#tf topspin
crying-fantasies · 2 months
Radiation exposure
Humanity has been exposed to radiation way before our own existence or evolution, we receive radiation waves from Earth's core, from outer space and many other sources, of course, humans can only tolerate so much of either of those, living in the surface away from the core and under the atmosphere, away from real and unfiltered space radiation.
Still, it's healthy, deep space travelers must return to Earth or a atmosphere similar planet every 10 or so years even with the most advanced gadgets, deep under sea travelers too, there is just so much that technology can do for a living human in order to stay healthy and not have health realted problems.
Cybertronians are technological living mechanisms and so, they are a curious mixture of electric related radiation and outer space radiation, of course cybertronians have compensated the exposure to hard environments more than once in their lengthy existence as a race, their protection being one of the best in all galaxy.
Humans, sometimes, have negative reactions to cybertronians' radiation, mostly due to large times of exposure, presenting health problems related to low level exposure of radiation.
These kind of cases are related, curiously, to relationship between them, as it has been deeply noticed humans that live fairly well and harmoniously with cybertronians tend to have very little to none problems, while the ones that show aggressive behavior towards them present almost all the symptoms, while this is still a heavy and complicated topic among the scientific community some psychologists bring up the idea that it must be caused by their own almost physical psique, being the cybertronian EMF working as some kind of shield for humans.
"I don't think so", USFA master sergeant, Robert Epps, gave his own insight, "I work with all these guys regularly and never had even a flu", he then looked behind him, "Hey! Topspin! Twin Twist!", both jumpstarters looked back at him and then to the camera, "do you guys have your EMF on me?"
Both bots looked at each other before the oldest said "umm... no?", then doing a face, "not right now?"
Is yet to be adequately described, but scientifically there's certainly something to it.
Most cybertronians don't just lay out say it, since for them is normal to flare or regress their EMF at will, their youngest being a little more expressive with it, but it appears to be quite normal to use it, in their own words, to keep a track on tiny humans, "if we don't do it we can't know where they are" Twin Twist explained a little, "we aren't looking at the floor all the time, so it's good to have it a little more active to not have an accident".
Topspin adds, "but if it has good things going for them, that's good, right?"
In the worst case scenario, there is the necessity to consume KI tablets, which are largely distributed in anti-cibertronian or overall hostile areas.
When asked the inhabitants of this places, they just answered with basic answers as them, humanity, to be the only real residents of Earth and for the aliens to go back where they came from, even referring to the other humans in contact with the aliens as "traitors of the species".
More research is going to be done, but so far, the different effects of exposure seem to be guided unconsciously by protective or anger like feelings.
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larsonabarsona · 10 months
🎶🎵I′m the escape, salvation, the mother of lies
I'm the mace, the map, the fall & the high
I'm the creator of chaos, the order of life
I′m the pain, the reaper, a structure of lies...
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a-dork-n-chips · 2 months
Taking the Lil' Wreckers on a stroll
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inknteeth35 · 10 months
I want to open this… but it’s from the 80’s… I don’t want to rip it.
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One of my many 19th birthday gifts.
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I want little discuss how kill Cybertron. I meant since they are machine they biology are different from us, like human losing their head they died but different with transformers.
In g1 well they can still alive when you cut or separate their body with their head, it's very clear that as long their spark on their chest still glowing and fungsional they still can live and survive. So theoretically they no need necessary their brain or possessor to still alive. But of course they can die when their body can't fungsional or can't get repair.
You know in bay they kind 'easy' get killed I meant optimus cut several deceptions head and rip shockwaves guts and well they died of course. But if you really seeing Cybertron that died their chase or chassis are broke, so I can have speculation that while they cut head and belly it's just for paralyzing then their target are sparrk inside chassis / chase to really kill the enemies
I agree. The way I view Cybertronian's death and injuries is they are quite resilient and can take a lot of damage.
They could lose a limb, or multiple limbs and be fine. I also think it would take a long time for them to 'bleed' out.
I mean I have seen bots lose their heads in different TF media but still be alive. I mean Topspin even replaced his head with Leadfoots. So that means they can exist without a head.
They have repaired many different bots. However, I think there is an extent to the damage, such as if something is beyond repairable then they may die. Or lose it forever like Bee's voice.
And yeah the one way that will instantly kill them is to destroy the spark. I think destroying the spark will be irreparable and will always 100% kill them.
Now I want to point out Jazz, he was ripped in half. Now you would think that maybe he could have survived, but maybe in the process his spark was torn or damaged and that was why he didn't survive.
I mean there is a point where Pharma completely dissects Ratchet and he is literally just a spark and a head and he was still alive. So I feel like in most cases they can get away without a body and still live.
So as long as the spark is fine they can live.
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pits-of-kaos · 2 years
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TF Waterlogged Cat Poll (Round 1)
Vote on all of the matches here.
Unless the continuity is specified, you are voting on the soggiest version(s) of a character that evoke the most pity, regardless of the one in the pic. 🐱
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spd-magenta-ranger · 1 year
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TF: Rez: The DOTM Wreckers
So, yesterday, I watched Dark of the Moon for the first time. Enjoyed it more than I expected. But it also gave me an idea for a whole spin off series of Rez with the Wreckers....yeah, heh, welcome to my brain.
Roadbuster, Topspin and Leadfoot, the main trio we follow, find themselves confined to a small town on the East Coast, longing to rejoin the war that they discover is still going on. However, certain events will make them reconsider this, especially as the townspeople start to gain a firmer hold over their sparks. They resolve to defend their new home at any cost, as they try to work out what the heck is going on with the factions they once knew so well, or so it seemed they did...
Yeah, it's basically Rescue Bots, but with more stuff blowing up.
I'm still ironing out their individual characters, but their general vibes are "Grandpa who can still wreck your scrap and his two grandkids following his footsteps". They're still weapons developers, and in fact, that may have been their original job, but there's more an emphasis on incorporating them into a unique fighting style. More to come as we figure them out, but I wanted to draw them now. When inspiration strikes, you gotta capture it by the horns.
And no, they aren't racers for NASCAR. Nor are they sponsored.
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aviatrix-ash · 2 years
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Transformers Animated: The ATC who loved Powerglide? 😆
Since learning Sky Garry's basically Cybertron ATC (or STC? Space traffic control?) I've been wanting to draw a little comic thing with him and some other Autobot aviators.
It's not uncommon for pilots to accidentally broadcast casual conversations over radio and doing so at an airport usually gets that careless pilot roasted. So I wanted to play with that in this. 😆
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naaaaaaaaaash · 3 years
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do not use without my permission.
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tea-mew96 · 3 years
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Found Topspin the G1 Jumpstarter at my local convention today, he’s in good condition all things considered (well, mostly age.). Yes his gimmick still works.
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@wreckerforeman - [cont.]
The two Wreckers exchange looks, Roadbustar arching an optic ridge before he goes over casually….and tackles Ironhide. Yep, hands and talons are going interesting places now.
Ironhide yelps, dramatically dropping to the ground at the ‘surprise’ attack before raising his servos to defend himself from the teasing claws. He whines a bit, squirming beneath the touch.
“’Buster, ‘Buster stop!” He is trying so hard not to burst into laughter - into giggles - but it’s a battle he is losing rather quickly. “That tickles!”
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elyssebeeart · 6 years
Requiem’s End
Fandom: Transformers (Universe: Movie/Bay!verse) Rating: G Word count: ~3.3k Warnings: Death mentions Summary: Not long after the events of The Last Knight the Autobots travel to Cuba, a designated sanctuary for their kind. There they hope to reunite with old comrades and surviving members before returning to Cybertron. However, the reunion isn’t entirely sparkwarming. Disclaimer: This is to bridge the last movie and the hinted events of the [cancelled?] next film and make sense of some plotholes/unexplained things throughout the past 3 films (Dark of the Moon, Age of Extinction, The Last Knight) while keeping comic happenings/backstory in mind. Also it includes a couple of OCs who have full backstories the cinematic verse: Fyreant (c) me and Ravebreaker (c) @pumpkinachai​ (On Deviantart, Pending Ao3)
“Shouldn’t we be gettin’ a welcome party or somethin’? We’re war heroes, y’know.” Crosshairs complained loudly in his Cockney accent, looking unimpressed at their apparent new home as he transformed from his alt-mode. The green Autobot paratrooper bit at his dentapick in annoyance, “Sanctuary nothin’, this is punishment. Why we here again? Thought we’d be headin’ for Cybertron lickety-split but it’s been four days!”    
“Qui vivra verra. Be patient, mon amie.” Hot Rod encouraged, transforming next to him. The sleek black robot with orange accents tried his best to interpret his unshakable French accent, “You might like what’s inside, no? Might like it here.”      
“Anyone home?” Drift inquired as he shifted to bipedal mode, the red samurai-esque robot tilting his head. “Perhaps we got the place wrong?” 
“Shh, quiet you lot. I’ve been dying to do this.” Their burly comrade, Hound, hushed as he rolled up and transformed as well. He grabbed a grenade off his belt and chucked it into the open building, calling out, “Fire in the hole!”
There was no sound for a few moments before banging and clattering was heard followed by a string of curses as a blue robot with a blue visor scrambled outside, shouting in a southern accent, “Slag it! Who in the Pit thought it was a funny idea!? Which one of you hooligans did it? I swear-”
“Topspin, there ya are. Almost didn’t recognize ya with that new look of yours, nearly took ya for Leadfoot.” Hound identified the fellow Autobot, leaning back in satisfaction as he crossed his arms. “Getting a bit rusty are we?”
“Hound, you ole dog! You tryin’ to frag me?” Topspin’s demeanor instantly changed to one of fondness as he saw the culprit. “And I got a mod in Lead’s memory, got a problem?”
“No problem. And there ain’t be no trying if I did. Didn’t ya notice the pin wasn’t pulled?”  
“‘Course! I’m not blind, you piece of slag. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t about to frag someone.”
The two mechs proceeded to clasp arms affectionately before giving each other a friendly punch. Topspin let out a laugh, slapping Hound on the back, “Looks like you made it to Cuba in one piece! I’m never sure who’s going to end up on my doorstep; I heard Prime’s broadcast, guess radio silence is over.”
“It’s not like ya to miss out on a fight let alone multiple battles. Didn’t take ya much for a ‘Bot looking for retirement.”
“Yeah neither did I but losin’ my Wrecker crew and gettin’ wounded got me thinkin’. Then my buddy Simmons hooked me up and here I am! Still tryin’ to get him to tan those pasty legs of his; they could blind somebody.”
“Greetings, Topspin.” Drift bowed politely to the uncouth robot. “It is good to see you again. Are you alone?”     
“Hah, hell naw. Wish I was sometimes, hold on. Yo!” Topspin shouted as he turned toward another building nearby, letting out a sharp whistle. “We’ve got company, get on out here. Vámonos!”
“You know, I don’t recall you ever being made the boss.” A young husky voice called in a mocking tone, “Maybe you should get your head examined.”
“He forgets that I’m nearly as old as him and still tries to bully; his CPU must be slipping.” Another voice replied, sounding a bit older and more relaxed. “Ah, well. We just gotta roll with the music.”
“If he has any part of his CPU left. I think he does most of his cognation through his-.”
“Whoa momma! Thank you Cybertron!” Crosshairs exclaimed, looking up where the planet could be seen in the atmosphere as two figures emerged, revealing themselves to be an orange and red femme. He turned to look at Hot Rod with pure relief and excitement, “You’re right. I like it here.”
“Other Autobots?” The red femme looked interested, a smile on her faceplates as she looked over the small group, eyeing them through her dark visor. “Mmm, some fine looking mechs too. Primus is smiling on me today.”
The smaller orange femme was silent as her red gaze swept over the others, looking hardly cheerful, “Oh goodie.”
“Ravebreaker, Fyreant, meet my old comrades. ‘cept for that guy, I have no idea who he is.” Topspin gestured at Hot Rod who shrugged and bobbed his head, confirming it was true.
“Some we already know, rustbrain.” Fyreant drily informed to which Drift politely bowed.
“‘ey, I’ve got you in my sights and… I must say it’s a nice view. Name’s Crosshairs, numero uno.” The green mech introduced himself, grinning at the femmes as he gave a wink. “How’s about I let you two ladies have the ‘onor in being by my side. Best bot in the biz after all.”
Ravebreaker instantly let out a laugh and put a servo over her mouth. Her companion however looked far less amused.
“Excuse me, I need to go perform self mutilation to spare myself from repeating this experience.” Fyreant quipped flatly, equally unimpressed and disgusted. “Meeting you all was a real pleasure, like purging my tanks.”
“Mademoiselle! Wait, s’il vous plaît! Crosshairs, he is imbécile! Gros lourdeau!” Hot Rod protested, attempting to appease while shooting the offender a look. “I’m Hot Rod; I apologize on his behalf.”
“Ooo, I like your accent.” Ravebreaker purred, drawing closer, “Keep talking.”
“Figured Prime would be with you, being you fought together; heard all about it from Simmons.” Topspin scratched his head as he got a better look at the newcomers, ignoring his companions.
“Optimus will be here soon, he had something to take care of first. Didn’t fancy he needed a convoy. Besides, me and the boys were curious about this here place you got set up.” Hound informed, looking not concerned in the slightest.
“Blimey, speak of the devil.” Crosshairs grumbled as he looked back, “Can’t let a star like me shine for long on my own, can he?”
A distinctive looking red and blue semi-truck was heading toward the group. Next to the large vehicle a sporty yellow with black racing stripes car followed, keeping an even pace with the apparent Autobot leader.
“Wait… is that, Bumblebee?” Ravebreaker’s voice was full of disbelief seeing the oncoming Camero. “That has to be him! He made it! Fyre, he made it!”
Fyreant halted her retreat, her optics wide. Her snide tone softened slightly as she turned to see her old comrade, “It’s Bee?”
“Yeah, that’s him. Doesn’t like to leave Optimus’ side much when he can help it. That’s loyalty for ya.” Hound acknowledged, grinning at the approaching duo. “Kid’s got guts, but ya probably know that.”
As the two Autobots drew closer the yellow car sped ahead only to suddenly transform to bipedal mode. The robot did a somersault before landing on his feet, breaking out into a jog toward the others, giving a casual two finger salute as he joined the group.
“Bumblebee reporting for duty. Nice to see familiar faces; not so much the ugly mugs.” He shifted his gaze from his mech comrades to the two femmes, brightening, “Rave, Fyre, you’re here! Been what, five Earth years?”
“Y-you can talk?” Ravebreaker stared at the yellow mech who appeared proud and bashful as he nodded. “Like, talk talk!? That’s all you!?”
“Really? How’d you manage that?” Fyreant exclaimed, gawking as she came closer. In hearing his true voice for the first time her memory cells echoed back various audio clips he’d played previously to converse, leaving her dazed.
“It’s… hard to explain.” Bumblebee let out a small laugh, shrugging. “But yeah, this is me. This is my voice.”
“Oh, sweet-thing I’m so happy! I’m so proud you got it back!” Ravebreaker rushed over and hugged him, giving him an affectionate pat. “What a fine voice it is too to go with a fine bot!”
“Congrats.” Fyreant seemed to relax, but still managed to look semi annoyed, “A bit sorry I couldn’t repay you by fixing it but I’m glad for you; though, it’s going to take some getting used to.”
“Don��t tell me you’re going soft.” He teased, edging closer and giving her a playful nudge. “We still need our little spitfire.”
“In your dreams.” Fyreant elbowed him back, grinning deviously. She lowered her voice, “After dealing with Topspin all this time, him treating me like his personal medic, I’m rearing to get back at him. Wanna help?”
“A chance to troll? Of course!”
“Autobots, it is good to see you here.” An all too familiar deep rolling voice called out, commanding attention. Everyone turned to see their mighty leader Optimus Prime transform, revealing his towering robot self in knight-esque armor with some retrofits. “I expect more will be arriving in time in response to my call.”
“Well, it looks like everyone else is takin’ their sweet time. Whoopdeedoo.” Crosshairs sniffed, folding his arms as he looked around for some source of entertainment. “Waste of time waitin’ around, I could be doin’ somethin’ useful.”
“Patience.” Drift urged his restless companion. “Those who have yet to arrive are late, but perhaps they have much farther to come than us.”
“Including Ratchet! Can’t wait to rub that in his face when he gets here.” Fyreant admitted to Bumblebee, sounding delighted at the prospect. “So much for nagging about being first on scene!”
Instantly the demeanor of Optimus’ group changed, Crosshairs suddenly becoming still, Drift looking away, Hound hanging his head while Hot Rod looked lost. Bumblebee appeared conflicted as Fyreant gazed up at him expectantly, the mischievous twinkle still in her optics.
“He-” Bumblebee began but Optimus placed a servo on his shoulder, causing him to go silent as he glanced up at his leader.
Optimus took a moment before speaking, “It is with a heavy spark that I must inform you that Ratchet is one with the Well of All Sparks.”
The statement hung in the air like a noxious cloud as it became uncomfortably silent. The quiet appeared to invite further unease by allowing the words to echo in audio receivers as the rest of the world seemed muted.
“… No.”
The response was barely audible but it cut through the thick silence like a knife.
“No! Pit! No!” She shouted, her voice clipping as outrage consumed her sorrow, rejecting Bumblebee’s attempt to comfort. She stepped back, her red optics flaring, looking as if she’d been betrayed; her gaze flicked in accusation to the newcomers, “He can’t! He said I was still in training! He needs to finish teaching me! How can I… NO!”
“I’m sorry.” Bumblebee hung his head, his optics closing, “I’m so sorry. We weren’t there. We couldn’t save him.”
“No, no, no! Why!?”
“War hasn’t been kind to any of us, kid.” Hound solemnly acknowledged, turning his gaze to the ground as the memory of Ratchet’s fate haunted him. “Thank Primus you didn’t see… he wouldn’t have wanted it.”
“Who did it? Who killed him?” Fyreant’s optics smoldered with hatred, her voice dripping with venom. She looked at each of the newcomers, probing for an answer as she shook, “Tell me, Primus so help me.”
“Tell me, slag it!” She screamed, fluid escaping her optics as she cut off Hound. Furiously she wiped them away, trying to will the function to cease but failed. Instantly Ravebreaker was beside her, gently holding her arm out of support not restraint. “What filth took down a medic!?”
“It was Lockdown. He was workin’ together with some humans.” Crosshairs admitted, spitting at the memory. “Chasin’ us down like animals. Gutless, the lot.”
At this information Ravebreaker’s demeanor shifted, her already sad posture tensing. Though she kept a servo on Fyreant, attempting to sooth her friend who shook with fury, a tremor ran through her as well.
“I’ll burn his optics out. I’ll cauterize his nerve circuits and then scorch them repeatedly with acid!” Fyreant swore, her optics pulsing a deeper red, her original Decepticon alignment surfacing. “Then I’ll put his head in a vise and rip it off!”
“Fyre… it was five years ago.” Bumblebee softly informed, the pity plain in his optics and voice.
“I know this is hard news and I’m familiar with your rage as I also felt it deeply. But know Ratchet, my old friend, has been avenged.” Optimus knelt down on one knee to get a better look at the grieving young femme. “I personally slew Lockdown and took care of the human responsible for ordering the attacks and defilement of our kind. While I cannot say how many of our comrades fell to his cruelty he has been stopped, permanently.”
“Slag it, slag it all…” Was all Fyreant could get out as she turned away, relieved yet angry that justice and revenge by her hand had escaped her.
“What about anyone else? Surely there are more survivors.” Topspin inquired, looking upset but knew the sting of casualties too well to be surprised. “Though, y’all are the biggest group to come; usually they’re alone and it’s been gettin’ far between arrivals.”
“I am uncertain of most of our comrades’ fates.” Optimus admitted, solemn, “My hope is that they’re still in disguise here on Earth, safe until they can come to this sanctuary or return to Cybertron.”
“Sideswipe’s gone.” Ravebreaker suddenly spoke up, her casual tone cold and distant, a slight quiver in her voice. “Just over five years ago… Must have been right before Ratchet.”
This time the shock hit Optimus’ group, Bumblebee instantly shaking his head with disbelief while Optimus closed his optics in pain and let out a tired sigh.
“That bot knew how to raise hell… him and Ironhide.” Hound lamented, taking off his helmet in respect. “Primus, they were fine mechs. My condolences, little lady.”
“Rave, I’m so sorry.” Bumblebee looked back and forth between her and Fyreant, helpless as the latter closed herself off and the former, despite the steeled look, screamed raw.
“Humans attacked, I heard it over our commlink. I couldn’t do anything to help, I was too far away.” A tremor ran through her body as she took a shaky breath, “I felt it when his spark was extinguished.”
“You felt-?” Crosshairs began, confused.
“They were sparkbonded.” Bumblebee explained in a quiet voice, “Before we all split up and scattered.”
“Mon Dieu!” Hot Rod could not control his surprise, his large optics wide.
Crosshairs let out a whistle, earning an elbowing from Drift who looked just as surprised. Meanwhile Topspin was quiet, looking awkward as it was old news to him while Fyreant was still trying to control herself, her back turned.
“It grieves me to learn of Sideswipe’s demise, he was a fine comrade and a valued warrior. He chose a fine sparkmate in you, Ravebreaker.” Optimus’ tone was bittersweet though sincerity could be heard. “He will forever remain in our sparks, as well as Ratchet and all our fallen comrades. They will live on in our memories.”
“Yes, he is forever in my spark.” Ravebreaker softly spoke, placing her servo gently on her chest. “And he lives on… through our sparkling.”
At this news the others perked up, glancing at one another to affirm they heard correctly. Bumblebee’s look of sadness turned to shock and then joy, “Really?” to which Ravebreaker nodded, her servo over her spark where the apparent new life was.
“Oi now! She’s taken and goin’ to be havin’ a baby? Just my luck.” Crosshairs complained in a not so low voice to Drift, earning himself a smack across the back of the head from Hound. “Ow! Me head!”
“Zip yer lip before I bust it.”
“Despite these sad times I find joy that life continues. There is hope with this sparkling, promise that life is returning to our race.” Optimus rose to his feet, looking proud as confidence tinged his voice. “This is the mark of a new beginning.”
“Ah, good ‘cause all this melancholy is crampin’ my mojo.” Topspin declared, “This is paradise, y’all. Lighten up, sad times are behind us! We’re moving forward, amigos!” “Yeah, what he said! Ding dong, the witch is dead!” Crosshairs agreed as he sulked, rubbing the back of his head, referring to the manipulative yet deceased Quintessa.
“Not everyone is good at brushing things off.” Drift sagely commented, “Some wish to return to their roots or continue their chosen path.”
“Yeah, well this is my chosen path: I’m keepin’ my aft planted right here. Dunno about the rest of y’all, but I got over Cybertron when I thought for a while it was destroyed by the spacebridge’s implosion eight years ago. I’ve made my peace; I’m retired!”
“Could have fooled me.” Bumblebee muttered, rolling his optics at the Wrecker’s mouthiness as he mocked talked with his servo.
“I respect the decision to remain on Earth but I’ll be going to Cybertron as the Knights of Iacon have already departed for it. There is much to be done and time is short.”
“What are you here for, Prime? Obviously not the beaches.” Topspin pressed, crossing his arms. “Speaking of which, I’m losin’ good beach sun standin’ here.”
“To assemble a new team and assess this sanctuary.” Optimus informed, “I will wait here for one Earth week, giving fellow Autobots time to respond to my broadcast and choose whether to convene here for sanctuary or join me in returning to our home world. Those who choose to return to Cybertron will aid in its restoration. However they are free to come and go as they please.”
“You know, communications is just one of my many talents.” Ravebreaker placed a servo on her hip, coy smile across her faceplates. “I can help boost the signal and encrypt it so it’s harder for enemies to pick up. That should speed things up a bit too in getting the word out.”
“I’ll go.” Fyreant spoke up her voice back to its hard edge. She looked up at the Autobot leader, her red optics no longer flaring dangerously. “There is nothing left for me here on Earth despite it being my creation place. Plus I need resources to complete the frame for Rave’s sparkling… even if Ratchet isn’t here, I need to continue in his stead.”
“I understand. I look forward to having you in my company once more, Fyreant. Your expertise is extremely valuable. Ratchet would be proud of his pupil; you make a fine medic with that fiery passion.” Optimus nodded, acknowledging her resolve.
“And of course I’ll be going with her. Us gals need to stick together.” Ravebreaker announced, leaning down to the shorter femme and giving her a hug, grinning. “Can’t be without my medic, can I? Besides, Cybertron will be dying to hear my tunes once more; they don’t know how much they’ve missed this femme.”
“What about my medic?” Topspin whined, clearly not thrilled at this development, “My volleyball elbow! And my leg that locks up!”
“Go soak it in oil and stop playing slagging volleyball and do something else!” Fyreant snapped, tossing her servos up as she glared at him. “And for the last time: it’s tennis elbow, you wingnut!”
“That’s such a wussy name, and I don’t play no tennis! Simmons is wrong, I tell you.”
“Ugh, a week can’t come soon enough if I don’t die first from any more of this torture! You’re the worst patient!”
Hound let out a laugh he tried to disguise as a cough, turning away to pretend it was coughing fit that he blamed on his cy-gar under his breath. Crosshairs looked amused, grinning as he chewed his dentapick.
“Oh yeah, I’m goin’ to enjoy this.”
“I see why the young one wants to leave.” Drift observed to which Hot Rod nodded in agreement.
“Autobots, today marks the start of our new mission. We shall gather our comrades and soon return to our home world in preparation for the new threat that lies beneath our feet. We will protect not only Cybertron but Earth as well, despite each’s faults. Together we will rebuild.”
“We’re with you, Optimus.” Bumblebee affirmed, nodding with conviction. “Always.”
“Thank you, my friend. Let us set forward to this dawn of a new age. An age of Cybertron’s rebirth and our people.” The imposing Transformer turned his attention toward the sky where the battered planet orbited, his blue optics serious. “It is time for this requiem’s end.”
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a-dork-n-chips · 18 hours
Not a word of this gets to Kup!
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lewdtfthoughts · 7 years
Twins with split sparks, like Twin Twist and Topspin, are not necessarily doomed to only feel each other's pain through the bond. The pleasure can also be felt by two of them if just one is having an interface with their partner. It can lead to some awkward situations from time to time (imagine if one of the twins is having some fun while the other one has to attend a public meeting, for example, and cannot focus on it because of the hotness between his legs). So it's not uncommon for them to either have one partner for both or attend gang bangs, - it allows them to aggravate the sensations from fragging and avoid inconveniences. Fragging each other is not that common, though, but it takes place, too.
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levelrazearts · 4 years
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Something I decided to do on a whim because I didn't have anything else to do apart from work even though I still haven't finished that SS Sentinel, Custom Dark of the Moon Deluxe Topspin, one of the more obscure Autobots from the film series, a very nice looking design who has VERY little reference to his name, like, there's really only his scenes in the films and nothing else to go off of, even his SS box art doesn't show to much of him which I'll do a review when I can so painting this guy up accurately was hard to do, not to mention that this mold is already almost a decade old and is a little outdated so getting things to match up was a bit hard but I think I got him close enough. Basically, a lot of gloss blue, white with red pin-striping, flat yellow and black, and silver is what makes up this guy. For all of the finer details like the pin-striping I used a technique from MGF over on YouTube where he uses a thumbtack for his painting instead of a brush and while it's a bit hard for me to use with my big hands, gotta say I like the results, specially with the lettering and chevy logo on his foot. Overall, a fun project that I had waited on for way to long and am super happy with the results! Don't know if I'm going to do Roadbuster or not, mainly cause I want to get that TF Dream Factory version of him for accuracy, but I also got some ideas on how to change that original Deluxe to look more accurate, particularly in v-mode as bot-mode is pretty accurate already but I'm off topic, super fun, happy to have gotten him done. Wreck and rule!
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