#text ech other
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percys-princess · 8 months
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Dating Walker Scobell ( actress!reader)
♡ you two knew each other through social media as he got very popular through playing Percy Jackson, while you got very popular by playing Lucy Pevensie in the new series ' The Narnia Chronicles '
♡ you two first met through your mutual friend group ( consisting of Momona Tamada, Mckenna Grace, Malia Baker, Aryan Simhadri, Dior Goodjohn, Charlie Bushnell, Leah Sava Jeffries, Xochitl Gomez )
♡ Walker being the fun guy he is, instantly charmed you, just as you charmed him with your sweet, bubbly sunshine personality
♡ puppy love / friends to lovers energy
♡ getting teased by your friends, yet they absolutely adore you two together
♡ venting to ech other and understanding the stress of being well known at such a young age
♡ lots of hugs and cuddles ( 🤚he is a cuddler, fight me on this 🤚)
♡ playing with his hair and him just relaxing in your arms
♡ forehead kisses ( especially since he keep growing and growing)
♡ A LOT of ship edits before you got public and especially after going public
♡ getting asked about each other by fans and interviewers
♡ supporting each other and each other's projects more than your own ( and getting slightly scolded for it but doing it either way :) )
♡ talking about each other to family,friends and sometimes to fans ( and them gushing over your cuteness )
♡ being a power couple
♡ getting called the " young Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively " bc 1) you two are just as cute as them 2) Walker reminds everyone of Ryan where as you charming lil cutie remind people of Blake 3) both famous young actors
♡ lots of texting and phone calls once you're both filming your own projects
♡ resulting into being quite clingy with each other when you reunite again
BONUS: shows / movies I had in mind for y/n :
Abby Litmann ( Ginny & Georgia ) , Enid Sinclair ( Wednesday ), Lucy Pevensie ( Narnia movies ) , Violet Baudelaire ( A series of unfortunate events ), Katie Cooper ( Alexa & Katie )
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I hope you liked it ♡
~ princess 🌸
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Hi! could I request a fic where theres a killer that goes after 13-16 year old girls with brown hair and thats Hotchners daughters age and description. She somehow gets taken and when they find her she is like tied to a chair or somthing and Hotch thinks she got SA but she does not! But he goes all dad mode and morgan scoops her up in a blanket lots of comfort!!!
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Aaron Hotchner X Daughter Reader
Request: Hi! could I request a fic where theres a killer that goes after 13-16 year old girls with brown hair and thats Hotchners daughters age and description. She somehow gets taken and when they find her she is like tied to a chair or somthing and Hotch thinks she got SA but she does not! But he goes all dad mode and morgan scoops her up in a blanket lots of comfort!!!
Third person pov...
It happened so fast that even Y/N had trouble remembering what happened. She rememberd she had jsut said good bye to her Dad and was on her way to school.
Her dad had been worried, There was a killer on the loose, targeting young girls between the ages of thirteen to sixteen with brown hair. The victims were always found tied to a chair, brutally beaten and traumatized.
Aaron was a part of the team assigned to the case and it hit too close to home. His own daughter fit the description of the victims, making him even more desperate to catch the killer.
The man had been weary about letting his daughter out, but realised he could keep her under lock and key, she had her life to live and had to go to school.
The 14 year old was casually walking to school, her bag on her back and happy walking in the sun, she passed by a suspicious car.
The instant she did she felt the persons eyes on her, it heightened her anxiety but she kept on walking to school. Slowly she got out her phone from her pocket and began tapping on it.
A man then got out of said car, he was tall, kept his head down, he began to follow the teen. Y/N looked behind her every few seconds while tapping on her phone.
She was planning to text her dad and began walking quicker, she heard the man walk faster to catch up with her.
The brown haired girl taps her Dads contact and begins typing, they had a code word for incidents like this she had to be quick.
"Hey there" comes voice from behind the girl scaring her. She turns quickly and hides her phone, the teen looks up it was the guy following her.
She stared at the man, not saying a word. This made the man angry, Y/N saw grit his teeth slightly, she then inches away slightly from him.
The guy keeps a friendly smile on his face as he looks at the young girl. "Sorry for scaring ya. Just wanted to ask if you could tell me where the library is?" He asks the girl, Y/N relaxes slightly, her legs tense she was ready to run if the guy posed as a threat.
She looks at the time on her phone her message to her dad still open. Once seeing the time she looks back up. "Sorry can't help you I'm running late for school" she says to the man soundly apologetic.
She turns to run but her wrist is grabbed, the mans grip was hard and it was painful. Y/N tried to wretch her arm away but it only made the grip on her wrist tighten, he was twisting her wrist a way it shouldn't go.
Tears at the corner of her eyes she tried to yell for help but one look from the guy said 'you scream and I break it' so she kept her mouth shut, with her hand gone she uses her other to try and text behind her back.
She taps on her phone suddenly it falls from her grip. Looking at the ground I  horror her phones screen was horribly cracked, she jsut hoped she was able to send the message.
The man then begins dragging her to his car, unlucky for her know one was around to see her being dragged off. Suddenly everything went black.
With Hotch...
Aaron Hotchner had just arrived at the office after seeing his children off to school, he sighs as he walks into the Bullpen.
The others had already arrived and were standing around Reids desk. Hearing his phone go off he gets it out, upon lookomg at the screen his face goes pale.
Gideon who was walking towards the man noticed the man face instantly and was worried. "Hotch? What's wrong?" He asks the man, drawing the attention off the team.
Soon they all surrounded their unit chief. The man had an iron grip on his phone, his eyes never leaving the screen. "Hotch, man tell us has something happened?" Asks Derek he taps the man's shoudler.
This seemed to jolt the man out of his frozen state. "Y/Ns in trouble" the team act, everyone gathering in the round table room.
Echo was there codeword for danger and Y/N and Jack knew they should knly use if for emergencies, Hotch knows Y/N would never abuse that rule.
Hotch pacing in the corner, Derek and Elle going over the evidence they have, Reid trying to form a geo plan of the unsubs comfort zone, JJ was on call with crime lab, Gideon ws thinking the evidence over while still calming down Hotch the man was wearing a hole into the floor.
"Hotch, you have to stay calm, we need you at your best to find Y/N" reasoned Gideon, the man managed to get the worried man to claim down slightly, he stopped pacing but tapped his finger against his leg instead
"Anything yet?" He asks impatiently. The team all shakes their heads, the man impatience grows as they work. Suddenly JJ gets a call. "Yes hello this is Agent Jareau, you have something" her voice gains the attention of the others.
"They found where Y/N had been taken" she explains to them Hotch visibly relaxes. Then JJs face goes worried. "What's wrong JJ?" Questions the man his anxiety on edge.
JJ thanks the person and ends the call. "Im sorry Hotch, all they could find was her phone. The screen had been smashed" she tells the worried Dad.
Hotch freezes. "What" he whispers as the team watch him.
With Y/N...
The 13 year old was in a dark room, stripped off her skirt and shirt, only in her shorts (she wears under skirts) and her tank top on. Shivers rack her naked body.
Either fear or the cold she didn't know, shivering she slowly looked around her head in pain from the punch she got from the man, she tried to move only her legs and wrist where tied to the cold uncomfortable chair she was on.
"Someone help me,please" she whispers to herself, she wants her dad, she wants to be home and in her dad's arms. "Daddy" she sobs to herself, suddenly a door is opened.
A bright light comes from a staircase she just realised, tears running down her face she sees the man from before walking down and coming towards her.
Shaking again she tries to move the chair away from the freak, she aches to be able to kick the man in the goods. " No go away leave me alone" she shouts to him, the man had a frightening look on his face.
As he got closer Y/N saw something shimmer in the light, it was a knife. E/C eyes widened in terror, her wiggling increased. "No no get away! Daddy daddy!" To her luck footsteps are heard upstairs.
She screams louder hoping to draw their attention to the basement. "Daddy daddy down here hurry" the man gabbed her face harshly to stop her from screaming.
The damage was done "let the girl go you son of a bitch!" Yells a very familiar voice, it was Derek Morgan one of Y/Ns uncle. E/C eyes once again fill with tears at the sight of her Dads team.
She sees the horrified looks on Elle, Gideon and Derek faces as the creep puts the knife against her throat, his face still covering her mouth.
Behind them she sees her Dad his face is angry, he wasn't happy. Taking a chance she bites the man hard, with a cry he let's her go but shoves the girl away making her fall back hitting her head on the wall.
Vision swimming she hears a gunshot, the creeps body falls next to her, muffled shouts are heard, before long she was being untied, then picked up by someone, recognising the scent she realises it was Derek.
She wraps her aching arms around his neck tightly as he wraps her in many blankets, sobbing loudly he tries to comfort her.
Derek rubs the girls back as Hotch gets a few punches in on the Unsub, he hated how long it to them to find him and save Y/N.
The traumatized girl continues to cry as Derek comforts her, once Gideon finally pulled Hotch off the Unsub the man remembers his daughter and goes to her.
Feeling guilty about not comforting her first, Derek puts the girl in his arms and walks away, Hotch shushes and bounces Y/N in his arms.
"Your safe now baby, its Daddy" he comforts, her Y/N continues to cry happy she was saved. "Dad your here your here" she cries Hotch just hugs her tightly not letting her go. "I'm here baby" he whispers.
The end!
Long one for this request.
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait of updating, I've been busy with classes. As usual sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1610
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korny713 · 1 year
ok... Eliška a Damián. Nebudu lhát zlákal mě Vidrail. To jak mluvil o panu alchymistovi... 🥰No zkrátka přišla jsem jen pro něj. Viděla jsem však už čtyři díly. Takže proč jsem vlastně zůstala?
Zde přikládám tok svých myšlenek, které naštěstí byly kronikářsky uchovány ve skupinovém chatu:
- první minutu mi šla hlava kolem z herců, pak mi ale došlo, že to je tím scénářem a oni se s ním naopak velmi důstojně perou
- ty dialogy jsou bolest. čistá nefalšovaná bolest
- time out je tu intro... už chápu o čem Vidrail mluvil. ach. proč když máte, řekněme tak nápaditý vizuál, proč tam ta hudba dělá kotrmelce časoprostorem? nebo je to schválně? jakože k tématu? hej nápad dobrej ale očividně to nefunguje. ne hele ta náhlá změna tam fakt zní blbě a ještě dělá špatné jméno té písničce.
- já se omlouvám ale proč Damián vypadá tak jak vypadá? je to tou parukou co?
- pana Dvořáka/Uriáše vždycky ráda slyším, ale když už tam ten vypravěč musí být, nemohl alespoň dostat lepší text?
- když už jsme u Dvořáka...😈😏 mein Gott! mladá Dvořáková si každou scénu krade pro sebe. 🔥🔥 Odteď je tam všechno její. Seriál, televize, já, rovnou celý svět
- už jsem se zmínila že je dokonalá?
- hej některý věci jsou opravdu vtipný. možná jsem jednoduchá, ale mně ty ohlávky přijdou vtipné
- kinda gay if you ask me
- Damián si stěžuje, že se nechce ženit a prosí pana alchymistu, aby u něj přespal. Téměř v jedné větě!! 😂🫡
- proč má Eliška baggy jeans a komu růžové sako?
- ok ale jak Damián a Matouš běží zámeckými chodbami je roztomilé. naplnila ta scéna nostalgií jen mě?
- ta babička je asi nejlepší postava. miluju jí
- ono se to snaží být hrozně jako jiné, ( I'm not like other shows) ale stejně tam je ten vzorový nátěr ordinace
- hej ono to je záměrně teplý? (čtěte: v mém mozku se začíná formulovat nápad)
- mladá Dvořáková 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- líbí se mi jak Damián má být ta atraktivní hlavní postava, ale co s tím když tam pořád prochází ten jeho strýček
- trochu se stydím, ale musím přiznat že mě to baví
- nějaký borci v černým je to hrozně děsivý a tajemný triller 👻 bubu. Mě to ale upřímně vůbec nezajímá. Jsem tu pro fluffy hovadinu a odmítám se stresovat.
- ne vážně, co se to tam do háječku zelenýho děje?
- začínám mít pocit že to staví podklady, aby Damián byl s tou babičkou...
- třetí díl 😳
- já teď normálně věřím tomu, že původně někdo napsal teplej seriál o princi a alchymistovi a prima to škrtla a hodila tam emu smetanu
- však i ta Dvořáková v intru na ně kouká, jakoby čekala, až těm hlupáčkům dojde že jsou do sebe zamilovaný
- stanuju autistického bratra Elišky
- začíná to na mě být až moc složitý a snaživý zabřednout do temna. já chci jen hezkou roztomilou pitominu 🥺
- když už jsme u toho. ještě někomu jsou úplně jedno ta trápení běžných lidí? gajs já přišla pro cestování v čase, kdybych chtěla slyšet o alimentech, dojdu si na přednášku
- ok večer na mě čekají fanfikce ❤️‍🔥🫡😚😏
- ok... pan alchymista a mladá Dvořáková...ech... já se bojím že tvůrci, chtějí ukázat, že tam mezi nimi něco je. Jsem jediná komu přijde že mají spíš chaotic gay cousins energii?
- ono se to snaží být hrozně thriller deep shit, ale já to mám v pyči. Dám si chleba s marmeládou a jdu se culit na pana alchymistu🥰 (a možná, jen možná, trošičku i na mladou Dvořákovou)
- potřebuju víc z nezkrotného dua Dvořáková a alchymista 🫡🔥
- proč ten zámek vypadá jak ze simíků? (samozřejmě že ne můj. ty mají každé okno jiné)
- tam se začínají dít věci... už se stresuju
- ctihodnosti, jsou teplý a basta fidli
- pan správce nemá rád malého teplého kuchaříčka
- Dvořáková vládne světu. Nekrade pro sebe jen scény, ale i mojí veškerou pozornost. Ani já nemám svojí veškerou pozornost ❤️‍🔥🫡
- i s tím Eliščiným bratrem má Damián větší chemii
- Dvořáková a alchymista chystají vendetu 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- ach! ta podlost is the new sexy🔥🔥
- uuuu vyhrožování 😏🥰❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
- jestli je moje teorie správná, tak panu alchymistovi někdo zapomněl říct že se to přepsalo, poněvadž a protože ten je zamilovanej až po uši 🫡
... ano hodlám ve sledování pokračovat (a btw fanfikce nebyly🥲)
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captn-trex · 1 month
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technical devotion, part ten: unveiling truths
a/n: I have a form to join my taglist now if you want! content warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
last chapter | next chapter | master list | join the taglist
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Echo entered the dwelling and slipped off his droid mask with a definitive sigh. Another day of nothing. Though his defeated expression was quickly swept from his face as Kan came running up to him.
“Echo, you're back!” She said quickly, excitement evident, though Echo was sure it wasn't just because he'd returned.
“I’m back… what's up?” He asked dubiously.
“I've been trying to comm you all afternoon” Kan scurried back to the kitchen table, rummaging through the mess on the table. “but I think I know why you haven't been replying, at least… you haven't been ignoring me right?” She stopped rummaging to look up and tilt her head to the side.
Echo smiled faintly, “No, I haven't”
“Okay, well” Kan continued her frantic searching, “Ah, here” She pulled out her datapad, “I was listening in on their comms, and it seems that the Empire are undertaking the exact same project that I am”
Echo frowned in confusion as Kan made her way over to him with the datapad, “What do you mean?”
“Technological shorting, disrupting, whatever you want to call it” She brought up the words she had typed up upon hearing them, “This is what they said”
Echo looked over the words. Electrical pulses… system failure… signal disruption… mining…
“What does this mean?” He asked, looking to Kan, who was now exceedingly close to his chest as she showed him the file over her shoulder.
“A lot of things” Kan started, leaning back into Echo's shoulder a little, “It means that the reason they're building this weapon here, on this planet, is because of the mining operation they're running 15 or so klicks from here. Where my project is entirely wiring-based and ecologically… well, not destructive, theirs is going to pillage this planet of whatever resource it is they've found helps in creating their weapon. It means that they intend to use this weapon, which would be some kind of canon, as something they could fit onto their fighters to shoot at other ships and short the entire system, bring down the ship in any and all senses. It's technological warfare at is finest, and mightily unfair and unethical in so many ways. Not that we thought the Empire were above that”
Echo tried so desperately to focus on Kan's words, but the feel of her leaning into him was frying his brain. She continued to rest even more of her weight into him as she talked, pointing at parts of the text on her datapad and talking in animated way as if it wasn't making Echo burn inside at the feeling. He so desperately wanted to just wrap his arms around her waist and bury his nose in her neck, fully taking in the scent that was teasing him. He didn't realise that he was just staring at Kan and trying to supress his thoughts until she had turned to look at him.
“Are you listening?” She asked plainly.
“Uh… yeah, sorry” Echo stumbled through the words, swallowing hard as he looked down into her eyes from only inches away.
“You okay?” Kan asked, her gaze flicking between Echo's eyes, which seemed full of alarm.
“What? yeah, fine” He said, finally having to look away from Kan as her stare became too intense to cope with, and he felt himself crumbling beneath it.
Kan just looked at him for a moment longer before stepping away from him and sitting on the edge of the table.
“Echo can I ask you something?”
He let his eyes find hers again, palms sweating, “I suppose”
Echo could see Kan's hesitance before she spoke, “Um, why disguise yourself as a droid?”
“Oh” Echo looked down at his disguise and the mask that was still in his hand, then back up, “I guess because I'm mostly mechanical as it is. It's easier than having to come up with an explanation as to why I'm like this”
Kan nodded, “I can understand that but…” She trailed off.
“I don't know, I can't imagine it feels nice, mentally”
Echo was taken aback that Kan had even thought of that, his heart once again acting up as she proved her selflessness. She had thought about how it must feel for him, a man that was mostly machine, to present himself to the world as what many saw him as anyway.
“I mean… maybe, but what else could I do?”
Kan gazed at him intently, her brow setting in a straight line as she looked away sheepishly, “I didn't draw up that hand attachment for no reason”
“Why did you?” Echo couldn't stop himself from asking.
“Oh, I mean, I didn't know why you had the scomp but I figured that sometimes two hands could come in handy” Kan shrugged, then let out a little laugh at the accidental pun.
Echo chuckled, though he still pressed for more, “But… we didn't even really know each other then”
Kan looked to the ground, “Yeah, I guess I was just trying to make myself useful, and I actually had a dream about it” She chuckled, “Then I just got it in my head”
Echo’s heart skipped a beat, “You had a dream about me?”
“About making the attachment and giving it to you, yeah” Kan smiled at him.
“Did I like it? In the dream” Echo let a smile fall across his lips.
“I don't remember actually” Kan said with a finger in her chin as if trying to recall.
Echo chuckled softly, then drew his eyebrows together as his next thought formed, “I'm sorry I didn't say anything at the time, it was very kind of you to think of me and I just ignored it”
“It's okay, I know you don't like to talk about… stuff” Kan trailed off, cursing herself for even saying the words.
As Kan looked down shyly, Echo viewed her with only complete trust and adoration, and felt compelled to finally tell her the truth about himself.
“It was the Separatists, that made me like this” He confessed, and Kan's eyes snapped up to his. She stayed quiet to let him continue, “I got myself… blown up, on a mission, and the Techno Union took whatever was left of me and made me into…” He gestured to himself.
“I'm so sorry that happened to you Echo” Kan said with the utmost sincerity.
Echo was sick of the pitying looks, and now he especially hated it from Kan. He suddenly regretted saying anything, feeling weak in front of the one person he was determined to appear strong in front of. Though, by her nature, Kan had something else to say.
“But I'm very glad that you're alive. If you had died being blown up I never would have met you” She spoke so seriously, her eyes holding so much emotion. An emotion that, it seemed to Echo, appeared to be understanding.
“That's true I suppose, I am grateful to be alive, even if it's the Separatists I have to thank for it” He chuckled a little, and Kan joined him in the action, if a little sadly, then she grew more serious again as she brought her hand to her shoulder.
“The Separatists were monsters”
Echo instantly noticed the way her eyes glazed over for a moment, and how she was absent-mindedly tracing the outline of her scar. He tried to catch her eyes again for conformation of what it seemed like she was insinuating, however inadvertently.
“But I'm glad you’re here, and you know I think your attachments are pretty cool right?” Kan looked back to Echo and noticed him looking at her scar as she ran her hand along it.
Echo smirked a little, “You might have mentioned it”
Kan smirked back at him before taking a seat at the table and returning to fiddling with whatever contraption is was she was tweaking now.
“Can I ask you something too?” Echo asked, unable to help himself any longer.
“Is it about my scar?” Kan asked back almost immediately, without even looking back at him.
“Uh- yeah, but only if you feel comfortable talki-”
“It's fine” She sighed, “I got it during the war, I was on Felucia with the 41st. Apparently the Separatists had started taking prisoners by then”
“Wait, when you said you were in the war…”
Kan figured that the loth-cat was more or less out of the bag at this point, and decided that since Echo had trusted her with his secret, she'd let him into hers.
“I served as an engineer and then got trained as a field medic under Master Unduli, she all but saved me from the Separatists and I offered my services as gratitude. I don't think either of us foresaw it lasting the whole duration of the war” She ended with a small chuckle, but Echo was still stuck on what she'd said before.
“You were taken prisoner by the Separatists?”
Kan sighed, “Yeah, they insisted that I was Luminara's padawan, wanted information about her battle strategies but I resisted, which they didn't take too kindly to”
Echo sat down next to her, watching her with such understanding and a newfound reverence.
“What did they do?” He asked so quietly, almost in a whisper, as if afraid to even ask, or know.
“It was um-” She swallowed a lump in her throat, “Some sort of acid or something” She confessed, and looked to Echo to see his eyes go wide, “Yeah it wasn't fun”
“I'm so sorry that happened Kan”
Kan just smiled sadly.
Echo was floundering for the right thing to say. Instead, he just said what he was thinking, “For what it's worth, I think the scar is pretty cool”
Thankfully, her eyes lit up, “Really?”
“Yeah, makes you look tough” Echo's lips curled into a smirk.
Kan laughed, “Thanks Echo, that means a lot”
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“Okay, so we're clear on the plan?”
Echo nodded, a smirk threatening to take over his lips as Kan stepped into the more militaristic side of her personality. The seriousness of her expression as she leaned over the kitchen table, pointing at a location on the holomap, was enough to drive him crazy. Now knowing where she learnt to act this way, it only made it that much more attractive to him.
“Can I get an actual affirmative on that” She asked, a little of her usual personality slipping through with the tilt of her head.
“Yes Ma'am” Echo said, unable to hold back his smirk any longer.
Kan rolled her eyes, her own smirk fighting it's way onto her face, “Okay okay, let's get going then”
Kan turned off the holomap and picked up her blaster holster from the table, slinging it around her hips and making sure it was secure. Echo watched her out of the corner of his eye as he secured his armour, and caught her eye when she did the same thing. Kan blushed furiously.
For all that she felt she made it painfully obvious, Echo seemed to be unaware of her affection for him, and unbeknownst to her, it was exactly as unaware as she was of his feelings for her. She felt that there was something unsaid between them, but she didn't know if Echo would label it the same as she would, so she left it alone.
“Alright let's go” Kan said after a moment, moving towards the door.
Echo and Kan stepped out into the dusk, a stillness hanging in the air that only felt noticeable as the rest of the world settled into sleep. They quickly made their way to the warehouse on the other side of the town, where the Empire’s main base of operations was located.
Despite Kan’s reluctancy to do it previously, they were really going in with a blaster and nothing else. It was risky, but they had figured out a way to reduce the risk a little. In Echo’s surveying, he had noticed that there was somewhat of a backdoor that was left unguarded for a few minutes when the guards changed from the day shift to the night shift, and it was something that happened everyday without fail. That would at least afford them a way inside, but from there, it was anybody’s guess as to what would happen.
They came to rest at the edge of the woods that the backdoor overlooked, and watched as the Stormtroopers there talked to each other, one of them checking the time.
“Any second now” Echo murmured, as if to try and quell his own eagerness.
A few moments later, one of the Stormtroopers nodded their head to the inside, and the other agreed, opening the door for them to finish their shift.
“Time to go” Kan whispered and quickly darted from their cover in the trees. Echo followed closely behind her, and they silently slipped inside. They found themselves in a corridor, the sound of far-off chatter bouncing around the walls.
“Where should we start?” Echo asked in a hushed voice. He figured that since Kan was the more necessary person in this mission, be able to slice through their encryption and firewalls with ease, that he would take her lead.
“In here” Kan figured they would start with the nearest door and see what they could find.
She turned her head to the door, and upon hearing nothing, opened it up. She held her blaster in front of her as she went inside, though relaxed when she saw that no one was there, and it appeared to be some kind of small barracks. She saw an imperial officer’s uniform laid out on one of the bunks and ran her fingers over the fabric, looking to Echo.
“I might as well, right? In case we get caught” She reasoned and Echo nodded, turning away to let her change.
He breathed deeply, his blaster held to his chest as he rested next to the closed door, listening for anyone incoming. Regrettably, the only thing he could focus on was the sound of Kan’s clothes falling to the floor and the rustle of her slipping on the new ones. Luckily for him, no one had come in the time that it took for her to get into the uniform.
“Okay, lets continue” Kan said, and Echo turned to look at her. She looked completely incorrect in the uniform. It fit her well enough, but even with the seriousness of her mission persona, it was far too devoid of any charm to match her in any way.
They moved out again, both of them with light footfalls and straining to listen for if anyone was coming. They made their way down a few narrow corridors before they came upon a door with a small window in it, and they could see the light of a holoscreen still lit up in the otherwise dark room. Kan entered and set her blaster down on the surface beside the screen, looking around for the computer. She found it underneath the surface and pulled out the datastick she had brought along.
“Watch the door” She spoke quietly, and Echo settled himself by the door, so that he could see out but anybody walking past wouldn’t notice him.
The computer wasn’t logged in to anything, so Kan had to slice through their decryptions, which the datastick helped with, but she hit a wall quickly.
“Kriff” She hisses quietly.
“What is it?” Echo asked, not taking his eyes away from the door.
“Nothing, it’s just going to take me a second to… nevermind got it”
Echo chuckled to himself, and Kan got to sorting through the files on the computer. There were a lot, far more than she was anticipating.
”Echo, get over here”
He obliged quickly, and came to stand behind her, leaning over her shoulder.
“There’s so many files. These one here pertain to this specific base I believe and they would take enough time to download as it is… We could really get a lot of information here, but…” She trailed off, her thoughts jumbled, “We could try and send a signal to Rex, send the files to him instead, but we don’t have the wherewithal for that right now, and it would take too long to-”
“Kan it’s fine. Lets just get the information on this base, at least for now. We can figure out more later if need be” Echo placed a hand on her shoulder and felt her relax beneath it.
“Okay, it’ll just take a few-”
Kan was interrupted by the door sliding open and an officer walking inside.
Echo acted on instinct before they could even finish the word, shooting a stun blast at them.
“Better get on with it then” He said in a strained chuckle, moving to pull the stunned body inside. He closed the door and resumed his previous position as Kan began downloading the files about the project onto the datastick. He kept half an eye on the crumpled form of the Imperial that he had positioned against the wall, and kept the rest of his attention on the corridor outside. A few people passed by; a patrol of Stormtroopers and a pair of officers, but none had noticed them inside the room. After an almost painful amount of time, Kan spoke up.
“Got it”
She removed the datastick and put it back in the pouch on her belt, and Echo checked the corridor once more before sliding the door open. Kan stepped out into the hall before him, but before he could even set one foot out the door, she pushed him back inside and closed the door. He was about to protest, open the door and ask what was going on, but he quickly saw the problem.
“I’ve not seen you here before” The officer spoke with suspicion, the Stormtroopers either side of him gripping their blasters a little harder.
“New transfer” Kan said calmly.
”What’s your rank and operating number?”
“Um… Lieutenant… Oh kark it” Kan whipped her blaster from its holster and fired a stun blast to each of the Imperials before her, then opened the door again, “We’ve got to go”
Echo clambered over the bodies that were collapsed in the hall as he followed after Kan, and they made their way back towards the way they came in, though when they got into the barracks where Kan had taken the clothes from, there was someone there.
“Hey! That's my uniform!” The woman pointed at her accusingly and Kan rolled her eyes, quickly stunning her.
She began quickly stripping off the Imperial uniform, “Didn’t suit me anyway”
Echo turned away, a small laugh escaping his lips at how relaxed she seemed in the situation that was anything but. After she was back in her own clothes, they left out the door they had entered, stunning the night shift guards who had since taken their post. The two of them ran back to their dwelling, circling around the outskirts of the town and through every secluded back alley and side street that they could.
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thewaywardbirdsnest · 2 years
Forgetting Something?
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It was one of those mornings where Zoro’s brain felt like sludge, moving through his routine in a haze of mechanical movements because he was far too sleepy for anything more than bare minimum effort. The timing of his alarm could not have been worse - he had been dreaming deeply (of what? He had no clue) and the abrasive beeping had dragged him out of it. He was definitely going to need to stop for coffee on his way to class.
As he opened the front door to leave, a familiar voice caught his attention: “Hey, moss-for-brains, you forgetting something?”
Zoro turned around to find Sanji peeking out from the kitchen with a smug smirk on his face. Ah, right, how could he forget to kiss his boyfriend goodbye? With a soft, sleepy smile, he doubled back. He reached up to cup Sanji’s cheek and leaned in to peck him on the lips.
Sanji’s cheeks went pink, mouth agape and eyes wide.
“I… uhm… I m-meant these,” he stammered, holding up Zoro’s keys.
Why did he look so embarrassed?
The gears in Zoro’s head started to come unstuck and clicked once, twice, three times.
Oh, shit.
So, that’s what he had been dreaming about.
In the waking world, Sanji was not, in fact, his boyfriend. He was his pain-in-the-ass roommate who, yes, Zoro had a massive crush on but, no, did not reciprocate it (well, at least as far as Zoro could tell). Zoro felt heat creep up his face and his mouth go dry. When he replayed this scene later in his head, he imagined he must have looked like some sort of tropical fish, bright red and mouth opening and closing uselessly as he floundered for words.
“Uh… I… I’msorrythanksbye!”
He plucked the keys out of Sanji’s hand and hightailed it out the door.
He couldn’t concentrate on anything in class that day. All three lectures went in one ear and out the other. He didn’t know if he was upset or relieved that Sanji didn’t text or call. Was he going to have to move out? Christ, could he even afford that right now?
Unfortunately, the will of the universe seemed to be conspiring against him because he has a paper due tomorrow and his laptop was in his room. He’ll just have to cross his fingers and hope Sanji had gone out or is in his room. As he approaches the landing of their floor, Zoro smells baked goods. Oh, this is not good. Sanji was stress-baking.
When he enters their apartment, he spies a couple cooling racks set up on their coffee table. Sanji has already covered every surface in the kitchen - counters, the table, the collapsible baker’s rack he had bought for these occasions. This was bad.
He would have to pass the kitchen in order to get to his room. Maybe if he was quick enough, Sanji wouldn’t even notice him.
Okay, 3… 2…
And then Sanji steps out of the kitchen.
Well, so much for that plan.
“Oh, uh… hey,” Sanji says, not meeting Zoro’s eye.
“Hi,” Zoro replies. He’s suddenly not sure what to do with his hands, for some reason. He settles on shoving them in his pockets.
There’s an awkward silence before Sanji blurts out: “I made the matcha cookies you like!”
Zoro’s face flushes and he shifts his weight from foot to foot. “Oh! Uhm… thanks!”
Silence again.
“I’m gonna…” Zoro awkwardly points over Sanji’s shoulder towards their rooms. “I have a paper to write.”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry.”
Sanji shuffles out of his way, back into the kitchen.
This is awful.
Zoro stalks down the hall to his room. He tries to focus on his paper, but mostly he just stares blankly at his laptop screen, trying to think of what he should do about this mess. Luffy would probably let him sleep on his couch for as long as he wanted to, right?
He’s dragged out of his head when there’s a knock on his door. Well, there’s only one person that could be. He steels himself and gets up to answer it.
Sanji’s apron is covered in flour. He’s got a smudge of chocolate on his cheek (Zoro tries really hard not to think about how cute that is). By Sanji’s own standards he’s a bit of a mess right now.
“I want a do-over,” he demands.
“A… do-over?” Zoro echoes.
“Yeah,” Sanji insists. “I want a better kiss than that pathetic little peck from this morning.”
Zoro’s head is swimming. He can’t mean that, can he?
“So?” Sanji goads him, leaning in to the idea so he doesn’t lose his nerve. “Earth to mosshead!”
Zoro shakes himself out of his stupor. As hard as this is to believe, he is not going to miss out on this. Nervously, he steps forward and lifts one hand to caress Sanji’s jaw while the other comes to rest on Sanji’s hip.
The kiss that Sanji will come to tell everyone was their “real first kiss ‘cause that first one was bullshit” is soft, a little tentative, warm, and tastes like sugar and spices from all the baked goods Sanji had been sampling that day. When they part, Zoro gives Sanji a lopsided grin and asks, “Better, curly?”
“Yeah,” Sanji replies, a little breathless.
“Sanji, I—“
“You’ve got a paper to write, yeah?” Sanji interrupts him. “You should finish it. I’ll clean up, get dinner started. And then we can, uh… we can talk. About this. Okay?”
“Okay,” Zoro agrees. Sanji leans in for one more kiss before turning to head back to the kitchen.
Zoro has never written a paper so fast in his entire academic career.
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rocketonthemoon · 3 days
autumn asks
Have you ever gone on a bad date: So two spring to mind. The first was not super eventful and the only reason it really sticks out in my mind is because it was my first bad date and it was a week before Covid Shutdown with this girl who was a Blue Lives Matter supporter, worked at the local prison as a librarian, and got a rush on when "her inmates" would tell her they were attracted to her. So that was weird.
The second was last November with this girl who we had been chatting for about a week before meeting up (gotta love that weird work schedule/dating app life lol). I admittedly went into it not super feeling great cause of some family stuff going on and had mentioned that to be kinda upfront. She got way too emotionally intimate too fast like said she was proud of me and checked in on me about 4 times in the span of about 20-30 minutes and kept touching me probably to be comforting even though I had mentioned I'm rather touch adverse. Decided to power through and circled back to how we had been talking about books the TLT specifically. Found out we had very different reactions to different characters and different shall we we say takes on plot points and symbolism (hated G1deon for instance). Strike two for me. THEN after me mentioning I really don't like horror/gore and body horror specifically wigs me out proceeded to spend ten minutes recommending me this Horror collection of stories and telling me specifically about this story of a dude who gets stuck underground in his childhood home and is digging up to get out and then finds his own corpse on top of other little stories involving body horror and blood all while I'm turning green and going 'oh' 'ech' 'oh dear' in the least reactive way. I had to text my friend to give me an SOS because it just was. bad. I didn't even last 45 minutes and I just had to GTFO before I revisited the coffee I had just bought.
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annelidist · 2 years
silent hill 3 is really good about characterising heather through little incidental touches, much more than 1 or 2 were about harry or james imo. something about her personality, tastes, or habits can be gleaned from most interaction text or inventory descriptions, and it all has this tone of weary disdain to it that's just really funny and charming to me when the object of that mundane "ech :/" is, y'know, the events and settings of silent hill 3. my favourite instance of this is a throwaway bit of text when examining an ashtray, where heather says she used to smoke (presumably as a fairly young teenager) before quitting some time ago. my second favourite example is how many of heather's puzzle solutions imply a broad but specific knowledge of how to injure others and yourself with practical chemistry, like that time she makes chlorine gas in a bucket or the bit where she smears disinfectant on pork liver in order to start a gallery fire. she's the best
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inventors-fair · 2 years
Type-Twist Commentary: Mystery and Intent
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I reread my initial contest post, and I’m realizing now that I should have emphasized more publicly than the discord how different I wanted the cards to be from their art. I know I said there should be mechanical differences, but as to what the art was doing and on what cards, well, I hoped the examples had given enough of an idea. Perhaps not. The point is, I wanted weirdness.
But it’s also hard, in the good way, to have so many cards about which I can say so many positive things, and it makes me reconsider a lot of what my criteria are. Sometimes, there are cards you just need to play, and sometimes there are cards you just need to admit aren’t for you. Some cards are easy to get! Others, ech. and yet, they’re awesome. With so many entries, picking winners is actually quite difficult! I find myself second-guessing in commentary, but perhaps there’s a kind of poetry to it, some unknown quality of imagination and grace. Who knows, right?
Judge Picks are cards that, for one specific reason, I want to point out as a critical example to folks. These aren’t necessarily the strongest full-bodied designs, but they have one particular place where they shine, and I want people to learn from them. Let’s take a look.
@bergdg​ — Crushed by the Depths
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A strong start and a finish that had the potential to be strong but didn’t quite get there. The multicolor darkness of the sea, great choice, very classical. The bounce that specifically implies vehicles, love it. And I think it’s the landing on the flavor text that came to a dribble. Honestly, this card’s 80% amazing. Milling is great and bounce is great, plus the discard? Super cool. I feel that this could have been an instant even. “Nonland permanent” would’ve been too powerful for instant speed, so you made the right call there in the first place even as a sorcery. I dunno, the sense of this thing is still fantastic!
“...faster than water” is where I feel your simile could have been stronger. “Flows” as a verb choice is unfortunately predictable, even though the image is evocative enough. It’s difficult to explain writing choices specifically, but I will give you props for placing the sailors at the center with the octopus at the front, as well as having the “Depths” be the action here, as though the octopus is the incarnation of the ocean rather than merely some monster living there. Again, lots of good subtle decisions, but flavor text word choice could’ve been stronger.
EDIT: So I wrote all of this before I looked up the actual card, and I’m realizing that you were riffing off the original flavor text. I’m writing this before I go over the main reflection, but I need to state here: part of the point of this contest was to break away from the original art, context, and to use the art in your own unique way, to make the OPPOSITE of a callback.
@deg99​ — Cavalry Charge
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As I began to write, I looked up the original card, and I need to state again that the purpose of this contest was to make something new out of the art, as the post and examples were supposed to have demonstrated. With the name being a callback, the mana cost being the same, and the flavor being a riff off of the original, this is, bluntly, not what I was looking for.
I actually didn’t bother to look up some of the cards from which these were based, either because I knew them and their context already, or because I assumed people would deviate as expected. Still, looking at this card on its own merits, it’s perfectly fine. It’s quite powerful, honestly, and perhaps the +4 is even a little too good? If you go unpunished with a 1/1, this is an entire quarter if someone’s life with extra evasion if necessary on turn two. +3 is perhaps safer. I admittedly do like the haste.
On the original card, though: the cavalry in question gives haste to demonstrate the action without the consequences. This card is an action with the consequences still in limbo, but the flavor text implies that there are consequences suffered? The keyword haste implies momentum and celerity that is disconnected from consequences; as a result, the talk of consequences doesn’t gel as well as the original. The first paragraph still stands, though, as the most important thing to keep in mind.
@demimonde-semigoddess​ — Indolent Loathing (JUDGE PICK)
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Well this is a weird little thing. I honestly had to look up three or four different cards, but this is worded perfectly even if it feels strange. I do think, however, that it needs to be rare. It’s a choice, yeah, but it’s not an easy choice, and I don’t want more than one or two of these in any given draft going around the table. You broke away from the norm and it’s very strange? I wonder what people would do with this card. Still, it feels...neat! It feels like there are some places where it would be useless, but that’s all cards, really.
“Indolent” certainly is a choice of words. I had to re-check the definition—gah, you’re making me do WORK here, what a travesty—but I guess it checks out? It feels kind of cruel, and perhaps “cruelty” over “loathing” would be my personal choice; loathing feels more personal, and you’re not even targeting. Or, is this saying that the act of loathing for the world is so strong that this Medusa character simply exerts it into the world, and it’s soaked up by the unfortunate? Hm, lots of thoughts here. This is a card that’s honestly more perplexing than it is exciting, but it’s far more intriguing than it is confusing. Yay, adjectives!
I wanted to make this card a Judge Pick to show the weirdness of how cards can push limits while retaining the ability to be grokked.
@dimestoretajic​ — Fiery Fascinator
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There was a lot of talk in the chat about this, wasn’t there! A bear that wrangles feels like something, unfortunately, that would have been an uncommon all-star back in the day, and now would be a common chaff baby. But wow, there are odd consequences here, and I wonder how much tech this can be when considering some of the things people are doing with creatures. A burn deck can steal an incarnation or Batterskull germ in Modern, it can nab anything in Pauper but bogles, it’s a draft bomb practically... Actually, this would be a problem in draft. Considering that it’s a body of its own that you can save up for to grab two of your opponent’s best creatures late in the game, and that you can easily draft 2-3 of them... God, in Sealed? What a nightmare.
I want to like this card a lot more than I know I should. Three would’ve been the cutoff. I’m considering my experiences over the years, and yeah, this guy’s just too much. Still, what I do like is how you completely changed the context while keeping so much of the original card. He’s drawing a crowd, but he’s more jerkish than malicious, and that Rakdos grin is smug more than demonic. It does indeed feel different because it’s an EOT effect rather than an aura, and that’s pretty great. The name is...a little eh, but that’s a personal preference thing. The FT made me smirk and I literally just noticed the Performer type. Smirk X2 combo.
@fractured-infinity​ — Wings of Nyx
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This is a fascinating card. I liked how you found the perfect precedent in Majestic Metamorphosis (or another card, but that’s where I found it) and you made a new flier that feels different in the moment, a new story. Interesting! I...think that escaping from the underworld feels a little odd to me, and there’s a question of how common escape is and a whole lot of other inconclusive things—that’s all nonsense. The point IS. This card’s alright!
I don’t love it but there’s no reason not to love it. I think, from a limited standpoint, it’s both an explosive finisher—double strike, my pride and joy—and it can turn an annoying enchantment into a creature for easier removal, possibly. It’s versatile, sensible, and perhaps there’s some tautology between the name of the card and the flavor text but mechanically, there’s nothing wrong with it. Turn-four swinging and drawing is quite aggressive sometimes, but this can also make surprise blockers. Is this a combat trick? Making it an instant was... You know what ,I think I’m liking this card a lot more now that I write about it.
@greensunzenith​ — Draconic Pulse
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Bold move, turning the cat into a dragon. It really does look similar! I think that there’s a lot unspoken in your use of the word “pulse” there. It implies that momentary beat in the world that’s also some kind of constancy in the background, that it could happen at any time. Very interesting. Looking through, wow, you guys are impressing me with precedent. Defiling Tears, of all cards! Not gonna lie, people got somewhat weird with this contest, but I don’t hate it. This card feels very much like a limited common that’s mostly going to be used for an Aerial Formation or Jump effect.
There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s not jumping out to me. I suppose this is the issue with thee contests, right? I love this card and it’s doing exactly what it needs to do and it’s just not scratching an itch. Compared to uncommon/rare cards, it’s hard for commons to stand out too much. I guess the only possible critique I could have is that there’s no flavor text? This hardly needed it, even, not when its role is almost purely mechanical. Maybe there’s something best left unsaid about the draconic underpinnings, the way that creatures in this world just exist within ephemeral states... Yeah. This made me think a lot.
@helloijustreadyourpost​ — Geistlamp Incinerator
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I think this one’s definitely a far fling from its original context, that’s for sure. Honestly I don’t know what the ‘gambit’ even was in the original card. Keeping it Innistradian is a little hit or miss, but you know, Izzet would be the only contender, and that’s just about the same context as the original. Still, I can’t help but feel a little odd about the fact that it’s... Wait, no, is the lamp MADE from geists and geist-energy? The name almost suggests that he wants to kill geists with the lamp, ish, but the flavor text talks about beasts (werewolves?) who won’t stay dead (zombies??). I feel that you’re mixing your metaphors a little here.
Mechanically, heck yeah, this card’s pretty good. I personally would have given it a static ability that killed things on exile like Incendiary Oracle. Hm. Actually, did you see Incendiary Oracle before making this card? The difference of four power with one mana to four with four isn’t insignificant, though, that’s fair. Maybe you did! This is an interesting one to consider with that power level. Dying is another issue. Still, yeah, I’d make the exile clause static. You did a good job on the stats, I think.
@hiygamer​ — Precognitive Patrol
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“Impending murder” is funny, I’ll admit. As a rare...I don’t know about this card? It’s not bad but I don’t feel you’re getting the most bang for your buck with it as it stands. I’d rather have taken the flavor text out for a tax, even. Is that a bit much? Possibly, but there are plenty of sweepers and ETB abilities and sacrifices to worry about that are much more annoying. With the big toughness above power, this card doesn’t have that aggressive edge that something like True-Name Nemesis evokes. Not that TNN is precedent, God no, but it invites a form of comparison that makes this particular card feel underpowered.
Additionally, while the name is a stellar choice, I don’t know if this particular art was the one to pick for this contest, because it’s so specific that there’s not much you can do to change the mood of it. You have a smug wizard explaining the law in both instances, although the situational context is implied to be different. But it’s the same place, Guild, manner of dissipation, etc. I don’t think that’s what I was looking for exactly. How much more ‘out there’ could you have gone? With this contest, there was a lot—and this art, while good, was limiting.
@horsecrash​ — Valakut Aspirant (JUDGE PICK)
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I laughed at the flavor text. Then the card made me scratch my chin a little, and there really isn’t a whole load of precedent here. Akoum Hellkite is certainly a card, and then you have this goblin who’s doing some awesome things, so that’s...nice? I think this is a card where you’re gonna hope it doesn’t die and then go nuts with it. Bolting for Mountains works in Amulet-Titan, but would it work here? Dryad/Scapeshift is already pretty nuts. But forgetting that, limited—it’s fine. Really good, actually. You’re not going to get the Bolt too often and if you do it’s because your opponent can’t do anything about a 1/1 somehow. Which happens. But not too often. God, is this card balanced?
Probably not but what am I if not a pusher of limitations. Actually, I bemoan power level a lot, but I don’t bemoan goblins, so that’s fun. Kurgar, though, that’s my guy, he’s cool. I think the non-sequitur of wanting to become a volcano in the context of the name is actually hilarious, and the follow-up question of “how?” is met by a hot rock to the face. What if this guy was a wizard instead of a warrior, actually? I mean, the art says warrior, but the implication feels more mystical to me. I’d also change “Kurgar wants” to “Kurgar wanted” in the flavor text since this card is a little more tongue-in-cheek storytelling focused. He got what he wanted: to rock out.
I wanted to make this card a Judge Pick for touching on a specific type of humor that doesn’t try to jump through hoops to make an emotional connection.
@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes​ — Volcano Watcher
Well, going back-to-back with volcanos then! Touching on the mechanics, this card is actually very odd to me just because the hoops you have to go through and the timing doesn’t feel super streamlined even though it’s grokable enough to be useful. Basic mountain was the right call here. I think that’s the best way you could have worded it, and I suppose that it’s a good implication of building around in limited! You want wizards and this card suggests an interest in how you play your lands, how you manage your spells, and what you want to loot. The forceful discard can be really annoying, though. Imagine: You have an awesome 5-drop in hand as your only card, you have four lands, and you have this guy. You draw a basic Mountain. Now, you can’t play your awesome 5-drop because, to do so, you need to play your Mountain, and when you play your Mountain, you have to discard the card you want to play. See what I mean?
There’s not much to say about the flavor besides the usual comments about exposition. When every part of the name and flavor explains what we already know, there’s no mystery. That’s what I want you to make more of: mystery. The next time you make flavor text for a card, sincerely think about what the reader might already guess, what they might know, and what you can say that makes them consider that they don’t know anything after all.
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@misterstingyjack​ — Linked Instinct
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Tough break on Collective Unconscious already being a card. Ah well! This card’s certainly something. I think I was actually down on the name to begin with because, well, isn’t the instinct of a creature type a good thing? Why would they all tap? But then, I realized, if you put the fear or confusion in one, it frightens and confuses the others—a twisteroo on the old, well, collective unconscious of a species. Checks out! Very very interesting use of the physical to represent the mystical there. That’s exactly the kind of recontextualization that I was hoping for in this contest.
I guess the implications of tribal mean that this card is a combat trick answer of sorts. The fact that it’s one-sided is probably a good thing. With this kind of effect, I honestly don’t have much to say, because it does exactly what it says on the tin. Perhaps there’s something else to connect it with tribes that like to tap pre-combat before swinging in and doing things, or untapping your creatures to activate tap abilities on someone’s end step, but regardless, this is a perfectly reasonable tribal card. Or anti-tribal. We’ll figure it out.
@ozthearistocrat​ — Pharika’s Afflictor
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Minor minor minor note before I talk about all the good things: the lose 1 life would come before the card draw. ANYWAY. Mechanically, this card’s a slam-dunk. The difference between this and the still-awesome Ophiomancer is that you’re sacrificing mana every turn to get that extra snake which will eventually cost you life if you’re not careful to the point of Not Alive. But you can get a billion of ‘em! But, but, but. Lots of power and lots of payoffs. The fact that it’s a tap and not automatic is a great drawback. I think this is one of the most powerful and yet balanced cards from this round, no question. It’s definitely a bomb and it uses great contemporary design skills.
Perhaps it would have been best for this contest to, again, steer away from the intention of the art in the same world. I would have loved to see a snake-guy on the back streets of Ravnica, perhaps, or sneaking around the walls of [city from Ikoria?] or something. There wasn’t much transition between the art as intended and the card as presented, which, again, is what I really wanted to see more of. Still, perhaps this is another save-for-the-imaginary-cube card. I suppose that, on Theros, this art would have been better revered, so that’s nice.
@railway-covidae — Mechanized Rebirth (JUDGE PICK)
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So this card is a fantastic example of a card where, if I didn’t know this was Draco, I would have imagined that you found this off the internet as an example from someone’s fantasy portfolio. Is it a specific legend? No, it’s the depiction of a rebirth, as emphasized by the clawing from the lava with newly-minted metal parts! I’m exaggerating just slightly, but really, it’s that cool. This is what I wanted to see a lot more of. Good job.
Card’s alright too! I still would have liked to see a line of flavor there with something pithy or menacing about this totally-not-Draco creature, for one, and for two, this card honestly could have been 2BB. Most reanimation that gets back the massive creatures does so because they’re massive, so limited the power and toughness is a drawback most of the time. Perhaps 3BB since it can get any graveyard, but still. I also like how you used the limitation of that P/T to show how the metal locks the body into place. Overall, yeah, this is really good!
I wanted to make this card a Judge Pick to show what kind of emphasis you can use to truly change the context of a piece of art.
@realaspenhours — Mournful Geist (JUDGE PICK)
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Sorry to put the behind-the-scenes out there, but just so you know, the flavor text post-grammar change is still a run-on sentence. The comma could have perhaps been replaced with an emdash and the period with a question mark, and at this point it’s so minor that I’m actually joking a tiny bit. It matters, but don’t take it too seriously. I will say that the LTB trigger should have come before Unearth, I’m 90% sure. Anyway, though. Unearth to represent spirits, that’s an interesting one flavorfully. This card’s curious to say the least. Whether or not that more or less accurately represents death’s walky-abouty on Innistrad, well, I have my opinions. Wait, you’re literally here to read my opinions. Cool! My opinion is that disturb gets the job done with a little more flavor accuracy but I understand Unearth as well and think there are cool things to be done with it.
“If it didn’t die,” though! That’s so cool! I read that and I felt something click on in my brain, you know? Like, that’s just a fascinating piece of text. Exile, bounce, flickering, shuffling in, all triggering that? I think that’s really interesting and a great piece of text. You really nailed something that hasn’t been thought of before and I want to commend that.
I wanted to make this card a Judge Pick for opening my eyes to new curious limitations I hadn’t seen before.
@reaperfromtheabyss​ — Traverse Terra Nova
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I immediately thought of Scapeshift, which I’m realizing is a terrible precedent, but wow, can you imagine. Look, I’ve been playing a lot of TitanShift on digital goldfishing, alright? This card’s still really good, oddly unique, and honestly, it might be comparable to Growth Spiral of all things. It’s hard to make the draw work in limited unless there’s a huge as-fan of nonbasics, but forgoing that, there’s also this idea that you get to beef everything by +2/+2 for two mana if you have the land-drops, and if you have the land drops, you haven’t spent as much on creatures, and that’s pretty crazy to think about, actually. This card goes through a LOT of thought to make work in the ways you need for maximization. Quite cool.
The name really isn’t doing it for me. I can try to ignore the gray skin of the Conquistadors there and pretend it’s a trick of the light, but that name really is the weakest part of the card. I don’t know, that’s a small thing to consider, but with a contest about contextualizing art, the focus there is a bigger sticking point than it would be elsewhere. Maybe this is one of those things where it’s a me-issue and people like it, but it reads clunkily to me. I do like your use of the green complement with the package, though. I feel where you were going.
@spooky-bard​ — Roll Out the Red Carpet
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The use of a newspaper as flavor text is actually so cool. There’s absolutely no precedent for it but it feels so natural in the world of New Capenna and I think that Capenna’s strength in its references was super cool. You bring that out quite well there, although, heh, the lede isn’t quite editorial standards. I think as a piece of context in the world, you really hit the nail on the head there.
Card’s good! Tutors are definitely good, and tokens are good too. Limiting it to Naya/Cabaretti colors is a feelbad for commander players, but they can go sac treasures. Ain’t no issue when you have a limited focus in mind, so thank you for that. While the context is close, I appreciate how you made the rhino from a bodyguard into a celebrity. Look at that suit, that expression! I think the celebratory context is just about all you could have done, and that’s okay. Maybe earlier I was too harsh with how much deviation I wanted, but there’s only so many times you guys can read the word “context” before you start booing, and I don’t blame you.
@squeezyboi — Janoc, Tin Street Tinker
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Good things: this card’s weird. Not as good things: this was supposed to be for a standard-legal draftable set, and this card feels way too wonky for that. Am I paranoid, or is the likelihood of seeing a Ravnica set without guild mechanics or with splashy guild mechanics a bit... Actually, wait, investigation is deciduous, isn’t it. Ugh. I feel that there’s going to be a lot of mixing and matching in Magic’s future, but maybe it won’t be so bad. Maybe. I do want more cohesion from time to time but I’ll accept that this card’s going to be weird.
For the activated ability, I would phrased it: “Until end of turn, Clues you control gain “T, Sacrifice...”” etc., with ‘add’ being capitalized. The ability to get clues off of spells is very cool and this would definitely be a fun commander. I think that, for this contest, this may have been a little too fun. Either my vibes for what constitutes a standard/premier card are off, or this feels a touch wacky for me. Hardly an issue when it’s gained an amount of popularity, right? Ah, who am I kidding, peer pressure means nothing. This card’s cool but not my particular brand of cool, and I’m not going to discount the coolness that it’s made upon other folks. I will say that the FT isn’t particularly gripping, but it’s serviceable, and the card does a good enough job at explaining what you’re doing.
@stareyedesper​ — Pursuer of Divinity
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I guess it’s kind of old hat, but it fits. I think the mechanical addition of counters is the best use of your mechanics here and it’s got precedent in the Evolved Sleeper. Clerics could have fun with it, and if someone makes it happen in draft, well, all the more power to them. Maybe I’m a little wibbly because I’ve seen this kind of thing happen before, but does it work? Yeah, absolutely. Ten mana over however many turns to make an 8/8 flying, vigilance, indestructible... HEY, WAIT A MINUTE.
Ha. Quite clever, actually. I genuinely did not see that coming. Also, I do particularly enjoy how you used the art here. I’m getting this kind of midrange-mysticism Ojutai-ish vibes from this card that feel natural and cool, not gonna lie. Again, this is the exact kind of art-twisting that I wanted to see, per the examples. The figure at the center becomes the focus, and they pursue divinity. What else is there? I think the angelic callback (intentional or not, who knows) helps out a lot and you did a good job with this one.
@wolkemesser​ — Naive Rich
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The flavor text is good. That’s about all I got because this card has a lot of mechanical tweaks we need to get through and one major sin. In short, the most important thing I wanted from this contest was to have mechanical distinctions between your card and the card from which you took the art, and Prosperity’s X=draw is practically built into this card. That’s basically the opposite of what I was asking for.
X and Y don’t have to exist here. The abilities should’ve been: “~ enters the battlefield with X wealth counters on it. // When ~ enters the battlefield, for each wealth counter on it, you lose 1 life and draw a card. // When ~ leaves the battlefield, discard a card for each wealth counter on it You gain that much life.” Maybe there’s a “that much life” somewhere in there but precedent is hard to find. The point is, though, that there’s no precedent for X an Y being what they are. Reading down this rabbit hole, did you intend for Give // Take to be precedent? I don’t think that’s the hole to go down. Someone smarter than me, I may need help.
That’s all! Thanks for reading, and be good. @abelzumi​
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burnout-system · 2 years
We wont be too active here but we might use it as an alter thoughts dumping ground lol. Anyways welcome to the burnout <3 -Cal
☕ Boba (They/He)
⏳Cal (He/They/All Neos)
Other frequent alters:
☁️Brandon Diablous (They/he)
⚡Ritchie Diablous (He/Him)
🌸Calix (They/he/ve/angel)
🍻Knuckles (He/him)
👁Max (They/he/dev/ae)
💋Zaine (He/She/It)
♦️Red/Raelyn (She/they)
Less active but still exist:
🐧CC!Brandon (He/they)
🎵Conner (He/Him)
📚Dace (They/He)
👾Eliott (Xe/Xem)
🦜CC!Grian (He/Him)
🕊Jimmy (He/Him)
😈Jupiter (He/Him)
🐇Kroissant (Bun/Them)
🐀Oliver (They/he/rat)
👤Tempestas (He/Him)
🧭Valdis (Any)
🍷Vinny (He/She/They)
🛡Yunno (He/Him)
🧸Andy (They/Them)
🦖Boat (Any)
🥀Ech (They/Sprout)
🦊Haven (She/They/Kit)
🦡Ollie (They/He)
🧶Pot Roast (He/Him)
Haven, Ech, and Andy are the only littles allowed on our phone, Andy is only able to text friends when they need help though. Ollie is banned from using the phone, Pot Roast is a cat, Boat is like four and only plays roblox on here.
We're probably never going to use the emojis btw, we just like having them incase we feel unsafe using our actual names.
Looking for source mates from:
Fairytail Origins
Origins Of Olympus
Supernatural Origins
Cyberpunk Genesis
Any Originsmcrp CC Factive
Thank you!! -Burnout System
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kmp78 · 2 years
I think the brothers are done. That's the end, guys. Somethin' bad happened and they are on bad terms now. I think that is the reason album is not gonna come anytime soon. 🥺 They are split their ways as family.
I don't think it's necessarily anything THAT dramatic.
Look, sometimes people just drift apart. 🤷🏼‍♀️
And these are two grown-ass men who live their own lives.
Only gullible eches think they should be living together and washing each other's hair. 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
My dad has 3 brothers and rarely sees any of them, even tho we all live in the same city. They exchange text messages and on occasion might meet for coffee if they have issues to discuss, but that's the level of their involvement in each other's lives. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Everyone has their own families and interests. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Imo it would be extremely weird if those two did everything together! At their age that just is not normal! 👀
But I also do think it's very weird they never seem to want to spend any time together. It def reeks of disinterest in each other's lives - and I'm willing to bet that the root cause for that might be the younger sibling... 👀
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After five years I stopped with my study. I don't have a degree. I was not happy with myself and who I became. It was an of the hardest selfreflection I had made in years. How can you liked by others, when you don't like yourself?
In the weeks after everyone was telling me: "you can always call me, when you want to talk or when you have a hard time." I never did call. I cry on my own and tell everyone: "I can survive this and I'm kind of happy." But I do cry a lot and I feel alone. Nobody understand it or I don't want people to bother with it. Everyone around looks so happy and cheerfull and I don't want to interrupt that.
It's a sad story, but know call someone who is in need. Don't let them call you. Every moment they will appreciate it.
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katierosefun · 3 years
you ever want to. scream about. about. about a ship. but. but there’s no one. no one to scream to. so. so you just. re-watch. and. scream. at yourself. because. because. you’re literally. in. in a one-woman canoe. with. with this stupid ship. 
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caruliaa · 3 years
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some more kibby doodles !! :>
[Image description: eight digital drawings in a cartoony style featuring cats,
1: a white cat with orange markings with pink, purple and red hearts around it and text underneath reading "kitty friend!"
2: an orange cat with white markings loafing with their eyes closed with hearts and sparkles around them and text underneath reading "sleeby... content..."
3: three cats (one white with pink markings, one brown with light brown makrings, and one black with white markings) staked on top of ech other and sleeping in a pile
4: a brown tabby cat and an orange cat with light orange markings. The orange cat has a spech bubble with the word meow repeted and is labeled "*talking abt interest*" and the tabby is thinking "i love you so much" and is labeled "*listening*"
5: a white cat with peach markings and a black cat. There is an easel with a painting of them inbetween them. The white cat is saying "i drew us!!" and the black cat has a suprised expression and is saying "omg!! I love you!". There are red and pink hearts surrounding them.
6: a light brown cat with darker brown markings saying "i would like sum affection please if thats okay" and is labeled "wants pets and kisses"
7: two white cats with markings in different shades of pink sharing a speech bubble with the word meow repeated.
8: a brown tabby cat and a white cat with pink markings. The tabby cat is saying "you okay?" The white cat is lying face down with a puddle of tears around their face and red heart around them. They have a speech bubble with a keysmash and are thinking "i love my friends so much.
/End description]
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Remus. Honey. Look at me, take deep breaths. If you think you'll be okay, or you think you will have enough comfort people, go to the party! Worst comes to worse, bring Rowan! And if you dont want to sleep over, just do the party bit, no trouble or annoyances at all. N o n e.But if you get too anxious of the idea, or your just not feeling okay enough, dont go at all, it'll damage your mental health,,,more. Its your choice and no one, I repeat no one can judge you for that. -1/2
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(I got another ask also asking for this same thing so I will probs sadly delete it but I want the anon to know I appreciate it even if I didn’t answer it. thanks <3)
(Words: 1829)
Remus tried to take a few deep breathes like you said. He kept twirling the ring on his finger to try and get the nerves out. Your comment about how much his crushes liked him made his heart warm. Remy was looking at him with such a sweet look as they waited for his answer.
'i dont know about a party' He finally wrote into the text to speech app.
"Party?" It took a moment before Remy leant their head back in laughter "Babe I meant like a party in like the we're gonna have fun way not like the literal way. You seriously think I would wanna stand around with this fucked up cane and have like 3 different guys try to kiss me" 
Remus' stomach sunk. He could feel the tip of ears heating up from embarrassment.
"Sorry babe" Remy wiped a fake tear away once the giggles started to die down "That was all on me. I know you got like problems with tone and stuff. You good if it's just me, you and Jannie?"
He shrugged.
"We can hang out right here and your sis will stay around right?"
"It don't gotta be a sleepover if you decide you don’t want it to be. We can just like vibe and then I can weasel my way into control over Jannie's bed and sleep there. Will that be okay?"
Remus nodded.
They held out their hand to do a high five but he didn't move so they instead got out their phone and texted Janus. They made themself comfortable on the couch like a main character in an early 2000s teen romcom.
"Sooo do you wanna gossip? Paint each other nails? Kiissss? That is what people do at sleepovers right?" Remy asked "Cause babe I've never actually been at a real one with like friends. Just with Virgil or I've been like staying over with some dude after getting shitfaced but that's not the same thing y'know"
'do you really think i've been to any? i slept over in a mossy ditch once though'
"Stylish!! Maybe Jan knows" They looked at ech other and both shook their heads "Nah he doesn't"
Remus perked up and quickly wrote something on his phone 'Ro knows!"
They glanced back to Rowan. She had promptly fallen asleep with her forehead slammed into the table. Snores loud enough to shake a squirrel came from her.
The friends sent each other sinister smiles. Remus rubbed his hands together evily. Remy tip tapped on their toes like a mischievous bitch. They both slowly sneaked up behind Rowan.
And evily laid a blanket around her shoulders!!!
The friends giggled over their evil act together. The duke was a bit anxious about her being asleep but he knew she was a light sleeper after the third time she woke up to frogs filling her room
"Don't you have like a flag?" Remy suddenly asked.
Remus blinked at them 'what?'
They pointed at the wall behind Rowan. The one where her lesbian flag hung "Don't you have like a flag too? like trans or something?” They glanced at Rowan “You can get one if you want right?”
‘of course. i havent thought about it. brain dead’
He was so used to the sighs and annoyed looks he got from his ex every time he talked about being trans. Every time he’d tried to correct his pronouns. Putting a flag would have been a constant reminder of how burdensome his identity was. Sometimes Remus forgot he wasn’t living with his ex anymore.
“Want me to like make a flag? I should have some pink fabric over from making this Charli xcx shirt- Oh bitch I could have talked about being a dick sucking savant and that sentence would have been less gay. Jeez”
‘would you really?’ Remus asked with big puppy eyes.
“Suck a dick? Ehh it doesn’t really interest me but-”
‘i meant sewing the flag’
“Oh- Oh yeah babe! Of course! Anything for my green goblin!”
Remus motioned him to follow as he went over to Rowan’s bedroom aka the only bedroom in the apartment. He opened the closet and took out some old bedsheets and curtains. A dust cloud rose up from them.
He chucked them all on the floor and pointed at them. Remy promptly took out a needle and some thread from their bag.
“A lady is always prepared” They joked “So how big do you want it to be-”
A hurried knock came on the door. A thud came from the living room as Rowan fell down on the floor from surprise. “Dragon knocking” She yawned out.
Remus grabbed all of the fabric and followed Remy as they stumbled over to the door. Janus was standing on the other side. His breathing was quick and his eyes wide. His shirt was buttoned on wrong and he had on Logan’s space themed pajama pants.
“REmus! You’re alive!” 
He exclaimed and reached out to hug his friend but Rem flinched back. Jan took a few extra theatrical deep breathes before half hissing towards Remy.
“I’ll kill you Remy. I will literally put poison in your food”
“Girl why this sudden flirting!?” They teased back.
“Your message made it sound like I had to hurry over because Remus was hurt or something! I was in the middle of snuggli- doing important work!” He sent a smile to Remus “I am however happy to be here”
“It’s only ‘cause I’m here. I know. You don’t have to say it!” Remy added.
They pulled Jan into a tight hug and whispered to him about how Remus wasn’t talking and didn’t seem to want to be touched. When they moved out from the hug they still had on a cheerful look.
Even so Janus looked a bit pale when he looked at Remus “Are you sure you’re physically okay? There is a tube going into your nose”
‘it is how i control my zombie army’ Remus wrote back.
“Oh....Understandable then”
“Alright Janny boy you wanna have a totally cool awesome sexy lil sleepover?”
‘we can make fake blood and throw it at each other’ Remus wrote.
“Well I can’t say no to some classic blood throwing”
He stepped inside the apartement. His back instantly straightened when he saw Rowan. He was very afraid of pissing her off somehow and in turn pissing off Remus. He did a shy lil wave. She was too busy fixing her hair to notice.
“Alright gals and babe how about we make some dinner and watch some movies until we fall asleep. Babe you can like choose the food and movie if you want” Remy rambled. “But first!” They did a dramatic pose “Truth or dare!!”
“Very classy” Janus commented.
“Let me live out my popular teen girl dreams okay!?” They looked over to Remus “Only if everyone is like comfortable with it obviously”
Remus in turn looked over to Rowan before writing ‘sure. jan?’
“I only just played it for the first time a few nights ago but I am also fine with it. You would think Patty had to be bad at something but no she’s good at kissing too” Janus very casually said.
“Oh yeah. She’s great!” Rowan agreed. 
Before anyone could unpack any of that Rowan had pulled Remus into the kitchen to make popcorn and smoothies for everyone. Janus awkwardly sat down on the soft mattress in front of the tv. Remy sat down next to him and started to work on organizing the fabric.
Janus kept glancing over to them. Them in their full glory of a Charli xcx shirt made out of fabric found in a dumpster and in a skirt that made him blush. His lips curled up into an excited smile at the thought of maybe spending the night with his 2 crushes....and Rowan......ANYHOW he fantasized about being cuddled between the two. Like a smushed together spoon. He had to hold back happy stims.
“Scissor. need a scissor” Remy mumbled under their breathe.
They got up and leaned on their cane. It only took a few steps before some of the tape holding the cane together slipped up. The cane loosened and Remy fell foward. They landed harshly on their elbows and palms.
Janus quickly hurried over to help them. He reached out his hand.
“Are you okay?”
They slapped away his hand “It’s fine” 
He looked at the cane “...Did...something happen?”
“I just like tripped. Girl it’s fine. It’s like old and stuff. Of course it would break”
Janus’ heart sunk. He lowered his voice “Remy I can tell you’re lying. I’m not stupid. Are you okay?”
“Well girl I would have been better if I didn’t trip. Which is what happened. Nothing else. And now I can’t get like a new one ‘cause I’m broke as fuck” They had that hint of anger in their voice, the one they always got when someone caught them in a lie. 
“I only want to hear what happened because I care about you. It’s not like I get worried about you or anything”
Remy met his eyes “And what are you gonna do if I tell you? You gonna run off and tell Logan all about it? Huh?”
“It’s not-”
“We all need to gossip about something. I get it girl” They said through gritted teeth “I’m just real sick of people talking about me behind my back-”
“Smoothies are ready!” Rowan announced while walking into the room. 
Remy immediately shone up into their usual relaxed smile “Perfect gal! You got any scissors around here?”
Janus stayed still even after Remy painfully had gotten up to talk to Rowan. He felt sick to his stomach. They’d been the one to suggest a sleepover hadn’t they? He couldn’t help but be afraid there was a reason behind it.
‘i think j anus is possessed’ Remus wrote.
Everyone else had made themself comfortable on the mattress. A lit candle sat in the middle. Remus had wrapped his arms around his sister like an octopus and kept poking her cheek to annoy her to which she threw popcorn into his face.
(Even though Remus’ heart was beating out of his chest and he felt nauseous and shaky and he kept hearing people yelling and his thoughts were racing. He still felt happy. He didn’t think it would go this well. He held his sister closer)
Janus forced himself to get up and join them. He sat next to Remy but they looked down at the fabric instead of even glancing at him.
Rowan clasped her hands together “So who shall start?”
“Well girl no offense but I’m scared of you, Janny is too much of a shy flustered fuck, Rem will dare us to eat bathroom mold or something and I’m too sexy to ask things so we’ve already hit a wall” Remy said.
‘floating orb’ Remus wrote. 
“Dukey you’re hallucinating again”
He shook his head and pointed at you, the floating orb with sick fucking sunglasses in the corner of the ceiling.
“Oh that one! One of my precious fans! Excuse me, yes that is indeed real”
“Perfect. An impartial magical being to give us truth and dares. This is what all people should have during sleepovers” Janus added. “You do want to be a part of the game right?”
You let out a long murmur of static that made a few plants shake. They all took it as a yes. They settled in and waited for your surely very good truth and dares.
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cyclesprefectpress · 3 years
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[image description: a photo of a proof of handset letterpress type quoting “Run into the dark,” from The Magnus Archives, episode 173. The proof is printed with no color, only clear varnish, on two slightly different shades of black paper. End description.]
have not finished listening to act 3 quite yet!! Sorry!! The prospect is emotionally A Lot for my tired brain but the secret is to listen while I take my dog on long walks in the greenbelt when the weather is bad so that my hood & headphones & the rain make a pocket dimension for me, and if I do unfortunately show my turmoil on my face at least no other human is around to know that I have feelings!!
Anyway. I finally had an idea I like for the Dark while I was brushing my teeth the other day, and I’ve just gotta let this test dry so I can choose paper tomorrow :))) should be pretty quick to print after that tbh, this one is VERY text-light and basic design. Unless I change my mind about the varnish and go with back to plan A, which involves uuuuh making a crude embossing die. ECH who knows, i was pretty committed to the embossing idea an hour ago but I just don’t think I can make one based on Parsons that holds the details well enough, and all my chunky san serifs are too STIFF and GROWN-UP for this. hmmMMMMmmmmmmmm well we’ll just have to see how the contrast holds up when it’s dry
wip 2 : wip 3
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