#thank you for asking! I'm honored to give a rec list
generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Hullo there ! I love your " a father’s embrace " fanfic it got me into metal sonic more so i was wondering if u knew any other fanfics i could read that includes him , I would be very gratful for it ☆
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Be sure to also give a look to (shameful self-plug here, apologies) I Can't Take All This and a prompt fill I did for him a while back! Also keep an eager eye out for my Metal Sonic longfic that I'll post. . . eventually.
Without further ado, here's my rec list! I'll sort my recs into four categories: non-ship, Metamy, Metadow and Metonic.
The first thing I'll put in this category is actually not a fic, but an official piece of Sonic media. You are now legally obligated to watch the Sonic OVA!! This movie fundamentally changed the way I characterize Metal Sonic forever, and is the basis for at least one fic I'm recommending on this list. 2D animated Sonic is genuinely one of my favorite things on the great green earth, and the OVA has it in spades. If you love the Sonic CD intro, you're gonna love this one. The only drawback is that you have to deal with 90s sexism in some parts, but that's pretty minor.
Now, with that out of the way, let me get on to my actual fic recommendations:
and so I transformed myself with my own hands - by @couch-house. This is THE transfemme Metal Sonic bible right here. But not only that, it features a terrifyingly well-written Eggdad and a great take on Sage. Every scene where Eggman and Metal verbally spar in this one had me on the edge of my seat. The tension and pacing of this one is absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. So don't just read it for trans girl Metal- read it for everything else as well.
Situation: Optimal - by ModOrbot. Metal Sonic battles Sonic and pushes himself to the breaking point- and Eggman gets concerned. Featuring good dad Eggdad and some interesting angst from Metal.
Honorary mention to METACOGNITION - by Chaos Theory (Lizardmind). This one's still ongoing, but I really like this author's narration for Metal so far, and the alternate universe premise they're building is fascinating to watch as it unfolds.
Carbon Cafe - by @metallix-mixin. A post-redemption Metal waxes poetic about the bakery he now runs, and the lovely guest who visits him there. A short and sweet story with a charmingly verbose and romantic narration style for Metal that I haven't found anywhere else. I think about this fic whenever I pass a bakery.
Bird Calls - by Fumiku. Metal stumbles across Amy while she's bird-watching. This one's simply the best Metamy I've ever read. Period. GOD I love this one. Most of the time, I simply tolerate Metamy to get more content with Metal Sonic in it, but this fic makes me believe in love. The emotions that both Metal and Amy go through in this one are just so in-character, and are so, so good.
Beauty is in the Beholder - by Fumiku. This is the only fic I've ever found that's about Metamy after the introduction to their relationship. In this one, they've been dating for a while now, but Metal's been having some issues with mental health and body image. Good thing Amy's there to help :)
Mutually Beneficial, Whatever It Takes, and A Form Chosen By Himself, But Not For Himself - by @south-sea here on tumblr. In fact, you really should just check out everything Sea has ever written for their Second Chance AU that they have starring Shadow and Metal. They write Shadow and Metal in a queer-platonic relationship and their writing is honestly what sold me on the relationship in the first place. Everything they touch with these two characters is solid gold. The narration style they use for Metal is brutally effective. I can't recommend those fics highly enough.
Halves of the Same Coin - by @sunnimint. OVA Universe. This fic is MANDATORY READING once you've seen the OVA. This fic dragged me from the highest fluffy happiness to the most gut-wrenching of angst. This fic destroyed me. This fic remade me. And this fic just got its concluding chapter. It's the perfect time to read it.
Iron Oxide - by TheEnigmaMachine. This is the other mandatory reading for Metonic, this time set roughly in gameverse. This fic is fascinating because it's actually a high-concept science fiction novel neatly disguised as a ship fic. This one's a pleasure to read because Metal actually narrates in and utilizes actual computer and science terms (the tags for "quantum mechanics" and "physics" aren't kidding!) It genuinely blew my mind when I first read it. Don't let the weird premise scare you- roll with the angst, bunker down for the enemies-to-lovers slow burn, and give it a shot.
Beginnings of an End - by @sunnimint. If any of you were crying because you don't want to watch the OVA but still wanted to read Sunnimint's absolutely phenomenal prose, look no further- she's got one in gameverse too. This one, opposite of her other one, features a Metal raised by a good dad Eggman, and all of the baggage that comes with it going into a Metonic relationship. It's a fascinating read. The only problem is that it's unfinished, but what's there is solid gold.
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florenceafternoon · 5 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
Some more AUs I've been loving. I'm trying to alternate between AU and canon verse rec lists so bear with me. Remember that if you like a fic you should definitely let the author know as such.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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theogony by @clare-with-no-i
The trip that Lily Evans expects to go on is the annual pre-dissertation jaunt to Athens with the rest of her Classical Civilizations PhD program. The trip she does not expect to go on is to 479 BCE, right on the cusp of one of the most important battles in the Greco-Persian war. Now, she has to navigate antiquity as she tries to find her way back to the 21st Century, God—or gods—help her.
James wants to win this war. No, James needs to win this war. He is a man of honor and duty, and even if it means dying a gruesome, bloody death, he will go down in history as one of Athens's great warriors. He will suffer no distractions; not even beautiful ones who speak strangely and refuse to listen to his orders.
 -- OR: The Outlander-Meets-Ancient-Greece Jily AU that no one asked for Maya dreams of.
I can't believe it took me this long to read this fic but OH MY GOD!! Clare's writing is phenomenal, I've known this for a while now, but THE DEDICATION TO HISTORICAL ACCURACY, I'm so impressed. If only I could put even half that amount of effort into my major essays for school. EVERYONE GO READ THIS NOW
Sweathearts' Special by @tinyluminaryzombie
What happens when your coffee shop nemesis, asks you to pretend to be a couple?
Or "I’ve been staring at the stupid cupcakes for the past hour, and they look way too good. Anyways, would you be willing to join forces and pretend to be together for the free cupcake and coffee?”
Welcome to Pettyville by @women-inthe-sequel
When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn’t expecting to find the right person behind it. She can’t stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can’t stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
A love square but it's just the same two idiots
Tall Dark and Glasses by @jamesunderwater
Tall Dark and Glasses (or TDG as he is more affectionately known) is the mysterious, painfully good-looking stranger who has been frequenting Lily's favourite coffee shop for months now. But despite having an embarrassing acronym for him, Lily, a burned-out STEM major, is too comfortable being a wallflower to go up to him herself. Thank god for playing cards, I guess.
coffee shops and copious amounts of sugar by @mystinkysocks
James decides to finally start revising, the coffee shop he attends introduces him to someone new!
As someone who spends an ungodly amount of time studying in public (at cafés and libraries), all I dream of is to one day live out my very own coffee shop AU
Unlicenced by @ohmygodshesinsane
Lily Evans begrudgingly agrees to get in the car with classmate and sometime-foe James Potter and his not-quite-earned P-plates after a particularly rubbish day.
Drop-Off also by @/ ohmygodshesinsane
James Potter takes Lily Evans home, and wants to make something clear.
Disclaimer that they’re Australian in this AU. You guys don't understand how much Lily Evans means to me. I want to give her a hug.
pretty, pretty boy by rosiemary0 (on ao3)
Pretty face, with golden brown eyes and strong cheekbones (one of which is adorned with a smudge of charcoal). Pretty hands—very, very pretty hands, Lily’s thoughts interject—which hold a jar each, one with water and the other paintbrushes.
Or the one where James is an artist and Lily hates socialising.
I'll Manage by @kaymardsa
James and Lily fall in love during the war.
In which Lily runs a refugee camp and James is an ex-sniper
I can't remember if I've recommended this fic already but again I recently re-read it and wanted to share
'Tis the Fucking Season by @thequibblah
Six-year absences. Yearly photograph burnings (figuratively). Low-cut tops. Two nosebleeds. Little red notebooks. The Past, with a capital P. The desire to pour your heart out to strangers (maybe pathologically). The desire to do unspeakably bad things to one James Potter. These are the ingredients that make up Lily Evans's holiday season.
Shelby the cabbie is in for a fucking ride.
I have been searching for this fic for two months and nearly gave up. An absolute classic that everyone should read!!
Two's a Crowd also by @/ thequibblah
Regency AU in which "the only thing Lily Evans can share with the Earl of Devon is a healthy dose of mutual dislike."
In Search of Something More by @kay-elle-cee
In the sunlit garden of her sister’s home, Lord Potter had promised Lily a life of her own design, with minimal expectations—her presence at community events, companionship, and an heir. As the two stumble into the routine of marriage and work to make a life together at Stinchcombe Hall, unsolicited feelings provoke each to start wondering if this is merely a marriage…or if it could be something more.
No, I will not shut up about this fic. Anything that Kelsey writes is bound to be amazing but this one holds a special place in my heart. Note that this is an ongoing fic though. I tend to recommend completed works but this one is too good not to include.
Pinkest Bluestocking of the Ton by @wearingaberetinparis 
Dearest Reader, the ton are abuzz with the latest gossip, and so it is my honour to impart to you the news that the Duke of Peverell has returned to London at last! A year after setting off on his tour of Europe, Lady Peverell's son has returned and rumour has it that his mother is preparing for the most joyous of occasions: a late summer wedding that sees her son wed the next Duchess of Peverell. It is my sincere hope that you have stored a bottle of wine for this most delightful of upcoming events for if ever there were a more determined mama, this writer is Icarus and this society paper has been scorched for flying too close to the sun.
A Jily Regency Romance inspired by Shondaland's "Bridgerton".
Again this is an ongoing fic, but it's too good not to include in this rec list! I haven’t caught up with all the chapters yet but I love the story so far!
A Heart of Coal also by @/ wearingaberetinparis
They say fortune favours the bold, yet Lily Evans was given her death sentence at seventeen. As soon as midnight strikes on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, her heart will turn to coal. Gryffindor knight James Potter, however, is the last to accept such a fate. For while Lily Evans’ curse foretells her death, his foreshadows a life without his unrequited true love at his side.
Fairytale AU in which the love is requited they're just idiots
Three Lemons and a Dragon by @thelighthousestale
Once upon a time, there lived a Prince named James who had to save his father's Kingdom by getting married. One day an older woman gifts him three lemons that will lead him to his true love.
Dillweed in a Fancy Metal Can by @eastwindmlk
When Lily gets dragged to a Renaissance Faire, she reluctantly agreed to go to the jousting event where she is pulled into the show against her will, or is it?
Lily represents me
Queen Foxtail also by @/ eastwindmlk
Once Upon A Time...
There was an arrogant prince who turned down every suitable match and drove his parents to do something drastic. Marry him off to the next merchant that steps through their gates.
across the universe by rcdwings (on ao3)
“So, you’re saying that in these other worlds, James Potter and Lily Evans exist, too?”
She hadn’t expected to hear that, hadn’t even thought about it that way. She was too busy thinking about if in those other worlds, she and her friends could be seventeen and free instead of the war torn teenagers they were. Now that he’d put it that way, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander.
“I would assume so,” she swallowed. “Not sure what we would be like, though.”
A beat, then a soft hum. “Anything,” he smiled at her, “There are countless worlds, right? We could be anything.”
only love can hurt like this by @fireblts 
Lily doesn’t quite know everything, but it feels pretty close.
The main thing she still doesn’t get is soulmates. Love doesn’t seem like something that should be painful. Or rather, love seems like it’s painful enough on its own without any help.
Soulmate AU - whenever your soulmate is hurt or in pain, you can feel it too.
Soulmate AUs are my comfort genre of fics. I haven't been feeling to well lately and rediscovering this fic was a delight
The Librarian of Hogsmeade Village by @ohmygodshesinsane
Lily's work as a librarian in the small village of Hogsmeade has kept her occupied for the past six years, forever keeping the wheels of the town on the track. As the holidays approach, she prepares to settle in with a nice mug of tea and a well-thumbed old book. When a new resident and his son arrive at her weekly story-reading, with cheeky smiles and big hearts, those plans are tossed out the window in favour of chasing love, for once - not escaping it.
Lily living the cozy life of my dreams. I think it's well known by now that I love reading about single parents and well James with his baby boy always puts a smile on my face.
Spitting Image by @charmsandtealeaves
James Potter always knew he wanted to build a family, he just hadn’t found the right person to build it with - yet. Freezing his sperm at Gringotts Sperm Bank was a no-brainer really. He’d have children when he found the right person, and now he had an insurance policy. Then Lily Evans walked into his place of work with her son - the spitting image of him.
linking this art that the talented @constancezin drew inspired by this fic
Every time I see that Ray has updated, reading the new chapter becomes the highlight of my day
The Stag Prince Across The Sea also by @/ charmsandtealeaves
The realm of Hogwarts had lived for decades in a carefully negotiated harmony between the leaders of the four clans. However, when the time came for son to marry daughter, the Slytherin King refused to offer his daughter's hand to any of the other grand houses’ suitors. As the Slytherin King departed the shore, bound for the ship that would allow him to escape across the Green Sea, he cast a curse on the great families.
“Let ye be marked. Marred by tooth, hoof, and claw. May your sons never be fit for any bride!”
Slytherin invoked an ancient magic, which transformed each family's eldest son into creatures under the light of the full moon. The Kings searched far and wide for a cure to no avail while trying to keep secret the wrong that had been done to them. Years passed and with them grew a sense of unrest, a kingdom on the precipice of collapse...
what love is, I think by @potterandevans-blog-blog
It's James Potter's birthday, his nineteenth to be exact. Some people, if they're lucky, find a tattoo on their back on their nineteenth birthday, a tattoo that can help them discover their soulmate. And if the antlers on his back are anything to go by, James might just have a soulmate of his own out there, somewhere.
oil be there for you by @abby10fanfic
Texting/Social Media AU: Lily and James haven't spoken for 2 years. But that's all about to change thanks to Peter and his involvement in an essential oil pyramid scheme. Featuring boss babes, toxin-free lifestyles, binding contracts, and a very oily journey.
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foolishlovers · 6 months
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CO-WORKER AUs: Below you can find a list of Good Omens AUs in which Crowley and Aziraphale are co-workers. (oh my god they were co-workers)
[Requested by anon. You can request more fic recs here.]
Hit me with your ledger by KissMyAsthma (G, 1k) Corporate accountant Aziraphale has been infatuated with his coworker Crowley for a long time, but he has done nothing about it. One day, opportunity strikes and… Sometimes, an accidental nude is all it takes to score a date.
Get Down by AppleSeeds (T, 3k) When Aziraphale calls downstairs asking them to send up someone to fix the fax machine in his office, he doesn't expect them to send the most handsome and stylish man he's ever encountered in his entire life. Hopefully he won't end up doing anything foolish to embarrass himself.
The Piano Serpent by journeytogallifrey (T, 3k) Aziraphale owns The Flaming Sword, which is one of the premier gay bars in London. Everyone knows this… except for their pianist, Crowley. While the regulars take bets over whether he's the clueless straight person he seems, Aziraphale just tries to prevent himself from falling further. But one night Crowley plays a song written specially to honor their regulars, and Aziraphale can't hold the truth in any longer. How will Crowley react? Will the truth really set them free?
Hold the Lift by CemeteryAngel725 (T, 5k) Crowley just wants to get to work on time, but when he gets stuck in a lift with new guy Aziraphale, he ends up with a lot more than he bargained for. See, Aziraphale has this list of 36 questions…
!False (It's Funny Because It's True) by MirjamOmens (E, 6k) Aziraphale drew a long breath through his nose. Crowley, of course it had to be Crowley. The new guy in the sales department, who would promise potential customers just about anything to close a deal. Arrogant, annoying – and wildly, stupidly attractive. Aziraphale hated him. Aziraphale is a stellar software architect and a project manager, who is so done with the sales department selling unrealistically scheduled and budgeted projects. And he definitely doesn't have a crush on anyone, thank you very much.
Bang This Out? by crepesandoysters (E, 9k) As far as work friendships go, Aziraphale and Crowley have won the jackpot. They work well together and know how to make each other laugh, the whole metaphorical package. They could even be called best friends. Or, at least, they could be called that until today. Today comes with a kiss, and the kiss comes with more. A lot more if it were up to them. Except that their workplace seems to have other ideas.
Cock Tales by TawnyOwl95 (E, 12k) Crowley’s love life is on the rocks so he finally swears off men. Typical that his new job places him with a co-worker who's so straight up sexy. Or in which, Aziraphale tries to mix things up, Crowley is shaken and Anathema is a right stirrer. But could a relationship be worth a shot?
I'm Beginning to See the Light by ineffabildaddy (E, 15k) There was Crowley - the paragon of cool, the overlord of apathy, breezing easily through each and every one of their exchanges and giving no fucks while doing so; then there was the anachronistic, cloying Aziraphale, trying and failing not to live life like a Thomas Hardy protagonist, and giving many fucks indeed. Or: Aziraphale has quite the pash on his colleague Crowley, who seems resolutely disinterested in him. As their annual Christmas party progresses, it appears that Crowley may not be as disinterested as Aziraphale first thought.
House Style by soft_october (M, 24k) “Since that's all settled, the real question is did he give you his number?” Anathema laughed. “He was looking at you the way you look at lunch.” “Forget lunch!” Michael declared. “He was looking at you the way you were looking at him!” Aziraphale is content in his job as an editor at Celestial Publishing, though he could go for a bit less of doing his boss' job for him. But everything goes a bit screwy when the CEO brings in a consultant with plans to build a program that will turn the entire editorial department on its head. If only he wasn't so handsome.
All Lines Are Open by TawnyOwl95, FeralTuxedo (E, 21k) Anthony Crowley, bored host of a trite call-in radio show on Tadfield FM, has very few pleasures in life beyond annoying his long-suffering producer Aziraphale. When a caller reports suspicious activity at the abandoned Tadfield Manor, Crowley is determined to investigate, dragging Aziraphale along. Both of them are going to get more than they bargained for. A local radio AU
Heavenly Wicked Cafe by WaitingToBeBroken (T, 33k) There is a terribly rude barista that makes amazing coffee and a saint of a barista, whose coffee tastes vile. And they are in love.
i've found a way (a way to make you smile) by curtaincall (T, 40k) Crowley worked in Sales. He had never intended to work in Sales. It had just sort of happened. One moment, there he’d been, a newly minted university graduate off to change the world, exquisitely useless Philosophy degree in hand, and now here he was, having sauntered vaguely downwards into a Hell that consisted mainly of cold-calling new customers and sucking up to existing ones.   AU based on The Office.
First Class (Hons) Christmas, University of Tadfield. by heloluv (M, 41k) Dr. A.Z. Fell is a renowned literature tutor at the prestigious University of Tadfield. December is upon the University, and Dr. Fell is leading the Christmas Charity Drive. He needs volunteers. Dr. A.J. Crowley is a skilled plant ecologist who recently began his tenure at UoT. He can't stand Christmas, and nothing at all could ever possibly convince him to partake in "festivities". Until a certain literary expert catches his eye. A Christmas and New Years fic, in which Aziraphale teaches Crowley how to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.
because thinking makes it so by summerofspock, NaroMoreau (E, 41k) It's supposed to be an exchange. An arrangement. Something to make them both feel better and less lonely. But Crowley's never had the brightest ideas.
Tadfield's Finest by angelsnuffbox (E, 51k) The sleepy town of Tadfield is thoroughly shaken by the arrival of DI Crowley. Where barely anything ever happened before, there is now a bustle of low grade criminal activity, and everyone knows where to point the blame. Gabriel thinks he's a bad omen for the town, many others are quick to agree. Meanwhile, Aziraphale from SOCO just thinks he's hot. Ridiculously so.
Golden Handcuffs by seekwill (E, 70k) Far from any city, near the Scottish coast, Tadfield College has a celebrated history, an unrivaled academic reputation, and two departments at war. When the Biology and English departments are forced to share a building, Senior Lecturer and botanist Anthony Crowley finds himself drawn into the orbit of the polite but strange English professor, Dr. Aziraphale Fell. As the new term begins, two academics navigate the politics of both their offices and academia, and try to solve the puzzle of one another.
Wild Hearts by foolishlovers (E, 124, WIP) In the idyllic English countryside, far from the hustle and bustle of the big city, two teachers at Willowbrook Hall set out to transform their students’ lives through the world of theatre. But for Mr. Crowley, the challenge of navigating his long hidden feelings and dear friendship with Mr. Fell may prove to be the greatest drama of all.
Sugar And Spice by SylWritesStuff, ladydragona (E, 179k, WIP) Queer technology giant Anthony J. Crowley is just about ready to throw in the towel after relationship after relationship has failed, but there's a new barista at the company coffee shop and he's cute and sweet and Crowley's never been able to resist blond hair and blue eyes. The tabloids will have a field day, they always do, but his assistant is getting married and a temp is needed. A temp who really isn't very good at making complicated coffees, has past experience in reception, and absolutely no idea that the latest complicated coffee order came from the owner himself. Aziraphale only knows that he's handsome, patient, and was the first person who told him he was doing well. How could he refuse the temp position? Or, he soon discovers, more.
[you can find more fic rec masterposts here]
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tarzelladraws · 4 days
Hi!! My name is Jenna! I just saw your amazing art and edits! Thanks for sharing your talent! I was very curious after seeing your AU artwork if you have any fanfiction written or a fic rec list you could share?
Aw thank you, i'm so happy you like my art! Sorry for the delayed response, I was on vacation. Here’s a list of some of my favorites in no particular order, just my oldest bookmarks to more recent. My all time favs are marked with **
Links are attached in the titles and i hope you like them! I have so many more!
** Mitan, Midi by animal rated E (Rey inherits a home in France, angst)
**Code of Honor by c_ike rated E (my favorite Rey background)
Forbidden by koderenn rated E (Jedi Rey x Senator Ben)
we could plant a house, we could build a tree by Like_A_Dove rated E (Ben and Rey grow up together, heavy angst)
** All Our Days by voicedimplosivesrated E (cannonverse Persuasion AU)
** Good Day, Professor by faequeentitania rated E (College student Rey x professor Ben)
A Royal Mistake by reyofdarkness (mitslits) rated E (Mechanic Rey x Prince Ben)
Compatible by AttackoftheDarkCurses rated E (friends to lovers, sexy vacation)
give you my wild (give you a child) by lizzysbennett rated E (babysitter rey x single dad Ben)
Mistranslations by MissCoppelia rated E (BDSM, Japanese mafia)
** stuck in colder weather by redbelles rated E (More college student Rey x professor Ben)
Ruby Woo Red by HeartSabers rated E (Celebrity Ben x MUA Rey)
set me on fire by no_loose_wire_jokes Rated E (roommates, rey is turned on by him swearing lol)
Good Fences by quamquam20 rated E (Witch Rey x Vampire Ben neighbors)
And Your Kingdom Too by vuas rated E (fantasy royalty au, arranged marriage, single chapter)
Olive and an Arrow by sadboykylo rated E (bodyguard Ben x president's daughter Rey)
Sunshine After a Storm by enloeddmedia rated E (modern cowboy au)
**A Royal Mix-Up by AttackoftheDarkCurses rated E (Ben x rey have a one night stand, he forgets to tell her he's a prince)
Awards Season by gracediamondsfear rated E (actor Ben x personal chef Rey)
**It's Just Us Now by KyloZen rated E (cannon divergent Kylo and Rey are stuck on Hoth together)
**Lifeblood by ebongawk (makeshiftcandy) rated E (modern au vampire ben)
**rumor has it by dachenabritta rated E (spoiled rich girl rey asks ben to sleep with her)
He's got them bad boy blues by Blueyedgurl rated E (high school au)
Three by JenfysNest rated E (an ode to three finger fingering)
**Soup from my Mouth by v_for_verona rated E (HEA TROS, food as a love language, this one speaks to the food insecurity i had growing up)
**D Major by star_pilots rated E (Ben fingers rey on a school bus lol)
**Show Me Your Teeth (i'll show you mine) by KnightFalling rated E (gentle vampire Ben x Rey who has vampire related trauma)
Shadow Song by SageMcMae rated E (ben is in a coma/also a shadow being protecting foster kid rey)
**Diet Coke by Pacificwanderer (CNichole) rated E (Ben is a hot construction worker that rey watches from her office window)
Dog Day Open Hydrant by LinearA rated E (firefighter ben is called to shut off a hydrant that Rey opened)
**Leave It All, Lock to the Tide by alantieislander rated E (Rey lives on a remote island, soldier Ben washes up on the shore)
**Don't Feed It (It Will Come Back) by Aaveena rated E (Rey works at a diner for the supernatural, Ben is a newly turned vampire)
you're the tall kingdom I surround (think I better follow you around) by havingaheavy rated E (Rey stalks Ben, Ben is obsessed with Rey)
To Have and to Hold by bunilicious rated E (historical AU, arranged marriage)
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viridian-house · 2 months
Do you have any favorite naruto fics you’d recommend? Any pairing, complete or not, on-hiatus, gen, oneshots, anything is fine lol
I was legitimately just pruning my bookmarks the other day!! thank you so much for asking.
I don't read too much fanfic these days, and I'm picky when I do--only about grammar/punctuation and immersion though. I ship a LOT of stuff (I guess The Youth would call me a proshipper) and although I never read darkfic, I don't shy away from weirder kinks and unhealthy relationship stuff.
categorizing by pairing, if applicable. some of them are smutty, and please note that the first 3 come from FFN which doesn't have a tagging system, but there is some SA CW I'll give in advance.
KAKASAKU | my first OTP! formative fics that totally reshaped my understanding of what fanfiction could be, and how well-written chemistry can make it or break it
HOUSE OF CROWS is the quintessential kakasaku fanfic. it was written during shippuden and so is canon divergent because of that, but also tells a comprehensive story of its own right that is intriguing and well planned. excellent characterization and world building. leaves me gutted in the best way on my yearly reread.
DUTY BEFORE HONOR is another silvershine classic. I don't reread is as often as House of Crows but they are just about equal in quality. again, the chemistry between them is off the charts, and the world feels so alive.
WILL OF FIRE for me is up there with House of Crows in being essential kakasaku reading. cynchick is a multisaku champion and a wonderful storyteller. the stakes in this one are stressful, the romance tense and believable, and we once again get lovely world building and great chemistry.
ITAKISA | a pairing near and dear to me, because men who do everything wrong are so deeply relatable. they both know they don't deserve anything good ever again but they found each other!!!! ARE YOU GUYS SEEING THIS--
A SHARK HIDDEN INN THE LEAVES doesn't have my favorite version of Kisame, but he's plenty close enough. it's a lengthy oneshot that got me into certain *ahem* kinks. it is a very fun and wild fic that is entirely self-aware of how absurd it's being, and manages to have nothing but sincerity at the same time (and I highly recommend the author's other stories as well)
AN ORCHESTRA PLAYING ON, INSANE is a modern AU (extremely rare in my bookmarks) that absolutely tore my heart out. god is it SO much to ask for these losers to be happy?! yes, it is, and I love every moment of it
MADAMITO | a rarepair I am SUCH a sucker for that has some of the most talented authors writing for it. lots of them have ot3 elements between them and hashirama, often angsty, but stuff like that is part of the appeal for me, lol
A HANDFUL OF SKY is an unfinished fic that I genuinely think about like once a week. if it ever updates then I will be over the moon. technically hashimadamito but it hadn't quite gotten there yet
LIKE ALTARS is just such a beautiful piece of writing, mostly on madara. it is everything, that is all
BLOOD AND RIVER WATER is more mito-centric but has one of my favorite madaras of all time
YOURS ARE RATTLED BONES is another short, mito-centric but gut-wrenching piece featuring the opposite type of madara from the last one
OTHER | character-centric stuff that isn't necessarily shippy but also doesn't have a very "gen" vibe either?
A SERPENT IN THE RICE is a little series about orochimaru that makes me feel so so so many things. highly recommended
HERETIC is such a love letter to kushina, and kurama too. cannot stress enough how much I adore this one
there's a few others that I probably won't link on tumblr, mostly unhealthy and/or "problematic" smut hhfhdj but maybe I'll make a public rec list on ao3 for these different categories and stuff like that.
but yeah that's pretty much it!!! I know it's not a huge list with a lot of variety but it's what I've enjoyed over the last 15+ years in the naruto fandom.
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corallapis · 10 months
hello!! sorry, i just finished watching new who and i am DYING for more thoschei content. i know classic who has more obviously but i heard there are like also books and audio dramas and comics and infinite other stuff (?) and i was wondering if you could recommend like a list of things to stream in order to get to know more of these two idiots (affectionate) as i am a bit lost in between all the content. or if you could point out a source where i can look that up for myself, it would be great as well! thank you so much in advance <3 and sorry if this seems silly i am v new to the fandom rip
hey anon!! no need to apologize, i'm honored this ask ended up in my inbox! :) and it's not silly at all, there's a LOT of stuff out there. which is wonderful! but can def be a bit bewildering, too.
i'd definitely recommend classic who as a place to start! don't feel like you need to go in headfirst w/ s1e1 tho. just jump in wherever interests you! if you'd like a slightly more curated d/m list:
terror of the autons/the mind of evil/the claws of axos: okay, so it was almost impossible for me not to just rec “all the three & delgado eps,” so have the first three & feel free to continue on if you find yourself loving them (you will)
the keeper of traken/logopolis/castrovalva: a proper lil trilogy of stories that gives us four -> five & beevers -> ainley
survival: the final dw ep! seven & ainley 😼
for some not-really-classic but still on-screen essentials:
the tv movie: aka “the enemy within.” eight & roberts 🐍
scream of the shalka: an animated webcast that at one point rly was the canonical ninth doctor. shalka!doctor (r. e. grant) & shalka!master (jacobi. yes, again. or previously, rather.)
the curse of fatal death: a comic relief sketch written by moffat which features a het version of d/m getting together romantically (now why does that sound familiar?)
for audios, here's a couple that are both standalone & very d/m-focused:
master: seven & beevers. a great audio ft. an origin story that is probably one of the most talked abt things on tumblr, so def check this one out!!
the last line: ten & jacobi. when you're on trial, who do you call for help? your best enemy, of course
blood of the time lords: four & dreyfus. a must-include for me personally bc it has one of my fave d/m concepts ever :)
for books, once you're in the deep end all the novelizations of the classic d/m eps can have great tidbits. some original story recs:
the dark path: two & “koschei.” another origin story that gave us that name for a pre-master master, written by our d/m comrade-in-arms david mcintee
harvest of time: three & delgado working together & confronting the past w/ a lovely dose of master angst
the infinity doctors: infinity & the magistrate <3. don't let these names or its timeline placement intimidate you, just go into it with the idea that this is an au (ish) where the doctor & the master both returned to gallifrey & you'll enjoy yourself!
and finally some comics:
flashback: another origin story which i've uploaded here :)
the eleventh doctor year two: the eleventh doctor confronts the time war ft. my fave lil guy the war child master!
doctor who: missy: aka “the master plan.” missy breaks delgado out of stormcage while pretending to be a version of the doctor he hasn't met yet
hopefully these will get you started! for even more, the main resource i use when looking for d/m stuff is the theory timelines for the master & the master's incarnations on the wiki! i just poke around & click links until i find something that sounds interesting! enjoy!!! :)
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limnsaber · 1 year
Mandalorian Gen Fic Rec List - Volume I: Din and Clan of Two
Hey all! This has been a long time coming. I'm a pretty voracious reader, especially for fanfic, and it's my great honor to share with you some of my favorites. I confess I have many I'd like to share, and I expect that this will be a series! For shorthand, 🔐 means a restricted work and 💜 means an personal favorite, but they are all honestly must reads. Please let me know if you like&read them, and please give love to the authors who we owe so much to!! -Yours, Lim <3
Five Foundlings that the Mandalorian Didn’t Keep and One That He Did by @thrvrnd (Din Djarin, Gen, 5k)
“Have you found others, or was he the first?” “I’ve found a few.” “But none like him?” “There are none like him.”
The Drums of Mandalore by @coffeequill (Din Djarin, Gen, 5k)
Din looks at him, then over as more dancers begin to step into the center, some stretching out. His eyes are big. He looks into the fire. “Can I learn to dance, too?” he asks, his voice so quiet that it’s almost drowned out. --- From the day he's found, traditional Mandalorian dances become the center of Din's life. Until they're not.
Meaning by kakashikrazy256 (Din Djarin, Gen, 3k)
"You want to paint your armor. Right now." "I'm starting to think you are wearing a hole in my ship floor on purpose. Sit. Down." An interlude between Chapter 14 and 15
Lullabies (Those Same Old Lies) by @NavigatorWrongway (Din Djarin, Gen, 3k)
He was waiting for his Guild contact when the news came through.
The Past Rolls Back by @NavigatorWrongway (Din Djarin, Gen, 3k)
It's already red. Blood won't show at all.
The Apprentice by karples (Din Djarin, The Armorer, Gen, 2.5k)
We change, but are not lost. We simply become something else.
bloodsplatter by deniigiq (Din Djarin, The Armorer, Gen, 4k)
He looked so...weird. Without the armor, he didn’t recognize himself. He turned to the side to see how the long tunic moved around his knees and was agitated to find it stiff and awkward. It wasn’t supposed to be stiff and awkward. It was supposed to drape and flail out with each step. He pursed his lips and turned further, then gave a half-pivot. The tunic moved like a staggering drunk. It would not do. (Din makes himself a set of clothes from his childhood.)
💜 Bullshit by @midgetnazgul (Din Djarin, Migs Mayfeld, Gen, 4k)
Migs receives a visit from a man -- and a face -- he never thought he'd see again.
Unglued, Thanks to You by Angryplan3ttraveller (Paz Vizsla, Din Djarin, Gen, 25k)
Paz Vizsla cannot stand that Din Djarin got to walk away with both the darksaber and his beskar. He is dar'manda: he should not get these things. So Paz is going to duel Djarin, and he is going to win the darksaber off of him. This time, he won't lose. But first, Paz has to find him, and that task is not so easy. Especially not when Djarin has all sorts of friends all over the galaxy, and a chronic inability to stay in one place for longer than five minutes. Paz has his work cut out finding Djarin, but he'll do it. And he just might learn some things along the way.
Clan of Two
💜 🔐 Problem by keeptheearthbelow (Din & Grogu, Gen, 4k, Sign Language)
When it turns out Grogu is too young for training, he heads to Tatooine for a new life and forms a new set of habits.
Dinui by @communistkenobi (Din & Grogu, Gen, 4k)
Din meets a nosy old woman in the market who won't stop trying to help him.
Ways. by @outpastthemoat (Din & Grogu, Gen, 500w, Force-Sensitive Din Djarin)
Din Djarin sleeps deeply after Corvus. He dreams of impossible things.
your hands are holding me (don’t you get shy on me) by @pointvee (Din & Grogu, Gen, 2k, Force-Sensitive Din Djarin)
Beskar sings. If ill treated, if unrightfully taken, it leaves a mark. It's hard to hear for most, but the job of an armorer is to sooth the beskar, make it fit for battle once more. Din has always been able to hear it. (Or Din with psychometry, and an affinity for beskar)
Dream Child by @muchadoloo (Din & Grogu, Gen, 100k, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Platonic/Familial Soulmates, Mandalorian Adoption Culture)
It is an old Mandalorian proverb that a child is born in one's dreams. For over twenty years, Din has dreamed of fire and smoke, bloodshed, and bloodcurdling screams. They say it’s a bad omen. They say he's fated to be childless. They say he has no dream child. What he does have, however, is a persistent green creature who sneaks into his ship, eats all his food, and refuses to leave him alone. (In which, all Mandalorians receive recurring dreams of their intended foundlings and Din just so happens to be the exception to that rule).
🔐 So You Can Imagine the Kind of Stress That I am Under by nik_knows_nothing (Din & Grogu, Gen, 5k)
Taking care of foundlings is part of the Mandalorian code. That doesn't mean it comes naturally. (Or, the Mandalorian struggles with the care and keeping of a baby alien that is older than he is and is also apparently a magical space wizard.)
💜 I have acquired a child. by @din-dadrin (Din & Grogu, Gen, 5k, Epistolary, Social Media)
How can I ensure its welfare without having it become attached to me? Thank you. 🗨 17 comments    ➦ Share    🠷 Save    🛇 Hide    ⚑ Report (The r/Parenting AU some people wondered about but technically did not ask for.)
The Parent by DistantStorm (Din & Grogu, Gen, 21k)
He says he is not the child’s anything. He is a man, righting a wrong. Nothing more. (He is wrong.)
not alone (not anymore) by @dotnscal (Din & Grogu, Gen, 1k, POV Grogu)
The Mandalorian is lonely. Grogu tries to comfort him.
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silviakundera · 3 months
yay I'm thankful I've been waiting for your reply parallel world and spire realm were not even on my radar censorship is so ???? it runs the gamut from queerness to mystical fantasy and also I gotta laugh because you're telling me all the popular dramas I listed I've been seeing floating around in the past few months none of them have ride or die ships? why? I've seen them raved about so much I was looking forward to some of them but better to know than be disappointed.
hey nonny, sorry I misunderstood your ask b4! I thought the dramas you listed was stuff you already tried and didn't like.
Shen Li you might enjoy! It's one of the sub-classes of xanxia where the otp don't betray each other (there's no misunderstanding or forced scenario that creates a legit grudge between them ). This couple got my heart pumping. She's a general who sees the bigger picture and is honor bound to save the realm #1. He's given his existence to the realm for centuries and is ready to give it all up for loooooovvveeeee. How will this xanxia couple find a happy ending??? 🤔🤔 (don't worry, they do)
In Blossom maybe? I liked it but it never made me lose mind, though I'm a fan of at least 4 tropes it featured. Perhaps because FL is a weaker actress than the ML actor. IMO that can impact how much you can "feel" the passion coming from her vs ML. It's not the writer's fault but I kept wondering when she was gonna fall in love w him and then I was like, lol oops she already canonically did. i just didn't notice. 😂😭
I do still maintain my rec for Parallel World as a ride or die battle couple.
Check out this vid from irid - chemistry and devotion ❤ but gotta click to turn on the CC subs.
Also check out these fantastic vids for The Spirealm:
"If it were you, would you choose the real but scary world or a virtual but safe world?"
"I'll choose wherever you are."
Couple vid by Mrselipse555, hard coded subs
one more focused on Ruan Nanzhu's emotional arc by Christine M. A powerful vid but spoilery. Click to turn on the CC subs.
Requisite warning for The Spirealm - is there a happy ending? this is completely subjective, based on a) the viewer's interpretation of the drama [there are multiple valid reads] and b) how much you can vibe with the common magical-thinking xanxia HE, with final minutes reunions that make no logical sense (I've grown comfortable with this style of ending, as to me it's become a staple cdrama trope - fate rewarded the couple for their sacrifices; now inexplicably the beloved can be resurrected, though the narrative had previously declared this impossible.)
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allthefujoshiunite · 1 year
Hi, Nora....How are you? Just want say, thanks so much for sharing your BL recs and reviews. I found a lot of my new fav because of you. Really love reading your beautiful writting about what you're reading.
You have post your favorite seme in BL, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite uke in BL? And why you love them?
Also can I ask your favorite female characters in BL manga/manhwa?
Sorry for asking too much and I know I've already sending you an ask some time ago, I hope it's okay (if it's from the same person)....
Hope you have a nice day....
Hiiii ~ I'm good, how are you? Reading your message really warmed my heart :3 I know I'm like a broken record, but hearing people enjoy the stuff I put effort writing in makes me feel ecstatic. Take these hearts!!
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Very good questions, and I had a hard time picking uke characters because I love them so much??? Interestingly, when I first started reading BL I found myself gravitating towards the seme but in recent years I like uke characters more. Tropes and trends surely change in years so it's possible that more artists started writing the type of characteristics that I love. Anyways, enough rambling and onto the recommendations!
If I had to find one characteristic that I ADORE in an uke, that would be emotional maturity. They may not be experienced romantic relationship-wise or confused/mislead depending on the situation but I love it when they are honest to themselves and their love interest/partner. Here are some recent or all-time favorites that fit this bill:
An Extremely Haphazard and Weak-willed Kiss - Koshino (desperately need that 2nd vol!!)
Tsubame's Happiness - Arima Arashi
The Farthest Love in the World - Asou Mitsuaki
His Little Amber - Natsume Kazuki
All That Pierces The Heart - Kari Sumako (I admit Akira is not that emotionally mature but my heart just felt his pain! Please give this one a read if you haven't.)
The New Recruit - Moscareto & ZEC
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Honorable mentions would be Semantic Error, FANGS, Birds of Shangri-la, The Insatiable Man, Between the Stars, Like the Beast, Golden Sparkle, I'll Make You Cry.
As you can see... my brain fried up trying to limit the characters I love to a list! Not possible.
As for female characters in BL!
As you know, they aren't as prominent in BL for whatever reason, so it wasn't too hard to limit myself (sadly). I like that they increasingly become a part of the narrative, as a character themselves and not just for jealousy reasons! Here are my top 3:
The Insatiable Man: Jiho has two older sisters, and while at first one of them is not as likable as the other, both serve very important roles in the narrative and Jiho's journey, including their mother. I'll wither away if we don't get the 3rd season anytime soon.
Who Can Define Popularity?: There are two female characters in this story that I especially like, one of them is the friends with the main couple, and the other is the sister of the main character Siwon. This completed manhwa is a MUST READ because it's fun, it's emotional and full of goodness.
Love For Sale: I know I know, you're SO tired of me bringing up this series everytime I get an ask but what's a girl to do???? It's just THAT good! I actually adore the uke in this as well but I held back, so cut me some slack for mentioning it here. The main character Namwoo has an older sister, Eunjung. I like her not only because she's her own character, interesting and have lots to offer, her and her brother's relationship is extremely similar to what we have with my older brother. And because of that similarity, reading about their relationship was super emotional for me.
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Honorable mention: They aren't exactly in the center but Traces of the Sun has two side characters that are a joy to see when they make a cameo.
Aaaand that's a wrap! I'm sorry I rambled for too long :'D You can send me an ask whenever you want, I don't mind. It was really fun to put together and I might rewrite it as a Top 5 post on my blog as well, so thank you for the idea! Hope you have a good day and enjoyed reading another list of mine.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Hey!  So I just found your amazing work and end up binge-reading some of your Wolfstar fics. I couldn't not write you!
Some honorable mentions:
Dusk…. Whyyyyy?! Just tell me why! It hurted so much! I mean, it's beautifully written, and the way you portray all the pain the family get through, the second chapter where you show little by little as Sirius "losses his mind"… and then Remus… Oh god, you made me cry!!!! But don't get me wrong, it's already on the favorite list!
Then I read some happy ones, because I have a weak heart and need some comfort! eheheh 
Sal y pimenta - I laughed so hard! Really on point the Spanish parts.
Give me a sign - ugh yeaaaaas I loved the deaf Remus and genderfluid Sirius. And them being both wizards, and Sirius learning to sign for his/their soulmate 😭😭
Summer Boys - Muggle Remus??? I didn't know I needed this!
"You saved my life, Remus. At eight years old, when you found me in this park, you saved my life. You can’t get rid of me that easily.  I will find you again.” 
I'm out of words! Straight to favorites list ❤
Do you intend to finish Give me a sign and Summer Boys? 😊
And unfortunately today I have to pretend I'm a grown up and can't read more fics 😭 Just wanted to let you know that your work is appreciated! 💖 have a nice day 😘
Ah, thanks so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed these! This ask has me all giddy. 🥰
Give me a Sign and Summer Boys will absolutely be finished. The plan is for both of them to have 3 chapters each, and I’m hopin to get them wrapped up soon.
If I can be so bold, here’s some recs for where to go next (after you’re done being a grown up, for course):
What We Do To Get By is the one I just finished. It’s angsty, start to finish, but I love this version of wolfstar.
Lonely (but not alone) is a modern magic AU I’m writing with @aqua-myosotis. It’s a Sirius raises Harry, Remus raises Teddy fic. Still a WIP, but the next chapter is hopefully coming son. 🤞
Nights on the Knight Bus is a meet-ugly AU where Remus works on the Knight Bus and Sirius is looking for somewhere to sleep for few nights until James gets home after running away from Grimmauld place. It’s really just PWP, but it’s fun.
Under the Right Moon is an angsty get together fic that focus’s on Remus’s non-linear recovery from trauma. Some heavy TW in the tags, so make sure to check that if you need to.
Baby Harry’s BIG News is Wolfstar babysitting Harry, and it’s just funny and sweet.
If you come back for more (or if anyone else wants) let me know if you’re interested in anything other than wolfstar. I’ve got a ton of Jily, Wolfstarbucks, Moonchaser, or Wolfstar+extras if you’re interested in any of that.
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wuahae · 2 years
ꕥ my designated new years post!
this is going to be really short and brief cause i ... am not a girl that has a lot to say lol but ! i joined caratblr in august and even though it hasn't been that long, i just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who's here for giving my writing a chance and staying with me! i know i'm not always active and i write even less but thank you for still sticking around despite that 🫂 i can't promise i'll write at a faster pace next year but i will promise that i'll always be here, even if i'm not posting a whole ton ♡♡
thank you to all my mutuals on this blog! i wish i could list all of you but it's hard to keep track of mutuals on a sideblog and i have a notoriously bad memory 😭 but thank you for sticking around, and i hope we can interact more in the future! a special thanks to a few notable people:
@angelwonie: lia!! thank you for being my very first mutual that i talked to, and thank you for sharing your ideas of fake dating mingyu with me and indulging in my lifeguard!mingyuisms when it wasn't even an official teaser yet. i know we don't talk that much anymore, but i am always rooting for you!! every time you like my post (on main or side) it still feels like a warm hug ♡
@97-liners: jackie! i think the first post i saw from you is that one comparing seventeen members to cats and dogs? i thought you were hilarious btw but i will never forget the way i felt when i first read your fwb!jihoon fic... it changed the course of my life forever (i became a woozidan and you made me realize my inherent need to be peeled like a clementine) if there are 0 fans of that fic left i am no longer alive!!! i love love love your writing and the emotions you evoke and i always find myself coming back to your masterlist (both nct and svt!) to read dependable good writing :") i know we sometimes interact on dash but i would love to talk with you more next year! thank you for being the freshest daikon, i'm honored to taste like honey mustard 🫶
@jeongjaebae: hi sherri ♡ we only recently became mutuals but thank you for always responding to me email-length asks with your equally email-length responses LOL. i'm so thankful to have someone that i can not only be a carat with but also a deobi (and an nctzen)! thank you for continuing to post tbz fics even though the tags aren't as populated as they used to be, i promise i'll join you in posting in tbz tag soon! ready to start the deobi renaissance!! i love talking with you, especially about older kpop era things like 2nd gen groups and dream high LOL, and i hope we can talk even more next year too ♡♡♡ p.s thank you for enjoying dayglow, even while it's just a concept and a teaser :")
@shuatm: cece, whose pocket i've currently set residency in!! how could i even make this post without you lmao ,,, where to even begin! crazy that we only started talking two weeks ago but thank you for being such a trooper in the amount of information and song recs and videos i dump on you and allowing me to feed you tbz brainworms even in the midst of my own insanity 🫶 if that isn't friendship idk what is! thank you for always indulging me in the concepts and ideas i bring up to you that i can't write even if you yell at me afterwards, and i'm always always honored to have you share your ideas and drafts with me! love love love you, i hope we talk even more next year hehe ♡♡
once again, thank you to all my readers and followers, i hope you have a wonderful new year where your happiness outweighs everything else 🫶
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kingofbodyrolls · 7 months
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Yoongi fic recs 2024 🥳
In honor of Yoongi’s birthday, I want to share my ultimate favorite Yoongi stories, that I’ve read this past year (2023-2024) 💜 I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹 🥳
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell or contains dark themes, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the fic, it might seem like a tiny gesture, but it really means a lot for writers and I can guarantee it will put a smile on their faces💜 Let’s share and give lots of love!
Looking for more to read? Check ‘The Library’ or last years recs 🙂
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[index] → jan | feb (jhs) | mar (💜) | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep (jjk)(knj) | oct (pjm) | nov | dec (kth)(ksj) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻, fantasy = 🪄. 
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⭐Illicit Favors @yoongiofmine // myg x f.reader // producer!yoongi, virgin!reader, f2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 When your editor tells you to re-write the chapters of your book because the sex scenes are weak, suggesting you write them from experience, what do you do when you lack any kind of sexual experiences in general? You go to your friend and ask him for help with it.
🗨️ Matchmaker Namjoon!! The premise is funny and leads to slight awkwardness, but it’s so good. I love the reader and Yoongi’s friendship in this. I was left speechless after reading it, I can’t recommend this enough 🙂
⭐Tricks of the Trade @stutterfly // myg x f.reader // body swap!au, soulmates!au, idiots to lovers, frenemies to lovers // 🥰😂🥵
📝 The convenience store across the street from your apartment carries your favorite energy drink. That’s why you frequent it. It’s definitely not because you have a big fat crush on the owner you’ve been flirting with for the better part of a year. Of course your brand of flirting can also be misconstrued as bickering. When a strange man wanders into the store, he thinks you need a little nudge to embrace the strings connecting you. Next thing you know you’re waking up in a body that definitely doesn’t belong to you. You can’t decide if it’s the best or worst thing that’s ever happened to you.
🗨️ This is utterly perfection! It is so funny and hilarious - but it is also insanely smutty! It’s really interesting with body swapping, what they learn about each other, lol. I read this on a day where I was feeling down, and it honestly made my day! 💜Also, now I kinda wanna watch ‘She’s the Man’ 😂
⭐Backtrack @mapofthesea // myg x pjm x reader // producers!yoonmin, assistant!reader, bi!yoongi // 🥵🥰
📝 There’s no telling just how long you’d been stuck in the windowless studio, and you’re just about ready to walk out and forfeit your paycheck for the week, until your bosses strike up an interesting bargain.
🗨️ Holy fuck 🥵 I feel like I need to take a very long shower now 🫣🫣🫣 this is probably one of the dirtiest fics I’ve read. It’s so good 🤤
⭐Workaholic @hobiwonder [10K] // myg x f.reader // “‘strangers” to lovers (I don’t want to spoil!) // 🥵😂🥰
📝 Yoongi needs to relax and Hoseok has many tricks up his sleeve to make him. None of them Yoongi thought included hiring a hooker to pay him a visit one stormy night. 
🗨️ Wow okay, this was so freaking great! Like, what??? Incredible! A masterpiece! I really really loved it 🥺 everything was so fucking good, their chemistry, the tense build up ugh, so fucking good! 💯 ✨
⭐What the Moon Saw + Stolen Tides @violetsiren90 // myg x f.reader // non-idol!au, f2l // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 In the words of the great Stevie Nicks, "Time makes you bolder, even children get older, and I'm getting older too."
🗨️ This is just so fucking beautiful. Everything. About. It. Period. 😭 It is emotional, it is young love, and it is tender and loving - like, Yoongi is just so sweet. Their timing sucks, but thankfully Violet wrote a beautiful drabble to give the couple a lovely ending! 💜 Truly, please go read it, it is so good I was crying and felt so good after, it’s sweet – OKAY I’M SOFT I know.
⭐Oh, darling! [series; completed] @yoongiofmine // myg x f.reader // university!au, non idol au, professor!yoongi, student!reader // 🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you’ve held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought? 
🗨️ Holy fucking shit 🥵🫣😳 This is just one of my favorites series, EVER 💜 This is in my top 10, no questions! ✨
⭐Mami @kithtaehyung // myg x f.reader, knj x f.reader, jhs x f.reader // roommates!au, battle rap!au // 🥵
📝 You somehow have a conversation with Yoongi, and you tell your roommate about a date date.
🗨️ So, so good 🥵 really looking forward to more of this series 🥵 🫣
⭐Damn the Charcuterie Board @bratkook // myg x f.reader x pjm // bestfriends!au, threesome // 🥵
📝 This doesn’t have a summary, so here goes mine; reader has has a sling of unfulfilling sexual times, and in the company of her best friends, she thinks about a video she watched recently. Could they give her what she needed?
🗨️ This has been on my reading list for so freaking long! 🥹 And now I finally got to read it, and damn, it is one of the best, filthiest fics out there. So, so good! 💯🥵
⭐Cotton Candy Computer (1) [series; discontinued] @softyoongiionly // myg x f.reader // hacker!au // 🥵🌩️
📝 Min Yoongi is the top hacker in the world. He has put away countless other cyber criminals all whilst evading detection by virtually everyone he has ever crossed paths with, including the government. The diabolical super hacker that came close to tracking him down is now serving a 10 year prison sentence, all thanks to Yoongi’s handiwork. So what happens when the sentence is shortened unexpectedly? What happens when the biggest threat to public safety is roaming the streets again, determined to get revenge on the man who put him away? What happens when the worlds most infamous hacker just so happens to manage your local Mikrokosmic Electronics? A terabyte of trouble.
🗨️ Shit this was incredibly good!!!! Why isn’t it finished? 😭 I don’t usually read unfinished or discontinued series, but the summary really had me and I just had to read it – and now I’m hooked and I want more of this sexy hot hacker Yoongi! 😭 The story was also just so well written and the chemistry between reader and oc was so fucking perfect, and don’t get me started on the smut, like ugh 🥵 Gosh, I’m so sad there aren’t more parts to it (like the author planned four parts). But it’s so so good, and the cliffhanger isn’t horrible (in terms of wanting to read the next chapter). It can definitely be read as a one shot, I just really, really wished there was more, because, fuck, it was perfect! 💯💜✨
⭐Three Tangerines [series; ongoing] @kithtaehyung // myg x f.reader // fuckboy!yoongi, brother’s best friend!au, age gap!au // 🌩️🥵
📝 Throughout high school, you sometimes caught glimpses of your brother’s older friends: some of them were sweet, some of them were smart. but the one closest to him? that guy was a total f*ckboy from day one. after a foray of horrid relationships spanning years - ending with one that broke up with you for an alarming reason - you needed advice on what the hell you were doing wrong… and this wasn’t a conversation for anyone sweet or smart.
🗨️ I will keep screaming about Ryen and 3tan, yes. And if you have not read it yet, please take 3-7 days off from work or school to do so 😂
⭐Sinful Lust [completed series] @oddinary4bts [71.9K]  // myg x f.reader x jjk // slice of life!au, bisexual boyfriend!yoongi // 🥵🌩️🌩️🌩️
📝 in an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating...
🗨️ this one is special to me (as is everything Ella writes honestly). This one is very controversial because of the cheating aspect in it, but it feels so real and it’s very well handled! I love it! It’s very angsty too, made me cry multiple times– I was just so invested in it! I’m really trying not to spoil too much (I already have lol). Just, read it okay??? ✨
⭐F*ck Christmas  @sailoryooons [23.4K] // myg x f.reader // f2l // 🥰🥵
📝 Making hating Christmas your entire personality was never the plan. Then again, it seems bad things only ever happen around Christmas - like discovering your fiancé cheating on you, forcing you to move back to your sleepy hometown. But Min Yoongi happens to love Christmas, and if there is one thing your very stubborn childhood crush is going to do, it’s try to reignite your Christmas spirit. Even if he has to force-feed it to you with gingerbread cookies and too-sweet eggnog. 
🗨️ Gosh, I remember reading this sometime last year and it was perfection - it still is! ✨ It’s so so so fucking good. If you haven’t read it, please do so 🥹 it’s also one of the best Christmasy fics 💜
⭐Eargasm + Eargasm II @lavishedinjimin [9.5K + 14K]  // myg x f.reader // phonesex!au, sexhotline!au // 🥵
📝 the idea of having your first ever orgasm by talking to a hot, random stranger through your phone scares the living hell out of you, but maybe it won’t be as bad as you think.
🗨️ holy fuck, FUCK. this is insane 🥵🥵🥵
⭐Less of Them [ongoing series] @casuallyimagining [9.9K]  // myg x f.reader // established relationship, arranged marriage!au, star-crossed lovers // 🥵🌩️🥰🪄
📝 as the daughter of one of the oldest families in the kingdom, when the king decides that it's you he wishes to marry, you're forced to make a decision and fulfill your duty, leaving behind everything you've ever known--and the only man you've ever loved.
🗨️ PLEASE, PLEASE— FUCKING PLEASE. If you have not read this one yet. Please do it now 😭🥺 It made me cry in the best way possible! The world building, the characters, their love for each other shines to fucking bright and then– [spoiler] READ IT yelling with hands frantically moving above my head
⭐Things that Grow @violetsiren90 [0.9k]  // myg x f.reader // established relationship, idol!au // 🥰🌩️
📝 the idea of having your first ever orgasm by talking to a hot, random stranger through your phone scares the living hell out of you, but maybe it won’t be as bad as you think.
🗨️ it is so fucking beautiful, I can’t even begin to articulate… fuck. I know it’s very short, but dammit I love it. Every single freaking word in this is PERFECTION.
⭐Hard Liquor @chateautae [8k]  // myg x f.reader x jjk // business!au, age!au, executive boss!yoongi x employee!reader // 🥵
📝 your dull evening at a bar becomes hopeful when your mysterious, handsome boss min yoongi shows you the ropes on everything alcohol, but shows you much more when he ends up buried deep inside you.
🗨️ it was SO FUCKING INCREDIBLE like I don’t even know where to begin??? The smut??? That has left me in utter need of Holy Water, because DAMN 🥵 The writing, flow of the story was also just 💯✨
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This is my little corner with my own fics— I don’t write that much (I prefer to read), but it would mean a lot to me if you checked out my work or read it. You don’t have to, it’s up to you of course 🥰
⭐Friendcation [110.5k] // myg x f. reader // roadtrip!au/camping!au, f2bfwb2l, mechanic!Yoongi // 🥵🥰😂
📝going camping with your best friends seemed like a brilliant idea when you initially made the plans. But when you harbor secret feelings for one of them, what will become of you being close confined for three months? Trouble, that’s what.
🗨️ you might laugh, but this is very special to me because it’s the first long fic I wrote and I wrote it because I missed my sister and brother-in-law (they were going on a roadtrip across Europe, lol).
⭐Learn to Love Again [19.4k ] // myg x f. reader // hybrid!au (shapeshifter!yoongi), s2l, slice of life!au // 🌩️👻🥵🥰
📝people always leave. They become beautiful stars shining bright in the night sky. When life hands you lemons, you’ve been told to make lemonade, but that is hard when your soul and heart is breaking apart. When you rescue a tiny cat and meet a handsome stranger in the cafe, you finally feel yourself healing – but when they too leave, how are you going to learn to love again?
🗨️ this one is quite sad, but I really adore it. I wrote it when I was very depressed, so it’s very heavy in that department 🥲
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And as a something little extra, here’s a few fics that I haven’t had the time to read yet, but damn I’m buzzing to get to read them:
Those Eyes Chico [ongoing series] @kookslastbutton
Burden @casuallyimagining
Pour some sugar on me @yoonia
Turbulence [AO3] by orphan_account
Only Yesterday [completed series] @borathae
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Happy birthday to our Lotus flowers, YOONGI!!!! 🥳💜✨
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codename-adler · 10 months
Make me some lists Madam, if you please.
What are your top 5 bands?
Tell me 5 recent movies you watched that you would recommend.
What are five things from your high school science class that you still remember?
5 (non-aftg) fandoms that you read fanfiction for?
What are your top (5) go-to snacks?
Imagine Dragons, always
Kodaline, forever
Fall Out Boy
Fleetwood Mac
honorable mentions: Of Monsters and Men, One Direction, 5sos, Little Mix. The Neighbourhood. i'm basic. i know. but imagine dragons has been there for me since 2013 and i'm still here, so i ain't letting go. kodaline has my whole heart and these guys can keep it. also even if technically Florence + The Machine is a band, i knew that wasn't what you were asking. but she's up there. oh, she is way up there.
Recent movies rec
Zombieland: Double Tap (Sony, 2019)
Passing (Netflix, 2021)
Castle in the Sky (Studio Ghibli, 1986)
Much Ado About Nothing (Wyndam's Theatre, 2011)
The Hunger Games (Lionsgate, 2012)
now i have put Hunger Games last because it the most recent film i have watched, like, 2 days ago, and because it is not a new watch for me. all others are, Zombieland 2 being my favorite hence being number one. but Hunger Games deserves first place. always. it is a masterpiece, such as are the books. but the first film is out of this world. the commentary on girlhood and adolescence, capitalism, televised violence... i have studied it and written uni papers on it. simply incomparable. Zombieland 2 was a pleasant surprise, i'd enjoyed the first one but the second is actually super funny too. Passing is an artwork. Castle in the Sky is an oldie but Ghibli never misses. Much Ado About Nothing is the adapted play of one W. Shakespeare, which you can watch in whole on YT. that one's part of my david tennant rampage. iykyk. but it is so so good. give it a try, trust me.
High School Science Class
Miniature boat building: build a small boat that must stay afloat and cross a one-meter distance in a kiddie pool. grades were succeed and pass the class, or fail and fail. hated physics ever since.
The Pineapple Carver: in a final exam, we had a video demonstrating a instrument carving the hard heart out of a pineapple. we had to explain all the mechanisms in it and all the forces involved. re: my hatred of physics.
Technical drawings: goddamn physics again. with the fuckin T ruler and all those goddamn clean and perfect angles. nightmare.
HPV presentation in sex ed: no, no, I did the presentation. had to do a sketch and everything. didn't eat cauliflowers for a week.
Non-AFTG fics
Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, The Raven Cycle, Teen Wolf, The Old Guard.
Veggie/fruits gummies
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kanerallels · 3 years
Did you say Christian Fantasy? *Eyes emoji* Got any reccs? Most of my Christian fantasy has been CS Lewis and Tolkien, of course, but also Thomas Wayne Batson, aaand Dragons in our midst. xD Other than that I know Nothing.
I did!! I basically went through my entire library to find as much as possible-- fantasy is my preferred genre to read.
I would absolutely LOVE to give you some recs! I love those authors, too, so that gives me a good idea of what to recommend:
"Fawkes", by Nadine Brandes. She's the one who wrote the Out Of Time series and I love her VERY MUCH. This is more of a historical fantasy sort of thing, but it's super good! It's got some epic characters, a super cool magic system, and a very cool story overall
"The Restorer", by Sharon Hinck. This one caught my attention because the storyline is SO UNIQUE. This suburban mom gets pulled into this alternate world where she ends up as a Restorer (basically a prophet). It's just such an unusual take to have an already married woman in her forties as the protagonist of a story like this, and I thought it was REALLY neat! Also, it's a series and I love it
"Moonscript", by H. S. J. Williams. This book is SUPER good. It has elves. It has found family. It has adoption. It shows God in such a beautiful and positive light that it makes me emotional every time. It has some excellent ships. And if you read it you should tell @accidental-spice since she's obsessed with it
"Books of the Infinite", by R. J. Larson. This one is super cool cause it's all inspired by Bible stories. It's a little more adult, I will warn you, but I personally think it's worth it
The Ravenwood Saga, by Morgan L. Busse. This one is mainly set around a romance but also around the main character finding God. It's a little more formal of a read than Moonscript, for instance, but has some very cool world building. And magic. And there's a character who's favorite food is toast, which I'm a little obsessed with. (Also has a little adultish content, I can elaborate on either of these if you want. Just wanted to make sure you knew!)
Okay, I'd better stop here otherwise this list could get really long lol! But honorable mentions go to the Green Ember series, the Blades of Acktar series, and the Weaver trilogy! Thanks for the ask and let me know if you have any more questions!
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totheblood · 2 years
totheblood's sleepover
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hi all! hope you are having a fun night, i wanted to do something fun in honor of me hitting 800 followers. i just recently started writing and can't believe i have hit this milestone and that this many people enjoy my writing! also a huge thanks to everyone over at @tshwritersnet, thank you for the endless support, kindness and friendship.
ships. send me a description about yourself and I'll ship you with a character (not limiting to marvel)
cast your mutuals. tell me what to cast my mutuals/friends as and i will!
character playlist. send me a character and i'll make a playlist for them
song recommendations. tell me about yourself and i'll give you a song that reminds me of you
fmk. fuck marry kill, pretty self explanatory?
moodboard. give me a vibe and a person and i'll make a moodboard for them
movie reviews. send me a movie and if i have seen it i will give my honest review on it
graphics. do you need a graphic? send me an ask with what you need it for, what you want it to say, colors and overall vibe, and i will do my best to make it for you
fic recs. tell me what you like, and i will suggest a fic for you
free compliments. send me your work, (fics, moodboards, playlists, graphics) and i'll compliment it
questions. ask me anything, and i will give you the honest answer.
advice. need advice? great! im great at giving advice.
rant/vent. if you need a place to let out your thoughts i'm here
get to know me. send me one of these prompts and answer it for yourself! so we get to know each other
blurbs. send me a prompt from the following list, who you want it written for, and i'll write a short blurb
broken trust
“ you broke your promise. “ “ i never intended on keeping it. “ “ thought you were one of the good ones. “ “ i can’t believe i'd be so stupid... [to trust you]. “ “ you broke your promise. why? “ “ you promised me. “ “ so? “ '' don’t bother with an apology. '' '' it’s my fault for being so naive. '' '' you don't deserve me. not anymore. '' '' trust goes both ways. '' “ you lied to me. “ '' trust is earned. you have to give it to get it. '' '' this wasn’t supposed to happen. '' '' you weren’t supposed to lie. “ “ why couldn’t you just be honest with me? “ “ what else did you break? “ '' i thought we could be honest with each other no matter what. '' '' why don't you trust me? '' “ think you can forgive me? “ “ maybe one day. but it’s gonna take some time. “ '' you don't think i trust you? '' '' well, clearly not! '' '' i know you don’t trust me... '' '' you should have known better. '' “ did i break your heart? “ “ i promise — “ “ don’t. “ '' you seriously expect me to trust you after the shit you just pulled? '' “ trust you? are you [fucking] serious? “
grumpy/sunshine prompts
“ it's different when [he's] with me. “ “ honestly, i don't get you two as a couple. “ “ you can do so much better. “ “ i love [her]. i know that might not be enough for you, but it is to me. “ “ [B] hates everyone. “ “ everyone but you. “ “ how could you possibly love someone like B? “ “ it's really none of your business who i'm dating. “ “ he's always been there for me when i needed him. “ “ you don't know [him] like i do. “ “ [he's] more relaxed in private. “ “ you love me, don't you? “ “ too much to function. “ '' how did you pull someone like that? '' '' how come i'm the one with a resting bitch face but you're the one with an attitude? '' '' you are sunshine incarnated. i hope you know that. '' '' but you're so cheery, and [he's] so... weird. '' '' [he's] not a bad person. '' '' you might be the only person i can tolerate, but not even you can bring out the best in me this early in the morning. '' '' you're lucky you're cute, because your eternal optimism is super annoying. '' '' you complement each other well. '' '' i've never seen you this happy with anyone before. '' '' [she] makes you smile. that's quite the achievement. '' '' oh my god, you're smiling? '' '' just because i happen to hate everyone else, doesn't mean i don't want to spend every second of my day with you. '' '' you're the only one who's ever going to see me this way. '' '' this way what? '' '' this happy. '' [beat] '' not counting our wedding day. '' '' smile. it's not gonna kill you. '' '' you're angry. '' '' i'm not angry, this is my everyday face. '' '' so what exactly did you do on your parents wedding day? '' '' uh... counted the hours until i could go home and play mario kart. ''
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ninja-muse · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anon who asked about kind protagonists. Thanks for the recs! So far I have read Piranesi and Small Gods, and I liked them both (I knew I would like Small Gods because... Terry Pratchett, but Piranesi was new and lovely!) Anyway, I'm here for another rec ask - do you have any ghost or ghost-like stories that are romantic rather than scary? And by romantic I don't mean "with a romance", I mean... haunting in the sentimental sense, haha. Thank you!
Oh, I'm so glad you're enjoying my recs so far! And yes, I have more recs for you. Hopefully they'll hit the mark as well as the last batch. :)
Poems Bewitched and Haunted is part of the Everyman's Pocket Poetry series and is probably my favourite of the ones I've read. It's full of beautifully spooky and haunting poems and I should really reread it.
Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire is an incredible ode to Americana and ghost lore. The Hitchhiking Ghost was killed by the Phantom Car and is now travelling America to avoid the Car's driver and helping other ghosts along the way. It started as serial short stories so every chapter's very much its own thing within the story arc, and it was very much a book I sank into. It has sequels, The Girl in the Green Silk Gown and Angel of the Overpass, which are probably just as good because McGuire's excellent, but I haven't read them yet.
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman is a middle grade about a boy who's raised by ghosts and the undead in a graveyard and was inspired by The Jungle Book. It's about family and belonging and facing your fears, and the inhabitants of the graveyard are wonderfully portrayed.
Ghosts by Gaslight, edited by Jack Dann, came up when I searched my "read books" list for ghosts. I would've read it a decade ago so my memory is fuzzy, but I know it was a solid anthology so it should give you a good mix—scary, haunting, beautiful, offbeat.
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger never got the buzz The Time Traveller's Wife did, but if you're looking for over-dramatic teenagers and toxic relationships and other literary-type drama, but set in a haunted flat next to Highgate Cemetery, look no further. It's too full of unlikable people for me to have properly liked it, but it definitely has that heightened-emotions-a-la-Gothic-novel flair and I found a lot of it unsettling.
Gallant is V.E. Schwab's most recent novel. It's about a girl who can see ghosts and who's grown up in an orphanage, and then she gets a letter from her birth family inviting her home to their Gothic mansion. The one that may or may not border another world. It's about courage and determination and making your own family, it's darkly beautiful and immersive, and it has that middle-grade/fable sensibility while being written for an older audience.
On my TBR:
Echoes, edited by Ellen Datlow (1000 pages of ghost stories by the best writers in SFF)
The Haunting Season, edited by Sara Collins (nine wintery ghost stories)
Ghostland by Colin Dickey (a history examining America through ghost stories)
Honorable mentions to:
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury (two boys vs. evil carnival, really about boyhood and growing up and related fears)
Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings (gothic Australian fairy tale, distinctly unsettling)
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