#text messages with the akatsuki
yowyowyaoi · 4 months
Hidan's Daily Texts from the Akatsuki, Part Two
From Konan
Why would it gross you out? You basically deal with blood for a living!
Flattery might get you a hug but it won't get you out of your share of the food bill.
In all seriousness that's ridiculous.
Just pretend he’s Kakuzu. Problem solved.
You guys need to keep it down. I need my beauty sleep!
Sasori has a variety of things he could give you to ease the pain. But be warned he’ll likely give you a three hour lecture on “proper dental hygiene”.
I'm sure he just meant it as a joke. No need to eviscerate him.
I need that like I need a hole in my head.
Love is not about looks, it's about feelings and personality. He's the kindest, most gentle man I've ever known in my life.
If you're that curious, just transform into one and feel them yourself!
He doesn't take betrayal very well. I'd strongly reconsider if I were you.
Being immortal is a hell of a thing to have in common, isn't it?
I wish you and Dei would leave him be. Just because he *chooses* not to fight back doesn't mean he can't, or won't at some point. And I think that will be a scary day for the two of you.
Ladies don't curse but if you heard even half of what I was thinking it'd blow your mind, Hidan.
From Itachi
Looks mean very little to me.
If you're that interested in seeing them, then just ask him to pull down his pants for you the next time you see him. See what he says.
A compliment coming from you sounds very, very odd.
I would not just leave something like that to chance and never, ever to the two of you.
We're close. That's all you need to know.
I'll admit, the honey and ants in my bed was a clever, if sadistic, touch.
You've got ten minutes to return it to my door or I promise your eternity will be one long inescapable nightmare.
The last time I went with you guys you ate $1000 worth of food and then tried to stick me with the bill!
If you'd just admit it I'd be willing to go easy on you.
Of course he's an attractive man but I couldn't deal with that personality on a daily basis.
In that way I'm better than you, aren't I? You clearly fear death. I don't.
If my opinion counts for anything: hold on to Kakuzu. I don't believe there's a single other soul in this universe that would care for you the way he does.
I suppose not all the time. He does brush my hair out for me a lot. Very gentle.
From Tobi
If it isn't something that could work, why would it be the plot to SO MANY homoerotic stories??
You left it sitting there for three days! If I didn't eat it, it would have spoiled!
Just woke up not in the mood for your shit rn
If he thinks you're like a brother than one day me and you can be in-laws!
You didn't even spell "delusional" right.
Are you the one who left the jar of crickets on my bed?
Actually your hair would probably look good longer.
You're not going to lecture ME on something like that!
I think of him like a little cousin. So STOP messing with him!
If you think Kakuzu looks "sexy" without his mask you couldn't handle ME, man.
Come with us, the water should be fine by now.
The Hidden Leaf? Nope. Never heard of it.
Sharingan?? LOL
Be warned, Hidan. I'm not as stupid as you think I am.
Do YOU want to see my FIST? Okay then.
So is "Jashin" just looking the other way while you love Kakuzu, then?
From Nagato
I think of you all as my children. Some more problematic than others.
Yes it works! And even if it didn't, she wouldn't leave me!
I almost teamed you up with Deidara but I don't think I could have afforded that sort of damage.
Ultimately that would be Kakuzu's decision.
Tell your God to meet up with me and we'll see who's more "real", brat.
What. Did. You. DO?!
If I hear that you "accidentally" walked in while she was changing again, you'll wish to the heavens that you WERE able to die.
Yes but a mostly vegetarian diet is easier for my body to handle.
I did not form these teams with the intention of being a matchmaker.
I wish you would put as much effort and planning into your missions as you do to harassing your fellow Akatsuki teammates.
From Deidara
Yes I blew him up but I didn't rob him. Standards, man.
Me and Kisame going fishing, you in?
Come see me we gotta get our stories straight before Leader questions us.
He stepped on a beehive. Spent all day pulling stingers from his arms and legs. STILL wouldn't take off his mask.
I knoooooow. God you sound like Sasori.
I did but I don't think they can prove that it was me ...
You can't just sculp some little mouse and then call yourself an artist! It doesn't work like that!
I think the chicken was bad I can't stop puking and my ass is literally on fire!
If you won't listen to me talk about my REAL art, what makes you think I'm gonna listen to you talk about your FAKE God??
Me and you and Itachi. Yes he'll go if we drag him out.
Yeah but she's sooooooo pretty how can I help it?!
Why are you bragging? That just means you'll be old and ugly before me!
Honestly I just bring him a body and some tools and he stays distracted for like a week. Lets me do whatever without even questioning it lmao
He likes to carry me. Don't ask questions, I just enjoy not having to walk for a few hours.
I really, REALLY don't need to know what "gets you off". Pervert.
From Kisame
I have no idea how to answer something like that.
I don't know what's going on with you and Kakuzu but please stop "accidentally" sending me pics like that or I'm blocking you.
I'd die for him but all I really want is for him to live for me.
I think we're the only two who like it ultra-rare and dripping blood. Well, maybe Zetsu.
Yeah I have my suspicions as well but it's like that thing is glued to his face or something. Deidara is the only one who could get close enough to him to try it but he seems scared for some reason.
You can join us but no screaming in the water this time or you'll scare them all off.
I've got at least 11 years up on you so yes, you ARE a brat to me.
I don't think there are any decent shortcuts, we just have to walk straight through. Ask Kakuzu to lend you his tall boots.
There's doing our job and then there's crossing the line. Guess which one you did.
Yes it's warm but that doesn't mean we wish to see you sitting out there in the nude.
Itachi's not feeling well so I need a replacement weight for my other arm. Deidara is already helping, now I need you too.
In the old days they used leeches as a cure for everything. A few aren't gonna kill ya, kid. Don't be a baby.
He's literally perfect. And he's MINE. So onsen or not the next time I catch you looking like that I'll snatch your eyes out and eat them like grapes :)
From Sasori
Come see me before the infection spreads.
Mint, rosemary, and a tiny bit of thyme.
Unless you’re looking to get bent over, brat, how it works is none of your goddamned business.
You would likely be a terrible one.
No, he’s it for me. I’ll either marry him or kill him, haven’t decided yet.
I can imitate eating to fool enemies but the food will just stay in my throat until I manually remove it.
You kill humans nearly every day, you can handle a spider.
It would break my metaphorical heart.
I’m not “betting” you anything. I KNOW it won’t kill you. But the poison is both expensive and time-consuming to make and I’m not wasting it on you.
18 and 34.
Leave the ones that I’ve marked alone. They’re perfect specimens and I won’t have you ruin them with that heathen ritual of yours.
Yes but I’m slowly coming to accept that sexuality is a spectrum and nothing is black or white.
You and Tobi will be coming with. Pack extra food and warm clothes. No whining that you’re hungry or cold later on.
It won’t be as amusing when I nail your skull to the wall.
From Zetsu
He tasted so good. My many thanks.
I haven’t any idea why the others seem so perturbed by it, considering their *own* “atrocities".
Too loud. Sensitive ears.
Aren't you having relations with him? Surely you could convince him.
Unfortunately we need them alive and well, so please, none of your antics.
Couldn't hurt. But I doubt it would help, either.
Out of everyone here, you and your blood-scented skin smell the best.
I'm beginning to think your obsession with penises is more than a passing curiosity and an indication for serious concern.
Deidara is correct, everything is ephemeral. This world is temporary.
I wouldn't know the first thing about manipulating anyone. I'm just a plant.
From Kakuzu
Try me and see. I DARE you, brat.
Either help me or stay home and shut up about it.
You stimulate me, but not in all good ways.
If I wasn't "obsessed with money" this entire organization would be nothing, we'd be homeless and everyone would be starving.
Just wait until I get you alone.
Next time I suggest you think before you act.
Deidara will face Sasori but YOU will have to deal with ME. Consider that.
It's your turn to pay for dinner. I could go for either seafood or steak.
Call it gay if you wish but you won't change my mind.
I'm not sure if your body could handle multiple hearts, immortal or not.
Endurance training. My room. Ten minutes. Hydrate yourself beforehand.
You're going to eat something green if I have to pry open your mouth and shove it down your throat.
Because I CARE, asshole.
Why should I have to fight them off because you can't keep your hands to yourself??
I happen to like Itachi so watch your manners, if any exist.
Can't "believe" in someone I've never met. Which is why I don't understand why YOU do.
If I ever went, I'm taking you out with me. "'Til death" is inaccurate.
Sure, sure. While you're at it pray for money to drop out of the sky and into my lap.
Handcuffs aren't doing it for me anymore. Bring some rope and maybe some honey this time.
Get back here and clean this shit up before I come kill you.
Love you. <3. Delete this text immediately.
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tozettastone · 3 months
Hi, I want to say I really appreciate deadbeat and want to thank you for giving me brain worms about dadkuzu and “the dad who stepped up” hidan. I am curious though, what drove kakuzu to seek his child out? I’m assuming he was not aware of their existence until ami (I’m assuming it’s ami) wrote to him, but I’m curious to understand his logic.
Hey anon! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hidan is the most emotionally intelligent person in that trio and it's a bit of a worry because he's a 17–18 year old boy at the time.
Kakuzu definitely knew about Maddie! Ami was passing information across borders, and some of that would have included the odd update on Maddie for Kakuzu. They weren't very emotionally entangled, but Kakuzu and Ami had a pretty open and honest — if not especially warm — relationship with each other. They're just distant coworkers who made a baby, I guess. There's not much of a secret or anything there.
So Kakuzu's actually just being totally honest when he tells Maddie that he's just checking on her. Ami sends him a message like, 'Yeah, so, I'm like, sick-sick. I'm going to die.'
The reason Kakuzu only shows up almost a full year after that is that... it just takes a solid ten months for him to stop avoiding the problem. I considered how long (and indeed if) to leave Maddie in the cursed swamp on her own, and she really didn't have to be there for nearly a full year. But she was. Because Kakuzu got Ami's note and then let it burn a hole in his pocket for almost a year while he grumpily avoided thinking about it and stomped around.
Interpersonal obligations give him hives. However, he still takes them really seriously.
Let me elaborate on that! While writing, I decided that in the highly limited canon we get on Kakuzu, the text indicates his character exhibits a fairly developed and surprisingly pro-social sense of interpersonal obligation. I draw this conclusion from 3 main examples:
1. The betrayal of his home village hit extremely hard and devastated his entire personality, and, because he WAS very loyal, he took his obligations to them very seriously. He obviously expected them to reciprocate. They didn't.
2. He takes care of Hidan despite emotional incentives to do otherwise, including picking up his stuff and bringing it along with them when he's debilitated by a mortal injury
3. By implication, at least, he takes care of akatsuki members who aren't even his own partner? Nobody is forcing him to sew Deidara back together, I think.
So those examples informed my choice to consider it relatively likely that he would actually go and make sure his child is still breathing. I'm sorry it's not more exciting than that though, haha.
I bet Hidan responded in a totally mature, respectful and understated way when Kakuzu told him what they were doing in northern Fire Country though.
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sulviyves · 11 months
Wasn't so bad (Julian Loki x GN reader)
Maybe it wasn't so bad. It wasn't so bad you were spending the extended holiday with your older brother in france. The country itself was beautiful, with so much luxurious architecture,clothing and treats. Moreover you were also missing your older brother, you can't deny, its been a long time since you both have met up. Waiting at the airport felt like an eternity, constantly checking your phone to see if your brother ‘Akatsuki’ texted yet. Seeing no text yet, you sighed and impatiently tapped your pointer finger against your forearm, waiting for the familiar red-head to pick you up. 
Texting him one last time and reminding him that you were already at the airport, and making sure you dearest brother didn't forget of his responsibilities. And finally he decided to respond after what felt like HOURS..
The reply wasn't one you expected nor even thought of. A friend of his was picking you up?. You felt slightly worried, you haven't met any of his friends yet. Which made you feel slightly anxious. 
Till you were taken out of your thoughts by a handsome young 
The young man spoke in french, leaving you to tilt your head to the side, confused what the handsome french man was telling you. 
The Frenchman catched on that you didnt understand him, which prompted him to let out a soft chuckle..and speak in english for you
“Bonjour, Im Julian Loki, one of your brother's friends!” Julian introduced himself politely. His accent strong but soft, it made your heart rush
Quickly you shook off your shock and introduced yourself back. 
‘’(Name) (Last name)..” Not fond of speaking to people you didn't know, you just simply told your name. Julian smiled softly and soon repeated your name. 
‘’(Name)..” The way your name rolled off his tongue so smoothly made you flush internally. Julian was an attractive young man, no doubt he was physically active due to the muscles you could see.. 
Clearing your throat you asked the most important question. 
“Are we just gonna stand here all day?” This question caught Julian off guard but made him chuckle nonetheless, he shook his head and soon helped you with your bags. 
Julian insisted he would be the one to place your luggage in the trunk, while you wait inside the car. 
Not so long after, the car started. With Julian driving and you in the passenger seat. 
The car ride was silent but comfortable, soft french songs were playing. Julian hummed the rhythm of the songs. 
Taking a quick glance at Julian, your cheeks flushed. Your heartbeat fast.. Maybe..
It wasn't so bad to spend the holiday with your brother. If it meant you could see the French man more often. 
BONUS As you were enjoying the silent ride to your brother and Julian's shared apartment, your phone buzz indicated someone had messaged you. It was from akatsuki. 
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Opening his message, you immediately felt the need to punch your brother..cheeky bastard!
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Authors note; I really love this man, i wish i can see more of him i love him so much i wanna kiss his hand. i need more media of him SOB.
My requests r open! i write for twisted wonderland, bluelock and genshin<33
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kaveuh · 2 years
can i request s, r, j, and f with keito pls?? <33 thank you!!
a/n — he’s slightly ooc in “j” because i thought it’d be funny to include that certain part LMAOAAO
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KEITO HASUMI [ f, j, r, s ] sfw alphabet
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f = fiancé (how would they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
commitment is a yes— keito have thought about getting married a couple of times and plan a traditional shinto wedding in his head. considering his fondness for japanese tradition, it’s no surprise that he’d want his wedding to be one as well.
he wants to get married as soon as he’s sure both of you are ready to settle in for commitment. he’d probably have a hard time proposing, though. keito’s determination may be big, but that doesn’t stop him from feeling nervous. (he refused to ask anyone in akatsuki for help…)
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j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
you know what, good luck. he rarely gets jealous, keito trusts you with his whole entire life. he knows you won’t do anything to break his heart, and even says: “you don’t have the BALLS to cheat on me, [name].”
the only time he’ll get jealous (barely) is when you stop coming to visit him anymore, and when you do it’s usually quick. he’ll get so sulky (not like he’d show it anyway)... if you think he’s already quiet, oh he’s gonna become even more quiet. the only responses you’re going to get from him are “mhm’s”, or nods. 
he’s not even mad that you’re spending time with other people, because yeah, you deserve to hang out with your friends. he’s just sad that you’re rarely visiting him anymore and your long conversations are always through texts. </3 keito will hint how he’s feeling towards text messages, though, and thankfully you get the message. 
no exceptions, you have to run to his house, apologize and spend your whole entire week, month, year (/hj...) with him now.
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r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
keito doesn’t exactly have a favourite moment, as there are too many to count. if sitting in the almost empty library while reading counts, that’s one of his favourites.
though, his favourite to do as a couple is to sit in silence with your head on his lap while he’s working. there’s just something about it that seems… sweet and domestic of some sort.
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s = security (how protective are they? would they like to be protected?)
keito may rarely get jealous, but he’s hella protective… his way of protecting isn’t all about controlling, but rather sweet? he’s careful about his words and would scold you if you do anything rash/dangerous.
“[name], how many times do i have to tell you…” blah blah blah, there he goes again. if you’re someone who likes to be reckless, expect a handful of lectures and keito losing his bonkers because of how many times you were caught by him, kuro or souma doing some goofy shit /j at this point, he just sticks by your side, or when he’s busy he’s calling you every single time he takes a break 😭
overall, keito would prefer protecting than being protected.
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Worth The Risk: Chapter 12
Mature Content Warning!
Sakura cried freely for a long time, relieved she no longer had to hide it. Sasuke didn't say a word and just held her there while falling asleep.
The thing that had her so shaken up was a text message. When the woman moved to Oto, she changed her number in hopes no one from Konoha would be able to contact her. It seemed successful until her ex's name crossed the screen with the message, 'I love you,' and nothing else. It was like someone had thrown her into a bathtub full of icy water and held her down so she couldn't come up for air.
'What does it mean? Did he send it because he's found me, or is he just trying to scare me? But how did he get my new number? No one from back home has it. Not even Hinata!'
Hinata Hyuuga is the only one Sakura considered a friend, though they weren't all that close. It's just that she knows the softspoken woman doesn't have the heart to befriend someone with bad intentions.
The Haruno girl's fingers clenched handfuls of Sasuke's shirt more tightly than before, inching closer still and silently begging the comforting warmth he offered to chase away her anxious terror. It definitely helped.
In the morning, the Uchiha man surprised her by forcing her to ride to school in his car, which she'd refused since moving into the Akatsuki house. Now that they're getting along better, she wasn't as inclined to continue denying the favor. That doesn't mean that everything's fine between them, though.
'He still hasn't said a word about the fact that he's a fucking gangster, much less that he knowingly tricked me into becoming involved with multiple dangerous people. I've been surrounded by criminals for weeks without knowing it. He must see me as the biggest idiot in the world.'
She glared at her lap as the man in question drove turned into the college's student parking lot, 'And what was I thinking, letting him kiss me and hanging out with him all day yesterday like we're best friends?'
Needless to say, Sakura was back to being pissed off and scared because the heat of the moment had passed, and her mind had cleared. Now, the woman was even more uncomfortable because Sasuke thought she was over it when, in reality, she'd been too swept up in overwhelming emotions and the drama that'd occurred.
"Are you gonna sit there all damn day? C'mon."
Sasuke was an asshole a lot of the time, but especially in the morning. Frowning silently, Sakura got out of the car and pointedly ignored him as she walked toward the entrance. He didn't say anything. Hell, he might not have even followed her. She wasn't sure because she didn't look back to check.
"Good morning, Sakura! Fancy meeting you so early in the morning," Mr. Hatake's familiar voice met her ears, making her face pale as she recalled drunkenly flirting with the college professor.
'Oh great. He probably thinks I have some perverted student and teacher fantasy kink now. Should I apologize or just act like it never happened? I'll wait to see what he does.'
Sakura turned to offer a sheepish grin to the white-haired man, "Good morning, Sir. How are you?"
He grinned from behind his mask, tilting his head as the pair ambled through the crowded entry hall, "Better than you, I assume, since you weren't here yesterday. Did Saturday's party prove too draining?"
Blushing and humiliated since he didn't beat around the bush in the slightest, Sakura brought a palm to her forehead and groaned, "Can we pretend that night never happened? I'm so embarrassed."
Mr. Hatake chuckled warmly and lowered the volume of his voice as he said, "Why? I thought you were quite charming. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I was simply worried you'd gone overboard and become sick. It's a relief to see you looking normal today."
Before she could respond, he nodded toward the same cafe where they'd had coffee together last week, "Coffee? We don't have time to sit and chat, but I'll buy."
Sakura nodded, falling into step at his side, "Shouldn't I buy this time, since you did before?"
They got in line, and the teacher nodded, "Very well, but only if you agree it's my turn next."
It wasn't necessarily scary that her, albeit handsome, older professor was borderline flirting with her, but it was very uncomfortable. She wondered if maybe he was teasing her on purpose to see how flustered she'd get. The woman would feel better if so because that'd mean he wasn't being serious. After getting their coffee, the pair headed for the lecture hall.
Kakashi said, "I was wondering, by the way. Where are you from originally?"
'Oh, no. Should I lie? What if he asks me questions about where I say I'm from, and I don't know how to respond? If I tell the truth, though, what if…? It couldn't hurt to be honest about at least this much.'
"Konoha," she also offered, just in case his next question was the reason for relocating, "I have a cousin who lives here."
"I thought your accent was familiar! I'm friends with many of the professors at Konoha University. Perhaps you met some of them?"
'Shit! I didn't expect him to say that!' "Oh, uh, no. I didn't attend K.U. Sorry!"
They arrived at their destination then, and the woman took the opportunity to excuse herself from the dangerous conversation and find a seat. The entire lesson, Sakura felt like eyes were on her, but she couldn't tell if it was just anxiety. The class after that, the same thing happened. By the end of the school day, she was convinced she was being followed.
The fear was so intense that when she realized Sasuke wasn't at his car yet, she couldn't find it in herself to wait around for him to arrive. No, she began walking home, peeking around each corner and constantly looking over her shoulder to verify that no one was there.
Maybe ten minutes after leaving the school, her phone went off in her pocket, drawing a small squeak of surprise from the poor girl. Sasuke's name crossed the screen, and she clicked the green icon to accept the call, only to hear something rustling behind her.
"Where the hell are you? I've got shit to do today, so hurry up."
When Sakura turned to inspect the sound's source, nothing was there, so she faced forward again, only for the sound to repeat itself. In an absolute panic, she hissed into the phone, "I can't talk right now," and hung up. Then, she pulled her pocketknife out of her coat pocket and held it tightly while walking more briskly.
'Is it him? Has he really found me? I won't let him get the jump on me.'
Once Sakura was within a block of the Akatsuki house, she realized that she'd lead the follower right to her home if she was being tailed. Even if it wasn't her ex, a stalker knowing her address would be bad, so she walked right past the giant house, pointedly not looking its way, just in case.
'What should I do? Do I call Sasuke and tell him what's going on? What if they overhear? What if there's no one, and I'm just being paranoid? He'll never let me live this down. He might not believe me in the future if there actually is trouble, too.'
So, the Haruno woman tried calling Ino and then Karin, only for both of them to be unable to answer because they were at work. If it wasn't for last night's text message, she'd just go home and tell Sasuke about it, but it was too risky now. She trembled but could only keep her head down and her feet moving.
Time passed until the sun had set, and the woman had no choice but to take a break because her legs felt like jelly from moving for over an hour straight. Stepping into a convenience store, she looked around one last time before facing forward. She bought a bottle of water but hesitated to leave after that.
'What if someone is really out there waiting? What if they have a car and they kidnap me?'
"Ma'am, are you alright?"
Sakura jumped, grinning tensely at the gangly checkout boy and quickly lying, "O-Oh, uh, I forgot to buy something. Sorry." The woman went back down one of the aisles, only to crouch and pretend to be browsing for something to eat, but in reality, she was blinking back tears and barely managing not to have a panic attack.
Suddenly, the doors to the store opened again, the employee up front greeting whoever entered as they had her. Only when footsteps could be heard coming her way did she realize someone might be coming in to get her since she didn't go outside.
'It's too late to run now. They're close enough to catch me.'
Sakura gritted her teeth, squeezing her eyes closed as she prepared for whatever was about to happen, only to gasp when Itachi's voice met her ears, "Sakura? What're you doing here? Everyone's been looking for you."
The woman shakily rose to her full height, bursting into relieved tears when she turned around and saw the handsome man's concerned expression.
He grabbed her hands, looking over her appearance more attentively, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why didn't you come home?"
She could only shake her head, thinking, 'All I ever do is cry and run away. I don't think a day has passed in over a year that I haven't burst into tears over something,' she wiped at her eyes, allowing him to hold her hand as he guided her out of the store and to his car, where Tobi was waiting in the passenger seat.
The dark-haired Uchiha cousin tried to talk to her, but she just glanced around outside the vehicle's windows to check for anything suspicious while Itachi went back inside to buy whatever he'd initially come for.
All the while, she thought, 'Why am I even running anymore? I hate myself as it is. I should've just let him kill me.'
"Hey, we found her. I'll bring her home soon," Itachi's voice was music to Sasuke's ears.
He sighed, irritated because Sakura was obviously uninjured, or his brother would've said something about it first, "What's her problem?"
There was a pause before a response finally came, "I don't know. She's crying too hard to talk, but she doesn't have a mark on her. If you ask me, it looks like something spooked her, and she ran."
Earlier, when the Uchiha man called her, he could tell something was up by the tone of her voice, not to mention that she hung up on him. Since she was seen by so many people at the party on Saturday, everyone's initial thought was that someone nabbed her off the street for one of many possible reasons, each worse than the next.
'What's her fucking deal? The least she could do was send a text. God, she's annoying.'
The man was angry before all this, too, because she gave him the cold shoulder this morning, only to get all chummy with that white-haired teacher she'd been all over at the party. Sasuke swallowed his pride a dozen times over in order to get this close to Sakura, and now, after all that effort, it seemed she still wasn't focused solely on him.
'Who does she think she is? She told me to stay away from other women, yet she's all over that guy, and he's old as fuck, too.'
Sasuke's an extraordinarily possessive and jealous man and has been for as long as he can remember. As a child, he refused to share toys or school supplies. Though Sakura's a human and not an item, the same mindset applies to this situation.
He was set on going off on the woman when she got home, but his complaints evaporated upon seeing how drained she was upon arriving. She quietly apologized before going upstairs, leaving me to look at Tobi and Itachi for answers. They both shrugged, the former saying, "I think she was being followed. She kept looking around like she expected to see someone tailing us."
Itachi nodded, "I did check before coming here. Nothing seemed suspicious, but Sakura wouldn't act like this without a solid reason, right?"
Sighing, Sasuke ran a hand through his hair and glanced at the hallway she'd disappeared to, "Fuck, I don't know. One second she's fine, and the next she's…this," he paused before shaking his head and walking that way with a hand raised in a lazy wave, "Send someone out to watch the place tonight."
Upon arriving upstairs, he realized the woman was sitting on the edge of his bed with a pillow in her arms as she stared ahead with glazed-over eyes. He shut the door behind him and leaned against the desk, "So?"
"I thought I was being followed, and I didn't want to lead them here, so I just kept walking," her voice was tired and monotone.
Sasuke scoffed, "Okay, and why didn't you tell anyone? Yahiko was about to send search parties to look for your body, you idiot."
She shrugged, saying nothing.
'...Something's off about her tonight. Did something actually happen that she's not telling me?' Usually, Sakura would bite back at him for calling her an idiot, no matter the severity of the situation.
For the next two days, Sakura was simultaneously on edge because that I'm-being-watched feeling refused to falter and felt numb to anything and everything. Receiving that text really messed her up. It was on Thursday night that Sasuke apparently had had enough. Just as she was about to go to bed, he entered the room and closed the door behind him.
'What's he doing? Is he mad I haven't slept in his room or talked to him? I have other things to worry about right now.'
"I'm at my fuckin' limit, Sakura. What the hell is wrong with you?"
The woman sat on the edge of the bed and glared at him with a frown but said nothing because she didn't know what to say. During school on Tuesday, she'd gone over what she'd like to yell at him when they inevitably talk about the fact that he works for Akatsuki, and, subsequently, so does she, but that was before the whole stalker issue.
'I already told him I think I'm being followed. There's nothing else that he needs to know.'
Dark eyes were alight with emotion, most of which were on the angry side, "I can't fix anything if you don't tell me the damn problem, so spit it out. Is it because you still think someone's following you around? I already told you that's not true. We've had guys keeping an eye on things."
Sakura bluntly said, "I don't care if I'm being followed anymore."
Over the past few days, her psyche had fallen further into a depressive slump. All she wanted to do was cry, which pissed her off even more because that's all she's been doing all this time.
"...Okay, then what…?" Sasuke was visibly confused by her uncharacteristic demeanor. It was surprising it took this long for him to say something.
'His patience has definitely improved since we first met. Good for him.'
The woman stood, uncrossing her arms and meeting his gaze, "Listen, I just…I don't care."
Understanding met the Uchiha's eyes before they narrowed, his voice lowering, "Since when do you not care? All you've done since I've met you is care too much about every little fucking thing."
She shook her head, mumbling, "And look where that's gotten me."
A long silence passed between the pair before Sasuke's voice took on an undeniable threatening tone, his glare smoldering, "Whatever funk you're in is annoying as hell. What's it gonna take for you to knock it off?"
Sakura rolled her eyes, turning to prepare to get into bed again, "Good night, Sasuke." Apparently, the man didn't like that because he grabbed her arm and forced her to face him again. A flare of fear came over the woman, but she swallowed it quickly, "Let go."
His brow furrowed, and he hissed, "God damn it," before roughly grabbing her jaw and kissing her. On instinct, the woman's hands jumped to his shirt, holding it loosely as his free hand snaked around to the small of her back, pulling her closer and preventing escape. Only when the man forced his tongue past her teeth did Sakura realize what he was doing.
'He's pushing me until I get pissed off or scared enough to fight him.'
She still didn't care, so she kissed him back calmly, very much not matching his irritated energy. The next thing Sakura knew, he reached behind them to absently search for the lightswitch before finding it, turning the lights off, and returning his hand to her jaw, only for it to slide back into her hair, where he tugged enough for it to sting, but not enough to truly hurt.
Her head fell back with a soft gasp, and Sasuke hungrily kissed her neck, whispering into her skin, "I won't stop."
Amidst the heated makeout session, the man rid himself of his shirt. Then, he tugged hers off, too. The pair fell onto the bed, him forcing himself between her legs so he could press against her. A spark of panic met Sakura's chest, and she tore her lips from his to stop further reactions.
Sasuke dipped to kiss her collarbone, hands dancing down to maneuver her pajama pants down her legs and off, tossing them away carelessly before coming down again. Large hands with calloused, long fingers greedily felt every inch of bare skin. The sensation was as pleasurable as it was scary.
'Wait…this is scary. This is exactly what he wanted, that prick.' That said, Sakura wasn't anywhere as nervous as she thought she'd be.
Her focus snapped when the man's voice met her ears again, hot breath dusting against the moist skin of her shoulder, "I'll fuckin' do it, Sakura. I'm serious."
For some reason, even though Sasuke had succeeded in getting her out of her numb funk by pushing her past her sober limits, the pink-haired woman didn't want him to stop.
The eager touches of his skin to hers and the rushed press of his lips made a heat pool between her legs that'd become a sensation she affiliated with terror because her ex-boyfriend had turned something as natural and cathartic as sex into an act solely used to show dominance. Sakura could mask her fear until then because she began to tremble, recalling the last few times she'd gone through with the act, whether by her own will or not.
The Uchiha man made a low sound deep in his chest, obviously having noticed, but he didn't stop, just like he said he wouldn't. No, he slid his tongue into her mouth, kissing her passionately while running a hand down the front of her body until it met the hem of her underwear.
Sakura's eyes squeezed closed more tightly when his fingers slid beneath the cloth to touch her intimately. He quickly found the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs, toying with and teasing her. She felt like a puppet on strings, the way he expertly made sharp bursts of lightning-hot pleasure shoot through her lower regions.
'Oh, fuck. What am I even doing? Why am I letting him touch me like this? It feels way too good. …I don't want him to stop.'
The point came that she could no longer keep her breathing steady, and an exasperated moan was muffled between their tongues as she finally gave in to the man's relentless technique. This entire time, she'd been keeping the responses to a minimum and showing no excitement, but now she's only reacting to the feelings and urges. Her back arched, and her head fell back.
Half-lidded green eyes met dark ones when Sasuke let the kiss end. He continued searching her face and quietly said, "I'll make it good. Don't stop me."
'He said it like a command, but really, he's asking if it's okay to keep going now that I'm back in my right mind.' Sakura nodded with a blush steadily rising to her cheeks.
The man's gaze was intense and unrelenting, as though he refused to miss a second. The fingers beneath her underwear disappeared because he reached beneath her to unhook her bra, tossing it aside once removed. Then, he sat back on his knees and slid her panties down her legs until Sakura lay naked with her legs bent over his hips.
She was able to hold his gaze for a moment but quickly buckled and covered her face with both hands. It was expected that Sasuke would either tease her or tear her hands away, but he did neither. Instead, he came down to kiss between her breasts, fondling her chest appreciatively before moving lower. His lips dusted against her stomach and lower abdomen before a wet and wild heat erupted between Sakura's legs.
Her hands immediately shot down to grip handfuls of the sheet, her back arching as she hissed, "A-Ah, not so-!" 'He wasn't lying. This is incredible. Has it ever felt this good? I don't think so. Jesus, fuck, he'll kill me.'
Sasuke wasn't wasting time teasing or edging the woman. He was determined to throw her recklessly over the edge as quickly as possible like it was his life's mission or something. Soon, Sakura was millimeters away from climax and began to panic because it'd been a long time since it happened, which scared her.
Tears in her eyes, she whispered, "S-Sasuke! Sasuke, stop, or I'll-!" It was too late. All the air left the woman's lungs, her insides shaking like an earthquake. Just as quickly as she'd gone silent did she gasp, an embarrassing and breathy moan escaping her mouth as her back further arched off the bed.
When it passed, she panted for breath, tears running down the sides of her face to drip into her hair and eyes wide with shock. 'It was good. It was better than good, and we didn't even have sex.'
More than Sakura was impressed with Sasuke's skills, she was surprised she made it through the experience without having a panic attack. Maybe she felt grateful to him for helping her overcome one of her fears, or perhaps she was simply caught up in the mood again, something becoming more typical for the pair, but when Sasuke climbed over her, pressing chaste kisses up her body until they met her neck, she reached down and fumbled to unbuckle his belt.
He paused, but only momentarily, before returning to what he was doing.
Sakura's skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat as she unzipped and unbuttoned his pants to slide a hand beneath the cloth and feel the hardened length begging to be released completely. 'It feels big….'
Slowly, the woman rolled over on top of him, switching their positions so she could sit between his legs, lower his pants enough to pull his sex free, and come forward to slide it into her mouth. The man watched her with an arm behind his head, the other hand keeping long strands of pink hair out of her face, and a hyper-focused expression. Sakura's face remained warm, only getting hotter, as she met his eye only to avert her gaze bashfully while continuing the sexual favor.
"Look at me." Sasuke's firm voice stunned the woman enough to follow the order, and when their eyes met, he said, "Don't look away," in the same tone.
'What the hell has gotten into her?!'
Sasuke's teeth gritted as he watched Sakura's bashful face turn one darker shade of red after another. Upon kissing her, he expected to be shoved away before they reached this point. Not only did she let him touch and taste her, but now she's returning the favor, and quite skillfully if he dared say so himself.
'She looks shy, but her mouth doesn't feel that way. Is it because I haven't had this done in a few weeks, or is she actually this good?' The man's muscles flexed as he got closer and closer to losing his composure, the fingers in her soft hair tightening as he guided the speed to increase, 'Damn it, this is dangerous.'
To communicate that he was close, Sasuke released her entirely. His dark eyes narrowed as hers widened with realization. Tears welled in them, and he realized she didn't know what to do.
"You don't have to swallow it," he said quietly, his voice strained as he clung to his self-control for as long as possible.
Sakura nodded, her brow furrowing. At the very last moment, she slid him out of her mouth and lowered her gaze to his cock as she adjusted her position so the white, cloudy substance splattered over her chest instead.
For a very long pause, the pair stared at one another with surprised expressions. Neither expected this to happen; that was a fact. Since his blood had begun to flow back into his brain rather than his manhood, Sasuke began to feel a little guilty. The pink-haired woman sat up, looking down at her chest in the dark room.
Still, he watched appreciatively, 'That's a sight for sore eyes.' A gorgeous woman sitting naked between his legs after giving him a blowjob was satisfying, 'She doesn't look all pure and innocent anymore.'
Wavy pink hair flowed around her shoulders and down her back. The blush on her face was visible even though there was very little light, as was the glisten of the substance he'd given to her chest. The woman was slender and covered in scars. Sasuke thought she looked gorgeous. Her curves were humble but elegant and pretty. She was the picture of femininity in his eyes.
"I-I, um…."
Upon hearing her shaky voice, he snapped out of his daze, sitting up and hesitantly lifting a hand. When Sakura didn't shy away, he gently brushed her hair behind her ear, "If you're pissed, I completely get it. Just hit me and tell me to leave if you want."
The woman's brow furrowed, but she shook her head, averting her gaze to his chest, "I would've told you no if I didn't want it," she closed her eyes, covering them with one hand, "I'm just…. I've only ever done this with one other person, so I probably didn't do that well. I'm really embarrassed."
Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth opening slightly as he took in her words, 'What? One other person? That can't be true! Someone who looks like her had to have had men lining up!'
"You're probably used to more experienced and confident women. I'm sorry-" "Shut up," he cut her off. She slowly dropped her hand, meeting his eye nervously. He shook his head, glaring, "Don't be an idiot. If I didn't like it, I would've said something, so don't say some shit like that again, got it?"
Sakura quickly nodded, obviously taken aback by his irritation. He shook his head, nodding toward the abandoned clothes on the floor, "Go wipe that off so we can go to sleep." Again, she nodded, this time climbing off the bed to do as requested. Sasuke watched her slim figure with warmth in his chest, a smirk tugging at his lips.
Sighing, he fell back against the pillows with glazed-over eyes directed at the ceiling, 'That was fucking magnificent.'
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charmedojamajo · 8 months
Chapter 2.
Goddamn the authors' notes really start with @pippelulu saying to PM her for spoilers (hilarious since this story had zero plan) and I just immediately start shit talking her because I want people to message ME. Let's all acknowledge that I was an insufferable kid.
Why are we insulting Momoko's cooking when her dream was literally to open a café 😭 we completely trashed her character for "comedy."
After Momoko had left the room, Onpu sat back on the bed. She and Tooru had just woken up (NO THERE WAS NO LEMON!)
Any why the fuck not? Isn't Onpu supposed to be getting pregnant within the next few chapters? 🤨
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I have so much to say about this lmfao. Why did we have to make them all eighteen. Why did we write these dumb little author notes when we could just EDIT THE TEXT. And WHAT is Aiko doing there?
The whole scene of Yabu singing This is The Song That Doesn't End... entirely because I discovered that in early 2013. Funniest shit tho because my mum sent me the video being like "remember this? you used to annoy me with it!" but I had no memory of the song at all. She created the most annoying person of all time when all she wanted to do was reminisce.
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Funniest shit ever, no further comment.
[Tooru] entered to find Onpu in long jeans and a bra.
We had a setup where we would write 20 lines each then swap, and PippElulu had written this as her last line and thought she had done the cleverest thing ever leaving me to follow on from a line like that.
You can tell we were kids when we wrote this lmao Onpu and Tooru are engaged and their relationship dynamic is so bizarre. But I mean not much has changed for us in ten years so we'd probably end up writing it the same way today 😀👍
Doremi got back up and Akatsuki smiled. "I'm a wizard, I'm not used to this, let's see if I can do this properly."
This is after Akatsuki blurted out "marry me" to Doremi. Love the implication that human men propose on a regular basis. Also completely forgot that we actually wrote this proposal.
PippElulu stating "the pregnancies will roll in at Chapter 4"? So Onpu and Tooru were totally fucking earlier then bestie admit it...
< ch1 | ch3 >
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hidansblog · 5 years
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Got this number for three weeks and he is still confused...old people using technology are the worst...
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hauntedthief · 6 years
Ships for Susan Pevensie, Zoro Roronoa, and Yona (from Akatsuki No Yona)?
Susan + Caspian all the way, Zebra. No contest.
Zoro + some basic goddamn navigational skills.
Yona + Hak.
send me a character & I’ll tell you my favourite ship for them
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juvian · 4 years
I honestly think I stopped watching new animes and read manga mostly cause this universe was too attach to that one friend that’s not in my life anymore like, we would talk about it, show each other stuffs, write fanfiction together, also Kpop take a lot of place in my life so I put it on the side, even tho it’s also connected to her , but I feel like anime is worst because I don’t have friends to talk about it that much and share things, so I kept Fairy tail in my life cause it’s too important to me, but didn’t touch anything else that much until this year (Fruit basket for last year) because I feel less depress about the situation, I’m still sad as fuck, but I don’t cry as much (and life is starting to feel a bit better) so i can appreciate things I loved and I think it’s time to watch others anime I want to watch and I’m gonna read everything I watched ! Also rewatch some anime I don’t remember a single about jchdjdjd
I’m ready to watch other things !!!! I don’t know what’s gonna be first probably Snow White the red hair that things cute as hell and I don’t remember that much, Shiki too my cousin have the series ! On Halloween that would be good hahaha Anyway i’ll make update y’all don’t care about 😌
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quiet-kunoichi · 2 years
[ Hazardous | @suck-my-tomato | tw; drugs, alcohol, sexual content ]
After an afternoon of wallowing in self-constructed misery, sifting through a shoebox of their old memories and scrolling through text messages, pictures and videos of a happier version of her past.. Kimiko wiped her tears and said ‘Fuck it.’ If Sasuke was insistent on fucking around with other girls and celebrating his single life mingling with horny strangers at stupid house parties.. Maybe she ought to let loose a little, too. So she had wiped her tears, touched up her makeup with a fierce black wing on her eye, and dressed down into something far more revealing than she was usually comfortable with. 
This time, she’d be sure to find a party that he wouldn’t be attending. It took a little longer to get there, and a little sleuthing over social media accounts of the seniors from last year, but Kimiko found herself at a true college party. Somewhere that no one would recognize her; she could be whoever the hell she wanted to be. And tonight, she wanted to be fun, reckless, and dedicated to seeking out some true pleasure. 
It was only an hour in, and Kimiko was having an absolute fucking blast. Each song that pumped through the speakers was better than the last, the drinks started mixing together not long ago and she was starting to forget about him. In fact, she was actually dancing - which is typically unheard of, but her blood is buzzing and her skin feels hot and tingly. She’s bubbly, giggly and feeling a tad flirtatious. She’s entertained the attentions of a select few different men, though admittedly their faces were beginning to blend together. Whatever. She doesn’t have much to lose, and to start feeling concerned now would only mean missing out on all of the fun they’d been promising. They brought her the drinks, offered her hits of home-rolled spliffs, and didn’t seem to mind sharing her with one another. What did she have to worry about? Little did she know that a couple of these men were stragglers of the Akatsuki crew. Ones she’d never met, and probably for good reason. Hidan in particular had recognized her the moment she walked through the door. Without the Uchiha holding her down, Kimiko seemed a lot more fun to play with - and he’d been scheming to take matters into his own hands, considering she clearly didn’t realize who he was or how he knew her. As it was, she was dancing with him right now. Large hands slid over the curve of her figure, slender fingers dipping into the front of her hips and pulling her backside against the stiff front of his pants. He felt incredibly different than Sasuke by his very nature: there was something about him that felt acutely dangerous. Unfortunately for Kimiko, that only served to pique her interest even more. Lips tickle the shell of her ear and she flinches with a giggle before listening to the hum of his words. “Want some water?” As soon as he mentioned it, she realized that her mouth was in fact very dry, her tongue a swab of cotton and stuck to the roof of her mouth. She nods, and he slips his grasp around her wrist to lead her out of the crowd and towards the kitchen. Ears ringing now with the absence of music as it faded to the background, Kimiko pulls her fingers through her hair and catches her breath. Hidan has his back to her, pouring a glass of water for his Little Red. Kimiko thinks to rummage in her shirt for her phone, but he turns back around fast enough that she forgets about it. Unbeknownst to her, the phone opened up Taka’s contact from her previous trip down heart-break lane, and began to dial up her old flame. “Here babe, drink up.” Hidan offers the glass and as she takes her first gulp, he presses up against her front, pushing her back against the countertop. She hardly has time to set down the glass before his fingers start to tease up the front of her mesh shirt, lips ghosting over her throat. “That tickles,” Kimiko giggles, writhing under his looming stature. “Does it now? What else will tickle you?” He purrs, and Kimiko slurs a playful warning, “Don’t even try it. I feel funny.” He chuckles, “Aw, and I thought you were fun.” Lips start to kiss at her neck, and Kimiko shudders. “I am fun.” She huffs, petulant and dizzy as she tries to blink away the swimming kitchen light.  “Are you ready to really get this party started, then?” He hums, the sounds of his kisses trailing toward her collarbone. She only replies with a little sigh, and he pulls back with a wry grin, pulling a little baggie from his back pocket. Inside were small little pills, and Kimiko had to squint to make them out. “What’s that?” She asks, but he cups her face and runs a thumb over her lower lip, tilting her chin toward the ceiling. “It’s a little pill that’s gonna make you feel like you’re on cloud nine, babe. Be a good girl, open your mouth. Unless you wanted to call the party off so soon, ne?”
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yowyowyaoi · 4 months
Itachi's Daily Texts from the Akatsuki, Part Two
From Kakuzu
Won't be as effective if you don't get some damn sleep.
You need to stay off of it for at least a week. I'll explain to Nagato.
How you choose to live (and die) is your own business.
Well tell him to take it easy with you. Your stamina isn't up for "extracurricular activities" like that, brat.
I'm aware. I'll deal with him later.
If you don't wish to pay it then use a candle instead of that lamp.
Once again, GO TO BED.
Your sweets consumption is appalling.
Of the three of you, I'm not sure which one worries me more. Four counting Tobi.
A gengetsu where all I have to do is sit still and money flies into my lap. Birthday present.
Your worst is likely STILL superior to his "best".
Rent is due. Utilities as well.
From Sasori
I swear your stubbornness rivals even that of Deidara's sometimes.
I'm working on a new remedy that should still the pain for much longer periods of time.
If you don't take better care of it I'll be forced to amputate. And as a warning, once I start with body modifications I find it very, very hard to stop.
With as bad as your breathing sounds? The enemy would hear you coming from a mile away!
Eternal doesn't mean eternal patience.
I told him to behave himself with you or I'll take away his clay.
I wish I could help more. I truly do, child.
My thanks for the book, I'll return it within the week.
I'll admit I've thought about it but I'm not sure the sharingan would translate as well aesthetically in wood as it does in human flesh.
From Hidan
Prove it.
Mine's shorter but it's better. Not so greasy.
You'd be healed from everything if you just prayed to Jashin!!
It's a. Fucking. Fishing pole. He has like fifty! Why's he making such a big deal out of ONE?!
I did it and I'm NOT sorry.
Shit ain't my business but really isn't he too big for your sick-ass body?
Can't even tell you man.
It's not my deal but blondie looks cute as fuck when we go. Tell him I said that and I'll cut off your balls with my scythe.
You're like a fucking vampire dude. You NEVER SLEEP!
When I tried saying it Kakuzu almost knocked my head off my damn neck.
Stop being so gay and come with us. It's not like you've got shit else to do that day!
Whatever asshole.
I would rock your fucking world and I wouldn't break your ass in half like shark-dick.
Just use your creepy eyes and put him to sleep first! All we gotta do is cut off like two inches and he'll freak so bad he'll have a heart attack!
You know what? I'm gonna lend you my Jashin bible. One you read it you'll see I'm right about everything I keep telling you!
From Zetsu
You hurt his feelings, child. He said you're the only ones left of your clan and you never wish to spend time with or even speak to him.
I can smell it coming from your pores.
Time is merely an illusion.
These trips to Konoha are proving quite lengthy ...
You should probably lay low for a bit. Kakuzu finally received the credit card bill for all of those tea and dango shops.
That's a lovely idea but I doubt ALL of us could go to one place without causing some chaos.
There is no heaven and no hell. There is simply NOW, and whatever realities we choose to create for ourselves.
I believe he's started to think of himself as being your "big brother". Could be either good or bad for you.
From Deidara
Art absolutely IS a "life necessity". Heathen.
As good as friends as two assholes can be, right?
Mine got softer since I started using the eggs. It's slimy but after it sets in, it's really great.
If I wasn't goofy about Danna and EVERY OTHER man in the world died, then maybe.
Should you really be drinking?
Maybe if you went to sleep! Fucking hell you're creepier than a vampire!
Yeah but if I DID like girls I bet I'd get more than you!
I just don't get why he wears it? He's hot as FUCK without it.
Would Kisame get mad if I asked him if he wanted to come with us to the aquarium?
Just get Konan to do it. She's nice and has soft hands.
Hidan wants to but I'd rather stay home.
Yeah I could teach you but yours wouldn't explode so what's even the point??
From Konan
Thank you! I can't believe you noticed! <3
You need the fresh air, come with me for a walk.
Don't listen to him ok?
Yes and no. More so "yes".
I wish I had the time for it.
I'm almost done with that book, you have the sequel right?
It's like every single particle of dust on the road just magically finds it's way into my hair.
If you're trying to avoid back pain, I'd advise against it.
Not that I don't appreciate them but ... did you go out at one in the morning to pick them?
He talks too loud and I've already got a headache.
Thanks for letting me borrow it, Nagato's hair is much healthier now.
From Tobi/Obito
You think THAT was bad?? Try BATHING the son of a bitch!!
You, me, and Sasuke could do it though. It would be more powerful than any clan that ever existed.
Just because it tasted good did NOT mean you needed to eat that many in one sitting!
I applaud the idea but with as weak as you are right now I don't see how it could work.
He's taller than you now. Still with the short hair though.
I can see I was wrong in criticizing Fugaku's parenting style because you ARE a handful, little cousin.
Four hours of uninterrupted sleep would do you a world of good.
Why should I give that up?? It's absurdity to think that an UCHIHA has a PUPPET as a romantic rival!!
It gets so hot and itchy under this thing.
A vacation somewhere warm and quiet would be nice.
Your idea of atonement is even more fucked-up than mine.
No but HE said I had to.
I'm honestly surprised nobody has tried to kill him yet.
I wish it was so. I truly do.
It's loud but you have to admit it's better than being alone.
Come and eat.
Depends on what your definition of "helpful" is.
From Kisame
Did you eat something yet?
Did you get any sleep last night?
Come here, I drew you a bath with lavender oil.
Can I help that I legitimately worry over you?
Just a snack? Just so you have something in your stomach? Please?
The water is warm and gentle and I bet a swim would cheer you up.
I forgot how much energy they have, I ran myself ragged trying to keep up with them!
Then come let me brush that beautiful hair of yours.
I understand. I don't agree but I get it.
Then just let me kill them. Problem solved.
Come on, please, just one quick little nap. An hour max.
They invited us but I know you don't really like red meat so I said no.
Fortunately MY bed is VERY warm and cozy. Come and see.
It might shock you to learn that there are other foods besides dango and tea.
You shouldn't even have to ask, that was 1000% Deidara.
There are other, and perhaps more interesting, ways of building your stamina. <3
Never imagined that one day I'd want something like this, but here we are.
Is it a little one or a big one? If it's small just take a deep breath and use your shoe.
I love you as well but dammit brat you'll be the death of me for sure!
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Akatsuki texting style hc?
Texting/Talking with the Akatsuki
Doesn’t really understand modern technology; can barely make phone calls, let alone text. The others have each taken the time to try and teach the old dog this particular trick, but it doesn’t carry much weight with him. The other get annoyed with him because he always insists on calling rather than shooting off a text, which can be very inconvenient when one is trying to save time (and words). When calling isn’t a possibility, he’ll squint angrily at his phone (which is, undoubtedly, a flip phone) and type out a text in painstaking detail. Is the type to type out entire sentences, with proper grammar and punctuation and everything. Thinks things like emojis or gifs are stupid and childish, and refuses to use them.
Unless you’re on his priority list, Hidan will take approximately ten thousand years to text somebody back. His most impressive non-text was him responding to “do you like spicy food?” with “not really” … five years later. When he does text, his messages are very short and sweet, using mostly abbreviations or emojis to get his point across … except when he’s angry. When that happens, he’ll type out complete sentences, in all caps, and fill up half a page with question and/or exclamation marks. These texts are rife with spelling errors, as his fingers move at the speed of light when he’s upset, and he’s not the most grammar-conscious to begin with. The most likely of the group to send a “u up?” text but instead of talking about sex, it’s him lecturing the person on why they should convert to his religion.
Texting with him is like reading a short story every time you get a message. Or, make that messages. Anytime he has something to say, he’ll send his thoughts in multiple short paragraphs, in rapid succession, until the receiving party has a book’s worth of messages to read through. Also the type to text back ridiculously fast, like two seconds after someone texts him. Never capitalizes anything, not even names. Likes emojis but doesn’t use them often because he has trouble finding things that express exactly how he feels. If he’s close to the person he’s texting, will send them countless pictures all day of himself making goofy faces. Also the type to take pictures of things like the sky or trees, send to someone, then ask which picture looks “more artistic”, even though the pictures are pretty much the same.
Is a bit like Kakuzu in that he doesn’t find texting to be in anyway enjoyable, but is significantly better at it than the old man. Most likely to Like or Dislike a message rather than respond with actual words. When he does use words, it’s mostly one or two word responses like “ok” or “yeah” or “sounds good”. Also the type to send links to medical studies or articles that he finds interesting … although the receiver rarely does. Also, if he takes the time out of his day to send someone a message, he expects a speedy response; he doesn’t like to be kept waiting, after all.
As Tobi, this guy is all about emojis, gifs, pictures, links to YouTube videos .. anyone sending a message to him or getting one in response shouldn’t expect conversations to be of a serious nature at all. As Obito, this is the guy who will send deep philosophical questions or thoughts at 3 in the morning, then be genuinely hurt that whoever he sent it to didn’t respond right away … even though they were likely asleep. Obito is also the type to start group chats adding together people that don’t normally get along in person, and his pointed questions usually end up getting him blocked or muted by one or two people. Is also a huge gossip with those that are closest to him, and will very often “spill the tea” with Deidara or Konan about things he’s seen and heard throughout the week.
Konan is a very tough young woman, and often has difficulties expressing things like sadness or vulnerability around others. Texting is the perfect outlet for her to truly be herself, and she’s able to convey her thoughts and feelings through texts. The type to send lengthy paragraphs rather than short messages, and whatever she sends always hits deep with the person who receives it. Konan is also a great text-buddy for watching movies, as she and a friend can both be in separate places, watching the same thing, and fill up each other’s phones with funny observations about whatever they’re watching. Doesn’t really like selfies (she’s very self conscious about her looks, for some inane reason) but will send one if asked, which will always be breathtakingly gorgeous.
Prefers texting to any other type of communication. Texting is an easy way for this leader to get out fine-tuned messages to multiple people at once. Rarely sends one on one messages because he’d rather hit up everyone at once in a group chat. Types out full, grammatically correct sentences every single time. Has no clue what stuff like LOL or SMH means, and even though the others sometimes respond with things like this, is too stubborn to ask someone what they mean. Can’t take or send a decent picture to save his life; all of his images are blurry and out of focus. A surprising sentimental type though; the screensaver on his phone is a picture of all the Akatsuki together.
This guy never texts unless he’s sending pictures of some “wonderful” thing he saw in nature. But the problem is, Zetsu thinks literally everything is wonderful. His friends phones will be bombarded with pictures of squirrels and spiderwebs and tree leaves and birds and anything else he thought was worthy of a snap. Yet despite the boring (to some) subject matter, everyone has to admit that Zetsu takes professional-grade pictures of whatever he clicks at, and is always the one asked to take the pictures at formal events. Sends a lot of messages out, but is like Hidan in that it takes him forever to respond to things sent to him.
It would be more likely for one to see the moon fall out of the sky and into the ocean than it would be to get a text from Itachi. He’s like Kakuzu in that he prefers calling, although not for a reason of convenience. Itachi often feels that technology has split people further apart than ever, and finds most forms of technological communication to be cold and impersonal. If he has something to say to you, he’d rather say it directly to your face, not through the screen of a phone. When speaking in-person isn’t an option, then he chooses to call — but he warned, no conversation with the brunette is a short one. Someone could ask him about the weather and end up having a three hour long conversation about different cooking styles of the world. But no matter the topic, whoever Itachi calls will have a hard time hanging up, as Itachi’s voice is almost hypnotic in its soothing quality.
Kisame gets more texts than anybody because he’s the friendliest and most accessible of the group. 2am and can’t sleep? Text Kisame. Need help thinking of what to make/where to go for dinner? Text Kisame. A breakup? Trouble with classes? Health scares? That’s right, text Kisame. Kisame takes a long time to respond to messages; not because he doesn’t care or is being rude, but because he takes every question or comment he gets very seriously, and wants to give himself adequate time to give the best possible response. Doesn’t use many emojis; he feels offended that the people emojis don’t offer blue skin tones. As he’s the one that most others text to solve problems, it’s very unexpected when he texts someone with a problem of his own. When this happens, that person will break their neck trying to find a solution to appease the gentle giant, which Kisame is very grateful for.
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jewwyfeesh · 3 years
Unit Talking: UNDEAD
[Koga’s Impressive Wake Up Battle]
special thanks: to ryn for minor revisions~
Adonis with Akatsuki’s Souma, Kaoru and Ryuseitai’s Kanata; these pairs can work well in tandem. On the other hand, Koga regards Rei as his opponent. All of them are just like that, living as they please on campus. Though, this may be tantamount to… having no coordination at all.
Featuring: Sakuma Rei, Hakaze Kaoru, Otogari Adonis and Oogami Koga
Koga: Hey! Are you guys awake yet?
Kaoru: Fuwaaa~ I’m still sleeping, don’t wake me.
Koga: Are you stupid? If you’re sleepin’, then how are you still replyin’ to messages? If you wanna lie, then at least make it believable, dumbass!
Kaoru: Ugh, even online you’re like a dog; your tone is still equally bad!
By the way, you sent a message to the UNDEAD group chat rather suddenly. Is there something wrong?
Koga: I’ll explain when Adonis replies… though he could still be sleepin’?
Kaoru: Don’t know~ Don’t ask me.
Adonis: sumanai.okiteiru (Sorry, I’m awake now.)
Koga: Wait, wait, why are you typin’ with letters? Hurry ‘n change the output!
Adonis: oreha.keitaino.tukaikataga.yokuwakaranai (I don’t know much about using a mobile phone.)
Koga: Grr, so annoying! You sayin’ that you don’t know how to use a phone!? Sounds like an excuse only that old man would use!
Kaoru: Adonis had lived overseas previously; so that could be the reason why he’s not accustomed to using a mobile phone.
Adonis: dennshi.kiki.no.atukai.nigateda (I’m very bad at using electronic devices.)
Koga: Aaaaaa! It’s painful to see all these letters! Hurry up ‘n change it!
Adonis: hennkann.wakara.nai (I don’t know how to change it.)
Koga: You just need’a tap on the ‘text input’ button, it should change.
Adonis:I understandstand now. Is the change successful?
Kaoru: Even though you accidentally added another ‘stand’, it’s not undecipherable, so… I guess it’s fine?
Koga: …Sigh. Y’all are hopeless~
Hey! Adonis. Hakaze…senpai. I’m gonna go beat up that damn vampire now. But y’all can’t let him know, ‘kay?
Rei: Yaaaaawn… ♪ It’s already so noisy, goodness… ♪
Koga: EH? Wh-why- why are you in our chat?!
Rei: Is this not the ‘UNDEAD’ group chat? Of course I am able to see the conversation shared by you puppies, for I am also considered a member of this group~
Not knowing these kinds of things… wanko, aren’t you a little too stupid?
In any case, you mentioned that you would like to defeat me… Now that your plot has been uncovered, do you still intend to see it through?
Koga: Goes without sayin’! Damn vampire… prepare yourself! Just you wait…!
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Worth The Risk Chapter 14
Mature Content Warning!
BTW sh*t's about to hit the fan!
'Is there a word stronger than humiliated?' Sakura thought while sitting in the back row of a lecture, 'Mortified. Embarrassed. Ashamed.' She couldn't focus on the professor teaching at the front of the room.
'Terrified. I'm scared, and I'm exhausted. I'm at my goddamn wit's end.'
It was Tuesday, four days after the big incident after Sai's party. Like a knight in shiny black armor, Sasuke found and cared for her in such a way that she almost believed the alcohol had made her hallucinate.
'He's been a sweetheart since then, too," the woman frowned at her blank notebook, twirling her pencil anxiously between two fingers, 'I know it's because he thinks I'm crazy. This is the second time I've sworn someone was following me. They couldn't find anyone both times.'
But Sakura knew better. Maybe the Akatsuki couldn't find the person following her home, but the blonde man from the party had definitely followed her out into the streets.
The phone in her purse vibrated with a notification, and she bent down to pull it out, recalling how her old one shattered against the concrete and broke. Luckily, the store was able to transfer the number to her new device.
'Sasuke bought this for me, too,' she mused, the guilt eating her heart and leaving a raw ache. She doesn't remember getting home that night, but when she woke up, she'd been put into some of his pajamas, and he'd been cuddling her to keep her warm, even in his sleep. The scuffs on her palms and knees were also cleaned and bandaged.
On Saturday, the day after the party, he purchased the new phone as a Christmas gift for her as thanks for the one she'd gotten him.
Green eyes dully read a text from Ino, 'Have you seen the new guy on campus yet? Major hottie alert!'
Sakura didn't bother responding.
She was as low as low could be. Not only was she positive someone was after her, but no one believed it. If she met up with Ino, she'd definitely spill the beans about what happened, and that'd be just another person thinking she's insane.
'Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I imagined it all, and it's just PTSD from everything that happened.' The thought didn't make her feel any better. In fact, it made things worse because there wasn't a doubt that it'd happen again, and she'd be just as distressed.
Shortly after, right before the end of the lecture, she received another message. The woman opened it on auto-pilot, under the impression it was from someone at the party she may have drunkenly given her number out to, all of which being girls she wanted to befriend. Two had reached out already.
'Drunk me is better at socializing than sober me. It's almost funny.'
The woman sat straighter in her chair when photo after photo began popping up in the chat box of the text sender. They were from her ex-boyfriend's number. Chest heaving with panic, she looked around to ensure no one was close enough to see over her shoulder before peeking at it again.
It was Akatsuki members, incriminating snapshots of them, to be exact. Most of them were Sasuke, but there was at least one for each of the gang's core members.
Once the messages stopped, she texted back because it wasn't only her being affected, 'Why are you doing this? Just leave me alone!'
Rather than receiving a text back, more pictures began coming in. This time, they were of her. Photos of Sakura at school, with Sasuke, with Ino or Karin, and even a few of her at the Akatsuki house, which appeared to have been taken from a distance through a window.
Feeling like she was about to be sick, Sakura snatched up her belongings and rushed out of the lecture hall, only to empty her stomach in the nearest ladies' room. 'Oh, God. He's been watching me for weeks!' Rinsing her mouth out in the sink, she angled her body toward the entrance just in case while checking to see if the person had responded. They hadn't.
So, she called Sasuke. 'I have to tell him about this immediately. He'll have to believe me, now!'
The Uchiha didn't answer, which shouldn't have surprised her because he was in class. Not wanting to alarm him too much since it might be a little while before they see one another, she texted him, 'I need to talk to you as soon as your class ends. It's important.'
It was both of their last class of the day, so all she had to do was manage her panic and anxiety for another twenty minutes, and then she'd have no choice but to come clean to the man about her past because it'd finally caught up to her.
A message from him quickly came, 'What's up?'
It'd be foolish to send him anything regarding the situation because there's no telling who he was around or how he'd react to receiving something so incriminating out of nowhere, so the woman replied, 'In person.'
After rinsing her mouth again, Sakura left the restroom and walked toward the staircase to the third floor, where the library was located. Upon reaching the first step, though, her phone began to ring. Looking down at it, she expected it to be Sasuke calling to demand an explanation. Impatience is one of his most significant faults. It wasn't him, though. No, it was her ex.
Trembling, the woman answered but said nothing. The voice on the other end of the line sent shivers down her spine, "I told you I'd find you, didn't I?"
Sakura stumbled before shakily sitting on the steps with wide, watery eyes, "H-How?"
"Saku, this isn't some movie. If I tell you, you'll run again and hide better."
She gritted her teeth, brow furrowing. No words would come out. She couldn't speak.
"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to be starting school at your college tomorrow, and you'll act like nothing's wrong. You'll go back to being my sweet, devoted girlfriend, or I'll send all those photos to the police."
"No, I'm not-" "You are. We'll finish the school year in Oto and return to Konoha in the summer to get married."
'Married?! I can't marry him! I'll be dead by twenty-five!'
He must've taken her silence for what it was, defiance, because he threatened, "I know the people you're living with are more dangerous than me. Imagine how they'll react when I send them records of this call and our messages. When they find out you're the reason they're all going to prison, you'll be hunted and murdered, Sakura."
'...He's right, damn it. It doesn't matter if I give in because I care about them or because I'm scared they'll kill me. One way or another, I have to surrender.' Tears slid heavily down her cheeks as she closed her eyes, voice small and weak, "I-I understand."
The man sounded like a completely different person, then. His voice was bright and cheerful, "That's my girl! I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
She made a barely audible sound of confirmation, and they both hung up.
When Sasuke's class ended, he wordlessly left. After receiving those texts from Sakura, he couldn't focus on the lesson anymore. 'What could it be this time? Is she gonna tell me she's being fucking followed again?' The man wasn't angry at her, but he was getting irritated at the situation because he didn't know what to do to fix things.
He saw her pastel pink hair in the hallway and weaved through the crowd in time to exit the building at her side, "So, what's up?"
Sakura's entire body jolted, her eyes wide and face pale as she turned to him, "You scared me!"
Sasuke chuckled, grabbing her hand with his free one so she'd walk more closely, "What'd you need to tell me?"
Her thin fingers gently squeezed his hand more tightly, an odd, unfamiliar expression coming across her features before she quickly blocked it, shaking her head, "Oh, right. That. It's nothing," she gave him a big, fake grin, "Sorry. I thought I saw someone, but I'm probably imagining things again."
'She's the worst liar I've ever met.'
Once in the car and on the road toward home, he warned, "Babe. Don't fucking lie to me. What really happened?" 'Something's off. She won't even look at me.'
Sakura shook her head yet again, lowering her gaze to her lap, "I'm serious, Sasuke. I-I've just been on edge lately. That's probably why I'm like this. I'll try to relax, okay?"
The Uchiha man wasn't fooled. Not at all. That said, the increasingly familiar warmth in his chest arose when she didn't correct him for using a pet name.
'Maybe I'll keep doing it. It makes her blush.'
There was only one way he knew for sure would get her to be honest because it worked last time. So, he unpacked his backpack when they got to the house and entered their rooms. When he turned, intending to go to her room, he was surprised to see her standing in his doorway with a red face.
He opened his mouth to speak, but the woman cut him off, "Do you want to, um, have a drink?" When he was too stunned to answer, she averted her gaze awkwardly to the floor, "I-I know it's the middle of the week, but I just thought-" "Alright. Go get it and come back here."
Sakura's mouth shut, her eyes jumping up to meet his again before she nodded and disappeared downstairs.
'If I'm correct, she's trying to find a way to tell me something.'
'What the fuck did I just do? Why did I say that?'
Sakura took the stairs as slowly as possible, an entire bottle of tequila in her possession. She'd grabbed the alcohol with the highest percentage, so it'd get her drunk faster.
Truthfully, the woman knew exactly why she asked the Uchiha man to drink with her.
Tomorrow at school, her personal hell will be reawakened. After that, whatever hot and cold, flirty or not-flirty thing they have is going to be totally and completely over. They'll both be in danger if she doesn't cut him out. With that thought in mind, Sakura had become desperate. She wanted to break things off with him; that's why she wanted to get tipsy. It was too scary to do sober.
Sasuke looked as apprehensive as she expected when she returned to his room and shut the door. He didn't say anything, but they both knew her actions were out of character. The man was simply waiting things out to find out what was happening.
So, the pair passed the clear alcohol back and forth, a random movie playing on the television mounted on the wall. When the pinkette finally considered herself suitably intoxicated, the sun had set, and the film was in its final half.
She glanced over to admire Sasuke's profile. They were sitting side by side under the covers as they had the day she was sick that they hung out.
'God, he's so handsome when focused on something.'
The way his jaw unconsciously flexed and his eyes would narrow or widen was enamoring. Personally, Sakura felt she could stare at him for hours and not get bored, not that she'd ever tell him that. 'His ego's already massive. If it gets any bigger, it'll swallow him whole.'
"If you keep staring, I don't know what I'll do," Sasuke suddenly said, not changing his expression or looking her way.
Blush heated Sakura's face, thought it'd already been warm from the booze, "Sorry…."
He smirked, finally turning to meet her gaze, "I should be the one apologizing." In a blink, the woman's hair was splayed messily over the pillows, and his body was between her legs as he kissed her. After a moment, he pulled back enough to add, "But I won't."
'What…? Why am I letting this happen? I'm supposed to be breaking things off with him! … But this feels so….'
Skilled hands removed her clothes, one article at a time, and she helped the man with his, too. It was hot under the covers with the stunning man. Both were covered with a thin sheen of sweat as they deeply kissed, hands exploring one another's bodies with an eagerness as though there was a time limit.
Sakura's breath hitched when the hand holding her hip slid between her legs, long fingers searching and quickly finding that sweet spot. Her eyes crept open, brow furrowing in response to his expert teasing.
Sasuke pulled his lips from hers, dark eyes burning with unguarded desire, "If you're gonna stop me, do it now because I won't later."
'What an asshole thing to say. He knows that I understand how his mind works by now, I guess, so there's no need to pretend to be a nice guy.'
The man lifted a sleek brow, eyes looking down between them as he stopped massaging her and grabbed the base of his cock, lining himself up. She didn't stop him.
'I know it's wrong to give him hope like this, but, for once in my life, I want to be selfish. I want to have a positive sexual experience, and I want it to be with him.'
She bent her legs further, spreading them apart enough that Sasuke understood the situation. He was bigger than her ex. That was something she figured out last week when they hooked up. It still came as a surprise when a slight pain, similar to that of losing one's virginity but not quite as intense, met her core as he steadily thrusted in. Her brow furrowed, and he noticed, but neither said anything.
Once fully inside, he paused before straightening his spine enough that his weight shifted to his knees and freed his hands. Gripping her thighs, Sasuke began moving slowly to gauge her reaction and then adjusting in speed, angle, and strength as he figured out her likes and dislikes.
Sakura couldn't meet his eye because she was so embarrassed at being seen and touched like this. Her face burnt with a wildfire blush, and she kept her head turned, eyes half-lidded as they glazed over.
This was the first time in her life she genuinely enjoyed the sex.
It felt good.
It felt excellent.
So much, in fact, that she found herself unable to bite back soft moans and gasps. All she could do was try to keep them as quiet as possible. If she made the wrong move or sound, the man atop her would likely call her out on it, and she might not survive that level of humiliation.
They'd only been at it for a minute before Sasuke ran a hand up her middle to grab her jaw and force her to meet his gaze. His voice was low and gentle, though his grip was not, "Were you a virgin? Don't lie."
Sakura shook her head, eyes dancing from his face to his body, to where his sex was meeting hers, and back up. She didn't have to ask because he said, "Babe, you're so fuckin' tight."
The Uchiha man's hold on her jaw became less harsh as he bent further to give her a chaste kiss, pulling back to whisper, "And you look uncomfortable. If you aren't feeling good, say something."
"N-No, it feels amazing!" She drunkenly reassured him, hands leaving the sheets to touch his chest.
His dark eyes narrowed, obviously suspecting her of lying again. Sakura squeezed her eyes closed, admitting, "It's just…I've never really enjoyed this type of thing, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to act. I thought if I just kept still, you at least wouldn't laugh at me."
'Did I hear that correctly? She's never…?' "You said you slept with one other person," Sasuke said, the question insinuated.
The tight, hot sensation around his dick was unbelievable, but he had to focus on Sakura's words because having her be anything but a hot, bothered mess beneath him was unacceptable. He wanted to see her body tremble and shake with pleasure, to hear the irresistible, sensual sounds she could make. He refused to leave this tryst without it.
"I have. It's just…Well, um, I didn't…." She trailed off, obviously struggling to maintain eye contact because she was so embarrassed.
"He didn't get you off," he bluntly said. Her bewildered expression, followed by a mortified groan, was all the answer he needed.
Something came over Sasuke, then. It was like his obsession with her manifested into dominance because his mouth moved with words before he could stop it, "I'll make you cum so hard, you'll never be able to forget me."
Sakura's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth opening slightly because she obviously had no idea how to react to such a bold statement. The man continued, though, his movements more decisive, "And do whatever the fuck you feel like doing. I don't give a damn."
The woman tightened around his sex, making his jaw flex and a jolt of excited pleasure roll up his abdomen.
"But what if I-" "Babe, you could bite me til I bleed, and I'd think it's sexy. Stop thinking and let me fuck you."
Finally, she relented with a slight nod, "Okay…."
Sasuke needed no other confirmation. He smirked, releasing her jaw and rising to his knees with his back straight up, moving inside her with every ounce of his lust fueling him. It was gradual, but the hold on both of their controls began to slip.
Over the next few minutes, the pink-haired woman went from gritting her teeth and feeling self-conscious about every little thing to grasping the sheets with her back arched, toes curled, and mouth open as she panted and moaned. It was all music to Sasuke's ears and gorgeous satisfaction to his eyes.
'Fuck, what is this? It's never felt like this. I don't want to cum. I want to watch her for hours.'
The woman beneath him was enticing. The glisten of sweat on her pale, scarred skin was impossible to ignore. He had to touch every inch. Large hands felt her humble curves, her perky breasts, her legs. And inside her was just as incredible. It was electric, the sensation the man felt with each movement. It almost seemed inhuman.
"S-Sasuke, that-!" The man focused on Sakura's face. A delicious, submissive, and desperate emotion flooded her pretty features.
He repeated what he'd done to pull such a face from her, a quiet moan rumbling through his chest when the muscles surrounding his cock flexed in response, the woman moaning helplessly. Dark eyes studied the picture before him in hopes of memorizing it.
'That's what I wanted to see. She's barely holding on.'
Sasuke eagerly gave in to his selfish desire to steal Sakura's sanity.
He put his weight on one hand on the bed near her head, the other flat against her back to hold her up as his knees moved under her, lifting the bottom half of her body off the bed as he pounded into her recklessly.
The tight muscles of her abdomen flexed attractively as her head fell back. The woman's eyes filled with tears as she fumbled to grab onto him, one hand around his wrist near her head and the other grasping his shoulder so tightly that her nails dug into the skin. Then she fell over the edge. Sasuke felt it, a breathy, quiet sound of relief slipping past his lips as Sakura's insides quaked around him, a beautiful moan meeting his ears.
Sasuke's hand on her back held her chest to his once her orgasm ended, and he effortlessly switched their position so she straddled his hips. He continued to move in and out, dark eyes wild and locked onto hers in a way that made it impossible to look away.
Drunkenly, Sakura breathed out, her spine straightening as she allowed her body to react naturally to his movements, "Is it like that every time?"
Usually, he'd chuckle at such a question, but he didn't. He moved his hands to her hips and guided her movements so she could learn what he liked, "We're not done."
The woman adapted eagerly because it felt nice. She was lost in the excited, sweaty, sensual mood. Any other time, she'd be too timid to press her hands to such a sexy man's chest and stare into his eyes like this.
If Sasuke said something like that to her in a regular situation, it'd be terrifying, but it only made the heat between her legs rise in temperature. It also strangely made her want to try harder to please him as if to match his serious energy.
With that thought in mind, Sakura released the last of her inhibitions and came forward, her hands on his shoulders. Moving her knees further apart so they weren't touching his sides anymore, she adjusted how her hips moved. Long fingers gripped her hips and ass, a barely-audible sound leaving Sasuke's mouth as his brow furrowed.
Sweating and breathless, the woman didn't give in. No, she swiftly reached up to pull her long hair over one shoulder so it wouldn't fall into her face before doubling down and settling in to continue the act as long as needed for the man beneath her to succumb to her as she had for him.
'I've never actually wanted to do this. It's always been torture to be on top, so why does it feel so good?'
Of course, it was because of her overwhelming attraction to Sasuke, but also because she didn't have to worry that her partner would hurt her for making even the most minor mistake. Sakura felt free, though it was a little odd that it happened while riding the sexy Uchiha man like a bull.
"Damn…!" A deep, forced voice met her ears, and she focused on Sasuke's face, the desire in her lower regions flaring at his tortured expression. He was at his limit. She could feel his sex flex and twitch within her despite how quickly they were moving.
Something came over her that she'd never be able to explain. Sakura slid one hand up his jaw, so her thumb was near his temple and her fingers were on his neck, "Do it inside." The husky, confident voice that left her mouth was unexpected to both parties.
Suddenly, the woman was pulled down to Sasuke's chest, strong arms wrapping around her body to hold her tightly there as his hips thrusted up roughly, making her gasp until he froze, entirely inside her and pressing as hard as possible. The man's cock pulsated as a heated sensation met Sakura's lower abdomen.
After a moment, the air was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing, and the duo remained still in that position. Still drunk, Sakura asked, her lips brushing the sweaty skin of his shoulder, "Should I get off of you?"
She found herself face down with handfuls of pillow as Sasuke kissed her back, shoulders, and neck. He was becoming hard again, the organ rubbing against her backside as the Uchiha held one of her hips. The woman couldn't speak. She thought they were done and were going to go to sleep, but she was oh so wrong.
Soon, the Uchiha man slid into her again, pressing her legs together with his knees before grinding deep into her with a hand atop each of hers on the bed. His hot breath tickled her damp skin as he said, "Does it feel good?"
Sakura hummed warmly, the feeling of his sweaty body hitting hers as addicting as nicotine.
"Tell me out loud," Sasuke's fingers curled around hers, voice more demanding.
The order sent an odd sensation of thrill between her legs, "I like it!"
Lips pressed into the back of her shoulder again, the man's voice prideful, "Just wait until I'm done. You'll be ruined. No one else will be able to make you feel like this."
Sakura couldn't respond because she was too busy holding onto her sanity for dear life as he picked up his efforts, though she did think, 'I'm pretty sure that's already the case.'
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
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#ayato sakamaki - 16 posts
#reiji diabolik lovers - 15 posts
#sasori - 13 posts
#itachi - 13 posts
#kisame - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#villainous hazbin hotel crossover
My Top Posts in 2021
Reiji Is Leaving??
Sakamaki Group Chat Reji: I have an announcement to make. Kanato: When tf do you not?? Subaru: Every message is you announcing something. Reiji: Can you at least let me finish first? Ayato: Continue. Reiji: I am leaving Kanato: Let's commit genocide! Subaru: Are you fucking serious right now? Ayato: Celebrate good times come on! Shu: It's a celebration! Suabru: Obviously he's lying. Reji: No I've already packed my bags and my car is here. I just wanted to say goodbye one last time. It's not you it's me. Goodbye. Shu: You would think he's talking to his girlfriend. Ayato: Aka It's all of you Kanato: Where will you live? Reiji: With Karlheinz. Shu:... Ayato: .... Laito:.... Kanato: .... Ayato: r u serious? Laito: bruh moment Suabaru: We're screwed
Reji: I am whether you like it or not. Subaru: Good fucking riddance! Ayato: I'll get the glow sticks and you guys get the kool aid! Laito: Kool-Aid? Ayato: I don't want a hangover. Reiji: Well I guess I'll take my leave. Reiji has gone offline. Forever. Ayato: Let's party! Kanato: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Shu: I'm going to bed. Kanato: And, miss the party? Shu: I don't have Reiji to bother me about sleeping so yeah you shouldn't either. 5 hours later Ayato: That was fun Laito: Hell yeah Kanato: We need to clean up this mess now Laito: There is no we I'm taking a bath and going to bed. Kanato: But, this place is a mess! Laito: Not my problem Ayato: I'm with him Subaru: This place is going to hell Kanato: Yup ------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at Reiji's New Home
Reiji: Thank you for letting me stay here Karlheinz: It's no trouble at all but, why did you leave? Reiji: To get away. Karlheinz: I see want to join me for dinner? Reiji: Just because you're my dad doesn't mean I like you. Karlheinz: Just because you now live here doesn't mean I can't kick you out. Reiji: I'd love to. Karlheinz: Good He leaves his room. Reiji sighs and looks over pictures of him and his brothers. Reiji: I wonder what they're doing now? ------------------------------------------------- Morning Time Kanato: It's on fire! Save yourselves! Subaru: -_- Shu: What a bother. Laito: Omg does anyone have a fire extinguisher? Ayato: No one keeps that shit in their house! Kanato: Sane people do! Ayato: Have you seen yourself? Shu: Just put the damn fire out. I'm going to bed. Kanato: But, you're the oldest you should know what to do! Shu: I'm not Reiji dumbass Ayato: The fire is spreading Kanato: We're all gonna diiiiiee! Let's get into a circle and pray to the fire god. Ayato: The fuck? The fire was suddenly put out. Kanato: Omg the fire god saved us! Ayato: You know that was just a bedtime story to scare us right? Subaru: You guys ever think of putting the fire out instead of yelling and screaming like a bunch of girls? Shu: Pretty sure the girls would do something and put it out these guys are in a league of their own. Ayato: Oi shut up we need Reiji back. Kanato: So he can clean up after you? Ayato: No because he just brings something special to the family. He's the glue that holds us all together. He's our teacher and butler. He's our brother. And, yeah I'm sick of cleaning up after myself Shu: Bullshit sounds the same in any language. Ayato: Shut up and go back to be useless. Shu: Okay Kanato: I tried calling him but, his phone is disconnected. Ayato: Damn him being so prepared Subaru: It seems we have to travel to Karlheinz's castle Kanato: Yay a field trip! Laito: I can't just sleep in can I?
Subaru: That's Shu's job. Ayato: Saddle up boys we're going to the underworld. He poses. Kanato: Let's get some candy on the way! Ayato: Damnit Kanato!
39 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 20:15:04 GMT
The Sakamaki's Turn Into Kids
Mukami Group Chat Got some of this idea from fadedxrunes on Wattpad
Ruki: Why are the Sakamaki's kids? Yuma: Yeah I agree they are childish Ruki: No literal kids Yuma: Huh? Ruki: Look
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Yuma: BRUH HOW? Ruki: Reki was "experimenting" Kou: Like he made me drink that potion and my hair was the color of a rainbow. Azusa: Cute Kou: Awwww they're harmless Ruki: We need to take care of them Kou: Seems easy enough what could they possibly do to us anyways? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At The Mansion Kou: Their little monsters! Laito keeps pulling my hair dammnniittt Yuma: Kanato keeps chasing Ayato with a knife! Ruki: Why is Azusa tied up? Kou: HALLP ME Kou is bein dragged off by Ayato and Kanto. Reiji: Chaos *Tea sip* They capture them all, tie them up, and leave them in the basement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sakamaki Group Chat Reiji: Now that we have gotten rid of those incompetent half bloods we can now begin with our plan. Ayato: We get more dino nuggies? Reji: No you already got some for tying them up Ayato: I want more dino nuggies now! Or else! Reiji: You'll get your dino nuggies later and when I say so now shut up! As I was saying we now have acess to their household and we're gonna takeover! Shu: What time is it? Reiji: 10:30 why? Shu: Nap time Reiji: No! Shu: Shut up poopy head Reiji: No you are! Subaru: CAN WE PLEASE JUST GET TO THE POINT? Kanato: Me and Teddy want candy. Laito: Where's mommy? Reji: Mommy is dead. Subaru: Why would you make him cry I can hear him all the way upstairs Reiji: I was just kidding. Now let's go take over the Mukami household Ayato: Then dino nuggie? Reiji: Yes Ayato: Kanato get me my battle axe! Reiji: 0-0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After The Raid Reiji: That was nice Shu: I wana sleep Reiji: Then do it Reiji: He really went asleep on the ground Kanato: I hear footstep's coming from the basement. I hope it's the boogie man he stole my candy! Subaru: Whoever it is I'm gonna fight em! And, punch him, kick him, and throat punch him again and again! Laito: Calm down Subaru: Don't tell me what to do! Reiji: They've escaped I hear their voices. Ayato you said that those rope would hold them Ayato: IT WAS JUMP ROPE DUMMY Reiji: Why didn't you just get real rope?? Ayato: Because I'm too short to reach duuuuuhhhhh
They hear a scream and a crash. Reiji: Hid everyone! Subaru: No I wanna fight! Reiji: Have fun dying Kanato: I'm in the closet Laito: We all are aware Kanato: An actual closet Laito: Oh Ayato: I'm scare all I wanted were dino nuggies Subaru: I hear footsteps and they're getting louder. Reiji: Where are you? Subaru: Under the pool table They hear a faint screech and stuff being torn down. Ayato: I'm scccaarreedd Shu: What's going on? Reiji: HIDE! The boogie man is here because Kanato angered him! Kanato: Don't cry Ayato Ayato: I'm not crying you are Reji: Where are you Shu? Reji: Shu? Kanato: We lost another one! Laito: Let's all hide in the closet. Kanato: Coming -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In The Closet (Not On Phone) Kanato: I'm sorry it's my fault Ayato was crying. Ayato: We're all gonna diiiee Kanato: it's ok big brother (I think he's older) Ayato: I heard clinging like keys or something Reiji: It's gonna be ok Laito: Yeah sure we're gonna be fine The sounds stop and they see a shadow near the door. It opens a little. Reji: Scatter! They run in opposite directions. Kanato lets out a scream and say "Save yourselves!" Reji rushes into the bathroom and locks the door hiding in the tub but, he feels someone.
Shu: Hey! Reiji hugs Shu. Reiji: Ohh I've never been so happy to see you. Why didn't you tell us where you were. Shu: I figured the person can monitor the group or something that's why he found us so fast. Or they're just good at seeking. Reiji: You're smart Shu: I know They see the door knob jiggle as someone try's to get in. Reiji holds Shu close. But, the person goes away. Reiji: Phew that was a close one. Shu: We should stay in here. Reiji: Yea- Suddenly the door flies open and a hand reaches for them before everything turns blank. Reiji wakes up not knowing where he is at first but, then see his brothers all sleeping on the floor and a white haired figure looking at him. Reiji: The boogie man! He hides behind the couch as the figure gets up and walks towards him handing him his glasses. Reiji: Dad? Karlheinz: I must say you boys put up quite a fight. But, I won in the end. Not sure how you turned into kids but, the serum should wear off in a few days. Luckily I had an antidote. Reiji nods and falls asleep smiling glad the nightmare was over.
40 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 16:37:04 GMT
Diabolik Lovers Group Chat Kanato: Hey guys it's almost Halloween let's go steal candy from toddlers! Reiji: We will do not such thing. Kanato: Stop pooping on my party! Carla: I never did see the point of this day. Azusa: Just gonna stay inside like I always do Ruki: Why go out and buy candy on this specific day when you can buy it on any day? Azusa: Because these holidays are just a end of the year scheme to get people to buy stuff and fill big corporations profit. Ruki: 0-0 Yuma: Ne, shut up and enjoy the damn month. Ayato: I don't care if it is I'm gonna go crazy! Ruki: You already look crazy so you should fit right in with all the weird people dressed up. Shin: Holiday or not I don't enjoy it Kino: Ok boomer Shin: Ok brat Kanato: Can't we just celebrate this day without you guys being negative Nancy's? Kino: Yeah! Ayato: Fr Shu: What is with all these notifs? Kou: Turn them off damnit. Laito: Halloween is the best holiday to be invented Kou: Why? Laito: Because I get to show off my fabulous hair! Kou: Yeah keep telling yourself that Laito: Excuse me? Subaru: You two are really about to fight over hair? Shu: When did you get here? Subaru: I was watching the chat Azusa: Ok weirdo Subaru: You should talk freak Reiji: Cut it out. Now those who want to celebrate sat "I." Ayato: I Kanato: I Laito: I Kou: I Yuma: I Yui: I Reiji: Shut up you don't count. Yui::c Reiji: Those who don't say ney Subaru: No Shin: Hell no Carla: I don't care Ruki: Me either Azusa: Idc Shu: Dc Richter: Hi- Reiji has kicked Richter. Reiji: Most of you don't care and some don't want to. So I guess we will be celebrating it. Shin: UGHS Kanato: IN YO FACE! Kino: Let's go warm out fingers up we don't want to be rusty when we steal that candy! Shu: I hate my life Might be typos in here
42 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 13:38:40 GMT
Missing Scarf
Anyone heard of Diabolik Lovers? This is kind of a x reader thing but, it's not. Tsukinami Group Chat Carla: Has anyone seen my scarf? Shin: Nope Reiji: It's not like you to lose something. Ruki: Maybe you misplaced it. Carla: No I set it down, and I went into the kitchen then it vanished when I came back. Shu: I don't have time to look for a scarf. Shu has gone offline. Reiji: Lazy bum. Kanato: Imagine losing a scarf. Carla: Imagine me accidentally burning your bear. Kanato: You wouldn't dare. Ayato: Oi maybe did you check under the couch Azusa: Can't believe I got interrupted for something as small as this. Ayato: u shut it azusa so anoying Reiji: It's annoying and you're are suppose to capitalize names and the beginning of each sentence. Ayato: ok techer Yuma: Sorry I was doing some gardening. What's going on here? Ruki: It seems Carla has lost his scarf. Yuma: The long black one? Carla: Yes. Have you seen it? Yuma: Oh Y/N had it on sleeping. I tried to take it but, they have a strong grip. Ayato: oi im leaving Ayato has gone offline. Laito: Where's the party? Reiji: There never was one. Laito: That sucks Laito has gone offline. Shin: You gonna take it back? Carla: Nah let them keep it I don't feel like getting slapped. Something short and sweet.
46 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 20:22:03 GMT
Subaru Has A Date?
Sakamaki Group Chat Reiji: NO KANATO WE ARE NOT GOING TO MCDONALDS! Kanato: FUCK YOU BITCH! Subaru: Hey guys I need advice Ayato: About what? Subaru: How do I impress a girl? Ayato: Flex the green! Shu: Don't if she doesn't like you that's her problem. Reiji: Put laxatives in her brownie. Shu: The hell? Kanato: Give her lots of candy so she becomes fat then she can't run away from you! Ayato: The fuck Kanato? Laito: Take her to a fancy restaurant Subaru: Ok Laito: Talk to her, charm her, and pay the tab. Subaru: Ok not too bad Laito: Then when she least suspects it bite her! Subaru: Never asking you guys for advice again. ------------------------------------------------- Mukami Group Chat Yuma: Just put it in! Ruki: No you! Kou: Can someone please just do it?! Subaru: 0-0 Ruki: Oh hi. What is it? Subaru: Need advice. How do I impress a girl? Ruki: Didn't you ask your brothers? Subaru: No help. Yuma: Don't know give her lots of fruits and veggies so she's healthy? Subaru: What if she takes it the wrong way? Yuma: Screw her Ruki: Share your vast knowledge. Girls like smart guys. Subaru: I'm not that smart Ruki: I know it was just a suggestion. Subaru: -_- Azusa: I have an idea Subaru: Hell no Kou: Charm her, be a gentlemen, and be yourself. Subaru: That was literally terrible advice Kou: I don't see you with a girlfriend Subaru: Shut up --------------------------------------------------- Tsukinami Group Chat Carla: Ketchup all the way! Shin: No mustard! Subaru: Ketchup is better. Carla: Take that. Subaru: How do I impress a girl? Shin: Challenge her to a eating contest! Suabru: Why? Shin: To show you are the man. Subaru: Yeah no Carla: See if she really likes you by playing mind games and asking leading questions. Or just be a gentleman. If not then lax- Subaru: Nope -------------------------------------------------- Sakamaki Group Chat Subaru: Why is everyone here so useless? Reiji: Don't be so hard on yourself. Subaru: You guys give terrible love advice! Ayato: Fine I'll ask Yui Shu: Don't bring her into this Yui: Huh? Ayato: How does a guy impress a girl? Yui: Depends on the girl. But, most girls like guys who look appealing and you are attractive so that shouldn't be a problem. Just be straight forward but, not blunt. But, as I said depends on the girl. Subaru: Thanks Ayato: Oi get back in your cave now Yui: Mean :c Ayato: You heard me! Kanato: Who's the girl? Subaru: Y/N Kanato: Bruh Shu: Leaving Reiji: Damn. Laito: She is quite the catch isn't she? Suabru: Shut up
Ayato: Fuck this shit I'm out. So I did this thing and it's noice lol.
59 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 17:37:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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catflorist · 4 years
The Time Being (ao3 / ffn) catflorist Summary: Time-slipping is a side effect of wielding the Rinnegan. When Sasuke slips through time, he always goes to Sakura, whether he wants to or not. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
pt 7: seasons
Flowers and garlands decorated the village square, packed with bodies wearing their finest clothes. The guests milled about endless rows of chairs, gathered under the shadow of trees, and stood on benches for the best view. Heads were turning to the podium, and chatter was beginning to die—Sakura made it just in time. Her geta tapped out her quick steps as she weaved her way to the front row.
"You're late," Sasuke muttered, removing his haori from the seat next to him. How he succeeded in saving a place, she didn't know. The square appeared to contain every chair in the village, and still the crowd spilled into the streets.
Sakura smoothed the skirt of her pink dress. "It was your fault," she said, settling in her chair.
Halfway through shrugging the haori over his shoulders, Sasuke halted, peering at her face with new scrutiny. Sakura peered back, comparing this Sasuke, in his formal wear, breeze rustling the hair he asked her to trim a few days ago, with the Sasuke she just met—bleeding and weary-eyed, wearing a purple obi and a permanent scowl.
"How is your head?" she asked.
A smile grew on Sasuke's lips.
Sakura wanted to enjoy Sasuke's smile for longer, but she felt eyes boring into the back of her neck. Across the crowd, Tsumiki Kido turned his head, too late to disguise his staring.
Sasuke frowned, following her gaze. "Who is that man?"
"Someone who isn't happy you're back in the village," Sakura said. A chill traveled down her spine, though it did not matter now if Tsumiki or other members of the council saw them together. As a war hero, owner of two legendary doujutsu, and friend to herself, Naruto, and the Rokudaime Hokage, Sasuke was untouchable.
"Are you happy?" Sasuke asked, eyes stern.
"Of course I am," Sakura said.
"Then I have no other concerns," he dismissed. For the second time that day, pink tinged Sakura's cheeks, and she found herself at a loss for words.
A bright, cloudless blue sky shimmered above, promising to give way to a clear and starry night. When the wedding ceremony was over, they offered Hinata and Naruto their congratulations together.
In the warm climate of Fire country, the changing of seasons was gentle, but distinct. A chill grew in the air each day until it was difficult to remember anything different.
The moon hung in the sky when Sakura left the hospital one night. She worked late, reinvigorating her proposal to create a pediatric center at the hospital. Besides on-call staff, the only person working later than her was Karin. After sharing one of Orochimaru's radical techniques to preserve chakra network samples, the scientists of the research lab had claimed her of one of their own.
Walking through the quiet and peaceful streets on the way home, Sakura was confident she would not face rejection this time. The village was changing.
Sakura approached her building. A carving of a blooming tree decorated the door. Jugo's artisanry had quickly gained Konoha's attention. His work was everywhere around the village––hand-painted signs, wooden figurines and statues, delicate carvings around door frames. After Suigetsu asked Jugo to create wooden shuriken for his three Academy students, it seemed every young student passing by held one in hand. Reaching for her keys, Sakura pictured wooden carvings on the walls of her pediatric center.
She was not alone.
"Sasuke-kun," she murmured. He was bonier than she remembered him being. His jaw was only beginning to sharpen. "I see. You're leaving now, aren't you?"
She already knew the answer. It was obvious in the way his hands trembled, in the way shadows were collecting in his eyes. He was clutching the left strap of his backpack. Against the warm hues of her street, he was a patch of deep blue and darkness, a shard fallen from the night sky. This was Sasuke on the night he left the village.
A street lamp buzzed and flickered on. When the light caught his face, his cheeks glistened. He took a small step towards her and exhaled a ragged breath.
This was too much for Sakura. She knew what it was like to be left behind. To face his back and beg him to stay, trying to glean from the still line of his shoulders if her words were working. She did not know, all the while, this was what leaving was like for him.
"Wait," she pleaded, but even before the word formed on her tongue, he was gone.
Sakura's feet led her to Sasuke's apartment. He opened the door after the first knock.
"Sakura," he said, opening the door wider.
One step forward was all Sakura needed to take. Sasuke's arms surrounded her without hesitation, as if waiting all this time for the sign to hold her close.
"I just saw you," she murmured, lips brushing his throat. "You were leaving…"
"I'm not leaving anymore," he promised.
"I missed you," she said, though they had eaten together yesterday, and he had walked her home the day before that. There was hardly a day since he returned to the village that they had not seen each other.
Sasuke's chest rose and fell with a soft sigh. "We are tied together." He said it in the same way someone might say the sun is up or north is this way.
Was it always like this? Sakura wondered.
Sasuke reached for her hand. "I want to always be near you," he confessed.
Sakura brushed the hair out of his eyes, traced his cheek, his brow bone. He blinked, and his eyelashes kissed her fingers. The rings of his left eye were like the ripples a stone made as it fell through the surface of water.
"I never stopped loving you," she said. "I love you as much as I did then."
Sasuke's forehead fell against hers, waiting for her kiss. Sakura did not leave him waiting.
Sasuke appeared in Sakura's apartment in the middle of the night, wearing the Akatsuki robes, carrying the weight of a decision. He fell asleep on her couch. It was a long time before he slipped away.
When she was alone, Sakura removed her robe, which she had worn to conceal the Uchiha crest on the back of her borrowed shirt. She returned to her room and settled back next to Sasuke, asleep and unworried, in her bed.
Before Sasuke climbed in through the window of her third-story office, Sakura was basking in the glow of good news.
She read the message on her desk for the third time. Out of the blue, the council greenlighted her pediatric center, offering her a budget larger than she had dreamed. It was enough to build a facility solely dedicated to children's health. No child in the village would ever be left behind again, the way Naruto and Sasuke were.
A soft footfall interrupted Sakura's thoughts of all the work ahead. Sasuke dropped inside the room, the scent of pollen and oncoming rain drifting in behind him.
Sakura leapt up from her desk and locked the door. "What's wrong?"
"I just received this from the council," he said, passing her a scroll before blinking away his Sharingan.
With trembling fingers, Sakura read over Sasuke's new mission assignment.
The scroll described a mission of indefinite length. A haphazard journey across the shinobi world, doing nothing in particular. Escort this noble. Deliver this message. Check on the status of this favor. Refusing the mission, or failing the mission's terms, meant abstaining Konoha citizenship and willfully accepting exile. The text outlined required checkpoints every five days, the first in Suna.
Sakura threw the scroll to the ground, cracking the wooden spindle within. Suna was a two-week journey from Konoha for the fastest of travelers. There was nothing subtle about the council's true intentions.
"Tsumiki Kido delivered the message," Sasuke said, his face even. "He said it would prove my loyalty to Konoha."
"They can't do this," Sakura spat. "You don't have to leave if you don't want to!"
Sasuke gripped her wrist. "He said leaving would be in my best interest, if I cared about the wellbeing of the village."
A buzz filled Sakura's ears. The threat was a familiar one. It reused works she had spoken herself, in a council meeting before the war, as she pulled dangerous strings to keep Sasuke safe.
They will be upset, Shizune had warned.
"We don't have to accept this. We can change things," Sakura said. "Right now. We've already done impossible things..."
A just, peaceful, village was not too much to ask for. Sakura's surroundings faded away, a plan organizing in her mind. She and Sasuke comprised two-thirds of the new generation of Sannin. With Naruto's influence, they could sway their old classmates, and other skilled shinobi, to their cause. They could reach out to Gaara, who had already implemented structural change in the Sand. Tsunade and Kakashi could leverage their political power and Hinata could reach the Hyuuga clan. Sakura herself carried a well-loved reputation among civilians and in the broader world. If anything, they could use brute force to overthrow Konoha's government. They were not powerless, especially not with the help of their teammates, friends, and allies. They could shape their own world and the future they wanted.
Sasuke shook his head. "They wanted my clan dead, so they killed them. Now they want me to go. I can't risk anyone else being hurt." His hand on her wrist tightened, like holding a lifeline. "I can't lose you."
Sakura's mind stopped spinning. "All right," she whispered. "Then I'll come with you."
"You have matters here." Sasuke placed a second scroll back on her desk. While she was plotting, he was reading the news she received this morning.
The timing suddenly made sense––why Sakura's proposal was approved now, of all times, after months of silence. Of course she could not go with him, if building the facility meant protecting and caring for the lives of Konoha's children.
"We haven't had much time," Sakura started, but her throat closed. He was supposed to stay. Why did he have to go again?
"Finish your work," he said. "Then I'll find you."
"Where will I be?" Sakura asked, because a glint was growing in Sasuke's eyes. This happened sometimes, whenever he knew something she didn't. It happened last week when Sakura had brought home an abandoned black kitten, naming her Hime after the dignified way she perched upon Sasuke's shoulder. It happened when she had pulled away from their first kiss.
Sasuke passed something into her hand. A pebble the shape of old dreams, of crashing waves and salt.
He asked, "Have you ever thought about going to the ocean?"
Sasuke was gone, yet he was here again, in the dark of Sakura's bedroom.
"I'll be with you soon," he promised, after kissing her.
Before he left, Sasuke had recounted every detail he could remember about what Sakura should expect at the ocean––every rejected cup of tea, every question. But he hadn't told her about this.
Sakura understood why. When living out of order, some knowledge could not be disclosed. It was too precious, or too painful. Some things were best left for discovery. .
Up next: Everything comes together. 
Notes: where the daylight begins by ohwhatsherface inspired the sentence about lifelines.
thank you for reading :)
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