#tf2 spy & reader
habitabel · 5 months
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what do I do with myself rn I'm tweaking out I'm gonna rip my skin off what THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME
Edit❗❗❗ for more info, I have links to the discord, Twitter, and the official team lovetress website on my page! It's pinned at the top <3 the discord requires you to share a picture of your ID because I guess the game might have nsfw themes or maybe the discord does?? Not too sure but yeah just a warning!! Also, it's been brought to my attention that cabbage (the artist shown here) has stepped away from this project!! I'll share the tweet from cabbage here v
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(ily @ncalabby )
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prettyboypistol · 7 months
How to Seduce the TF2 Mercs
Pay attention to him. Give him genuine compliments and honest feedback. He wants to feel loved and like he's worth someone's time.
Kisses and physical affection. Mans thinks about the time you put your hand on his shoulder for weeks.
Just say you love him, man. He's been overlooked his whole life.
Take him seriously- don't belittle him or make jokes about how he views the world. He knows he's a little crazy but he is genuinely trying his best to make the world a better place.
Defend him!!! If someone shit talks him, punch that motherfucker in the jaw!!
Honest discussions with you asking a lot of questions, take the time to get to know him and you'll have a defender for the rest of your life.
Much like with Soldier, defend them and take the time to get to know them.
Gifts, gifts, gifts!!! Give them gifts!
Be a little flirty ;> don't baby them! Treat them like the adult they are!
Bro just ask to fuck. He'll probably say yes.
He loves a bold mf that knows how to take what they want. Come on to him, buy him a drink, and ask if he's got any company for the night.
If you're going for something a little more long term, just remove the sleeping aspect. Just say you're interested in getting to know him you'll most likely get a date and see how things go.
He's a sucker for practical use gifts (i.e. mechanical oil, a new wrench, etc) or sentimental gifts (photograph of you two, love letters)
Call him handsome! Call him pretty and a gentleman! Appeal to that cowboy energy and treat him all respectful like and you'll definitely catch his interest.
If you're not the type to do all that song and dance, go the opposite route. Stump him with a logistic problem and tease him about it. He'll nonstop think about you for months and bitch about you to his sentries.
Mikhail likes hotheads and determined people, someone who's not afraid to fight if the situation comes to it.
Ask him about general things and slowburn that mf about nice conversations until you two can talk about personal things.
Ask him to help you clean your guns! Ask him weaponry questions about what would suit you better in the field!
GET THIS MAN SOME ORGANS. GET HIM SOME FUNDING!!!! get him a lil lovebirddddd
Take the time to get to know his birds and if the birds like you, Medic automatically likes you more.
Take an interest in his medical discoveries and his life! He's a prime yapper and wants to t a l k. That's why he never shuts up when doing surgery.
Romance him traditionally, to be honest. Keep it classy and court him like the romantic he is. Roses placed in his locker, prime dinners delivered to his door, BE A ROMANTIC ABOUT IT.
If you can't dance, ask him to teach you "for a mission" (He will know that you're the one behind all the flirtatious gestures bc he's SPY)
Butter up that man like he's a piece of toast. Handsome young man who captured your heart and holds it hostage. Classy gentleman that could get away with world domination with gorgeous eyes like that.
Don't come on too strong, he's a bristly one. Be calm and casual. Hit him with that friends to lovers.
He's more of a tough nut to crack and insecure of if you actually like him, so be sure to flood his mind with ambiguous hints when you think you see signs of him showing interest in you.
To really seal yourself in his heart, spend a lot of quality time with him! Go camping, hunting, fishing, driving, anything that gets the both of you alone and quiet.
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scoutsbabygirl · 4 months
literally an audio of the reader/listener being railed by ALL OF THE MERCS
the scout voice actor does the accent PERFECTLY. there's another one too i can link if anyone's interested. shoutout to all the va's in this, was frickin' awesome!
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lead0 · 10 months
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based on from the outback with love by @neo-my-geo
no idea how tumblr works so no guarantee that link will work ahaha :,)
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miintsprigz · 9 months
Mercs x GN! reader who drew them (ALL NINE!)
This goes out to everyone, not just my artists.
But yes, all my fic material is extremely self-serving.
Big thank you to a dear friend of mine for helping me with mercs like Pyro, Engie, Sniper, and Medic when I got stuck.
• Well, he IS an artist himself, that’s probably how the two of you first started talking.
• Ran past one day, only to immediately throw it in reverse and go “hey whoa whoa whoa when were you gonna tell me you could draw?!”
•Naturally…it was only a matter of time.
•He was always so encouraging about your stuff, so…after working up the guts, you showed him.
• “Yo wait a sec…you drew me??? I…” For once in his life, he’s at a loss for words. He’s never been drawn—not even a self-portrait. For as cocky as he seems…well…
•He just…stares for a second. Marveling. Is that…really what I look like?
• “Do you like it?” “Abso-friggin-lutely, (Y/N)!!! You kiddin’? I don’t even look that beautiful in real life! And ya know, that’s sayin’ somethin!”
•You laugh, and he pulls you in so fast to hug you that you weren’t even ready. “But seriously…thank you. I’ve uh…I’ve never been drawn before. You did amazing. …you know I gotta draw you now, right?”
•And he does. He’s a complete perfectionist about it—he feels like he can’t replicate you, you’re one of a kind. (He actually does very well! But he’s so shy showing it to you…d’aww.)
•Pyro was more of a doodler than anything. They loved color. And of course, you could resonate with that.
•Sometimes you’d draw designs and let them color it in. They giggled all the while…they just adored how creative you were.
•Being the most secretive about their appearance, they’re hard to nail down…even for you. Pyro is most themself in their full gear. You, out of everyone, know that best.
•So you took a…different approach. Abstraction.
•Their hands, the ones that so often seemed to be magnetically drawn to you.
•Their back, the strong shoulders when they just felt content to sit in the quiet with you.
•The brief glimpses you’d caught of their face—split second instances in shadows—those were easy, yet challenging. Their brief sightings made them easy to be abstract about, and yet, it made them harder to actually nail down.
•Conjuring a rather fittingly smoky composition, it had a dreamlike feel to it. Pure Pyro.
•You were only a bit hesitant to show them, but when they did see…they surprised you a bit.
•You could see them straighten up a bit…surprised. They craned their neck a bit, looking closer, gently curling their fingers over yours to hold the snapshot-like portraits with you.
• “Hmmm…” There was a sort of…tranquility to them. So unlike your little sparky fella.
• “Do you like them?” Immediately, the edge of their mask bumped against your forehead—your own personal way of kissing. That was all the answer you needed.
•They couldn’t verbalize it, but…seeing beauty in images of themself. The same beauty they saw all around them…it made them see themself in a way they never had before.
•And of course, it made them fall even deeper in love with you, the one who cared for them so much that they took the time to look so deeply.
•Heavy is a very intelligent man, but he’s never had much gift for creative work. Even his insults were kind of just the same thing repeated, when the other mercs made it an art form.
•So he couldn’t help but be enraptured by your artistic endeavors and how much work you put into them.
•He loved to see you covered in your medium of choice, your passion for it. Made him lovesick. How lovely you were doing what you loved.
•If he could paint, he would have wanted to paint that. So he could look at it forever.
•So of course, imagine his delight when you decided to draw him!
• That roaring laugh you so enjoyed boomed immediately, just elated.
•“Ohhhh…look at that! You captured me perfectly! Beautiful!” You couldn’t help but beam with pride.
•“Can Heavy keep this?” “Of course you can, hon.” This warranted a sudden barrage of kisses to your face, which cracked you up of course.
•“Very happy to have such talented artist as yourself to love. But to me? You are most beautiful. In all the world.” Despite being more eloquent in his native language, Heavy could still get you to turn red. “Oh gosh…” “Is true!”
•Tavish had always been a pretty sentimental fellow. He really did enjoy artwork, but didn’t talk about it much.
•Once he discovered that you were an artist, he was over the moon. Finally, he felt, he could talk to someone about art without them possibly poking fun.
•He’d never go in your sketchbook unless you allowed him to, but he always looked with such admiration in his eyes. “That’s bloody brilliant. So long as ya luv it, never stop doin’ this. Cuz I’ll never stop lookin.”
•One day, you told him you had a surprise for it. “I dunno if I like surprises…” “Oh trust me, Demo,” you chirped, “I think you’ll like this one.”
•As you held up the finished product, his mouth went agape. Almost instantly, he began to smile.
•“Well aren’t you just the sweetest!! That’s me there???” “Yes, love. I uh, I hope that you like it.” His gaze shifted over to you, and you could see his eye had grown somewhat misty.
•Demo was at a loss for words. He had never thought of himself as particularly good-looking, certainly not good enough to be drawn. And yet. You had drawn him. Drawn him very well. And he liked how he looked. Was that how you saw him?
•“Aw, Tav…you okay??” He blinked quick, trying to keep composed.“Never better…c’mere, you…”
•Wrapping his arms around you, he gave you a kiss, just about taking your breath away.
•“My little artist…ya made me look so good.” You caught him rubbing his eye a bit. “I just drew what I saw.” “Well, ya see a work of art in me. And that? That’s the best surprise of all.”
•With how much designing went into his machines, Dell could always appreciate the skills of an artist. So when he learned that you were one, well, that only sweetened an already sweet deal.
•You were a little self-conscious at first about him watching you work. You tended to just work parallel to one another, both lost in your own stuff.
•You’d sometimes stop what you were doing to follow his hands as he put the pieces together, fingers wandering as they looked for the correct tool.
•When the inverse happened though—when Engie watched you work—he admired your spontaneity. You could start off with a total wild card and somehow managed to pull it all together and make it work, in a way he never could have come up with.
•Being rather rigid in his own trade, that was something Dell couldn’t help but be dazzled by. Very smart man for sure, but rather by-the-book. Not like you. He saw genius in the way your mind worked.
•So, one day, as the two of you perused each other’s handiwork a bit, you shyly revealed the piece you’d made of him—hard at work on an updated sentry model.
•His lips parted a little like he was about to say something, but nothing came out.
•“I know it’s a little rocky…I’m not the best at drawing machinery.” Gently, he took ahold of the sketchbook and gave it a soft tug, nonverbally asking for permission to hold it. You let him.
•As he looked closer, a warm smile crept across his face. “Well, well…wouldja look at that. That’s me alright.” He chuckled heartily, but you realized it was from admiration, not amusement.
•“Look at you, (Y/N)! Saw me all covered in dirt an’ said ‘yeah, I can make art from that’. I love it…shucks, darlin’, I can hardly get my eyes off of it.”
•He looked back at you, still all aglow, only to find you blushing to the point of near luminescence. “Aw, c’mon now honey…no need to be all shy. You’re incredible, ya know that?”
•An arm slunk around your shoulders, pulling you fast to his side, quickly pecking the top of your head. “I love it, and I love you.”
•Soldier was a brave man, that he was confident in. But even he was self-aware enough to realize he wasn’t the sharpest.
•Anything he’d ever drawn looked like kids’ stuff, so to see what you could make? It blew his mind.
•Jane tried not to stare while you drew—you’d gotten all nervous when you’d caught him, and he was trying to be courteous—but he couldn’t deny how it captivated him.
•“Whatcha workin’ on now?” “I’m drawing those two goofs.” You motioned to the Spy and Scout bickering as they often did. “Why them, of all things?” “I just like capturing the moment sometimes.”
•One day, as you sat while he drilled the rest of the team, you started to do just that. You found it hard not to chuckle just a little as the others groaned and rolled their eyes.
•Sure, you got their annoyance, but you couldn’t help but be pulled in by Jane’s excitement and hot-bloodedness.
•“Seemed pretty lost in your work there, or I woulda asked you to join in.” A strong hand ruffling your hair snapped you out of your daze. “Capturing the moment again?”
•“Uh-huh. I think this is my best one yet.” You turned the book around to show him, and you saw his lips part slightly in surprise before he suddenly laughed. “Haha! Look at that! It’s me!”
•You laughed with him, just happy to see him so tickled by it. “I think I really captured you.” “I’d say so, kid! I’d say so…wow.” The amusement gave way to what you realized was…almost awe.
•“I look…strong. Proud.” “Yep.” “…I look good.” “Of course you do.” He nudged his helmet down a bit with his hand, chuckling to himself. From what little bit of his face you saw…was he blushing?
•Imitating him playfully—it was something you two tended to do, he found it cute—you joked, in your best impression of him, “‘Are you going soft on me, maggot??? You’re red as a tomato!’” “Noooo…oh, (Y/N), what am I gonna do with you?”
•He caught the side of your face softly and pecked you on the cheek. “But…really. Thank you, sweetheart. I think that’s my favorite thing you’ve ever made.”
•Truthfully, Mick had never given a lot of thought to the arts before he’d met you. What really caught his eye was the amount of time you put into it.
•Sniper knew better than anyone that holding still, completely focused on your task, being all but absorbed in it…that was respectable.
•The fact that he could leave for work and come back to find you in the same spot? It was just very attractive to him.
•You stopped by to watch him sometimes, very discreetly, on less busy days, although he wouldn’t lie, it got him nervous. He trusted in his own skills plenty, but…you weren’t just anyone. He couldn’t have you getting hurt.
•So one day, as he finally wrapped up, he saw you, still hard at work. He didn’t want to interrupt you, but if it was time to go, he wanted to go. Giving you a light pat on the shoulder, he chuckled. “Almost done there, darlin? Quittin’ time.”
•“Just a bit more…there. Perfect. Check it out.” You held up what you’d been working on: a full sketch of him invested in his own work.
•It took him a moment to process what he was seeing, but once he did, he couldn’t help but be amazed. Slightly slack-jawed, he looked up at you, the faintest trace of a smile.
•“Never considered myself the modelin’ type, ‘specially not out here, but…wow. Ya really did it. And I look bloody good, too!” “Well duh!” “Oh, stop—” Oh, that got him. The Aussie was surprisingly easy to fluster once he’d fully grown comfortable, and you loved it.
•“Awww, are you blushing?” “Just a little…now c’mon.” Taking your hand, he helped you up, quickly hugging you around the shoulders, catching you somewhat off-guard.
•“But really. Great job there. Thanks…it’s an honor, ya know that? To be drawn by you?” “Gosh—” “Heh, now you’re the one goin’ all red.” “Oh, stop—”
•The good(?) doctor first learned of your artistic prowess when he caught you trying to draw the charts he had on his wall. “Ooh! Very impressive.”
•Medic could do a lot of things, but drawing wasn’t really one of them. He couldn’t resist watching you work, even though he knew it was a bit touchy.
•“Poetry in motion, Liebe. Really.” Simp. “Oh, come on—” “I mean it! You have such precision, such grace…it’s a sight to behold!”
•So of course, when you were working on something that you absolutely would not let him look at, he wanted to see even more.
•“I promise that whatever it is, I will find it as beautiful as you!” “It’s not that, silly—it’s supposed to be a surprise!” He seemed almost sulky about it…it was kind of cute, although you did feel a bit bad.
•Eventually though, it was done—him, with Archimedes on his shoulder. “Okay, honey, you can look now.”
•One hand comes up over his mouth, audibly gasping. “Is that…? It is!!! Haha!”
•You had never seen him this happy, and you couldn’t help but smile. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time, (Y/N)! Look at that…and Archimedes too!”
•Perhaps unsurprisingly, he brings the bird out to show him too. It’s hard to gauge the response from a dove, but the tranquil cooing seems to suggest that he enjoys it.
•The doctor catches you off-guard as he sweeps you into a kiss. “Oh…danke, Schatz (treasure). May I keep this?” “Of course~”
•Best believe this man is showing your art off to EVERYONE who he treats, going on and on about what an incredible artist and person you are.
•This guy is a man of culture, he can appreciate good art. And good artists, wink.
•But in all seriousness, your attention to detail was incredibly attractive to him. After you’d been together for a while, the two of you would sit in his smoking room and relax together once the work day was over.
•Sometimes he’d be off to the side just doing his own thing, reading, but other times he’d actually sit beside you and watch. There was an intimacy to it, one you took time to grow fully comfortable with, but he was patient.
•So when you were very secretive one night, it caught his attention. Nothing slipped past him—not even you. You sensed him behind you surprisingly quickly though, and quickly closed the project up.
•“Shy tonight, are we? So unlike you, mon bijou (my jewel)…” “Hehe…be patient, babe, it’s not done yet.”
•His arms wrapped around you from behind briefly…gosh, it was difficult to keep anything secret from this man. “Very well. Keep your secrets…for now.”
•But he respected that you didn’t want him to see it just yet, and so he waited.
•“…Okay, you can look now.” In an instant, he was behind you again. It was hard to even look up at the guy right now, but once you did…there was this sense of wonder in his face that you hadn’t seen before.
•It wasn’t often that Spy looked at himself unmasked for longer than a few seconds—he’d almost forgotten his own face by now. For spies, he reasoned, it was better that way. But the way you had captured every detail of him…
•“Oh, what a handsome devil…wonder who that could be…” Was he trying to brush off his own flustering? Maybe a little.
•You couldn’t help but giggle as he almost hurriedly sat down next to you, quickly drawing you in close as he continued to look. Almost entranced.
•That element of intimacy I mentioned before? It was his turn to feel it now. Not even in a physical way, which is what this Casanova is so used to.
•No, the fact that you had clearly just…looked at his face, so intently. There was something raw and vulnerable to it. And as much as he wanted to look at it even more, his eyes were magnetically drawn to you.
•“I wouldn’t have ever asked it of you, but…I always wondered what it would look like if you drew me. I…”
•Glancing back down, he found that he couldn’t even come up with anything to say. The act of love had rendered him speechless. YOU BROKE HIM OH MY GOSH/j
•“…Do you like it?” Before you could say anything else, you were swiftly kissed, and I mean kissed.
•Spy always looked at you with a sort of passion, but this was different. He had never felt so much love for someone. Felt like a young, hopeless romantic boy all over again.
•“I adore it…and most of all, I adore you, mon cœur (my heart).”
AAAAND IM DONE. WHEW. That was fun!
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lunatic-pudge · 5 months
Mercs Being Jealous
(Requested by menenthusiast900069)
Aight, so let's make a quick list of most to least jealous, just so you get an idea of my very bias beliefs, I am semi willing to debate this.
1.) Sniper
2.) Demo
3.) Scout
4.) Medic
5.) Pyro
6.) Soldier
7.) Engie
8.) Spy
9.) Heavy
Now, onto the headcanons!
-Such a jealous baby, he can't help it
-A lot of it comes from his insecurities and also being the youngest of eight. He's used to being "the runt" of the group, even with the mercs. So he feels like he has to compete with them for your affection, even if you two are dating
-Like, someone could stand just a little too close to you and he's already starting the side eyes
-Scout, chill, for real for real
-He will attach himself to you once the jealousy kicks in. Arms wrapped around you, nuzzling up against you, it's that inner dog in him
-He will get mouthy with whoever is causing the jealousy. Talks a lot of smack for someone who is built like a damn twig. So it goes from him loving on you, to you having to prevent a fight from happening. Yes, depending on who it is, he can win the fight, he's a mercenary afterall. But when it comes to guys who have a big build like Heavy, then you'll really need to stop him
-Isn't really the jealous type, surprisingly. I think it comes from an oblivious stand point. Like, you need to point it out that someone's flirting with you for him to get even an increment of jealousy
-He really feels like he has nothing to worry about (which he's right). He's more than confident that you're loyal to him cause he is with you
-I feel like when you do say someone is flirting with you, he isn't gonna be violent, moreso he will make a big name and shame thing out of it (he basically did that to Miss Pauling in the comics)
-Like, "Who do you think you are flirting with MY GIRL, maggot! You are a disgrace to this country! Now drop and give me 100!"
-But that don't mean he isn't ready to throw hands. Cause he will. Homie's down to break a few necks. But if you don't want him doing that then you're gonna have to remove him from the situation
-I feel like they're kinda like Solider is the more oblivious aspect, but not as much. Like, they can tell when someone's flirting with you, but whether they truly care or not is up for debate
-I don't really see Pyro as a violent type when jealous. Why waste their energy on someone so insignificant to them?
-If anything, Pyro will just resort to loving all over you, more than usual. All the while giving the offending person a death stare
-It's a very effective form of intimidation
-Cause think about it, are you gonna want to fight a person wearing a flame proof suit, that isn't speaking, and is just giving you the thousand yard stare? No, you wouldn't
-Poor baby can be quite insecure. I feel so bad for him
-Constantly worries about not being good enough. He's so used to being beat down by the people around him that he doesn't have good self-esteem
-He will stand nearby you, waiting for you to notice him, looking like a sad and lost puppy
-Once you finally notice him, you'll have to pry him open to find out what's wrong. He doesn't like burdening you with his problems so he tends to sit and stew about everything til he bursts
-He will need to to reassure him that you aren't going anywhere and that you love him. He needs a lot of verbal reassuring cause he's a worrying lad
-Heavy? Jealous? Where?
-While Scout, Demo, and Sniper might be the top three most jealous, Heavy, Engie, and Spy are the least jealous
-Heavy is this big, strong bear, why would you ever wanna settle for less? Like, frfr, you'd have to have an IQ less than an orange to stoop to such lengths
-But let's play along and say that he did get jealous. One of those very rare times it happens. He knows he doesn't have to do much to make the offender leave, all he has to do is stand there
-And stare.
-And stare..
-And stare...
-He's got that resting angry face so he just has to stand behind you and exist to make people leave you alone. It's kinda funny to think about it. He'll gently take your hand and leave after that
-Why be around people when you two can be locked away in a quite room with a good book?
-Again, not a jealous person. But he does have his moments sometimes
-He's a confident boy and knows you wouldn't do anything. Plus have you seen him? He's an intelligent man, got such a nice voice and accent, and can build a machine to keep you safe
-When he jealous, he's passive aggressive. He doesn't like to be hostile, especially so up front, so he'll do little things to help get his point across
(Would give examples but I'm not passive agressive, I'm just aggressive, oops)
-He'd come up to you, slide an arm around you, give you a kiss on the cheek, and say how he was looking for ya while side eyeing the offender
-Weirdly enough, I can see him as someone who will look into the offender, find all the person's info and hand it over to Medic, basically saying "Here's someone you can harvest organs from. Have fun, Pookie."
-Then Medic and Engie proceed to make out and get married. The end
-Medic's an interesting fellow. I feel like he's like Pyro where it all depends on his mood. Somdays, he doesn't give a shit, and other days, HE'S FUMING
-He will NOT tolerate the disrespect  >:(
-Cue sassy Medic. This man will verbally murder a bitch and I'm here for it
-Will get "handsy" with you (he'll just throw himself on top of you, maybe even make you hold him bridal style if you're strong enough)
-Will be loving all over you while verbally berating the offender. Everything is getting called out. EVERYTHING. He wants to ensure his point is made
-Buuuut, this can also be a chance to score some fresh, new organs. He's always in the market for that stuff so he can easily kidnap the offender and harvest the goods. And no, you can't talk him out of it. Once his mind is made up, nothing can stop him
-Oh my poor baby boy. Where do I even begin with you?
-Sniper can't help but get so jealous so easily. He's never been one to have relationships with people so when he is in one, he gets so insecure at times
-Worries he's not good enough at times. He know he's a "quirky" individual, so he worries you'll want to be with someone who's more "normal"
-Will stand nearby, giving the offender dirty looks. They can feel the daggers that Sniper is giving them, it's enough to make them leave
-Afterwards, he'll pull you away from everyone and be all over you
-While Demo needs verbal reassurance, Sniper needs physical reassurance. So please love on him and tell him it's gonna be okay and that you love him and only him
-But I can also see him needing to prove that he's better than any guy through "fun" means (Medic would too but I forgot to add it. They both horny jealous people)
-Again, not a jealous person, and rightfully so
-We all know how suave this man is. He can pull anyone and everyone without even trying
-But I'm sure even Spy has his own moments when he feels a slight bit of jealousy
- He'd be so pissy with the offender. Like, fuck you, pal. That's MY partner
-Welp, time to go over there and seduce you all over again, which isn't hard for him to do. He's got that magic in him, ya know? He;s a man who knows what words to say and what moves to make. He'd make the offender jealous that they couldn't be with Spy
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the-laughing-lunatic · 5 months
All 9 mercs w/ a reader who got them flowers! (PLATONIC OR ROMANTIC)
(I recently got to 20 followers on this blog! :D I wanted to do a little something to celebrate that, so I grinded and wrote headcanons for all nine of the mercs. It, uh, took a while so I hope you enjoy!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
☆Scout - Daisies☆
Legitimately starts tearing up
Tries to blame it on the flowers
“I ain’t cryin’ I- I’m just allergic to flowers.”
“Oh, sorry, I could just return them then—”
“What? You’d hafta take ‘em out of my dead hands, I’m keepin’ em.”
Isn’t a huge flower guy but the fact you went out of your way to get them for him makes him feel all warm inside
Reminds him of when his mom would pick flowers to give to him after his Little League games
☆Soldier - Poppies☆
Would aggressively compliment you
Seriously though, he does
Since he was never allowed in the military he always felt jealous of the soldiers who got special flowers
But he wasn’t now, because you respected him
And if you did, that was enough
☆Pyro - Sunflowers☆
Well, you can’t hear what they’re saying but the flappy hands and excited noises give you a decent idea
Will just spend hours holding them in their hands and looking at the flowers like they’re the most beautiful thing in the world
Draws sunflowers in all their drawings now
If they accidentally burned them they would get so sad and give you flowers back as a form of apology
Make flower crowns with them. Do it. 
☆Demoman - Bluebells☆
Like most of the mercs, he’s never gotten flowers before 
And he has no clue how to take care of them
“Thank ye, but, would ye consider showin’ me how to take care of them?”
Help this man out
He would probably put them just on a table with no vase or water without you
Y’all would put the flowers in an empty bottle of scrumpy <3
☆Heavy - Violas☆
“Little merc has present for Heavy?” 
Surprised, but not so much as Sniper
Honestly the most chill about it out of all the mercs
He has sisters so he knows how to take care of flowers but he’s never been the one to receive them
Would press the flowers once the start to wilt and make bookmarks so he can keep them forever (sap)
And if he’s more protective of you during matches, who's to say the reason why?
☆Engineer - Bluebonnets☆
He sticks to the practical side of things, so when you give him a bouquet of flowers he’s utterly perplexed
He’s flattered of course, and thanks you greatly for the gift because he’s a Texas boy raised with manners
But he’s not used to pretty things and…doesn’t quite know what to do with them
He puts them in a vase with water but he finds himself stopping his work to look at them
They didn’t solve a problem, they didn’t hold a purpose yet people–including him now–seemed to love them
Eventually gives up trying to find a reason for it and just accepts it as they’re just pretty
Even though solving questions like “what is beauty” was never his forte, he’d somehow found an answer for it
And it was…well, you.
(He’d also 100% make you a flower out of scrap metal for you bc he’s a gentleman)
☆Medic - Cornflowers/Drosera Spatulata Sundew☆
There’s two flowers that he’d like
Cornflowers are one of his favorites, specifically the white ones (they remind him of Archimedes)
Not just because they are national flowers of Germany, but he also appreciates their medicinal properties
But if you somehow got your hands on a Drosera Spatulata Sundew he’d be pocketing you for months afterwards
Is absolutely fascinated with carnivorous plants and you get him carnivorous flowers???
The most romantic (or just super cool if platonic) thing in the world to him
Isn’t a botanist but he’ll be in the medbay all the time now just observing it and its reactions
He’s not sleeping for a while
He’d try to create a serum for whatever flowers you got him so they’d stay as beautiful as they are forever :)
☆Sniper - Wildflowers☆
No one has ever gotten him flowers before so when you show up at his camper van with hand picked flowers wrapped in twine he’s surprised, to say the least
Finds it interesting how he walked past those same flowers everyday and never cared
But when you gave them to him they felt…special.
Awkwardly mumbles a ‘thanks mate’ to you
Keeps them in an (UNUSED I REPEAT UNUSED) jar in his van
Smiles everytime he sees them
☆Spy - Roses☆
We all know this man is an old-fashioned lover boy so ofc he loves roses
But he’s never on the receiving end of them
So none are ever good enough for his high standards
“Eugh, where did you buy these, the gas station?”
Similar to Scout that if you say you could return them he’d absolutely refuse
Secretly thinks it’s really sweet 
Doesn’t act any differently towards you afterwards when he’s with you
But you find multiple bouquets of roses in your room and a note that says “if you ever consider buying me flowers again, buy roses from these boutiques instead of the trash you had before.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
(Putting in all the tags is another reason why I don't normally do all nine of them holy shit)
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 6 months
Support class dick hc, kinks + How they fuck
Cw: knives, rough sex, blood
•Dick: I’d say about 6, 6 1/2 inches if I’m being generous here. Definitely not thin, it’s got some girth to it that’s for sure. He never ever clean shaves he thinks it looks weird (he’s not wrong) so he’ll definitely just trim up a little or maybe not at all. Wild man moment. Plus, he kinda loves the scruffy look he has going on. I know everyone says he’s uncircumcised and i definitely agree with that. Tip is not red but definitely a deep pink, it’s cute. Two visible veins, one on the top of his shaft and one underneath it. So he’s very very sensitive.
•How he fucks: Rough. He likes to be fucked hard and to fuck hard. His favorite position to see you in is definitely mating press or doggy style (with a knife to your throat) he loves to see your face contort with pleasure and fear. He’s very vocal i mean haven’t you heard his voice lines. Come on. He loves telling you how great of a fuck toy you can be when you aren’t being a cunt or a teasing slut. He doesn’t have a favorite place to cum really.. Whenever he gets his rocks off is where it stays so.
Praise: definitely, but backhanded praise “look at you, good little slut.” Stuff like that you know?
Predator vs prey play: I know this is so basic but oh my goodness he LOVE LOVE LOVEEEESSS to chase you down and just fuck your brains out if your skull. Like I said, he likes it rough. (Me next)
Knife play: Ofc this is one of them. That mf is a literal animal. He just likes the power trip tbh. Having your life in his very hands, though he’d never do anything to ever hurt it.. it’s hot to watch your fearful eyes and if you enjoy it just as much as he does, you’re in for a ride of dirty talk and rough hard sex.
Public sex: touching you while in public. Something about it. Maybe it’s bc he likes to tease and see how long you can last without gripping his arm while shaking and begging to cum or maybe it’s because nobody around you can (probably) tell how good he’s pleasing you, and how they’ll never get a chance to touch a wonderful lady like you the way he does. Who knows
BREEDING: Though he is scared to have kids and will take every procedure to make sure you won’t get pregnant, he still loves to just cum inside of you all day, everyday. (Same sniper.)
Stepping: he probably likes to be stepped on. He’ll buy you beautiful, expensive heels just so you can step on him or press against his hard cock. (Meow.)
•Dick: solid 5 1/2, it’s not too thin but not exactly thick.. it stretches you very very nicely that is for sure. He trims it constantly. He is never out of order, he takes too much pride in himself to let it grow out like that wretched bushman. Uncircumcised, his dick skin is like.. oddly soft and velvety. One small vein on the side of his cock, it’s nice. Tip, I’d say, is a light cute pink.
•How he fucks: He either makes love for a long time or he plows you hard. Usually both. He rides the fine line very well. While he goes at it soft and caring, he teases you a lot. Vibrators, toys, his finger, his mouth. He just likes to tease you a lot.. but once he slips in, its game over for him. He can’t help it. He has to fuck you like an animal in heat.
Lingerie for sure. He loves to either buy them for you to give you his card to buy yourself some and then surprise him with it! (Will probably write a fic based off this)
Spanking or brat taming: He will absolutely wreck your ass if you talk back to flirt with ANYONE. He will spank you so hard you’ll become a babbling mess.
Body worship: Giving or receiving, he loves to tease you by kissing down your gorgeous body and leave small bites all over you. Nipping, kissing, nipping, kissing. You know. Backhanded kisses
•Dick: He’s German and from my experience, they’re packing serious heat. 7 inches hard. Argue with the wall because I will not listen. Tummy bulge will happen so be prepared. Much like spy he keeps himself in check, trims every couple of days. Circumcised, dark pink with a red hue tip. It’s sensitive as hell. No visible veins until he gets to fucking, then they all start popping out. Thick. Hard stretch that’s for sure.
•How he fucks: They all fuck hard but him.. dear lord. Pray and buckle up because he will bruise your cervix. He pounds. He doesn’t even fuck, HE SLAMS. bed? broken, operating table? broken, desk? Broken twice. He loves to just fuck you into a mindless mess. That’s all
Roleplay: He loves to roleplay anything really. Nurse and doctor, doctor and patient, boss and intern, things like that.
Knife play: scalpels are going to be pressed against your skin.. which leads me to my next kink hc
Blood kink: Licks the blood off of your wounds or the small cuts he marks your body with. If you have a period, best believe he will be begging to fuck you on it
“Meine Liebe! It feels so much better when you’re on your period, it also relieves cramps too!”
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jermer10 · 8 months
Hey, I've got a TF2 request, if you don't mind! Mercs with a s/o who accidentally falls asleep with their head on the mercs shoulder. (Very cliche, I know...) I'll let you pick who you want to write for, no pressure! PS, I think your writing is phenomenal, and I anticipate whatever you might post next!
TF2 falling asleep on their shoulder
gn reader | ahhh tysm!! this message means so much :) i decided to write for all the mercs, hope you enjoy!!!
temperatures are in celsius
drabbles under the cut :P
Scout: "Move ova'!" Scout pushed his way onto the already overcrowded couch, disregarding the protests of the other mercs. Tonight was movie night at the red base, and he would be damned if he couldn’t use this as a moment to try and get closer to you. "Hiya toots," he flirted, stretching his right arm out to rest around your shoulders. "Hi Jeremy." You smiled and rolled your eyes playfully. Scout had been crushing on you for a while, every chaste touch and every flirty interaction had culminated in something that far outweighed any feelings he once had for Pauling. The movie had long since started, and mercs were continuing to file into the living room, squishing themselves onto the lounge or plotting themselves onto the floor. He couldn't remember the genre let alone the name of the film, all Scout could hear was the sound of his own heartbeat and the feeling of uncomfortable itchiness in his throat as you cuddled into his side. An hour in and your eyes began to grow heavy, breathing slowing in tandem. Jeremy glanced down at you, his palms moist and his face flushed as he wrapped his arm around your waist, attempting to focus on the movie and not how cute you looked like that. He was definitely asking you out in the morning.
Soldier: Everyone felt hot, sweaty, and exhausted as they slugged themselves back to the blu base. The mood hung heavy, no one seemed interested in Soldier’s usual antics - all except you, of course. You feigned a smile as he ranted about team ethic and the "American spirit", some mercs scowled at the man and others mumbled profanities and sauntered off. A light breeze came in through the afternoon air, Soldier sighed in the smell of Spring. “Hey, we should sit out here for a bit,” you squeezed Jane’s arm, pulling him towards one of the wooden benches placed just outside of the entrance to base. He felt his heart swell, not only did you want to hang out with him, but any touch from you made him absolutely crazy. “AFFIRMATIVE CUPCAKE,” Soldier responded, allowing you to lead the way. You audibly sighed as you sat down, just looking at you it was obvious you were exhausted. “Better luck next time, huh?” you joked, Soldier chuckled and stared out at the afternoon sky. You sat there together for a while, until he felt a sudden, yet small pressure on his shoulder. You had fallen asleep on him, and with anyone else he would have woken them up immediately, but you looked so peaceful and….pretty in a way? Soldier glued his eyes to the afternoon sky, he could think about these feelings later, better to let you rest after a long day.
Pyro: Being friends with Pyro was exhausting in of itself, and they knew this. But they couldn't help wanting to invite you along to their errands, you were their best friend and any time spent with you was time spent well. By the end of the day, you were both well past exhausted. "You're lucky I like you so much, otherwise I would never go on an errand run with you again." You teased, slinging an arm around their shoulders as you both trotted up the stairs to the base entrance. Pyro flushed under their mask, muffling out a "Yeah, yeah whatever, you love me." and rolling their eyes. You chuckled, opening the door to base and dragging yourselves to the living room. Pyro plopped onto the couch, sinking into the plush cushions and removing their mask. They knew the rest of the team wouldn't be back for a while, and the heat of the day had done a number to both of you. You took your seat next to them, sitting back and resting your feet on the coffee table in front of you. "Wanna watch tv?" They asked, grabbing the remote. "Yeah whatevs" You responded, yawning and stretching your arms over your head. An hour of mindless game shows, and you had passed out, head falling on their shoulder. Pyro chuckled, turning the tv down and dimming the lights. They pecked your forehead, and cuddled into you, making themself comfortable.
Demoman: Demo certainly didn’t take you as a drinker, let alone a party animal like himself! You go out for a couple drinks together after a team winning streak and manage to arrive back to base blasted out of your minds, clinging onto one another for dear life in your drunken stupor. “IIIIII LOOVE YOU DEMOOO!!!!” You proclaimed, enveloping your arms around the Scott’s neck. Grinning and face burning, he wrapped his arms around your waist, attempting to gently guide you back to your bedroom. His ongoing feelings for you had always been pushed down, and despite knowing that you were probably just super wasted and wouldn’t remember it in the morning, he didn’t want to waste possibly his only chance to spill at least some of his feelings to you. “Aye, i looove you too y/nnnn” Tavish slurred, poking your face in various places. You laughed and kissed the man on the cheek, “DAAATE ME TAAVAVVVV!!” You lamented, cupping his face in your hands. The sudden movement causing you both to topple over onto the floor of your room. Demo sat up and leant against the foot of your bed, you, laughing hysterically, joined him. Resting your head on his shoulder, your laughter dribbled off to giggles and you listened to his thundering heartbeat. "I really do like you, Tav.." You whispered, peering down at the floor, feeling a wave of tiredness wash over you. You nuzzled into his shoulder, and drifted off, leaving a beet faced Demo staring down at you.
Heavy: Visiting Heavy's home during the middle of a Russian winter was a less than ideal scenario, but the team had wanted to see what a "real winter" was like, and now here you were trudging 2 foot deep in snow towards the wooden lodge. Heavy opened the door to the sight of 9 freezing mercs, and scoffed. "Inside." He commanded. You furrowed your brows and complied, shivering from the contrast of hot air. "Drink." A mug of hot coco was given to you by the gentle giant. "T-thanks.." You mumbled, walking over to the fireplace and sitting cross legged in front of it. Most of the mercs were directed to their rooms, some lounged around in the kitchen or dining area, having quiet conversations. Heavy sat next to you, mug in hand. This was already too close to comfort for you, and he could tell. Whilst he had been crushing on you for a while, he was oblivious to whether you returned those feelings - believing that you were scared of him. But right now your tired eyes and pink cheeks said otherwise, seeking some form of comfort from the man. "Come, I will hold you to warm you up." Mikhail gave you no room for choice, and you were still freezing. You complied and scooted closer to Heavy, resting your head on his chest as he wrapped an arm around you. In an instant, you had fallen asleep, curled up on Heavy, the body heat shared between the two of you giving more warmth than the blazing heat permeating from the fireplace in front of you.
Engineer: Even after hours of battling, the match on 2fort had yet to finish. Scouts from both sides rushing for the briefcase, only to instantly die from sentry guns, Spies in disguise, or a Heavy hopped up on ubercharge. You were ready to drop, the respawn machine healing your wounds but doing nothing for your exhaustion. You knew that Dell was stationed in the intelligence room, sentry setup so anyone who trespassed would be delt with. The perfect place to catch a few z's before heading back out to the fight. "Yo Dell, can I maybe rest down here for a bit?" You implored, watching the man upgrade a dispenser. "Sure darlin'," He smiled earnestly, you gave him a look of relief. Curling up under the desk, you attempted to sleep, but the lack of cushioning made it an impossible task. Dell noticed, and gave the dispenser one last 'clonk' with his spanner before accompanying you under the table. "Here," He scootched up next to you, "You can rest on me if you'd like." You looked up at him, his cheeks felt hot. "Wow - yeah, thanks Dell." Blood rushed to your face as you situated your head on his shoulder. "Anytime, pumpkin." He muttered. Sleep was instantaneous, Engie held his breath until he was sure you were out cold, letting out a deep sigh and smiling down at the floor. How did he get so lucky?
Medic: Medic suffered long nights in the infirmary, and during those nights you would often visit him to keep him company. It was routine - you would saunter in around 9pm, sitting on the edge of the operating table, your feet barely touching the floor, chin resting in the palms of your hands as he tinkered away. He reveled in it - he had grown attached to this schedule, and by extension, you. Your mere presence made him giddy, seeing your sweet smile before he put you under anesthetics made his heart swell. The best nights were the ones where you would let him operate on you, he would be able to enact out his writings, throwing things at the wall and seeing what stuck. Then, you'd either walk out around 3am, or respawn from a botched surgery, and go to bed. Tonight, however, you had proven to be far too tired for a surgery, let alone a full night of softly rambling to Ludwig about whatever crossed your mind. You had pulled up the operating chair and sat next to him, eyes flickering between him and the notes he had been writing in his medical book, slowly drifting off. Your head fell on his shoulder, fast asleep. Medic peered down at you from over his glasses, breathing a lovestruck sigh. Maybe these were the best nights.
Sniper: The middle of the day in Sniper's van was akin to hell. The air smelt stale, windows wide open, no aircon, just the both of you sweaty, sticky, and half clothed. This would usually have embarrassed the two of you, but the 40 degree weather and sound of the other mercs outside attempting to cool off using a singular hose had you both choosing to stay indoors, not wanting to get involved in the argument currently taking place between Demo and Soldier. Heat fogged your brain, you felt so tired, your body sweat all of your energy out. "Fuck, why couldn't you get an AC installed?" You groaned, lazily shutting your eyes and fanning your face with your hand. Sniper shrugged, and despite not being able to see the motion, you scoffed. "Dunno," Mick responded nonchalantly. He trailed off, seemingly succumbing to the same heat induced exhaustion you were fighting with. You opened your eyes slightly, confirming your suspicions that Sniper had also closed his. Arms crossed, head pointing downwards, God, he looked so comfortable. Mick could tell what you were thinking, and he wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to you, but he couldn't bring himself to move. You were close like that, almost reading one another's minds at times. So you made the first step, sliding over to him and laying your head on his shoulder. Sniper was uncomfortably hot, yet refusing to move an inch as you slept on him. Eventually, he couldn't help but nod off alongside you.
Spy: The drive back from your mission was excruciating. Sniper and Medic sat in the driver and passenger seats respectively, the only sound was the droning radio hosts on the van's radio. You had failed, and you knew Spy was seething from the loss. You, however, were so tired you couldn't even stand. Partially from the bullet lodged in your calf, partially from the athlete level running you had to do in order to get back to the van after the high elected government official had caught you in the act attempting to steal nuclear launch codes. Spy was the one to snatch the codes, but you had still been seen, and that in of itself was a failure. Incidentally, Spy had been the one to offer you aid once you were safely in the van. Your arm draped around his shoulders, wincing at the sharp pains running up your leg. As much as he tried to hate you, he just....couldn't. You were too sweet, too kind. So, he opted instead to blame Medic and Sniper for being unable to damage control the situation better. You were slipping in and out of consciousness, head slowly rocking towards Spy's shoulder, and then awkwardly leaning back towards the wall of the vehicle. "Rest your head on me, mon cher. Otherwise you are going to break your nose." He grunted. In an instant you had passed out on him, breathing in the strong scent of cigarettes and expensive cologne. He sighed a breath of relief, enjoying your gentle pressure on his side. Smitten was an understatement.
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chrisredfield73 · 10 months
I have a tf2 request! Could I get some head cannons of an undercover mission trope? Like the mercs seeing the reader dressed up for a mission?
- feel free to ignore, but if you do write it, Ty!!
A/N: I LOVE THIS TROPE SM BRO. I'm down to write just about anything so don't worry! (Usually I do the bullet-point posts faster cause they're quicker to post! If you want a full story from any of these, lmk!)
For Spy's part:
Mon cher/mon cheríe means my darling or my treasure!
He's in his room when you walk in, his jaw drops to the floor as soon as he sees you and his eyes widen.
"Damn, toots/pal.."
He didn't expect you to be dressed up this nice, and to look so good...
After taking a moment to gawk at you, he gets that cocky smirk on his face.
"You look hot."
He's not the best at flirting, clearly, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try..
He was busy yelling at the other mercs before turning to look at you.
His eyes widen under his helmet and he tugs at his jacket collar.
"Wow.. Uh.."
He's speechless and getting flustered in front of all the other mercenaries..
"You look.. Good."
He's trying so hard not to show how flustered he is in front of the others, to no avail.
They're all over there snickering and making fun of Soldier.
He's sitting outside, thinking about 'Pyroland', when he hears footsteps behind him.
As soon as he sees you, he let's out a happy and muffled coo.
He absolutely adores you in your nice dress attire, you look amazing!
He gets up and walks over to you, handing you a flower.
"Mmf mff mm mmf!"
He hopes you'll wear that outfit more often, he thinks it suits you really well!
No pun intended.
He's off in one of the storage rooms, drinking his scrumpy, when he sees you walk in.
He let's out a low whistle as he eyes you up and down.
"Aye, lookin' good there, lass/lad."
He's got a blush on his face, due to the alcohol or your good looks.. We'll never know.
He takes another swig of his drink, a slight smirk on his face.
"Ya want a drink?"
He offers you the bottle, still taking in the sight of your outfit and your form..
He's sitting in the armory, examining Sasha to make sure no one else has messed with his beloved gun and he hears you walk in.
He smiles at you, a light pink flush forming on his face.
"Heavy think.. You look beautiful/handsome."
He likes how well dressed you are, thinking that you should dress this way more often.
"You will do good, Heavy can tell."
He's not as flirty as the others, yet his stomach does flips as he looks at you..
He's sitting outside, by his truck, playing the guitar when you approach him.
He looks over at you and gives you a smile.
"Well, look at you.."
He thinks you look amazing, you should wear that outfit more.
He stops playing the guitar and offers a cheeky grin.
"Wanna sit here with me, hon?"
He's not as flirty as the others, but he absolutely adores you dressed up all nice like this.
He's sitting in the medbay, in the middle of doing some crazy experiment that definitely has some life altering effects, when he notices you walk in.
He gawks at you for a moment before clearing his throat and smiling.
"You look good. Ja, very good."
He's a little awkward and he's definitely getting flustered.
He can't believe his eyes, you look amazing dressed like this.
"Did you.. need something?"
He tries to change the topic before he gets too flustered, but it's obvious to you that he's blushing heavily..
He's sitting in his van, cleaning his kukri, when you walk in.
He's one of the more stoic mercs, but you definitely have his jaw dropping.
"Damn, roo.. Y'look stunning."
He blushes, looking away to try and hide his flustered face.
He knew you'd look good but seeing you dressed like this in person makes him turn red.
"You wanna sit here for a bit?"
You caught his eye, as if you already didn't, and now he wants you to stick around more than ever...
He's in his room, smoking a cigarette and listening to jazz, when you walk in.
He looks over at you and his mouth goes agape.
"You look.. stunning, mon cher/ma cheríe."
He's enamored, stunned by how well dressed you are and how good you look dressed like this.
He's silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.
"You have a perfect outfit for going undercover."
It's awkward, to say the least. He didn't expect this at all but he definitely likes what he's seeing..
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habitabel · 6 months
My favorite genre of TF2 fanart is EEPY SNIPER fanart, examples:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I have a link to my board full of napping sniper art on my Pinterest I'll link it below 😝 (SEND ME MORE IF YOU FIND ANY
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prettyboypistol · 7 months
How mercs would react after having a wet dream
TF2 Mercs' Wet Dreams! ||TF2 x M!Reader|| +18 obviously
He imagines you shirtless and on his bed all cheesy porno style, you coax him over and pull him to the bed, kissing over his chest and murmuring about just how badly you need him.
He loves dreaming about you riding him and sucking him off, especially when you suffocate him in your chest and hold him close.
He has a recurring dream of you breathing heavily, panting out "Scout, Scout! Scout!" as you jerk yourself off as you ride.
Cums in his sleep and jerks off in the morning, sneaking away to wash the sheets early that morning.
Solly is inspecting your dress code and orders you to attention for the formal inspection.
"Private! Will you do anything for your country?" "Sir, Yessir!" "No matter the cost, will you defend this base?!" "Sir, Yessir!" His voice a little quieter, yet slightly commanding as he leans into you. "Then show your major just how much you need his lead."
God, he loves imagining you in formal military dress as you kneel before him, praising his battle tactics and mouth full of dick.
Doesn't cum in his sleep, but it's a 70-30 shot that he'll grunt your name into his pillow as he ruts against his mattress.
They imagine you as an angel, dawned in gloarious robes and with a halo and wings. Pyro isn't worthy- not a monster like them that can barely stay sane- yet you invite them forward and kiss their mask's forehead as you hike up your robe to expose yourself. "It's alright darling, you can touch me."
Secretly, Pyro wants to deflower you. They know you're probably not a virgin, but the idea of spoiling your virginity is so hot to them. The first one to touch your body, the first one to ruin you.
Pyro kneels and nuzzles your thighs in reverence as they touch you the way they desire. Their touches leave purple-black marks wherever they touch, actually staining you with sin. They feel so guilty about ruining an angel like you, but you're allowing them to!
Pyro does cum in their sleep, whimpering and writhing against their suit.
Tavish's wet dreams start out like normal dreams- in a bar, drinking his heart out back in Scotland with his friends. Then he sees you from across the room. You give him a look that invites him over as you bite your bottom lip.
"Hey there sexy, you look like you could use some company." You flirt, petting Demoman's bicep. Tavish laughs and escorts you to the back of the bar, magically turned into a nicer bedroom as he lays you down.
It's a bit of a haze, but Tavish remembers thrusting into you and imagining how tight you mush be, he dreams about fingering you open with the hilt of eyelander if he's feeling a little fantasy-based rather than in the year of the lord 1971.
Sometimes he dreams of you fucking him, and those are the dreams that wake him up to stained sheets.
In the cold russian nights, you knock on the door asking for a place to stay. Mikhail ushers you in and offers you a warm bath, which you graciously accept. Little do you know that there is a little hole in the wooden walls, where Heavy keeps an eye on you.
Mikhail touches himself to the sight of your naked back, as you seen to have the same idea in the bath, reveling in the now warm touches of your hands against your skin.
He hears you moan out his name as you masturbate, and that only fuels his fire more. He usually climaxes to a particularly loud and desperate begging from your lips.
Wakes up with a raging boner that he mostly will ignore, but will rarely take care of himself to the thought of you.
You're kidnapped, tied up by the enemy- but you're naked and begging for someone to touch you! Engie is there to rescue you, but you look so handsome all vulnerable like that- you understand, don't you, darlin'?
Dell fucks you as you're tied up in the chair and mutters dirty things that make his sleeping body blush as he promises to fuck you in every way he can as he fucks you like a desperate man.
The feeling of your tightening around him and begging to let you cum, please don't call him daddy, he'll stain his sheets!
Is massively ashamed to touch himself when he's awake to thr thought of his coworker
You. On his operating table. Bound by the belts and struggling to escape as your dick is hard and tied with a little bow at the base. "To Medic" the gift tag says. Wouldn't it be rude to not use a gift?
He imagines you drunk on lust as he injects both you and himself with an aphrodesiac. Hazily, you two fuck on base instincts for hours as he shoves his cock deep into you over and over again, orgasm after orgasm until he was thoroughly used.
But you break your restraints, pin him against the table and fuck him from behind. It's your turn to use him like the cocksleeve he knows he is. Use him like a fleshlight, just as rough as you always imagine!
Doesn't cum in his sleep but jerks off into a test tube for research purposes later.
You and Spy are making out in his smoking room before you lay him down onto the couch, unbuttoning his suit and kissing all the skin you can reach as you undress him.
You finger him lazily with one hand, pouring him a glass of wine with the other. The glass is left on the side table as you suck hickeys into his thighs before you thrust into him.
It starts off slow- as it always does, you're always gentle at first- then you pick up the pace, drilling into him with reckless abandon as you chase your pleasure.
Spy sleepily jerks himself off from over his pyjama pants, more asleep than awake as he dreams of you absolutely wrecking him.
He imagines you fucking yourself with your fingers in his Sniper Nest, holding his shirt close to you. You fuck yourself stupid as you moan out "Mundy, oh god, Mick- please fuck me!"
Mick loves watching, just like the creep he is. He loves the shame of watching someone through a sniper scope, even if he's not watching intimate moments like that. During missions, he likes to rub one out as he watches people do mundane things.
He fucks his fist in his sleep to the sight of you seducing him- the idea of you wanting him just as much as he wants you drives him insane.
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animeluvr1000 · 1 month
Sitting on the mercs lap! Tf2 x reader
(it gets a little repetitive and it feels like i used the same prompt almost whoops) Anyways,this is how the different mercs would respond to you just plopping on their lap! (this story is from my tf2 x reader on wattpad btw)
Heavy: He would just be cleaning his precious Sasha,making sure his gun (his beauty) was in pristine shape and condition,but as he looks at it more he gets surprised when he sees you come over and plop on his lap like he's a chair. He would be shocked at first but chuckle as he wraps his hand around your waist,continuing to clean and inspect Sasha.
Demoman: After a long day of fighting red/blu,all he wants to do is drink his delicious scrumpy. He laid back on the crates drinking like there's no tomorrow until he feels some weight on his legs. He was almost too drunk to know what you were doing but laughed it off as he watched you getting comfortable on his lap before he offered you some of his scrumpy.
Spy: He was in his smoke room drinking some of his finest wine as he smoked,watching as the fire cackled in the fireplace. He put his cigarette in his mouth as he grabbed one of his books that was on the coffee table,reading it before he noticed you come over. He thought you needed something,but when you sat on his lap he was stunned. "Vhat are jou doing ma cheire?" He asked as he noticed you start to get comfortable on him. He sighed but let you stay there having the tiniest hint of a smirk forming on his lips.
Sniper: One of the times when it's ceasefire day and he's not in his smelly ol' camper. He's at the base in the kitchen sipping on a cup of coffee as he's relaxing at the table in silence. That is,until he heard you come in. He thought you were just grabbing something from the fridge but when he saw you come closer,it took him by surprise as you just sat on his lap making his cheeks turn a slight pink,he pressed his hat lower onto his face looking away as he felt your warm body against his. "Bloody hell sheila" he manages to rasp out. He won't admit it,but he likes it and he want's you to stay with him for as long as you can.
Scout: He was simply just minding his business outside sitting on one of the crates,throwing his baseball up and catching it as he chewed on some gum. He noticed you walk in but when you came closer and plopped on his lap,boy did he have a confidence boost and he was intending on using it too. "Heya toots,what's this all about?" He asked in a smug tone as he held onto your waist to help you onto his lap more. He looked smug and all but deep inside he was a flustered mess.
Pyro: As he's playing with one of his lighters,watching as the flame burns bright and flickers,he was too into it before he saw you come over and sit down on his lap making him make an excited muffled sound in response before he quickly wrapped his arms around you tightly,holding you almost like a baby,not really wanting to let you go. As you continued to sit on his lap,he took one arm off of you before switching back on the lighter so that you both can watch the pretty flame.
Soldier: He was vigorously training as usual before he finally took a break wanting it to be quick before getting back to it. Then as he sat down,he smiled at you seeing you come over but when you sat on his lap,he gasped and looked at you. "What's this all about maggot?! This isn't some trick is it?!" When he hears a "no" and that you simply just wanted to sit on his lap,he grinned as he looked around tugging at his collar as he felt you get all nice and comfy on him. Eventually he'll lean on you,putting his arms around you but quickly stops after a moment and takes you off of him before he quickly gets back to his training.
Medic: He was in his infirmary,fixing up his ubercharge and doing only heavens knows what,he was doing a few more tests sitting at his medical table but that's when you came in the room walking towards him. He thought you needed fixing or that something was wrong,so when you plopped on his lap,he looked at you with a grin as his eyes widened. "Oh schatz!" he exclaimed as he tenderly wrapped his arms around you holding you for a moment before going on a huge rant about his experiments and such.
Engineer: He would be in his workshop working on blueprints and his sentries,fixing them up and thinking of new ways to make them better. Then when you came in,he thought you wanted to watch him or needed something fixed since that's what you would come in for sometimes. But as he got back to working on his sentries,legs open as he sits at his desk,he feels you plop down on him making him surprised and shocked. "D-darlin' w-what are ya doin'?" He asked as he felt you press against him. His face was was red but he put his gloved hand around your waist and let you stay there for as long as you wanted as he continued to work. (Even though he was on the brink of having a heart attack)
That's all! I did tweak it a bit from my story on wattpad to make it 'better'.
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crabonfire · 2 months
☆ Would merc still like you if merasmus turned you into a worm 🪱 ☆
characters: all mercs
tags: crack but not really I'm taking it kinda seriously, reader has a platonic relationship with the mercs
note: maybe someone's done this before idk I felt compelled to write something tf2 related and this is lowkey all I fucking got lmao
Also this is ridiculously long for a fic that was supposed to be crack so my bad (this was longer actually, but I cut out a bunch of yapping)
• I feel like Scout's first reaction instead of panicking is to curse and threaten Merasmus.
• He's yelling, so much to the point where Merasmus just teleports away and ignores it, finding it funny (of course he finds it funny what a dick)
• He realizes that when he was so busy yelling at Merasmus, he had lost you. He panicked, looking around the ground with a horrified frown, cursing to himself as he started to dig, looking closely. When he finally found you, he placed you on his hand with a frown, looking at how you moved against his fingertips. He wanted to cry a little, he really didn't know what to do.
• He's placing you under his hat. Usually he'd find worms or maggots gross as hell, and if he was going to be honest he still found you gross, but it was you, so...
• Then he rushes back to base, the panicked look on his face never leaving him. He alerts all the other mercs, making a huge fuss over how, you're a worm now, and they need to help him get back at merasmus to turn him back.
He's holding you in his palm, and you're just wiggling around like nothing is wrong cause you're a worm now. And the rest of the mercs look at him like he's crazy.
• Spy, Sniper, Medic, and Heavy are convinced he's lying. Demo believes him a little since he's experienced Merasmus' antics. Soldier automatically believes him fully since the worms there, but you're not, so that must be you. Engineer is just trying to keep the peace, trying to calm scout down, but it doesn't work as no one is listening to him.
• The team is skeptical, thinking that this is some elaborate prank and that, you're just out for a couple hours. But when you don't return tomorrow for the fight, or return after, that raises some suspicions on where you are.
• Ms. Pauling doesn't know where you are either. So is it true? Are you really the worm?
• A meeting is held, everyone stands around the rounded table, the light shining down on you. You're in your little wormy home, slithering and worming your way through life, forgetting your identity, eating leaves and sleeping in dirt.
The mercs watch as you're doing your worm thing.
Engineer clears his throat, making the attention go to him. He turns to Scout, and the confusion in his voice is evident as he speaks.
"Scout, you're absolutely positive that, this worm is (y/n)?"
Scout responds with an aggresive nod, the slight panic and frustration shown in his expression.
"I told you, its them! I saw it happen with my own two eyes, Merasmus found em, they got zapped and poof- they're a worm! A freakin' worm!"
• The team continues to look at you, so peaceful, so calm, being a worm. They don't know why, but, now it was much easier to believe him. The worm was just like you, chill and...cool...and awesome...and wow... amazing..
"So...what? They're just a worm now?"
Sniper said, picking up the jar you were in, looking at you curiously.
"I don't think they'll be too happy stuck like that."
Engineer spoke once again, "If they got turned into a worm, there's...probably a way to turn em' back, right?"
• That was enough to bring hope to Scout's mind. Of course! That was it, if he could find Merasmus and maybe force convince him to turn you back, everything would be okay! All his sadness had dissipated, and he was quick to start making plans.
• So they did, the team would go hunting for Merasmus, and make him turn you back. In the meantime, they'd take turns taking care of you.
• Scout liked to hang out with you, pretending like it was just like before, where you and him would sip sodas together and talk about anything and everything. He'd pour some soda in the dirt you were in, not really caring of the consequences and thinking everything was the same with you two. He really missed having someone to talk to, though.
"Man, I hope you can hear me. It'll be like, super fuckin' weird if I've been talking to you and you're not even in there.."
• Pyro wouldn't really see a difference. That sounds mean, but its really nothing personal. Though now that you were a worm, you weren't as scared as them as you usually were. They'd sit you down, with their plushies, having a nice tea party, watching carefully as you'd just slither about as a worm.
• Soldier was...confused. You, who once was a brave and selfless fighter, was now a worm. It fascinated him and scared him at the same time. He'd get awkward around you, wondering if you remembered him. He'd talk to you mostly, sometimes petting you...He'd try to.
"...You're still in there aren't you?"
• Demo wouldn't really know what to do with you either. He finds it kinda funny how you got turned into a worm. Unlike Scout or Soldier, he doesn't really panic, knowing you'll probably be fine, worm or not. He does miss having you to talk to, like scout. Sometimes he'd just be in the living room, and you'd be by the table in your little jar. He'd just watch curiously, but wouldn't really do anything.
• Same thing goes for Sniper. He legit doesn't really know what to do or say. But, he is a little afraid that you won't turn back into a person. Unlike Scout, he found that you weren't 100% obnoxious or annoying, someone to have chill conversations with after battle. He'd keep watch over you, letting you sit with him as he's chilling on top of his van. Sometimes he'd even bring you out with him in battles as he's camping out enemies during fights. He always makes sure you're safe, though.
• Heavy really liked you. He found you someone worth talking to, and a solid member of the team, so it was a bit jarring to see you turned into a worm. He'd keep his hopes up, though, talking to you like normal. Sometimes he'd watch you like Demo did, curious about you and your little world. It was weirdly calming, after battles he'd be worn out, and when he'd see you worming your way through leaves and dirt, it relieved him a little.
• Engie was a little off put by it, the same way soldier felt. You're just...a worm now? Huh. He doesn't really know what to say to that. Medic and him share the same thought, and that thought is, are you concious? Are you aware that you're a worm? Or are you mindless?
They can't help but think of it that way, in a practical sense. Medic would have to hide you from archimedes and the rest of his doves, who would love to eat you at any given chance.
Sometimes they'd do tests on you. Nothing painful or dramatic but, tests to see if you're still in there. They're really overthinking it.
Engie likes having you in his workshop late at night, makes him feel less alone when you're just worming. Medic keeps you at a distance, just to make sure he doesn't lose you or, have one of his doves eat you.
• Spy, is, kind of grossed out. Nobody has a close relationship with him. He did have a lot of respect for you, both on and off the battlefield. You were just a decent human being who he found a liking to, now you're...a worm. A gross, slimy worm.
He never let you into his smoking room, actually he never even let you out of your jar. He liked you, respected you, but liked you more as a person.
He feels pity, honestly, and just wants you to either be out of his way, or back to normal.
• When you do eventually turn back into a worm, they're all pretty glad. They all have questions, ranging from "Were you really in there? Like were you- aware?" And then "Was it nice being a worm?"
I'm sure you can tell who's asking which question and such.
this what comic 7 leak does to a person
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miintsprigz · 9 months
Hello! I loved your mercs x artist reader! I ran into it when I started a Spy art piece a few days prior. (Spooky!) I wanted to request something! Headcanons about a (g/n) reader fear-punching the mercs out of instinct. Like, what if scout just jumped out at the reader and the reader fucking DECKS him on accident. Preferably all mercs, but if that's too much, then just Scout, Spy, and Medic. Obv feel free to ignore, but thank you for your other written pieces!
Oooh, y’all have such good requests!!!
I’ll be honest, I’m pretty sleepy right now, but Scout, Spy, and Medic are some of my favorite mercs to write for, so I can definitely write those three.
May make a part two with the others when I have a bit more energy!
I hope you enjoy, dear Anon ^^
Characters used: Scout, Spy, Medic (TF2)
Warnings: Bit of blood, stuff relating to anxiety.
Finally, the weekend was here. It had not been a good week for you in the slightest, and you were glad that it was done. You could unwind and take it easy now.
Kicking your shoes off as you entered, you closed the door, only to be greeted with a sudden blast of noise.
Without even thinking, your hand curled into a fist, shot out and struck the figure square in the jaw. About a second later, you recognized the voice as belonging to the Scout.
“Ow!!! What the—?!” He groaned in pain, rubbing the side of his face.
“O-oh my gosh, Scout…I, I’m so sorry…”
He curled his lips inward for a second, biting them. Jeremy wasn’t mad at you—truly, he wasn’t, although it hurt crazy bad.
His first reflex when punched was to punch back…but he wasn’t going to punch you. Never you. So he had to freeze for a second, taking a deep breath, rolling his head to the side.
You kept apologizing, hands starting to shake a bit. Quickly, gently, he reached up and took ahold of one of them, gently squeezing his fingers around the back of it, tapping them almost rhythmically against your skin.
A small smile made its way to his face, shaking his head slightly.
“…ya know, if I was just getting back here, and someone jumped out at me…I think I’d slug ‘em too. You’re okay, (Y/N)… I’m sorry I scared ya.”
You wanted to cry for a second, and he could tell. Pulling you in quick, he brought his other arm up to hug you quickly.
“You okay?”
“I-I’ll be fine, just gotta breathe…did I hurt you too bad—”
“Been hit way worse than that, doll. Ya do got a mean right hook on ya though.”
You laughed, and that helped to catch your breath.
“Let me get you some ice…”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine, I’m tough…” Reaching up to gingerly touch the spot he’d been struck resulted in a wince though.
You jerked your head towards the kitchen. “C’mon.”
“Arright, if it makes ya feel better…”
“Oh shush.”
A quiet laugh cued you in that he’d be just fine after some ice.
He was noticeably careful with you as the day went on. You could tell he felt bad, but you’d said it was okay…and if he could take anyone at their word, it was you.
Good word, you hadn’t been sent through respawn, but with how much your head hurt, you were starting to think that might have been a better deal than what you got.
Immediately, you sought out the Medic. If anyone could help you recover, it was him, of course.
You figured you’d just wait outside his office until he came back…not realizing he was already there. Hearing you outside, the doctor slowly, silently opened the door, and went to tap you on the shoulder.
Obviously, you hadn’t expected to see anyone, let alone feel a hand on you, and the pain had you on autopilot, so you spun around and—
“Medic??? Crap—you scared me, I didn’t mean—I’m sorry, I—I just need—it hurts so bad—!”
Great. So now you were in pain after a long day, and you’d (accidentally) clobbered the only guy who could fix it! This was one of those “last straw” moments though, and Medic could tell.
“Oh (Y/N), no need to explain! Take a breath for a moment, bitte (please)! I promise I am fine…oh no…”
You tried to breathe, but it caught in your throat. His eyes were locked onto you, gently grasping your shoulders. Tears had threatened to spill down your face, and this got them falling. You sniffled, trying to keep composed.
“I didn’t mean to…”
“There there, come, walk with me…”
The two hands on your shoulders became one hand gently grasping yours, leading you to a cot in his office to take a seat.
“Where is the pain? Point. I will fix it.”
Somehow, the compassion and somewhat surprising gentleness only made you cry more, but you pointed to your head.
“Ooh, ja, after what I saw you put through today, I’m not surprised—my head would hurt, too.”
Before you knew it, a light flickered on above you, and as the machinery whirred, your pain waned and disappeared entirely.
“There! Good as new.”
Your voice broke when you tried to speak. “Doc…”
“What is it? Does it still hurt? That shouldn’t be…”
He leaned down a bit so that he was on eye level with you. You shook your head.
“I punched you…I didn’t mean to punch you, I didn’t even want to, I…I’m so sorry…”
You knew you’d calm down in a minute, but right now you couldn’t help yourself, and it seemed like he understood that. Before you knew it, he’d hugged you tightly, holding you close to his chest. Tousling your hair lightly with one hand, he shushed you softly.
“Shh shh shh…it’s alright, Liebling, I know reflexes when I see them. I shouldn’t have done that—I’ll tell you that it’s me next time, that’s all! If I can patch you up, I can do the same to myself, so…it’ll be like it didn’t even happen!”
You laughed a bit, and felt him rest his chin against the top of your head before both of you pulled apart.
Once again, his hand grasped yours, and he quickly took your other one too.
“Feeling a bit better?”
“Yeah…thanks, Medic. I appreciate it.”
“Of course, (Y/N). Of course.”
Being a close companion of the silent killer, it only made sense that he’d scare you by mistake at some point. Without even meaning to.
You’d even imagined the scenario in your head. And yet. When it actually happened, you still weren’t ready.
Waking up after a series of weird dreams, you went to head downstairs to grab some water and hopefully head back to bed.
Standing there, with the only real light source being the tiny bulb in the back of the fridge, you grabbed a cup and filled it up, not even bothering to sit down to drink it.
Feeling someone brush against your shoulder, you flinched hard and felt your fist go up of its own accord.
It made contact, with a yelp following it.
“…Spy? Oh no…”
The Spy held one hand over his nose, groaning quietly.
“Hello, (Y/N). You’re up rather early.”
“I’m so sorry, you scared me—”
There was a brief flash of realization over his eyes, and you recognized a bit of shame.
“…you know what, fair enough. I did not think that through.”
Pulling his hand back revealed that he was bleeding quite a bit. “…well, that’s not good. Excuse me.”
Spy was so…matter of fact, about this? It almost put you at ease, but not quite enough. You followed him as he briskly walked to the bathroom, having to scramble along a bit to keep up with him.
“Did I break it?”
“No, I don’t believe so. Breaks hurt much more than this.”
It wasn’t too surprising to hear that someone who was basically a secret agent had broken his nose before.
He looked over at you with confusion flitting across his face, having finally cleaned up most of the blood. Brows furrowed together, he sounded truly puzzled.
“…(Y/N), you didn’t strike me as being afraid of blood.”
“I-I’m not!” You didn’t like how sharply your voice came out, but you couldn’t seem to change it much.
“Well, what’s the matter then? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Spy, I…I punched you. I hurt you.”
“Hmm, debatable really. Punched me, yes. Hurt me? Only for a moment. The bleeding is already stopping.”
You looked at him, bewildered, and felt your face quickly heating up. His expression softened, sighing quietly as the slightest trace of a smile came to his face.
“…Mon coeur (my heart), I’m alright. Please, don’t get yourself upset over it.”
Without thinking about it, you stumbled forward slightly and hugged him. He stepped back a bit at first, surprised, but quickly followed suit, stroking your hair.
“Takes a lot more than that to hurt me. Besides, I took you completely off-guard. I’d argue you just demonstrated sharp reflexes.”
Once Spy pulled back, you realized he was still in that suit.
“Well, at least there’s no blood on your suit.”
With a chuckle, he smirked at you. “Yes, good point.”
“…Why are you fully dressed at this hour anyway? Do you sleep in it?”
Spy rolled his eyes at you. “Absolutely not. I just got back. Late night mission, you see.”
Leaning against the bathroom counter, a playful tone warmed his voice. “If it will set you at ease, I can regale you with the tale…”
Yes, Spy loved to talk about himself, but this genuinely did seem like it was an attempt to help you calm down. Eagerly, you scrambled to sit on the edge of the tub, playfully resting your chin in your hands as if ready to hang onto every word.
With a snort, he shook his head. “I don’t think this would be a good place for it.”
Quickly, you got to your feet again, and he bit back a grin as he slipped his arm around your shoulders, heading over to his smoking room.
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lunatic-pudge · 8 months
TF2 Mercs Green Flags (except it's very biased)
I love my boys. Yes, this is biased and questionable. But this is meant to be cute and fun.
-Silly little goober, great person to be around when you need cheering up
-Golden retreiver boyfriend
-Can easily make you laugh without even trying
-Artsy fartsy
-Cutie patootie who makes the cutest drawings of you two together
-Owns an Easy Bake Oven
-Master at baking, never-ending supply of sweets for you to indulge in
-Your biggest supporter. Would literally cheer for you if you rob a bank
-Also your biggest supporter, will demand that other adore you as well
-Will let you own any pet you want no matter what the animal is
-Speeches of why you're the best thing to ever exist and how America is blessed to have such a beauty like you live there
-Will give you anything and everything you could ever want, like human ears. Definitely a good person to be if you like collecting weird stuff
-Precious baby boy is a major cuddle bug
-Def knows how to knit/crochet, will make you whatever you want
-Baby man likes learning about folklore/mythology
-He's essentially a big walking teddy bear. Perfect for cuddles, especially on a cold or rainy day
-Protective baby boy, big scary dog privleges
-Bookworm, can recommend a good book if you don't know what to read
-Perfect person to lay around and cuddle with, he can smother me any day. Dates at home are TOP TIER
-Smart boy, can make you stuff that helps with day to day activities which is helpful if you can't do certain things to having a disability or something
-Dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, can't get enough of it
-Voice of an angel, will sing for you if you'd like. Can def sing you to sleep
-NERD, he's an adorable nerd! Let him ramble about his hyperfixations!
-Def a good pet owner, would kill someone if they don't take proper care of their pets
-Would make sure you take care of yourself, he's kinda like a dad that cares
-He's such a maniac. I can see him just secretly being up to no good all the time. And he's also very girlypop
-Putting an extra for him cause I can: Medic boobs. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
-Sweet, precious baby boy who can do no wrong. He strikes me as someone who listens to EVERYTHING when it comes to music. He ain't genrephobic
-Also a collector of weird things. Likes making bone jewlery. Bone boy
-I just love the concept of him being feral? This is probably the weirdest thing on the list. Like there's the golden retreiver boyfriend (Scout), and then there's the feral boyfriend (Sniper). Literally acts like a cat, hiding away from people, hissing when people that aren't you tries to touch him, will demand attention/affection from you, ect. I need to make a more detailed idea of a feral boyfriend so work with me plz
-He would absolutely let you wear his clothes, thinking about how adorable you look. He'd do the same with your clothes if they're big enough for his lanky body. You two swap jackets in the winter time so you guys always have a piece of each other when you two are busy and aren't able to see each other
-I know a running joke is that Spy is a smelly French asshole, but I really do think that he wears some of the nicest smelling cologne out there. Expensive af colonge, but damn, it's addicting
-Smarty pants. Not just anyone can be a spy, it takes quite a bit of intellect for it. And not to mentions he knows multiple languages? Love it, even if I hate the French language with a burning passion
-Him having a good taste in fashion? He's gotta know what he's doing by wearing suits all the time. Not only does he look fresh af, but people always look so good in a suit, especially when it fits them. But please also picture him dressed in a more romantic goth aesthetic plz, okay I'll stop now
-Is good at paying attention to even the littlest of details about his partners. Even if you're trying to be cryptic or subtle about things, he'll always find out. He's def a protective type too
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