#thank uuu for the ask <3
sighonaraa · 9 months
Any of your WIPs that you weren’t asked about that you want to chat about? Or anything else you want to share about one you were?
YES I WOULD IN FACT!!! so this one is one that is not on the list because i actually just brainstormed it up today while shouting about de-aging fics with the wonderful @asteria-argo and now i must subject all of you to hearing about it as well:
the ending where you finally find your way home (tentative title)
AKA the fic wherein, in the middle of a 33-year-old jamie tartt's retirement party, a fuckery of the universe occurs and in the space between one heartbeat and the next, 23-year-old jamie is standing in the place of his older self. and he hasn't got any memories of the last ten years at all.
everyone panics. jamie panics the most and pretends he's not by lashing out at anybody who gets close, but especially roy, who for some reason is nearing 50 and seems to love 33-year-old jamie a hell of a lot for someone who's professed an undying hatred for him multiple times. actually, scratch that. the entire team seems to love this 33-year-old jamie a hell of a lot. and no matter how mean 23-year-old jamie is to them now, how much he bites and kicks, they just. keep. being. kind. and colin's got a husband? and isaac has two daughters? and there's this dani rojas character who keeps wanting to hug him? it's a lot. it's weird. but it's also... nice. in a way. he supposes.
oh, and also? apparently his 33-year-old self cut their dad out of his life a long time ago. but that can't be right.
tl;dr: this is the fic wherein a 23-year-old jamie gets all the love he deserved to have at that age, and it's all because of the life he managed to build and choose for himself.
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over--heaven · 7 months
hi eloise !! what do u and dio do together during downtime , or to just relax and enjoy time together ? - @dmclr
awawa hello clara i hope u and dimitri are having a wonderful week :) thank u for the ask this was very cute and i had fun answering it!! it was a nice break from my already stressful week...
if we feel like having fun, we'll go out for a night on the town, have some drinks and dance! (not to mention bars/clubs are always an easy place to find victims 🧛)
or if we just want to stay in and relax, we'll read in our library! sometimes we just sit in silence in the other's company, and sometimes we discuss interesting things that we find. on some days we even read to each other, and i get to listen to his pretty voice <333
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tearwolfe · 5 months
keep drawing your rui
i like him :3 the way you draw him is so cool!
I'LL KEEP DRAWING HIM!!! i love my rui too.. he means everything to me
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ruporas · 1 year
hi i love your trigun stuff so so so so so much your art makes my day 100x better and i love your takes on vw and just. you portray how fucked up but in love they are and your expressions and how you draw them is so. AAAA. i love it and i also (somewhat) apologize for spam reblogging literally all of your trigun art. i couldnt help myself, i had to show the world.
WAHHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH... i'm glad my art can make you happy and i'm glad you're enjoying my portrayal of vw!! i don't think i'm ever going to get over their specific dynamic and the way they might love in an universe where the line drawn between them is specified as romance... very dear to me, it makes me happy to know other people enjoy how i draw them in that way T_T <3 and no apologies!! i don't mind spam like/reblogs, i'm happy to know my old stuff is worth looking at! thank you!
here is them being not particularly fucked up but certainly in love
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littencloud9 · 4 months
kunichuu + ink pot and fountian pen
the terribles (jouzai) + hands
Chuuya is going to bang his head on the table. “This is impossible.”
“You’re not bad. That stroke’s a little too thick, though,” Hirotsu says, pointing to one of the words. Chuuya lets out a frustrated sigh, crossing out the entire sentence.
“Gently. The pen might break.”
“Sorry,” Chuuya mutters. He glances over at the ink pot he bought yesterday, still full and seemingly untouched, and wonders why he can’t do this one simple task.
So maybe he’s trying to write a letter to Kunikida in calligraphy because he thinks it’s cool. And maybe he bought a fountain pen to use since Kunikida likes the neater traditional style it produces. And maybe Chuuya sucked up his pride and asked Hirotsu for help because who else is going to teach him something like this?
“That looks more like a chicken scrawl,” Hirotsu muses.
If Chuuya didn’t respect him so much, he’d have dropkicked the old man already. He voices that much out loud, to which Hirotsu chuckles.
“Stop laughing at my misery. If this is too ugly, Kunikida is gonna think I’m stupid.”
“Your partner is an upstanding individual. I cannot imagine he’d judge you for something like this. Even if your handwriting leaves much to be desired.”
“Wow. You don’t know Kunikida. He’ll make fun of me for weeks!”
“I find that hard to imagine.”
“Yeah, okay,” Chuuya scoffs, taking out a new piece of paper. “Whatever! I’m gonna impress him anyway. Shoo.”
“As you wish.”
Dazai’s fingers are awfully long, Jouno notices.
Long when they tangle their fingers through his hair, twirling and tugging the strands to their own whims while Jouno struggles to keep up.
Long when they trail their way up his body and wrap around him—his wrists, his throat, anything. When they tangle their fingers together, as if that minuscule touch will erase all evidence of their sins.
Long when Dazai forces their fingers past Jouno’s lips, all the way to the back of his throat, forcing him to taste the blood staining their skin.
Even so, with all of Dazai’s unpredictability and daze, Jouno never fully drifts away. Rather, he holds Dazai’s hand in his and relishes in the stability it provides, such that he can be pressed against the wall and not feel the urge to scatter.
“Your heartbeat is increasing,” Dazai says as they slide their hands up Jouno’s chest, stopping right where his heart indeed pounds heavily against its cage.
“Astute observation. What makes you think I cannot hear yours?”
“Maybe I’m faking it,” Dazai cheers. “I’m really good at that.”
“Maybe,” Jouno agrees. He pulls Dazai closer by the waist, smirking when their breath stutters. “You can’t hide everything, though.”
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zu-is-here · 4 months
i have a thought about this:
Zu's version of Shattered's outfit design is the best, simple and standout.
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)♡
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I love your take on Mommy Long Legs and how it’s a critique on what society forces young girls to become from far too young an age.
Thank you! Honestly I was surprised and dissapointed when chapter 2 refused to delve into these themes the moment they introduced Mommy Long Legs. Like? Everything is there? You have a child who was put into the body of a cartoony version of a grown woman called Mommy and who was forced to mother everyone else, and you are just. Like. NOT going to explore that???? While said Mommy character had an official partner named Daddy and a baby????? Literally everything is RIGHT THERE. Why didn't they do anything with that, oh my God!
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sheikahwarriork · 11 months
Got a prompt for you
Dimileth Post-Timeskip pre-Gronder unplanned pregnancy
(thank you so much anon, i had so much fun writing this!! hope you enjoy it too :3 <3)
wordcount: 1.2k
“… Fuck indeed”.
Byleth looked up at Mercedes, biting her lips. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!”
Mercedes sighed, visibly worried for her professor. “I think… you should at least tell him, professor. The final choice is entirely yours, of course, but he has to know”. She hesitated. “He needs to know”.
Byleth lowered her gaze. “Sadly, I think you’re right”.
The former mercenary was standing in front of the Cathedral, unable to step inside. She caressed her belly almost unconsciously. ‘You’re not a mistake. I just… I'd rather prefer you not to meet your father when he’s… like that’.
The belly didn’t respond.
Byleth was angry. Furious. She had never felt such rage, not even to Kronya the day Jeralt died. And the worst part? She didn’t even know who exactly this rage was for. Herself? Maybe. Destiny? Not exactly; destiny was Sothis, and Sothis was long gone. Him? Well, yes, of course; but not only. Biology? That one, too. Maybe especially it.
Byleth’s gaze wandered inside the Cathedral, immediately recognizing his figure, standing in front of the old Goddess statue, as he did every single fucking day since they reunited.
Okay, maybe that anger was totally for Dimitri. What did he do, since she woke up, since she found him? Kill, talk to the dead; kill, argue with Byleth; kill; and kiss her. He kissed her. He fucking kissed her. That damn bastard, who once was so afraid of his feelings he even took back his love confession, had the gall to grab her and kiss her like she was water and he was lost in a desert. He kissed her at the worst time possible because she had waited for it for so long, and that wasn’t the right time. She had kissed him back. Byleth missed her Dimitri; missed the sweet prince, missed the caring student, missed her kind friend. She shouldn’t have kissed him back. She should have scolded him, have stepped back. That… that wasn’t her Dimitri. Her lips weren’t for that… not-Dimitri. She should have gone away. She hadn’t, of course, because when Dimitri’s hungry lips captured hers, she felt… desire. Longing. Fire; a burning sensation she thought would kill her instantly. It hadn’t. She indulged in the fire, she lost herself in that fire. She was fire; she had been since the beginning.
Byleth shook her head; it was pointless to think about… that. What is done is done.
She stepped inside the Cathedral; he didn’t turn to her, his shoulders startled slightly, the only sign he noticed her presence.
Oh, the anger was back. Like a tsunami. “Oi, asshole!” Byleth shouted, unable to stop herself. “I have something important to tell you, so at least, look at me”.
Dimitri hesitated for a moment, but apparently something in Byleth’s tone caught his curiosity, since he did turn to her. He just shot her a vague questioning glare.
Byleth sighed. She thought about the advice Mercedes gave her, about what to tell him, how to tell him—
“I’m pregnant”.
It didn’t go exactly as planned.
Dimitri’s eyes widened, the hand holding Areadbhar twitched. He didn’t say anything, just looked at her for forty seconds straight.
“… Who”, he eventually said.
Byleth furrowed. “What?!”
“Who dared touch you”, Dimitri growled, his voice raising in tone.
Byleth blinked a few times. “What the hell do you mean”.
Dimitri was getting closer; he stopped a few inches from Byleth’s face.
“I’ll kill them. I’ll kill whoever dared to touch you, no, whoever dares to even look at you—”
‘Oh… oh heavens, no. He can’t be that dumb, can he?’
“What are you talking about?”
“… The baby’s father, of course”, he hissed, visibly annoyed. “Who is he”. Dimitri looked away, almost as if he was unable to hold her gaze. Almost as if he feared the answer.
‘Oh. He is that dumb’.
“Who do you think he is?” Byleth asked, almost casually. He was going to pay for his dumbness, and she deserved some fun.
Dimitri turned to her, anger in his eyes. “Don’t tease me, you! Tell me who dared touch my—”
“‘Your’ what? Am I yours now?” Byleth interrupted him, folding her arms, holding his gaze.
Dimitri gasped and fell silent. Byleth, still looking him in the eye, grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly.
“This is yours. This— is ours”. ‘You dumbass’, she also thought, but decided to keep it to herself.
Dimitri’s eyes went from their joined hands to her face, looking at her in disbelief.
“Keep in mind—I’m not asking you for help or… or opinions. I don’t need them and don’t care about them. I’m just telling you because you have the right to know—”
Byleth stopped talking when Dimitri suddenly dropped to his knees, their joined hands still placed on Byleth’s belly. It took her a few seconds to notice he was sobbing. Desperately sobbing.
“I’m sorry”, Dimitri was mumbling. “I’m so sorry”.
Yes, Byleth was generally angry with him, but she didn’t hate him. Quite the opposite, in fact. That’s why she yielded and took his face in her hands, looking at him. “Why are you apologizing, Dimitri?” she asked softly.
Dimitri startled, as he did every time Byleth called him by his name. He tried to turn away, but Byleth kept holding him, looking him in the eye. “Answer me”, she demanded.
“I…” Dimitri gasped, searching for words. “Your… child… deserves a better father. A better person. All I know how to do is kill… I have to… They… are telling me this is wrong; I do not have the right—”
“Dimitri”, Byleth interrupted firmly. “A soon-to-be-human is growing inside me. A child will be born. I will be their mother, you will be their father. Now, tell me. Who is more important? The long-gone ones, or the coming ones? Who do you want to dedicate your life to? What, who does your life belong to?”
Dimitri’s eyes were shut, tears along his cheeks. “I… want… it to be yours. Both of you”. His eyes opened. “But, tell me, professor... Please, Byleth, tell me... How do I silence their desperate pleas? How do I... How do I save them? Ever since that day nine years ago... I have lived only to avenge the fallen… How could I be a fitting father for a small creature if I can’t even please those that are already here…”
“Those are not here, Dimitri”, Byleth whispered, her forehead touching his. “But I’m here, and they… they will be soon”, she added, bringing his hand back to her belly. “You just need to choose. Not necessarily now. I’ll… wait for you; I’ll always wait for you.” Her vision was blurred. Was she crying too? ‘I miss you, Dimitri. I miss you so much. Please, don’t leave me alone anymore…’
She would wait until the end of time, if needed, to have a glimpse of her Dimitri back. She knew it, and it hurt. Because she was aware she’d never stop loving him. And, sometimes, to love means to wait. And, often, waiting is painful.
Lost in her tears, she didn’t immediately notice Dimitri’s hands softly caressing her cheeks. When she did, she opened her eyes to meet Dimitri’s resolute gaze. “And I’ll always choose you, my beloved.”
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
I said I'd make a oneshot about railing Synth-en!Ratchet, I'm making a oneshot about railing Synth-en!Ratchet 😇 
(And the reader is a gender neutral Cybertronian because)
"Yeah, we'll be gone for a couple hours. Your staying here with Ratchet, [reader]." Arcee chimed out before transforming to her alt mode and speeding down the hallway towards the exit. Bumblebee transformed to his alt mode and chased after her pretty quickly before she left him behind. Ratchet scoffed, before turning to you. "Why do you have to stay here again?" 
You shrug in response. "The last time you took Synth-en you had the biggest personality swing anyone's ever seen. In fact, your even more snippy than usual. Im here to keep you from doing something stupid.." Ratchet sneered in response, turning in the opposite direction to fumble around with some broken gadget on his work station. "Yeah, and now while everyone else is out on a mission, I'm stuck here with you basically babysitting me." He huffed, shoving a wrench to the side. Hes definitely much more snippy than usual. 
You come up behind him, putting your hands around his waist and leaning your head over his shoulder. "So what are you working on?" You question, gently caressing his abdomen, near his valve port. He's obviously a little surprised, and definitely flustered. "J-just something Bulkhead broke." You smirk slightly, reaching your hands down further as you spoke. "Let me guess, he tripped over a cable and fell on this gadget, so that's why your so snippy right now?" You continue to lower your hands, getting all the way down to the edge of his valve panel. 
Ratchet isn't even working on whatever he was working on, just stuttering while trying to respond. You look behind you, seeing the empty workspace behind the both of you, nothing in the way. You pull Ratchet back, moving out of the way and grabbing back onto him, now both of you facing eachother before pushing him up onto the table. You smirk a second time. "I could raise your mood." You reach your hand down, grabbing and gently squeezing his thigh.
You tap at his valve panel with the knuckles of your digits, lowering your spike panel. "You alright with this?" You question. Ratchet reaches his arms over your shoulders while you stare into his green optics, awaiting a response. After a moment, he nods his head yes. 
You push him down a bit further on his workbench, and slip the tip of your spike into his interior mode. He shifts his legs, clearly now trying to grind against you already. Yet, you pull your spike back. He then looks back up at you. "Hm, so you don't have the will to-?" He tries to tease, but you slip your entire spike into his valve. He stops speaking abruptly, clawing at your back while trying to hold back a moan. You feel transfluid leaking down your legs, and you look down to see pink transfluid dripping down onto the floor.
"Heh, we've barely started and you've already overloaded?" You murmur, pulling back out half of your spike. It's covered in Ratchet's transfluid. In response, he claws at your back harder, and you retaliate by shoving your spike all the way back in. This time, Ratchet can't stifle his moan, clenching at your shoulder's, letting out a little whimper. "I bet next time you'll think before your snippy with me, won't you?" You tease, rubbing one of your digits around his valve. "Y-yes..." Ratchet whimpers out.
You pull Ratchet's face up near yours, grabbing the back of his helm and kissing him. That stifles his next moan when you slam back into his tight valve. His legs shake every time you push back into him. He claws at your back with every thrust. His moans and whimpers begin to grow louder, grabbing onto the side of your upper torso. Around 15-20 minutes later, you both end up overloading, and you both stop to take a breathe. After a minute, Ratchet sits back up a little. You smile, one of your hands still around his waist. "Round 2?"
He's a mess, the inside of his legs coated with transfluid, but he nods yes. He pulls himself a little closer to you, whimpering, "Please." over and over again. You oblige, readying yourself before thrusting back into the shorter mech, receiving a half moan, half whimper from him. After about 3 more overloads over the course of a 2 and a half hours, your both totally wrecked. You aren't as wrecks as him though. His plating is beginning to heat up from the friction, panting heavily, and transfluid just dripping down his legs. You can see his lower abdomen plating bulging up a little bit. You lightly press down on this buldge , and feel your spike inside of his interior.
You rise back up a little, panting as well with transfluid coating your spike and the area around it. "I'm....assuming we're...gonna stop here?" You ask between heavy breathes. Ratchet tries to say something, but it just comes out as a whimper, so he nods yes. You retract your spike back, Ratchet also retracting his valve plating. You pull out and back away slightly, turning around. You spot a towel, before heading over and picking it up. You come back, wiping away the transfluid from his thighs, from off of the table, and off of the floor. 
Ratchet stands up, stumbling and almost falling over with shaky legs. He yawns. "I'm...I'm going to my room." He doesn't get very far before actually falling over. Concerned, you come over to his side, asking him questions such as "Are you okay?" and "Do you need help?" He just complains that he's really sore. He probably won't make it back to his room on his own, so you chose to pick him up bridal style and carry him there. 
You set him on his berth, kissing him lightly on his helm before standing back up. But Ratchet grabs at your neck before you stand back up fully,  pulling you back a little and asking you to stay. You smile in response, climbing onto his berth with him, wrapping a arm around his shoulder. After a moment, he cuddles up to you, and your now holding him in a rom-com cuddle position. The others, who still haven't gotten back, don't need to know what went down ;)
I have no shame >:)
Poor ratty can’t be trusted to be on his own anymore, what better way to baby sit him than to fuck his pretty valve?? <3
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enbysiriusblack · 20 days
hi hello youre moodboards are awesome and i love them so here are some ideas (u dont have to do them all obvs just pick the ones u find interesting or want to do)
dorcas from regulus's pov
barty from the marauders's pov
evan from barty's pov
barty from evan's pov
pandora from evan's pov
bellatrix from regulus's pov
andromeda from bellatrix's pov
mary from lily's pov
dorcas in general because shes a queen and i would die for her
dorcas from reg's pov:
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barty from marauders' pov:
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andy from bella's pov:
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mary from lily's pov:
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ask suggestion
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tearwolfe · 7 months
Hi duff I know I'm a lesbian but everytime I see your Rui art I go insane. #ITS NOT AN OBSESSION ITS DEDICATION 💕💕💕
i'm a lesbian too and i know exactly what you mean
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sighonaraa · 1 year
🌹 (can I break the rules and ask for a specific character instead of a specific wip? 'cause like you know I'm always looking for a Richard snippet ;) )
🌺🌹🌷🌼- also more flowers for you because you deserve them <3
🌸🌷🌻 adding on to the flowers because YOU deserve them too <3
and yes of COURSE everybody is always allowed to request specific characters. i have a kiddo richard snippet from a future chapter of the football kiddos au just for you!!
“This is Richard,” Colin says, gritting the name out through his teeth like it’s physically painful, and juts a finger at the brown-haired boy who’s dangling by the knees from the monkey bars. “He’s annoying and I hate him.” Ted’s not sure what his responsibility is here; on the one hand, he’s not a huge fan of anybody calling anybody else annoying, or expressing a general hatred for their existence to their face. On the other, he tends to be of the opinion that the nuanced and complicated rivalries between pre-pubescent kiddos can be character building. So he waves a hand in Richard’s direction, offers a Switzerland-level neutral response of, “Nice to meet’ya, Richard,” and watches as Richard flips onto the grass. “Colin doesn’t hate me,” he informs Ted, French accent perfectly crisp and proper. “He hates everything I stand for, which is beautiful hair and champagne.” Colin hisses, “I hate you so much.”
colin and richard's enemy-ship is. very funny to Me Personally. they WILL become friends....... eventually. maybe. perhaps.
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t-tomuras · 5 months
vixen!! hello, i hope you are well, i am here to inquire about your self ship with the deer man (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) how did it start, where did it start, etc etc please tell me all about it (if you would like to)!!
ps. also thank you so much for your kind words about me n vox hehe (ㅅ´ ˘ `) they made my heart sooo warm + giddy!!! <3
Helloooo candescent clariiii < 33 you’re so sweet aaa
It started with me finding the hotel shortly after Vaggies commercial Alastor helped with airs and I’m like yknow what if we’re gonna be killed by angels I might as well have ATTEMPTED to have done better.
Me and Charlie get along swimmingly, always ready to follow along with whatever silly idea she has even if I don’t think it’ll actually work because I like her energy and yknow it’s sweet she’s trying so hard which ends up just being a puzzling thing to Alastor.
Telling me that Charlie might not see it but he can tell that it’s all halfhearted at best and completely superficially done at worst so WHY bother being here. Only to absolutely floor him, at least momentarily, over my response of, “unlike you I want to see her succeed.”
Needless to say I get on his nerves but not the same way others like vaggie or angel or the eggbois do and he likes to do things to perturb me or unsettle me in ways and the responses are always just “well that’s something” before offering him whatever it was I was offering that day. Picking up his dry cleaning just because I was around, something from cannibal town from Rosie
Ahh I did it myself 😂 all my prattling on just to say I confound and astound him and entertain him in ways that captivate him like he’s never been before. Also adding the cutest little thing my beloved @/ghostbeam doodled for me when we were talking about this
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Because I absolutely get little doodles about me that he hastily crumples up because his mind was wandering and ‘that’s not like him’
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wolvertooth · 29 days
(In ref to your latest post about the 2003 wolverine issues) Why did I think your drawings were actually apart of the comic?????? i had to take a double take to make sure he didn't actually call him a faggot help 😭😭 (I mean this as a huge compliment btw!! :3)
alksjdrk first ever Faggot uttered in a marvel comic and its by wolverine towards his arch nemesis/old partner....could u fucking imagine
i mean it was 2004. its perfectly reasonable.
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seekdestr0y · 2 months
31, 40 & 52 !!
pick a number ;)
3 random facts: i held a moon jellyfish i found tidepooling, my foot got ran over by a truck once, and in high school i used to make instagram edits on videostar HAHA
favourite memory: i have a lot of favorite memories but i think like overall is just when i used to live next door to my grandparents when i was little and i would sneak out and go next door. it was so fun because my dads siblings were just graduating highschool so i was raised by a bunch of teenagers
something i’m talented at: i’m a jack of all trades and a master of none so im like not exceptionally good at anything but for the sake of the question i’ll say swimming since i used to do it competitively
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graveyarrdshift · 6 months
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! no pressure ofc <33
hiii 👋😺
1. My lovely cat, she's the silliest <3
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2. My mutuals!!
3. Drinking coffee
4. Going on really long walks
5. Video games
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