#thank you again anon i hope you're having a wonderful day!!!!!! 💜
stormyoceans · 5 months
on happier terms: did you see sea's thank you to jimmy on twitter???? he....is so, so precious. hopefully this show with its popularity is a catalyst for new jimmysea appearances/shows. i love those boys so much and while i do fear a drought incoming soon (the perks of stanning introverted kings), atleast we know that this show's blatant success means gmmtv will have to push for them in more shows (whether that be as side characters or mcs, together or seperate. i love you so much monica. hopefully we find a new hyperfixation soon to distract us and fill the void.
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i swear every time i want to express how much i love jimmysea i inevitably find myself at a loss for words. i've always shied away from parasocial relationships and im very aware that everything we see is filtered by cameras and social medias, but i'll be damned if what transpires from all of that isn't the image of two sweet dedicated hard working boys who love and care about each other a whole lot. it's at times like this that, while i do want them to branch out and work with other people, my brain also ends up screaming PLEASE DO NOT SEPARATE THEM. there's just something so magical that happens every time they're on screen together, and im so proud to have witnessed their growth
im honestly 99.999999% sure we're getting that p'jojo series at the very least, so until then i hope we're gonna get some more events, and since GMMTV apparently decided to air starlympics for a month instead of giving us 23.5 on friday (IM IN THEIR WALLS) i do wonder if we should just all do a vice versa rewatch (one episode per week)
ANYWAY. all this rambling aside, thank you so much, anon!!!!!!! i love you too and i hope we can keep screaming together about jimmysea for a long time!!!!!!! 💜🩵
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Their Marriage Proposal
Requested: hey!! i looove your succession preferences!! can you please do some about the roy siblings asking/reacting to a marriage proposal, moving in with reader, something like that? thanks :) - anon
A/N: Hi my love!! Thank you so much!!! You're a sweetheart!!! I picked proposal, I just couldn't resist!!! It's just too cute of an idea!!! I hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Succession Masterlist
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Connor has been planning this forever. From the moment he met you he knew you were the one. He fills the house with roses of every color and hires and band to play. He gets the biggest diamond he can get and your favorite wine. When you walk in the house after a long day, you're sorta bombarded by classical music. Connor's down on one knee, telling you all the reasons why he loves you, why he fell for you. You're not expecting it at all. He would have asked on a beach in Italy or Spain, but that would have taken longer and he just couldn't wait. He's got a photographer taking pictures, too. Of course you say yes, yes, a thousand times yes! He hugs you so tight you can barely breathe. Connor never thought he'd feel as loved as you make him feel. No one in his life ever gave him the thought or time or anything. You proved him wrong: that he is a loveable person. Now you'll get to spend the rest of your lives together.
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Kendall, why isn't babygirl allowed to be this happy all the time he asks you to marry him when you're both in bed after a long night of drinking and partying. You're covered in glitter, too tipsy to get out of your party clothes. He's all smiles and giggles. When he asks you, you pinch him lightly. Don't joke like that, you say. You've been dating forever, it feels like. You'd love to marry him. He knows how you feel. Suddenly, he gets this very serious look about him, almost sober. I'm not joking, I mean it. Marry me. You look at him, the room spinning. You laugh, trying to figure out if this is real or not. He would never joke about anything like this. He's serious. Of course, you answer. He doesn't have a ring or anything, but he kisses you anyway, hard, tasting of booze. When you wake up in the morning, wondering if it was even real, he can't stop referring to himself as your husband. He gets a ring and asks again properly, but only you two are aware of the first time he actually asks you to marry him.
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Shiv asks you not-so-romantically over the phone. She's weighed the pros and cons. You're already living together, you share everything. Why not? You don't love how analytically she's looked at this, at your love, but you say yes regardless. When you hang up you can't stop smiling. You and your Shivy, forever? It didn't seem real. When you get home from work she's got a bottle of wine and a little black box waiting for you. She admits maybe that wasn't the best way to go about it, that she'd like a redo. Will you marry her? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Shiv can't believe it. She thought Tom would be it. That she'd be stuck in that loveless entrapment for the rest of her life. But then she found you, the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. You call everyone you know, wanting to brag that you're going to be a Roy, that you're lucky enough to call Shiv your wife. She knows what her family will say of course, that only Connor will the excited, so she makes a note to tell everyone tomorrow. For now, it stays between you and the people who will be excited for you.
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Roman doesn't ask you, he more tells you he thinks you should get married. One night when you're both getting ready for a party. You're fixing his cufflinks when he says it like it's no big deal. We should get married. You look at him, wondering where all of this is coming from. I, I don't- it's not- if you don't want to. . . Rome, of course I do, I just didn't think you wanted to. From under the sink he pulls out a little box. Here, it's fuckin- if you want it- I don't know. You cup his face, making sure he's looking at you and really listening. Roman Roy, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. He gets quiet after that, like he can't believe it. Really, he can't. He's not sure why he asked now, when you're already running late and needed to be at Shiv's by ten, it just came out. He's had the ring for weeks, checking on it every so often just to make sure it's real, that it's still there. He's not very romantic or affectionate, it just sort of happens.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 9 months
hiiii i learned your name Aiden!!! How are you? Hallow i’m the sugu angst anon, sadly not asking for angst because poor sugu need a break and i love him so much so he deserves the whole world, i wanna thank you for writing my requests 🫶
and if you wanna consider 👀 perhaps an au where sugu didn’t spiral into the whole monkeys thing and so he is a teacher just like satoru? and he’s dating reader whose also a teacher, and they’re in a secret relationship that got revealed and gojo feels betrayed LMAO, anddd that’s all, hope you’re doing great! 🫶
Angsty Anon, how are you!? I love your requests, it's always a pleasure to write for you 💙💙 and yeah, I'm Aiden! I'm only now realizing I've never properly introduced myself on here, so, I guess this is my official introduction lol. And of course, I would love to consider Sugu as a teacher, that's so cute!
Now Loading...
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Starring Suguru Geto, in a slightly softer world.
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Have you ever heard of the multiverse theory? It gets switched around and misinterpreted a lot, but the basic premise of it is that for every possible outcome, there is a universe that follows it. So, for example, if you're on a walk one morning, and come across a fork in the road, you may choose the left path. When you do this, another universe is created in which you choose the right path, and yet another still where you didn't go on any walk at all.
As such, this implies that there are some fundamental truths across all universes. Every universe you encounter will have stars in the sky, and a force of gravity will keep everyone down. You won't find a universe where atoms aren't the building blocks of life. You won't find a universe that doesn't have a sun in its center. And you won't find a universe where Suguru Geto is a morning person. 
He all but yells into his pillow as his alarm sounds off at 5:45 AM. He considers violence, a possible war crime against his phone for committing the egregious sin of waking him up before the sun is even up. He considers aggressively turning the alarm off and going back to sleep, letting the world continue on without him as he becomes one with his comforter. 
And in the end he does none of it. He turns his alarm off like a normal person, and forces himself out of bed at the truly ungodly hour of 5:45 AM. Why you ask? Because class starts at 7 AM, and the kids he teaches are relying on him to show up and be a model jujutsu sorcerer, just like they are for all of the other teachers at Jujutsu High. And just as it is a fundamental truth that Suguru Geto is not a morning person, it's a fundamental truth that he would do absolutely anything for those he loves. And Suguru loves all of those kids, even if they can get a little annoying at times. 
He’s falling asleep while brushing his teeth when he gets his first text of the day from you. A short and sweet “Good morning sweetie 💜” to give him the motivation to push through his morning routine. 
He sends “Good morning to you too Darling 🖤” to you while smiling, finishing up brushing his teeth before mentally preparing himself for the arctic plunge of a shower he’s about to take to finish waking himself up. 
Once he’s dressed and as awake as he’s going to be at 6:00 AM, he goes to check on Nanako and Mimiko out of habit. Of course, he finds their shared room empty, considering they moved into the dorms a week ago when school started. 
“Right.” He grumbled to himself, shaking his head. At this point, it feels like he’ll never get used to them not being around. He wondered how Satoru adapted so quickly when Megumi moved into the dorms. Then again, Satoru seemed to be made for adaptation, meanwhile, Suguru had always struggled more with change. 
Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, A car horn blared through the quiet suburb. “What is he-?!” Suguru snapped at the air before rushing outside and into his friends car.
“What the hell are you doing Satoru?!” He asked, suddenly very awake.
“Letting you know I’m here.” Gojo smiled as he pulled out of Sugurus drive way and onto the road.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but could you not have just texted me?” Suguru grumbled, “You’re going to wake up the entire neighborhood!”
“My phones dead.” Satoru shrugged. He had a habit of passing out while scrolling tik tok and forgetting to put his phone on the charger. 
“And I suppose knocking on my door was out of the question?” Suguru asked. Gojo clearly did not see the issue with violating air pollution laws, and it was starting to irk him.
“In the rain? No way dude!” He laughed. It was at this point Geto looked out the window. Well shit, it was raining. He was so focused on just getting to the car he managed to miss it. 
“It’s like, barely raining.” He argued with his friend. The white haired main beside him just shrugged.
“Hey man, you’re lucky I give you a ride at all,” Gojo reminded him, “I could just teleport to school.” Suguru would have tried to argue with that, but he knew better than to enter an argument on the losing side. He just sighed and shook his head.
“Whatever man….thanks for the ride.” He added at the end.
“You’re welcome!” Gojo smiled. Suguru sighed as he got comfortable in the seat, leaning against the window. The main reason he got rides from Gojo was so he could take a nap on the way to the school. It was a long drive, and the thirty minutes he spent passed out in Gojos car went a long way to making him not an asshole to his class in the morning. It felt like his eyes had been closed for all of two seconds before Satrou was waking him up, letting him know they had made it to their destination. 
“Good morning Geto, good morning Gojo!” You greeted the men as they joined you in the teachers lounge. Suguru smiled warmly when he saw your face, familiar and bright, even at 6:30 in the morning. 
“Good morning L/n.” Geto yawned as he rushed to the coffee pot in the room, still half full.
“Morning L/n!” Satoru beamed as he sat next to you. Normally, the three of you were on a first name basis, but a professional setting calls for professional dialect. “So, you two do anything fun on your weekend?” Gojo asked. Geto looked at you from the corner of his eyes, seeing how you handled this situation. You would have stolen a glance at him, but Gojo would have definitely noticed that.
“Eh, not much really,” You shrugged, “I went and visited my parents, and mostly just tried to catch up on reading.” That was definitely, 100% not what you were doing this weekend. In actuality, you had spent the entire weekend with Suguru. The two of you had seen a movie, checked out his favorite soba shop, and spent the vast majority of the time cuddled in his bed watching horror movies to get ready for ‘spooky season’ despite the fact in was, indeed, April. 
But you couldn’t say any of that to Gojo. You and Suguru were co-workers, your romantic relationship wasn’t just discouraged and taboo- the employee handbook strictly forbid it. As much as the two of you wanted to tell your shared best friend about the beautiful relationship you’d found, you couldn’t. Mostly cause Satoru couldn’t keep a secret to save his ass.
“Cool! What about you Suguru?” Gojo smiled as he looked to his best friend, deciding for now that professional language was for the birds.
“Eh, I mostly stayed in. I re-watched the scream movies.” He shrugged as he drank his black coffee.
“Isn’t it kinda early to be watching horror movies? Or, I guess late?” Gojo asked. 
“It is never too early for spooky movies.” You said, jumping to Getos defense maayybe just a little too quickly. Gojo raised his eyebrows at you. 
“So I see were feeling a little defensive.” He pointed out. 
“Not defensive, I’m just saying. It’s always horror movie time if you’re not a coward.”
“Hey, I-”
“Uhh, Sensei?” Itadori asked as he popped his head into the door. Immediately all attention went to him, and silently, you thanked the pink haired boy for saving your ass.
“Hey Itadori! What’s up?” Gojo asked, all smiles for his student. 
“I could really use your help with the algebra assignment from last night,” Itadori explained, “I don’t think I really grasp…well numbers.” He explained. Gojo chuckled and shook his head, but didn’t argue cause he, like Geto, knew better than to argue with the truth.
“Yeah Kid, no problem. Let’s go to the classroom.” Satoru said, getting up and letting Itadori lead the way. There was a heavy silence that filled the room after, both of you listing to Satoru’s footsteps until they vanished. Once they were gone, you both let out a deep breath.
“Well that could have gone worse.” Suguru chuckled softly.
“Yeah, that was my bad,” You sighed, “I swear, he looks into the littlest of things.”
“That’s Satoru.” Suguru confirmed with a nod, “Always suspicious of something. Somethings never change.” He shrugged. You looked around, making sure the coast we clear before standing up to give Suguru a quick hug. 
“Ain’t that the truth.” You chuckled. Suguru smiled as he held you close, his mind wondering off to the other things that never seemed to change. The school, sorcerer society as a whole, the way he felt for you- even all the way back in high school. He had a crush on you even before you saved him, and it only intensified after.
Of course, as far as you’re concerned you didn’t save anyone that day in the graveyard. You just talked some sense into an old friend. You would never know just how close to the edge Suguru was that day. How could you? All you knew was that his faith was shaken, and he needed some reassurance. 
He could still go back to that afternoon in his mind like replaying a movie. He could still see the gray skies of fall, heavy with dark clouds. He could still smell the rain water and grave dirt hanging in the air. And could still sense the confusion he felt when you brought him to your best friends grave. He had never met the girl, she had died to a curse long before you enrolled in Jujutsu High. So why were you bringing him here now?
“This is where my friend lies,” You explained to him what he already knew. “It’s been a few years now, but I still think of her every day.”
“I’m sorry for your loss Y/n.” He said the only think he knew to say.
“Suguru, why are you a Jujutsu Sorcerer?” You asked, suddenly looking at him with overly intense eyes that made him feel so small. Why did he was he a Jujutsu Sorcerer? He didn’t fucking know! Especially not anymore. He used to know. But, he lost that direction. After Riko died. After Haibara died. He didn’t know what the point to any of this was anymore.
“Why are you a Jujutsu Sorcerer?” He asked back, not so smoothly dodging the question. You just pointed at the grave.
“For her. And for you, and for Riko and Haibara. For everyone I have loved and will love, I do it to protect them.” You explained it as if it was just that easy. And maybe it was. For you.
“How are we protecting them exactly?” He asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion, “Please, tell me just how exactly we protected Riko and Haibara?” He questioned.
“We protect them in death.” You shrugged, “Honor what they would have wanted. Do you really think Riko would want you to waste the life she so desperately wanted because of her death? Do you think Haibara would have wanted you to throw away all of your potential because some higher ups fucked him over? Or do you think they would want you to live your life to the fullest, and work hard to see that potential fulfilled?”
“I think they would want us to fight for a fundamental change in the system. For a world without curses.” 
“Suguru, you and I both know that’s not possible.”
“But it is,” He argued, saying things out loud he had only thought up until now, “Humans are the only ones to produce curses, you know.”
“So what? You’re just going to kill all humans?” You scoffed at the absurdity of the idea, and he genuinely felt a little embarrassed. “What would that fix?”
“Well, there would be no curses, for one.” He pointed out.
“And what would that achieve?”
“We wouldn’t have to watch our friends and family die at the hands of disgusting curses!” He argued, frustrated that you couldn’t see his vision.
“No, we would just have to watch them die at the hands of other sorcerers, right?” You pointed out. “A world without curses doesn’t fix the cruelty that created them. Curses aren’t what killed Riko, and removing them won’t bring back Haibara.”
“No, Humans killed Riko.” He could still hear that god forsaken cult, clapping away as if a little girl hadn’t just been slaughtered. No, worse. Clapping away because a little girl had just been slaughtered. It was all he could hear late at night. You sighed and nodded.
“That's true. She was killed by a human, who was raised by sorcerers.”
“So are you trying to argue that actually sorcerers are the root of all evil?”
“No Suguru, I’m trying to argue that there is no “Root of all evil.” That it’s all just beings that exist. There are bad humans, of course. Just like how there are bad sorcerers. Everything that exists exists with some good and some bad. You can’t just fix the world with one final, fucked up solution.”
“I just don’t see the point in trying to save people who historically treat us like were fucking disposable!” Suguru snapped, hating that it was starting to seem really hopeless. Were you right? Was there really nothing he could do?
“Sugu, I think you’re getting caught in the details. You’re not seeing the forest for the trees.” You sighed. “ Yes, the Star Cult was full of the most fowl people. And yeah, a lot of humans do treat us like shit. But there are just as many humans who are kind to us. Humans who see their children's cursed techniques as blessings, not curses. Humans willing to die if it means being there for the sorcerers they love and standing by them. Humans like your parents, and my best friend. Humans that are worth protecting.”
“So we have to protect them all just because a few are good?”
“Would you protect a bad person to save me?” You asked. He hadn’t really thought of it like that. It was a moral question he wasn’t ready for, and struggled to find an answer to.
“I mean, I guess I would.” He finally said. 
“Exactly. That’s kinda the point of Jujutsu Sorcery for me. It’s not to protect the world- that’s too monumental of a task even for Satoru Gojo. It’s to protect the ones I love and care for.”
“And what about when we can’t protect them?” He could feel the tears prickle as his eyes now, a stinging that demanded attention. He rubbed his eyes in a futile attempt to make it go away.
“Then I live to honor them, in a way I think would make them proud. I understand where you’re coming from. Heartache is a hell of a thing to battle, and witnessing a young death changes a person. But, continuing to perpetuate that hurt, won’t make it go away. Especially when it comes to such grandiose ideas like “kill all humans!” it doesn’t fix anything. It just hurts the people around you, both with us and departed. I mean, is slaughtering a billion strangers really worth ruining the people closest to you? The ones who love you? Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru.”
He didn’t know what to say. But that line rang in his ears. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. It drowned out the clapping in his mind. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. It played louder than Yuki telling him that humans were the only ones to create curses, and that he knew what he believed. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. And it was what was playing in his ears as he stared at two kids in a cage. Scared, alone, neglected. He felt it then, his hate rise up like bile in his throat, threatening to slaughter him. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru.
He took a minuet to breathe. Was killing this village really going to do anything? It would feel good, yeah- righteous even. But there were a million more like it. And he couldn’t single handedly slaughter them all. Not without hurting You, Gojo, Shoko, Riko, Haibara, and his own mother all in the process. Were a billion strangers worth the people he loved? 
“You know, if you don’t want these girls in the village, there’s a better way to handle it.” That night he adopted Nanako and Mimiko. Sure, he may not be able to save every Jujutsu Sorcerer in the world. But at least he could save these two. A few weeks later, that village burned to the dirt in a forest fire, so maybe karma was real. 
The bell ringing broke his train of thought, and snapped him back to the real world. You smiled as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “See you at lunch!” You winked to him as you grabbed your bag and made your way to your classroom. He smiled softly as he watched you go. 
“Yeah, see you then.” He said, making his way to his own classroom. 
Suguru swore up and down his class wasn’t hard. It was classical literature, if ya just read the book, and did the assignments, he was pretty generous with the A’s. It was why conversations like this were always at least mildly amusing to him. 
“I just don’t understand why you’re being to difficult about this” Nobara argued, “It’s just a few points!”
“Nobara, rounding from a C to an A is not a few points. It’s an entire letter grade.” He gently reminded her. 
“Yeah, and what’s an entire letter grade if not just a few points?” She argued back. He sighed and rubbed his temples. Nobara had always been a forced to be reckoned with, and was always determined to get what she wanted.
“Look, Nobara, I’ll compromise with you. You know the big report we have coming up on Fires on the Plain?”
“I do.” She confirmed.
“If you do really well on it, And I mean really well, I need you to make at least an A on it- I’ll bump your grade to a B+” That was where her grade would be at anyway if she made an A on the report, “Sound good?” Nobora grinned like she got away with something.
“Oh yeah, I could do that in my sleep!” She declared, and Suguru had to hold back a laugh, “You’re on Sensei!” She grinned, muttering a soft ‘sucker’ under her breath as she left the room. Once she was gone, Suguru let his chuckle out. It was always fun tricking his students into accidentally taking their studies serious. 
“Whats got you giggling?” You asked from his doorway, a small smile creeping onto your lips from the sound of his light laughter.
“Oh, nothing,” He said with a wave of his hand, “Just my students thinking they’re gaming the system by-” He pretended to check his notes- “Doing the work.”
“Let me guess, Nobara?”
“It was Nobara.” He confirmed, and you both let out a small giggle. You walked into his classroom and leaned against his desk facing him. 
“Very on brand for her. So, have you thought about dinner tonight?” You asked. He smiled and nodded, getting out of his chair to come and wrap his arms around your waist. Was it risky? Kind of, everyone was out to lunch, sure, but that didn’t mean that you two weren’t out in the open. He couldn’t help it though. Whenever you were around, he had to have his arms around you. He didn’t spend almost 6 years chasing your affections to not hold you whenever he could. 
“I have actually,” He smiled, “I thought we could cook something together tonight? I found a new pork belly recipe that seemed right up your ally.”
“Oooo, another night in! How exciting!” You giggled. And you meant it too. While to most people, a night in was a boring everyday thing, Jujutsu Sorcerers weren’t blessed with the luxury of having a night at home promised to them. They weren’t even guaranteed the simple pleasure of coming home at night. So, a night in to the two of you was fun, exciting, and unquantifiably valuable. 
“I thought you’d be excited,” He smiled lovingly at you. You look so precious in his arms. He couldn’t believe something as beautiful and pristine as you found any value in him. That you had found him worthy of the time it took to save him. Suguru wasn’t a religious man, but he thought maybe he could believe in angels if they were half as perfect as you were. He had no idea what he did to earn the right to have you as his angel, but he was so fucking happy he did it.
His swelling emotions got the better of him, and he leaned down to kiss you. A warm current flowed between the two of you, the familiar taste of cinnamon coffee filling your senses as you melted into him. He was comforting and safe, and in his embrace you were almost convinced nothing bad could ever happen. 
“OH, I KNEW IT!” Of course something bad had to happen. The two of you scrambled away from each other, looking at Gojo like two teenagers that had been caught making out in your parents car. It was actually embarrassing. “I KNEW YOU TWO HAD A THING!”
“Satoru, It’s not what it looks like!” You panicked.
“Yeah, It’s not like that, Y/n just…had something on her face! I was wiping it off.”
“With your mouth!?” Gojo scoffed.
“...Yes?” Someone, take away Suguru’s lying privileges. Your face hit your plam at the lame lie, and Gojo rolled his eyes.
“I’d asked if you guys thought I was dumb, but clearly you do! Why would you keep this from me?” He all but whined as he fully entered the classroom.
“Well Satoru, it’s…well..” You tried to think of something to save his feelings.
“There are celebrity tabloids better at keeping secrets than you Satoru.” Nevermind Suguru, go back to lying.
“Hey, that’s not true!” Satoru said on his own defense, “When Shoko started smoking again I kept that secret!”
“Shoko started smoking again?” You gasped.
“...fuck.” Satoru whispered. 
“See Satoru! That’s what we mean.” Suguru sighed, seeing his job flash before his eyes. 
“It’s still not cool!” Gojo pouted, “My two closest friends in the entire world fall in love and they won’t even tell me! No wonder you guys haven’t wanted to hang out on the weekends. You’ve been together, haven’t you!?” You and Suguru looked down in shame. Maybe it wasn’t exactly fair to keep him completely out of the loop. 
“Do you guys hate me?” Gojo asked, the betrayal he felt seeping into his voice. 
“No, Satoru, we love you!” You assured him.
“You’re our best friend, of course we love you!” Suguru confirmed, “We just also like being able to pay rent!”
“Paying rent is so important!” You nodded. 
“I wouldn’t tell anyone!” Satoru insisted, “I would never do anything to put your livelihoods at risk! I thought you guys would have known that.” He pouted. 
“We do know that,” You sighed.
“Do we?” Suguru whispered, just for you to swiftly pat him to remind him to behave.
“We were just being cautious. I’m sorry we hurt your feelings Satoru.” You apologized as you went to your wounded friend, patting his back for comfort. Suguru joined you on his other side.
“Yeah man, I’m sorry. We’ll try and keep you in the loop about more things, okay?” Suguru promised. Satoru sniffled and nodded. 
“Okay…I forgive you guys.” He said, looking up and smiling at the two of you. “So when do I get to come to date night?”
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islayhawkin · 2 months
Coming home
Simon "Ghost" riley x f!asexual!reader
Request: Hello! I saw you're cool with writing fics for ace readers and I was wondering if you'd like to write something for either Ghost from COD or V from Devil May Cry? Something like they're reassuring the reader that they're okay with them being ace? If it's not possible, that's completely fine! I'm just so happy to see someone including us in fanfiction 🖤💜🤍Thank you, and have a good day/night! :) Warnings!: mention of sexual themes, making out, human body reaction, swearing ooc simon ( bc it's kinda unrealistic that he'd even be in a relationship but we can do in fanfiction what we want so we're gonna ignore that. In my head he's just a lost puppy ) Hurt/comfort, fluff A/N: I did my reasearch in form of fanfiction too and literally almost every fic on tumblr under ghost x reader is smut so I'm starting the counter-revolution for aces. Hope anon will find this again. Bc I've been on hiatus for some time.
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The 414s had gone to a bar at friday night after a long mission. They had the weekend off for the first time in a while. They all had a hard time adjusting to the civilian life again but most of them did have a life to return to outside of work. For ghost, well rather simon, this life contained you. His civilian life was practically you. It was all he cared about outside of work really.
The group sat around the table with glasses in their hands conversing about nonsense really but for them it was pretious to be this careless for a moment. Simon sometimes contributed dry comments which earned some laughter from soap beside him.
Simon had invited you. Though he was at first hesitant to bring you together with the 414 however that changed quickly when he heard that you'd be walking home alone in the darkness than. And as if you didn't do that every day he seemed adamant to not let you do that when he was around.
The bar they were at was relatively quiet as you entered and spotted the team on the other side of the room. A small smile formed on your lips when you saw the back of his head.
Unfortunately for you the men had settled on the topic of sex when you joined them.
"Can't wait to get that stress of the last months sorted out." Gaz chuckled. The others laughed while adding comments of their own. "I bet riley's gonna have a blast tonight when he gets home." Soap laughed with a teasing look to his commrade.
There was a small grin on Simon's lips at the teasing but he quickly shut them down. "Shut up johnny."
You made intentionally loud noices when walking the last few steps to make yourself known to the group and also not to startle simon. He turned around in his chair and immediately stood up to greet you. When he stood up his figure towered over you.
"Hey. I'm glad you're back." You smiled and gave his arm a small squeeze. You were still quite distant from eachother due to your knowlege about him, were you aware what he was comfortable with. You were sure he didn't even feel your soft touch through all that cloth and muscles though.
He made a quick introduction to the team before everyone rearranged themselves so you were able to get a seat beside simon.
The evening was great. You got along really well with everyone especially with soap. There were laughs here and there sometimes teasing comments towards you and ghost, which he quickly shut down. But they still lingered in the back of your mind when you came home to your shared apartment.
It's not like you minded their comments. You all were adults and it was their way to chill after weeks of just living in life-death situations. Some jokes were actually quite funny you had to admit. These men who normally went around threatening people were actually really hilarious.
You clicked the lights on in your apartment and threw your shoes off. Ghost stood for a while at the entrance hall watching your every move as you moved around the apartment, changing your clothes into something comfortable.
When you realised he didn't follow you inside you took a cautious step back into the entrance hall and tried to read his emotions through his mask and gear. "Are you okay?" You asked softly as you approached him. Your hands slowly moving around his waist.
"Hm." He nodded.
"Your home." You whispered with a smile and moved your hand up to remove his mask. He didn't stop you from doing so.
His hair sprang out from under it and you were able to fully take in his state. He looked incredibly tired and worn out.
"Home..." he repeated lowly. The sound vibrating through his body.
You traced a scar on his face tenderly. "Let's get you to bed hm? You look exhausted."
"I'm fine."
"I'm sure you're fine. Just let me take care of you. I'll give you a massage or something..."
The side of his mouth quirked up at that thought. "Alright."
You stood on your toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving for the bedroom again. This time ghost followed you.
His sweatpants and a pair of handmade socks were already neatly folded on his side of the bed. He made quick work of removing his vest and shirt at the sight, leaving his muscled upper body exposed. You had already moved to his side to help him unclasped his belt for him with quick fingers.
"You want to take a shower?"
You unsipped his trousers and he stepped out of them.
"Not now. Tommorow."
You threw the pyjamas pants to him and handed the socks over after he had his pants on.
"You made these for me?" He asked quietly. His eyebrows rose with surprise.
"Yep." You smiled shyly. "We got a matching set now." You showed the socks on your feet. A proud look showing on your face.
One of his rare genuine smiles took over his face. "You're adorable." He chuckled and fastly took his big arm around your waist to pull you flush against him.
"I missed you." The words only a low rumble vibrating through his throat. His eyes switched from your eyes to your lips before he cupped your cheek and leaned into a kiss. His touch was always surprisingly tender with you, almost cautious. As if afraid he'd crush you under his strenght.
The first few times you slept in the same bed with him you even needed to reassure him that he wouldn't crush you beneath him while he slept with you in his arms.
His kiss on the other hand now showed a bit of force behind it as he pushed you slowly against the wall behind you. You both gasped for air when he finally pulled his lips from yours.
A smile tucked at your lips and you stroked your hand through his tousled hair. "I missed you too love."
He didn't give you a long time before pushing his lips to yours again. His free arm resting besides you against the wall. You felt his body react to you as he pulled himself as close to you as he possible could. One of your leg was positioned between his thick thights making it impossible for you not to notice.
The next time simon pulled away he muttered a breathy "sorry. I didn't mean to-" before leaning his forehead against yours. "I'm just- it was much the last few weeks. I've felt bloody alone without you."
"I know." You caressed the side of his head. "Let's go to bed okay? You can cuddle with me all night."
He nodded and cautiously disconnected his body from yours. "I didn't make you uncomfortable did I?" There was a dark shadow over his eyes, which gave you a glimpse of the eyes his enemies saw.
"No. It's alright..." you faltered for a moment. "Are you content this way?"
He looked almost betrayed. "What do you mean? Of course I'm content. I couldn't think of anything better to come home to. You're the bloody best thing that happened in my shit life."
You smiled sadly at his words and took his big hands in your smaller ones. "I mean with me being asexual. I know you said it was okay but I can't help but think I'm depriving you of it when you actually want it. The others made these comments and it got me thinking that you can't have these experiences and advantages of having a partner."
You could see how he was taken aback by your words. As if he never even considered it this way. "I'm not coming home every time again just so I can fuck you. When I'm all alone out there, with the possibility of dying everyday I'm always thinking about you. You're the one that keeps me alive. And you give me so much more that I could ever have asked for. I don't care if I want to have sex. I can't stop wanting it but I can live without it, I can't live without you."
There was silence in the room except for the small breathes.
You smiled tearfully. "Who would've known you could be such a poet." You chuckled.
He grinned. "I'm just stating the truth."
You kissed his crooked nose. "God I love you."
You snuggled up against his bare chest. His arms engulfing you in them. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you. But simon was still in his head. You thought he was trying to process the events of the past weeks.
"I don't want you to think of us like this ever again." He muttered.
"What?" You raised your head.
"I don't want you to think that I'm unhappy with you. That you are depriving me of something. I'm sorry for not showing it more often what you mean to me."
"That's alright. I know how you struggle..." you caressed his side with your palm.
"No it's not alright. You always do this. You're so sweet and understandable of me but I never give you enough back. So please don't think that I think any less of you because of your asexuality. For me you are the best person."
You smiled softly against his chest. "Thank you. I'll try not to."
"good." He squeezed you against him.
It was some time before you spoke up again. "You think about me when you're out there?"
"All the time. You're the reason I'm still alive and come back to you every damn time."
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onyxopossum · 8 months
So um... have you thought about a singer! Reader and buggy comming in the bar/club?
Specifically refairing to covers of "house of asmodeus from hazbin hotel" or "think of me from phantom of the opera" and the clown captain (and his crew) just at aw at the powerful voice?
Oh my gosh, my first ever Ask!! Thank you Anon so so SO MUCH!
I can't say that I considered writing a singer! reader but your prompt is just so wonderful that I'm willing to give it a try!
I'm sadly not familiar with Helluva Boss (only watched season 1 so far), but how did you know I absolutely LOVE Phantom of the Opera. I got the chance to see it on Broadway before it ended, too!
(Thinking of Buggy as the Phantom wearing a mask to cover his nose–haha!)
Going with the female reader since "Think of Me" is sung by Christine.
Hope I meet your expectations Anon! 💜 Enjoy!
Buggy x Singer!FemaleReader
Music: "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Theme: Fluff
No Warnings
You sat in front of the vanity mirror, carefully putting on your make-up for the evening. The main singer that evening had developed a cough and refused to perform that left the showtime manager no choice but to have you perform in their place. This was going to be your debut as the replacement headliner, and being nervous was the understatement of the year.
The showtime bar was fancy enough that it was frequented by some well-known characters, and that did not exclude high-bounty pirates or Marines; neither of which you particularly cared for but they sure did pay a lot. You sighed and checked yourself once more in the mirror and tried to calm your nerves.
You almost managed to calm down when a stagehand knocked on your door frame, "Y/N, you're on in fifteen," they paused and backtracked their hurried steps before sticking their head in your room, "it's nearly a full house tonight, bunch of those unsavory pirate types, too, from the looks of it. You got this, alright?" You glanced at them through the mirror and nodded. You waited for them to leave before sighing and trying to calm down all over again.
It was a full house full of higher society and marines towards the front with pirates trickling in from the sides and back. Towards the back of the showtime bar sat Captain Buggy and a few members of his crew–Mohji, Cabaji, and Alvida. They sat in the shadows trying not to draw too much attention to themselves while still having a clear view of the stage; Buggy had been in a particularly disagreeable mood for the past few days, so his crew hoped some entertainment would make him less insufferable. They knew Buggy had a soft spot for more theater-esque performances and tonight's performances sounded right up his alley– or so they hoped.
Behind the curtain you were in position and ready. You heard the music begin and you held your hands together to try and stop your trembling. The curtain raised and you were blinded by the spotlight. You could not fully see your audience but you could feel the eyes of the patrons all on you now. You tuned out the rest of the world around you except for the music and focused on your voice; right now nothing else mattered except proving to yourself you had what it took to perform.
Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again, you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me…
From the audience Buggy had been grumbling to himself until you began to sing. He quickly hushed Cabaji and Mohji before becoming entranced at your voice. Your every movement under the light, every inflection of your voice, the rise and fall of your chest as you exhale and inhale breath with each line.
Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you…
Buggy did not know who you were, but in his mind, it was only him and you. His mouth hung slightly agape as he was lost in your voice. It soothed him and washed over him, sweeping away his frustrations and leaving him lost in the moment, in your moment.
Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their season, so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me.
With your final note the music ended and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause. You bowed and smiled, catching your breath before taking a few steps back and the curtain closing.
Buggy was on his feet the moment the song ended clapping enthusiastically. Even his crew was amazed at the sheer power of your voice. As the curtain fell Buggy's clapping slowed to a stop before a wide grin spread across his face. Cabaji, Mohji, and Alvida knew that look all too well.
Buggy wanted you, and one way or another he was going to figure out how to make you join his crew.
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swiftgreatest · 1 year
Kill You to Try | Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
request by anon: "Hey!!! Could you please write a Warren Rojas x reader fic where the reader is a director and gets to direct a music video for the band and warren is pining for her ?"
a/n: hello!! i hope u like, this is my first fic from a request!! and if you want, can request more. thank you! 💜
tw: warren being anxious, grammatical mistakes because i didn't review this..
words: 1.7k
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Everything happened so fast, with the big hit of "Aurora", the band started to receive more attention, yes the problems behind the scenes helped with the fame, but the good songs and the rock n roll lifestyle makes them more famous.
And that attracted your attention for Daisy Jones and The Six, a lifestyle with parties, drugs, sex and the rock, things from the classic rockstar life. A kind of life that you like and know so well. Being one of the big and requested directors, makes you famous. You had work with several bands and artists of the 70's rock scene and you stood out in a place full of man and prejudice.
But this doesn't let you down, you still stand, fight and work to show your talent. You have your own work and the people can feel the truth and your love for your work. You have a presence and no one can ignore you, everybody knows you, they adore you and your work.
One of these "fans" is the famous drummer of The Six, Warren Rojas. He knows your work for a long time, since the time of "The Dunne Brothers" he sees his favorite bands having music videos directed by you and is enchanted with your job and you. He's always anxious for your next job and keeps this appreciation in a secret. So it is easy to wonder his reaction when he knew who was going to direct the next music video of the band.
The band just have some videos of the "Aurora Era" and are going to start the new tour, for this reason, Teddy and Runner Records chose to make a new music video for the band, to have more visibility to the songs of "Aurora". And the selected song is "Kill You to Try". The record wants something big and ambitious for this new hit. So it didn't take a long time to get a phone call from Teddy Price inviting you to direct this project.
You're so happy to work with the band, you love "Honeycomb" and falling in love with "Aurora", and making a job with the number 1 band in the charts brings more highlights and fame to you and your career. A job like the others, it's what you think, but nothing is like we think.
After the annunciation for the band about the new video, take only 3 days to recording start, everybody be so excited and anxious (in the good way), especially the drummer with curly hair. Since the announcement, Warren just was thinking of you, he's going to meet you in person, work with you, he's so happy and anxious with this and don't realize how nervous he is, and especially when the recordings started.
Warren watches you talking with his friends, the band and you get along so fast, talking about music you like. Daisy, Karen, Graham and Eddie liked you, they liked your way and the passion for your work. He admires you all the time, his heart beats faster every time you smile or laugh, you're so beautiful and looking at you makes him feel so good and lucky.
"Hey dude! What 's going?" Asked Eddie. Bassist is the first to realize how nervous his friend is. The drummer usually passes his hands in his hair and mustache or walks in the set.
"Hum? Nothing dude, is everything good here, is nothing wappen" Warren said
"But it looks like you're going to have a collapse any time, walking in the set like a racing car. Is it mescaline again?"
"Mescaline is a powerful drug man, i learned this in Billy and Camilla wedding"
"Good, but this doesn't answer my question. What's happi-" Roundtree doesn't complete the sentence because he and his friend have been interrupted by S/n.
"Hi guys! Sorry for interrupting, but i would like doing scenes of you two with your instrument and scenes of the band together" Before filming solo scenes of Billy and Daisy, Karen and the piano and Graham on guitar, you just need takes of the drummer and bassist.
"Of course! You're going first Warren!" Eddie said and walked away leaving his friend alone with you. The drummer doesn't understand, but Eddie knows that Warren changes before you come around. Being more nervous, sweet and careful around you. The bassist knows you're the reason for all this drama.
"Great! If u feel ready Warren, we could start now" Like Warren you've your secrets too! Of all the members Warren is the one who gets your attention, his looks are not the only thing that attracted you, his attitude and talent too. You caught yourself admiring him on the drums sometimes and thinking what those hands could do.
"Y-yes, i'm ready for it" He confirms as shake his head and gives a smile that can light up this whole town. You notice a different attitude of him in relation to you, he talks with everybody except you, this worries you, makes you think that he doesn't like you and for this reason ignoring you.
You explain to him what you want for his scene with drums. He listens in silence and differs from his bandmates. He doesn't ask or talk nothing with you, it was as if he held himself around you. But you don't know that man is a big mess now, only because of you, you stay in his head all the time and he fights to try to say anything to you.
He's enchanted, you're like a pretty and harmony melody, you've your own shines and bewitched the body and soul of this man. His scenes were fast to record, he had a natural charm and his drum solo was your favorite part, you and he looked at each other all the time, it was like he couldn't take his eyes off you. You try to talk with him at the end of scenes but he walks away from you, leaving you alone and confused.
After many scenes, you reported that you have enough content to the video and thank the band for the opportunity and the good moments. They were kind and nice, you have talks with everyone. Except Warren, this frustrated you, the only member owner of your attention is the one to ignore you and run from you.
Before you go, you see the drummer go into a room. You can't hold yourself, you can't go without knowing the reason why he doesn't like you. You close the door of the room and scare the drummer. Only you and him in the close room.
"S/n? What are you doing? What happened?"
"I'm the one who should ask this for you! You've been ignoring me all day! I know we don't know each other but this is the opportunity to do this, I'm expecting to come closer to you and talk with you. You're the one who I most want to talk to, but you ignore me! Like I'm nothing to you. So you need to say to me, what I did to you? Did I do something bad?"
You pressed him to a anser, he was shocked with your honesty, different from him, you're honest and open about your feelings, now he's blaming himself for being a coward and makes you feel wrong. Please, you're perfect in his opinion. This time he chose to say the truth and fight with the nerves who put him down.
"I feel so sorry if I did you thinking I hate you or something like that, you got it wrong. The truth is…" Warren breathed deep while caught all the courage to confess your feelings "I'm crazy for you. I know this sounds crazy, but I admire you and your work for a long time. You're an inspiration, like a good old song who makes everyone happy, the only in my mind. I've been longing for you for a long time. And now we're working together and I don't know how to act around you. I did wrong, so I want to ask you for one chance to make different. Only one chance with you could calm down my heart and my mind" He's so deep in his confession that don't realize how you look at him now with shiny eyes and hold a smile and happy laugh. Oh this man looks so funny now, he's still talking until you interrupt him.
"Hey Warren!! Breathe! Now I understand and I'm not going to lie to you. I'm couldn't take my eyes off you any moment in the day, you stay on my mind since the first meet, your eyes, your lips, anything on you, i couldn't touch, just wonder how it feels and this kill me slowly and have you ignore me makes me burn in inside, but now i know the truth. So come on, I just need one chance". He comes so close while smiling, so close to your breath and the beats of your and his heart becoming one only. Warren holds himself to screaming of happiness for knowing you both feel the same thing. "Let's make this work. Saturday night, in my house, just me and you and no one else".
And that is the first step of a new story.
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thank you for reading!! if u like reblog and like please!! my requets is open, look at my rules first ❤️ all the love xx.
daisy jones and the six masterlist
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
HI<33 can i pls get hcs/or scenarios for Law and zoro with a fem s/o that’s so pretty that the marines refuse to even chase her when they see her roaming around because they don’t want her to get thrown in jail or even executed
I’m feeling extra pretty today and I hope you’re feeling yourself as well, have a good day and thank you 💞💕💖
a/n - omg yes ofc :) and I’m so happy you feel that way! (I bet you're always pretty tho <3) I’m feeling alright today :D ty anon 💜💜✨ bad girls is such a good song 👌
Warnings ⚠️ - none, fem reader
live fast, die young <3
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- he KNOWS you’re drop dead gorgeous
- that’s why he gets so protective and jealous over you
- Worried someone’s just gonna snatch you
- You’re too pretty for this man 😭
- He wonders how you even fell for someone like him sometimes, he gets a bit self-conscious that he’s not good enough for you 🥺
- you have to remind him that he’s handsome too or else he’ll feel bad :’)
- out in public, he’s kind of prideful that you’re with him- like he makes it noticeable that you’re his
- When men stare at you (they all do 🙄) he puts his arm around your waist and stares down at them with his dark grey eyes
- Even marines refuse to capture you 🫡
- They all die over you like they’re a bunch of hungry animals
- If it makes you uncomfortable?
- Law won’t hesitate to “take them away” for you
- you don’t ever see those marines ever again 👍
- every man that sees you turns into a fucking Sanji 💀
- Be confident. You’re gorgeous <3
- Law might not say that you’re pretty all the time, but like- you make him so weak when he sees you
- even though you have been together for so long, he still gets flustered by your looks
- If you’re not confident, he’ll try his best to make sure you know you’re gorgeous
- but he doesn’t understand how tf you don’t think you’re pretty 🗿
- he kind of ends up saying, “is your vision bad…? Do you need glasses? Is your mirror broken?”
- and you’re like, “no..?”
- then he does a whole eye exam on you because he can’t understand why you don’t think you’re gorgeous af 🙄
- he’ll also get you a new mirror (it doesn’t rlly help anything but I mean it’s Law 🗿)
- I mean he doesn’t complain about marines not wanting to chase after you or capture you, but he HATES when other men look at you like that
- he gets super jealous >:3
- don’t tease him about it or else he’ll pout and ignore you for the rest of the day (embarrassed boy 💀)
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- this man is obsessed about you my god
- he thinks you’re the most gorgeous, amazing, talented, kind, best person he’s ever met
- lowkey possessive tho
- your beauty is only for him >:)
- when he catches people staring at you, he won’t hesitate to wrap his arm around you and start grabbing your ass 💀
- that usually scares them away
- but if they keep staring?
- haha swords + death glare
- Zoro always finds himself staring at you like the other men, but will get embarrassed if he makes eye-contact with you accidentally
- “No I wasn’t staring I was staring at the book behind you-“
- “Zoro there’s no book behind me.”
- “…. ._.”
- My man can’t believe that you’re actually real sometimes 🗿
- Like you’re too perfect in his eyes
- If you’re not confident about your looks? He’s just like
- “… There was literally a guy that turned into stone when he looked at you. Isn’t that proof enough?”
- “Zoro-“
- He will drag your ass over to Sanji who’s in the kitchen and just show your face to him
- Sanji turned into fucking stone and died, chopper had to revive him 💀
- “Is that proof enough?”
- “Zoro…”
- you honestly wanted HIM to say you were gorgeous, but maybe that was asking too much of this boy
- When you two were alone after that, he quietly said to you, “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
- That made you feel better 👍
- Yes don’t worry Sanji’s still alive
- He thinks it’s great that the marines aren’t even trying to capture you, but then they all get mad at Zoro for being the one who gets to be with you
- they end up targeting him instead of Luffy 💀
- at least you’re safe 😭
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a/n - bruh you readers are gonna seduce all of op💀 I felt prettier writing this :’)
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2aceofspades · 7 months
*slinks in and boops a gold star onto ur nose*
Hey you
Yes you
ur amazing and wonderful and ily and hope you are having a great day! because ur absolutely awesome and brighten my day whenever I see u on my dash, even im not verbal enough to express it
Youre a super star, and I will abso-tivelly posi-lutely cover you in gold stars to remind you of that fact, if necessary! 💜
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
I was just thinking about you and hoping you're doing well. It's so so good to see ya slide into my ask box again 🙌✨ I missed ya but I sincerely hope you're taking real good care of yourself and keeping safe!
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Thank you so much for being so ridiculously nice and sweet you seriously made my day gaaaah- /pos pos pos
You never fail to make me smile 💙
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straightupsickfics · 5 months
Teacher Anon 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 omfg my friend!!! Happy 2024! I hope it's off to a great start...
It's only Tuesday...
So how about something with our favorite pirates in their modern Ed is very protective of his hubby in his black cat "imma hover over you" mode. I freaking lost my voice due to a non illness and I'm like how am I teaching tomorrow!?! So like me as an educator...Stede must also suffer a lost voice as a professor 🙃
ahh happy new year, friend! i hope you're feeling better today and did not have to talk tooo much! <3 some sad, soggy stede for you...
Stede’s car is a sheet of ice. 
After the world’s longest day, Stede has finally, finally reached his car, and it’s absolutely encased in ice. It’d been raining all day, he’d known that, of course. What he hadn’t realized was how cold it'd gotten, leaving him helpless, gloveless, and scraper-less when it came time to get in his car. 
He wants to cry.
More than that, he wants to scream. Except he can’t, because he hasn’t had a voice since sometime yesterday afternoon, thanks to whatever horrible virus he managed to pick up right at the start of the semester. 
He thinks about calling Ed, but aside from rasping pitifully into the phone, even that feels impossible.  Instead, he takes a picture of his car, adds a few crying emojis and hits send. It’s about all his bone-tired brain can handle at the moment, and Ed will get it.
Ed always gets it. Gets him. 
The thought makes his eyes well up all over again as he heads back to his office to wait for his husband to rescue him. 
Stuffed with books, covered in prints, and full to bursting with a small, plush sofa, and many, many ocean creatures, Stede’s office is extremely cozy, which is a small comfort in times like these. He drops dramatically into his desk chair, thinks about grading some of the papers he has waiting for him, wilts a little, then drags himself over to the small sofa in the corner. 
Then, miracle of miracles, his phone buzzes in his hand. 
Edward 💜: Oh, fuck. On my way 😘
Stede: Have I mentioned how much I love you?
Edward 💜: Not today. Frankly, I’m feeling a little neglected, babe
Stede: I love you. x 1,000
Edward 💜: Hmmm, needs a few more 0s I think… 
Edward 💜: Okay, love you, driving now, be there soon!!
With Ed on his way and all his students gone for the day, Stede lets himself droop across his sofa, his eyes falling shut before he can even register how heavy they’ve felt these last few hours. He’s moments from falling asleep when Ed’s voice startles him upright. 
“Aww, Stede,” Ed says. “Y’look fucking shattered, sweetheart.” His voice is so soft and sympathetic that Stede isn’t even surprised when his eyes fill with tears in earnest this time. Ed looks perfect in his black puffy coat, not ridiculous the way he should, the way everyone else looks. His hair is flecked through with rain drops, and he’s looking at Stede like he’d pick him up and carry him to the car if he thought Stede would let him. 
At this rate, Stede thinks, he’d have a hard time even protesting. 
“Hi,” Stede tries to say, but his throat is scraped raw, and he knows he’s barely audible, having wasted the last of his voice on his American Lit seminar this afternoon. A waste, as half the class had been on their phones, and the rest had the kind of zombie-eque, dead-eyed stares that made him wonder why he even bothered. 
How many weeks until spring break?
“Come here,” Ed says, making his way to Stede and offering him a hand to help him up. He pulls him right into a warm, tight hug, rubbing Stede’s back as they stand there wrapped up in each other. Stede would’ve stayed there for hours, face smushed right into Ed's coat... that is, if he could breathe. Between the worsening congestion and Ed’s thick coat, though, he doesn’t stand a chance. 
Stede lifts his head and blinks pathetically up at Ed, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky.
“Made that soup you like, that hot Italian thing? Should feel nice on your throat, even if you can’t taste it,” Ed tells him, dropping a kiss to the tip of Stede’s nose. "Then we'll get in bed, yeah? Fucking 7:00 pm bedtime. Don't let anyone tell you different Stedey, that's living the dream."
“Thank you,” Stede manages. He tucks himself back into Ed’s chest for another long minute. He can’t wait to be home, and warm, and out of his work clothes. Stede had longed for exactly that all day. But now, standing here, Ed wrapped around him, murmuring promises about soup and tea and ocean documentaries, Stede feels close enough to home; what’s another few minutes?
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rinsuniverse · 11 months
Hi lovely💜 how have you been? I wish you a wonderful day and please take care, have you ate? Did you already hydrate? I hope so💜
I loved what you wrote for my first request, my heart felt so warm omg so cute💜💜
So I wanna request again cause I love everything you write💜 I was imagining how do you think would be to have a first kiss with Woozi? I bet he would be such a cute and flustered mess after the kiss, getting all shy but looking at his s/o with so much love is his eyes💜
Thank you for always writing so lovely stories💜 you're one of my favorites writers💜
- 💜
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first kiss with woozi! ✧˖°.
HI, 💜!!! how are you, honey? thank you so much for your endless support! i promise i'm taking good care of myself, so you better be, too!
this request is so cute
tbh, it kind of would bother you when you were thinking about how you've been with woozi for months now and he hasn't kissed you yet
you kind of expected him to make the first move for that kind of stuff
but now that you're thinking about it, why would he ever make the first move? he's so reserved and kept to himself all the time
so you figured, when the time is right, you'll just lean in and do it first
and the perfect moment was when you and him were in his room, and he was at his pc, playing some video games
you were taking turns playing the game
but right now, he was in the middle of trying to pass the level, and he was perfectly focused on the screen
you were watching him, and the way his eyes squinted a bit as he played
as soon as he passes the level, he makes a fist and celebrates silently
he turns to look at you, a victorious smile growing on his face
"did you see that?"
"yeah, good job, babe."
"exactlyy," he says, before moving aside so you can play the next level
you scoot over, colliding your shoulders
he leans his head on your shoulder as he watches you play
as soon as you win, he gets up and offers you a high five
you high five him, interlocking your fingers and then pulling him closer, giving him a quick peck on the lips
he flinches away, covering his mouth with his hand while looking at you with wide eyes
"what the-"
"it's your turn now."
his ears and cheeks turn a bright red shade
you scoot away to give him space to get closer to the computer
"hmm? it's your turn."
"you just-"
"i'll do it again if you don't play."
he sits there and contemplates his choices.
"hmm, then maybe i don't want to play?"
you laugh at him before giving him one last kiss on his lips and he goes back to playing
tho he's suddenly so bad at the game because he's so flustered
he cannot keep eye contact with you
but when it's your turn to play again, and you're focused on the screen, he finds himself watching you instead of the game
he's smiling, looking at you
thinking about how on earth he deserves you
and how it's possible he could ever love someone so much
his cheeks become rosy as he thinks about you
not to mention how inspired he feels right now
as soon as you call it a night and you fall asleep
he comes over and admires your cute sleeping face
he pushes your hair out of your face
and leaves a soft kiss on your forehead
(nobody will ever know)
and then he rushes to the studio to spend the rest of the night making a song inspired by that first kiss
thank you so much for requesting, my lovely and wonderful 💜 anon! feel free to request many, many more things. take care of yourself, bubs!
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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stormyoceans · 6 months
Hiiiiii! I just want you to know that as a fellow day defender, I totally agree with you about your opinion of night and day’s situation. People keep saying that day is a bad guy since he treated night like that without knowing the reason behind it. I read the novel btw and thought that if I’m in day’s shoes, I’d probably be acting the same way as day. He just needs time to heal and I totally understand that. I hope people can consider day’s feelings too, not just night’s.
first of all, i wanted to thank you for not giving away any spoilers even if you've already read the novel!!!!! i don't take that for granted because not everyone is so considerate, so i really appreciate it!!!!!
about night and day's situation, im so incredibly glad that you agree with my thoughts on it!!!!! maybe it's because i feel very protective of day as a character, but it's been pretty hard to see him bear the brunt of people's criticism, first with the whole mork vs august affair and now with night. i know it's natural to sympathize with night because we don't have an explanation for day's behavior yet, and regardless of what happened it will never be an excuse for lashing out like that, but at the same time it's kinda upsetting to have day's feelings being constantly dismissed. like being in night's presence makes day feel SO BAD that one time he was literally willing to step in the middle of the street without being able to see rather than staying in the same space as night, and another time he was ready to give up attending aon's wedding (which he really cares about) and would have gone back to isolate himself from the world if it wasn't for mork, and i just think this should be taken into account a little bit more
i also think it's not a matter of who's right or who's wrong, because unlike what night said there are actually no villains and no heroes here. the narrative isn't pushing the audience to side with a character or another, on the contrary it's trying to make the viewers understand both points of view: night's attempts to be a good brother and reconnect with day are commendable and it's indeed both very sad and very frustrating to see day constantly reject them so cruelly, but day has only now started to accept his disability after an entire year of isolation where he was made feel like he could no longer take care of himself and live a fulfilling life, and like you said i think he should be allowed the time to heal (and eventually to forgive night, if he is actually involved in the accident that made day lose his sight)
in the end they're both just two boys with a lot of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings between them who are trying to do their best and i think it's unfair to pit them against each other
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sarah-denial-cq · 9 months
Hi hi hi! It's me again. I've had a lovely time cumming to your denial. You're so sweet and I love taking your orgasms! Oh gosh I bet you're so cute when you're getting your face finger fucked. It's so cute when you're a drooling mess, and my gosh I love thinking that the reason you have to use your fingers instead of a dildo is because you aren't good enough to earn the privilege of one. Dildos are for people better than you, after all.
Anyway, I hope you had a nice time dress shopping! I would love to take some more orgasms from you but you're having a special day and I don't wanna be too mean. 💜
Thank you so much <3 and you're so right, flat 34A girls deserve to stuff their throats with their fingers. I tend to gag a little when I'm facefucking my fingers and by a little I mean a lot and all over my chest.
I had a wonderful time dress shopping :) It was the first time I was standing topless in front of a stranger in a long time :D I can't wait for Rose to see me in my pretty white wife dress and tell all our friends and family that she's decided to make me hers <3 <3
I passed 200 days of denial recently I think. You're always so sweet anon I hope the next orgasm you have feels really really good. I'm getting to the point where I only sort of remember the feeling..
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jslittlebirdie · 2 years
Omg, hi! I just saw your amazingly beautiful Eddie headcanon about braiding hair and I had a thought. I shower and braid my hair every night and I’m glad I’m not alone in sometimes struggling to do it myself. I love that Eddie would learn to braid your hair and help you. But I’ve always wondered about J. I like to think that he’d see you struggling with your hair, roll his eyes, and take over for you. He’d be surprisingly good at it? Maybe it’s calming for him to do. Just some J thoughts🤭
Hi sweet anon☺️❤️ First, please excuse me that it took me a few days to answer your ask. I'm reading everything and I will answer everything, but I'm very busy with life. Plus, I wanted to write a little something based on this scenario. So I hope you will like it. Second, thank you so very very much for your kind words. It means so much to me. This was the first time I wrote for Eddie, so it makes me really happy to hear that you enjoyed it🥺 Anon, you are definitely not alone with this. I'm struggling a lot with doing my hair, so I like to think that they would help us💜
Ah! I totally agree with you!!🤭💕💕 I always imagined that J could braid hair. And he does it pretty well. I don't know how he learned it. But I believe that he has a lot of secret talents that he will show you in the right situation and surprise you with. Maybe just to see your face and then cackle in amusement.
So imagine something like this:
taglist: @ajokeformur-ray @sacredempressnatlyia @rommies
J helps you braid your hair. wc: 1,032
J is in your bedroom and sits on your shared bed, wearing only a pair of sweatpants. Still remnants of makeup on his pretty face, which he didn't wipe away properly. He clicks his tongue and bobs his legs up and down while looking at the clock for what feels like the thousandth time. He grows more and more impatient, maybe a little worried. He knows you take longer in the bathroom than he does - he's always rushing through his night routine, just taking care of the basics; for you, you often tell him to please be gentler with himself, oh you loved and cared so much for your clown. But at this point, it's taking too long even for you. J runs a hand through his greenish curls, groans and gets up to go to the bathroom.
J is always very attentive and alert, but your loud cursing and swearing is hard to miss, even when the bathroom door is closed. He frowns and knocks. After the last incident, he knocks on the door before just rushing in. "Toots? Everything okay in there?"
A loud clatter and another curse full of frustration. At any other time it would have amused him to hear you like this, since you're usually very reserved and rather shy. But the whole situation is a bit too uncertain for his taste, his alarm bells are ringing loudly. You two are safe at your home, none of his henchmen or enemies know about this place. But J knows that pressure and stress of life are eating at you and sometimes you silently cry in the bathroom so he won't notice. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit.
"Yeah, yeah. 'M fine. The door isn't locked if you wanna come in." Your voice sounds muffled, as if you are talking through clenched teeth.
And that's actually what you're doing. When J finally opens the bathroom door and sees you, his worry and tension vanish instantly and he lets out the air he didn't realize he was holding with a sigh. The corners of his mouth twitch upwards into a big grin and he chuckles. You turn around and blink at him. You stand in front of him in your pjs, a towel wrapped around your shoulders, hair dripping from the tips. Nose wrinkled in frustration, a hair tie between your teeth. Your arms are starting to go numb from the uncomfortable position you're holding them in, desperately trying to work your long hair with your wet hands. And the noise J heard had been you throwing the hairbrush into the sink in a small fit of rage.
J rolls his eyes at you and laughs. "Ah, I get it. So you're just trying to braid your hair again, sweets. Was wondering what was taking ya so long, thought you'd forgotten about me." He slowly walks towards you and stops next to you. He takes your hands in his and moves them, making you sigh in relief. "Want me to help ya?"
"You can really braid hair?" you ask him and cock an eyebrow.
The next moment you let out a squeal as J scoops you up into his arms. He takes the hairbrush from the sink and then carries you into the bedroom, where he plops you down on the bed. You are a silly and giggling mess with wild hair. And if J is honest, his heart skips a beat. This is the most beautiful and adorable sight he has ever seen. He sits down next to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead with an extra loud mwah, which makes you giggle even more. "Yes, I can. Otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it, silly thing. Now come here."
You smile and move closer to him. And after giving him a soft kiss on his cheek, you turn your back so J can reach your hair. The first thing he does is brush it carefully before dividing it into three equal sections. You can hear all of his soft noises as he licks his lips and scars in concentration. And it sounds like home. His touches feel like home. J is your home.
You yawn, feeling completely relaxed to be so close to him. His warmth enveloping you and making you feel tired. "How did you learn this? I mean, to braid hair."
"I dunno. Just picked it up at some point," he shrugs.
J lets your soft strands of hair slip through his bare fingers and then starts to cross them. He sighs deeply. Not only does he have an effect on you, you have an effect on him as well. The way his hands work almost by themselves is soothing to him and slows his racing thoughts. Your sweet scent, your calm breathing. Now it's J's turn to yawn. He always tries to hide how exhausted he is when he comes home after a long day. But the dark circles and heavy eyes speak for themselves. You both need rest badly.
"Tadaa!" he exclaims when he's finally done with your braid. He gives it a playful little tug and then places a soft kiss on your neck. "You wanna take a look at it to make sure I did it right?"
"No. I know it's perfect. Thank you." You turn and look at him. With each passing second, you find it harder to keep your eyes open. A whine escapes your lips and you reach out to touch him. "I'm tired. I just want my J. Pretty please."
"I get it, toots." J chuckles and coos at how cute you are. The mattress moves under you as he pulls you to him and brings you both into a lying position. His strong arms wrapped tightly and securely around you. "I gotcha, okay? I'm not going anywhere."
You pepper a few sloppy kisses all over his face until your eyes close and you slowly drift into the land of dreams. "I love you so much."
Another soft kiss on your forehead. I love you too. Then his tiredness wins and he dozes off as well with his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck.
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halfmoth-halfman · 6 months
Hi Mothie!! Just wanted to say I absolutely love your writing🖤! Designer dress was a wonderful Rollercoaster of emotions and since it's end i have reread it 4xs🫣! These anons and others pushing you about writing more and being racist are honestly horrible👎🏻. I can't remember ever harassing a writer and the entitlement and audacity is atrocious and just makes me wish manners were a more taught aspect these days. I will and have waited years for fics to update and simply just been happy when they did update. Life happens and irl stuff gets in the way, no one can really control that🤷🏻‍♀️. You deserve a break and if you decide not to write for any fandom again that's your choice and they can stay mad about it😤.
Sorry for this being a bit long! Stay awesome🫶🏻🖤!
aaaaa don't ever worry about asks being too long, i love them all!!
thank you for the kind words, i'm doing much better now and finally have some time/energy to do a good cleanup of my blog and work on some new projects that have wiggled their way into my brain 👀
you're so sweet, and i hope you have an amazing day!!💜
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hcdragonwrites · 8 months
Just here to take some news and to say that I hope you're still alright. You're such a good writer, I will wait for more of your stories. (Take your time and take care of yourself 😘). Your stories -the yandere ones more- are a safe place to me. And when I'm low, I just like to read them again to feel better, and it works. Love you 😘Have a wonderful night/day🌝
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Thank you thank you thank you sweet anon. This warmed my heart. I am just in the throws of work and holiday prep.
;-; i am sorry ive been absent from writing stories. It has been so intense at work that I can barely snatch any time to prep for NaNoWirMo. I am doing well - just swamped is all. I will write again i just am needed in so many other things. It is a lot at times. But im OK! I will just be quiet for a time because work.
Thank you 💜🥺
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youhideastar · 5 months
Hey there! I messaged you in March or April of last year about how I was really going through it and how TBSA was helping me remember I deserved self care even when I felt like a spectacular fuck up. You were so kind in your reply.
I wanted to let you know that, though it took a few more months after I wrote you, I am doing so much better now. I still have setbacks but they are usually short and surmountable, and I’m no longer in a place where I have to convince myself I deserve gentleness and soft things.
Even if I didn’t already cherish the fic for its own merits, it will always hold a special place in my heart for helping me get through what was probably one of the worst times of my life so far.
Anyway, that’s all. Just wanted to give you a status update and thank you again for how your writing helped me. Hope you have a gentle and soft day. 💜
Anon, I am so happy to hear from you again!!! I have thought of you often since getting your previous ask, and I'm so happy that things are looking up for you! It means the world to me to know that To Be Seen Aright held a space for you to be gentle to yourself when you needed that - I hope you never need it again, but if you do, it will always be there. 💕 I truly appreciate you reaching out to let me know how you're doing, and I wish you a wonderful new year! 🌅
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