#thank you anon for partaking in talking about these books!!
whimsyprinx · 1 year
as someone who read the unwound series a while back and the uglies pretty recently; they were surprisingly dark books from what i remember (but in like a good way)
!!! they are!!! my roommate and I were both describing the books to each other like “it’s fucked up and really messes with you” because like the fear and like idk despair, hopelessness, etc of the characters in each book is so real and there. Like they live in these ideal utopian worlds, this is all they’ve ever known and what they’ve been taught us okay and good and should be celebrated but then they start to question it and like ofc you the reader are already aware of the horrors but once the characters realize it too it sets in more (imo). I’m gonna be real I haven’t read a book book in A Long Time but unwound is now on my list of books to read and I also wanna try and get all the books for the uglies series again because I enjoyed them a lot.
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starlightandsouls · 2 years
im not sure if your taking requests but maybe you could do a really cute story where the reader is a suuuuper shy and tiny person and az is like her protector and does all the talking for her. thank you and i love your writing
A/N: Anon thank you so much for your request! It's so so cute! Sorry it took me to long and that it's really not that long. Also I've written it as a one shot of one of my other fics "Yours To Keep And Cherish" Hope you don't mind. I hope you like it! It'll all i could come up with rn
Yours To Keep And Cherish: Part 1 Part 2
Bookshop Brawls
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The past few months had been the best you’ve had your entire life. The dinner with the Inner Circle had given you a small family of your own, and they claimed to see you as nothing less than that; their own.
Nesta had become one of your closest friends. The oldest Archeron shared your love for books and you owning a bookshop opened the gate to a wondrous friendship. You had always wanted a sister and now had one in the form of your boyfriend’s sister in law. The two of you had spent hours locked up in your shop. When customers were slow in coming, the two of you would retreat to the back and ramble about the latest romance the two of you had read. Countless times had Cassian and Azriel found the two of you asleep on a pile of books. Neither of them minded though. Both of you were were not the most social people and your respective boyfriends were just happy that you were getting along well.
Especially Azriel. He knew that his nightingale was not the most outspoken person, much like himself. Sure she laid her heart out to him whenever they were together and was the sweetest, most amicable person he had had the pleasure of meeting. But with strangers or people she did know that well, she was always a bit reserved, always keeping her heart, her thoughts just out of reach. Sure she had her friend Lexie, but she was the complete opposite of his girlfriend, a social butterfly. Lexie loved partaking in activities and events that had the most amount of people, frequenting the biggest clubs and bars that Velaris offered. His nightingale would always prefer staying home, reading to her heart’s content. It had always worried him. Sure he would spend as much time with her whenever he was in Velaris. But his job was demanding, often taking him to other courts for extended periods of time. Then, his mind would always be wracked with worry about his nightingale, fearing she might be feeling too alone in his absence. Now he was just happy that she had someone to take care of her when he was gone.
Today, however, he had you all to himself. He had just returned from Summer Court from a routine check with Tarquin and was practically jumping at the idea of going back to you. These excursions, while not serious or threatening in any manner, were always stretched out longer than needed and exhausted him to no extent. Plus he had to report back to Rhysand as well and share all the details of his visit. In all honesty, he could have done that later as well. His brother would never protest to him getting some down time after work. His brothers were always adamant he worked too much. What could he say? He was a perfectionist.
Regardless, he went to see Rhysand beforehand, if only to get done with the task and be able to spend as much time with you as possible. He had practically been bouncing on his toes the entire meeting, too eager to meet you at your bookshop. A fact that Rhysand noted with that aggravating smirk of his,
“Excited are we brother? If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you were getting sick of our company,” Rhysand said.
Azriel only flipped him off and started to leave, knowing his brother was merely joking. And he was. Rhysand was truly and honestly happy for Azriel. Happy that he had found someone who loved him as irrevocably and completely as he deserved. But as his brother, it was Rhysand’s solemn duty to tease him about it. How else were they to prove their brotherhood?
Azriel had leaped out the window as soon as he exited Rhysand’s office. The fresh spring air beneath his wings lifted off of him all burdens of exhaustion he had been carrying. Flying always did that to him. It calmed him, set his mind straight. All the stress practically melted away whenever he was in the clouds. And the thought of flying to go see you, only accentuated the feeling.
The sight of your bookshop made him smile. It was one of the most meticulously designed buildings in the Rainbow, despite the fact the fact that it was not as huge or glamorous as some. An architectural gem stone hidden in the most bustling centre of Velaris. The stone columns with sculptured intricacies, the stained glass windows, all made the store look like something ripped from a fairy tale. And that was truly what it was to him. A haven, a place of magic; for it was here that the Mother had decided to bless him with you, his saving grace, his own guardian angel who had saved from the ruination that was himself. It was his temple, his holy shrine. He would worship every brick if he could for the rest of his life. And it would still never be enough to express how truly grateful he was for you.
Walking in, he was immediately greeted by the mouth watering aroma of your croissants. It was another quirk of yours that never failed to make him beam at your thoughtfulness; how you always strived to help others out, from fantasy books to food.
You were immersed in a huge pile of books and an even bigger pile of papers. Countless times had he told you to hire an assistant, someone to help you out with your work but you had always refused, not wanting a stranger to infringe in your space. Like him, you were a huge introvert. While you were always fond of making new friends and loved spending time with his family, he also knew that you needed some time to yourself. Just like for him, the bookshop was your haven as well, a place where it was just you and your books, a place where could earnestly let down your guard and relax. So even if it meant a little more work, you never seemed to mind and Azriel always helped whenever he could with shelving and listing and whatever you asked of him.
As always he walked in on you surrounded by books you were stacking on shelves, or at least attempting to. The slight furrow in your borrow indicated that you were troubled by something, and at the same time it made you look even more adorable. How love changes a person. Could any stranger imagine the Night Court’s Spymaster, torture extraordinaire, to be so completely consumed by his affection for you? They would surely be deemed mad by everyone else.
“What’s got my love so worried?” Azriel asked, walking behind you and wrapping his arms around you. The fact that you leaned into his touch immediately, as if a sixth sense, without any fear or hesitation, made him fall even more for you. Every day he thought that notion impossible and everyday you proved him wrong.
“Nothing much Az. I just ordered some books for next month’s stock and they haven’t arrived. They’re usually here before the month ends,” you replied, still caught up in your list.
“Hmm. Would you like me to go scare your supplier? Surely he deserves some trouble for bothering my nightingale,” he joked.
At that, he was graced by the melodious sound of your laugh and an even sweeter smile; a sight so beautiful that it rendered the stars dull in comparison. You turned in his arms then, arms moving to their place around his neck,
“Azriel, darling. Why would you put that poor man through all that? I’m sure there’s a valid reason for the hold up.”
He only shrugged, indicating he was only half joking with his offer. You didn’t say anything in return. Instead, you only smiled that damning smile of yours and gazed back at him. It always made him nervous when you did that; when you looked at him like he was the only thing in the world, your gaze laced with such irreverence as if you had seen an angel of your own. It made him nervous because deep down he knew he didn’t deserve someone who loved him so completely like you did.
“What is it darling?” he asked after a moment of silence, the emotion bubbling up in him because of your love filled gaze enough to make him cry, and they couldn’t have that now could they.
You only shook your head at him and buried yourself in his arms, grip tightening around him. For a second, he panicked. Had something happened? Regardless, he hugged you back just as tight.
“Nightingale. Hey, is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, my love. I just missed you a lot,” you whispered softly.
“I missed you too darling. More than you can imagine. But I’m done with all my work. And I have absolutely nothing to do for the next few weeks. So I am completely at your service my lady,” he said, hand lifting to push a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. He didn’t miss how you instinctively leaned into his hand. How you took it into your own and kissed his hand, intertwined in yours. At that moment Azriel almost fell to his knees before you, ready to repent and confess to this goddess he was blessed enough to call his lover, and to the Mother to thank her for this gift that he would be eternally grateful for.
“Well, just give me one more hour. I’ll finish everything up here and then we can go home,” you replied. He nodded and leaned forward to kiss your forehead, then both your eyes and lastly those honey lips of yours that always had him craving a second taste. Lust or gluttony, he cared not.
You had sent him to read at the sofas lining the bookstore, knowing he would be too much of distraction to get any work done, and then you would have to stay here for much longer than you wanted.
It had not been twenty minutes that you had sent Azriel to the back when the door bell rang, indicating a customer. You sighed, just having gotten to the bulk of your work, and not wanting to drag yourself away from it. Nonetheless, you walked to your reception, and instantly wished you had stayed behind.
For before you was no customer. No. Your shop had the unfortunate luck to be graced by the presence of Archer Flynn, Lexie’s ex-boyfriend. The man was of average height, yet still carried himself with the ego of a war hero, and he had the ego of one as well, but no other commendable characteristics. He was the text book definition of toxic, male masculinity. Pride and arrogance oozed from his very presence. The worst bit being that he had no appearances to back up that pride. Limp, dirty blonde hair with eyes so shrunk in, that it seemed like someone had shoved eyes two sizes too small into an unusually large skeleton. Lanky limbs and gigantic ears, all made him look like a character from one of the children’s books she had, and it wasn’t a very good one either. But she had never pointed it out to Lexie, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Although she would never understand what her gorgeous best friend had seen in this cartoon. Come to think about it, Lexie had lost her job when she started dating Archer. Perhaps he was no more than a mid life crisis. Most couples are, but not her. Her and Azriel were the exception. And perhaps it was the two of them that had made Lexie realise that there really was someone better out there, someone who could love her like Azriel loved you. You were just happy that Lexie had gotten over this loser. The same, apparently, could not be said for Archer.
“Why are you here Archer?” you demanded, getting straight to the point. Small talk sucked the soul out of you, and with Archer it was even worse. He always gave you the ick, and you had always distanced yourself from him because of it. Something about the man never quite sat right with you.
“Where is Lexie?” he shot right back. Well at least both of them were on the same page about getting straight to the point.
“What’s it to you? Last time I checked you broke up two months ago. And I also know she does not want to see you, so I really don’t understand why you’re here,” you said, hoping you sounded at least a little assertive. You were never a people person, and such confrontations always made you nervous.
“I’m sure you were the one who convinced her to break up didn’t you? Filled her head up with all those lies and stupid ideas. You were just jealous of us weren’t you? All day locked up in this stupid shop of yours, no one to love or ask after you. You were just jealous of how good Lexie and I had it.”
“Really? You see what I don’t understand is why you can’t stop interfering in our lives. Minding your own business isn’t really hard, sugar.” You shivered at the nickname, it wasn’t vulgar per se, but something about it coming from Archer made it sound disgusting. The man continued without waiting for an answer.
“Trust me, Archer. No girl in this world would do anything but thank the Mother it wasn’t them dating you after seeing you with a girl. You’re just that pathetic. And I’m glad that Lexie saw sense as well, before it was too late. Now get out of my shop and don’t bother showing up here again,” you barked at him and turned to leave the counter when you were suddenly pulled back.
You let out a cry from the harsh grip Archer now had around your forearm. Trying to yank yourself free from his grasp wasn’t that easy, guess he wasn’t that lanky after all.
“Listen here bitch, what me and my girlfriend do is none of your fucking business. No one asked for your stupid opinions alright? So quit yapping about them and tell me where Lexie is? Or else i know a lot of ways to make a woman like you sing," he spat at you, grasp tightening with every word to the point that you were sure ugly bruises would be lacing your arm where he had grabbed you. This. This was why you didn’t like this man. Because you had seen the monster that lied in wait below his facade from the first day you had met him. Gods had you tried to warn Lexie about it. And now Lexie was all the way over at Dawn Court, visiting family, while you were here cleaning up her mess. The things you do for friends.
“Archer, let go of me. You’re hurting me. Let me go!”
Then his hand was being ripped away from your arm, and you were pushed behind a tall, shadowed back. Azriel. Caught up first in your work and then Archer’s tantrum, you had almost forgotten he was still here. And you couldn’t express how glad you were that he was. You didn’t even want to imagine how far Archer would go to get what he wanted. Before you could ponder on this some more, you heard a sickening crunch and Archer was on the ground, cradling his nose as blood flowed freely from it. Azriel picked him up and punched him again, this time in the stomach,
“How dare you lay a hand on her?” Azriel seethed. The man before you now was not your lover, nor the man who loved tea and books and afternoon naps. No. This was the Shadowsinger, the Night Court’s Spymaster, a man feared across all seven courts. And he had murder in his eyes. He had Archer shoved against the wall with a death grip around his neck, surely to choke the man to death.
You were not frightened of Azriel, or of what he could do. And you would never be. Yet you still intervened, not wanting him to hurt someone else on your behalf, not believing yourself to be worth that much.
You had uttered one word and he had stopped. Letting Archer fall to the floor but not before kicking him once more in his gut. You rushed to him then, needing to calm him down,
“Az, it’s alright. I’m okay.”
But Azriel had his sights set on Archer,
“He hurt you. He threatened you,” Azriel growled out, moving forward again to the bleeding man. But you jumped across him to stop his path,
“I know and you made him pay for it. And it’s enough Azriel. I’m fine, truly.”
Azriel remained where he was, to get his breathing in control or his anger, she did not know. She only put her hand around his arm, and leaned into him, wanting to ground him,
“Azriel, my love. Look at me. I am alright. Truly. And I’m sure this scum bag has leant his lesson as well.”
Azriel sighed, defeated. You didn’t need to hear it to know that he would heed your words. While you could tell that he would not beat up Archer anymore, you could also tell that he wasn’t quite done yet.
He walked over to the man quivering on the floor and shoved him against the door. Azriel’s grip on his collar lifting him from the floor so that Archer dangled at the door like a headless chicken, which against Azriel he was,
“If you ever come close to my girlfriend again, if you ever even think about her, I swear to the Mother I’ll make sure your death lasts a thousand nights. And believe me, I also know a lot of ways to make a man regret ever being born. You will not bother her or her friend again. And if I ever hear that you treated another woman like you did my nightingale... well then your family will be finding pieces of you all across the city. Am I understood?”
Archer only nodded like the pathetic fool that he was and when Azriel let go of him, scrambled out the shop, stumbling multiple times before he got the door open.
As soon as he was out, Azriel turned to you, gently grabbing your arm for inspection. Huh. Guess it wasn’t as bad as you had thought. There were no bruises, just some redness from the grip that you’ll disappear in a few minutes.
“I’m so sorry love. I should have moved sooner. I never should have let him put his filthy hands on you...” Azriel started rambling. And it broke your heart a little, to see your love blame himself for this.
“Azriel it wasn’t your fault. That guy was just an asshole. And thank you actually. I think you scared him really bad. I don’t think he’ll be bothering us any time soon again,” you reassured him.
Later while you sat on his lap in the back sofas, cleaning the asshole’s blood from Azriel’s hands, he had said to you,
“You don’t have to do this darling. I can go do it myself..”
“I don’t mind,” you had shrugged, too focused on his hands, and you truly didn’t.
“I’m serious nightingale. I... I shouldn’t have lost control like that in front of you I should have...”
“You did what you should have. You were defending me and I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for it. I’m not some glass doll that’ll shatter at the sight of some blood. And you’re not that good at hiding your thoughts Azriel. If you think even for a second, that i got scared of you, you are wrong,” you said, putting your hands around his face. He opened his mouth to protest but you continued before he could do so,
“Don’t even try to lie. I can see it in your eyes. Azriel, listen to me; there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that you can ever do that’ll ever make me scared of you. I’m not afraid of you Azriel and I’ll never be. You want to know why? Because I love you and I trust you. Because the Cauldron gave you to me as a blessing that I’ll cherish forever, my own guardian angel.”
Azriel had then taken you home and made love to you under the stars to show you just how utterly devoted he was to you, how he would worship you for all eternity if he could. Unbeknownst to you, he had also sent some of his shadows to Archer Flynn, to further teach him a lesson. Like you had said; Azriel was your guardian angel. That asshole had hurt his nightingale, and he couldn’t have that now could he?
Taglist: @mooncleaver @cheshmetkoshgele @elegantranchcowboytree
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ransprang · 5 months
thank you to anon for your support <3
if anyone else wants a match up this is our ko-fi
your dmc 5 match up is..... V!!
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V is as unique as they get being that the others find him a bit weird and mysterious. He’ll spit out haikus randomly. Like once you both went to an archery range and before starting he goes, “The eye sees target. Breathe, let the mind feel the shot. Arrow flies to spot”
Your foreign accent is very attractive to V. He gazes at your lips often as you speak (which is a rarity he cherishes) and gives you kisses when you’re done.
Partakes in all of your hobbies with you happily since they are peaceful. Many of your dates together will be relaxing and calming, be it walking around and taking in the landscape or painting.
V was walking around when he was drawn to a lovely street performer, playing a melancholic song. The lyrics spoke to him and he stopped by to listen. You were nearby, and were intrigued by this performer’s song as well. When the song ended, you both went to tip the musician. Your eyes met briefly, and he smiled. “Beautiful song, who is it by?” He asked, looking towards the musician. You blurted out the answer before the singer could, thanks to your wide expertise. V nodded appreciatively, and walked with you as you both turned away from the musician, engaging you in conversation about music. You found it easy to talk to him since the topic was of your interest but soon the conversation flowed to personal topics and you became fast friends with the man. After a few months of hanging out as friends, neither of you could deny your budding feelings for each other and soon began dating.
V would appreciate your art, he is introspective and a poet. You would be inspired by his poetry and he would be inspired by your art. 
"Your art captures the essence of the shadows, Y/N," V sometimes remarked while you were deep in thought sketching, his eyes fixed on your drawing. You were caught off guard by the unexpected compliment, blushed but managed a shy grin. "Th-thank you, V. I, uh, try my best." Leaning against the bookshelf with an air of nonchalant elegance, V responded with a dry chuckle. "Well, your 'best' is quite the masterpiece, a symphony of shadows and silence. Almost as poetic as my familiars." More at ease now, you laughed softly. "I'll take that as a compliment, considering your familiars are the embodiment of your aesthetic."
You and V are both quiet. You both would spend hours listening to music together, while you draw and he sits by you with his head buried in a book, lifting his head once in a while to make a witty remark on the music choice, gently enjoying each other’s companionship.
V is a tall boy although not a strong boy. When he would misplace his walking stick, he would use your head as a handrest for balance since its the perfect height.
V gives off a mystical vibe, he would definitely burn some sage and light some candles with you while wearing his little hippie sandals.
V would advise you to not bottle up your emotions too much and try to deal with them as they come and go. He is an introspective man with the wisdom of the poets. He knows to appreciate the beauty of emotions as a part of his humanity.
At first, V would not be that amazing at painting, but he is talented for sure. As you both paint, he keeps getting better. He’d totally paint you naked and hang it in your shared bedroom as a memento.
You can always tell V is horny by how heavy his breathing gets, you can watch his chest rise and fall rapidly. His pants also visibly grow tighter as he trembles to stand, that man is after a part of Vergil waiting to go feral.
⁠He puts your pleasure first before his, and loves eating you out. He eats you like he’s never had a meal before, he loves licking your clit and sucking on your folds with his thick lips.
V loves restraining you using his walking stick, he pulls you closer unexpectedly using it. And sometimes teases your entrance with it by positioning it between your legs when you’re standing next to him.
V likes it when you trace his tattoos after sex, the beads of sweat along with the thick lines of the patterns on his body. It soothes him, as he would subtly place your hand on his flaccid cock leading to a handjob.
V cums a lot, he always pulls out and likes to cum on your chest. He doesn’t want to risk having children, especially with his weak state. He enjoys watching strings of semen land on your breasts and stomach.
Sometimes V would make Griffon scout an area before getting down on his knee to ask you to have sex with him in public. It probably be a park behind a tree where you ride him and he humps you from beneath, to not put stress on his legs.
V loves to suck on your breasts and kiss you during sex. It brings him a sense of intimacy and he gets to be close to you aside from his cock penetrating. 
He can feel very weak and tired after ejaculating. The strenuous activity itself leaves him feeling like he’s fading, so he relies on you to cuddle him and get him up and about again. 
V loves it when you moan his name out loud and in pleasure, it makes him feel remembered knowing he is going to be gone soon and become one with his other half. But even then he reassures you that as Vergil he will never forget you and your memories and will come back.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 10 months
hey it's high-fructose-jay-syrup again. I sent the original question off anon because it's not something I'd feel particularly awkward about anyone connecting to me, but then sent the followup ask on anon because I figured the ask not having gone through had something to do with me sending it off anon lmao (which apparently it did, since you did get the anon ask)
anyhoo. wondering if you have any insight on the line between masochism and self harm? I am realizing that a lot of my prior exploration of that area of kink had more to do with a desire to Feel Something than pure enjoyment of pain (which often resulted in me continuing despite being unsure about my comforts) and I think most of it was not a good idea to be doing and may even have been somewhat traumatizing. so now I'm understandably pretty wary about exploring that field again (I mean I'm wary of sex in general thanks to Trauma TM but yk, someday when that's no longer the case), and wondering if you have any thoughts on how to tell the difference between something that involves pain but is completely safe and enjoyable, and something that is actively damaging and needs to stop, *especially* given the phenomenon of sub drop.
thanke! happy late birthday!
hi not-anon,
this is a very interesting question, and I'm afraid it's not one that I'll be able to offer a very solid answer on. the line between masochism and self-harm that you're seeking is a thin and wavering one, and exactly where it lands varies heavily depending on the individual. there's a pretty excellent book called Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose that I thought of immediately while reading your question; in it, author Leigh Cowart examines their own experiences with ballet, eating disorders, and kink as well as people who partake in pain-seeking activities like eating record-setting amounts of painfully hot peppers, taking part in body-breaking ultramarathons, and flinging themselves into frigid waters on purpose. I think it's very notable that many of the people they talk to discuss former addictions that were much more actively detrimental to their quality of life than their current pain fix; sometimes it's not a matter of "I'm not hurting myself at all," but "hurting myself eating peppers will fuck me up a lot less than hurting myself with alcohol."
if you think about it there are dozens of activities that can simultaneously get a brain pumping dopamine and set off our pain receptions. pulling from just two of my own experiences, I love the pain of a needle when getting a new tattoo, and I love how wrecked my body feels after a couple hours of bouldering - and yes, both of those come with a drop afterwards! does that mean they qualify as self-harm? I don't think so, no, but I can also easily see how either could slip into that, if I were to start pushing my body regularly beyond the threshold of acceptable pain into something more than I can comfortable handle. the problem is that, as I said, that line isn't universal, and sometimes the only way to find out for sure is to push a little too far and see what happens.
it's also worth pointing out that, in terms of sexual masochism specifically, the idea of anything being "completely safe" is a discouraged by a lot of people within the community. this is a large part of RACK, or risk-aware consensual kink; substituting the "safe" in "safe, sane, and consensual" with an acknowledgement that sex involving acts of physical violence, no matter how well-negotiated, cannot ever be 100% perfectly risk free, and that this is a risk that participants must either be willing to accept or not engage with. to my thinking, at least, being risk-aware also means knowing the emotional harm that you would be making yourself vulnerable to by participating, and taking responsibility for that by not seeking out potentially harmful situations.
(safe, sane, and consensual has been reevaluated and contested in other ways in recent years; I wrote more about that and its history here for the curious.)
it seems clear that you're aware of which side of that line you've fallen on in the past, and I'm glad it's something you've been able to recognize and change your behavior around, as it sounds like avoiding SM situations entirely is great for you right now. I don't know if you're on a break from sex altogether, but if you are feeling wary about it, then it certainly couldn't hurt. it bears mentioning that even the most vanilla sex on earth can be (and often is) a form of self harm as much as kinky sex; as always, the thing that matters in the context and the experience of the individual involved.
in regards to any kind of sex, my advice is generally pretty blunt: if you're not sure whether or not something will fuck you up, don't do it. why would you take that risk? there are plenty of spaces in our lives where we have to put up with things that suck, but when it comes to your sex life that shit's completely customizable. skip the things that you're unsure about, focus on what you know works for you, whether that's vanilla sex, kinky sex, or no sex at all.
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pomefioredove · 27 days
Hi! I'm 🔥 anon and first of all thank you so much for taking my previous request, I loved it!💜 And I'd like to participate in the matchmaker event!
I'm an ambivert, I'm usually outgoing when around people but I love and need to have time for myself to relax. I'm good at reading people's thoughts and emotions and always try to attune my personality and the way I talk and act to make the other person at ease.
I'm patient and respectful, but there's a reason if my friends fear me when I get angry. I'm very emotional, but I usually have a grip on it and try to keep myself in check around other people, but sometimes it's difficult to contain myself when I am really happy.
Hobbies: reading (books and mangas, mainly thriller and fantasy), music (listening and singing), going on walks in nature, videogames and I love building wood models
As interests I'll say art in general, I have lots of artbooks from manga artists and sometimes I get lost in them.
I'd prefer to exclude Riddle, Cater, Ace, Deuce, Leona, Ruggie, Kalim, Epel, Idia, Ortho, Sebek and Neige (not because I don't like them, but I could never see them as more than platonic)
Thanks in advance, I'm so curious now!!
I match you with 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝐕𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫
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The First Impression:
Much to his surprise, it was you who understood him first. Being friends with Kalim, you had heard him mentioned a few times before, but the first time you put a face to the name was at a Scarabia party, where, instead of partaking in the festivities, he was fuming off in the background.
Why He Fell:
There's something so... different about the way you interact with him. Jamil was caught off guard by your demeanor at first, and for a while, questioned if you had some ability to read his mind. The thought made him a little uneasy, though when he overhears you describing your ability to read people to Kalim, he's able to put two-and-two together.
See, Jamil has never had anyone put much thought into his feelings, let alone how they treat him. Kalim, to him, is a blundering idiot who couldn't discern happy from infuriated on Jamil's face, and no one else has given him the time of day, so when he starts noticing you treating him the way he wants to be treated... well, he's hooked.
The Relationship:
The way you're easy to read puts him at ease. The perfect balance of respectful and emotional, where your patience and thoughtfulness mirrors his, but along with the freedom to say exactly what he's thinking...
It's actually quite nice having you on his side. Watching you get upset at others on his behalf is an absolute treat to him, more fun than he could ever have with someone who's stoic all the time.
Your interests captivate him as well, as odd as he might think them. Though, he's especially interested in your passion for thriller literature, as he's always one to appreciate a good mystery.
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criminalskies · 10 months
Hi Rome! I wanted to reach out to you because I feel this is a safe space and I know it’s stupid because we don’t even really know each other but I feel like I can trust you and that I have your support. Anyway, I wanted to kind of ask for advice on my sexuality if that’s ok. I’ve been kind of questioning it the last few years but am not really sure what I identify with. I always used to think I was straight but now it feels like I don’t belong in that “category”
I don’t like s3x. I don’t find it to feel good or be fun or anything like that. I don’t mind reading smutty stuff sometimes but when it gets too descriptive, I’m out.
I mostly find men attractive, but I sometimes find women attractive as well. But I don’t really feel sexually drawn to either of them. Like the most I feel is fantasizing about holding their hand or cuddling or maybe making out but certainly nothing past that. I mean I’ve had dreams (not like fantasizing but literal night time dreams) about being with both a man or a woman, but idk if that means anything. And I’ve found that some of the people I find attractive aren’t your typical “hot” people and it thinks it’s because I might care more about who they are than what they look like? Idk
I sometimes fantasize about having a relationship, but in reality I don’t want one. I think I more just like the idea of it and how they are in books and movies, but not the real life situation. Especially when I think about being with someone all the time. I prefer to be on my own. Which I guess is why I wonder if this even really matters, but I feel like I need to know even if it’s not applied?
Anyway, sorry, I’m rambling!! I just wanted someone to discuss this with I guess and I don’t really want to go to my family yet, which is why I wanted to reach out to you (and I guess the tumblr community if you decide to answer this and it’s on your feed lol) and if you do choose to share any advice, thank you, I love you, I love your writing, and the nasty anon people who share their evil words can kindly piss off! <3
Hi baby! Let me start this off by saying there’s no reason for you to feel silly at all, I say that this account is a safe space and I really mean it. I’m glad you feel comfortable and supported by me because that’s a goal of mine to have people always feel that way on my page.
Now, I’m assuming you’re here bc you’ve seen me talk about times in my life when I’ve thought I was asexual or even aromantic? and that stays true. admittedly when you sent me this ask I went full dad mode googling the aro/ace spectrum lingo and terms to make sure I’m giving you the best information. I also researched this stuff a bunch myself because as you say it’s all a bit confusing when you feel you fall between the ‘categories’.
But that’s an important point for me to make here: asexuality and aromanticism are fluid and exist on a spectrum. All our life experiences and ups and downs and mindsets and the people in our lives can change or skew these things, and that’s okay! I don’t expect to identify the exact same way forever. Honestly, when I first learned what aro and ace were, I was a bit lost because doesn’t everybody feel like this sometimes?
So with my newfound research let me try to talk you through what you’re saying?
You don’t like sex, not fun, not desirable, that’s completely valid. I’m finding more and more myself that I maybe fall somewhere under that umbrella, but an interesting term I found online helped me here:
Tumblr media
All the different niches of asexuality get a little confusing, but I resonate a lot with this one. I find myself with very little desire to actually partake in sex, but enjoying the fantasies or hypotheticals to be really interesting. I enjoy reading smut and even writing it once in a blue moon, but yeah, in terms of the real thing, I’m becoming increasingly unsure it’s my cup of tea.
I notice you said sometimes smut can be your cup of tea, if it’s nondescript or just implied etc, but usually isn’t. I completely understand what you mean. I think that’s a completely valid stance. You aren’t completely repulsed by sex but you’re also not aroused by it, I totally hear you!
Now you say you find yourself attracted to men and to women, but not sexually. I feel that. I fantasise about having someone to hold hands with and play with their hair, cuddle up under blankets to watch movies, all that fun jazz all the time! so it sounds to me like you’re existing somewhere on the ace spectrum, but you’re not aromantic. That is, you do feel romantic attraction, you do want a partner in some things outside of platonic life. Again! Man!!! I hear you! I want the quiet days and the running errands and having someone who knows me like the back of their hand, but I’m not sure I want that person sexually or at least not all the time.
And the people you’re attracted to, it’s less because of that primary attraction (this term comes up a lot in ace literature, it’s that feeling non-ace people get when they see someone and immediately a fire is lit in their belly, they want that person) and more because you get to know and love them as a person. You are preaching to the damn choir here.
Secondary Attraction is a term for that feeling that slowly grows over time, particularly romantic feelings for someone. It’s mostly coined by Demisexual people, which I feel like maybe you’re fitting into, only not in the sexual way, but in the romantic way. Like you might be asexual but demiromantic where all of your attraction comes from getting to know the person underneath. Sorry if it sounds like I’m making up words at this point but i think it helps to have some language to help describe how you’re feeling. But again! There’s no necessity to define these things. Just saying you’re asexual but you feel romantic attraction can cut it, or saying nothing at all is fine, too. You don’t have to fit into any little boxes sweetheart. Although it can be comforting to know that others fit into the same one, that you’re not alone. But let me tell you, you aren’t 💕💗 I’m right here and I feel you!
Now the part where you say you don’t want a forever relationship, I can understand too. Now it sounds a little like you might exist somewhere within aromantic because you don’t have that desire to have a romantic relationship. That is so okay too.
there are some ace-aro people who are referred to as greysexual or greyromantic (I know this sounds so made up but it helped me feel seen) who can feel some degree of sexual attraction or some degree of romantic attraction sometimes, but for the most part they fit under the general umbrella. Remember, time changes all. We aren’t going to be the same people we are today forever, so we can’t expect one identity to withstand the force of time alone, things change and that’s okay.
Please please remember that being ace or aro does not mean your life will be any less fulfilling than people who have partners. I know that in media, romantic love can be shown as being something a level above platonic love, but really truly your life can be just as marvellous without it my dear.
Please do not apologise for rambling, Rome loves to ramble. My inbox is always open for rambling sweetheart! I have definitely doubled the length of your ramble at this point anyways so I’ll cut to the chase. I threw a lot of labels o it there for you to try them on and see what feels right, but truly, labels aren’t a necessary part of being a human being. You are no less interesting or less important or less understood if you can’t make yourself fit into any one of these categories my love. You’re human, humans are complex and every single one is an anomaly of something. That’s what makes us so damn interesting, okay?
I see you and I understand you. Thank you for coming to me to talk about this, I hope any single thing I’ve said helps. There is no need at all to run to people with a definition of it, it’s perfectly okay to just tell them what you’ve told me, which is how you feel.
Now I love you too my sweet summer child and I’m so glad you enjoy my writing and my blog! And I agree, that anon was a whole mess but for the most part it seems to be over now. I’m so glad I didn’t disable all anon asks now though because then I never would have gotten this from you. I hope I have been of any help at all! The bottom line is you are loved and you are you. There’s no need to change that. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💜🩷
also I have about eleven more screenshots from this site if you want them but it’s just all the terms I tried to describe.
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why do the people who age up fictional characters get hate but the writers who are legal and share smut with real life minors dont get any hate at all
Hi Anon, this is going to go on for a while. Sorry, sorta.
I'm going to answer this as best I can and I hope you find some closure or at the very least, some part of something you were looking for.
The long and short of it is, I don't know.
I think maybe because the stuff on the internet is so much more easily accessible is one of the main reasons (we) fanfic writers are such direct targets. Sure, I know books are everywhere, too. Though, don't stores card for stuff like that? I haven't purchased a paper copy of anything for so long that I don't know what the protocol is. And I look well over 18+ so maybe they just don't bother carding people who look it.
There are plenty of books out there that are not appropriate for anyone under the age of 18. Possibly - depending on one's beliefs - for people over the age of 18.
That's not for me to decide, though.
What I DO MAKE SURE TO DO is label each piece of writing I do that is not for a younger audience and put in my bio that what I write is not for the consumption of anyone under 18. I believe my exact words were "This shit show is 18+. You've been warned." Something like that.
I put a second 18+ in case the first one was missed.
I think it's just a matter of access. The internet is, for all intents and purposes, free, once you have an opening to it you can get damn near anything you really want to see on it without parental consent. Unless you have parents who have put a block on this dumpster fire. In which case, you should make a mental note to thank them when you're grown and see just what the Christ is going on out here sometimes, lol. If you're in a bookstore and you want to buy a copy of Playboy, you're going to be shut down from your attempt if you're ... oh, say 15? 16? Either that or heavily carded/ID'd. And if you don't provide verifiable proof of your age, they should turn you away.
I'm not saying that because this stuff is so easy to get to that it's ok by any means for any minor to read. I wish that everyone who isn't of legal age (here or wherever they reside) would heed the warnings. They're there for a reason.
Now, I'm going to touch on aging up characters. I'm guilty of not always putting that I aged up whoever I was writing about if they needed to be. But THEY'RE FAKE. They're lines. They're art. They're paper, basically. Ink and paper. So I don't understand how someone can go from blasting an actual pedo to getting on here and saying that fanfic writers are just as bad. It pisses me off, if I'm being honest. The comparison is quite a stretch, I think. Because while I am not that faithful about documenting that I aged up characters, in my head, they're no younger than 21-40. And that's probably why I don't say I am aging them up because I just don't see them as minors. I've noticed that male characters in anime often look considerably older than they are. Maybe that's because they're the hero of the day or whatever. And I don't write about female characters. Not because I hate them, but I really just don't have any interest in doing that.
The vast majority of us all make it a point to say that the character(s) we write about are of legal age to partake in such ... activities. I don't know. I went through a phase where I felt like absolute shit about myself because of some of the stuff I read about people (on HERE - other writers) comparing someone who abuses an actual minor to a writer that talks about getting down and dirty with a 17 yr old superhero (again, they don't exist). But when I came to the conclusion (very shortly after reading those opinions) that I would never never never ever ever ever do anything so fucking disgusting, I got over it.
There are miles between reality and fiction. If someone else can't separate the two, maybe they're the ones who need the help?
The whole premise of that world, the anime world, is the impossible. Is it not? And I'm not saying in any capacity is it ok to look at someone and assume just because they look older that it must be ok to engage with them. IT'S NOT.
I hope this offered you some clarity, Anon. And I apologize for going off. I guess your question was a good one to make me think so much.
~ S
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toaverse · 2 years
Thank you, anon!!
Mirabel felt lonely and left out of the family, to say the least. She felt unspecial and talentless...
You see, her Abuela Alma was a respected member of the community and school council.
Her Abuelo Pedro was an inventor before he died.
Her Papá Agustín was a bee keeper and sells honey the town, which was beloved by the community.
Her Mamá Julieta was a well known chef and restaurant owner, which the townspeople regularly visit to eat.
Her Tía Pepa was a known weather reporter who appeared on the news regularly. Her side of the family lived somewhere else, but Pepa was still close with Julieta and Isabela.
Her Tío Bruno was an aspiring author who had written a few books that were on the market. Though he got ostracized from the family after Pepa blamed him for "ruining" her wedding...
her Tío Félix was a beloved dance teacher who taught his students all well known dances, from the salsa to the tango.
Her oldest sister Isabela was a florist who ran her own small flower shop at 21, while also doing a model gig.
Her second older sister Luisa was a personal trainer at a gym at 19.
Her oldest cousin Dolores worked at a bookstore, while also writing her own telenovela. She was also engaged to her long-time boyfriend Mariano.
Her second older cousin Camilo was quite popular in their high school, partaking in drama club, and had gotten the lead in a school play.
Her younger cousin Antonio was still 5 years old, but he already knew he wanted work which involved taking care of animals.
But her? Mirabel Madrigal? She wasn't anything special. unlike her family, she had nothing to offer. What can you do with embroidery anyways?
Mirabel felt like she had no one...
But one day, that changed.
Mira was in her room, home alone again, her parents and sisters being busy with their beloved jobs and careers.
While she was working on a new dress, she accidentally hurts her finger with a needle.
She lets out an "ow", and so Baymax was activated.
"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion." The robot said, waving at his patient. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how how would you rate your pain?"
Mira looked at the robot for a moment. Baymax must be one of Abuelo Pedro's inventions...
"A 1?" Mirabel answered, holding her hurt finger to sooth the pain. "I'm fine, gracias."
"I cannot deactivate until you say you're satisfied with your care." Baymax said on protocol.
An idea then popped in Mira's head. She didn't have any company, nor even a single friend. And this giant marshmallow was right here. So why couldn't Baymax keep her company until her parents and sisters come home?
"Say Baymax, what do you think of this?" Mira asked, showing the dress she's working on.
"It looks colorful." Baymax simply answered.
That simple answer made Mira crack a smile.
From that day on, the two became best friends.
Whenever the family worked or went out, Mira would activate Baymax to hang out, showing him her embroidery projects, even sewing a ruana for the robot with a marshmallow pattern! :D
But sometimes, Mira would break down in tears, letting out her pain about her feeling worthless compared to the family. In those moments, Baymax would always hug her, telling her it's okay to cry.
Mira was so happy to finally have someone to hang out with and talk to.
Until the family found out...
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wvldorf · 1 year
I'm a diff anon, but no calling someone gay is not an insult. The way a lot of the tumblr fandom talks about players is just strange behaviour which is why I could never make a blog and partake in it all without calling you all out for crossing lines. I think you forget that footballers are real people and not just characters to project onto. Of course I don't expect you to do any self reflection on this
oh great we’ve got ourselves a second one. thank you for clearing up the fact that being gay isnt insulting in 2023 that made me feel much better. here’s your activism badge for today ! you know what i’d gladly ask you why you think we’re not considering they’re real people ?? like a player demonstrating affection towards another and tumblr users labelling it as couply-behaviour wouldnt be considered a monstrosity and lack of human decency in my books but then again thats me. however asking you that would mean that i’d have the energy to deal with your answer and i’ve done enough of that today so no thanks. ///ps: choosing to come into my inbox after most possibly reading the other anon’s take on ‘homosexual activity’ as they call it shows where your priorities stand and i suggest you choose your battles next time. but you’re right im not about to engage on a self reflection for an anonymous ask i got on tumblr at 23 years of age. maturity is a gift i guess
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unusual-raccoon · 11 months
For that violence ask game! :)
2, 12, 16, 23
Thank you, anon 🤍
2. A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Jacaerys Velaryon (my baby boy 🤍) has too many issues with authority (particularly male authority) and control to simply hand it over to a sexual partner. He's learned to be his own father figure and not rely on others to see results (ex., appointing Corlys as hand, smuggling his brothers to safety). He's been vulnerable in so many aspects of his life and wouldn't readily welcome that into his bed. He's on top.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them?
I wouldn't describe him as unpopular, but I have a feeling season 2 will vastly underplay his value with Laenor Velaryon being alive: I'm talking about Addam Velaryon ( a lot of my faves are underrated in my opinion 😭). Addam Velaryon is such a standout character to me because of all he does in such a short time. He defies the odds during the Red Sowing and tames a dragon that previous killed Ser Steffon Darklyn, a distinguished member of the Queensguard. Addam is also one of the few reported cases of a bastard child (he's abt 14-15 in the books, HBO please stop aging my sons up) being named legitimate. He is a momma's boy (affectionate) and fiercely protective of his family. Even after being slandered with crimes he didn't commit by his unstable queen, Addam goes on to rally thousands in the name of the very same woman who ordered his arrest. Why? Because he's loyal. It's written on his grave. In the end, it's his loyalty to his queen and the men that rallied under him that leads to his death. Also, p.p.s he gets bonus points for actually partaking in a literal dance of dragons (Blowing kisses at Seasmoke & Tessarion 🤍🩵). I feel as though most people forget about Addam and in part, I believe that's because he dies so young. The actual best dragonseed and I will not be taking any criticism on that.
Honorable Mention for hated fave: Viserys Targaryen - Paddy elevated the character in such a tremendous way that can be adored despite his flaws. I LOVE HIM.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
Rhaenicent being in love... SO many fics include a nod to them being in love (pretty sure the actresses have said something about it as well), or having shared something in the past and I- I don't get it. I can get down with unrequited love, I absolutely can, but like...
Their relationship was not like that in the books. Anybody who has talked to me for any extended period of time knows that I am not into rhaenicent, but written in a convincing way I can appreciate aspects of them. But authors lazily telling me they've always loved one another...sorry, babe, I'm not buying it. It is just not a headcanon that I don't enjoy, and if beaten over the head in a fic, I will actively nope-out.
Honorable Mention: Poor MeowMeow Aemond. Do I feel sympathetic towards his character? Absolutely (and I love him). Do I think any of these kids were morally right growing up? Not really (except for luke? Boy started swinging just because he saw his older brother get hurt - i'm coming back with the loyalty) I hate team green fans who develop such vitriol towards JaceLuke on Aemond's behalf.
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to
Alysmond...in rare instances. Book!Alysmond is just...not it. But certain fics recontextualize the relationship in a way that makes them engaging. (Also, Aemond, just admit you wann fuck ur mom and ur nephew, so you found some middle ground between the two).
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin Characters as Royal/Fantasy AU plots [All male characters]
Notes: It’s longer than I thought...
Do tell me which one seems interesting or which one is your favourite so I can start the series on it XD 
Or maybe you guys think “Oh hey this plot would be better for the other character” Tell me! Any thots at all, I love to hear them <3
Warning: death of minor characters. dark themes in some of them. some angst. NOT PROOFREAD…I’m sorry that I don’t proofread my work >_> If I missed anyone... welp, I’m sorry.
Characters: Aether (I missed Aether last time, I’m sorry), Albedo, Bennett, Chongyun, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Razor, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli x fem!reader
Special thanks to ladybug anon, @simplypotz and @minyoustar for feeding my royal AU brainrot :D 
Personal favourites in this work: Dainsleif, Kaeya, Scaramouche and Xiao
You’re a princess and he’s a prince of another country. Simple childhood friends that were promised to each other at a young age. It was only when you were older that you realized the two of you were to be wedded at a certain age. With that thought in mind, it was hard to interact with him without thinking about the fact that he was going to be your husband. Still, it wasn’t such a bad thing in your mind. After all, Aether had always been a prince who looked after you, and always had your best interests in heart. It takes you a while to realize that there’s something a little strange about Prince Aether and that he’s changed a little. You find out what it is as you stumble upon a room with a huge magic circle in it. You figure out that he’s trying to revive his twin sister, and he needs a human sacrifice. You fit all the required descriptions.
A prince, but also a well-known scholar. His people don’t see much of him because he’s always locked up in his library, researching various things. The king and queen have tried time and time again to present various princesses for him to choose from. He refuses every one of them. He thinks they’re all just rich girls from rich families attending their rich dinners. No substance at all. Until you come along. You who told his parents that they didn’t need to arrange a dinner, you’d be the one to look for Prince Albedo in his library. So this book-loving prince was startled when you, a book-loving princess, accompany him in the library, partaking in his research and readings. He let’s his guard down, and the moment he does, his research papers disappear and you’ve disappeared along with them. 
The young, aspiring knight. He has all the energy a new recruit would have. Sparkly-eyed, determined and strong-willed. He’s actually a baron, but only adopted into the royal family so some people don’t really see him as a real royal. He doesn’t let that get him down though because he doesn’t see himself as much of a royal either. He’d rather be a knight, go on journeys and be given important tasks. You’re the princess that he serves and it’s not a crime to have a little crush on you right? Looking from afar never hurt anyone. It’d be blasphemy for a knight his rank to even think of talking to you.
He started off as an apprentice sorcerer in the palace. Eager to learn and serve. Years later he’s climbed the ranks and has become the High Sorcerer. He’s tasked to accompany you if ever there’s any business outside the country. You always try to ease his nerves by telling him to lighten up, but he takes his work of protecting you seriously. The attraction between the two of you is undeniable, but neither of you act on it because you know your parents would never approve. In a twist of fate, Chongyun ends up saving your life during a dangerous situation. Your parents decide to give him a fair chance to woo you. They arrange a battle royal, open for all sorcerers. Whoever wins may wed you. 
A prince that was already happily engaged to someone else. However, she was lost to an illness. He didn’t care if he was re-arranged to someone else, so that’s what happened and he was arranged to you. It was literally just an arranged marriage. Aside from the wedding day, you never even stayed in the same room as him. It was a miserable first few months for you, the other noblewomen started to whisper and spread rumors that the prince didn’t even love you and treated you like a maid. However, you put a bit more effort in getting to know him, and slowly, he realizes that he’d been treating you unfairly. Just when the two of you start getting closer, another princess shows up, and she looks exactly like Prince Dainsleif’s dead lover. 
Diluc automatically became the king when his father passed away. He watches over his kingdom quietly and does so diligently, day and night. People get the wrong impression of him as he rarely smiles. Still, he’s held in high regard as he’s at the top of the hierarchy. Before his father passed, one of his last wishes was for him to marry a particular duchess. It was just an agreement made between his father and yours. Diluc wanted to honour it. He, of course, just thinks of it as something that needs to be done. He doesn’t communicate well with others, including you. It’s a rather awkward marriage with a lot of silence, but you play your part as the queen and offer your assistance in any way you can. Pretty soon he starts to see that the support you give is quite valuable and an irreplaceable bond starts to form between the two of you. Imagine his shock when he finds out that your father was involved in the death of his. 
Grand Commander of the archery unit in the royal infantry. Everyone in that unit answers to him. He stands at the same position as the Grand Commander of the knights. You’re the princess of the kingdom he serves. One day, you mysteriously approach Gorou and ask him to teach you how to use the bow. He’s dumbfounded.  “Pardon me for asking, princess, why are you interested in learning how to wield a weapon at all? You have us and the knights under your hands to protect you,”
“To protect me, or my father?” your question doesn’t make sense to him. In his mind he serves both you AND your father. It’s only later on that Gorou understands, when the crimes of your evil father are exposed, a resistance was made against him. Your father orders his royal infantry to kill all resistance members, but you’re at the heart of the resistance. It’s here that Gorou needs to decide if he serves you, or your father. 
Leader of a bandit group. Some people just saw them as hooligans, but they were an organized group, able to execute their plans cleanly. Somehow and some way, you, a baroness, gets kidnapped by Itto. You’re terrified and instantly hate his guts. However, you find out that there’s a reason behind his planned kidnapping. He doesn’t plan to hurt you at all, and his members treat you with respect. All he had wanted was for the nobles to listen to his requests, his village is dying, caving under poverty and lack of resources, and yet none of the nobles have sent any kind of support to even help the village get up on its two feet again. You’re humbled by this encounter and make it a mission to try and help his village get the support it needed. You succeed in passing on Itto’s message, but you’re forbidden to ever see him again. 
The carefree prince and brother of King Diluc. Seeing him gallivanting around town was normal and the townspeople loved his sociable energy. The two of you were childhood frenemies, always bickering since you were younger and even through your teenage years. Still, your mothers arranged the two of you into a marriage and you were not happy about it. Kaeya seemed to feel the same. He didn’t act like your husband for months, still going out to masquerades by himself and talking up noblewomen. One day, while he’s at a ball by himself, he gets poisoned. The only antidote is a flower from a neighbouring country which you immediately go to retrieve. The prince of the neighbouring country is evil and powerful. He says that you can take all the flowers you want, but you’ll have to stay in his country with him. You agree and pass off the flowers to the knights, telling them that Prince Kaeya is running out of time and it’s the only way. The knights comply and when Kaeya wakes up, all better, he wonders where you are. The knights proceed to tell him the whole story. 
The princess’ personal guard. Not a knight, but someone who has to be quick on his feet and a master of the sword. After all, he’s the first responder if anything were to happen to you. He’s the one person who’s sat through all of your meetings. Went to all of your royal parties. Sits in the carriage with you. As such, you spend a lot of time with him. He’s rather gentle and unassuming. Doesn’t look like he’s deadly with a sword at all. The two of you have a certain attraction going on, but neither of you act on it because you know it would never happen. One day, your engagement is announced. Your parents have taken a liking to a certain prince. Kazuha has no say over it, merely continuing to serve you. Weeks before your wedding you’re taken hostage at a royal gathering. A dark sorcerer claims that he needs your blood, pure and untainted, to finish an ongoing ritual. Your soon to be husband turns tail and runs, not even giving you a second glance in order to save his own life. None other than Kazuha steps up to save you when everyone else had already fled in a panic.
Born to a poor family and never getting the education he needed, he struggles to communicate with others, but has very good fighting skills and a strong sense of survival. Both his parents died due to poverty and because he doesn’t fit in around town, he builds his own small house in the woods. One day as he’s returning home he finds a young lady passed out and scratched up at the trail leading to his home. Without thinking much of it, he picks you up and takes you home to nurse you back to health. When you wake up all healed you realize he doesn’t talk much and find out that he doesn’t really know how to read or write. He’s kind enough not to shoo you out of his small house so you decide that you’d at least teach him how to talk and read the language to repay him for saving you. A mutual friendship had formed between the two of you and he was thankful that you taught him so many things. You stayed at his for about a week, until one night, his house is surrounded by knights shouting “Give the princess back!”
Dubbed “The Ruthless Prince”. He gets what he wants, whenever he wants it. Anyone who does him wrong will be executed and people didn’t doubt it because there’d been rumors of him keeping prisoners in the palace’s dungeons. So if he wants to marry a commoner, then he’ll marry a commoner. That’s what happens when he’s out one day on his horse and just spots you at a store. There isn’t really anything special about you, but you catch his eye and he points “That one, I want that one,” as if you’re some kind of toy in a toy shop. You’re whisked away and dressed in proper noble and princess clothing and realize that you’re going to be married to him, no questions asked. Your family will be given however much money they want. Your family doesn’t push you to do it, but your parents were far from rich and worked hard all their lives, you really wanted to at least give them a good life so you agree. It can’t be that bad right?
The two of you were already engaged, just waiting for the long awaited day to come, a marriage of two countries. Despite it being arranged, prince Tartaglia spent a lot of his time getting to know you and finding out that you are exactly what he wants in a life partner. He cherishes you like no other. However, arguments and disagreements ensued between your father and his, and instead of the wedding going through, a war erupted between his country and yours, tearing the two of you apart. You find ways to exchange letters in secret, and plan to meet up in the woods at a certain date and time. What Tartaglia didn’t know was that his letters were being monitored. His father knew exactly where you were meeting and had already planned to ambush you.
A kind and humble prince who treated everyone equally, commoners included. Your father is the royal family’s doctor and when you were of age, you start to accompany him to learn more about how to be one yourself. That’s how Prince Thoma meets you and is also how you get to know him better. Years later you’re engaged to him but life as a commoner turned noble isn’t easy. In any gathering, masquerade, ball or tea party, everyone looks at you as if you’re dirt under their feet. The noblewomen are particularly bad during tea parties, making you the target of their bullying. It proves to be too much, and you return to Thoma expressing that you didn’t want to go on with the wedding. He realizes he hadn’t been mindful enough of your struggles and tries to win you back.
Prince Venti was already engaged to you. He couldn’t quite say that he loved you, but he enjoyed your presence and was on very friendly terms with you. Other than you, Princess Sarah was a good friend of Prince Venti’s, and frequently visited Prince Venti’s palace. She was quite jealous of you, who seemed to come out of nowhere and gotten between her and Prince Venti. 
Prince Venti was known to be a genius in the art of music and one of the palace’s prized possession was the holy lyre, passed on from generations and generations of nobility. One day, it goes missing, and is found to be hidden under your pillow in your bedroom. You have no clue how it ends up there and swear to Venti that you didn’t touch it at all. Nevertheless the evidence was too strong, the engagement was cut and you went from being a princess to a nobody real quick, shunned by royalty, shunned by Venti, and even by your own parents, disgusted by your crime. However, weeks later Venti finds out that Princess Sarah had been the one to take the lyre and put it in your bedroom, framing you for the theft. 
A prince, but also the grand commander of the knights. Formidable in battle and is always in the front lines of war. He didn’t care much for romance and is always busy with his knightly duties. Even for the announcement of his engagement to you, he was out leading the knights into battle. You see each other during the wedding day, after that, he’s off again. It’s like you’re not married at all, until one day his father forces him out of his knight duties. Xiao begrudgingly spends time with you but also secretly feels sorry that you’re wedded to him. He’s surprised though, because the first time he sits at the breakfast table with you, you were pleasant and didn’t even fault him for being away for so long. Instead you ask questions about him and try to get to know him more. Gradually he opens up to you but is needed in the front lines soon after. He’s reluctant to leave this time, eager to come back to you. Not even three days into his duties, he’s given an urgent request to come back to the palace. You’ve been struck by an unknown disease and it’s eating your life away.
You’re a new recruit in Prince Xingqiu’s royal army. You were adept in the magic artes and they quickly realize you had the potential to be a high sorcerer. It doesn’t take long for you to get to the rank, possibly a few months, and you’re now tasked with the job of being Prince Xingqiu’s protector wherever he went. The Prince was warm and cordial, and treated you with the utmost respect and admiration. In return, you took your work seriously and watched over him closely. Over time the two of you built a friendship that revolved around trust. Xingqiu wouldn’t have to worry about his back if you were with him. 
It’s one particular afternoon that you’re ambushed in the woods, the knights surround Prince Xingqiu’s carriage, protecting him and you start to put up a magic barrier around the knights. Before your spell finishes, you’re thrown towards the nearest tree trunk and pushed against it. Your captor states loudly. “Y/N, your job was to kill the prince, you incompetent fool. You’ve taken far too long, we’re taking matters into our own hands,” Xingqiu hears everything from the carriage, and by the time everything’s over and the knights have warded the enemies away, you were gone. 
A wise, well spoken prince. Looks at everything objectively and does not get agitated easily. Also the grand commander of the lance fournies (basically knights on horseback that uses the lance instead of a sword). You’re already married to him and the romance the two of you had was just beginning to blossom. He cared for you more and more each day. 
The kingdom was struck by an earthquake one night, although it only lasted a few seconds. Everyone thought that was the end of it, but the earthquakes became more frequent. Rumors and legends start to spread that the ancient dragon sealed underneath a large tree outside of town was starting to awaken again, and it was threatening the peace of the kingdom. Zhongli investigates and realizes that the rumors are true. The ancient seal was withering away and no one knew how to fix it nor defeat the dragon. However, the dragon speaks. In three days, the seal will break. The only way to stop it is to present it with an offering of its choice. The dragon chooses the prince’s wife to be the offering. 
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
eyeliner. [xiao & zhongli]
prompt: “i saw that ask about the liyue characters and their eye makeup and it just made me think... what would xiao and zhongli's reactions be if their s/o asked them to help apply it on themselves ;-; it seems to be an adepti or just really old liyuean tradition which is so cool” as requested by anon pairing: xiao x gn!reader, zhongli x gn!reader word count: 1.1k a/n: haven’t written for zhongli in 20 trillion years,,, uhhhh,,,, thank u for the request though !! was fun to write even if this took me a... strangely long time to complete
"xiao," you singsong, leaning over to your lover and bumping shoulders with him gently. "remember our deal?"
upon your words, xiao's amber irises move to look at you out of the corner of his eye, typical stoic expression dropping into an unamused frown.
"i remember no such agreement," the adeptus says, folding his arms over his chest and turning to look at you, his gaze piercing into yours. "i do not see why you are so insistent on partaking in an adepti tradition." his viridescent hair ruffles slightly in presence of the breeze of the open window in your shared room at wangshu inn.
you let out a soft huff of air. "it's makeup! i didn't know it was a crime to want to match with my-" you pause and narrow your eyes at xiao, which causes him to narrow his eyes as well. "wait. if you don't remember the agreement, why did you know exactly what i was talking about?"
xiao stares at you silently, mulling over your words. "mortal minds tend to forget things. i was hoping maybe this would slip your mind as well." his words are brutally harsh, yet you can see faint amusement swirling in the vibrant eyes you had come to adore. the adeptus leans in closer to you. "however, if you do wish for me to keep up my end of the contract, i believe i can fulfill my duty."
his words are sharply edged, yet beyond the blades of his terse tone lies a soft affection reserved only for you, stuffing woven from the threads of love that cushion his words and let you know that he means no ill will despite his characteristically sharp tone. the adeptus reaches over and interlaces his hand in your own, giving your hand a gentle squeeze once it's secured in his grasp.
"i normally believe mortals should refrain from interfering in adepti affairs," xiao begins and you let out a soft sigh at your hopes being crushed by your lover once more. "however, you are unlike any other mortal."
"how so?" you ask, gaze flicking to your interlocked hands. xiao lets out a gentle laugh at the naivety of your expression, a noise that only you have been allowed to hear fall from his lips.
"i love you," xiao states. his words are blunt, but you adore him for it. xiao has never been one to beat around the bush and his startlingly candid declarations of his emotions towards you have never failed to make your face flush with heat or failed to make your heart beat faster. a slight smug smirk appears on his face as he watches your eyes widen at the three little words, but the smile quickly falls from his face as you utter your next words.
"so does that mean you'll do my makeup?" you blurt, stumbling over your words.
"if you wish to match so much... i guess i can. come here." xiao insists, pulling your hand in his as he guides you over to the bathroom before hoisting you up so you can sit on the counter while he does your makeup. with you sitting on the high countertop, you tower over his figure, yet you can't help but feel small as he positions himself between your legs and leans in close with a makeup brush in hand, a knowing smirk gracing his perfectly crafted features.
"close your eyes," he murmurs and you do, electing to let him paint you in a style that marks you as none other than his lover.
"you wish for me to assist in your makeup application?"
zhongli's voice is a soft rumble, a quieted and affectionate tone reserved for only when the two of you are alone together. an uncharacteristic look of trepidation crosses his face after the words fall from his lips, yet his question lacks any form of judgment. nervousness makes itself apparent in the furrow of his eyebrows, but your reassuring grin causes the furrows to soften as you hold up a bag that is all-too-familiar to the ex-archon.
"actually," you begin slowly, hesitant to voice your request. "i was hoping you could do your typical look on me... but only if that's okay with you!"
you watch his honeyed hues widen slightly in surprise, cheeks flushing with a faint pink hue that disappears far too soon for your liking. zhongli quickly recovers, rewarding your proposal with a slight smirk as adoration seeps into his alluring golden irises, illuminating them with the soft warmth of love. he clears his throat slightly, trying to save face from his break in composure.
"of course, darling," zhongli responds, gently closing the book in his hands and setting it to the side. "i would love to do so. after all, such a makeup look originates from the goddess of dust herself, guizhong, and has been used by the adepti for centuries. upon taking this form, i elected to take this look due to the rich history behind both the choice of pigment and positioning of the eyeshadow..."
as he rambles on, you softly pad over to him, placing the required materials in his hands and sitting down in the seat next to him. you eagerly scoot over as he drones on and you can't help yourself from grinning widely at your lover, whose passionate and deeply-voiced words encompass you in a comforting and reliable hug. zhongli's unfocused eyes suddenly focus upon your own and his voice trailed off before another nervous dusting of rosy coloring coats his cheeks once more.
"ah, forgive me, was i rambling yet again?" he asks and you shake your head in response.
"no, i was listening to every word, i promise." you insist and his eyes narrow at your blatant lie.
"oh really?" zhongli's words are laced with amusement. "what was the last thing i said?"
"ah," you pause and zhongli's entertained smirk slightly upon realizing that you've been caught in your bald-faced lie. "i was just thinking about how lovely your eyeliner is, that's all."
"is that so?" zhongli muses, leaning in close, eyeliner perched like a pencil between his fingertips. "then i hope i don't disappoint."
"no," you breathe as his hand rests itself along the side of your face, cold eyeliner meeting your skin as he lightly glides the pigment across your undereye. "i don't think you ever could."
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cosmicsierra · 3 years
Oh I'd love to see the scenario you have for “I don’t see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you,” anyone else but you by moldy peaches, please?
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thank you for the request anon! i was super excited to write this! here is some tech fluff :) only warnings are a club scene that includes light discussion of a lap dance. I hope you enjoy <3
prompts from songs that remind me of tech
Tech was a soldier. A soldier loyal to the Republic, created with an exceptional mind by the Kaminoans to be the brains of a team that worked together. He spent his time in his youth training to become more efficient and researching subjects all over the holonet on a datapad given to him by the Kaminoans, not to mention the research being done on him. Not only did he face strict testing and orders from the Kaminoans, but also throughout the Clone War.
In every part of his life, he has never been inclined to truly love anyone in a romantic way. He held love for his brothers, even when they teased him relentlessly and embarrassed him in public. Even more so, the clones encouraged him to partake in activities with various people spotted in bars. Wrecker even went as far as buying him a dance from a female Twi’lek who most clones longed after. Reminiscing on the memory, Tech cringed in real time. The Twi’lek sauntered over to him. Heads of clones turned his way, jealousy in the eyes of most. Not quite aware of what was happening until she took a seat on his lap, his eyes flicked to Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair confusingly, before finally settling on a laughing Wrecker.
The Twi’Lek grabbed his chin, tilting it up to look at her. He quietly informed her that he was not interested in partaking in such an act, and instead directed her toward Wrecker. She smiled, seeming to understand and accept the fact, and stood up to walk to Wrecker.
Hunter leaned over to him, “You refused an offer like that?” He spoke quietly under the music.
Tech shrugged, “I didn’t see anything in her.” His hands settled on his datapad. He intended to research why so many men lusted after female Twi’leks. Hunter sighed.
Tech flinched thinking of the memory, deciding instead to dwell on a more preferable memory. The first time he met you.
He wandered around the streets of Coruscant and searched for the library that the regs had told him about. Regrettably lost without his datapad, he relied on the spoken word to help him find the library of Coruscant. He longed to just go to the Jedi archives, however, clones were only permitted in certain areas of the temple and the archives were not one of those areas.
So, here he was, on a wild bantha chase in search of a place he began to think didn’t exist. As he was about to abandon the haste of the research about the planet the batch was on the way to next, he spotted the library. Matching the durasteel architecture of Coruscant, the library stood tall and mature. The building was nearly all glass and durasteel. Feeling a bit more inspiration, he picked up his pace toward the looming building.
While walking, his mind raced with just how much information could fit in that library. Although it was in no comparison to the holonet, it had been some time since he was able to enter a library, and he was eager at the thought.
The doors opened, revealing to Tech a large collection of books, holopad recordings, and so much more. The library was stories high and each floor was shaped similar to a square, with an empty section in the middle of each floor to look out at all of the other sections above and below.
As his eyes took everything the vast library had to offer beneath his helmet, he failed to notice the person approaching from behind.
“Hi there,” you waved politely, “is there anything specific you’re looking for today?” You held one arm with the other nervously.
Tech did not notice the introduction, instead still marveling in the wonder that is physical knowledge. Then, he felt a tap on his armor that nearly made him reach for his blaster. He whipped around only to be confronted by you.
If he hadn’t been rendered speechless by the stunning building, now he was a wreck. He watched as you scratched the back of your head, laughing softly, “Sorry, I really didn’t intend to scare you.”
He gazed at you, feeling a warmth in his stomach that he hadn’t personally felt before, but had studied after Wrecker said it was how the Twi’lek made him feel.
“Are you okay there buddy?” You asked, genuinely seeming concerned at this point. Your arms reached toward him, as he likely looked like he was about to faint.
“My apologies. When individuals find someone attractive, they often develop a strange phenomenon of ‘butterflies in the stomach’,” He watches as your eyes widen, showing interest, and continues, “This is a case of nerves or thoughts and feelings, which in turn end up compromising maximum performance. Evidently, as you just observed at the expense of my dignity.” Tech explained and laughed, then waited for your reaction. The feeling had not eased up any.
He watched you as your mind grinded gears. You crossed your arms and leaned to one side, “Are you saying you find me attractive? We’ve only just met!” You talked in hushed tones, chuckling a bit. “Anyways… what brings you here? I’ve never seen a clone in here.”
Tech smiled to himself under his helmet. “It appears that in a careless manner I have broken my datapad for the time being. I need to do some research on the planet my squad is heading to tomorrow.” The feeling in his stomach never left as you explained to him how to find information about planets and systems. Even when focused on the planet after you had left him to his own business, he felt as if he wanted to talk to you more.
He made sure to say farewell before leaving, although he returned to the library as soon as the batch came back from their mission a week later. His brothers had never seen him in such a hurry. Of course, by then, his datapad was fixed. That really left his brothers confused.
As Tech ran from the landing platform toward the streets of Coruscant, Echo called out to him, “Tech! You forgot your datapad!” He held it up in the air.
Hunter and Crosshair eyed the datapad suspiciously. That thing literally never leaves Tech’s side, where was he going without it? They shared a quizzical look with Echo. Soon, their attention was turned to Tech, who was already far, yelling back, “I won’t need it! Keep it safe!” He waved over his shoulder and continued in a run.
Before the end of the war as it raged on, Tech would wander to your Coruscant apartment or the library (wherever you were for the time of day or night), and you two would spend hours together. One night in particular, you asked him a question that he couldn’t answer.
Legs intertwined, your head on his shoulder and his arm cradling your head, Tech sighed contently. You looked up to him and asked what the long sigh was about. He dismissed your concern, telling you that he was at ease and relaxed.
“When the war is over, will you come to me?” Your question was sudden. The sound of your voice split through the room. It sounded small, nervous, and apprehensive. Tech had never considered the end of the war and what it meant for you two. Your relationship hadn’t been particularly closed off, but neither of you felt compelled to be with anyone else. The confirmation of an exclusive relationship was just never discussed.
He looked down to you and ran his hand through your hair. “I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you. Of course I’ll come to you. I’ll be here.” He planted a kiss on your forehead and hugged you to his body tightly.
taglist: @incandescentlywarm @morgonjinn
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Glad you're back 💖💖💖 Could I please request a fic with lee finral from black clover? I've been super into the show lately and he's my absolute favorite 😊 Hope you have a good day/ night!
Aww! Thank you anon! And absolutely! I love Finral too, so being able to write for him is such a great feeling! I decided to go with Ler!Vanessa for this fic- I love their dynamic so much! I hope you like it!
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Spoiler warning for chapters 112-133/episodes 73-87!
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.” Finral chanted to himself as he paced the endless halls of the Black Bull’s Hideout. The Royal Knights selection was coming up soon. Anyone who became victorious was eligible to be part of the King’s team of magic knights to partake in the battle against the Eye of the Midnight Sun.
So, yeah. No pressure.
Finral normally wouldn’t bother with the challenge- he wasn’t one to go for notariady or riches. He didn’t need nor care for any of it.
What he did care for was his team.
“You’re holding back, Finral.” Yami had remarked one afternoon, the spacial magic user standing by as the captain finished his ‘prime time.’ “If the Black Bulls only have a select few people growing, we’re doomed to die out someday. Still, if you’re comfortable in your role as a taxi driver for the Black Bulls, I won’t stop you.”
Even with the door between them, Finral felt something in his chest ache. A taxi driver. That was what he was to this team at the end of the day.
Not anymore. He wasn’t going to hold his team back.
“I can do this, I can do this, I can-”
“Finral? Whatcha chanting about?”
The spacial magic user squawked, spinning on his heels. Vanessa looked at him with an amused smile, in her arms a bag of what looked like vintage wine. She must have just gotten back.
“V-Vanessa! Hey, when did you head out? I would have come with you..” He began, falling quiet when she shook her head kindly. “It’s alright, the winery wasn’t far from here, and besides, you’re training for the exam. How’s that going, by the way?”
Finral felt his chest tighten again. He hadn’t been doing too well with his magic. Offensive skills just refused to surface for him, leaving him only with his transportation and basic defense. “It’s been…well, it’s going.” He offered, trying to smile.
Vanessa furrowed her brows with concern. She could read him like a book. Putting down her wine, she looked at him properly, leaning in so she met his downcasted eyes. “What’s wrong, Fin? You’re normally not this down.” She gently lifted his chin so he met her eyes. “Did something happen?”
He could lie. Say he was fine and just tired. He could tell her a half-truth, ask her about spells and how he could improve them. Maybe he’ll do that.
“Vanessa…am I just a taxi for the team?”
Vanessa’s eyes widened with shock. Finral felt his face flush. Whoops, that wasn’t what he meant to say.
“Erm, I- sorry, I didn’t mean to ask that…”
“Finral.” Vanessa straightened, gaze serious. “Why would you think that? Of course you’re not a taxi. Sure, your portal magic is incredibly useful, but that's not the only thing that defines you.”
“Is it though?” Finral couldn’t stop himself now, the words flying out of his mouth. “I can’t do any offensive magic, I’m a complete disappointment to my own family, hell- even the younger kids don’t respect my ranking as their senior!” His eyes were burning, the pain creeping up his chest and choking him. “I’m dragging the team down. My role is better off as a taxi driver for the Black Bulls. I should just drop the exam.”
Vanessa was quiet as she let Finral finish. He didn’t dare look up. Meeting her eyes guaranteed he’d break. He ducked his head, letting his bangs fall in his face and hiding his misty vision. “I’m sorry, I should go-”
Arms were around him then, squeezing him so tightly he almost forgot to breathe. “I hate hearing you talk so poorly of yourself.” Vanessa’s calm voice came to his ear, her chin resting on his shoulder as she squeezed him once more. “Remember when we first met, and I told you how I was nothing but a bird with clipped wings?”
Of course he did. He remembered nearly losing his mind in shock at how someone so amazing like Vanessa could ever think of herself like that. “But you are amazing.” He tried, voice low and sad. “I’m not-”
“You don’t get to decide that. I do.” She cut off fiercely. “Until you can look at yourself in the mirror and know your worth, I’m in charge of it. And I’m telling you now, you’re more than a taxi.” She pulled back so she looked at him head on, eyes flashing with barely restrained rage. “You are Finral of the Black Bulls. You’re brilliant with strategy and caring to the people around you. You make sure everyone has what they need before they even realize it, and you make life worth living.”
She raised her chin stubbornly, eyes relentless. “I don’t know what Captain Yami meant- I wasn’t there. But he values and appreciates you just as much as the rest of us. If anyone ever makes you feel less than worth it, I’ll find them and kick their asses. So don’t you dare ever say you should just give up or settle for a role that you’re not happy with.”
Finral stared, eyes wide as he took in the witch’s passionate rant. When he blinked, tears rolled down his cheeks, startling them both. “Oh, Fin…” Vanessa’s eyes softened, a hint of guilt in her tone.
But then Finral was laughing. Soft, wet laughs that bubbled at his lips and refused to slow. He brought a hand to his lips in an attempt to control it, but it was in vain. “Should I be relieved or mad that you're laughing?” Vanessa asked, brow raised as she watched on.
“I’m- ahehhaha! I’m fine!” He giggled, wiping at his eyes as he met hers, warmth replacing the previous self hatred that resided in them earlier. “I’m just…really happy. I’ve never seen you so angry before…and for me, of all people.” He shook his head, taking a breath as he looked at his friend once more. “Thank you…I lost myself a moment there.”
Vanessa smiled, reaching up and gently running a thumb along his wet cheek. “You’re gonna do fine. You just need a boost of confidence.” She looked at him properly, tilting her chin as a new idea came to mind. “I think you also need another hug. Come here.” She opened her arms invitingly.
Finral smiled as he hugged her back, feeling his body start to relax in her grasp. “Thanks Vanessa. I-Ahehaha!” He jerked suddenly, the hands on his back suddenly turning into claws, wiggling into his back and gently tickling him. Finral squirmed, fresh giggles and laughs bursting from his lips as he struggled to escape. “Va-ahhahaha! Vanehehehhehessa! Hohoohoohohohld oohohohoohon!”
“Hold on? I’m just giving you a hug! What do you mean?” She teased, eyes dancing with mischief as she dragged her nails along his spine, pinching at his shoulder blades and tracing random shapes and patterns into the clothed skin. “Don’t tell me this is tickling you!”
Finral could only nod in response, cheeks aflame with mirth as he threw his head back, his cackles increasing when her hands wandered beyond his back to his ribs, making him squeak. “Vahahhahahahenehehehehehehessa! Plhehehehheheheahshahhhahshe ihihihiiihihihit tihihiiihihihihihkcles!”
“Does it really?” The witch cooed, eyes bright with glee as she gently brought the other down to his knees, proud of the result of her mischief. “Admit you’re worth it and I’ll stop!”
“Buhhuhuuhhuuhuhuhhut Iihihihihihiihm nohohohohoohohot!” Finral cried, his laughter increasing to in volume when her hands snapped to his armpits. “GAHAHHAHAHA NOOHOHOOT THEHEHEHEHEHRE!”
“Come on, admit it! That’s all you have to do!” Vanessa sang. It took some more convincing, but eventually the magic knight beneath her admitted defeat. “OHOOHOHKAY! OHOHOOHOKAY! IIHIHIHIHIHIM WOHOOHOHOHRTH IIHIHIHIHIT!” He shrieked, tears of mirth dotting his eyes as he curled up into a ball beneath her tickly attack.
Vanessa whooped with glee, bringing her hands back and resting them politely on her knees, smiling down at the breathless mess that was now Finral. “Hm~ See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” After some time, she offered her hand to him, eyes kind. “Tell you what? Why don’t I help you build some of that confidence back up, yeah? I’ll help you train. Hell, we can even try a new look. Sounds good?”
Finral looked up at her, then at her hand. The tightness in his chest had loosened significantly. Nodding, he took it and let Vanessa pull him to his feet. “Sounds good. Thanks, Vanessa.”
I hope this was good!
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Kaidou Headcanons
Anon:  Ooooh can you do omega kaido hcs?
(Aww, I love Kaidou, he is baby. I just finished all my uni work for the week so I jumped to write this! Enjoy!)
Warnings: N-sfw under cut, mpreg, talk of insecurities.
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Kaidou is quite an insecure omega. Especially as a teenager.
Honestly, he has probably tried to masquerade as a beta before, and wished many times that he was an alpha like his younger brother and sister.
A lot of his façade as the ‘Jet Black Wings’ is a defence mechanism because of his insecurities and him being an omega fuels that.
Kaidou can be wary around alphas he doesn’t know, so it’s likely that you were friends first and romantic a long time afterwards.
When you are finally mates/almost mates, you see a completely different side to Kaidou.
He is incredibly touch starved. He loves cuddles and pets. He’ll take any affection you dish out. He especially loves resting his head on your lap or on your shoulder.
Kaidou wants to be an author when he’s older, and he has never had anyone support his dream. When you offer your support for him, he falls in love with you right then and there. That’s when he knew he wanted you to be his alpha.
His scent is light and flowery, with a hint of citrus.
Kaidou purrs a lot without realising and it always embarrasses him when you point it out. He purrs everytime you scent him, croon, cuddle him, etc. 
Kaidou is a very sweet omega who is a dedicated and loving mate and parent. 
As a teenager, Kaidou never gets to the point where he likes his nest. 
He wants a super cool nest! A combo between a ‘secret lair’ style and a ‘pinterest’ style nest.
He wants a room dedicated to his nest, preferably with a hidden entrance. He wants a super powerful colour scheme with cool posters but he also wants fairy lights and pastel blankets.
Kaidou has lots of cuddly toys but he gets embarrassed about it and won’t admit it. 
In fact, cuddly toys are his favourite courting gifts to receive, but he will always pretend that he think toys are for little kids, but you can see how tightly he cradles the toy, and if you scent the teddy first, you can even hear him purring. 
As an adult, Kaidou really wants his dream nest, but he feels guilty spending so much money on it. It’s up to his alpha to encourage him. 
When he has pups, they think his nest is the coolest thing ever, and they tell all the other kids at school because it has a hidden door! And beanbags! And a mini fridge! And it’s way better than your omega parent’s nest!!
Kaidou is very protective of his nest. He only lets you and his pups inside. No one else. He doesn’t even like when someone figures out where it is in his home.
This causes some conflict because he would love to give birth in his nest, but he would never be able to invite a midwife or doctor inside. 
You clutched a small bat plushie in you hands as you walked into your classroom. You had bought it for Kaidou on a whim yesterday on your way home from school. This was hardly the first time you had given him a courting gift, but this was the first one that had your scent on it. 
“Holy shit.” You whispered to yourself. “You can do this, don’t be nervous.” 
You saw Kaidou immediately. He was sitting on top of his desk, chatting with Hairo and Nendou. You huffed. You would have preferred him to be alone but you guess that couldn’t be helped now.
“Hey, Shun...” You started, awkwardly sliding up beside him.
He startled slightly, a blush settling on his cheeks.
 “Oh! Hey... Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I, um.” You pulled the bat toy out of your pocket, shoving it vaguely in his direction. “This is for you.”
Kaidou gently took it from your hands, eyes wide. He turned it over, running a finger over the fake fangs. You saw the moment he realised you had scented it. He looked up at you in shock before turning and sniffing absentmindedly at the toy, purrs beginning to sneak out. 
You puffed up in pride. Watching your intended mate accept and enjoy your gift with such fervour filled your heart with joy. 
“HA HA!” Interrupted Nedou. “Kaidou’s purring!”
The purrs stopped immediately, Kaidou turned bright red, shoving the toy into his bag. 
“I AM NOT! Shut up!”
The two began to bicker, Nedou laughing over Kaidou’s agressive denial. 
You were vaguely embarrassed that Kaidou’s friends had seen you give him a courting gift, but mostly you were pleased by his acceptance of your first serious courting gift. Giving someone your scent to put in their nest was a big deal after all.
Family + pups
When you decide to court Kaidou, he will try and keep you as far away from his mother as he can. Unfortunately, this doesn’t last long, because his mother just orders him to bring you over and he can’t say no to his terrifying alpha mother.
Kaidou is unbelievably nervous throughout the whole meeting. He knows his mother will order him to end the courtship if she doesn’t approve.
His mother’s opinion depends a lot of how well spoken, intelligent and ambitious Kaidou’s intended alpha is.
If you have good grades, can match her successfully in conversation, and are preparing to apply to a good university, she will adore you. 
(it’s best just to lie if you aren’t those things).
Kaidou’s mother is a very hands on grandparent when the time comes. She always take your pup(s) when Kaidou is in heat and you in rut. She also helps pay for tutors and arranges academic help for all her grandchildren.
Kaidou wants at least one pup but no more than three pups. 
He is such a sweet parent. 
He never, ever makes fun of his pups. He always treats their problems seriously and loves them for who they are.
He’s the kind of parent who jumps at the opportunity to support his kids hobbies. Writing, martial arts, painting, cooking, whatever they love, he makes sure they can do it. 
Kaidou makes an excellent stay-at-home parent. He loves spending time with his pup(s) and working on writing the book he wants to write.
Family cuddles are a scheduled weekly event. He is distraught if, when his pups get older, they don’t partake in the family cuddles every week.
It took Kaidou quite a few tries to get pregnant, and he ended up getting very stressed about it, thinking something was wrong with him. Luckily, it eventually happened for you both. 
When he was pregnant, Kaidou didn’t have many symptoms, but he was very tired and hungry all the time. 
He needed help to do most things because he was so tired, but he felt like a burden, so didn’t ask for help. This changes in his second pregnancy (if he has one). He needs to have help with your other pup(s) when he’s pregnant because he’s too tired to look after them fulltime.
It would make more sense for you to wait until your first pup was in school before trying for a second one, just to take the pressure off of Kaidou somewhat.
The night’s peace was broken by a tentative knock at your bedroom door. You startled slightly, starting to sit up, Kaidou also stirring in your arms. The door handle turned slowly, the silhouette of you oldest son was revealed, along with the quiet sound of sniffling.
Before you could even process what you were seeing, Kaidou had yanked himself out of your arms and thrown himself towards your crying pup. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Kaidou panicked, hands flitting over your pup as if to check for injuries. 
“Nightmare.” Your pup whined, beginning to sob and he held his arms out for a hug. 
Kaidou whined with him, quickly and firmly pulling him into his embrace. Kaidou then stood up, cradling your pup in his arms, rocking him back and forth. 
“Why don’t you sleep with us tonight, pup?” You said, voice still heavy with sleep, gesturing for Kaidou to get back into bed. It was freezing after all.
Kaidou didn’t need any more prompting and slipped back under the covers you were holding up for him. As he settled down, your pup quickly grabbed at your shirt, holding it tightly in his fist. You brushed your hand over his tiny one before settling your hand on his back, rubbing up and down to help soothe him. You could no longer see his face (it was buried in your mate’s chest), but you could still hear his sniffling. 
“What was your nightmare about, sweetheart? Must have been scary, huh?” You asked as Kaidou began scenting the top of your son’s head. 
“Yeah. W’s scary.” Came the muffled voice of your pup. 
In lieu of a reply, you pulled both him and Kaidou more closely against your chest. 
“Nothing can happen while you’re here with us, okay. You’re safe.” You kept rubbing his back as he finally started to settle. Eventually, his breathing evened out and he relaxed fully against you and Kaidou, his grip on your shirt loosening. 
“I feel so useless when he has nightmares.” Kaidou admitted, breaking the hush. “I can’t protect him from them.”
You shifted slightly to look him in the eye. 
���You’re protecting him right now, my love. This is what he needs from you and you’re so good at it. You’re such a good parent, Shun.” Kaidou blushed faintly.  “I fall in love with you all over again everytime I see you with our pups.”
Kaidou smiled slightly, resting his head against your shoulder. 
“I just want him to be happy.” 
“I know.” You replied, placing a kiss on his head. “Me too.” 
You started to drift off to sleep as silence descended on the room. 
“Thanks.” Kaidou murmured. 
Too tired to reply, you squeezed him lightly with your arms. It saddened you that your amazing parent of a mate still felt insecure four years into parenthood, but you were just going to have to keep telling him otherwise until he started to see himself as you saw him. 
N-SFW under cut (ft. Slightly!Older!Kaidou)
Kaidou always, always needs after sex cuddles. It helps relax him, quiet his insecurities and is equally as enjoyable as the sex in his opinion.
Kaidou is a big subby baby, and he needs cuddles for his aftercare or he can feel very rejected.
Do you remember the episode where Kaidou came last in every event of the physical fitness test, but came first in flexibility? Kaidou is extremely flexible and he loves to show it off in bed. He’s very proud of all the positions he can bend into. 
Kaidou loves dressing up in lingerie. He feels pretty and confident when he’s wearing lace lingerie. He looks best in pastel blue (it matches his hair), but honestly, he pulls off all pastel shades very well.
Along a similar vein, Kaidou finds it very embarrasing but very hot to look at himself in the mirror while you have sex. It requires a lot of praise though, as he can be quite insecure.
In heat, Kaidou is absolutely shameless. He will beg and plead and whine and nuzzle you to get you into his nest with him. 
Kaidou is weak to hickeys on his neck, especially around his scent glands. He doesn’t give many hickeys, but he is prone to leaving scratch marks on your back and shoulders. 
This man is very sensitive in a lot of areas. His nipples and the inside of his thighs are very soft and particularly sensitive.
He hates pain though. He is neither a masochist nor a sadist and thinks that pain has no place in love making. 
Kaidou likes a little bit of roleplay but he’s way to embarrassed to bring it up. You have to wait until you’ve been in a relationship with him for years before he feels comfortable enough to bring it up. He is interested in teacher/student and master/slave style roleplays. He enjoys playing the part of someone else, because it makes him feel more comfortable in embracing his sexuality outside his heat. 
“I’m-I’m coming out now. Don’t laugh, okay?”
You shook you head fondly. 
“I’m not going to laugh at you, baby. You always look gorgeous, don’t forget that.”
The bathroom door opened and Kaidou shuffled out, clad in the new pastel blue lingerie set you had ordered for him last week. 
You lost your breath just looking at him. 
He was wearing sheer knee socks with little bows, held up by the garter belt sitting snugly on his waist. On top, he was wearing a lacy bralette, completely see through of course. Your favourite piece however, was undoubtedly the little blue panties. You could see the fabric bulging, straining against his erection. Looking a little closer, you noticed a small damp spot. You grinned. For all his complaining, he certainly enjoyed this a lot. You haven’t even touched him yet. 
Kaidou shifted under your hungry gaze, feeling a little like your prey. He shivered at the thought. 
You moved to kneel on the ground before him, pressing wet, open mouth kisses over his thighs and tummy. Kaidou steadied himself by gripping onto your shoulders. You could feel his nails making small grooves in your skin. 
When you reached his chest, you began to suck and bite at his nipples through the lacey fabric, delighting in his moans and whimpers. He was always so sensitive for you. 
“So beautiful.” You panted, breathing heavily against him. 
“M’ not. Not beautiful.” Kaidou denied, eyes clenched shut.
You growled in response, biting him lightly on the shoulder. 
“Don’t you dare. You’re breath-taking, Shun. Stunning. Gorgeous. Perfect.” You emphasised every word with a suck or a bit on his neck. You wouldn’t stop until he learnt to love himself as much as you loved him. 
“Okay, baby, get on the bed. We have a long night ahead.” You made a point to crash your hips into his.  “I’m going to show you how beautiful you are.”
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chibigaia-art · 3 years
As someone who has bought and enjoyed both “And They Were Roommates” comic books, I got to ask: in the least nsfw way possible how does the polycule like, think about physical stuff? Because The Little Gremlin (TM) is so gremlin I can’t imagine taking anything seriously, and I hate to take his lead on teasing RoboBoy boy but, uh, parts?
aah ty for the support anon, I’m really happy to know you liked them 🥺
as for the answer to your question, under the read more time
ok so, the premise is: I hc Kiibo as ace in any au, doesn’t matter if he’s a robot or a human, so that’s something to keep in mind
while Kiibo doesn’t feel sexual attraction, he still partakes in the action; Miu is Miu, so yKNO.... I have a lot of thoughts about Miu’s relationship with intimacy, because more often than not she seems to use it as a way to shield herself from others and at the same time trying to keep people close to her, which is p fucked up, which is ALSO why I love Miu/Kiibo so much;; they love each other a lot and I think Miu can be more herself around him, and can unlearn some of her behaviors - same goes with Kiibo! Also, he still is pretty touchy about some stuff, but if Kokichi teases him on his ‘parts’ he just dismisses it because he’s so used to that after three years in class with him lmao
he still gets flustered if the teasing is linked to flirting tho, it’s all in the context
as for Kokichi, he deflects A LOT, tries to hide behind a mask and all that since it’s hard for him to be honest ( SEE, IT ALL TIES TOGETHER) which is something Miu used to struggle too, and still does sometimes - and Kiibo just breaks down their defenses and shuts them up by saying one (1) nice, genuine thing to them; the first times they approached the more physical part of the relationship, things were super awkward, especially for Kokichi, but eventually with time all the pieces fit together, they learn what everyone likes, and they roll with it
edit: ALSO kokichi and miu are extremely weak to being praised, that’s it, that’s all!!!!! they talk a lot of big shit and enjoy that, but praise can just obliterate them, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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