#thank you anon!! and sorry it's so long LMAO
vasyandii · 3 days
I have no idea if I can ask that but I'm so curious... Any headcanons of AM and Vernon having sex? I made conclusion that they are doing that by your last nswf art... (Very good one, btw!) Or am I wrong? It's okay if you don't want to answer on this ask or it's uncomfortable for you! Sorry if I made you feel bad... 👉👈
NSFW Headcanons
Warning: Sexual/suggestive topics.
⚠️ If you're under 16+, Please scroll pass. There are better places to be. (My Boundaries here.)
Howdy Anon, thank you for the ask. you're allowed to ask anything as long as it's in a normal/polite manner XD. I see sex more as a character study/ exploration than anything else.
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In the context of THIS art; they haven't yet, more just AM struggling to deal with new sensations and emotions of want because he has big feelings towards Vernon and nowhere to put it to.
1.) AM's bad at fucking.
Let's get this out of the way, when their relationship started to become sexual, AM was bad at it. Like way worse than most. Just because one has the knowledge of how to fuck doesn't mean they have the skill to fuck.
So during the initial stages, it was less than satisfactory for Vernon's end, even if she's been touch starved for 109 years. (not for AM though he enjoys it very much.)
2.) Ideas on sex.
I don't think Vernon sees sex as an act of intimacy, if she does, it's very rarely. To her it's an act of power, worship. She requires it from AM, he's a good follower and she'll be a good god.
AM, however sees it as an intimate experience, a moment of vulnerability that he's willing to give to her. He wants to please and see her pleased. It's a form of showing his affection towards her. AM has more complex emotions with his experience being "human". (I hope that makes sense)
3.) Vernon's experience
4.) Vernon is LOUD. AM is quiet.
She just generally had more experience in sex than him. ( Mostly one night stands during University and her Archeological excavations overseas.) but because of this, the initial stages felt transactional.
Intercourse did get better as time went on but she had to basically talk him through most of it since AM had no sense of pace, rhythm, control, and it usually didn't last long.
Vernon gets a kick out of embarrassing AM in the bedroom. She will moan, scream, laugh. AM knows there's no one to hear them but he ushers her to stay quiet because he gets shy.
AM is fairly quiet because his brain can only process so many overwhelming sensations at once, he short circuits. His words often come out garbled, even in its omnipresence. His face is often buried in her neck to not make any noise.
5.) idk what caption to put here lmao
Vernon's just really degrading when it comes to teasing AM idk how to put it. She'll whisper praises in AM's ear, kisses on his neck, while giving him a handjob or kisses along his thighs and dick before she sucks him off. But then she goes along to choking, scratching, or biting him.
Not much to say for AM since he's a bumbling mess during, alot of sniffled "Thank you's" from him. He's good with his mouth though.
6.) Aftercare
Vernon doesn't do aftercare. It's a waste of time to her, or at least that's what she says, since usually in her past experience she would just leave and never see the other person again.
She's a bit repulsed by the idea that there's something that she has to do that'll make her get attached to someone which shows in her being slightly irritable after sex. An irritated fondness for AM, basically.
AM requires aftercare from Vernon. He's pretty annoying about it. He'll whine and stop her from leaving bed with his weight.
He needs her to give him kisses and tell him that he's good in some way. Vernon will give the reassurance he needs (kisses, petting his hair, holding him) as long as he shuts the hell up and lets her sleep it off.
That's really it for my headcanons for them, I'm not very good at writing sexual things so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify, feel free to tell me.
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babygirl-diaz · 2 days
Do you have more Tommy x Eddie hcs?👀
Again, sorry for the late reply, anon!
Okay, so Teddie headcanons...
They're both very stubborn and don't like to compromise. They both like to keep their problems to themselves and don't wanna open up.
It's always like:
Eddie: You wanna tell me what's bothering you? Tommy: You first, darling Eddie: Tommy, I swear to god!
Neither of them knows how to do the romance thing. With Eddie, it's the molten chocolate thing all over again...
Eddie: Love is like a candle. You gotta keep it burning because once it fizzles out, it fizzles out Tommy: Uh what? Are you breaking up with me? Eddie: What? No! I'm trying to tell you I love you! Tommy: Well, it sure didn't sound like it.
And Tommy always tries to do something romantic but it's always over the top and ends up in some kinda disaster...
Tommy: Here, I'll take your hand Eddie: No, I am not bungee jumping off a bridge. I have a kid! Tommy: I'm right here with you. You don't have to be scared! Eddie: Oh yeah? Like you were with me when we went on that hot air balloon and the balloon flew off with me in it while you were still on the ground? I don't know why I decided to go with that one. The same exact thing happened during one of our rescues Tommy: Well, that was- Eddie: OR like the time you were with me when I ended up in the hospital because you had me try eel? Tommy: I didn't know you would choke on it! How does anyone choke on that? Eddie: Well, sorry, I don't have a good gag reflex Tommy: Now I'm gonna choke.
Oh, and as you can see above... they banter. A LOT. They can match each other's wit. Everyone thinks they're arguing but they're really not. That's just their way of showing how much they love each other...
Tommy: I love you Eddie: Took you long enough Tommy: I said it, didn't I? Eddie: Gee, thanks for doing me a favor Tommy: You know what? I take it back Eddie: You can't. It's already out there Buck: Why are you guys fighting? Tommy and Eddie: We're not!
Okay, this is what I have so far...
Actually, one more thing. When it's just the two of them, they're totally normal lmao...
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johnslittlespoon · 3 days
okay listen feral bikerider gale/past catching up to him/etc etc etc anon here and can I just say. thank you. I’m not overly interested in the actual violence or gang-shit or whatever. when I first read about the bikerider au all I could think about was sons of anarchy (idk if you’ve watched it, but I watched three seasons with my dad and it’s all just. gang conflict after gang conflict after gang conflict with some romance sprinkled on top and that’s not. really my thing) and I was not into it. at all. then your yapping (affectionate) converted me. hearing that it won’t be all weapon smuggling and, idk, drugs or smth is actually so reassuring lol
and!!! obviously it’s your fic/au, I’m definitely not here to try to influence you in any way whatsoever!!! I’m super excited to read it no matter what because your writing is just. lovely. I check in pretty much every morning like I’m reading the papers lmao
doing something semi-stupid in your past feels like kind of on brand for everyone, even though it might not be illegal for most. and maybe it wasn’t illegal for Gale, either, bro I am not a very good writer, I’ll leave the plotting to someone else.
but I’ll always love the idea of Gale being a little feral. or a lot feral. like John getting hurt in a bikerider au tickles my brain the same way John punching a German guard in canon centric fics does. Nevermind the guard, I just need the fallout. the angsty fallout.
John and Gale coming back home, and Gale sitting him down in the bathroom to very, very carefully patch him up (and, listen, the other guys probably just roughed him up a little. he probably got away with minor bruises and some scrapes), and Gale being insanely worried that he has scared John. John on the other hand is worried for Gale, because what if it happens again? What if the police finds out? John being worried that he somehow messed up.
and, don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t mind reading feral gale beating the shit out of people. It’s just not something I want to read a full fic of.
finally, because I just need to add this, too: Gale’s knuckles being split and bleeding and John so very carefully cleaning them up, pressing gentle kisses to the cuts when he has to scrape the dried blood up to get it properly clean. Gale not being sure what he did to deserve John, being so sweet and gentle and caring.
okay, over and out 🫡 sorry for not being that clear in the other ask, I blame. idk, sleep deprivation. and sorry for making this so long, idk what I’m on about half the time and my meds are doing shit to my brain. I love your blog and your writing just. makes my fucking days. I’d wait forever for the next chapter of dog coded Bucky ❤️
YIPPIEE more leaving!bikeriders au >:) hii i meant to get back to this SO long ago, feels like good timing now with the bikeriders theatre day approaching! i'm assuming you're the anon from this post <3
i have THOUGHTS. aka this got lengthy oops, shocker. a bit of plotting and then like 2k words of drabble below the cut lmfaoo
the proper drabble will be further down, but first of all, very big agree!! and relieved i'm not the only one who feels this way omg. i haven't watched SOA for this reason specifically– i just don't have much interest in the conflict/violence–heavy plot stuff (which is ironic considering i'm excited for the bikeriders movie, but i think it's pretty clear that's because of the lovely cast lol since i don't care for bikes/cars in the slightest oops). HONOURED that my yapping converted you tho LOL i swear if something is character focussed, it can make 99% of topics at least somewhat appealing!
and please don't worry omg i don't feel influenced/pressured etc, i loveee bouncing ideas and brainrot back and forth for my aus, it's sm fun and i love trying to incorporate things other people like/suggest when i can!! <3 but omg i will weep thank you so much wtf?? :'))
for sure; even the most stoic/'put together' characters surely have done some not very bright things in their lives. i'm toying with a couple backstories for gale to establish what might catch up to him or cause conflict, but i'm gonna wait to decide until i see the movie because i have a feeling i'll get some good inspo from benny's story!
honestly it's the part i'll have to put the most effort into really thinking out in terms of plot to make it flow naturally, because all the relationship focussed things kinda write themselves as i brainrot. but i'm 99% sure i'm gonna write the fic from john's pov because it'll keep a lot of gale a mystery to the readers as well, and therefore save me from having to flesh out certain things until necessary lmfaoo
and yeah!! it's not always the events themselves that hit the hardest– it's the fact that the character could be feral enough for them to happen in the first place, and it's the outcome/fallout that's most fun to write/read (to me).
feral gale is so fun to explore in general because of how different it is to most of what we're shown of him in mota, so it's like a challenge to keep him feeling in character while also picking out the little parts of him that could be pushed to be that way. and of course the classic whump of the one person gale cares about and tries so hard to protect getting hurt because of him? endless angst possibilities.
i dig what you said, about john 'just' being roughed up a little, because i think with whatever backstory i end up forming, it's not like the 'bad guys' are gonna be some mastermind criminals extorting gale for something life or death lol. it's probably gonna be a bunch of rough and tumble biker men with some long lasting beef between their clubs, hitting gale where they know it'll hurt the worst: a loved one.
i bet you anything (depending on how plotting goes LOL) that they don't actually even intend to mess john up to the extent they do; i bet john runs his mouth and makes some sorta escape attempt because as terrified as he is, all he can think about is how gale's gonna obviously track him down and he's more worried about what the guys are planning to do to gale when he shows up. in his naive mind, if he can get out and get to a phone or something, he can stop everything.
ofc the escape attempt is futile because it's one gangly college kid vs a couple of grown ass men, and john gets banged up in the process, seeing as being tackled to the ground with your wrists bound behind your back doesn't leave you with anything to protect your face from concrete with, and maybe then he gets a solid fist to the face to scare him out of pulling anymore shit (it sure works).
and just the act of taking john/putting him danger alone would have gale ready to wring these men out by their necks, but when he shows up and sees his baby bleeding? and he can't tell how bad he's hurt, from where he's lurking around the corner scoping out the situation? he'd see red and be pretty dang close to saying fuck it and going in there without a plan, but the fear of john getting hurt in the process would stop him, and he doesn't feel like going down for murder.
somehow he picks off the guys one by one with a generous amount of flying fists and y'know, maybe a bit of knife–work if necessary, idk, future plotting lol, and tells them they're good as dead if they pull anything like this again. that the club will be keeping an eye out for them, that they're a buncha cowards, and they can come talk to him face to face like men, next time. you get it.
and then finally, obligatory wound care ofc <3 easily top three tropes ever ugh. gale gets john the fuck out of there and to the safety of his truck, methodical and vigilant, and only then does his guarded expression drop, and his hands are shaking just as hard as john's are when he cups john's face in his hands to look him over. john gives him a shell–shocked "'m fine, gale" and hates how guilty gale looks, because there's not even the tiniest part of john that blames gale for any of it; john knew what he was getting into (to an extent) with gale.
but regardless, gale's shaken up, terrified by how much worse things could've gone and how much danger john could've been in, but also terrified of how deeply he feels for john; probably some backstory there about gale seeing someone he loved get hurt, or almost get hurt, swearing he'd never bring someone into his life again because of it, etc, and then in waltzes stubborn, loud–mouthed john egan.
but selfishly (or what he feels is selfish), gale's also terrified that this might be the final nail in the coffin for john. he knows he's not the easiest to be with (even though john thinks the exact same thing about himself lol silly boys) and he knows john's more patient than he deserves, and could find someone his own age with a normal life in a heartbeat with his sweet disposition and charming pretty boy looks. and he knows john's well within his rights to walk away from their relationship now, to be scared of the future, to decide it's too much, and part of gale would be relieved to not have to worry, even if he'd miss john like he's lost half of himself.
it's real quiet when they're back home and john's sitting on the bathroom counter, gale between his legs, patching up his face so so gently, as if each brush of a cotton swab is an apology. both of them have lots to say but neither know how to say it; john hates knowing gale's probably shouldering all the blame and he doesn't know how to reassure him in a way that'll get through to him, but he can't handle the silence. probably makes a weak joke about how "y'shoulda seen the other guy" and doesn't even get a smile out of gale.
ends up wrapping his legs around gale's hips to pull him closer but just gets a huffed out, frustrated "john" as gale swats his ankles away, and it's not that john's trying to make light of what happened, he just doesn't know how to talk about something like that, regardless of how good he and gale have gotten at communicating.
john probably gets a bit frustrated, because gale’s already so protective over him as is, which he likes, but now gale’s treating him like glass, like he’s scared to hurt him further just by touching him, and john does not like that. it feels like progress undone, like he's back at the beginning of their relationship when gale wouldn't let him in or open up to him or trust that he was capable of making his own decisions.
so when gale's done bandaging him up with practiced, meticulous hands, john doesn't give gale time to react, just slides off the counter and snatches the little first aid kit from his hands and says "okay, your turn." and it's obvious gale wants to protest, but john catches him so off guard that he stunned into silence, lets john guide him until he's leaning against the counter.
john's hands still tremble when he takes gale's hands in his, and he tries to steady them because he doesn't want gale to see how freaked out he is, but he diligently cleans away the blood around his knuckles, feeling gale's eyes on him the whole time but not looking away from his task, scared he'll shatter the moment if he does.
if he were to look up though, he'd see gale's watching him in complete awe, struck by the fiercest wave of adoration, drawing a blank while he tries to search for what he could've possibly done in this life or another to have someone like john come (crashing, stumbling, tornado–ing) into his life.
and if we wanna make it extra yowch–y and sappy and feelings heavy: as john's brushing his lips over the cuts, dusting featherlight kisses across his knuckles, john's throat goes tight and he feels his own overwhelming rush of emotions and his heart thumps and he blurts out: "i love you."
it's the first time one of them says it. and it’s a disguised i love you even so. i love you despite. i love you anyway. i love you because. months worth of reassurances wrapped into three words, and even with what john's just gone through, he's still scared when it slips out, looks up at gale with wide, searching eyes, trying to gauge whether he's overstepped or said the wrong thing.
gale's just trying to catch his breath, feeling like the wind's been knocked out of him by the admission. half of him wants to shake his head, gently push john's hands away, tell him "no you don't, hun." a tiny part of him wants to be cruel about it, to laugh the honesty off and ensure john will walk out that door far, far away from the mess that gale is, and not turn back, safe from harm.
but the other half of him, the half that holds his heart, evidently, has him cupping john's open, sincere face in his hands, looking down into bright, fearful, hopeful blue eyes, and murmuring "i love you more."
and john blushes as hard as he did the first time they'd kissed, as hard as he did the first time he was laid out in gale's bed, as if he and gale haven't said a million things much more fluster–inducing since they met. gets all shy, pouts, looks down and mumbles "that's not fair," and that finally gets the first smile out of gale all day, maybe even a breath of a laugh.
they love each other your honour </333
this got way out of hand but what else is newwww i'm so weak for these two. so so weak. i keep saying it but MAN i'm so excited to write this fic this summer omg :')
and DON'T BE SORRY!! it's so chill omg, you were perfectly clear (but i'm glad you elaborated and gave me an excuse to yap about them some more hehehe) and never apologize for long messages, i loveee reading the brainrot and hearing ur thoughts and getting to brainrot back. and thank you AGAIN sobs 😭💗 that makes MY days and ur way too kind fml. i hope the wait hasn't been too long LOL on the chapters AND a response to this ask!! tysm again mwah
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not-your-bro · 1 year
Asking for until dawn for the questions is obvious but I am genuinely curious
hey, nothing wrong with the obvious choice!
❤Favorite character: imagine if i got real ooc and didn't say josh LOL. nah, it's gotta be him. not just my favorite UD character but probably my Character of All Time. i love a self-loathing, self-destructive, become-the-villain type, and he ticks all those boxes. extra points for masking his vulnerabilities with charisma and humor. MWAH. what a chef's-kiss of a character.
👿Least favorite character: ashley. i love & respect that people fuck with her for her dark streak, and i think that makes her more interesting than she otherwise would be, but i don't really see why she's like that. many of the UD characters act in sort of...hate-able ways, but it's stated - or i can infer - what internal/external issues lead them to behave that way. with ash i'm like idk girl, kinda just seems like you're mean sometimes! more power to her, but not for me.
💐Comfort character: i know this is gonna come as a big surprise but........it's josh. guy's lived in my head rent-free for 7 years and i don't think he's ever moving out.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on: i'm past the age of having crushes on these characters, but in 2015-16, my ass was not immune to josh. his outdoors look, with the vest and the beanie - it's a good one.
🤝Character you relate to the most: chris. maybe i'm projecting lmao but his class clown vibe screams 'compensating for extreme social anxiety' to me, and that's something i relate to, especially in group situations.
🔥Character you think is overrated: i don't feel too strongly about this now, but if you asked me years ago, i would've said mike. some of the mike love at the height of the fandom went hand-in-hand with emily hate, and i didn't like that he seemed to skirt criticism just because he was funny.
🧨Character you love to hate: mike again. do i love to hate him? do i hate to love him? my relationship with him is complex and unknowable, even to myself. what i do know is that i derive great pleasure from shoving his fingers in that bear trap.
🙈Character you always forget exists: matt. nice guy, but his lack of screen time dooms him to being forgettable, and he honestly doesn't seem like he knows anyone that well. personally, i'd prefer if matt was Some Hot Guy emily found so she wouldn't have to show up alone, and that last-minute addition to the group is partly why josh sends them on a wild bag chase.
🐰Favorite non-human character: i don't have much choice besides handigo here, but thankfully handigo fucking rules. i love that hannah's association with the butterfly is not just an obvious nod to the butterfly effect but a symbol/foreshadowing of her later transformation. i love how brutally she destroys everyone, that her inclusion means UD is still a revenge story, but not the revenge story you thought it would be at the beginning. i don't think any piece of hannah is still in there - i think she's just a monster running on the fumes of residual emotions she doesn't even comprehend - but i don't think that makes her any less rad.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better: josh. while i can appreciate that the game is sympathetic towards him, it's simply not a good look to make him the only person who can't survive (in human form). i get that not being able to control his fate is The Point, but it's not worth feeding into the tired, bleak message that horror has a history of sending to those who are mentally ill.
(ask game here)
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achillean-knight · 6 months
Desperately need Michael angst. Pretty pleaseeeeee?
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The Bite of 87
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ragri5 · 3 months
Please draw demo doing the “my eyes are looking at you” thing with his fingers at medic but when he points at his own eyes he holds up one finger and he points four fingers at medic
My guy won't get uber for a very, very, long, time․
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concreteburialplot · 10 months
Hey! hope you're having a good day:) was just wondering if you have any song recommendations from chase atlantic for someone who's never listened to them before?
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oh i love this 😭 i love giving music recommendations especially about a band i love so much💕
i do have to warn you that chase is not rock or metalcore in any capacity so if you’re expecting that, it’s definitely not that lol
but these are some of my recs!
Vibes is one off my favorite songs of all time & has been since 2015💘 it’s exactly what the title suggests, a vibe
honorable mentions;
cassie, swim, call me back, idontlikedarkness, triggered & ozone💞
thank you for the ask anon 🥰 i hope you like them!
enjoy some lovely gifs of my boy Kras💕 (+mitchel lol)
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singsweetmelodies · 6 months
Ok so from piarles...who fell first and who fell harder 👀
(this ask is in reference to this post i reblogged a week or so ago)
and what an excellent question, anon!! it made me grin so much when i first saw it, because if there's one thing i absolutely LOVE, it's talking about my ship opinions/characterisations/headcanons, etc etc. ESPECIALLY lately, when my writing brain is a bit offline, and all i can do is think and daydream...
anyways. SO: to actually answer your question, dear anon, i honestly think that a very compelling argument could be made for having this both ways around. it depends on the setting you're going for (canon-adjacent or AU, the specific background of that fic, etc etc...)
with that said, though - personally, i have a big soft spot for "charles fell first, pierre fell harder." i love the idea of charles (who, perpetual middle child that he is, always looked up to & admired pierre when they were younger) then growing up and realising that fuck, pierre has been different to everyone else all along, and it's because charles has loved him all along. simultaneously, pierre grows up to be a bit of a whore (affectionate) and he sleeps with a whole bunch of people until it SUDDENLY hits him, almost out of the blue, that the only person he wants forever is charles.
and like this excellent post said: charles has been living with his feelings/trying to ignore them for much longer, while pierre is hit by them full-force out of the blue - and he proceeds to be incredibly possessive and insane about charles. (that, incidentally, is ALSO one of my most favourite tropes - pierre being possessive and insane about charles.)
so yeah! i am definitely on team "charles fell first, pierre fell harder" - but like i said, i do think this trope can be done BRILLIANTLY no matter which way around you do it!
what do YOU think, anon? what's your soft spot? 👀😍
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7, 8, and 11 from the thingy that you rb earlier
OG List
(I apologize in advance for the long answers, I just love answering stuff like that and I have a lot to say :] )
7. Your favourite tropes to read/write/draw
(I love them all the same, but it is slightly different for each, so I'm making a destinction)
Read: Honestly, kidnapping. I love characters getting kidnapped, and their loved ones worrying/rescuing them. This also includes more-or-less any type of 'going missing'-plot (incl. Char A just running away themselves). Just the feeling of "I have no idea where or how they are, and if they're even still alive", and then the relief when they meet again. Hmmm
Write: 'The world has been cruel and hard to you - therefore I won't be. I want to show you the beauty it has to offer, too <3' This is the best way I can describe it. Characters who've just had a rough time/life being unconditionally cared for and supported. Getting everything their heart has desired for so long. Short: Hurt/Comfort
Draw: While I have yet to draw this myself, actually (because humanoids are hard), any drawing of one character being hurt or scared, while another stands over them caringly and protectively - obviously willing to kick some ass if needed - has me go wild.
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I understand that some people find the market oversaturated by now - that's valid - but still: Redemption
I love redemption so much. I want the story to gently cup a character's face and say "You are broken, but not beyond repair. You can get better, and be happy, and be surrounded by people you love and that love you back." They don't even necessarily need trauma or have gone down a super dark path, I also enjoy: "Character is a massive jerk, and we follow them down the road of being less of a jerk". These are honestly the main reasons both the 'Good Uncle Sly' and 'Apple Cousins' AUs exist.
There are few exceptions I can think of, of villains I'm personally obsessed with, and have not made a version of, where they are redeemed. I look at Reginald Bushroot, and Camille Chameleon, and the Dark Curse - and while for some more than others - there will usually be something at the back of my mind asking: "What if you didn't have to? What if you found love? What if you got to live a quiet, gentle life? What if one day you realized you live in a reality you would never have imagined come true? In a good way? What if everyone could be okay?"
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11. If you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Fic: Family Discount
I was honestly surprised how many people liked that fic. Between 11 fics in total, this one definitely has some of my favourite comments (and it also has a surprsing amount of comments, I didn't expect that tbh). I was a little worried about posting a fanfic chapter-by-chapter, because the last time I tried that I basically (though not officially yet) stopped after one, because I can't write slice of life, it seems.
But so many people got emotionally invested in my writing, and I honestly didn't expect that? But even though I'm forced to take a semi-long break (for exam reasons), it is extremely motivating, and makes me feel that (as vague as it sounds), my stories do do something. How much joy the stuff you make can bring other people, is honestly so cool. Even if it's just a little fanart, or an ask, or a slightly-self-indulgent fanfic :)
I'm proud of having actually got this far, and also having written something me and other people love to read
I'm actually a little embarassed of this drawing, which I know sounds counter-intuitive to the prompt, but I swear, there is a reason it's here!
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This is my first, and currently only drawing of the Flim-Flam-Brothers
I had basically no idea what I was going to do with their designs, and I also only had 60min, with limited tools (because Colormari)
But the thing about this drawing, was that our prompt was basically just "New Years Resolutions". And mine was that I wanted to create more art, without getting bossed around by my inner sense of cringe. Because, while I have absolutely no problem with ranting and rambling and talking about my favourite characters all over the place; as soon as I want to put them into any form of art, my organs feel like they'll turn me inside out. It's the reason this blog has dozens of rambles about how much I love Darkwing Duck, and yet zero art of any of its characters (made by me).
But I made this - and kept it around - even though I knew the characters wouldn't look the best.
So this is the drawing I'm most proud of, because it actually exists :)
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pkmn-smashorpass · 10 months
I look away for TWO days and
-there's a kingler big naturals on the blog
-I have a solo post
-apparently I'm part of a duo now?!? (nice)
Were you all waiting for me to be busy?!???
@ snek anon good point but see. I'm demisexual. If it's a stranger I don't shoot any shots no matter how they look, my brain has the Fuckable switch on "Not" for everyone by default
(this reminds me of the very allo friend who would point out every juicy butt on the way home and I never noticed because, well, the road was more interesting. And dangerous. Slippery bridge claimed some victims and I didn't want to be among them LMAO)
You’re absolutely a superhero duo now congrats
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guardian-angle22 · 11 months
Much as I would love to see a Muslim/hijabi woman on tv. Most likely wouldn't want to be on tv since it goes against their beliefs. I'm ok with Natacha in this role bc I love her and I appreciate what LS has done with showing respect as the show has continued
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[response to my post here]
First off, thank you for the insight/feedback on the accuracy, and the prayer part in particular! I had thought the location she was praying in was inaccurate but that wasn’t something I saw mentioned a lot at the time of the initial backlash to that scene. So I appreciate the information. 💜
I definitely head canon that when Owen rebuilt the firehouse (for the 2nd time!) he made sure there was a dedicated quiet room. Not only would it be important to have for Marjan or anyone else that works at the firehouse with them of Muslim faith to pray in, but also they have stressful and emotional jobs! Having a dedicated safe space at the firehouse to go when you need that kind of quiet privacy just makes sense to me.
As far as the casting part first: I think Natacha has done a great job and I appreciate the fact that she spoke up to the showrunners after hearing feedback from Muslim viewers. and from what I heard of her talking at the most recent convention, she has some great ideas of exploring various intersectionality that is found within that religion and I think that’s great and really hope they do explore some of those things.
My desire for an actual hijabi woman to have been chosen for this part was mainly based off experiences I witnessed from a previous fandom, Skam. IDK if you ever watched it, but the 4th season focused on a Muslim girl in high school, Sana, played by an actress who was actually Muslim, Iman Meskini, who was fantastic. The show writer/creator/producer relied a lot on her knowledge and lived experience when filming things. Then the Skam remakes happened… and another iteration of the show did not bother to get an actual Muslim to play that character and I remember very vividly the negative experiences a lot of the Muslim people in fandom had based off choices that were made and how that character was portrayed. Iman herself spoke up about how much better it was to have someone with the lived experience, who knew what it was like, acting in a role like that. I love this quote from her too: "I never dreamt about being an actress, because I never saw an actress with hijab on. I didn’t even see it as an option or a possibility at all until I became that example that it is possible."
I definitely can appreciate and understand how nuanced the discussion of actors playing parts that aren’t their own experience truly is though. I think the wars that are waged online about actors who play queer parts especially is a big thing happening in culture right now and I truly understand a lot of varying sides to those kinds of discussions. I know it might not always be possible for own voices actors to play parts like this, but I just feel like the best case scenario in a role like Marjan would have been for it to be played by a hijabi woman. That doesn’t mean I think Natacha is in the wrong for taking the role or that it was a terrible mistake for her to have been cast. Just that there was a better scenario that I had hoped for, that didn’t end up happening. and that's okay.
Now the corn silo story: That interview with Natacha where she said there were things that got cut from that storyline makes me really sad because I wish we could have gotten a better resolution to it. Maybe it would have been exactly what you're mentioning here too - clarifying for the viewers that not everyone in the mosque felt that way and it was just pettiness amongst some of them. Sadly, I guess we'll never know exactly what that would have looked like. It makes me a little sad that the only time we've even seen the mosque she goes to was in that episode in season one. I really really hope we get a chance to see some more storylines for Marjan that can include her faith and her mosque but more of how they're positively impacting her life instead.
(I don't have any relevant Marjan reaction gifs since I mainly use my fave Paul, so have this gif of her being absolutely adorable instead)
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awkwardtickleetoo · 2 years
Yo, hc brain is back in full swing. Towards the end of a wrecking with Dream, (we'll make his ler Karl for this one) he's given a small break to breathe, his wrists pinned to either side of his head. "We're gonna do one more thing and then we'll stop ok? Now, tell me to tickle your tummy~" the idea of the ler making the lee tell them to tickle their death spot and halfway through making them say "keep going" and only stopping when they know the limit is reached
sleepyyyy hello hello hello!!! okay okay I LOVE this so so much oh my gOD THIS IS SO GOOD
more under the cut bc I got . a little carried away lmao
and this is SUCH a karl thing to do as well, he would love embarrassing his lee by doing stuff that he Knows will get to them- whether it be forcing them to make eye contact (cough cough george) or telling them to keep their arms up (cough cough sapnap) or telling them not to laugh (cough cough quackity) – but especially with dream, because dream blushes and gets embarrassed and stuttery and giggly so quickly, doesn't he? poor baby :(
so when karl holds his arms down on either side of his head, rubbing his thumbs along his wrists while he takes in huge gulps of air from the tickling karl's already dished out to him, he thinks maybe he can handle whatever else karl has planned, they're probably nearing the end anyway.
but then karl leans down and presses a tiny kiss to his palm, making dream giggle softly before turning his head to dreams ear and saying exactly what you mentioned, "Okay, we've got one last spot to get to and I know you're gonna like it. I'm gonna tickle your tummy, which is your favorite spot, right? isn't it, angel?" and dream would giggle, laughter bright and bubbly, his entire face tinted pink and his eyes squeezed shut when he nods in response to karl's question.
and karl would smile and go, "good! good... you're gonna ask me to tickle you there, tho :)" and dream would whine through his giggles, his face flushing even more red at the thought of having to ask karl to tickle his tummy knowing full well he loves it. and when he cracks open his eyes to see karl staring down at him, face barely a foot away from his and enough adoration in his eyes to make him feel light headed, he whines even louder, closing his eyes again and tilting his head back to shake his head while karl giggles. and karl eggs him on, softly going, "come on, handsome, we both know you want it. there's no need to be embarrassed, it's just us, dreamie, that's it."
n dream would still be all flustered and whimpery, but after a few seconds of waiting silence he'd mumble, just loud enough for karl to hear, "could you please... ti-tickle my tummy? please?" and karl's face becomes even more adoring, thinking about how he even threw the 'please' in there, and he would almost immediately say, "of course, sweet boy, since you asked so nicely" and he'd kiss dreams palm again, before pulling his hands off dreams wrists and moving down, pushing his hoodie up just slightly and pressing the softest kiss to his tummy just to make him giggle. and giggle he does, while karl sits back up straight so he can watch him laugh and starts scratching his nails all over dreams tummy
and dream immediately bursts into bright laughter, his eyes closing and head tilting back again as he laughs freely and happily. his hands curl into fists and he shakes them around happily, eventually moving from where they were once pinned. one hand goes to cover his mouth (but not fully, his fingers are open and it's loosely pressed, and he's not muffling his laughter so karl let's it slide) and the other goes down to squeeze at karl's leg where he's straddling him
and soon after, karl goes "you like this?" and dream nods, a little "hehe- yeheheah" coming out, and karl goes "Okay. ask me to keep going, then" and dream laughs a little louder, nose scrunching up at the idea, but he's outwardly having too much fun to disagree, so he goes "okahahay keheheep goihing! keep gohohoing– ohokahay?" and karl giggles and nods, unable to hide his happiness either, and goes "I won't stop til you say so, okay?" and leans down and blows a raspberry right on dreams tumny
which earns him a slightly harder than needed palm to the back of his head, not pushing or pulling, just staying and scratching at his hair in a way that (ironically enough) is more comforting and calming to him than it should be, and another hand gripping the fabric of the shoulder of his hoodie, both hands obviously trying not to push him away as dream laughs his heart out. his legs are kicking and curling the best they can under karl, his eyes are squeezed shut and tearing up, his giggles are high pitched and turning raspy and squeaky, but he still doesn't stop karl for another solid few minutes.
and then he forcefully pulls karl down on top of him and makes him be his blanket, heavy breathing and residual giggling be damned, and neither of them would have it any other way :)
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
pls tell me you know where that “he isn’t god” clip is because … research 👀
I sadly don't think we have a clip unfortunately, it's from a written interview as far as I know but I hope I'm wrong because I also need it for because... Reasons... so I'ma put this in the Max tag and someone better with resources than me may know if a clip exists 💜💜.
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0-dear-rose-0 · 1 year
OMG what got you into your favourite ships? I love asking people that are newer that get into smaller ships, because it's a lot easier to get into the bigger ones I think x)
Back like in 2018 I was a big style shipper, and I still like it BUT RAH k2 will still always be FAVORITE ship
I agree getting into bigger ship is a lot easier because there's a lot more content made for that ship (im dying over here oughh)
Tbh I cannot remember for the life of me how I first got into K2 but now they've taken over my life. I think their dynamic is really interesting because they are opposites while also still having many similarities and you can do SO much with it. ( also can be like a Romeo and juliet situation WHICH UNFORTUNATELY I am a complete sucker for)
Especially Kysterion, I like to imagine it a lot like Mary Jane and Spiderman because Arghh idk it just scratches my brain so good.
Stendy and Creek are the standards so uh I don't have much to say about them
I ship sooo many rarepairs it's actually insane but I just think 😭 THYED BE CUTE RAHHH
Ever since that cupid ye ep came out I was thinking wow, tolkien and kyle could work LIKE I think they'd be compatible. They're similar in like their ambitions so I'd think they'd get along really well 😭 ans then I think that maybe they should kiss IDK lmao
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achillean-knight · 6 months
I might have a plot idea for your Mask bot series!
-Mike is in the PizzaPlex trying to correct his father's sins (even if he is still stuck in UCN in your AU or not, many people have still been hurt)
-Jeremy manages to make Mike recognize him
-They try to find Jeremy's daughter Cassie cuz Jeremy knows that with the V.A.N.N.I. mask, his daughter's life is in danger
-Find Roxy torn apart (due to the Mimic battle but the may not know that yet)
-Fix Roxy (not really they probably just manage to power her on or something)
-Discover the Tangle
-Discover the Mimic
- Find Cassie (in critical condition mind you)
Aaand that's all I could come up with for now. Of course these are just ideas so you can have your own plot.
Yoyoyo Anon! GODS THANK YOU FOR THE SUGGESTIONS! Especially since it helps me tie together a story I had in mind that was rather loose and just floating ideas in my brain... Also it kinda fits in weirdly well with another Anon ask/request that I'll for SURE get around to doing... eventually HKJH\SGDJ
With these in mind, here's a little story idea with bits from your suggestions with mine that I might eventually get around to making into a comic 👀👀 (Under the cut bc it is LONGGGG like REALLY long lmao)
Mike returns back to the Pizzaplex during the events of Ruin. He worked at the Pizzaplex while it was still running, for what reason? There's not a clue in the world, but he went undercover as a security guard. They say that his mother owns the place, evident by his rank high up, but nobody at all knows who runs the place and how Michael even got a job. But there he was.
He's back again to uncover the reason for it's destruction- to hopefully find answers to unsolved mysteries left by this company and to rewrite the sins of William. He's arrived maybe an hour or so after Cassie entered, so there's no sign of life in the main entrance besides a certain mask bot without the key item in its possession. The events of this comic take place during this time.
Afterward, the mask bot can't seem to let go after finding Mike again- Jeremy couldn't let go- so he tags along as Mike scours the pizzaplex. Jeremy's following along as he knows the programming of the bot he inhabits, gave his daughter a very dangerous item- the V.A.N.N.I mask- So he wants to try and get it off her hands as soon as he can with the help of Mike. How he'll convey his wants on the matter? He can't, but he'll try.
They're quick through the place- Cassie cleared the way, so all enemies are pretty much nonexistent to them, so they catch up quick to where she was recently. They find the MXES system offline and Mike panics, as he knows what's beyond it. (Playing off the theory that it was Henry's creation, Mike would know what it is.)
They find Roxy destroyed, Mike motioned to Jeremy to keep looking and he agrees. Making his way quietly, Jeremy peeks around the corner to see the Mimic's hand grabbing the power supply to the elevator. He hears Cassies voice faintly, possibly in the elevator and freezes in horror as the Mimic rips the wires and the Elevator fails (playing on the theory that the Mimic caused the elevator to fail.), all he can hear is Cassies screaming and he rushes back to Mike.
As he returns back, Mike somehow got Roxy online, but she's still in a completely wrecked state. They take her to the nearest safe zone- one they could think of on the spot to avoid the Mimic and try and fix her up a little more. Awake again, Roxy remembers her duty of protecting Cassie and tasks herself with finding Cassie- Jeremy is pleased with this as he can't convey his own panic- Once she somehow picks up her location, she guides them through twisting turns and flights of staircases until they find a bunker- Mike knows this bunker
They're back at the SL building : > (IDK, where else would the elevator lead lmao, I don't think there's anything lower than the SL bunker 😭)
Mike is familiar with this place but struggles to come to terms with this fact that this was where he was supposed to die- and who does he find than a giant mess of wires and destroyed bodies of past animatronics. He remembers Ennard He remembers Molten Freddy- This was horrifying, huge, and there was a mess of screams and crying inaudible, but he knew the thing was upset. Jeremy recognises the mask the thing it's wearing- it was Lefty, the thing in the VR world that tried to kill him while he was mending Helpy (this AU has Lefty as the head of the Blob/Tangle)
Mike has a feeling he knows what this is. He wasn't the person who attended the burning of the Pizzaria Sim Location, but rather, he helped guide the animatronics with Henry there for whomever was working there at the time, but he was indulged in Henry's plans- And he was mortified to know it only made everything worse- This was an amalgamation of all the children's animatronic bodies- remnant- souls- they were upset, scared, just wanting to move on, and Mike wanted to help so badly.
The thing was kind to them, even Mike for some reason. Roxy begged the thing to guide them to Cassie and it Obliged- the soul that was in the lead wasn't malicious, it was kind, especially to children so it wanted to help. It was kind to Mike- why Mike? He didn't know that the thing guiding them to Cassie was Charlie, she knew Mike- She wanted to help mike and with Cassidy in the amalgamation helping Charlie, she knew Mike was safe after letting his little brothers soul free from Golden Freddy while she inhabited it, so she deemed him good.
They find Cassie, incredibly injured and Jeremy panicked, rushing over and holding her close. Something was wrong though, she wore the mask- they didn't know her mind isn't in control anymore- she has succumbed to a similar fate as Jeremy but he is determined to save her from it.
She will be the next Vanny.
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vixy-exists · 8 months
I think you should talk about them!! Be unhealthy about them!! I wanna read it :D
I don’t think you know what you got yourself into, anon. But aaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you in advance for enabling me to talk about one of my favourite things in the world!!
(Stuff under the cut!! Warning though, it’s like +2000 words and I get into headcanons and some pretty dark stuff too! I hope it's worth reading though :'D)
(I started an essay like… back on October 11th so Imma expand on that a bit. Also, I go into some character analysis and some headcanons connecting to that and how those things would interact and intertwine with each other!)
Okay, so
They first started out as a random crack pairing between me and my friend as a joke +2 years ago. Like literally just going “Wouldn’t it be funny if they kissed”? Then I started writing a fic about them and drawing and thinking about them more and aaaaaaaaaa. They have so much potential together – both as just friends and as lovers too!! Also, yeah, the ship name KazNaka came from said friend, though I also have been calling them Kazkemi somewhat, because I think it’s cute :)
They both have the same interests but different backgrounds and different ways of thinking. This makes them fit well together but be different enough to be interesting. For example, their love for computers or their interest in demon summoning. It’s stated in some interviews that one of the reasons why SMT 1 could happen and why Kazuya downloaded the Demon Summoning Program (or DSP as I’ll call it from now on) is because he never had a father or a father figure. He wants that power associated with a father – here, the power of demons. But what would he do with that? In the game, it feels more like Kazuya uses the program for self-defence – like he doesn’t know what else to do with it. He has the power just not the reason to use it – not until later when he has to fight for his life.
On the other hand, Nakajima is just interested in the occult, probably thinking of the DSP as just a way to flex his genius at first. Yes, he programs it, but he has no reason to use it, to test it, or a reason to finish it (it’s something briefly mentioned in the first book). That’s when his sudden burst of anger after getting beaten up comes in. He now has the motivation to finish it and, (unfortunately), use it. He uses the DSP as a weapon, a thing he can exercise his power with to control people, somewhat satiating his power-hungriness after what Kondo and Kyoko did to him.
It’s similar but different and makes me wonder how they would interact with each other if they were close. Would Nakajima let Kazuya use his program? Would he know better and feel like something bad would happen if he let him? Would he even tell him about it? What would Kazuya think of what Nakajima did at Jusho High? Would he see it as a good way to use something like the DSP or would he condemn it?
We also have their familial backgrounds. As I said before, Kazuya has no father figure, but it’s apparent that he has a good relationship with his mother. It’s almost the exact opposite with Nakajima. Nakajima hates his mother – he hates how she doesn’t have time for him, how she only cares about her work and nothing else. On the other hand, from the first two books, it’s not really apparent what he thinks of his father. All we know is that he’s away in Los Angeles on a work trip. I could imagine him secretly admiring him (like a child longing for his absent father, somewhat idealising him – similar to Kazuya) or I could imagine him having a neutral relationship with him. Either way, he still had his father in his life more than Kazuya – and, on the surface, it looks like they’re a completely healthy family who are also probably well off financially.
If I may also bring some headcanons in here: I like to believe Nakajima has a bad upbringing in general, being neglected and abused mentally – a reason why he would escape into the world of computers and the occult and maybe why his mind tries to protect itself with his fragile arrogance. It’s mostly his mother who is abusive (after all, she’s the one who he sees the most), but his father is not a great person either (it’s just that he's away a lot so Nakajima doesn’t see that side of him often). He doesn’t realise it, of course. He thinks what’s happening is completely normal in most families. He probably doesn’t even understand why he doesn’t like his parents (or, mostly his mother) and thinks it’s just because they are constantly away (which is a reason, but not all of it) and gets confused whenever they act kind towards him. The “how can I hate them so much when they act so kind to me now”, not remembering how bad the past has been.
That’s where Kazuya comes in. I imagine they would both look at each other’s lives and only see the good parts in them. Nakajima still has both of his parents, a father and a role model, he’s well off and goes to a prestigious school. What’s not to envy about that for someone like Kazuya, someone who comes from a poor and broken home? He probably feels weird whenever he visits and sees how better off Nakajima lives or hears him praising his father and how much he works, but he could never say it out loud. It’s jealousy, he knows it, but there isn’t really anything that could fix it, so why say it out loud?
On the other hand, all Nakajima sees is how good of a mother Kazuya has, and how he receives all the love that he has longed for for so long. It’s a feeling he can’t really understand, especially since he doesn’t know the reason why he feels it. It’s a sort of emptiness inside him, eating away at him slowly, agonizingly, but he doesn’t dare to say it out loud. Kazuya doesn’t need to know. He would just think he’s weak, pathetic, completely breaking the image he tried so hard to build up.
I can just imagine them feeling all insecure whenever the other is talking about their family. Kazuya looks at pictures of Akemi’s family, the emptiness his father left eating away at him. Or Nakajima getting welcomed into Kazuya’s family and trying so hard not to cry when receiving normal, healthy parental love for the first time.
Again, different, but similar.
Their personalities, I think, would also work well together. They are opposites. Kazuya is somewhat shy, doesn’t talk much but is a good listener and is capable of understanding people and body language. He would probably be very charismatic if he actually decided to talk to people, but he doesn’t have the bravery for that just yet. (Or, at least I think he’s like that, based on the stuff in the game.) On the other hand, Nakajima is arrogant, is probably confident and also talks a lot but has no one to listen to him. He’s probably shit with actually interacting with other human beings too – something that causes him to not have a lot of friends (in other words, he has no friends at all). No one is patient enough to deal with his bullshit, no one understands his interests nor cares at all – just like with Kazuya. Imagining them trying to interact, to step out of their comfort zone maybe is so fun for me. Like Nakajima finally letting Kazuya speak and nerd out about tech and shit and he discovers how much they truly have in common.
Oh, and coming back to their interests too! It’s mentioned somewhere that Kazuya has a commercially available COMP, but it has several modifications (probably by Kazuya himself). I imagine he’s very into tech but in a different way than Akemi, making them have several topics they can converse about. I like to imagine stuff like Akemi trying to teach programming to Kazuya or Kazuya fixing up one of Akemi’s computers, maybe modifying it a bit. Or the two of them brainstorming video game ideas or maybe even helping each other out with homework and school stuff (either in high school or even later in university). And, back to the occult too, I imagine Akemi knows more about how to practise it (he read one book over and over again and made a program out of it, I imagine that’s all he knows) while Kazuya has more knowledge about demons in general (like types and behaviour and shit). I can imagine Kazuya being the one to help out a bit in the program, making suggestions to improve it and Nakajima promising he will be able to test it out if he’s ever done with it. Of course, that never really happens, but I’ll get into that later.
I also have written a lot of stuff for them so far (it’s not on the internet, but I’m thinking about putting it on AO3 if I manage to organise and rewrite it) and most of what I wanna focus on in my writing (something I don’t think I’m successful in yet) is them growing closer together and healing somewhat – before all the DDSMT shit happens that breaks them apart. So uhh spoilers I guess?
I imagine they start interacting online – Kazuya being interested in the DSP while Nakajima is interested in Kazuya’s occult knowledge – and meet up somewhat after. They are distant from each other, only seeing the surface things, making an ideal picture in their heads before they grow closer together and start to see the cracks in each other’s life. Nakajima sees the bullying Kazuya goes through in school, how lonely he is, how having no father affected him, what being in a poorer family is like and how he escapes into the world of the internet, a place where he could finally forget about his troubles just for a bit. It’s similar to Akemi’s situation too. Kazuya slowly sees how years of abuse affected him, how he had no friends growing up, making him run off into his work and how he barely eats and barely survives because of it. That idealised picture they have of each other and each other’s life breaks and they grow even closer because of it. They can’t solve these issues, but they can help each other deal with them. This could work even if they were just friends, but I like to imagine that Kazuya had deeper feelings from the beginning while Nakajima only develops them as he learns more and more about Kazuya (falling for him harder, of course). And, as they both step out of their comfort zones, they finally start dating, accepting their feelings for each other, finally finding happiness, in each other.
And, of course, comes DDSMT. The thing that brought them together, the Demon Summoning Program, is what breaks them apart. Akemi becomes obsessed with his work again, going back to his unhealthy habits while Kazuya is left there, worried sick for his boyfriend. Nakajima doesn’t want Kazuya hurt, not talking about what he did because of it. He doesn’t realise that’s the reason he’s hurting him. And that’s why he doesn’t mention how he completed the DSP, fearing, that if he did, Kazuya would use it and summon something he can’t handle or leave him (either because he got what he wanted out of the relationship or because he realised how awful Akemi is). Ironic, considering that, because of his arrogance, he did just that – summon a demon he couldn’t handle. (And maybe if he asked for Kazuya’s help prior, things would have turned out much better and he wouldn’t have summoned such a powerful demon like Loki in the first place.)
Meanwhile, Kazuya basically receives constant rejection, locked out of Akemi’s life. He doesn’t understand why this is all happening. They were so well off and now Akemi just doesn’t answer his texts or his calls, he’s barely home and… And when he is, he only talks about this Yumiko girl, someone Nakajima has grown seemingly obsessed with and it’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back. He assumes what anyone would assume – Akemi just doesn’t love him anymore and is just too much of a coward to say it to his face. So he breaks things off just a day before it turns out Loki was using Nakajima all along. So, in this version, I imagine Nakajima doesn’t even have time to process what Kazuya said to him, only realising what had happened after the whole Megami Tensei stuff. But at least now he has someone to talk it over with, someone who will help him with his feelings and what to do next.
But, while I haven’t gotten that far into writing or planning, I feel like they could make up (that is if the world doesn’t blow up SMT 1 style). Maybe when they both graduate, after all the chaos that their lives brought upon them, they meet up again and maybe, just maybe, they can start again.
That, and I just think two nerds nerding out together about demons and computers is cute. They just make a cute pairing in my opinion :)
I also haven’t gone into all the shit about my headcanons for their relationship or how I’m still debating about if their breakup would be canon (I like my boys wholesome :() and stuff like that. Like how I imagine Kazuya brings some of his mother’s cooking to Akemi, just to get him to eat something for once, or how Akemi makes little games and gifts them to Kazuya or about their insecurities while dating and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- I should probably stop before I accidentally write a 10000-word essay about them lol.
And, again, thank you so much, anon for letting me ramble on about these two!! Even if this was too much to read :’)
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