#thank you samantha
nepenthean-sleep · 2 years
just want to say thank you @sshannonauthor for yet another wonderful, heart-wrenching story about love, loss, and the power of lgbt+ women. i was so fortunate to be able to read priory right after its release when i was a bookseller (the cover caught my eye!), not knowing how much i would treasure the story within and how it would help me understand my identity. priory was the first book i read where being gay wasn't deemed a tragedy. as a then 19-year-old closeted and questioning woman, ead and sabran's story made me feel seen in a way i had never felt before. priory set me on a path to accept and embrace my identity as a queer woman, and fallen night just reconfirms everything i've felt. thank you so much for sharing this incredibly intricate, massive, legendary world with us again.
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anguishmacgyver · 10 months
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cobra-wives · 2 months
sam and kreese being the two characters that end up mentally manifesting their "true enemy" (tory, terry) in their head via a dark hallucination in which their true enemy points out their real flaws, tell them how it really is to their face, and says something really gay to them (i know exactly who you are, princess) (you're my weakness, johnny, but i'm not yours), and then they have a sick fight scene with the part of themselves they believe is their weakness. the feminism is strong with this show
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 1
Samantha Carpenter x GN Reader.
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New York City has always been a bustling hotspot for restaurants, opportunities, and some “night activities.”
And yet Samantha Carpenter can’t shake this emptiness she feels everyday in her life.
(Sam’s Pov) It was a busy friday evening and I had just gotten off my shift at the diner. The Manager let me go home early with my regular pay as a reward for working hard.
Truth is. There’s a reason why I don’t take days off and constantly work.
I wrapped up my leftovers in a bag for dinner later and walk back to the apartment since the gym was closed today ‘that’s where I usually spend my time’.
New York being the big city it is, I had to bump through crowds, junkies and greeted some couples. When I got to my complex, some people were already shooting looks at me, one threw a paper ball at me.
‘Looks like our neighbors know I’m the daughter of a small town serial killer.’
After getting past the death glares, I enter my apartment and put my leftovers in the fridge. Then I pour a cup of whiskey, sitting down to collect my thoughts, not bothering to turn on the tv.
I hear the door open a half hour later “Sam! Im home” hearing that voice always brings a little smile to my face.
Tara sets her shopping bags down and sits on the couch next to me, turning on the tv. I felt a bit of joy knowing I’m giving Tara what she always wanted. A degree, a boyfriend, and freedom to live her life provided she be careful of the dangers.
I took a sip of my drink “So how was your date with Chad?”
Tara jumped in excitement “Amazing! We went to a nice restaurant that had an open mic. You should have seen Chad try to sing “All of me” he did it a little off key but reassured that it was a “song picked just for me.” Tomorrow we’re going to an arcade that just opened. Want to join us?”
I felt an ache in my chest and it wasn’t the whiskey “Thank you Tara….but I don’t want to impose. Especially since I’m letting you live your life freely.”
Damn. I didn’t do much to hid my emotions and Tara was quick to notice.
“Is everything ok?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder. Normally, I hate being asked that but this is my sister ‘sigh’ “I guess….I guess I’m just lonely to tell you the truth.”
Tara was confused “Lonely? Aw don’t be silly, you have me and the twins.”
I sipped my drink once again “I mean you know….lonely.” Tara playfully slapped her forehead. “Ohhh I see. I mean, I can try to help you find a date.”
I smiled a bit. “That would be nice, I just hope I find one. It’s not that easy when you’re the daughter of the first Ghostface.” Tara nodded “If that worries you, I can take a break from Chad and spend some time with you.”
“But Tara, you love him.” My sister nodded “I do. But you’re my sister and I love you more. All you have to do is say the word.”
I sniffled heavily before wrapping my arms around Tara “Oof. How can a (Guy/Girl) not love a woman with big muscles?” I laughed a bit.
(1 month later)
(Tara’s pov) True to my word, I spent more time with Sam. Even though she assured me that it was ok with me bringing Chad to the apartment or going on dates with him.
Since Chad is still asleep from finishing that assignment, I’m eating breakfast with Mindy and Anika. They were surprised that I chose to eat at the place Sam works at.
“I think I know what i want.” I said as Mindy looked up from her menu “T. Did you choose this place because it’s that good?”
“Or did you want a free meal from your sister?” Anika finished, laughing.
I rolled my eyes “No….I’m going to pay for-“ I felt my pockets “Shit! I forgot my wallet!” Mindy shook her head “Didn’t you forget it the last time you went with my brother to that restaurant.”
I blushed from embarrassment “Y-yes but I gave him the money back when I got paid.”
Anika nodded “What you really need is one of those wallet chains so you never have to lose it again. Plus it would look hot on you.”
Mindy playfully smacked Anika’s arm as Sam came by to take our orders “Now, now. Don’t kill each other until AFTER you eat.” As we took our orders, I picked mine which was a bit pricey ‘Sorry Sam.’
“Umm big sis. You think you can spot me for this one?”
Sam rolled her eyes “Again? How many times do I have to tell you to stop forgetting your money?” I smiled playfully “Pleaseeee. I won’t forget next time and I will pay you back, I promise.”
(Sams pov) I shook my head, not wanting my sister to throw a tantrum or steal somebody else’s food “Fine. I’ll hold you to that.” I gathered up the menus and took the orders to the kitchen. After that, I decided to wipe down the counter since it was a slow morning.
I was finishing the display case until a new customer walked in. “Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like
I looked up from the case and was at a loss for words when I set my eyes on the person that walked in.
(Sorry I had to. Lol)
Their (gothic/eccentric) attire was stunning enough to make a lot of heads turn. I shook my head, hiding my blush “ ‘Ahem’ Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like a booth or a table?”
(He/She) requested a booth saying they have a friend meeting them here for a class assignment. My shoulders tensed as I dropped the menu on the floor, running to get new one “Sorry about that”
I took a quiet breath and awaited their order.
(Tara’s pov) Another waitress brought our food and we were in the middle of a feast until I spotted Sam making eyes at the new customer that just walked in. I tapped Mindy on the shoulder “Ooh! Direct hit Cupid.” Mindy whispered.
“I’ll say. I think this is the first time I’ve seen my sister as a drooling lovesick puppy.” I nearly laughed when she dropped the menu and went to snatch a new one off another table “Smooth move Casanova” Anika whispered.
After Sam took her potential lovers order and brought their food out, she stepped outside telling her boss she was taking her fifteen. “Looks like someone needs a little push Tar” Mindy said.
I nodded as I went outside to find Sam with a hand on her chest, trying to control her rapid breathing.
“Someone’s got a crushhhh. Someone’s got a crushhh” I said in a singing voice, handing Sam a water bottle from my bag.
Sam wasn’t amused and showed her blush “Look. Try to talk to them Sammy. This is your chance to finally get a (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
She took a sip from her water bottle “B-but what if they don’t like me? What if they find out who I really am and never talk to me again?” I gently squeezed her shoulder
“Sam, you won’t know if you don’t try. I’ll be right there to comfort you if anything happens. Just introduce yourself and ask if you can sit with them until their friend shows up, make some small talk my hot sis.”
(Sam’s pov) I shook my head, smiling “I’m not really that hot but I’ll still make small talk with them.” We both head back inside the diner, seeing that the new customer is already eating their food.
I check my watch “Ok still on my break, time to make my move” I whispered.
I walk over to their table “Hi. Um, do you mind if I sit with you? I’m currently on break and my coworkers are having a football debate back there.
The customer looked up and smiled “Sure. I could use the company, seeing my friend is running a bit late.”
I hid the excitement in my stomach and sat down. “I’m Y/N by the way Y/N L/N.” They said extending their hand “Samantha….Carpenter. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’ll say. It’s not often I see a pretty girl wanting to have lunch with me.”
I was flattered “So you think I’m pretty?” Now it was their turn to blush “Um s-sure? I mean I would really like to get to know you more.”
I felt my phone vibrate. I open it to see laughing emojis from Tara saying we are “Both hopeless with the small talk.” I shot a look at her, shaking my head.
I took a breath and engaged in a conversation like our favorite hobbies, movies, latest tv shows. I was amazed by how much we have in common unlike Ritchie who never liked almost all my hobbies. Sometimes I question why I got with him in the first place.
Anyways we talked a bit more along with me complementing their outfit, saying it “Makes them stand out and look more attractive.” I didn’t realize how long we were talking until I realized I was five minutes over my break.
I quickly jumped from the booth and back to my station in a flash but not before leaving my number on the receipt if they want to talk more.
(One shift later)
(Sam’s pov) This day was very slow and tiring. I was anxiously waiting for the time to fly by and luckily it did. But earlier, Tara didn’t help by eating loud and throwing trash on the floor. I swear my sister has the manners of a child. I rest my case when she let out a loud belch which ‘sigh’ everyone heard!
“Sorry! Excuse me!”
I cleaned the rest of the floors and whatever trash was on the tables as the last 30 mins approached. When it was time, I clocked out and said bye to my coworkers and boss.
Heading outside, I put my apron away and check my phone for any new messages. I got one from Tara who once again teased me that I was in a rush to see my new “lover.” I rolled my eyes and left that on read.
The next message was from….Oh Y/N and they asked if I wanted to watch a movie together. I responded back to it being a plan. We’ll watch a movie at my place and I’ll make the best dinner.
(Tara’s pov) I sat on the couch waiting to go to the arcade. Chad really needs to stop staying up late and sleeping in late. It’s getting pretty hectic but I still end up dealing with it.
I check my phone “Hm, still got an hour left” I turn on the tv and snack on a few corn chips.
I got halfway through an episode of South Park until Sam came by with a hand vac, “Tara! I just cleaned here. Must you always be so messy.”
I scoffed “Looks like someone’s eager to keep the place clean for their new (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
Sam snatched the chips away from me “They’re not my lover. I just want spend time with a new friend, and that is making sure this place looks presentable.”
I nodded “Sure and I’ll be a millionaire one day. Look I get it. You want to make a first impression and that’s ok. No more lone wolf tonight Sam, it’s time for a new chapter, go get (him/her) tiger!”
(Sam’s pov) After cleaning Tara’s mess for the second time, I take a long needed shower and put on something simple. An hour later, the doorbell rings. “Y/N! Nice to see you again. It’s me uh Sam….from the diner” We both shared a hug before they went to the living room to pick out the movie.
Tara left for the arcade but not before ripping into me again “I swear you have no game sis. How did you even end up with Ritchie?” She whispered, laughing as she closed the door.
Damn it Tara! Why do you have to be such a gremlin? Though she’s not wrong, I really need to work on my pull game.
‘Just be yourself Sam, just be yourself.’
As I got the cooking utensils ready, I called from the kitchen island “So baby. Did you choose a good movie for us to watch?” I slapped my mouth
‘Of course! Leave it to Sam Carpenter to find a way to fuck a simple question up!’
Y/N smiled, laughing a bit “Hmm not yet. Maybe you should pick, baby.” They said, winking.
‘This is gonna be a long night…..good, I hope it never ends’
After Y/N selected the movie to watch, (he/she) joined me in the kitchen to help prepare the food.”
“Ok let’s make some of my famous pasta. Normally we charge $19.99 for this at the cafe.” Y/N was shocked “$20 for pasta?!” I nodded “It’s a family recipe, my um….father knew the right spices to use.”
Then we set the noodles and water to a boil. As it was cooking along with the sauce, we took the opportunity to take some silly pics together then post them. When the food was done, we set the plates and ate on the coffee table (Sam made sure it was clean after her sister put her bare feet on it recently. She really let Tara have it afterwards)
“I hope this isn’t a gory movie. I don’t want to lose my dinner.” Y/N shook their head “No this is more of an action movie. It’s called John wick.” I smiled “I don’t think I ever heard of that movie.”
A few hours into the movie, I was blown away by how ruthless this man was all over a car and…well I guess it makes sense with the dog.
(Y/N’s POV) After the movie was over and we cleaned up, I got my jacket and was about to head out seeing it was late. I said my byes but right as I was about to leave, I felt a hand on my arm “Stay with me….please?”
I smiled ‘How can I say no to that face?’ “Alright but um….I don’t have any sleepwear. I might have to sleep in my underwear if you don’t mind?”
I saw sweat pouring down from Sam’s forehead “N-No…I don’t mind at all.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead ‘probably shouldn’t have done that’ but she shrugged it off and led me to her room.
As Sam was in the bathroom, changing into her night clothes, I stripped down to my underwear. I put my clothes next to the bed on the floor. Few minutes later, Sam came back wearing said night clothes but she stood like a deer in headlights.
I was confused for a minute but then realized “Ah, you like what you see here? I said, showing off my body a bit.
Sam swallowed “Mmhm” was all she said before pulling me into bed with her.
Sam had a tv in her room so we watched a show just to fall asleep to but mostly talked a lot rather than watch the show or even drifting off to sleep.
I decide to try my luck “Snuggle me?” Sam was hesitant “Y-you want me to snuggle you?” That got me nervous, hoping I didn’t push things too quick besides the kiss of course. “Yes…but I understand if you don’t want to. I’m not here to make you uncomfortable.”
I felt some relief when she giggled “Come here.” She said extended her arms which I fell into perfectly. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she nestled next to me. “Sorry I was a little confused at first because no one I dated asked me to be the big spoon.”
I faced her a bit “Hm? Who wouldn’t want a woman with big biceps wrapped around them so safe?” Sam smiled “Probably because, they were jealous that I was more fit and muscular than them.”
I shook my head “I guess they forgot the definition of “Exercise” and “Workout” I said. “I do workouts myself but I been meaning to find a partner to go to the gym with.”
Sam rubbed my arms sounding a bit tired “I’d be happy to fill that role and go to the gym with you.”
I felt myself blush ‘Part of me really wants to kiss Sam for real this time but I don’t know if she wants a relationship now…or one with me. That might not be true, maybe just maybe I might have a chance at love again….I hope.’
I stayed awake for a bit hoping to ask Sam if she’s interested but I didn’t realize that sleep has taken her until I heard a snore from said girl. “Maybe tomorrow….yeah tomorrow’s ‘yawn’ a good day to tell her.” I felt my eyes get heavy, then fell asleep into Sam’s arms, holding me in place.
(Later on into the night when the pair were fully asleep, Tara came home and went to check on her sister. She had to stop herself from squealing at the sight that had emitted her eyes.
“This is definitely going on my page.” Tara said as she snapped a quick photo then left, closing the door.
“Goodnight Sam….Goodnight Y/N. I think you just brought the light my sister needed in her dull life.”
To be continued
Btw there’s the idea of the reader but the choice is still yours if these pictures don’t cut it
You got the gothic(eh maybe) or the elegant reader lol.
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roublardise · 28 days
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Amara/Mary moodboard
for @sapphicnaturalrights - day 4 - Butch & Femme
Mary asks Claire for help to cut her hair. She's still wearing the special brand of post-death mess, getting longer everyday she doesn't brush it. She keeps her curls on top, but she shaves the back, gets rid of everything over her nape. . Amara's overdressed for such a setting – with a silver necklace and rings, black lipstick and glittery eyeshadow, fancy pantuit leading to her flowerly docs.
extracts from my amara/mary fic
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desperado-raspado · 9 months
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My @untildawn-secretsanta for @impossibleclair of their OTP of Sam/Ash! I was so stoked to do a derby themed piece for someone who wanted it so no way could I pass up the opportunity to draw some more sapphic skater shenanigans. I hope you enjoy it! :)
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incorrect-tbs-quotes · 9 months
Bloomsbury has revealed the redesigned covers for The Bone Season and
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samantha-and-nellie · 2 months
i think it just comes with no longer being a child myself, but i’m finding myself just as intensely interested in the adults around samantha as i am with samantha itself. aunt cornelia is a big one, of course, but during this rewatch of the movie, grandmary really stood out to me.
and, well, let’s just say that when we meet her, grandmary is holding on by a fucking thread. full thoughts under the cut.
i’ll probably make another post about this more specifically, but the movie costumes seem to imply to me that she’s still in mourning at the beginning of the film. i absolutely see much of sam’s stories through the role grief plays in them so this did clue me into paying more attention to grandmary, but honestly whether she’s meant to be formally mourning or not, it’s so clear that she is desperate for normalcy. she keeps grasping for tradition and routine to keep her from slipping too deeply into her grief. i’m sure she struggles with samantha’s presence as a reminder of the daughter she lost, but she also seems to struggle with her because samantha pushes at the boundaries of what is expected and proper. you see that in their first interaction in the movie—grandmary needs her routine and rules so acutely that she can’t even take a moment to listen to samantha talk about meeting nellie until it is Proper Social Hour, tea time.
the thing that really made it apparent to me that grandmary is using her routines to stay afloat is her reaction to gard and cornelia’s engagement. obviously, this is a children’s movie, and as an audience we’re meant to be paying attention to sam’s reaction in the scene, which itself is intense and telling about samantha’s need for stability and her own grief.
but so is grandmary’s. when we cut to her for a moment after gard says he and cornelia are going to get married, she simply doesn’t look like she’s mentally there. by the time it’s her turn to talk, she appears to be holding back tears. so many things are changing so suddenly: there will no longer be the assurance of gard’s visits or of his absolute devotion to her and samantha. i’m also willing to bet that she can’t help thinking about the fact that the last time one of her children got married, they died relatively soon afterwards.
and then there’s cornelia herself. we know that grandmary will come around to her views, but right now, she poses a threat to grandmary’s understanding of her place in the world. and that’s too much for grandmary. everything is changing and, if she thinks too much about it, she doesn’t know how she is going to manage.
so, in this intense moment where she is about to be drawn in by her grief, she falls back on her (seemingly only) coping skill: social expectations. she’s upset, but she’s a lady, and a lady is always polite. she congratulates gard and cornelia, and then she turns to samantha. samantha, who is so clearly feeling upset in the same ways that she is, but grandmary cannot acknowledge samantha’s feelings or else she’d have to face her own.
so she nods at samantha, a gentle encouragement of what she must say, and samantha says it. i honestly don’t know what grandmary would’ve done if samantha had acted out, but that doesn’t happen. samantha falls into line and says the right thing, and grandmary can go back to pretending that everything is under control.
except, it isn’t. things have changed, and there simply no going back to the way it was. somewhere between this moment and samantha leaving for nyc, something clearly starts to shift for grandmary. whether it’s cornelia, whether it’s seeing the boathouse, whether it’s simply having to realize that she cannot keep things the same forever, grandmary is forced to face herself and the way she is letting grief rule her life. as an audience, we do not get to see this transformation, but the grandmary we meet at the end of the movie is a very different person than who we met at the beginning. for one thing, she’s actually wearing colors, but she’s also finally accepted that proposal. in this, we see her starting to discard some of the rules she was clinging to at the beginning of the movie. as one example, i’m fairly convinced that the grandmary we met at the start of the movie never would’ve stood up for samantha to her teacher about her speech in such a manner, but she does. things are changing, and grandmary is learning that she is still going to have a life where she is cared for and seen even if she has to change from the person she once believed herself to be.
and i think we really see this transformation when it comes to nellie and her sisters. before, it was never like she was cruel towards them, but the boathouse scene where she tries to stand up for nellie is still so loaded with classism. nellie may be important to her granddaughter, but nellie is irish, nellie is a servant, and therefore she still needs to know her place.
and there’s simply none of that sentiment by the time christmas rolls around. someone else has commented on how good the o’malley girls are for grandmary, and you can truly see it here. she is getting to be a grandmother again, and she is in her element. grandmary is finally letting herself exist a little outside of the rules she has always been constrained by, and it is so delightful to see her truly start to live.
like i said at the start of this post, grief is so important to me in understanding these stories. grandmary gets her love from the fandom, but i feel like it’s not acknowledged enough how much she’s going through and how wonderful it is to see her work through her grief and come out the other side. i’m so glad that the movie picks up on this character arc, and that mia farrow really brings her all to the role.
and then american girl had the audacity to put her through the events of the titanic book but we simply do not have time to get angry about that again
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theiravshade · 1 year
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hussyknee · 5 months
I have decided that USAmerican authors need to be banned from writing about historical Britain until they've undergone some kind of apprenticeship under a British writer. "City block", no "and" after "come/go", absolutely no attention paid to accents or speech patterns between classes and eras. This idiot really said the rain washed 18th century London clean for once. I nearly put my face in my hands and wept. If rain could wash London clean the place would have been fresh as a daisy since it was founded. "Doctors" attending village births in 1818. I'm losing count at this point. I'm in pain. I'm not even fucking British, I've just read a truckload of 18th century historical novels set in the UK and looked up everything I could while I was doing it. Are USAmericans just pathologically incapable of reading and researching other places and cultures before trying to put pen to paper or what. Imagine having this much audacity. My soul is bleeding. I need a hospital
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tiktaalic · 2 years
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Really really good.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 2
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(The next morning)
I don’t know something about this song just seems so genuine when the morning sun is beaming through your window. Maybe the opening beat got to me 🤷‍♂️
(Tara’s Pov) I woke up to the sunlight beaming in my face once again. ‘sigh’ I told Sam numerous times that I wanted blackout curtains for my room but she insisted on slim curtains that let sunlight in my room anyways. She said something about being too emo or like that character Wednesday Addams who’s actually my favorite.
I face planted into my pillow “I guess there’s no point In going back to sleep.” I climb out of bed and head into the kitchen to eat breakfast. “I don’t smell anything or hear the stove running. Cereal it is then I guess.
As I finished pouring some milk into my bowl of cereal, I heard Sam walk in the kitchen, turning the stove dial “Oh come on!! I just poured a bowl of cereal!”
Sam put her hand over my mouth “Shhh! Y/N is still asleep and put some pants on Tara.” I looked down, forgetting that I only wore a long over shirt over my body.
“Eh fine, I do it in a minute. But first. I want to know about Y/N sleeping in your bed, did you touch first base with them already?”
(Sam’s pov) Of course she would ask that “No Tara I didn’t touch, first base….the hangout with really fun and all but…..I don’t know. Do I really want to put a blind trust In someone again?”
Tara ate her cereal “You “trusted” them enough to sleep in the same bed as you.” She then smirked “Don’t think I didn’t see you cuddling with them, lover girl, last night to be exact. I took a pic of you both because you looked so cute together. The post already has a bunch of likes and still going.”
I almost dropped the bacon when I heard that “You did what?! Why would you post pictures of my private life Tara?! That’s so not cool!”
Tara flinched a bit “Jesus Romeo, don’t get a stick up your ass. But at least everyone will know you can have a romantic relationship with someone.” Sam glares “No Tara that is personal. It’s no one’s business of what I choose to do in my life…look I don’t know if I really want this because, who wants to be in a relationship with the daughter of the first Ghostface killer?”
Tara shook her head “Sam…you really need to stop letting this get to your head and give Y/N a chance. You deserve love too.”
I kept my focus on the bacon “I always tell myself that. You’ve seen how it ended with Ritchie and I can name a few others that were no different than him.”
“Suit yourself” Tara said as she finished her breakfast and went to watch tv in the living room, putting her bare feet on the coffee table again.
I threw the bowl in the sink and bolted to the living room “Tara how many times do I have to tell you?! That is not a footrest!” I pried her legs off the table, earning a glare from Tara. “Well you don’t want to rub my feet. I’m just resting them” she said.
I rolled my eyes “If I give you a foot rub, will you stop putting them on the table?” Tara nodded as I sat down next to her “Alright. Put ‘em here on my lap.”
(Y/N’s pov) My eyes fluttered open from the morning sunlight in the room. “Well that was some dream I just had… I wish it didn’t have to end soon.” Oh well, I’ll see if Sam wants me to help her make breakfast.
As I leave the room to the kitchen, I find Sam sitting on the couch with a girl “Umm am i interrupting something?” The girl bursted out into a laughing fit “Tara stop it!” Sam said. ‘Tara’ quieted down with her hands in her lap.
“Well Sam, are you gonna introduce me to your new “friend or what?” I could have sworn I saw her wink.
Sam clears her throat “Y/N this is my younger sister Tara. Tara this is Y/N my new lov-Friend!” Sam quickly said, hiding her blush but Tara noticed “Weellllll I’m going to get ready to start my day. You two kids have fun here or wherever but not too much.” She said winking once again as she left to her room.
I was stunned “Well your sister is quite….something. At least she doesn’t dislike me, that’s a start.” Sam shook her head “She’s quite a handful and a gremlin. Always never afraid to speak her mind, even if it is the harsh truth…but that’s why I love her.”
I nod “She’s capable of standing up for herself and becoming independent her age, that’s quite impressive. Seems like she learned from her wonderful sister who guided her.” I said, sitting down next to Sam.
Sam smiled then looked down at her watch “I do have to get ready in a bit. You want to share that breakfast with me.?” I nod “I thought I smelled bacon” we both laughed.
(Tara’s pov) I was tapping away on my phone in the diner, waiting for Chad to get here. Sam came by noticing that I was here “Did you actually bring money this time or do you want to add another free meal to your huge tab?” I smiled “No, not this time. I managed to bring my wallet.” I picked out the item I wanted then Sam left with the written ticket.
“Ok now to wait for Chad.”
(Sam’s pov) I brought the order ticket over to the cooks then decided to mop the corners when I saw how dirty they were. Y/N really is one of a kind, I’m glad I made a good first impression on them. I smiled as I got the bucket and mopped up the cobwebs and stains.
“Aww my little girl is growing up too fast. Already found a new partner to kill later down the road I see?” Said a voice I’m all too familiar with….I wish I hadn’t heard him but he follows me around like a fly on paper. I looked up to see him sitting at the table in front of me.
“What do you want?! I told you to stop talking to me!” He grinned. “That’s no way to talk to your father now is it Samantha?”
I gripped the mop “I’ll ask one last time. What. Do. You. Want?”
He puts a hand on my shoulder “Nothing really, just concerned about the new (boyfriend/girlfriend) you picked up from the pen again. Still looking for a worthy one just like your old father hm? Only they don’t really know about us.”
I scoffed “There’s no “us.” I’m not like you and never will be!” He crossed his arms with a smirk “You always say that but what’s gonna happen if this new person finds out who you are? Either they would cut you off or attempt to kill you and piss on our legacy like those others did! I hate to be a downer sweetie but you’re gonna end up going down my path again if they choose the second option.”
I gritted my teeth throwing the mop at the wall “Shut up! Shut the fuck up! That wasn’t me becoming Ghostface! I killed Ritchie because he tried to hurt my family! My other relationships left and never came back, because of your stupid legacy!!”
He didn’t speak for a bit but nodded his head “touché princess, touché. It seems like you have a lot to think about. Like it or not, you have to watch your back with this new love interest. Don’t hesitate to use the knife and gut them if you have to” Then he vanished.
I cover my face for a bit and let out a breath before finishing my task.
(Tara’s pov) While I was waiting for my food, I watched an interesting show Sam just put on in the corner. ‘She’s probably thinking about him again. Billy is a part of her after all’ “Hey love, did you order anything for me?” Chad said, laughing. I smiled and shook my head “No big guy I didn’t. But that’s ok because I ordered a decent sized sandwich we can both share.”
He gave me a peck on the lips “Alright, sounds good to me.”
A few minutes later, I see Sam walking out with a tray that had my food. But halfway to the table, she stopped and stood still for a bit. “Sam?” Her eyes went wide for a second and her shoulders tensed. “Sam…you ok?” Then the tray dropped, spilling the food all over the floor. She collapsed, breathing rapidly with her fingertips on her head.
The manager walked out from the kitchen “What’s going on? Sam-“ Chad and I rush over to the pair, I already seen this enough to know what it is
“Sir! She’s-she having a panic attack.” The manager got concerned and reached for the phone “That won’t be needed sir. I’ll handle this.” I walk slowly towards Sam and placed both hands carefully on her arms “Sam…Sam, it’s ok. I’m right here, just breathe carefully ok? Do it with me…1….2….3….breathe.”
Sam relaxed her shoulders and let her hands hold mine as she calmed her nerves down. After a couple of deep breaths Sam was back on her feet but she collapsed into my shoulder, crying her eyes out. I hugged her back, trying my best to comfort her.
“I’ll go clean the mess up” Chad said, I nodded.
(Sam’s pov) I have no words on what just happened an hour ago but the next thing I know, my boss is speaking to me “Sam…I think it’s best if you head home and get some rest, I’ll cover it from here and make sure you get you paid.” It’s clear he wasn’t in the mood for an argument either so I took off my apron and thanked him as I headed home.
Halfway to the apartment, I collect my thoughts.
‘God what I mess I am. I can’t even have one good thing in my life without my dad following me everywhere I go, running his mouth. I hate to say it but he’s not completely wrong. I really like Y/N and all but what makes me think they won’t be another Ritchie? Then I would have to kill them and be lonely once again.’
I wiped my eyes ‘sometimes I wish I could go back and destroy that fucking mask, then yell at my grandfather for driving dad towards insanity.’
As I made it home, I decided to take a shower. I got a few text messages one notably being Y/N saying they would like to do another movie night soon. A few tears rolled down my face and I didn’t have the strength to reply back.
After my shower, I heard a knock on the door “who is it?” I asked. “It’s Y/N” I opened the door and smiled a bit, “hey, what are you doing here?”
Y/N fixed (his/her) hair “Ah yes. I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and say hello. I also live in this complex too by the way.” I was taken back
“Wow, so I guess we’re new neighbors then?”
“Fraid so” Y/N said.
I rubbed my arm “Well….you can come in if you want. I was just going to pour a cup of wine.” Y/N smiled “My favorite! Make that two cups I will pour for us.”
I sat down on the couch resting my eyes as Y/N offered to serve the wine.
(Y/n’s pov) ‘ok…I have to tell her. This could be my chance to start something new between us’ I whispered as I took the full cups to the living room.
I set the cups down and took a seat next to Sam. We sipped our wine and stayed quiet for a while until I decided to start a small conversation about our hobbies and our takes on romance novels.
“I’ve been….thinking about you a lot.” Sam said, at the end of our conversation. It surprised me a bit but gave me a pinch of excitement! “R-really?”
Sam breathes a bit heavily before speaking “Unfortunately I have been, a lot and….I’m afraid.” I gently took her hand into mine and she accepted.
“What’s there to be afraid of? I was actually going to confess my thoughts to you as well. I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but I’m feeling something between us the more we see each other Sam and it still continues to grow.”
Sam nodded her head, frowning “I-I like you Y/N I really do from the bottom of my heart but….I’m just not ready for another relationship yet, I’m sorry.”
I tilt my head down in a bit of disappointment, despite her request to stay with her last night and sleep in the same bed as her. “It’s because of your last relationship isn’t it?” Sam nods
I look up at her. “I understand. I won’t force you or rush into something you don’t want too soon…or at all. I’m fine with us being friends if you want.”
Sam caressed my hand “I think that’s for the best….I just need some time to process everything that’s going on in my messed up life. If I CAN get my head straight then maybe we might have a chance after all.”
I gave her hand one last gentle squeeze “I’ll be waiting for you when that time comes.” Then shared a hug before leaving.
(Later that night)
(Tara’s pov) The arcade was fun a second time! Despite Chad breaking the joystick off the giant claw machine in the end. At least the owner was nice enough to let me have a prize from the machine before throwing us out. Chad dropped me off but had another class tomorrow so he went home to rest.
As I unlocked the door and closed it, I hear Sam’s faint crying coming from the living room. I peek around the corner to see Sam drinking a cup of wine as she let her tears fall.
I wanted to comfort Sam but seeing her in that kind of state told me to leave her alone for a bit. So I went into my room and changed into my night clothes.
“Oh Sam…..what have you done?”
I tried my best to fall asleep, hoping she would be ok to talk about this tomorrow. Or whenever she can.
(To be continued. No worries, am already working on a part three)
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@hazbmymhotel here! My wife made this recipe for gluten free banana bread!
3 cups oat flour (you can blend oats to make it!)
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
1 cup brown sugar, loosely packed
1 cup sugar
2 bananas, mashed to hell
1 cup applesauce
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 lemon zested
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup maple syrup OR honey
(optional) 1/2 cup to 1 cup berries
Stir DRY all in Small bowl
Stir WET all in Big bowl
Add DRY into WET
Bake in 2 sprayed/oiled loaf pans OR 9x9 baking pan
BAKE for 60 Minutes at 350°F
(check with toothpick at 45 minutes to test if done)
YOOOOO I'm gonna be trying this soon 👀 THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!
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spacephrasing · 2 years
hi yes this might be a little random but velma has me thinking about how I’m still mad lost city of gold didn’t get the promo it deserved. it is a live action scooby doo musical bro, it’s a new medium for this franchise and with the rise in popularity of musicals it could’ve/still could do really well. it was getting out to kids and introducing them to scooby doo in a new way; the fact that nobody heard about it (my mom got an email about it through the local theatre and told me it was happening) is really upsetting to me. it’s such a fun and cute iteration with good ass music and it deserved better
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Guess who just got their copy of @sshannonauthor TBS the Tenth Anniversary edition? (Me!)
I can't wait to dive into this world as I did for the first time six years ago. I get to see my OTP, Paige and Warden for the first time again which is insane. I can't believe we even get that chance so thank you Samantha, truly. This is essentially my version of early Christmas. (And now that I'm older I can actually bust out some champagne for the occasion 😂)
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ladybugkisses · 8 months
THE WAY YOU DRAW HIM???? delicious. oh my GOD.
anywhoskies, have your self insert and Alastor encountered the other at their lowest points? Sorry if you're not taking questions now!! much love <3
i'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes, even though not much is known about Alastor when he was alive i feel like those times might be when he was willing to allow himself to be vulnerable with someone he knew he could trust, and he's definitely seen my S/I at her lowest many times,
they've known each other for so long and gone through so much together, they've got nothing to hide rIGHT.. ...except his deal and whatever he's been up to for the last 7 years 🙄
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