would run circles around that of every apartment complex and rental management company I've ever encountered.)
I know that any solution that I come up with wouldn't be sufficient. I'm hardly an expert on housing industry law, statewide, nationwide, or worldwide. I just think it would be nice if we could lean on and build each other up, rather than being forced to take whatever scraps the industry is willing to offer.
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stlivingla · 2 months
Hire a Property Manager in LA by Stlivingla
Introduction Are you a property owner in Los Angeles looking to maximize your investment and minimize your stress? Hiring a property manager in LA can be the key to achieving both. Stlivingla offers expert property management services that cater to your specific needs, ensuring that your property is well-maintained and profitable. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of hiring a property manager and why Stlivingla is the best choice for property management in Los Angeles. Why Hire a Property Manager in LA?
Local Expertise Los Angeles is a vast and diverse city with unique neighborhoods, each with its own rental market dynamics. A property manager with local expertise understands these nuances and can help you set the right rental rates, attract quality tenants, and navigate local regulations. Stlivingla's team has extensive knowledge of the LA rental market, ensuring your property is competitively priced and compliant with all local laws.
Time and Stress Savings Managing a property can be a full-time job. From marketing vacancies and screening tenants to handling maintenance requests and rent collection, the tasks can quickly become overwhelming. By hiring a property manager, you free up your time and reduce stress, allowing you to focus on other priorities. Stlivingla takes care of all aspects of property management, so you don't have to worry about the day-to-day operations.
Tenant Screening and Retention Finding reliable tenants is crucial for a successful rental property. A professional property manager has the tools and experience to screen potential tenants thoroughly, ensuring you get responsible and long-term renters. Stlivingla's rigorous tenant screening process includes background checks, credit checks, and rental history verification, helping you avoid problematic tenants and reduce turnover rates.
Efficient Maintenance and Repairs Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are essential to keep your property in top condition and retain tenants. Stlivingla has a network of trusted contractors and vendors, ensuring that maintenance issues are addressed quickly and cost-effectively. Our proactive approach to property maintenance helps prevent small problems from becoming costly repairs.
Financial Management Keeping track of rental income, expenses, and financial records can be complex. A property manager handles all financial aspects of your property, from rent collection and bill payments to detailed financial reporting. Stlivingla provides transparent and accurate financial management, giving you peace of mind and clarity on your property's financial performance. Why Choose Stlivingla? Stlivingla stands out as a premier property management company in Los Angeles for several reasons: Experience and Reputation: With years of experience in the LA real estate market, Stlivingla has built a solid reputation for delivering exceptional property management services. Our satisfied clients attest to our commitment to professionalism and excellence. Customized Services: We understand that every property and owner is unique. Stlivingla offers customized property management solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring you receive the best possible service. Cutting-Edge Technology: We leverage the latest property management software and technology to streamline operations, enhance communication, and provide you with real-time access to important information about your property. Dedicated Team: Our team of property management experts is dedicated to providing top-notch service and support. From our responsive customer service to our knowledgeable property managers, Stlivingla is committed to your success. Conclusion Hiring a property manager in LA can transform your property investment experience, making it more profitable and less stressful. Stlivingla offers unparalleled property management services that cater to the unique demands of the Los Angeles rental market. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your property management goals. Contact Stlivingla Ready to take the next step? Contact Stlivingla today to discuss your property management needs. Visit our website at www.stlivingla.com or call us at (123) 456-7890. By following these guidelines, this blog post is optimized for the keyword "Hire a Property Manager in LA" and is designed to attract potential clients searching for property management services in Los Angeles.
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lawofficeofryansshipp · 6 months
Eviction Services In Martin County, Florida - Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC
Martin County Eviction Lawyers Are you a landlord facing tenant issues in Martin County, Florida? Do you require legal assistance with residential or commercial evictions? Look no further than Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC. Our experienced team concentrates our practice in navigating the complexities of landlord-tenant law and ensuring swift and effective resolution of your eviction…
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estate01management · 1 year
Estate Management Solutions
Estate Management Solutions
At Estate Management Solutions, we are a boutique property management and consultancy firm that is dedicated to delivering bespoke services with a personal touch. We understand that each property is unique and has its own set of challenges and opportunities. That's why we take a personalized approach to property management, tailoring our services to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients.
Our team of experts has years of experience in the industry and a deep understanding of the local property market. We provide a full range of property management and consultancy services, including financial management, tenant management, maintenance and repairs, property acquisitions, market analysis, due diligence, and more.
We pride ourselves on our commitment to transparency, integrity, and professionalism. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients based on trust and mutual respect. Our goal is to provide our clients with the highest level of service and value for their investment, ensuring that they achieve their property management objectives and goals.
At Estate Management Solutions, we are passionate about what we do, and we take pride in our ability to deliver exceptional results. Whether you need help with managing your property or are looking to make an investment in the local real estate market, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you with your property management needs.
Investing in property is a popular way to grow wealth, secure passive income, and diversify one's investment portfolio. However, property investment is not without its challenges. Property owners have to deal with maintenance, tenant management, property taxes, and other related issues. Property investors also have to contend with changing market conditions, economic factors, and regulatory changes. These challenges can be overwhelming, especially for those who do not have experience in the industry.
This is where property solutions come in. Property solutions companies offer a range of services designed to help property owners and investors manage their properties effectively. From property management to advisory services, property solutions companies provide bespoke solutions that cater to the unique needs of each client.
One of the key benefits of property solutions is that they offer a comprehensive approach to property management. Property solutions companies have a team of experts who have experience in all aspects of property management. These experts can help property owners and investors with everything from tenant screening to maintenance, rent collection, and property taxes. By working with a property solutions company, property owners can ensure that their properties are well-maintained and that they receive maximum returns on their investments.
Another benefit of property solutions is that they offer valuable advisory services. Property solutions companies have a deep understanding of the real estate market and can provide clients with insightful advice on property investment. They can help clients identify investment opportunities, assess risks, and develop effective strategies for long-term growth.
In addition to property management and advisory services, property solutions companies also offer a range of other services, such as property appraisals, property inspections, and legal services. These services can be invaluable for property owners and investors who want to ensure that their properties are in compliance with local laws and regulations.
In conclusion, property solutions offer a range of benefits for property owners and investors. By working with a property solutions company, property owners can ensure that their properties are well-managed, and that they receive maximum returns on their investments. Property investors can also benefit from the deep expertise and advisory services that property solutions companies offer. With their bespoke solutions and impeccable service, property solutions companies are an essential partner for anyone looking to invest in property.
Property Advisory: A Comprehensive Guide
If you're looking to invest in real estate, whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned investor, property advisory can help you make informed decisions and maximize your returns. A property advisory service is a professional service that provides expert advice and support for individuals or businesses looking to invest in real estate.
The main objective of a property advisory service is to help clients make informed decisions about investing in property. This includes everything from identifying potential investment opportunities, to conducting due diligence, to negotiating the best deals.
But what exactly does a property advisory service offer, and how can it benefit you? Let's take a closer look.
Services Offered by Property Advisory Firms
Market Research and Analysis
One of the primary services offered by property advisory firms is market research and analysis. This involves analyzing data on real estate trends, economic indicators, and other factors that can impact the real estate market. By keeping tabs on the latest trends and data, property advisory firms can help clients identify potential investment opportunities that are likely to yield the best returns.
Property Selection
Once potential investment opportunities have been identified, property advisory firms can help clients evaluate and select properties that meet their specific needs and investment goals. This includes everything from conducting site visits and inspections, to analyzing the financials of each property, to helping clients negotiate the best possible deals.
Due Diligence
Before investing in a property, it's important to conduct due diligence to ensure that the investment is sound. Property advisory firms can help clients with due diligence by conducting comprehensive research on properties, evaluating risks and potential returns, and identifying any potential issues that may impact the investment.
Financing and Capital Raising
For many investors, securing financing is a critical part of the investment process. Property advisory firms can help clients with financing and capital raising by connecting them with lenders, negotiating favorable terms, and providing advice and support throughout the financing process.
Property Management
Once a property has been acquired, property advisory firms can provide ongoing property management services to help clients maximize their returns. This includes everything from tenant screening and management, to maintenance and repairs, to financial reporting and analysis.
Benefits of Property Advisory Services
Expertise and Experience
Property advisory firms have extensive experience and expertise in the real estate industry, which can be invaluable for investors who are new to the market or who lack in-depth knowledge of real estate investing. By leveraging the expertise of property advisory firms, investors can make more informed decisions and minimize the risks associated with real estate investing.
Investing in real estate can be a time-consuming process, from researching potential investment opportunities to conducting due diligence to managing properties. Property advisory firms can help investors save time by taking care of many of these tasks on their behalf, allowing investors to focus on other priorities.
Access to Opportunities
Property advisory firms have access to a wide range of investment opportunities that may not be available to individual investors. By working with a property advisory firm, investors can gain access to a broader range of properties and investment opportunities, which can help them diversify their portfolios and maximize their returns.
Risk Mitigation
Investing in real estate can be risky, particularly for investors who are new to the market. Property advisory firms can help mitigate risk by conducting due diligence, identifying potential risks and issues, and providing advice and support throughout the investment process.
In conclusion, property advisory services can be incredibly valuable for investors looking to maximize their returns and make informed decisions about investing in real estate. By leveraging the expertise and experience of property advisory firms, investors can save time, mitigate risk, and gain access to a wider range of investment opportunities.
What we offer
At Estate Management Solutions, we offer a wide range of property management services that are designed to help property owners and investors achieve their goals. Our services include:
Financial Management: We provide comprehensive financial management services, including rent collection, expense management, budgeting, financial reporting, and more.
Tenant Management: Our team of experts handles all aspects of tenant management, including tenant screening, lease agreements, rent increases, renewals, and more.
Maintenance and Repairs: We offer maintenance and repair services to ensure that your property is well-maintained and in good condition. Our services include routine maintenance, emergency repairs, and preventative maintenance.
Property Acquisitions: We help clients acquire new properties by providing market analysis, due diligence, property inspections, negotiations, and more.
Market Analysis: We provide market analysis services to help clients make informed decisions about their property investments. Our analysis includes local market trends, rental rates, property values, and more.
Consultancy: We offer consultancy services to help clients navigate the complex world of property management. Our consultancy services include strategic planning, risk management, compliance, and more.
At Estate Management Solutions, we believe in providing personalized services that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of our clients. We take pride in our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and ensuring that our clients receive the highest level of value for their investment. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your property management goals.
Value to your time
At Estate Management Solutions, we understand that time is a valuable resource, and managing a property can be a complex and time-consuming task. That's why we offer our expertise to help property owners and investors save time and resources, while achieving their property management goals. With our comprehensive range of services, we provide value-added solutions that maximize the impact of our clients' time, by handling complex and time-consuming tasks for them, while providing expert advice and guidance. We are committed to delivering personalized and efficient services that save our clients time and provide them with peace of mind. So, if you are looking for a trusted partner to help you manage your property and make the most of your time, contact Estate Management Solutions today.
Saving resources
At Estate Management Solutions, we understand the importance of conserving resources, and we are committed to providing property management solutions that are both effective and resource-efficient. Managing a property can be a resource-intensive process, with many different factors to consider, such as maintenance, repairs, legal compliance, and tenant management. By entrusting these tasks to our team of experts, property owners can save valuable resources such as time, money, and energy. We work diligently to identify areas of waste and inefficiency, and implement solutions that reduce costs and maximize the value of our clients' investments. With our comprehensive range of services, we provide cost-effective solutions that optimize the use of our clients' resources, while ensuring that their properties are managed in a sustainable and responsible manner. So, if you are looking for a property management partner that can help you save resources and achieve your goals, contact Estate Management Solutions today.
Providing a peace of mind
At Estate Management Solutions, we believe that managing a property should not be a source of stress or anxiety for property owners or investors. That's why we offer property management solutions that are designed to provide peace of mind and eliminate the headaches associated with managing a property. With our team of experts, clients can rest assured that their properties are being managed efficiently and effectively, while complying with all legal requirements and regulations. We take care of all aspects of property management, including maintenance, repairs, tenant management, and financial reporting, so that our clients can focus on other areas of their business or personal life. Our personalized and transparent approach to property management ensures that our clients are always informed and up-to-date on the status of their properties, giving them the peace of mind they need to make informed decisions. So, if you are looking for a property management partner that can provide you with peace of mind and help you achieve your goals, contact Estate Management Solutions today.
Adding value to your time Saving resources Providing a peace of mind  (Short Description)
Investing in a property can be a significant decision, and managing it can be a daunting task. It requires specialized knowledge and expertise to navigate through the complexities and ensure that your property is managed effectively. At Estate Management Solutions, we understand the challenges that property owners and investors face, and we strive to provide bespoke property management and consultancy services that add value to your investment.
Our team of experts offers a range of services, including property management, acquisition, letting, and relinquishing, tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. We take pride in delivering personalized solutions with a personal touch that ensures that our clients receive the best possible service.
Whether you are a property owner looking to manage your property more effectively or an investor seeking to expand your real estate portfolio, we are here to help. With our extensive knowledge and experience in the real estate industry, we can guide you through the entire process and provide you with the support and advice you need to make informed decisions that are in your best interests.
So, if you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy partner to help you manage your property or investment, contact Estate Management Solutions today. We are committed to delivering exceptional services that exceed your expectations and help you achieve your goals.
We believe in
Great! Based on the statement "FOR THE CLIENT ALWAYS," it seems like you may be looking for a statement or description related to customer service or client satisfaction. Here's a possible rephrased version of the previous text with that focus:
At Estate Management Solutions, we are committed to putting our clients first. We believe that by prioritizing their needs and providing exceptional service, we can help them achieve their property management goals and ensure their satisfaction. Our team is dedicated to delivering personalized, responsive, and reliable support, so that our clients can have peace of mind knowing that their properties are in good hands.
Great! Based on the statement "OFFERING BESPOKE SOLUTIONS," it seems like you may be looking for a statement or description related to personalized or customized services. Here's a possible rephrased version of the previous text with that focus:
At Estate Management Solutions, we believe that every client and property is unique, and therefore requires a tailored approach. We pride ourselves on offering bespoke solutions that are specifically designed to meet the individual needs and objectives of our clients. Whether you are looking for assistance with property management, acquisition, letting, or relinquishing, we take the time to understand your requirements and provide customized services that are efficient, effective, and cost-effective. Our team of experts has the knowledge, experience, and resources to help you navigate even the most complex challenges, and we are committed to delivering results that exceed your expectations.
Great! Based on the statement "IMPECCABLE SERVICE," it seems like you may be looking for a statement or description related to high-quality or exceptional services. Here's a possible rephrased version of the previous text with that focus:
At Estate Management Solutions, we are committed to providing our clients with an impeccable level of service. We understand that managing, acquiring, letting, or relinquishing a property can be complex and time-consuming, which is why we go above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of our service is of the highest quality. From the moment you contact us, we prioritize your needs and objectives, working closely with you to develop a personalized plan that meets your unique requirements. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering exceptional results, and we use our knowledge, experience, and resources to provide efficient, effective, and cost-effective solutions. Whether you need assistance with day-to-day property management or are looking for help with a specific project, we are here to provide the support you need, with a focus on delivering impeccable service every step of the way.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Awaab Ishak’s parents should be preparing for their son’s fourth birthday. Instead, they’re mourning. Awaab died in 2020, aged only two, after prolonged exposure to mould in the house his parents rented from Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH), a housing association. His story has been leading the news over the past week. As the barrister who acted for Ishak’s family, I’ve seen the devastation they have endured.
Prior to the inquest into Awaab’s death, RBH’s line was clear. They said there was mould in the property, but the tenants had caused it with their lifestyle and “ritual bathing” habits. They also said that his family should have taken action to control the damp and mould but failed to do so. As the inquest unfolded, it was clear this line would not – and could not – stick.
In finally conceding that they bore some responsibility for the mould, RBH provided the court with a document of admissions. They admitted that Awaab’s parents had reported mould from as early as 2017 and had contacted them on numerous occasions about the issue right until Awaab’s death. They admitted that after their inspection of the property on 14 July 2020, when mould was observed, remedial works should have taken place. They admitted that it was inappropriate for them to have to shifted the blame on to the lifestyle of Awaab and his parents (workers from RBH never asked his family about whether such “ritual bathing” took place; Awaab’s father has always said it did not, insisting in the inquest that he would use a shower to wash).
The fact that it took the pressure of an inquest for RBH to make these admissions, despite the fact Awaab died two years ago, speaks volumes. RBH’s failure to act was made even more deplorable – legally and morally – given the following three points, which were established when I questioned the witnesses.First, the house met the definition of being “unfit for human habitation” when it was inspected on 14 July 2020. Second, on 9 July 2020, shortly before the RBH inspection took place, RBH received a letter from the family’s NHS health visitor stating that she had been to the property and was concerned that the mould could affect Awaab’s health. And finally, the mould was so severe that only professional intervention could deal with it. In other words, the family were dependent on the landlord to do something about it.
Awaab’s parents powerlessly observed the deterioration of their child’s health. There was nothing they could do. The coroner and expert witnesses made it clear that there was no evidence that the family’s lifestyle was the cause of the excessive and unacceptably high amounts of mould in the home.
Awaab’s home was not even the worst on the estate. One RBH member likened the mould in some other properties as being “like black slime on the walls”. Other RBH residents have told the BBC that their homes are in conditions similar to the images we have seen of Awaab’s. Mould does not become so severe that it can be likened to black slime overnight. Given that no remedial works took place in Awaab’s home between the date of inspection in July and his death, one has to question whether RBH would ever have rectified the issues in Awaab’s family’s home.
The coroner was right to call this a “defining moment”. Grenfell Tower, however, has shown that moments that should be defining are often not. Politicians typically only act when public pressure necessitates it. All of us, whether we live in social housing or not, must continue to apply pressure on the government. The attitudes and practices of many social housing landlords, and the conditions of their properties, must improve.
Already, we’re seeing small wins as a result of public pressure. After RBH initially declared their confidence in their chief executive, he was sacked over the weekend. A petition for an Awaab’s Law on Change.org has reached more than 85,000 signatures. Awaab’s Law, which was created by the Manchester Evening News with input from Shelter and support from Awaab’s family, will improve the experience of social housing tenants living with damp and mould. Michael Gove, the secretary of state for levelling up, housing and communities, has sent a letter to the leaders of hundreds of councils and a separate letter to all social housing providers stating that the country needs to “raise the bar dramatically” on the quality of social housing, and “empower tenants” to ensure “their voices are truly heard”.
These improvements are deeply encouraging, but such positive action in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy is not unusual. We have a limited window of opportunity to force those with power to make necessary changes. Once the media move on to their next big story, Awaab’s parents will be left alone, facing the fact that their son is no longer with them. Awaab’s family have been incredibly dignified throughout this ordeal. Their only ask is that no other family goes through what they have endured. Let’s do all we can to give them this peace of mind.
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salar136part · 2 years
خرید خانه، ویلا و املاک در دبی (امارات متحده عربی)
خرید خانه، ویلا و املاک در دبی (امارات متحده عربی)
We can safely say that Dubai is one of the best options for investing in real estate, which is always in the interest of domestic and foreign investors due to its strong return on investment, favorable policies of the UAE and the increasing growth of construction in it.
In addition to the experience of unparalleled social security and the use of extraordinary recreational and welfare facilities provided in the emirate, due to the economic stability and constant development and progress, by buying a house in Dubai, you can transfer your capital to a safe city and make a significant profit in this Get the city.
Everything you need to know about buying a property in the UAE:
How is residence in the UAE through the purchase of property?
One of the ways to get a 3-year family residence visa in the UAE is to invest by buying a property and living in that country. The requirement to obtain this residence is to purchase a property worth at least 750 thousand dirhams in real estate in an area designated and approved by the UAE government. After buying the property and settling the account with the relevant company, you can apply for a 3-year residency and ID card by paying government customs of about 4 thousand dirhams. Note that this residence is for 3 years and it is possible to extend it as long as you own the property and pay the annual fees. To buy prefabricated houses and properties, you have to pay a contract fee, which is called Oqood. which is 4% of the original price of the house. In addition to the value of the property and the cost of the contract, you must also pay 560 dirhams for the cost of typing the contract. Please note that if the desired property is vacant or in possession of a tenant, you must travel to the UAE every 6 months, absence for a long time may lead to the cancellation of your stay.
Please note that all matters related to the residence of the owner and the dependent family members must be done in the same city where the property is purchased, for example, if you are purchasing a property in Dubai, you need to obtain residence and an ID card. Do the medical check and do the biometrics and fingerprinting of your documents at the Department of Immigration and Amer in Dubai. Note that this type of visa and residence permit does not allow you to work, and by purchasing any type of property up to 5 million dirhams, it is only possible to obtain a 3-year residence permit. It is worth mentioning that currently and the current laws, obtaining a residence visa through the purchase of property at any price does not lead to citizenship and obtaining a UAE passport.
Please contact our experts and consultants for more information about buying a property in Dubai and obtaining a family residence by purchasing a residential property.
برای خرید ملک در دبی با ما تماس بگیرید
09125275120 09354785014 09192130703 099223403991 00971-524723169 021-88665862
Why invest and buy residential property in Dubai?
Buying a property in Dubai is a special situation due to the special conditions of this city on the Persian Gulf. Dubai shines like a diamond among the cities of the Arab world. Its ever-increasing progress, along with the ultra-luxury design of today's apartments and structures, has made it an exceptional opportunity for investment. A city that has provided all facilities with many luxuries to its residents. Apart from all these things, this city is considered the business hub of the United Arab Emirates and investing by buying a property in Dubai can be very beneficial for you economically. Placed in the south of the Persian Gulf This city has many recreational structures in the south of the Persian Gulf and has made a noise in the world with its projects. To the extent that people not only from Iran but from all over the world intend to receive its residence. One of the easy ways to obtain residency is to buy property in Dubai, which provides you with many golden opportunities to invest and buy property in Dubai, because you will have the right to work and operate. Also, the investor's family (wife and children) will be able to obtain residence according to him.
Buying an apartment in Dubai or renting an apartment in Dubai?
To invest and buy property in Dubai, there are many residential projects in this city that you can invest in any of them. But if you are planning to buy a property in Dubai to obtain UAE residency, it is better to rent an apartment before purchasing; Because renting a property in Dubai on a short-term basis allows you to get to know the neighborhoods of this city, get your job, and then buy an apartment in Dubai keeping in mind your budget, your workplace, and the desired neighborhood. And also get the best place to buy property in Dubai according to your conditions. It goes without saying that the conditions for renting an apartment in Dubai are different from Iran. You must pay the rent to the owner in 1 to 4 installments depending on your ability. In most cases, in the first year of residence, you have to pay one year's rent at once. This is only part of these conditions that you can get help from the experts and real estate consultants of Elysia Group to get more information about investing and buying property in Dubai.
What is the minimum capital required to buy a property in Dubai?
مطمئناً وقتی قصد خرید خانه در این شهر را دارید، نمی خواهید اقامت در آنجا را از دست بدهید. اقامت امارات به مدت 3 سال و 10 سال ارائه می شود. اما اینکه کدام یک را می خواهید به نظر شما و سرمایه شما برای سرمایه گذاری و خرید ملک در دبی بستگی دارد. حداقل سرمایه برای اخذ اقامت 3 ساله دبی با خرید خانه 750 هزار درهم می باشد و باید ملک آماده با سند خریداری کنید. در ضمن برای اقامت 10 ساله باید حداقل 2 میلیون درهم داشته باشید. با این سرمایه می توانید یک ملک آماده و همچنین ملکی که در حال ساخت است خریداری کنید.
برای خرید ویلا در دبی با ما تماس بگیرید
Do not forget that when you buy a property in Dubai for residence, you will not be able to sell the property until the residence period is over. In this case, your stay will be canceled. Elysia Group Consultants is a constant companion of investors and immigrants to Dubai, where you can benefit from its valuable advice and benefit from its services for buying property in Dubai, selling property in Dubai, renting property in Dubai, buying and selling property in Dubai. For this, it is enough for you to enter our website at www.eliziagroup.com
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fss-12345 · 1 day
Top Features to Consider When Choosing a Property Management Portal in India
When looking for a reliable property management portal in India, particularly in cities like Hyderabad, several key features can determine whether the platform is worth your time and investment. A robust real estate property portal should provide a comprehensive user experience, efficient management tools, and compliance with legal standards. Look My Property is an example of a well-rounded portal that offers these essential features, making it one of the top choices for real estate in Hyderabad. Below are the critical factors you should consider when selecting a property management portal near me.
1. Comprehensive Property Listings
A top real estate property portal should offer a wide variety of property types. Look My Property, for instance, provides access to over 10,000 listings, including apartments, villas, open plots, and commercial spaces. This diversity ensures that both investors and homebuyers can find options that meet their needs. Whether you're seeking residential property management or looking to buy commercial properties, a platform with extensive listings makes property exploration easier.
2. User-Friendly Interface
Another essential feature to consider is how easy it is to navigate the platform. A property management portal should have intuitive search filters to help users quickly sort through listings by location, budget, and property type. Look My Property excels in this area with straightforward tools that allow users to find properties in specific areas of Hyderabad. Whether you are managing a property or searching for a new one, a smooth browsing experience is vital for efficiency.
3. Legal Compliance and RERA Registration
One of the most critical aspects of real estate management in India is adherence to local laws and regulations. A reliable property management portal must comply with RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) guidelines. Platforms like Look My Property ensure that every listing is verified and compliant with RERA, offering users peace of mind when it comes to legal transparency. This feature is particularly important for those looking for residential property management and long-term investment opportunities.
4. Efficient Rental Management Features
For those interested in rental property management, the portal should provide tools to manage tenant relations, rental agreements, and payment tracking. Look My Property offers functionalities that cater to both property owners and renters, ensuring smooth communication and secure transactions. Having such features integrated into the platform simplifies the management process and allows owners to focus on growing their real estate portfolio.
5. Channel Partner Support
A strong real estate property portal should have an established network of channel partners—resellers, vendors, or agents who provide additional support in property transactions. Look My Property leverages this network to improve customer service, offering users access to expert advice and local insights. This feature is valuable for those new to real estate management in India, as channel partners can provide critical information on property market trends and investment strategies.
6. Integration with Property Management Companies
For large-scale property owners or investors, collaboration with property management companies in India is essential. Look for portals that offer partnerships with reputable property management firms, ensuring that your assets are well-maintained. Look My Property facilitates this integration, allowing property owners to focus on growth while leaving day-to-day management in professional hands.
7. Mobile Accessibility
A top property management portal should also be accessible via mobile devices. In today’s fast-paced environment, having the ability to manage properties, check listings, or communicate with tenants on-the-go is a must. Look My Property provides mobile compatibility, enabling users to access listings, manage properties, and interact with service providers from anywhere.
Choosing the right property management portal is crucial for ensuring smooth real estate transactions and effective management. Look My Property is a leading example, offering comprehensive listings, legal compliance, rental management tools, and strong partnerships with channel partners and property management companies in India. Whether you’re searching for residential property management services or need a property management portal near me, these features will help you make the best choice for your needs in Hyderabad and beyond.
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fss-123 · 1 day
Top Features to Consider When Choosing a Property Management Portal in India
When looking for a reliable property management portal in India, particularly in cities like Hyderabad, several key features can determine whether the platform is worth your time and investment. A robust real estate property portal should provide a comprehensive user experience, efficient management tools, and compliance with legal standards. Look My Property is an example of a well-rounded portal that offers these essential features, making it one of the top choices for real estate in Hyderabad. Below are the critical factors you should consider when selecting a property management portal near me.
1. Comprehensive Property Listings
A top real estate property portal should offer a wide variety of property types. Look My Property, for instance, provides access to over 10,000 listings, including apartments, villas, open plots, and commercial spaces. This diversity ensures that both investors and homebuyers can find options that meet their needs. Whether you're seeking residential property management or looking to buy commercial properties, a platform with extensive listings makes property exploration easier.
2. User-Friendly Interface
Another essential feature to consider is how easy it is to navigate the platform. A property management portal should have intuitive search filters to help users quickly sort through listings by location, budget, and property type. Look My Property excels in this area with straightforward tools that allow users to find properties in specific areas of Hyderabad. Whether you are managing a property or searching for a new one, a smooth browsing experience is vital for efficiency.
3. Legal Compliance and RERA Registration
One of the most critical aspects of real estate management in India is adherence to local laws and regulations. A reliable property management portal must comply with RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) guidelines. Platforms like Look My Property ensure that every listing is verified and compliant with RERA, offering users peace of mind when it comes to legal transparency. This feature is particularly important for those looking for residential property management and long-term investment opportunities.
4. Efficient Rental Management Features
For those interested in rental property management, the portal should provide tools to manage tenant relations, rental agreements, and payment tracking. Look My Property offers functionalities that cater to both property owners and renters, ensuring smooth communication and secure transactions. Having such features integrated into the platform simplifies the management process and allows owners to focus on growing their real estate portfolio.
5. Channel Partner Support
A strong real estate property portal should have an established network of channel partners—resellers, vendors, or agents who provide additional support in property transactions. Look My Property leverages this network to improve customer service, offering users access to expert advice and local insights. This feature is valuable for those new to real estate management in India, as channel partners can provide critical information on property market trends and investment strategies.
6. Integration with Property Management Companies
For large-scale property owners or investors, collaboration with property management companies in India is essential. Look for portals that offer partnerships with reputable property management firms, ensuring that your assets are well-maintained. Look My Property facilitates this integration, allowing property owners to focus on growth while leaving day-to-day management in professional hands.
7. Mobile Accessibility
A top property management portal should also be accessible via mobile devices. In today’s fast-paced environment, having the ability to manage properties, check listings, or communicate with tenants on-the-go is a must. Look My Property provides mobile compatibility, enabling users to access listings, manage properties, and interact with service providers from anywhere.
Choosing the right property management portal is crucial for ensuring smooth real estate transactions and effective management. Look My Property is a leading example, offering comprehensive listings, legal compliance, rental management tools, and strong partnerships with channel partners and property management companies in India. Whether you’re searching for residential property management services or need a property management portal near me, these features will help you make the best choice for your needs in Hyderabad and beyond.
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