#tf2 fanfic in progress
flyingneko0953 · 1 year
Its time.
M with two trailer is here!
What is M with two?
M with two is a tf2 fanfic I wrote with my friend ,M with two is inspired by emesis blue ,and the story will be out as a comic and others...M with two Genre are : horror, action, mystery, fantasy, romance etc. The story is fanmade everything in the story is fanmade so please don't believe everything the characters say or do in the story comics, the story is being drawn by me and my friend so every chapter will have a different art style...we are still new to everything right now so please have patience.. and we don't mean to disrespect the fandom or the game or emesis blue... we made the story because of how we love the game and emesis blue which was an amazing movie.
Thank you for reading
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neo-my-geo · 11 months
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Hey gang, it’s your old pal Neo here. If you know me, it’s probably from one of the several very stupid TF2 comics I’ve posted to Tumblr.
However! I am also an English major (unfortunately). One who has read millions of words worth of fanfiction in their life. I have been part of the Sherlock, BNHA, Disco Elysium, and, of course, TF2 fandoms; I’ve been around the block.
The further I’ve progressed into my English education, the more I’ve noticed which mistakes are the most common in fanfiction. Many of them are easily fixable; writers just need to be pointed in the right direction. 
“Neo! Does this mean you think people shouldn’t be allowed to post their works online without a background in formal English education?”
Of course not! I can explain why if you’d care to venture below the cut with me!
Yes, I will explain how to use commas.
It’s important to note that this is NOT a post about formal writing. You aren’t writing an essay. Please, for the love of god, do not write fiction like you’re writing an essay.
There are no stakes to writing fanfic. No one is going to get hurt if an author doesn’t know what a dangling participle is. One of my favourite things about fanfiction is that it’s one of the only art forms left that’s done exclusively for fun! You should write what you enjoy, and share what you make with like-minded people. 
What I want to do is provide assistance as best I can to writers who want to improve their fundamentals without having to take the same university courses I did. Nobody is going to be getting a formal education to write fanfiction unless they’re ridiculously dedicated, and I’m not expecting that of anyone. 
The point I need to stress is that knowing these grammar fundamentals can instantly improve the flow of your writing. Punctuation is a ridiculously important tool for writers, ESPECIALLY in fiction. Commas, semicolons, and full stops (including periods, exclamation points, and question marks) steer the pacing in the reader’s mind; did you notice how your brain stopped for a second after that semicolon? I can show you how to do that.
You may be wondering why I’m going through so much effort to teach all of this to strangers on the internet. The answer is that I enjoy sharing this knowledge with others and helping them grow. By seeing this, my goal is to help you become more proficient at self-editing. Showing this to people who actually want to learn will, hopefully, benefit the community as a whole, and I think that’s very worth it. 
Also, while this post is obviously themed around TF2, the points I’m making can be applied to any fiction. Grammar is for everyone, and the church of the semicolon always has room for more initiates. 
Also also, as an edit, I should clarify that this is meant to cover the more objective facets of self-editing, which is why I'm mostly covering punctuation. Maybe I'll do another post about using adjectives someday.
With that out of the way, let’s get going!
I’ve teamed up with several English teachers (real ones! One of which may or may not be my mom!) and an editor to gather a list of the most common problems we see in amateur fiction. This post is going to be split into three broad sections: apostrophes, commas/semicolons, and other common problems. 
The apostrophe
This section is short, but it holds weight. Other than commas, apostrophes are the most typoed grammatical tool in any fanfiction I’ve edited. This is because, much like the rest of English, the rules surrounding them can be annoying and inconsistent. 
Apostrophes have two main uses: possessives and conjunctions.
A possessive is a word that denotes the ownership of one thing over another. The vast majority of the time, this is done using an apostrophe and an S.
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There is, however, one glaring exception to this rule, and it’s the bane of my existence. 
When denoting possession of an object over something else while using the pronoun ‘it,’ you do NOT add an apostrophe before the S.
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A conjunction, on the other hand, is when a writer uses an apostrophe to combine two words. The following are examples of common conjunctions:
What’s (what is)
They’re (they are)
It’s (it is)
Conjunctions are not often used in formal writing. Thankfully, we aren’t dealing in formal writing. Go crazy.
Time for a lightning round of the most commonly mistaken for each other possessives and conjunctions!
Your is possessive. You’re is a conjunction of ‘you’ and ‘are.’ When you can’t decide which one to use, imagine replacing it with ‘you are’ and seeing if it makes sense. If it doesn’t, use your.
Their is possessive. There indicates a location. They’re is a conjunction of ‘they’ and ‘are.’ 
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The comma and the semicolon
You knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. It’s time to talk about commas.
Commas and semicolons are far and away the biggest grammatical hole in the toolset of fanfiction writers everywhere. They’re often treated like the rules surrounding them are complicated and difficult to understand, but the exact opposite is true! 
The big issue I’ve heard time and time again is that the rules of commas are often explained through metaphor instead of example; this means that writers everywhere have slightly different ideas of how you’re supposed to use them. The fact of the matter is that, yes, there are correct and incorrect ways to use commas. Knowing when they’re appropriate and when they aren’t is easily the fastest way to bring your writing from looking amateurish to sounding professional and experienced. 
In order to know how to use a comma, you must first understand the difference between a dependent and an independent clause. 
An independent clause is a section of writing that functions perfectly well as its own sentence. It MUST have both a subject and an action/verb.
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A sentence without an independent clause is known as a fragment, and they’re the bane of English teachers with highlighters everywhere. 
A dependent clause is a section of writing that does not have both a subject and an action; it does not function as its own sentence.
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Now, let’s say you want to combine the two. When joining a dependent clause to an independent clause, the order in which they are placed is crucial to whether you use a comma or not. 
When joining a dependent to an independent with the independent clause first, you do not need to use a comma.
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When joining a dependent to an independent with the dependent clause first, you MUST use a comma. 
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Keep in mind that, if one strives for total grammatical perfection, all narrative sentences MUST have an independent clause. This, however, does not apply to dialogue. Human beings do not think about whether what they’re saying is a dependent clause, and neither would the vast majority of fictional characters. Don’t be afraid to break the rules of grammar as long as it’s contained within quotation marks. 
Alright, that’s the easy part. Time to learn about joining two independent clauses. It’s semicolon time, baby!
If you join two independent clauses without properly using a comma or a semicolon, it is a run-on sentence. You do not want these in your writing. They’re awkward to read and mess up the flow.
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When joining two independent clauses, you can use EITHER a comma or a semicolon. You just need to follow these rules:
If you’re joining two independent clauses with a comma, you MUST use a joining word (and, but, so, etc.) AFTER the comma. 
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If you’re joining two independent clauses with a semicolon, you do NOT need to use a joining word.
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Did you know that a sentence with a comma counts as its own independent clause? This means that you can make a sentence that includes a mix of both without it being a run-on! Just make sure that, no matter what, the semicolon is between two independent clauses. 
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Still, try not to write more than two clauses in a sentence too often. Sentences with a lot of punctuation are very attention-grabbing, but shouldn’t be overused. Full stops aren’t your enemy and variety is the spice of life. 
It’s also important to remember that you should avoid using more than one comma in a clause (with the exception of the rule below). That part loops back to the 'avoiding run-ons' bit.
It’s really that easy! 
Commas are also used in informal writing to inject a separate thought or descriptor mid-sentence without breaking the flow by adding a period. This is often used when describing the perspective of a character experiencing something in a story, but not (usually) when using omniscient perspectives. 
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The final issue I frequently see with commas in fanfiction is in regards to dialogue. Sometimes you end it with them, and sometimes you don’t. What gives? 
Well, my friend, the answer is, thankfully, much simpler than the previous section.
When following dialogue with a dialogue tag, use a comma instead of a full stop. If you’re continuing the previous sentence after the tag, use a comma after it as well. 
Note that a dialogue tag is a short phrase that identifies the speaker. It isn’t a complete sentence on its own.
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When following dialogue with an action that does not serve as a dialogue tag, use a full stop instead of a comma. 
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Other common problems
This section is dedicated to putting specific grammatical errors into words, along with how to solve them. 
Not sticking to the chosen point of view
Always choose your point of view before you start. Is it in the first, second, or third person? Is it omniscient or limited? Does the point of view switch during the story?
First person perspective is told as if the POV character is directly describing their experience to the reader. The character uses I and we to describe their own actions.
Second person perspective is told as if the reader is a character in the story and their actions are being described to them. This is the rarest, and the most difficult to write.
Third person perspective is the most common and the simplest to write. The events of the story are a separate entity from the reader altogether and the narrator uses they/he/she/it pronouns for characters. 
Omniscient perspective means the narrator of the story knows all, including the thoughts and feelings of each character. 
Limited perspective means the narrator of the story only knows what the POV character knows. 
Past and present tense
When you decide between writing a story in past or present tense, it is crucial that you do not switch between them unless it is narratively intentional. Reading a past tense story that mistakenly switches to the present tense is like being pulled out of the room someone is telling a story in and suddenly taking part in it yourself. It’s disorienting and gives the reader unwanted pause.
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Overly-long paragraphs
A common adage spread by English teachers is that most paragraphs should be at least eight sentences long. This is great advice for beginner essays. You’re writing fiction. 
If you have a new thought, start a new paragraph! A concise and well-read single-sentence paragraph is infinitely better than one that drags a thought for too long. Aim to have a blend of paragraph lengths when you write, alternating between the descriptive and the punctual. 
Dangling participles
A dangling participle is when a word is used to describe a noun that isn’t actually present in the sentence. Much like how a sentence without an action isn’t grammatically correct, neither is a sentence without a subject. 
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A malapropism is when an author mistakenly uses one word or phrase instead of another similar-sounding one. I’m not about to list every single malapropism ever made, but these are the ones I notice most often:
To comprehend is to understand something, to apprehend is to arrest someone, and to be apprehensive is to be anxious or fearful of something bad happening.
Could care less means you do care. Couldn’t care less means you don’t.
A lot means a large amount of something. Alot isn’t a word and you shouldn’t use it.
The only real solution to using malapropisms is to make sure you fully understand any words you use in your writing. Never guess, and make sure you always google it. Having beta readers also helps.
If you made it this far, congratulations! You now know the most common errors in amateur fiction and how to solve them! Thank you for listening to me complain for two thousand words. 
The most important thing to remember is that it’s okay to make mistakes. First drafts are always gonna be a little bad. The real key to success is knowing what your end goal is, and how you plan on achieving it. Here’s hoping this was a helpful tool for that!
Shoutout to @salmonandsoup for helping me think of the list of issues to address! You're a real one. Also shoutout to my mom, who doesn't have Tumblr. Also the third person. You know who you are.
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catgirlscout · 1 year
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Hello dear fellow tf2 enjoyers. Have you recently craved for a ridiculously passionate, drawn-out, self-indulgent and at times horny, Fantasy AU of your favorite old men (and Scout and Pyro)? Including magic, wizards, dragons, knights with fancy swords and armor, having sex with said knights, found family, vampires and other mythical creatures. Oh boy, then do I have the FanFiction for you. Read The Fortresses (Medieval Mercs AU) on Ao3!!!!!!
Anyway Schleichwerbung aside, I would be really happy if you would check out my fanfic. There's some sketches and the map from the world building. I am putting a lot of work into it and I am very, very much in love. It's mostly for my own self enjoyment, so the updates are kinda irregular but the chapters are relatively short and easy to read. I just posted the newest chapter (Chapter 3) and I have a set outline for at least the next three chapters. Also, there are some really cool ships in this. The main ones are BLUDemo x REDScout, REDSniper x BLUSpy, REDSpy x BLUEngie, Heavy x Medic, BLUSniper x BLUScout, Soldier x Merasmus, Saxton Hale x Mr. Bidwell, Administrator x Miss Pauling. And there's even a bunch of OCs (mainly Scout's brothers) and children of OG mercs. There is to say there will be smut in this fanfiction, which will be relevant to the story and I don't know how explicit it will gonna get. But looking at my notes there will definitely be some SniperSpy, HeavyMedic and SoldierMerasmus fuckery in earlier chapters. And most definitely SpeedingBullet and Saxwell in the later ones as the story progresses. So yeah...hope anybody is looking forward to that. I sure am. In the meantime I also have a lot of other fanfics finished and actually exactly 20 wips currently. I lack any sort of self control. Help!
That's it. Enjoy your day!
Btw the map was made with Inkarnate. I literally put my whole Scoutussy into that map, it took like 9 hours to make. But it was completely free because I am a cheap whore.
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numba1ma · 30 days
Hey, dolls!! It’s mama Janie! My boys told me to get online for some reason. Apparently to ‘meet someone’ I will not be doing that but I wanted to get on here anyways to chat with you all!!
A little about me, I’m a mama of 8 boys! I live in Boston, I know everyone and they all know me!
Henry, Jeremy, Lenny, Ralph but we call him Ralphie, Benny, the twins Ernie and Andy, and my little boy Jeremy!
I love music and all dogs! I’ve had a few in my life but wrangling a dog and 8 boys was not somethin I wanted but eventually I’m gettin a dog!
Baseball is also a big thing for me and my family! All my boys played it at some point in their lives!
Most of all, I love my family and wouldn’t trade it for the world!
So, if any of you lovely dolls have any questions or just wanna get some advice, go ahead and ask!!
Anon list:
💍,🪶,🧩,🍓, 🌟💜, 💀🌌, 🌌, ✨🪄
#Janie asks - asks for Ma
#Janie chit chats - Janie just talking
#Janie OC tf2 - talking about OC stuff
#love from Janie!! - when she lets ya down easy
#Janie shows her friends - reblogging
#modie talkie - mod asks and mod talks
Anything is really on the table. She’s the mama so if ya got questions on life and stuff, she’s the one to ask.
She is red Scouts ma so she’s the red mama from the comics.
Her and Spy are together but flirting is on the table lmao (I want her too btw)
Ask her about spy if ya want.
Like I said, anything until stated otherwise I guess.
No homophobes or proshippers please. That is not allowed in here ppl. Be nice to one another!
Mod: in purple
I’m 18 so preferably 18+ interactions but all are welcome. Just be nice and stuff
Hey hey, this is definitely an ongoing work in progress because I will be figuring out lore and stuff as we go. I’ve already got stuff about like her relationship with spy and stuff on the boys (Had to do some math and I hated it). It’s also somewhat an OC I suppose since there’s nothing really for canon info on her.
She wouldn’t explicitly tell you her age but I’m thinking she’s 48 in 1972 which is the comic setting.
I am basing a lot of this off the speedingbullet fanfic Running Blind by @/thetriggeredhappy on ao3 (didn’t wanna tag them) so credits to them for stuff about Scouts brothers. Mostly the older ones, the twins, and some lore on them. Just a warning: I do not live in Boston and don’t have much knowledge on it so if you ask about stuff on that I will sadly not be able to deliver as well as you might want. I’m also not a mother of 8. Or even old enough to have kids. So uh yeah
My main is @flowerboy11300 and my Red Scout blog is @scouts-numba-1-blog
If you have questions or ideas please dm me! Would love to chat!! And my dms are always open to rp or anything else!!
Remember to drink water, eat food, and get some sleep! You’re awesome and you are loved!!
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bcdrawsandwrites · 4 months
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[ID: A Team Fortress 2 fanfic chapter banner in the style of the achievement icons. The RED Spy, depicted in solid orange, is standing around a corner, holding up his knife. Meanwhile, the BLU Spy, depicted with orange outlines, is approaching Pyro, preparing to backstab it. Pyro is depicted in solid orange and is preparing to fire its flare gun. The characters are against a gray background. In the bottom right corner in white text against a gray box is text reading "CHAPTER FOUR: SPIES LIKE US." /end ID]
Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Rating: K+ Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship Characters: Spy, Pyro, Medic, Heavy, plus some of the other mercs in smaller roles Warnings: General references to trauma, TF2-typical violence, panic attacks, self-harm Fic Description: After the events of the comics, the mercs try to go back to how things were, but it’s never that easy.
Spy can see his teammates going through their own struggles… but something seems to be very, very wrong with Pyro in particular.
And since no one else seems to be doing anything about this, Spy makes it his mission to get to the bottom of what is troubling Pyro. For no particular reason. Beta Readers: @mechmolar, @gonturan0, @junuve
Chapter 4: Spies Like Us Summary: In which Spy does some digging.
Spy knew he was being stared at as everyone stepped out of their vehicles and headed out to the next day's match. He pointedly did not meet their gaze until a flash of white caught his eye and he realized it was not Pyro, but Medic fixing him with a look. "What?" Spy snapped.
"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but usually I am the one to make the cuts," Medic replied, holding up his bonesaw.
It took a moment for Spy to realize what he meant, and he lowered his voice. "It was attacking me, if you must know."
"Oh, interesting." Medic rubbed his chin in thought. "Was it merely a side-effect of its pyromania, or was it actively attacking?"
"It set one of my items on fire and then attempted to grab me," Spy muttered, then gave a start. "Wait, how did you know that was me?"
Medic gingerly felt over the teeth of his bonesaw. "Not all blades cut the same way. I know the cuts your knife can make."
Spy frowned; it wasn't like it was the first time any of them had fought with each other. But something struck him, and he looked the Medic in the eyes. "You know some things about... that creature, do you not?"
"Somewhat. Why?"
Spy held his tongue for the moment—what would he even ask? It didn't matter—they were nearing the site of their next match anyway. "Nevermind," he grunted, and followed the others to spawn.
Much to Spy's irritation, he found the Pyro already there, and already staring at him. Not this again. He stared back at it, and when it did not waver, he activated his Cloak and Dagger and crept over to another part of the room. The Pyro seemed to have expected this as it crept around, searching for him, but Spy kept his distance.
Well, it seemed his momentary lack of calm hadn't deterred it. He wished he could figure out a way to communicate with it—he made a mental note to ask the Engineer for advice later.
Speaking of, Engineer was approaching Pyro. He patted it on the back to get its attention, and it whirled on him in surprise, but made no sound.
Spy's mind drifted back to the day prior, when he thought he might have heard a faint sound when he defended himself. Had that come from Pyro? He hadn't been entirely sure... but if it had been Pyro, it had made the noise when he'd attacked it.
He wasn't keen to repeat that—Medic would notice again and grow suspicious. But maybe...
The mercs rushed out into the fray, Pyro following Engineer. So it was going to defend the gadgets again—it would probably be fine while the Engineer was still there, but Spy made a note to check on it later.
The match progressed as usual, and Spy of course did not twist his knife when stabbing the back of an enemy sniper that was aiming at Scout. Once he was sure Scout was able to slip into the enemy base, he turned around to check on the Pyro.
Sure enough, Pyro was defending the Engineer "nest" as fiercely as ever, if not more so. The sentry caught an enemy scout, while an air blast sent an enemy sniper's arrow sailing right back. Spy sat back, cloaked, and watched the Pyro for a moment. Ordinarily he would have been impressed at how efficiently it was defending the Engineer's gadgets and their team's intelligence, but as it stood, he found himself annoyed that no enemy was landing a hit on it, and was then annoyed at his own annoyance.
Spy heard a faint noise behind himself, looked to find nothing there, and knew what that meant.
He should have tried to attack the enemy spy himself. He should have at least called out a warning. But for the moment, he held himself back.
And the Pyro, occupied with firing its flare gun at an enemy soldier, was backstabbed by the enemy spy. It let out a strangled, muffled yelp, and dropped to the ground.
Spy wasted no time in backstabbing the enemy himself before their intelligence could be grabbed. As soon as the enemy fell, Spy bolted back to spawn. He was certain he would find Pyro pouting or throwing a tantrum, and he was already planning a snarky remark to throw at it for finally catching it.
The scene at spawn, however, made the words die on his tongue.
Pyro was kneeling on the floor, hands clutched near its own throat. Its body was shaking, its chest was heaving, and its filtered breathing was rapid.
Was it... panicking?
Before he could be noticed, Spy cloaked himself, but he only continued to stare, dumbfounded. He could not recall an instance of Pyro acting this distressed, ever. Even when they had been attacked by the blood-sucking robots before, Pyro had not panicked. Why now?
The match was still progressing, but Spy found himself rooted in place. What was he even supposed to do?
Fortunately he didn't have to wonder for long. In a flash of light, Soldier burst into existence next to Pyro, stumbling as he recovered from the respawn.
The Pyro immediately drew in a sharp breath, shakily rising to its feet as Soldier got his bearings.
"Blasted sniper shot me right out of the air," Soldier grumbled, turning to glance at Pyro. He gave a double-take when he saw it still breathing heavily and trembling slightly. "Now's not the time to be quaking in your boots, Smoky Joe! Move out!" With that, he charged out of spawn.
Shaking its head, Pyro followed Soldier. It ran past Spy's hiding spot, but paused just at the doorway, leaning a hand against it as it fought to catch its breath again. Its breathing had calmed, but it was still shaking.
For the briefest of moments, Spy considered saying something, but held himself back, and Pyro moved on.
Well... this would certainly be something to keep in mind. As it was, however, Spy crept back out into the fray, looking to place some sappers on the enemy sentries. It was time to focus on the match, and he wasn't keen to see... whatever he'd just seen again anytime soon.
Rather than retreating to his smoking room, Spy immediately headed for the Medic's lab, activating his cloak as he did so. Medic had not yet arrived, as he was preoccupied with celebrating with some of their fellow mercs. Spy didn't know quite how long he'd be away, so he would try to keep it quick.
His cloak wore off as he reached the doors to the lab, but that was fine. He'd be alone in here, so—
He opened the doors to a flutter of pigeon wings and immediately winced. Ah, yes, the pigeons. Well, he'd have to watch that they didn't leave droppings on his suit, but he should be fine otherwise.
Turning to the desk, he nearly jumped out of his skin at the sight of gleaming fangs in a set of red jaws open wide. But then Aristotle closed his mouth again with a contented sigh, and snuggled deeper into the spare coat that Medic had left draped over the desk.
Well, at least he was still asleep. Spy checked his watch, but it hadn't recharged just yet. He'd have to be careful around that stupid baboon.
Creeping over to a nearby filing cabinet, Spy checked it over before selecting the middle drawer. It opened with a soft rattle, and a quick glance at the birds and the ape assured him that he hadn't attracted their attention. From there he flipped through the folders and smiled as he came across one marked with a flame symbol.
Spy slid the folder out of the drawer and began to skim the papers within. They were all medical documents, of course. Several were injury reports detailing gun and knife wounds and their treatment, almost always involving a simple application of the medi gun. These interested him less, though he did briefly skim the report the Medic had written after they'd returned from Gray Mann's base. It was a report detailing the process of the emergency blood transfusion that Pyro (as well as multiple others) had gone through. It wasn't a procedure Spy cared to dwell on, having gone through it himself, but he did take note of a scribble toward the bottom of the sheet that mentioned Medic had had to clean the soot off of the tools he'd used after he'd operated on Pyro.
His mind yanked him back to the smell of blood mixed with soot from last night (and a more distant smell of blood and smoke), and he quickly moved on to the next few papers.
Still very little yielded information that was relevant. Spy already knew that the Pyro could be injured and could bleed just like the rest of them, though there were frustratingly few notes on its physiology other than the soot, and nothing about its mental state. If there was any injury that had left Pyro shaken, Medic had not noted it.
Something else was missing as well. While the file listed many injury reports, there was no medical profile, which might have yielded more answers. Why would it not be in Pyro's file? Surely it would be kept here, unless it were—
Spy paused, and looked at the desk again. There, on the right side, just barely poking out beneath the coat the monkey was sleeping on, was a stack of papers.
Grimacing, Spy put the file away and gently shut the drawer, keeping quiet so as to not wake Aristotle or aggravate the pigeons. The baboon merely sighed, his tail twitching in his sleep.
Spy crept up to the desk, watching the baboon all the while. When it did not stir, he grabbed the edges of the papers, slowly easing them out from under the coat. After a small eternity, they came loose, and Spy was finally able to search through them.
It didn't take long to find the Pyro's class symbol, and he began looking over the papers. One was an injury report. Spy skimmed it, realized it was detailing a knife wound in the arm, and quickly set the paper aside. The next sheet, meanwhile, profiled the Pyro.
...Or attempted to.
Name, age, gender, and country of origin were all listed as "unknown." Spy had expected as much. The height and weight were listed, with a caveat that the weight included the clothing. A blood type was listed as well. The notes that followed, however, were far more interesting:
Species: Unknown.
Patient would not submit to a standard physical.
Higher body temperature than standard, often exceeding 100 F. Patient shows no signs of illness, so this is taken to be normal.
Patient's body is perpetually covered in soot. Body emits a faint glow beneath.
Internal anatomy roughly comparable to humans. Megababoon heart replacement was successful. Patient was awake for surgery and behaved in a threatening manner when further examination was attempted. (Someday...)
Fascinating, but not exactly information that would help him. He was nearly tempted to crumple the paper in frustration when he noticed a small "1 of 2" at the bottom. So there was more information, but another quick search of the papers he'd pulled out did not yield an answer. He looked back at the lab coat, and noticed one last paper sticking out from beneath it. Eyebrows raising, he began to lift up the coat again, only to pause.
He stared at the white coat and the brown hairs dotting it, and slowly turned his gaze to the left.
Aristotle stared at him, then gave a quiet ook.
"AGH!" Spy cried out in spite of himself, jumping back, and immediately the baboon began to shriek. The pigeons startled from their roosts, flying every which way, and Spy scrambled to avoid them.
Aristotle was leaping around the lab erratically, shrieking and howling and beating his tiny fists against every surface he encountered. Papers scattered everywhere, and a few vials were knocked to the ground and shattered.
"Merde!" Spy hissed through clenched teeth. Grasping his watch, he activated his cloak, and cast one last look at the chaos behind him as he bolted out the door—
—straight into the Medic, who subsequently crashed backward into Heavy. Spy's cloak flickered at the collison, but it was enough.
"Ah, Spy," Medic said, an unhappy smile crossing his face. "I didn't hear you come in, but I certainly heard you leave."
As Spy turned off his cloak, Aristotle scrambled out of the lab and leaped up into Medic's arms, chittering and pointing at Spy.
"Yes, thank you, Aristotle, I noticed."
"What is Spy doing in Medic's lab?" Heavy asked, brow furrowed.
"Nothing, now," Spy muttered, and brushed past them, only for Heavy to grab his arm. "What—"
"I don't appreciate people snooping around my lab," Medic said, staring directly at Spy and petting Aristotle. "What were you trying to get into?"
"I was merely performing an investigation. It has nothing to do with you!" Spy struggled to pull his arm away, but the Heavy held tight.
"I see! Nothing involving me... in my lab."
"Spy is acting strange," Heavy said, his grip tightening ever so slightly. "Maybe is not our spy."
Spy went still for fear the Heavy would break his arm. "I'm not, I—" He faltered. "I used my disguise kit to turn into Bela Lugosi when we watched that terrible movie a couple Halloweens ago."
Heavy immediately let go, while Medic gave him a look of bewilderment that was shared by Aristotle. "You what—"
"Spy is our spy," Heavy said simply, and crossed his arms. "Still acting funny, though."
"Yes," Medic agreed. "What are you up to?"
Brushing off his sleeve, Spy heaved a sigh. "I was just looking into some files."
Medic eyed him for a long moment, while Aristotle fixed him with a judgmental stare. Then the Medic's eyebrows raised in recognition. "Ah, you were peeking into Pyro's files, weren't you?"
Spy looked away, idly lighting a cigarette. "That is classified information."
"Indeed!" Another unhappy smile crossed the Medic’s face. "Those documents are classified."
He bit into the filter. "You're one to talk about ethics, Monsieur Working-for-the-Other-Team."
"We were fired," Heavy cut in. "It was only team at the time."
Spy opened his mouth, faltered, and let out a stream of smoke through his nose. "Fine. Yes, I was searching the Pyro's file for information."
"Information that you were about to ask me for this morning." Medic looked him in the eyes.
Sighing, Spy turned away, his feet itching to retreat back to his smoking room, or his bedroom, or literally anywhere else. "Oui. I just decided to take matters into my own hands."
He paused. Slowly he turned to face Medic and Heavy again. "What?"
"Why take matters into your own hands?"
Heavy nodded. "Spy's hands are tiny. Cannot hold much."
"You are not a doctor," Medic went on. "Why not ask one, if you are seeking medical information?"
"Because..." Because why would you want to help? "Because it is my mission."
Shrugging, Medic allowed Aristotle to hop down from his arms. "Well, I'm not part of this mission, so I suppose I will not pry." He then crouched down to address the monkey. "Come now, Aristotle. Help me clean this mess."
With a snort, Spy turned to leave, only to jump back when Heavy's arm blocked his path. Spy glared up into the Heavy's face. "What?"
"Spy's hands are tiny," he repeated.
Spy's teeth ground against his cigarette. "Yes, compared to your monstrous mitts."
Pulling his arm away, Heavy held out his palm. "Heavy's hands are much bigger. Can hold more, help carry."
Freezing, Spy looked between Heavy's hand and face a few times. Finally he gave a derisive snort. "What would I need help carrying?" he grumbled, and stormed off.
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blubushie · 5 months
Hey Blu! I just saw one of your old asks on how the mercs designs are good because they look like normal everyday people you can see out on the streets. And that just reminded me of my favorite tropes in fanfic that I don't see that much in today's TF2 fics which the mercs have an uncanniness to them because of their regular looks. Like I remembered it popped up more often in the fics that where publish when I was in high school. Not complaining bc I just appreciate it more when it pops up. Like there's a ficlet still circulating here where while in jail, before comic 2 happens, Scout basicly beats up most of the inmates in jail for ciggs for Spy. It sets up how intimidating Scout is when an inmate twice Scouts size couldn't even move him and how the inmate was jarring reminded that despite his size, Scout is One of the infamous 9 mercenaries.
Like bc of this trope I developed headcanons that the mercs are actually the closest things to super soldiers bc of 1.) Constant fighting/training 2.) Mad science/experimentation of Medic 3.) Respawn keeping them at near top shape/slow aging. So regular looking guys + intense fighting near daily + mad science/magic + random weird shenanigans that happens to them = an uncanniness and uneasiness around the mercs in public when they move in away /do stuff no average person can do or is expected to do of their appearance.
Sorry if this makes no sense it's 7:14am and I literally JUST woke up, do not expect lucidity from me yet
I love this shit and it features slightly in my fic, both in Jesse's fighting ability but also Mundy's. Primarily it's Mundy's—he gets in more fistfights in the fic than Jesse (though not for her lack of aggression).
I don't think RESPAWN would do much via muscle training—every time they die, any muscle progression is just reset. So the physically strongest of the mercs would be those that don't die often. Heavy, because of his health bar, and maybe Medic, because everyone protects him (and he lugs around the Medigun which must weigh a fucken tonne). This is supported a little by Medic outright lifting Soldier off his feet in Expiration Date.
But there's gotta be some shit they're feeding those cunts if Spy can one-handed fire his stock revolver, a .357 Colt Python; the Big Kill, a S&W Model 29 .44; and the Ambassador, a Dan Wesson PPC .357 (THAT WEIGHS 3.6kg MIND YOU—ALMOST AS MUCH AS MY RIFLE WITHOUT HER SCOPE). This is without mentioning that the Russian translation of the Sniper VS Spy update states that the Ambassador actually fires .50AE like it's a fucken Deagle. Spy's grip strength must be INSANE.
Mostly though I reckon it's mental fortitude over physical. Believe me, you train harder in combat situations than ACTUAL training scenarios because trauma makes shit stick in your brain better. You learn lessons when there's risk better than when there's no risk involved. And with often the mercs die and engage each other physically, I'm fully on the boat of "they look normal, but they're not".
The freakier is that I think they actually blend very well into public environments. Sometimes Sniper walks to the shops in SST minus the thongs and looks like any other bloke off the street you'd see at a servo. Sometimes Scout goes in to the local diner for their all-you-can-eat chicken and waffles deal. Sometimes Engie visits the local tack shop "just for a look around", Soldier and Demo go fishing together, Medic goes to the pharmacy and looking at any of them you'd never suspect a thing.
They all have an almost uncanny ability to look like they entirely belong whereever they are and blend into their environment, so really the only time you even get a hint that they aren't your average person is when there's a situation where they need to showcase their skills. Scout catches a flyball while walking past the local baseball field practically without looking and tosses it back. Soldier can jump down stairs while in a rush and stick the landing with no injury. Demo recognises the sulphur of a gas leak before anyone else can smell it. Spy can lift things his scrawny frame shouldn't be able to lift, Engie can notice any shimmer or shiny thing regardless how small, Sniper has a hawk's eyes and can pick out movement from a half a click away in the dark where other people just see black.
Their jobs have made them very effective professionals—it's a pity the general public so rarely gets to see it.
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scrunckled-idiot · 6 months
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Heyyyy! :D
this is @scrunckled_idiot (obviously) and ummm… just information about myself here I guess?
About me!
has the incurable bisexual sickness 😔
requests currently on hold! but dont worry, it wont be forever! i just need to catch my breath :)
I like to draw silly little doodles of my favourite fandoms, which is mostly tf2.
I don’t like racists, homophobes, pedos yada yada yada blah blah blah you know the drill ladies and gents.
I’m a bit challenged and I’ll leave it at that.
has crazy procrastination. so if you see a new post, it was probably supposed to be posted a week ago.
i like g/t content cus it makes me feel happy and safe and silly
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Favourite fandoms:
Team fortress 2
Bendy and the ink machine/dark revival
Half life
Five nights at freddys
monkey wrench
lil pootis
amazing digital circus
sonic the hedgehog
spooky month
don't starve
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favourite musical artists:
weird al yankovic
imagine dragons
the happy fits
rare Americans
the hatters
will wood
jack stauber
mother mother
saint motel
American murder story
tally hall
cosmo shelldrake
tom cardy
fish in a birdcage
the Orion experience
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People i consider family on here because I'm lonely irl
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current ocs! (in order of apearence):
mary hall (the first oc)
Sunny Agafonov
unnamed monster medic oc
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✨my AO3✨
current progress on my g/t helmet party fanfic "rusted iron helmets"
planning: 95%
chapter 1: 10% 5 pages
⬆️current word count: 2692
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current things i would like to try and animate on sfm :D :
pyro offering to light spys cig
gay kissing? yeagh
soldier punching blu scout
soldier loading a shotgun action shot coloured lights?
hand flexes
face flexes
scout walk test
Mabey something with dell and jane
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current (some not so secret) anons:
🪶 anon
🍭 anon
🌟💜 anon
💀🌌 anon
🌺 anon
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tags i own:
#g/t merc shenanigans
#scrunckles collage sketches
#scrunckles fanart
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zarla-s · 2 years
do you happen to have a playlist of music i could listen to on spotify or somewhere? i’ve found a couple songs you’ve listed on fanfics or on your tumblr that i fell in love with like go long, pretty when you cry, and rain of brass petals. i would really appreciate that!
Ah I don't use any streaming services for my music, I don't trust them like an old coot :B All my music is saved on my computer in a gigantic Winamp playlist organized chronologically. I've thought idly sometimes about setting up a youtube version of it but...
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Yeeaaaaah it turns out if you collect music for 20+ years and never delete anything you end up with a ridiculous amount haha. But! I do have a few little music things you can check out! Maybe you'll find something you like on them.
Those Responsible/Outer Loop - A FST of songs that inspired different parts of Vargas and the sidefics. These should be fairly lowkey if that's what you're after.
Ladyverse FST Volume 2 - A massive amount of songs associated with the ladies in various states - infected, cured, survivors... the first volume is here, I apparently never posted it on Tumblr it seems.
Refresh CDS - CDs I burned for driving in the car. I called them Refresh since they were rewritable CDs and I'd tweak and finetune them over time. There were a lot of these before I got my current car that supports iPods! Then I switched to a general "Car" playlist. But I had a lot of fun making these! They bring back such clear memories of certain periods of time. Each CD progresses from hyper to solemn.
Volume 1 - "GOD I love Autotune!!!"
Volume 2 - "Songs of space/dance/the internet"
Volume 3 - "I was really into TF2 at the time"
Volume 4 - "Zombieladies on the attack!"
Volume 5 - "Is 'obnoxious' a theme?"
I should post the whole set someday, I think I got up to Refresh 12 before I switched to my iPod. I also have a last.fm profile so you can see what I listen to, though I don't think you can use it to listen to any of it yourself. I also have a youtube playlist for musical vids although it's not very thorough or extensive compared to my big playlist, and one for Vocaloid songs too if you're into that, haha.
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gigglyb3tch · 5 months
hello hello! I’m a multifandom (Daredevil, The Punisher, TF2, etc) author. my acc is GigglyBitch on AO3. i’m currently struggling with the opening of my newest in-progress fic, and would very much appreciate some advice!! whichever tips I use will be credited accordingly <3
I’m thinking of her (reader/oc) appearing in Season 2 ep. 3, “New York’s Finest”, but I can’t quite figure out how to slip her into the storyline smoothly. anything helps!
for some extra information on her:
she is a vigilante without any prominent supernatural abilities
she was experimented on for about 2 years, which took place around a year or so prior to her appearance in the fic by a company whose cover was pharmaceuticals, but they were really using risky drugs in an attempt to enhance the physical qualities of their subjects (strength, building muscle without effort, speed, agility, endurance, quick instincts)
she doesn’t know the depth of the company that experimented on her, and many of the experiences are blurred in her memory from the trauma and the drugs. as a result, she hasn’t taken any action against them and is instead simply roaming Hell’s Kitchen and occasionally fighting crime like Matt, albeit less regularly hence why she’s been able to fly under the radar of the newspapers or police
even though I will be posting the fic on AO3, I’m also considering posting it here!! I’m fairly new to tumblr and how it works though, so bear with me. thank you for reading!
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typingatlightspeed · 4 months
if you're still taking not-smut requests, may i please request some dullahan!solly hanging out with djinni!pyro?
TF2 Fanfic - Accelerant
While some of the team plays ball, Pyro watches and has a think. Soldier joins him, and they talk about Engie's body modifications, Pyro's evolving feelings on them, and the nature of their extreme age gap and lifespan difference. Then they build a potato cannon. They talk a little about Soldier's relationship with Scout, but mostly a bit of mayhem ensues.
Part of Monstrous Intent! Ao3 Link! Rating: Teen (there's like one sex joke lol)
I hope you enjoy, anon! This one stymied me for a bit up to the point where Soldier suggested the potato gun, then the final gag with Soldier's head popped into my brain on the drive home from work, and I was like, "THAT'S IT THAT'S THE GAG" and the rest came naturally. :D
"Yo! Come on, Snipes, I'm open!"
"Bombs away!" Sniper lined up his shot and fired off the football in his hand, launching it for Scout with surprising force moments before Demoman collided with him, tackling him to the dirt.
"Dammit!" Engineer cursed, chasing the pass, knowing there was no way he'd get there in time to intercept, but hoping he could at least bring Scout down before he made any forward progress.
Scout caught the ball easily, eyeing up his options for approach, and took off for the area that had been marked as Engineer and Demoman's goal by setting up a cooler and a particularly large rock and drawing a line in the gravel between with a shovel. He bounded across the desert floor, grinning as Engineer charged for him, intent on bringing him to the ground. With a grunt, he kicked off the ground, vaulting Engineer in one leap, his hoof tapping the shorter man's hard hat and launching him into a second-stage jump, carrying him well past any hope of being caught. He sped into the end zone and spiked the ball, prancing in a circle and pumping his fists to the sky. "Woo! Now that's how it's done! Eat my dust, Hardhat!"
"Damn double-jumpin' jackrabbit," Engineer cursed with a pout. He shot a glare at Demoman, who was now quite busy pinning Sniper to the ground and tickling his neck with his muttonchops. "Dammit, Demo, we're tryin' to play a ballgame, here!"
"Yeah, play games with Snipes' balls off 'a the field, you mook," Scout teased, snatching the ball back up and trotting over.
"D'ye want Scout, then?" Demoman offered to Engineer, sitting up on his knees and letting Sniper wheeze in a breath between diminishing laughs.
"'Least he's tryin' to play the damn game," Engineer reasoned, tossing Scout a look and shaking his head.
"How 'bout we take five, get some water, an' let these two get the giggles out?" Scout asked, jerking his thumb at Demoman and Sniper. "I'll go grab my basketball. Football ain't shit with only four players."
"Yeah, that's fair."
"Sure you'll be good for basketball, Truckie?" Sniper asked, sitting up and shoving Demoman off of himself.
Engineer glared at Sniper, knowing exactly the dig he was about to make. "Stretch, dunks ain't the entire game. Ain't gotta be a giant to sink three-pointers."
"Dibs on Engie," Scout announced immediately. "Robot hand's gotta be an unfair advantage!"
High above, Pyro sat on one of the catwalks above the base, watching his teammates mill around and grab bottles of water from the cooler. He hoped that this wasn't the end of their game. It had been entertaining to watch Scout, Sniper, and Engineer actually trying while Demoman was intent on turning it into a game of grab-ass rather than actual sport. All the same he giggled watching the bomber pull his lover into a kiss before being swatted with his hat playfully and having water dumped on his head. As Scout trotted inside, Engineer unclipped his overalls to remove his work shirt, fanning himself. He cracked open his water and poured a little on himself before taking a swig, looking up in surprise upon hearing Pyro whistle from above. He grinned upon seeing him wave from the catwalk, and waved back.
The distant burst and whoosh of an explosion caught Pyro's attention from behind, and he turned to see Soldier sailing up into the air, fresh off a rocket jump. He nearly overshot the catwalk, landing at first on the railing before turning on his toe and hopping down far more nimbly than expected of a man his size.
Pyro half-turned, waving to him. "Hey Soldier!"
"Hello Pyro!" Soldier greeted brightly. He set his launcher down against the railing and ambled over to sit down beside Pyro, letting his legs dangle off the catwalk and kicking his feet idly. "What are you up to?"
"Hanging out. Thinking, mostly."
"What about?"
Pyro looked down at Engineer, who had clipped his overalls back into place and was currently holding the basketball as Scout stripped his shirt off, the two of them clearly taking team Skins for their little two on two game. They headed over to where their makeshift hoop of a bottomless milk crate nailed to a board had been hung on the edge of the porch overlooking a concrete paddock and set up to play. "Engie, mostly," he replied, a sigh in his voice.
"He is pretty dreamy. You should ask him out," Soldier teased.
Pyro snorted a laugh at that. "I dunno, I think he might be out of my league. You know the guy's got eleven PhDs?"
Soldier frowned. "Sounds fake." Another snorting laugh rewarded him, making his grin return immediately. "So what's Engie got you thinking about?" he asked, turning his gaze down to the game below.
"Ah, he's working on a new 'upgrade' to his body. A new spine. First stage of a full endoskeletal conversion project, so he says."
Soldier looked to Pyro and stared blankly.
"He's gonna replace all of his bones with metal ones eventually," Pyro explained.
"That botherin' you still?" "A little," Pyro admitted. "A lot less than before, though. I understand a lot more about his prosthetics, how they work, why I don't see the glamour in them like I do other things he builds. They're really clever, actually! In addition to making it so they obey his commands by a mix of reading muscle impulses and magical will-working, they're powered basically by pulling ambient magic out of the air, which is a completely sustainable fuel source. The Conaghers have been doing magic artifice for generations without even realizing it, because they've been accidentally blending magic into their technology. It's why nobody's been able to replicate their designs. The Australium is the key resource that makes it all come together, with its arcanoconductivity."
Soldier picked at his ear with his pinky finger, about half of what Pyro was saying flying directly over his head to go crash and burn somewhere in the desert. "So what's the problem?"
"I dunno, I guess I still have a lot of trouble getting past the fact that he's removing perfectly good flesh and bone for this, taking himself apart, you know?"
"Doc adds and removes stuff from us all the time," Soldier pointed out, lifting a finger into the air in an imitation of the doctor's mannerisms.
"Yeah, but at least it's usually internal so I don't notice."
"So are a spine and bones."
"But his entire legs and hand weren't. And once he finishes with bones, you can guarantee he's gonna work outward from there."
"Fair." Soldier let out a long breath through his nose, his brain churning. "Hadn't Engie been complaining about his back for as long as we've known him?"
"He does do a lot of lifting."
"Worn out, busted."
"Doesn't sleep great some nights."
"Can't sit too long."
"Practically eats aspirin."
"Ice packs."
"Heat packs."
"The way he smells like tiger balm after a real long match."
"He's strong as an ox, but he's in his mid-forties," Pyro sighed.
"It's not really perfectly good flesh and bone then, huh?"
"Guess you're right." Pyro leaned his forehead against the railing, flames creeping around the metal bar a bit. "He's in a lot of pain a lot of the time. This'd actually fix a problem rather than just do it for the sake of doing it, huh?"
"What's more practical than replacing the busted part?"
"You sound like Engie," Pyro chuckled.
"All I'm saying is that from what I've been told by people I've outlived is that the average red-blooded American man expects to just barely get past seventy years if he doesn't give his life in glorious battle first. Engie's more than halfway through that. He's probably trying to make himself last as long as he can. After all, he doesn't have the luxury of already being dead, like me!" Soldier jerked a thumb at himself with a grin.
Pyro chuckled and shook his head. Soldier was too good at making a solid point when he wanted to be. All the same, he didn't like being reminded about how short the rest of Engineer's life would be. "I'm ageless, eternal," he sighed, his eyes following Engineer's movements as he juked Demoman right off of his feet and sunk a two-pointer with ease. "I'm gonna outlive him. Just like I outlive everyone."
"How many human partners have you buried?"
"Too many. I don't know if I can do it again. But I know I'll have to."
Soldier hated to see his friend wilt like this, pain written clearly across his flaming face. "Maybe that's something Engie can prevent? He's smart enough."
"Short of becoming something supernatural, no human has, Soldier."
"You said it yourself that his cyber-stuff is basically magic, right? Maybe he'll build himself a new body that'll never grow old or break down so long as he keeps fixing it up! With the strength of five gorillas, and an ass that physically cannot quit!"
Pyro barked a laugh at that, his giggles fading into a soft hum. "Maybe so. Guess it's time we have that conversation, huh?"
"You haven't talked about all that?" "Not so much, no. It's not exactly fun to think about it."
"Got me there."
The sounds of Scout shit-talking Sniper's terrible free throw filled the silence.
Soldier looked back to Pyro again. "You wanna make a potato cannon?"
Pyro looked at him with all of the severity of a man about to realize his life's calling. "Hell yeah I do."
The bay door to Engineer's workshop rolled up, the sunlight momentarily blinding for Pyro and Soldier as they stepped out of the base. Soldier held a large plastic tube in his arms. It was long, and about an inch and a half diameter until it reached a connector after about two feet, and attached to a piece that was about three inches in diameter for its final foot.
"I'm surprised we didn't need to steal more from Engie."
"PVC pipe, connector, PVC cement to glue it all together, pipe cap, and a quick visit to the drill press, no problem," Pyro chuckled, shaking up a can of hair spray, a sack of potatoes firmly grasped in his other hand.
"Why did you have hairspray in your quarters, anyway?"
Pyro stared blankly at him like he'd asked the stupidest question in the world. He held out one finger, a soft glow heralding a small mote of flame springing to life at its tip. Without interrupting eye contact for even a moment, he held it up to the spray can and pressed down, the spray making the little fire into a gout of flame.
Soldier grinned. "Let's see if we can hit the Sword Van from here with it."
They set up on the edge of the paddock that led to the bay door, kneeling down and setting out their meager supplies. Pyro handed Soldier a potato, which he stuffed partway into the narrow barrel of the gun and tamped it onto the concrete to mash it in, the pipe shaving off any of the spud that didn't fit inside.
"Hey Soldier," Pyro began, popping the cap off of the hairspray can. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Where did you go that one furlough when we had that party at Engie's place?"
Soldier frowned, laying the potato cannon over his shoulder like a rocket launcher.
"If you don't want to—"
"I went to go see Ta—," he cleared his throat, "The RED Demoman."
Pyro pulled the cap off of the back end of the wide combustion chamber of the cannon. "I thought things were over between you two."
"It is. It was. Maybe. I dunno. We screwed. Almost felt like old times. But... he figured me out."
"What do you mean?"
"He guessed I wasn't human."
"I'd been afraid of that since day one. He didn't try to kill me on the spot, so it went better than expected, but not by much."
"I'm sorry, Sol."
"Don't be. Made me do some thinking for once. Realize what's important to me, and what I had right in front of me this whole time."
Soldier smiled softly. "Yeah." He steadied his grip. "Light 'er up!"
With a nod, Pyro sprayed the hairspray into the combustion chamber and plugged it, then snapped his fingers to summon a spark inside, lighting the aerosol. With a soft kick and a THOOMP, the potato rocketed out of the pipe and streaked across the yard and parking lot, slamming into the side of the team's getaway van, bouncing off with a satisfying PWANG. Soldier and Pyro both whooped a laugh and high-fived.
"Reloading!" Soldier called, grabbing another potato and stuffing it into the pipe. He shouldered the cannon once again for Pyro to prep.
"You and Scout doing good, then?"
"Yes! He is not afraid of or disgusted by the fact that I am dead and can remove my head. Now that I have this collar," he flicked the metal ring that hung from the front of his Cephalophore's Collar, "he likes it even more. Mostly because I can screw him and blow him at the same time."
"Priorities," Pyro chuckled, uncapping the cannon.
"He's fun, and sweet, and gets that a fist fight can be a way to say I love you if you're both laughing when you do it. He makes me feel light inside. He makes me feel important. And wanted. And I don't have to hide anything."
"You don't realize how important that last part really is until you finally have it," Pyro mused. "I get it." He shook up the hairspray and sprayed it into the chamber.
Pyro plugged the chamber. "Fire in the hole!" With a snap, a spark lit and with another THOOMP the potato was sent screaming across the lot to graze a different spot on the van with a WHUNG. "Haha, nice!"
"We should shoot something else."
"Sure, but what?"
Soldier rooted around in the bag for another potato and withdrew a wrinkled, soft one that was weeping liquid that smelled utterly vile. He recoiled for a moment before a wicked grin crossed his teeth. "I have an idea."
"I'm open! I'm open!" Scout hollered, waving his arms in the air.
Engineer craned around Sniper, who was doing his best to stay in his way and block the pass. He cast a look around, noticed one of the support beams of the porch, and grinned. "Port side, son!" He ducked under Sniper's armpit and shot the ball at the beam, bouncing it off and right into Scout's waiting hands. He drove for the hoop, leaping out of Demoman's grasp with ease for the dunk...
And was shot out of the air when a rotten potato slammed into his solar plexus.
Scout folded in on himself as he hurtled to the ground, landing in a heap, the ball forgotten. The stench of rotten potato filled his nose, and he had to fight the urge to gag as he gasped and tried to regain his breath, a sharp throb of pain sparking through his chest and belly. He wheezed, clawing at the ground, the noisome smell filling his senses and making his bile threaten to rise as he writhed.
Sniper's head whipped in the direction from whence it came, and he squinted, making out the shapes of Pyro and Soldier in the parking lot, rolling on the ground laughing. "Oi, you cunts! What's the big idea?!"
Pyro climbed to his knees and cupped his hands around his mouth to holler. "He okay?!"
"He smells bloody awful!" Demoman called back, trotting over to help the fallen faun to his hooves, dodging chunks of potato as he scrubbed it off of his chest, succeeding only in mashing it into his hand wraps.
"Oh, I'm okay alright," Scout growled, then spit on the ground. When he saw Soldier he grinned. "They ain't, though!"
"Hey, Sol?" Pyro said, shaking Soldier, who was still laying on the pavement, shaking off giggles. "Sol. Sol, he's coming."
"Who's coming?"
"Scout's coming and he does not look like it's in peace."
Soldier rolled up into grinned broadly, throwing his arms wide. "How you like that mashed potato, Private?!"
"Ohhhh brother you're in for it now," Scout growled, diving at Soldier and sending the two of them tumbling out of the lot and into the dirt, fists flying, legs kicking, throwing up a cloud of dust as they brawled like it was an old cartoon.
Pyro set the hairspray down and quickly sidled out of sight and back into the base.
It was a few minutes before Sniper spotted Scout returning with a bloody nose and a cut above his eyebrow, something clutched in his arms. "What in the hell is he carryin'?"
Scout saw them watching him and tucked the object under one arm, lowering himself and charging back onto their makeshift court with speed. "Yo Snipes, alley-oop!" he yelled, double-jumping over the assassin and finally making that dunk, hanging from the milk crate basket for a moment before dropping to his hooves victoriously.
Everyone looked at what he'd dunked. Soldier's detached head, with a black eye and a fat lip, grinned up at them. "Hello! I am a basketball!"
Demoman threw an arm around Sniper and gently slugged him in the side. "See? Told ye we're nae the weirdest couple on base by a longshot."
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erraticalart · 1 year
Heavy and Medic Switch
Basically, how I view Heavy and Medic’s intimate relationship in a nutshell.
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This was sort of based on a post that I heavenly agreed on but I also wanted to put my two cents in here. This is gonna be a long post about my journey with this couple.
Let me explain: 
There has been a silly little debate about what activities Heavy and Medic do behind closed doors, especially their roles/positions. 
On one hand, there’s Team Heavy: he’s big, strong, and intimidating. He can rock your world (as well as your bed). On the other hand, there’s Team Medic: he’s professional, insane, and sadistic. He can take your breath away (as well as your virginity). 
Team Heavy has been there since the very beginning since he’s viewed and portrayed as the more “masculine” and “dominating” man. He may know a thing or two about sex (or not since Heavy spent most of his life in the Gulag, idk). 
Throughout the years, Team Medic has been sprinkled in from time to time since he may have more experience in this field (or not since he may be focused on his experiments, idk). He’s got a few tricks up his sleeves and may be skilled with techniques. 
Anyways, I’ve seen and heard from both sides, so I’ll tell you a thing or two from my experience.
When I first got into TF2 and was interested in HeavyMedic, I assumed that Heavy was like the oldest merc just because of his voice, height, and strength. (I’m stupid to think that’s what it means to be old and how they should be.) I was then wrong to find out that it may be either Spy or Medic (idk which tho). But I thought that it was a pretty interesting dynamic to have a serious, tall younger man and a crazy, shorter older man in a relationship and I think that’s pretty cute. 
Now when it came to same-sex relationships in smut art or fanfics, most people prefer the older masculine man to top since it’s more hotter, I guess. Back then, I enjoyed it but whenever I see or read a fanfic where it’s the opposite, I love it even more and I wasn’t sure why. Is it because the dominant one gets a taste of his own medicine or is it because I enjoy the reactions he gives or even both? I thought it was because the younger one finally gets to have a go at it. And ever since then, I clinged on to it and preferred it even more than the norm or majority.
And like I said, when I got into HeavyMedic, I was Team Medic, because I thought that Heavy is older and I wanted Medic to top (until I realized I was stupid). Ok, Heavy is younger and topping Medic so that means I enjoy it, right? Well... yes and no. Yes, because it was interesting to read and I enjoyed reading it, and no, because... well... I hate to say this but... 
It just gets repetitive.
I then ask myself, “What’s wrong? Why don’t I enjoy it as much as I used to anymore?” Is it because Heavy is bigger? Stronger? More masculine? Just what is it? Or is it because Medic is my main and my favorite character (Heavy’s my second favorite character, btw so aww) and I want him to have a piece of Heavy’s cake for once? Or maybe I’m just biased, I guess, idk. That could be the case until I read some fanfics that contains Medic and another person (let’s say Engie since I like the pairing tho not as much as HeavyMedic) and I noticed something different. Sometimes Medic tops and sometimes he bottoms (tho it depends on the person he’s paired with so results may vary). Now tbh, I never read a fanfic where someone else is paired with Heavy since I didn’t know who else was perfect for him so please prove me wrong when I say this but...
What are the chances/percentages that Heavy bottoms?
Most of the time, it’s pretty rare and look, I get it, I completely understand. He’s an impressive specimen. Who wouldn’t want Heavy to fuck them? Hell, I would too, tbh. But see that’s the thing. We all want Heavy to do something for us but we never considered doing something for him.
I read some Bottom Heavy fanfics where Heavy even expresses this issue and I sympathized with him for it. So whenever Medic (in this case) is there for him and does the deed, it leaves me in a good mood. And because of that, I was Team Medic (also like I said before, I just want to see Heavy’s reactions and eat it up as much as possible and, well, Medic is hot when he’s dominating him). Also, “Heavy and Medic Get It On” is an old-time classic and I love it.
Also, just because Medic is shorter or less muscular, that doesn’t mean that he should be portrayed as the more weaker or submissive one. The same goes for Heavy, just because Heavy is taller and more muscular, that doesn’t mean that he should be portrayed as the more stronger or dominant one. Let them both have a fair share of fun.
I then realized that a majority of my favorite HeavyMedic smut fics were Bottom Heavy based and again I ask myself, “Why do I enjoy it more than the majority of fanfics? Just what is it?” Until I realized something, I put all the pieces together. “Dominant one bottoming” “Majority” “Repetitive” “Chance/Percentages of bottoming” I soon came to this conclusion.
The reason I love Bottom Heavy so much is because it stands out more than other smut fanfics.
It just made so much sense to me now. And not just Heavy but other fanfics where the top bottoms. It was a breath of fresh air for me. And I don’t want to diss top Heavy but as I said before, it just gets repetitive to the point where that’s the norm and it gets a little boring. When I read it, I know what’s coming up so I know what to expect from it. So when I read one where Heavy bottoms all of a sudden, it just catches me off guard, leaving me surprised and yet impressed by it. And it leaves me wanting more.
And like I said before, I like Top Medic since it’s nice for a change and while there have been Top Medic fics sprinkled throughout the years I noticed that it’s slowly increasing in popularity and I’m happy that other people seem to like it as well.
However, just because I would love to see an increase of Top Medic fics, that doesn’t mean that I want Top Heavy to stop, slow, or die out. I’m not saying I hate it, don’t get it the wrong way or anything. I still love Top Heavy and I love how they interact especially their reactions (mostly Medic’s). I just want Medic to get a piece of that action, y’know? He may be old but that doesn’t mean he has no spark of energy in him anymore. He could become a beast if he wanted to. Let the old man have a go at it.
Also, because it’s just a silly little debate, I don’t want people to fight over who tops and who bottoms. That’s the last thing I want to cause. Besides, there are people who don’t like reading smut fics with them in it and that’s also fine. Not everything needs to be related to sex in a relationship especially theirs. It’s called having a normal life and enjoying it. I love reading fluff fics where there’s a strangers-to-friends, slow burn, friends-to-lovers, confession, dating, one bed/ sharing a bed, acting like a couple, being a couple, marriage proposal, wedding, couple life with or without a kid, and sadly even death/afterlife whether it takes place during or after the Gravel Wars. And of course, I LOVE reading stories where Heavy and Medic are just chatting and laughing in the infirmary during surgery (with Archimedes there, of course). This post is just focusing on when they’re in the bedroom. We are all different people with different headcanons. You got yours, I got mines. I don’t have to agree with yours and you don’t have to agree with mines. Alright? But I found out a little solution that may or may not solve this little problem and it’s much rarer than Top Medic/Bottom Heavy (just know that this isn’t the ultimate solution, but rather a small suggestion).
What is this and what does this mean? Please correct me if I’m wrong or make a mistake. These two words may mean the same thing but just like how top/bottom and dominant/submissive compare, it’s different. Switch means you can either be dominant or submissive depending on the mood and versatile means you like to top and bottom. Most of the time when I forget, I just simplify both to switch to make it easy to understand.
I’ve read at least 3 smut fanfics where Heavy and Medic tend to switch roles and positions in the same chapter or story and tbh, I really liked them. Not as much as Top Medic but I really enjoyed reading them and just like Bottom Heavy it was a breath of fresh air, became some of my favorite HeavyMedic smut fics, and I would love to see an increase of it too.
Let’s wrap things up now. 
At the end of the day, if you were to ask me which team I’d prefer, I’d still say Team Medic, BUT I’m starting to lean more towards HeavyMedic switches. This is a copy-paste to when I replied to a random HeavyMedic post, but here’s why I love it.
“I see Heavy and Medic as good 'ol switches since they see each other as equal whether on or off the battlefield. HeavyMedic switches are also very rare in smut fics. In the beginning, Heavy says, "Get behind me, Doktor!" and ever since MvM, Medic also says, "Get behind me!" They fight together, help each other, heal each other, and make each other laugh so technically they should also please each other in bed.”
Also, it’s fun to read about what kind of whacky adventures they do together. They are both different beings who do different jobs and hobbies. One’s a heavy-lifter and one’s a doctor. Think of the many kinds of possibilities they could do to each other depending on the variety of settings to have full-on make-out sessions. It’s fun to get creative.
Technically if you really want to think about it, which team am I in?
Well, it’s a lovely, beautiful, sweet, short, simple answer that really means a lot to me that really brings it all together in the end.
I’m Team HeavyMedic.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far in the end. I didn’t think I would write this much so I apologize if this post is long. If there’s anything you need to say like an opinion or statement, make sure to reply down below. Just remember to not start a fight, please. We all have different opinions. 
Also, while we’re at it, someone once asked me if I have any Bottom Heavy fanfic suggestions and I in fact do! But it’s gonna take me a while to make a list of it and there are probably some fics that I missed so it would really mean a lot to me if you can help me by linking suggestions. It doesn’t have to be just Bottom Heavy, you can also include HeavyMedic switches. (Also, if you’re an author or writer, you can tag top/bottom/switches Heavy/Medic so some people can read based on what they want to see since people have different headcanons, but you also don’t have to so you can surprise the readers and I quite like the idea of it, but of course the choice is yours). And the links can be from any fanfic site. I found most on AO3 (I may have missed some so please help me) and I recently found some here on Tumblr so the possibilities are endless. Once I have everything I need, I’ll post it and I’ll probably pin it for some time. If I miss anything, be sure to message me or reply so that I can update the list.
That’s all I have to say. Thank you and goodbye!
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megamaster64 · 8 months
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One year to the day! FNaF: Extraordinary's first anniversary is here! If you're wondering what FNaF: Extraordinary is then here it is get back here when you're done reading it! For those who have read it! Today is the day that I made the first chapter public! Marking the one year anniversary of the fanfic's existence. This was also supposed to be the moment where I announce the Prequel! FNaF: Extraordinary: Susie's Story! Unfortunately, the prequel is no longer happening... I just felt that personally the story should be left also as it is, and it required no further expansion. You weren't missing anything, it was just the events leading up to Susie's death and the deaths of the other missing people. However, The Nightmare animatronics were going to feature at one point. This is because Holly would've taken up the role of the Crying Child in the prequel. With her older brother, Fritz and his friends (Kenneth, John, and Cassidy) taking up the roles of the bullies. All of them would get expanded or developed further as the story went on. Eventually they would stop bullying her by the end just before her and Susie's deaths at the hands of... actually it'd be better if you just read the fic for that info. The plans for what I wanted the Nightmares to look like is at the end of this post! Speaking of the past! Do I have any regrets with this fic? Yes! The biggest one is Cassidy's character, she doesn't really develop as a character, only getting worse as the story progresses. And that's my fault, I wanted a villain, a monster, but in the end I just created a character in desperate need of a hug and some therapy. A character that I ruthlessly villainized instead of taking the time or opportunity to do a character study/deconstruction. So she just ended up as a stock-standard "mean girl who did something bad and thinks she won't get caught". I'm not saying she can't be bad, or still do bad things even after she learned her lesson. But I think that as a writer it's important to even have the worst people in your stories reflect every now and then. Just so the audience can at the very least understand them. I plan on rectifying this in another FNaF story that I'll be writing this year. So yeah... Thanks for everything! Some small fun facts about this au: Fritz's design and character is based of TF G1 Wheeljack and the Engineer from TF2. Circus Baby and the other Funtimes were supposed to make an appearance but them and remnant were ultimately scrapped in favor of a blood based magic system. Charlie and Cassidy were supposed to be WAY more sadistic than they ended up being. I wanted there to be more references to the Transformers franchise than the two at the end of the story. Elizabeth was supposed to find out that she wasn't the only witch in the world. There wasn't supposed to be a Nightmare Freddy in the prequel, Nightmare Fredbear would be in that role. Nightmare was last thing Holly saw before she died. There's a reason Nightmare looks like Lefty ;) Nightmare animatronics and the humans they represent: Foxy-Fritz Fredbear-Kenneth Chica-Cassidy Bonnie-John Nightmare-Shhh... No spoilers, go read the fic. ;) And with that I say: Goodbye for now, I'll be back soon!!! (I have stuff to work on)
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tangentburd · 1 year
TF2 Big Bang 2023 Fanfic: sent{r}imentalities_
  <!-- i will protect(you)  --we.ll get(all the spies) next time   ["hell yeah my boy, let's bring em all down."]    --the re:spawn shards  --do they glow like the ^stars^?   ["oh, they're more like a sea of <bluebonnets> at midnight, really."]   ["but i'll be praying as hell that--"]   ["--you'll never have to see em."]  
A story of a sentry, as told by the sentry. Also written in pieces of poetry, prose, programming-inspired pseudocode, and probably way too much HTML/CSS. /* Because what am I, if not an experiment too in lifelong progress? */
Dedicated to all the Engie mains out there. Have you said hi to your babies today?
Special, special thanks to @ermg33 and Mimi for your amazing illustrations! And to @tf2bigbang for hosting the event.
[ Read it on AO3 ]
// last chapter is still in the works, so stay tuned!
// muse: [ X ]
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hey this probably won’t make much sense to you, but thank you for your characterization of cheavy. i’m a classic heavy fictive, and i hate how everyone characterizes me either doing horrible things to medic or just doesn’t draw me at all, and it sucks. thank you for making stuff of me i can actually enjoy :] -tf2 heritage posts
First of all, thank you.
Second of all...I really can't blame anyone who characterizes Cheavy as a terrible person because he is a horrible person. In the comics, he was explicitly written to be a villain from the very beginning. He's big, he's intimidating, he's violent, quick to anger - everything about him is meant to be a parallel to the RED Heavy we all know and love.
Cheavy is a villain first and foremost. A very one-note villain at that. He's greedy, selfish, arrogant, and power hungry. He's everything a good tf2 villain needs to be.
I don't say any of this derisively; I think Cheavy is a fantastic villain, arguably one of the best tf2 has ever had and one of the best villains in 2017 overall, since that was the year where media of all kinds saw a massive glut of poorly written villains, especially in cartoons.
Cheavy was written to fill a very specific role. He's the bad guy we all want to see dead because he kicked our favorite characters - the modern mercs. He reminds me a lot of the Sirens from MLP and Jasper from Steven Universe. Everything leading up to his confrontation with Heavy in Comic #6 was a progressive ramping up of stakes until it was finally time for the boss fight.
And that's all Cheavy is. A one-note, highly effective boss fight. That's all he really is and all he needs to be. There's a reason he's no more complicated than that and why the fandom treats him as such. He's just a damn good villain.
Of course, with all of that said, this is where I turn to Take Back The Fortress because this fanfic takes a MASSIVE turn with Cheavy's character, and that makes sense. He's a protagonist in this fic and the fic itself focuses heavily on his and Cmedic's relationship, and this necessitates that he be more complex as a character. His greed, selfishness, and arrogance? All the things that make up his character in the comics? Here, its all treated as a problem that needs to be fixed, which pushes Cheavy through a long character arc of redemption.
Throughout the story of this fic, there's the undercurrent that Cmedic brings out the best in Cheavy, whether he realizes it or not. Cmedic is the catalyst for all this change as he is the one person Cheavy cares about more than anything else. But even then, Cheavy isn't entirely detached from how he is in the comics, mainly because TBTF literally takes place three months after the events of Comic #6.
A lot of Cheavy's character arc and personality in this fic is extrapolated from what little we know about him in the comics + common tfc headcanons. We know he's greedy, we know he's arrogant, we know he has a temper, and we know he's a coward - but where did all of that come from? In the comics it's heavily implied that he's just Like That tm, but in TBTF I decided to link all of that back to one suspiciously absent character - Cmedic.
In TBTF, Cmedic's disappearance 20 years prior to the events of the fic is revealed to be the catalyst for Cheavy's worst behaviors, which are later revealed to be self-destructive in the fic. Here, I've taken what little we know about Cheavy and managed to spin it into a far more complicated personality that fuels his eventual desire for redemption. He has Cmedic back after 20 years, but the drastic changes to his personality are going to drive a wedge between him and Cmedic and its up to him to fix that divide before its too late.
He willingly walked into hell; lets see if he's willing to crawl his way back out.
With that said; I am glad you like Cheavy's characterization in TBTF. Like I said, the way the story is built necessitated that I make him more complex and I'm glad people are receptive to the way I've been doing it.
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
sorry guys your favorite writer is currently grinding in Overwatch 2 and has been inflicted into liking tf2 by his boyfriend, current Fanfic progress has decreased by 20%
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fruit-teeth · 3 years
Next chapter of my fic is coming along….hehe
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