#texas sunsets are fire
collincountymagazine · 6 months
McKinney’s Sunset Amphitheater
McKinney’s Sunset Amphitheater is expected to feature 20,000 seats for fans plus suites on 46 acres. Stay tuned. Northeast of US 75 and 121 in McKinney Texas
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isaacswhy · 3 months
isaacwhy x gn!reader headcanons (sfw + nsfw) heavily inspired by the group camping video series: nick tanner yumi larry MINORS DNI
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More than likely, Isaac was the one to come to you with the idea of going camping. If it ever involved his friends, he would plan a secondary trip with just the two of you.
Isaac is an over-planner. He will buy a bunch of shit off Amazon to make sure you have your every need covered, to excess. Secretly a survivalist?
If you want to keep it 'realistic', he will be there with you on that 100%. No phones? He's down.
But, if you want to do a campsite but not take it too seriously, he thrives. He will have a mini cooler with sodas, food, campfire ready, et cetera. Isaac is happy to adapt.
Unsurprisingly, one of Isaac's first requests is to go swimming. He loves to stay active, and in the Texas heat swimming is the best way to do it and stay cool.
He's petty while swimming. He won't splash first, but if you splash him get ready for hell. If you're able to handle it, he won't hesitate to dunk you.
When you finally get out of the water, get ready for him to complain about his hair being wet. With his curls, it takes forever to dry. If you suggest cutting it, prepare for a death glare.
Isaac is happy to make the tent by himself, although he might ask for a helping hand every once in a while. He prioritizes you being happy and not stressing, so he tries to do everything.
He will also try to start the fire all by himself, but you might want to be on standby just in case he burns his tank top. He's not bad at lighting fires, it just takes a little more kindling than it should.
Speaking of doing things for you, prepare to sit back and let him cook, literally. He wants to make the meals. He may allow you to help, but let the chef do his work!
After the fire's going and the food's cooking, Isaac finds a giant fire log and bench presses it. Just to impress you, but he says it's because he needs to get his work out in.
He feasts. He will demolish any sort of food you give him. But, if you're still hungry after you've eaten yours, consider his food your own. He will offer it all.
Since he's not one to be on camera, he uses his phone (if you allow it) to take pictures and videos of you the whole time.
He also takes a lot of sunset photos and posts his favorite on his twitter.
When you finally turn in for the night, you get nice and cozy. Since Isaac's big and tall, you hardly need a blanket. Plus, he's clingy.
Being smushed together in a tent really only turns out one way. At first, it's harmless kisses to the back of your neck, and the next he's slowly rutting against you.
You don't have a hard time staying warm that night. Isaac's too rough and loves to hold you as close as he can.
To fit in the cramped space of the tent, he has no real problem practically folding you in half when he fucks you.
It's a bit uncomfortable, but the closeness really makes the experience much more intimate. You just hope no animals are drawn to all the noise you can't hold back.
Once you're both finished, and he makes sure you do, he's extra cuddly. Wraps his entire body around you to the point you have to lose the blanket. He's a big, warm softie.
You can't help but sleep well after all the action from the day. You wake up unsurprisingly sore and he gives you lots of apology kisses.
The next morning he makes breakfast for you while you're still getting up and makes sure you're well-fed.
He convinces you into one more trip down for a swim. As it turns out, there's nobody around.
Yeah, he fucks you on the shoreline. What a romantic!
After, you go back to the campsite and pack up your things. When you complain about being tired, he knows it's his fault and takes twice the amount of stuff you do.
The drive back, you can't help but take a fat nap. Dick too big.
He posts the highlights from your trip on his Instagram and twitter, and you take a day in the air-conditioned house as a prize. Mostly spent in bed cuddled up with your boyfriend.
And a shower together. You already know what happens.
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n3kk1tty · 4 months
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"Imagine being the adopted Daughter of the Sinclair brothers showing up in Travis county one day after buying a piece of land and a home to start a new life for you and your fathers. "
Thomas Hewitt x Reader
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Ambrose burned down that night and you were lucky to escape with what you did. Your twin father's clinging to life as tears streamed down your face tearing out of there before the cops could show ripping your family from you. You made sure you wouldn't be followed. No one would find your family and take them from you. You had grabbed what you could in the hours before departure after pulling your father's to safety and killing one of the survivors. You and Lester filled two cars with what you could before setting the whole town ablaze in a finale good bye. Your family home and town in mass flames as nothing would survive. Too many bodies to determine if you all had died in the fire or not.
You were a smart girl and had dreams of one day leaving the nest you just didn't think this is how it would turn out. When your fathers Vincent and Bo came to you were already across Louisiana state lines into Texas with your father Lester following in his truck. In the aftermath your family had found another ghost town to set up in. You were happy your years of prep for a life on the road had paid off as you had a lot of money to spare to help start this new chapter. You were practically tossed the keys to the house and land for cheap as everyone was abandoning this town, happy to sell for nothing. Bo took long to adjust to the change, getting into fits at having nonstop maintenance to do on the house and new garage. While Vincent lamented at the tragedy of what happened and how all his art was gone.
You had managed to snag only a small box of your fathers tools and art journals in the fire but had made sure on a trip to pick him up new art mediums when you went towns over for supplies one day. You remember how hard the quiet man hugged you when you awkwardly showed up in his basement room with a box of different art mediums. Signing to your father while you spoke. " I know it doesn't replace what we lost that night. But maybe it's time to try new mediums just like our new beginning. I love you dad." After that day Vincent would dive into new mediums every time you brought him some. He quickly took up wood carving and mask making to replace his wax prosthetic while using his oil pastels to draw the texas sunsets.
You and your father Lester were the most positive of the family about the move. You did your best to make the house a home and to keep the family together while Lester got work a ways out picking up road kill just like he used to. The only piece of mind with him having such a long commute was the fact Jonesy was always with him and he was just a call away. Your family lived in the quiet town for a few months blissfully unaware of your cannibal neighbors lurking in the ghost town as well. That was until you started frequenting the corner store for goods. Things like nails, cigarettes, and beer became a regular on a trip for you to do as Bo was always asking you to pick up things while he stayed home mumbling to himself.
It wasn't till your third trip did Luda Mae start questioning you. You brought the beer to the counter pointing to the cigarette brand your father liked. " A husband at home who likes to drink and smoke missy?" You let out a small laugh in response to the older woman. " No, no. Sadly not Married nor dating Ma'am these are just for my father. He's been working on our house and having me go fetch him things. " The woman perks up behind the counter. " Working on a house you say. That wouldn't be in this town would it. Ain't hardly anyone left let alone new comers. " You lean across the counter the sweetest smile you could muster in your face.
" We actually like the quietness of the town. Haven't had time to meet our neighbors though after moving in a couple of months ago. We've been too busy trying to get the house in order. I think I have already lost count of the days with how much I've been in my garden or kitchen all day. " The older woman pulls in a seat motioning for you to sit with her at the counter as she interrogates you. " So you like keeping yourself busy? Is it just you and your father and mother in the house, I know I'll be losing track of days myself keeping up with the three boys in my house. "
You laugh as you shyly scratch your head. " No ma'am. Never had a mother before. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it but I'm adopted by three brothers. They kinda found me abandoned when I was younger in this roadkill dumping ground and when they brought me home none of them could decide who the father would be so they are all just kind of my dad's. Now I know that must be a little strange and off putting to most but I sware that's my life. Though I guess legally my Pa Bo is my father as he took me to appointments when I was little. "
The woman could feel her maternal instincts fluttering in her chest as she schemed a way to make you her daughter. Luda Mae was determined to be the mother you never had, or even mother in law. " Oh that sounds like something silly three men would do. Must have been tough growing up with no mother. " You sigh to yourself as you think back to the home you can never return to a sadness hurting your heart. " I mean my father's certainly struggled teaching me to be lady-like. If it wasn't for my dad Vincent I'd probably still be running around in a baseball cap and boy clothes being a wild child. He used to fuss for hours learning how to style my hair like all the other little girls and make me dresses to wear since sometimes money got tight. "
" Oh you poor thing. What brings y'all to Travis? Planning on staying long or are you gonna set out on your own eventually. " Your smile drops as you half heartedly try and smile again at the woman but she can tell that question hurt you. " No, I think I'll stay here with my dad's. Our last home was burned down thanks to burglars and we barely made it out alive. I'm just doing my best to hold my family together. They are all I've ever known and I wanna keep them safe. I should probably be heading back before the beer gets warm."
Luda Mae walks you back to your car patting your back as you finish your chatting. " Well you know men. If you don't tell them to take a break they will work themselves ragged. My old man Bo is probably fiddling in his garage or in the house again. I'd love to come by for a visit, Miss Luda and give a proper introduction since we're neighbors. Maybe I should bring some dessert for your boys. " The woman smiled as you started the car up. " Oh (Y/n) I think my Tommy would fancy meeting you. " A blush and a nervous laughter arises as you remember back to the last time you attempted romance and how Bo and Vincent nearly made him a wax figure in Ambrose.
" I'd be charmed to meet him. I'll be seeing you around ma'am don't work yourself to hard. " After that day Luda Mae became determined to hook Tommy up with you. You were the perfect candidate for her son. The list of womanly house chores you could do was phenomenal and you were a sweet family oriented girl who was pretty to boot. The next visits to the shop you brang the old woman all sorts of things while you two spend the time chatting away. Like homegrown veggies, or fruit you snagged outta town, you even brought her some embroidery you did while learning with Vincent. All things Luda Mae appreciated and shown how you were the perfect daughter in law for her. She brought the things home showing them to Tommy talking his ear off about how she found him a bride finally and the man was excited just to get a look at you.
Hoyt caught wind of the newcomers in town and decided since he was the sheriff he might as well introduce his authority. Luda Mae almost took his family jewels though stating that you were Tommy's and Tommy's alone so to keep his hands off her future daughter in law as the man got ready to drive over. It took the whole Hewitt family to stop Tommy from hopping in the back of the car to catch a peek. Luda Mae had to assure him that you'd meet in due time but she was buttering you up for your new position.
At your house you had snagged bees to add to your new little farms addition so you were attending to your helpers. There wasn't much food out here and you and Lester were the only ones bringing in money so you figured homesteading was good enough to keep your family fed and happy. Trips out to town were long and tedious like Ambrose but you made do with selling things at the farmers market to help bring home ends meat. Your little farm had rabbits, chickens, and bees for wax now. You beamed in pride up at the window as Vincent signed to you. " Bees ? For wax ? Bee- careful not to get stung. "
You laughed at your fathers joke as you smiled as you signed back to him. " Very funny Dad. " Suddenly a cop car came rushing down the pebble road to your home. You freeze in fear as Vincent takes notice of your face rushing to grab Bo and his tools as your brain rushed with the thought that your family had been found. You were panicking. How did they find you. There was no way anything survived that fire or the victims could pin point you. Your eyes darkened as you grabbed the knife in your apron pocket. No one would take your family from you without paying with their life first. The sheriff hopped out the car standing in the driveway to your porch as you stood in your gardeners outfit and sunhat before him. " Well hello sheriff what brings you all the way out here?"
" Well I sheriff Hoyt would be surprised that we have newcomers in town who haven't even met their local police officers yet. Luda Mae has been chatting up a storm about you missy and I figured since I'm the sheriff of our small town it only makes sense to get to know who I'm protecting. " Your grip loosens from the knife in your apron as you let out a relieved sigh. " Well my goodness sheriff what an honor it is you drove all the way here to meet us. I'm sorry I would have been dressed a lot nicer if I knew someone so important was coming. Why don't you get outta the heat sir. That uniform must be blazing in this heat I'll go grab my father and some lemonade to cool you off. " The man's ego felt extremely boosted by your demeanor as he took a seat in the rocking chair on the porch.
You rushed inside in time to stop your twin father's from rushing out the door to mangle the sheriff. You push your hands on their chest signing out with your hands what's happening just so you know no one can hear. " It's just one of Luda Mae's boys. The lady from the store said her son was the sheriff. He isn't here for us, just to introduce. " Bo stares down grumbling as he wipes his hands clean of car grease. " Guess we should make peace with our neighbors. Stay outta it if things go south though. Understand. " You smile at him as you go to the kitchen Vincent following behind as you shout to the man. " I will Pa. You want beer or lemonade?" You laugh as Bo replies back lemonade is fine as he doesn't wanna share his booze with the sheriff just yet.
The front door swings open as Bo towers over the man on the porch. His face switches to a smile as he walks over to the sheriff sticking his somewhat cleaned hands out. " Well hello there sir. How kind of you to stop by. I'm Bo Sinclair the man of the house. Sorry about the car grease, was working on my truck. " The sheriff shakes his hand as he looks the man up and down. At least they weren't bikers or hippies he thought as the pair sit down making small talk as you bring drinks out. The two spend hours shooting the shit almost bonding over there disdain of the bikers in town. They talk about the town and its history while Bo eventually offers to fix up the sheriff's car as it looks like it could use a look under the hood.
By the time the old men are done chatting and taking a look at the car discussing Bo fixing up cars for the sheriff and splitting profits off of car scraps Lester and Jonesey are making it up the drive way for dinner. Hoyt ended up meeting the whole strange Sinclair family that night as he stayed for dinner. Fresh veggies and beautifully seasoned food with dessert and beer. The man almost didn't want to leave and agreed with Luda Mae your family's would be best together through you and Tommy's future wedding. Though Hoyt wouldn't tell your fathers as the twins were built out of brick and Lester was proud to show off his roadkill job so winning the Sinclair's favor was the Hewitts plan.
That night Hoyt went home with a full stomach and plenty of leftovers as your rabbits were well multiplying like rabbits. The sheriff tossed the leftovers plate to Tommy as he patted the boy on the back saying he was lucky. " We found you a good one boy. Gonna have to marry that one so me and my future business partner can keep bringing good meals like this home. " Tommy nearly licked the plate clean as the cucumber salad and roasted rabbit were heavenly on his tongue and when he got to the Mississippi mud pie on the plate he almost wanted to run over there now and officiate the wedding. Tommy was even more excited as Hoyt told him not to worry about his face as your father Vincent had a birth defect to his face as well. Talking about how if Tommy asked he would probably make him one of those fancy prosthetics to boot.
The first time you met the giant guard dog of the Hewitts was on the faithful day you invited them all over for dinner. The Summer heats had been rough but you Sinclair's had made your new home finally to your liking and it only took half a year. Hoyt and Bo were thick as thieves in their car business. Your garden was flourishing as you did wonderfully at the farmers markets selling off eggs, rabbits, and flowers. On rare occasions you'd sell art that Vincent made. All the Sinclair's had pulled together and were now financially stable again and adjusted to their new lives. The past may have burned down but the new peace you had you wouldn't trade for the world.
Maybe Ambrose going up in smoke was the blessing you all needed as it took with it the past bad memories as well as the good. Along with the Sinclair's doing good that meant the Hewitts got to thrive off of your generosity as well. Luda Mae spent hours making Tommy scrub off blood and dirty from his body to be presentable for your first meeting. You had brought the woman many fancy soaps from your trips to town and she was currently doing her best to make the man smell like roses. She even went out of her way to trim back his hair and freshen his clothes. With the last spray of stolen cologne the Hewitts were piling into the new fixed up car they had fixed up by Bo.
When they arrived the porch was lit up with fairy lights and the old Texas farmhouse was now as beautiful as it ever was. New paint and many maintenance later with your adding of decorations and dried herbs on the porch the Sinclair's property was the prettiest in Travis county. How either family never broached the topic of murder was a mystery as it wasn't like Bo wasn't making people disappear for car parts and cash when they wandered into your property. Can't have his new sheriff friend being crossed with him but the Sinclair's weren't going to let anyone take their new home from them. While the Hewitts kept with keeping their freezer stocked.
Both families stood in front of each other smiling while their dark secrets made them even more similar than they thought. Tommy nervously handing you a bouquet of wild flowers he picked while you tried talking to the behemoth. The Hewitts made themselves comfortable in your living room while they talked your fathers up. The same fathers who kept glaring down the Hewitt boy any time they thought he was stepping out of line with their beloved daughter. You two were watched like a hawk as Tommy nervously fiddled with his dress shirt while you softly talked to him trying to get him to look at you. Gentle hands felt his forearms as he tried to communicate back but couldn't as he was unable.
The Sinclair brothers watched like guard dogs around their daughter as you sat with Tommy on the couch teaching how to use sign language to communicate with you. Jonesey sat by you getting pets as you taught him how to sign dog. You liked the sweet man you did. He was shy and big but he was a gentleman to you as electric shot through your heart every time you touched. The Hewitts plan was working and you and Tommy were just in the beginning stages of your love story they thought. The two family's after that night became thick as theives. You and Tommy were paired together most days then not afterwards as the boy would get so excited he would happily do the long walk to your property just to see you.
Even if his help wasn't needed he would be there for an hour so you could teach him sign while Vincent worked away on a better prosthetics for your boyfriend to be. Every time this boy lumbered up the porch he'd bring you a gift and be as clean as possible while happily making noises at you. You even started sneaking off to the Hewitts under the guise of helping Luda Mae in her own garden and home just to see Tommy. Under the Texas heat love bloomed in the air and the families grew closer and closer together. You were so close it was becoming harder to hide each other's secrets.
It all came out in the open one day though when one of the victims came out of the basement when Bo and you were over to help. They came running out covered in blood begging you for help in the kitchen with you and Luda Mae in the middle of pickling. They yanked you away while swinging the knife at the old woman shouting for everyone to hear that the Hewitts were monsters and you should leave. The old woman panicked begging for you not to leave coming up with excuses as the victim lunges at her. With a swift wack of a cast iron they were slumped in the floor as you made work to cutting the vocals cords and Achilles tendon in the poor thing.
Luda Mae stood in shock as her sweet gentle future daughter in law was blankly using a knife to finish the girl off making sure she wasn't gonna be causing a fuss anymore. You stood above her as you looked at the old woman, blood smearing your face as you laughed. " Guess our families are a lot more alike than I thought Luda Mae. " Bo and Hoyt came sprinting into the room noticing the blood and girl on the floor as Hoyt was prepared for the worst of having to fight his friend before the mechanic gave an approving chuckle. " That's my girl. Quick and effective. Well come on Hoyt the ladies can't keep pickling with this bitch on the floor so let's get it cleaned up. I'm hungry for some lunch too. Would y'all ladies mind making us men something. "
After that the families solidified a friendship between the two Travis County quickly became a place for people to disappear and die. The Sinclairs did not partake in the cannibalism like their friends but they would gladly help lure victims or finish people off. The families were always at each other's places to help and soon we're even helping fix up the corner store and the Hewitt home. Life was peaceful and eventually Tommy got the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. Through the little sign language he did know under a southern live oak tree Thomas Hewitt asked for you to be his girlfriend.
You gleefully said yes as you tackled the man down to the ground placing a loving kiss to his face. You two hid under your tree from your prying families as you spent the evening in each other's arms giggling away as you exchanged kisses and bated breath. Your life in Ambrose may have been destroyed in that fire that night but you wouldn't trade your new beginning for the world. A fire could destroy the past but it also could warm your heart to the new future to come.
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This was an idea in my head after I rewatched both movies. If y'all want more of Thomas Hewitt X Sinclair daughter make sure to let me know or if you want more Sinclair Daughter posts in the future.
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geasthewritingrat · 27 days
Phantom: hey the sunset kinda looks like fire Mountain: Mountain: Bug, whats the sun made of? Phantom: gas? Mountain: and what state is that gas? Phantom: ...texas?
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twsted-kinks · 10 days
Weird shit Yuu would say
(Mostly as an American. Also kinda dark)
Yuu: *playing in snow and giggling*
Epel: Wow, you're really getting into it
Yuu: Last time I saw snow people died so this is a nice change of pace (Reference to the Texas Freeze)
Epel: ... What?
Yuu, making repairs to Ramshackle's roof: If I fall don't call an ambulance. I can't afford that shit
Deuce: ??? How can you not afford an ambulance? It's free
Yuu: Oh... Right, different place. Are doctor visits cheap? I haven't been to one for a couple years
Deuce: YEARS?!
During a fire drill
Yuu, looking around
Ace: Chill, everyone's here you don't have to worry about people missing
Yuu: Nah, I'm looking to see if there could be a shooter. Fire alarm is the perfect way to make us sitting ducks
Ace: S-shooter? Like with a gun?
Yuu: Yeah. What? You've never done shooter drills?
Ace: NO!
At Sunset Savanna
Yuu: Is that... Holy shit, that's a quagga
Leona: Uh, yeah they're common here. Nothing special
Yuu: They're extinct where I'm from so they're pretty special to me
Leona: ... You know what I'm not even gonna ask.
Yuu: Wow, this beach is so clean
Azul: Most beaches are like this
Yuu: What, most got trash pickers to clean up on the daily?
Azul: No? Is trash on beaches a problem where you're from?
Yuu: Just trash in the ocean in general is a problem. Lots of sea life die from it. Hopefully they got off shore drilling under control though now.
Azul: I know I'm going to regret asking but what are you talking about
Yuu: Y'all never had an oil spill?
Azul: I'm not even sure what that means so likely no
Yuu: Basically tons of crude oil leak into the ocean. Just imagine that shit getting into your lungs- or gills would be more accurate. Happened a couple of times. Lota of dead marine life
Azul: ... How can you say things like that so casually
Yuu, shrugs
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Could you do one with Rhys where him and reader just have a snowed in lazy day? I’m missing the cold weather right now and I am dying with this Texas heat.
Lazy morning
You had a feeling that it was going to snow during the night. It had to. The air was way too crisp. Way too chilly. And you absolutely couldn't wait for it. You loved Velaris in all the weather but there was something about the snowy days. How the night sky reflected on the snow. How the hilltops looked. The way the light illuminated the streets. The hustle it brought.
Besides all that, it meant the fireplace cracking all day long. Cosy sweater that of course would be matching because your mate never refused your wishes. It meant hot cocoa with marshmallows. A nice warm bowl of soup and toast. Fuzzy socks and endless hours to lay around some days.
You moved slightly as the faint morning sunset up the room. The room seemed way more chilly than when you had fallen asleep last night. You lifted your head glancing toward the clock, before deciding to slip out of bed to draw back the blinds and light the fire. But the moment you inched away from your mate's embrace, you were firmly pushed back. Letting you a chuckle you held onto your lover's arms, "Rhys", you muttered. "Don't even think about it", he huffed, nestling his face back in the crook of your neck. "I just wanted...", you started but didn't get to finish because Rhys quickly motioned with his hands, sending the blinds open and igniting the fire, the crackling sound of the wood feeling the space.
"Well, okay. What if I want to pee?", you questioned, reaching up to run your fingers through his onyx hair. "I'll come along", he muttered, you let out another laugh, "Absolutely you will not". Rhys let out a low growl, pressing even closer towards you. "I just don't want to spend a single moment today with you not in my arms", he stated firmly. "What's this clinginess all about? Which of my vases did you break now?", you jabbed his shoulder playfully, making Rhys let out a deep sigh.
"The purple one", "Rhysand...", you gasped twirling in his embrace. The high lord let out a laugh, "I'm joking". You shook your head, "I'll escort you out of this bedroom myself". Rhys only hummed, fingers running beneath the shirt you were wearing. "Sleep for a bit longer with me", he pleaded, and how could you say no? He had been working so much lately. You both had been busy. So any moment together was so special. You let yourself melt in his arms, "I want waffles for breakfast, though", "Will be served by a half-naked mate", Rhys stated as you two giggled together before the room drifted to silence once more.
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 7 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @hoodie-buck @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @daffi-990 @tizniz
thanks darlins! it has been a very shitty past few days but hey at least i have been able to channel it into fic and eddie in calls fic is the perfect therapy for me
The closest thing to a laugh that Eddie has been able to manage for months falls out of him, always coaxed out a little easier by Buck. It hurts as much as it feels good, and it makes him think that maybe there truly is something wrong with him that a sound meant to be joyful can’t be when it is coming out of him, the bulk of it too saturated in his hurt and ruin.
The laugh ends as quick as it began and he is so sore and so tired, so he scoots back until he is lying back against the couch, settling into the cushions and wrapping one arm around himself as he says, “Shut up,” with just enough of a teasing lilt to let Buck know that this is okay, this is what Eddie needs, that he is taking what Buck is offering. “I guess I was just bored.” Lie. “And I thought talking to you might make it better.” Truth.
“Oh,” Buck says again but it sounds different this time. His voice, though deeper and almost crackling over the phone, is very clearly tinted with something that makes Eddie think of summer sunsets and the meadow of bluebonnets he and Shannon often ran away to in Texas and the warmth and sweetness of fresh honey he ate by the spoonful as a kid. It is coated in a sort of pleased joy, almost bashful and happy like the slow smile Buck always does when someone has pointed out he has done something good.
It feels good to be able to be the reason someone sounds like that. Eddie doesn’t really know what he did to earn it, but he will take it, he will grab it in his hands as quietly as he can and hold it close to his chest.
“Well, you’re in luck then,” Buck says cheerily. Some more shuffling filters through the phone and Eddie can picture Buck’s limbs all caught up and tangled in his sheets as he tries to sit upright.
The image makes him smile.
“And why is that?”
“Because I just finished watching this documentary about silkmoths, in particular the bombyx mori which is the only species of insect to have been entirely domesticated by humans.” Buck says that like it’s a revelation, like it’s astounding, like it’s a true wonder that needs to be held delicately within his palms and gazed at until he can memorize every single shining facet.
His voice carries that sheen it gets when he is excited about something, all warm and throaty and rapid, the information in his head whirring with immeasurable speed, facts tripping over themselves to get out of his mouth and be handed to someone else who Buck hopes will treasure them just as he does.
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @chronicowboy @911onabc @diazass @shitouttabuck @malewifediaz @jeeyuns @spagheddiediaz @messyhairdiaz @sibylsleaves @rewritetheending @transboybuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @vampbuckley @bvckandeddie @devirnis @gayedmundodiaz @lemonzestywrites @butchdiaz @buddierights @heartshapedvows @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @bucks118 @spotsandsocks and anyone else who wants to share!
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mafiasliege · 5 months
I dare you to let me go
(this is the last part i.e. part 8 of my fic. Enjoy reading!)
Part 7 ↓
Jameson didn't know why or how he did it. But one moment, Avery was going away and the next, he was kissing her.
She kissed him back and everything slowed down to a crawl. It wasn't soft, it was like liquid fire, burning and drowning them and releasing all the pent up tension and longing.
It felt like everything.
It felt like more.
And that was the thing. Kissing her still felt… right.
Slowly, unwillingly, he pulled back.
"So much lost time" Avery whispered, she sounded haunted and starstruck, still very close to him. "I can't bring it back. But I will not waste any more of it."
"Please don't break my heart again."
"I won't."
She put a small green box in his hand and closed his fingers around it. "When you're ready, if you're ever ready, just in case."
They smiled at each other, teeth showing.
And this time, the smiles were real.
Jameson moved back to Texas after that day.
Next thing he knew, it had been months since that day. Months of healing and talking and kissing (among other things) and traveling. Before long, they ended up hitting their comfort place, Tahiti. After that, there was Zimbabwe, and Hungary, and Madeira, and soon they ended up back in the US for wing walking, and finally at home.
"It's not even been a day but I want to go back wing walking." Jameson said. Walking on airplane flaps mid-air was as 'Jameson' as anything could get.
And totally unlike Jameson, was to be nervous. Like now.
"You only love things that might kill you."
She said, looking at him then at the sunset.
"Yeah. It seems I do." He said, looking at her.
Somehow, after going around they'd ended up with a romantic dinner date on the Hawthorne House rooftop - just like the one they'd missed, only a little later.
Late is better than never, he guessed.
Jameson got up abruptly and held out his hand to her, "may I have a dance?"
She smiled, that smile, and took his hand. Once upon a time they would've taken a dance for granted. It may even have been the bare minimum, but now, it meant so much more than that.
Avery leaned into him and put her head on his chest, he kissed the top of her head. They slow-danced like that for a while, before they started dancing like lunatics and ended up giggling, Jameson spun her.
And knelt down.
Avery paled, again. But this was good paling, besides she ended up blushing seconds later.
"Now, on the note of doing things late but doing them, Avery. Heiress. My mystery girl,"
"Will you marry me?"
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anonymousromanticpoet · 5 months
Ennis x Jack Headcanons
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How they finally got together for good: After Ennis and Alma divorced, Ennis spent a lot of time thinking and pining and soul-searching. It takes him a good year and a half, but, eventually, he realizes he wants to be with Jack for real, and works up the courage to drive down to Texas to tell him so. Meanwhile, Jack and Lureen's marriage is breaking up as well. But with a twist (pun completely intended): Lureen comes out as a lesbian. Jack isn't sure whether to laugh or to cry. Ennis practices his speech for the entire drive, only to completely forget everything when he sees Jack's face. "Jack, I swear...if I...if I gotta go one more moment without you...I ain't never felt this way for nobody before. And now I'm here. And yer here. And that makes two of us. And I know I'm bad at sayin' it, and I ain't never told ya cause...aw hell." Ennis just gives up and grabs Jack, kissing him roughly. Jack eagerly kisses back, hops in the truck, and they drive off into the proverbial sunset. And they haven't looked back since.
Mornings Together: Ennis is a morning person and wakes up with the sun (and sometimes before). He loves walking out to their barn in the cool dawn-kissed air to check on the horses. Jack, on the other hand, rolls out of bed at 9:00 ("The hell was in the water when you wer growin' up? No man has the right to wake up early's you do and be whistlin.'")They both take their coffee black. Oatmeal or cereal every day, eggs and bacon or pancakes on Sundays. They have their routine.
Domestic Details: Jack can't cook. Ever since he managed to set a pot on fire by forgetting to add water, Ennis has insisted on doing all the cooking. ("Else yer sorry ass'll burn the damn place down.") But, secretly, Ennis actually enjoys making the food. And Jack likes eating it. Provided it's not beans. They both do the dishes together. Laundry is a shared duty, but Jack has to be reminded every day not to put their red flannel shirts in the same load as their white undershirts. ("You know, fer all the talk o' you bein' the wife in this arrangement, you ain't exactly Betty Crocker." )
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archivist-crow · 3 months
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Odds and Ends:
In June 1873, a monstrous sky serpent, in a cloud, glided over Bonham, Texas, terrifying farmers. The Bonham Enterprise carried eyewitness accounts of the snake, which was "as long as a telegraph pole" and had bright yellow stripes. It was seen coiling itself up, twisting, writhing, and then striking out at some unseen target. It was traveling eastward. Shortly after, a "sky serpent" was seen over Fort Scott, Kansas, at sunrise, encircling the sun as it rose above the horizon. The display lasted several minutes and was witnessed by both civilians and the U.S. Calvary stationed there.
Sightings of aerial snakes and dragons date back through antiquity. From AD 774, Huntington (England)'s archdeacon wrote "red signs appeared in the sky after sunset, and horrid serpents were seen in Sudsexe." In 793, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a year-by-year narrative compiled in British monasteries, records an account of people seeing fiery dragons during an extreme lightning storm in AD 793.
Other documented sightings include:
* In 1388 and 1762, a flying dragon was seen over Britain and a "twisting serpent" illuminated the sky for six minutes over Devonshire.
* In Nebraska in 1857, "a flying serpent... hovered over a Missouri River steamboat slowing for a landing. In the late dusk it was like a great undulating serpent, in and out of the lowering clouds, breathing fire, it seemed, with lighted streaks along the sides."
* In 1883, in Maryland, "R. B." witnessed a "monstrous dragon with glaring eye-balls, and mouth wide open displaying a tongue, which hung like a flame of fire from its jaws, reared and plunged" over Catoctin Mountain at 6:30 a.m.
* In 1888, a hissing sky snake was spotted over South Carolina.
* In 1897, in Michigan, at 4 a.m., John Rosa, a newspaper delivery boy, and the policeman he was with, both saw a hissing, silvery serpent, three blocks long, shooting through the air, 1,000 feet overhead.
* In 1935 a shimmering serpent moved vertically through Scandinavian skies.
* In 1935 and 1937 sky serpents appeared over Cruz Alta, Brazil.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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lonestarbattleship · 7 months
February 18, 2024 Update from the Battleship Texas Foundation
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Battleship Texas at Sunset.
The last Dry Dock Tour date has been announced! They are filling up fast -book now for before this once in a lifetime opportunity is gone! https://battleshiptexas.org/plan-your-visit/
A quality control check was conducted on January 30th, 2024. Leaks were expected and the team has successfully located them. Several of the leaks were under the starboard after docking keel. To fix it requires removing the docking keel, fixing the hull, and installing a new docking keel. For structural support symmetry we are replacing the two after most docking keels. At this time we are only replacing the after two docking keels. We have a procedure for safely removing these blocks that will not structurally damage or compromise the ship.
Work will continue to ensure that Battleship Texas is leak free, right up until she goes back in the water. And keep working after that to keep Texas as internally dry as possible.
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Starboard docking keel removed and doubler plating being installed, after original steel was blasted and painted.
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Partially removed starboard docking keel.
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Cross section of docking keel -they are supposed to be hollow structures with a frame every four feet and their bottom is made of a heavy channel beam with teak in the channel. This docking is filled with mud from San Jacinto.
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The teak "shoe" of the docking keel -the teak is amazingly good condition. That's San Jacinto mud above the the teak.
The first restored 5"/51 gun has been returned to the shipyard. This is 5"/51 mount #13. The mount was successfully reinstalled on Saturday and the gun will be reinstalled Monday. The rest of the starboard side guns will be reinstalled over the next week or so, with the port side guns following.
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The gun for 5"/51 mount #3 being landed back on the dry dock, in preparation for reinstallation.
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The stand and carriage of 5"/51 mount #3 being brought into the air castle. All 9,000 lbs of it.
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The carriage and stand for 5"/51 mount #3 back in place, awaiting its gun and final bolting down. Yes those are the threaded rods that holds the mount -they are 24"-30" long.
Repairs to the ship's Aft Fire Control tower are ongoing. The windows, which were removed years ago, will be replaced.
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The pipe mullions and window frame strips are fitted in place and awaiting final weld out.
The deck drains on the port side of the foremast have largely been reinstalled, ensuring that water drains properly off the ship.
WHAT’S NEXT? - Battleship Texas will remain at Gulf Copper Shipyard for until her new home is ready for her. Additional steel work, removal and replacement of the ship’s deck, and superstructure/aft fire control restoration will continue. Painting the topsides!
SPLASH! - The ship will be put back into the water in early March.
PAINT! - Battleship Texas was painted in the Measure 21 camouflage scheme prior to deploying to the Pacific Theater during World War II. At this time Battleship Texas is the ONLY museum ship painted in this camouflage scheme and only one of two battleships in their WWII measure. Yes, the rest of the ship will receive a new coat of paint prior to leaving the shipyard.
HULL NUMBERS/NAME - The new hull numbers and name board have been extensively researched so each number and letter is not only the correct font, but applied in the appropriate position as it was in 1945. The numbers have been applied to both bow and stern.
ANTIFOULING! - The ship’s hull has been coated with PPG SIGMASHIELD 880 GF. Historically the ship would be coated with an anti-fouling coat that is red in color, but that coating is no longer needed as the ship is stationary and antifouling is not need to keep the hull free of marine growth for efficient movement through the water.
KEEL BLOCKS - Yes, the keel blocks supporting Battleship Texas can be moved. Each block is moved so the area atop of them can be blasted, repaired (if need be), and coated.
WHAT ABOUT THE RUDDER? - The rudder will remain where it is. Funding is best spent elsewhere.
WILL THE SHIP RUN AGAIN? - No, the ship will never be able to run under its own power again.
TOURING? - The Battleship Texas Foundation is working on new touring opportunities before the ship reopens.
REOPENING? - There is a lot to be done before the ship is ready for touring at its new home in Galveston, Texas. Reopening is projected to happen sometime in the later half of 2025.
Come on Texas!
To donate to the preservation and operation of Battleship Texas, please visit: https://battleshiptexas.org/
Support Battleship Texas by making a purchase through the ship's store: https://store.battleshiptexas.org"
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation: link
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rainwaterapothecary · 3 months
Into The Sunset
#serennedyprideweek prompt 3 - Cowboys
June 188X - Texas, USA
Bluestem grasses danced here and there with the breeze as Luis Serra propped one foot up on the wooden fence.
“Ey Sancho, the cows will be eating your hat next.” The Spaniard chuckled, bringing a gloved hand up to hold his own hat atop his curls. The buttero at his feet snorted and made a sweeping gesture at the pastures in the distance.
“What, Signore Quixote, tired of fighting off the herbivores already? You’re getting slow!”
Luis silently babbled ‘getting slow’ in mockery; the blue glint of Leo’s eye missed amongst the weeds. The hat in question thwacked the cheeky Spaniard’s shin with all the force of a lazy ex-farmhand. Luis kicked back, nearly toppling off the fence when he forgot he was only hanging on with one hand.
(His left side just wasn’t the same after the bit of trouble they got into two winters ago with a member of Leonardo’s old band. Luis was a lot of illegal things, but a kidnapper would never be one of ‘em. Ol’ Johnny took offense to the two partners running into his plans with nothing but their horses and a prayer.)
“Careful Bellissimo, or you’ll be the one to puncture my poor hat with those spurs.”
Luis stepped out of the work glove his lover had caught his foot with, shaking his head and chuckling at the immediate save. Leo then tilted his hat out of his eyes with his thumb, broken-bottle blue catching the light prettier than the gold the fools out west dug in the mud for.
No, Luis didn’t need gold or metal or jewels, all he needed was work for his hands, a fire for the cold nights, and his Sancho smiling up at him.
In the distance, the echoing cry of the cattle started up in their evening saludos to the sun. Grass rustled as the lounging man got to his feet, dusting off his chaps in useless swipes. Gray eyes tracked the effort gratefully, his buttero’s rear end always delighting him in its weather-beaten denim.
“See somethin’ you like, Don?”
Luis stuck out his tongue at the smirking man, leaning over the splintering beam dividing them to catch his partner’s sun-sweet lips. He felt the other man smiling into his mouth as sturdy hands caught his hips, the flannel giving into his sides beneath his lover’s leather gloves. His own work gloves left smears of dust on high cheekbones as he let Leo keep him upright, safe from both gravity and splinters by the other’s gentle hands. Hands made rough from rope and gentle with love caressed the shorter man’s cheeks and eyelids, tracing over each feature the good lord saw fit to gift them. Lips chapped from biting and sunlight opened to admit Luis’ kisses, Leo’s breath tasting of the peach moonshine they traded for over past Raccoon’s Rest.
It was always bittersweet to return to the town they’d met in. The trading post was second to none when it came to gettin’ goods from along the river, but it was hardly the place for a lonely Italian immigrant to make a home with a vaquero with mischief in his eyes and secrets in his mouth.
They checked in once a year or so, between drives if it took them through the Pass. Moonshine from Miss Hunnigan’s Roost made for a delicacy that almost made up for the hateful stares of the church folk when the tired cowpokes made their way into town for a rest and a drink.
Luis would trade those fine beds and soft quilts in a heartbeat for this right here though: his man happy and whole and in his arms, kissin’ him like the fields were their sanctuary and the cows their witnesses.
Joy bubbled up past the Spaniard’s lips in a broad laugh, catching Leo by surprise and making him laugh in turn.
“What’s gotten into you, Luis?” Oh his name was so sweet on his farmboy’s breath. The man on the fence merely shook his curly head, smiling down at the man between his palms.
“Just happy, mi amor. So happy.”
”I can’t give you wine or nice silks like the ladies at the Roost, but I can give you a safe place to rest at night and warm hands if you want ‘em.” The shorter man had whispered to where his hands gripped the brim of his hat, his head bowed meekly.
The Spaniard had been bowled over by what the ranch hand in front of him was offering.
“I…you…?” He had replied intelligently.
Leo’s silk-straw hair bobbed as he nodded, his head still bowed. "I could make you happy, if y'like."
Luis had laughed then too, gathering his farmboy to his chest and kissing him among the horses in the barn. Whiffs of fresh hay and the perfume of oats wove through Leo's hair with Luis’ fingers, holding him closer and closer until they were just one wanderer in two bodies, blind to the animals with eyes open to each other for the first time.
Leo smiled at him with the boyish grin Luis wasn’t quite sure he’d ever grow out of – and he certainly would never be bothered if he didn’t.
“Come on, let’s get the herd to bed.”
“And then us?” Luis tried, cheekily. Leo rolled his smiling eyes.
“Sì, amore. Then us.”
The taller man yelped as his lover picked him up, lifting him over the fence in one move and carrying him away with one leg on either side of his torso.
It might not be a horse, but he wasn't going to complain about being carried into the sunset with the man he loves.
...Dignity be damned.
A/N Did some research on vaqueros which then led to traditional Italian cowherders? Leo(n) and Luis bicker about this after it happens just to bicker. Leo says his people won, Luis secretly agrees but he has to be contrary.
Anyway, Luis immigrated to the US as a kid and Leo came over shortly before they met. He had gotten a farmhand job to earn his keep until a certain cowboy came into town, looked at him down the bar, and asked him to dance beneath the stars where nobody could judge a man and his sweetheart.
Luis keeps a copy of Don Quixote in his saddlebags beside a little notebook he uses to sketch in. (Yes I read Eric's hc that he sketches yes it has given me brainrot.)
Everything'll be crossposted on my ao3 at the end of prideweek, mwah!
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popbloganddropit · 5 months
Cowboy Carter - Beyoncé
1. AMERIICAN REQUIEM: Just light the CMAs on fire, B! An impeccable intro to this album with varied sounds throughout the song that is representative of the sonic journey this album is going to take you on. 4.5/5
2. BLACKBIIRD: Stunning. Knowing no background about the song, I think it would still stop you in your tracks to hear these women harmonize and deliver each line with the perfect performance, emotional but not overdone. With the addition of the knowledge that Paul McCartney wrote this song about black women in the civil rights movement adds to the feeling behind the song and the feeling this version should have always existed. 5/5
3. 16 CARRIAGES- I heard the first two singles described as Texas Hold ‘Em being for country fans that weren’t sure about Beyonce and 16 Carriages as being for Beyonce fans that weren’t sure about country music and that holds up. This song describes Beyoncé’s ascension in the industry, and while I do like it, it’s missing something that makes me NEED to return to it like some of the other tracks here and on RENNAISSANCE. The way the chorus builds up into the titular line is really striking, and does stick around in my head. 4/5
4. PROTECTOR- This song is so sweet, just the right amount of hymnal to feel it in your spirit. The protector into projector line is *chef’s kiss*. 4.5/5
5. MY ROSE- an interlude, but I really wish it were longer because it’s got some really gorgeous and touching moments. 3.5/5
6. SMOKE HOUR- again not rating this, just had to note how tickled I was to hear Willie Nelson say KNTRY radio.
7. TEXAS HOLD ‘EM- I think this song has been stuck in my head since the Super Bowl. It’s so fun and makes you want to learn how to line dance in a pair of Daisy Dukes. 4.5/5
8. BODYGUARD- so smooth and sexy. If I were figuring out what to do with the Bond franchise, I would build a movie fit to make this the theme song and it would be a for sure blockbuster. 5/5
9. JOLENE- there’s probably too much discourse around this song for how serious it is, the Creole banjee bitch is having fun, so we can ignore a few corny lyrics (don’t raise full grown men though, ladies). There’s some really fun stuff going on in the background too, which is keeps a familiar melody interesting. 3.5/5
10. DAUGHTER- MURDER AT THE OPERA, and it is me who has been slayed. 5/5
11. SPAGHETTII- Beyonce having rap as a little side hobby she keeps in her back pocket is so cunty, country, petty of her. This would be one notch better if the hook in the chorus did a touch more for me lyrically. Beyonce’s harmonies over Shaboozey’s verse is perfection, though, so I will overlook it. 4/5
12. ALLIGATOR TEARS- the driving beat in the background never lets you feel at ease with Beyonce’s soulful yet slick performance. 4.5/5
13. JUST FOR FUN- a souldul, heavenly performance. Bey and Willie Jones sound great together. Willie fits in so well, his voice adds a gravelly, twangy flair. This is the CHURCH GIRL of this album for me. It’s objectively good, but something about it just doesn’t go all the way for me. 4/5
14. II MOST WANTED - This so fun! Miley and Beyonce’s vocals sound great together. A music video for this song would be magnificent. Fringe and rhinestones everywhere, vintage cars speeding through the desert, and I can picture them singing together on an upright piano in an old-timey saloon. This song does remind me of Gaga’s “You and I” and some of Joanne. She would have been a great option for this duet too. This song was meant to be belted out your car window at sunset. 4.5/5
15. LEVII’S JEANS- It’s most notable how clean and smooth Post Malone sounds! Everyone cleans up their act for Beyonce! I prefer “II MOST WANTED” a bit more of these two duets, but this is a fun little number. 4/5
16. FLAMENCO- it’s giving mafia but make it country. I know it was noted that a lot of these songs were inspired by movie and I would love to know what movie this one was. FLAMENCO has a bit of a theatrical flair. 4/5
17. THE LINDA MARTELL SHOW- Again, not rating this, I just think it’s very important to the thesis of this album. Genres are limiting. More on this later.
18. YA YA- this song begins the best stretch of the record and is a highlight on an album chock full of great moments. “YA YA” really showcases so many things that Beyonce does well. The intro call and response showing her cheeky sense of humor, then takes off like a shotgun with killer vocals and some social commentary (“whole let of red in that white and blue”) and moves into a sickening Beach Boys interpolation and is ass-shakeable throughout the whole thing (plus some some wild guitar shredding). And it keeps the country line dance-y vibe the whole time. An instant Beyonce classic. 5/5
19. OH LOUISIANA- an excellent transition, because you honestly do need a minute after YA YA. Would love to eventually hear the unedited vocals and/or an explanation of how they made Beyonce sound like this??? Going to skip a rating because this is just a transitional moment; I think very few people are playing this intentionally on repeat as a solo track.
20. DESERT EAGLE- sexy with a hot bass line running through it. Beyoncé makes do-si-do sound cooler than it ever has. The only possible complaint is we need an extended version since it’s only ~70 seconds long. 5/5
21. RIIVERDANCE- only Beyoncé could get away with the combining “Folsom Prison Blues”-esque verses, The Gift esque “running through the river”’s, a hint of 2010’s folk-pop stomp claps, and a and cheeky twerk anthem, “bounce on that shit, no hands”and absolutely get away with it. 5/5
22. II HANDS II HEAVEN- love the “no hands” of the previous song moving into this. This wouldn’t be out of place on Renaissance, but belongs here lyrically and musically as well. It’s not a stand out track, but still very solid. 4/5
23. TYRANT- I really like the beginning and I wish there was a little more of it or it was its own song. I also really like the second part, so it’s not too sad. This is the tight black leather type of country song. That string in the background and the beat are doing some work, which really rides an interesting line between country and RnB. 4/5
24. SWEET/HONEY/BUCKIN- a JOURNEY of a song, I would take 5 minute cuts of any of these portions. It’s a mix of everything that’s on the rest of the album. SWEET starts off with Beyoncé’s soulful vocals and gets a verse from Shaboozey that balances a country and rap fusion significantly better than most garbage on country radio that sounds like rap for people who are afraid to leave their suburb. The claps that follow are scientifically designed to make you want to dance. Into a slower, sensual(but short) HONEY interlude that then takes off like horse into the BUCKIN section which is just a goddamn banger. Sickening how hype this gets. Does Beyonce say “Look at that horse” because you could lift a horse when it’s playing?? 5/5
25. AMEN- an AMERICAN REQUIEM reprise that is a nice bow on the end of this gift Beyonce has bestowed upon us. Works perfectly if you want to go ahead and start the album over again (and you might) or go right in to RENAISSANCE. 4/5
I overall do love so much of this album. If we were to compare to Act i, I would say Renaissance is better as it is, for me, a no skip, play front to back album that is so cohesive. I think the Linda Martell interlude is key to understanding Cowboy Carter, because what is genre and is it important? I think the thesis of this album is that genre is limiting. To the critics that will say xyz elements aren’t country enough, she’s got Willie, Dolly P, and Linda Martell’s co-sign. Country fans checking this out will find Beyonce playing with so many different genres but can hopefully see the country twist she has put on them. In the opposite direction, Beyonce fans who might limit themselves to modern pop and RnB might discover the original Blackbird or Jolene, or they might look at works by the interlude or featured artists and find something they love and relate to. How much of genre do we relate to who it is coming from? Can a Beatles cover by Beyonce be country? Does it matter if it’s “country” if you like it anyway? Beyoncé is exploring and pushing the boundaries of every genre here. Where Renaissance feels very tight and cohesive as a record, Cowboy Carter is the Wild West with a little something for everyone. There does seem to be a general consensus that it’s a little long, but there’s no agreement on what should be cut. I love the way the interludes divide the record up into cohesive segments and those segments would feel incomplete if you removed songs from them, so I must come to the conclusion that the more Beyonce, the better. There are rumors she might do a rock album next, but the real message to be found here is that she can do anything she wants.
This album gets an average of 4.4 and I do feel it is absolutely an album that works together from front to back, so we will round up to a 4.5/5.
Top 3: Bodyguard,Ya Ya, Sweet/Honey/Buckin
What’s Next:
A review straight from The Tortured Poets Department. Thinking I might split it up into a few pieces. This already took me a while and 31 songs is A LOT!
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catmomjudy · 4 months
Buck Does Dallas
So, Buck gets struck by lightning.
He gains mad math skills, goes on a not-date with Eddie in fancy suits, follows the hijinks of Eddie dating (So lame! What were you thinking, Eddie?) and his sister’s engagement (Finally! Geez Louise, Chim!), meets a girl who is in love with Death, gets to be acting captain when everyone else is taken out by a bridge collapse, delivers a baby on his couch, and then everyone goes back to work like nothing happened.
Next, Death Girl wanders off into the sunset, and Chris becomes a player, suavely dating multiple girls (who face off like Mean Girls in Middle School). Then, his not-dad and his not-stepmom go on vacation and become a living testament to “The Poseidon Adventure.” The team flies into a hurricane, rescues them, and he starts dating a hot pilot in an adaptation of “Top Gun” and the dating sequence in “Groundhog Day,” while Chim and Maddie both make heart eyes at Joey the Bachelor. Eddie’s new girlfriend is a nun, who Eddie moves in and out of his house with great skill and mastery. He and Eddie dress like “Miami Vice” and reenact “The Hangover,” losing Chimney in the process. Chimney comes back, violently ill, but he and Maddie marry at the hospital (where Buck kisses Hot Pilot in the lobby in true rom com style) and then Chimney is back at work, fit as a fiddle. Then Bobby goes on a weird vision quest into the desert while Eddie makes like the weird baby of Alfred Hitchcock and John Hughes, dating his almost-ex-girlfriend and his almost-ex-dead-wife at the same time. And Eddie has moves and mad dating skills! Then they all get medals for stealing a helicopter (Why didn’t he get one for saving that girl and Athena in a stolen firetruck? Or Hen and that Strand dude?); Bobby’s house explodes; Bobby is in a coma (at, yet again, the same hospital—why does that hospital keep popping up?); Athena shows an affinity for stalking, fire, exploring burnt-out buildings, and Mini Coopers; Chris runs away to Texas; and his Hot Pilot wants him to call him “Daddy.”
Then, they all go happily back to work, none the worse for wear.
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And then Buck wakes up, jarred by the total break from plausible reality presented by the Summoning of the Demon (did someone say “Gerrard” three times?).
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What a trip! Gotta love those good drugs in the hospital.
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ftmwtch · 1 year
Some Texan Folklore, Remedies, & other Superstitions
I'm unsure if these are strictly Texan specific, or if they may even be something only my small town does, but figured I'd share some of the stuff I heard growing up in South Texas
chewin' tobacco juice for insect stings, mainly bee, wasp, fire ant, and scorpion - its meant to draw the sting out. mud also works in a pinch
aloe or vinegar for sunburns
teaspoon of honey with lemon for a cough
for a cold, a shot (or glass) of whiskey with sugar and lemon. ive also heard it be used for aches, pains, curing a toothache, and ensuring a good nights sleep
biting into a pepper or taking a shot of hotsauce to clear stuffed sinuses
sea salt and a few drops of hot sauce into warm water to gargle for a sore throat
prickly pear juice for ulcers or an upset stomach, and a prickly pear poultice for sores or burns
sweet tea to cool you down and keep you hydrated, and a glass on the porch during sunset is said to be a sure fire way to ease stress or loneliness (a swig of bourbon is sometimes added on rough or celebratory nights)
a glass of buttermilk will cool you down when your overheating or settle an upset stomach
oatmeal bath for poison oak, ivy, etc
a pinch of baking soda in your pitcher is said to give you sweeter sweet tea
dont point at a grave - your finger will rot and fall off
when visiting a graveyard turn your pockets inside out so no spirits can hitch a ride home in your pants
brass cowbells get hung around cows necks to keep them producing milk so its believed ringing them can attract good luck as well
if your ears are ringing, it means someone is talking about you
to make an incoming storm miss your property, stick an axe in the ground - its said to split the cloud
a ring around the moon means bad weather is coming
a buzzards shadow crossing you brings bad luck
Horsehair rope to keep rattlesnakes away. I mainly hear this one about camping and keeping it tied outside your tent to ward them off, but I've known a few older folk who tie it to their bedposts year round
a rightside up (U) horseshoe above your door brings good luck to you and your family and wards away evil. if you hang it upside down or it falls upside down, all your luck is said to have fallen out. its luckier too if you spit on it before hanging it up
dont camp or walk by a river at night, and if you hear a womans cries coming from the river, dont investigate, as most rivers tend to have a vengeful spirit that wants company
Be wary of letting your kids roam during canicula - or the "dog days"/the hottest days of summer - and adults should be vigilant too. It's mainly to do with the heat, but I've also heard this time of year is when fatigue, fevers, and bad luck haunts your step, as well as tales of a serpent who preys on children during this time
A redheaded woodpecker pecking on your roof means a death will happen in your family. I've also heard this said for when a bird flies inside your home
Don't wear your hat backwards, set it on your bed, or set it brimside down - all of the luck will spill out. Setting it on your bed may even bring death upon you or your loved ones. Set it upside down (if you can't hang it up) to keep all your luck inside (I think this one is primarily for cowboy hats, but I've seen most people set their baseball caps upside down too)
tamales are made and eaten at Christmas to represent family coming together
Rain is coming if all your cows lay down in the field, or if spiders, flies, or spiders come into your home
Plant your root vegetables during a new moon and your leafy vegetables during a full moon, both at night, for a better harvest
if your horses mane or tail is in knots, they were visited by fairies (the horses hair tangles because fairies are said to use it as reins to ride the horse). its best to leave the lil riders some milk and honey as thanks for exercising your horse
when you kill a snake, you have to bury its head seperate from the body or either the spirit of the snake will come back for revenge or all of its snake friends will retaliate
An itching right palm will shake a new hand (a new friend or acquaintance will be made) while an itching left palm means money is coming your way
buy a new broom when you move houses for a clean start. bringing your old broom with you will bring all your old problems and bad luck
Salt thrown over your right shoulder stops bad luck (and salt thrown over your left doubles bad luck)
Knocking on wood unjinxes you or wards off evil spirits
Toads and crickets in your garden mean good luck is coming your way
when its sunny and raining at the same time, my family said it meant the devil was kissing his wife, but others also said it meant the devil was beating his wife
Open your windows when it rains so negative energy will leave and the positive energy of the rain will come in
its unlucky to wear yellow
always shave before a competition, job interview, or first date - its said that youre cleaning up to impress Lady Luck
dont eat chicken on new years or before a competition - its unlucky
never buy boots secondhand - youll get all of the old owners troubles
stepping in manure is said to bring you good fortune, especially if your boots are new
black eyed peas and cornbread on new years eve for good luck and greens (either cabbage or collard greens) for wealth in the new year
Have you heard of any of these? Does your family know of or do any of them? Feel free to add any other ones you might know!
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beardedmrbean · 8 days
DEER PARK, Texas (AP) — A towering flame gradually subsided Tuesday morning in the aftermath of a massive pipeline explosion after a vehicle drove through a fence and struck an above-ground valve, officials said.
Deer Park officials said police and local FBI agents initiated investigations and found no preliminary reports that would suggest a coordinated or “terrorist” attack and that “this appears to be an isolated incident.”
The investigation included efforts to learn more about the driver of a vehicle that was incinerated by the pipeline explosion as flames scorched the ground across a wide radius, severed adjacent power transmission lines and ignited homes at a distance. Police did not provide any information about the person's condition.
An evacuation area included nearly 1,000 homes and initial shelter orders included schools.
Operators shut off the flow of natural gas liquids in the pipeline, but so much remained in the miles of tubing that firefighters could do nothing but watch and hose down adjacent homes.
Deer Park Mayor Jerry Mouton Jr. described intense heat from a fire that endured for more than 12 hours as ladder trucks showered houses from above.
"A lot of the house structures that are adjacent to that are still catching on fire even though we’re putting a lot of water on them,” Mouton said at an afternoon news conference. A spewing flame still lit up the sky at sunset Monday.
Firefighters initially were dispatched at 9:55 a.m., after an explosion at a valve station in Deer Park, adjacent to La Porte, rattled homes and businesses, including a Walmart. Deer Park officials said an SUV drove into the valve after going through a fence on the side of the Walmart parking lot.
At the news conference, officials said only one person, a firefighter, sustained a minor injury. Later, Deer Park spokesperson Kaitlyn Bluejacket said four people were injured. She didn’t provide details about the severity of the injuries.
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said in a statement that 20 miles (32 kilometers) of pipeline between the two closed valves had to burn off before the fire would stop.
Anna Lewis, who was walking into the nearby Walmart when the explosion happened, said it sounded “like a bomb went off.” She said everyone inside was rushed to the back of the store and then taken across the street to a grocery store before being bussed to a community center.
“It scared me,” she said. “You really don’t know what to do when it’s happening.”
Geselle Melina Guerra said she and her boyfriend heard the explosion as they were having breakfast in their mobile home.
“All of a sudden we hear this loud bang and then I see something bright, like orange, coming from our back door that’s outside,” said Guerra, who lives within the evacuation area.
Guerra’s boyfriend, Jairo Sanchez, said they’re used to evacuations because they live close to other plants near the highway, but he hadn’t seen an explosion before in his 10 years living there.
“We just drove as far as we could because we didn’t know what was happening,” Sanchez said.
Houston, Texas’ largest city, is the nation’s petrochemical heartland and is home to a cluster of refineries and plants and thousands of miles of pipelines. Explosions and fires are a familiar sight in the area, including some that have been deadly, raising recurring questions about the adequacy of industry efforts to protect the public and the environment.
Letting the fire burn out is better, from an environmental perspective, than trying to attack the flames with some kind of suppressing foam or liquid, said Ramanan Krishnamoorti, a petroleum engineering professor at the University of Houston.
“Otherwise it’s going to release a lot of volatile organics into the environment,” he said.
Still, there will undoubtedly be negative environmental consequences, including a release of soot, carbons and organic material, he said.
The pipeline’s owner, Dallas-based Energy Transfer, said air monitoring equipment was being set up near the plume of fire and smoke, which could be seen from at least 10 miles (16 kilometers) away at one point.
A statement from Harris County Pollution Control on Monday afternoon said no volatile organic compounds had been detected. The statement said particulate matter from the smoke was moderate and not an immediate risk to healthy people, although “sensitive populations may want to take precautions.” The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality said it was also monitoring the air.
Natural gas liquids are used primarily in the manufacturing of plastics and basic and intermediate chemicals, Krishnamoorti said.
The fire burned through nearby power lines, and the website PowerOutage.us said several thousand customers were without power at one point in Harris County.
Krishnamoorti said the area’s extensive pipeline infrastructure will have to be closely inspected for damage beyond the explosion site, though the fire “won’t be a major disrupter of supply chains.”
The Railroad Commission of Texas, which regulates oil and gas in the state, said its safety inspectors were investigating.
Margaret Newman, who lives on the edge of the evacuation zone, said that when she heard the explosion she went out into her yard and could see the flame shooting above the trees. She lost electricity but has a generator to keep her home cool and planned to stay put.
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