#than making a post about stuff you barely care about; or having ´vanilla takes´ that get hundreds or thousands of notes
berryblu-soda · 1 year
often i do start to wonder if im being annoying with my massive rambles abt ocs or ninjago or whatever, but then i try to look at my actions as if i was someone else, i think;
well theyre not hurting anyone, it´s clear they´re having fun with their silly little posts and are passionate about their interests, if i saw someone posting like this i´d at least give a like bc i love seeing people be happy, and who knows, maybe those ´´silly little blorbos´´ in your rambles could be interesting to someone
 i know ive brainrotted the same way abt people´s ocs as i have for established characters in series, might as well put in my 2 cents as well
so i´ll continue posting my ´´cringe´´ i think :) <3
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shock-micro · 8 months
Hi, I'm Mira, a silly robot on the internet! I'm... frankly, a lot of things, so I'll bring them up as necessary. To start, I'm transfem and robokin! This much should be clear. It's who I am!
I used to mainly do Minecraft stuff, trying to make the game live up to its visual potential while staying within the confines of the vanilla game's engine. Now, I don't do that as much, but it's still a fun game to mess with. Take a nice sunset from those days!
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My interests are mostly gaming-related, but I've tried to dabble in art occasionally. I like all sorts of games, like Zelda, Pokémon, Minecraft, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Cassette Beasts, Risk of Rain, Ultrakill, Bug Fables, In Stars And Time... the list goes on. I like more than that, too, and I'll keep adding more as I play more games!
I get very excited over things sometimes, so please bare with me if I ramble a lot about stuff! This includes: vagueposting about games I've become obsessed with, ranting about music or game design in something, and more!
Feel free to send me asks whether we're mutuals or not!
I do have a sona, designed by a good friend of mine, @quantumpickle! I don't quite have a reference sheet, but I don't really care if you get it inaccurate- I love seeing how different people interpret the design. Whatever you do, though, don't forget the body fat- it's a reflection of who I am, at the end of the day. If you want a good picture of what I look like, look at Pickle's amazing work:
My posts are mostly reblogs, but I always end each session of scrolling with a post of my own, to know where to end next time I log on. I try as best I can to keep this account safe for work in both reblogs and original posts, though I am an adult. I will say something if this ever changes.
I am plural, sharing a body with a rabbit girl named Moon, a zoroark named Zoey, a wasp named Aspen, and a roach named Yui. They'll chime in every once in a while, with Moon being represented by her blue text and formal language, Zoey being represented by her red text and general attitude, Aspen being represented by her orange text and her demeanor, and Yui being represented by their purple text and their cadence. You can call us "Team Berry" as a collective!
Hello, all! It's Moon. It's always a pleasure to be here! I do love an opportunity to talk to all you folks, even if I'm not usually there to respond.
heya, it's zoey. not sure how often i'll use this thing, but it's good to keep options open, y'know? ✌️.
hey guys, i'm aspen! not sure how i got here, but it's quite a treat to finally learn how you giants live! i'm always open for conversation if you send me an ask.
Greetings. I am Yui, from the same place of origin as Aspen, though a different region. Fate works in mysterious ways.
I do have a partner, and I will always talk about them given the opportunity, but I carry a certain form of love for all of my close friends. The people I know mean a lot to me.
I love the simple things in life, from food, to nature, to the contrast of light and dark in both a literal and literary sense. I often find myself overwhelmed by everything that goes on in the world, but I find comfort in knowing the bad stuff is only a few bad people out of a beautifully diverse species.
If you couldn't tell, I generally prefer looking on the bright side and finding something to love about things rather than staying miserable all of the time. I don't get out much, and so I'd much rather give people that light to hold onto than spread the same old bleak story that you've heard from countless other people, regardless of how important it is to share. Change is built on hope, after all.
Change is something I believe in, more than any normal god. It's all around us, from the seasons, to the stars, to the rain, to the fleeting emotions of ours. I believe in our ability to change things, that we can all make a positive impact on our own lives, the lives of others, and the world. I believe in our ability to change ourselves, and that people shouldn't be afraid to become who they want to be. I believe some level of change is necessary for a happy life, and I strive to leave every day as a better version of myself.
Normally people put a DNI in their bio or their pinned post, but I don't really care to do that. If you're a bitch, I'll block and move on. I don't care how you use a label, or where the other folks in your head came from, or whatever other queer-adjacent drama is the hot topic, I accept you regardless. I'm ace, I still love my partner, I can love anyone, I use it/its pronouns, I'm robokin, I've got four other folks in my head and I don't know how they got here, do you really think I'd hate you for being you?
That's actually an important point- even if I do think something someone's done is unforgivable, I believe that bad people are still people. In some ways, that makes things better, they have lives outside of what they commit, but it also makes things worse when you realize someone woke up and actively chose to perpetuate genocide. Some people are genuinely that bad, others are just misguided and can be helped. Ultimately, it's not my job to "save" anyone. I just try to provide a light of kindness when I can.
Wow, that was long-winded for a post that's just supposed to describe me. I suppose that's in-character for me, though. Agree with me or not, I don't really care, as long as you're respectful. I hope you've found this post helpful in understanding who I am as a person, long-winded as it is. Have a good one, whoever and wherever you are.
(...now how do I pin this?)
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
right back at you! 35-40 for the ship you're thinking about most!
BJ and Seb are more on my brain, but I don't know Seb too well yet, so I'll do my latest TWC PT as well -- Kendis and Ava.
35) Who's more artistic?
Joeb: Bethany Josnel is. He's a rock star whose stage attire involves shoes like this. His stage name is Nova. He can play the piano. Seb is literally just some guy.
Keva: I mean I can't imagine someone being LESS artistic than Ava -- Rebecca maybe? [After all repairing cars takes some artistry] So, it really isnt hard to be MORE artistic than Ava. But Kendis definitely takes the cake. Not only is their attire more aesthetically vibrant, they're very creative and are open to new creative endeavors. So while they're far from a traditinonal artist [like BJ], they enjoy making and decorating and fashion.
36) Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Joeb: I feel it could be either, because Josnel is a dad friend and Seb is a dad. So it is probably even, but I feel it leans Seb. Just by a hair. He comes off like a very attentive parent in the asks, and I feel maybe this might have given him a sixth sense. Also, I feel he would be mindful of how much work and stress BJ's career is -- so he's even more hypervigilant to take care of his man. This is my Seb canon til otherwise proven.
Keva: Ava. LMAO, not that Kendis wouldn't. Neither them sleep lmao, so its more who pauses working to get the other a snack. But Ava will take care of Kendis if it kills them both. But Kendis is more likely to be the one sleeping and thus waking up at 2am. Then Ava is faster thus could get Kendis what she needed before she can stop her.
37) Which is more likely to swear?
Joeb: Oh, I don't know. Seb seems like the type to tsk 'language' and he is so goofy, he doesnt seem like a curser? And Josnel was raised in the Church, still has that in him. Maybe BJ but barely/rarely.
Keva: Kendis. Kendis swears and curses. Silly swears [dangnabbit/go suck the toes off a pig, you tucker carlson watching butthole] and at times the "harder" stuff lmao. Usually leans on 'fuck' and 'shit'.
38) Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
Joeb: Sebastian. BJ. Respectively. I remembered that Seb is down to clown. He is also more touchy. BJ is generally more reserved [so far, in my mindplace. Maybe it will change when I play him -- maybe the white man will have him act a fool!]
Keva: Kendis. Ava. Respectively. Kendis has more experience. And Ava is very set, I also don't imagine she's thought about sex much at all. I mean she's demisexual. And she's also Ava. Kendis is also is theoretically down to clown. [As long as they call the shots/boundaries are pre-established].
39) Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
Joeb: Goodness, idk. Maybe Seb? I feel Maya has made him creature rescuer. It must be habit. BJ would judge because he's unaware that he would as well -- but he's more likely to call animal rescue, I feel than try to make himself the next star of Dodo.
Keva: Kendis. All day. Everyday. Ava is ready to move them away to the city -- but with her luck Kendis would find some diseased sewer creature to bring home. Ava is resigned but also not, like she accepts this is who Kendis is but she's gonna point out the follies anyway.
40) Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help?
Joeb: I don't think either of them are big eaters? Though, maybe leans on Beth because them post-Black church lunches were about filling the plate. Seb makes sure to just shop more and get the groceries.
Keva: Kendis. Kendis be eating. And theyre a foodie, I feel it is fair to say. Ava isn't big on going out, but she definitely indulges Kendis for the quieter hole-in-a-wall. And she probably knows Kendis' faves from Hayleys and will stop buy to get something when she walk kendis home
Thanks for the ask!!
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Pinned Post WIP
(Addendum number ?/???: Fuck it, spoilers ahead. I don't know much more than vague details about JP FGO or anything in NA after the Tunguska mess got me off the game, but anything else even beyond the basic Stay Night VN parts are fair game for open spoilers. Should be obvious and not an issue if you're here, but you know...it's tumblr)
(Preface: I will have zero patience for trans discourse regarding Mordred, Caenis, Artoria, or any of the usual suspects. I'm not super attentive to tumblr, less so to sideblogs, but I will turn on notifications for this if I have to and smack that down ASAP. If you have something negative to say about Mordred holding a sword to someone's throat over misgendering incidents, please hold that thought and vote without commenting specifically about that. I will only ask nicely about this once.)
(Also should go without saying, but this is a relatively sfw-ish sideblog, not the usual horny trans job search death sentence. I have one of those and I am careful about only sharing the url with VERY trusted partners. You can get weird and horny in the usual ways, just keep it to text and FGO official art gacha level ecchi visuals, there's a lot of times and places for fem presenting nips, this isn't that)
I'll make a more solid edit to this pinned post as stuff gets figured out.
Basically, I want to do a tumblr poll tournament about who would make the best parent to Mordred of the bizarre Fate/Nasuverse canon.
There will the obvious choices (Vanilla Saber, Shirou, Salter, Proto Arthur, Sisigou), the obvious comedically bad fuckups (Merlin, Morgan, Lancer Alter, Oberon), some Saber-thirsting lesbian choices (Jalter, Medea, Rin), whatever other random ones I'm feeling (Mash, Guda, Dr. Roman, Da Vinci, Goredolf)
As much as the Pendragon family history is teeming with incest, I'd try to avoid the weirder choices with that (Gawain, Gareth, Aggravain) or the Mordred personal romance options (Caenis, Fran, the rest of the Saber-thirsting-runs-in-the-family crowd, you get it)
Same goes for the child characters people get weird about. We're not putting in Jack the Ripper, Paul Bunyan, Nursery Rhyme, Abigail Williams, The Littlest Santa Jalter, etc, no amount of "She's actually a 2000 year old edtritch dragon god" will make me comfortable about doing that.
Other than that, I'll be open to taking complete left field dumb ass gag choices like Sasuke Uchiha or Goku or other comedically inept anime parents.
At the end of the day, it's still a dumb fun little Tumblr poll tournament about The Cooler betttermyths dot com, and I want people to chill, enjoy it, and vote with their hearts, favoritism, or whatever they just find really funny to pick.
So, more on this as developments happen, but I'll leave the Maury banner, synopsis post pinned, and the Memories at Trifas CE avatar for now and change it later if by some miracle, Kairi motherfucking Sisigou doesn't sweep the whole thing.
EDIT: I don't think I'm including Astolfo btw, I can barely handle that pink loaded Discourse gun on my own time, I don't want to even try to deal with them here.
EDIT 2: Visit bettermyths sometime for real though, it's basically Fate with even less seriousness, good gay little summaries of myths and legends, and like Nasu's works, it can be a fun gateway drug to looking up the source material. Highly recommend it.
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
Smut 4 Smut | Creator Letter
Alright. For once I decided to try it with one of those "For Creator" letters to try and clarify a few things and just ramble a bit about my likes.
Let me start with my general likes and dislikes.
General Likes: Established relationship, Fluff (especially Family Fluff and Domestic stories), Hurt/Comfort, Healing from Trauma, Post-Canon, Hugs & Cuddling, Forehead Touches, Characters in friendly competition (for example in Sparing Matches or Board Games), Cooking, Characters travelling/hiking, Bathing/Washing, low-stake Sickfics (so like a character having a flu, nothing deadly), 5+1 things
General DNWs: Getting together, Pre-Relationship (for the romantic relationships), Soulmates, Reader-Insert, 2nd Person POV, Modern AUs, Non-Magic AUs, Omegaverse, Jealousy, Stories about Misunderstandings, Any Top/Bottom Clichés In Terms of Behavior
And maybe more importantly for this exchange, the Smut stuff.
Smut Likes: All the vanilla stuff (oral, anal, vaginal), One Character Taking Care of Their Partner(s) Needs, Bondage, Consensual BDSM, Femdom where it makes sense, Impact Play, Wax Play, Temperature Play, Prostate Milking, Forced Orgasm, Orgasm Control/Denial, Outdoor Sex, Bath Sex, Nipple Play, Exploring Each Other's Body, People Laughing During Sex, Clear Trust Between Characters
Smut DNWs: Omegaverse, Non-Con/Rape (unless otherwise mentioned for a specific ship), Dubcon, Age Play, Anything in Terms of Scat/Golden Showers and such, Pregnancy Kink, Slave Play, Gore, Mpreg, Scissoring
Generally it should just be said: I do love kink, especially all sorts of BDSM stuff, but I do not like it with all shippings, because some of the ships I read as being more vanilla people.
It also should be noted that there are some characters for which I even do not like certain vanilla things.
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So, while I do enjoy smut with Astarion, I do not wish for Astarion in this - with the exception of the crossover one. Specifically because I mainly ship him with my Tav and... I got just too attached to the dynamic with them.
Generally speaking I also would appreciate even with the other ships that you do not bring in any Tavs or Durges, unless it is just a vague mention of a male Tav.
Now, let me talk about the different ships in this:
Wyll/Karlach/Lae'zel/Shadowheart/Nocturn (and any variations of those characters): Now, I will once more get out my handy-dandy diagram of how I ship them.
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Basically, Wyll is only with Karlach romantically, and he also sexually only interested in her. While the ladies meanwhile are all over the place, though Lae'zel is a bit hold back on actually having something romantic going.
I absolutely do read Shadowheart as submissive, Lae'zel as dominant (oaky, that is just canon), Karlach and Nocturn as switches, and Wyll as pretty vanilla.
Shippingwise I would love it, if the OT5 exists in the background, even if you focus on two or three of the characters. That would be super nice, because I just love the idea of them all being in a big happy polycule.
Astarion/Themberchaud: Okay, I have this long explanation of how I got to that quite random ship. tl;dr is simply that I find they have some super interesting parallels going on there. And I kinda find that sweet. Now, obviously, because Themberchaud in his dragonform is the BIGGEST of all the dragons, I gave him a smaller dragonborn form. See also this picture.
Now, with those two I have the following headcanons concerning sexuality:
Astarion is a bit awkward concerning sexuality stuff, because he has more trauma than anyone should frankly had. Hence he is actually fairly vanilla.
Meanwhile, Themberchaud is super awkward, because sex was never something on the menu for him (because he was the duergar's dragon slave and barely ever got to see another dragon in his life).
And with them I just love some sexual exploration stuff.
Alfira/Lakrissa: These two I find just super cute together. And I absolutely would love to read something about them exploring their sexuality together. I kinda like to imagine, that Alfira is more sexually experienced than Lakrissa based on the fact that she is a bard after all. She kinda knows what she likes, but also does not want to be too pushy. And I do read Alfira as a switch - and would not be surprised if she knew a bit of sex magic or something like that.
Again, I just think they are sweet together and would just absolutely love to read something about them. Also, definitely some "cunnilingus as the main events" would be super nice to read about.
Araj/Aurelia: Another crackship of mine. So let me quickly explain my headcanon there.
I wrote on this blog before, that I could see Araj being a super interesting character based on the fact that while she has grown up around drow culture, she has been away from it for so long. And the drop have a really super restrictive culture that is just not good for anyone. And I kinda like the idea that all she can think about is restorung her house, until she actually does it and finds that she actually would not enjoy going back to Menzoberranzan. So, on her way there she hears about how several thousand vampires have settled in the Underdark. And her curiosity (and kink) get the better of her. She just has to take a look. And, well... Once there she finds all those spawn created by Cazador, and finds them struggling. Because they are so hungry, and there is only so much they can drink in the Underdark. But... Well, Araj has focused her research on blood based alchemy. She does not help them out of the kindness of her heart, but because she just has a fucking vampire kink, and really just wants to do things with them. But she helps. And Aurelia ends up being the one to volunteer for the kink - and through that, the two start to grow closer.
With them I could see a ton of blood related kinks, obviously, also some experimentation involving alchemy would be fun.
Also some insecurity on the part of Aurelia, because just like Astarion she has tons of sexual trauma from things that Cazador did to her. She wants to own her sexuality, but it is harder than expected. I also would absolutely love them exploring some stuff in that regard and Araj being surprised that she totally has catched feelings somewhere on the way there.
Ansur/The Emperor | Ansur/Balduran: Okay, with them I could see several things. One: Something that takes place when Balduran was still Balduran (keep in mind: Balduran is actually a bad person, because he is basically a colonizing piece of shit). Two: After he has become the Emperor and Ansur is trying to save him. The Emperor then trying to woo him with his powers, just as he would woo Tav (or whatever player character you have chosen). Also absolutely would love "hate sex turning tender" for them. That would be so fun. :P
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Alright, my all-time favorite fandom. :D The Castlevania Netflix series. I love this show, I love the characters, and I love the kinky stuff you can get them to do.
Hector/Isaac: My OTP for this fandom and definitely one of my top ships overall! Part of that is their already quite kinky dynamic. The show makes it fairly clear in Hector's interactions with Lenore, that he is a submissive. And I just love to imagine Isaac as a careful dom.
Now, with them I really absolutely can see a lot of different kinks in terms of BDSM. Definitely Bondage and some Impact Play. Also some humiliation of sorts. That kinda stuff.
Something I would ask to be careful about, though, is the entire thing with anal sex. Because Isaac is a very religious Sufi, meaning he believes in the Qur'an. And the Qur'an is very clear on the fact that anal sex is a taboo. So I would prefer some more creative things for this shipping.
Morana/Striga: Those two I love as well - and there is way too little with them. They, too, are also canonically confirmed to be somewhat kinky. Or rather Morana is confirmed to be sadistic. And while I do not read Striga as necessarily masochistic, I absolutely can see her indulge Morana from time to time. Especially given the quick healing that vampires have.
Also absolutely love the idea of them playing around with Shibari and bondage!
I would absolutely love something with them early in their relationship experimenting with each other. I think that would be super cute. I am also a big sucker for some rather harsh BDSM play, while also being super tender with each other.
Something that should be noted here, too: I personally read Striga as trans and (due to the technological limitations of the time) also not at all transitioned. And this is a headcanon I am very attached to.
(Greta/)Trevor/Sypha/Alucard: Alright, the OT3/OT4. First thing I should note here is, that I feel that the level of kink is going to be very depedent on whether or not Alucard participates, because I personally do read him as fairly vanilla. Yes, I know, that goes against a lot of the "kinky vampire daddy" fantasies a lot of folks love, but I really... See him as a cinnamon roll doused in vanilla cream, alright?
Basically my kink headcanons for them are: Greta is very dominant and at least somewhat sadistic, she is also aromantic bisexual. Trevor is super submissive and masochistic, though he does not want to admit it. Sypha is a switch, but likes to be submissive as well. Alucard is demisexual and pretty darn vanilla. He enjoys having soft sex with Trevor and Sypha, but when kinky stuff happens, he mostly just watches and is fine with that.
But also, vanilla foursomes are super cute and I would enjoy reading them.
Abel/Original Male Characters: Okay, and then we get to the weird one... Look, I adore Abel. Yes, I am very aware that the Abel I am thinking off is very much a character existing mostly in my headcanon. However, I am a monsterfucker and absolutely can see him having hot sex with some dude. And if you wanna give him some monster genitalia, I am all there for it.
In my headcanon I pair him off with a male vampire with a superiority complex named Rüdiger, but this is nothing you need to take into consideration here.
Something I would love, though, is that I explained away the fact that our monstrous boy has no voicelines in either the game or the series, by him being actually mute. And I really like that idea.
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And then we have Mizrak and Olrox from Castlevania Nocturne. Ooooooooh boy. I adore them so much. Because, like, two non-white gay men? Fuck, yeah, I am so in with this. But also, they have this entire messed up dynamic going on between them. To put it differently: They are deliciously toxic. I love it!
Okay, but seriously: I do see Mizrak as kinda held back sexually, because his entire sexuality is probably defined by tons and tons of religious guilt. Mind you, this was the era of Christianity where they really turned harsh on homosexuality. Like, don't get me wrong: It was always a taboo, but not the least due to colonialism, they absolutely went against that stuff during this period. So, while I absolutely read Mizrak as gay, I also think he is dealing with tons of religious guilt over it. Like tons and tons of it. And even more he is going to feel guilty about being attracted to a vampire.
Meanwhile I do think that Olrox is a soft, albeit dominant lover. I am going to assume that in reality he is going to maybe push Mizrak's bondaries - but never step over them.
And speaking of bondaries: Like with Isaac, I think that Mizrak due to religious doctrine is going to consider anal sex a taboo and will not engage in it. While the bible is not as clear on this like the Qur'an, the church doctrine at the time said anal was taboo.
However... With this fandom I absolutely would also adore Mizrak post-season01 having guilt filled nightmares revolving around his issues with his religion, and also his relationship to Olrox. And once it comes to stuff happening in his dreams, all bets are off. Olrox being rapey? Absolutely could be something he dreams about. Some sacreligious stuff happening involving altars, churches, and religious artifacts? Absolutely. If you want to, you can go really weird on that end.
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contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 30: Cho Chang/Fleur Delacour (Pornography)
“One vanilla iced chai with pumpkin cold foam, s'il vous plaît.”
Cho couldn’t help the shiver that ran down her spine at the accented voice and its standard order. The flavor of the cold foam changed with the seasons, but otherwise her favorite patron only ever got a vanilla iced chai, occasionally adding a baked good if her day had gone especially well.
“Fleur?” She called, once the iced drink was finished. She didn’t need to read the name on the cup, heck anymore the other baristas didn’t bother writing it. They all knew who Fleur was and they all knew that Cho had a stupid, embarrassing crush on her. So of course they always bullied her into making the iced chai.
“Merci,” Fleur purred, her delicate and soft fingers brushing against Cho’s. “Has it been busy, mon ami?”
“Nope!” Cho replied, wincing at how high her voice had gotten at the innocent question. “Just, you know, normal rush hour kind of stuff.”
Fleur smiled, pretty and sweet and just a little teasing, “You work so hard! I hope you are taking time for, oh what is the word, self care!”
Behind her Mariette and Cedric chuckled, both aware that Cho absolutely did not do any self care. They had both given up on trying to tell her that going to bed at a reasonable time didn’t count and had moved on to just teasing.
Not that she hadn’t recently discovered a new form of self care, but it was one she could never tell her coworkers about. If they knew how many nights she spent scrolling through OnlyFans, they wouldn’t just tease her. They would destroy her.
Besides, it wasn’t like her baby gay adventures in porn would ever matter in her real life, right?
“Did you know about your girlfriend’s OnlyFans?”
Cho felt her soul leave her body, unsure which word set her off worse. Girlfriend, which she absolutely didn’t have or OnlyFans, which no one could know she had. “A what?”
The raw panic must have sounded close enough to confusion that Mariette didn’t challenge her, instead just holding up her phone. Sure enough there was Fleur Delacour in all her French glory. The picture was a coy shot, her stunning aquamarine eyes shining with mischief as she modeled an oversized white oxford shirt. She wasn’t nude, but there was something about the flash of bare thigh that made Cho want to walk into the cooler and never come out again.
Mariette, blessedly, didn’t seem to notice. “Yeah, Cedric said that that Weasley boy he’s fucking, can never remember which one, well his brother is friends with Fleur and apparently takes some of her pictures but most of the time she does it herself, which is pretty impressive if you ask me.”
“Yes, absolutely, hey what was her user name again?”
Technically, Fleur wasn’t doing porn.
But only technically.
Her artful shots never showed her genitalia, she was never having or simulating sex, and she didn’t even imply anything sexual in her captions. But Cho was still found her breath growing shallow as she traced every curve with her eyes. Cho still found her face flushing at any sighting of bare skin, no matter how innocent. Cho still found herself donating way more money than her pathetic barista salary could sustain, as though she was paying a penance.
And the worst part? Fleur noticed!
She had started sending messages directly to xXRavenHeartedXx (and dangit why was she still using that high school handle and not something less cringe) to thank her for her tips. She had started captioning certain photos as specifically for xXRavenHeartedXx and asking why she liked. She had even posted a video where she referenced “her sweet Raven”.
Cho had screamed into a pillow for a good few minutes after that one.
And all the while she had to deal with that same gorgeous woman and her iced chai. She would giddily show offer her new tattoos, all tiny minimalist pieces in crisp black, while asking what Cho thought she should get next. She would coo sympathetically when Cho complained about the latest soccer mom who called her “useless” even while ordering her fifth latte that week.
But slowly Cho found a balance, managing to save at least a little of her paycheck with self control and being able to have a few normal interactions when facing Fleur without a screen to separate them.
And then Cedric, as usual, ruined everything.
“Yo, birdbrain! You forgot to clock out.”
Cho, who had been too busy listening to Fleur wax poetry about her latest photo shoot, didn’t even stop the conversation to double back for the computers. “You could have done that for me.”
There was no venom in her voice, and none in Cedric’s reply. “How will my baby bird learn if she doesn’t do it herself?”
Jerk. He had only worked there two weeks longer than her. His attitude was just a terrible side effect of knowing each other since middle school.
“What is ‘birdbrain’?” Fleur asked innocently.
“Cho here was obsessed with birds back in school.” Cedric teased fondly, earning a halfhearted swat from Cho while she tried to sign in. Their system needed to be updated. “Ravens especially. She was the kind of kid who could, and would, tell you the difference between a raven and a crow.”
“It’s not that hard to tell the difference.” She shot back defensively, finally getting her log in to work. She was so engrossed in fighting the ancient system she didn’t even connect the dots until Cedric opened his big, dumb mouth.
“Whatever you say, Raven Heart.”
Fleur and Cho both froze. Cho’s panicked black eyes met Fleur’s stunned seagreen eyes, neither blinking. And then, as Fleur’s perfect pink lips parted, Cho did the only thing she could.
She ran.
Cho had turned off her phone even as she dashed to the bus. She hadn’t checked it as she road the bus route, aimless in her panic. She hadn’t checked it as she finally transferred to the right bus to get home, choosing to ignore the whole situation. She hadn’t checked as she was greeted by her dads, distracted by her childhood comfort food of giseu-myeon and pickled radish.
She only turned it back on when her dads had gone to bed and she had retired to her room in the finished attic two floors higher. They liked to tease that it was her nest, and she liked to reply that she needed the distance so she wouldn’t hear their C-dramas.
But it was something of a nest, and like most birds she felt much safer there than anywhere else. It was there, surrounded by her pillows and blankets, that she turned her phone back on.
Missed texts and calls from Cedric apologizing and swearing it had been an accident, yup.
Missed texts and calls from Mariette asking if she was okay, yup.
Missed text from Harry Potter asking her advice for asking out a sports rival, yup.
Missed text from Draco Malfoy asking what the heck was wrong with Harry Potter, yup.
And new DM from OnlyFans.
Cho considered throwing her phone away. Like, just out the window. She also considered keeping it long enough to apply for a new job in a new state before throwing it away. Still out the window. Were there any lesbians in Antarctica? She could easily be the first.
But curiosity won out, as it usually did, and she opened the message.
It was a video. From Fleur. For her.
Just for her.
It was Fleur, kneeling on her coral pink bedspread wearing an oversized sports jersey, a pair of cotton panties and thigh high socks. And as she moved away from the camera Cho realized that was all she was wearing. Her face heated rapidly as Fleur smirked at the camera, her glossed lips turning playful.
“Hello, mon ami.” She purred, stretching for the camera and for Cho. “You left so quickly I did not get to say how happy I was.”
Her lovely accent almost distracted Cho from what she was actually saying. Because no, that was impossible. This was impossible.
Fleur’s long fingers trailed up her side, manicured nails dragging the jersey’s fabric just slightly and drawing Cho’s attention to the fact that it was a Tornado’s jersey. Her favorite team, and even more shockingly it had her number.
Oh, she thought half hysterical, Cedric said he was ordering that for my birthday. Asshole must have given it to her.
Fleur cupped her breast and Cho decided she would forgive Cedric. And maybe even send him some flowers. Because she had never, ever, in her life seen anything as beautiful as Fleur touching herself in something that was so much of Cho.
“I have been trying to ask you out for ages, mon coeur.” Her creamy pale thighs rocked against the bedspread, split low enough that she must have been rubbing against the fabric. She arched, biting at her lip and Cho unconsciously mimicked the action. “And then to discover you are my biggest fan, just as I am yours.”
Cho would later deny that her hand shot under her jeans at that. She would die with the secret of how she touched herself to Fleur’s confession and titillations.
Fleur moaned, soft and pornographic and shockingly authentic. “So here is a gift, just for my biggest fan. And if you like it, perhaps you would do me the honor of a date?”
She almost cried as Fleur held up her palm, a phone number written with Sharpie and ended with a heart. The movement lowered her jersey enough that Cho could see her breasts, almost distracting her enough that she forgot to write down the phone number.
“Call me, won’t you, corbeau?”
Cho groaned, switching rapidly to her actual phone app and typing in the number with enough speed that she wouldn’t talk herself out of it. Two rings was all it took before that playful, sweet voice was in her ear.
“Bonsoir, mon corbeau.”
“Your raven?” Cho teased, because she had absolutely looked up the name of her favorite bird in her favorite person’s language. And it had absolutely been worth it when Fleur laughed, warm and delighted.
“Oui, if you would like to be.”
“I would, I really would.”
“Excellent. Now, would you please tell me the difference between a raven and a crow? It has been bothering me all afternoon.”
Cho laughed, Fleur joining her and together they talked and talked and talked.
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dourpeep · 3 years
WAIT. I'm losing my mind over that friends to lovers post you reblogged. All I can think about is college Albedo + mutual pining, romantic tension, and friends to lovers OTL
- Leaving little post it notes in his bag or inside the cover of his textbook to tell him to have a nice day or remind him to take care of himself because you know he has a tendency to work too hard sometimes!! And what if he meets up with Sucrose and Timaeus because they like to catch up and sometimes discuss their research or homework, and they see Albedo hiding a grin behind his books and think that he's solved a particularly difficult problem but it's just a cute little note you slipped him when he wasn't looking
- You stay up studying for exams with Albedo and he dozes off on your shoulder so you sit there afraid to move because you don't want to wake him but you're also dying inside
- The two of you go to the library to work but eventually get distracted so it turns into the two you sitting close together on a couch and reading each other sections from your favourite books
- I can also see him as someone who rambles about labs or new research he's absolutely taken by. Weeks later when you mention something he said before, he's a little surprised but you just tell him that you tried your best to understand everything because you know it's important to him and maybe his heart skipped a little
- Going off your headcanons: Albedo looking for little specimens and deciding it could be a fun outing with Klee so she can get some sunshine and you find the two of them in the park. You end up joining them and Albedo's heart softens seeing you and Klee laughing and smiling together!
- I remember this little headcanon you had where he snorts when laughing sometimes and imagine Albedo letting one slip out while he's with you, and Kaeya teasing him later on.
- Eventually, his friends start asking if the two of you are together because of the silent affection and teasing between the two of you. Albedo knows he likes you but he's scared a relationship will ruin everything and you're too important to lose even if it means he never says anything, but little did he know, you have feelings for him too.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and week! Sorry about this monster of an ask lmao
Like... there are two characters that I seldom, if ever, turn down and that's my beloved Albedo and beloathed Scaramouche- If you don't want me to shut up about a topic??? Like just utter word vomit???? Bring them up. Bring them up, I dare you--
Okay okay okay okay now lemme just--
oops. 1.4k words. Enjoy your headcanon drabbles, courtesy of me being a hard simp for Albedo--
College au Albedo is pretty close to how he normally is! Brilliant, though having difficulties with making friends and keeping said friends, getting carried away with experiments (did you know if you're on good enough terms with the professors, they'll vouch for you so you can use the lab when there aren't classes using them?? Yeah)...so the friendship that you have with him is certainly the closest one he has.
It'd be the kind where you knock on his dorm or apartment door at 11:45pm with some takeout and your textbooks and he'll let you in without a second thought. You slip inside and settle on the floor next to the coffee table cross-legged, setting the food out as if you don't live a good walk away. He wasn't going to sleep any time soon anyway.
Like the kind of friendship where your hand instinctively slips into his to tug him towards something cool you found or to the café where you tend to go after classes.
Even after you get to your destination, you don't let go.
Now that that has been established--the little notes you slip into his bag or on his books really began as a little reminder. Despite his keen intellect, Albedo tends to easily forget things because his mind is always going onto the next thing. So, being the great friend you are, would just slip a note to remind him to take breaks, eat a snack, or that you're supposed to go and meet Sucrose and Timaeus after class to prep for the upcoming exams.
Neither of you really know when they began to turn into doodles or 'seemingly platonic declarations of adoration'. It's normal for friends to write a heart besides "Don't forget I love you!", right? Yeah.
The smile that makes it's way on Albedo's face is unmistakable the moment that Sucrose accidentally stumbles upon a sticky note carefully tucked in one of his notebooks.
Speaking of Albedo and his tendencies to get carried away with stuff, he often functions on...minimal sleep.
Those nights that you pop up at his place to study or just hang out, he often ends up dozing off, glasses sliding uncomfortably down the bridge of his nose and hair tousled out of it's usual style.
You never plan to stay the night (though even when he's awake he insists you do because it's not as safe at night to make the commute home), but you can't just disturb his sleep when it's the first time in a while that he's probably gone without taking a capsule or two of melatonin to help himself back into some semblance of a sleep schedule.
It's these moments that you remember just how soft his hair is and just how nice his shampoo smells.
Also that he's a cuddler.
You awake in the morning, back aching and eyes squinting against the sudden brightness of the world around you and limbs tangled with your best friend. He's unbothered because his face is half-shoved against the crook of your neck.
With the library, you often find yourselves in a little game. There's so much to learn and so, so many topics through the old vanilla-scent found between pages!!
So trips to the library end up with the two of you digging and sifting to find a topic you've never heard of, sit and read for 15 minutes, then proceed to explain said topic the best you can (without looking!!). It almost always ends up with a few chuckles from Albedo as you fumble explaining (and half-making up) information and Albedo's (unfairly) great short-term memory winning out.
Speaking of...between actually studying and your little topic games, Albedo turns to you to bounce off his current observations and ideas. Sucrose and Timaeus, though both in similar majors as Albedo, are busy with their own projects and research to the point that they don't really have the time to help with stuff as extensive as his research.
Annnnd, naturally, since you don't have anything better to do and are almost always by his side, you play that part!
You listen intently no matter how dense the subject may be and no matter if you do or do not have the background knowledge.
When you ask him to explain something you don't quite understand, he can't help but blink in surprise because you were listening??? And wanted to really understand? You prove time and time again (even days, weeks later) that you listened to every word that tumbled out during his rambles.
And of course you do! Albedo's one of the most important people to you, so it's only natural that you want to show interest in his interests.
Also it's pretty cool to find out those random bits of trivia (like lobsters and their repairable telomeres-).
Oh man, the first time that you met Klee was a pretty hectic day for Albedo. Due to his Aunt Alice's incredibly busy schedule, he tends to care for Klee on days that he doesn't have class.
However, that particular day he just barely finished class before he had to go and pick her up from school.
With you in tow, that is.
Immediately, the little girl brightens up at your presence, no doubt excited from what she's heard about you (listening in to Albedo's conversations with Alice and the embarrassed tone in his voice when he realizes that he's let your name slipped again and now Aunt Alice wants to know about this particular friend who's captured dear little Bedo's attentions). He's relieved when Klee doesn't immediately reveal that.
From then on, Klee insists that Albedo invites you for every outing they have.
The cafe for a quick treat? The bookstore to sit and read a few books?
"Oh, please please please?? Can they come Albedo? Klee promises that she'll be good!"
Who is he to say no?
But above all, those park days are his favorite. You end up running around with Klee, lifting her up so she can reach a particular leaf on a branch, squatting down to see a bug or lizard that she's entirely enthralled by--all while Albedo sits under the shade of a tree on a blanket, sketchbook and pencil in hand.
You don't know it (even though there's many occasions where he's shown you his sketchbook), but the pages are filled with your smile.
Around you, Albedo's found that he's most comfortable.
There's no need to hide insecurities or hold his tongue when something particularly exciting comes to mind...nor does he hold back in his laughter. Especially with your insistence that his laugh is cute.
That scenario with Kaeya is entirely an accident, proof of just how used to your presence he's become.
It's a late night and you're out with a bigger group of friends than usual, some friends that Albedo's only known since the start of college, but definitely good ones.
With a drink in your hand you all sit at a large table, chatting about anything and everything when you crack a joke and Albedo snorts.
Not like a snort with his normally quiet chuckle, either.
Instead, he's laughing hard, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes and stomach hurting (and maybe it's because of the few sips of drink he's had) and he snorts. The moment the sound escapes him and he's trying hard to calm back down, Kaeya grins.
He's most definitely one of the first people to put two and two together.
After all, Albedo keeps to himself, even around them. But with you around? There's a certain spark of life that ignites.
It's no surprise that the two of you are close when all is said and done.
But that doesn't stop either of you from choking and cheeks from flushing when someone asks if you're a couple. It happens often--too often to count--and ranges between Kaeya's teasing comments and a few sweet words from an elderly woman passing by your table at the cafe.
And you laugh--you and Albedo--because no, no, you're just friends.
Then the light hits your features just right, illuminating you in a soft glow that makes your eyes shine and--
It's undeniable the way that he feels for you. The sudden quickening of his heartbeat is proof enough. You slide your drink towards him for him to try and he does the same, eyes unable to leave your lips as you take a sip and then smile.
Between the cracks of his appreciation, of this warmth, dread seeps.
Though...that was just over a week ago.
Sitting down back at his apartment, your head resting on his chest and your hands intertwined while you watch whatever's on tv, you shift. Your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
And Albedo wonders how neither of you managed to see it sooner.
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saltybaltic · 4 years
AYO YOU AMAZING WRITER YOU💖 Can you write an nsfw Natasha x reader sex pollen fic where r goes on a mission with everyone and is the only one that gets hit with the sex pollen and thinks nothing of it until they get back for the debrief and r starts feeling the effects during the meeting with the rest of the avengers in there like the fever and aches and is super turned on and humiliated and everyone is confused trying to figure out what’s wrong then Bruce says the only thing that can help is sex and she picks Nat to help her out? Something super smutty 😳
Natasha Romanoff X Reader - EXPOSURE
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow X FemReader Fanfic
Synopsis: On a mission you seem to be the only one who’s been hit with this air borne drug. Fortunately you have a great team mate to help you through it
Warnings: 18+ content, f/f sex, sex pollen so the usual dub-con for this trope
Words: 2345
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You’d really thought nothing of it until you’d gotten off the quinjet. Even the whole journey home you had felt fine, brushing off everyone’s concern with a flick of the wrist as if it was nothing. You really had felt fine. The exposure to the gas back at the enemy base had been minimal, barely a few seconds, and after a brief once over by one of the SHIELD medics, you had been given the all clear that it was probably fine.
It wasn’t until you were walking towards the briefing room to have the post mission meeting that you started to feel anything unusual. Your skin was starting to itch with a burning hotness that was impossible to ignore. When you had parted ways with the team to quickly get changed out of your combat gear before the brief, you had treated yourself to a very cold shower but if anything it only seemed to have made you even more aware of how hot you were feeling. Washing at all was starting to feel like a total waste of time, your hands already clammy with sweat and the hair by your temples beginning to dampen and cling to the side of your head. Your brain felt fuzzy but at that same time it was like you were thinking with perfect clarity. It was like nothing you’d ever experienced before.
Looking around the briefing room as you entered, it was as if you were wearing tinted glasses, everything not quite the way it should be and with a tinge of deep red or orange. You could feel every beat of your pulse against your skull, every hammer of your heart in your chest. Your throat felt dry yet you couldn’t stop running your tongue over your lips to prevent your mouth from watering.
It wasn’t until Natasha sat down beside you that it became apparent that something was very wrong. The smell hit you like a bus and it only intensified everything you were already feeling. It was like your senses had been dialled up threefold. You could take her all in as if it were carefully arranged layers just for you to enjoy; the coconut of her shampoo, the sweet smell of the lotion she’d applied after the shower, the laundry detergent on her fresh clothes, the smell of her perfume.
Maybe it wasn’t the most subtle reaction you could have had if you were hoping not to attract any attention, but jumping up from your seat so violently that your chair fell backwards with a loud crash certainly ensured that everyone’s eyes were now on you.
“Are you okay?” The concerned voice of Bruce from the other side of the room hit you but you could barely focus on what he was saying.
Standing up from her own seat to look at you more closely, Natasha cocked her head to the side as she examined your flushed skin, heavy breathing and blown out pupils. She turned back to the others in the room with a frown, “See, I told you she wasn’t alright.”
“But the medics checked her over.”
“Oh like they know everything.”
“Well they know more than you!”
“It was only a minor exposure and we don’t even know what it was.”
“She said she was feeling fine on the quinjet, I mean this could be something else.”
“Sure, it’s just a huge coincidence that she feels like this after being gassed.”
As the team descended into an argument, you couldn’t really hear what they were saying. Nor, did you care. You felt restless and fidgety, tapping your foot up and down against the ground as you rubbed at your forearms uncomfortably. Your jaw was clenched tight, tilting your head from side to side to work the muscles in your neck as you tried to get your breathing to return to normal. It felt like an adrenaline rush, that feeling that hits you just as the rollercoaster is about to go over the big drop. But it also felt like a hunger, a craving for something like you were a predator that needed to hunt. It was too hard to put your finger on it, too early in the stages of whatever you were feeling to identify it yet.
The sound of someone calling your name broke you from your thoughts, looking up at the rest of the occupants in the room to see them all watching you expectantly.
Sitting down by a laptop at the head of the table, Bruce pushed his glasses up his nose as he tapped a few keys before looking up at you, “I’ll have to use the database we have to try and identify what you’ve been exposed to. But I need you to concentrate and answer a few questions okay?”
You nodded your head, closing your eyes momentarily as a wave of heat washed over your body and you tried to remained focused, “Sure, sure, sure let’s do it.”
“So this gas ... could you see it? Did it have a colour?”
It was so hard to focus on the question, your brain working at a million miles a minute but unable to make sense of whatever it was that you were thinking about, “Erm ... I don’t ... it was kind of ... like a greyish blue, I guess.”
“And a smell? Did it have a smell?”
“It was ... sweet. I suppose. Yeah ... but like ... a dessert or something. Like someone had lit a vanilla candle.”
The questions seemed to go on forever, with the occasional interjection from someone else as they tried to help with the answers. Each question narrowed the possibilities down further, Bruce carefully inputting the information into the computer. By the time he got to the bottom of it, you could barely think straight any more, your hands balling into fists as you tried to process the discussion that was taking place around you.
“That’s ridiculous, they don’t actually use that stuff.”
“Well obviously they do because here we are.”
“If they don’t use it then how is it in their files? We only have the information because we took it from them.”
“But there’s never actually been a case of it being used before.”
“Until now.”
“I mean just wanting to have a lot of sex doesn’t sound that bad, there are worse ways to spend an afternoon.”
“Tony! Can you be serious for one second.”
“It isn’t that simple. This is like a real urge. It can be quite uncomfortable for the subject they-“
“The subject?! She has a name you know.”
“But she’s not gonna do anything crazy right?”
“Well no she won’t do anything she wouldn’t usually want to do but the need will be off the charts. It can drive people crazy if they don’t get some sort of relief from it.”
Finally you couldn’t take any more, clearing your throat loudly to get their attention and gesturing towards the door, “Yeah so this is pretty awkward, little embarrassing, bit too intimate to be honest so I think I’m gonna take off.”
“Wait, you should go to the med bay.”
You interrupted Steve’s statement with a laugh, already making your way towards the door as you used all of your willpower to ignore the powerful surge of hormones and need coursing through your body, “What are they gonna do for me there exactly?”
“I dunno, some of those nurses are pretty cute.”
Despite the fact Tony’s joke earned him a disapproving look from almost everyone, you were actually grateful for it, laughing again as you took his words as your cue to escape and hastily left. You were halfway to your room when you heard the sound of feet hitting the ground behind you.
“Wait up.”
God even the sound of her voice was getting too much now.
“Nat. Please, I really really can’t be around you.”
Despite your statement, the red head fell into step just behind you and followed you down the corridor, “I wanted to make sure you got back alright.”
“And while I appreciate that, you’re way too hot to be this close to me.” your eyes fell closed at your words, the effects obviously starting to hit you stronger now as the confession fell freely from your lips. You never spoke to Natasha like this, you wouldn’t have dared on a normal day for fear she’d knock you to ground. Whatever you’d inhaled earlier that day didn’t seem to share your reservations as the arousal started to make itself known.
Natasha pursed her lips, not wanting to embarrass you as she was fairly certain you would never have normally said something like that to her. Certainly not so blasé. “It’s okay. I know this must be ... overwhelming.”
You snorted, “That’s one word for it. But seriously ... I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be here.”
“Well I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be alone.”
Stopping outside your bedroom door, you looked back at the other woman and immediately had to close your eyes and turn your head away instead as a strong pang of arousal hit you, “Jesus.”
“What? Does it hurt?” the concern in Natasha’s voice was obvious, watching you carefully as your eyes bunched closed tighter and you pushed out a shaky breath.
Shaking your head frantically from side to side, you went to grab the door handle from behind the other woman, “It’s uncomfortable. It’s way too intense. I just wanna ... fuck ... I need to get inside ... I need ... I need you to move, please.”
The sensation of Natasha’s hands coming up to rest on your cheeks caused your breath to catch in your throat. It was almost too much, the feeling of her soft skin on yours was like electricity, a shiver travelling the length of your spine and a heavy drop hitting your stomach. One of her thumbs brushed over your cheek before she spoke, “Let me help you.”
When you opened your eyes to look at her, the feeling that came over you was like nothing you’d ever felt before. It was as if someone else had taken control of you, like you were watching from the sidelines as your body acted of it’s own accord. The moment your eyes had locked with Natasha’s, everything you’d been fighting to control took hold of you and in three brisk steps forward you had the other woman caged between the door and your body, one of your hands coming up to rest on the wood beside her head.
“Natasha.” You paused to wet your lips, ignoring the huskiness to your voice as you scrambled around in your head for the smallest ounce of restraint, “You really need to leave now before I do something I can’t take back.”
If you had been expecting any reaction from the other woman, what she actually did would have been somewhere at the bottom of your list. Over the year or so that you’d worked with Natasha you’d had a mostly professional relationship, though that wasn’t to say you weren’t friendly with one another. However the forwardness of her next move was new territory all together.
Moving her hands from your cheeks, she ran them slowly down to either side of your neck. You could do nothing but lean into the gesture, goosebumps rising and flesh searing at the feeling of her fingertips digging into you. You were so lost in the sensation of her touch that you hadn’t realised she’d leaned closer until her hot breath hit the shell of your ear and she spoke in a low whisper, “But just think how good it would feel if you let me help you.”
Her words actually pulled a growl from the back of your throat, the ever growing heat between your thighs magnifying significantly at her words, “Nat ... last warning.”
Instead of backing down, Natasha tilted her head enough that her lips could attach to the side of your neck before speaking again, “Stop fighting it, I know you want me.”
That was enough. You couldn’t have prevented it no matter what had tried to stop you, pushing the door open with one hand as the other gripped the back of her neck and pulled her into a searing kiss. Practically falling through the door together, Natasha’s hands found your waist and all you could do was groan at the relief of the full body contact. Feeling the way her breasts pressed up against your chest, her tongue slipping into your mouth, her hands around your waist as yours slipped down to grope at her ass. God it was intoxicating and still you wanted more
If you had any control over the urges that were powering your body you’d probably have wanted to take your time. Your attraction to Natasha wasn’t something you were particularly ashamed of or desperate to hide. However you’d barely got as far as building up a friendship with the red head and so jumping straight into sex seemed like you were skipping a few important steps. Not to mention the fact that you were fairly certain this was not going to be a terribly slow or tender encounter. No. With the way you were already pulling her clothing from her body and tearing at your own, you both knew that this was something else all together.
Fortunately for both parties Natasha really didn’t mind. Of course after Bruce had explained the effects you would be feeling, what else would she be expecting really? But in the time the two of you had been working together she had come to care for you and the idea of you struggling alone wasn’t something she cared for. Also she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about you in a sexual way before, granted she never thought this would be how it happened.
In all your haste to get Natasha undressed you actually fumbled several times with the fastening of her bra, sure that you’d be embarrassed under normal circumstances but currently too frustrated and impatient to care. You were relieved when Natasha wordlessly reached around and undid the clasp herself, throwing the item across the room before wrapping her arms around your body to do the same with your clothing.
You could barely register what was happening as the two of you staggered backwards into your bedroom, barely managing not to trip over the clothing and shoes that you’d discarded on the way. You were too lost in her to bring yourself to care about being careful. Just kissing her was absolute heaven. Her tongue sliding over yours, lips working frantically together. You had expected Natasha to be a good kisser and maybe it was just the effects of what you had been exposed to but it was like a sparks were flying, a warm wave washing over your body and a pang of arousal with every soft moan from the red head that vibrated against your lips. The way she would occasionally suck your tongue more harshly into her mouth made you feel wobbly on your feet, and the sensation of her nipping your lower lip between her teeth had you desperate for more.
It didn’t take long for you to be pinned on the mattress beneath her, both naked now and lips still moulded together as she settled herself on top of you. Already you couldn’t stop yourself from grinding down against her thigh, desperate to relieve some of the pressure that had started to build. If anything you needed it more now, the arousal bordering on uncomfortable as you became acutely aware of just how wet you were against Natasha’s thigh.
The other woman didn’t need to be told, evidence of your arousal already coating her skin. She finally broke the kiss to lean down, but she had barely attached her lips to one of your nipples when you pulled her back up with a frantic shake of your head and a groan, “Please Nat, I can’t wait any longer, just fuck me already, please.”
You felt on the verge of crying you wanted it so bad, the whole experience completely foreign to you. It was bizarre to be overwhelmed with such a primal, animalistic need. Every time you found yourself in bed with a woman you enjoyed everything about it; lavishing her body with attention, the anticipation, the teasing, wanting to take her to the heights of pleasure over and over. This was nothing like that at all. You really just wanted to fuck. More than anything you wanted to come and you were fairly certain if you didn’t soon then it would be the death of you.
Nodding her head in understanding, Natasha pressed her lips to yours again as she propped herself up on one of her elbows, “I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
You were so soaked by now her fingers slipped easily inside of you and all you could do was lie back and release a loud moan. You weren’t sure whether it was in relief or pleasure but either way you were certain that Natasha’s fingers had to be one of the most wonderful things you’d ever felt in your life. Just one thrust of her digits already had your fingers grabbing at the sheets below you, heels digging into the mattress and head thrown back against the pillow in bliss as finally, finally you were given what you had been craving.
“Good?” asked Natasha, her fingers having stilled inside of you almost immediately as she waited for some kind of signal from you that what she was doing was definitely what you wanted.
Nodding your head hurriedly, you brought her mouth down to meet yours again, mumbling frantically against her lips between kisses, “So fucking good ... keep going.”
Natasha grinned, happy to oblige as she started to move her hand again and picked up a steady pace. Almost immediately your hips were moving of their own accord to match her, grinding down against her fingers as she worked them inside of you. Every thrust was heaven, the woman above you seemingly knowing exactly what you needed as she began to push into you harder and faster with each stroke.
Everything about it was satisfying the urges that had been threatening to overwhelm you. The brush of her hardened nipples against your chest as she moved above you. The frantic pants for breath into your mouth between heated and messy kisses. The intensity of how she was watching you and the subtle smirk on her lips as she knew how much you were enjoying what she was doing. When her thumb came up to brush over your clit you wanted to be embarrassed at the groan of pleasure that rang out in the room but you were too far gone now to care.
All of it was perfect. She was perfect. You could feel your head getting foggy, that faint twitch to your limbs as the pleasure was building in the pit of your stomach. As you tightened around Natasha’s fingers you craved the release that you knew was so close. The way her eyes were locked on you almost made you melt under her gaze, the darkened green eyes and pink tinged cheeks making sure you definitely wanted to have your way with her after this.
You could feel it happening, allowing the sensation of your orgasm to consume you as it started to hit with another brush of your clit and a curl of Natasha’s fingers. A loud cry of her name echoed off the walls at the action, your teeth sinking into the side of her neck in a failed attempt to muffle the noise. You couldn’t catch your breath at the feeling of satisfaction that finally swept over your body, hands gripping at her shoulders and toes curling into the mattress as you relished the moment. Your thighs quivered slightly and you could feel your pussy clenching around Natasha’s fingers, the red head groaning in quiet appreciation at the sensation. It was exactly what you needed.
And just as her fingers were beginning to still, you could already feel the arousal rising again. The tingles of pleasure had barely subsided and you hadn’t even had a chance to catch your breath before you were hungry for more. Natasha seemed to notice it at the same time you did, not missing the way your eyes had clouded over with lust again.
You were filled with relief when you caught her smirking and her fingers started to slowly move again.
Yeah, Natasha was definitely the right person to help you with this problem.
Find the morning after HERE
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Dirty ABCs | Namjoon and Vixen
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Pairing: Namjoon x Vixen (OC)
Wordcount: 2.1k
Genre: headcanons
Rating: 18+. Minors, do not interact.
This just me having a little bit of fun in between collabs and commissions with an NSFW alphabet, so I can also get to know my characters better (yes, they're just characters. Do not assume the boys like/dislike any of the things I mention). A new drabble should be out soon, but just in case you missed it, here's Jimin's post-Soowoozoo smut! Please, read the trigger warnings carefully 🥺💖
Here's my masterlist! enjoy!!!! 💜✨
Trigger warnings: cumshots, cumeating, creampie, marking, unprotected sex, switch!vixen, switch!joon, daddy!joon, DDLG, lapdance, stripping, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, roleplay, homework within a professorxstudent roleplay, positions (doggy, missionary, reverse cowgirl, bend over), intimacy kink (?), bondage (hands tied, gags), impact play, oral sex, oral fixation, biting, casual mention of foot fetish, food play, choking kink, erotic massage, jealousy (kink), sapiosexuality, size kink, mention of infidelity and sharing partners, mention of outdoor sex, sex toys (dildo, vibrator, manacles, cockring, paddle, buttplug), edging, orgasm denial, orgasm control, overstimulation, BDSM club, uhm...bicuriosity ig?, thickdick!Namjoon, bubblebutt!Vixen impressive sex drive (?)
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Aftercare: Namjoon is the kind of guy who’d gladly collapse in bed after some good, nasty fucking. He puts plenty of energy in it and he isn’t content until he’s barely alive before calling it a night. Yes, both him and Vixen need to force the other into heading to the bathroom and cleaning up before falling asleep. When he goes especially hard on her, aftercare becomes a way to relax for both of them: he needs to pamper her to even things out, and she in return likes spoiling him, giving him cuddles, letting him fall asleep with his head on her chest while she strokes his hair. Yes, his favourite cuddle is her touching his hair and chatting about how they felt during sex.
Body part: He most definitely has a thing for legs, hips and ass. Vixen is all about his chest and arms — but, truth is she’s absolutely crazy about his neck.
Cum: He either cums inside or on Vixen’s ass. No other alternatives for him. He hates cumming in her mouth, mostly because her cunt is soooo much better to him; and then again, that means he can eat her out right after — or mark her up and shove his cum back inside. Vixen is a fan of him cumming inside, she’s pretty much traditional about this.
Dirty secret: Namjoon loves when Vixen doms him. He’d never admit that out loud but he’s praying for her to tie him up and strip for him before performing a lapdance and fucking herself with that glass dildo he bought her… He’ll just wait… hopefully… Vixen wants Namjoon to give her homework on some impossible topic and then punish her for every mistake she makes while he’s dressed in a suit and glasses.
Experience: We know all about Joon’s and Vixen’s bodycount. Joon had four, possibly five partners, one of which broke his heart. He wasn’t entirely vanilla with them, but Vixen is most definitely the spiciest he’s been with — and the most rewarding. Vixen had two partners before Namjoon and her first boyfriend was way more experienced than Namjoon is, but that is not an issue to her. She knows if she ever asked him, they could try out pretty much anything.
Favourite position: Namjoon is mostly about doggy and missionary. Doggy for enthusiastic fucking with that teenage eagerness that characterises them both. Missionary when he needs to make love to her slow and steady — though he admits Vixen on top of him in reverse cowgirl is also a hot topic for him. Vixen likes good old missionary since she likes Namjoon’s body shielding hers. She also enjoys bending over for him — especially on the back of the sofa.
Goofy: neither of them is that goofy when it comes to sex. For them is a moment to get rid of tension and gain more intimacy. It’s a moment of communication and connection, and a very spiritual one at that. There might be little giggles and laughs here and there when they’re in a playful mood, but even then they’re more happy than goofy.
Hair: Namjoon trims his hair slightly, just to keep things neat and tidy. Vixen used to shave at the beginning of their relationship. She waxed a few times, to try something different and to feel Namjoon’s tongue better when he goes down on her. She switched to trimming when she found out Namjoon enjoyed a more natural look.
Intimacy: Nothing isn’t intimate between these two. Brushing their teeth together before going to bed? Religion. Getting dinner ready? A ritual. Making love? Therapy. Fucking like gorillas? Relief. These two share one single soul. They’re each other’s temple, and their bedroom is their church.
Jack off: These two? Masturbation galore. They’re the literal proof that being in a relationship should never stop you from taking care of yourself. They masturbate together while they watch porn, they masturbate to the sight of the other one doing it or just watching them. Namjoon is a huge fan of watching Vixen touch herself. He can do it with his hands tied, untied, or stroking his cock. He really doesn’t care as long as he can watch. Plus the fact that the wall dividing his bedroom from the shower is made of glass really gives him the best view when he has morning wood and Vixen is washing herself. And that goes both ways. She likes watching him while she showers, putting on a bit of a show. Vixen also likes watching Namjoon masturbate, though she prefers putting her hands on him. And Namjoon prefers her hands to his own, especially since she’s so fucking good at that.
Kink: We all know these two are the resident DDLG freaks. Other than that Namjoon suffers from a pretty severe case of voyeurism. On the side, all giving, we have oral fixation, impact play, marking, biting, cumplay and cumeating, and a very mild, very experimental foot fetish. He’s also into roleplay, especially regarding school/university environments. To that, we need to add on Vixen’s end exhibitionism and food play, and then, all giving, choking kink, exhibitionism, bondage and gags, erotic massage.
Location: these two need someplace private, since they can’t get in the mood unless they’re 200% sure they can take their time and relax and be as loud as possible. Namjoon would never stand the idea of them getting caught: he needs to protect Vixen. And Vixen would never try something in public. She knows he’d be too focused on the possible dangers to properly enjoy the experience. That doesn’t mean that they don’t tease each other in public. Vixen likes when they talk dirty in public so once they get home Namjoon rips her clothes off her.
Motivation: Namjoon gets turned on whenever Vixen looks incredibly refined and elegant, completely out of his league. Pair that up with someone flirting with her and he goes out of his way to remind her why she got his ring on her finger ten months after they first met. He also gets hot under the collar when he’s reminded of how fucking smart she is; that makes him both proud and horny. On a baser level, she just needs to grind against his thigh, rub her ass on his crotch, kiss his neck or suck his fingers to make him instantly hard. Vixen gets horny very easily when she sees him exercise power — which happens pretty often with him being the leader. Also watching him tower over someone who isn’t her makes her a little volatile — that’s her daddy, he’s her protector.
No: easy. Sharing. Even simply her moans being overheard by someone would make him nervous. Once he used to share everything about his sex life with his friends, but after he and Vixen got engaged, everything involving her without clothes on became a 100% restricted topic. He still happens to talk about sex with his friends, but he must be in need of desperate help in order to share details. Vixen agrees on sharing being a hard no. She also thinks doing stuff in public is absolutely a hard no: she’s far too attached to her job to risk a scandal ruining it. And of course she would never stand Namjoon’s career and reputation going downhill.
Oral: Both fans, Namjoon both on the giving and receiving side, though he prefers giving by far. Vixen is also a fan of receiving. If Namjoon weren’t so damn intimidating, she would enjoy giving more, too.
Pace: depends on the mood. Playful or angry? Then he’s fucking her like she’s nothing but a cocksleeve, straight up jackhammering his way in. Loving and emotional? Then they’re going slow and steady so they can feel every inch of their flesh meeting and parting and squeezing and squelching and sliding.
Quickie: yes, but not excessively. Vixen can only consider a quickie as a form of foreplay. There’s no way to satisfy her unless at least two rounds are involved. Namjoon is more than happy to take his time with her. If they don’t have that much time, they prefer masturbating together — quick, efficient, delectable.
Risk: No? The only risk he would take would be fucking her out in the open, but someplace where the possibility of getting caught is lower than 0.1%. He’d book super secluded villas for their holidays and fuck her until she’s begging him to give her a break.
Stamina: Namjoon hasn’t got too much stamina and Vixen doesn’t either, they just deprive and tease each other when they want to make it super special, otherwise they would be lazy and take naps in between a round and another. And they can truly deal with that brilliantly since they are great at foreplay and that makes up for their rather weak stamina.
Toy: These two are shameless about their toys. Vixen has a thing for dildos, and Namjoon loves spoiling her with those. She has a couple vibrators too, but she’s not that much of a fan: she has a practical one, when she needs things done quick and easy and another one that looked way too cute for her not to have it. In addition to that, they have manacles, a cockring, a paddle and a quite interesting plug.
Unfair: Being with Namjoon is all about the pleasure. He’d much rather overstimulate Vixen rather than deny her. Also because he has very poor control over his instincts and he can’t deny himself. He would tease, edge or deny Vixen only to punish her and make sure that she actually reads that as a punishment and not as some sick way for her to get exactly what she wants (aka spanks). Vixen is more on the teasing side, and she enjoys controlling Namjoon’s orgasms, but she’s very fair. They like to play dirty, but they make sure everyone gets what they need.
Volume: Namjoon is all about low and deep. His moans, groans, growls and grunts all come in a very quiet, although very eloquent way. He prefers keeping it quiet so it feels more intimate. Vixen on the other hand is very vocal, especially when Namjoon goes down on her or is trying to overstimulate her. She’s still considerate about the people living next door, but at the same time, she has a thing for doing it in the studio so she can be as loud as she wants, much to Namjoon’s — and his private tracks’ — chagrin.
Wild card: if it weren’t for his jealousy and his position, Namjoon would love to fuck Vixen in a room full of strangers, just to show how good he can make her feel, and to enjoy just how deranged she would get once adrenaline started kicking in. Claiming her in a semi-public context would help him sate his possessiveness for a good while. Vixen instead would love to go to a BDSM club with Namjoon and watch scenes from other people — maybe, potentially, join? — she most definitely wishes she had done stuff with a girl before getting with Namjoon.
X-Ray: Namjoon is packed. Length is not exceedingly more than average. But match that with more than impressive girth? That’s a wild ride. It most definitely takes a stretch. Vixen has rather small boobs — but she’s more than stubborn to make up with a full, round bubble butt.
Yearning: at the beginning they go pretty wild. Vixen is used to getting at least an orgasm before falling asleep — every night. Of course that tones down once she gets with Namjoon, especially since she learns to prefer quality over quantity and he refuses to get stuff done in ten minutes. She easily slips into a two to three times a week regimen, but deprive her for longer than ten days and she’ll feel neglected. Of course she’d take care of herself, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t start drifting away as she’d feel emotionally neglected too. Namjoon considers himself happy as long as he can have a full weekend of fucking: he tends to cram all the sex in days where he can relax since during the week he’s often too tense to initiate anything sexual. But he wouldn’t deny it if the fancy struck him.
Zzz: He falls asleep like a bear. He goes positively lethargic the moment he hits the bed after cleaning up. Vixen finds it extremely endearing. She usually takes longer, but not too much. She likes cuddling him while he’s sleeping.
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
The Blood King and his Queen [10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 3.6K
TIGGER WARNING: 18+ scene, first time, taking virginity, vanilla sex. If you are not comfortable reading smut or are NOT 18, please read up until the line!
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: Happy reading my loves!
Thank you for helping me reach 1000+ followers! I have a follower event posted, if you haven't seen it! Requests are still open if you are interested. Rules are posted after this chapter and you can see them if you scroll down my page. Will be reblogging soon!
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It all felt like a dream. When you woke up from the warm, sun rays, Bakugou’s dreamy face was the first thing you saw. Eyes closed without a care in the world. You finally felt a piece and that everything was turning right for you, that this was going to be your new life.
There was nothing you wanted more than for you to be in Bakugou’s arms, and that’s where you were this very instant. His arm wrapped around you in a tight, protective hold, his face just centimeters away from you, you could feel his breath tickle your skin. He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. So relaxed and calm. You wonder why he couldn’t look like that all the time.
But happiness and euphoria came to a halt when you both became a lot busier. Especially since the ball was right around the corner. You were lucky if you were able to even hear his voice. He would be in bed late at night and you would miss him in the mornings because of how much of an early riser he was. Sure it was disappointing now being able to see him nowadays, but after this ball, you were going to spend the rest of your life with him. So there was no need to fret over it now.
You were walking down the hallway with Mina as she was teaching you more about how this palace ran. You got an idea of how your palace ran since you were basically everywhere. Bakugou’s palace was sort of the same concept, only a few things were different. You had to learn where everything was and how to run as queen and what better way for someone to show you than Mina. She was close to the Blood Prince so she had a good idea of how the palace ran. She was telling the history of the royal family, their ups and downs and their legacy. Mina was deep into conversation when a hand covered your mouth and brought you to a secluded area nearby. You make a sound of shock, but because the hand muffled the sound of your voice, Mina didn’t notice and continued walking on.
You were expecting your back to be slammed against the wall, but you were surprised when a hand gently stopped the impact. You came face to face with the one and only Blood Prince who had a smirk on his face.
“Katsuki!” your eyes welled up with tears and you immediately pulled him in for a tight hug. God, you missed his touch, his warmth, his everything. Bakugou hugged you just as tightly. He pulled away to give you a chaste kiss upon your lips. You couldn’t help but melt into him, your knees falling weak. Thankfully, Bakugou still had a good grasp on you.
“I missed you,” he breathed, letting your foreheads rest together.
“You stole my line,” you joked, kissing him again. This time, Bakugou was smiling into the kiss.
“Shouldn’t you being your princely duties,” you reminded him, trying to pull away but Bakugou wasn’t done with you just yet. He kept trying to kiss you despite you physically pulling away to talk to him. When he started getting frustrated with your refusal to kiss him, he started attacking your jaw line and your neck.
“Katsuki~” you whined.
“Let’s just enjoy this moment. I don’t have much time before they notice I’m gone,” he said in between kisses.
“You missed me that much?” you teased and you expected Bakugou to give you some snarky remark but he admit it.
“I missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he came back up to your lips, claiming you as his. He pushed your bodies together, your lips never leaving each other at that point. You both craved each other. After getting that first kiss out of the way, you weren’t afraid to kiss each other all you want. It was almost an addiction. The flavour of his lips made you crave for more. You were too immersed in each other that you didn’t notice a pink haired soldier giving you the death stare. Obviously, you weren’t going to look at her direction any time soon, so she cleared her throat, making her presence known.
“Are you done yet?” she asks, startling the both of you. You were quick to pull away from embarrassment that you got caught. But Bakugou, on the other hand, just stared at her while still saying in his pose: one arm around your waist while the other was bracing the wall. Mina didn’t hesitate to grab you, pulling you to her side.
“If you’ll excuse me, your highness, but I’ll have to take my girl back. I was in the middle of a lesson and if she’s going to be your queen, she’s gonna need to know this stuff!” she scolded her future King. She took your hand and personally escorted you away so she could finish what she was saying.
“Tch,” Bakugou smirked, finally standing tall and watched as his most trusted soldier took you away. Mina was the only person, besides Kirishima, who was allowed to be that sassy with him. He took another moment to look at your retreating figure before joining the rest of his soldiers who were resting against the wall, waiting for his highness to be done with his business.
As Mina had her hand in yours and continued to talk your head off, you kept looking back behind you at Bakugou. Mina noticed that you still weren’t paying attention and stopped in her tracks. Her eyes traveled to where yours was and her eyes softened.
“Are you listening to me?” she playfully scolded, placing both of her hand on her hips as if she was mad.
“Yes, ma’am,” you said sadly, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. Mina knew those eyes but she wasn’t going to fall for them so easily. Bakugou’s figure was quickly disappearing, but Mina wasn’t budging. So you jutted your bottom lips out, adding to the effect and pleaded to her. Mina knew that she was going to let you go but just wanted to give you a hard time.
“Alright, just one!” she allowed and your face just brightened up. You dashed down the hall, as quickly as you could in that dress, straight into Bakugou’s arms.
Bakugou didn’t sense it at first. He thought your little makeout session was the last he was going to see you until after his work was done. He wasn’t expecting you to make a run for it down the hall to him. Bakugou only turned around when he heard running coming closer to him. As soon as he turned around, you jumped into his arms and gave him one last passionate kiss.
Mina smiled softly as the sight, her heart full of happiness and love for the both of you. Kirishima and the boys looked away respectfully to give you guys space. Sero had to slap Denki’s face away because he was just staring so obviously.
Before Bakugou could relax into the kiss, you already pulled away and returned to Mina’s side. For the first time in his life, he had no words to say. He could only stare at you in disbelief, but in the good way. He smiled, shaking his head and continued on his way in an incredibly good mood.
You returned to Mina’s side, feeling accomplished and you both giggled like little girls.
“Okay, okay. You’ve had your fun, your highness. But I really need to tell you about this war because I think it’s so interesting and I think you’d really like it. So…” Mina babbled on, getting really excited to talk about the history of the Kingdom. Of course you were listening but your mind still wandered to a particular blonde prince that had your heads in the clouds.
You were back in Bakugou’s room, getting ready for bed. You looked in the mirror, brushing your hair out and lost in thought. The date until you officially marry Bakugou was fast approaching and still, you hadn’t told him your biggest secret. Whether you tell him now or later, he was going to be angry. Nothing was happening yet. You don’t think the real princess knows. If she did, you were sure you’d be back at the palace by now. So were you safe? There is never going to be a right time to tell him. But was it best that you took this secret to your grave? Could you handle all the guilt? No. You had to tell him. Tonight, you decided.
You had just finished brushing out your hair when you saw Bakugou enter your room, making you gasp in surprise.
“You’re back already?” you asked, getting up to greet him at the door. He welcomed you with open arms, taking in your scent.
“I’ve got to get plenty of rest for tomorrow,” he said. Ah, that’s right. The ball to celebrate your engagement was tomorrow. Already?
“Oh, so you didn’t come back early because you missed me but because you were getting ready for tomorrow. I see,” you huffed playfully, crossing your arms and walked away. Bakugou grabbed your arm before you could walk completely away from him and pulled you in close.
“Stop. You know I missed you,” he said seriously. Your hand touched his bare chest, his warm radiating from his body made your heart race. No matter how many time you could see him shirtless or how many times you’ve touched him, it would still bring butterflies to your stomach.
The same thing could be said for Bakugou. It didn’t help that you were wearing a loose, fitting nightgown, leaving everything up for the imagination. Granted, he had already seen your naked body once, but it was only a glimpse. He didn’t get a good look before so he could only imagine what it would be like when you were under him, taking your naked form all in.
Bakugou scoops your face in his large palms, bringing you close to him until he places his lips on yours, the fluttering feeling in your stomach only intensifying. He broke the kiss for both of you to catch your breaths and claimed your lips as his again. His kisses felt different, like they had a purpose. His hands started roaming around your body, making you feel hot all over. It started on your back, then slowly caressed down to your waist and then over the curves of your ass. Your mind was filled with thoughts of him that it was driving you mad.
Bakugou wasn’t satisfied with just kissing you. He was craving more. Hungry for more, he moved on to kiss your neck but you tried to stop him.
“Wait, I need to tell you something first,” you grabbed onto his shoulders, but the way he moved his lips and how his tongue swiped against your skin was making you almost forget what you were about to say.
“Do you trust me?” he breathed, detaching from your neck momentarily.
“O-Of course I trust you. But it’s kind of important,” you said.
“Kind of. Surely it can wait till the morning,” Bakugou continued attacking you with kisses.
“But Katsuki-” Bakugou interrupted you by completely stopping his actions to look you dead in the eyes with the most serious expression.
“Do you trust me?” he asks again. You stared into those crimson orbs of his and sighed.
“I trust you. But-” you couldn’t finish your thought because Bakugou had turned you around so that you could see yourself in the mirror.
“Whatever it is you have to say, it can wait till morning. Right now, to me, there’s nothing more important than making sure you feel like a queen,” he declared, looking at you from the mirror.
Bakugou starts kissing your neck again, his soft lips coming into contact with your bare skin sent chills down your spine. You allowed yourself to submit to his touch, closing your eyes to heighten your senses to his touch.
Gently and deliberately, his hands moved to the back of your gown, untying the bow. He fingers wrapped around the silk fabric, feeling every knot come undone. He goes slow, feeling the curvature of your waist, then your lips, then all the way back to your shoulders. He takes his time removing your gown, admiring your bare shoulders and back that were now exposed. Your gown falls with a soft swish to the floor. The cold air made you shiver but Bakugou made up for it by his roaming hands that were so warm to the touch.
He feels up on your naked body again, this time roaming up the front, groping your breasts in his hands and then caressing your neck. His mouth moved from your neck to your shoulders. You could feel his tongue swipe against your skin for a more tingling sensation. You didn’t want to waste another minute. You turn around and kissed him. He holds you tightly in his arms, kissing you back with the most love. You pull him closer to you, guiding him to the bed.
You fell onto the bed, his arms falling on both sides of your head. Bakugou climbs on top of you, removing his cape swiftly without disconnecting the kiss. He then scoops you up in his arms, you hands fall to rest on his cheeks and the back of his neck. Your tongues tangoed together in a lover’s dance.
God, what was happening right now? You were completely naked, Bakugou was half naked at the moment. The ambiance of the room was intense and clearly getting more heated by the second. You had no idea what you were doing nor did you know what was going to happen. Everything was happening so fast, you didn’t have time to think. All you knew is that you didn’t want to stop. Your lower region became numb and tingly. You’ve never felt this sensation before. Everything was so new. Your mind was all fuzzy with thoughts of him, it was driving you crazy.
One hand roamed down to your waist while the other hand was busy doing something else. You could hear him fiddling around with his pants and the sound of it coming off. Almost immediately you could feel something hard hit your inner thighs. You jumped in shock, only imagining what it was.
You didn’t know anything about sex. You were so coped up in the palace walls and you weren’t educated on anything. The only thing you remember growing up was that you shouldn’t show your body to anybody but your partner. And that was only if you were married. But what were you doing now? You weren’t not married yet Bakugou was devouring you all over. His touch was so addicting and he was touching you in all of the right places. An unfamiliar feeling started in the pit of your stomach and there was an aching feeling in between your legs.
Bakugou broke away from the breathless kiss, saliva connecting your tongues together. He takes this time to admire your bare body. He never noticed how curvaceous you were, you were just perfect. Your chest was heaving up and down, making his eyes move to the mounds of your breasts. Your nipples were erect from how turned on you were feeling. Bakugou couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight. Then he ventured lower and he almost groaned when your legs were already spread, ready to take him in. It was making him even more hard.
“God, you’re fucking beautiful,” he whispers. He licks his hand and started pumping his cock. If he didn’t do something soon, his cock would explode for being neglected. He moves closer to your entrance but before he could put it in, you stop him by putting your hands on his chest.
“What are you doing?” you asked, panic starting to rise in you.
“You trust me, don’t you?” he asks. You nod your head. “I promise, I’ll make you feel so good. It’ll hurt for just a bit.” He warned. You take a deep breath, putting all your trust in him. He glances up at you. When you looked ready, he slid his dick inside you, all of it and fast. You take a sharp intake, surprised by his action and how much it hurt. So much so that you feel it in your throat. You grab onto his forearms for dear life. He leans down into you and whispers in your ear.
“Breathe, my princess. Just breath,” he tries to direct you. And so you do as you’re told. Bakugou doesn’t move and just stays still to let you adjust to his size. Slowly, you start to relax. You let your shoulders fall and allow your body to fully ease. The tightness around his cock eventually became looser. That indicated to Bakugou that that was a sign to move. Bakugou slowly thrusts into you. The feeling of pain was still there in the start, but the more you relaxed, the more you felt that pain turn into pleasure.
You started to moan, your eyes rolling in the back of your head. You’ve never felt like this before. It was all new, but making you crave more of his touch.
Bakugou groans loudly at the pleasure. He loved the sounds coming out of your mouth, the loved how your tits bounced up and down from each thrust. But he loved how you clenched around him more. Fuck, he wasn’t expecting you to be so tight. You felt so warm and despite not prepping you beforehand, you were so wet. The sounds of your slick folds meeting his cock were sinful. Suddenly, Bakugou snaps his hips into you, making him go deeper inside you. You moaned loudly and threw your head back.
“You like that?” Bakugou’s voice was raspy. You nod your head enthusiastically, almost impatiently.
“I love that,” you respond. “Do it again.” You begged. Bakugou smirks and does it again. He lets his cock be free from your clench before slamming back into you. You moan loudly again and clench around him even tighter.
“Fuck,” he curses, continuing to slam his hips into you.
Your servant girls were nosy, as all servants were. They wanted to know the gossip. The girls were right at your door, ears pressed against the giant wooden frame. They were listening in and giggling to each other. Two masculine figures appeared behind them, clearing their throats intentionally. The mighty soldiers, Kirishima and Denki, made their presence clear. They looked intimidating, arms crossed against their chest to look cool, or at least Denki was. The girls bowed their heads and scurried off. Some of them looked back to see both of them guarding the door to give you two privacy. Denki took notice of some of the girls and gave them a flirty wave. They giggled again before leaving their sight. Denki smirked and tried to give Kirishima fist, but Kiri denied it, smacking his hand away with an eye rolls and shake of the head. Denki shrugs his shoulder and put his hands on his belt.
Bakugou thrusts into you with more force and more power than before, moans are filling the air, both yours and his. You claw at his back trying to get something to grab but you’re just leaving markings on him, which he doesn’t mind. All of a sudden, Bakugou pulls out, panting and clear frustration painted all over his face.
“Fuck, not yet,” he panted, holding his cock in his hands. You didn’t know what he meant by that, but you whimpered at the loss of contact. Wanting to feel something, you grabbed his face and brought him in for a kiss. The prince groans into the kiss, that being his last straw. He pulled out wanting to last longer, but seeing that you were impatient and wanting more, he had to please his princess. He brought your legs around his shoulder and thrusted into you, not giving you time to breath.
“Mhm, ah!” you groaned, separating from the kiss. You felt excitement rapidly grow in your lower region, a feeling so pleasurable you had no idea how to take it.
“Wait, Katsuki. I feel too good,” you warned him in between moans.
“I’m almost there, too,” he said, going faster to chase his high.
“Ah! Fuck, wait! K-Katsuki! AH!” The pleasure was almost too much for you. The feeling was getting larger and larger until you couldn’t take it anymore and just let go. You threw your head back and clenched your eyes so hard you saw stars. Your pussy clenched around his cock so tightly that it was Bakugou’s turn to let go. With one last groan, your walls were coated in a thick, hot, white substance.
You both stood still, able to finally catch your breath. Bakugou leaned down to touch noses with you, his beath on yours. You were so high on cloud nine that you didn’t think before speaking.
“I lo-” you began but quickly realized what you were about to say. You put your hand over your mouth to prevent you from saying those three magical words. Don’t say it, you thought. If you said it, you’d never be able to take it back. Bakugou takes both of your hands and pinned them above your head.
“I love you, too,” he leans down to whisper in your ear. Tears brimmed in your eyes, threatening to spill out. Because you felt so happy. So happy that you didn’t want this dream to end.
A/N: Spoiler alert: enjoy this chapter. Enjoy every chapter so far. All that serotonin you’re feeling? Soak it all up. Because this is the last fluff chapter you will ever get 😊
If you’d like to be added to the tag list, just let me know! And I’d love to know your thoughts, what you think of the series so far and what your expectations are for upcoming chapters! Do you want a happy or sad ending? What angsty scenes are you anticipating? What do you not want to happen?
Don’t forget! My requests are open until May 9th!
1. Send in a request or headcannon of any Boku no Hero or Haikyuu characters
2. I prefer angsty requests! As for headcannons, I'm down with any genre. If you are sending in a request, please be as descriptive as possible! Its hard to write when the topic is so broad!
3. FYI if alot of the requests are the same, I will most likely combine them all or only do one or two of them since I dont want to repeat alot of the same topics. It'll get boring: not only for the reader but for me as well
4. ❌No NSFW! Not experienced enough but I can hint at some sexiness
It would be really cool if you could send in some requests! I’ll be doing all of them to the best of my ability, you won’t be disappointed!
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @melasnchz-things @animexholic @bkgwrites @sam-i-am-1025 @apexqueenie @katsukibabe @germfart3 @tspice283 @angie-1306 @bakugous-trauma @bakugousmrs @random-fandom-girl-24 @monetfatalia @triviajeongin @readingslumpfanfic @softredrobin @daddy-daichis @stardream14 @spicysherlock @cathwritestragediesnotsins @luvtaromilktea @aaannaabbanana @i-ameri-cant @shyonigirichan @aomi04 @anime-for-live @maggiecc @cloudsgathering @backoftheletter @moshi-moshi-angie015
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bakugotsundere · 4 years
Hating Him - Bakugou Katsuki (1)
bakugo x (black) fem reader
( still can read if you’re not)
sorry if it bothers you, i just felt that my black readers weren’t feeling black as they were reading y/n stories cause i for sure wasn’t.
Warning: none
Summary: Bakugo and you have hated each other ever since you met, being on the same track team and having the same friend group didn’t make things any better. you 2 have to act like you like each other for the benefit of the friend group until one day you and him are forced to have movie night with the others and you both have had enough of each other’s shit.
in this chapter: you get invited to the movie night and bump into bakugo
The morning smell of outside filled your lungs as you stepped out your house. It was exactly 5:30 in the morning. The streets were not busy and there was barely any noise, just faint sounds of dogs barking and truck drivers in a distance. It was the perfect time to go for your daily run. The chilly air made you happy, it gave you more of a challenge. you zipped your nike training jacket up. It fit you tight, tugging at every curve of yours. The sky was a foggy blue, a few clouds started coming in, along with the sum.
You walked down the steps of your house, stretching your legs when you got to the sidewalk. You looked ahead and yawned as you walked onto the street. Your neighborhood was fairly nice to say the least. Everybody minded their business, especially since your house had been secluded. After your grandmother died, she left one of her houses she owned to you, making it easy for you since you dreaded the idea of having to share a dorm with someone, let alone having to get an apartment.
you placed your airpods in your ears and played Apparently by J.Cole. J.Cole had been your favorite rapper since you were 12 years old, you missed the days where your 12 year old self would dance around your room to his music, now you’re grown and responsibilities are becoming more than just making sure your chores were done. You stretched one last time before taking off.
Once you were done, sweat dripped from your face. your breathing was heavy and the cold water bottle in your hand had been long awaited. The sun was now out. The birds chirping got louder and the old lady from across the street was sitting in her chair with her small cat in her lap, you quenched your thirst, swallowing every last drop of water. “Good morning Y/n” She chirped. You wiped your mouth with your wrist smiling, turning towards her, “Goodmorning Ms. Rodriguez.” you reply as you waved.
You finally go back inside your house, feeling at ease. you take off your black vapor max at the door and go to your kitchen, grabbing a nutrigrain bar, you ate it before going upstairs to get ready for your classes. you took your curly hair out of its messy bun. the roots of your hair were finally breathing and it felt good. you scratched your scalp in satisfaction. you looked in the mirror, loving your features and your brown/caramel skin. you never felt the need to put yourself in the 3 categories because to you there was no need to, everybody in the community was black so why separate it into groups.
you placed the shea butter your mother made for you on your face. you took off your semi-sweaty clothes throwing them into your dirty clothes hamper and looked at yourself in the mirror. your body was perfect to most but you didn’t see what everyone saw. your thighs were too thick for your liking, especially since you did track. your breast were too big to you, they sometimes got in the way while working out. you had a 4 pack from the working out, everybody told you that you had an hour glass body but you hated it. if this what a hour glass body was, you hated it.
you took off your panties, replacing your old ones with Tommy Hilfiger ones. You grabbed a pair of black nike sweatpants that fit your thighs perfectly. You took off your bra, letting your breast breath and put on another sports bra, putting on a white t-shirt fresh out the pack. you ran chap stuck along your plump lips, they were more than plump actually if you like them so it didn’t matter. you picked out the roots of your hair leaving it’s on it’s curly state. you had dyed your hair a ginger color, which made you look like sza a little. your fro was like hers too, very big and curly.
You wrapped your apple watch around your wrist and put on some whit nike socks, along with your white air force ones. Your phone started dinging and it was the gc, you had been in with your friend group.
Mina :) > goodmorning whores. Time for class before you become drop outs.
Denki ⚡️> good morning Mina ;)
Midoriya🥬> Goodmorning everybody, i have a big test in Mr. Aizawa’s today so i have to get to studying, talk to you guys later.
Kirishima> Mornin. It’s beautiful out today, isn’t it and i’m not a whore mina.
You> yea, kirishima i’m pretty sure you got caught with cami in the janitors closet.
Iida> Mine was too, you guys need to stop texting and get to class.
You> sure, see you on the track field lida. this gc is getting deader by the day and it’s embarrassing to watch.
(seen by kirishima, Mina, and Bakugou)
lida> typing...
You shut off your phone with a smile, knowing that got him heated. You didn’t even care for his response. you loved messing with lida, it was funny, you sprayed a little vanilla perfume on your body and you were off to a place you dreaded.
You were now in the library studying with Mina. Mina was like your best friend, you told her everything and she told you everything. “Have you seen that picture of trey songz you know what?” she asked and your eyes went wide, in shock that she was talking about this in the library. “yes, but i can’t go crazy over it, he made the shit so corny. the whole post he made afterwards had me cringing at my phone so hard. i was like “boy what the fuck” he too old for that shit.” you told her and she giggled.
“I’m having a movie night with the rest of the group this saturday, you have to come. you never come to things with us anymore. Ever since bakugou started hanging out with us, you’ve been avoiding us. i’ve noticed some type of tension between you 2, i hope it isn’t sexual?” she stated and your stomach churned at the thought of that stuck up dummy.
“No, i just like staying to myself, that’s all. i think i’ll come Saturday as long as it’s not going to be a lot of people you know how busy i am with track and stuff.” you stated in reality you hated being around bakugo. especially since he always felt to make rude remarks towards you when everyone wasn’t around. He was normally mean to everyone, but you got it the worse since you had the shortest running time on the team. When track practice would come around you and him would argue with each other every second. you hated being yelled at or talked to badly and your mother sure didn’t raise a bitch so you talked to him just as reckless as he did to you and he hated every second of it since you were the first to ever test him. your personalities didn’t mix well at all.
“it’s only gonna be, denki, bakugo, kirishima, todoroki, asui, uruaka and deku but that’s if bakugo doesn’t mind.”
“yea, i’ll think about it.” you said softly.
you were now at practice and the death stares you received from bakugo made you just wanna slap the fuck out of him. His eyes followed you as you warmed up. You could see him start to come towards you and you sighed. His tall figure stood in front of you, blocking the sun, his body shaded you. “You draw too much attention.” He stated as the boys that were on the team stared at you. You were the only girl on the track team so you learned to get used to it. “I know, why are you telling me this?” you asked and he gritted his teeth, “All of those boys are practically eye raping you.” he states, taking in your appearance and you sighed, “I don’t know what to fucking say. these are the only sizes in shirts they have and if my curves happen to show then so be it. it’s not like the whole thing is out.”
Sweat dripped from the side of his head, he had on a white tank top and some nike shorts with some white vapor max. a towel hung over his broad shoulders. your eyes scanned his body, you never thought bakugo was ugly, he was perfect when it came to looks. He was very tall with a slim, muscular build, and a fair skin tone. He had short, spiky, ash-blond hair that looked soft. His eyes were a sharp and bright red in color that showed his hostility. his looks fit his personality though, very cocky.
“Why do you care?” You asked and his cheeks turned a bright pink and anger came upon him, this line made him mad, “I don’t.” he replied angrily. “Well then stop telling me things i already know. All you do is bother me.” you told and his lips curved into a smirk, “Your existence bothers me, imagine how I feel.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing past him aggressively. He can be so fucking annoying. Imaging having to be on the same team as someone you hate. It’s really irritating, especially when the person is somebody as arrogant as he is. He needs to be humbled.
You and Bakugou were the only 2 left after practice, your coach was mad at the both of you because of what happened last week with the sub coach. Bakugou had been bothering you that day and you snapped and then you two decided to have a race on your own which didn’t turn out so well since bakugou got mad that you won in the end.
So now you and him were being forced to do “after practice workouts” with each other. You were now lying on the ground of the track floor, exhausted. Bakugou was right next to you, your chest rose up and down, your breathing heavy and your legs worn out. You looked over at him, and he looked over at you. “This wouldn’t have happened if you just wouldn’t hate me so much and accept that i’m faster than you.” you stated and his red eyes stared at your light brown ones. “Can’t blame this all on me. You hate me as well and you don’t know when to shut up. You don’t have to respond to everything i say but you do.” He said and you placed your hands at your stomach, “I’m not about to let you walk all over me like you do everyone else. Your ego is too big and i’m doing nothing but lowering it.”
“Is that what you think?” he asked and you sighed softly looking him in his eyes trying to search for anything but anger but there was no other emotion but that, his pupils did dilate once he noticed how hard you were staring into his eyes though, “It’s not what i think, it’s what i know.” you said. “i don’t understand why you are always so angry all the time. I don’t even know how you have the friends that you have. obviously that means they see past it but i refuse to. i can’t. sorry but that’s just how i am.” you stated sitting up, he sat up with you staring at you, “i don’t understand how you have friends, you are very competitive and just avoid me then. We can always hate each other from a distance.” he stated and you smiled shaking your head as you stood up.
“Can’t do that when we have the same friends and are on the same team and i’m only competitive when it comes to track. So i’ll just hate you regardless and plus you always keep your enemies close. It doesn’t matter though, i’m still faster.” you added on that last part trying to make him mad and you could hear him start to yell as you walked off and a smile came upon your lips.
There’s no way you could ever be friends with him so why even bother trying. Something about him makes your blood boil.
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serendipityjxmn · 3 years
Mr. President
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Chapter 14
TW: None
Words Count: 1.5k
Link to Masterlist
Link to Chapter 15
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You’re home early. Since you so conveniently followed your heart to resign right at that moment. You sigh, looking up at the ceiling where you lay defeated on your bed.
You wonder if you did things right.
But at the same time it kind of feels liberating.
He doesn’t even mention about your gift to him.
You sigh again. You don’t really resent your husband. He did the same thing a hundred other employers would do. He can’t let you off the hook simply because you’re his wife.
Although you guess he could’ve brought you somewhere else and lash out on you where not everyone could witness it.
Without realizing it, you fell into a slumber and only wakes when the dusk has set. You glance at the clock and sits up almost immediately. It’s around the time Jimin would be back and you haven’t prepared dinner yet. Hoping he hasn’t reach home yet, you quickly head downstairs and make your way to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
The sound of someone clearing their throat startle you a little. You turn to see your husband standing at the threshold, looking quite unsure of himself.
You almost want to let out a laugh but holds yourself, although barely. “I made some spaghetti today.”
He takes a step forward hesitantly. You sit yourself in front of him once you laid dinner on the table.
You see him hesitate to eat and despite knowing it’s because of earlier events, you couldn’t help asking. “You.. don’t like spaghetti..?” Just in case.
“You’re not mad.” He states.
You try really hard to stifle a smile and hopefully it works. “I’m not.” You simply say before beginning on your own spaghetti.
“You quit your job.”
You pause for a while before answering. “You’ve always been keen to get rid of me at the company, thought I’ll make it easier.” You joke but Jimin apparently doesn’t seem to understand. You sigh and look at him. “I’m not mad. You did what you have to.”
You see his shoulder visibly relaxes at this. “Took an unfair accusation to get you to quit your job.” He teases back and this time you smile. “I’m.. sorry I yelled.. I should’ve asked before blindly getting mad at you.”
“It’s okay. At least I get to sleep in again now.”
He smiles at that. “And um..”
You look up and for a fleeting second, you think he’s blushing.
“Thanks.. for the gift.” He says quickly.
Your lips break into the biggest smile upon hearing that, heart hammering from his simple words.
He smiles at you too, or basically just the corner of his lips quirking very slightly. But you don’t care.
All is good again.
It feels good to have a lot of time at hand again. You’ve started again on art using the art set Jimin gave you. And you’ve since been working on your small portrait. You smile at Jimin’s face that you’ve drawn so far. You try your hardest to enunciate all of his beautiful features. And it’s the best pose of him that you like, him smiling. His blinding smile that could literally light up the whole world.
You’re careful to cover the painting in canvas whenever you’re away because you can’t risk Jimin finding out.
And you don’t know how but your mind is suddenly reminded of your personal diary, a book where you religiously writes your day which nowadays is mostly filled with Jimin.
Glancing at the clock, you head upstairs to change clothes. Once you’re done, you head down to find your personal bodyguard that your husband informed you before, Taeseok.
“Hey um-“ you begin as soon as you see him. He staggers to his feet quickly, perhaps surprised to see you. You feel kind of weird too to finally be communicating with him.
“Hi.” You say again awkwardly. He nods his head in equal awkwardness. “Um- I need to head to the office to pick up some stuff.”
He nods. “I’ll bring the car around.” He says simply.
It’s a very innocent and seemingly harmless act. You deciding to pay a visit to the company where you once work to pick up some stuff. You even try to have a small conversation with your bodyguard on your way to the company.
Except that it is all a mistake.
Stepping out of the car, a woman walks past you, making you stop in your tracks. You stare as she walks past and enters the company.
That model figure and long black hair.
You feel like your world is collapsing. Your heart feels like it’s going to burst and your head is spinning. Everything around you seems to spin and you stumble and would’ve face planted on the ground if Taeseok didn’t step in and holds you firm.
“You alright, Mrs. Park?”
You scoff. Mrs. Park. Not like it means anything other than just you as one of his property. You manage to stand again with the help of your bodyguard. Eyes staring blankly at the building entrance. All thoughts or will to enter and retrieve your things are gone.
Trying hard to ignore the physical pain in your chest, you turn to look at Taeseok and finds him staring at the entrance as well. His gaze turns to you then and you could see the look of sympathy in his eyes. That seems to set off something in you as your tears flow immediately.
Taeseok sees this and quickly swallows. “Would you like me to take you home, Mrs. Park?” He offers kindly.
You can only nod meekly.
You’ve burnt yourself once and cut yourself twice now as you’re preparing meals in the kitchen because you’ve been zoning out too much.
Your heart hurts too much.
But at the same time you also feel like laughing hysterically, laughing at yourself who seems so pathetic right now.
You thought everything is going well between the both of you. You thought you’ve made progress with your husband.
Took you few months to slowly crack his shell only for him to break any hope you have within seconds. Only for you to realize he has a million other shells around him and that you’ve barely scratched his first.
For the hundredth time now, you went to the kitchen sink and wash your face to clear off any evidence of you crying. You don’t need your husband to see and snide you about this. Wiping your face dry, you draw a breath and start cooking properly.
You sense his presence before you hear him. His footsteps can be really silent, you think. Your thinking is right that Jimin’s behind you when you whiff the smell of his vanilla-tinged cologne, perhaps your most favourite smell in the world and you quickly brace yourself.
You’re cutting onions on the chopping board when arms snake around you, making you jump and you almost cut yourself again if not for Jimin’s right hand that holds your wrist firmly.
“Careful.” He whispers.
How could you not when every ounce of him screams danger?
Your lung drops when Jimin slumps forward and rests his head on your shoulder, his free hand on the edge of the counter in front of you, practically caging you from behind.
Your whole body freezes. You’ve never been this hyper aware of every nerves coursing through your vein.
“J-Jimin what are you-“
“Ssh, just stay like this. Let me just stay like this for 5 minutes.” He murmurs against your shoulder.
Your body remains stiff as seconds tick by. “Relax.. I’m not going to harm you.”
Something in his tone makes the hairs raise against your skin.
“You’re very jumpy.” You hear him sigh.
You swallow thickly. “T-tough day?” You immediately regret asking because your own voice betrays you but he doesn’t seem to sense it.
He only grunts and you wait but he doesn’t say anything so you come to accept the fact that it’s his way of responding.
The time continues to stretch yet your whole body doesn’t relax at all. Because your mind is all sorts of chaos, your heart is everything unsettled.
If it was five hours ago, before you went to the company and saw Clara Kim walking in, you’d probably stay still and lend your shoulder for as long as he wants. But you feel your own heart breaking, little by little as each second you let him leaning on you ticks by.
“Jimin please don’t do this..”
“Do what?” He mumbles, still not lifting his head.
‘You- you’re always cold to me.. so cold and distant.. you’re somewhere I can’t reach and suddenly you’re doing this-“
He lifts his head as you seem to have taken his attention fully. You brave yourself to turn your body to face him and sees him staring back at you, eyes blown.
“Why?” He says harshly and you can’t help but flinch. “You’re my wife. And don’t forget that I own you.” Don’t forget that you’re nothing.
Your eyes start to sting. Tears threatening to cloud your vision but you quickly blink them away. “No- no I can’t do this.. I know it’s just temporary but I- I can’t.. not when I’m sharing you with someone else-“
“Share?” His voice raises. “Who the fuck do you think I’m-“
“Clara Kim.” The name is out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. “I know about her.” You say quietly.
And Jimin’s expression turns furious instantly. You’ve never seen him so mad. “That’s none of your fucking business. And you know nothing.” He snarls and storms away.
He didn’t come to bed that night.
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Link to Chapter 15
Posted on 210428 10:00PM
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
practice makes perfect /// Mitsuri x f!Reader (18+)
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Request: Hey! I read your Shinobu NSFW thing. I was wondering if you could write a Mitsuri NSFW thing but not as intense? Like Mitsuri and her female S/o are cuddling and things get a really steamy so they start kissing and fingering each other? Please and thank you!
A/N: REPOSTING because when I posted this a few hours ago it was glitching and not showing up in tags and stuff :( sorry to anyone who has already seen it!
I love Mitsuri and I get so few f/f reqs so ty for the request 💕 Y’all know idk how to write true vanilla so this is a little more spicy (Mitsuri and reader are not in an established relationship), but I made it soft just for you anon
Summary: When the most popular girl in school offers to help you practice kissing, it’s not like you’re going to say no.
Tags/warnings: inexperienced reader, femme preppy Mitsuri, she’s a little soft dom? like just a tiny bit, mild orgasm control, fluffy smut, crushes, modern high school AU, heteronormativity, reader thinks she’s straight lmao, all characters are adults
Okay, Mitsuri isn’t just the queen bee of your school. She’s also the prettiest girl you’ve ever met. It shouldn’t be possible for a person to be that beautiful, much less fair—what was god thinking when he gave her that pink and green hair that would look clownish on anyone but her? Those thick, dark eyelashes framing eyes you feel like you could drown in? Those long, perfect legs?
(Not that you stare at her legs or something. It’s just—your school uniform skirts are kind of short, and she always wears those striped thigh-highs, and she sits next to you in senior Biology and sometimes she stretches her legs out in the aisle between your desks and flexes them while she sighs during long lectures, and seriously, her legs are perfect.)
Mitsuri is the kind of girl who gets asked out by a different guy every other day. She has a fan club. Boys write Mr. _____ Kanroji in their notebooks, circle it with hearts, and fantasize about marrying her. She has more ex-boyfriends than you have Facebook friends. So you’re really sure why, somehow, you two have become…close?
If you have to, you can trace your friendship back to that Biology class. The teacher has a bad habit of cold-calling students for answers to questions, which makes him pretty unpopular. You’ve gotten used to it over the months, deciding that rebelling is a less productive method of dealing with it than just making sure to review the textbook chapters at least twice before every class, but apparently Mitsuri isn’t quite as familiar with the material.
When the teacher calls on her (a bit vindictively, you think, probably because she’s chewing pink bubblegum and drawing cherry blossoms in the composition book she’s supposed to be taking notes in) to ask her something about determining whether an organism’s life cycle exhibits zygotic, gametic, or sporic meiosis, she just gapes blankly back at him.
You feel sorry for her. It’s always painful to watch when someone can’t answer a question in class—you might be a fairly good student, but you still sympathize with how embarrassing it is to be put on the spot like that. The teacher refuses to move on, repeating her name and prodding her until her face is flushed bright pink and her lower lip is trembling. You’re not trying to pity her, but you can’t help it, and before you can think better of it you’re writing ‘compare diploid and haploid forms’ in the corner of your notebook and surreptitiously sliding it her way.
After the class, she pulls you aside in the hallway to thank you, eyes bright, telling you you’re so smart and kind and thoughtful and wondering how come she’s never talked to you before. “What a waste! We sat next to each other all semester, and I’m only getting to know you now.”
No wonder she’s popular. Her exuberance is infectious, like her good mood is seeping into your skin from her hand wrapped around yours. Mitsuri isn’t just pretty, she’s the kind of person who makes you feel good about herself just by being near her.
You’re about 100% sure that’s the last time the two of you will talk (unless she needs help with Bio homework and decides you’re the best candidate to get answers from). But it’s not. Mitsuri insists on treating you to boba after class—you try to deny her but she refuses to hear it and you can’t say no to her when she looks at you with those pretty jade-chip eyes. You get milk tea with black tapioca pearls swimming in caramelized fried sugar; her drink is jasmine rose fruit tea with tiny cubes of green apple floating at the top. “It looks like your hair,” you tell her, motioning toward the pink-and-green drink.
“Really?” Mitsuri’s cheeks turn red, which you notice is a frequent occurrence for her. “That’s why I got it. Isn’t it cute? I love how pretty all of the drinks are at this teahouse.”
The two of you split a little matcha cake. And then a vanilla taro cake. And then Mitsuri orders sweet potato fries and gyoza and fried chicken and shrimp tempura and wow, this girl can eat. “I kind of have a big appetite,” she tells you shyly some time around her fourth order of hanami dango. “Sorry, is it weird?”
“Not at all! It’s cute,” you blurt out, and then immediately cover your mouth. Cute? Where did that come from? That’s not the kind of thing you’re supposed to be saying to a girl you barely even know, or is it? Maybe you’re overthinking this. Mitsuri is so beautiful it’s hard to think straight around her.
You’re so busy staring down at your lap and blushing that you don’t notice she’s doing the same thing.
Mitsuri seems to take that teashop date hangout as permission to pursue a full-fledged friendship with you. Before you know it, she’s inviting herself over to your house after school, dragging you to cafés and picnics to study together on the weekends, and begging you to sit with her at lunch. Her other friends don’t seem thrilled at your being her favorite new playmate, but she doesn’t mind it so you try not to, either.
Like right now. It’s a weekend, and she’s decided that her house is going to be the setting for an overnight Bio study session slash sleepover in anticipation of the test you have coming up. You’re scouring the textbook for an answer at her desk while Mitsuri lies on her stomach on her bed with her feet kicked up behind her and crossed at the ankles. Graded quizzes are spread out in an arc around her on the cotton candy-colored duvet, and the sparkly gel pen she’s using to write flash cards is poking out of the corner of her mouth. With her fair skin barely covered by a tank top and shorts, loose hair flowing over her back, and dark brows furrowed in concentration, she looks like the centerfold of a teen magazine from the 90s.
I bet guys have wet dreams about her, you think. Then you shut down that line of thinking, shut it all the way down because you’re not supposed to be thinking these things about a female friend, no matter how pretty she is or how glossy her lips look even though she’s just wearing chapstick or how good she smells (like strawberries? honey? or whatever sweet she ate last, you’re not sure). But you can’t quite tamp down the feeling that you’ve stumbled on some unbelievable luck to get close to her.
You’re not the only one having trouble focusing on your studies. “I’m done with this!” Mitsuri exclaims, throwing down her pen so it makes a stray line on the quiz she was reviewing before it bounces off the bed. “I’m so tired of studying, aren’t you? If I learn another thing about cell division my brain is going to explode. Can’t we take a break?”
“Sure, if you want to get another 43%. Didn’t your dad say he’s going to stop paying your snack food fund if you fail one more exam?”
Her pink mouth drops open. “Hey! That’s not fair, I didn’t tell you that to use it against me. Be nice.”
But after a second, Mitsuri’s pout turns into a giggle. She hooks her foot around the stem of the office chair you’re sitting in and pulls it toward the bed along with you. “Come on! Let’s talk about love. Do you have a crush?”
You roll your eyes but relent, sliding off the chair and onto the big, fluffy bed next to Mitsuri. You can always get back to reviewing after you take a short break, right? She gathers up the quizzes and notecards and dumps them unceremoniously on the nightstand by her bed to make space for you, all too eager to stop thinking about Bio.
“I don’t have a crush,” you tell her.
“Really? There’s no one you think is cute? No one you want to get to know a little better?”
Well…if that’s what she means… You glance sideways at her. There’s definitely someone you think is cute who you want to get to know better. She doesn’t have to know it’s her—not that you have a crush on her; that would be ridiculous.
If she’s going to get that excited about your potential crush, how are you supposed to tell her you don’t have one? You’ll just have to pretend, for her sake. “I guess there’s someone. I wouldn’t call it love, but…”
Long black lashes flutter up at you as Mitsuri blinks. “Oh my gosh, who is it?”
“It’s a secret,” you say quickly.
“Aww, but I wanna know who you have a crush on!” She scooches closer to you and pokes you gently in the side. “Do I know him? Is he a senior? What does he look like? What do you like about him?”
“Um yeah, you know…him. He’s a senior but you’ll never—seriously never guess who it is, so don’t even try. He’s…really good-looking, I don’t know. He has nice hair…and, um, nice legs. And he…” you trail off, wondering what you can say about your secret ‘crush’ that won’t tip Mitsuri off that you’re talking about her.
“…I like him. He talks a lot but you can tell he cares about what you’re saying when he’s listening to you. He’s kind of dreamy and self-conscious about dumb things but it just makes me like him more.”
Was that too much? Mitsuri is looking into your eyes in pure rapture, holding onto every word you say. Are you being obvious? But—no way. She’s so loved by guys that she’d never even suspect that a girl could like her too.
Not that you like her. Not like that, at least.
After a moment when you feel your heart beating so deeply that you’re sure she can hear it too, she smiles sweetly and pinches your cheek. “You’re really pretty when you’re talking about your crush, (Y/N). You look like a maiden.”
You bite your lip, not sure whether to be embarrassed or flattered. If any other girl as beautiful as Mitsuri called you pretty, you’d think they were being insincere, but she’s not like that. Her genuine affection shines through in everything she does. If you’re pretty, she’s Helen of Troy.
“What do you mean, ‘a maiden’?” you ask.
“I don’t know,” Mitsuri says, tracing invisible hearts into her bedspread with a fingertip. “You just look…innocent somehow? Like this is your first love.”
You duck down, blushing.
“Wait, really?” She sits up and easily flips you over onto your back (sometimes you forget that a decade of cheerleading has made her at least a dozen times as strong as you are) so she can blink brightly at you. “This is your first love? Ooh…”
“Is that so weird?” you ask a little defensively. “I don’t get a lot of crushes.”
“No, it’s not weird! It’s cute,” Mitsuri says. “But aren’t you nervous? What if you fall in love with him and you guys start dating and you don’t know how to do anything?”
“Do what?”
“You know. Like, kissing and stuff. Aren’t you worried that you’ll have your first kiss with him and he’ll be like, ‘oh my gosh, you can’t even kiss, I don’t like you anymore’.”
“No one would say that,” you reply, but the scenario does strike a pang of anxiousness in your heart. You’ve always been too focused on school and friends and family to bother worrying about love, but the truth is you have worried about the fact that you’re soon going to be a high school graduate who has never so much as kissed another person on the lips.
“You have no idea,” Mitsuri sighs. “Boys are so mean. But I can’t believe you haven’t had your first kiss!”
“That’s rude,” you say, wrinkling your nose.
She flaps her hands in the air frantically. “No, no I didn’t mean it like that! Sorry! I just meant I can’t believe you’ve never had a boyfriend when you’re so pretty and nice. The boy who locks you down is going to feel super lucky that he gets to take all of your firsts.”
You sit up next to Mitsuri and lean back on her cushioned headboard. “I don’t care about that. Honestly, I’d rather have some practice before I get involved with anyone.”
A beat passes. Then— “Really? You want practice?”
You shrug. “I mean, I guess? But it’s not like I can just pick up some random guy and tell him to let me practice kissing.”
Mitsuri cocks her head to the side and long pink fringe falls away from her face. “You don’t need to do that. Just practice with me.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” What, is she going to give you tips on tongue technique or something?
“…Like this,” Mitsuri says softly—and then her delicate hand is stroking up the side of your jaw and carding into your hair, tilting your head to face hers and pulling you closer. She hesitates before she makes contact, looking in your eyes as if to confirm are you okay with this? But (maybe because you’re caught off guard, maybe because you think you do need the practice, or maybe because that angelic strawberry-honey smell is way too intoxicating up close) you don’t stop her, and she leans in and completes the kiss.
It’s soft. Smells sweet. Tastes sweeter.
Mitsuri’s lips are velvety and glossy-damp moving against yours. The scent you thought was honey is really honeysuckle—there’s a fresh floral quality to the taste as her lip balm is transferred from her mouth to yours.
The kiss only lasts a few seconds, but by the time she lifts back from you your lips are tingling. You cover your mouth with your hand like a damsel from a Victorian-era novel and stare wide-eyed at her.
“How was that? Your first kiss?”
“I—um, I liked it I think?”
Mitsuri smiles at you and it’s like a ray of sunlight falling down through a break in the clouds. “Yay! I’m glad.”
The two of you sit in silence for a second, and you wonder what you’re supposed to do now. Go back to studying? You’re not sure you’re capable of that when you feel like she’s…still kissing you. It hasn’t quite hit you yet that this is your first kiss—something special, something you’ll never forget. The feeling of Mitsuri kissing you is going to be written on your heart for the rest of your life.
What have I done? you think, but it’s not condemnatory. It’s a question, maybe neutral, maybe hopeful.
“Come on, come here,” Mitsuri says. “You need a little more practice.”
And then she’s kissing you again, all the while pulling you closer, closer, into her lap. She breaks the kiss just long enough to murmur to you to open your mouth. When you do, her tongue slips in, prodding gently between your lips and sliding up against yours. It’s a weird feeling—you can’t say with certainty that it feels good, but it doesn’t feel bad, either. It feels like something you could get used to.
This kiss is longer and deeper, and Mitsuri is sighing into the place where your lips meet. The kissing sounds are both embarrassing and thrilling. You can hardly believe that you’re actually doing this, kissing Mitsuri Kanroji in her bedroom and sitting in her lap with your thighs hovering over hers because you’re scared to let yourself press any deeper into her.
By the fourth kiss, you think you’re getting the hang of this. Your fingers are laced in Mitsuri’s hair, pulling her bangs out of the way so you can see her face clearly. Her eyes are hazy and intense, a warm glow suffusing her cheeks, and her lips are reddened. The feeling of not knowing whether you like having her tongue in your mouth or not is gone. You like it. You want more of it. You could do this all day.
…But apparently Mitsuri has something else in mind. She moves back and looks at you like she’s got a secret she’s dying to tell you. Her hands slide up your thighs, almost reaching the hem of the skirt you’re wearing—it’s knee-length, comfortable and practical for the weather—but with your legs spread over hers, the fabric is bunched up at the juncture of your hips and legs, exposing your thighs to view. Mitsuri’s fingernails (manicured, short blunt French tips, pale pink with stripes of gold near the nail bed) scratch painlessly into your skin. “You learn really fast, (Y/N).”
“Thanks…” you pant out.
“Can I do a little more? Just a little. ‘Cause, I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever done this yourself—”
Oh. Oh? Mitsuri’s hand is creeping up under your skirt.
“—but it’s really good to have some experience with this, too, before you do anything with boys.”
She’s touching your pussy through your underwear. Those pretty manicured hands are stroking you through the fabric, fingertips sliding up between your lips with practiced precision. Oh god, can she feel how wet you are? You’ve felt that dewy heat growing at your core for a while, but you didn’t think she would touch you and feel it. “Mitsuri?”
“Are you already wet?” Two soft fingers pet your clit, moving over it side to side through your panties. “Did you get wet for me?”
“Can I touch?” She pops her chin up and kisses you on the cheek, and then again on the other cheek, the side of your mouth, your forehead, all the while rubbing your pussy.
On the sixth teasing little kiss, you gasp and kiss her fully on the lips. “…okay?”
“Good…” Mitsuri smoothly pushes your ass up so she can hook fingers under the waistband of your panties and tug them down past your hips. You shift and let her do it—it feels like her touch is too hot, sending trails of warmth over every place where your skin meets. Her touch lingers even as you awkwardly straighten out of her lap for just as long as it takes to remove your panties and deposit them gracelessly on the floor.
Are you doing this right? Even with your shirt and skirt on, you feel more exposed than you’ve ever been in front of another person. You’ve never done anything remotely like this before—how weird is it that the first person to touch you is going to be a female friend? That you’re not doing this for the right reasons (and what are the ‘right reasons’? love? intimacy? desire?), but for practice?
Mitsuri settles you back onto her lap and slowly drags your shirt up over your bra. When the undergarment is exposed, she bites her bottom lip and sucks in a breath, and you feel eternally grateful that you, by some coincidence or trick of fate, decided to wear one of your nicer bras today. She cups the side of your breasts and runs her thumbs over the lacy wine-red fabric. “Beautiful…you’re so sexy, (Y/N). I can’t believe I get you all to myself.”
Your cheeks feel hot. Maybe desire is part of the equation after all.
Leaving your shirt bunched up over your tits, Mitsuri returns to your pussy, petting over your thighs and stroking up your mound. Her index finger dabs into the wetness leaking out of you and then circles around your clit.
Around your clit, not on it. If you didn’t know better, you’d think she’s deliberately not touching the place where you want— need to be touched. Her fingers are light and fluttery, not forceful in the least but making you crave more anyway. You try not to let your hips move, but before long you’re twitching on her fingers, trying to get her to do what you want. Your hands are braced uselessly on the headboard, but you hesitantly pick up your right hand to replace hers and touch your clit properly.
She isn’t having it. Her free hand catches yours before you can do anything. “Arms around my neck,” she tells you.
It’s frustrating to be unable to touch yourself when she just keeps building and building with these little flutters, but you trust her. Mitsuri’s a lot more experienced than you are. Slowly, you wrap your arms around her neck and wind your fingers into her loose hair.
Whatever she’s doing, though, it’s working. Even if you couldn’t feel how wet you are, you’d be able to hear it, the slick sucking sounds of your cunt dampened with your arousal. You’d be humiliated by the way it’s so obvious that you’re turned on if you were cable of thinking straight. Besides, Mitsuri doesn’t mind—at least not judging by the way she’s looking at you.
“Mitsuri…Mitsuri, can you…” You don’t know how to ask her, but you need more.
“Tell me what you want me to do.” Two fingers brush over your clit again and you almost flinch, the light contact sending a spark directly through you. “Tell me what you do when you do this by yourself.”
“I…um…it’s embarrassing…”
“It’s not embarrassing.” Mitsuri lays a short peck on your cheek. “Do you know how pretty you look? I could fall in love with you right now.”
It’s not serious. It’s just the kind of thing Mitsuri says without thinking, but your heart skips a beat anyway. “Touch—a little harder…”
“You know where!” you tell Mitsuri, with as much bite as you can muster.
Mitsuri smiles. “Here?” She pushes a finger into your pussy and you whimper. “Or…here?”
And she’s touching your clit, rubbing over it quickly and franticly, the first direct contact you’ve had since she started. The muscles in your back tense, legs stiffening, toes curling in your fluffy white socks. “Oh— oh, oh, oh— Mitsuri…”
“Does that feel good?”
After all her teasing, it feels more than good. It’s like you’re being filled up with something, some kind of heat that her fingers are bringing out in you, and it’s about to tip over and spill out. You rock your cunt against her fingers, trying to get her to go harder—but she’s already rubbing against you so quickly that you can’t think straight.
Two fingers slip deeper into your pussy, spreading you apart and pumping your slick cunt while her palm provides sloppy stimulation to your clit. You mewl and fall forward onto her, head thrown over her shoulder, so you can feel the vibration of her soft laughter in your chest. “Do you like it? I can tell…you know, your insides are holding me really tight….”
How does she say such dirty things with that pretty mouth? You’d tell her off if you thought you could speak without moaning. “Unff…mmm…”
“I’m going to make you cum, baby,” Mitsuri hums. “You’re going to cum on my fingers, okay?”
She’s right. You’re about to tip over that edge, overflow, get off with Mitsuri fucking you with two fingers twisting and hitting your g-spot and sliding over you so deliciously that you don’t even care that all of this is wrong. “I’m— I’m cumming—“
“Uh-uh.” Mitsuri’s hand stops, still touching but no longer moving, and the heat in your pussy plateaus and then dips.
You’re so frustrated you want to scream. “Mitsuri…!”
“Can you do something for me?” She resumes the teasing movements from before, edging over your clit but not finishing it. “Tell me who you really like.”
“I know you like me.” Her free hand, around your waist, slides up and presses her thumb into the divot between two vertebrae in your spine. “When you were talking about your crush, I know it’s me. Tell me you like me.”
“I—I don’t—“
“No, you do. You like me. Say it. Say it, and I’ll let you cum. You want to cum, don’t you? You need it? I’m going to give you what you need, so tell me you like me…”
It’s not like she’s being cruel. Mitsuri’s tone is as sweet and kind and caring as ever. Her pace is agonizingly slow and she’s right, you need it. You’re lucky your chin is resting on her shoulder because you wouldn’t be able to stand it if she saw the look on your face as you choke out, “I like…I like you, Mitsuri! I like you!”
“I like you too, (Y/N),” Mitsuri gasps, and then her fingers are moving again, rubbing your clit, making you crazy, and it’s only a second but you want it so bad that you only need a second before you— you’re— you’re falling apart—
Oh god. Oh god. It feels good, it feels crazy. You can’t think. You can feel the muscles in your pussy squeezing down intermittently on her fingers. She holds you still as the shocks race up through you, letting you twitch and convulse in her arms.
“See now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Mitsuri sings in your ear.
It takes you a long moment to get the strength to sit up, flopping bonelessly backward on her thighs so you can look her in the eye. “I don’t know,” you sigh finally. “Wasn’t exactly easy.”
Her eyes close when she smiles. “Don’t worry about it. You just need a little more practice.”
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Before (Heal Me, Kill Me Prequel)
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x OC named Maggie (thanks @kimtaehyunq)
Genre— SMUT, Angst, Vampire!Tae au, Victorian era au
Warnings— Explicit unprotected sex (but like pretty vanilla and loving), some violence and death
Word Count— 4.8k
Summary— Taehyung was a vampire with nothing but time and boredom on his hands. He’s going on his monthly feeding adventures when he comes across a rather peculiar prey. 
A/N— This was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away and made a full prequel oops. The Heal Me, Kill Me series will be posting starting in October! The pairing will be Kim Taehyung x reader so it’ll be the usual y/n stuff. Thanks for reading, feedback is always welcome~
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It was a dark and stormy night. Ok, well it wasn’t stormy, but at least it was nighttime. The year was 1863. Taehyung made his way down to the sketchy part of town, eager for a meal. Opium was all the rage nowadays, but Taehyung despised it. It tainted people, making them even more unbearable than he thought was possible. He drew the line past alcoholics, though he still wasn’t fond of them. However, people were even easier to persuade with absinthe coursing through their veins. 
“Hey handsome, looking for some fun?” a woman approached him from the shadows, her knockers practically spilling out of her corset. She reeked of all sorts of carcinogenic substances. 
“Away with ye, painted Jezebel,” Taehyung shooed her away, and she instantly stood up straight and walked in the opposite direction with a clouded look in her eyes. 
It was hard to come by a decent meal these days. Unfortunately, sticking to the slums was his best option. No one cared if a poor commoner went missing. At least he only had to partake in such grizzly actions about once a month. Any longer than that and he’d be in big trouble (or more accurately, random people who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time would be in big trouble).
Something caught Taehyung’s attention. He lifted his chin and took a deep inhale of a sweet aroma that wafted through the air. It was the scent of something he’d never dream of finding in the slums; an untainted individual. Untainted in the sense of a perfectly pure body, not once given into sinful indulgences. 
Taehyung quickly followed the smell, growing more excited with each step. Through the narrowly winding alleyways and past some rather alarming scenes, Taehyung did not stop. He could barely keep himself from salivating once he arrived at the source. 
There she was. A beacon of light in the dreary depths of a neglected corner of the world. Taehyung curiously observed her as she fluttered from body to body, carefully checking pulses and offering aid. He couldn’t help but scoff at her earnesty. There was no use in saving these people. They were beyond salvation. Yet, he silently watched her work as she hauled around her makeshift med kit. That was a mistake. The more he watched her, the more personal interest he took. 
After devising a plan, Taehyung was ready to make his move. He started at the opposite end of the street, intending to meet up with her somewhere in the middle. He crouched beside each body with an extended hand; random passerbys would see a well dressed man committing charity work out of the goodness of his heart. That was his intention, though he was merely hypnotizing each person into a deep slumber if they weren’t already passed out. 
“Are you looking for someone, sir?” the young woman piped up behind him.
“Not in particular,” Taehyung coolly answered as he stood up to face her.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but may I ask what someone like you is doing in a place like this if you’re not looking for someone in particular?” she crossed her arms with distrust.
“Is it a crime to want to help out the less fortunate? What we’re doing doesn’t seem to be much different. May I ask what a young girl like you is doing out here all alone in the middle of the night? It can be very dangerous,” his deep voice resonated in the air. 
“Oh. You’re helping them too? I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean any harm. People like you just don’t really come down here unless it’s for certain unspeakable acts,” she bowed her head apologetically. 
“Unspeakable? You help the people who partake in such acts,” Taehyung observed keenly, “Why bring them aid?”
“If I don’t, no one else will,” the girl answered solemnly. 
“That simple hm? You seek nothing in return? Or is your vice that of self appointed importance?” Taehyung slowly approached the girl. 
“I help them because they need it. Because they’d die without someone like me,” the girl held her ground.
“How admirable. I’m impressed, young miss. Please don’t think I was insulting you, I’m genuinely fascinated by you. Would you care to accompany me for dinner?” he extended his arm to her ever so slightly. 
“It’s a bit late for dinner isn’t it?” she responded timidly. 
“I suppose calling it a midnight snack would be more fitting. Your answer?” Taehyung asked calmly, concealing his impatience. 
“Forgive my apprehension. I’m sure you’re a fine gentleman, it’s just that this isn’t a place one would normally find fine gentlemen. I’ll gladly join you for breakfast in the morning,” she countered.
Taehyung’s eye twitched with frustration, but luckily it was too dark for the girl to see it. He needed to feed. That night. 
“I’m not keen on breakfast meals. How about tomorrow evening, during normal dinner time hours? Unless you can’t skip a day of helping the helpless,” he suggested. 
“That would be fine,” the girl finally agreed, “Oh, and I never caught your name, sir.”
“Taehyung. Pleasure to meet you,” he bowed elegantly.
“I’m Maggie, the pleasure is all mine,” she curtsied awkwardly.
After hashing out the details. Taehyung reluctantly left her alone. He wanted nothing more than to sink his fangs into her jugular, but something held him back. His curiosity got the better of him, but after living for all these years it was hard for him to find something interesting. He figured it couldn’t hurt. 
Taehyung cursed himself as he tore into an unsuspecting victim who had passed out drunk on the street. He retched at the foul taste, but this is what he has had to resort to. He couldn’t afford to be run out of another country yet again. His more refined taste would have to be put on hold for the time being (oh how he missed the good old days when people feared him enough to bring pristine victims monthly).
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Rain lightly tapped against the window that Taehyung gazed out of as he scanned the crowd for Maggie. There were so many things he wanted to ask her, though a single drop of her blood would tell him everything he needed to know. Of course, that wasn’t as entertaining as an old fashioned conversation.  
Maggie finally arrived, and the restaurant host escorted her to the table. Taehyung could tell that she made an effort to look presentable. He reasoned that she was wearing her finest dress, though it had a plain and rather boring look to it. Plus, she wasn’t even wearing a fancy hat, much less a bonnet. 
“Good evening, Mr. Taehyung,” she curtsied before she sat down.
“Good evening, Miss Maggie. Have you been well?” Taehyung asked politely. 
“As well as I can be, I suppose. Yourself?” Maggie extended the same courtesy. 
“I’m splendid, now that you’re here. Tell me about yourself,” he dove right in. 
“I’m just an average girl. Nothing really special about me,” she shrugged while tugging at a strand of hair, “I never thought I’d be able to eat in a place like this in a million years. You must be embarrassed to be seen with me.”
“I disagree. I think you’re the most interesting thing here, apart from me of course,” Taehyung let out a low chuckle, “I gather you come from a poor family? What do they think about your late night escapades?” 
“They’re...gone. Sickness took them. Cholera,” Maggie shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “I don’t wanna see anyone else die so I…”
“Ah. That’s your noble cause huh? Admirable,” Taehyung took a long sip from his wine glass.
“And what of you, Mr. Taehyung? You seem rather peculiar yourself. What’s your reason for visiting that ward so late at night?” Maggie deflected the subject away from her.
“You could say I’m a humanitarian of sorts. I visit at least once a month, it’s a necessity for me,” he smiled slyly, “What else do you want to know? I haven’t had a decent conversation in ages.”
“You struck me as rather peculiar. A handsome gentleman like yourself lurking around giving aid to the weak. And then you only gave me one name when we introduced ourselves. I assumed it was your first name, so I gave you my first name in return. Forgive me if I was mistaken,” Maggie took a sip of water. 
“One name is all you need to know, dear. I’m happy we’re on a first name basis. However, I can address you otherwise if you deem it improper,” Taehyung offered.
The rest of the evening went on pleasantly. The meal was delicious, probably the best meal Maggie had ever had. She noticed that Taehyung’s meat was barely cooked, it was practically still raw. She decided not to mention it when she saw him happily gobble it down. Maggie also noticed that his red wine was thicker than what she was accustomed to seeing, but she figured it was a fancy alcohol that rich people drank. She didn’t want to embarrass herself by asking. 
Taehyung’s leg bounced quickly under the table. Maggie’s aroma grew more intense the longer he was with her. Her scent was intoxicating, and it took everything in his power not to take her then and there. He was in a conundrum. He took a liking to this spunky girl. He was torn. He didn’t know when to devour her, if to devour her at all. 
By the end of the night, he had decided. He’d keep her around for as long as he wanted, it wouldn’t be a big deal. He could easily end her life whenever he pleased anyway. The only thing he’d have to worry about was his self control. 
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Taehyung and Maggie began to meet regularly. Taehyung would share the finer things in life with her. He’d take her to botanical gardens and fancy museums. In return, Maggie taught him everything she knew about medicine. She detested the use of cocaine as a common remedy, and preferred to make her own medicine. Taehyung accompanied her on her nightly rounds, he enjoyed every second he spent with her. 
It took about a year for Taehyung to officially court Maggie. She accepted, of course, and was now visiting Taehyung’s home for the first time. Home was an understatement. His mansion resided on a massive estate. 
A grand feast awaited Maggie. Her favorite dishes and desserts lined the dinner table, with Taehyung sitting at the opposite end. As Maggie dug into the food, she struggled to hold her tongue. A question had been lingering on her mind for quite some time now.
“Is everything alright, Miss Maggie? Is the food inadequate?” Taehyung asked from across the room. 
“The food is delicious, probably the best I’ve ever had. Your kitchen staff must be very talented,” Maggie shook her head. 
“Ah, I have no staff here. I’m glad you enjoy the food, it was all made by me,” Taehyung said proudly. 
“You take care of this entire property by yourself?” Maggie’s jaw dropped in shock.
“It’s tough sometimes, and lonely. I suppose I could hire one person to help out,” Taehyung lifted his eyebrows at Maggie. 
“M-me? I’m not really a good cook but--”
“You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. As you can see, I have more rooms than I know what to do with. You’re welcome to stay here with me for as long as you like,” Taehyung offered.
“Can you answer one question for me first, Mr. Taehyung?” Maggie asked tentatively. 
“Ask me anything,” Taehyung smiled.
“Are...are you ill?” Maggie looked at him with concern, “Please don’t take any offense. I noticed that we only meet in the evenings or when it’s a cloudy day. And I know that you have a predilection for barely cooked meats, and I’m sure eating raw things isn’t good for you. Also when we first met I thought rich people just had fancy alcohol but I can never see anyone drinking the same concoction as you whenever we eat at restaurants,” she rambled. 
“My my, aren’t you observant,” Taehyung’s lips twisted into an amused smile, “Are you afraid of monsters?”
“Monsters aren’t real,” Maggied quickly answered, annoyed that he deflected her questions. 
“Are you sure about that? Think carefully. I only go out at night or under cloud cover. I prefer my meat raw. I drink a rather strange red liquid that you should be very familiar with since you tend to the drunkards who are bound to get into fights down in the slums,” Taehyung toyed with her. 
“What? Do you expect me to believe that you’re some sort of vile creature that drinks blood?” Maggie laughed nervously.
In an instant, Taehyung’s chair was vacant as he menacingly stood over Maggie, “That is precisely the truth. Have you heard of vampyres?” he licked his lips.
Maggie was too frightened to move. Surely her eyes were playing tricks on her? Her eyes narrowed in on the fangs Taehyung bared as he smiled eerily down at her. 
 “I’ve heard of them. The people in the slums are terrified of being sucked dry, claiming that people wandering alone at night have a death wish. I thought they were just delusional,” panic gripped Maggie, “Were you going to eat me the first night we met?” 
“I desperately wanted to. You know the irresistible and mouth watering smell of a bakery in the morning? That’s what you smell like to me, only ten times more alluring and potent,” Taehyung nodded.
“Then why haven’t you yet?” Maggie questioned. 
“Because, my dear Miss Maggie, I am a fool. I have taken a liking to you. As you can imagine, being an immortal being gets lonely. You’ve provided me with more joy and entertainment than I’ve had in a while. At this point, I’d rather have you stay alive,” he sighed. 
“So if I stayed here with you, you’d promise you’d never harm me?” Maggie attempted to calm her breathing.
“Of course, I would not touch a hair on your head. Unless you want me to,” he winked.
“You would make me into a vampyre?” Maggie’s eyes widened.
“I was hinting at a more carnal interaction, but I could do that as well. Do you want an immortal life?” Taehyung’s eyes wandered to her exposed neck. 
“No. Not if it costs others their lives. I must be crazy Mr. Taehyung. You’ve admitted that you’re a monster and yet I still feel safe with you. I would love to move in and keep you company, if you’ll have me,” Maggie smiled fondly. 
“You’re very strange, Miss Maggie. That’s not at all the reaction I thought you’d have, but I’m happy for it. Very well, you may stay here. I can help you bring your belongings tomorrow night,” Taehyung grinned. 
“I’m curious; were you born a vampyre?” Maggie piped up. Taehyung let out a hearty laugh. 
“No, I was a human once like you. I got into a scuffle with a nasty bloke in the 16th century. Rather than killing me, he gave me a far worse end. He turned me. I haven’t seen him to this day, but I’m sure the slimy bastard is still undead somewhere in the world,” Taehyung’s cheery face fell into a scowl. 
“16th century? You’re an old man!” Maggie exclaimed teasingly.
“But I have the physical body of a young man, that must count for something, Taehyung chuckled, “Come, I can escort you to your room.”
“Am I staying the night?” Maggie tilted her head.
“That was my assumption. You’re free to leave at any time,” Taehyung shrugged. 
“It’s just that...I’ve never left my family home. I’ve been pretty lonely since everyone died. I can’t imagine how you must feel…” she trailed off.
“You’ve helped me with that tremendously. I guess we’ve cured each other’s loneliness, yes?” Taehyung cupped his hands over Maggie’s.
It was the first time he had ever touched her. His fingers were ice cold, resembling the kind of cold only a corpse could possess. Instinctively, she took his hands in hers and attempted to blow warm air onto them. Taehyung knew it would never work, but he appreciated the gesture. He pulled her into a warm embrace. 
“Forgive me if this is inappropriate. You make me feel at ease,” Taehyung whispered. To his surprise, Maggie hugged him back tightly. She didn’t say anything, but her actions were clear enough. 
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Taehyung sat in an armchair in his room reading a novel a couple hours after he bid Maggie goodnight. He was pleased with the outcome of the night’s events. He was honestly dreading the thought of having to kill Maggie if she were to run away screaming. He was glad things didn’t come to that. 
There was a knock on the door. With a wave of his hand the door swung open, revealing a sleepy Maggie on the other side. 
“I heard a strange noise and couldn’t fall back to sleep,” Maggie yawned. 
“Don’t lie,” Taehyung chided without looking up from his book. 
“I’ve never slept away from home before and being alone in that big room scares me,” Maggie admitted, her eyes cast down to the floor. 
“That’s what I thought. You’re welcome to use my bed. I’ll stay here while you sleep,” Taehyung finally looked up and kindly gestured to the large bed.
“Where’s your coffin?” Maggie asked as she wiggled into the sheets. 
“That’s a stereotype. Do I look like the type of guy who sleeps in a stuffy wooden coffin? Nonsense. However, there is soil from my hometown beneath the bed,” Taehyung tsked.
“Really?” Maggie’s eyes grew wide. 
“Nope. Go to bed, Miss Maggie,” Taehyung chuckled. 
“Care to join me?” Maggie asked as she stretched. 
“I’m not going to sleep--”
“Then neither am I! I’m practically wide awake now,” Maggie interrupted him. 
Taehyung put his book down and walked to the bed, opting to sit on the end, a respectable distance away from Maggie. They talked the night away. Now that Maggie had some time to process everything, she had a plethora of questions ranging from vampyres to fashion throughout the years. 
“So have you ever been married? Or in love?” Maggie probed. 
“Never been married. Have been in love a few times. As you can imagine they all ended in heartache. Truthfully, I’ve been questioning why I let myself get so attached to you,” Taehyung confessed. 
“I’m glad you did. Because I love you, Mr. Taehyung. I fell in love with your grace and intellect, and of course you’re extremely handsome. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way about me, I just wanted to be candid with you before living together,” Maggie tugged at her hair. 
“Miss Maggie, I foolishly fell in love with you. You’d be one with the dirt by now if I hadn’t been so enthralled by you. Hm, that didn’t come out very romantic,” Taehyung shook his head before continuing, “The feeling is mutual. I know I can’t give you a normal marriage, but I promise to love you until the end.” 
Maggie crawled towards Taehyung and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Taehyung deepened the kiss as he pushed her flat onto the bed. Hands wandered. Giggles filled the air. Clothing fell to the ground. Soon, both beings were stark naked as they gazed into each other’s eyes. 
“Are you sure you want to go any further?” Taehyung asked.
“I want all of you inside me,” Maggie replied as she brought him in for another kiss.
Taehyung guided his dick to her entrance, patiently teasing it as he coated himself in her juices. Once he was drenched, he slowly slid into her, giving her time to adjust to his size. She let out soft moans as he went deeper. 
They laced their fingers together once he began to thrust. He started slowly, making sure she was enjoying herself. He wanted to enjoy all of her delicately, taking careful care not to break her. His prior flings with the whores in the brothels was different. He didn’t care about them, he used them solely for his own pleasure. But this time, he wanted to please Maggie. He was happy to see her eyes shut with pleasure as he picked up the pace. 
Taehyung placed his thumb on a certain little sensitive nub, making Maggie jump. Her eyes were blown out with lust as she arched her back. Taehyung worked her body perfectly, timing his thrusts with the clitoral stimulation. It didn’t take long for Maggie’s entire body to shake. 
“Tae-Taehyung I--”
“Go ahead. Just let it all out, Maggie,” Taehyung demanded. He accidentally let his power of persuasion slip into that statement. Maggie came on the spot, cumming all over his cock as she moaned. It wasn’t long after until Taehyung released his seed inside of her. 
Maggie’s chest heaved as she lay motionless on the bed. That was the most intense orgasm she’d ever had. Taehyung cleaned her up before tucking her back into the bed. Once he cleaned himself up, he joined her side. 
“Don’t worry about getting pregnant. I’m technically dead anyway,” he kissed her forehead before they both dozed off. 
Taehyung woke up the following evening to an empty bed. He searched the house, unable to find Maggie. He began to worry. Did she leave him to get help? Did she abandon him?
“Good morning! Sleep well?” Maggie called out to him as she walked through the front doors.
“Why were you outside?” Taehyung questioned quickly.
“Lemme show you,” Maggie took Taehyung’s hand and led him outside. She proudly showed off a patch of crudely repotted plants. She explained to him that she went into town to get a few. Since she’d save a couple lives here and there, some people felt indebted to her. She called on her favors and managed to wrangle up a couple flowers and herbs.
“I love the botanical garden you always take me to. I figured we can try and make our own here since you have so much space,” Maggie smiled.
“Do you garden often?” Taehyung asked while looking at the half wilted plants.
“Never have, but it can’t be that hard right? Just give them water and love. Just watch, this place will rival that fancy botanical garden,” a flicker of determination lit up in her eyes. 
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Several happy years later, Maggie had kept her word. It had been ten wonderful years filled with merriment. Taehyung was not the man he was before. Maggie had softened his heart, and he was thankful for it. He accompanied her when she tended to the people in the slums, learning the art of medicine by her side. She even helped curb his bloodlust. Taehyung only fed on the people who were beyond help, or those who actively sought death. Maggie still didn’t like it, but of course that was out of her control. 
Taehyung’s arms were wrapped around Maggie as they admired their personal garden. It was a struggle at first, but they discovered that Taehyung had a godlike green thumb, and basically resurrected the plants back from the dead. With his guidance, Maggie was able to see her vision come true. 
One night, Taehyung had to leave the mansion for a few hours to meet with his business colleagues (he was a rather savvy businessman, being around for a couple hundred years does that to a person). Taehyung itched to return to Maggie’s side and barely paid attention to the meeting. She always claimed that she would be fine, it was only a couple hours after all. Even so, Taehyung worried about her. 
Finally the meeting was adjourned, and he was free to rush home. He found the front door unlocked upon his arrival. He gave the handle a quizzical look, he was sure that he had locked it. 
“Maggie? Where are you?” he called out. 
“Taehyung! Run away--” Maggie’s muffled scream came from the dining room. 
Two big men stood at either side of a tied up Maggie, who now had a black eye. One of the men held a knife to her throat, close enough to draw out an inkling of blood. 
“‘ello, Mr. Taehyung. Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” a third stout man with a thick cockney accent emerged from a corner of the room, “I’ll cut to the chase. You let us kill you, and the little missy gets to live. If you resist, she dies. Simple as that.”
“Who are you people? You’re making a huge mistake. I have connections all over the country that--”
“Spare us the horseshit. We know what you are, filthy vampyre,” the word rolled off the stout man’s tongue like a slur, “The VEC sent us. You know ‘em? Stands for ‘Vampyre Extermination Company’ it does. We’re the best they ‘av, so you might as well surrender now.”
“Oh you already know? Lovely, that saves me time,” Taehyung growled as he seemingly phased from where he stood over to Maggie (but vampyres can’t teleport, they just have super speed and can fly sometimes).
In the blink of an eye, he broke the neck of the man who held the knife and threw the other guy across the room. He quickly released Maggie, and hugged her tightly before returning to attack the intruders. He lifted the stout man by his neck and held him against the wall.
“You sure you’re the best? The VEC must be a pretty unsuccessful organization,” Taehyung taunted. 
“I told yous we should’ve just killed her in the first place and then ambushed him!” the stout man yelled to no one in particular. 
Taehyung sank his fangs into the man’s neck, before ripping out a piece. He was going to enjoy torturing him. It was what he deserved for harming his beloved Maggie. A gunshot went off, stopping Taehyung in the middle of his raging frenzy. 
Taehyung looked back in horror. Maggie held her bleeding stomach, sinking to the floor. The man he had thrown at the wall earlier was wielding a gun with a smirk on his face. Taehyung lost it. He ripped the assailant’s beating heart out from his chest.
He scrambled over to Maggie, cradling her in his arms. 
“That hurt,” she joked weakly.
“Shh, don’t speak. I have to get you to a doctor. I can carry you--”
“It’s too late. This wound is worse than most of what we’ve seen in the slums. I’m just sorry I have to leave you so soon,” a tear rolled down her cheek. 
“No! No please don’t leave me. There’s still time! I can turn you and we can be together forever,” Taehyung wept.
“You know I never wanted that. I’m sorry I’m being so selfish,” Maggie coughed  up blood, “I love you, Mr. Taehyung. Don’t ever forget that,” she said with her final breath. 
Taehyung held her until he saw the light leave her eyes. Anguish and sorrow filled his soul. He held her close and sobbed over her lifeless body. 
“You tricked her into lovin’ ya, eh? There’s no end to the wickedness of you bastards,” the stout man struggled to say as he drowned in his own blood.
Taehyung gently laid Maggie’s body on the floor and walked over to the stout man. He stepped on the man’s throat, crushing his windpipe and adding pressure to his gaping wound. The man’s eyes screamed in pain as Taehyung looked down at him blankly. 
“The VEC huh? I’ll remember that. I’ll see you in hell someday,” Taehyung spat as he trampled the man beneath him.  
Taehyung didn’t leave Maggie’s side for a week straight. He couldn’t bear to do anything; he didn’t want to admit that she was gone. His heart broke every time he saw her, but he couldn’t bring himself to move her. It wasn’t until her corpse was a bloated smelly mess that finally motivated Taehyung to move.
“I’m sorry I let you become this way, Miss Maggie,” Taehyung whispered as he carried the body out to the botanical garden. He buried her there, among her cherished plants. 
Taehyung fled his estate. The crime scene wasn’t discovered until a year later when his business associates came to check on him after he missed several meetings. 
Taehyung swore that he would never love again. Never open up again. And never ever, under any circumstances, interact with the VEC. As much as he wanted to tear the establishment apart, he knew Maggie would be against it. He couldn’t bear disappointing her, even in death.  
He settled down in a small unsuspecting town in a different country. He bought an abandoned property where he swore he’d live out the rest of his days quietly and peacefully. 
Published August 21st, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2019 Baepsaesbae.
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honeymyheaven · 4 years
I saw another post about this and was wondering if we could get hcs for Levi, Simeon and Belphie please? sfw and nsfw if you want to it’s your choice UwU
continuing the SFW and n//s//f//w train :) im adding asmo and satan so this post has LEVI , SIMEON, ASMO, SATAN AND BELPHEGOR ^^ hopefully you guys enjoy super long post ahead :)
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an absolute nerd(ofc)
super excited about every little thing
hand holding? whew its got his heart pumping like there's no tomorrow, face red as a beet
loves sharing hobbies and if you're not a big otaku like he is that's okay he doesn't expect you to but if you remember lil things about the stuff he's into he will fall head over heels
would love to find similiar music artists that you're both into, or shows or anything
he likes buying you merch for the artists you like
loves going to concerts together
just anything as long as he's with you he will like
cant hide his affection for you at all so he's pretty upfront about it
gets supperrr jealous because well avatar of envy and he's highkey kind of super insecure
but like with affection he tends to be super upfront about it
"are you bored of me?" he'd ask for the umpteenth time that week and you'd have to reassure him gently that you enjoy being around him, kiss him and then distract him by offering to watch his favourite show with him
N // S // F // W
a total and complete virgin
likes tiddies of any shape and form
all tiddies are exquisite
but other than that he doesn't really know much so you'll have to figure things out together
super loud
if he likes it he makes sure you can hear it
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super affectionate but more in private
loves kissing your forehead and the back of your hand the most
likes holding you close
having you in his lap, head resting on your shoulder while you're reading or.playing games.or watching something together
hand holding and light pecks is the most he would do in public
if your hairs long enough to braid, he would absolutely be the man on the job, he braids it, puts flowers and jewels in it, he just likes it, it reminds him of home
likes encasing the two of you in his massive humongous angel wings
doesn't really like when you spend time with the demon brothers and if possible would prefer if you stayed with them
"I just..." he paused, pouting when you asked him why that is "I miss you too much when you're over there." He would admit eventually, a light blush coating his cheeks
N // S // F // W
really vanilla(which isnt a bad thing >:( )
full of affection
likes kissing during s e x, feeling you close, making you feel good
will definitely tell you how much he cares for you throughout the whole thing
enjoys the emotional connection of the act more than anything
loves to see how happy he makes you
praise the boy he loves it
takes extra good care of you afterwards, rose petal bath and lavender scented candles are the bare minimum he preps
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not really one for committed relationships
an open relationship however now that
that he would absolutely love
naturally you would be at the centre of his attention and despite what you may initially think, he's incredibly good at communicating and urges you to do the same
definitely encourages you to explore your likes and dislikes not only with him but with others as well
at the same time, he enjoys quiet nights together maybe going on a walk through the city, having you on his arm while strolling through, kissing the top of your head and reminding you how much he cares about you
cute dates could be literally anywhere ; the nail salon, the mall, shopping, concerts or anything hes very outgoing and likes to try different things
he wouldn't mind just staying at home and perhaps just having a nice bath and massage together or just watching movies together
LOOOVEESSSS PDA absolutely adores it because it shows you're not embarasses to show others how much you care
likes hearing you talk about your day or anything, especially at night as you're about to sleep he likes hearing the sound of your voice slowly lulling him to sleep
N // S // F //W
out of all the brothers he would be the one who's most into s e x t i n g and phone s e x
send him risque pics if you're comfortable it makes him really happy
will DEFINITELY send u nutting vids WITH SOUND so uuhhh turn it up
into light bondage and a very definite switch, he doesn't mind you being on top or in a dominant position, he actually kind of likes it
but he likes it the most when you beg for him, when you beg him to make you feel good, pull on his hair and leave scratches all over his back
he also likes marking your neck and he likes it even more if you leave a hickey or two on his
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kind of cold even in a relationship mainly because hes not sure of how to be vulnerable
just be patient in time he'll slowly open up and when he does it's cute af
likes it when you kiss his cheeks or forehead
likes it when you grab his hand, especially in front of his brothers
likes having you on his lap while he's reading
absolutely loooovveeessss when you read to him, while he's playing with your hair
if you ask to study together, he will literally combust because it's so cute and YES ofc where is my pen please teach me how to take notes like you yours are super cute
picnic dates are his absolute favourites because they're calm and it's just the two of you, talking and enjoying nature together
gets really flustered when it comes to showing affection but he wants it so so badly
very rarely will he initiate the kissing and hand holding especially at the start but will definitely and absolutely melt if and when you do
N // S // F // W
needless to say hes a whiny needy sub
tell him what to do, how to please you and how good he makes you feel
he loves that
especially praising
get him on his knees for you, make him tell you how badly he wants you
give him lots of kisses because he's never a bad boy, he's not a brat
edge him till he cries and begs you to let him come be absolutely loves that shit he loves begging
sit on his face, grip on his hair as he's eating you out
tell him what a good job he's done afterwards and kiss him, take a bath together and reassure him that he was a really really good boy
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always needs attention
Needs you close
doesn't really like going out, prefers staying in and eating together or watching movies but most importantly taking naps together
remembers lots of lil details about you like small likes and dislikes that you've perhaps mentioned once
likes physical affection a lot so wants lots of cuddles and kisses almost constantly
will definitely tease you when he gets the chance but he does it off handedly and pretends he doesn't know what he's doing
N // S // F // W
im talking major brat
loves it when you tell him off and punish him for being a bad boy
because ffs he never listens
"Make me." is practically his second name and loves it when you slap him
make him cry before even coming close to letting him come, make him say sorry over and over again and promise to be a good boy even though he won't
tease him and edge him till he can't take anymore, kiss and tug on his lower lip as you pull away, your hand lightly brushing over his lower half, knowing how badly he needs release but continue denying it
dont give in no matter how much he begs, he needs to learn his lesson
afterwards give him cuddles and kisses and ask if everything was alright, reassure him you love him and hold him close
374 notes · View notes
lightsupinthenorth · 4 years
Harringrove teachers AU part 2
Part 1
First of all, thank you very much to everyone who read, liked and/or reblogged the first part. Also, to the people who reacted or said nice things in the tags: you made my day with your sweet words <3
Tag list: @twoprettyboys, @inkedplume​, @marianaosborne​, @liglitterbug​, @hmg621 @spreckle @goldenweatherharringrove
If anyone wants to be added to or taken off the tag list for the future posts of this AU, let me know ;) 
Trying to avoid Steve Harrington soon proved to be impossible. He was pretty much everywhere. The fact he was close to Robin and Heather, who Billy himself had quickly befriended, didn’t help. Steve was always hanging with them in the teachers’ lounge before class and eating with them at the cafeteria at lunch. And, as if it weren’t awkward enough already, Steve and Billy almost never interacted directly. Apparently, Steve was tolerating Billy’s presence, but it didn’t go any further than that. Beside a half hearted “hello” when they saw each other, Steve barely ever said anything to him.
Billy tried to start conversations with him. Several times. But Steve always answered shortly, so Billy dropped it.
And he was angry about it.
Because, even though it pained it greatly to admit it, Billy would have loved for Steve and him to be friends.
Every single person in this school seemed to adore Steve, from the students to the staff.
At least a couple of Billy’s students arrived late to English whenever they had Math with Steve beforehand. They always served Billy the same excuse: they had a question of utmost important to ask “Mr. Harrington”, and it couldn’t have waited their next Math class. Billy didn’t buy the bullshit. Strangely, no one arrived late because they had something to discuss with the teacher when they had History with Murray or Science with Sam before English. Half the students had a crush on “Mr. Harrington”, and that was it.
The students regarding Steve like some kind of God was bad enough without the other teachers doing it too. Robin and Heather hugged him all the time, and Murray was constantly holding him hostage about some weird documentary he had watched or whatever theory he had last come up with, and the school counselor, Joyce, smiled extra warm every time she saw him. Even Hopper, the headmaster, would light up when he talked with Steve.
And Billy understood why. Because, while Steve didn’t lose any love on Billy, he was a ray of sunshine to everyone else. He gave his coworkers bright smiles, asked them how they were as if he genuinely cared (and he probably did) about what was going on in their lives, he gave his students encouragements when they came to the teachers’ lounge asking for him during recess (which happened far more often that it should have) because they had trouble with some mathematical concept that Billy didn’t give a damn about.
Steve was a saint with everlasting patience… Except when it came to Billy, apparently. And Billy was so envious he was nearly green with it.
He was also feeling self-conscious, wondering what Steve had seen in him to shun him even though his kindness knew no bound where anyone else was concerned. It couldn’t just be that Billy looked unprofessional, right? Some people that he’d seen Steve interact with enthusiastically had traits far more negative than that, at least in Billy’s book. It made no sense and frustrated him to no end.
He was starting to think that Steve’s dislike of him was just a visceral reaction and had no valid reason. Then, Steve had to go and do something confusing.
Billy was eating lunch in the cafeteria, waiting for Heather and Robin (and Steve, by extension) to join him, and Steve sat down in front of him. Billy immediately noticed the huge piece of chocolate cake on his tray.
“How come you got some cake? I saw someone take the last piece right in front of me.”
Billy was feeling absurdly sour over it. He could have really gone for something sweet.
“Oh… Maria saved it for me.” Steve admitted.
At least, he had the decency to look sheepish.
“Right…” Billy replied, pouting a little.
Of course, one of the lunch ladies had put a piece of cake aside just for the Lord and Savior of Hawkins High. Billy should have known.
“Do you want it?”
Billy blinked at Steve, answering a second too late to appear unsurprised by the question.
“Ugh… no, thank you.”
Had Steve really… offered to give him his dessert? Had he really been nice to Billy? Or had Billy just hallucinated the entire thing?
“You sure? I honestly wouldn’t mind…” Steve said, looking at his plate rather than at Billy.
He was just saying that to be polite, obviously. Billy wasn’t going to take his dessert away from him. It would only make Steve dislike him more.
“I’m sure.”
“Okay.” Steve looked up from his plate and offered a small forced smile, before focusing on his food once again.
Things were already back to normal (ie. Steve not talking to him), then.
Heather and Robin arrived barely a minute later, saving them from the awkward silence that had taken place after their thirty-second conversation (if it could even be called that).
As soon as he had finished eating, Steve announced:
“I’ve gotta scoot. I have to prepare some stuff before my next class.”
He had already got up from his chair when he reached the end of his sentence.  
“You still on for tomorrow?” Robin asked.
“Sure thing. See you then!”
Steve took his tray and walked toward the exit in quick strides.
“What’s tomorrow?” Billy asked.
“We’re going to Benny’s coffee shop to grade some papers. You can come if you want.”
Billy had just played himself, hadn’t he? He had asked out of curiosity. He hadn’t been expecting to be invited along to whatever Robin and Steve had planned.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude”, was Billy’s last ditched effort to avoid what was sure to be an extremely awkward afternoon.
He could have come up with some fake excuse, but he was uncomfortable with the idea of lying to Robin. Because she’d been nice to him so far, and also because he was almost certain she would see right through him. She was far too observant for Billy’s good.
“Nonsense, you wouldn’t be intruding.” Robin rolled her eyes.
“Uh… okay, then. Thanks.”
Billy was about to eat his vanilla pudding, aka his sad non-chocolate cake dessert, when Max came up to their table and awkwardly said “hello” to Heather and Robin.
“Something you want?” Billy questioned, because she was obviously there to ask him something but wouldn’t spit it out.
“I’m going to Art club this afternoon. It ends at six… Will you come get me?”
Billy arched an eyebrow.
“We have an Art club?”
Also, since when was Max into art?
“Yeah… well actually today’s the first session… whatever. Will you drive me back home or not?”
“Can’t you skate?”
Now Billy was just being an asshole. Max had been skating to and from school most days since, according to her, it was “uncool” to be seen hanging with a teacher… which was stupid because 1. Billy was her brother, and 2. There was nothing uncool about him.
“I… ugh… well. I broke my skateboard.”
Max bit her lower lip.
Billy sighed.
“Yeah… sorry.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll drive you home.” Billy conceded, making a quick mental note to go buy Max a new skateboard. For the third time this year.
“Thanks. Later.”
She was gone as quickly as she had come, leaving Billy to deal with Robin and Heather’s puzzled faces.
“What was that?” Heather asked.
“Maxine Mayfield…?” Billy said, hoping to avoid this particular conversation.
The universe didn’t want him to avoid things that day, though.
“I know that, dumbass. You know each other?”
“Yeah, she’s my sister.”
“What?! How come we didn’t know that?”
“We don’t have the same name, whatever. It’s not that big a deal.” Billy mumbled.
“Yeah… but still… you could have told us.”
“Here honey, have some cake, it’s delicious.” Robin said, extending her fork to Heather.
Billy was thankful for the distraction. But he mainly focused on the cake, that he had only now taken notice of.
“Did Maria save that for you?” He asked.
Robin frowned.
“Yeah, how did you know?”
“Never mind.” Billy said.
Billy chose to stay at school after his last class and to wait in the teachers’ lounge until Art club was over and Max was ready to go home. He would have used the time to grade some papers, but he was supposed to do that tomorrow afternoon with Robin… and Steve. So he spent the hour and a half reading, instead.
He went to the classroom, which Max had given him the number of by text, five minutes before the session was supposed to end. He waited at least fifteen minutes before the first student left the room, greeting Billy on the way out.
Max came out last, along with El, the headmaster’s adopted daughter. She was one of Billy’s students. She had some troubles in English because, from what he had been told, she had only started learning the language recently. She was pretty quiet, maybe because of that exact reason, but she seemed like a very sweet girl. It would be good for Max to hang out with her. Billy didn’t dare ask because he didn’t want to put Max on the spot or make her feel bad, but he feared she had yet to make friends at school.
Billy’s thoughts were interrupted when none other than Steve Harrington emerged from the classroom right after the girls. Well, that explained the ten minutes Billy had had to wait.
Steve had paints all over his hands, and some on his shirt. There was even a little blue spot on his cheek. He looked painfully cute. Billy didn’t like it one bit.
“Billy?” Steve asked, sounding as shocked as Billy felt. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to pick my sister up.” He said, gesturing to Max. “You run the Art club?”
Billy didn’t mean to sound this disbelieving, but he was having a hard time reconciling Math teacher and art enthusiast. Was that judgmental? Was Billy a hypocrite?
“We don’t have a real art teacher so… uh… for lack of a better option, I’m taking care of it for the time being.”
“You’re great at it, Steve.” El said with a beaming smile.
Did all his students call him Steve or was it only the headmaster’s daughter? Billy was intrigued.
“Oh thanks, El. You’re too nice.”  
Billy almost said: “that’s the pot calling the kettle black”, but he thankfully kept his mouth shut.
Steve locked the classroom door and then turned back to them.  
“Well, girls, Billy, have a good weekend. See you on Monday.”
“Actually, you’ll be seeing me tomorrow.”
What had happened to Billy’s mouth staying shut?
“Oh… you’re coming? That’s… that’s great.” Steve stammered.
He smiled, but it was too late: Billy had seen the disappointment in his eyes.
“Yeah… great. Have a good evening, Steve.” He sounded cold, as he said it.
“Y-you too.”
Yes… The coffee date was going to go swimmingly.
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